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M.SC Mathematics

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நிற்கஅதற்குத்தக"(Fws;. 391)


with effect from 2020−2021


Programme :Programme” means a course of study leading to the award of a degree in a


Course : “Course” refers to a paper / practical / subject offered under the degree
Each Course is to be designed variously under lectures / tutorials / laboratory or
field work / seminar / practical training / Assignments / Term paper or Report
writing etc., to meet effective teaching and learning needs.
i) Core Courses:
“The Core Courses” related to the programme concerned including
practical‟s offered in the programme”.
ii) Core Elective Courses:
“ The Core Elective courses” related to the core courses of the programme
concerned, offered in the programme”.
iii) Open Elective courses :
“ The open Elective courses” related to the programme offered to the
other University Departments”.
iv) Value Added Courses :
“ The Value Added courses” related to the programme concerned
including basic knowledge software skills offered in the programme”.

A detailed explanation of the above with relevant credits are given under “Scheme of
Examination along with Distribution of Marks and Credits”

Duration :This means the stipulated years of study to complete a programme as

prescribed by the University from time to time. Currently for the
postgraduate programme the duration of study is TWO years. These
regulations shall apply to the regular course of study in approved
institutions of the University.

Credits :The weightage given to each course of study (subject) by the experts of
the Board of Studies concerned.

The term „Credit‟ refers to the weight age given to a course, usually in relation to the
instructional hours assigned to it. For instance, a six-hours course per week is assigned 6/5/4
credits, a five hour course per week is assigned 5/4/3 credits and a four hour course per week is
given 4/3/2 credits. However, in no instance the credits of a course can be greater than the hours
allotted to it.

The total minimum credits, required for completing a PG program is 90.

Credit System:
The course of study under this regulation, where weightage of credits isspread
over to different semesters during the period of study and the Cumulative Grade
Point Average shall be awarded based on the credits earned by the students. A
total of 90 credits are prescribed for the Postgraduate Programme offered in two

Choice Based:All PostgraduateProgrammesoffered by the University shall be under Choice

Based Credit System.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):This is to enhance the quality and mobility of the
students within and between the Universities in the country and abroad.

1. Eligibility for Admission to the Course:

A candidate who has passed the B.Sc. Degree Examination in Mathematics of this University
or an Examination of any other University with more than one major with Mathematics accepted by
the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be permitted to appear and qualify for the Master of Science
(M.Sc.) Degree Examination of this University after a Course of two academic years in the University
Department / Colleges affiliated to this University.

No student shall be eligible for admission to a Master‟s degree programme in any of the
faculties unless he/she has successfully completed a three-year undergraduate degree or earned
prescribed number of credits for an undergraduate degree through the examinations conducted by a
University / autonomous institution or possesses such qualifications recognized by the Thiruvalluvar
University as equivalent to an undergraduate degree. Provided that candidates for admission into the
specific main subject of study shall also possess such other qualifying conditions as may be
prescribed by the University in the Regulations governing respective courses of study.

2. Duration of the Course:

The course shall extend over a period of two years comprising of four semesters with
twosemestersin one academic year. There shall not be less than 90 working days for each semester.
Examination shall be conducted at the end of every semester for the respective subjects.

Each semester has 90 working days consists of 5 teaching hours per working day.Thus,each
semester has 450 teaching hours and the whole programme has 1800 teaching hours.The odd
semesters shall consist of the period from July to November and the evensemesters from December to

3. Course of Study:

The course of study for Master‟sDegree Course in Mathematics shall consistof Core, Elective
subjects and a Compulsory subject (Human Rights) and a Project in the fourth semester.

4. Distribution of Credit Points and Marks:

The Minimum Credit Requirement for a two-year Master‟s programme shall be 94

(ninety) Credits. The break-up of credits for the programme is as follows:

(a). Core Courses : 65credits

(b). Core Elective Courses : 12 credits

(c). Value added course : 2 credits

(d) Open Elective course : 4

(e). Compulsory course : 2 credits

(f). Field Work : 2 credits

(g). Soft Skill : 2 credits

(h). Project : 5 credits

Total Credits : 94 credits

5. Continuous Internal Assessment Test:

The following assessment procedure will be followed for awarding the internal marks in the
evaluation of the student‟s performances. The best 2 CIA test marks out of 3 CIA tests marks, will be
taken for awarding the internal marks.

(a). CIA Test Marks : 15 marks.

(b). Seminar : 5 marks.
(c). Assignment : 5 marks
Total : 25 marks
6. Requirement to appear for the examinations

a) A candidate shall be permitted to appear for the university examinations for any semester
(theory as well as practical) if

i. He/she secures not less than 75% of attendance in theory as well as in practicals
(separate attendance registers shall be maintained for theory and practical) in the
number of working days during the semester.

ii. In the case of married woman candidates, the minimum attendance requirement
shall be not less than 55% of the total instructional days in theory as well as in

iii. His/her conduct shall be satisfactory. Provided that it shall be open to the
Syndicate, or any authority delegated with such powers by the Syndicate, to grant
exemption to a candidate who has failed to earn 75% of the attendance in theory
as well as in practical, prescribed, for valid reasons, subject to usual conditions.

b) A candidate who has secured less than 75% but 65% and above attendance in any semester
separately for theory and practical, shall be permitted to take the examination on the
recommendations of the Head of the Department to condone the lack of attendance on the
payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practical.

c) A candidate who has secured less than 65% but 55% and above attendance in any semester
in theory as well as in practical, has to compensate the shortage in attendance in the subsequent
semester (in the next year) besides earning the required percentage of attendance in that semester
and appear for both semester papers together at the end of the later semester, on the payment of
prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practical. However, shortage of
attendance in I-semester shall be compensated while studying in III semester, shortage of
attendance in II-semester shall be compensated while studying in IV semester, shortage of
attendance in III&IV-semesters shall be compensated after rejoining the course in the 3rdyear.
Also, separate attendance registers shall be maintained in theory as well as practical, for
compensating the shortage of attendance. During the hours of compensation of attendance, the
candidate shall not be given attendance for the regular semester classes.

d) A candidate who has secured less than 55% of attendance in any semester separately for
theory and practical shall not be permitted to appear for the regular examinations in that
particular semester or in subsequent semesters. He/she has to rejoin/ re-do the semester in which
the attendance is less than 55%, on the payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately
for theory and practical, after getting prior approval of the University.

e) A candidate who has secured less than 65% of attendance in the final semester separately for
theory and practical, has to compensate his/her attendance shortage in a manner as decided by the
concerned Head of the department, after getting prior approval of the University. The candidate shall
be permitted to rejoin in the 4thsemester, after completing his/her regular 2year course.

7. Scheme of Examination:
a. Any theory examination is conducted only for 3 hours irrespective of total marks allotted
for the examinations.

b. There shall be theory examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in the
month of October / November; for even semesters in April / May. However, there shall
be practical examinations at the end of even semesters in general, with exceptions in a
few courses as prescribed by the Boards of studies, concerned. A candidate who does not
pass the examination in any course(s) shall be permitted to appear in such failed course(s)
in the subsequent examinations to be held in October / November or April / May.

c. All candidates admitted in first year, should get registered for the first semester
examination, compulsorily. If registration is not possible owing to any reason including
shortage of attendance beyond condonation limit, belated joining or on medical grounds,
the candidates are permitted to rejoin the course in the next year.

8. Restrictions to appear for the examinations:

Any candidate having arrear paper(s) shall have the option to appear in any arrear paper
along with the regular semester papers, in theory as well as in practical, as long as the transitory
provision is applicable.

9. Medium of Instruction and Examinations:

The medium of instruction for the courses is English only.

10. Question Paper Pattern

The Question Paper Pattern for the University theory examinations is as follows:

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Part – A (10×2 = 20 marks)
Answer ALL Questions

(Two Questions from each unit)

Part – B (5× 5 = 25 marks)
Answer ALL Questions

(Two Questions from each unit with internal Choice [either or type])

Part – C (3× 10= 30 marks)

Answer any Three Questions out of Five Questions

(One Question from each unit)

11. Passing Minimum

a). A candidate shall be declared to have passed the whole examination, if the candidate
passes in all the theory papers and practical wherever prescribed as per the scheme of
examinations by earning 90 credits in Core and Elective courses, including practical.

b). A candidate should get not less than 50% in the University (external) Examination,
compulsorily, in all papers, including practical. Also the candidate who secures not less than
50% marks in the external as well as internal (CIA) examinations put together in any paper /
practical shall be declared to have successfully passed the examination in the subject in theory as
well as practical. There shall be no passing minimum for the CIA. The candidate, who absents
himself for CIA programmes, even after a repeated chance, will be awarded zero mark in the
concerned subject (zero to 25 for theory and zero to 40 for practical).

12. Distribution of Marks:

The following are the distribution of marks for external and internal for University
(external) examination and continuous internal assessment and passing minimum marks for
theory papers of PG programmes.
Table – 1(A)

Uni. Passing
Exam Passing Passing Total Minimum
Total Minimum For CIA Minimum For Marks (Uni. Exam +
(ESE) Uni. Exam Total CIA Allotted CIA)
75 38 25 0 100 50

The following are the Distribution of marks for the Continuous Internal Assessment
in the theory papers of PG Programmes.
Table – 1(B):

S. No. Theory Distribution of Marks

Assignments Tests
1. Assignment - 1 (First 2 Units of the 10 ---

2. Test – 1 (First 2 Units of the Syllabus --- 50
for 1 hour duration)
3. Assignment - 2 (3rd& 4th Units of the 10 ---
4. Test – 2 (First 4 Units of the Syllabus --- 50
for 2 hours duration)
5. Seminar (Entire Syllabus) 10 ---
6. Test – 3 (Entire Syllabus for 3 hours --- 100
Total Marks 30 200
Marks to be converted to 5 20
Total Maximum Marks for CIA 25
13. Grading:

Once the marks of the CIA and end-semester examinations for each of the course are
available, they shall be added. The mark thus obtained shall then be converted to the relevant
letter grade, grade point as per the details given below:
Conversion of Marks to Grade Points and Letter Grade (Performance in a Course/Paper)


90-100 9.0-10.0 O Outstanding
80-89 8.0-8.9 D+ Distinction
75-79 7.5-7.9 D
70-74 7.0-7.4 A+ First Class
60-69 6.0-6.9 A
50-59 5.0-5.9 B Second Class
00-49 0.0 U Re-appear
Absent 0.0 AAA ABSENT

Cі= Credits earned for course i in any semester

Gi = Grade Point obtained for course i in any semester
n = refers to the semester in which such course were credited

Grade point average (for a Semester):

Calculation of grade point average semester-wise and part-wise is as follows:


Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the courses offered under each
GPA = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sum of the credits of the courses under each part in a semester

Calculation of Grade Point Average (CGPA) (for the entire programme):

A candidate who has passed all the examinations prescribed is eligible for the following partwise
computed final grades based on the range of CGPA.


Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the entire programme under
each part
CGPA = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sum of the credits of the courses of the entire programme under each part

9.0 and above but below 10.0 O
8.0 and above but below 9.0 D+
7.5 and above but below 8.0 D
6.5 and above but below 7.5 A+
6.0 and above but below 6.5 A
5.0 and above but below 6.0 B
0.0 and above but below 5.0 U

14. Improvement of Marks in the subjects already passed:

Candidates desirous of improving the marks awarded in a passed subject in their first attempt
shall reappear once within a period of subsequent two semesters by paying the fee prescribed
from time to time. The improved marks shall be considered for classification but not for ranking.
When there is no improvement, there shall not be any change in the original marks already
awarded. If candidate improves his marks, then his improved marks will be taken into
consideration for the award of Classification only. Such improved marks will not be counted for
the award of Prizes / Medals, Rank and Distinction. If the Candidate does not show improvement
in the marks, his previous marks will be taken into consideration.
 No candidate will be allowed to improve marks in the Practicals, Project, Viva-voce
and Field work.

15. Classification of Successful candidates:

A candidate who passes all the examinations including practicals securing following CGPA and
Grades shall be declared as follows for Part I or Part II:


9.0 and above but below O First Class - Outstanding
8.0 and above but below 9.0 D+ First Class with Distinction
7.5 and above but below 8.0 D

6.5 and above but below 7.5 A+ First Class
6.0 and above but below 6.5 A
5.0 and above but below 6.0 B Second Class

a. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalin the first appearance
within the prescribed duration of the PG programme and secured a CGPA of 9 to 10 and
equivalent grade “O” in Core and Elective subjects shall be placed in the category of
“First Class – Outstanding”.
b. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalin the first appearance
within the prescribed duration of the PG programmes and secured a CGPA of 7.5 to 9
and equivalent grades “D” or “D+” in Core and Elective shall be placed in the category of
“First Class with Distinction”.

c. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicals of the PG
programme and secured a CGPA of 6 to 7.5 and equivalent grades “A” or “A+” shall be
declared to have passed that parts in “First Class”.

d. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practical of the PG
programmes and secured a CGPA of 5.5 to 6 and equivalent grade “B” shall be declared
to have passed those parts in “Second Class”.

16. Conferment of the Degree:

No candidate shall be eligible for conferment of the Degree unless the candidate;
i. has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than four
semesters in Thiruvalluvar the University or has been exempted from in the manner
prescribed and has passed the examinations as have been prescribed there for.
ii. has completed all the components prescribed under core and elective subjects in the
CBCS pattern to earn 90 credits.

