Experiment # 8: Conduction Through Copper Bars: 8.0 Objectives
Experiment # 8: Conduction Through Copper Bars: 8.0 Objectives
Experiment # 8: Conduction Through Copper Bars: 8.0 Objectives
8.0 Objectives
The objectives of this experiment are:
1. To evaluate the thermal conductivity of copper experimentally using “Thermal
Conduction System – Model 9051”,
2. To use the conductivity value to determine the conduction through constant and
variable area copper bars.
8.1 Background
Consider a gas occupying the space between two surfaces maintained at different
temperatures and assume that there is no bulk motion. We associate the temperature at
any point with the energy of the gas molecule. This energy is related to the random
translational motion, as well as to the internal rotational and vibrational motions of the
Higher temperatures are associated with higher molecular energies, and when
neighbouring molecules collide, as they are constantly doing, a transfer of energy from
the more energetic to the less energetic molecules must occur. In the presence of a
temperature gradient, energy transfer by conduction must then occur in the direction of
decreasing temperature. We may speak of the net transfer of energy by this molecular
motion as a diffusion of energy. The situation is much the same in liquids, although the
molecules are more closely spaced and the molecular interactions are stronger and more
frequent. In a solid, conduction is attributed to atomic activity in the form of lattice
vibrations and electron migration. We treat the conduction phenomena by Fourier’s law,
which is defined in terms of an important material property, defined as thermal
q x = −kA (8.1)
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qx is defined as the heat transfer rate, in Watts;
A, is the heat transfer area normal to the direction of heat flow, in m2;
k, is the material property defined as thermal conductivity, in W/m.K;
ΔT is the temperature difference, in K; and
Δx is the rod length, in m.
The above expression defines the important material property, thermal conductivity, one
of most important transport properties that you will encounter in performing conduction
analyses. Tabulated values of the thermo-physical properties required for solution of heat
transfer problems are provided in your textbook. A typical range of thermal conductivity
values for various matter are shown in Fig. 8.1.
Figure 8.1: Range of thermal conductivity for various phases of matter at normal
temperatures and pressure [1].
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8.2 Apparatus
The objectives of this experiment are achieved through the use of Thermal Conduction
System, Model 9051 (refer to Figures 8.2 and 8.3) available in our laboratory. The system
consists of two hot plate type heat sources copper bars (unit 3 and unit 4) and 10
thermocouple junctions on each bar. Unit 3 has a tapered bar and Unit 4 has a cylindrical
bar as indicated in the figure.
It should be noted that these units provide vertical heat flux paths. Referring to Figure 8.3,
the one at the left is a cylindrical bar while the one at the right is a tapered bar. Each bar
is in contact at its lower end with its own hot plate. Contact for the tapered bar is at the
smaller end. The maximum electrical input through the plate is 750 Watts. The surface
temperature can be modulated between 5 oF above the room temperature to 400 oF. A
metal plate attached to the actual heater plate functions as a heat source, concentrating the heat
flux concentrically into the test bar.
Both bars are of the same diameter at the upper end and in contact with a non-immersion
type fluid-cooled heat sink. Instrumentation and control of coolant flow through these
heat sinks is provided to monitor and control the heat flow rates through the bars.
8.3 Theoretical background
Under steady-state condition, heat flux (in W/m2) through the constant cross-section
cylindrical bar is constant over the entire length. As a result, the heat transfer rate along
the cylindrical bar, since it is insulated on its sides, is given by Equation (3.1), while the
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heat flux by
q ΔT
q x// = = −k (8.2)
A Δx
The quantity of heat, which is conducted through the rod, is transferred to the cooling water.
