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Passenger Experience IRCTC App

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SJIF Impact Factor: 7.001| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.

36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | September 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Dr. Vanaja, M. Com., M. Phil., B.Ed., PGDCA, Ph.D.,

Head of Departments, Department of Commerce with Professional Accounting,
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Ms. Nivethetha Bharathi.K

III B. Com (Professional Accounting), Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Online booking system is based on the application. This project present a review on the software program “A study on
passenger satisfaction towards online booking in IRCTC application” as should be used in a online booking in
IRCTC application, a facility which is used to reserve seats, cancellation of reservation and different types of route
enquiries used on securing quick reservations. The primary objectives of this study are to find out the passenger satisfaction
towards online booking in IRCTC application. A sample size of 150 respondents. Convenient sampling method has been
followed to choose the sample and the data was analyzed using simple percentage and likert scale analysis. The study reveals
that social economic variable like age, education qualification, occupation, monthly income earning of the family passenger
satisfaction towards online booking in IRCTC application
KEY WORDS-Passenger satisfaction, service quality , technology changes, flexibility, online booking,


At its most basic, an online booking system In their busy schedule as fast roaming world
is software which allows a potential passenger to book public in need of online booking process. The queues in
and pay for an activity or service directly through your front of the ticket counters in railway stations have
service directly through your website. That means from been drastically increased over the period of time. In
the moment a passenger decides they want to book to order to reduce the rush of daily commuters and to
choosing a date, picking a time and paying for the avoid overcrowding at ticket counters, India Railways
booking for the booking, everything is handled online, has offered online ticket booking services. Ticket
greatly reducing the workload on your staff and reservation through counter is not sufficient and
removing the opportunity for double-booking. convenient for the passengers. The passengers are
Advanced systems like ours allow passenger to book struggling to get tickets in the time from ticket
through a variety of methods online, including mobile, counters. So they like to switch over online ticket
greatly expanding the potential for your business, and booking. There are so many services available to book
better leveraging an increasingly social internet. train tickets through online. Hence, it is need to study
the efficiency and level of consumer satisfaction and to
know the problem and to get solutions for the problem.

2020 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |213 |

SJIF Impact Factor: 7.001| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | September 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal

SCOPE OF THE STUDY Dr.U. Sirnivasa Roa (2018) “passenger

As a success of business depends on satisfaction on catering services of Indian Railway
the passenger satisfaction towards their services on Catering and Tourism Corporation ltd(IRCTC)”In the
products and a brand image from public so the study or study Indian railway span global volume in hospitality
analysis on passenger satisfaction help the business to and catering sectors with services provided to 22
know their efficiency. The scope of this study is know million passengers a day. The passenger satisfaction
passenger satisfaction level on IRCTC and to know level on catering service of Indian railways. The data
what are factors effect passenger satisfaction and has been collected from both sources primary and
factors which convenience the passenger and secondary. The standard meals to be priced in the
interpreted and give suitable suggestions to improve multiples of Rs.10 to prevent overcharging. concern for
then passenger satisfaction level in future. the environment and heritage. Conclusion IR shall have
the mandate to firm an efficient quality assurance
OBJECTIVES programs to ensure good quality and hygienic food to
 To study and analyses use of online railway the passengers.
ticket booking services process.
 To measure the level of satisfaction derived by HISTORY &PROFILE OF THE STUDY
the passenger. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism
 To know identify the problems faced by the Corporation ltd. (IRCTC) is a Public Sector
customer in online railway ticket booking Undertaking (PSU) under the ministry of railways.
passenger. During 1999, in the context of reduced budgetary
support and high cost of market borrowing, Indian
Railways (IR) explored ways and means of maximising
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY revenues, mobilizing resources, reducing subsidies and
Research methodology is the systematic way to
stimulating private participation and investment in rail
solve research problem. It is a science of studying how
related infrastructure and services through various
research is to be carried out. Its aim is to give work
options including organization restructuring and
plan of research. The study is based on a survey
corporatisation. The need to commercialise and
collected with the help of primary and secondary data.
corporatise railway catering and tourism related
DATA USED: Primary data and Secondary data are
business as a profit centre and cost centre was
used. acknowledged as running of passenger services and
SAMPLE SIZE: The study was conducted with a allied amenities such as catering, hospitality etc., which
sample size of 150 respondents. had inbuilt subsidies by way of low tariffs,
ANALYTICAL TOOLS USED: administered pricing, possible leakage of revenues and
Simple percentage, Likert scale analysis. high establishment cost, were an important part of
Railway’s business.
Sheeba.A. A & Dr. K. Kumuthedevi (2013)
in their study,” service quality of south Indian railway
determines of satisfaction in trains”, service quality
may be defined and consumer perception of how well
as service need are exceeds their expectation. The study
aims to identify factors which the Indian railways
provided for the passenger in train. In their objective
with the help of the questionnaire. The result provided
from the statistical analysis supported that the
determines of safety and security is the most important
factor if determine the satisfaction of the consumer.

