Phys 2001
Phys 2001
Phys 2001
Tech/EE/lT/ME/3d Sem/PHyS-2001/201 s
2. (a) For a system of two masses (mr and m, such that (c) Show that if a given coordinate is cyclic in Lagrangian,
mr > mz) connected by an Inextensible string passing it will also be cyclic in Hamiltonian.
over a small smooth pulley, (d) The energy eigen value and the corresponding eigen
(i) state the nature of the conshain(s) involved in the
function for a particle of mass rn in an one-dimensio-nal
system. potential V(x)areE =0and V,(x) = * respectivety.
(ii) how many degrees of freedom does the system
(A is a constanr). Derermine m" pllif"r vt-i
(1+3+27+2+2a2 = 12
(iii) write the Lagrangian of the system.
PHYS 2001
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B.Tech/EE/lT/ME/3d Sem/PHYS-2001/201 5 B.Tech/EE/lT/ME/3d Sem/PHYS-2001 /201 5
PHYS 2001