CHP 1 SG Key
CHP 1 SG Key
CHP 1 SG Key
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Equations and Inequalities Expressions and Formulas
STEP 1 Before you begin Chapter 1 Get Ready for the Lesson
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-1 in your textbook.
• Read each statement.
• Nurses use the formula F
to control the flow rate for IVs. Name
• Decide whether you Agree (A) or Disagree (D) with the statement.
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the quantity that each of the variables in this formula represents and the units in which
• Write A or D in the first column OR if you are not sure whether you agree or disagree, each is measured.
write NS (Not Sure).
F represents the flow rate and is measured in drops per minute.
Chapter Resources
STEP 1 Statement STEP 2 V represents the volume of solution and is measured in milliliters .
Page A1
A, D, or NS A or D
1. Algebraic expressions contain at least one variable. A d represents the drop factor and is measured in drops per milliliter.
Lesson 1-1
7. The absolute value of a number is its distance from 0 on parentheses. Braces are used outside of brackets. Identify the innermost expression(s) in
the number line. A each of the following expressions.
8. If the absolute value of any expression is equal to a negative a. [(3 22) 8] 4 (3 22)
number, then the solution is the empty set.
b. 9 [5(8 6) 2(10 7)] (8 6) and (10 7)
9. When adding or subtracting a negative number to both sides
of an inequality, the inequality symbol must be reversed. D c. {14 [8 (3 12)2]} (63 100) (3 12)
(Lesson 1-1)
10. Writing a solution in the form {x| x 5} is called set builder 2. Read the following instructions. Then use grouping symbols to show how the instructions
notation. A can be put in the form of a mathematical expression.
11. If a compound inequality contains the word “or”, the solution Multiply the difference of 13 and 5 by the sum of 9 and 21. Add the result to 10. Then
will be the intersection of the solution sets of the D divide what you get by 2. [(13 5)(9 21) 10] 2
two inequalities.
12. If |3x 1| 10, then 3x 1 10 and 3a 1 10. D 3. Why is it important for everyone to use the same order of operations for evaluating
expressions? Sample answer: If everyone did not use the same order of
operations, different people might get different answers.
STEP 2 After you complete Chapter 1
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Glencoe Algebra 2
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1-1 Study Guide and Intervention 1-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Chapter 1
Expressions and Formulas Expressions and Formulas
Order of Operations Formulas A formula is a mathematical sentence that uses variables to express the
relationship between certain quantities. If you know the value of every variable except one
1. Simplify the expressions inside grouping symbols. in a formula, you can use substitution and the order of operations to find the value of the
Order of 2. Evaluate all powers. unknown variable.
(9) 3(4.5) (172)(25)
27 13.5 500
Page A2
Exercises 500
Find the value of each expression.
You cannot buy 8.6 reams of paper. You will need to buy 9 reams to print 172 copies.
1 Exercises
4. 9(32 6) 135 5. (5 23)2 52 144 6. 52 18 2 34.25
For Exercises 1–3, use the following information.
16 23 4
2 6 8. (7 32)2 62 40 9. 20 22 6 11 For a science experiment, Sarah counts the number of breaths needed for her to blow up a
beach ball. She will then find the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters and divide
by the number of breaths to find the average volume of air per breath.
10. 12 6 3 2(4) 6 11. 14 (8 20 2) 7 12. 6(7) 4 4 5 38
(Lesson 1-1)
1. Her beach ball has a radius of 9 inches. First she converts the radius to centimeters
using the formula C 2.54I, where C is a length in centimeters and I is the same length
642 6 9 3 15
13. 8(42 8 32) 240 14. 24 15. 4 in inches. How many centimeters are there in 9 inches? 22.86 cm
461 82
1 4
Evaluate each expression if a 8.2, b 3, c 4, and d . 2. The volume of a sphere is given by the formula V r3, where V is the volume of the
2 3
sphere and r is its radius. What is the volume of the beach ball in cubic centimeters?
ab c2 1
16. 49.2 17. 5(6c 8b 10d) 215 18. 6 (Use 3.14 for .) 50,015 cm3
d bd
a 3. Sarah takes 40 breaths to blow up the beach ball. What is the average volume of air per
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Expressions and Formulas Expressions and Formulas
Find the value of each expression. Find the value of each expression.
ab d(b c)
15. d2 12
13. (4s)2 144 14. s2r wt 3
17. (b de)e2 1 18. ac3 b2de 70
3v t
15. 2(3r w) 7 16. 4 ac4 c
5s t 19. b[a (c d) 2 ] 206 20. 2 22
d e
(Lesson 1-1)
25 rv3 1
17. w[t (t r)] 18. 0 21. 9bc 141 22. 2ab2 (d 3 c) 67
2 2
s e
2w 23. TEMPERATURE The formula F C 32 gives the temperature in degrees
19. 9r2 (s2 1)t 105 20. 7s 2v 22 5
r Fahrenheit for a given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit when the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius? 40F
21. TEMPERATURE The formula K C 273 gives the temperature in kelvins (K) for a
given temperature in degrees Celsius. What is the temperature in kelvins when the 24. PHYSICS The formula h 120t 16t2 gives the height h in feet of an object t seconds
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
temperature is 55 degrees Celsius? 328 K after it is shot upward from Earth’s surface with an initial velocity of 120 feet per
second. What will the height of the object be after 6 seconds? 144 ft
22. TEMPERATURE The formula C (F 32) gives the temperature in degrees Celsius
9 25. AGRICULTURE Faith owns an organic apple orchard. From her experience the last few
for a given temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. What is the temperature in degrees seasons, she has developed the formula P 20x 0.01x2 240 to predict her profit P in
Celsius when the temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit? 20C dollars this season if her trees produce x bushels of apples. What is Faith’s predicted
profit this season if her orchard produces 300 bushels of apples? $4860
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Chapter 1
Expressions and Formulas Traveling on a Budget
and S is the speed. Determine travel time to your aunt’s house at various speeds.
