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Trichiasis: Characteristics and Management Options

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Trichiasis: Characteristics and management


Article in Insight - the Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses · April 2011
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Bradley J Kirkwood
Flinders University


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Trichiasis: Characteristics and
Management Options
by Bradley J. Kirkwood, ma, bn, rn and Rodney A. Kirkwood, md, franzco

Trichiasis is a common disorder in which eyelashes or cilia arising from their normal
position are misdirected toward the ocular surface. This condition frequently causes
ocular surface irritation and commonly results from eyelid inflammation and scar-
ring which disrupts the direction of growth of cilia follicles. The knowledge of eyelid
and cilia anatomy is important to the success of the treatment. Management options
include epilation, electrolysis, radiofrequency ablation, laser photoablation, cryother-
apy and surgical removal of the offending cilia. Treatment is made by the clinician
based upon the number, distribution and severity of the trichiasis. Recognition and
management of the underlying cause of the trichiasis should also be addressed. Nev-
Bradley J. Kirkwood, MA, BN, RN ertheless, recalcitrant or recurrent cilia are not unusual despite a systematic approach
Ophthalmic Nurse Specialist to this condition. This article will briefly discuss trichiasis and the relevant eyelid and
Professional Eye Centre, Mackay cilia anatomy. Subsequently, the current treatment modalities for trichiasis and their
Queensland, Australia complications will be described.
P.O. Box 10122
Mt. Pleasant, Queensland Introduction
Australia 4740
bradkirkwood@bigpond.com Trichiasis is a condition in which the eyelashes (cilia) are abnormally misdirected
­toward the ocular surface. The cause of trichiasis can range from idiopathic to chronic
Rodney A. Kirkwood, MD, FRANZCO eyelid margin inflammation (e.g., posterior blepharitis), eyelid margin ­scarring (e.g.,
trauma, surgery) and conjunctival scarring (e.g., burns, cicatricial disease).1 Trichiasis­
may be classified according to the amount of misdirected ­eyelashes: minor trichia-
sis affects fewer than 5 cilia (Figure 1) and major trichiasis affects 5 or more cilia
Disclosure: The authors have disclosed (Figure 2).1
that they do not have a conflicting
relationship of a financial, professional, Minor trichiasis is relatively common, although the frequency is unknown, as a
or personal nature related to this activity. number of patients attending for ophthalmic care are unreported. The majority of
An off label use of a commercial product patients are symptomatic, as the cilia rub against the ocular surface causing a foreign
or device is not discussed. body sensation. Other frequent complaints are photophobia, tearing, discharge, dry
eye sensation, burning, pain, blepharospasm and conjunctival congestion.1 Ocular
Learning Objectives: examination with slit-lamp biomicroscopy can show one or more misdirected cilia,
1. Name three common symptoms of superficial punctate keratopathy, corneal abrasion, infection, vascularization, opaci-
trichiasis ties and loss of vision.
2. Describe underlying causes of trichiasis continued on the next page
3. Compare current treatment modalities
for trichiasis
Accreditation: This continuing education
activity is provided by ASORN.
ASORN is accredited as a provider of
continuing nursing education by the
American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
Commission on Accreditation
Post-test: To take this examination
for continuing education credits, go to Figure 1: Minor trichiasis of the right lower lid Figure 2: Major trichiasis in the lateral aspect of
www.actioned.org. (arrow) left upper lid (arrow)

I n s i g h t The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses, Inc. | April–June 2011 | Vol. XXXVI, No. 2
Continuing Education (CE) Article

