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AIIMS 2010 Questions

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AIIMS - 2010
Time: 3Y2 Hours Max. Marks : 200

1. Transmission lines transmit a voltage of V volt
to our houses from power stations, then the power
P supplied by them is proportional to Velocity v would be
I (a) Maximum at A & B
(a) Ii (b) V
(b) Minimum at A & B
(c) Maximum at M (d) Same at all points
(e) 1/2 (d) V2
7.' Which ofthe following is true regardingdimagnetic
2. Whenever a stream of electrons collides with a substances (symbols have their usual meaning) -.
stream of photons, in this collision, which of the (a) u.> 1, Xm > I (b) Ilr> I, Xn, < 1·
following is not conserved? (c) u, < I, Xm < 0 (d) u, < 1, Xn, > 0
(a) Linear momentum 8. What is moment of inertia of a cylinder of radius
(b) Total energy r. along its height?
(c) No. of photons
(a) m,.2 (b)
(d) No. of electrons 2
2mr~ mr:?
3. The logic gate represented in following figure is (c) (d)
5 5
(a) OR Gate (b) NOT Gate
(c) NAND Gate (d) XOR Gate

4. For a person near point of vision is 100 ern, Then

the power of lens he must wear so as to have normal
vision. should be
(a) +1 D (b) -1 D
(c) +3 D (d) -3 D

5. Two projecti les of same mass have their maximum

kinetic energies in ratio 4 : I and ratio of their
maximum heights is also 4 : I then what is the
ratio of their ranges?
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : I
(e) 8 : I (d) 16: I

6. An uncharged particle is moving with a velocity

of j; in non-uniform magnetic field as shown.
· Solved Paper - 2010 597

17. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas

is as shown in figure. Density of the gas at point
CJV A is Po. Density at point B will be
(d) p
C, +C2 +C,
12. What would be maximum wavelength for Brackett
series of hydrogen-spectrum?
(a) 74583 A (b) 22790 A
3:: -:=:-~:?1"
(c) 40519 A .(d) 18753 A 1

13. . What would be the radius of second orbit of He+ T

To 21 0
ion? 3 3
(a) 1.058 A (b) 3.023 A (a) -Po (b) -Po
4 2
(c) 2.068 A (d) 4.458 A 4
(c) -Po (d) 2po
14. The position of a particle moving in the x-y plane
at any time I is given by; x = (3P - 6t) metres; 18. The latent heat of vaporisation of a substance is
y = (/2 _ 2/) metres. Select the correct statement. always
(a) acceleration is zero at t = 0 (a) greater than its latent heat of fusion
(b) velocity is zero at ( = 0 (b) greater than its latent heat of sublimation
(c) velocity is zero at I = Is (c) equal to its latent heat of sublimation
(d) velocity and acceleration of the particle are (d) less than its latent heat of fusion
never zero.
19. A reversible engine converts one-sixth of the heat
IS. Two masses M, = 5 kg and M1 = 10 kg are input into work. When the temperature of the sink
connected at the ends of an inextensible string is reduced by 62°C. the efficiency of the engine is
passing over a frictionless pulley as shown. When doubled. The temperatures of the source and sink
the masses are released, then the acceleration of are
the masses will be (a) 99°C, 3 JOe (b) 80oe.37°C
(c) 95°e, 37°e (d) so-c, 37°C

20. Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a

monoatornic gas is

J,I ~ . ~,P-
(b) g/2
(d) g/4 (a) 'L_ (b) l_

16. A block of mass III is pulled along a horizontal T-+ T-+ .
surface by applying a force at an angle e with the
horizontal. If the block travels with a uniform
velocity and has a displacement d and the
coefficient of friction is fl, then the work done by
the applied force is T-+ T-+
flll/gd flmgd cos El 21. In figure, a particle having mass g and charge
(/I =5
(a) (b) q' = 2 x 10-'> C starts from rest at point a and moves
cos e+ flsin9 cos 0+ flsinEl
~llllgd sine ~llllgd cos e in a straight line to point b. What is its speed I' at
(c) (d)
cos e + ~l sin e cosO-flsin9 point b?
.,...y.-.y.--- ......
,~~~----. m.tG- AflMS EXPLORER

a b ·-3" lO-'!C (a) 18 mm (b) 12 mrn

(c) 6 mm (d) 9 mm

27. An electric charge 10-) ).1C is placed at the origin

(a) 2.65 cms" (b) 3.65 crns " (0, 0) of (x-y) co-ordinate system. Two points A
(e) 4.65 cms" (d) 5.65 CI11S-1
and B are situated at (ji,fi) and (2,0) respectively,
22. A galvanometer has a current sensitivity of I mA The potential difference between the points A and
per division. A variable shunt is connected across B will be
the galvanometer and the combination is put in (a) 4.5 volt (b) 9 volt
series with a resistance of500 Q and cell of internal (c) zero (d) 2 volt
resistance I Q. It gives a deflection of 5 division
28. If the energy, E = 0' 11'1c", where G is the universal ..
lor shunt of 5 ohm and 20 division for shunt of
gravitational constant, It is the Planck's constant
25 ohm. The emf of cell is
and c is the velocity of light, then the values of p,
(a).47.1 V (b) 57.1 V q and r are, respectively
(c) 67.1 V (d) 77.1 V (a) - 1/2, 112 and 5/2 (b) 1/2, - 1/2 and - 5/2
23. A circular coil with a cross-sectional area of 4 em? (c) -1/2,112 and 3/2 (d) 1/2,-1/2and-3/2
has 10 turns: It is placed at the center of a long 29. Four holes of radius R are cut from a thin square
solenoid that has 15 turns/em and a cross-sectional j' plate of side 4R and mass M. The moment of inertia
area of I0 crn-, as shown in the figure. The axis of
the coil conicides with the axis of the solenoid.
What is their mutual inductance?
I of the remaining portion about z-axis is