12 minutes to broil a one inch thick steak. 70 2.8
r For every additional inch of thickness,
R 75 2.6
the steak should be broiled for 5 more
2. For which speed(s), will you miss the surprise birthday party?
236 in2 5. Write a formula for T in terms of w. You will miss the party for all speeds 50 mph and less, assuming an
Sample Answer: T 5(w 1) 12 11 A.M. departure.
or T 5w 7
(Lesson 1-1)
Now determine if you can afford enough gasoline to make the trip and return.
subtraction You can make it to your aunt’s house on time, but won’t have enough
gas to get home.
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Properties of Real Numbers Properties of Real Numbers
Get Ready for the Lesson Real Numbers All real numbers can be classified as either rational or irrational. The
set of rational numbers includes several subsets: natural numbers, whole numbers,
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-2 in your textbook. and integers.
• Why are all of the amounts listed on the register slip at the top of the page followed by
negative signs? Sample answer: The amount of each coupon is subtracted R real numbers {all rationals and irrationals}
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from the total amount of purchases so that you save money by using m
{all numbers that can be represented in the form , where m and n are integers and
Q rational numbers n
coupons. n is not equal to 0}
• Describe two ways of calculating the amount of money you saved by using coupons if your I irrational numbers {all nonterminating, nonrepeating decimals}
register slip is the one shown on page 11. Sample answer: Add all the individual N natural numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …}
coupon amounts or add the amounts for the scanned coupons and
Page A5
2. Write the Associative Property of Addition in symbols. Then illustrate this property by 25
5 naturals (N), wholes (W), integers (Z), rationals (Q), reals (R)
finding the sum 12 18 45 in two different ways. (a b) c a (b c);
Sample answer: (12 18) 45 30 45 75;
12 (18 45) 12 63 75
Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs.
3. Consider the equations (a
c a
c) and (a
c c
b). One of the
equations uses the Associative Property of Multiplication and one uses the Commutative 6
1. Q, R 2. 81
Z, Q, R 3. 0 W, Z, Q, R 4. 192.0005 Q, R
Property of Multiplication. How can you tell which property is being used in each 7
equation? The first equation uses the Associative Property of Multiplication.
(Lesson 1-2)
The quantities a, b, and c are used in the same order, but they are grouped
differently on the two sides of the equation. The second equation uses the 1 36
5. 73 N, W, Z, Q, R 6. 34 Q, R 7.
9 Q, R 8. 26.1 Q, R
quantities in different orders on the two sides of the equation. So the 2
second equation uses the Commutative Property of Multiplication.
9. I, R 10. N, W, Z, Q, R 11. 4.1
7 Q, R
Remember What You Learned
4. How can the meanings of the words commuter and association help you to remember the 25
difference between the commutative and associative properties? Sample answer: 12.
5 N, W, Z, Q, R 13. 1 Z, Q, R 14. 42
I, R
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Properties of Real Numbers Properties of Real Numbers
7. 3
x x
3 8. 3a 0 3a
Example Simplify 9x 3y 12y 0.9x. Comm. () Add. Iden.
Commutative Property ()
Page A6
Lesson 1-2
1. 8(3a b) 4(2b a) 2. 40s 18t 5t 11s 3. (4j 2k 6j 3k) Mult. Inv. Mult. Iden.
20a 51s 13t k j
5 13. 0.6[25(0.5)] [0.6(25)]0.5 14. (10b 12b) 7b (12b 10b) 7b
a b Assoc. () Comm. ()
4. 10(6g 3h) 4(5g h) 5. 12 6. 8(2.4r 3.1s) 6(1.5r 2.4s)
3 4
80g 26h 4a 3b 10.2r 39.2s
Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.
(Lesson 1-2)
7. 4(20 4p) (4 16p) 8. 5.5j 8.9k 4.7k 10.9j 9. 1.2(7x 5) (10 4.3x) 1
4 15. 15 15, 16. 1.25 1.25, 0.8
77 4p 4.2k 5.4j 12.7x 16
4 4 5 3 3 4
17. , 18. 3 3 ,
3 1 3 1 5 5 4 4 4 15
10. 9(7e 4f) 0.6(e 5f ) 11. 2.5m(12 8.5) 12. p r r p
4 5 5 2
1 4
62.4e 39f 8.75m p r Simplify each expression.
4 5
5 19. 3x 5 2x 3 5x 2 20. x y z y x z 0
13. 4(10g 80h) 20(10h 5g) 14. 2(15 45c) (12 18c)
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
140g 120h 40 105c 21. (3g 3h) 5g 10h 2g 13h 22. a2 a 4a 3a2 1 2a2 3a 1
15. (7 2.1x)3 2(3.5x 6) 16. (18 6n 12 3n)
23. 3(m z) 5(2m z) 13m 8z 24. 2x 3y (5x 3y 2z) 3x 2z
0.7x 9 20 2n
1 1
17. 14( j 2) 3j(4 7) 18. 50(3a b) 20(b 2a) 25. 6(2 v) 4(2v 1) 8 2v 26. (15d 3) (8 10d) 10d 3
3 2
2j 7 190a 70b
Chapter 1 14 Glencoe Algebra 2 Chapter 1 15 Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Properties of Real Numbers Properties of Real Numbers
Name the sets of numbers to which each number belongs. 1. MENTAL MATH When teaching 4. NUMBER THEORY Consider the
elementary students to multiply and following two statements.
1. 6425 2. 7
3. 2 4. 0 learn place value, books often show I. The product of any two rational
N, W, Z, Q, R I, R I, R W, Z, Q, R that 54 8 (50 4) 8 (50 8) numbers is always another rational
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Name the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse for each number.
Lesson 1-2
19. 0.4 0.4, 2.5 20. 1.6 1.6, 0.625 Commutative Property of
Multiplication a
11 11 16 5 5 6
21. , 22. 5 5 ,
16 16 11 6 6 35
23. 5x 3y 2x 3y 3x 24. 11a 13b 7a 3b 4a 16b For each set of values for a and b,
(Lesson 1-2)
50 miles per hour for (t 2) hours. Write a simplified expression for the sum of the
distances traveled by the two cars. (110t 100) mi Numbers Irrationals 7. a 7, b 24
c 25; it is a natural number.
