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ADS Chapter 320

Branding and Marking

Revision Date: 05/05/2009

Responsible Office: M/OAA/P
File Name: 320_050509
05/05/2009 Revision
Editorial: Yes
Substantive: No

Functional Series 300 – Acquisition and Assistance

ADS 320 – Branding and Marking

Table of Contents

320.1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 3

320.2 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................... 3

320.3 POLICY DIRECTIVES AND REQUIRED PROCEDURES .............................. 7

320.3.1 General ................................................................................................. 7

320.3.1.1 Branding and Marking Policy Coordination ............................................ 7
320.3.1.2 Pre-award Procedures ........................................................................... 7
320.3.1.3 Post-Award Procedures ......................................................................... 8
320.3.1.4 Existing Awards ..................................................................................... 9
320.3.1.5 Administrative Communications............................................................. 9
320.3.1.6 Business Cards.................................................................................... 10
320.3.1.7 Mission-specific Policies ...................................................................... 10
320.3.1.8 Consultation with the Assistant Administrator (AA).............................. 10

320.3.2 Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracts ............................... 10

320.3.2.1 Branding Strategy (for Contracts) ........................................................ 11
320.3.2.2 Branding Implementation Plan (for Contracts) ..................................... 11
320.3.2.3 Marking Plan (for Contracts) ................................................................ 13
320.3.2.4 Marking Requirements for Specific Contract Deliverables ................... 13
320.3.2.5 Exceptions to Contract Marking Requirements.................................... 15
320.3.2.6 Waivers to Contract Marking Requirements ........................................ 16

320.3.3 Branding and Marking Requirements for Assistance Awards....... 18

320.3.3.1 Co-branding and Co-marking............................................................... 18
320.3.3.2 Branding and Marking Requirements for Specific Grant, Cooperative
Agreement, or Other Assistance Awards ............................................. 19

320.3.4 Branding and Marking Requirements for Other Types of

Implementation Mechanisms............................................................ 20
320.3.4.1 Programs, Projects, or Activities Funded through Agreements between
Participating U.S. Government Agencies or Other Donors and USAID20
320.3.4.2 Bilateral Agreements: Brand and Mark Appropriately ......................... 20
320.3.4.3 Commodity Import Programs (CIPs) .................................................... 21
320.3.4.4 Development Credit Authority (DCA) and Other USAID Loan Programs21
320.3.4.5 Food for Peace (FFP) Program ........................................................... 21

320.3.5 Non-Applicability ............................................................................... 22

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320.3.6 USAID Standard Graphic Identity..................................................... 22

320.3.6.1 Design, Size, Placement, and Proportion ............................................ 23
320.3.6.2 Obtaining the Standard Graphic Identity .............................................. 23
320.3.6.3 Costs of Branding and Marking............................................................ 23

320.3.7 Noncompliance .................................................................................. 23

320.3.8 Audit of Marking Requirements........................................................ 23

320.4 MANDATORY REFERENCES...................................................................... 24

320.4.1 External Mandatory References .......................................................... 24
320.4.2 Internal Mandatory References............................................................ 24

320.5 ADDITIONAL HELP...................................................................................... 25

320.6 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................ 25

ADS Chapter 320
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ADS 320 – Branding and Marking

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

ADS 320 contains USAID’s policy directives and required procedures on branding and
marking USAID-funded programs, projects, activities, public communications, and
commodities with the USAID “Standard Graphic Identity” (or “USAID Identity.”)

“Branding” refers to how a program or project is named and positioned, who it is from; it
identifies the sponsor of the work.

“Marking” refers to applying graphic identities or logos to program materials or project

signage to visibly acknowledge contributors; it identifies organizations supporting the

The “USAID Standard Graphic Identity” is the trademark, by commercial usage, of the
United States Agency for International Development.

The policy directives and required procedures in this chapter apply to the following:
• All USAID direct contracts, in accordance with section 320.3.2;
• Grants and cooperative agreements to both U.S. and non-U.S., non-
governmental organizations (see 320.3.3); and
• Other types of implementing instruments, as more fully discussed in 320.3.4.

The policy directives and required procedures in this chapter do not apply under the
conditions stated in section 320.3.5.

ADS 320 is authorized by Section 641 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
amended, which provides that “[p]rograms under this Act shall be identified
appropriately overseas as ‘American Aid.’” Branding and marking requirements for
assistance are also authorized by 22 CFR 226.91.


Effective Date: 01/08/2007

a. USAID Principal Officers are responsible for the following:

(1) Ensuring that USAID programs and the staff under their
management control comply with the policy directives and required
procedures for branding programs and marking program materials
according to the appropriate requirements outlined in this chapter;
(2) Designating a USAID employee to be responsible for
communicating USAID branding and marking policy to other employees in
the operating unit (See 320.3.1.1);
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(3) Informing counterpart host-country government officials and their

implementing partners about USAID marking requirements and the host-
country government’s responsibilities, and negotiating any changes;
(4) Ensuring an understanding of USAID branding and marking
requirements by the U.S. Embassy, Ambassador or U.S. Principal
Diplomatic Officer, Public Affairs Officer, and other relevant U.S.
government officials and agencies who co-fund or co-manage programs;
(5) Administering the waiver policy directives and required procedures
in this chapter (see 320.3.2.6); and
(6) Approving any special circumstances or Mission-specific policy
directives and required procedures (see 320.3.1.7).

b. Contracting Officers (COs) and Agreement Officers (AOs) are

responsible for the following:
(1) Including the applicable policy directives and required procedures
in this chapter, including approved Branding Strategies and Marking
Plans, in solicitations and award documents for acquisition and
(2) Approving or disapproving, in consultation with Strategic Objective
Team or Requiring Office/Activity Manager and, if necessary, the
Development Outreach and Communications Officer, Principal Officer or
Regional Legal Advisor, exceptions to marking requirements (see
320.3.1); and
(3) Administering implementing instruments to ensure that the
implementing partner and any subawardees carry out the branding and
marking requirements in the award and subaward, and taking appropriate
action in cases of non-compliance (See 320.3.7).