Trichiasis : Characteristics and Management Options

Continued from page 5

Trachoma is a chronic, keratoconjunctivitis caused by the obli-

gate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis and remains a
prominent cause of major trichiasis development.2 Trachoma is
currently estimated to affect approximately 10 million people.3
Other cilia disorders that may result in ocular surface damage
include distichiasis, a congenital (and often autosomal domi-
nant) or acquired condition in which an extra row of lashes
is seen emerging from the ducts of the meibomian glands.4
Anomalous cilia can also be noted behind the orifices of the
meibomian glands due to the metaplasia of the tarsal glands fol-
lowing conjunctival scarring. Entropion occurs when the eyelid
margin turns inward, causing the cilia to touch the ocular sur-
face. Epiblepharon is a condition where an extra horizontal fold
of skin inferiorly redirects the lashes toward the ocular surface.5
Several treatment modalities are available for patients with
trichiasis. The treatment aims to remove the aberrant cilia and
reduce the patient’s symptoms. Treatments range from simple
methods such as epilation to electrolysis, laser and surgery.
Success rates vary with each treatment option and commonly
the option employed is in conjunction with management of any
underlying mechanism by which the trichiasis has occurred. It
is important for ophthalmic nurses and technicians to be aware
of the various treatment options available along with their suc-
cess rate. This article will briefly discuss trichiasis, present the
related anatomy of the eyelids and cilia, and then discuss the
various management options for trichiasis.
Figure 3: Schematic section of the lower lid
Relevant anatomy
The role of the eyelids is for ocular protection, production are mediated by the orbicularis oculi and levator palpebrae
and distribution of the tear film, and to allow drainage of tear muscles. A distinguishing feature of the anterior lamella is the
film through the nasolacrimal system. The cilia also provide cilia. The upper lid contains five or six rows of cilia, whereas
a protective mechanism by catching airborne debris before it the lower lid contains three to four.8 Approximately 100 to
touches the ocular surface. An understanding of the eyelid 150 cilia are found in the upper eyelid, and approximately
and cilia anatomy is required when examining the eye and 50 to 75 cilia are in the lower eyelid.8 A loss of cilia (madarosis)
periorbital area. The eyelid margins are the surfaces of the lids may be an indication of an eyelid neoplasm. Cilia are usually
that oppose each other during closure and are approximately darker than other hairs and are not permanent structures. Each
30 mm in length and 2 mm thick.6 The anatomical features of cilium lasts for approximately five months, then is shed from its
the eyelids can be separated into anterior and posterior lamel- follicle.9 Unless the follicle is destroyed, a new cilium will begin
lae. The ­anterior lamella is comprised of skin, cilia, muscle and to generate as soon as the old one is shed.10 Cilia do not turn
glands, whilst the posterior lamella is composed of the tarsal grey with age.8 Acquired whitening of lashes (poliosis) may
plate, ­conjunctiva and glands (Figure 3). In the central aspect of be a sign of blepharitis or conditions such as Vogt-Koyanagi-
the eyelid margin is the sulcus intermarginalis of Graefe, more Harada­ syndrome.11
­commonly known as the grey line.7 The grey line is an impor- The superior cilia curl outward and up while the lower curl
tant landmark for eyelid surgery. outward and down, to avoid interlacing when blinking. Lash
The eyelid skin is amongst the thinnest in the body and receives ptosis is a condition where the cilia point inferiorly instead of
its sensory innervation from the first and second divisions of the curling outward and up from the upper lid. Lid cilia, unlike the
trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V). Human eyelid movements skin, are free of an arrector pili muscle and their length varies

I n s i g h t The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses, Inc. | April–June 2011 | Vol. XXXVI, No. 2
Continuing Education (CE) Article

