Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
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Laparoscopic hernia
An operative guide
Edited by
© 2003 Arnold
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Whilst the advice and information in this book are believed to be true
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generality of the preceding disclaimer) every effort has been made to
check drug dosages; however it is still possible that errors have been
missed. Furthermore, dosage schedules are constantly being revised and
new side-effects recognized. For these reasons the reader is strongly
urged to consult the drug companies’ printed instructions before
administering any of the drugs recommended in this book.
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I wish to dedicate this book to Zinda, my wife. Please forgive my absence in
so many things in our lives so that this textbook could become a reality.
Your support and love is never forgotten and always appreciated.
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Contributors xi
Preface xiii
Abbreviations xv
Manufacturers xvii
5 History 33
Michael S. Kavic and Stephen M. Kavic
13 History 99
Kristi L. Harold, Brent D. Matthews and B. Todd Heniford
14 Anatomy and physiology 103
Karl A. LeBlanc
15 Laparoscopic repair in the emergent setting 111
Guy R. Voeller
16 Herniorrhaphy with the use of transfascial sutures 115
Karl A. LeBlanc
17 Pre-peritoneal herniorrhaphy 125
Sérgio Roll, Wagner C. Marujo and Ricardo V. Cohen
18 Hernioplasty with the double-crown technique 133
Salvador Morales-Conde and Salvador Morales-Méndez
19 Parastomal hernia repair 143
Karl A. LeBlanc
20 Lumbar hernia and ‘denervation’ hernia repair 151
Karl A. LeBlanc
21 Results of laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernia repair 155
Rodrigo Gonzalez and Bruce J. Ramshaw
22 Complications and their management 161
Samuel K. Miller, Stephen D. Carey, Francisco J. Rodriguez and Roy T. Smoot, Jr
23 History 173
Raymond C. Read
24 Anatomy and physiology 179
Mark A. Reiner
25 Preoperative evaluation 187
Marco G. Patti and Piero M. Fisichella
26 Gastroesophageal reflux disease 193
J. Barry McKernan and Charles R. Finley
27 Para-esophageal hernias 201
Hugo Bonatti, Beate Neuhauser and Ronald A. Hinder
28 Traumatic and unusual herniation 209
Sergio G. Susmallian and Ilan Charuzi
29 Etiology of recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease 217
Ziad T. Awad and Charles J. Filipi
30 Reoperation for recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease 227
Thomas R. Eubanks
31 Results of laparoscopic treatment of hiatal hernias 235
Patrick R. Reardon and Stirling E. Craig
33 History 251
Rajeev Prasad and Thom E. Lobe
Index 283
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The laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias quickly fol- world, the availability of the pediatric surgeon is quite
lowed the development of the laparoscopic approach to uncommon. The information imparted in these chapters
the cholecystectomy. This operation was, and continues should provide guidance to the general laparoscopic sur-
to be, a controversial subject. In contrast, the adoption of geon in this setting.
the laparoscopic methodology for the treatment of the The era of robotics is also upon us. It may be surpris-
other hernias of the abdominal wall has experienced con- ing to many of us but there is utility in the repair of her-
tinued growth. While there are textbooks that have dealt nias also.
with general laparoscopic surgical techniques and others The final chapter on socioeconomics is needed to
that are comprehensive texts on the subject of hernias, educate the surgeon as he or she makes the operative
none have been dedicated solely to the laparoscopic treat- choices that are available. Many issues will be regional
ment of this malady in all aspects of the abdomen. while others are national and international. We are all
A review of the authors that have contributed to this continually faced with the economic realities of the prac-
work is a testament of my efforts to provide a true “oper- tice of surgery. More attention should be given to this
ative guide” to those surgeons-in-training and those who subject in the training programs. It is hoped that this
desire more detailed information on this subject matter. book provides a sound basis to begin this process.
An international representation is evident. These are the I wish to thank all of the contributors for their persist-
opinion leaders and the surgeons that have helped to ence in this work. It is rather difficult and time-consum-
develop this field. I appreciate their efforts to share their ing to provide a chapter of the detail and with the
knowledge. significant references that I desired. It is the expertise of
I have tried to provide the reader with the different these authors that will truly make this text a reference
techniques that are currently being used to repair the source. I would also express my appreciation of all of the
hernias in the inguinal region, the incisional and hiatal staff from Arnold Publishers and Naughton Management
locations. I have also relied on different authors to pro- that have helped in the production of this text. I hope that
vide the details of the pertinent anatomy, the current the reader will realize the goals that I set forth upon the
results and the various complications and the manage- commencement of this operative guide to laparoscopic
ment. The segregation of these topics should remove any hernia surgery.
bias that may be seen in the usual textbooks of this type.
A section on the use of the laparoscope in the pedi- Karl A. LeBlanc Louisiana
atric hernia patient is also included. In many areas of the July 2003
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References 5
Fortunately the time when many surgeons and their mention thoracoscopy, a procedure that he initially felt had
patients thought that laparoscopy should be a purpose a better chance than laparoscopy for further development.
rather than a means to an end has passed. Although the In 1927, the first textbook dealing with thoracoscopy
‘scopic’ approach has become the gold standard for some and laparoscopy was published by Korbsch in Munich,
indications, it has not brought completely new ideas on Germany. After World War II, the development of laparo-
how to handle surgical diseases, but it has changed our scopic investigations into the human body was led mainly
certain approach in order to facilitate the postoperative by European gynecologists. An extensive overview of their
recovery of the patient. Principally, a surgical disease contributions into the development of endoscopic sur-
should be managed by a surgeon. Who, in order to treat gery is beyond the scope of this chapter, but some of their
his or her patient optimally, is not limited by technology advancements are interesting and worth consideration.7
(a scalpel for open surgery or the laparoscope for some of Once technical innovations allowed more than one per-
us) rather than trying to find the best treatment modal- son to view through the laparoscope at the same time, it
ity by chance, which might include techniques still to be was only a few years before Phillipe Mouret of Lyon,
envisioned.1 For many of us, laparoscopy is, or was, the France performed the first human laparoscopic chole-
first expansion of our rather limited armamentarium. cystectomy in 1987. This event initiated an explosion of
As with many things in surgery, Hippocrates is credited experiments that has brought us to the current position of
as the first physician to have used a tool to obtain a better laparoscopy as an important part of the surgical arma-
view of the human interior, in his case the rectum.2 Fur- mentarium. Nowadays, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, by
ther development of this idea, however, was hampered for far the most extensively described and most frequently
nearly 2000 years due to a lack of progression in techno- performed laparoscopic procedure, is the gold standard
logical innovation.3 The evolution of laparoscopic surgery treatment for most diseases that merit removal of the
parallels the evolution of two distinct technical factors, gallbladder,8 irrespective of age and comorbidity.9 Addi-
which are the basis for all current endoscopic interven- tionally, cholecystectomy is very often the first laparo-
tions: the invention and development of a lens system that scopic operation that trainees are taught. It should
could be connected to a computer-chip television camera be emphasized that the principles and indications for
and an effective lighting system via fiber-optic delivery cholecystectomy have not changed because of the laparo-
were the essential prerequisites for the current possibilities scopic approach. However, the old controversy of whether
of laparoscopic technology. This allowed other surgeons intraoperative cholangiography should be a routine part
and their assistants to handle the endoscope while actively of the procedure returned early in the development of this
participating and assisting in the scopic procedures. It is procedure.10 Additional concerns were exposed, partly
difficult to state with certainty who should be credited with because the laparoscopic exploration of the common bile
performing the first human laparoscopy, complete with duct was in its infancy.11,12 Even today, these arguments
pneumoperitoneum. However, at the beginning of the are not resolved.10
twentieth century, three names are mentioned: Kelling,4 Within a short period of time, the scopists turned their
Jacobaeus5 and Ott.6 Jacobaeus was the first physician to interest towards another frequent surgical procedure,
4 Overview
appendectomy.13 Laparoscopic appendectomy had been Introduction of improved techniques for intracorpo-
reported as early as 1977 in a paper from The Netherlands,14 real hemostasis, stapling and knot-tying make it possible
and since then there has been an ongoing discussion about to treat many colorectal diseases laparoscopically,37 even
the merits of the laparoscopic approach in the surgical in the presence of generalized peritonitis.38 Despite ini-
treatment of appendicitis. A recent review by Fingerhut tial doubts about the maintenance of oncological resec-
concluded that because many of the surgical aspects of tion principles, it has been shown that both types of
the open appendectomy have improved so greatly, the operations, laparoscopic and open, do not differ greatly
apparent advantages of a laparoscopic approach are hard in this respect.39 The incidences of anastomotic leakage,
to demonstrate.15 It is acknowledged, however, that local morbidity and mortality are not significantly different
cultural factors, as well as operative experience, are impor- between the two methodologies, but the laparoscopic
tant considerations that should dictate the strategic approach requires more operative time.39
decisions of any individual surgeon and/or hospital.15 Laparoscopic resection of cystic and solid liver tumors,
Recently, a randomized clinical trial in children, which curative or palliative, is receiving increasing interest
compared both approaches, demonstrated clearly that as reports of the different techniques and their pitfalls
laparoscopic appendectomy did not offer advantages are accumulating.40–43 Staging, of course, has also been
over the open method.16 These findings are disputed shown to be feasible.44 The spleen has also been the target
heavily by others.17 Advantages of laparoscopic appen- of the laparoscopist. Currently, open splenic resection is
dectomy appear to be limited to obese patients and usually reserved for treating a very large spleen with hyper-
patients whose preoperative diagnosis is not clear-cut.18 splenism and in the acute trauma setting.45
Another organ system that received a lot of attention Retroperitoneal organs, such as the pancreas, adrenal
in the early years of laparoscopy was the upper gastro- glands and prostate, have also become the domain of
intestinal tract.19 The initial interest began with the treat- laparoscopically trained surgeons.46–49 Admittedly, these
ment of duodenal ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux more advanced procedures require sufficient training
disease.20 Since its introduction of laparoscopic surgery of and skills in both laparoscopic and open surgery.
