5 Senses Unit Lesson Day 3 Ears
5 Senses Unit Lesson Day 3 Ears
5 Senses Unit Lesson Day 3 Ears
Subject or Topic: Day 3 of Unit on “Exploring the five senses and more-learning about
Standard - 16.2.1.A1
Establish relationships that are positive and supportive of others.
Learning Targets/Objectives:
The first grade students will be able to discriminate various ear anatomy by illustrating and
constructing a diagram.
● Empathy and positive future relationships for people with hearing impairments
● Basic ear anatomy
● Hearing- how it works
● Two functions of hearing (hearing and balance)
● Sound waves (vibration)
● Outer ear
● Ear canal
● Ear drum
● Ear bones (no need to know the terms: hammer, anvil, stirrup)
● Sign language
● Hearing aids
● Cochlear implants
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Start with displaying the following google slide: 5 senses lesson on ears/hearing
Speaker with plastic wrap taped tightly around the speaker area
Link phone and speaker in order to play the following song from YouTube:
Add sprinkles to the top of the plastic wrap (let the students see the sprinkles dance to the song,
“Dance Money.”
When all supplies are ready and all students are able to view the presentation, the teacher will play
the following song at a loud volume in order to see sound.
Play the song for one minute or less. Just allow enough time for everyone to see the sprinkles jump
and dance around on the plastic wrapped speaker.
Development/Teaching Approaches
Teacher asks, “Can someone tell me why the sprinkles were jumping?” (wait for student responses)
Teacher explains or confirms that sound is a vibration that is called, “Sound waves.”
Sound waves enter your ear and send messages to your brain that help you to understand what you
are hearing.
Teacher will ask, “Do you remember when you went outside to explore your five senses?” (allow
Teacher asks, “Do you remember when I had you spin in circles?”
Teacher states, “You have a part inside your ear that causes you to become dizzy.”
Teacher says, “We are going to learn how our ears work, what the insides of our ears look like, and
what people who have hearing problems do.” “Before we start, let’s have some fun drawing.”
Prior Learning/Drawing
Students will be asked to draw a picture of what they think the inside of their ears look like.
The teacher will have students get out their pencil and paper that was given to them before the lesson
While the students draw, the teacher will get out all materials needed for diagram instruction and
class work.
Students are asked to stop drawing and the teacher will pick 4 volunteer students.
Student 1
Holds the large ear model with the ear canal and labels
Teacher will point to the picture of the ear and inform the class that it is called the, “Outer Ear.”
Students will be informed that sound waves enter the hole on the outer ear and enter into the inner
part. Behind the ear is a tube called an “Ear canal.”
Teacher will ask the student helper to repeat the above information with the following prompts:
1. What is this part of the ear called? (student points and says outer ear)
2. What is the tube part called? (ear canal)
Teacher will ask the entire class the same questions and ask for choral responses.
(entire class)
1. What is this part of the ear called? (choral response-outer ear)
2. What is the tube part called? (ear canal)
*student 1 stays up front holding the model and moves to the side
Student 2
Student 2-Holds the cup/eardrum and label
Teacher will point to the eardrum and inform the class that as the sound waves travel through the ear
canal they hit a part in the ear called, “eardrum.” The eardrum moves when the sound waves hit it
and bounce into tiny bones. The bones move and cause a liquid to move in another part of the ear.
Teacher will ask the student helper to repeat the information with the following prompts:
1. What is this part of the ear called? (student holds the cup up and says, “eardrum.”)
Teacher will ask the entire class the same question and ask for a choral response. (entire class)
1. What is this part of the ear called, class? (choral response-eardrum)
Teacher will state-our eardrum inside our ears is like a musical drum instrument because it moves
when it gets hit.
Question for the class, ``What hits our eardrums?” (sound waves)
*student 2 stays up front holding the model and moves to the side
Teacher will ask the student helper to repeat the information with the following prompts:
2. What is this part of the ear called? (student holds the string and bones and says, “bones.”)
Teacher will ask the entire class the same question and ask for a choral response. (entire class)
2. What is this part of the ear called, class? (choral response-bones)
Teacher will state-there are three tiny bones inside our ears and they are called, “hammer, anvil, and
stirrup.” Now you don’t need to know the names of the bones, please just remember that after the
sound waves enter the outer ear they travel through the ear canal, hit the eardrum and then the drum
bumps into the bones. I am just mentioning the names of the three bones just in case you are
interested. (this information is mentioned for the higher level thinkers)
Teacher will point to the cochlea and inform the class that as the sound waves cause movement in our
ears they travel to a part of our ear called, “cochlea.” The cochlea is a tube that looks like a snail's
shell. (teacher points to the model) The tubes in the cochlea have a liquid that moves and sends
messages to our brains.
Teacher states, “Now remember when you were spinning outside?” “When you spin in circles the
fluid in this part of our ear (the cochlea) moves and sends messages to your brain that you are
class question:
“Why do you think you got dizzy?” (allow responses)
When you stop, your eyes see that you are no longer moving, but the fluid in your cochlea keeps
moving and your brain gets confused. This is why you get dizzy.
Teacher will ask the student helper to repeat the information with the following prompts:
3. What is this part of the ear called? (student holds the model and says, “cochlea.”)
Teacher will ask the entire class the same question and ask for a choral response. (entire class)
3. What is this part of the ear called, class? (choral response-cochlea)
Teacher asks the student helpers to hold their models up and position the students next to each other.
