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Approval Project Manager: Ministry of Electricity (Moe) Republic of Iraq

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Project manager

0 November ‘17 Initially Dan Pîrvulescu Florinel Petrilă Gheorghe Ţăranu

Revision Sheet
IFB no. M21-21-2016
Rehabilitation of Unit 3
Facilities and Common System, Al Mussaib Thermal Power Plant Rehabilitation




Dan Pîrvulescu November ‘17

Florinel Petrilă November ‘17
Gheorghe Ţăranu November ‘17


IFB no. M-21-2016 XXXXXXXXX 0

1. PURPOSE...........................................................................................................3
2. DOMAIN..............................................................................................................3
3. TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................3
4. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...............................................................................3
5. RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................3
6. PROCEDURE......................................................................................................4
6.1 Generalities.....................................................................................................................4
6.2 Initial Conditions.............................................................................................................5
6.3 Earthlings execution......................................................................................................5
6.4 Grounding network execution......................................................................................5
6.5 Installation of the lightning protector..........................................................................6
6.6 The earthling of equipment...........................................................................................7
7. FORMS / RECORDS / ANNEXES.......................................................................7
7.1 Forms / Records.............................................................................................................7
7.2 Annexes............................................................................................................................8

This procedure describes the assembling activities for realizing installations of lightning
protection and grounding of the equipment and installations.

It applies at assembling installations of grounding and lightning protection in industrial
domain and tertiary, realized by S.C. ELCOMEX I.E.A. S.A.


3.1 Term Definition

3.1.1 – H.W.R. Hidden works record

3.1.2 The other definitions and abbreviations are according to Chapter 3 of the “Integrated
Management Manual”, code MMI-01, of S.C. ELCOMEX I.E.A. S.A. latest revision.


At the latest applicable revision

Document type Documents

International 4.1 SR EN ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management systems. Requirements.
Standards 4.2 SR EN ISO 14001:2015 – Environment management systems. Requirements
with user guide.
4.3 SR OHSAS 18001:2008 - Systems de management al OH&S management
systems. Requirements.
4.4 SR ISO / TR 10013:2006 - Guidelines for quality management system‘s
4.5 IEC 60228 / 2005 – Conductors of insulated cables.
4.6 NTE 007/08-00 – Norm for electrical cables networks design and installation;
4.7 Tests for electrical cables;
4.8 Cables, terminals and splices manufacturer instructions.
4.9 IEC 60287 – Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating;
4.10 IEC 60502-1 / 2006 – Power cables with extruded insulation and their
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um=1,2kV) up to 30kV (Um=36kV).
Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV (Um=1,2kV) and 3kV (Um=3,6kV).
4.11 IEC 60502-2 / 2006 – Power cables with extruded insulation and their
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um=1,2kV) up to 30kV (Um=36kV).
Part 2 : Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um=7,2kV) up to 30kV

NOTE: The user’s responsibility is to ensure that it is using the valid editions of the
documents, by reading the reference list of the documents.


Position / Competence
5.1. Head of Site
5.1.1. Provides diffusion of this procedure to the subordinate organizational entities and checks its
5.1.2. Makes sure that the work will be carried out in conformity with the execution and compliance with
this procedure.
5.1.3. Makes sure that the works will be performed with adequate tools and devices and measuring
instruments with metrological approval in term.
5.1.4. Makes sure that he works will be performed by trained, qualified and authorized staff as needed.

5.2. Head od Department

5.2.1. Is responsible for training the subordinate staff with provisions of the procedure.
5.2.2. Is responsible for the smooth running of the work from technical, organizational, work security,
fire prevention and environmental protection point of view.
5.2.3. Is responsible for the execution of works under the requirements of the execution documentation
and in compliance with this procedure and the other applicable documents.
5.2.4. Confirms the execution of works in the specific quality records.
5.2.5. Requests the presence of the QC staff designated at reaching stationary points (H) or assistance
(W) marked as such in the specific ITP.

5.3 Technical responsible for welding

5.3.1. Makes sure that the welders are authorized for work categories that they will perform.
5.3.2. Sets out the specifications for the applicable welding processes.
5.3.3. Trains the welders and ensures that welds will be performed in accordance with approved
technical documents.
5.3.4. Trains and authorizes operators to realize the electrical connections by exothermic processes.

