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Sai Srinivas Sunkara Phone: (469) - 708-9141 Austin, TX

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Sai Srinivas Sunkara

Phone: (469)-708-9141
Austin, TX


 Over 7 Years of professional experience in Applications design, Development, Integration,

Maintenance, Installation, Implementation, testing of various client/server, N-tier and web
application and its design, using various UI- TECHNOLOGIES.
• Experience in developing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications
using JavaScript, jQuery, JSP, XUL, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, XHTML, XML, JSON and Ajax.
• Experience in applying the latest software development approaches including model view
controller (MVC), event - driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented JavaScript, JSON and
• Worked on various modern JavaScript frame works like Angular.js Backbone.js, Node.js,
React.js/Redux, Ext.JS.
• Experience in various mobile frameworks like Ionic, phone gap/Cordova for mobile hybrid
applications in both IOS and Android
• Experience in all phases of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance
and extensive experience with Agile and SCRUM
• Experience in using Text editors like Espresso, eclipse, Text Wrangler, Sublime Text, NetBeans,
XAMPP, Notepad and Notepad++.
• Experience on working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border,
CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.

Technical Skills:
 Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSP, AJAX, JSON, JavaScript, Bootstrap
 JavaScript libraries / Frameworks: Angular JS, Node JS, React JS, Backbone JS, Ext JS
 Tools: Visual Basic Code, Webstrom, Intellij, Eclipse, Notepad++ and Sublime-Text, Jira, Maven,
Version One, Protractor
 Version Control: Git.

Education: Bachelor of Technology in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India- 2014.

Role: Senior Frontend UI developer
Duration: July 2019 – Till date
Client: VISA (Austin, TX)
Project 1 - CYBS-UI Framework: The aim of the CYBS-UI project is to build a ready to use custom React
components with all the core accessible features for another project called Enterprise Business Center.
Project 2 - Enterprise Business Center: The aim for this project is to create a secure, web-based
interface for managing and configuring payment processing services. From Business Center, users can
submit payment transactions via a Virtual Terminal, search and generate reports of their transactions
and payment activity and administer/configure many aspects of their CyberSource accounts.

 Build EBC2 Virtual Terminal, Available Reports and Dashboard modules that enables the
merchant to submit payment transactions and view the summary of those transactions in Virtual
Terminal. Dashboard provides performance insights with dimensions such as Product type,
Payment type, Payment Channel.
 Build various in CYBS UI components like Textbox, various versions of drop downs, Action bars,
table, status badges etc. with all the accessibility features.
 Made use of react hook like use state hooks and effect hooks when dealing with state less
 Created custom components keeping all the VGAR standards, which is VISA’s standard of
accessibility requirements.
 Add new features to Alerting capability that supports merchants to maintain their own
threshold settings.
 Build bar, Pie and Donut Charts for payment analytics using Recharts and Semiotic Data
 Build reusable react components for the analytics using React, Actions, Redux, Reducers, Saga
and selectors.
 Build Summary page that summarizes total transactions, successes and declines for each
merchant with current conversion rates and selected currency.
 Build table that contains transactions, successes (amount and count), declines (amount and
count), card type, processor, reason codes, currency etc. for each merchant.
 Build saga modules for each component for accessing data from the server.
 Creating custom error handlers for each module.
 Test the application for browser compatibility on different browsers and fix all compatibility
issues after fixing a Jira Ticket.
 Add new Unit test cases for new code changes to get coverage 100% using Enzyme and Jest
before pushing the changes to feature branch.
 Create feature branch from Jira Ticket for each feature/bug, commit the code changes, deploy
the code using Jenkins into QA box for

Environment: React Native, React.js, Redux, Saga, Actions, Selectors, Reducers, Recharts, Semiotic
Data Visualization, Bootstrap, HTML5, HTML, CSS, CSS3, Sass, Git, Enzyme, Jest, Java.