c. The Strategic Objective Team (SOT), the office that requires a contract,
grant, or cooperative agreement (the Requiring Office, or RO), or the Activity
Manager is responsible for ensuring that the documentation supporting the
solicitation and implementing award includes consideration of the appropriate
elements for branding, marking, and communicating USAID sponsorship of the
program, project, activity, public communication or commodity that USAID is
planning to fund, as required in this chapter.

d. Cognizant Technical Officers (CTOs) are responsible for the following:

(1) Monitoring compliance by USAID contractors, assistance
recipients, and other implementing partners with USAID branding and
marking requirements, in accordance with the relevant provisions in the
contract, grant, or other funding mechanism; and

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(2) Taking appropriate action when an implementing partner initiates

an action, such as requesting a waiver or a modification to a Marking Plan,
in accordance with the terms of the award, or fails to comply with the
branding and marking requirements in the award.

e. Bureau/Office Communications Officers, Mission Development

Outreach and Communications Officers (DOCs), Program Officers, or other
designees, are responsible for the following:

(1) Providing advice and guidance on graphic design and

communicating USAID branding and marking policy directives and
required procedures in this chapter and its references to USAID staff and
implementing partners;
(2) Providing training for USAID staff and partners on branding and
marking requirements;
(3) Reviewing Branding Strategies, Marking Plans, and Brand
Implementation Plans, as requested; and
(4) Consulting, as requested by the AO/CO, on requests for exceptions
to marking requirements.

f. The USAID/W/Senior Advisor for Brand Management in the Bureau

for Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) is responsible for the following:
(1) Developing and updating the Agency’s internal and external
branding policy directives and required procedures, as reflected in the
USAID Graphic Standards Manual and the USAID Partner Co-
Branding Guide;
(2) Ensuring that USAID employees and partners understand and
comply with USAID’s official graphic standards and providing advice and
guidance on design solutions to branding and marking problems;
(3) Consulting, as needed, with the Office of the General Counsel (GC)
and Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA) on revisions to the
Agency’s marking policy directives and required procedures, regulations,
clauses, or provisions, including ADS 320; reviewing exceptions, waivers,
and reviewing/approving special use of contractor logos;
(4) Designing and disseminating/implementing communications,
training sessions, templates, and other services and materials to assist
Agency staff to educate partners in the implementation of ADS 320;
(5) Bringing critical USAID branding and marking policy issues to the
attention of the Administrator, or his or her designee, along with a
recommendation for action; and

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(6) Providing information on USAID branding and marking policy

directives and required procedures to Congress, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), the Department of State, and
coordinating with other agencies as needed.

g. USAID/W/Cognizant Assistant Administrators (AAs) are responsible

for the following:
(1) Ensuring compliance with Agency branding and marking policy
directives and required procedures and requirements by
Bureau/Office and Mission staff and implementing partners; and
(2) Consulting with the cognizant Principal Officer, USAID/W Senior
Advisor for Brand Management (LPA), or USAID/W/GC, where
appropriate and if necessary, when determining waivers, and determining
appeals of negative determinations by Principal Officers for a waiver of
marking requirements.

h. USAID/W/GC and Regional Legal Advisors (RLAs) are responsible for

the following:
(1) Providing legal advice to Agency staff in interpreting this chapter
and related branding and marking regulations, including reviews of
waivers of marking requirements, and reviews of appeals from negative
determinations to requests for waivers of marking requirements;
(2) Assisting the Mission or the AO for an USAID/W RO in negotiating
the terms of agreements regarding branding and marking in grants to
foreign governments, other bilateral agreements, and interagency

i. USAID/W/Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA) is responsible

for the following:
(1) Maintaining ADS 320, Branding and Marking;
(2) Ensuring that ADS chapters pertaining to acquisition and
assistance policy contain current branding and marking policy directives
and required procedures; and
(3) Advising COs and AOs concerning their responsibilities as detailed
in this chapter.

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Effective Date: 01/08/2007

320.3.1 General
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID employees must ensure that the branding and marking policy directives and
required procedures in this chapter are included in the instruments USAID uses to
implement development assistance programs and projects. To comply with the
requirement in 320.1, Overview, that all USAID-funded foreign assistance must be
branded through use of a “Branding Strategy” and marked through use of a “Marking
Plan,” employees involved in program/project implementation must ensure that our
implementing partners communicate that the assistance is from the American people.

320.3.1.1 Branding and Marking Policy Coordination

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID Principal Officers and heads of operating units must designate a USAID
employee (usually the DOC, or alternate from the Program Office) to be responsible for
communicating USAID branding and marking policy to other employees in the operating
unit (see ADS 320.2.e. (1)). This individual must stay apprised of any embassy,
interagency, or host-country-specific branding and marking guidance that affects USAID
branding and marking policy. This individual consults, as requested, with other
employees in the operating unit and elsewhere in the Agency who participate in
planning and achieving Strategic Objectives and in designing the activities (see ADS
201, “Planning” and 202, “Achieving”) that will implement them through the types of
instruments discussed in this chapter.
These other employees include, but are not limited to, the CO or AO, the Activity
Manager, other members of the SOT or RO (SOT/RO), legal counsel, Bureau/Office
Communications Officer, and the Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA). The
following policy directives and required procedures more fully describe their roles.

320.3.1.2 Pre-award Procedures

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Under contract branding and marking procedures, the Activity Manager or RO prepares
the Branding Strategy (BS) for inclusion in the Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request
for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP), and offerors respond by preparing the Branding
Implementation Plan and Marking Plan (see 320.3.2.1, 320.3.2.2, and 320.3.2.3). For
assistance awards (see 320.3.3), the Apparently Successful Applicant for new awards
(see 320.3.1.4 regarding incremental funding added to existing awards) prepares and
submits the BS that will be negotiated and finalized as part of the assistance award
(See section 320.3.3.2, 22 CFR 226.91 and Marking Under Assistance Instruments).
The Apparently Successful Applicant also submits a Marking Plan. (Note that marking

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is not required for implementing partners’ offices, vehicles, and items they procure for its
own administrative use. See 22 CFR Part 226 and 320.3.5e.)

Prospective contractors and Apparently Successful Applicants may request exceptions

in their submitted Marking Plans. Exceptions are programmatic in nature, and reflect
the categories of foreign assistance that USAID generally does not want marked. See
320.3.2.5 for exceptions to contract marking requirements and 320.3.3.2 and 22 CFR
226.91 (h) for exceptions to assistance marking requirements.

