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2 Past continuous and past simple 4 The film’s            was quite complicated, so I didn’t
understand the story very well.
1 Choose the correct options.
0 Tom was hurting / hurt his foot while he was playing
1 Mark cycled / was cycling too fast when he fell off.
2 Tim got up / was getting up early yesterday and went off in
the car.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
3 The phone rang while we had / were having dinner.
4 When Paul got to the cafe, his friend Tim waited / was
0 Tim Jackson is my favourite comedian on TV.
waiting for him.
5 John was breaking / broke a glass when he was tidying up.
1 Everyone thought the film we watched on TV was very           
6 When I was seeing / saw Maria, she was wearing her new
school uniform.
2 I knew what would happen at the end of the film. It was so
7 Karl went / was going to a party and met his girlfriend
Samantha there.
3 The story was really sad – very            . MOVE    
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. There are
2 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past two extra verbs.
continuous form of the verb in brackets.
0 Nathan was running (run) when he fell over. breathe carry cheer figure go put raise
1                         (you / watch) a film when I called?
0 I’m still trying to figure out how to repair my bicycle.
2 When the bus                         (arrive), I got on.
1 Dad will            crazy if he finds out you failed your exams!
3 Someone                         (take) my bag when I was travelling
2 I’ve got lots of holiday plans, but no money to            them
on the bus.
4 When the teacher walked in, a boy                         (climb) on
3 The audience always shout and            at the end of the
the desks!
5 When we                         (look) round the old shop, we found a
4 Mum will            a sigh of relief when my brother gets home
wonderful book.
from his long trip
6 I was late, so David                         (not wait) outside the
cinema when I got there.
7 When I answered the phone, I                         (hear) a familiar
voice! 3 Complete the sentences with suitable words. The first letter
8 What                         (Tim / do) when Maureen got home? of each word is given.
Was he on his computer? 0 The b r o a d b a n d speed in our house is very slow.
/8 1 My l _ _ _ _ _ computer is very easy to carry around.
2 A s _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ helps you to find information on the
1 Complete the sentences with suitable words. The first letter web.
of each word is given. 3 I’ve just got a t _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ from my friend in the
0 I’ve read lots of critics’ r e v i e w s of this book and they all States!
loved it! 4 You need to create a u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that you can type in to
1 My teacher has written a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ full of good things to identify you on the website.
make and eat! /4
2 I enjoy reading science fiction n _ _ _ _ _ but I don’t really
like books about actual science.
3 This is a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about a famous scientist and his
life. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
4 The funny s _ _ _ _ _ we watched on TV was written by my
favourite screenwriter. 0 Scientists have made some amazing discoveries during the
last century. DISCOVER
1 The writer shows great            in this novel. IMAGINE
2 I’d like to become a            when I’m older. GEOLOGY
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are 3 My dad’s job involves the            of ancient things at the city
two extra words. museum. PRESERVE
act chapter dialogue plot role scene

0 The dialogue in the film we saw didn’t seem very natural.

1 There’s only one            in this play before the interval.
2 A new actor played the            of the detective.
3 The            of the book I’m reading is similar to my home
14. I left home at 8.00a.m. and I   (get)
here at 12.00p.m.
Choose either the present perfect or the past
simple to go into each sentence.
15. I   (meet) him last June.

窗体顶端 16.   (you/see) the moon last

1. 'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived night?
here?' 'I   (live) here since 1997.'

2. He lived in London for two years and then

he   (go) to Edinburgh.

3. When I left school, I cut my hair

and   (wear) it short ever since.

4. Shakespeare   (write) a lot of plays.

5. My brother   (write) several

plays. He has just finished his latest.

6. I   (not see) him for three

years. I wonder where he is.

7. He   (not smoke) for two

weeks. He is trying to give it up.

8. Chopin   (compose) some of his

music in Majorca.

9. 'When   (he/arrive)?' 'He

arrived at 2 o'clock.'

10. I read his books when I was at school.

I   (enjoy) them very much.

11. I can't go out because I   

(not finish) my work yet.

12. 'I   (never/drink) whiskey.'

'Well, have some now!'

13. Here are your shoes. I   

(just/clean) them.

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