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The Role of Effective Leadership On Employee Performance (In Case of Dashen Bank in Jimma Branch)

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APRIL, 2014


Glory to God the almighty and his mother the blessed Mary that I am through this researcher
paper and three years stay in this university. I extend my deepest gratitude to my advisor Mr.
Hayelom Nega (MBA) who has closely followed up the progress of this research paper with his
valuable corrections, comments and suggestions. Next I would like to thank my secretary Fitsum
Asrat for writing of this research paper and finally thanks for my family support financially.

The main objective of this study was assessed the role of effective leadership on employee
performance in Jimma branch in Dashen bank. The research was descriptive type. To achieve
the objective of this study data would collect from both primary and secondary source through
different appropriate data collection techniques. The primary data was all employee of the
organization by using questioner and secondary data was relevant document and websites. The
target population was all employees of the organization they use in censes method. To analyze
and interpret the collect data the researcher was used table, pie-chart bar-graph percentage.
Table of content



Table of content..........................................................................................................................................III

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1


1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................2

1.3. Objectives of the study.....................................................................................................................3

1.3.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................3

1.3.2. Specific objectives......................................................................................................................3

1.4. Significance of the study...................................................................................................................3

1.5. Scope of the study............................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5

REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE.........................................................................................................5

2.1. Defining leadership...........................................................................................................................5

2.2. Leadership styles..............................................................................................................................5

2.3. Types of leadership styles.................................................................................................................6

2.3.1. Autocratic leadership style.........................................................................................................6

2.3.2. Democratic leadership styles.....................................................................................................6

2.3.2. Laissez-faire leadership style.....................................................................................................7

2.4. Problems related to leadership..........................................................................................................7

2.5. The importance of leadership............................................................................................................7

2.6. Ways of leaders motivate employees................................................................................................9

2.7. Types of decision making for the leader.........................................................................................10

2.8. Trait of effective leadership............................................................................................................10

CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................13


3.1. Research design..............................................................................................................................13

3.2. Source of data.................................................................................................................................13

3.3. Target population............................................................................................................................13

3.4. Method of data collection...............................................................................................................13

3.5. Method of data analysis..................................................................................................................13

CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................14

DATA PRESENATATION, CANALIZATION AND INTERPRETATION...........................................14

CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................22

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................22

5.1. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................22

5.2. Recommendation............................................................................................................................23



1.1. Background of the study

Leadership defined as the influence that particular individual (leaders) exert up on the goal
achievement of other subordinate in an organization context. Leaders have an ability to see how
different aspect of a situation fit together and influence each other. Leadership plays a central
part in understanding group behavior for it’s the leaders who usually provides the direction
towards goal attainment. Therefore, more accurate capability of who makes a goal leader, or
what condition affect leadership ability should be valuable in improving group performance.
(Gary rukl 2006).

Leadership is centered in the communication between leaders and followers rather than one the
unique qualities of leader. Through of us relationship, leadership becomes a process of
collaborations that occurs between leaders and followers. Leaders affect and affected by
followers and both leader and followers are affected in turn by situation that surrounds them
(Peter G. Northous 2009).

Taking of leadership as a relationship suggest that leaders must include followers and their
interests in the process of leadership. A leaders need to be fully aware of the followers, interests,
ideas, position attitudes and motivations (Peter G. Northouse 2009).

An effective leader connect with people and understand the task to be done those skill required to
perform them and the environment in which people work. A leader to effective with people
requires a host of abilities such as helping employees to work as a term, motivating them to do
their best, promoting satisfying relationship among employee and responding to their request
(Peter G. Northouse 2009).
1.2. Statement of the problem
Successful leaders anticipate change vigorously exploit opportunities; motivate their followers to
higher level of productivity correct poor performance and lead the organization towards it is
objectives. Confronting inadequate performance by group members is challenging and
emotionally courage process that requires much of leaders. If is not easy, but it is necessary par
of leadership. Effective leaders are proactive and confronts problem when they occurs. In
problem situation leaders has to communicate with low performance group member and explain
their behavior hinder the group form meeting its goals (Lafasto and Latson, 2001).