17. Ranking
o A candidate who qualifies for the PG degree course passing all the examinations in the
first attempt, within the minimum period prescribed for the course of study from the date
of admission to the course and secures I or II class shall be eligible for ranking. In the
case of candidates who pass all the examinations prescribed for the course with a break in
the first appearance due to the reasons as furnished in the Regulations 6(a) (iii)
supra are eligible for classification / Distinction.

The marks obtained in improvement examinations shall not be taken into consideration for ranking.
18. Revision of Regulations and Curriculum

The above Regulation and Scheme of Examinations will be in vogue without any change for a
minimum period of three years from the date of approval of the Regulations. The University may
revise /amend/ change the Regulations and Scheme of Examinations, if found necessary.


நிற்கஅதற்குத்தக"(Fws;. 391)
M.Sc. MATHEMATICS under CBCS (300)
(with effect from 2020 - 2021)
The course of Study and the Scheme of Examinations:

Study Ins.
Title of the Paper Maximum Marks
Sl. Componen Course Title Hrs. / Credits
1 CORE PAPER – 1 6 4 Algebra – I 25 75 100
2 CORE PAPER – 2 6 4 Real Analysis – I 25 75 100
CORE PAPER – 3 Ordinary
3 5 4 Differential 25 75 100
4 CORE PAPER – 4 6 4 Mechanics 25 75 100
Value Latex
5 Added 2 2 25 75 100
CORE- PAPER – 1 A) Tensor analysis
ELECTIVE and Relativity
B) Calculus of
Variations and
6 5 3 Integral
25 75 100
C) Difference

Total 30 21 Total 150 450 600

1 CORE PAPER-5 5 4 Algebra – II 25 75 100
2 CORE PAPER-6 5 4 Real Analysis – II 25 75 100
CORE PAPER-7 Partial Differential
3 5 4 25 75 100
CORE PAPER-8 Applied Numerical
4 5 4 25 75 100
CORE- PAPER-2 (A)Mathematical
5 5 3 (B) Combinators 25 75 100

6 OPEN 3 2 (A) Mathematics 25 75 100
(Non Competitive
Major) Examinations
(B) Statistics
(C) Bio-
7 Compulsory Paper 2 2 Human Rights 25 75 100
Total 30 23 Total 175 525 700
1 CORE PAPER-9 Topology 25 75
6 4 100
2 CORE PAPER-10 Complex Analysis 25 75
6 4 100
3 CORE PAPER-11 Graph Theory 25 75
5 4 100
4 CORE PAPER-12 Applied Probability 25 75
5 4 100
and Statistics
5 CORE- PAPER-3 5 3 A. Mathematical 25 75 100
ELECTIVE Modelling
B. Applied
C. Cryptography
and Data
6 OPEN PAPER - 2 3 2 (A)Numerical 25 75 100
7 Soft skill Online course As per University --- --- 100
--- 2
(MOOC Course) Regulations
Field work (USRR) University Social --- ---
8 --- 2 Responsibility 100
Total 30 25 Total 150 450 800
1 CORE PAPER-13 6 5 Functional Analysis 25 75 100
2 CORE PAPER- 14 6 4 Fluid Dynamics 25 75 100
3 CORE PAPER-15 6 4 Number Theory 25 75 100
4 CORE PAPER-16 6 4 Control Theory 25 75 100
5 CORE- PAPER - 4 A. Operations 25 75 100
6 3 B. Fuzzy
C. Stochastic


5 CORE Project 5 Project with viva 25(viva) 75 100

Compulsory voce (project)
Total 30 25 Total 125 375 600
List of Core Elective Courses

S. No Title
1 Tensor Analysis and Relativity Theory
2 Combinatorics
3 Difference Equation
4 Financial Mathematics
5 Mathematical Modelling
6 Applied Algebra
7 Applied Statistical Methods
8 Cryptography and Data Security
9 Fuzzy Mathematics
10 Mathematical Methods
11 Operations Research
12 Stochastic Differential Equations

List of Open Elective Courses

Sl.No Title
1 Mathematics for Competitive Examinations
2 Statistics
3 Optimization Techniques
4 Numerical Methods
5 Bio-Mathematics
6 Discrete Mathematics

Distribution of Core, Core Elective, Open Elective and Compulsory Subjects
Subject Papers Credits Total Marks Total Marks
Core 16 4 65 100 1600
Core Elective 4 3 12 100 400
Value Added 1 2 02 100 100
Open 2 2 04 100 200
Compulsory 1 2 02 100 100
Project 1 6 05 100 100
Soft Skill 1 2 02 100 100
Field Work 1 2 02 100 100
Total 27 --- 94 --- 2700



Objectives: To enable the students to acquire the basic knowledge in group theory and ring

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Identify whether the given abstract structure is group or not.
Apply the concepts of homomorphism and isomorphism forcomparing the algebraic
features of mathematical systems in groups and rings.
Define an automorphism of a group,Direct,semi direct Products and abelian
CO3 groupssymmetric group, ring and some special classes of rings like commutative ring,
CO4 Analyze Principal ideal domains,Polynomial rings – Definitions and basic properties.
CO5 Discussed about Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains and unique factorization

Unit I:Introduction to Groups

Dihedral groups–Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms - Group actions – Subgroups -
Definition and Examples – Centralizers and Normalizer, Stabilizers and Kernels - Cyclic groups
and Cyclic subgroups of a group – Subgroups generated by subsets of a group.
Chapter 1:1.2, 1.6 & 1.7 and Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.4. (18 Hours)

Unit II:Quotient Groups and Homomorphisms

Definitions and Examples – More on cosets and Lagrange‟s Theorem – The
isomorphismtheorems - Composition series and the Holder program–Transpositions and the
Alternating group.
Chapter 3: (18 Hours)

Unit III:Group Actions

Group actions and permutation representations – Groups acting on themselves by left
multiplication- Cayley‟s theorem – Groups acting on themselves by conjugation – The class
equation – Automorphisms –The Sylow theorems – The simplicity of An – Direct and semi-
direct products and abelian groups - Direct Products – The fundamental theorem of finitely
generated abelian groups.
Chapter 4 & Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.2 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Introduction to Rings

Basic definitions and examples – Examples - Polynomial rings - Matrix rings and group
rings - Ring Homomorphisms and quotient rings – Properties of Ideals - Rings of fractions – The
Chinese remainder theorem.
Chapter 7: (18 Hours)

Unit V:Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains and unique factorization domains
Principal ideal domains – Unique factorization domains – Polynomial rings - Definitions
and basic properties – Polynomial rings over fields- Polynomial rings that are unique
factorization domains – Irreducibility criteria – Polynomial ring over fields.
Chapter 8 & Chapter 9: (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote, Abstract Algebra (Second

Edition), Wiley, 2003.

1. Serge Lang, Algebra,Springer, 2002.

2. I.N. Herstein. Topics in Algebra(II Edition) Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1975.
3. M.Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1991.
4. N.Jacobson, Basic Algebra, Vol. I & II, published by Hindustan Publishing Company,
New Delhi, 1980.
5. W.H. Freeman, published by Hindustan Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1980.
6. I.S.Luther and I.B.S.Passi, Algebra, Vol. I - Groups (1996); Vol. II Rings, Narosa
Publishing House , New Delhi, 1999
7. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Brooks/Cole Pub Co.,2012


Objectives::Develop the ability to reflect on problems that are quite significant in the field of
real analysis. Develop the ability to reflect on problems that are quite significant in the field of
real analysis. Ability to consider problems that could be solved by implementing concepts from
different areas in mathematics. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems.
Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilitiesS2-Communicate ideas effectively in
graphical, oral, and written media

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
students will be able to apply limiting properties to describe and prove continuity and
differentiability conditions for real and complex functions.
Have a good understanding of derivative securities. Acquire knowledge of how forward
contracts, futures contracts, swaps and options work, how they are used and how they
are priced. Develop a reasoned argument in handling problemsabout functions,
especially those that are of bounded variation
Be able to describe and explain the fundamental features of a range of key financial
derivative instruments.
Learn the theory of Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, to be aquainted with the ideas of the
total variation and to be able to deal with functions of bounded variation.
Knowledge of the implementation of theories in problem solving of Riemann-
CO5 Stieltjesintegrals . create ability to understand the different math concepts and be able to
implement them in our everyday problems.

Unit 1: Limits and Continuity:

Connectedness, Components of a metric space, Arc wise connectedness, Uniform

continuity, Uniform continuity and compact sets, Fixed-point theorem for contractions,
Discontinuities of real - valued functions, Monotonic functions.
Chapter 4: 4.16 - 4.23 (18 Hours)

Unit 2: Derivatives:

Introduction, Definition of derivative, Derivatives and continuity, Algebra of derivatives,

The chain rule, One sided derivatives and infinite derivatives, Functions with nonzero derivative,
Zero derivatives and local extrema, Rolle‟s theorem, The Mean Value Theorem for derivatives,
Intermediate –value theorem for derivatives, Taylor‟s formula with remainder.

Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.12 (18 Hours)

Unit 3: Functions of Bounded Variations and Rectifiable Curves:

Introduction, Properties of monotonic functions, Functions of bounded variation, Total
variation, Additive property of total variation, Total variation on [a, x] as a function x, Functions
of bounded variation expressed as the difference of increasing functions, Continuous functions
of bounded variation.

Chapter 6: 6.1 – 6.8 (18 Hours)

Unit 4: Riemann – Stieltjes Integral:

Introduction, Notation, The definition of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Linear

properties, Integration by parts, Change of variable in a Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Reduction to
a Riemann integral, Step functions as integrators, Reduction of a Riemann-Stieltjes integral to a
finite sum, Euler‟s summation formula, Monotonically increasing integrators. Upper and lower
integrals, Additive and linearity properties of upper and lower integrals, Riemann‟s condition.

Chapter 7: 7.1 - 7.13 (18 Hours)

Unit 5: Riemann – Stieltjes Integral (Continuation)

Comparison theorems, Integrators of bounded variation, Sufficient conditions for

existence of Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, Necessary conditions for existence of Riemann-Stieltjes
integrals, Mean Value Theorem for conditions for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, The integral as a
function of the interval, Second fundamental theorem of integral calculus, Change of variable in
a Riemann integral, Second Mean-Value Theorem for Riemann integrals, Riemann-Stieltjes
integrals depending on a parameter, Differentiation under the integral sign, Interchanging the
order of integration.

Chapter 7: 7.14 - 7.25 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 Tom M. Apostal, “Mathematical Analysis”, Addison - Wesley

Publishing Company, 1974.


1. Walter Rudin, “Principles of Mathematical Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Inc, 1964.

2. Anthony W. Knapp, “Basic Real Analysis”, Birkhauser, 2005.
3. Wilder, R. L., “The Foundations of Mathematics”, second Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1965.
4. Kenneth A. Ross, “Elementary Analysis: Theory of Calculus”, Second edition
Springer, 2013.

 The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the theory and methods of
ordinary differential equations.
 Students should be able to implement the methods taught in the course to work
associated problems, including proving results of suitable accessibility.

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Enhancing students to explore some of the basic theory of linear ODEs, gain ability to
CO1 recognize certain basic types of higher-order linear ODEs for which exact solutions may
be obtained, and to apply the corresponding methods of solution.
Able to solve non-homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients using the
CO2 methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters and application
problems modelled by linear differential equations
Recognize ODEs and system of ODEs concepts that are encountered in the real world,
CO3 understand and be able to communicate the underlying mathematics involved in order to
solve the problems using multiple approaches.
Students are introduced to modern concepts and methodologies in ordinary differential
CO4 equations, with particular emphasis on the methods that can be used to solve very large-
scale problems.
Introduction of Elementary Critical Points - System of Equations with constant
coefficients and - Linear Equation with Constant Coefficients.
Unit I:Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order
Introduction -Higher Order Equations-A Modeling Problem-Linear Independence-
Equations with Constant Coefficients-Equations with Variable Coefficients – Wronskian-
Variation of Parameters-Some Standard Methods -Method of Laplace Transforms.
Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.10 (18 Hours)
Unit II: Systems of Linear Differential Equations
Introduction-Systems of First Order Equations-Model for arms Competition between two
Nations-Existence and Uniqueness Theorem-Fundamental Matrix-Non-homogeneous Linear
Systems-Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients- Linear Systems with Periodic Coefficients.
Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.8 (18 Hours)

UnitIII:Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions

Introduction – Preliminaries-Successive Approximations-Picard‟s Theorem-Some
Examples-Continuation and Dependence on Initial Conditions –Fixed point methods.
Chapter 5: 5.1- 5.6 (18 Hours)
Unit IV:Boundary Value Problems
Introduction-Strum-Liouville Problem-Green‟s Function-Application of Boundary Value
Problems (BVP)-Picard‟s Theorem.
Chapter 7:7.1 – 7.5 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Stability of Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Introduction-Elementary Critical Points-System of Equations with Constant Coefficients-
Linear Equation with Constant Coefficients-Lyapunov Stability.
Chapter 9: 9.1 - 9.5 (18 Hours)
Text Book:
 S.G. Deo, V. Lakshmikantham and V. Raghavendra, “Ordinary
Differential Equations”, Second Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill publishing
company Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
References :
1. Earl. A. Coddington, “An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations”,Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi.
2, G.F. Simmons, S.G. Krantz, “Differential Equations: Theory, Technique and
Practice” Tata Mc - Graw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, India, 2007.