between 8 to 12 mm in the upper lid and from 6 to 8 mm in the destroyed. Success rate may improve with successive treat-
lower lid.8 Similar to hair on the body, cilia grow from follicles ments. More recently, an ultrafine needle of 55 µm thickness
below the skin surface. Follicles are pockets of specialized cells was shown to have a success rate of approximately 67% after
able to synthesize proteins to form cilia. All human hair demon- one treatment and a 100% success rate after two or three addi-
strates three stages of growth that continue in a cyclic fashion. tional treatments.14 Complications of electrolysis include eyelid
The anagen, or growth phase, leads to the catagen or transition inflammation, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, eye-
phase.12 The telogen, or resting phase, follows just prior to the lid notching and eyelid scarring.
resumption of the anagen phase.12 The cilia fibre is shorter than
scalp hair due to a shorter anagen phase and its being rooted Radiofrequency ablation
approximately 2 mm below the skin.8 The reported growth rate
A recent study reported the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation
of cilia is approximately 120–130 µm daily.8 The anagen phase
of minor trichiasis.15 The treatment technique is comparable to
ranges from 20–55 days, with the complete cycle being recorded
electrolysis and the current is applied until bubbling or froth-
at around three months.8
ing is seen at the base of the eyelash. The treatment selectively
Various glands are located in the eyelids. The meibomian glands destroys the follicles and approximately 0.5 mm of adjacent
are sebaceous glands located in the upper and lower lid tarsal tissue.15 The success rate of the treatment was approximately
plates. The orifices for the meibomian glands are located on the 65% after one treatment and 100% after two or three additional
lid margin posterior to the grey line. Meibomian glands contrib- treatments. The complications included eyelid edema, erythema
ute to the lipid layer of the tear film. Low-grade inflammation and thickening of the lid margin.
of these glands and eyelid margin is called posterior blepharitis.
Sebaceous glands of Zeis open into each follicle.6 Behind and Laser
between the follicles, modified sweat glands, ciliary glands of
Laser photoablation has been advocated to treat minor and
Moll, open into the follicles or onto the eyelid margin.6 Occlu-
major trichiasis or as an adjunctive therapy following surgery for
sion of their orifices can lead to hordeola, or styes. Furthermore,
major trichiasis.1 Cilia are destroyed by photothermolysis—a
they may be the site of sebaceous cell carcinoma.
process where thermal injury is confined to a target contain-
ing a light-absorbing molecule called a chromophore.16 In
Management options cilia, the primary target chromophore is the melanin in the
follicle. Lasers that destroy cilia photothermally include argon
Simple treatment
(514 nm), ruby (694 nm), alexandrite (755 nm), diode (810 nm)
Cilia removal with forceps (epilation) is a straightforward and neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG)
and inexpensive procedure; however, recurrence is frequently (1064 nm).1,16
encountered after four to six weeks.1 Epilation is best performed
Argon laser has been used to treat trichiasis since 1979.17 Re-
with slit-lamp biomicroscopy, grasping the cilia with forceps
ported studies demonstrate a considerable difference in success
close to the eyelid skin, ensuring the root of the cilia is removed
rate after one treatment, ranging from 33% to 100%, with an
intact. A sharp barb may result if the cilia are broken on re-
average of approximately 70%.18,19 Success rate increases with
moval, causing more ocular irritation. Other short-term, simple
subsequent treatments. Variations in success rate between stud-
treatment regimes, including ocular lubricants, bandage contact
ies are largely due to application of different laser settings (i.e.,
lens and taping back the eyelids, may be used to reduce symp-
laser spot size, time of application, laser power) and to differ-
toms and protect the ocular surface from progressive damage.
ences in the clinician’s technique.
Electrolysis The procedure can be performed after subcutaneous infiltration
or topical anesthesia. The lid is everted so that the cilia root is
Electrolysis can be used to treat minor trichiasis. It involves
coaxial to the laser beam. Sequential shots are applied until the
an electric current being passed through an ultrafine needle
follicle has been destroyed, and a burn depth of at least 1.4 mm
inserted into the anesthetised skin and destroying the hair
for the lower lid and 2.4 mm for the upper lid is required for
follicle. An electrolysis needle must contact 95% of the cilia
cilia bulb destruction.1 Complications of laser treatment in-
follicle to destroy it.5 This requires the needle to be inserted
clude lid notching and areas of hypopigmentation and scarring.
to a depth of 1.4 mm in the lower lid and 2.4 mm in the top
Laser treatment is not effective with non-pigmented cilia and
lid.5 When the cilia bulb is destroyed, the cilia can be easily
the appli­cation of ink or blood to the cilia prior to treatment
removed using forceps.
increases the success rate.20
Electrolysis does have a high reported recurrence rate of approx­
i­mately 50%.13 The recurrence rate may be associated with a
blind insertion of the needle and not enough follicle being
continued on the next page

I n s i g h t The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses, Inc. | April–June 2011 | Vol. XXXVI, No. 2
Continuing Education (CE) Article