The SOT/RO, CO/AO, DOCs, Bureau/Office Communications Officer, and Senior

Advisor for Brand Management (LPA) may all participate in evaluating the BSs, Brand
Implementation Plans, and Marking Plans submitted by offerors or applicants, as
appropriate (see 320.3.2 for acquisition, 320.3.3 for assistance). Although the CO or
AO determines whether to approve exceptions to marking requirements, he/she must
base this determination on advice from any, or all, of the above, legal counsel, and
Mission or even Bureau/Office senior management, if appropriate, depending on the
particular circumstances at post or in the operating unit.

320.3.1.3 Post-Award Procedures

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Immediately after award, the CO or AO must brief the USAID contractor or recipient on
USAID’s monitoring and enforcement of marking requirements. The CO/AO
coordinates with the CTO and/or Program Officer or other designee, and must
emphasize that failure to meet marking requirements may be considered
noncompliance with the contract, assistance award, or other USAID funding
After award, CTOs serve as the USAID point-of-contact for reviewing materials and
answering questions from the implementing partners. As the individual with the most
direct knowledge of the implementing partner’s activities under the award, the CTO is
responsible for monitoring compliance:

• For contracts, the CTO checks to make sure the contractor complies with its
Branding Implementation Plan (see 320.3.2.2) and Marking Plan (see
320.3.2.3) as incorporated into the award.
• For grants and cooperative agreements, the CTO monitors the recipient’s
compliance with its BS and Marking Plan (see 320.3.3).

If the CTO notes any cases of non-compliance, or if the CTO receives any allegations of
non-compliance, he/she must alert the CO or AO and they must then determine the
actual facts of the matter. If the implementing partner is not complying with the
branding and marking requirements in the award, then the CO or AO must take
appropriate action (see 320.3.7)

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CTOs carry out other administrative duties described in this chapter, such as processing
requests for waivers from implementing partners to the Principal Officer for review and
determination (see 320.3.2.6). In order to effectively carry out these duties, the CTO
must seek guidance from the CO/AO, RLA, Program Office/DOC, or the Agency’s
Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA), as needed.

In the event of unanticipated safety, security, or political concerns, or adverse reaction

in the cooperating country to USAID marking requirements, the cognizant Principal
Officer may waive marking requirements. See 320.3.2.6 for waivers to contract marking
requirements, and 320.3.3.2 and 22 CFR 226.91 (j) for waivers of assistance marking

Please note: Exceptions are programmatic, not circumstantial, in nature, and are usually
approved pre-award. Waivers are circumstantial, not programmatic, in nature, and are
approved in response to adverse circumstances that affect implementation.

320.3.1.4 Existing Awards

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

For existing awards being incrementally funded, COs/AOs must determine, in

consultation with CTOs, whether or not sufficient incremental funding is being added to
justify requiring contractors and recipients of assistance awards to complete full-fledged
BSs (for contractors, Branding Implementation Plans) and Marking Plans. Generally
speaking, if incremental funding is minimal and performance of the award is near
completion, it is not cost effective for COs/AOs to require full compliance with branding
and marking requirements; however, branding and marking may be required for discrete
program materials and deliverables. In these cases, COs/AOs are encouraged to use
their best judgment concerning applicability of the policy directives and required
procedures of this chapter.

320.3.1.5 Administrative Communications

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID contractors and recipients must not use the USAID Identity on any
communications that are strictly administrative, rather than programmatic, in nature.
Examples of administrative communications include, but are not limited to,
correspondence with the cooperating government concerning contractor compliance
with local law, such as the administration of tax, customs, or other provisions. The
USAID Identity is also prohibited on contractor and recipient communications related to
award administration, such as hiring/firing staff or renting office space and/or
equipment. USAID CTOs, COs/AOs and RLAs are available to advise partners about
USAID’s implementation of USAID framework bilateral and other agreements with the
cooperating country government.

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320.3.1.6 Business Cards

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

It is USAID policy to prohibit the use of the USAID Identity on contractor and recipient
business cards. At their option, contractors and recipients may include wording on their
employees’ business cards (“USAID Contractor” or “USAID Grantee” as appropriate) to
identify that the employee is working on a USAID-funded activity. In addition, if the
contractor or grantee elects to identify the employee as stated above, they may also, at
their option, include the USAID program name (see 320.3.2 or 22 CFR 226.91 (f)).
However, business cards must not use the USAID Identity and designs and layouts
used must make it clear that the employee is not a USAID employee.

320.3.1.7 Mission-specific Policies

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

The Principal Officer may establish Mission-specific policies for branding and marking,
such as limiting public signs in high-threat environments or approving any special
circumstances, such as allowing contractors to use their own corporate logos in very
rare cases, and developing Mission orders to reflect any local procedures that may
affect branding requirements in a particular country. Principal Officers must consult with
the Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA) as well as the Chief of Mission, Deputy
Chief of Mission, and/or the Regional Security Officer (RSO), if available, to determine if
any local conditions should be considered that may affect branding and marking
requirements in the country.

320.3.1.8 Consultation with the Assistant Administrator (AA)

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Missions must consult the responsible Bureau/Office AA and the Senior Advisor for
Brand Management (LPA) before approving a waiver or when addressing sensitive
political considerations that affect branding and marking policy in a particular Mission or

320.3.2 Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracts

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID policy is to require exclusive branding and marking in USAID direct acquisitions
using any source of funds, except as stated elsewhere in this chapter (see 320.3.2.5,
320.3.2.6, and 320.3.5).

“Exclusive Branding” means that the program is positioned as USAID’s, as showcased

by the program name (e.g., “The USAID/Basic Education Program”).

