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SBI4U Unit 5 Practice Test

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SBI4U Unit 5: Population Dynamics


Multiple Choice /15

1. Which of the following is most true about interspecific competition?
a. It involves interaction between individuals of the same species
b. It is greatest between organisms that occupy different ecological niches
c. It can be easily demonstrated to occur in natural environments
d. It is greatest between organisms that physically share similar ecological niches
e. It increases with resource partitioning

2. Which of the following is true in relation to predation?

a. The predator is negatively affected, and the prey is positively affected
b. The predator population always increases, and the prey population always
decreases in size
c. The predator-prey population cycle exhibits a sinusoidal pattern on a graph
d. The prey can never be protected against its predator

3. What is the term for a plant or animal species introduced into a community where it may
disrupt balance in the ecosystem and threaten biodiversity?
a. Parasite
b. Predator
c. Prey
d. Indigenous species
e. Non-indigenous species

4. Which of the following is an example of a closed population?

a. A group of frogs living in a marsh in Haliburton
b. A herd of dairy cows living on an Ontario farm
c. A pride of lions living in the African savannah
d. A school of fish in Lake Ontario
e. A flock of geese in a large field
5. Which of the following is a density-independent factor that limits population growth?
a. A tornado destroying a stand of pine trees
b. Two species competing for the same foo source
c. A disease passing through a population of pigs on a farm
d. Snowy owls preying on artic hares

6. What is the term for the number of offspring a population could produce if no limits were
placed on it?
a. Natality
b. The intrinsic growth rate
c. Biotic potential
d. A density-dependent limiting factor
e. A density-independent limiting factor

7. When does stable population size occur?

a. When natality and immigration are greater than mortality and emigration
b. When mortality and emigration are greater than natality and immigration
c. When natality and immigration are equal to mortality and emigration
d. When there is no emigration or immigration
e. When there are no deaths or births

8. Birds find shelter and build nests in trees without harming the trees. What is the term for
the symbiotic relationship between the birds and the trees?
a. Mutualism
b. Parasitism
c. Commensalism
d. Predation
e. There is no relationship

9. An individual with a small ecological footprint would practice which of the following
a. Have high resource consumption
b. Eat large amounts of imported foods
c. Leave the water running while brushing their teeth
d. Use solar powered technologies
e. Build a home on fertile agricultural land

10. Why is desalinization not a feasible method for increasing the supply of fresh water?
a. Too expensive
b. Produces a large amount of waste
c. Consumes a great deal of energy
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
11. To increase the amount of energy available from food, which of the following strategies
can people pursue?
a. Eat earlier in the food chain
b. Eat farther along the food chain
c. Eat more meat products
d. Drink more water
e. Take more vitamins

12. According to the demographic transition model, what happens to population size as
societies move from agricultural production to industrialization?
a. It increases as death rate exceeds birth rates
b. It decreases as birth rates exceed death rates
c. It increases as birth rates exceed death rates
d. It stabilities with no changes in birth or death rates

13. Which of the following does not represent a probable result of global warming?
a. The global average surface temperature has increased by 0.6°C
b. Snow cover and extent of ice have decreased in the north and south polar regions
c. The global average sea level has risen
d. Ocean heat content has decreased
e. An increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere

14. In the population bomb, which statement did Ehlrich make that turned out to be false?
a. Millions of people would deplete the planet of its valuable resources
b. There are plenty of resources to sustain millions of people
c. Famine would lead to the death of millions of people
d. Human population grows exponentially while food production grows
e. The world’s population would become stable

15. Restoration ecology involves which two strategies?

a. Bioremediation and desalinization
b. Augmenting ecosystem processes and desalinization
c. Bioremediation and augmenting ecosystem processes
d. Desalinization and irrigation
e. Bioremediation and irrigation

Please transfer your answers to the multiple-choice questions into the following table.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Communication: /5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Correct use of science Few science symbols, Some science symbols, Most science symbols, Science symbols,
symbols, vocabulary, vocabulary, and vocabulary, and vocabulary, and vocabulary, and
and conventions conventions are used conventions are used conventions are used conventions are used
throughout the test correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

Thinking and Inquiry /15

1. Define and give examples of populations that exhibit the following dispersion
a. Clumped ü

b. Random ü

c. Uniform ü

2. List 5 environmental resources for which there might be intraspecific competition.

Provide examples of each. üüüüü
3. What conditions are necessary for a population to experience prolonged exponential
growth? üü

4. Describe and give one example of each of the following:

a. Commensalism ü

b. Mutualism ü

c. Parasitism ü

5. What do energy pyramids show about the suitability of plants vs animals for
meeting human food demands? üü
Application /10
1. Using two examples, explain why it is important for scientists to track the
population of Canadian species? üüüü

2. What is carrying capacity and explain its role in population dynamics using an
example. üüü

6. Explain why it would be a mistake to eliminate a major predator from a

community. üüü

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