Therefore, the heat transferred to the cooling water can be expressed as
qx = −kA = m& C p (Tw, out − Tw,in ) (8.3)
It is important to recognize that in the tapered bar, the heat flux is not constant along it. In
fact, it is the heat transfer rate that remains constant, while the flux increases with the
decrease of cross-sectional area (refer to Equation (8.2). The temperature distribution
through the bar can be calculated by using Equation 8.1 in the limiting condition; i.e.,
when Δx → 0 . This gives after separating the variables [1-3],
q x dx
− = dT (8.5a)
kA( x)
Integrating, the left hand side from x1 to x, and the right hand side from T1 to T, we have
x T
qx dx
k ∫
A( x) T∫i
= dT (8.5b)
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Notice that A(x) can be expressed in terms of x and d(x). From the geometry of the
tapered bar, d(x) can be expressed as
x(d L − d 0 )
d ( x) = + d0 (8.6)
The desired temperature distribution can be obtained from Equation (8.5b) and using
8.4 Experimental Procedure
The following experimental procedure should be followed while conducting this
• Establish constant and steady cooling water flow of about 400 mL/min
• Turn on heaters to Units 3 and 4 - set each one to 500 W. Allow the system to
reach steady-state conditions.
• Start recording temperatures using a digital thermometer. Note that two selector
switches on the apparatus allow you to select whatever thermocouple you wish to
• Measure cooling water flow rates using the flow rate-measuring device provided
by your instructor.
• Record data at least once every 15 minutes, and continue until steady conditions
have reached. You may have to wait for about an hour after setting up the
apparatus to allow the unit to reach the desired state conditions.
8.5 Data Analysis
Notice that ten thermocouples, located at the centre of each bar and positioned along it,
enable the student to measure temperature under both dynamic and stable conditions. The
electrical input is determined by measuring (with laboratory meters) voltage and current.
The heat flux through the bar as well as the heat loss through the insulation should be
calculated. In your report, you are required to present the following:
(1) On a single graph plot the temperature versus position along the bar length for
both the bards.
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(2) Using data for constant cross-sectional area bar, calculate the thermal
conductivity for the copper bar and compare with the value given in your heat
transfer text.
(3) For the tapered bar, derive an equation that can be used to predict temperature
distribution as a function of x.
(4) Plot the temperature distribution from your equation and the one obtained
from your experiment for the tapered bar.
(5) Carry out sensitivity analysis of k in terms of input (measured) variables.
8.6 Suggestions for Discussion
(i) What effect does the heat input have on the value of thermal conductivity?
What effect does theory tell us it should have?
(ii) What differences do we see between the constant cross section and variable
cross section bars in terms of heat flux?
(iii) What errors may be introduced by measuring thermal conductivity by this
(iv) Is it important to consider heat losses from the insulation?
(v) What would you recommend to improve the reliability of this experiment?
8.7 References:
[1] Incropera, F. P. and D. P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th
edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1996.
[2] Çengel, Yunus A., Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, 2nd edition, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 2003.
[3] Thomas, L.C., Heat Transfer – Professional Version, 2nd edition, Capstone
Publishing Corp, 1999.
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ME 316: Thermo-Fluids Laboratory 8.7
Experiment No. 8
ME 316: Thermo-Fluids Laboratory 8.8
Note: It is important that the process reaches steady state before recording any
1 0.0493
3 0.0986
L 6
4 0.1229
5 0.1476
6 0.1722
7 0.1969
1 2
8 0.2215
9 0.2461
10 0.2708 Diameter D = 5.08 cm
Length L = 30 cm
Coolant: Water (Unit # 5)
Parameter TC #
Outlet temperature TC # 4 C
Inlet temperature TC # 5 C
Flow rate – l/min
Experiment No. 8
ME 316: Thermo-Fluids Laboratory 8.9
TC # x(m) T(oC)
1 0.0493
2 0.0739
3 0.0986
4 0.1229
5 0.1476
6 0.1722 x
8 0.2215
9 0.2461
Diameters D1 = 2.54 cm
10 0.2708 D2 = 5.08 cm
Length L = 30 cm
Coolant: Water (Unit # 5)
Outlet temperature TC # 3 C
Inlet temperature TC # 5 C
Flow rate –
Experiment No. 8