the upper gastrointestinal tract, has become the gold stan- Vascular surgeons are now evaluating the newest
dard for the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux treatment modalities of endovascular procedures and
disease (GERD).21 It is frequently performed in daycare endoscopic techniques. Veins50 and the aorta51 can be
situations,22 although there can be persistent complaints handled via a laparoscope, although this is still experi-
years after the operation.23 mental in most cases.52
According to the French literature, gastric ulcers Future developments will probably focus on the
should be approached laparoscopically at the initial oper- improvement of intraoperative imaging techniques,
ation,24 as both retrospective25 and prospective26 analyses improved tactile feedback through the so-called ‘endo-
have shown excellent results and low conversion rates.25 hand’,53 navigation,54 and robotic assistance.55 The pri-
Other diseases of the stomach for which laparoscopy is mary efforts of the developments of laparoscopic surgery
frequently performed in some centers with standardized focused upon the improvements for the care of the
laparoscopic methods include achalasia,26,27 perforated patients, which of course continues today (e.g. the devel-
peptic ulcer,28 and gastric cancer. With respect to bariatric opment of gasless pneumoperitoneum by lifting of the
surgery, there appear to be current differences between abdominal wall).42,53 Current innovative attention seeks
the use of the gastric bypass (more popular in the USA) to improve the range of motion, precision and control of
and the application of adjustable bands on the stomach the surgeon through the development of intracorporeal
(more popular in Europe). The laparoscopic approach for instruments that are handled via the endo-hand or revo-
both procedures continues to grow rapidly, but random- lutionary improvements of the tip of the laparoscopic
ized controlled trials comparing the different methods are instruments53 as the ‘endo-wrist’ of the da Vinci® robotic
needed urgently.29 system.55 Furthermore, gastroenterologists might be chal-
Laparoscopy offers an important advantage in the lenged as some surgeons turn their interest into endo-
treatment of many types of intra-abdominal cancers, as organ laparoscopic management. However, there are
it allows staging of the disease prior to any intended only limited anecdotal reports of resections of gastric
resection. However, careful patient selection is necessary leiomyomas56 or small neoplasms, which predicts that
to effectively limit the number of unnecessary laparo- further investigations will be undertaken in the future.57
tomies.30,31 Additionally, intraoperative laparoscopic ultra- In conclusion, it is evident that laparoscopy is cur-
sonography may become mandatory in the future because rently part of the surgical armamentarium as much as
it allows more accurate pretreatment staging.32 Preopera- the hand and scalpel have always been. Due to the cur-
tive staging will allow the correct operation to be chosen rent availability of rapid communication facilities,58 the
from one of the many different types of resections that development of laparoscopy has been quicker than that
are feasible.33–36 of any other innovation within surgery. In fact, this may
Laparoscopic general surgery 5
have pushed some surgeons to use laparoscopy for very 11 Phillips EH, Rosenthal RJ, Caroll BJ, Fallas MJ. Laparoscopic trans-
many different indications with, in some cases, less than cystic common bile duct exploration. Surg Endosc 1994; 8: 1389.
12 Berci G, Morgenstern L. Laparoscopic management of common bile
optimal preparation.59 Laparoscopy is well established duct stones. A multi-institutional SAGES-study. Surg Endosc 1994;
for cholecystectomy and gastric fundoplication,18 but for 8: 1168.
many other indications its position still has to be deter- 13 Schreiber JH. Early experience with laparoscopic appendectomy in
mined, because many reports of successful laparoscopic women. Surg Endosc 1987; 1: 211–16.
management for various indications are either from 14 Kok HJ. A new technique for resecting the non-inflamed
not-adhesive appendix through a mini-laparotomy with the aid
anecdotal or personal experiences. The following chap- of the laparoscope. Arch Chir Neerl 1977; 29: 195–8.
ters of this book indicate the current state of the art con- 15 Fingerhut A, Millat B, Borrie F. Laparoscopic versus open
cerning hernia surgery. Certainly, there is enough evidence appendectomy: time to decide. World J Surg 1999; 23: 835–45.
to direct a choice. Thus far, the discussion regarding the 16 Little DC, Custer MD, May BH, Blalock SE, Cooney DR. Laparoscopic
value of laparoscopy in trauma has yet to be finalized with appendectomy: an unnecessary and expensive procedure in
children? J Pediatr Surg 2002; 37: 310–17.
respect to its indications60,61 and its potential risks.62 The 17 Garbutt JM, Soper NJ, Shannon WD, et al. Meta-analysis of
alleged or partly demonstrated advantages of laparoscopic randomized controlled trials comparing laparoscopic and open
surgery, such as reductions in postoperative morbidity,63 appendectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1999; 9: 17–26.
postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions,64 postoperative 18 Tittel A, Schumpelick V. Laparoskopische Chirurgie: Erwartungen
analgesia requirements, sleep disturbances,65 blood loss, und Realität. Chirurg 2001: 72: 227–35.
19 Katkhouda N, Moniel J. A new technique of surgical treatment of
and moderate immunological responses, and, increas- chronic duodenal ulcer without laparotomy by videocoelioscopy.
ingly, lower costs66 are not proven completely,18 despite the Am J Surg 1991; 161: 361–4.
fact that others test endoscopic surgery in rather extreme 20 Dallemagne B, Weerts JM, Jehaes C, et al. Laparoscopic Nissen
circumstances.67 Training of our future colleagues should fundoplication: preliminary report. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1991; 1:
be standardized with well-organized hands-on courses 138–43.
21 Booth MI, Joines L, Stratford J, Dehn TCB. Results of laparoscopic
combined with pelvic trainers and animal models. This Nissen fundoplication at 2–8 years after surgery. Br J Surg 2002;
issue is a matter of concern that still needs attention.68 In 89: 476–81.
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tages, randomized clinical trials and thorough analyses of fundoplication for gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Br J Surg
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23 Liu JY, Woloshin S, Laycock WS, Schwartz LM. Late outcomes after
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and warnings.1 137: 397–401.
24 Yahchouchy E, Debet A, Fingerhut A. Crack cocaine-related prepyloric
perforation treated laparoscopically. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 220.
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pass. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 1999; 9: 85–6. 26 Alamowitch B, Aouad K, Sellam P, et al. Laparoscopic treatment of
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6 Ott D. Die direkte Beleuchtung der Bauchhöhle, der Harnblase, des 30 Lehnert T, Rudek B, Kienle P, et al. Impact of diagnostic laparoscopy
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8 Zacks SL, Sandler RS, Rutledge R, Brown RS, Jr. A population- 32 Feussner H, Omote K, Fink U, et al. Pretherapeutic laparoscopic
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6 Overview
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38 Faranda C, Barrat C, Catheline JM, Champault GG. Two-stage 55 Ruurda JP, Broeders IAMJ, Simmermacher RKJ, et al. Feasibility of
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Technological and instrumentation
aspects of laparoscopic hernia surgery
Instrumentation 7 Ergonomics 13
Fixation 11 Conclusion 13
Videoendoscopic system 12 References 14
Other enabling technologies 12
Laparoscopic hernia surgery, like other types of minimally invasive approaches to a variety of surgical therapies. The
invasive surgery (MIS), has been shaped and impacted development of new dissecting tools and the incorpora-
by the emergence of new surgical techniques and the tion of various energy sources into laparoscopic proce-
assimilation of new and evolving medical technologies. dures have greatly enhanced the physician’s capability for
To address the technological and instrumentation aspects fine dissection and rapid hemostasis. Despite these achieve-
of laparoscopic herniorrhaphy comprehensively could ments, the basic design of laparoscopic instruments and
extend the discussion from a macro-perspective dealing the associated ergonomic constraints have evolved little
with issues of operative suite design and integration of over the past century. Laparoscopic instrument design is
technology to a micro-view focusing on, for example, the still based upon a template consisting of a handle con-
tines of a dissecting instrument. Such a dissertation is nected to a long, slender shaft, which then engages an end-
beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, we will focus effector unit. Like all surgical instruments, laparoscopic
upon the instruments, equipment and material used in instruments should be cost-effective, low-maintenance,
laparoscopic hernia surgery and the related technological functional tools that achieve the intended purpose safely,
advances that have facilitated a widening adoption of easily and reliably, as Melzer has stipulated.1 Over the past
various laparoscopic hernia procedures. Some topics that two decades, an abundance of end-effectors with varied
are dealt with in greater detail in later chapters, such as functions has been developed. As a result, a wide array of
methods of mesh fixation and surgical energy sources, will instruments is currently available to the surgeon per-
receive more cursory mention in this chapter, in the con- forming laparoscopic hernia repair. A brief discussion of
text of specific instrument use and development. Ergono- the various characteristics and distinguishing features of
mic considerations in surgical instrument and equipment laparoscopic instrumentation relevant to hernia repair
design, so often overlooked yet so vital to optimal surgical follows.
performance, will also be addressed.
Disposable instruments
Disposable instruments may increase operative efficiency
by eliminating the need for sterilization of reusable
The rapid expansion of available laparoscopic instrumen- instruments perioperatively. This convenience comes at a
tation has fueled the widespread application of minimally significant cost in terms of equipment expenditure and
environmental impact. In a cost-comparison of pro-
Supported in part by an educational grant from Tyco/US Surgical cedural equipment, the cost of disposable equipment
Corporation. exceeded that of reusable instrumentation by a factor of
8 Overview
10–20.2 Although reusable instrumentation is subject or ratcheted instruments may reduce muscular fatigue
to the wear and tear of repeated use and sterilization, during grasping, but they are not appropriate for dissec-
disposable instruments may be imprecise.3 Reposable tion, which requires more dynamic handling. Similarly,
instruments, which combine reusable and disposable single-action jaws, in which one jaw remains fixed, are
components, represent a compromise between the two effective for grasping but less so for dissection. Further-
instrument types. more, the symmetry of double-action jaws makes these
instruments better suited for fine dissection.