32. NUMBER THEORY Use the properties of real numbers to tell whether the following Integers Rationals
statement is true or false: If a b, it follows that a b . Explain your reasoning.
a1 1b
1 1
false; counterexample: 5 4
5 4
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Chapter 1
Solving Equations
Properties of a Group
Get Ready for the Lesson
A set of numbers forms a group with respect to an operation if for that operation
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-3 in your textbook.
the set has (1) the Closure Property, (2) the Associative Property, (3) a member
which is an identity, and (4) an inverse for each member of the set. • To find your target heart rate, what two pieces of information must you supply? age (A)
Associative Property: For all numbers in the set, does a (b c) (a b) c? Read the Lesson
0 (1 2) (0 1) 2; 1 (2 3) (1 2) 3; and so on. 1. a. How are algebraic expressions and equations alike?
The set is associative for addition.
Sample answer: Both contain variables, constants, and operation
Identity: Is there some number, i, in the set such that i a a a i signs.
for all a? 0 1 1 1 0; 0 2 2 2 0; and so on.
Page A8
a a a a i? The integer inverse of 3 is 3 since Sample answer: Equations contain equal signs; expressions do not.
3 3 0, and 0 is the identity for addition. But the set does not
contain 3. Therefore, there is no inverse for 3.
The set is not a group with respect to addition because only three of the four properties hold. c. How are algebraic expressions and equations related?
Sample answer: An equation is a statement that says that two
Example 2 Is the set {1, 1} a group with respect to multiplication? algebraic expressions are equal.
Closure Property: (1)(1) 1; (1)(1) 1; (1)(1) 1; (1)(1) 1
The set has closure for multiplication. Read the following problem and then write an equation that you could use to
Associative Property: (1)[(1)(1)] (1)(1) 1; and so on solve it. Do not actually solve the equation. In your equation, let m be the number
The set is associative for multiplication. of miles driven.
Lesson 1-3
Identity: 1(1) 1; 1(1) 1 2. When Louisa rented a moving truck, she agreed to pay $28 per day plus $0.42 per mile.
The identity for multiplication is 1. If she kept the truck for 3 days and the rental charges (without tax) were $153.72, how
many miles did Louisa drive the truck? 3(28) 0.42m 153.72
(Lessons 1-2 and 1-3)
Tell whether the set forms a group with respect to the given operation. Sample answer: When you look at your reflection, you are looking at
1. {integers}, addition yes 2. {integers}, multiplication no yourself. The reflexive property says that every number is equal to itself.
In geometry, symmetry with respect to a line means that the parts of a
2 3 figure on the two sides of a line are identical. The symmetric property of
3. , , , … , addition no 4. {multiples of 5}, multiplication no
12 2 2 equality allows you to interchange the two sides of an equation. The
5. {x, x2, x3, x4, …} addition no 6. {1
, 2
, 3
, …}, multiplication no equal sign is like the line of symmetry.
7. {irrational numbers}, addition no 8. {rational numbers}, addition yes
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1-3 Study Guide and Intervention 1-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Chapter 1
Solving Equations Solving Equations
Verbal Expressions to Algebraic Expressions The chart suggests some ways to Properties of Equality You can solve equations by using addition, subtraction,
help you translate word expressions into algebraic expressions. Any letter can be used to multiplication, or division.
represent a number that is not known.
Addition and Subtraction For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a b,
Word Expression Operation Properties of Equality then a c b c and a c b c.
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and, plus, sum, increased by, more than addition For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a b,
Multiplication and Division
a b
minus, difference, decreased by, less than subtraction Properties of Equality then a
c b
c and, if c is not zero, .
c c
times, product, of (as in of a number) multiplication
divided by, quotient division Example 1 Solve 100 8x 140. Example 2 Solve 4x 5y 100 for y.
Page A9
2. four times the sum of a number and 3 4(n 3) 2 1 3 1
4. m 5. 7 x 3 8 6. 8 2(z 7) 3
3 2 4 2
3. 7 less than fifteen times a number 15n 7
6 7. 0.2b 10 50 8. 3x 17 5x 13 15 9. 5(4 k) 10k 4
4. the difference of nine times a number and the quotient of 6 and the same number n
3 5
10. 120 y 60 80 11. n 98 n 28 12. 4.5 2p 8.7 2.1
Lesson 1-3
4 2
(Lesson 1-3)
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Chapter 1
Solving Equations Solving Equations
Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression. Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.
1. 4 times a number, increased by 7 2. 8 less than 5 times a number 1. 2 more than the quotient of a number and 5 2. the sum of two consecutive integers
4n 7 5n 8 2 n (n 1)
3. 5 times the sum of a number and 1 4. 1 less than twice the square of a number
3. 6 times the sum of a number and 5 4. the product of 3 and a number, divided by 9
3n 5(m 1) 2y 2 1
6(n 5)
9 Write a verbal expression to represent each equation. 5–8. Sample answers
5. 3 times the difference of 4 and a number 3(4 n) are given.
5. 5 2x 4 6. 3y 4y3
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number. 11. If h 12 22, then h 10. 12. If 4m 15, then 12m 45.
Subtraction () Multiplication ()
Name the property illustrated by each statement.
Solve each equation. Check your solution.
11. If a 0.5b, and 0.5b 10, then a 10. 12. If d 1 f, then d f 1.
Transitive () Subtraction () 13. 14 8 6r 1 14. 9 4n 59 17
13. If 7x 14, then 14 7x. 14. If (8 7)r 30, then 15r 30. 3 1 5 1 5 3 11 1
15. n 16. s
4 2 8 4 6 4 12 5
Symmetric () Substitution ()
Lesson 1-3
(Lesson 1-3)
17. 1.6r 5 7.8 8 18. 6x 5 7 9x
Solve each equation. Check your solution. 5
3 1
1 19. 5(6 4v) v 21 20. 6y 5 3(2y 1)
15. 4m 2 18 4 16. x 4 5x 2 7 6
Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable.