 To Provide the classical mechanics approach to solve a mechanical problem.
 To study mechanical systems under generalized coordinate system, virtual work, energy
and momentum.

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand D‟Alembert‟s Principle and simple application of Lagrangian formulation.
- Analyze the Derivation of Lagrange equation from Hamiltons‟s
Principle and modified Hamilton‟s principle.
Dintinguishthe Concept of Hamilton equation of motion and Principle
of least action
Obtain canonical equations using different combinations of generating functions and
subsequently developing Hamilton Jacobi Method to solve equations of motion
Study the application of theory of canonical transformations to dynamical theory.

Unit - I: Introductory Concepts

The Mechanical system-Generalizedcoordinates - Holonomic and non- holonomic
systems - constraints – Virtual work – D‟ Alembert‟sprinciple – Energy and Momentum.
Chapter 1:1.1 – 1.5 (18 Hours)

Unit - II: Lagrange’s Equations

Derivation of Lagrange‟sequations – Examples – integralsof motion- cyclic or
Chapter 2:2.1 – 2.3 (18 Hours)

Unit - III: Hamilton’sEquations

Hamilton‟s principle - Hamilton‟s equations - other variational principle -Principle
Chapter 4: 4.1 – 4.3 (18 Hours)

Unit - IV: Hamilton –Jacobi Theory

Hamilton principle function - Hamilton–Jacobi equation- Separability.
Chapter 5:5.1 – 5.3 (18 Hours)

Unit - V: Canonical Transformation

Differential forms and generating functions – Special Transformations – Lagrange and
Poisson brackets.
Chapter 6: 6.1 – 6.3 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 D.Greenwood, Classical Dynamics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,



1. H.Goldstein,Classical Mechanics (Second Edition), NarosaPublishing House, India,

New Delhi.
2. N.C.Rane and P.S.C. Joag, Classical Mechanics, McGraw Hill, 1991.
3. J.L.Synge and B.A. Griffth, Principles of Mechanics (3rd Edition), McGraw Hill Book
Co. New York, 1970.

Value Added Course
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of programming & Mathematics

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
Objectives 1. Introduce the Software knowledge in Latex
2. Learn Mathematics structures using Latex
3. Understanding the basic concepts and their properties are
important for the development of the present and further courses.
Course Outcome: On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Remember to Download and install open source software Latex
CO2 Understanding and formatting Latex
CO3 Illustrate to learn to create Latex file
CO4 Apply and Analyze the Latex commands to large files
CO5 Able to learn mathematics derivations and structures using LATEX

Text formatting, TEX and its offspring
What’s different in LATEX2ϵ , Distinguishing LATEX2 ϵ, Basic of a LATEX file
Commands and Environments-Command names and arguments, Declarations
Lengths, special Characters.
Document layout and Organization-Document class, Page style, Parts of the
Table of Contents, Fine tuning text, Footnotes and marginal notes.

Books for study and References

1. H. Kopka and P.W. Daly , “A guide to LATEX” - third Edition, Addison –Wesley ,
London 1999.
2. Stefan Kottwitz“LaTeX Beginner's Guide: Create High-quality and Professional-
looking Texts, Articles, and Books for Business and Science Using LaTeX” Packt
Publishing, 2011.

Core ELECTIVE-Paper- I


 The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to understand the subject of
differential geometry, where you talk about manifolds, one difficulty is that the geometry is
described by coordinates, but the coordinates do not have meaning. They are allowed to
undergo transformation. And in order to handle this kind of situation, an important tool is the
so-called tensor analysis, which was new to mathematicians.
 Students should be able to implement the methods taught in the course to work
associated problems, including proving results of suitable accessibility in different

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Understand Tesor Algebra terminologies and different orders – Summation convention
CO1 – Kronecker symbols – Transformation of coordinates in Sn. Invariants – Covariant and
Contravariant vectors and arithemetics law related to tensor.
CO2 Discuss the Riemannian space – Christoffel symbols and their properties.
Tensor calculus fundamentals on Covariant differentiation of tensors – Riemann-
Christoffel curvature tensor – Intrinsic differentiation are carried out.
Focus on special theory of relativityconcepts of Laurent‟s transformation equations,
CO4 Einstein train – Time dilation – Longitudinal contraction – Invariant interval - Twin
Study the application of theory relativistic dynamics on Momentum-Energy four vector
CO5 – Force – Conservation of energy – Principle of equivalence – Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulations

Unit I: Tensor Algebra

Systems of different orders – Summation convention – Kronecker symbols – Transformation of

coordinates in Sn. Invariants – Covariant and Contravariant vectors – Tensors of second order –
Mixed tensors – Zero tensors – Tensor field – Algebra of tensors – Equality of tensors –
Symmetric and Skew -Symmetric tensors – Outer multiplication, Contraction and Inner
multiplication – Quotient Law of tensors – Reciprocal tensor of tensor – Relative tensor – Cross
product of vectors.

Chapter 1: 1.1 – 1.3, 1.7 & 1.8 and Chapter 2 : 2.1 – 2.9 of U.C. De, Absos Ali Shaikh
&Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor Calculus, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004. (18

Unit II: Tensor Calculus

Riemannian space – Christoffel symbols and their properties.

Chapter 3: 3.1 – 3.2 of U.C. De, Absos Ali Shaikh &Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor Calculus,
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004. (18 Hours)

Unit III: Tensor Calculus (Contd …)

Covariant differentiation of tensors – Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor – Intrinsic


Chapter 3: 3.3 – 3.5 of U.C. De, Absos Ali Shaikh &Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor Calculus,
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004. (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Special Theory of Relativity

Galilean transformation – Maxwell‟s equations – The Ether theory – The principle of Relativity.

Relativistic Kinematics: Laurent‟s transformation equations – Events and simultaneity –

Example – Einstein train – Time dilation – Longitudinal contraction – Invariant interval – Proper
time and proper distance – World line – Example – Twin paradox – Addition of velocities –
Relativistic Doppler effect.

Chapter 7: 7.1 – 7.2 of D.Greenwood, Classical Dynamics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
1985. (18 Hours)

Unit V: Relativistic Dynamics

Momentum – Energy – Momentum-Energy four vector – Force – Conservation of energy – Mass

and energy – Example – Inelastic collision – Principle of equivalence – Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulations.

Accelerated Systems: Rocket with constant acceleration – Example – Rocket with constant

Chapter 7: 7.3 – 7.4 of D.Greenwood, Classical Dynamics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
1985. (18 Hours)


1. J.L.Synge&A.Schild, Tensor Calculus, Toronto, 1949.

2. A.S.Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity, Cambridge University Press,
3. P.G.Bergman, An Introduction to Theory of Relativity, New York, 1942.
4. C.E.Weatherburn, Riemannian geometry and The Tensor Calculus, Cambridge, 1938.

B. Calculus of Variations and Integral Equations

 The aim of the course is to introduce to the students the concept of

Objectives calculus of variation and its applications.
 Introduce various types of integral equations and how to solve these

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Students know the concept and properties of variational problems with fixed
and moving boundaries, functions of dependent and independent variables
and also solve some applications problems in mechanics.
CO2 Able to solve differential equations and integral equation problems. Find the
solution of eigen value, eigen functions.
CO3 Implementation of various methods to solve Fredholm Intergral equation.
CO4 Students gain acquire knowledge about Hilbert – Schmidt Theory
CO5 Deriving the complex Hilbert space – Orthogonal system of function and
Solutions of Fredholm of Integral equation of first kind

Unit I: Variational problems with fixed boundaries

The concept of variation and its properties – Euler‟s equation – Variational problems for
Functionals – Functionals dependent on higher order derivatives – Functions of several
independent variables – Some applications to problems of Mechanics.

Chapter 1: 1.1 - 1.7 (Text Book - 1) (18 Hours)

Unit II: Variational problems with moving boundaries

Movable boundary for a functional dependent on two functions – one-sided variations –

Reflection and Refraction of extremals – Diffraction of light rays.

Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.5 (Text Book - 1) (18 Hours)

Unit III: Integral Equation

Introduction – Types of Kernals – Eign values and Egien functions – connection with differential
equations – Solution of an integral equation – Initial value problems – Boundary value problem.

Chapter 1: 1.1 - 1.3 & 1.5 - 1.8 (Text Book - 2) (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Solution of Fredholm intergral equation

Second kind with separable kernel – Orthogonality and reality eigen function – Fredholm
Integral equation with separable kernel – Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation by successive
substitution – Successive approximation – Volterra integral equation – Solution by successive

Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.3 and Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.5 (Text Book - 2) (18 Hours)

Unit V: Hilbert – Schmidt Theory

Complex Hilbert space – Orthogonal system of function – Gram-Schmitorthognalization process

– Hilbert-Schmidt theorems – Solutions of Fredholm of integral equation of first kind.

Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.4 & 3.8 - 3.9 (Text Book - 2) (18 Hours)
Recommended Text Books:

 A.S. Gupta, Calculus of Variations with Application, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,

 Sudir K. Pundir and RimplePundir, Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
Pragati Prakasam, Meerut, 2005.

Reference Text Books:

 L. Elsgolts, Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations Mir Publishers,

Moscow, 1973.
 Ram P. Kanwal, Linear Integral Equations. Academic Press, New York, 1971.


 Difference equations usually describe the evolution of certain phenomena over

the course of time. The aim of studying this course is.
 To introduce the difference calculus.
 To study linear difference equations and to know how to solve them.
 To know the stability theory for homogeneous linear system of difference
 To study the asymptotic behavior of solutions of homogeneous linear
difference equations.

Course Outcome: After the successful completion of the course, students will be able

To know the fundamentals of difference calculus, like, the difference operator,

CO1 the computation of sums, the concept of generating function and the important
Euler summation formula.
To solve linear difference equations using different methods, namely,
CO2 annihilator method, z-transform method, etc.
CO3 To find the stability results for the linear system using eigen value criteria.
To find asymptotic analysis of sums, and asymptotic behavior of solutions to linear
CO4 difference equations by the theorems of Poincare and Perron.
tTo solve the Three-term Difference Equations – Non-linear Difference Equations –
CO5 Self-Adjoint second order Equations


Difference Calculus – General Theory – of Linear Difference Equations – Linear Homogeneous

Equations with constant coefficients – Linear non-homogeneous Equations – Method of
undetermined coefficients, the method of variation of constants – Limiting behavior of solutions.

Chapter 2: Sec 2.1 – 2.5 (18 Hours)


Autonomous system – The basic theory – The Jordan form – Linear periodic system.

Chapter 3: Sec 3.1 – 3.4 (18 Hours)


Definition, Example and properties of Z-transform – The inverse Z-transform and solution of
Difference Equations: Power series method, partial fraction method, the inverse integral method
– Volterra Difference Equations of Convolution types – Volterra systems.

Chapter 5: Sec 5.1 – 5.5 (Except 5.4) (18 Hours)


Tools and Approximations – Poincare‟s Theorem – Second order Difference Equations –

Asymptotic diagonal systems – Higher order Difference Equations.

Chapter 8: Sec 8.2 – 8.5 (18 Hours)


Three-term Difference Equations – Non-linear Difference Equations – Self-Adjoint second order


Chapter 7: Sec 7.1 – 7.3 (18 Hours)

Recommended Text:

 SaberN.Elaydi, An Introduction to Difference Equations, Springer Verlag,

New York, 1996.

Reference Books:

1. R.P. Agarwal., Difference Equations and Inequalities, Marcel Dekker, 1999.

2. S.Goldberg, Introduction to Difference Equations, Dover Publications, 1986.

3. V.LakshmiKantham and Trigiante, Theory of Difference Equations, Academic

Press, New York, 1988.

4. Peterson, A Difference Equations, An Introduction with Applications, Academic

Press, New York, 1991.

M.Sc., First Year - SEMESTER - II
Objectives  To facilitate the basic concepts of Vector Spaces andMatrix of a linear
 To enable students to learn Rational Canonical Form and Jordan Canonical
Form in detail.
 To introduce the concept of Finite Fields
Course Outcome:At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Define the Matrix of a linear transformation and Dual vector spaces.
CO2 Comparison between Rational Canonical Form and Jordan Canonical Form, Field
extensions and Algebraic Extensions.
CO3 Define Splitting fields, Algebraic closures and Cyclotomic polynomials.
CO4 Analyze the fundamental theorem of Galois theory.
CO5 Related definitions and fundamental theorem of Galois theory and Finite Fields.

