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Semester 4 Ilp Teacher Project

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project Option

Revised 1.1.19
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed.
When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Abby Johnson ajohnson@ndsj.org History 9 and 11th grade

Mentor Email School/District Date

Eran DeSilva edesilva@ndsj.org Notre Dame High School 3/6/22
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical
Promoting critical thinking posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. thinking by designing structured inquires into complex problems.
T – Applying T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem solving, S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions and
S – Exploring S - Innovating
and reflection comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on in depth
lessons. analysis of content learning.

Engages in and contributes to Engages in ongoing inquiry into
professional goals Teacher-I
professional development and use of evidence-based teacher practice for
and engaging in ntegratin Teacher-Inn
evidence-based practices targeted on professional development. Contributes
continuous g ovating
6.2 student achievement. Pursues a variety to professional organizations,
and purposeful Student-
of additional opportunities to learn incorporates research, and
professional Student- N/A
professionally through evaluating development opportunities to extend
growth and N/A
research. own teaching practice. 
Managing Integrates the full range of professional
Anticipates professional responsibilities
professional responsibilities into advanced planning
Teacher- and manages time and effort required to Teacher-Int
responsibilities to and prepares for situations that may be
Applying meet expectations.   Pursues ways to egrating
6.6 maintain challenging.  Maintains continual efforts
Student- support students’ diverse learning needs Student-
motivation and to seek, develop, and refine new and
NA and maintains belief in N/A
commitment to creative methods to ensure individual
students’ capacity for achievement. 
all students student learning. 
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
Set time for teachers to meet and
discuss why and how difficult this
To what extent can teachers leverage
context for teaching and learning is.
different self care strategies (mental,
Communicate the needs and desires of
Self Care for Teachers physical, social, spiritual) in the
teachers to administrators and the
pandemic/ post-pandemic context to
learning community
remain effective in the classroom?
Be in community with fellow school
Audience for Project How Project Fits into Professional Goals and/or
How Audience Satisfaction will be Assessed
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Needs
At my school, we set graduation
Teacher support will be monitored
standards for the students to become
throughout the rest of the semester
“Spiritual Seekers, Justice Advocates,
with check-ins made by myself and the
Life-long Learners, and Community
Teaching and Learning department at
Leaders” and we have standards for
my school.
Teaching and Learning department how our learning community works
Faculty who chose to attend activies together.
My task will not be able to solve all the
issues my fellow teachers have within
If teachers are not in the necessary
their classroom or personal experience
socioemotional and physical health to
because I am not an administrator nor
offer these opportunities to each other
am I a credentialed counselor.
or our students, we will not be able to

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 6
support the success of the school’s
mission and learning goals.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Directions: Identify at least one NBPTS and at least one Teacher Leader Model Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
NBPTS Core Proposition 4:
“Teachers think systematically about their
practice and learn from experience.
Accomplished teachers possess a professional
obligation to become perpetual students of
their craft. Committed to reflective learning,
they are models of educated persons. They
exemplify the virtues they seek to inspire in
students—curiosity, honesty, fairness, respect
for diversity and appreciation of cultural
differences—and the capacities that are
prerequisites for intellectual growth: the ability
to reason and take multiple perspectives, to be
creative and take risks, and to adopt an
experimental and problem-solving orientation.
Accomplished teachers draw on their
knowledge of human development, subject
matter, and instruction, and their understanding
of their students to make principled judgments
about sound practice.”
The core proposition from the National Board and the Teacher Leader Model Standards
Teacher Leader Model Standard: Domain 8 provides directives for the reasoning behind why supporting teacher mental, physical,
socioeconomic, and spiritual growth is important. This reasoning is based on the
“’Advocating for Student Learning and the singular idea that without healthy teachers we will not have healthy learning
Profession’ environments.
a) Shares information with colleagues I was especially drawn to the below statement from the National Board on the
within and/or beyond the district importance of enhancing the educational environment at the school and district levels,
regarding how local, state, and national effective teachers “…view effective teaching not as an isolated exercise, but as a
trends and policies can impact systematic practice involving collaboration and decision making with fellow teachers.”
classroom practices and expectations This particular quote demonstrates the role teachers have in the classroom is not built
for student learning; in a silo, but in a larger collaborative space. If we are not wary of the health needs of
b) Works with colleagues to identify and the few, we cannot service the many students.
use research to advocate for teaching
and learning processes that meet the
needs of all students;
c) Collaborates with colleagues to select
appropriate opportunities to advocate
for the rights and/or needs of students,
to secure additional resources within
the building or district that support
student learning, and to communicate
effectively with targeted audiences
such as parents and community
d) Advocates for access to professional
resources, including financial support
and human and other material
resources, that allow colleagues to
spend significant time learning about
effective practices and developing a
professional learning community
focused on school improvement goals;
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 6
e) Represents and advocates for the
profession in contexts outside of the

