Manigbas Vs Abel, Ylagan, & de Guzman
Manigbas Vs Abel, Ylagan, & de Guzman
Manigbas Vs Abel, Ylagan, & de Guzman
~upreme (!Court
Castillo and Zenaida T. Galapate-Laguil les, concurring; ro!lo, pp . 28 -40.
/d.at115 - il7.
Id. at 124-125.
id. at 91-96.
Id. at 97-100.
Decision 2 G.R. No. 222123
On June 10, 2005, as a first step to validate his ownership claim over
the accreted lot, Manigbas requested the DENR-MIMAROPA for a survey
authority, for which Survey Authority No. 045208-116 dated July 21, 2005
(Survey Authority) was issued. 13 Accordingly, Proposed Survey Plan No. F-
045208-675 (Proposed Survey Plan) was drawn up for the accreted lot, to
which Manigbas later on filed Free Patent Application No. 045208-675
(FPA). 14 Melo Abel (Abel), Froilan Ylagan, and Dennis de Guzman
(collectively, respondents) filed unverified protests before the Community
Environment and Natural Resources Office, raising irregularities in the
conduct of the survey, and pointing out that the accreted lot is subject to
easement restrictions. 15
8 Id. at 72-76.
9 Id. at 54.
Id. at 56.
II Id. at 57.
Id. at 55.
13 Id. at 72.
Id. at 55.
15 Id. at 29.
Decision 3 G.R. No. 222123
16 Id. at 55-56.
Id. at 58.
18 - Id. at 59-66.
19 Id. at 67-71.
20 Id. at 72-76.
Id. at 76.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 222123
The DENR Secretary rendered a Decision dated March 11, 2008, the
dispositive of which reads:
While conceding that the accreted lot adjoined Lot 2070-K, the DENR
Secretary ruled that Manigbas could not be the riparian owner, since the
accreted lot adjoined the barangay road portion of Lot 2070-K. Moreover,
Manigbas had not established the requisites of accretion. Despite Manigbas
moving for reconsideration, the Office of the DENR Secretary sustained the
Decision dated March 11, 2008 in its Order27 dated August 18, 2009.
22 Id. at 77-78.
23 Id. at 79-82.
24 Id. at 83-84.
25 Id. at 85-90.
26 Id. at 95-96.
27 Id. at 99-100.
28 Id. at 101-111.
Decision 5 G.R. No. 222123
the DENR Secretary gravely abused its discretion by giving due course to
the Notice of Appeal dated January 17, 2007, despite lapse of the
reglementaf appeal period; and ~y setting aside the Order dated November
6, 2006. Re~pondent Abel filed his Comments and/or Opposition to Petition
for Reviewr asking that the OP dismiss the Petition for Review dated
September t4, 2009, since Manigbas failed to raise new issues or evidence
and had twisted the facts of the case. '
argued that: (1) the OP erred in dismissing his Petition for Review dated
September 14, 2009; (2) the Investigation Report should have been given
more weight than respondents' unverified protests; (3) the Office of the
DENR Secretary and the OP erred in directing the DENR-l\1IMAROPA to
determine the actual possession and occupation of the parties, despite
respondents not claiming the accreted lot; (4) he is the riparian owner; (5)
respondents, as well as the DENR Secretary and OP, committed procedural
lapses; and ( 6) respondents had leveraged their previous work with the
DENR National Mapping Resource and Information Office to influence the
Id. at 112-114.
Id. at 117.
Id. at 124-125.
Id. at 126-142.
Id. at 143-147.
34 Id. at 148-151.
Id. at 152-153. -~
Decision 8 G.R. No. 222123
Thus, since title to accreted land vests from the time the alluvial
deposit is formed, then the land registration proceedings thereon are
effectively a request for confirmation of title already vested in the riparian
owner by law. 47 The land registration court cannot confer to the riparian
owner the ownership over what is already his. Land registration proceedings
seek only to judicially declare the riparian owner as such over the accreted
The survey of these lands shall proceed only after an investigation shall have been
conducted by the CENRO and after it has been ascertained that the survey claimant or his
predecessor-in-interest has been in continuous, open, exclusive, notorious possession of the
land since time immemorial.
The findings of the CENRO shall form part of the supporting documents of the survey
returns to be submitted to the Regional Office for approval."
,t6 115 Phil. 521, 521-522 (1962). (Underscoring supplied).