qm\D i
(a) 7.54 Ill-! (b) 8.54 I-lH
(c) 9.54 ~IH (d) 10.54).11-1 (d)
24. If 1\1 and K2 are maximum kinetic energies of
30. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is
photoelectrons emitted when lights of wave lengths
being rotated about a vertical axis through the
)'1 and A~ respectively incident on a metallic
centre of the circular base. If the radius of the vessel •
surface. If AI = 3A2' then
is ,. and angular velocity of rotation is (I), then the
(a) KI > (/(2/3) (b) KI < (Ki3)
difference in the heights of the liquid at the centre
(c) 1\1 = 21\2 (d) K2 '" 2K,
of the vessel and the edge is
25. Two radioactive substances A and B have decay roo ,.2(1)2

constants 5), and A. respectively. Atl = 0, they have (a) (b)

2g 2g
the same number of nuclei. The ratio of number of (1)2
nuclei of A to those of B will be (1/e2) after a time (c) J2g/'1J) (d) 2gr2
(a) 4A. (b) 2"-
31. A block of mass 10 kg is moving in x-direction
(c) .2), (d) 4A with a constant speed of 10 m/s, It is subjected to .
a retarding force F'" 0. Ix joule/metre during its •
26. The intensity of gamma radiation from a given travel from x = 20 III to x = 30 m. Its final K,E. will
source is l, On passing through 36 mm of lead, it be
is reduced to /IS. The thickness of lead which will (a) 475 J (b) 450 J
reduce the intensity to //2 will be (c) 275 J (d) 250 J
~Ived Paper - 2010 599

32. A capi llary tube of radius r is immersed in water spring. If both springs are taken in series and the
and water rises in it to a height h. The mass of same mass M is suspended from the series
water in the capillary tube is 5 g. Another capillary combination, the time period is T, then
tube of radius :2 r is immersed in water. The mass
of water that wi II rise in this tube is (b) -"'-+-
T 7i 72
(a) 2.5 g (b) 5.0 g
1 I I
(c) 109 (u) 20 g (d) -"'-+-
T2 7j2 [2
33. Which of the following pairs docs not have same
dimensions ? 39. Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C.
(a) impulse and momentum ammeter because
(b) moment of inertia and moment of force (a) A.C. cannot pass through D.C. ammeter
(e) angular momentum and Planck's constant (b) A.C. changes direction
(d) work and torque. (c) average value of current for complete cycle

34. The wavelength of Lymen series for first number is zero

is (d) D.C. ammeter will get damaged

4x 1.097x t07 3 40. The core of any transformer is laminated so as to

(a) m (b) m
3 4x1.097x107 (a) reduce the energy loss due to eddy currents
4 3 (b) make it light weight
(c) III (d) "4 x 1.097 x 107 III
sx 1.097 x 10i (c) make it robust & strong
35. In the circuit shown, current flowing through 25 V (d) increase the secondary voltage
cell is
Directions: In the following questions (41-60). :1
10" \15
{ T
I V 25 vI statement
of reason
of assertion (A) is followed by a statement
(R). Mark the correct choice as :
5!1:::I()n~ (a) Ifboth assertion and reason are true and reason
is the correct explanation of assertion
(a) 7.2 A (b) 10 A (b) Ifboth assertion and reason are true but reason
(c) 12 A (d) 14.2 A is not the correct explanation of assertion
36. Five sinusoidal waves have the same frequency (c) If assertion is true but reason is false
500 Hz but their amplitudes are in the ratio (d) If both assertion and reason are false.
II 1l:1t1t
41. Assertion: Two balls of different masses are
2: -: -: I: I and their phase angles 0, -, -.-
2 2 6 3 2 thrown vertically upward with same
and IT respectively. The phase angle of resultant
speed. They will pass through their
wave obtained by the superposition of these five point of projection in the downward
waves is direction with the same speed.
(a) 30° (b) 45° Reason : The maximum height and downward
(c) 60° (d) 90° velocity attained at the point of
projection are independent of the
37. The second overtone of an open pipe has the same
mass of the ball.
frequency as the first overtone of a closed pipe
,2 III long. The length of the open pipe is 42. Assertion: In javelin throw, the athlete throws
(a) 8 nl (b) 4 11" the projectile at an angle slightly more
(c) 2 III (d) I m than 45°.
Reason : The maximum range does not depend
38. Let TI and T2 be the time periods of springs A and
upon angle of projection.
B when mass I'd is suspended from one end of each

·B, Assertion : The apparent weight of a body in an !