Unit I: Vector Spaces

Definitions and basic theory – The Matrix of a linear transformation – Dual vector spaces –
Determinants. (18 Hours)
Chapter 11:11.1 - 11.4
Unit II: Module over Principal Ideal Domain
Basic definitions and examples – The Basic Theory –The Rational Canonical Form –The Jordan
Canonical Form. (18 Hours)
Chapter 10: 10.1 &Chapter 12: 12.1 - 12.3
Unit III: Field theory
Basic Theory of field extensions – Algebraic Extensions. (18 Hours)
Chapter 13: 13.1 - 13.2
Unit IV: Field Theory (Cont…)
Splitting fields and Algebraic closures – Separable and inseparable extensions - Cyclotomic
polynomials and extensions. (18 Hours)
Chapter 13: 13.4 - 13.6
Unit V:Galois Theory
Basic definitions – The fundamental theorem of Galois theory – Finite Fields. (18 Hours)
Chapter 14: 14.1 - 14.3
Text Book : David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote, Abstract Algebra (Second Edition), Wiley,
1. Serge Lang,Algebra, Springer, 2002.
2. I.N. Herstein. Topics in Algebra (II Edition) Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1975.
3. M.Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1991.
4. N.Jacobson, Basic Algebra,Vol. I & II W.H.Freeman; also published by Hindustan
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1980.
5. I.S.Luther and I.B.S.Passi, Algebra,Vol. I - Groups (1996); Vol. II Rings, Narosa
Publishing House , New Delhi, 1999.
6. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Brooks / Cole Pub Co.,2012.



 To introduce the concepts Double sequences, Double series and

Multiplication of series
Objectives  To enable the students to know about Uniform convergence and
Riemann-Stieltje‟s integration.
Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Define Double sequences, Double series and Multiplication of series.
CO2 Distinguish Point-wise convergence of sequences of functionandUniform
convergence of infinite series of functions.
CO3 Analyze Non-uniformly convergent sequences that can be integrated term by
term,Sufficient conditions for uniform convergence of a series.
CO4 An application tocomplex-valued functions.
CO5 Apply Functions with non-zero Jacobian determinant.

Unit I: Infinite series and Infinite products

Double sequences - Double series - Rearrangement theorem for double series - A sufficient
condition for equality of iterated series - Multiplication of series - Cesarosummability - Infinite

Chapter 8: 8.20 – 8.26 (18 Hours)

Unit 2: Sequence of Functions

Point-wise convergence of sequences of functions - Examples of sequences of real-valued

functions - Definition of uniform convergence - Uniform convergence and continuity - The
Cauchy condition for uniform convergence - Uniform convergence of infinite series of functions.

Chapter 9: 9.1 – 9.6 (18 Hours)

Unit 3: Sequence of Functions [Continued]

Uniform convergence and Riemann-Stieltje‟s integration – Non-uniformly convergent sequences

that can be integrated term by term - Uniform convergence and differentiation - Sufficient
conditions for uniform convergence of a series - Uniform convergence and double sequences -
Mean convergence.

Chapter 9: 9.8 – 9.13 (18 Hours)

Unit 4: Multi-Variable Differential Calculus

Introduction - The differential derivative - Directional derivatives and continuity – The total
derivative - The total derivative expressed in terms of partial derivatives - An application to
complex-valued functions - The matrix of a linear function - The Jacobian matrix - The chain

Chapter 12: 12.1 – 12.9 (18 Hours)

Unit 5: Implicit functions and Extremum problems

Introduction - Functions with non-zero Jacobian determinant - The inverse function theorem -
The implicit function theorem.

Chapter 13: 13.1 – 13.4 (18 Hours)

Recommended Text Book:

 Tom M. Apostal, “Mathematical Analysis” Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,



1. Walter Rudin, “Principles of Mathematical Analysis”, McGraw HillInc, 1964.

2. Anthony W. Knapp, “Basic Real Analysis”, Birkhauser, 2005.

3. Dieudome, J., “Foundations of Modern Analysis”, Academic press, Inc, Newyork,


OBJECTIVES  Learn the elementary concepts and basic ideas involved in partial
differential equations.
 Develop the mathematical skills to solve problems involving partial
differential equations
rather than general theory.
 Understand the partial differential equations as models of various
physical processes such as mechanical vibrations, transport
phenomena including diffusion, heat transfer and electrostatics.
Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Extract information from partial differential equations to interpret the
CO2 Know the various types of methods and their limitations to solve the partial
differential equations.
CO3 Identify the physical situations and real world problems to formulate
models using partial differential equations.
CO4 Apply the acquired knowledge to select the most appropriate method to
solve the particular partial differential equations.
CO5 To understand Formation and solution of one-dimensional & two
dimensional wave equation - canonical reduction – IVP and BVP.


Formation and solution of PDE- Integral surfaces - Cauchy Problem order equation - Orthogonal
surfaces - First order non-linear - Characteristics - Compatible system –Charpit‟s method.
Chapter 0: 0.4 to 0.11 (omit 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.11.1) (18 Hours)


Introduction - Classification of Second order PDE - Canonical forms – Adjoint operators -
Riemann‟s method.
Chapter 1: 1.1 to 1.5 (18 Hours)


Derivation of Laplace and Poisson equation - BVP - Separation of Variables - Dirichlet‟s
Problem and Newmann Problem for a rectangle - Solution of Laplace equation in Cylindrical and
spherical coordinates - Examples.
Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.5 to 2.7, 2.10 to 2.13(omit 2.3, 2.4, 2.8 and 2.9) (18 Hours)

Formation and solution of Diffusion equation – Dirac - Delta function - Separation of variables
method - Solution of Diffusion Equation in Cylindrical and spherical coordinates - Examples.

Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9. (omit 3.8) (18 Hours)

Formation and solution of one-dimensional wave equation - canonical reduction – IVP -
D‟Alembert‟s solution - IVP and BVP for two-dimensional wave equation - Periodic solution of
one-dimensional wave equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems - Uniqueness of
the solution for the wave equation - Duhamel‟s Principle - Examples.
Chapter 4: 4.1 to 4.12 (omit 4.5, 4.6 & 4.10) (18 Hours)
Recommended Text:
 K. Sankar Rao, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 2005
Reference Books:

1. R.C.McOwen, Partial Differential Equations, 2ndEdn. Pearson Eduction, New Delhi, 2005.
2. I.N.Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1983.
3. R. Dennemeyer, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary
ValueProblems, McGraw Hill, New York, 1968.
4. M.D.Raisinghania, Advanced Differential Equations,S.Chand& Company Ltd., New Delhi,

 To know and apply different numerical techniques to solve algebraic and differential
 To know methods of finding approximate values for definite integrals.

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Apply finite difference to evaluate polynomial using interpolation for equal andunequal
CO2 Solve simultaneous linear equations by using Gauss elimination method, matrix
inversion method, Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss – Seidal method
CO3 Compute derivative of a function at the point in the given interval by using Newton‟s and
Gauss forward and backward differences formulae.
CO4 Utilize General Quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‟s rule, Weddle‟s Rule in
integration and find the numerical solution of the first order ordinary differential
Analyzing the Difference Quotients - classification of PDE - Schmidt explicit formula –
CO5 Crank-Nicolson method - Hyperbolic equations - Solution of two dimensional heat


General iterative method - Bisection method - Secant method – Newton - Raphson method -
solution of system of equations - Gaussian elimination method - Gauss Jordan method - LU
decomposition method - Rate of convergence Gauss - seidel method - Eigen value of a Matrix -
Power method - Jacobi method.
Text Book 1: Chapter 2: 2.3 - 2.4 & 2.10 - 2.11 (18 Hours)

Interpolation with equal intervals - Newton‟s forward and backward formula - Central difference
interpolation formula - Gauss forward and backward formula - Sterling‟s formula - Bessel‟s
formula - Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange‟s interpolation and inverse
interpolation formula - Newton‟s divided difference formula - Interpolation with cubic spline.
Text Book 1: Chapter 3: 3.2 - 3.4 & 3.7 and Chapter 4: 4.1 (18 Hours)

Numerical differentiation - Formulae for derivatives - Maxima and minima of a tabulated
function - Numerical Integration - Trapezoidal rule - Simpson‟s 1 and 3 rules -
3𝑟𝑑 8𝑡ℎ
Romberg‟s method -Applications.
Text Book 1: Chapter 5: 5.2, 5.4& 5.6 - 5.7 (18 Hours)


First order equations - System of equations and higher order equations - Taylor series method -
Euler method - Modified and Improved Euler‟s method - Runge kutta methods - Fourth order
Runge kutta method - Multi step methods: Adams - Bash forth and Milne‟s methods - Linear two
point Boundary value problems: The shooting method.
Text Book 1: Chapter 6: 6.2 - 6.4 & 6.6 - 6.7. (18 Hours)
Difference Quotients - classification of partial differential equations - Elliptic equation - Laplace
equation by Liebmann‟s iteration process - Poisson‟s equations - Parabolic equations - Schmidt
explicit formula – Crank-Nicolson method - Hyperbolic equations - Solution of two dimensional
heat equations.
Text Book 2: Chapter 12: 12.1 -12.7, 12.8.2 & 12.9 (18 Hours)
Text Books:
1. M.K.Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar and R.K.Jain, Numerical methods for Scientific and
Engineering, New Age International Ltd., 5th Edition (2010).
2. B.S.Grewal, J.S.Grewal, Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

1. S.S.Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.,
New Delhi (2003).
2. M.K.Venkatraman, Numerical methods in Science and technology, National Publishers
Company, 1992.
3. P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy and K.Gunavathy, Numerical methods, S.Chand and
Company, New Delhi, 2003.

Core Elective -Paper-II

Pre-requisite  The goal of the course is to

understand the students the
concept of mathematics applied in
real life scenario.
 Introduce Special functions,
Integral transforms and problem
solving in differential equations.

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course is to:
1. Generating the special functions of polynomials and series
2. Introduce fundamentals of infinite and finite Integral transforms and applying differential
equation and integral equation.
3. Use in special functions, Integral transforms and differential equations as tools for problem

Expected Course Outcomes:

On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Understand to Generating the special functions such as Legendre functions and Bessel‟s
functions, basic properties, solving in differential equations
CO2 Understand to solve the boundary value problems in such as a two and three dimension
heat flow by using Fourier series
CO3 Acquire a basic knowledge in Fourier transform of properties, Derivatives and its
application of Differential Equations
CO4 Acquire a basic knowledge in Laplace transform of properties, Derivatives and its
application of Differential Equations
CO5 Apply the acquired knowledge in solving applied problems

Unit I: Legendre Differential Equation and Legendre Functions

Generating functions of Legendre polynomial – Rodrigue‟s Formula for Legendre Polynomials –

Orthogonal Properties of Legendre‟s Polynomials – Recurrence Formulae for Pn(x) – Expansion
of Arbitary Functions in Series of Legendre polynomial.

Chapter:7.12 – 7.16 & 7.20 (15 hours)

Unit II: Bessel’s Differentiation Equation; Bessel’s Functions of first kind and Second

Limiting values of Jn(x) and Yn(x) –Differential Equations Reducible to Bessel‟s Equation-
Bessel‟s Functions of third kind; Hankel Functions-Recurrence formulae for Jn(x) –Generating
Function for Jn(x) –Jacobi Series- Bessel‟s Integrals-Orthonormality of Bessel‟s Functions.

Chapter:7.22 – 7.30 (15 hours)

Unit III : Fourier Equation of Heat Flow

Solution of Heat Flow Equation: Method of Separation of Variables-Linear Flow in Semi –

infinite solid- Variable Linear Flow in an Infinite Bar-Two-Dimensional Heat Flow-Three
Dimensional Heat Flow- Heat Flow in Circular Plate(Use of Cylindrical coordinates )

Chapter: 9.7-9.13 (15 hours)

Unit IV : Fourier Transform

Properties of Fourier Transform- Fourier Transform of a Derivative- Fourier sine and cosine
Transforms of Derivatives- Fourier Transform of Functions of Two or Three Variables- Finite
Fourier Transforms –Simple Applications of Fourier Transforms

Chapter: 10.2-10.8 (15 hours)

Unit V: Laplace Transforms

Properties of Laplace Transforms –Laplace Transform of the Derivative of a Function- Laplace

Transform of Integral- Laplace Transform of Periodic functions- Laplace Transform of Some
Special Functions- Inverse Laplace Transform – Properties of Inverse Laplace Transform -
Evaluations of Inverse Laplace Transforms by Convolution Theorem- Method of Partial
Fractions - Differential Equations - Applications of Laplace Transform

Chapter: 10.9-10.15, 10.17 & 10.19-10.22 (15 hours)

Recommended Text: SATYA PRAKASH, Mathematical Physics with Classical Mechanics,

Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers, New Delhi, sixth revised 2012.

References :

1. Advanced Engineering & Sciences M.K.Venkataraman, The National Publishing Co.

2. F.B.Hildebrand. (1977) Advanced Calculus for Applications. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
3. Engineering Mathematics Series, Veerarajan. T, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszing, fifth edition, Wiley Eastern
pubishers, 1985.

After completing this course, students will be Course Outcome: At the
OBJECTIVES completion of the Course, the Students will able toGive an account of basic
combinatorial concepts and principles; Use these to solve combinatorial
Course Outcome: On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Formulate important results and theorems covered by the course; Describe
the main features of the proofs of important theorems; Present mathematical
arguments to others.
CO2 Learn about recurrence relations. Learn the relationship between sequences
and recurrence relations. Explore how to solve recurrence relations by
CO3 Learn about linear homogeneous recurrence relations and how to solve them
Become familiar with linear non homogeneous recurrence relations.
CO4 Understand lattices as algebraic structures homomorphisms between lattices
and Boolean Algebra polynomials, switching circuits.
CO5 Improve and implement stable and accurate numerical methods to solve
linear systems of equations and find roots of linear and non-linear equations

Unit I: Permutations and Combinations-Generating functions. (18 Hours)

Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 of Text Book - I.