47 Fernandez.-: Tanada, 148-A Phil. 596, 600 (1971).
Decision 9 G.R. No. 222123
accretion. ·Indeed, the instant controversy is neither the. time nor the avenue
for such issues. ·
ARTICLE 51. The banks of rivers and streams.and the shores of the
seas and lakes throughout their entire length and within a zone of three (3)
meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in agricultural areas and forty (4~)
meters in forest areas, along their margins, are subject to the easement of
public ·use in the interest of recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing and
salvage. No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is
necessary for recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing oi- salvage or to build
structures of any kind.
It was for purposes of reflecting such legal easement, and to carry out
the then applicable DENR AO No. 98-12, 54 that the Investigation Report
Office ofthe City Mayor ofParanaque City v. Ebio, 635 Phil. 528,537 (2010).
Ferrer v. Bautista, supra note 42.
Pilar Development Corp. v. Dumadag, 706 Phil. 93, 102 (2013). _
. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority v. Concerned Residents ofManila Bay, 595 Phil. 305,
344 (2008). _ _ .
DENR AO No. 98-12, Series of 1998, "Revised Manual of Land Surveymg Regulations m the
Philippines", Sections 323-325:
"Section 323 - For the purpose of recreation, navigation, fioatage, fishing and salvage, the
banks of esteros, arroyos, creeks and rivers throughout their entire lengths, situated in
urban areas, agricultural areas, and forested areas shall be subject to the three meter,
twenty-meter, and forty-meter easement of public use, respectively. The shorelines of seas
and lakes, throughout their entire lengths are subject to twenty-meter easement pursuant to
· P.D. 705.
Section 324 - Lands bordering the seas, gulfs, bays, or ports are subject to easements of
salvage zone of twenty meters measured landward from the interior limit of the shoreline Cl
and an easement of coast police of six meters wide from the shoreline within the salvage y
Decision 10 G.R. No. 222123
Against the above backdrop, the Court of Appeals exceeded the issues
of the controversy and erred in ruling that it "cannot adjudicate the subject
lot in favor of' Manigbas, considering that the accreted lot adjoins a portion
of Lot 2070-K used as a barangay road, hence, the Provincial Government
of Oriental Mindoro was the rightful riparian owner. Such ruling is
premature since, to reiterate, the issue in the instant controversy is whether
or not the Proposed Survey Plan may be withheld from Manigbas on
allegations that the accreted lot adjoins the barangay road. Only thereafter
may the decisive issue of riparian ownership be threshed out in the
appropriate land registration proceedings.
zone. The eas.ement of coast police is the obligation to leave a right of way six meters wide
within the salvage zone.
Section 325 - In surveying lands which border esteros, rivers, navigable lakes, the sea or its
arms, the geodetic engineer shall locate on the ground and indicate in the field notes and
plans of the survey the easements for public use as defined in the preceding Sections 323
and 324 except when they are within the strip of forty meters for bank protection which is
excluded from the survey as provided for in Sections 309 to 312.
In subdividing decreed or titled properties, these easement and river ban.le protections shall
be surveyed as separate lot and is inalienable."
Republic Act No. 7160, "Local Government Code of 1991", Section 19.
Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 9.
514 Phil. 657, 706 (2005). (Underscoring ours).
· 800 Phil. 163, 174 (2016).
Decision 11 G.R. No. 222123
To rule as the Court of Appeals did will unduly augment the power of
expropriation, already considered "one of the harshest proceedings" for
which "the authority to condemn is to be strictly construed in favor of the
owner and against the condemnor." 63 First, such ruling would expand the .
coverage of the taking since the Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro
sought to expropriate only a portion of Lot 2070-K for a barangay road, yet,
it would also be entitled to the accreted lot, for which it had not established
riparian ownership, much less instituted further expropriation proceedings.
Second, as against the principle that title to accreted land vests from the time
the alluvial deposit is formed, the Court of Appeals' ruling discards the
conditional obligation of full payment of just compensation prior to the
condemnor's acquisition of ownership. Finally, such ruling would institute a
de facto regime of expropriation wherein the fact of occupation and public
use, without strictly completing the expropriation process, already vests
ownership in the government.
59 Underscoring supplied.
60 559 Phil. 264 (2007). .
61 Jd. at 275, citing Vzsayan RefzningCo. v. Judge Camits, 40 Phil. 550, 561 (J 919).
62 Id. (Undersc-oring supplied).
63 Jesus is Lord Christian School Fov,ndation, Inc. v. Municipality of Pasig, 503 Phil. 845, 862
64 106 Phil. 1017 (1960).
Decision 12 G.R. No. 222123
Associate Justice
65 Id. at 1022.
Decision 13 G.R. No. 222123,
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
Associate Justice
Chairperson, Third Division
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, a..11.d the Third
Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to
the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.