Science Project 2n'd Draft
Science Project 2n'd Draft
Science Project 2n'd Draft
Stephen Sands
P6 Science 8
Rb 25
Table of contents
1. Abstract
2. Statement and Hypothesis
3. Review of Literature
4. Experimental Design
5. Data Analysis
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography
rubber is a substance that many of us have in front of us at an office desk or at home. However, it is one
of the most unusual substances on earth as it shrinks when heated and expands when cooled. This is all
because of entropy, the measure of disorder in a system. Rubber forms chains like a folded piece of
paper, when heated, the rubber forms thicker chains and is harder to stretch. From my experiment, I
concluded that rubber contracts when heated and is harder to stretch, clearly suppourting my research
and hypothesis.
Statement and Hypothesis
The objective of my experiment is to find out how temperature affects the elastic forces of
rubber bands. Since some rubber bands are different than others, I will be doing my experiments
using the same brand and size of rubber band. I will also be doing my experiments more than once to
ensure an accurate result. I will be testing the elasticity by measuring the strength that each
Rubber is a strange substance, it shrinks when heated and expands when cooled. This is all because of
entropy. Entropy is a way of measuring the amount of disordered molecules in a system. If all of the
chains of molecules are lined up, we say that the entropy is very low. If they are all tangled up in a mess,
When rubber is stretched, the molecules must line up to maintain an orderly line. The more ways
they can arrange themselves, the further they can stretch. When an object is heated, the molecules
vibrate, causing them to have more entropy, also, since they're vibrating, they take up more space and
cause the rubber bands to contract. When they're heated, they also have less space to arrange
There is a similar but opposite effect when it comes to force involved when stretching the rubber bands.
Since rubber is a polymer, the chains of molecules in rubber have a natural elasticity. They form
different bonds and act almost like a spring. When these chains are heated up, they compress and form
thicker strands and are harder to pull apart, just like the force required to pull different thicknesses of
rubber bands. It's the opposite effect when cooled, since they are vibrating less, they take up less space,
and therefore are thinner and are easier to stretch. An example would be stretching a thick rubber band
and a thin rubber band, the thin rubber band is easier to stretch because there are less chains of
molecules that need to be stretched
Hooke's law states that the distance an object will stretch is in direct relation to the weight added to the
object until the elastic limit is reached. Therefore, once the elastic limit is reached, the rubber band has
reached a plastic state and cannot be restored to it's original length and is no longer elastic.
1. Introduction
2. Heating rubber
3. Entropy
4. entropy
5. hooke's law
Since 4'th grade, science teachers have told you that all substances expand when they are
However, I learned that there are several exception to this rule. For example, rubber contratcts when
heated and expands when cooled. The objective of my experiments is to find out how this
pehenomonan affects the elastic forces of a rubber band. Since some rubber bands by nature can be
different than others, I will use each rubber band as it's own control, testing it twice. I will also only be
stretching the rubber band to double it's length to make sure that hooke's law is still in effect.
When rubber is heated, it becomes smaller and thicker, making it harder to stretch. But to undersand
why, we must first learn how rubber stretches in the first place. All solids are made of chains of
molecules and these chains are what allow solids to stay together. Rubber however, also uses these
chains for a different porpose, stretching. Rubber chains it's molecules together into short thick strands
almost like a folded up piece of paper. When the rubber band is stretched, the paper is unfurled and is
pulled outwords. However, the rubber band wants to return to it's original state and when the force
applied to the rubber band is released, the rubber band snaps back into it's original size and shape. But
why does the rubber band get thicker and contract when it's heated? This is because of entropy.
Entropy is the measure of the amount of ways a system can be arranged. When rubber is stretched, the
molecules must form new chains that allow the rubber band to stretch without breaking. The amount of
ways the rubber can arrange itself depends on the amount of entropy in the system. A greater amount of
entropy is equal to a greater amount of disorder which in turn makes less ordered chains of molecules.
When heated, the rubber band's molecules vibrate at a higher speed take up more space thereby making
the rubber band thicker across and smaller in length.
When the rubber band is stretched while heated, the molecules have less space
to allign themselves and the vibrations of the molecules disrupt the allignment of the rubber band's
chains making thicker strands. Since this is
While I am doing my experiments, I also learned that I cannon stretch the rubber band beyond the
The elastic limit. The elastic limit is the amount of space a rubber band can be stretched without
becoming permanently deformed. This is clearly illustrated in hooke's law, showing that an elastic
object stretches at the same rate until it reaches a point where it can't be stretched anymore while still
returning to the same original length. This shows why I am stretching the rubber band to double it's
1. Get supplies
2. Put boiling water in pot
My hypothesis was that heating rubber bands would make them harder to stretch. My results clearly
suppourt my hypothesis. When I stretched the heated rubber bands, the rubber bands became easier to
stretch as they cooled down. The rubber bands became 10-11% easier to stretch.
I think the tests I did ran smoothly and that the experiment can be repeated with the same results.
However, if I did the tests again, I would have chosen a more controlled heat source than fire.
3. Potter, Merle C. (2009) thermodynamics DeMYSTiFieD a self teaching guide New York,