The diameter of the instrument also affects function
Laparoscopic dissecting and grasping and performance. Micro-instruments (2–3 mm diame-
instruments ter) have been applied to a variety of minimally invasive
procedures, including laparoscopic hernia repair.4,5 These
Although laparoscopic dissectors and graspers conform ‘needlescopic’ dissectors have relatively elastic shafts and
to a basic design, the configurations of the end-effectors short end-effectors with limited spread. Thus, limitations
vary in terms of size, shape and surface. Different types inherent in the design of 2-mm graspers and dissectors
of dissection (sharp or blunt dissection, micro- or have in turn limited the use of such needlescopic instru-
macro-exposure) require instruments with different dis- ments in laparoscopic hernia surgery.
secting tips. Sharp-tipped instruments, including laparo- Unique to laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal
scopic shears and needle-nose dissectors, facilitate fine hernia repair is the balloon dissector, commonly used in
spreading and micro-dissection. Blunt dissectors, such as North America to develop the pre-peritoneal plane. A
the Reddick-Olsen, may reduce the risk of inadvertent variety of balloon dissectors are available, most furnished
injury to adjacent structures, but their utility in fine dis- with a guiding trocar and obturator for initial placement
section and micro-exposure is limited. Tapered tips that beneath the rectus muscle. With inflation of the balloon,
fall somewhere in the continuum from sharp to blunt a pre-peritoneal working space is created. Although this
end-effectors constitute the majority of commonly used device provides a simpler and more timely alternative
dissectors. Tapered, narrow-tipped dissectors, such as the to manual dissection, it is imperative that the surgeon is
Maryland/Kelly or DeBakey laparoscopic instruments, familiar with the laparoscopic pre-peritoneal anatomy to
have proved useful during laparoscopic hernia repair, from recognize the appropriate plane of dissection and to avoid
dissection in para-esophageal herniorrhaphy to creation associated complications.
of the peritoneal flaps in transabdominal pre-peritoneal
inguinal herniorrhaphy. Additionally, the Maryland/Kelly
dissectors have curved jaws, which facilitate dissection Trocars
around structures. The curved tips of the Maryland/Kelly
dissector allow clear visualization of the operative target Careful consideration of trocar type and placement is
and the tip of the instrument, unlike the shadowing that imperative in the successful conduct of laparoscopic her-
may occur about the symmetrically tapered, flat-tipped, nia repair. Quite simply, trocars are the portals through
duckbill dissector. which the laparoscopic instruments are passed. At the
Effective tissue grasping is made possible by the surface same time, trocars represent potential weapons, and their
topography of the instrument tips. The fine ridges and misplacement can contribute to the morbidity and even
grooves provide friction during grasping, limiting slippage mortality of a laparoscopic procedure. The incidence of
and therefore tissue trauma. The delicate serrations of the trocar-related injury is low but significant. The incidence
DeBakey clamp provide atraumatic tissue handling. This of hollow viscus perforation varies between 0.04 and
curved instrument is thus ideally suited for the fine dissec- 0.14 per cent.6–13 Major retroperitoneal vascular injury has
tion and the gentle manipulation of the bowel required been reported in 0.03–0.1 per cent, carrying a substantial
during adhesiolysis and reduction of hernia contents. In mortality rate of nine per cent.9–12,14 Major vascular
contrast, ratcheted instruments with thick serrations are injury is a very common cause of death in laparoscopy,
poorly suited for bowel handling, but they are designed for second only to anesthetic complications.14 In an effort to
constant grasping, such as gallbladder retraction. Other increase the safety of trocar insertion, a variety of trocar
dissectors have tines that appose incompletely along the designs has been introduced.
proximal jaws of the instrument, allowing the instrument The previously stated pros and cons of reusable
to hold tissue atraumatically in that space. instrumentation also hold for trocars. Reusable, metal
The laparoscopic handle and the hinge mechanism trocars may provide better grip to the skin and abdomi-
of the jaws greatly impact the function of grasping and nal wall compared with plastic, disposable trocars.
dissecting instruments. Instruments with coaxial or Several trocar designs have been developed to prevent
articulating shafts provide the surgeon with greater free- slippage and leakage of pneumoperitoneum. The Hasson
dom of movement in restricted working spaces. Locking trocar, typically used as an initial trocar after peritoneal
Technological and instrumentation aspects 9
access via an open technique, has threads along the end of has been implemented in trocar design to reduce insertion-
its shaft. Much like the configuration of a screw, these associated injury. The optical view trocar was developed as
threads assist in securing the trocar in the abdominal an alternative to Hasson trocar placement. This single-use,
wall. Balloon trocars utilize an attached, inflatable, intra- plastic trocar has a clear shaft and conical tip, allowing
abdominal balloon after insertion to bolster the trocar visualization of the abdominal wall layers as they are tra-
against the abdominal wall. While these balloons add versed while inserting the laparoscope. This trocar design is
security, they are subject to breakage and may decrease the well suited for insertion after pneumoperitoneum has been
radial mobility often required during ventral hernia repair established using a Veress needle.
to visualize and operate on the anterior abdominal wall. While the optical trocar capitalizes on the benefit of
Safe peritoneal entry is a particular concern during inci- direct visualization, other trocar designs are centered on
sional hernia repair, where there is a considerable risk of the tip configuration for injury prevention (Figure 2.1). In
injury to adherent loops of bowel. A variety of measures an effort to circumvent visceral damage, the shielded trocar
Figure 2.1 A variety of trocars is available for use during laparoscopic ventral herniorrhaphy. (a) The Hasson trocar has threads to
prevent slippage from the abdominal wall (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.). (b) The non-cutting trocar tip is designed to split the
musculature in an effort to decrease bleeding and other trocar-related injuries (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.). (c) The plastic shield of
this trocar retracts during insertion to expose a cutting blade then deploys upon peritoneal entry to protect the viscera from injury
(U.S. Surgical Corp., Inc.). (d) The bladed trocar features a blade that retracts upon peritoneal entry (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.).
(e) The laparoscope is housed in the optical trocar to provide visual guidance during insertion of this non-cutting trocar. This is
particularly useful in the reoperative abdomen after insufflation via the Veress needle technique (Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.).
10 Overview
consists of an exposed blade for abdominal wall entry and Similarly, other non-bladed trocars have also been
a plastic shield that is released upon peritoneal entry to demonstrated to cause smaller abdominal wall defects
safely cover the cutting blade. Many disposable trocars that do not require closure.25 In contrast to cutting
incorporate this mechanism. Importantly, this feature does trocars, non-bladed trocars split the musculature rather
not guarantee protection against trocar entry injuries. than cut through the abdominal wall, a technique that
Pyramidal and conical trocar tips have also been may also be associated with less minor bleeding.16
examined for safety and efficacy. When use of a conical,
non-cutting reusable trocar was compared with that
of a cutting, disposable trocar during transperitoneal Energy sources
inguinal herniorrhaphy, the reusable trocar resulted in a
lower complication rate.15 Trocar vascular and visceral Advances in the use of energy sources have increased the
injuries are thought to be related to the force required ease and feasibility of performing MIS. While energy
for trocar insertion. However, the size of the abdominal sources are used largely for hemostasis, increasingly they
wall defect created by the trocar has been shown to be are employed in tissue dissection as well. Available energy
inversely proportional to the entry force.16 In an animal sources include both thermal and mechanical energy
study, it was demonstrated that conical tips require devices.
greater entry force than pyramidal trocars yet subse-
quently produce smaller abdominal wall defects.
To decrease the insertion force and possibly reduce
visceral injury, innovative trocar designs have been Thermal energy sources rely on the passage of electrical
coupled with various energy sources. However, these new current through tissues and the subsequent production of
designs have not yet been proven in human application heat. Applying high-radiofrequency alternating current
in laparoscopic hernia surgery; studies have been limited results in the excitation of cellular ions and the conversion
almost entirely to animal models. Electrosurgical trocars of electrical energy to mechanical energy. The degree of
utilize thermal energy to create the abdominal wall open- the thermal response is directly proportional to the inhe-
ing for passage of the trocar. This has been found to rent resistance of the tissues, with little heat production
reduce the force required for entry without detrimental in plasma but significant heat production in bone. The
effects on wound healing at the trocar site after lap- electrical current can be applied with a bipolar or mono-
aroscopic cholecystectomy.17 Taking advantage of the polar electrode, the most common method in general
decreased thermal spread associated with ultrasonic dis- surgery.26 Bipolar electrosurgery confines the electrical
section, an ultrasonically activated trocar has been designed current to the tissue between the forceps and consequently
with an associated decrease in insertion time and force as offers the added safety of decreased thermal spread.
well as a smaller increase in abdominal pressure during Electrothermal injury is a substantial concern, with the
insertion compared with conventional conical trocars.18 incidence of laparoscopic electrosurgery-associated com-
The applicability of these trocars is yet to be seen in plications numbering two to five per 1000 cases.27
patients with multiple previous surgeries or with ventral
hernias, where the proximity of adhered bowel may
Ultrasonic dissection
predispose the patient to thermal visceral injury.
Another substantial concern in the treatment of Ultrasonic dissection is a form of mechanical dissection,
hernia patients is recurrent herniation. In a retrospective like scissor or water-jet dissection, that has gained
review of 320 patients (including two patients with popularity in laparoscopy. Mechanical energy is created
concomitant para-esophageal hernia repair), the overall by high-frequency sound-wave vibration. The high-
incidence of trocar site herniation after laparoscopic fun- frequency vibration produces denatured collagen and
doplication was found to be three per cent.19 As hernia- effectively vaporizes cells. The ultrasonically activated
tion at trocar sites has been reported repeatedly in the scalpel, the ultrasonic instrument used most commonly
literature,19–21 the size of the defect created by trocars is a in laparoscopy, has been shown to seal vessels at diameters
key factor. The size of the trocar site defect is influenced up to 5 mm. However, it is recommended that its use is
by the tip shape, trocar size, and mechanism of entry. limited to vessels 3 mm or less in diameter.28 At 80°C, the
The radially expanding trocar utilizes a needle puncture ultrasonically activated scalpel operates at a lower tem-
followed by insertion of a blunt, radially expanding perature than electrosurgery (100°C).3 Ultrasonic dis-
obturator through the needle tract. This alternative to section is reported to produce decreased lateral thermal
the traditional cutting trocar has been associated with spread when compared with traditional electrosurgery.29
less postoperative pain, improved postoperative patient- However, identification of intestinal or biliary duct
rated wound scores, decreased intraoperative and post- injury due to the ultrasonic dissector may be delayed.