Sometimes the obstacle facing people it is the task itself. When a task was unstructured,
ambiguous to complete task and performance appraisal system. Another factor affects employee
performance. Example, leadership style and leaders ability to lead employees and decision
making process affect employees performance in a given organizations. (peter G.Northouse

The following are research questions

1. What are the uses of effective leadership in the organizations?

2. What kinds of leadership style follow the organizations?

3. How leaders motivate employees in decision making process?

4. What are the problems related to leadership that affect performance of employees?

5. What are the problems related to leadership that affect performance of employee?
1.3. Objectives of the study

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of this study was assessed the role of effective leadership on employee
performance of Dashen Bank in Jimma Branch.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

 To identify what types of leadership style does the organization follow.

 To understand the importance of leadership within the organization.

 To explore the problem that affect performance of employees that was related to

 To identify the way of leader to motivate employees.

 To identify what types of decision making for the leader.

1.4. Significance of the study

 This study would vital for Dashen Bank in Jimma Branch in order to set important
information about employees and understand their problem.

 To forward the concerned bodies to look for the solution for the problems that arises in
the organizing during performance appraisal system.

 It would serve as a base for other researchers who were interested to conduct research on
this area in depth.

 Also it would enhance the researchers’ ability and to skill conduct further research and
researcher would again more experience.

1.5. Scope of the study

These studies have geographical and conceptual delimitation. The study focuses on the role of
effective leadership on employee performance only Dashen Bank in Jimma Branch and
conceptually these study would emphasize .
Only leadership variable that affect employee performance. The research time duration would
take one year. Starting from November up to June and the information would take employee of
the bank.


2.1. Defining leadership

Leadership is a trait: means that each individual brings to the table certain inherent qualities that
influence the way he or she leads some leaders are confident, some are decisive and still other
are outgoing and sociable, saying that leadership is a trait places a great deal of emphasis on the
leader and on the leader’ special gifts. If follows the often expressed belief “leaders are born, not
made.” Some argue that focusing on the trait makes leadership an elitist enterprise because it
implies that only a few people with special talent will lead. (Conger and Riggio, 2007).

Leadership is ability: in addition to being thought of as a trait. Leadership is also conceptualized

as ability. A person who has leadership ability is able to be leader. That is, has the capacity to
lead. While the term “ability” frequently refers to a natural capacity, ability can be acquired.

Leadership is a skill: skilled leader are competent people who know the means and methods for
carrying out their responsibilities.

Leadership is behavior: leadership is also behavior, it is what leader do when there are in a
leadership role. The behavioral dimension is concerned with how leader act toward others in
various situation.

Leadership is a relationship: another and somewhat unusual, way to think about leadership is a
relationship from this perspective; leadership is centred in the communication between leaders
and followers rather than on the unique qualities of the leader.

2.2. Leadership styles

There are many different leadership styles. Each leader has his or her own unique style. Effective
leaders will vary their methods based on the context, the individual concerned and the desired
outcome. The ability to adjust the leadership style is based on those variables is directly
correlated with the leadership effectiveness and ultimate success (Peter G. Northouse, 2009).
2.3. Types of leadership styles

2.3.1. Autocratic leadership style

Automatic leadership style is defined by the fact that the leaders is making all of the decisions
and the following are simply there to follow orders and to execute without deviating from the
decision. It characterized by individual control over all decision and little input from group
members. Typically more choice based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accepts
advice from followers. Autocratic leadership involves absolute, authoritarian control over a
group. Their participation in the decision making process is non existent (Peter G. Northouse,

Some characteristics s of autocratic leadership includes

1. Little or no input from group members

2. Leaders make the decision

3. Group leaders dictate all the work methods and process

4. Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks.

2.3.2. Democratic leadership styles

Democratic leadership styles also known as participative leadership is a type of leadership style
in which allowing members of the group to share and contribute ideas. And make member of the
group more participative in the decision making process.