5.4 QC Supervisor
5.4.1. Checks whether the work is performed in accordance with the execution documentation and with
provisions of other applicable documents.
5.4.2. Checks installing activities in accordance with the specific ITP.
5.4.3. Shall confirm the quality of works by signing, dating and stamping related quality records.
5.4.4. Proposes corrective / preventive measures throughout the work, if there are found manifested or
potential nonconformities.

6.1 Generalities
6.1.1. A grounding installation consists of the following main elements:
a) natural and artificial earthling as well as connection conductors between them;
b) grounding conductors network:
- main conductors;
- branch conductors from main conductors;
- connection conductors between main and earthling conductors.
6.1.2. A lightning protection system consists of:
a) capture elements (rods, stretched conductors, capture networks) and their
b) descent conductors;
c) earthing system, which can be common with earthing installation socket.
6.1.3. Location, configuration, materials, dimensions, components elevations of the earthing
and lightning protection installations shall be in accordance with the installation documentation.
Common materials are carbon steel protected by hot galvanizing and copper.
6.1.4. Connections of constituents are usually non-demountable. Where demountable joints
are needed (for example, to achieve separation measurements) this will be detailed in the
installation documentation.

4|9 The permanent joints of carbon steel components are achieved by overlapping,
welded on three parts as in PS-G00-058.
The permanent joints of copper elements are performed by exothermic
processes according to PS-G00-091.
Demountable connections are done with crimped slippers, mechanical
connectors, overlapping or bolted cover plates by case.
Restoring the protection coatings damaged during the installation is done
according to PTE-ELC-046.
6.1.5. For all parts from installations which are buried in the ground or locks in the
construction, H.W.R. will be made, unless the customer agrees to use other types of records.

6.2 Initial Conditions

6.2.1. Before the work starts, the conditions of IC-ELC-006 procedure must be provided and
6.2.2. Will not be admitted for installation damaged elements, with incomplete protection
coating or rust points.

6.3 Earthlings execution

6.3.1. Natural earthing are made of reinforcements of the constructions foundation which
was foreseen during the concrete pouring phase with conductors to achieve continuity up to
connecting pieces that are set in the construction in question, accessible for subsequent
6.3.2. Artificial earthing are flush-mounted and consist of vertical / horizontal electrode3s
and connecting conductors electrodes. The electrodes are mounted at a depth of minimum 0.5 m (recommended 0.8
m) and a minimum distance of 1 m from the buildings foundation. Vertical electrodes are inserted
into the soil by striking with the adequate machines and devices. When installation documentation requires, inspection boxes are mounted
above the vertical electrodes.
6.3.3. If the soil resistivity is required, the vertical electrodes are mounted in drilling at the
depth and diameter achieved in the project. The electrode is planted in the drilling shaft and the
free space is filled with a mixture of bentonite and water with the ratio 0.7 kg bentonite per 1 l of
6.3.4. Conductors connecting the electrodes are buried at a depth of minimum 0.5 m
(recommended 0.8) and at minimum distance of 0.6 m from the buildings foundation. All joints shall
be non-demountable.
6.3.5. Natural / artificial earthings shall interconnect according to the assembling

6.4 Grounding network execution

6.4.1. Grounding conductors are embedded mounted in walls and ceilings or apparently
mounted as required in the assembling documentation.
6.4.2. Embedded conductors are installed along with reinforcing the construction, achieving
a position to provide a minimum concrete cover of 5 cm. Derivate will be done for the connection
parts mounted on the walls or ceilings. Cooper connection pieces have threaded holes provided for
connections and this is why before their attachment to the reinforcement, formwork bonded, holes
shall be obstructed with adequate plugs. After removing the formwork, the connection pieces shall
be immediately cleaned of the construction materials remains.

Where there are conductor reserves, taken out of the concrete, for subsequent
connections, the dimensions foreseen in the project will be followed and measures for protection
against damage should be taken.
6.4.3. The apparently mounted conductors will respect the configuration. the type of
supports, the distances between supports and derivations specified in the installation
documentation. Where there are no specifications, the following distances are recommended:
- height above the finished floor of about: 300 mm;
- distance between supports: 0.8 ÷ 1 m;
- in the branch or changes of direction points, the supports are mounted at 0.5 m
from the point;
- the last support on the derivate will be at 150 mm from the ends of derivate. On concrete or brickwork surfaces supports are fixed with anchors / dowels
according to PTE-ELC-045. On metallic structures, supports are fixed by welding according to PS-G00-058
or with screws. Copper conductors can also be attached through exothermic connections
according to PS-G00-091.
6.4.4. Apparently mounted copper conductors are mechanically protected in metallic pipes,
mounted according to IM-ELC-089. In this case, it is mandatory to create a secure electrical
connection between pipe and conductor, at both ends of the pipe.
6.4.5. When passing through walls and / or ceilings, conductors shall be protected in
adequate sized pipe.
6.4.6. Network connecting for grounding conductors is done according to the installation
documentation, but through at least 2 connections located preferable at the ends.