operative complications, and smaller fascial defects.22–24 Anecdotally, the dissector may temporarily seal the
Technological and instrumentation aspects 11
injury site, such as an enterotomy, only to open days later thin arm that is then covered by a retractable sheath
with devastating consequences. during insertion. The operation of this device is rather
In summary, electrosurgical and ultrasonic dissection counterintuitive, as retraction of the handle is required dur-
instruments minimize blood loss and may reduce opera- ing insertion. Proper handling of the device is essential to
tive time in a variety of laparoscopic procedures. However, protect the delicate mechanism responsible for securing the
very judicious and limited use of energy sources in ventral suture. A more cost-effective method of suture introduc-
and incisional hernia repair is encouraged. A higher toler- tion has been illustrated elegantly by Park and colleages31
ance for a small amount of oozing is accepted in exchange and Rosenthal and Franklin.32 Rather than employing a
for a reduced risk of intestinal, spermatic cord, or nervous suture passer, the suture is introduced on a Keith needle and
thermal injury. The morbidity of intestinal injuries, par- extracted through a large-gauge spinal needle.
ticularly missed enterotomies, is remarkably high, with a
mortality rate of at least 25 per cent.30
Fixation devices
adhesions.37 While an inflammatory reaction was also this distortion, but they remain cost-prohibitive in
noted in this study, the density of adhesions and the many institutions and may provide poorer resolution and
percentage of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) movement lag.
prosthetic patch coverage by adhesions was decreased in Advances in imaging technology have led to the devel-
the fibrin glue cohort. The majority of fibrin sealant opment of new systems to address current optical and
studies associated with hernia repair have been con- ergonomic limitations. Head-mounted displays reduce
ducted in animal models. The hemostatic properties of the displacement associated with standard video towers
fibrin glue in hernia repair were notable in one of the few positioned at a distance from both the surgeon and the
published human studies. In patients with coagulopathic operative field. However, the results of head-mounted
disorders, fibrin glue was noted to reduce postoperative displays have been mixed; at least one report notes
bleeding after inguinal herniorrhaphy.38 decreased eyestrain and improved operative efficiency,
The cyanoacrylates, a class of tissue adhesives tradi- but another study fails to duplicate these results.40,41
tionally used in wound management, have been examined Three-dimensional imaging systems have also been
for use in laparoscopic hernia repair. Internal use constructed to provide stereoscopic perceptual cues.
of this tissue adhesive was previously limited due to However, the spacing between the component imaging sys-
the potential toxicity associated with early formulations. tems is generally limited and is significantly smaller than
However, newly designed formulations have been studied the normal interpupillary distance. This restriction limits
for their applicability in hernia repair, although these stud- the depth perception provided by the three-dimensional
ies remain limited to animal models. In an examination of optical systems. Additionally, the accompanying head-
octylcyanoacrylate tissue adhesive for fixation of ePTFE in mounted display results in degradation in image quality,
a rabbit incisional hernia model, less force was required for limiting the widespread incorporation of this innovative
displacement of adhesive-fixed mesh than for suture or system.
spiral tack fixation.39 In addition, the octylcyanoacrylate It is hoped that with the adoption of high-definition
adhesive stimulated an inflammatory reaction that television standards and new research in advanced
delayed cellular migration into the ePTFE interstices, so digital signal processing technology, many limitations of
the clinical implications of this finding are unclear. videoendoscopic imaging will be eliminated.42 This has
important implications for laparoscopic hernia surgery.
Real-time reversal of the video display could avoid the
mirror-image effect of working against the camera in ven-
tral herniorrhaphy. These new systems could also correct
for perceptual distortion, such as the lack of shadowing
The videoendoscopic system has become the eyes of and other depth cues, and could facilitate the perform-
the laparoscopic surgeon. With the limited tactile feed- ance of more complex laparoscopic procedures.
back inherent in MIS, the quality of the surgical image is
crucial. The present limitations of the imaging system
include detrimental reductions in resolution, field of
view, contrast, and depth perception. These limitations
are the result of optical distortion by the camera and
monitor systems, and the loss of monocular and stereo- Hand-assisted laparoscopy
scopic visual cues.
The current videoendoscopic system begins with a The technique of hand-assisted laparoscopy (HAL) has
rod-lens laparoscope with coaxial illumination and fiber- been applied to a variety of laparoscopic procedures, in
optic light bundles. Illumination is provided by a high- some cases avoiding certain laparotomy. With HAL, the
intensity but ‘cold’ broadband light source. Most systems surgeon’s hand is inserted into the peritoneal cavity to
employ a high-quality solid-state camera equipped with assist in dissection and retraction. Various port systems
a charged-coupled device and a three-chip array for that maintain pneumoperitoneum are used for hand
color separation (red, green, blue). This provides optimal placement. In HAL, the incision size is limited to the
color fidelity. Standard display systems utilize National surgeon’s hand size, and this incision may be later used
Television Committee Standard video with a resolution for specimen extraction.
of no less than 640 ⫻ 480 pixels. Improving upon stan- The application of the hand-assisted technique in
dard composite video systems, which combine luminance laparoscopic hernia repair has been limited. In 2000, Litwin
and chrominance signals, S-video separates the signals and and colleagues reported one repair of a post-traumatic
offers superior color saturation. Most cathode-ray tube left diaphragmatic hernia in a series of HAL cases.43 The
monitors in use are curved and are therefore associated patient was noted to have incarcerated colon, spleen and
with a degree of distortion. Flat-screen monitors eliminate small intestine. This repair was facilitated by the entry
Technological and instrumentation aspects 13
Robotic surgery
new tools for mesh fixation, and the application of novel 20 De Giuli M, Festa V, Denoye GC, Morino M. Large postoperative
techniques have all facilitated and expanded the role of umbilical hernia following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A case
report. Surg Endosc 1994; 8: 904–5.
laparoscopy in the treatment of a variety of hernia defects. 21 Patterson M, Walters D, Browder W. Postoperative bowel
With continuing technological advances and attention to obstruction following laparoscopic surgery. Am Surg 1993; 59:
ergonomic factors, the outcome and efficiency of laparo- 656–7.
scopic hernia repair are certain to improve. 22 Bhoyrul S, Payne J, Steffes B, et al. A randomized prospective study
of radially expanding trocars in laparoscopic surgery. J Gastrointest
Surg 2000; 4: 392–7.
23 Yim SF, Yuen PM. Randomized double-masked comparison of
REFERENCES radially expanding access device and conventional cutting tip
trocar in laparoscopy. Obstet Gynecol 2001; 97: 435–8.
24 Lam TY, Lee SW, So HS, Kwok SP. Radially expanding trocar: a less
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instrumentation in laparoscopic surgery. Surg Endosc 1998; 12: 66: 853–4.
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3 Park AE, Mastrangelo MJ, Jr, Gandsas A, et al. Laparoscopic their implications. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1995; 5: 311–17.
dissecting instruments. Semin Laparosc Surg 2001; 8: 42–52. 27 Nduka CC, Super PA, Monson JR, Darzi AW. Cause and prevention
4 Tagaya N, Aoki H, Mikami H, et al. The use of needlescopic of electrosurgical injuries in laparoscopy. J Am Coll Surg 1994; 179:
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6 Zaraca F, Catarci M, Gossetti F, et al. Routine use of open 29 Birch DW, Park A, Shuhaibar H. Acute thermal injury to the canine
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7 Catarci M, Carlini M, Gentileschi P, Santoro E. Major and minor 30 El-Banna M, Abdel-Atty M, El-Meteini M, Aly S. Management of
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study on 12,919 patients. Surg Endosc 2001; 15: 566–9. 779–82.
8 Bonjer HJ, Hazebroek EJ, Kazemier G, et al. Open versus closed 31 Park A, Gagner M, Pomp A. Laparoscopic repair of large incisional
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Br J Surg 1997; 84: 599–602. 32 Rosenthal D, Franklin ME. Use of percutaneous stitches in
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laparoscopy. Br J Surg 1993; 80: 1593–4. 491–2.
10 Saville LE, Woods MS. Laparoscopy and major retroperitoneal 33 LeBlanc KA. The critical technical aspects of laparoscopic
vascular injury. Surg Endosc 1995; 9: 1096–100. repair of ventral and incisional hernias. Am Surg 2001; 67:
11 Loffer FD, Pent D. Indications, contraindications and complications 809–12.
of laparoscopy. Obstet Gynecol Surg 1975; 30: 407–27. 34 Heniford BT, Park A, Ramshaw BJ, Voeller G. Laparoscopic ventral
12 Deziel DJ, Millikan KW, Economou SG, et al. Complications of and incisional hernia repair in 407 patients. J Am Coll Surg 2000;
laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a national survey of 4,292 6: 645–50.
hospitals and analysis of 77,604 cases. Am J Surg 1993; 35 Dion YM, Charara J, Guidoin R. Bursting strength evaluation.
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13 Penfield AJ. How to prevent complications of open laparoscopy. experimental prosthetic patch repair of abdominal wall defect.
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14 Hashizume M, Sugimachi K. Needle and trocar injury during 36 Katkhouda N, Mavor E, Friedlande MH, et al. Use of fibrin sealant
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Technological and instrumentation aspects 15
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Prosthetic biomaterials for hernioplasty
Almost all hernia repairs that are performed laparoscop- Table 3.1 Flat, single-component polypropylene biomaterials
ically utilize some form of prosthetic biomaterial. One and manufacturers
notable exception is the infrequent small hernias found
Biomaterial Manufacturer
during laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty,
which are merely sutured. The early pioneers in laparo- Angimesh Angiologica
scopic inguinal hernia repair generally used polypropy- Biomesh P1 Cousin Biotech
lene mesh (PPM) products, but a few attempted to use Biomesh P3 Cousin Biotech
Biomesh 3D Cousin Biotech
expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). Incisional
Hertra 1, 2 HerniaMesh
and ventral hernioplasty utilized ePTFE when it was first
Hermesh 3, 4, 5 HerniaMesh
described. Currently, PPM and ePTFE prostheses are Intramesh NK1, NK2, NK8 Cousin Biotech
the preferred biomaterials for the laparoscopic repair of Marlex C. R. Bard, Inc.
inguinal and incisional hernias, respectively. The pre- Parietene Sofradim International
ferences for each of these operations and the choice of Prolene Ethicon
prostheses are described in the following chapters. This Prolene Soft Mesh Ethicon
chapter will present the currently available materials that Prolite Atrium Medical Corp.
are used for the laparoscopic repair of hernias. Prolite Ultra Atrium Medical Corp.