Unit II: Recurrence relations. (18 Hours)

Chapter 3 of Text Book - I.

Unit III: The principle of inclusion and exclusion. (18 Hours)

Chapter 4 of Text Book - I.

Unit IV:Polya‟s theory of counting. (18 Hours)

Chapter 5 of Text Book - I.

Unit V: Lattices and Boolean algebra. (18 Hours)

Chapter 6 of Text Book - II.

Recommended Text:

• C.L.Liu, “Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics”, McGraw-Hill
Book company, 1968.

• Birkhoff and Bartee, “Modern Applied Algebra”, McGraw Hill Inc.,


J. H. Van Lint , R. M. Wilson, A Course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press, 2001

Objectives: After completing the course students will understand the mathematical foundations
of quantitative finance. Understand the standard and advanced quantitative methodologies and
techniques of importance to a range of careers in investment banks and other financial
institutions.Appreciation of emerging theory and techniques in the area of financial
Course Outcome :At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Create and evaluate potential models for the price of shares.Construct, evaluate and
analyze models for investments and securities.

CO2 Student can familiarize on computation of the present value and the accumulated value
of a stream of equal or unequal payments using different kinds of interest rate.
CO3 Application of Capital investment and discount cash flow techniques are able to
understand using compound interest function., Equation of value, Repayment by regular
installments of interest and capital, discounted cash flow techniques.

CO4 Understand the investments and risk characteristics of the following types: Simple
Compound interest problems. Design, build, investigate and evaluate forward
contract using arbitrage-free pricing methods.
CO5 : Develop connections within branches of Financial Mathematics and between
Probability and other disciplines like Reliability theory – Life time distributions –
Hazard rate survival function.
Unit I: Generalized Cash Flow model for financial transaction, making allowance for the
probability of payment, Time value of money using concepts of compound interest and
discounting, Interest rates or discount rates in terms of different time periods. (18 Hours)

Unit II: Calculation of the present value and the accumulated value of a stream of equal or
unequal payments using specified rates of interest and the net present value at a real rate of
interest, assuming a constant rate of inflation. (18 Hours)

Unit III: Use of compound interest function, Equation of value, Repayment by regular
installments of interest and capital, discounted cash flow techniques. (18 Hours)

Unit IV: The investments and risk characteristics of the following types: Simple compound
interest problems. The delivery price and the value of the forward contract using arbitrage free
pricing methods. (18 Hours)

Unit V: Basics of Reliability theory – Life time distributions – Hazard rate survival function –
Exponential, Wei-bull-Gamma, Life Time Distributions. (18 Hours)

Recommended Text Book:

Suresh Chandra (1998), Introductory Financial Mathematics, Narosa Publishers, New Delhi. (for
unit 1 - 4).
S.K. Sinha (1979), Reliability and Life – Testing, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.(for unit-5).
OPEN ELECTIVE (Non Major)-Paper-I
(A) Mathematics for Competitive Examinations

Prerequisite: Nil


Outcome of the course:

Unit I: Problems on Ages – Percentage.

Unit II: Profit and Loss – Ratio and Proportion.

Unit III: Time and Work – Time Distance.

Unit IV: Simple Interest- Compound Interest

Unit V: Stocks and Shares – Bankers‟ Discount.

Text Book: Quantitative Aptitude by Dr.R.S. Aggarwal (Edition 2017), S. Chand

Publishing, Section I: Chapter – 8, 11,12,13,17,18,22,23, 29 and 33.


OBJECTIVES The aim of the course is to know various methods of collection of data. To
focus on the descriptive statistics as well as understand univariate and
bivariate data.

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Students understand the types of data. Collection, compilation, classification

and tabulation of data. Also representation of data on diagrammatical and
graphical are discussed.
CO2 Analysis of data among the measurements of central tendencies properties
and simple problems are practiced.
CO3 Analysis of data among the measurements of dispersion or variations
properties and simple problems are practiced.
CO4 To understand the knowledge and application of bivariate data using
correlation analysis. Different kinds of correlation, it‟s properties and
worked out real life problems.

CO5 In Regression analysis to understand the types of regression lines, equations,

partial and multiple regression with practical examples.

UNIT Collection, classification and tabulation of data, graphical and

diagrammatic representation – Bar diagrams.

UNIT II: Measures of central tendency – Mean, Median and Mode in series if
individual observations, District series, Continuous series (inclusive).

UNIT III: Measures of dispersion – Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation about
an average.

UNIT IV: Correlation – Different types of correlation – Positive, Negative, Simple,

Partial, Multiple, Linear and non-Linear correlation.

UNIT V: Regression types and method of analysis, Regression line, Regression



1. S.C.GUPTA AND V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1994.

1.Freund J.E. (2001); Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Goon, A.M., Gupta M.K., Dos Gupta, B, (1991), Fundamentals of Statistics,

Vol, I, World Press, Calcutta.


This course gives an introduction to mathematical modelling for biological

Introduce the Epidemicamodels, models for bio fluid and blood flood and
diffusion reactions.

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Students understand the terminologies of single species non-age structured

population models. Applying Logistic Modelswith Time- Age-scale
population models- Continuous and -Time Discrete.
CO2 Understand the Epidemic models for deterministic models without removal
and with removal and immigration. Also ,how to control of an epidemic are
CO3 Emphasize on models for blood flow related to understand some basic
concepts for fluid dynamics - about blood, cardiovascular system and blood
flows. Application of steady non-Newtonian fluid flow in circular tubes, ,
blood flow through artery with mild stones are discussed.

CO4 Student can able to understand role mathematical models of flows for other
Bio-fluids related to peristaltic flow in tubes and channels, models for gas
exchange and air flow in lungs, Two-dimensional flow in renal tubule,
lubrication of Human joints.
CO5 Role of diffusion and diffusion-Reaction Models for Artificial Kidney
(Hemodialyser) – Oxygen Diffusion through Living Tissues are able to

Unit I: Single species Non-age structured population Models: Single. Logistic Models-
Logistic Models with Time-Delay effects- Discrete-Time. Discrete-Age-scale population
models- Continuous-Time Discrete. Age scale population Models. (18 Hours)

Chapter: 3.1 - 3.2 & 4.1 - 4.2

Unit II: Epidemic models: Deterministic models without removal, general deterministic model
with removal, general deterministic model with removal and immigration, control of an
epidemic. (18 Hours)

Chapter: 8.1 - 8.4

Unit III: Models for Blood Flow: Some basic concepts for fluid dynamics, basic concepts about
blood, cardiovascular system and blood flows, steady non-Newtonian fluid flow in circular

tubes, Newtonian pulsatile flows in rigid and elastic tubes, blood flow through artery with mild

Chapter: 11.1 – 11.5 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Models of flows for other Bio-fluids:

Peristaltic flow in tubes and channels, models for gas exchange and air flow in lungs, Two-
dimensional flow in renal tubule, lubrication of Human joints. (18 hours)

Chapter: 12.1 – 12.3

Unit V: Diffusion and Diffusion-Reaction Models: The Diffusion Equation – Diffusion in

Artificial Kidney (Hemodialyser) – Oxygen Diffusion through Living Tissues. (18 hours)

Chapter: 8.1 – 8.7 and 8.9

Text Book:

 Mathematical Modelling in Biology Medicine: J.N. Kapoor


(1) Mathematical Modelling: J.N. Kapoor.

(2) Mathematical Biology: J.D. Murty.

(3) Ecology and Resource Management: K.E.F. Watt.

The objective of this paper is to know the human values and rights pertaining to
Objectives contemporary economic situation. This will help the students in right

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Explain the Human Values and rights pertaining to contemporary economic

CO2 Gain knowledge and awareness about Human rights and its Right
CO3 Provides the capability to identify issues relating to Human Rights

CO4 Develops investigative and analytical skills relating to Human Rights

CO5 Understand the principles and institutions of International Human Rights.

Unit I:
Definition of Human Rights – Nature, Content, Legitimacy and Priority – Theories on Human
Rights – Historical Development of Human Rights.

Unit II:
International Human Rights – Prescription and Enforcement upto World War II – Human Rights
and the U.N.O. – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights – International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Optional

Unit III:
Human Rights Declarations – U.N. Human Rights Declarations – U.N. Human Commissioner.

Unit IV:
Amnesty International – Human Rights and Helsinki Process – Reginal Developments –
European Human Rights System – African Human Rights System – International Human Rights
in Domestic Courts.

Unit V:

Contemporary Issues on Human Rights: Children‟s Rights – Women‟s – Dalit‟s Rights – Bonded
Labour and Wages – Refugees – Capital Punishment - Fundamental Rights in the Indian

Constitution- Directive Principles of State Policy – Fundamental Duties – National Human
Rights Commission.
References :

1. International Bill of Human Rights, Amnesty International Publication, 1988.

2. Human Rights, Questions and Answers, UNESCO, 1982.
3. Mausice Cranston – What is Human Rights.
4. Desai, A.R. - Violation of Democratic Rights in India.
5. Pandey - Constitutional Law.
6. Timm. R.W. - Working for Justice and Human Rights.
7. Human Rights, A Selected Bibliography, USIS.
8. J.C.Johari - Human Rights and New World Order.
9. G.S. Bajwa - Human Rights in India.
10. Amnesty International, Human Rights in India.
11. P.C.Sinha&K.Cheous [Ed] - International Encyclopedia of Peace, Security Social
Justice and Human Rights [Vols 1-7].
12. Devasia, V.V. - Human Rights and Victimology.


1. The Lawyer, Bombay.

2. Human Rights Today, Columbia University.
3. International Instruments of Human Rights, UN Publication.
4. Human Rights Quarterly, John Hopkins University, U.S.A.

Field Study: Credits- 2 in 3rd semester: (doing between 2nd and 3rd semesters in summer

University Social Responsibility Report (USRR): Mathematics (300)

The aim of the Field Study is to help students connect with the society in the respective
discipline. Following are the important features of the Field Study and the USRR:

1. Aim: The Field Study must aim at relating the subject of study with the society in so
far as the application and the usefulness of the study are concerned

2. Topic selection: The topic for the Field Study must be chosen by the student in the
second semester in the month of February; the process for the same shall begin on 1st
February and shall end on the last working day of the month of February. Students are
free to select the topic for the Field Study in consultation with the Experts and Faculty
Members of their choice, both from within and outside the University

3. Period and duration: The Field Study shall be undertaken for a duration of 15 days in
the summer vacation that falls immediately at the end of the second semester of the
program and the same should be accounted for the Third Semester of the program

4. USRR: The USSR (University Social Responsibility Report) must be prepared by

every student of the program written in 50 to 75 pages. The report shall be written based
on the standard research methodology.

5. Review and evaluation schedule:

a. Reviewing the Field work: First week of July

b. Report Review: Second week of August

c. Report submission: First week of September

d. Report Evaluation: Third week of September

6. Faculty Composition: The following members may be nominated for confirming the
topic and for evaluating the USRR:

a. Professor and Head of the concerned Department – Convener

b. One Faculty member with related field of specialization from the concerned

c. One staff from the Institution of which the candidate proposed as a Filed work-

M.Sc., Second Year- SEMESTER III
To provide knowledge on point set topology, topological space, Quotient spaces, product spaces
and metric spaces sequences, continuity of functions connectedness and compactness, homotopy
and covering spaces.

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Define and illustrate the concept of topological spaces and continuous functions.

CO2 Prove a selection of theorems concerning topological space, continuous functions,

product topologies, and quotient topologies.

CO3 Define and illustrate the concept of product of topologies

CO4 and illustrate the concepts of the separation axioms.
CO5 Define connectedness and compactness, and prove a selection of related theorems, and
describe different examples distinguishing general, geometric, and algebraic topology.

Unit I: Topological Spaces

Topological Spaces - Examples− Basis for a topology–Sub-basis− closed sets –interior –
closure - boundary – Limitpoints − Hausdorff spaces−Subspace topology – The product
topology on X× 𝑌 - Projections.
Chapter 2:Section: 12 - 17 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Continuous Functions

Continuous functions−Examples−Homeomorphisms −topological property − pasting lemma
−the product topology– Box topology - Comparison of the product topology and the
box topology –the metric topology – Sequence Lemma –Uniform Limittheorem.
Chapter 2:Section: 18 - 21 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Connected Spaces

Connected Spaces–connected subspace of the real line – Linear continuum –Intermediate
Theorem – components and Local connectedness– Totally disconnected spaces.
Chapter 3:Section: 23 - 25 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Compact Spaces

Compact Spaces - Compact subspace of the real line – The Lebesque number lemma –Uniform
continuitytheorem–Limit point compactness–Local compactness– one point compactification.
Chapter 3:Section: 26 - 29 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Countability and Separation Axioms
First countable and second countable spaces – separation axioms– regular and completely
regular spaces– Normal and completely Normal spaces–Urysohn‟s lemma–Urysohn‟s
metrization theorem –Tietze Extension theorem.

Chapter 4:Section: 30 - 35 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 James R. Munkres, “Topology”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India

Pvt.Ltd., (Third Indian Reprint).

References :

1. J.Dugundji, Topology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,1975.

2. George F.Simmons, Introduction to Topologyand Modern Analysis, McGraw Hill

International Edition, New York, 1963.