50. Assertion: Water kept in an open vessel will
elevator moving with some, quickly evaporate all the surface of
downward acceleration is less than the moon.
the actual weight of a body. Reason : The temperature at the surface of the
Rcasun : The part of' the weight is spent in moon is much higher than boi ling
producing downward acceleration, point of water.
when body is in elevator. 51. Assertion : A pure semiconductor has negative
-44. Assertion i\ II C lcctri c field is preferred in i temperature coefficient of resistance.
comparison to magnetic field for I Reason : On raising the temperature,
charge carriers
are released,
detecting the electron beam in a
conductance increases and resistance
television picture tube. I'
Reason : Electric field requires low voltage.
52. Assertion At a fixed temperature, silicon will
45. Assertion : A horse has to pull a cart harder during have a minimum conductivity when
the first few steps of his motion,
I it has a smaller acceptor doping.
Reason : Thc first few steps arc always Reason : The conductivity of an intrinisic
difficult. semiconductor is slightly higher than
that of a lightly doped p-type
-'6. Assertion : The magnetic poles of earth do not
coincide with the geographic poles. 53. Assertion: Communication in :JHFIVHF regions
RC:ISOIl : The discrepancy between the can be established by space wave or
orientation of a compass and true tropospheric wave.
north-south direction is known as Reason : Communication in UHFIVHF regions
magnetic decl ination. is Iimited to line of sight distance.

47 A sscr t' Ion EI
. ectrornagne tiICwaves are transverse
. 54. Assertion: If objective and eye lenses of a ..
in nature microscope are interchanged then it:
RCllSOIl : The electric and magnetic fields of can work as telescope.
Reason : The objective lens of telescope has
an e.m, wave are perpendicular to
small focal length.
each other and also perpendicular to
the direction of wave propogation. 55. Assertion: If a proton and an Ct.-particle enter a.
uniform magnetic field perpendicu-
48, Assertion: A wheel moving down a perfectly
larly with the same speed, the time
frictionless inclined plane will
period of revolution of u-particle is
undergo slipping (not rolling motion) double that of proton.
Reason : For perfect rolling motion, work done Reason In a magnetic field, the period of
against friction is zero. revolution of a charged particle is
49. Assertion: A hollow shaft is found to be stronger directly proportional to the mass of
the particle and is inversely
than a solid shaft made of same
proportional to charge of particle.
RC:ISOII : The torque required to produce a 56. Assertion: If momentum ofa body increases by'
given twist in hollow cylinder is 50%, its kinetic energy will increase
greater than that required to twist a by 125%.
solid cylinder of same size and Reason Kinetic energy is proportional to
material. square of velocity.
Solved Paper - 2010 601

57. Assertiou : The difference ill the value of (c) Ionic radius is inversely proportional 10
acceleration due to gravity at pole and effective nuclear charge.
equator is proportional to square of (d) All are correct.
angular velocity of earth.
66. The strained tctracyclic alkane IS Isomerize
Reason : The value of acceleration due to
thermally to the cyclic alkene. The reaction
gravity is minimum at the equator and
maximum at the pole. (a) free radical (b) carbocation
58. Assertion: It is advantageous to transmit electric (d) carbene.
power at high voltage.
Reason High voltage implies high current.

59. Assertion : X-ray astronomy is possible only

from satellites orbiting the earth. i 67.
Reason Efficiency of X-rays telescope is large I!
as compared to any other telescope.
The product P is
(,0. Assertion: The de Broglie equation has
significance for any microscopic or
sub -microscopic particles.
Reason : The de Broglie wavelengs inversely (a) ~CH3
proportional to the mass ofthe object 01-1
if velocity is constant.


(II. Butter is an example of which type of colloid?

... I
(a) Solid in liquid (b) Liquid in solid
(c) Liquid in liquid (d) Gas in liquid.
62. What are constituents of 'Misch metal'? H
(a) La. Fe (b) La. Ce (d) none of these. .
(c) Fe. Ce (d) Ce, Cu 68. For a reaction X ~ Y, the graph ofthe product
63. For 1I I >1 order reaction if concentration is doubled concentration (x) versus time (I) came out to be
then rate of reaction becomes a straight line passing through the origin. Hence
(a) doubles (b) half -d[X]
the graph of -----cJt and time would be
(c) four limes (d) remains same.
(a) straight line with a negative slope and an
64. In tetragonal crystal system, which of following
intercept on y-axis
is not true? (b) straight line with a positive slope and an
(a) All axial lengths and all axial angles are equal. intercept on y-axis
(h) All three axial lengths are equal. (c) a straight line parallel to x-axis
(c) All three axial angles are equal. (d) a hyperbola.
(d) Two axial angles are equal but the third is
69. A factory produces 40 kg of calcium in two hours
by electrolysis. How much aluminium can be
(IS. . Which of the following is correct? produced by same current in 2 hours if current
(a) Ionic radius is proportional to atomic number. efficiency is 50%?
(b) ionic radius is inversely proportional to atomic (a) 22 kg . (b) 18 kg
mass. (c) c) kg '.(d) 27 kg.
602 \'\'\.tG- AIIMS EXPLORER