The biomaterials can be subdivided into many classes. Surgipro (Monofilament) U.S. Surgical Corp., Inc./Tyco
The broadest distinction is between synthetic and non- Surgipro (Multifilament) U.S. Surgical Corp., Inc./Tyco
Trelex Meadox Medical Corp.
synthetic products. These can be subdivided further into
products used for inguinal and non-inguinal hernia
repair. While any prosthetic biomaterial could be used in
the repair of any hernia, the common preferences noted itself (i.e. the weight of the mesh). These two factors influ-
above will be assumed. ence the thickness, stiffness, shrinkage rates, inflammatory
response, potential for development of adhesions to the
product, and resulting changes in the elasticity of the
SYNTHETIC PROSTHETIC BIOMATERIALS: abdominal wall. These products are listed in Table 3.1, and
FLAT, SINGLE-COMPONENT PRODUCTS the differences in the weave and pore sizes of some of them
are noted in Figure 3.1.
Most of these products are manufactured from poly- One of the problems that has been seen in the past
propylene. The major differences between the meshes are with the repair of incisional hernias is fistulization.1 This
the size of the monofilaments used in the structure of the has also been seen with laparoscopic inguinal repair.2
mesh and the size of the pores (interstices) of the mesh These real and potential complications of PPM may be
18 Overview
(e) (f)
Figure 3.1 Comparison of the weaves of PPM products: (a) Hetra 1, (b) Hetra 2,
(d) (c) Prolene, (d) Prolene Soft Mesh, (e) Marlex, and (f) NK Mesh.
related to the weight of the polypropylene within the Table 3.2 Polyester prostheses and manufacturers
mesh. Newer, lighter-weight meshes have been developed
Biomaterial Manufacturer
(Table 3.1) that, theoretically, are designed to overcome
many of the adverse effects of the heavier meshes. Biomesh A1 Cousin Biotech
However, the lighter products are very soft and pliable, Biomesh A3 Cousin Biotech
and consequently the use of them within the pre-peri- Biomesh 3D Cousin Biotech
Mersilene Ethicon
toneal space created for the repair of inguinal hernias can
Parietex® TEC Sofradim International
be somewhat difficult. Manipulation can be particularly
Parietex® TECR Sofradim International
troublesome because of other difficulties, such as obtain- Parietex® TET Sofradim International
ing the correct spatial and linear orientation. To over-
come this, innovations such as Prolene Soft Mesh have
blue lines incorporated within the biomaterial, which
provides a degree of ease for laparoscopic inguinal hernia patches compromises about 85 per cent of the published
repair. reports on the repair of incisional and ventral hernias.
Although not as prevalent or plentiful as PPM, poly- The prevalence of use of ePTFE is based upon the fact
ester products are used in the repair of inguinal hernia in that there has never been a reported case of fistulization
several countries (Table 3.2). The use of polyester is gen- subsequent to the intraperitoneal placement of this
erally prescribed because of its pliability and conforma- product. In addition, ePTFE results in very minimal
bility to the inguinal floor. However, the use of polyester adhesions to itself. The currently available products
biomaterial has been associated with fistulas.3 Figure 3.2 are listed in Table 3.3 and shown in Figure 3.3. There
shows the differences between the polyester products. has been some concern regarding the extent and nature
The Parietex and Biomesh meshes are woven into a three- of tissue penetration into ePTFE. However, this was
dimensional weave rather than the two-dimensional based upon an earlier product that is no longer used in
weave that is most familiar to flat meshes. This is said to the laparoscopic arena. Recent studies have confirmed
make them even more pliable and to allow a greater that the level of tissue penetration and attachment
degree of tissue penetration. strength of the newer DualMesh® is superior to that of
As with other biomaterials, ePTFE products were PPM at only three days post-implant.4 Other postopera-
initially developed many years ago for open repair of tive data also support the inhibition of adhesions to
inguinal hernias. The use of these single-component ePTFE.5
Prosthetic biomaterials for hernioplasty 19
Biomaterial Manufacturer
DualMesh W. L. Gore & Associates
DualMesh Emerge W. L. Gore & Associates
DualMesh Plus W. L. Gore & Associates
DualMesh Plus Emerge W. L. Gore & Associates
DualMesh with Holes W. L. Gore & Associates
DualMesh Plus with Holes W. L. Gore & Associates
Dulex C. R. Bard, Inc.
Mycromesh W. L. Gore & Associates
Mycromesh Plus W. L. Gore & Associates
(a) Reconix C. R. Bard, Inc.
Soft Tissue Patch W. L. Gore & Associates
(a) (b)
Figure 3.4 Emerge biomaterial (a) with the silicone unpeeled and (b) as it is peeled off the DualMesh.
Prosthetic biomaterials for hernioplasty 21
Biomaterial Manufacturer
Composix C. R. Bard, Inc.
Composix EX C. R. Bard, Inc.
Paritex® Composite Sofradim International
Paritene® Composite Sofradim International
Sepramesh® Genzyme Corp.
Figure 3.5 3D Max. Glucamesh Brennen Medical, Inc.
Glucatex 3D Brennen Medical, Inc.
Figure 3.7 Comparison of (a) Composix and (b) Composix EX. NON-SYNTHETIC PROSTHETIC
which could expose the PPM. The products are available
in numerous sizes, so cutting will seldom be necessary. Several products based upon biological materials are
The last five products listed in Table 3.4 have absorbable now available (Table 3.5). The use of a non-synthetic
components. Parietex composite consists of a three- biomaterial for the repair of hernias may be the better
dimensional polyester mesh (listed in Table 3.3) that has approach. However, long-term studies and biocompati-
been incorporated by hydrophilic collagen. Paritene com- bility evaluations will be needed to confirm their useful-
posite uses the PPM that is listed in Table 3.1 and has the ness. All have been processed to eliminate the risk of
same collagen layer as Parietex composite. The absorbable transmission of viral or other diseases. These generally
collagen is no longer present by the fourteenth postoper- are pure or nearly pure collagen that will be incorporated
ative day. At the time of writing, long-term studies using and/or replaced by the patient’s own collagen over time.
these biomaterials are in progress. The hernia is repaired by the neofascia that subsequently
Sepramesh (Figure 3.8) is PPM coated on one surface develops. The majority of implantations of these bio-
with carboxymethylcellulose and hyaluronate foam. This materials have been via open operation, but their use
foam will be absorbed in about seven days to leave the with laparoscopic technique is undergoing evaluation.
Prosthetic biomaterials for hernioplasty 23
Biomaterial Manufacturer
Surgisis ES® and Surgisis
Gold® Cook Surgical, Inc.
FortaPerm™ Organogenesis, Inc.
FortaGen™ Organogenesis, Inc.
Permacol™ Tissue Science Laboratories plc
Alloderm® Lifecell, Inc.
(a) (b)
Laparoscopic hernioplasty requires the use of a pros- a series of 13 patients in whom he closed the peritoneal
thetic biomaterial. Consequently, a method of fixation opening of the sac using Michel clips. All but the last
will be necessary for all but the smallest of incisional and patient in this series were repaired through an open inci-
some of the inguinal hernia prostheses. The earliest sion. The thirteenth patient was repaired in 1979 under
attempts to repair inguinal hernias laparoscopically were laparoscopic guidance with a special stapling device. The
performed with the suture fixation of the mesh to the three-year follow-up of this patient revealed him to be
structures of the inguinal floor. This was a very tedious free of an identifiable recurrence. Ger and colleagues
task, which greatly hindered the adoption of this new continued their efforts to repair these hernias laparo-
technology. Manufacturers of instruments responded scopically. They reported the closure of the neck of the
with the development of different devices that delivered hernia sac using a prototypical instrument called the
metal fixation to secure the biomaterial to the inguinal Herniostat in beagles (Figure 4.1).2 This device was never
floor. The use of these devices is, of course, an integral produced commercially, but it was certainly ahead of
part of all laparoscopic hernia repairs. There have been a its time.
number of these products that have not been successful Schultz and colleagues published the first patient
or even brought to large-scale production. These and the series of laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in 1990.3 Rolls
newer instruments are discussed below. of polypropylene were stuffed into the hernial orifice,
The classification of these devices is arbitrary. Regard- which was then covered by two or three flat sheets of
less of the product that is used by the surgeon, it is criti- polypropylene mesh (2.5 ⫻ 5 cm) over the defect. These
cal that each is used properly. Few surgeons are afforded rolls of mesh were not secured to either the fascia or
the opportunity to use these instruments for the first time peritoneum. The peritoneum, however, was closed using
in the laboratory setting. Therefore, it is recommended clips that were commonly used for hemostasis. Corbitt
that the surgeon experiences the mechanism of delivery
of each device before using it in the operating room.
Proper surgical technique is critical for the correct appli-
cation of these devices without exposing the patient to
untoward consequences.
Ger, in 1982, was the first to report the use of the laparo- Figure 4.1 Ralph Ger’s ‘Herniostat’. (Photograph used with
scope in the repair of an abdominal hernia.1 He reported permission of Ralph Ger, MD.)
26 Overview
Figure 4.2 Ethicon EMS stapler and the staples that it fired. Figure 4.3 Nanticoke Hernia Stapler and staples. These
devices are conformed into a more rounded shape than the
modified this technique by inverting the hernia sac and EMS staples.
performing a high ligation with sutures or with an endo-
scopic stapling device used for transection of tissues
similar to that used for open bowel resection.4
A similar concept was applied in the intraperitoneal
onlay patch (IPOM) technique. This repair, originally
investigated by Salerno and coworkers, used a polypropy-
lene patch material in a porcine model.5 They placed rec-
tangular pieces of the prosthesis against the abdominal
wall covering the internal inguinal ring and secured it
Figure 4.4 Endopath EMS stapler.
with a stapling device. The success of these repairs led
them to apply this method in clinical trials. This early
stapling device was the EMS stapler (Figure 4.2). It was a
reusable instrument that had to be reloaded following the
placement of every staple. This placed a box type of staple
similar to that which is used commonly for skin closure.
This was a 10-mm instrument that greatly improved and
decreased the time required for the inguinal hernia
repair technique.