Some characteristics of democratic leadership

1. Creativity is encouraged and rewarded

2. Member of the group feel more engaged in the process

3. Group members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions even though the leaders
retaining the final say over decisions.
2.3.2. Laissez-faire leadership style
Laissez-faire leadership style involves giving group member the freedom to make their own
decisions. Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegate leadership style.

Some characteristics of laissez- fair leadership style

1. Very little guidance from leaders

2. Complete the freedom for followers to make decisions.

3. Leaders provide the tools and resources need.

4. Group members are expected to solve problems on their own.

2.4. Problems related to leadership

Some of the common problems that related to leadership is as follows (Zaccoro and Marks,

I. It is not clear exactly what behavior are indicatives of leadership.

II. Less motivation of employees such as, not enough of monitory growth, little or no
appreciation, less work or too over loaded.

III. Many problems occur because of people failing to communicate effectively.

IV. Luck of experience

V. Luck of confidence

2.5. The importance of leadership

The importance of leadership is a key ingredient to successful business, so understanding the
importance is a key in business success. Leadership has so much influence in our lives because
often it determines whether we enjoy particular experience, year of personal experience as a
carrier military office showed me that the army leadership manual the importance leadership
best. A leader is anyone who inspires and influence people to accomplish organizational goal
they motivate other pursue actions and focus thinking for the greater (Tukl, 2006).

The following points are the importance of leadership

1. Initiates action-leaders is a person who starts the work by communication the policies and
plan to the subordinates from where the work actually starts.

2. Motivation- a leader proves to be playing an incentive role in the concerns working, he

motivates the employee with economic and non economic rewards and their by gets the work
from the subordinates.

3. Providing guidance- leaders has not only supervised but also play guiding role for the
subordinates. Guidance here means instructing the subordinates the way they have to perform
these work effectively and efficiently.

4. Creating confidence- confidence is the important factor which can be achieved through
expressing the work effect to the subordinates explaining them clearly the role and giving the
guidelines to achieve the goals effectively.

5. Building morale- moral denotes willing cooperation of the employee towards their work and
getting them in to confidence and winning their trust. Leaders can be a morale booster by
achieving full cooperation, so that perform with best of their abilities as they work to achieve

6. Builds good work environment: helps in sound and stable growth therefore, human relation
should kept in to mind by a leader he should have personal contracts with employees and
should listen to their problem and solve them. He should treat employees on humanitarian

7. Co-ordination can be achieved through re-concealing personal interest with organizational

goals, those synchronization can be achieved through proper and effective coordination
which should be primary motivate of a leaders. (Rukl, 2006).
2.6. Ways of leaders motivate employees
Most successful leaders will tell you that the primary motivation is to “Change the World” and to
build something lasting, not to make a lot of money. The following is the way of motivate
employee (www.forbs.com/site/martinzwilling/2012/01/10)

1. Energize your team:- instead of being the types of leaders who sucks the energy away from
threes; resolves to be the kind of leaders who strive to bring passion positive energy to the
work place very day.

2. There is more to life than work-great leader have deep reserves of the physical spiritual and
emotional energy and that energy is usually fuelled by a strong and supportive relationship
with the people they love, regulate exercise and a healthy life style and setting aside time for

3. Put your people first- no organization is better than the people who run it. The fact that you
are in the people business. The business of herring. Training and managing people to deliver
the product or service you provide. If the leader you need to attend to you people with a
laser-life focus.

4. Act with integrity- in a time when news reports are filled with the stories of private and
public leaders who have acted in appropriately and have gone against the best interest of their
employee or constituents, showing you or employee that you value integrity can help
motivate them and create a sense of pride for you organization.