3. J.L.Kelly, General Topology, Van Nostrand , Reinhold co., New York.

4. K.D.Joshi, Introduction to General Topology, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1983.

5. C.Wayne Patty, Foundations of Topology, (Student Edition), Jones & Bartlett India
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.

6. Colin Adams, Robert Franzosa, Introduction to Topology Pure and Applied, Pearson
Education, Indian Edition,2009.

 To lay the foundation for this subject, to develop clear thinking and analyzing capacity
for further study.
 Cauchy‟s Theorem guaranteeing that certain integrals along closed paths are zero. This
striking result leads to useful techniques for evaluating real integrals based on the
„calculus of residues‟.
 Important results are the Mean Value Theorem, leading to the representation of some
functions as power series (the Taylor series), and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
which establishes the relationship between differentiation and integration.

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze limits and continuity for complex functions as well as consequences of
CO2 Apply the concept and consequences of analyticity and the Cauchy-Riemann equations
and of results on harmonic and entire functions including the fundamental theorem of
CO3 Evaluate integrals along a path in the complex plane and understand the statement of
Cauchy‟s Theorem
CO4 Represent functions as Taylor, power and Laurent series, classify singularities and poles,
find residues and evaluate complex integrals using the residue theorem.
CO5 Discuss Harmonic Functions, basic properties – and deriving the theorems Schwarz‟s
aWeierstrass‟s, Taylor‟s series and Laurent series

Unit I: Complex Functions

Spherical representation of complex numbers - Analytic functions - Limits and continuity -
Analytic Functions - Polynomials - Rational functions - Elementary Theory of Power series -
Sequences - Series - Uniform Convergence - Power series - Abel‟s limit functions - Exponential
and Trigonometric functions - Periodicity - The Logarithm.
Chapter 1: 1.2 & 1.4 andChapter 2: 2.1 – 2.3 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Analytical functions as mappings

Conformality - Arcs and closed curves - Analytic functions in Regions - Conformal mapping -
Length and area - Linear transformations - Linear group - Cross ratio - symmetry - Oriented
Circles - Families of circles - Elementary conformal mappings - Use of level curves - Survey of
Elementary mappings - Elementary Riemann surfaces.

Chapter 3: 3.2 – 3.4 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Complex Integration

Fundamental Theorems - Line Integrals – Rectifiable Arcs- Line Integrals as Arcs- Cauchy‟s
Theorem for a rectangle and in a disk- Cauchy‟s Integral Formula – Index of point with respect
to a closed curve – The Integral formula – Higher order derivatives – Local properties of analytic
functions – Taylor‟s Theorem – Zeros and Poles – Local mapping – Maximum Principle.
Chapter 4: 4.1 – 4.3 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Complex Integration (Contd…)

The General form of Cauchy‟s Theorem - Chains and Cycles – Simple connectivity – Homology
– General statement of Cauchy‟s theorem – Proof of Cauchy‟s theorem – Locally exact
differentials - Multiply connected regions – Calculus of residues – Residue Theorem – Argument
Principle – Evaluation of definite Integrals.
Chapter 4: 4.4 – 4.5 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Harmonic functions and Power Series expansions

Harmonic Functions – Definition and basic properties – Mean-value Property – Poisson‟s
formula – Schwarz‟s Theorem – Reflection Principle – Weierstrass‟s theorem – Taylor‟s series-
Laurent series.
Chapter 4: 4.6 andChapter 5: 5.1 (18 Hours)

Text Book:
 Complex Analysis”by L.V. Ahlfors, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1979.

1. J.B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable, Narosa Publication
House, New Delhi, 1980.
2. S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, Narosa Publication
House, New Delhi 2004.
3. S. Lang, Complex Analysis, Addison - Wesley Mass, 1977.

Objectives: To enable the students to learn the fundamental concepts of Graphtheory

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Recognize the characteristics of graph
CO2 Convert the graph into matrix form and explain operations on graphs
CO3 Analyze special graphs like Eulerian graphs and Hamiltonian graphs with examples
CO4 Describe planar graphs and identify the chromatic number of the graph.
CO5 Discuss the different types of graphs and five color theorem and, four color conjecture -
Non Hamiltonianplanar graphs.

Unit I:Graphs and Sub-graphs

Graphs and simple graphs - Graph isomorphism-Incidence and adjacency matrices – Sub-graphs
- Vertex degrees - Path and Connection cycles – Applications: The shortest path problem –
Trees: Trees - Cut edges and bonds - Cut vertices-Cayley‟s formula.

Chapter 1 (Except 1.9) andChapter 2 (Except 2.5) (18 Hours)

Unit II:Connectivity

Connectivity – Blocks - Euler tours and Hamilton cycles: Euler tours – Hamilton cycles –
Applications: The Chinese postman problem.

Chapter 3 (Except 3.3) andChapter 4 (Except 4.4) (18 Hours)

Unit III:Matchings

Matchings- Matching and coverings in bipartite graphs-Perfect matchings –. Edge colorings:

Edge chromatic number - Vizing‟s theorem- Applications: The timetabling problem.

Chapter 5: (Except 5.5) andChapter 6 (18 Hours)

Unit IV:Independent sets and Cliques

Independent sets-Ramsey‟s theorem-Turan‟s theorem-Vertex colorings: Chromatic number-

Brook‟s theorem – Hajo‟s conjecture-Chromatic polynomials-Girth and chromatic number.

Chapter 7:(Except 7.4 - 7.5) and Chapter 8 (Except 8.6) (18 Hours)

Unit V:Planar graphs

Plane and planar graphs -Dual graphs-Euler‟s formula- Bridges - Kuratowski‟s Theorem
(statement only) – The Five color theorem and The Four color conjecture - Non Hamiltonian
planar graphs.

Chapter 9 (Except 9.8) (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 J.A.Bondy and U.S.R. Murthy, Graph Theory and Applications, Macmillan, London,


 R.J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2004, Indian

 J.Clark and D.A.Holton, A First look at Graph Theory,Allied Publishers, New Delhi,

 Douglas B.West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson, 2000.

 Gary Chartrand, Introduction to Graph Theory, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.

 A.Gibbons, Algorithmic Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.


 To enable the students to acquire the knowledge of statistics
 To make the students understand various characteristics of discrete and continuous
statistical distributions with mathematical techniques

Course Outcome :At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Describe the concepts of Random variables and Distribution Function with examples.
CO2 Evaluate Binomial, Poisson distributions, Regression and Correlationdistributions.
CO3 Analyze student‟s t-test, F-test and Chi-square test.
CO4 Analyze Randomized Block Design (RBD) and Latin Square Design (LSD).
CO5 Basic concept-Reliabilities of series.


Random variables - the concept of a random variable - distribution and density functions -
random variables of the discrete and continuous type - joint distribution and joint density
functions - marginal distribution - conditional distribution - co-variance – correlation -
mathematical expectation - Moment generating function - characteristic function.

Chapter 1&2 (1.1 – 1.7, 2.1 – 2.9):M. Fisz, Probability theory and Mathematical Statistic, John
Willey and sons, Newyork,1963.


Binomial and Poisson distributions - Normal distribution - Gamma and Exponential distribution -
Weibull distribution - Regression and Correlation - Partial and Multiple Correlation - Multiple

Chapter – 4 (4.1 - 4.7):M. Fisz, Probability theory and Mathematical Statistic, John Willey and
sons, Newyork,1963.


Estimation and procedure of testing of hypothesis - Large sample tests - Small sample tests -
student‟s t-test - F-test - Chi-square test - Testing of mean, variance and proportions -
independence of attributes and goodness of fit.

Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 of M. Fisz, Probability theory and Mathematical Statistic, John Willey
and sons, Newyork,1963.


Analysis of variance - One way and two way classifications - completely Random Design (CRD)
- Randomized Block Design (RBD) - Latin Square Design (LSD).

Chapter 10:Kishore S. Trivedi, Probability & Statistics with Reliability, queuing and computer
Science applications, Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2009).

Basic concept-Reliabilities of series and parallel systems-System Reliability-Hazard function-
Reliability and Availability-Maintainability.

Chapter 15 & 16 (15.1 - 15.2, 16.1 - 16.5)Kishore S. Trivedi, Probability & Statistics with
Reliability, queuing and computer Science applications, Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2009).

Text Books:

 R.E.Walpole, R.H.Mayers, S.L.Mayers and K.Ye, Probability and Statistics for engineers
and scientists, 7th Edition, Pearson Education (2003).

 Kishore S. Trivedi, Probability & Statistics with Reliability, queuing and computer
Science applications, Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2009).


1. J.L.Devore, Probability and Statistics, 5th Edition, Thomson (2000).

2. R.A.Johnson, Miller & Freund‟s Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Seventh edition,
Pearson Education, New Delhi (2008).
3. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K., Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand &
Sons, 11th Edition, 2003.

 To enable the students to acquire the knowledge of Mathematics in different field.
 To make the students understand various mathematical models using ODE , bio-fluid
Course Outcome :At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 To understand mathematical modeling through system of ordinary differential equations
in population dynamics, epidemics using first order.
CO2 Emphasize on models for blood flow related to understand some basic concepts for
fluid dynamics - about blood, cardiovascular system and blood flows. Application of
steady non-Newtonian fluid flow in circular tubes, , blood flow through artery with mild
stones are discussed.

CO3 Student can able to understand role mathematical models of flows for other Bio-fluids
related to peristaltic flow in tubes and channels, models for gas exchange and air flow in
lungs, Two-dimensional flow in renal tubule, lubrication of Human joints.
CO4 Role of diffusion and diffusion-Reaction Models for Artificial Kidney (Hemodialyser)
– Oxygen Diffusion through Living Tissues are able to understand.
CO5 Student can able to develop Mathematical Modelling through Calculus of Variations
and Dynamic Programming using optimization principles and techniques –

Unit I: Mathematical modeling through system of ordinary differential equations of the first
order: Mathematical modeling in population dynamics, Mathematical modeling of epidemics
through system of ordinary differential equations of first order- Mathematical modeling in
dynamics through systems of ordinary differential equations of first order. (18 Hours)

Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.2 & 3.5 - 3.6 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Modelling, Wiley Eastern
Limited, Reprint- 2000.

Unit II: Mathematical Models for Blood flows: Some basic concepts of Fluid Dynamics- Basic
concepts about blood, cardiovascular system and Blood flows- Steady Non-Newtonian fluid
flows in circular tubes- Newtonian pulsatile flows in rigid and elastic tubes- Blood flow through
Artery with mild Stenosis. (18 Hours)

Chapter 11: 11.1 - 11.5 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine,
Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit III: Mathematical Models of flows for other Bio-fluids: Peristaltic flows in tubes and
channels- Models for gas exchange and airflow in lungs – Two-dimensional flow in renal tube –
Lubrication of Human joints. (18 Hours)

Chapter 12: 12.1 - 12.4 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine,
Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit IV: Diffusion and Diffusion – Reaction Models: The Diffusion equation – Diffusion in
Artificial Kidney (Hemodialyser) – Oxygen diffusion through living tissues – Absorption and
Diffusion of Gamma- Globulin by living tissues. (18 Hours)

Chapter 13: 13.1 - 13.4 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine,
Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit V: Mathematical Modelling through Calculus of Variations and Dynamic Programming:
Optimization principles and techniques – Mathematical modeling through calculus of variations
– Mathematical Modelling through dynamic programming. (18 Hours)

Chapter 9: 9.1 - 9.3 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Modelling, Wiley Eastern Limited, Reprint-

Recommended Text Book:

J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Modelling, Wiley Eastern Limited, Reprint- 2000.


Objectives To facilitate the basic concepts of Boolean Algebras- Switches and

Logic Gates
To enable students to learn design of experiments, algebraic
cryptography and coding theory.
Course Outcome:At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Introducing the Laws of Boolean Algebra- Polynomials and Functions.
Gate Networks- Simplification of Circuits- Designing Circuits- Bridge
CO2 Understand the area of design of experiments and formulatingand
construction of matrix of a BIBD from Difference Sets- Quadratic Residues
- Difference SetFamilies- Finite Fields- Nearrings- Planar Nearrings- Finite
Integral Planar Nearrings. Canonical Form and Jordan Canonical Form,
Field extensions and Algebraic Extensions.
CO3 Student able to know the field of algebraic cryptography for this to
understand Algebraic Enciphering Algorithms and Classical Cryptosystems
-Block Ciphers and Advanced Encryption Standard- Public-Key

CO4 Application of Coding Theory using Error-Correcting Codes- Linear Codes-

Cyclic Codes- BCH Codes.
CO5 In the field of Symmetry Groups and Color Patterns to know the concepts on
Permutation Groups- Symmetries- Colorings and Patterns- Action of a
Group on a Setand Burnside Theorem.

Unit I: Boolean Algebras and Switching Circuits

Boolean Algebras- Switches and Logic Gates- Laws of Boolean Algebra- Boolean Polynomials
and Boolean Functions- Switching Circuits and Gate Networks- Simplification of Circuits-
Designing Circuits- Bridge Circuits.

Chapter 1: 1.1 - 1.8 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

Basic Definitions and Results - Incidence Matrix of a BIBD-Construction of BIBDs from
Difference Sets- Construction of BIBDs Using Quadratic Residues - Difference SetFamilies-
Construction of BIBDs from Finite Fields- Construction of BIBDs from Nearrings- Planar
Nearrings- Finite Integral Planar Nearrings and BIBDs - Finite Fields and Planar Nearrings.