17. 3t 2t 5 5 18. 3b 7 15 2b E 2d 1 3c 1
5 21. E mc2, for m m 2 22. c , for d d
3 2
19. 5x 3x 24 3 20. 4v 20 6 34 5 h gt 2 1 2(E U )
23. h vt gt2, for v v 24. E Iw2 U, for I I
t 2 w
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
21. a 3
5 22. 2.2n 0.8n 5 4n 5
Define a variable, write an equation, and solve the problem.
Solve each equation or formula for the specified variable. 25. GEOMETRY The length of a rectangle is twice the width. Find the width if the
I 1 perimeter is 60 centimeters. w width; 2(2w) 2w 60; 10 cm
23. I prt, for p p 24. y x 12, for x x 4y 48
rt 4
26. GOLF Luis and three friends went golfing. Two of the friends rented clubs for $6 each. The
xy A 2
r 2
25. A 2
, for y y 2A x 26. A 2r2 2rh, for h h total cost of the rented clubs and the green fees for each person was $76. What was the cost
of the green fees for each person? g green fees per person; 6(2) 4g 76; $16
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Solving Equations United States’ Gross National Product
1. AGES Robert’s father is 5 years older 4. SAVINGS Jason started with d dollars in
The Gross National Product, GNP, is an important indicator of U.S. economy. The
than 3 times Robert’s age. Let Robert’s his piggy bank. One week later, Jason
GNP contains information about the inflation rate, the Bond market, and the Stock
age be denoted by R and let Robert’s doubled the amount in his piggy bank.
market. It is composed of consumer goods, investments, government expenditures,
father’s age be denoted by F. Write an Another week later, Jason was able to add
exports, and imports.
8:03 AM
equation that relates Robert’s age and $20 to his piggy bank. At this point, the
his father’s age. piggy bank had $50 in it. What is d? Calculated from GNP C I G X M, where
F 3R 5. 15 C is consumer goods (e.g. TV’s, Cars, Food, Furniture, Clothes, Doctors’ fees, and
I is investments (e.g. Factories, Computers, Airlines, and Housing)
G is government spending and investments (e.g. Ships, Roads, Schools, NASA,
Page A11
people board the aircraft, how many t 10.5 6.3 1 G 1. Therefore G 4.2 trillion dollars.
suitcases can the airplane carry?
20 suitcases 2. In 2001, the U.S. trade deficit remain at 1 trillion dollars, investments also remain
steady at 1 trillion dollars. However consumption dipped to only 50% of the GNP,
3t which increased to 12 trillion dollars. What was the effect on government spending?
What might have caused the change?
Government spending must have gone up, in fact G 6 trillion dollars.
Employment may have caused a dip in consumption.
Lesson 1-3
(Lesson 1-3)
3. If the GNP remains steady, and so do investments and government spending, but the
5. Nancy measures her dominoes and finds trade deficit increases (to say 2 or 3 trillion dollars), what does this say about the
that t 1 centimeter. She measures the consumption level?
3. GEOMETRY The length of a rectangle distance of her hallway and finds that Consumption will increase.
is 10 units longer than its width. If d 321 centimeters. Rewrite the
the total perimeter of the rectangle is equation that relates d, t, and N with the 4. Determine if there is a trade surplus or deficit when there is 12 trillion dollar GNP,
44 units, what is the width? given values substituted for t and d. 2 trillion in investments, 3 trillion in government investments, and 5 trillion in
321 4N 1. consumption. Explain why this situation may be favorable.
w There is a surplus. Consumption is reduced, possibly because the cost
of living has reduced.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
w 6 units
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Chapter 1
Solving Equations and Checking Solutions Solving Absolute Value Equations
When solving equations, checking the solutions is an important process. A Get Ready for the Lesson
graphing calculator can be used to check the solution of an equation.
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-4 in your textbook.
• What is a seismologist and what does magnitude of an earthquake mean? a scientist
Example 1
Solve 2(5y 1) y 4(y 3). who studies earthquakes; a number from 1 to 10 that tells how strong an
earthquake is
Graph the expression on the left side of the equation in Y1 and
the expression on the right side of the equation in Y2. Choose an
appropriate view window so that the intersection of the graphs is • Why is an absolute value equation rather than an equation without absolute value used
visible. Then use the intersect command to find the coordinates of to find the extremes in the actual magnitude of an earthquake in relation to its measured
2:55 PM
the common point. value on the Richter scale? Sample answer: The actual magnitude can vary
from the measured magnitude by up to 0.3 unit in either direction, so an
Keystrokes: Y= (–) 2 ( 5 — 1 ) — ENTER (–)
[47, 47] scl:10 by [31, 31] scl:10 absolute value equation is needed.
4 ( — 3 ) ZOOM 6 ZOOM 8 ENTER 2nd [CALC] 5
• If the magnitude of an earthquake is estimated to be 6.9 on the Richter scale, it might
ENTER ENTER ENTER 2nd [QUIT] MATH ENTER ENTER . actually have a magnitude as low as 6.6 or as high as 7.2 .
The x-coordinate, , is the solution to the equation. The y-coordinate
Page A12
10 Read the Lesson
is the value of both sides of the equation when x .
1. Explain how a could represent a positive number. Give an example. Sample
Example 2 answer: If a is negative, then a is positive. Example: If a 25, then
Solve x x 1(x 2).
5 4 2 a (25) 25.
Graph the expression on the left side of the equation in Y1 and the
expression on the right side of the equation in Y2. Enter Y1 - Y2 in
Y3. Then graph the function in Y3. Use the zero function under the 2. Explain why the absolute value of a number can never be negative. Sample answer:
CALC menu to determine where the graph of Y3 equals zero. This The absolute value is the number of units it is from 0 on the number line.
point will be the solution. The number of units is never negative.