5. Be a great communicator- leadership is influencing other and this cannot be achieved without
effective communication.

6. Be a great listener- the most effective leaders are the one who take the time to listen not just
to their team members. Words but to the priceless hidden meaning beneath then, remember
that during that times and band, sometimes your employees just need someone to take to
communicate to them that you are always weighting with open ear.
7. Be problem solver:- post a sign above your office door that reads “Do not bring me the
problem. Bring me solution”. Then set above the task of guiding each person on your team
toward the goal of becoming a top notch problem solver during this crucial period.

8. Lead through experience and competence, not through title or position. Monitor your
employees, incur rage team, make partners out them and your organization is sure to benefit.
If you want to service the tough economy. That is exactly the kind of leadership you need for
your organization.

2.7. Types of decision making for the leader

Leader gives direction to people to follow. He is responsible for ensuring that his decision
provides the right direction to the organization. Be it in a business or in other organization
decision making is an important component of eldership skills. The different type of decision
making that a leader typically encounters are:

1. Authoritative:- in authoritative type of decision making the leader is the sole decision maker
which subordinates follow. The leader has all the information and expertise required to make
a quick decision. If it is important that the leader is a good decision maker as it is he was has
to own up to the consequence of this decision. Though effective, in case the leader is an
experienced individuals, it can harm the organization if the leader insists on an authorities
decision making even when there is expertise available within the team.

2. Facilitative:- in facilitate type of decision making, both the leader and his subordinates work
together to arrive at a decision. The subordinates should have the expertise as well as access
to the information required to make decision.

3. Consultation: as the name suggests, consultative decisions are made in consolation with the
subordinates. However, the fact remains that unlike in the facilitative decision making style,
in consultative decision making it is the leader who hold the decision making power. A wise
leader tends to consult his subordinates when he thinks that they have valuable expertise on
the situation at hand.
4. Declarative:- as per the trait that characterize effective leadership. Determined leaders are
aviary focused and attentive to task. They know where there are going and how they intend
to get there.

2.8. Trait of effective leadership

A. Intelligence

Intelligence is an important trait of related to effective leadership. Intelligence include having

good language skill perceptual skills and reasoning ability. This coronation of assets makes
people good thinkers an makes them better leaders.

B. Confidence

Bienne confidence is another important trait of an effective leader confident people feel self
assured and believe they can accomplish their goals Ruther than feeling uncertain they feel
strong and secure about their position. They do not second guess themselves, but rather move
forward on project with a clear vision (Conger and Riggio 2007).

C. Charisma

Of all the trait related to effective leadership, charisma gets the most attention charisma reapers
to a leader special manage tic charm and appeal and can have a huge effect on the leadership
process charisma is a special personality characteristic that gives a leader the capacity to do
extraordinary thing (conger and riggio 2007)

D. Determination

Determination is another trait that characterize effective leadership. Determined leaders are
aviary focused and attentive to task. They know where there are going and how they intend to get

Determination is the decision to get the job done it includes characteristics such as imitative
persistence and drive people with determination re willing to assert themselves, they are practice
and they have they capacity to persevere in the face of obstacles. Beine determined includes
showing dominance at times especially in situation where other need direction.
E. Sociability

Another important that for leaders is sociability it refers to a leaders capacity to establish
pleasant social relationship people want to sociable leaders with whom they can get along leaders
who sociability are friendly, outgoing courteous, fitful and diplomatic.

F. Integrity

Another most important, effective leaders have integrity characterizes leaders who possess. The
qualities of honesty and trustworthiness. People who adhere to a strong set of principle and take
responsibility for their action are exhibiting integrity leader with integrity inspire confidence in
other because they can be trusted to do what they say they are going to do. They are going to do.
They are Loral dependable and transparent (peter G. Northouse. 2009)


3.1. Research design

The main objective of this study was assessing the role of effective leadership on employee
performance and describe the characteristics of population and describes the problem by using
the descriptive method.

3.2. Source of data

The researcher would used primary and secondary source of data. The primary source of data
was employees and manager of the organization. The secondary source of data was books,
relevant documents and websites.

3.3. Target population

The study would conducted at Dashen Bank in Jimma branch to assess the role of effective
leadership in employee performance. And the source of data would all employees of the
organization and used censes method because they are few in number.