Chapter 2: 2.1 – 2.10 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Algebraic Cryptography

Substitution Ciphers - Algebraic Enciphering Algorithms and Classical Cryptosystems - Block
Ciphers and Advanced Encryption Standard- Public-Key Cryptosystems.

Chapter 3: 3.1 – 3.4 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Coding Theory

Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes- Linear Codes- Cyclic Codes- BCH Codes.

Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.4 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Symmetry Groups and Color Patterns

Permutation Groups- Groups of Symmetries- Colorings and Patterns- Action of a Group on a
Set- Burnside Theorem and Color Patterns.

Chapter 5: 5.1 – 5.5 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 S. R. Nagpaul, S. K. Jain-Topics in Applied Abstract Algebra-American

Mathematical Society (2004)


1. R.E. Klima,N.Sigmon, E. Stitzinger-Application of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE-CRC

2. Rudolf Lidl, Gunter Pilz – Applied Abstract Algebra-Springer (1997).
3. M.R. Adhikari, A.Adhikari- Basic modern Algebra with Applications-Springer(2014).
4. T.W.Judson –Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications (1997).
D.Joyner,R.Kreminski, J.Turisco -Applied Abstract Algebra(2003).

Objectives: To provide conceptual understanding of network security issues, challenges and
mechanisms. To develop basic skills of secure network architecture and explain the theory
behind the security of different cryptographic algorithms.To describe common network
vulnerabilities and attacks, defense mechanisms against network attacks, and cryptographic
protection mechanisms.To explore the requirements of real-time communication security and
issues related to the security of web services.
Course Outcome :At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Learn to classify the symmetric encryption techniques

CO2 Learn Illustrate various Public key cryptographic techniques.

CO3 Evaluate the authentication and hash algorithms.

CO4 Learn to implement authentication applications
CO5 Summarize the intrusion detection and its solutions to overcome the attacks. Basic
concepts of system level security

Unit I: Some Topics in Elementary Number Theory

Time estimates for doing arithmetic – Divisibility and the Euclidean algorithm – Congruences.
Chapter 1:Sections 1,2 and 3 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Finite Fields and Quadratic Residues

Some applications to factoring – Quadratic residues and reciprocity.

Chapter 1: Section 4 and Chapter 2:Section 2 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Cryptography

Some simple Cryptosystems – Enciphering matrices.

Chapter 3 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Public Key

The idea of public key cryptography – RSA – Discrete log – Knapsack – Zero- Knowledge
protocols and oblivious transfer.
Chapter 4Section 1 – 4. (18 Hours)

Unit V: Primality and Factoring

Pseudo primes – The rho method – Fermat factorization and factor bases – The continued
fraction method – The quadratic sieve method.
Chapter 5 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

 Neal Koblitz, “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography”- Second Edition,

Springer Publishers.


1. A.Menezes, P. van Oorschot and S. Vanstone, “Handbook of Applied Cryptography”,

CRC press, 1996.
2. Douglas R. Stinson “Cryptography theory and practice” Second Edition, Chapman and
Hall / CRC.
3. Tom. M. Apostol, “Introduction to Analytic Number Theory”, Springer, New Delhi,


Pre-requisite: Nil
The main objectives of this course are to:
OBJECTIVES 1. Solve complex mathematical problems using only simple arithmetic
operations. The approach involves formulation of mathematical models of
physical situations that can be solved with arithmetic operations.
2. Deal with various topics like finding roots of equations, solving systems
of linear algebraic equations, interpolation and regression analysis,
numerical integration & differentiation, solution of differential equation,
boundary value problems, solution of matrix problems

Course Outcome: On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
CO1 Apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions to mathematical
CO2 Derive numerical methods for various mathematical operations and tasks,
such as interpolation, differentiation, integration, the solution of linear and
nonlinear equations, and the solution of differential equations
CO3 Work numerically on the ordinary differential equations using different
methods through the theory of finite differences.
CO4 Familiar with numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution
of ordinary differential equations.
CO5 Improve and implement stable and accurate numerical methods to solve
linear systems of equations and find roots of linear and non-linear equations

Unit:1 Solution Of Numerical Algebraic And Transcendental Equations

The Bisection Method – Method of Successive approximations -Regula –falsi Method.

Unit:2 Solution Of Numerical Algebraic And Transcendental Equations

Newton‟s Raphson Method - Convergence of Newton‟s Method and rate of Convergence.

Unit:3 Solution Of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations

Gauss elimination method-Gauss Jordan method – Jacobi Iterative method - Gauss Seidal
method - Comparison of Gauss elimination and Gauss Seidal Iteration Method.

Unit:4 Numerical Solution Of Ordinary Differential Equations

Introduction-Power series approximations-Pointwise methods-Solution by Taylor
seriesTaylor series method for simultaneous first order differential equations.

Unit:5 Numerical Integration

Introduction-Trapezoidal rule-Simpson‟s one-third rule- Simpson‟s three-eighths rule.

Text Book(s)
1. P. Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathi, Numerical Methods, S. Chand & Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

2. S.C.Gupta and P.C.Raymond, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2000.

Reference Books:
1. M.K.Venkataraman, Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering, The National
publishing company, Fifth Edition, 1999.

2. S.S.Sastry, Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi, 1998.

Objectives: To develop logical thinking and its application to computer science (to
emphasize the importance of proving statements correctly and de-emphasize the hand-waving
approach towards correctness of an argument). The subject enhances one‟s ability to reason and
ability to present a coherent and mathematically accurate argument. About 40% of the course
time will be spent on logic and proofs and remaining 60% of the course time will be devoted to
functions, relations, etc

Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Construct mathematical arguments using logical connectives and quantifiers.
CO2 validate the correctness of an argument using statement and predicate calculus.
Understand how lattices and Boolean algebra are used as tools and mathematical
CO3 models in the study of networks.
learn how to work with some of the discrete structures which include sets,
CO4 relations, functions, graphs and recurrence relation..

Unit I: Mathematical Logic: Statement and notations, Connectives, Statement formulas and
truth table, Conditional and bi-conditional statements, Tautology and contradiction,
Equivalence of formulas, Tautological implications.

Unit II: Theory of Inference: Validity using truth table, Rules of inference, Consistency of
premises and indirect method of proof, Predicates, Statement function, Variables, Quantifiers,
Free and bound variables, Universe of discourse, Inference of the predicate calculus.

Unit III: Relation: Review of binary relations, equivalence relations, Compatibility

relation, Composition of binary relations, Composition of binary relations and
transitive closure, Partial ordering and partial ordered set.

Unit IV: Function: Review of functions and their enumeration, Pigeonhole principle.
Recurrence Relation: Iteration, Sequence and discrete functions, Recurrence relations,
Generating function.

Unit V: Lattice and Boolean Algebra: Lattice and algebraic system, Basic properties
of algebraic systems, Special types of lattices, Distributed, Complemented lattices, Boolean
algebra, Boolean expressions, Normal form of Boolean expressions, Boolean function
and its applications to logic GATES.

Reference Books :

1. J. P. Trembley and Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with

Applications to Computer Science, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1997.

2. Kenneth, H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, WCB / McGraw


3. Liu, C.L., Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill , New York, (1978).

To introduce the methods of optimization techniques.
OBJECTIVES To understand the theory of optimization techniques for solving various
types of optimization problems.
To provide with basic skills and knowledge of optimization techniques and
their applications.
To make the students familiar in solving techniques, analysing the results
and propose recommendations to the decision-making processes.

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Formulate a real-world problem as linear programming and queuing models

CO2 Assess the existence and uniqueness of solutions and derive necessary and
sufficient optimality conditions for a given optimization problem.
CO3 Understand the mathematical tools that are needed to solve optimization

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, students will be able to . .
Linear programming: Formulation – graphical solution. Simplex method.
Chapter 6
Unit – 3
Assignment problem: Mathematical Formulation. Comparison with Transportation
Model.Hungarian Method. Unbalanced Assignment problems
Chapter 8
Unit – 2
Transportation problem: Mathematical Formulation. Basic Feasible solution. North WestCorner
rule, Least Cost Method, Vogel‟s approximation. Optimal Solution.
Chapter 9
Unit – 3
Sequencing problem: n jobs on 2 machines – n jobs on 3 machines – two jobs on m
machines – n jobs on m machines.
Chapter 10
Unit – 4
Game theory : Two-person Zero-sum game with saddle point – without saddle point –dominance
– solving 2 x n or m x 2 game by graphical method.
Chapter 12 S
Unit – 5
Network: Project Network diagram – CPM and PERT computations.
Chapter 13
Operations Research, by R.K.Gupta , Krishna Prakashan India (p),Meerut Publications
Reference Books :
1. Gauss S.I. Linear programming , McGraw-Hill Book Company.

2 .Gupta P.K. and Hira D.S., Problems in Operations Research , S.Chand& Co.
4. Kanti Swaroop, Gupta P.K and Manmohan , Problems in Operations Research,
Sultan Chand & Sons
5. Ravindran A., Phillips D.T. and Solberg J.J., Operations Research, John wiley&
6. Taha H.A. Operation Research, Macmillan pub. Company, New York.
7. Linear Programming, Transporation, Assignment Game by Dr.Paria, Books and


 This course introduces functional analysis and operator theoretic concepts. This area
combines ideas from linear algebra and analysis in order to handle infinite-dimensional
vector spaces and linear mappings thereof.
 This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts which are crucial in the
modern study of partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, quantum mechanics,
applied probability and many other fields.

Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Appreciate how ideas from different areas of mathematics combine to produce new
tools that are more powerful than would otherwise be possible.
CO2 Understand how functional analysis underpins modern analysis.
CO3 Develop their mathematical intuition and problem-solving capabilities, especially in
predicting the space in which the solution of a partial differential equation belongs to.
CO4 Learn advanced analysis in terms of Sobolev spaces, Besov spaces, Orlicz spaces and
other distributional spaces.
CO5 Definition and examples of Banach Algebras – To understand the Regular and simple
elements, radical and semi-simplicity
Banach spaces - Definition and examples - Continuous Linear Transformations – Hahn Banach
Chapter 9: Sections 46 to 48 (18 Hours)


The natural embedding of N in N** - Open mapping theorem - Conjugate of an operator –
Hilbert space - Definition and properties.
Chapter 9: Sections 49 to 51; Chapter 10: Sections 52. (18 Hours)


Orthogonal complements - Orthonormal sets - Conjugate space H* - Adjoint of an operator.
Chapter 10: Sections 53 to 56. (18 Hours)


Self-adjoint operator - Normal and Unitary Operators – Projections.
Chapter 12: Sections 57 to 59. (18 Hours)


Banach Algebras - Definition and examples - Regular and simgle elements - Topological
divisors of zero - spectrum - the formula for the spectral radius - the radical and semi-simplicity.
Chapter 12: Sections 64 to 69. (18 Hours)

Recommended Text:
 G.F.Simmons, Introduction to topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw Hill International
Book Company, New York, 1963.

Reference Books:
1. W. Rudin Functional Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1973.
2. H.C. Goffman and G. Fedrick, First Course in Functional Analysis, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 1987.
3. Bela Bollobas, Linear Analysis an introductory course, Cambridge Mathematical Text
books, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
4. D. Somasundaram, Functional Analysis, S. Viswanathan Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 1994.
5. G. Bachman &L.Narici, Functional Analysis Academic Press, New York, 1966.
6. E. KreyszigIntroductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John wiley& Sons, New



OBJECTIVES The aim of the course is to discuss kinematics of fluids in motion,

Equations of motion of a fluid, three dimensional flows, two dimensional
flows and viscous flows.

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Students know what are Real fluids and ideal fluids, flows and solved
problems regarding this.
CO2 Solved some problems and derivations about equation of motion of fluid and
learn some naming theorems.
CO3 Students got some knowledge about some three dimensional and two
dimensional flows.
CO4 To understand the geometrical knowledge of two dimensional flows – use
of cylindrical polar coordinates and complex velocity potential for standard
two dimensional flows – the Milne-Thomson circle theorem with examples.

CO5 Analyze the Stress components and relation between Cartesian

components of stress, translation motion of a fluid element – the rate of
strain quadric. Navier –Stokes equations of motion of a viscous fluid.

Unit I: Kinematics of fluids in motion:

Real fluids and ideal fluids - velocity of a fluid at a point - stream lines and path lines - steady
and unsteady flows - the velocity potential - the vorticity vector - local and particle rates of
change - the equation of continuity - worked examples.

Chapter 2 : 2.1 – 2.8 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Equation of motion of fluid:

Pressure at a point in fluid at rest - Pressure at a point in a moving fluid - conditions at a

boundary of two inviscid immiscible fluids - Euler‟s equation of motion - Bernoulli‟s equation –
worked examples.

Chapter 3 : 3.1 – 3.6 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Some three dimensional flows:

Introduction – sources – sinks and doublets – Axis symmetric flow – Stokes stream function.