Keystrokes: Y = ( 5 ) — ( 4 )
[10, 10] scl:1 by [10, 10] scl:1
ENTER ( 1 2 ) ( — 2 ) ENTER VARS 3. What does the sentence b 0 mean? Sample answer: The number b is 0 or
ENTER ENTER — VARS ENTER 2 ENTER greater than 0.
ENTER ZOOM 6 2nd [CALC] 2.
(Lessons 1-3 and 1-4)
Use arrow keys and enter to set the bound prompts. The solution is x .
11 4. What does the symbol mean as a solution set? Sample answer: If a solution set
is , then there are no solutions.
Solve each equation.
Lesson 1-4
4 6 5. How can the number line model for absolute value that is shown on page 28 of your
w 5
x 17 a 4
5 textbook help you remember that many absolute value equations have two solutions?
m4 3m 1 x5 1 x3
Sample answer: The number line shows that for every positive number,
4. 3(2z 25) 2(z 1) 78 5. 1 6. 2x there are two numbers that have that number as their absolute value.
3 5 2 2 8
z 1 m 8 x
4 11
Glencoe Algebra 2
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1-4 Study Guide and Intervention 1-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Chapter 1
Solving Absolute Value Equations Solving Absolute Value Equations
Absolute Value Expressions The absolute value of a number is the number of Absolute Value Equations Use the definition of absolute value to solve equations
units it is from 0 on a number line. The symbol ⏐x⏐ is used to represent the absolute value containing absolute value expressions.
of a number x.
For any real numbers a and b, where b
0, if ⏐a⏐ b then a b or a b.
• Words For any real number a, if a is positive or zero, the absolute value of a is a.
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Absolute Value If a is negative, the absolute value of a is the opposite of a. Always check your answers by substituting them into the original equation. Sometimes
• Symbols For any real number a, ⏐a⏐ a, if a
0, and ⏐a⏐ a, if a 0. computed solutions are not actual solutions.
2x 3 17 2x 3 17
⏐4⏐ ⏐2x⏐ ⏐4⏐ ⏐2
6⏐ ⏐2x 3y⏐ ⏐2(4) 3(3)⏐
2x 3 3 17 3 2x 3 3 17 3
⏐4⏐ ⏐12⏐ ⏐8 9⏐
2x 20 2x 14
4 12 ⏐17⏐
x 10 x 7
8 17
CHECK ⏐2x 3⏐ 17 CHECK ⏐2(7) 3⏐ 17
⏐2(10) 3⏐ 17 ⏐14 3⏐ 17
⏐20 3⏐ 17 ⏐17⏐ 17
Exercises ⏐17⏐ 17 17 17 ✓
1. ⏐2x 8⏐ 4 2. ⏐6 z⏐ ⏐7⏐ 7 3. 5 ⏐w z⏐ 15
4. ⏐x 5⏐ ⏐2w⏐ 1 5. ⏐x⏐ ⏐y⏐ ⏐z⏐ 4 6. ⏐7 x⏐ ⏐3x⏐ 11 Solve each equation. Check your solutions.
1. ⏐x 15⏐ 37 {52, 22} 2. ⏐t 4⏐ 5 0 {1, 9}
7. ⏐w 4x⏐ 12 8. ⏐wz⏐ ⏐xy⏐ 23 9. ⏐z⏐ 3⏐5yz⏐ 39
(Lesson 1-4)
10. 5⏐w⏐ 2⏐z 2y⏐ 34 11. ⏐z⏐ 4⏐2z y⏐ 40 12. 10 ⏐xw⏐ 2
5. ⏐5b 9⏐ 16 2 6. ⏐15 2k⏐ 45 {15, 30}
1 11
13. ⏐6y z⏐ ⏐yz⏐ 6 14. 3⏐wx⏐ ⏐4x 8y⏐ 27 15. 7⏐yz⏐ 30 9 7. 5n 24 ⏐8 3n⏐ {2} 8. ⏐8 5a⏐ 14 a
4 2
, 1
Lesson 1-4
1 1
9. ⏐4p 11⏐ p 4 23, 10. ⏐3x 1⏐ 2x 11 {2, 12}
16. 14 2⏐w xy⏐ 4 17. ⏐2x y⏐ 5y 6 18. ⏐xyz⏐ ⏐wxz⏐ 54 3 7
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
11. x 3 1 12. 40 4x 2⏐3x 10⏐ {6, 10}
1 ⏐3 ⏐
19. z⏐z⏐ x⏐x⏐ 32 20. 12 ⏐10x 10y⏐ 3 21. ⏐5z 8w⏐ 31
13. 5f ⏐3f 4⏐ 20 {12} 14. ⏐4b 3⏐ 15 2b {2, 9}
3 1
22. ⏐yz 4w⏐ w 17 23. ⏐wz⏐ ⏐8y⏐ 20 24. xz ⏐xz⏐ 24
4 2 1
15. ⏐6 2x⏐ 3x 1 16. ⏐16 3x⏐ 4x 12 {4}
2 12
Chapter 1 28 Glencoe Algebra 2 Chapter 1 29 Glencoe Algebra 2
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Solving Absolute Value Equations Solving Absolute Value Equations
Evaluate each expression if w 0.4, x 2, y 3, and z 10. Evaluate each expression if a 1, b 8, c 5, and d 1.4.
3. ⏐10d a⏐ 15
9. 2⏐4w⏐ 3.2 10. 3 ⏐1 6w⏐ 1.6 13. ⏐n 4⏐ 13 {9, 17} 14. ⏐x 13⏐ 2 {11, 15}
18. ⏐5x 4⏐ 6
19. 3⏐4x 9⏐ 24 20. 6⏐5 2y⏐ 9 1.75, 3.25
Solve each equation. Check your solutions.