70. Equal weight of CO and CH4 arc mixed together I 75. A complex PtCI".SNH3 shows a molar conductance
in an empty container at 300 K. The fraction of I of 402 ohrrr ' cm2 11101-1 in water and precipitates
total pressure exerted by CH4 is three moles of AgCI with AgN01 solution. The
16 7 formula of the complex is .
(a) -17 (b)
IT (a) [Pt(NH3)(,1CI4 (b) [Pt(NH3)4CI2]CI2
8 5 (c) (Pt(NHJ)~CI]CI~ (d) (Pt(NH3)FI3]CI.
(el '9 (d) T6
Electrolyte KCI KN03 HCI NaOAc NaClj
71. Match list r with list II and select the correct answer A.~
76. 149.9 14S.0 426.2 91.0 126.51
usi ng the codes given below the lists. (S Co1~ 01111-11
List I List JJ
Metal ion Magnetic moment(BM) Calculate AHOAC using appropriate molar
conductances of the electrolytes listed above at
A. 0.31 I. ill infinite dilution in H20 at 2SoC.
B. Fc21 2. J30 (a) 51T2 (b) 552.7
C. Ni2l .l. f24 (c) 390.7 (d) 217.5
D. Mn?" 4. ill 77. In the ground state of Cu", the number of shells .
5. J8 occupied, subshells occupied, filled orbitals and.
unpaired electrons respectively are
Codes (a) 4,8, 15,0 (b) 3,6, 15, 1
(a) A-I, B-3, C-S, 0-4 (c) 3,6, 14,0 (d) 4,7, 14,2
(b) 1\-2. B-3. C-S, 0-1
(e) A-4. B-3. C-5, 0-1 78. Which of the following conditions is not correct
(d) A-4, 13-5, C-3, D-I ', for.resonating structures? '. .' . <
(ilS Tile contributing structures must have the siulie
72. Which of the following reactions docs not yield
number of unpaired electrons.
an amine?
(b) The contributing structures should have similar
(a) R - X + NH, __".
(b) R--ClI=NOH + [II] (c) The contributing structures should be so
(c) R-CN+H,O~ written that unlike charges reside on atoms
~ LiAII14 that are far apart.
(d) R - CONI-12-..-;:._" (d) The positive charge should be present on the
73. The chemical name for melamine is electropositive clement and the negative
(a)' I ,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-triazine charge on the electronegative clement.
(b) 2,4,6- Triarnino-l ,3,S-triazine 79. CaO and NaCI have the same crystal structure
(c) 2-Amino-I,J,5-triazine and approximately the same ionic radii. If U is
(d) 2,4-Diamino-I,3,5-triazine. the lattice energy afNaCI, the approximate lattice
energy of CaO is ..
74. Bromine is added to cold dilute aqueous solution
(a) u/2 (b) U
of NaOH. The mixture is boiled. Which of the
(c) 2U (d) 4U
following statements is not true?
(a) During the reaction bromine is present in four 80. The phosphate of'a metal has the formula Iv/HP04•
different oxidation states. The formula of its chloride would be
(b) The greatest difference between the various (a) MCI (b) /"ICI,
oxidation states of bromine is S. (c) AiCI3 (d) c1
M2 J
(e) On acidification of the final mixture bromine
81. Two flasks X and' Y have capacity I Land 2L
is formed.
respectively and each of them contains I mole
(d) Disproportionation of bromine occurs during of a gas. The temperatures of the flasks are so
the rcuctron. adjusted that average speed of molecules in );- is
~_~olved Paper - 2010 6"-0"-"-3

twice as those in r The pressure in flask X would

(a) O-CIIO (b) O-UIO
(a) same as that in)'(b) half of that in }'
(c) twice of that in J' (d) 8 times of that in >:
82. Match List f with List II and select the correct CeO,11
(c) O-COOH (d) CO:I-I
answer using the codes given below the lists:
Lbt I List II
(()(J ) 88. Ethyl ester
P. The product}' will
A. I. J-l)T excess
51' r
Dr I'
2. T
",CXCl<, ",CXC,H,
C (011 ) 3. -5 (a) (b)
0.':,' I' 1-13C 01-1 1-J5C~ 01-1
oP 1I
A B C D (c) (d)
tal 5 2 4 1-15C2 01-1 fi7C) 01-1
_• (b) 5 3 2 4
(c) 3 5 2 I 89. The compound which on reaction with aqueous
(d) 5 3 2 nitrous acid at low temperature produces an oily
nitrosoamine is
83. What is the pH of 0.0 I M glycine solution?
(a) methyl amine (b) ethyl amine
For glyciue x'., =4.5xlO-JandK{(! =J.7xIO-IOat (c) diethyl amine (d) triethyl amine
298 K.
90. Compound A (molecular formula C3HsO) is treated
(a) 3.0 (b) 10.0
with acidified potassium dichromate to form a
(c) 7.06 (d) 8.2
product B (molecular formula C3H60). B forms
84. Which of the following sequence contains atomic a shining silver mirror on warming with
number of only representative elements? ammoniacal silver nitrate .. B when treated with
(a) 55,12.48,53 (b) 13,33,54,80 an aqueous solution ofHzNCONHNHz. HCI and
(c) 3,33,53,87 (d) 22,33,55,66. sodium acetate gives a product C. Identify the
structure of C.
85. 100 em! of a given sample of H20] gives
1000 cur' of 02 at S.T.!>. The given sample is
(a) 10% H,O, (b) 90% H,O, (b) CII]- C=NNI-ICONH,
- I -
(c) IOvolumeH202 (d) 100voiUlncH20] CII )
86. -Beryllium and aluminium exhibit many properties
- which are similar. But the two elements differ in (c) CIl, -C=NCONIINH,
.' I -
- (a) maximum covalency in compounds CHI .
- (b) exhibiting amphoteric nature in their oxides
(e) forming covalent halides --
: :.: ~
(d) form ing polymeric hydrides
91. Assume that you arc travelling at a speed of
87. - Cyclohexene 011 ozonolysis followed by reaction 90 km/h in a small car with a mass of 1050 kg.
with zinc dust and water gives compound E. If the uncertainly in the velocity of the car is 1%
... Compound f:' 011 further treatment with aqueous (Ill' = 0.9 kill/h), what is the uncertainty (in meters)
.KOH yields compound F. Compound Fis . in the position of the car'?-

(a) i.~.x2:lxIO·I:'11l (b) .6.x2:·2xIO-J1m 97. The major product of the following reaction is
(c) £\.1";:::; 2x 10"'" In (d) A\'2:4xIO-1K III
I 14
CI-CI-l -C-CI-I products
')2. When 25 g of Nn2SO .. is dissolved in 103 kg of 2 '\ I 2
solution. its concentration will be I-I
(a) 2.5 ppm (b) 25 ppm 141
(c) 250 ppm (d] 100 ppm (a) CII,CCH,-O-C211, (b)
\ -; - .