6.5 Installation of the lightning protector

6.5.1. The capture system will respect the configuration, type of component elements, types
of supports, distance between supports and types of connections specified in the installation
documentation. For fixing and connecting capturing rods, the recommendations from the
component supplier are taken into account.
6.5.2. The number of descent conductors, used materials, type of supports, distance
between supports and type of connections with the capture system will be the ones specified in the
installation documentation. The descent conductors are made preferably in one piece, without joints. Descent conductors are installed vertically and straight down, ensuring the
shortest route between capture system and the earthing. Each descent links straight to the earthing by permanent joining. It is not
allowed to link together several descents and connection through a single conductor to the
earthing. In case separation parts for the measurements are provided in the
documentation, they will be placed at about 2 m above the ground. The descent conductors shall be protected against mechanical damage on a
height of 2 m above the ground and 0.3 m below ground level, using steel profiles. When the
solution is adopted to protect the pipe or other profiles closed around the conductor, a strong
electrical contact will be realized between conductor and both ends of the protection.
6.5.3. The descents interconnect through a horizontal conductor from 20 to 20 m along the
building height.
6.5.4. The descent conductors shall be installed only after realizing the earthings to be able
to connect immediately after installation.

6.5.5. The earthings for installations of lightning protector are usually shared with the ones
for electrical installations. When installation documentation provides separate outlets, there are
made according to section 6.3.

6.6 The earthling of equipment

6.6.1. General requirements Earthing of equipment is always done through some branch conductors. The
type of the equipment connection (detachable or not) is specified in the installation documentation. Earthing of equipment subjected to vibrations is always done using a flexible
copper conductor. If more grouped mounted equipment must be linked to a branch, a connection
piece made of the same material as the conductor branch shall be mounted. Laying of earthing conductors will respect the rules in section 6.4.3.
6.6.2. Earthing for cables routes Cable routes through which the fixing system ensure secure electrical contact
with earthed metal structures, no longer require additional links. On the outside of the top rastel grounding conductor provided in the
documentation is continuously posed. The fixing parts used must achieve a secure electrical contact between the
rastel and conductor. At the distances specified in the installation documentation, a link is provided to
the grounding network and interconnects overlapping routes.
6.6.3. Earthing of protection cable pipes Protection cable pipes are grounded at one end. Electrical continuity must be
achieved in the pulling boxes and expansion elements zone. Links between pipe and conductor are made with the parts specified in the
installation documentation. If it’s not specified, the conductors are flexible and made of copper, with
the section equal with half of the power phase, but not smaller than 16 mm 2 for copper and 50 mm2
for steel.
6.6.4. Earthing of electrical distribution equipment and of electrical consumers The number of connections, the sections and conductor’s material as well as
the type of joint will be provided in the mounting documentation. If it is not specified, the conductors
will be flexible and made of copper with section equal to half power phase, but not less than 16
mm2, with demountable joints.
6.6.5. Grounding of measurement and control installations Sections and material of the conductor as well as the type of joints will be the
ones in the mounting documentation.
If it is not specified, the conductors will be flexible and made of copper, with
demountable joints, having the following sections:
- 16 mm2 for boxes with clips;
- 4 mm2 insulated, green / yellow color for measurement and control devices.
6.6.6. Earthing of other equipment and metal structures The number of connections, the conductor sections and material as well as the
type of joint, will be those set out in the mounting documentation.


7.1 Forms / Records
7.1.1. Hidden works record, from code FORM-ELC-180, last revision.

7.2 Annexes
7.2.1. Hidden works record, from code FORM-ELC-180, revision 4.

No. Date
Unit BSI / Code
Object Form
Contractor Contract / Work Packet
Work phase to be verified:

Identifying elements (sector, pad, axis, level etc.)

Verification has been done according to provisions from Design


Drawings No.

SD No. From
Applied technical
regulations in force:

NOTE. Sketch shall be attached

First name First name
Signature, and Signature, date
and From the side From the side
date Last name
Last name

DISSEMINATION: Original - at the Project File, copy - to the Client and to the other participants


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