Pe 26 Ee17
Pe 26 Ee17
Pe 26 Ee17
Let the switching frequency arbitrarily be 40 kHz, which is well above the
audio range and is low enough to keep switching losses small.
The inductor voltage when the switch is open is Vo =18 V. Therefore, the
inductor must withstand 30 V.
The capacitor must be rated for the 18-V output.
From Eq. (6-15), the variation in inductor current is 1.6 A for each output
------ Eq. (6-15)
Fig. 6-8
Also, the average inductor voltage must be zero for periodic operation.
Expressing the average inductor voltage over one switching period,
Equation (6-27) shows that if the switch is always open and D is zero, the
output voltage is the same as the input.
As the duty ratio is increased, the denominator of Eq. (6-27) becomes smaller,
resulting in a larger output voltage.
The boost converter produces an output voltage that is greater than or equal to
the input voltage.
However, the output voltage cannot be less than
the input, as was the case with the buck converter.
ripple voltage
Fig. 6-9d
The variation in inductor current is 0.762 A for Vs= 4.2 A, but it must be
recalculated for Vs= 2.7 V using the 13.1-μH value selected, yielding
The output voltage ripple due to the capacitor ESR must be no more than
(0.02)(8)=0.16 V.