“Exclusive Marking” means contractors may only mark USAID-funded programs,

projects, activities, public communications, and commodities with the USAID Standard
Graphic Identity and, where applicable, the host-country government or ministry symbol
or another U.S. Government logo (see 320.3.4.1 and 320.3.4.2).
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Except as provided in 320.3.5, ADS 320 applies to all programs, projects, activities,
public communications, and commodities funded by USAID under any direct contract or
subcontract (see ADS 302, USAID Direct Contracting). For specific guidance on
implementing this chapter in USAID direct contracts, see Branding and Marking in
USAID Direct Contracting. (For specific guidance for Assistance Awards, see section

It is USAID’s policy that contractors’ and subcontractors’ corporate identities or logos

must not be used on USAID-funded program materials (see 320.3.6 for details on the
use of manufacturers’ trademarks). The Principal Officer may approve exceptions to
this policy, but only in extraordinary circumstances and after the Senior Advisor for
Brand Management (LPA) clears the exception. Marking is not required on contractor
vehicles, offices, and office supplies or other commodities used solely for administration
of the USAID-funded program (see 320.3.5). Marking is not permitted on certain
contractor communications (see 320.3.1.5).

320.3.2.1 Branding Strategy (for Contracts)

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

The SOT/RO must develop a BS when preparing the requirement description

(Statement of Work (SOW)) for a planned acquisition, including a task order under
ordering instruments, such as indefinite quantity contracts or GSA Schedule contracts.
The BS must identify
• The program or project name;
• How the materials and communications will be positioned (i.e., as from the
American People, jointly sponsored by USAID and the host-country government,
or in some other way);
• The desired level of visibility; and
• Any other organizations to be acknowledged.

COs and ROs must carefully consider whether or not to place any controls on the
contractor’s release or use of data that the contractor, or any subcontractor, produces in
performing the contract. In preserving the Agency’s rights, COs must ensure that
solicitations and contracts include terms and conditions, including appropriate
intellectual property provisions, that comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR) and USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR). When the contract requires USAID
approval to release, publish, or use data first produced in performance of the contract,
the CO may only grant such consent after the Principal Officer, after consultation with
legal counsel and the Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA), approves.

320.3.2.2 Branding Implementation Plan (for Contracts)

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

A Branding Implementation Plan (BIP) is developed by existing or prospective

contractors to describe how the program will be promoted to beneficiaries and host-
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country citizens. It outlines the events (press conferences, site visits, etc.) and
materials (success stories, Public Service Announcements [PSAs], etc.) the contractor
will organize and produce to assist USAID in delivering the message that the assistance
is from the American people.

As stated in 320.3.2.1, the BS is part of the contract requirements, so COs must ensure
that USAID contract solicitations include a BS and instruct offerors to prepare a BIP to
implement the BS. These instructions must require that BIPs specifically address the
• How to incorporate the message, “This assistance is from the American people,”
in communications and materials directed to beneficiaries, or provide an
explanation if this message is not appropriate or possible.
• How to publicize the program, project, or activity in the host-country and a
description of the communications tools to be used. Such tools may include the
° Press releases,
° Press conferences,
° Media interviews,
° Site visits,
° Success stories,
° Beneficiary testimonials,
° Professional photography,
° PSAs,
° Videos, and
° Webcasts, e-invitations, or other e-mails sent to group lists, such as
participants for a training session blast e-mails or other Internet activities,

• The key milestones or opportunities anticipated to generate awareness that the

program, project, or activity is from the American people, or an explanation if this
is not appropriate or possible. Such milestones may be linked to specific points
in time, such as the beginning or end of a program, or to an opportunity to
showcase publications or other materials, research findings, or program success.
These include, but are not limited to, the following:

° Launching the program,

° Announcing research findings,
° Publishing reports or studies,
° Spotlighting trends,
° Highlighting success stories,
° Featuring beneficiaries as spokespeople,
° Showcasing before-and-after photographs,
° Marketing agricultural products or locally-produced crafts or goods,
° Securing endorsements from ministry or local organizations,
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° Promoting final or interim reports, and

° Communicating program impact/overall results.

Specific procedures for including BIP requirements are in the mandatory internal
reference, Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracting.

320.3.2.3 Marking Plan (for Contracts)

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

A Marking Plan is developed by existing or prospective contractors to enumerate the

public communications, commodities, and program materials and other items that visibly
bear or will be marked with the USAID Identity. As stated in 320.3.2, USAID’s policy is
that programs, projects, activities, public communications, or commodities implemented
or delivered under contracts and subcontracts exclusively funded by USAID are marked
exclusively with the USAID Identity. Where applicable, a host-country symbol or
ministry logo, or another U.S. Government logo may be added.
Except for the manufacturer’s trademark on a commercial item, the corporate identities
or logos of contractors or subcontractors are not permitted on USAID-funded program
materials and communications, unless specified in the USAID Graphic Standards
Manual or approved in advance by the Principal Officer. The Principal Officer must
obtain clearance from the Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA) before
approving the use of the contractor’s logo.
The Marking Plan may include requests for exceptions to marking requirements, to be
approved by the CO. Section 320.3.2.4 describes what the Marking Plan must address.
Section 320.3.2.5 lists the exceptions to Marking Plan requirements.
To ensure that all items are appropriately marked in accordance with this policy, all
USAID direct contracts must incorporate a Marking Plan that details the public
communications, commodities, and program materials and other items that will bear
visibly the USAID Identity.
Specific procedures for developing the Marking Plan are in Branding and Marking in
USAID Direct Contracting.

320.3.2.4 Marking Requirements for Specific Contract Deliverables

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Contract deliverables to be marked with the USAID Identity must follow design guidance
for color, type, and layout in the Graphic Standards Manual. COs must ensure that
Marking Plans incorporated in USAID direct contracts specifically address the following
specific contract deliverables or performance requirements:

a. Commodities or equipment provided under humanitarian assistance,

disaster relief or development programs, and all other program commodities and
equipment funded by USAID contracts, and their export packaging, must
prominently display the USAID Identity.

