1 Lecture 09
1.1 Equicontinuity
First let’s recall the conception of “equicontinuity” for family of functions that we learned
in classical analysis: A family of continuous functions defined on a region Ω,
Λ = {fα } ⊂ C(Ω),
is called an equicontinuous family if ∀ > 0, ∃δ > 0 such that for any x1 , x2 ∈ Ω with
|x1 − x2 | < δ, and for any fα ∈ Λ, we have
L(U ) ⊂ V
for all L ∈ Λ.
Remark 1.2. Equivalently, this means if x1 , x2 ∈ X and x1 − x2 ∈ U , then
L(x1 ) − L(x2 ) ∈ V
for all L ∈ Λ.
Remark 1.3. If Λ = {L} contains only one continuous linear operator, then it is always
If Λ is an equicontinuous family, then each L ∈ Λ is continuous and thus bounded. In
fact, this boundedness is uniform:
Proposition 1.4. Let X,Y be topological vector spaces, and Λ be an equicontinuous family
of linear operators from X to Y . Then for each bounded set E in X, there exists a bounded
set F in Y , such that L(E) ⊂ F , for all L ∈ Λ.
Proof. Let F = L(E). In what follows we will show that F is bounded in Y .
By equicontinuity of Λ, for any neighborhood V of 0 in Y , one can find a neighborhood
U of 0 in X such that L(U ) ⊂ V , for all L ∈ Λ. On the other hand, since E is bounded in
X, so there exists s > 0, such that ∀t > s,
E ⊂ tU.
• of the first category if it is the union of countably many nowhere dense subsets.
Definition 1.5. A topological vector space X is called an F-space if the topology is induced
by a complete translation-invariant metric.
Now we are ready to state the first of the BIG THREE:
Λx = {L(x)|L ∈ Λ}
Remark 1.8. According to proposition 1.4, and equicontinuous family is uniformly bounded.
So the Banach-Steinhaus theorem tells us any “pointwise bounded family” of continuous
linear operators is in fact “uniformly bounded”.
Remark 1.9. The converse of theorem 1.7 is a consequence of proposition 1.4, because the
single point set {x} is a bounded set in X. (If Λ is an equicontinuous family, then there
exists a bounded set in Y that contains all L(x)’s, and thus contains the set Λx . So Λx is
We need a small lemma before we prove the theorem. (Thank Qian Jian for pointing
out a mistake in an earlier version.)
Lemma 1.10. (1) For any set S in a topological vector space X and any open neighborhood
U of 0 in X, one has S ⊂ S + U.
(2) For any neighborhood V of 0 in a topological vector space, there is a balanced
neighborhood W of 0 such that W ⊂ V .
Proof. (1) If x ∈ S, then by definition of the closure in topological space, any neighborhood
of x contains a point in S. In particular for the open neighborhood x − U of x, one has
(x − U ) ∩ S 6= ∅,
W + W ⊂ V.
By pointwise boundedness, for any x ∈ X, there exists s(x) > 0, s.t. for all t > s(x),
Λx ⊂ tW.
L(x) ∈ n(x)W.
X= Xn .
and each L−1 (nW ) is closed due to the continuity of L and the closedness of W .
Since X is an F-space, it is complete. By Baire’s category theorem, it cannot be written
as a countable union of nowhere dense subsets. So there exists n such that the interior of
Xn is not empty. Let
U0 = Int(Xn ),
then U0 is open in X, and for any L ∈ Λ,
1 1
L(U0 ) = L(Int(Xn )) ⊂ L(Xn ) ⊂ W.
n n
So if we let
U = U0 + (−U0 ),
then U is open in X and contains 0, and
By using exactly the same argument, one can prove the following more general result,
which is also known as the Banach-Steinhaus theorem:
Theorem 1.11. (The Banach-Steinhaus theroem) Let X, Y be topological vector spaces,
and Λ a family of continuous linear operators from X to Y . If the set
B = {x ∈ X : Λx is bounded in Y }
Proof. Since each Ln is linear, the limit L is linear. So it is enough to prove the continuity of
L at 0. For any neighborhood V of 0 in Y , we take a smaller closed balanced neighborhood
W of 0 in Y such that W ⊂ V . The existence of such W follows from lemma 1.10.
Since any convergent sequence in a topological vector space is bounded, the Banach-
Steinhaus theorem implies that the family Λ = {Ln } is equicontinuous. So for the neigh-
borhood W of 0 in Y , we can find a neighborhood U of 0 in X such that Ln (U ) ⊂ W for
all n. Since W is closed, by passing to the limit we get
L(U ) ⊂ W ⊂ V.
So L is continuous.
kxk < C, ∀x ∈ E.
As a consequence, we get
1. L is bounded
2. for any r > 0, there exists s > 0 such that L(BX (0, r)) ⊂ BY (0, s),
3. there exists r > 0 such that L(BX (0, 1)) ⊂ BY (0, r).
Now we let
L(X, Y ) = {L : X → Y | L is a continuous linear operator}.
Obviously L(X, Y ) is a vector space.
For any L ∈ L(X, Y ), we define
||L|| = sup ||Lx||Y = sup .
||x||X =1 x6=0 kxkX
With the help of the operator norm defined above, one can state the Banach-Steinhaus
theorem as follows, which is usually referred to as the uniformly boundedness principle:
Theorem 1.15. (The Uniform Boundedness Principle) Let X be a Banach space, Y be
a normed vector space, and Λ be a family of continuous linear operators from X to Y .
Suppose the family Λ is “pointwise bounded”, i.e.,
∀x ∈ X, sup {kLxk} < ∞.