PRGRN603: Module 5: Stationary Collectors
PRGRN603: Module 5: Stationary Collectors
PRGRN603: Module 5: Stationary Collectors
(V1 V2 )
Note : some HT equations present the local value of the heat transfer
coefficient hx, whereas others present the overall heat transfer coefficient h̅ ,
defined as the integral of hx over entire length divided by length.
Fins are used in heat exchangers to increase
convective heat transfer, e.g. car radiators and
condensers of air-conditioning and refrigeration
systems. Also on motorcycle and compressor
cylinders to increase cooling.
Here the interest arises from their use to conduct
solar radiation heat to the thermal fluid tubes; the
absorber plate of FPC being treated as a fin.
Fins feature a conduction-convection sequence.
Considering 1-D steady state conduction in x-
direction in a rectangular fin:
Heat entering left(qx) = heat leaving right(qx+dx)+ heat lost from perimeter(dqc)
dT dT d dT
kA kA (kA ).dx hP.dx(T T ) ,P = perimeter
dx dx dx dx
Simplifying terms yields: d 2T hP
(T T ) 0
dx kA
Subject to the boundary conditions T=Tbase at base of fin, and dT/dx=0 at
symmetry plane .
Solution yields: q hPkA (To T ) tanh(mL)
T T cosh[m( L x)]
To T cosh(mL)
where To is fin base temperature, A is fin C.S.A., and m
Defining fin efficiency, ηf , as ratio of actual heat transferred to what
would be transferred if entire fin surface area were at base temperature,
yields for a rectangular fin:
Similar results are available for circumferential fins, and fins of triangular
Note that for a FPC the absorber plate acts as a fin which collects solar
radiation from its perimeter, rather than dissipate it
Heat Exchangers
• Heat exchangers are heat transfer devices whose purpose is to exchange
heat between two separated fluids of different temperature
• Types of heat exchangers:
1. Double pipe:
Shell and Tube heat exchangers
Cross flow Heat Exchanger
HX effectiveness definition:
Effectiveness, ε, is defined as the ratio of actual heat transferred to the
theoretical maximum, i.e.
ϵ = qactual /qmax
where qactual = ṁh cp,h (Th,i –Th,o) = ṁc cp,c (Tc,o –Tc,i )
and qmax = (ṁ c)min (Th,i –Tc,i )
where the subscript “min” refers to the fluid with the minimum value of (ṁc).
The effectiveness can also be expressed by:
ϵ= ΔT (of minimum fluid)/(Th,i –Tc,i )
Number of Transfer Units , NTU:
NTU is defined as : NTU
Cmin , where C ≡ (ṁ c) is the thermal capacity rate
Relations exist between NTU and ϵ which allow prediction of HX performance.
They are tabulated for both ϵ =F(NTU) and NTU=F(ϵ) for different types of HX
as a function
of NTU
NTU as a function of Effectiveness
Example. Hot oil at 100oC is used to heat air in a shell-and-tube heat
exchanger. The oil makes 6 tube passes and the air makes one shell pass; 2.0
kg/s of air are to be heated from 20 to 80oC. The specific heat of the oil is
2100 J/kg K, and its flow rate is 3 kg/s. Calculate the area of the H.E. for
U=200 W/m2 K.
ṁh ch = 3.0×2100 = 6300 W/ K, ṁc cc = 2.0×1009=2108 W/ K =(ṁc)min
C= Cmin/Cmax = 2018/6300 = 0.3203, ε=ΔTc/ΔTmax = (80-20)/(100-20)=0.75