At about the same time, Toy and Smoot reported on Figure 4.5 Endo-universal stapler of USSG.
their first ten patients repaired with the IPOM tech-
nique.6 They secured an expanded polytetrafluoroethyl-
ene (ePTFE) patch to the inguinal floor with staples that
were introduced by a prototypical stapling device of their
own design, which they called the Nanticoke Hernia
Stapler (Figure 4.3). They used this fixation device suc-
cessfully without adverse results in 20–30 patients. The
device did not become available commercially. A subse-
quent report of their first 75 patients was published in
1992.7 In this later series, the same prosthetic biomaterial Figure 4.6 Endopath EAS stapler.
was attached with the Endopath EMS® stapler (Ethicon
Endosurgery, Inc.) (Figure 4.4). After a follow-up of up device, however, allowed the articulation of the end of
to 20 months, the recurrence rate was 2.4 per cent. They the instrument, giving the surgeon the capability to place
noted a significant decrease in postoperative pain and an the staples more accurately against the abdominal wall
earlier return to normal activity compared with the open and the ligament of Cooper.
repair of the hernia defect. Ethicon responded with the release of the EAS device,
These early hernia repairs continued to become mod- which also has an articulating head (Figure 4.6). Both the
ified in many different aspects, including approaches to U.S. Surgical Corporation stapler and the Ethicon EAS
the inguinal area, prosthetic biomaterials, and fixation allowed 360-degree rotation of the shaft of the device
devices. The devices that followed, such as the EMS, and articulation of the end of the shaft to place staples. In
allowed the placement of multiple staples without the most cases, these movements in these two different planes
need to reload after each use. U.S. Surgical Corporation, allowed exact delivery of the staple to the prosthesis and
Inc. released its stapler, which was similar in concept tissue. At about this time, there was an increasing use of
(Figure 4.5). This device required a 12-mm trocar rather laparoscopic repair of not only inguinal but also inci-
than the 10-mm trocar used by the EMS staplers. The sional hernias subsequent to the first report in 1993.8 The
Fixation devices for laparoscopic hernioplasty 27
4 Corbitt J. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1991; preliminary findings. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993;
1: 23–5. 3: 39–41.
5 Salerno GM, Fitzgibbons RJ, Filipi C. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia 9 DeMarie EJ, Moss JM, Sugerman HJ. Laparoscopic intraperitoneal
repair. In: Zucker KA, ed. Surgical Laparoscopy. St Louis: Quality polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prosthetic patch repair of ventral
Medical Publishing, 1991: 281–93. hernia. Surg Endosc 2000; 14: 326–9.
6 Toy FK, Smoot RT. Toy–Smoot laparoscopic hernioplasty. Surg 10 LeBlanc KA, Stout RW, Kearney MT, Paulson DB. Comparison of
Laparosc Endosc 1991; 1: 151–5. adhesion formation associated with Pro-Tack (US Surgical) versus
7 Toy FK, Smoot RT. Laparoscopic hernioplasty update. a new mesh fixation device, Salute (ONUX Medical). Surg Endosc
J Laparoendosc Surg 1992; 2: 197–205. 2003; in press.
8 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV. Laparoscopic repair of incisional
abdominal hernias using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene:
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Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral
A hernia has been defined as the protrusion of a loop or the papyrus in 1875, which was later completed by
knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal Bendix Ebbell, a Norwegian physician. Ebbell’s study of
opening.1 In their earliest state, hernias of the abdomen the papyrus suggested that the ancient Egyptians had
and pelvic side wall begin as a protrusion of peritoneum attained a high level of surgical skill and had developed
through a fascial defect. They are rarely symptomatic, procedures for hernia and aneurysm management.2
and typically they are undetectable on physical examina- Interestingly, then, in the first preserved written record of
tion. In order to understand the development of laparo- medical practice, the paradigm for hernia management
scopic hernia repair, it is necessary to review how the included surgical intervention.
approach to hernias and hernia repair has evolved Surgical intervention for hernia, and almost any other
throughout history. disease, was mercifully rare before the modern era.
Without anesthesia, operative pain was real and fearsome.
In addition, infection almost inevitably followed a surgi-
HERNIA PARADIGM cal procedure and frequently was life-ending. Because of
this, the religious proscriptions against human dissection,
and technological immaturity, progress in the surgical
Before recorded or written history, humans are thought
sciences stagnated. The discovery of anesthesia and the
to have managed hernia with taxis. From its Greek origin,
development of antiseptic methods in the mid-nineteenth
meaning ‘the drawing up in rank and file’, taxis for hernia
century revolutionized the practice of surgery. Operative
involved the use of finger or hand pressure to reduce the
intervention without the twin specters of agonizing opera-
displaced organ or tissue. Support after reduction, utiliz-
tive pain and postoperative infection became possible, and
ing a belt or girdle to maintain the herniated content,
the abdominal cavity no longer remained terra incognita.
would have been a logical extension of taxis. Thus the first
Along with that for many other diseases, the paradigm for
paradigm for hernia management is most likely to have
hernia changed.
been one of conservative, nonoperative management.
The date of the first operation for hernia and change
in the nonoperative paradigm is unknown. However,
allusion to an operative procedure for hernia was made
in one of the earliest written medical records, an ancient
Egyptian medical text known as the Ebers Papyrus. Henry O. Marcy (1837–1924), a surgeon from the USA
George Moritz Ebers (1837–98), a professor of Egypt- and a disciple of the English surgeon Joseph Lister,
ology at the University of Berlin, purchased an ancient described two cases of incarcerated hernia that he treated
papyrus while traveling in Egypt in 1873. The papyrus surgically in 1871.3 Marcy, using Listerian antiseptic
contained a collection of older works dating back to techniques, performed the standard operation of the day
3000–2500 BC. Ebers prepared a partial translation of on these two patients: he divided the hernia ring ‘in the
34 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
usual way with the hernial knife’ and reduced the incar- USA, failed to appreciate the importance of dividing the
cerated hernia. However, Marcy went a step further and transversalis fascia to expose all layers, and a true triple-
expanded the hernia technique then in vogue. Rather layer repair was often not accomplished. Bassini’s opera-
than open the hernia sac, he reduced it and repaired the tion was modified and simplified by not dividing the
defect by closing the ‘constricting ring’ with carbolized transversalis fascia, but it was also diminished. Bassini
catgut suture. initially reported a recurrence rate of about three per cent.5
Marcy, in his report of these procedures, emphasized In the USA, experience with the Bassini repair, which was
the use of Lister’s antiseptic technique and a new form of frequently modified, differed from the Italian master, and
sterile (carbolized catgut) suture. He stressed that the recurrence rates ranged from five to ten per cent in most
two patients healed without infection. Almost as an hands.6
afterthought, he noted that both patients were ‘cured’ of Although Annandale, in 1876, was the first to enter
their hernias. In truth, Marcy may have been the first to the pre-peritoneal space for hernia repair,7 Cheatle, in
have closed the internal ring for hernia repair and prob- 1920, is generally credited with being the first to intro-
ably helped initiate the modern age of hernia repair.4 duce a pre-peritoneal (otherwise known as pro-peritoneal,
Although Marcy made significant contributions to extraperitoneal, or posterior) approach.8 Cheatle des-
herniology, it is generally agreed that the Italian surgeon cribed his procedure as follows: ‘an incision is made to
Eduardo Bassini (1844–1924) is the progenitor of mod- one side of the middle line, the rectus abdominus is split
ern hernia repair (Figure 5.1). Bassini, in 1884, devised a longitudinally and the abdominal wall is retracted to the
method of hernia repair that called for a three-layer side of the operation’. The hernia sac was ligated ‘as low
reconstruction of the inguinal floor.5 After division of the down as possible’ and the internal ring closed by sutur-
posterior wall of the inguinal canal and herniotomy (high ing ‘the muscle fibres and their sheath’.
ligation and excision of the sac), Bassini performed a For femoral hernia, Cheatle recommended that a
‘triple layer’ repair of the inguinal floor. He approximated flap of pubic bone periosteum be secured to Poupart’s
the internal oblique muscle, transversus abdominus ligament to secure the femoral orifice. In 1936, Arnold
muscle, and transversalis fascia to the inguinal ligament. Henry described a similar extraperitoneal approach to
According to Bassini, this herniorrhaphy technique (suture hernia repair in which he secured the femoral canal with
reinforcement of the floor of the inguinal canal) repaired a flap of pectineus fascia to Poupart’s ligament ‘without
the inguinal defect(s), re-established the obliquity of the tension’.9 The internal ring was repaired ‘from within’.
inguinal canal, and reconstructed the internal and external Nyhus and colleagues later adopted and further
inguinal rings, restoring all to competency. refined the open pre-peritoneal repair.10 They recom-
The Bassini repair was logical from an anatomic per- mended that the pre-peritoneum be approached via a
spective, and it worked in practice. It was also radical, as suprainguinal incision and that suture plasty (hernior-
the patient did not have to wear a truss after the proce- rhaphy) be performed to secure the defects of indirect,
dure as in other repairs popular at the time. sliding, and recurrent inguinal hernias.
Bassini’s operation was a marked improvement over Because of the significant recurrence rate after
what had preceded it. Unfortunately, the sound proce- herniorrhaphy, many surgeons recalled a quote attrib-
dure that Bassini devised became corrupted during its uted to Theodore Billroth (1829–94): ‘If we could artifi-
dissemination worldwide. Surgeons, particularly in the cially produce tissues of the density and toughness of
fascia and tendon, the secret of the radical cure of hernia
would be discovered.’11
The earliest use of synthetic material to substitute for
living tissues in herniorrhaphy occurred in 1894, and
involved the use of silver wire coils placed in the inguinal
canal to induce fibrosis and strengthen the hernia
repair.12 A few years later, German surgeons Goepel13
and Witzel14 independently utilized handmade silver
wire filigrees to serve as a prosthetic ‘mesh’ for difficult or
recurrent hernias. Silver wire, however, lacked pliability
and caused patient discomfort. It was not inert, and metal
fatigue led to disintegration of the silver wires. Infection
and sinus tract formation with persistent drainage
occurred, and silver wire was eventually abandoned as
prosthesis for hernia repairs.