2020 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |214 |

SJIF Impact Factor: 7.001| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | September 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal

S.NO Factors No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 45 30
2 Satisfied 78 52
3 Neutral 23 15
4 Dissatisfied 3 2
5 Highly dissatisfied 1 0.67
TOTAL 150 100

INTERPETATION neutral, 2% of the respondents are dissatisfied, 0.67%

This table shows that out of 150 respondents, of the respondents are highly satisfied.
30% of the respondents are highly satisfied, 52% of the INFERENCE
respondents are satisfied, 15% of the respondents are It is clear that majority of 52% of the
respondents are satisfied.


S.NO Factors Respondents Likert Scale Value Total Value
1 Very easily 30 5 150
2 Easily 55 4 220
3 Neutral 40 3 120
4 Bad 19 2 38
5 Very bad 6 1 6
TOTAL 150 534

INTERPRETATION  Majority of 32.67% of the respondents are

LIKERT = ∑ (fx)/ Total number of once in a six months.
respondents  Majority of 44% of the respondents are
= 534/150 personal.
= 3.56  Majority of 71.33% of the respondents are
Likert scale value is 3.56 which is greater  Majority of 52% of the respondents are
than the mid value (3), So the respondents are easily. satisfied.
 Majority of 55.33% of the respondents are
1. SIMLPE RECENTAGE METHOD  Majority of 26.67% of the respondents are
 Majority of the respondents 53% belong to debit card.
Female gender.  Majority of 43.33% of the respondents are
 Majority 64% of the respondents are laid easily.
between 20-30 years of age.  Majority of 68.67% of the respondents are
 Majority of 60% of the respondents are 7days.
Unmarried.  Majority of 28.67% of the respondents are
 Majority of 64% of the respondents are UG. neutral.
 Majority of 40% of the respondents are private  Majority of 44% of the respondents are most
employed. of the time.
 Majority of 36% of the respondents are less  Majority of 30% of the respondents are service
than 1.5 lakhs. charge.

2020 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |215 |

SJIF Impact Factor: 7.001| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | September 2020 - Peer Reviewed Journal


 Likert scale value is 1.83 which is greater than Understanding the fact that online ticket
the mid value (3), So the respondents are bad. booking is one of the most crucial bits of planning any
 Likert scale value is 3.62 which is greater than trip or holiday, IRCTC proved assurity for the same.
the mid value (3), So the respondents are Once can manage booking ticket online and opt for a
easily. cancellation in case of any change in plans .one can be
 Likert scale value is 2.96 which is greater than notified on email as well as cell phone on all
the mid value (3), So the respondents are confirmation and cancellations. The contribution of this
neutral. study is the identification of factors that determine
passenger satisfaction with services offered by the rail
 Likert scale value is 2.70 which is greater than
the mid value (3), So the respondents are The model, although designed in a specific
neutral. context, may be extended to other similar services and
 Likert scale value is 3.56 which is greater than help to improve quality of life for the masses and thus
the mid value (3), So the respondents are increase overall satisfaction.
 Likert scale value is 4.18 which is greater than REFERENCE
the mid value (3), So the respondents are very 1. Rust R.T and Kannan p.k.(2003),” e-service Anew
easily. paradigm for business in the electronic
 Likert scale value is 4.26 which is greater than environment” communication of the ACM, Vol.46
the mid value (3), So the respondents are ,NO.6,2003,PP.36-42
2. K. georiadis(2009)“e-service quality: comparing
the perception of providers and coustomer”
 Likert scale value is 4.56 which is greater than Managing service quality journal
the mid value (3), So the respondents are Vol.19.No.3,2009.pp.410-430
excellent. 3. Mr.Ganesh kumar(2010), “customer perception of
 Likert scale value is 4.35 which is greater than the services provided” no. 2010,pp.1-78.
the mid value (3), So the respondents are 4. Astrid dickinger ,Josef mazanec (2014),”consumers
excellent. preferred criteria for hotel online booking “
journal of travel research, No.30,2014,pp1-13.
 Likert scale value is 4.64 which is greater than 5. Geetika and shefali nandan ,(2010), “determines
the mid value (3), So the respondents are of customer satisfaction on services quality: A
excellent. study of railway platforms in India”, journal of
 Likert scale value is 3.96 which is greater than public transportation, vol 13, issue 1, pp.no.97-133.
the mid value (3), So the respondents are

At present passengers are well aware about the
online reservation system of IRCTC, this system being
used by the education population for travel plan and
ticket booking. IRCTC online reservation system is
very convenient for the passengers and hence it is
popular and its popularity is increasing day by day.
But there are some concerns with this system
like there are significant numbers of failed transaction,
sever down and server crashing problem are very often.
The system is failed to provide smooth service in time
of urgency like the system is not very effective to book
TATKAL tickets. IRCTC should continue to improve
its service regarding server performance and payment

2020 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |216 |

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