Ilel I 1 14

HC;£.:,C11 (c) CI-I, - C - CH,

I -$_1 1-
CI NaO 0 - C2HS
I 14

CI CII) (d) CII, - CH - CH,ONa

I - -
Degree of unsaturation of II = 2. it contains no CI
double or triple bonds. 98. Stomach acid, a dilute solution of HCI in water,
can be neutralized by reaction with sodium
011 I hydrogen carbonate,
NaHC03 «(1'1) + HCI «(/(/)~ Nael «(1'1)+ H20 /I) +C02 (.~)
(a) lI'C~"' (b) H'~ How many milliliters of 0.125 M NaHC03 solution
are needed to neutralize 18.0 I11Lof 0.1 00 M HCl?
(a) 14.4 mL (b) 12.0 mL

.q .
(c) 14.0 mL (d) 13.2 mL
Il.C - ell - CII,OH 99. For the electrochemical cell, M I AJ+ II .Y- I X •
(e) Cd) none of these. £O(Arl M) = 0.44 Vand E"(XIX-)= 0.33 V. From
this data one can deduce that
(a) M + X ~ M" + X- is the spontaneous reaction
(b) M" + X- ~ M + X is the spontaneous reaction
The shape and hybridisation of some xenon
(c) l~~cll = 0.77 V (d) EccH = -- 0.77 V
oxyfluorides are given. Choose the wrong set.
(a) XcOF2-T-Shapc-.w'd too. Which is optically inactive?
(b) XcOF4 - Square pyramidal-sp3d2 a........ /(1
(a) b/C=C=C=C=C ........
(c) Xc02 F2 -Distorted trigonal bipyramidal-sp3 d

(<I) Xc03F2 - Octahedral- sp3d I

95. The standard half-cell reduction potential for .
/\g'IAg is 0.7991 V at 25°C. Given the
experimental value K", = 1.56 X 10-111 for AgCl,
calculate the standard half-cell reduction potential
for the AglAgCI electrode. Directions: In the following questions (101-120). II
(a) 0.2192 V (b) - 0.2192 V statement of assertion (A.) is followed by II statement
(e) --1.2192 V (d) 1.2192 V. of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as :
')6. Which of the following acids wi II not evolve Hz (a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason
gas 011 reaction with alkali metals? is the correct explanation of assertion
(a) hydrazoic acid (b) perxcnic acid (b) If both assertion and renson are true but reason
(e) boric acid (d) none of these is 1I0t the correct explanation of assertion
§oJ'!_c:.cJ. ..Pape:.:._r_-_:2::..:0::..;1:_:O;.__ -"6:..::0:..:::.5

(c) If assertion is true but reason is false Reason Doping means introduction of small
(d) If both assertion and reason arc false. amount of impurities like P, As or
101. Assertion : Magnesium is extracted by the i Bi into the pure crystal.
electrolysis of fused mixture of I
109. Assertion The overall order of the reaction is
~\'lgCI~, NaCI and CaCly i the sum of the exponents of all the
Reason Calcium chloride acts as a reducing ! reactants in the rate expression.
agent. There are many higher order
102. Assertion The equilibrium constant is fixed
I Reason
and a characteristic tor any given IlO. Assertion Transition metals are poor reducing
chemical reaction at a specified
I agents.
tern perature. Reason Transition metals form numerous
Reason The composition of the final alloys with other metals.
equilibrium mixture at a particular
Ill. Assertion A Idol condensation can be catalysed
temperature depends upon the
both by acids and bases.
starting amount of reactants.
Reason f)-Hydroxy aldehydes or ketones
103. Assertion PCI~ is covalent in gaseous and read i ly undergo acid catalysed
liquid states but ionic in solid state. dehydration.
Re:tSOII PCI, in solid state consists of
112. Assertion The position of an element in
tetrahedral PCI; cation and
periodic table after emission of one
octahedral PCle:- anion.
u- and two ~- particles remains
104. Assertion Zinc displaces copper from copper
sulphate solution.
Reason The EO of zinc is - 0.76 V and that Reason Em ission of one u- and two
of copper is + 0.34 V. f)-particles give isotope of the
element which acquires same
t OS. Assertion : CII,-C==CI·I-COOlI is
I position in periodic table.
3-Cllrhcthoxy- 2-butenoic acid. 113. Assertion S.1. unit of atomic mass and
Reason Principal functional group gets molecular mass is kilograms.
lowest number followed by double Reason Atomic mass is equal to the mass
bond or triple bond. of 6.023x 1024 atoms.
106. Assertion Hel ium has the highest value of 114. Assertion Bond energy and bond dissociation
ionisation energy among all the energy have identical val ue for
elements known.
diatomic molecules.
Reason Helium has the highest value of Reason Greater the bond dissociation energy,
electron affinity among all the less reactive is the bond.
elements known.
11S. Assertion The degree of complex formation in
107. Assertion : The nuclear isomers are the atoms actinides decreases in the order
with the same atomic number and MH> Moir> M3' > MO;.
same mass number, but with different Reason Actinides form complexes with
radioactive properties. rr-bonding ligands such as alkyl
Reason The nucleus in the excited state will phosphines and thioethers,
evidently have a different half-life
as compared to that in the ground 116. Assertion Benzene on heating with cone.
state. H2S04 gives benzenesulphonic acid
J 08. Assertion . Conductivity of silicon increases by which when heated with superheated
doping it with group-IS clements. steam under pressure gives benzene.
606 ____________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~A~IIMS_EX_P_L_OR_E_~