Despite a genuine need for fascial substitutes, investi-
Figure 5.1 Eduardo Bassini. gation of prosthetics for hernia repair was unfocused
History 35
until the seminal work of Francis Usher (1908–80). tissue disruption and hernia recurrence. He reported
Usher, in the 1950s, became interested in hernia recur- that tension-free repair with mesh prosthesis had been
rence and attempted to repair hernias with freeze-dried employed in more than 300 consecutive cases of direct
homographs and lyophilized dura mater.15 None of these and indirect inguinal hernia without complication or
materials proved satisfactory, so Usher turned his atten- recurrence.
tion to synthetic materials. Various forms of plastic had Lichtenstein’s genius was not that he introduced
been tried before, but because of their rigidity, tendency polypropylene mesh for inguinal hernia repair; he did
to fragment, and susceptibility to infection, none was not. Nor was his concept of a tension-free repair new; it
found to be satisfactory for hernia repair. Usher persisted was not. Usher deserves primacy in both of these matters.
in his investigation of plastic materials and learned of a Lichtenstein’s insight was in understanding the work that
new polyolefin plastic (polypropylene, i.e. Marlex) that had gone on before and building on it. He helped
could be extruded as a monofilament, did not fragment, popularize the concept of ambulatory hernia surgery and
and was inert. Usher worked closely with the company advocated a tension-free onlay of polypropylene mesh
that produced Marlex (Phillips Petroleum Co.), and had for all groin hernias, regardless of size or complexity. He
the material woven into a mesh and tested in animal stud- stressed the use of local anesthesia and the importance of
ies. He found that polypropylene mesh was tolerated well immediate resumption of normal activity. Lichtenstein
in sterile and infected fields, and he began to use Marlex and colleagues reported on the technique in 1989.23 They
mesh in humans in 1958.16,17 Usher made many original described over 1000 cases of hernias repaired with a
contributions to the field of hernia repair, which Read ‘tension-free hernioplasty’ technique and followed for
lists elegantly in a scholarly retrospective of Usher’s life:15 one to five years with no recurrences or mesh infections.
This paper described hernia repair with elegant simplicity
• The development of polypropylene mesh and
and took the surgical world by storm. Not only were the
suture for repair of abdominal-thoracic defects.
results excellent, but the operation was easy to perform
• Improved techniques for mesh placement. A
and patients underwent a rapid recovery. In a study of
prosthetic bridge was placed deep and under lapped
more than 16 000 tension-free mesh repairs performed by
the hernia defect.
72 surgeons, the recurrence rate was reported to be less
• Anterior, pre-peritoneal placement of the prosthesis
than 0.5 per cent and the incidence of infection was 0.6
for large, primary, direct or recurrent groin herniae
per cent.24 For the last quarter of the twentieth century, a
without suture closure of the defect.
mantra for hernia repair might have been ‘tension-free,
• Elimination of tension in hernia repair, which
tension-free, tension-free’.
facilitated early ambulation.
In referring to hernia procedures, Halsted noted that
• Demonstrated that infected prosthesis could remain
surgical skeptics at the turn of the nineteenth century
in situ and heal after open drainage.
exclaimed: ‘Why take so much trouble, when such good
• The use of unsplit groin mesh with overlap and
results, as are published, may be obtained by simpler
interrupted suture lateral to the internal inguinal
methods?’25 This at a time when William T. Bull, a
ring to allow extended pre-peritoneal obliquity of
prominent New York surgeon, reported recurrence rates
the spermatic cord. This provided a shelf for the cord
of 40 per cent in the first year after hernia repair and
to rest on and preserved the normal obliquity of
almost 100 per cent within four years.26 Indeed, many
the internal ring.
surgeons at the turn of the twentieth century held a sim-
• The use of bilaminar mesh to bridge a hernia defect
ilar view regarding a change of technique for open hernia
and suture of the two lamina and encompassed
repair: ‘If it ain’t broke, why fix it?’
tissue laterally to prevent the suture from tearing
Groin hernias originate in the abdomen and traverse
out weakened structures.
a myopectineal orifice between abdomen and thigh to
These contributions were significant advances in the present in the inguinal region (Figure 5.2). The myopec-
field of herniology.16–21 However, like so many other pio- tineal opening, as described by Fruchaud (Figure 5.3), is
neers, Usher did not receive the recognition he deserved. bounded by the rectus sheath medially, internal oblique
It remained for others to build on his work and advance and transversus abdominus muscles superiorly, the
the science of hernia repair. iliopsoas muscle laterally, and pubis inferiorly.27 It is an
In the 1986 edition of his textbook Hernia Repair irrefutable anatomic structure whose entire opening must
Without Disability, Irving L. Lichtenstein stated that he be addressed before a complete cure of inguinal-femoral
was performing a tension-free repair utilizing synthetic hernia can be anticipated.
mesh to bridge the hernia defect and that he had discarded The Lichtenstein operation is an excellent procedure.
older classical techniques of suture repair (herniorrha- However, it is not perfect. The Lichtenstein technique
phy).22 Tension, as noted by Lichtenstein, was ‘the bête of open anterior repair does not allow for the entire
noire of the hernia surgeon’ and could lead to suture or myopectineal orifice to be addressed easily. There is
36 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
the myopectineal orifice of Fruchaud. The mesh was mesh, usually polypropylene, is then positioned to cover
fixed to the transverse abdominus aponeurotic arch and the femoral canal and the indirect and direct inguinal
Cooper’s ligament and lateral to the internal ring with spaces with a 3–5 cm overlap. The mesh is secured with
staples or tacks. The peritoneum was closed over the mesh suture, staples or tacks, and the pneumoperitoneum is
with suture or staples. deflated. No incision is made into the peritoneum, and the
The transabdominal pre-peritoneal application of mesh is completely shielded from intra-abdominal con-
synthetic graft, later dubbed the transabdominal pre- tent. Although an additional cost is engendered with the
peritoneal (TAPP) patch procedure, was elegant in concept. use of the balloon dissector, its employment has simplified
The entire opening between abdomen and thigh through the technique and encouraged many more surgeons to
which all hernias of the groin originate (the myopectineal perform laparoscopic repair. Additionally, recent long-
orifice of Fruchaud) was bridged in a tension-free manner. term outcome studies have suggested that laparoscopic
Intra-abdominal content was protected from contact with extraperitoneal hernia repair has outcomes similar to
the graft by placing the mesh in a pre-peritoneal position. open hernia repair.52
Several benefits were accrued with this technique, and One of the major frustrations encountered while
were summarized in a 1993 paper:47 performing laparoscopic abdominal wall repair has been
manipulation of the mesh prosthesis. A bitter lesson
• Expose and reconstitute the entire myopectineal
learned early on was that there must be adequate overlap
of mesh (usually 3–5 cm) beyond the perimeter of the
• Examine both groin areas and repair bilateral
hernia defect. An adequate overlap demands a large por-
inguinal hernias as required.
tion of mesh, and the larger the mesh the more difficult it
• Perform repair with little disturbance of cord
is to manipulate in a laparoscopic environment. Several
structures with a likely reduction in the incidence
‘pearls’ have been developed to ease mesh deployment
of ischemic orchitis.
and assure adequate tension-free repair. Marking the
• Avoid transgression of the scarred tissue of a
mesh with a sterile pen has been of help in orienting the
recurrent hernia and the potential for nerve or
prosthesis. Rolling up the mesh like a cigarette and secur-
spermatic cord injury.
ing the rolled mesh with suture has simplified initial mesh
• Permit a thorough diagnostic abdominal
placement. Using this technique, an edge of the rolled
laparoscopic examination.
mesh is first secured with tacks or staples. The remainder
• Reduction in the incidence of hernias ‘missed’
of the mesh is then unfurled, finessed into position, and
on external physical examination.
anchored with tacks or staples.
Repair of an inguinal hernia from a transabdominal An intriguing use of mesh for groin hernioplasty, first
approach, however, exposed the patient to theoretical proposed by Felix and Michas, was that of a ‘double-
complications, including postoperative adhesions, postop- buttress’ repair using two sheets of polypropylene mesh.53
erative ileus, bowel obstruction, and intra-abdominal organ In this variation, the authors suggested using two pieces
injury.48 To reduce the potential for complications asso- of mesh, typically 8 ⫻ 13 cm (in a pre-peritoneal position),
ciated with a peritoneal incision or the intra-abdominal one overlying the other at an oblique angle, thus creating
application of a synthetic prosthesis, several authors, a ‘double buttress’ of mesh over the mid-portion of the
including McKernan and Laws,49 Dulucq,50 and Phillips,51 myopectineal orifice. While application of two layers of
discussed a totally extraperitoneal approach to laparo- mesh undoubtedly bolstered the mid-portion of the
scopic groin hernia repair. This method, which would orifice, this methodology had the additional benefit of
become known as the total extraperitoneal (TEP) patch increasing the diameter of the area repaired far in excess
procedure, deployed all laparoscopic instrumentation, of 8 ⫻ 13 cm, widely overlapping the entire myopectineal
cannulae, and camera in a working pre-peritoneal space orifice.
outside of the peritoneal cavity. Laparoscopic access has also been proposed for repair
The entire TEP procedure is performed in an extra- of ventral incisional hernias. In 1993, LeBlanc and Booth
peritoneal space, a pneumoextraperitoneum, between the described their experience with repair of incisional hernia
peritoneum and abdominal wall musculature. An initial using ePTFE prosthetic graft.54 Franklin and colleagues
incision is made at the umbilicus, and the anterior rectus reported on the use of open-weave polypropylene mesh
sheath on the side of the hernia defect is incised. A cannula for repair of ventral hernias.55 Notably, no fistula forma-
is inserted and passed caudally along the intact posterior tion or significant adhesive bowel complications were
rectus sheath, and the extraperitoneal space is developed found in their study. Kavic commented on the use of
with blunt dissection or a balloon dissector. Additional dual-mesh ePTFE (Gore-Tex) for abdominal-wall ventral
cannulae are placed in this pre-peritoneal space under hernia repair.56 Dual-mesh has a rough side and a smooth
direct laparoscopic vision, and extraperitoneal dissection side. The smooth side of the ePTFE graft is intended to
of the myopectineal orifice is completed. A large piece of interface with intra-abdominal content and to not excite
History 39
adhesion formation. The rough side is placed in apposi- complex pathophysiological, biochemical, molecular, and
tion to the abdominal wall, where its rough surface perhaps genetic derangements that are, even today, not
encourages tissue adhesion. The graft is fixed circumfer- well understood. Study of the groin by several generations
entially with staples or tacks and anchored with trans- of surgeon-scientists has provided an appreciation of the
fascial stay sutures placed at the four cardinal points of dynamic mechanisms that protect the myopectineal ori-
the graft. Carbajo and colleagues prospectively compared fice in the normal state. Current understanding suggests
laparoscopic with open prosthetic repair of large inci- that the entire myopectineal window must be secured if a
sional hernias.57 Their study suggested that laparoscopic complete cure of groin hernia is to be accomplished.56
repair reduces complication rates and hernia recurrence Achievement of the perfect operation may be an
compared with open methods. unobtainable goal, but pursuit of the perfect operation is
neither unreasonable nor undesirable.
