Welcorp Agm Minutes
Welcorp Agm Minutes
Welcorp Agm Minutes
Sub.: Compliance of Regulation 30(6) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
Further to our letter dated August 31, 2020 on the above subject, kindly find attached detailed
proceedings of the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Monday, August 31,
2020 through Video Conferencing which commenced at 11:00 a.m. and concluded at 11:30 a.m.
Thanking you.
Mr. Balkrishan Goenka* : Chairman
Mr. Vipul Mathur* : Managing Director & CEO and a Member of the Risk
Management Committee
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The proceedings of the meeting were deemed to be conducted at the registered office of
the company which was the deemed venue of the meeting.
The requisite quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order.
The Chairman informed that the proceedings of the meeting was being recorded and the
transcript of the meeting would be uploaded on the website of the Company as soon as
The Chairman introduced to the members, the director, the key managerial personnel,
statutory auditors, secretarial auditors and scrutinizer attending the meeting through
VC/ OAVM means.
The Chairman informed that in view of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry
of Corporate Affairs had permitted holding of the Annual General Meeting through
Video Conferencing, without the physical attendance of the Members at the AGM venue.
The Chairman further informed that the facility to appoint proxies was not available for
the meeting. The statutory registers as required under the Companies Act, 2013,
certificate from statutory auditor in compliance with the SEBI (Share Based Employee
Benefits) Regulations, 2014 and applicable corporate laws and the documents referred to
in the Notice dated August 6, 2020 convening the meeting were open for inspection of
the members. The Register of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel and their
shareholding, as required under Section 170 of the Companies Act, 2013, were open for
inspection of the members. The registers and other documents remained open and
accessible during the continuance of the meeting to the members attending the meeting.
The Chairman further stated that the Notice convening the 25th Annual General Meeting
and Auditor’s Report along with the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended
March 31, 2020 were circulated to the members and were available on the website of the
Company and stock exchanges. The Notice convening the meeting and the Auditors’
Report were taken as read.
The Chairman then briefed the members about the present business and prospects of the
Company and its subsidiaries.
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The Chairman then requested the Company Secretary to explain the members, the
resolutions and the e-voting process to be done at the meeting.
As advised by the Chairman, the Company Secretary then explained the process of voting
by way e-voting by the members present at the day of the Meeting and mentioned that
the remote e-voting facility for voting on the resolutions proposed in the Notice
convening the meeting remained open from 9:00 a.m. on August 28, 2020 to 5:00 p.m. on
August 30, 2020.
The Company Secretary then mentioned that the members who had not participated in
the remote e-voting but were present would get an opportunity to cast their votes till the
end of fifteen minutes from the conclusion of the meeting. The members present who had
cast their votes electronically would not get to cast their vote again and if cast again, the
same would be considered as invalid. The meeting was held through VC/ OAVM, there
would be no proposing and seconding of resolutions by members.
The Company Secretary also explained the resolutions proposed in the Notice of the
meeting and interest, as applicable, of the directors in the said resolutions before they
were put to vote at the meeting.
The Chairman then permitted the members present to ask questions / clarifications
through Chat mode pertaining to the resolutions proposed for approval by the members.
The Managing Director & CEO and the CFO responded to the queries raised by the
members by email.
“RESOLVED THAT a dividend at the rate of 10% (subject to applicable taxes) i.e.
Rs.0.50/- per Equity Share on 260,884,395 Equity Shares of Rs. 5/- each fully paid-
up aggregating to Rs. 130,442,197.50/- be declared and paid for the financial year
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ended March 31, 2020 to all the Equity shareholders, whose names appear in the
Register of Members as on the record date fixed for the purpose of dividend by the
Board of Directors of the Company.”
“RESOLVED THAT Mr. Vipul Mathur (DIN: 007990476), who retires by rotation
and being eligible, offered himself for re-appointment, be and is hereby appointed
as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation.”