13. ⏐y 3⏐ 2 {5, 1} 14. ⏐5a⏐ 10 {2, 2} 21. ⏐8 p⏐ 2p 3 {11} 22. ⏐4w 1⏐ 5w 37 {38}
23. 4⏐2y 7⏐ 5 9 {3, 4} 24. 2⏐7 3y⏐ 6 14 1, 3
4 8
15. ⏐3k 6⏐ 2 , 16. ⏐2g 6⏐ 0 {3}
3 3 25. 2⏐4 s⏐ 3s {8} 26. 5 3⏐2 2w⏐ 7 {3, 1}
(Lesson 1-4)
17. 10 ⏐1 c⏐ {9, 11} 18. ⏐2x x⏐ 9 {3, 3} 27. 5⏐2r 3⏐ 5 0 {2, 1} 28. 3 5⏐2d 3⏐ 4
29. WEATHER A thermometer comes with a guarantee that the stated temperature differs
19. ⏐p 7⏐ 14 20. 2⏐3w⏐ 12 {2, 2} from the actual temperature by no more than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Write and solve an
equation to find the minimum and maximum actual temperatures when the
thermometer states that the temperature is 87.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Lesson 1-4
30. OPINION POLLS Public opinion polls reported in newspapers are usually given with a
margin of error. For example, a poll with a margin of error of 5% is considered accurate
1 1 5
23. ⏐3n 2⏐ ,
24. ⏐8d 4d⏐ 5 13 {2, 2} to within plus or minus 5% of the actual value. A poll with a stated margin of error of
2 6
3% predicts that candidate Tonwe will receive 51% of an upcoming vote. Write and
solve an equation describing the minimum and maximum percent of the vote that
5 1 candidate Tonwe is expected to receive.
25. 5⏐6a 2⏐ 15 , 26. ⏐k⏐ 10 9
6 6 x 51 3 or 48 x 54
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Solving Absolute Value Equations
1. LOCATIONS Identical vacation 4. TOLERANCE Martin makes exercise Considering All Cases in Absolute Value Equations
cottages, equally spaced along a street, weights. For his 10 pound dumbbells, he
You have learned that absolute value equations with one set of absolute value
are numbered consecutively beginning guarantees that the actual weight of his
symbols have two cases that must be considered. For example, | x 3 | 5 must
with 10. Maria lives in cottage #17. dumbbells is within 0.1 pounds of 10 be broken into x 3 5 or (x 3) 5. For an equation with two sets of
Joshua lives 4 cottages away from pounds. Write and solve an equation that
8:03 AM
| x 2 | 3 (x 6)
WALKING For Exercises 5–7, use the
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Each of these equations also has two cases. By writing the equations for both
following information.
cases of each equation above, you end up with the following four equations:
13 or 21 Jim is walking along a straight line. An
observer watches him. If Jim walks forward, x23x6 x 2 3 (x 6)
the observer records the distance as a (x 2) 3 x 6 x 2 3 (x 6)
positive number, but if he walks backward,
the observer records the distance as a Solve each of these equations and check your solutions in the original equation,
2. HEIGHT Sarah and Jessica are sisters. negative number. The observer has recorded
Sarah’s height is s inches and Jessica’s that Jim has walked a, then b, then c feet.
| x 2 | 3 | x 6 |. The only solution to this equation is 52 .
height is j inches. Their father wants
to know how many inches separate 5. Write a formula for the total distance Exercises
the two. Write an equation for this that Jim walked.
difference in such a way that the result T |a| |b | |c | Solve each absolute value equation. Check your solution.
will always be positive no matter which
sister is taller. 1. | x 4 | | x 7 | x 1.5 2. |2x 9 | | x 3 | x 12, 2
d |s j| or d |j s|
(Lesson 1-4)
part A give the same value as the formula x 2 2x 4 (x 3) (x 2) 2x 4 (x 3)
determine the age limits for this group
of students. shown in part B? (x 2) (2x 4) x 3 x 2 (2x 4) x 3
|a 200| 3 They will be equal only if Jim walks
a 197 or 203 in the same direction each time (x 2) (2x 4) (x 3) x 2 (2x 4) (x 3)
giving a, b, and c all the same sign.
no solution
Lesson 1-5
Glencoe Algebra 2
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Chapter 1
Absolute Value Statements Solving Inequalities
You can use a spreadsheet to try several different values in an equation to Get Ready for the Lesson
help you determine whether the statement is sometimes, always, or never
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-5 in your textbook.
true. Remember that showing that a statement is true for some values does
not prove that it is true for all values. However, finding one value for which a • Write an inequality comparing the number of minutes per month included in the two
statement is false proves that it is not true for all values. phone plans. 150
400 or 400 150
• Suppose that in one month you use 475 minutes of airtime on your wireless phone. Find
Determine whether c|a b| |ca cb| is sometimes, always, or your monthly cost with each plan.
never true. Plan 1: $65 Plan 2: $55
Try a number of values for a, b, and c to determine whether the statement is Which plan should you choose? Plan 2
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b. {x x 5}
Step 2 Use Column D to test ⫺1 ⫺0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the equation. A formula c. {x x 2}
such as C2*ABS(A2B2) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
in cell D2 returns TRUE d. {x x 1}
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
if the equation is true.
2. Show how you can write an inequality symbol followed by a number to describe each of
Through observation of Column D, when c is negative the statement is not the following situations.
true. The absolute value statement, c|a b| |ca cb| is sometimes true;
it is true only if c
0. a. There are fewer than 600 students in the senior class.
statement is sometimes, always, or never true. d. There is space for at most 165 students in the high school band. 165
1. For all real numbers a and b, a 0, |ax b| 0. sometimes Remember What You Learned
2. If a and b are real numbers, then |a b| |a| |b|. sometimes 3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. A common student
error in solving inequalities is forgetting to reverse the inequality symbol when
multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number. Suppose that
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____
1-5 Study Guide and Intervention 1-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)
Chapter 1
Solving Inequalities Solving Inequalities
Solve Inequalities The following properties can be used to solve inequalities. Real-World Problems with Inequalities Many real-world problems involve
inequalities. The chart below shows some common phrases that indicate inequalities.