Reason Sulphonation is a reversible process. i (c) Knoll & Ruska (d) Landsteiner

117. Assertion The molality of the solution docs 1,1

126. What do A, B, C, and 0 represent ill the following
not change with change in tempe- figure?
rature. . I
Reason TI~e molality is express,cd in units I '-'
of moles per 1000 got solvent. I' I,/' -:::..:
118. Assertion Due to Frenkel defect, density of the 1"---'
crystalline solid decreases. ,
Reason In Frenkel defect, cation or anion 17 '<
leaves the crystal. r-, ./

119. Assertion
is named as tetrakis (ethylene-
d i am min e )~l-hyd rox c-u-I In i do Anion I'\.. """

dicobalt (III) ion.
In naming polynuclear complexes Membrane
i.e., containing two or more metal (a) A: carrier protein, B: symport, C: uniport,
atoms joined by bridging ligands, D : antiport
the word ~L is added with hyphen (b) A: carrier protein, B : uniport, C: antiport,
before the name of such ligands. D : syrnport
120. Assertion 2,3-0imethylbut-2-ene is more (c) A: carrier protein, B : antiport, C: symport,
stable than but-2-enc. D : uniport
Reason Six hyperconjugation structures can (d) A :.carrier protein, B : uniport, C: symport,
be written for 2, 3-dimethylbut-2- 0: antiport
ene while but-z-eue has twelve. 127. Gametophyte and sporophyte are independent of
each other in which of the following groups?
(a) pteridophytes (b) angiosperms
121. Vitamin B" is also called (c) gymnosperms (d) bryophytcs
{a) thiamine (b) pantothenic acid 128. Which of the following is correct?
(c) pyridoxine (d) retinol. (a) paneth cells secrete pepsinogen
(b) parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid
122. Protista differs from moneta in having
(c) argentaffin cells secrete mucus
(a) cell wall (b) autotrophic nutrition
(d) chief cells secrete gastrin
(c) flagella (d) nuclear membrane
129. Which of the following has highest diversity in
123. What does 'T' stands for in OPT vaccine?
(a) tuberculosis (b) typhoid
(a) mango (b) dolphin
(e) trachoma (d) tetanus
(c) tiger (d) orchids
124. Why arc vascular bundles closed in monocots?
130. Which of the following is correct about the given
(a) xylem and phloem are present
(b) xylem and phloem occur in separate bundles
(c) vascular cambium is present between xylem
and phloem
(d) vascular cambium is not present.
125. Who invented electron microscope? Two sarcomeres
(a) the length of the thick and thin myofilarnents'
(a) Janssen (b) Edison
has changed.

(b) length of both anisotropic and isotropic band

has changed.
(C) the myosin cross-bridges move on the surface
of actin and the thin and thick myofilaments
slide past each other.
(d) length of the sarcomere remains same.

131. Which ofthe following disorders are caused due

to recessive autosomal mutations?
(a) Turner's syndrome and sickle cell anaemia
(b) Edward's syndrome and Down's syndrome
(c) cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria
(a) A : endosperm B : scutellum
(d) Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's C : plu~ule D : coleoptile
chorea. (b) A : scutellum B : pericarp
132. What is correct about the movement of substance C : radicle D : coleoptile
across the membrane in facilitated diffusion? (c) A : endosperm B : scutellum
C : radicle D : coleorrhiza
(a) it is an active transport
(d) A : scutellum B : pericarp
(b) it doesn't cause transport of molecules from C : plumule D : coleorrhiza
low concentration to high concentration
(c) it is insensitive to inhibitors 137. Refer the given figures on photoperiodism and
(d) it is a very specific transport
select the correct option.

133. Which one is correct?

(a) Salmonella typht and llaemophilus influenzae
cause pneumonia
(h) Widal test is done for malaria
(c) Emamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis Critical Critical
(d] Wuchereria causes enterobiasis. photo- photo-
period period
134. What is the Greek word for ecology?
(a) ethology (b) oekologie
(c) synecology (d) hexicology
135. Which ofthe following is correct regarding genetic ~
code'! ;
./ A U C

(a) UUU is the initiation codon which also codes A 8 C

for phenylalanine. (a) no correlation long light- short light-
(b) there are 64 triplet cedens and only 20 amino between exposure exposure
light period period period
and flowering
(c) three random nitrogen bases specify the
placement of one amino acid. (b) long light- no correlation short light-
(d) UAA is the nonsense codon which also codes exposure between exposure
period light period period
for methionine. and flowering
136. The given figure shows L.S of the seed of maize. (c) short light- long light- no correlation
What do A, B, C and D represent? exposure' exposure between
period period lightperiod and
, flowering