3.4. Method of data collection

The researcher would use both primary and secondary method of data collection. The primary
method of data collection was by preparing open and close ended questionnaires. The secondary
method of data collection was books, relevant documents and websites.

3.5. Method of data analysis

After collecting the required data through questionnaires it would analyzed and presented by
using descriptive methods, by using par graphs, tables, pie chart, and percentage.


This chapter focused on the presentation nasalization, and interptation of data collected through

As it is identified in the first chapter the major objectives of the study is to the toile of effective
leadership on employees performance to achieve these objective information has been collected
from the employees of the barmy the researcher 38 questionnaire distributed to the employees.
From this 11 questionnaires become uncollect table.

The remaining 29 were used for canalization and interpretation

Demographics characteristics of the respondent

Demographic is a dominate factors to effective leadership in the organization it includes age

education and work experience.

In the above pie chart ammonites total respondents 22(76 %) of respondents were mules and
7(24 %) of respondents were females this indicates that mules employees were dominated in the

Source questionnanrice 2014

Based on the above graph 5 (17 %) of respondents are were between 40-50 and 6 (21 %) of
respondent Ares were between18-25 ace and 8 (27 %) of respondent ace were between 25-30
aces 10 (35 %)of respondent ace were between 30-40 but there is no employees employees
above the are of 50 general most employees are between 4

Source questionnaire 2014

Based on the above Graphs the total respondents 15 (52 %) of respondent work etprionce is
above 4 hearses 9 (31 %)of respondent work etprionce is 2-4 rerun etprionce 5(17 %) of
respondents of work etprionce is 0-2 years genracur most of employees were above 4 rears.

Table 4.1 education

No Item Respondents

Prefund Percentage

1 High school cerdigicute 0 O

2 College Diploma 6 20 %

3 First degree 20 20 %

4 Second degree 3 10 %
Based on table 4.1 6 (20 %) of respondents were collage diploma and 20 (70 %) of respondents
were pints degree and 3 (10 %) of respondents were were second degree generally in the
organization third is no high school (erti$icute and most employees were first degree and
dominated in the organization

Table 4.2 mortal status

No Item Respondents

Required parentage

1 Married 22 76 %

2 Since 7 24 %

3 Divorced

According to table 4.2 22 (76 %) of respondents wince mutated and 7(24 %) of respondent were
single but their 15 no Divorced respondents.

Table 4.3

No Item Respondent

& require Percentage

1 How dose the leaders control Performance of the

employees in the organization

A ,by given encouragement 20 68 %

B, by Reduce scurry 4 121 %

C, by decreased lousing opportunists 5 18 %

Total 24
According to table 4-3 19 (68 %) of respondents were say that leader control employees
performance by going encouruiment and 4 (14 %) of respondents were by reduces salary and 5
(15 %) of respondents were by decreasing luring opportune generally in the organization
controlemploorees performs by toward stratum rather than punishment.

Table 4.4

No Respondents & respondent percentage

In the organization participate equity in

decision moving process?

Yes 5 17 %

No 24 83 %

Total 29 100 %

Based on the above table Table 5 (17 %) of respondents were say that employees participated
equally but 24(83 %) of respondents were say that all employees not permute equally in decision
making process.

Table 4.5

No Item Respondents

What it the importance of headship in the Frequency Parentage


A. motivating 21 72 %

B. creating confidence 5 17 %

C. creuting guidance 3 11 %
Total 24 100 %

Based on table 4.5 21 (72 %) of respondents were said that the importance of leadership in the
organization was meriting and 5 (17 %) of respondents were for creating confidence and 3 (11
%) of respondents said that for providing guidance. Generally leadership was in for tans of
employees of the organization for motivating employees.