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amendment thereto or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) and in terms
of the Articles of Association of the Company, approval of the members of the
Company be accorded to the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter
referred to as “the Board” which term shall be deemed to include any Committee
thereof) to borrow from time to time, by way of issuing securities including but not
limited to secured/unsecured, redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
and/or Commercial Papers (CPs) to be issued on Private Placement basis, in
domestic and/or international market, in one or more series/tranches from time to
time provided however that the amount of such borrowing not to exceed at any time
Rs. 500 crores (Rupees Five Hundred crores only) issuable / redeemable at discount
/ par/ premium, under one or more shelf disclosure documents, during the period
of 1 (one) year from the date of this Annual General Meeting, on such terms and
conditions as the Board may, from time to time, determine and consider proper and
most beneficial to the Company including as to when the said securities / NCDs /
CPs be issued, the consideration for the issue, utilization of the issue proceeds and
all matters connected with or incidental thereto; provided that the said borrowing
shall be within the overall borrowing limits of the Company.
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 197 and all other applicable provisions, if
any, of the Companies Act, 2013, including any statutory modifications, amendment
or re-enactments thereto, and the rules and regulations made thereunder
(collectively “the Act”), Regulation 17(6)(ca) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and
subject to all permissions, sanctions and approvals as may be required, approval of
the members of the Company be and is hereby accorded for the payment of
remuneration by way of commission @1% of the net profits of the Company as
computed under Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013 for the financial year 2020-
21 to Mr. Balkrishan Goenka, Non-Executive Chairman.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to this resolution,
the Board and/or Nomination and Remuneration Committee constituted by the
Board be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things and
to take all such steps as may be required in this connection including seeking all
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necessary approvals to give effect to this Resolution and to settle any questions,
difficulties or doubts that may arise in this regard.”
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RESOLVED FURTHER THAT all the acts, deeds, matter and things, already done
by the Company and /or any of its directors and / or officer and / or representatives
for and in the name of the Company in this regard be and the same are hereby noted,
ratified and approved.”
The Chairman confirmed compliance with the Companies Act, 2013, the Rules and
the Secretarial Standards made there under and the Circulars issued with respect to
calling, convening and conducting the meeting.
There being no other business, the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the
The Scrutinizer submitted his report dated September 1, 2020 to the Chairman on
September 1, 2020.
The Chairman then announced the consolidated results of remote e-voting and poll
at the meeting on September 1, 2020, a summary of which was as under:
Resl Type of Whether Number of No. of No. of votes % of Votes No. of votes No. of % of votes in favor % of votes Result
Sr. Resolution Promoter / Outstanding members cast cast on – in favor votes – on votes polled against on
No. Promoter Shares voted outstandin against votes polled
Group g shares
Interested (E) = D/A (I) =
(A) (B) (D) (F) (G) (H) = (F)/(D)*100
*100 (G)/(D)*100
1 Ordinary No 260,884,395 206 159,178,614 61.02 159,178,358 256 100 0.00 Approved
2 Ordinary No 260,884,395 210 162,261,314 62.20 162,261,058 256 100 0.00 Approved
3 Ordinary No 260,884,395 210 162,261,314 62.20 161,846,531 414,783 99.74 0.26 Approved
4 Ordinary Yes* 260,884,395 208 153,149,986 58.70 152,670,735 479,251 99.69 0.31 Approved
5 Ordinary No 260,884,395 209 162,260,314 62.20 162,260,009 305 100 0.00 Approved
6 Special No 260,884,395 210 162,261,314 62.20 162,260,111 1,203 100 0.00 Approved
7 Special Yes* 260,884,395 210 162,261,314 62.20 161,127,289 1,134,025 99.31 0.69 Approved
8 Special No 260,884,395 210 162,261,314 62.20 162,260,987 327 100 0.00 Approved
* Mr. Balkrishan Goenka and his wife Ms. Dipali Goenka were interested in the said resolutions to the extent of their respective
shareholding in the Company.
Note that due to lock-down in Mumbai, the Chairman and CS are not able to physically sign the minutes and hence “Sd/-“minutes is being submitted.
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