(d) no correlation short light- long light- 145. Animals take phosphorus from
between exposure exposure (a) water (b) plants
light period period period (c) rock (d) soil
and tlowering
146. What is the effect of GnRI-I produced by
138. What arc Singer and Nicolson known for? hypothalamus?
(a) one-gene-one-enzyme hypothesis (a) stimulates the synthesis and secretion of
(b) plasma ~lCmbranc modi ficatious androgens
(e) fluid-mosaic model of plasma membrane (b) stimulates secretion of milk in mammary.
(d) structure of DNA
(c) stimulates foetal ejection reflex
139. Select the correct statement. i (d) stimulates synthesis of carbohydrates from
(a) ..icctobacter aceti produces citric acid I non-carbohydrates in liver.
(.b) Saccharomyces cercvisiae is used as clot buster
147. Chemosensitive area of respiratory centre in
(c) Penicillium notatum restrict the growth of
medulla is affected by
(a) less CO2 and 1-1' ions
(d) methanogens arc found in aerobic conditions
(b) less 0, and 1-1+ ions
140. \Vh ich of the following diseases is also called (e) excess" CO2 and H+ ions
Christmas disease? (d) excess O2 and H r ions.
(a) sickle-cell anaemia
148. What do A, B, C and D represent?
(b) haemoglobinuria
(c) myocardial infarction
(d) haemophilia - B
141. Which of the following is correct?
(a) all fungi are filamentous I
(b) trans fer of DNA from one bacteria to another I
bacteria cannot take place I
(c) virus cannot have both DNA and RNA I
(d) protists reproduce asexually only. I o
142. Which 0 f the following have porous body and (a) infundibulum fertilization myometrium morula
arc diploblastic?
(a) Aurelia and Obelia (b). infundibulum fertilization endometrium blastocyst
(b) Adamsia and Euplectella
(c) isthmus fertilization myometrium blastocyst
(c) Leucosolenia and Spongilla
(d) ,5:)lCOII and Hydra (d) isthmus fertilization endometrium morula
143. CD-4 receptor is associated with 149. Microvilli of intestinal epithelium are similar in
(a) AIDS (b) cancer function with
(c) malaria (d) pneumonia (a) typhlosole in earthworm
144. Which one is correct regarding electrocardiograph (b) hepatic caecae in cockroach
(ECG)? (c) intestinal caecum in earthworm
(a) Pvwave represents the electrical excitation of ! (d) Malpighian tubules in cockroach.
the ventricle i
150. The type of epithet ial cells which line the inner
(b) QRS complex represents repolarisation of tile i surface of Fallopian tubes, bronchioles and bronchi
ventricles I are known as
(e) T-wave represents repolarisation of the atria (a) squamous epithelium
(d) by counti ng the number of QRS complexes (b) ciliated epithelium
one can determine the pulse rate. [
Solved Paper - 2010 609

151. Cyclic photophosphorylation involves Column ( Column II

(a) PS I (b) PS II (A) Pall/izera tigris (i) Mango
(e) PS I and PS (I (d) I\~<J (B) Mangifcra indica (ij) Common Indian frog
152. Which animal has the longest gestation period? (C) Musca domestica (iii·) Cockroach
(a) shark (b) walrus (D) Periplaneta (iv) Tiger
(e) elephant (d) dog americana
(E) Rana tigerina (v) House fly
153. What is a plasmid?
(a) bacterial, linear, dsDNA (a) A - (ii), B - (v), C - (i), D - (iii), E - (iv)
(b) extrachromosomal linear RNA (b) A - (iv), B - (i), C - (v), D - (iii), E - (ii)
"(c) extrachromosomal circular dsDNA (c) A - (ii), B - (v), C - (iii), D - (i), E - (iv)
(d) autonomously replicating circular RNA. (d) A - (iv), B - (i), C - (v), D - (ii), E - (iii)
154. The concept of chemical evolution is based on 159. Which of the following is correct regarding HIV,
(a) interaction of water, air and clay under intense hepatitis B, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis?
heat (a) trichomoniasis is a STD whereas other are not
(b) effect of solar radiation on chemicals (b) gonorrhoea is a viral disease whereas others
. (e) possible origin of life by combination of are bacterial
chemicals under suitable environmental (c) HlV is a pathogen whereas others are diseases
conditions (d) Hepatitis B is eradicated completely whereas
(d) crystallization of chemicals. others are not.

155. Which of the following is a correct match between 160. The first stable product of Calvin cycle is
crop, variety and resistance to diseases? (a) 3-phosphoglycerate
Crop Variety Resistance to (b) 1,3 biphosphoglycerate
diseases (c) glyceraldehyde - 3 phosphate
(a) (d) ribulose - 5- phosphate
wheat himgiri white rust

(b) Directions: In the following questions (161-180), a

Brassica Pusa sadabahar black rot
statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement
(c) cowpea Pusa komal bacterial blight of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as :
(a) Ifboth assertion and reason are true and reason
(d) chilli Pusaswarnirn chilly mosaic is the correct explanation of assertion
virus (b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason
156. Recombinant DNA technology involves several is not the correct explanation of assertion
steps in which initial step is of isolation of the (c) If assertion is true but reason is false
DNA. Which enzymes are used in the process (d) If both assertion and reason arc false.
... for the break down of fungal cell, plant cell and 161. Assertion Adrenaline is called an emergency
bacterial cell respectively? hormone.
(a) lysozyme, lipases, trypsin Reason It acts on the cells of skeletal,
(b) chitiuase, cellulase, lysozyme cardiac, smooth muscles, blood
(c) chirinase, cellulase, trypsin vessels and fat cells.
(d) trypsin, lipases, cellulase 162. Assertion Cork preventsthe Joss of water by
157. The taxon which includes related species is evaporation.
(a) class (b) order Reason Cork cells contain tannins.
(c) family (d) genus 163. Assertion )n cockroach respi ratory gases
) 58. Match the following columns and select the correct directly comes in contact with the
option various organs of the body.