Trichiasis : Characteristics and Management Options

Continued from page 7

Alternative laser therapies to treat trichiasis have been dem- procedures. Both procedures specifically target and manually
onstrated with ruby and diode lasers. These lasers have been remove the offending cilia with success rates being reported at
described as having better penetration ability and more specific approximately 70% for folliculectomy and 62% for trephination
absorption than argon laser. Ruby laser has recently been shown after the primary procedure.27,28 Both procedures also appear to
to be a well-tolerated and effective treatment of trichiasis in have low complication rates.
a small group of patients.20 Diode laser applied with a direct-
Segmental areas of trichiasis can be treated by a full-thickness
contact probe has been shown to have a success rate of 72%
wedge resection, which will remove the anomalous cilia and has
after one treatment and 94% after three treatments.21 The
the advantage of good cosmesis and few complications.1 An op-
probe ­offers the advantage of allowing different orientations to
tion of using a mucocutaneous graft from either the lip or eyelid
enhance the laser energy along the shaft of the cilia. No com-
to form a barrier between the offending lashes and the ocular
plications of lid notching, hypopigmentation or scarring were
surface has been described.1 An alternative procedure for seg-
reported in either study.
mental or more extensive trichiasis is anterior lamellar splitting
surgery with either allowing the bare tarsal plate to granulate
spontaneously29 or advancing the anterior lamellar tissue and
Cryotherapy can be used to treat segmental and diffuse trichia- suturing it to the tarsus.30
sis. Cilia and pigmented cells are more sensitive to the effects of
Surgical eversion of the eyelid through tarsal rotation can be
freezing than are other epithelial cells, blood vessels and connec-
employed. With the lamellar tarsal rotation procedures (e.g.,
tive tissues.22 A double freeze-thaw cycle with a cryoprobe is
Trabut and Wies techniques) a small, horizontal lid incision
recommended, encompassing a rapid freeze to –20°C, followed
is made approximately 4 mm from the eyelid margin through
by a slow thaw, then the lashes are epilated.1 The double rapid-
the tarsal plate and conjunctiva.1,31 The margin is then rotated
freeze and slow thaw produces ice crystals, which disrupt cell
outward with an everting suture. The World Health Organiza-
membranes and cellular destruction.23 Thawing also increases
tion (WHO) recommends the bilamellar tarsal rotation for
the concentration of intracellular electrolytes, leading to cellular
trichiasis from trachoma.32 This procedure involves a large,
necrosis.23 Liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide probes can be used
full-thickness, horizontal incision through the upper lid at
to achieve the rapid level of freezing required.24 A thermocouple
3 mm from the eyelid margin.33 Everting sutures are then placed
can be used to monitor tissue temperatures and to ensure freez-
through all layers of the lid. In a randomized controlled trial,
ing to the –20°C level. The procedure is performed under local
the bilamellar tarsal rotation showed an initial success rate of
anesthetic with epinephrine. The cryoprobe is placed on the
77%; however, long-term results have shown recurrence rates
offending cilia or the tarsal conjunctiva and the globe is pro-
of over 50% after three years.33,34 A single dose of azithromycin
tected with a corneoscleral shell. An eyelid reaction consisting
post-surgery has been shown to reduce the recurrence of tra-
of mainly edema and erythema can be expected for one or two
choma trichiasis.35 If entropion is associated with trichiasis, the
weeks post-operatively.
procedure of choice is the horizontal fracture of the tarsal plate
Overall, the reported success rate of cryotherapy after a single and eyelid margin rotation.1
treatment ranges from 56%–90%, with increased success rate
following successive treatments.25,26 However, cryotherapy Conclusion
induces more loss of normal adjacent lashes than other non-
Trichiasis is a common clinical disorder in which eyelashes or
surgical treatment modalities and presents more possible com-
cilia arising from their normal anterior lamellar position are
plications such as lid notching and thinning, meibomian gland
misdirected toward the ocular surface. This condition may be
dysfunction, necrosis, skin depigmentation, symblepharon,
overlooked by primary health care providers but can be observed
entropion and trichiasis recurrence.1 Skin depigmentation may
by ophthalmic practitioners with slit-lamp biomicroscopy.
be a cosmetic problem in dark-skinned patients. Cryotherapy is
Although many treatments are available to resolve trichiasis, a
not effective in the treatment of fine, non-pigmented or lanugo-
definitive treatment has not been established. Successful treat-
like cilia.
ment improves patient symptoms and reduces the risk of ocular
surface complications. However, recalcitrant or recurrent cilia
are not unusual, despite a systematic approach to this condition,
Surgical procedures are available for minor and major trichiasis. proving to be a challenge for the clinician. Initial consideration
Folliculectomy and cilia trephination are short and inexpensive determines the etiology of trichiasis, which is more commonly

I n s i g h t The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses, Inc. | April–June 2011 | Vol. XXXVI, No. 2
Continuing Education (CE) Article

associated with inflammatory disruption and scarring of the 22  Wilkes TD, Fraunfelder FT. Principles of cryosurgery. Ophthalmic Surg
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