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b. Program, project, or activity sites financed by USAID contracts, including

visible infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, buildings, etc.) or others that are
physical in nature (agriculture, forestry, water management, etc.), must
prominently display the USAID Identity. Temporary signs must be erected early
in the construction or implementation phase. When construction or
implementation is complete, the contractor must install a permanent, durable and
visible sign, plaque, or other marking.

c. Public communications financed by USAID contracts that are print

products must prominently display the USAID Identity. These communications
include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Publications;
• Reports;
• Research results, studies, and evaluations;
• Brochures, leaflets, informational, and promotional materials;
• Folders;
• Success stories;
• Posters;
• Banners and Signs;
• Print PSAs, newspaper supplements and other paid placements
such as advertorials;
• (Non-administrative) advertisements about program
• Training manuals, workbooks, and guides;
• Press releases, fact sheets, media advisories (note: the U.S.
Ambassador or Public Affairs Officer may request these materials
to be distributed on U.S. Embassy letterhead); and
• Letterhead used for program-related purposes (invitations to
events, etc.,), as opposed to contractor administrative purposes.

d. Public communications financed by USAID contracts that are audio,

visual, or electronic must prominently display the USAID Identity. Such
communications include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Web sites;
• Videos;
• CDs and DVDs;
• TV PSAs;
• PowerPoint and other program-related presentations;
• Mass distribution electronic mail sent for program purposes, such
as invitations to training events or other widely attended program-
related gatherings; and
• Radio PSAs, which must include an audio tag, such as, “made
possible by USAID: From the American people.”

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e. Studies, reports, publications, Web sites, and all informational and

promotional products not authored, reviewed, or edited by USAID must contain a
provision substantially as follows:

This study/report/Web site (specify) is made possible by the support of the

American People through the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID.) The contents of this (specify) are the sole
responsibility of (name of organization) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of USAID or the United States Government.

f. Events financed by USAID contracts must prominently display the USAID

Identity. Such events include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Training courses;
• Conferences;
• Seminars;
• Briefings;
• Exhibitions;
• Fairs;
• Workshops;
• Press conferences;
• Other public meetings and activities; and
• Invitations, press releases, publicity, and media materials,
presentations and handouts associated with these events that are
produced under a USAID direct contract.

g. Grants under contracts, when authorized in accordance with ADS 302,

“USAID Direct Contracting” must be branded and marked like grants, and the
policy directives and required procedures for branding and marking of assistance
awards in section 320.3.3, and 22 CFR 226.91, apply. The contractor is
responsible for including branding and marking requirements for these grants in
its BIP and MP, as part of its overall responsibility for managing grants under its

h. USAID reserves the right to request preproduction review of USAID-

funded public communications and program materials for compliance with USAID
graphic standards and the approved Marking Plan.

All of the above requirements are subject to USAID-approved exceptions (see

320.3.2.5) and waivers (see 320.3.2.6).

320.3.2.5 Exceptions to Contract Marking Requirements

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

The following exceptions reflect USAID’s usual, non-emergency practices in not

marking certain contract deliverables for programmatic reasons. The CO, in
consultation with the Activity Manager/RO, has the authority to determine that marking
ADS Chapter 320
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in accordance with 320.3.2 is not appropriate, if marking of specifically identified

contract deliverables, or of all contract deliverables, would:
a. Compromise the intrinsic independence or neutrality of a program or
materials where independence or neutrality is an inherent aspect of the program
and materials. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Election monitoring or ballots, and voter information literature;
• Political party support or public policy advocacy or reform;
• Independent media, such as television and radio broadcasts, and
newspaper articles and editorials; and
• PSAs or public opinion polls and surveys.
b. Diminish the credibility of audits, reports, analyses, studies, or policy
recommendations whose data or findings must be seen as independent;
c. Undercut host-country government “ownership” of constitutions, laws,
regulations, policies, studies, assessments, reports, publications, surveys or
audits, PSAs, or other communications better positioned as “by” or “from” a
cooperating country ministry, organization, or government official;
d. Impair the functionality of an item, such as sterilized equipment or spare
e. Incur substantial costs or be impractical, such as items too small or other
otherwise unsuited for individual marking, such as food in bulk;
f. Offend local cultural or social norms, or be considered inappropriate on
such items as condoms, toilets, bed pans, or similar commodities;
g. Conflict with international law, such as the international recognized
neutrality of the International Red Cross (IRC) or other organizations; and
h. Deter achievement of program goals, such as cooperating with other
donors or ensuring repayment of loans.

The CO’s determination that an exception does not apply is not subject to a separate
appeal process but may be handled through normal contract award or administration
procedures (See Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracting).

320.3.2.6 Waivers to Contract Marking Requirements

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

a. The USAID Principal Officer has this authority to waive, in whole or in

part, USAID marking requirements. The Principal Officer may only exercise this
authority if he/she determines that USAID-required markings would pose
compelling political, safety, or security concerns, or that marking has had or will
have an adverse reaction in the cooperating country. In exceptional
circumstances, the Principal Officer may approve a blanket waiver by region or
country. The Principal Officer should consult with the CO, Senior Advisor for
ADS Chapter 320
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Brand Management (LPA), RLA or USAID/GC, and the cognizant AA before

approving or denying a waiver, and must consult with the RSO or country
Emergency Action Committee, if available, before doing so. The waiver must
consider the same information that applies to determinations of the safety and
security of U.S. Government employees in the cooperating country. It must also
consider any information supplied by the contractor or subcontractor for whose
contract the waiver is sought. In sum, this waiver authority is for situational or
security circumstances that are caused by the local environment. The Principal
Officer may not re-delegate this authority, but it may be exercised by officials
serving in an acting capacity.

The Principal Officer authority described in the preceding paragraph may be

exercised by the Directors of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the
Office of Transition Initiatives in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and
Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA/OFDA and DCHA/OTI, respectively), in order to
waive marking requirements when implementing emergency disaster relief and
assistance to internally displaced persons, humanitarian emergencies, or
immediate post conflict and political crisis response in a cooperating country.
The Directors, OFDA/DCHA and OTI/DCHA, must consult with the AA/DCHA
and the cognizant Mission Director(s) or USAID Representative(s), as well as the
USAID Senior Advisor for Brand Management (LPA), before exercising this
waiver authority.