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3
Milestone 4 Milestone 5

2/23/22 3/10/22 3/23/22 3/28/22 3/29/22

Prepare supplies and Discuss Results
review slide deck with mentor and
presentation with Run after school Review feedback have conversation
Identify name and date for Meet with Mentor
activities. data to support presentation and forms to on next steps to
Teacher to review
fellow teachers. Send meeting space during understand continue to
ideas for the
out intake form to “Learning Lab” time success or failure monitor and
teacher leadership
analyze the needs of to support fellow of activities and support teacher
teachers before teachers. spaces provided. needs throughout
attending “Learning the rest of the
Lab” semester.
In light of shifting demands on educators in the current social and political context the goal of this meeting is
Provide 1-2 sentence summary
of your teacher leader project.
to aid teachers in identifying tools for self care. Using the SEL framework, I will be setting up spaces during
Learning Lab for rest, reflection, and relaxation
Summarize process for
I will be asking for pre and post evaluations of their thoughts, feelings, ideas, questions, and goals for our
analyzing effectiveness of
leadership role. meeting as well as their completion of the semester.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
“Job-Related Stress Threatens the Teacher Supply:
Key Findings from the 2021 State of the U.S. Teacher
Survey”- Rand Corporation (2021)

From this research, the reasons why teachers are

leaving the American education system are
multifold, “Stressful working conditions and
increased personal responsibilities” are the most
consistent across the wide demographic of teachers.

Below are the researchers recommendations for

schools and districts to support their teachers: “Why Teachers Leave—or Don’t: A Look at the Numbers”
- EdWeek writer, Liana Loewus (May 4, 2021)
● “Schools should implement recommended
COVID-19 mitigation measures in a way
that allows teachers to focus on
instruction. Districts and schools could
recruit additional staff to help students One of the major reasons why teachers stay in education is because of their love for
comply with safety measures. Schools their students. The next two reasons why teachers stay in education are Retirement
could ensure that windows are operable, benefits and love for subjects taught were the next two most frequently chosen
employ fans and air purifiers, or upgrade answers.
ventilation systems. Education leaders
also should consider how schools can
facilitate vaccinations for younger
students once they become available.
● Leaders should collect data on teacher
working conditions and links to
well-being. State, district, and school
leaders should keep in mind that teachers
from different backgrounds might be
affected differently by their working
conditions. For example, teachers of color
might experience different job-related
stressors and working conditions — and
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 6
thus have different needs — than their
teacher peers.
● District leaders should work with teachers
and school leaders to design and
implement a variety of mental health and
wellness supports. States and districts
should consider using American Rescue
Plan funds, along with teacher and
principal input, to provide mental health
supports for staff.
● State leaders should help teachers access
child care, which could go a long way
toward alleviating stress and promoting
teacher retention. State leaders should
consider including teachers in the
definition of essential worker to ensure
that they are eligible for American Rescue
Plan child care assistance.
● District leaders should collaboratively
develop clear policies for remote teaching
and consider adopting technology
standards for remote teaching equipment
issued to teachers — such as laptops,
cameras, and microphones — and provide
necessary training to support remote
teaching in the long term.”

