Msds 7077 HT
Msds 7077 HT
Msds 7077 HT
Components / Impurities : EZZER High Temperature Grease : Not classified as a dangerous product.
Mixture : Synthetic Grease Additives.
First aid measures : If overcome by exposure, remove victim to fresh air immediately. Seek medical
advice (show the label where possible).
Inhalation : Remove casualty to fresh air and keep a rest. Call a physician.
Skin contact : Wash skin thoroughly with mild soap and water. Seek medical attention if ill effect or
irritation develops.
Eye contact : Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes.
Ensure adequate flushing of eyes by separating eyelids with the fingers.
Obtain emergency medical attention if pain,blinking,tears or redness persist.
Ingestion : Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouth with water, do
not induce vomiting, call a doctor.
Note to physician : Treat symptomatically
Hazardous Combustion Products : Incomplete combustion may form carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide gas.
Suitable Extinguishing Media : Carbon dioxide. Dry powder. Foam.
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media : Use of heavy stream of water may spread fire.
Protection Againts Fire : Use self-contained breathing apparatus when in close proximity to fire.
Special Procedures : Fight fire from safe distance and protected location.
Personal Precautions : Eliminate every possible source of ignition. Ensure adequate ventilation. Ventilate
confined spaces before entering. Equip cleanup crew with proper protection.
Environmental Precautions : Prevent entry to sewer and public waters.
Clean up Methods : Clean up any spills as soon as possible, using an absorbent material to collect it.
Take up small spills with dry chemical absorbent. Take up large spills with pump or
vacuum. Sweep or shovel spills into appropriate container for disposal. Dispose in a
safe manner in accordance with local / national regulations.
Precautions in Handling & Storage : When using, do not eat, drink, or smoke
Storage : Store in dry, cool, welll-ventilated area. Provide adequate ventilation to minimize dust
and/or vapour concentrations. Keep only in the original container.
Storage – Away from : Strong oxidizers. Open flame. Sparks. Heat sources. Prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Combustible material. Keep away from ignition sources (including static discharges).
Handling : Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety procedures.
N.L.G.I Grade 2
Operating Temperature Range, C ( Short Term ) 0-726
Pour Point, C -20
Dropping Point, C 300
Oil viscisity
Cst @ 40, C 220
@ 100 , C 28
Penetration Worked @ 25 C 285
4 Ball Weld Load, kgs 300
Rust Prevention Test Pass
Color Green
Ecological Effects Information : This product has not been tested for environmental effect. Low mobility (soil).
Material insoluble in water.
Bioaccumulative Potential : Product not tested. No reliable data available.
Persistence – Degradability : Product not tested. No reliable data available.
EC Labelling
Symbol(s) : None.
R Phrase(s) : None.
S Phrase(s) : None.
Carcinogen classification : Not listed by NTP. IARC or OSHA.
Recommended Uses and Restrictions : Contact the producer or distributor. See product data sheet for detailed application.
NOTE : January 09, 2009. New Format.
This MSDS was prepared in accordance with The International Standard - ISO
regulations and contains safety related information.
Revision : 1.
Print Date : 09 / 01 / 2009.
Prepared by : Technical Committee & Regulatory Department.
The Ezzer Companies Inc.
Before using this product in any new process or experiment, a thorough material compability and safety study should be
carried out. Details given in this document are believed to be correct at the time of going to press. The conditions or
methods of handling, storage, use or disposal of the products are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge.
For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense
arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. Whilst proper care has
been taken in the preparation of this document, no liability for injury or damage resulting from its use can be accepted.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The Information in this MSDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However,
the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of
handling, storage, use or disposal of the products are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other
reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any
way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was prepared and is to be used only for
this product. If the product is used as a component in another, this MSDS information may not be applicable.
End of document.