Addition and Subtraction Properties for Inequalities Multiplication and Division Properties for Inequalities
For any real numbers a, b, and c: For any real numbers a, b, and c, with c 0:
a b
1. If a b, then a c b c and a c b c. 1. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and . is less than is greater than is at most is at least
8:03 AM
c c
2. If a b, then a c b c and a c b c. is fewer than is more than is no more than is no less than
a b
2. If c is positive and a b, then ac bc and . is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to
c c
a b
3. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and .
c c Example
a b
SPORTS The Vikings play 36 games this year. At midseason, they
4. If c is negative and a b, then ac bc and . have won 16 games. How many of the remaining games must they win in order to
c c
win at least 80% of all their games this season?
Page A17
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. PARKING FEES The city parking lot charges $2.50 for the first hour and $0.25 for each
additional hour. If the most you want to pay for parking is $6.50, solve the inequality
Exercises 2.50 0.25(x 1) 6.50 to determine for how many hours you can park your car.
At most 17 hours
Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder notation.
Then graph the solution set on a number line. PLANNING For Exercises 2 and 3, use the following information.
1. 7(7a 9) 84 2. 3(9z 4) 35z 4 3. 5(12 3n) 165 Ethan is reading a 482-page book for a book report due on Monday. He has already read
(Lesson 1-5)
80 pages. He wants to figure out how many pages per hour he needs to read in order to
{a a 3} {z z
2} {n n 7} finish the book in less than 6 hours.
482 80
1 2 3 4
2. Write an inequality to describe this situation. 6 or 6n 482 80
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n
3. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. Ethan must read at least 67 pages
4. 18 4k 2(k 21) 5. 4(b 7) 6 22 6. 2 3(m 5)
4(m 3) per hour in order to finish the book in less than 6 hours.
{k k 4} {b b
11} {m m 5}
BOWLING For Exercises 4 and 5, use the following information.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Four friends plan to spend Friday evening at the bowling alley. Three of the friends need to
rent shoes for $3.50 per person. A string (game) of bowling costs $1.50 per person. If the
1 friends pool their $40, how many strings can they afford to bowl?
7. 4x 2 7(4x 2) 8. (2y 3) y 2 9. 2.5d 15 75
1 4. Write an equation to describe this situation. 3(3.50) 4(1.50)n 40
xx {y y
9} {d d 24}
5. Solve the inequality and interpret the solution. The friends can bowl at most
Lesson 1-5
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Solving Inequalities Solving Inequalities
Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval Solve each inequality. Describe the solution set using set-builder or interval
notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line. notation. Then, graph the solution set on a number line.
z 1. 8x 6
10 {x x 2} 2. 23 4u 11 {u u 3}
2 {z z 8} 2. 3a 7 16 {a a 3}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
3. 16 8r
0 {r r 2} 4. 14s 9s 5 {s s
3. 16 3q 4 {q q 4} 4. 20 3s 7s {s s
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
8:03 AM
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 5
5. 9x 11 6x 9 x x 6. 3(4w 1) 18 w w
5. 3x
9 {x x 3} 6. 4b 9 7 {b b 4}
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Page A18
9. 3s 8 5s {s s 1} 10. 7t (t 4) 25 t t 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4x 3 4
3.5 {x x 1} 12. q 2(2 q) 0 q q
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
11. 0.7m 0.3m
2m 4 {m m 4} 12. 4(5x 7) 13 x x or 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
13. 36 2(w 77) 4(2w 52) 14. 4n 5(n 3) 3(n 1) 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
(Lesson 1-5)
2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 {w w 3} {n n
13. 1.7y 0.78 5 {y y 3.4} 14. 4x 9 2x 1 {x x 5} 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve.
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15. Twenty less than a number is more than twice the same number.
n 20 2n; n
Define a variable and write an inequality for each problem. Then solve.
16. Four times the sum of twice a number and 3 is less than 5.5 times that same number.
15. Nineteen more than a number is less than 42. n 19
42; n
23 4[2n (3)]
5.5n; n
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
16. The difference of three times a number and 16 is at least 8. 3n 16 8; n 8 17. HOTELS The Lincoln’s hotel room costs $90 a night. An additional 10% tax is added.
Hotel parking is $12 per day. The Lincoln’s expect to spend $30 in tips during their stay.
1 Solve the inequality 90x 90(0.1)x 12x 30 600 to find how many nights the
17. One half of a number is more than 6 less than the same number. n n 6; n
2 Lincoln’s can stay at the hotel without exceeding total hotel costs of $600. 5 nights
18. Five less than the product of 6 and a number is no more than twice that same number. 18. BANKING Jan’s account balance is $3800. Of this, $750 is for rent. Jan wants to keep a
5 balance of at least $500. Write and solve an inequality describing how much she can
Lesson 1-5
6n 5 2n; n
4 withdraw and still meet these conditions. 3800 750 w 500; w $2550
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Solving Inequalities
1. PANDAS An adult panda bear will eat 4. FINDING THE ERROR The sample Equivalence Relations
at least 20 pounds of bamboo every day. below shows how Brandon solved
Write an inequality that expresses this 5 2x 7. Study his solution and A relation R on a set A is an equivalence relation if it has the following properties.
situation. determine if it is correct. Explain your Reflexive Property For any element a of set A, a R a.
b 20 reasoning.
8:03 AM
On a Ferris wheel at a carnival, only two 4.
, {all numbers} no; symmetric
people per car are allowed. The two people
together cannot weigh more than 300
pounds. Let x and y be the weights of the 5. is a factor of, {all nonzero integers} no; symmetric
, {all polygons in a plane} yes
5. Write an inequality that describes the
(Lesson 1-5)
3. INCOME Manuel takes a job translating weight limitation in terms of x and y. 7. is the spouse of, {all people in Roanoke, Virginia} no; reflexive, transitive
English instruction manuals to Spanish. x y 300
He will receive $15 per page plus $100 8. ⊥, {all lines in a plane} no; reflexive, transitive
per month. Manuel would like to work for
3 months during the summer and make 6. Write an inequality that describes the
at least $1,500. Write and solve an limit on the average weight a of the two 9. is a multiple of, {all integers} no; symmetric
inequality to find the minimum number riders.
of pages Manuel must translate in order a 150 10. is the square of, {all numbers} no; reflexive, symmetric, transitive
to reach his goal.