Table 4.6

No Item Respondents

What types of leadership style follow the Frequency Parentage


A. participate leadership style 8 28.2 %

B. Lais fare leadership style 3 10 %

C. Altercative leadership style 18 62 %

Total 24 100 %

Based on table 4.6 from the total respondents 8(28%) of respondents said that organization
follow participative leadership style and 3(10%) of respondents said that organization follow
laisfure leadership style. Finally 18(62%) of respondents said that organization follow altercative
leadership style generally organization follow altercative leadership style rather than
participative and leisure leadership style and laisfure leadership style was not follow the

Table 4.7

No Item Respondents

Do you have effective leader in your Frequency Parentage


Yes 10 35 %
No 19 65 %

Total 29 100 %

Based on table 4.7 from the total respondents 10(35%) of respondents were said that there is
effective leader in your organization and 10965%) of respondents were said that there is no
effective leader in your organization. To sum up we cannot concluded the organization have
effective leader.

Table 4.8

No Item Respondents

Do you beliefs if have effective leader and positive Frequency Parentage

region ship with employees performance?

Yes 25 86 %

No 4 14 %

Total 29 100 %

Based on table 4.8 from the total respondents 25(86%) of respondents were said that there have
positive relationship between effective leadership and employees performance but 4(14%) of
respondents were said that if have effective leader in one organization may or not may he good
employees performance.
Table 4.9

No Item Respondents

Leader motivate employees in your Frequency Parentage


Yes 18 62 %

No 11 38 %

Total 29 100 %

As shown the above table from the total respondents 18(62%) of respondents were said that
leader motivate employees and 11(38%) of respondents were said tight leader not motivate

Open ended questionnaires interpretation

 The relationship of effective leadership and employees performance most of respondents

were said that if one organization have effective leader their have good employees
 According to from the total respondents above 70% of respondents were said that leader of
the organization was motivate employees by giving encouragement and by other motivating
 The factors of employees of performance there are many situation affect employees
performance live self-understanding, communication, leader experience and confidence those
are the main factor of employees performance.
 Based on organization employees respond above 65% of respondents were satisfied in
current leader.


5.1. Conclusion
The major emphasis of this study was to investigate the role of effective leadership in empyees
performance Dashen Bank in Jimma branch. Effective leadership has great role of employees
moral and satisfaction and achieve organizational objectives.

 Majority of respondent were within age group was 30-40 years and educational level was BA
degree and males employees were dominated in the organization.
 Majority of respondents were work experience was fond above 4 years and from the to talk
respondents majority of respondents were married.
 In leader control employees performance by giving encouragement.
 In the decision making process aspects all employees of the organization were not equally
 The study indicates that effective leadership has importance for employees and
organizational objectives.
 From the study concluded that cannot say have full effective leadership in the organization
because many good leader quality has difficult for proactive in the organization.
 The study indicatives that effective leadership and employees performance were have
positive relation in many different aspects.
 Generally leader of the organization was motivate employees other than punishment.
 To conduced the study that affect other different factors like self – understanding,
communication, leader experience and confidence those are the main factor of employees
5.2. Recommendation
The following recommendations were giving based on the problems of the bank finding and
beloved to solve the problems of the bank.

 Employees of the bank should be participating in decision making process because any
employees idea is essential for organization growth.
 Leader of the bank is should be follow participative leadership styles.
 Leader of tough bank should be control performance of employees by motivation, not by
punishment some respondents were said that leader control employees performance by
reducing salary and decrease learning opportunity. But this kinds of employees performance
method is not good was.
 Finally leader should be encourage research and development program because of minimize
organization problems research must be necessary. But most of employees of organization
not voluntary to fill the quaternaries.
1. Peter G. Northouse (2009) introduction to leadership concept,

2. Peter G. Northouse (2010) leadership theory and practice 5th edition.

3. Keith porter (2006) leadership and management for HR professionals, 3rd edition.

4. Craig E. Johnson (2001) meeting the ethical challenges of leadership.

5. Stephen R. Robbing (1996) organizational behavior concept, controversies, and


6. Kotter, John. P 91996) leading change.

Website http:ww.forbs com/site amartin willing/ 2012/01/10

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