Dobry Bat Infographic Poster
Dobry Bat Infographic Poster
Dobry Bat Infographic Poster
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Two subcategories Large, Mainly fruit eating,
cannot echolocate.
Generally have large ears,
can use echolocation.
Body Length: 3 in Body Length: 3-3.5 in Body Length: 3.5 in Body Length: 4-5 in Body Length: 11-13 in
Wingspan: 10 in Wingspan: 9-10.5 in Wingspan: 7 in Wingspan: 20 in Wingspan: Up to 5 ft
Where: Central Where: Northern U.S. Where: Central and Where: Northern Where: Southeast Asia.
Mexico, Arizona, Southern Canada. South America. Australia. Diet: Frugivore
New Mexico. Diet: Insectivore. Diet: Sanguivore. Diet: Carnivore Hibernate? No.
Diet: Nectarivore. Hibernate? Yes. Hibernate? No. Hibernate? No. Fun Fact: They will fan
Hibernate? No, but Fun Fact: They can Fun Fact: One of the Fun Fact: Such themselves with their
they migrate. consume up to half only bat species that adept predators wings on hot days.
Fun Fact: They are their body weight can run, jump, and that they can kill
the primary each night. launch off the prey twice their
pollinators of ground. size.
Agave cacti.
Most Microbats Nectarivore
have this diet. Pollinates.
Pest control. Saguaro flower is
especially popular.
Most Megabats
have this diet. Sanguivore
Drops seeds. “Sangui” meaning
blood. Only 3
known species of
Carnivore bat drink blood.
Eats small They have sharp
ver tebrates. teeth and
Rare. These bats anti-clotting saliva.
have sharp teeth.