Only the CO has the authority to inform the contractor of a waiver decision and to
direct the contractor to comply with it. A waiver decision may constitute a change
to the contract terms and conditions, and only the CO has the authority to issue a
change order to the contract. See Branding and Marking in USAID Direct

b. USAID contractors may request waivers of the Marking Plan, in whole or

in part, through the CO, with the CTO then assisting in processing a waiver
request to the cognizant Principal Officer. No marking is required while a waiver
determination is pending. For this reason, the CO and CTO must ensure that
waiver requests reach the Principal Officer as soon as practicable, and the CO
must inform the contractor of the waiver decision in an equally timely manner.
Approved waivers are not limited in duration, but are subject to Principal Officer
review at any time due to changed circumstances (See c. below, for policy
directives and required procedures for rescinding a waiver). Approved waivers
“flow down” to subcontractors or subgrantees, unless specified otherwise.
Principal Officers may also authorize the removal of USAID markings already
affixed, if circumstances warrant. The Administrative CO (ACO) is responsible
for notifying the contractor if it must remove USAID markings. (See Branding
and Marking in USAID Direct Contracting).

c. Rescinding of Waiver of Marking Requirements. If the circumstances

on which the waiver was based change, the Principal Officer may rescind the

ADS Chapter 320
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waiver of marking requirements. In that event, the marking requirements

approved in the Marking Plan apply from the date forward that the waiver is
rescinded. The ACO must notify the contractor in writing when a waiver is
rescinded and the effect the rescission has on the terms of or performance under
the contract, including whether or not the waiver rescission constitutes a change

The Principal Officer may rescind a waiver after the contractor completes the
activities under the contract but before the contract is closed out. The ACO or
the close-out CO, in collaboration with the CTO, must conduct a cost/benefit
analysis to determine whether to require marking after the date of completion of
the affected programs, projects, activities, public communications, or
commodities. If the analysis supports applying the marking requirement, the CO
must so notify the contractor. If applying the marking requirement at any time
constitutes a change order or requires funding, the cognizant CO must negotiate
a supplemental agreement to cover marking costs (See Branding and Marking
in USAID Direct Contracting).

d. Appealing a waiver decision. Determinations regarding waiver

requests, including a Principal Officer’s decision to rescind a waiver, are subject
to appeal to the Principal Officer’s cognizant AA. The contractor may appeal by
submitting, through the CTO or CO, a written request to reconsider the Principal
Officer’s waiver determination to the cognizant AA.

320.3.3 Branding and Marking Requirements for Assistance Awards

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID’s policy is that programs, projects, activities, public communications, or

commodities implemented or delivered under co-funded instruments – such as grants,
cooperative agreements, or other assistance awards that usually require a cost share –
generally are “co-branded and co-marked.” In accordance with 22 CFR 226.91, this
policy applies to these assistance awards even when the award does not require any
cost sharing (see ADS 303.3.10).

320.3.3.1 Co-branding and Co-marking

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Co-branding and co-marking mean that the program name represents both USAID and
the implementing partner, and the USAID Identity and implementer’s logo must both be
visible with equal size and prominence on program materials produced for program
purposes. Such program materials include the assistance set forth at 22 CFR 226.91
(b) – (e). Program materials do not include commodities the recipient or sub-recipient
procures for their own use in administering the USAID-funded program (in accordance
with the definition of “commodities” in 22 CFR 226.2). In short, co-funding means co-
branding and co-marking.

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However, the AO, after consulting with the activity manager/requesting office, may
determine that program goals require that the USAID Identity be larger and more
prominent, if USAID is the majority donor and the USAID funded program, project,
activity or public communication is especially visible and important to USAID.
A host-country symbol or ministry logo or other U.S. Government seal or logo may also
be added, if applicable.
Marking is not required for recipient’s offices, vehicles, and items the recipient procures
for its own administrative use (see 22 CFR Part 226.91 and 320.3.5). The prohibitions
on use of the USAID Standard Graphic Identity (see 320.3.1.5 and 320.3.1.6) apply by
USAID policy to recipients of grants and cooperative agreements.

320.3.3.2 Branding and Marking Requirements for Specific Grant, Cooperative

Agreement, or Other Assistance Awards
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Marking requirements, including requests for presumptive exceptions (see 22 CFR

226.91(h)) and waivers, for assistance awards must be in accordance with 22 CFR
226.91 (j). By policy, USAID requires non-U.S., non-governmental organizations,
including cooperating country non-governmental organizations (and in rare cases,
Public International Organizations, see 320.3.5), to follow marking requirements for
assistance awards as set forth in this chapter and 22 CFR 226.91. In addition to the
presumptive exceptions in 22 CFR 226.91(h), loan programs under assistance awards
may also be determined to be an exception to the USAID marking policy, in accordance
with section 320.3.4.4. For unsolicited proposals and other non-competitive awards, the
applicant is considered the Apparently Successful Applicant and may submit a Branding
Strategy and Marking Plan with their proposal. (See 320.3.1.4 regarding adding
incremental funding to existing awards.)
AOs, activity managers and other members of the SOT/RO, and CTOs, with support
from DOCs, Bureau/Office Communications Officers, and the Senior Advisor for Brand
Management (LPA), are responsible for ensuring that Apparently Successful Applicants
and recipients are familiar with the USAID Partner Co-Branding Guide and other
Agency guidance.
A determination by an AO before an award is made that none of the presumptive
exceptions applies is not subject to a separate appeal process, but may be handled
through normal grant award or administration procedures. A determination by an AO
after an award is made that a presumptive exception does not apply is subject to the
appeals process at 22 CFR 226.90.
In accordance with section (j) of 22 CFR 226.91 and Marking Under Assistance
Instruments, Principal Officers have the authority to approve waivers of marking
requirements. Recipients may appeal the Principal Officer’s determination concerning a
waiver to the Principal Officer’s cognizant AA.
For specific guidance to implement the requirements in this chapter in USAID grants
and cooperative agreements, see Marking Under Assistance Instruments.

ADS Chapter 320
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320.3.4 Branding and Marking Requirements for Other Types of

Implementation Mechanisms
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

This section states the branding and marking requirements that apply to implementing
mechanisms other than USAID direct contracts (ADS 302) and assistance awards (ADS

320.3.4.1 Programs, Projects, or Activities Funded through Agreements

between Participating U.S. Government Agencies or Other Donors
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID’s policy is that programs, projects, activities, public communications, or

commodities implemented or delivered in cooperation with other U.S. Government
agencies or other donors are “co-branded and co-marked,” (similar to USAID’s policy
about programs implemented through a recipient cost share, see 320.3.3.), as follows:

a. Programs funded in whole or in part by, or implemented in whole or in part

through, participating U.S. Government agencies (such as the U.S. Department
of State’s Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, the Millennium Challenge
Corporation, or other U.S Government agencies) must be co-branded and
marked appropriately, in accordance with the terms of the applicable interagency
agreement. See ADS 306 for policy directives and required procedures for
Interagency Agreements.

b. Programs jointly funded by USAID and Global Development Alliance

partners, multilateral donors, or bilateral donors, such as the United Kingdom’s
Department for International Development, must be co-branded and co-marked.

c. In case of any inconsistency, the terms and conditions of the specific

agreements take precedence over the requirements of this section.

