Interview Call Letter 800149
Interview Call Letter 800149
Interview Call Letter 800149
Subject : Call Letter for Personal Interview for the post of (Field Engineer - Electrical) in NR-III.
Dear Candidate,
We are pleased to inform that you have been provisionally shortlisted (*) for Personal Interview, for the said post.
The Date, time and Place of Reporting for Interview are as under:
(*) Please note that based on preliminary scrutiny of application, you have been provisionally shortlisted for the
next stage of selection process, i.e. Personal Interview, subject to your fulfilling the eligibility criteria as specified in
our notification for recruitment. You are advised to attend the same only if you fulfill the criteria, failing which you
shall neither be allowed to participate in the Personal interview, nor be reimbursed the TA.
The eligible Candidates who qualify in the Personal Interview will only be adjudged suitable for empanelment. The
criterion for qualifying in interview is minimum 40% marks in interview for unreserved vacancies, and 30% for
reserved vacancies.
You are requested to bring the following documents on the date & time mentioned above for verification of your
eligibility: - (If you are unable to produce any of the below documents at the time of document verification, you
will not be allowed to attend the interview.)
Reimbursement of actual SLEEPER CLASS to & fro RAIL FARE by the shortest route from the address mentioned in
the online application or the place from where actually travelled, whichever is nearer, will be admissible on
submission of train ticket number/supporting documentary evidence. In case of travel by bus reimbursement shall
be limited to rail fare from the nearest railway station or the bus fare whichever is less, subject to production of bus
tickets. No expense will however, be reimbursable for travel, in case the distance covered is less than 30 kms.
(Download TA Form from main menu/ your login page). Payment will be made on online mode only within
reasonable time after interview. No other expenses are reimbursable.
In case Interview is postponed or lasts longer due to unforeseen circumstances, you may have to stay for a day at
your cost and no DA or any other expenses will be admissible or reimbursed for your period of stay.
Mere appearance in the Interview, does not entitle you for employment in POWERGRID. Eligibility is further
subject to check/verification at various stages during/after the selection process.
Your candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment/ selection process without notice or if joined
services are liable to be terminated, if any information provided by you is not found in conformity with the
eligibility criteria notified Or POWERGRID comes across any evidence/ knowledge that the qualification/ experience
/and any other particulars indicated in application/personal resume/ other forms/ formats are not recognized/
false/ misleading and / or amounts to suppression of information/ particulars which should have been brought to
the notice of POWERGRID or that you have been shortlisted for next stage in the process/ have secured
employment in POWERGRID through or adopting any unfair means.
*Please ensure your eligibility criteria before appearing for the interview i.e. DOB, Caste, Educational Qualifications,
and Experience (As advertised in the website with Ref No.: NR-III/FTB/2020/01. If you are not meeting any of the
eligibility criteria, you are advised to not attend the interview, as you will be rejected in the later stage of Document
Verification. All the shortlisted candidates must note that they have been provisionally allowed to appear for
personal interview and it is their responsibility to ensure that they meet all the eligibility criteria including the
experience criteria as per advertisement falling which their candidature will be rejected and they will not be
allowed for personal interview.
General Instructions for the candidates :-
Due to unforeseen pandemic of COVID-19, the following necessary precautions are to be taken by the candidates
who are travelling and attending the interview.
1. Download the Arogya Setu App and check the status regularly to avoid risk of COVID-19 transmission.
2. You are requested to abide by the quarantine & travel guidelines issued by the local authorities to contain
COVID-19 spread.
3. The candidates should take necessary safety precautions while travelling through different modes of
transportation. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to be cautious and vigilant while travelling and until
he/she reaches home. POWERGRID doesn’t take any responsibility in case candidate gets infected while
4. Candidates should mandatorily wear the face shield/mask, hand gloves and PPE (if possible) and follow social
distancing. Candidates should carry a hand sanitizer and sanitize themselves frequently to avoid risk of
transmission.The candidates are also advised not to travel/come for interview in case having any symptom of
5. Every candidate has to provide the Undertaking regarding COVID-19 that he/she and none of his family
member are declared COVID-19 positive within 14 days of date of interview.
6. It is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure that they are not suffering from any ailment/fever and
fully fit to travel and attend interview.
7. In case the area where the candidate is residing is declared as hotspot/sealed/containment zone by the local
administration or Candidate is declared COVID-19 positive he/she shall immediately inform the HR Dept., NR-III
through email ( before the scheduled date of interview of concerned candidate,
mentioning the same by providing the proper order/circular of the local administration/health authority. Any
communication on or after the scheduled date of interview by the concerned candidate will not be considered
and entertained.
If the management feels the genuinity of the case, then for all such candidates the interview will be held
separately on a later date.
8. At the time of body temperature screening at POWERGRID interview location, if any candidate found to be
having any mild symptoms, he/she will not be allowed to enter POWERGRID office complex and his/her
interview will be conducted on later date,if he/she request for.
9. Parents/guardians are requested to not accompany the candidate as they will not be allowed to enter
POWERGRID premises.
Yours Faithfully,
For Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
(Ankur Saxena)
Chief Manager (IE)
HR Department