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Phys 2001

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Tech/EE/lT/ME/3d Sem/PHyS-2001/201 s

ii) The width of energy band depends on

(a) the extent of overlap of wave function ry, and q,
corresponding to the two atoms
B.Tech/EE/IT/ME/3.a Sem/PHYS-2001 /2Ol s
(b) the interaction between the two atoms
2015 (c) both (a) and (b)
PHYSIGS II (d) none of these
(PHYS 2001) iii) The statistics obeyed by 2He4 atom is
TimeAlloted:3Hours Full Marks : 70
(a) MB statistics (b) BE statistics
(c) FD statistics (d) BE and FD statistics
Figures out of the right margin indicate futt marks.
Candidates are required to answer Group A and anv S ffivel iv) ln intrinsic semiconductor the carrier concentration varies
from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words (a) T-1 (b) r,
as far as practicable (c) larz (d) r
where T is temperature
(Muttiple Choice Type euestions) v) "Some crystalline solids exihibit electric polarization when
strained elastically." This is known as
1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : [10x1={0] (a) ferromagnetic effect (b) Anti-ferroelectric effect
i) A particle of mass m is sliding without friction down an (c) piezoelectric effect (d) hysteresis
inclined plane (angle of inclination is cr). Considering x
to be the generalized coordinate, the Lagrangian of the
vi) ln superconducting state of a substance which of the
following is correct
system can be represented as
(a)E+0,B*0 (b)E=0,8+0
61 t = )mxz- mg sina @ t = )mxz- rng coso (c) E+0,B=0 (d) E=0,8:a
vii) A system is called strongly degenerated if
P1 t = )mx, + rng sino (q L = :m*- /ng cosu (") sIli =1 <or
* ,,1
fi..1 (d)gi =t
where ni is the number of particles and gi is the number of
states in the ith energy level"
PHYS 2001 overl
ITurn over]
B.Tech/EE/|T/ME/3d Sem/pHyS_2001 /201 5 B.Tech/EE/IT/ME/3.d Sem/pHyS-200i/201 o

viii) lf the Lagrangian of a system ls cyclic in one coordinate

(b) Show that \r(x) = Aeix and V(x) = Aerx are degenerated
then the corresponding conserved quantity is
wave functions.
(a) energy (c) The Lagrangian of a particle of mass m in one dimension
(b) force .1
(c) momentum rs given by L = __{r)2x2)ebt. Obtain the canonical
(d) Hamiltonian function of the system momentum and equation of motion following Lagrangian
method. What type of motion is the particle undergoing?
ix) The susceptibility of an anti ferromagnetic material is
given by x2
(d) Consider the wave function V(x) = 4s-7s'*, where A is
(a) x = C (b) r =c(r+o) real constant. Find the value of A.
(1+1+2)+2+(,1+2+11+2 = 12
(c) Y=- L C
(d)r= 3. (a) A free particle of mass m is confined within x
T-0 0-T. x=1,
= O and

x) The magnitude of induced dipole moment of an orbiting

(i) write down the Schrodinger time independent
electron in presence of an external magnetic field is
equation for such a system.
, e2r2B
(a) e2B (ii) solve the equation to find out the eigen function.
4m $l 4mt,
(iii) find the maximum probabitity of finding the particle
, e2Bm
\c) (a)
e2B within the region of particle confinement in the
4ttt2 anrz- ground level.
where the terms have their usual meaning.
(b) Prove that for a conservative system, the Hamiltonian
GROUP. B represents the total energy of the system.

2. (a) For a system of two masses (mr and m, such that (c) Show that if a given coordinate is cyclic in Lagrangian,
mr > mz) connected by an Inextensible string passing it will also be cyclic in Hamiltonian.
over a small smooth pulley, (d) The energy eigen value and the corresponding eigen
(i) state the nature of the conshain(s) involved in the
function for a particle of mass rn in an one-dimensio-nal
system. potential V(x)areE =0and V,(x) = * respectivety.
(ii) how many degrees of freedom does the system
(A is a constanr). Derermine m" pllif"r vt-i
(1+3+27+2+2a2 = 12
(iii) write the Lagrangian of the system.
PHYS 2001
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GROUP . C (ii) How is this magnetic moment related to orbital

angular momentum of the electron?
4. (a) Define macrostate and microstate of a thermodynamic
system. (iii) How is Bohr magneton derived from the expression
of magnetic moment of the electron?
(b) 3 distinguishable particles, each of which can be in one
of the e,2a,3a,4e non degenerate energy states, have (c) Assuming that the electric polarizability of an argon atom
total energy 6€. is 1.43 x10a0 Fermi -m2, find the dielectric constant of
solid Argon. Given density of Argon is 1.8 gm - cm-a
(i) Find all possible distributions of particles in the and atomic mass of Argon is 39.95 gmimol.
energy states.
(d) For a magnetic material find the relation between relative
(ii) Flnd the number of microstates in each case. permeability and susceptibility.
(iii) Find the most probable state. (1+3)+(1+1+1)+3+2 = 12
(c) Derive PIanck's radiation law from Bose-Einstein
statistics. 2+(2+4+11+3 = 12 7. (a) Define displacement vector d. Show that for an isotropic
di-etectric d = .oE + p where Fis the polarization
5. (a) ln how many ways 2 indistinguishable particles can be
distributed in three distinct states, if the particles obey
(i) F-D statistics, (iD B-E statistics? (b) Dielectric constant of a gas at NTP is 1.00074. Calculate
(b) Plot electron distribution function governed by Fermi- the dipole moment of each atom of the gas when it is
Dirac statistics in metal at T = 0K and T > 0K. Explain held in an external field of 3 x 10aV/m.
their physical significance. (c) What do you mean by hysteresis loop? How will you
(c) Calculate using Fermi-Dirac distribution the concentration
determine the value of remanance and coercivity from
of electron in the conduction band of a semiconductor. a looP.
(2+2)+ (2+21+4 = 12 (d) Write three differences between hard and soft magnetic
Group - D
materials. ('l+21+2+(2+21+3 = 12

6. (a) Define dielectric constant. Show that for an isotropic GROUP. E

dielectric the expression for dielectric constant is
k= 1+ x,e where Ie is the susceptibility of the dielectric 8. (a) Write the Schrodinger wave equation for an electron
material. moving in one-dimensional periodic potential..
(b) Assume that an electron of charge (-e) revolves round (b) State Bloch theorem. What is Bloch function?
a nucleus of an atom with an angular velocity o. (c) What is effective mass of an electron?
(i) Determine the magnetic dipole moment due to the (d) Discuss the effect of magnetic field on superconductivity.
motion of lhe electron.
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(e) For a superconductor sample the critical fields are

respectively 1.4 x 10s and 4.2 x 10s AJm for 14K and
13K. Calculate the transition temperature and critical
fields at 0K and 4.2K.
(1)+(2+1)+(2)+(21+12+21 = 12

9. (a) What is Meissner effect? Show that a superconducting

material behaves as a perfect diamagnetic material below
its transition temPerature.
(b) Explain the concept of conduction band, Valence band
and forbidden energy gap.
(c) Show that a superconducting specimen have finite
current density in absence of electric field.
(d) Prove that velocity of a free electron moving in a crystal
lattice is directly proportional to wave vector k.
(2+2)+(1+1+1)+3+2 = 12

PHYS 2001

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