320.3.4.2 Bilateral Agreements: Brand and Mark Appropriately

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Framework Bilateral Agreements establish the terms and conditions under which United
States foreign assistance is provided to the cooperating country (see ADS 349). Newly
negotiated or renegotiated Framework Bilateral Agreements must include a provision
describing the appropriate use of branding and marking in implementing instruments
under the bilateral agreement.

In addition, newly negotiated or renegotiated bilateral implementing agreements,

including those listed below, that implement specific USAID funded programs, projects,
or activities through the cooperating country, must also provide for appropriate use of
USAID’s required branding and marking. “Appropriate use” typically means showcasing
the program as a partnership with both the USAID Identity and the cooperating country
ADS Chapter 320
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government’s identity or logo of an equal size and prominence. In some cases, the
provision may allow for the host-country government’s identity or logo to be larger and
more prominent than the USAID Identity, depending on program needs and as
determined by the Principal Officer. The Principal Officer may waive marking
requirements in Bilateral Agreements for safety, security, or political reasons, or in the
event of actual or anticipated adverse reaction in the cooperating country.

The provision in a bilateral implementing agreement applies to all programs, projects,

activities, and public communications implemented through the following:

a. Host-country contracts (ADS 305);

b. USAID-direct contracts (ADS 302) financed by the bilateral agreement;
c. Grants or cooperative agreements to non-governmental organizations (ADS
303) and financed by the bilateral agreement;
d. Strategic Objective Grant Agreement (SOAG) and Limited Scope Grant
Agreement (LSGA) (see ADS 350); and
e. Other implementing instruments financed by the bilateral agreement (see
ADS 201).

In case of any inconsistency, the terms and conditions of the specific implementing
instruments take precedence over the general requirements of this section.

320.3.4.3 Commodity Import Programs (CIPs)

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Commodities imported under CIPs must be marked in accordance with 22 C.F.R. Part
201, the requirements of this chapter, and any applicable exceptions. See 22 CFR 201,
Rules and Procedures Applicable to Commodity Transactions Financed by AID.

320.3.4.4 Development Credit Authority (DCA) and Other USAID Loan

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

DCA, medium, small, microenterprise, and other USAID loan program materials must
be marked with the USAID Identity, but only to the extent that such marking does not
deter program goals, such as ensuring repayment of guaranteed loans (see
320.3.2.5h). The operating unit providing funding for the loan program must determine
whether or not the above exception to marking requirements applies at the time of
obligation of funds, and include the relevant guidance in the loan documentation.

320.3.4.5 Food for Peace (FFP) Program

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Commodities funded under the Food For Peace (FFP) program, P.L. 480, must be
marking in accordance with 22 CFR 211.

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320.3.5 Non-Applicability
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

This chapter does not apply to the following:

a. Ocean Freight Reimbursement. Marking does not apply to shipments of

supplies by Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), where USAID is not
financing the supplies and is only reimbursing the PVO for transportation costs.
b. Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Public International
Organizations, unless USAID is the sole donor funding a specific program,
project, or activity of a PIO, or in cases where other bilateral donors have
received marking privileges (see 320.3.3.1).
c. Activities funded under section 316 of the International Security and
Development Cooperation Act of 1980.
d. Activities of USAID implementing partners in the United States,
unless the program, project, activity, public communication, or commodity being
delivered in the United States is a component of a program which is being
implemented overseas and for which a Marking Plan has been approved, in
which case marking is required for the U.S.-based activity. An example of an
activity that may meet the marking requirement is participant training given in the
United States.

e. Contractor or recipient offices, vehicles, or non-deliverable items,

such as office supplies used primarily for administration of the USAID-funded
program. See 22 CFR 226.91; 320.3.1; 320.3.2; and 320.3.3.

320.3.6 USAID Standard Graphic Identity

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

All use and reproduction of the USAID Standard Graphic Identity must be in compliance
with all design guidelines set forth in the USAID Standard Graphic Manual and the
USAID Partner Co-Branding Guide.

The USAID Standard Graphic Identity is the trademark, by commercial usage, of the
United States Agency for International Development. It is provided without royalty,
license, or other fee to organizations required to use the USAID Standard Graphic
Identity, in accordance with this chapter and the terms of their funding awards.
Unauthorized use of the USAID Identity without the express authorization of USAID is
prohibited. Please inform USAID/W/GC of any unauthorized uses without express
USAID approval.

Use of the USAID Identity is not intended to supplant use of a previous, legally
registered trademark or copyright on any commodity procured with USAID funding, such
as a manufacturer’s trademark on computer hardware or software purchased with
USAID funding. In such instances, the manufacturer’s mark may be used along with the

ADS Chapter 320
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USAID Identity (see also 320.3.2.3 and 320.3.2.4). In all cases, the provisions of
specific contracts, grants, and other implementing instruments prevail.

320.3.6.1 Design, Size, Placement, and Proportion

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

The USAID Standard Graphic Identity must conform in design, size, placement, and
proportion to the examples provided in the USAID Standard Graphic Manual and the
USAID Partner Co-Branding Guide.

320.3.6.2 Obtaining the Standard Graphic Identity

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

USAID contractors, recipients, or other implementing partners may obtain the Standard
Graphic Identity and information about suggested suppliers of USAID Identity labels
from the USAID Web site at www.usaid.gov/branding.

320.3.6.3 Costs of Branding and Marking

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Costs of branding and marking are eligible for financing in the implementing instruments
included in this chapter, if the costs are reasonable, allocable, and allowable in
accordance with applicable cost principles. Such costs should normally be included in
the total estimated cost or bid/offer price of the implementing partner.