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
I know at least 5 colleagues who will be leaving at
the end of the school year for new professions.
Some of these colleagues will be moving into This has movement has been really fascinating to not only experience at my school but also on
instructional design for technology companies, online platforms there have been multiple videos noting the exodus of teachers in the
some will be moving into higher education to work American education system.
as community college professors, and some are
simply retiring.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Initial Revised
CSTP Element Evidence/Rational for Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating Rating
Promoting critical To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
thinking through inquiry, T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their own
problem solving, and S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
math problems.
reflection complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?

In order to grow to the Innovating

I have been proud of the growth I have made level and grow in the complexity
throughout my induction experience and the of this standard, I could do a
opportunities my school provides through better job in analyzing the specific
goals and
connecting with programs like Facing History and needs of my students/ or
engaging in
Teaching for Justice to support the development of colleague-based audience by
professionals. I look forward for the continuation giving a more narrative based
6.2 and Integrating Integrating
of professional opportunities and I feel that pre-assessment google form. I
throughout this process I can see myself as a could also give my colleagues
teacher leader by supporting the learning of my more research based papers that
growth and
peers by teachinging them new skills. would be applicable to my
colleagues experiences in the
classroom and their future
Managing While the induction program has been especially I believe I have seen growth in
professional helpful in maintaining an understanding of practice this CSTP by participating and
responsibilitie and action research in supporting student providing my project, however in
6.6 Applying Integrating
s to maintain learning, I will need more time without the order to get to the “Innovating”
motivation induction program to accomplish this research to level, I need to continue to
and further support my student’s growth. efficiently organize my time to
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 6
commitment maintain motivation throughout
to all the school year to continue
students becoming the best quality teacher
I can be.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
SEL Self Care Wheel handouts
SEL skills for adults as well as students SEL training that emphasized the needs
Communities willing to converse on
How to engage adult learners in an efficient and of self care for the NDSJ colleague
mental health importance at the high
effective manner. community.
Mentor Feedback
Directions: The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.

Effectiveness of resources designed by Candidate, including Efficient, but needed to be provided to audience members in a pre-provided agenda to
presentation, notes, handouts, and other resources. faculty members before the meeting.

Effectiveness of Candidate in teaching and coaching adults. Abby effectively provided spaces throughout her project for self-conception. Faculty
(Refer to Adult Learning Principles in FOTIP Handbook members who attended her project had independent agency to direct their own
[https://www.fotip.org/adult-learning-theory.html]. learning;

In helping Abby plan this project, initially she wanted to present a lesson on standards
based grading. It was very telling when she received compliments from attendees at the
Value of topic for audience.
end of the presentation and affirmation circle on how much “they needed time to
Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional
I could tell the presenter was nervous, but the lesson was engaging and Abby presented
development experience, including audience engagement,
pacing, tone, and response to questions. it well.

Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment

Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tool with submission. Include at least one graph in your summary.

The assessment I provided my audience to assess their understanding of the project post-presentation was not as effective as I initially
envisioned. In order to re-update and re-evaluate the effectiveness of my presentation, I would ask some more narrative questions like,
“Why do you believe SEL is important in your daily life?” or “What was a time recently that would illustrate your continued practicing of
the “Self Care Wheel”?

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

For curriculum design, lesson I will continue to “practice what I preach” by continuing to engage in SEL reflections throughout my teaching
planning, assessment planning career.
I will continue to utilize longer discussion ties for students/ audiences to come to their own conclusions on
For classroom practice
their individualized learning experiences and objectives.
For teaching English learners,
students with special needs,
and students with other
instructional challenges
I will continue to remind adult learners about the time and place of the meetings and what they need to bring
For future professional
with them for the meeting. I would also like to provide more of an agenda both before AND after the
presentation so that they know what we did during our meeting will be re-reviewed later in our year.
For supporting I believe the most impactful lesson from my Teacher Leader Project was how impactful community dialogue
others/department/ was and the continued need to support each other in our learning, especially when the learning is centered
school/district around self-reflection and self-awareness.


Other Notes and Comments

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 6
Include copy of Google Survey Form assessment tool.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of 6

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