Role: Senior Frontend UI developer

Duration: July 2018 – June 2019
Client: NetSPI (Plano, TX)
NetSPI resolve is a vulnerability correlation software which aggregates vulnerability data from multiple
scanners and then correlates and consolidates the scan results. This application eliminates rework with
vulnerability enrichment and supports automation report generation, normalize the definition of
vulnerabilities to standard rubic.
 Designed the front-end application, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and frameworks like React JS, MaterialUI.
 Done the design, development and testing phases of Software Development using AGILE
 Used important concepts like React-Router in React JS to build a Single Page Application.
 Made use of Redux data flow life cycle pattern by calling action creators to send data to store,
reducers to specify how application state changes and used reducer composition to split data
handling logic to maintain unidirectional data flow.
 Made use of performance optimation technique called memorize to memoize data computation
so that state change happens as quickly as possible.
 Extensively Integrated MaterialUI components like Avatar, Dialog box, Divider, Drawer, List, Card
and many other components into the application.
 Customized MaterialUI components by making use of className prop of a component for basis
styling changes, made use of classes prop for deeper-level styling changes.
 Made use of MaterialUI’s withStyles() higher-order component to inject these custom styles into
the DOM.
 Made use of TypeScript along with React JS for better code stability, readability, manageability.
 Made use of several TypeScript features like types and interfaces to better maintain JavaScript
code, iterators, decorators and name spacing for better scalability and readability of code.
 Worked with backend engineers to optimize existing API calls and JSON responses to create
efficiencies by deprecating unneeded API calls to enhance performance.

Environment: HTML 5, CSS3, ES6, MaterialUI, Ajax, React JS, Redux, JSON, Git hub, Webpack, NPM,
Restful API, Enzyme and Web Strom.

Role: Frontend UI developer

Duration: July 2017 – July 2018
Client: Estuate/IBM (Sunnyvale, CA)

Information Governance project is an enterprise level application which aims at bringing efficiency and
transparency into business processes to help drive greater insights from information assets of an
organization, while simplifying regulatory compliance challenges. It aims at self-serving information
assets, on-prem or in cloud to the end-users. The main of this project to migrate the original application
for d3.js to react.


 Design, develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and React.JS that meets

accessibility and web browser standards for website.
 Done the design, development and testing phases of Software Development using AGILE
methodology and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
 Created CSS layouts for home page using advanced CSS concepts like Media Queries, grid layout,
CSS transitions and transformations.
 Worked extensively on redux for maintaining application state and used it’s core concepts like
actions and reducers.
 Efficiently managed state of components without causing unnecessary re-rendering of the
components and application state by updating respective reducers.
 Created multiple components in React keeping reusability across multiple mini projects in mind
to avoid rework to meet tight deadlines.
 Implemented complex functionalities like re-usable redux forms using redux-form package to
connect form components to redux store and react-draggable to create draggable components.
 Created Custom Library Components for the entire application (Date-pickers, custom drop
down, image carousel, pagination etc.) which can be used across the whole website.

Environment: HTML 5, CSS3, ES6, Bootstrap, React JS, Redux, JSON, Git hub, Webpack, NPM, Restful API,
JIRA, Enzyme and Web Strom.

Role: Frontend UI developer

Duration: April 2017 – July 2017
Client: Ulta Beauty (Bolingbrook, IL)

The aim of the project is to rebuild the existing Ecommerce website to provide a better user experience
as well as richer functionality. The tasks include redesigning and rebuilding of the existing page layouts,
migration from the legacy website and integration with new functionality as per the new business