All right class-let’s review
*Teacher asks: (may use a pointer stick at this point in order to point to the models
while questioning)
Sound waves enter this part of our ear called, what? (outer ear)
Sound waves travel through this tube called, what? (ear canal)
Sound waves keep traveling through the ear canal and bump into, what? (eardrum)
Sound waves hit the eardrum and then make what move? (bones)
The bones bump the snail looking part called, what? (cochlea)
The cochlea sends a message to where? (the brain)
Question Time:
Question #1
“What happens if a part of our ears is damaged or missing?” “How does someone hear?”
(allow student responses)
Many people use hearing aids that are like plastic speakers that are placed in the outer ear.
(teacher points to the outer ear picture to explain where someone would wear hearing aids)
Also, many people use what is called sign language. Sign language is a way to talk to someone by
using movements with the hands. (We will be watching a video later so you can see what sign
language looks like)
Questions #2
Teacher points to the cochlea and asks, “What happens if the cochlea is damaged?”
(allow for student responses)
Teacher-If someone has damage to their cochlea the sound wave messages will not get to
their brain.
Teacher-Remember class, the cochlea is the snail looking tube that has fluid in it. This is the
part of our ear that sends the messages about sound to our brain, so what happens if this part
of the ear is damaged? How would someone hear?
(allow for student responses)
Teacher-These people would be able to get something called a cochlear implant. Did you
know that young children like you have cochlear implants?
Student helpers sit down and students get ready for short video clip about cochlear implants
Teacher has the student helper of the day and three other student volunteers hand out diagram
worksheets and material bags.
Did anyone notice from the video what other senses are affected when someone has hearing
difficulties? (allow student responses)
Teacher asks-Do we make fun of anyone that has hearing impairments/or hearing loss?
People who have hearing loss-have had damage over the years, maybe an accident happened that
caused damage to their ears, or they may have been born with damage to their ears.
**Guess what, my daughter has a classmate in her speech class with cochlear implants. Can she be
friends with this boy? Absolutely-it is wonderful that we have things like hearing aids and surgeries
like cochlear implants that give people the abilities to hear. They are just like you and me, they just
need extra help with their hearing. Just like some people need glasses for their eyes, some people
need help with their ears.
Teacher displays the hearing diagram model worksheet on the large classroom tv screen by
using IPEVO visualizer.
Students complete their diagram model worksheet individually by following teacher modeling and
Teacher will ask the students the following questions and ask the students to tape manipulatives to the
diagram as they work together and write the associated words.
#2-Class what is the next part of the ear called? (ear canal)
Everyone tapes the straw pieces to their worksheet on the correct location and writes the word ear
Everyone tapes the craft pipe cleaner manipulative to their worksheet on the correct location and
writes the word, cochlea.
#5-What are the two things that our ears help us with? (hearing and balance)
Teacher will collect all diagrams and have the students get out their ear drawings and a pencil.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
The teacher will have the students create a new drawing of their interpretation of the inner ear.
● Students will be asked to get out the paper that they used to draw their prior interpretation of
the inner ear.
● The teacher will say to the class, “Okay class.” “We have learned many things today.” “We
have learned what the inside of the ear looks like, how it works, and what people who have
hearing loss or damage use.” “I would like for you to show me what you have learned about
the inside of our ears.” “Please create a new drawing of what the inside of your ears look
like.” “It’s okay if you don’t know how to spell the different parts of the ear, I just want you
to draw me a picture of what the inside of the ear looks like.” “Go ahead and start, I will be
showing you a video when you are done.”
● The teacher will get the YouTube book online ready while students complete their drawings.
● All pictures will be collected by the teacher and the student leader of the day.
● Before playing the video, the teacher will inform the students that the book will be displayed
on one side of the screen and on the other side of the screen a man will be conducting sign
language. He is using sign language to tell the story. If someone has hearing impairments or
damage they can watch the man using sign language and learn about the story.
● The teacher will play the book entitled, “Gracie’s Ears” by: Debbie Blackington on YouTube
Several students in the class are part of the title 1 program and or struggle academically. In order to
differentiate: The following students: AG, EB, KK, RW, MK, ZB, DM will be assisted by allowing
them to have more time with their drawings and diagram worksheets, if needed. (four of these
students will be asked to be the volunteers to hold the models in order to build a stronger
understanding and engagement with the instructional part of this lesson)
*One student has autism-CT and he/she will be allowed more time to complete all drawing and
diagram worksheets.
*Added extra terminology for the higher level thinkers in the class. (bones-hammer, anvil, stirrup)
Teacher will look for this information in drawings and other discussions.
● 20 regular size ears for diagram picture from Ear Facts-Facts Just for Kids
website (website link listed in resource area)
BeginningsSC. (August, 2021). Gracie’s Ears, Virtual Circle Time Book. YouTube.
Gracie's Ears | Virtual Circle Time Book - YouTube
Facts Just for Kids. (current). Ear Facts for Kids. Ear Facts - Facts Just for Kids
Fox 13-Tampa Bay. (February, 2017). Years Later, Child’s Cochlear Implants are His Ears. YouTube.
HooplaKidz Lab. (April,2014). Easy Science Experiments - You Can Do At Home | How To See
Sound | Lab 360, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoeDI-YkzI0
Piersall, W. (2008-2021). An Introduction to Sound Waves. Woo! Jr. Kids Activities, LLC.
Woo! Jr. Sound Waves
Royal Music. (June, 2020). Tones and I-Dance Monkey. YouTube. Tones and I - Dance Monkey
(Lyrics) - YouTube
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
(Reflection on students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students
who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)
Additional reflection/thoughts