Reason Cockroaches do not have respiratory Reason DNA f ngerprinting is the basis of
pigment. paternity testing.
I (,~. Assertion Interferons are antiviral proteins. 175. Assertion All pathogens are parasites but all
Reason Interferons arc secreted by virus parasites are not pathogens.
in fccted cells. Reason Majority of the parasites confer
I (,5. Assertion While on going down the loop of benefits to the host.
Henle, the filtrate becomes 176. Assertion Due to poilu ti on atm os pheric
hypotonic. concentration of CO2 is increasing
Reason The descending limb of loop of
which will be harmful for C4 plants
l-I enle is impermeable to both water
whereas productive for C) plants. '.
and electrolytes.
. i
Reason C4 plants have greater efficiency for
I(,(,.Assertion Shrinkage of the prot~plast of a cell I CO2 as CO2 is fixed by PEP
occurs under the Influence of' oxygenase.
hypertonic solution.
177. Assertion Insulin is antagonistic to glucagon.
Reason Hypertonic solution causes
Reason :. It is an anabolic hormone.
178. Assertion Auditory ossicles arc small bones
[67. Assert ion Inbreeding produces pureline.
present in the cavity of inner ear -":
Reason [t causes homozygosity.
Reason Auditory ossicles maintain the
168. Assertion Partu rition is induced by neural balance of air pressure between two
signal in maternal pituitary. sides of ear drum.
Reason A t the end of gestation period, the
179. Assertion Pharyngeal nephridia playa role in
maternal pitu irary release prolactin
the conservation of water in the
which causes uterine contractions.
169. Assertion Conunelina shows cleistogamy.
Reason They help the earthworm in keeping
Reason This reduces chances of inbreeding.
the skin moist for cutaneous
170. Assertion Antirrhinum is a good example to res p irati on.
understand incomplete dominance. 180. Assertion Pantothenic acid deficiency is
Reason Heterozygotes show characteristics probably the most common vitamin
of both the alleles. deficiency.
[71. Assertion P resen ce 0 f large arnou nts of Reason Macrocytic anaemia is a
nutrients in water body causes characteristic feature of pantothenic
excessive growth of planktonic algae. acid deficiency.
Reason It is due to biomagnification.
172. Assertion Bi Ie is essential for the digestion of
lipids. 181. Which country has three capitals?
Reason Bile juice contains enzymes bilirubin
(a) S. Africa (b) Switzerland
(c) Netherland (c) Australia
and biliverdin.
173. Assertion Emphysema is a chronic disorder in 182. Which is the largest desert in the world?
wh ich alveolar walls are damaged. (a) Atacama (b) Thar
Reason Emphysema is closely related to (c) Sahara (d) Kalahri
cigarette smoking. 183. Which is the largest lake in the world?
174. Assertion DNA fingerprinting involves (a) Caspian sea (b) Wular
idcnti fying differences in specific (c) Lake superior (d) Baikal
regions in DNA sequence.
Solved Paper - 2010 611

184. Which country has WOIl 'Fifa World Cup' maximum. (d) decrease and increase respectively.
times? 192. Chocolates can be bad for health because of
(a) Germany (b) Brazil a high content of
(c) France (d) Italy .•., (a) .cobah . . .. • (b) nickel
. (c) zinc . . (d) lead
185. 'World population day' is on
(a) Sth March (b) 21st March 193. The novel Coolie is written by
(c) II til July (d) 3rd October (a) R. K. Narayan (b) Prem Chand
186. Who invented the stethoscope? (c) Jaincndra Kumar (d) Mulk Raj Anand
(a) Rcni Laenncc (b) Hopkins 194. Beirut is the capital of
(c) Louis Pasteur (d) Hausen (a) Syria (b) Jordan
(c) Lebanon (d) Libya
187. Which country has largest number of coal reserves?
(a) USA (b) Russia 195. The first month of Saka year is
(c) China (d) India (a) vaisakh (b) chaitra
(c) jyeshtha (d) paush
188. What term is given to the relationship between
196. Chameli Devi Award is given to an outstanding
culture and food?
woman who is a
(a) astronomy (b) agronomy
(a) vocalist (b) lawyer
(c) gastronomy (d) geology
(c) journalist (d) scientist
J 89. One-rupee note bears the signature of the
197. "Olive Branch" is a sign of
(a) Governor of Reserve Bank of India
(a) war (b) peace
(b) Finance ministry
(c) defeat (d) conquest
(c) Secretary, Ministry of Finance
(d) President of India 198. 800 in Roman number is written as
(a) DDCC (b) DDDC
1911. Which one of the following classical dance
(c) DCCC (d) DCCD.
forms originated in Andhra Pradesh?
(a) bharauiatyam (b) kathakali 199. Santosh Trophy is associated with
(c) kuchlpudi (d) odissi (a) hockey (b) cricket
(c) badminton (d) football
191. On adding salt to water, the boiling point and
freezing point of water will 200, Which river carries maximum quantity of water
(a) increase in the world?
(b) increase and decrease respectively (a) Nile (b) Amazon
lc) decrease (c) Thames (d) Mississippi

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