• Done the design, development and testing phases of Software Development using AGILE
methodology and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
 Worked effectively in a fast paced Agile (Scrum/Sprint) Development methodology to meet tight
 Made use of react component life cycle methods like ComponentDidMount and ComponentWill
Mount to make API calls to fetch data from back-end.
 Extensively used Redux-saga library to manage side-effects within the system and to perform
asynchronous calls using generator functions in ES6 and to access browser cache.
 Responsible for developing modules/components that are cross browser compatible and
responsive across different browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
 Made use of react npm packages like react-slick to develop image carousels, react-modal to
display modal and styled it though props and react-input-autosize to expand the input filed
depending on the length of the input text entered.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Jeet, JavaScript, Es6, ReactJS with Redux, Redux Saga, Webpack,

Role: Frontend UI developer

Duration: March 2016 – Feb 2017
Client: Walgreens (Deerfield, IL)
Description: Participates in the development of software applications solutions for Ecommerce website
of moderate complexity projects. Develops, codes, tests, debugs, and documents applications systems
to achieve the objectives of the client group relative to the identified system needs, which may be new,
replacement of existing systems.

• Done the design, development and testing phases of Software Development using AGILE
methodology and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
• Used route Provider, location, routeParams services to setup routing, navigate inside the
angular app and cache Factory for caching data in AngularJS.
• Extended the default functionality of JQUERY UI components to create custom features - such as
new tab open/close, auto-complete loader messages, etc.
• Worked on Express framework in Node.JS to develop the business logic code to get the data
from the database and to bind the response data to the HTML5 using AngularJS.
• Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework Angular JS.
• Created reusable templates and style sheets based on UI standards and guidelines; Performed
functional tasks using specifications and wireframes.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Es6, JSON, Bootstrap, Jasmine, D3.js, Grunt, Mean Stack (Mango DB,
Express.js, Angular.JS, Node.JS), JIRA.

Client: American Family Insurance (Madison, WI)

Role: Web UI developer
Duration: April 2015 - Feb 2016

Project: Billing Payments-Amfam myAccount

Billing center is Primary user interface to customer billing data. Web based system which allows viewing
and updating of billing data. This is built on angular and database is db2.
Payment manager - Application used to process payment online. Payment Manager interfaces with
multiple Billing systems (Personal Lines Customer Billing, Commercial & Farm/Ranch Billing, Life Vantage
Billing and AFFS Loans

• Worked as Front-end UI web developer using AngularJS, HML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JQuery.
• Worked closely with other senior developers, product managers, system architects, and the QA
team to deliver optimal designs and software to meet and exceed expectations following MVC
architecture, under the Agile Methodology.
• Contribute positively to the overall team, dynamic participation in stand-up meetings, planning
and design sessions and other business-development working.
• Designed and implemented functionality using technologies including JavaScript, AJAX, and
JavaScript frameworks such as JQuery, JQuery UI and AngularJS.
• Successfully maintained code sources and assets using Git and ensured consistency and
compliance to style guides, branding and functionality.
Environment: HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript, JQuery, DHTML, MVC, DOM, JSON, AngularJS, Bootstrap,
Gulp, Java, XML, XPATH, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, SQL, Oracle, Windows, node.js
Role: UI Developer
Duration: Sep 2014 – March 2015
Company: CapGemini (Bangalore, India)

Project: Developing a Single, consistent, scalable user interface solutions for delivering global web-based
content and applications to clients and employees. Multiple portal architectures and different solution
exist for each region. These services support global client engagements for Equity, fixed Income,
Research, Prime brokerage and IBD.

• Essentially involved in all phases of SDLC to structure the unformatted requirements.
• Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less layout).
• Defined and developed the application's presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and
jQuery Scripting.
• Effectively managed content in Interwoven Teamsite Content Management System
• Developed components and templates for eNewsletter in Teamsite.
• Redesigned pages to improve application design and UI to attract the customers by taking inputs
from senior management.
• Designed Templates and Flow of future pages using Adobe Photoshop CS6.
• Created themes for SharePoint using Theme Builder.
• Handled all the software releases for UI components. Resolved cross browser compatibility
Environment: jQuery, Ajax, Sencha Extjs, JavaScript, Node.js, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Backbone.js, Oracle,

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