320.3.7 Noncompliance
Effective Date: 01/08/2007

If USAID implementing partners do not comply with the marking requirements as

established in the approved Marking Plan, the CO/AO, in consultation with Principal
Officer or other head of USAID operating unit, the CTO, and the Program Officer, must
initiate corrective action. Such action may involve informing the host-country
government, contractor, recipient, or other USAID partner of the instances of
noncompliance and requesting that it carry out its responsibilities as set forth in the
applicable agreement. Major or chronic noncompliance with the BS, BIP or Marking
Plan or marking requirements will trigger remedies available to USAID under the
specific provisions of the relevant USAID contract or assistance award, or other USAID-
funded award (for cases of noncompliance with assistance marking requirements, see
22 CFR 226.91 (i).

320.3.8 Audit of Marking Requirements

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Marking requirements, like other provisions of USAID awards, are subject to audit by
the USAID Inspector General.

ADS Chapter 320
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Effective Date: 01/08/2007

320.4.1 External Mandatory References

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

a. 22 CFR 201, Rules and Procedures Applicable to Commodity Transactions

Financed by AID

b. 22 CFR 211, Transfer of Food Commodities for Food Use in Disaster Relief,
Economic Development, and Other Assistance

c. 22 CFR 226.91, Administration of Assistance Awards to U.S. Non-

Governmental Organizations; Marking Requirements

d. International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1980,

section 316

e. Public Law 480, Section 202 (authority for marking Food For Peace (FFP)

320.4.2 Internal Mandatory References

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

a. AAPD 04-10, Standardized Model Letters for Designating the Cognizant

Technical Officer (CTO) for Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements

b. ADS 201, Planning

c. ADS 302, USAID Direct Contracting

d. ADS 303, Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Non-Governmental


f. ADS 305, Cooperating country Contracts

g. ADS 306, Interagency Agreements

h. ADS 349, International Agreements

i. ADS 350, Grants to Foreign Governments

j. ADS 512, Agency Printing and Graphics Services

k. ADS 557, Public Information

l. “Branding and Marking in USAID Direct Contracting” (Reserved)

ADS Chapter 320
05/05/2009 Revision

m. Marking Under Assistance Instruments (issued as AAPD 05-11, to be

incorporated into ADS 303 “Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Non-
Governmental Organizations”).

n. USAID Standard Graphic Identity

o. USAID Graphic Standards Manual

p. USAID Partner Co-branding Guide (Reserved)


Effective Date: 01/08/2007

Effective Date: 01/08/2007

The terms and definitions listed below have been incorporated into the ADS Glossary.
See the ADS Glossary for all ADS terms and definitions.

Apparently Successful Applicant(s)

The applicant(s) for USAID funding recommended for an award after technical
evaluation, but who has not yet been awarded a grant, cooperative agreement or other
assistance award by the Agreement Officer. Apparently successful applicant status
confers no right and constitutes no USAID commitment to an award, which still must be
obligated by the Agreement Officer. (Chapter 320)

Branding Strategy
A Branding Strategy, developed in the case of a contract award by the Strategic
Objective Team or Requesting Office, or in the case of an assistance award by the
Apparently Successful Applicant, identifies the program or project name, how the
materials and communications will be positioned (i.e. as from the American People,
jointly sponsored by USAID and the host-country government or assistance
implementing partner, or some other way), the desired level of visibility and the
communications tools used to publicize the aid as from the American people. (Chapter

Branding Implementation Plan

A Branding Implementation Plan, developed by contractors, describes how the program
will be communicated to beneficiaries and promoted to host-country citizens; it outlines
the events and materials the contractor will use to deliver the message that the
assistance is from the American people. (Chapter 320)

Commodity Import Program (CIP)

A program in which USAID provides foreign exchange to a cooperating country that, by
the terms of the applicable agreement between USAID and the cooperating country, is
used to finance particular commodity import transactions of the cooperating country.
(Chapters 307, 320, 324).
ADS Chapter 320
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Marking Plan
A plan that USAID Implementing partners provide detailing the public communications,
commodities, program materials and other items that will visibly bear or be marked with
the USAID Identity. It also requests any exceptions to marking. (Chapter 320)

An organization or individual with which/whom the Agency collaborates to achieve
mutually agreed upon objectives and to secure participation of ultimate customers.
Partners include host country governments, private voluntary organizations, indigenous
and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), universities, other U.S.
Government agencies, the United Nations and other multilateral organizations,
professional and business associations, and private businesses and individuals.
(Chapter 320)

Principal Officers
The most senior officer in a USAID Operating Unit in the field, e.g., USAID Mission
Director or USAID Representative. Principal Officers also include the directors of
USAID/W/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and Office of Transition Initiatives when
those offices are implementing emergency disaster relief and assistance to internally
displaced persons, humanitarian emergencies or immediate post conflict and political
crisis response in a cooperating country. For non-presence countries, the cognizant
Principal Officer is the Senior USAID officer in a regional USAID Operating Unit
responsible for the non-presence country, or in the absence of such a responsible
operating unit, the Principle U.S Diplomatic Officer in the non-presence country
exercising delegated authority from USAID. (Chapter 320)

Public communications
Documents and messages intended for distribution to audiences external to the
recipient’s organization. They include, but are not limited to, correspondence,
publications, studies, reports, audio visual productions, and other informational
products; applications, forms, press and promotional materials used in connection with
USAID funded programs, projects or activities, including signage and plaques; Web
sites/Internet activities; and events such as training courses, conferences, seminars,
press conferences and the like. (Chapter 320)

USAID Graphic Standards Manual

USAID-produced publication that is provided free of charge to recipients of USAID-
funded contracts or other acquisition awards or subawards, that details recommended
marking practices and provides examples of USAID-funded programs, projects,
activities, public communications, and commodities marked with the USAID Identity.
(Chapter 320)

USAID Standard Graphic Identity or USAID Identity

Official marking for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
comprised of the USAID logo or seal and brandmark with the tagline that clearly
communicates our assistance is “from the American people,” The USAID Identity is

ADS Chapter 320
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available on the USAID Web site at www.usaid.gov/branding and is provided without

royalty, license or other fee to recipients of USAID funded grants or cooperative
agreements or other assistance awards. (Chapter 320)

USAID Partner Co-Branding Guide

USAID-produced publication that is provided free of charge to recipients of USAID-
funded grants or cooperative agreements or other assistance awards or subawards,
that details recommended marking practices and provides examples of USAID-funded
programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities marked with the
USAID Identity. (Chapter 320)


ADS Chapter 320

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