15P 300 1500 11. no; reflexive
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
14. is the greatest integer not greater than, {all integers} yes
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Get Ready for the Lesson Compound Inequalities A compound inequality consists of two inequalities joined by
the word and or the word or. To solve a compound inequality, you must solve each part
Read the introduction to Lesson 1-6 in your textbook. separately.
• Five patients arrive at a medical laboratory at 11:30 A.M. for a glucose tolerance test.
Each of them is asked when they last had something to eat or drink. Some of the patients And Example: x 4 and x 3 The graph is the intersection of solution sets of
Lesson 1-6
are given the test and others are told that they must come back another day. Each of the Compound two inequalities.
Inequalities 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
patients is listed below with the times when they started to fast. (The P.M. times refer to
the night before.) Which of the patients were accepted for the test?
Or Example: x 3 or x 1 The graph is the union of solution sets of
Ora 5:00 A.M. Juanita 11:30 P.M. Jason and Juanita Compound two inequalities.
1 2 3 4 5
8:03 AM
8 2x 2x 14 3y 2
7 or 2y 1 9
b. Graph the inequality that you wrote in part a on a number line.
4 x x7 3y
9 or 2y 8
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 x 7 y
3 or y 4
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
2. Use a compound inequality and set-builder notation to describe the following graph.
{x x 1 or x 3}
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Exercises
symbol. 8 3x 7 8 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
3. 18 4x 10 50 4. 5k 2 13 or 8k 1 19
Remember What You Learned {x 7
15} {k k
3 or k 2.5}
5. Many students have trouble knowing whether an absolute value inequality should be
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
translated into an and or an or compound inequality. Describe a way to remember which
of these applies to an absolute value inequality. Also describe how to recognize the 2 3
difference from a number line graph. Sample answer: If the absolute value 5. 100 5y 45 225 6. b 2 10 or b 5 4
3 4
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Absolute Value Inequalities Use the definition of absolute value to rewrite an Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the
absolute value inequality as a compound inequality. solution set on a number line.
For all real numbers a and b, b 0, the following statements are true. 1. all numbers greater than or equal to 2 2. all numbers less than 5 and greater
1. If ⏐a⏐ b, then b a b. or less than or equal to 2 n 2 than 5 n
8:03 AM
Lesson 1-6
7. n 3 8. n 2.5
Exercises 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
1. ⏐3x 4⏐ 8 x 4
2. ⏐4s⏐ 1 27 {s s
6.5 or s 6.5}
3 9. 2c 1 5 or c 0 {c c 2 10. 11 4y 3 1 {y 2 y 1}
or c
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
8 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 40 20 0 20 40
13. 8 3x 2 23 {x 2
x 7} 14. w 4 10 or 2w 6 all real
5. ⏐2f 11⏐ 9 {f f
1 or f 10} 6. ⏐5w 2⏐ 28 {w 6
5.2} 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
7. ⏐10 2k⏐ 2 {k 4
6} 8. 5 2 10 {x x
6 or x 26}
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Chapter 1
Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
Write an absolute value inequality for each of the following. Then graph the
solution set on a number line. 1. AQUARIUM The depth d of an 4. NUMBERS Amy is thinking of two
aquarium tank for dolphins satisfies numbers a and b. The sum of the two
1. all numbers greater than 4 or less than 4 n 4 |d 50| 5. Rewrite this as a numbers must be within 10 units of zero.
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 compound inequality that does not If a is between 100 and 100, write a
2. all numbers between 1.5 and 1.5, including involve the absolute value function. compound inequality that describes the
Lesson 1-6
or x 8}
nobody is allowed to bring more than
7. 2x 3 15 or 3 7x 17 {x x 2} 8. 15 5x 0 and 5x 6
14 {x x two backpacks. Let n be the number of
3} people going on the hiking trip and b be
the number of backpacks allowed. Write h
a compound inequality that describes
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
how b and n are related.
5 5
or w n b 2n w
9. ⏐2w⏐
5 w w
2 2 10. ⏐y 5⏐ 2 {x 7
3} l
17. RAINFALL In 90% of the last 30 years, the rainfall at Shell Beach has varied no more 20N 50,000 100,000 and N
than 6.5 inches from its mean value of 24 inches. Write and solve an absolute value 10,000; The attendance must be 7. Write a compound inequality for s using
inequality to describe the rainfall in the other 10% of the last 30 years. between 7,500 and 10,000 people, parts A and B. Find the maximum and
r 24 6.5; {r r
17.5 or r 30.5} inclusive. minimum values for s.
s 12 and 3s 45; s is at least 12
18. MANUFACTURING A company’s guidelines call for each can of soup produced not to vary and at most 15
from its stated volume of 14.5 fluid ounces by more than 0.08 ounces. Write and solve an
absolute value inequality to describe acceptable can volumes.
v 14.5 0.08; {v 14.42 v 14.58}
Chapter 1 46 Glencoe Algebra 2 Chapter 1 47 Glencoe Algebra 2
Glencoe Algebra 2
1-6 Enrichment
Chapter 1
Every solution for the inequality is a replacement for x that makes either
6 or x true.
Solve each inequality. Then write whether the solution is a conjunction or
(Lesson 1-6)
1. 4x 24 2. x 7 8
x 6 or x
6; disjunction x 15 and x 1; conjunction
3. 2x 5 1 4. x 1
2 and x 3; conjunction x 2 or x 0; disjunction
5. 3x 1 x 6. 7 2x 5
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1 1
x and x ; conjunction x
1 and x 1; conjunction
2 4
7. 1
7 8. 4
2 x 3 4
x 12 or x 16; disjunction x
16 and x 8; conjunction
9. 8 x 2 10. 5 2x 3
6 or x 10; disjunction x 1 and x 4; conjunction
Chapter 1 48 Glencoe Algebra 2
Glencoe Algebra 2