Chapter 4 : 4.1– 4.2 & 4.5 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Some two dimensional flows:

Meaning of two dimensional flows – use of cylindrical polar coordinates – the stream function –
the potential for two dimensional – irrotational – incompressible flows – complex velocity
potential for standard two dimensional flows – the Milne-Thomson circle theorem with

Chapter 5 : 5.1 – 5.5 & 5.8 (18 Hours)

Unit V : Viscous Flows : Stress components in real fluids – relation between Cartesian
components of stress – translation motion of a fluid element – the rate of strain quadric and
principle stresses – Some further properties of the rate of strain quadric stress analysis in fluid
motion – relation between stress and rate of strain – the co-efficient of viscosity and laminar
flow– the Navier –Stokes equations of motion of a viscous fluid.
Chapter 8 : 8.1 –8.7 and 8.9 (18 Hours)

Text Book:

1. F. Chorlton, Text book of Fluid Dynamics, CBS Publication, New Delhi, 1985.
2. M.K.Venkataraman, Advanced Engineering & Sciences, The National Publishing Co.


1. G.K.Batchelor, An Introduction of Fluid Mechanics, Foundation Books, New Delhi,1993.

2. A.R.Paterson, A First Course in Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, New York,

3. R.K.Rathy, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, IBH Publishing Company, New Delhi,1976.

4. R.Von Mises, O.Friedrichs, Fluid Dynamics, Springer International Student Edition,Narosa

Publishing House, New Delhi.

5. S.W.Yuan, Foundation of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1976.



Find quotients and remainders from integer division. Apply Euclid‟s

OBJECTIVES algorithm and backwards substitution, understand the definitions of
congruences, residue classes and least residues. Add and subtract integers,
modulo n, multiply integers and calculate powers, modulo n . Determine
multiplicative inverses, modulo n and use to solve linear congruences.

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to

CO1 Learn to apply mathematical concepts and principles to perform numerical

and symboliccomputations.use technology appropriately to investigate and
solve mathematical and statisti-cal problems.
CO2 Learn write clear and precise proofs.iv. communicate effectively in both
written and oral form. Understand the concept of a congruence and use
various results related to con-gruences including the Chinese Remainder
CO3 Demonstrate the ability to read and learn mathematics and/or statistics inde-
pendently. Identify certain number theoretic functions and their properties
CO4 To dentify and apply various properties of and relating to the integers
includingthe Well-Ordering Principle, primes, unique factorization, the
division algorithm,and greatest common divisors.
CO5 Solve certain types of Diophantine equations. Identify how number theory is
related to and used in cryptography.
UNIT I: Divisibility and Congruence:
Divisibility – Primes – Congruences – Solutions of Congruences – Congruences of Degree one.
(Chapter 1: Sections 1.1 to 1.3 and Chapter 2: Sections: 2.1 to 2.3)

UNIT II: Congruence:

The function φ (n) – Congruences of higher degree – Prime Power moduli – Prime Modulus –
Congruence‟s of degree two, Prime modulus – power Residues. (Chapter 2: Sections 2.4 to 2.9).

UNIT III: Quadratic Reciprocity:

Quadratic residues - Quadratic reciprocity - The Jacobi Symbol – Greatest Integer function. (Chapter 3:
Sections 3.1 to 3.3 and Chapter 4: Section: 4).

UNIT IV: Some functions of Number Theory:

Arithmetic functions – The Mobius inverse formula – The multiplication of arithmetic functions. (Chapter
4: Sections 4.2 to 4.4).

UNIT V: Some Diaphantine Equations:

The equation ax+by = c – positive solutions – Other linear equations – The equation 𝑋 2 + 𝑌 2 = 𝑍 2 - The
equation 𝑋 4 + 𝑌 4 = 𝑍 4 Sums of four and five squares – Waring‟s problem – Sum of fourth powers –
Sum of two squares. (Chapter 5: Sections 5.1 to 5.10).


1.Ivan Niven and H.S Zuckerman, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 3rd edition, Wiley Eastern
Ltd., New Delhi, 1989.


1. D.M Burton, Elementary number Theory, Universal Book Stall, New Delhi 2001.
2. K. Ireland and M.Rosen, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, Springer Verlag, New
York, 1972.
3. T.M Apostol, Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Narosa Publication, House, Chennai, 1980.



Objectives 1.The ability to understand the characteristics of various types of
nonlinearities present in physical systems.
2.The ability to carry out the stability analysis of non-linear control systems.
3.To learn the methods for analyzing the behavior of nonlinear control
systems and the designing of control systems

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 The ability to carry out the analysis and design of digital control systems.
CO2 The ability to design compensators for digital control system to achieve
desired specifications. Ability to perform the stability analysis nonlinear
systems by Lyapunov method develop design skills in optimal control
CO3 The ability to represent digital control systems using state space models.
Ability to derive discrete-time mathematical models in both time domain
(difference equations, state equations) and z-domain
CO4 The ability to analyze the effect sampling on stability, controllability and
observability. Ability to predict and analyze transient and steady-state
responses and stability and sensitivity of both open-loop and closed-loop
linear, time-invariant, discrete-time control systems
CO5 The ability to design digital controllers for industrial applications. Ability to
acquire knowledge of state space and state feedback in modern control
systems, pole placement, design of state observers and output feedback
Skill development: Understanding and learning how control theory underpins modern
technologies and provides an insight in mathematical analysis.

Unit I:

Observability: Linear Systems – Observability Grammian – Constant coefficient systems –

Reconstruction kernel – Nonlinear Systems. Chapter 2 (18 Hours)

Unit II:

Controllability: Linear systems – Controllability Grammian – Adjoint systems – Constant

coefficient systems – Steering function – Nonlinear systems. Chapter 3: Sections 3.1-3.3 (18

Unit III:

Stability: Stability – Uniform stability – Asymptotic stability of linear systems - Linear time
varying systems – Perturbed linear systems – Nonlinear systems. Chapter 4 (18 Hours)

Unit IV:

Stabilizability: Stabilization via linear feedback control – Bass method – Controllable subspace
– Stabilization with restricted feedback. Chapter 5 (18 Hours)

Unit V:

Optimal Control: Linear time varying systems with quadratic performance criteria – Matrix
Riccati equation – Linear time invariant systems – Nonlinear Systems. Chapter 6 (18 Hours)

K.Balachandran and J.P.Dauer, Elements of Control Theory, Narosa, New Delhi, 1999.

Books for Supplementary Reading and Reference:

1. R.Conti, Linear Differential Equations and Control, Academic Press, London, 1976.

2. R.F.Curtain and A.J.Pritchard, Functional Analysis and Modern Applied Mathematics,

Academic Press, New York, 1977.

3. J.Klamka, Controllability of Dynamical Systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht,




Objectives: This Course aims to study the network problems, inventory models, linear
programming problems, queuing models and replacement models in the real life situations.

Course Outcome: At the end of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Discuss Basic ConceptsConvex sets, Linear Programming Problem.
CO2 Solve the Network problems by using CPM and PERT methods.
CO3 Identify EOQ of inventory models and when to replace an item in the replacement
CO4 Compute the steady state probabilities for various queuing models.
CO5 Describethe Individual replacement and Group replacement.


Linear Programming Basic Concepts - Convex sets, Linear Programming Problem (LPP).
Examples of LPP. Huperplane, Open and closed half - spaces. Feasible, basic feasible and
optimal solutions. Extreme point and graphical method.

Chapter: Appendix – A1 – A7 (18 hours)


Basic differences between PERT and CPM - Steps in PERT / CPM Techniques - PERT / CPM
Network components and Precedence Relationships - Critical Path Analysis - Probability in
PERT Analysis - Project Time - Cost Trade Off - Updating the Project.

Chapter - 13: 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.7, 13.8. (18 hours)


Meaning of Inventory Control - Functional classification - Advantage of Carrying Inventory -
Features of Inventory System - Inventory Model building - Deterministic Inventory Models with
or without shortage - Probabilistic Inventory models with or without shortage.

Chapter - 14: 14.2 – 14.6 (18 hours)


Essential features of Queueing System - Operating Characteristic of Queueing System -
Probabilistic Distribution in Queueing Systems - Classification of Queueing Models - Solution of
Queueing Models - Probability Distribution of Arrivals and Departures.

Chapter - 16: 16.2 – 16.7 with Appendix 16.A. (18 hours)

Replacement models - Items that deteriorate with time - When money value changes - Item that
fail completely - Individual replacement and Group replacement.

Chapter - 17: 17.1 – 17.4 (18 hours)

Recommended Text:

 J.K.Sharma, Operations Research Theory and Applications, 3rd Edition

(2007), Macmillan India Ltd.
Reference Books:

1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta P.K., and Manmohan, (2008), Operations Research, S. Chand &

2. HamdyA.Taha, Operations Research (6th Edition), Prentice Hall of India Private Limited,
New Delhi.

3. S.D.Sharma, Operations Research, Kedamanth Ramnath & Co., 2006.

4. F.S.Hillier and J.Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research (8th Edition), Tata

McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006.

Familiarize the students with the fundamentals of fuzzy sets, operations on
Objectives these sets and concept of membership function. Familiar with fuzzy
relations and the properties of these relations .To know the concept of a
fuzzy number and how it is defined. Become aware of the use of fuzzy
inference systems in the design of intelligent systems

Course Outcome: At the completion of the Course, the Students will able to
CO1 Understand the concepts of Fuzzy sets and its types – Characteristics –
Significance of the paradigm shift.
CO2 Be able to distinguish between the crisp set and fuzzy set concepts through the
learned differences between the crisp set characteristic function and the fuzzy set
membership function.
CO3 To know Fuzzy intersection – t-norms, fuzzy unions – t-conorms.
Combinations of operations – Aggregation operations.
CO4 Apply the concept of a fuzzy number and apply in real world problems
CO5 Student practice to construct various methods of fuzzy sets using sample data.

Unit I: Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzy sets – Basic types – basic concepts – Characteristics – Significance of the paradigm shift –
Additional properties of α–cuts.
Chapter 1: 1.3 - 1.5 and Chapter 2: 2.1 (18 Hours)

Unit II: Fuzzy sets versus CRISP sets

Representation of fuzzy sets – Extension principle of fuzzy sets – Operation on fuzzy sets –
Types of operation – Fuzzy Complements.
Chapter 2: 2.2 - 2.3 and Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.2 (18 Hours)

Unit III: Operations on Fuzzy sets

Fuzzy intersection – t-norms, fuzzy unions – t-conorms – Combinations of operations –
Aggregation operations.
Chapter 3: 3.3 - 3.6 (18 Hours)

Unit IV: Fuzzy Arithmetic

Fuzzy numbers – Linguistic variables – Arithmetic operation on intervals – Lattice of fuzzy
Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.4 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Constructing Fuzzy Sets

Methods of construction on overview – direct methods with one expert – direct method with
multiple experts – indirect method with multiple experts and one expert – Construction from
sample data.
Chapter 10: 10.1 - 10.7 (18 Hours)

Text Book:
 G.J Kilr and Bo Yuan, Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications, Prentice
Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.

1. H.J Zimmemann, Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications, Allied Publishers, Chennai,
2. A.Kaufman, Introduction to the Theory of fuzzy subsets, Academic press, New York,
3. V.Novak, Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1969.

After completing this course, students will be able to interpret the
OBJECTIVES concepts of random variables in terms of probability theory. Defines the
concepts of probability space, random variable and probability
Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 To know the fundamental concepts of Probability Spaces – Random
variables and Stochastic Processes. Brownian motion – Construction of the
Integral, Properties and its extensions.
CO2 The one dimensional and Multi-dimensional Formula are applied.
Martingale Representation Theorem.
CO3 To find the Solution for an Existence and Uniqueness Result – Weak and
Strong Solutions.
CO4 Introduction on one -Dimensional and Multidimensional Linear Filtering
Problems are exercised.
CO5 Markov Property, Strong Markov Property – and Generator of Diffusion,
Dynkin Formula are able to understand.

Unit I: Mathematical Preliminaries and Itô Integrals

Probability Spaces – Random variables and Stochastic Processes – An Important Example:
Brownian motion – Construction of the Itô Integral – Some Properties of the Itô Integral –
Extensions of the Itô Integral.
Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.2 and Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.3 (18 Hours)
Unit II: Itô Formula and Martingale Representation Theorem
The 1 - dimensional Itô Formula - The Multi-dimensional Itô Formula – The Martingale
Representation Theorem.
Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.3 (18 Hours)
Unit III: Stochastic Differential Equations
Examples and Some Solution Methods – An Existence and Uniqueness Result – Weak and
Strong Solutions.
Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.3 (18 Hours)
Unit IV: The Filtering Problem
Introduction – The 1-Dimensional Linear Filtering Problem – The Multidimensional Linear
Filtering Problem.
Chapter 6: 6.1 - 6.3 (18 Hours)

Unit V: Diffusions: Basic Properties
The Markov Property – The Strong Markov Property – The Generator of an Itô Diffusion – The
Dynkin Formula – The Characteristic Operator.
Chapter 7: 7.1 - 7.5 (18 Hours)

Text Book :
• B. Oksendal, Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications,Sixth
Edition, Springer - Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003.
• Avner Friedman, Stochastic Differential Equations and Application, Dover
Publications, 2006.
• Ludwig Arnold, Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Applications, Dover
Publications, 2011.
• Hui-HsiungKuo, Introduction to Stochastic Integration, Springer-Verlag, 2006
• Douglas Henderson and Peter Plaschko, Stochastic Differential Equations in Science
and Engineering, World Scientific, 2006.




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