The successful repair of groin hernia can be accom-
plished in many ways. Conventional anterior hernior-
rhaphy, as described by Bassini and Shouldice, or 1 Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th edn. Philadelphia:
Saunders, 1994: 756.
anterior hernioplasty, as advocated by Lichtenstein, are 2 Ebbell B (transl.). The Ebers Papyrus. The Greatest Egyptian Medical
effective procedures. These repairs, however, limit their Document. London: H. Milford and Oxford University Press, 1937:
focus to the upper aspect of the myopectineal orifice and 17 and 123.
neglect the lower aspect. They have been successful in 3 Marcy HO. A new use of carbolized catgut ligatures. Boston Med
large measure because of the application of sound surgi- Surg J 1871; 85: 315.
4 Ponka JL. Significant contributions toward understanding and
cal principles to secure the hernia defect and because the sound treatment of hernias. In: Ponka JL, ed. Hernias of the
large majority of groin hernias pass through the indirect Abdominal Wall. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co; 1980: 1–17.
or direct inguinal ring. 5 Bassini E. Nuovo metodo per la cura radicale dell’ernia inguinale.
Laparoscopic access has advanced the art of hernia Arch F Klin Chir 1890; 40: 429–76.
repair, as the entire myopectineal orifice with its multiple 6 Heydorn W. Hernia. In: James EC, Corry RJ, Perry JF, eds. Principles
of Basic Surgical Practice. St Louis: Mosby, 1987: 351–2.
openings can be approached and exposed. Bilateral groin 7 Annandale T. A case in which a reducible oblique and direct
hernias can be repaired without a large incision or multi- inguinal and femoral hernia existed on the same side and were
ple incisions. Hernias that may have been missed during successfully treated by operation. Edinburgh Med J 1876; 21:
anterior repair (contralateral inguinal, femoral, occult 1087–91.
hernias) can be examined and repaired.58 Surgical 8 Cheatle GL. An operation for the radical cure of inguinal and
femoral hernia. Br Med J 1920; 2: 68–9.
trauma to skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia and muscle is 9 Henry AK. Operation for femoral hernia by a midline
reduced. Moreover, the spermatic cord is not manipu- extraperitoneal approach. Lancet 1936; 1: 531–3.
lated circumferentially, offering the possibility that 10 Nyhus LM, Stevenson JK, Listerud MB, Harkins HN. Preperitoneal
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lessened. Hernias that recur after open procedures can be
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Over the past two decades, laparoscopic hernioplasty 13 Goepel R. Ueber die Verschliessung von Bruchpforten durch
has evolved from an experimental procedure to one of Einheilung geflochtener, fertiger Silberdrahtnetze
(Silberdrahtpelotten). Verh Dtsch Ges Chir 1900; 19: 174.
proven efficacy. Groin hernia repair is not a simple exer-
14 Witzel O. Ueber den Verschluss von Bauchwunden und
cise, and its practice requires skill and attention to detail. Bruchpforten durch versenkte Silberdrahtnetze (Einheilung von
Differing clinical situations demand different anatomic Filigranpelotten). Centralbl Chir Leipz 1900; 27: 257.
approaches. Anterior open repair should probably be 15 Read R, Francis C. Usher, herniologist of the twentieth century.
considered for pediatric patients and for patients with Hernia 1999; 3: 167–71.
16 Usher FC. Hernia repair with knitted polypropylene mesh. Surg
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be performed under local anesthesia. Bilateral inguinal 17 Usher FC, Gannon JP. Marlex mesh: a new plastic mesh for
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suspected contralateral hernia, however, suggest that a 78: 131.
laparoscopic approach be considered. 18 Usher FC, Cogan JE, Lowry TI. A new technique for the repair of
inguinal and incisional hernias. Arch Surg 1960; 81: 847.
The modern herniologist should be proficient in both
19 Usher FC. Hernia repair with Marlex mesh. Arch Surg 1962; 84: 73.
laparoscopic and open repair techniques. The myth that 20 Usher FC, Allen Jr, Crosthwait RW, et al. Polypropylene
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repair should be laid to rest. Hernia genesis involves contaminated wounds. JAMA 1962; 179: 780.
40 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
21 Usher FC, Wallace SA. Tissue reaction to plastics; comparison of 40 Schultz L, Graber J, Pietrafitta J, Hickok D. Laser laparoscopic
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24 Shulman AG, Amid PK, Lichtenstein IL. A survey of non-expert Surg Laparosc Endosc 1991; 1: 151–6.
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25 Halsted WS. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 1903; 149: 211. Medical Publishing, 1991: 281–93.
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27 Fruchaud HR. Anatomie chirurgicale des hernies de l’aine. Paris: inguinal hernia using a preperitoneal approach: a preliminary
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28 Wantz GE. Testicular atrophy as a risk of inguinal hernioplasty. 46 Dion YM, Morin J. Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy. Can J Surg
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29 Stoppa RE, Petit J, Henry X. Unsutured Dacron prosthesis in groin 47 Kavic MS. Laparoscopic hernia repair. Surg Endosc 1993; 7: 163–7.
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30 Stoppa RE, Rives JL, Warlaumont CR, et al. The use of Dacron laparoscopic hernia. Surg Endosc 1993; 7: 155–8.
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31 Read RC. Preperitoneal exposure of inguinal herniation. Am J Surg 50 Dulucq JL. Traitement des hernies de l’aine par mise en place d’un
1968; 116: 653–8. patch prothétique sous-péritonéal en rétropéritonéoscopie.
32 Read RC. Attenuation of the rectus sheath in inguinal herniation. Cahiers Chir 1991; 79: 15–16.
Am J Surg 1970; 120: 610–14. 51 Phillips EH, Carroll BJ, Fallas MJ. Laparoscopic preperitoneal
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fascia found in patients with groin herniation. Hernia 1998; 1993; 7: 159–62.
2 (suppl 1): 17. 52 Wright D, Paterson C, Scott N, et al. Five-year follow-up of
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1977; 116: 469–75. 54 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV. Laparoscopic repair of incisional
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37 Ger R. The management of certain abdominal herniae by 55 Franklin ME, Heniford BT, Arca MJ, et al. Laparoscopic ventral and
intra-abdominal closure of the neck of the sac. Ann R Coll Surg incisional hernia repair. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998; 8: 294–9.
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39 Bogojavlensky S. Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal and femoral treatment vs. open surgery in the solution of major incisional and
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of the American Association of Gynecological Laparoscopists, 58 Crawford DL, Hiatt JR, Phillips EH. Laparoscopy identifies
Washington, DC, 1989. unexpected groin hernias. Arch Surg 1998; 64: 976–8.
Anatomy and physiology
A thorough knowledge of the anatomy and function of the VIEW FROM THE PERITONEAL CAVITY
pre-peritoneal space and groin region is required by any
surgeon with a special interest in treating hernias. Lack of
knowledge of the basic pre-peritoneal anatomy has almost A starting point for any surgeon contemplating laparo-
certainly led to injuries to vessels and nerves in this region, scopic hernia repair is to view the normal anatomy of
which otherwise could have been avoided. In addition, the pelvis through the laparoscope (Figure 6.1) of a
failure to recognize the importance of the anatomy by sur- patient undergoing another laparoscopic procedure, e.g.
gical trainees and practicing surgeons has slowed progress cholecystectomy. With a head-down tilt of 15–30 degrees,
in minimal-access approaches to hernia repair via the first observe the natural boundaries between the pelvic
pre-peritoneal space. and abdominal cavity. In the midline, one will see the
symphysis pubis, the superior pubic ramii bilaterally, and
the iliopubic tract laterally, traversing out as far as the
Ileopubic tract
Testicular vessels
Vas deferens
Figure 6.4 The pre-peritoneal pelvic anatomy with the iliopsoas fascia partially excised to expose the femoral nerve on the right side.
tubercle to the anterior iliac spine and is a condensation femoral branches at a variable distance along the psoas
of the anterior layer of fascia transversalis. The iliopubic muscle. The femoral nerve lies deep to the iliopsoas fas-
tract thus forms the posterior margin of both direct and cia and is again lateral to the iliac artery and runs along
indirect hernias while it is anterior to a femoral hernia. the lateral border of the psoas muscle. Further lateral is
The femoral canal is bounded by iliopubic tract anteri- the lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, which can be seen
orly, the pectineal ligament posteriorly, the lacunar liga- crossing the iliacus muscle and which passes below the
ment medially, and the iliac vein laterally. Likewise, the iliopubic tract just medial to the anterior superior iliac
triangular area bounded by the deep epigastric vessels spine. The deep circumflex iliac artery and vein cross over
laterally, the lateral margin of the rectus muscle medially, the lateral cutaneous nerve on their course parallel and
and the iliopubic tract posteriorly (Hesselbach’s triangle) superior to the iliopubic tract. These vessels can easily
is the area through which direct hernias are formed. be injured at this site and cause some nuisance bleeding
More precisely, from the pre-peritoneal view, the medial during laparoscopic hernia repair.
limb of the fascia transversalis U-sling forms the lateral
margin of a direct hernia, while the medial margin is
formed by the aponeuroses of the transversus abdomi-
nus muscle. The former can be seen easily at laparoscopic
surgery with a large direct hernia, where the defect This fascial layer, which is thought to invest the entire
extends lateral to the deep epigastric vessels. The fascia abdominal cavity, is a source of controversy for surgeons
transversalis forms a U-shaped sling around the cord, and anatomists. Some argue that it is a weak layer with no
with the two limbs extending anteriorly and laterally to intrinsic strength, while others regard it as essential both
fuse with the posterior aspect of the transversus muscle. in the origin and repair of groin hernias. It is likely that
This sling is responsible for the shutter mechanism, both of these statements are true and almost certainly
which, for practical purposes, closes off the inguinal represent observations from different groups of patients
canal with sudden increases in intra-abdominal pressure. or cadavers. Some regard it as a bilamellar structure with
The iliopubic tract is an important landmark for the a strong anterior layer and a membranous deep layer.2
surgeon, for as well as having the femoral canal posterior There is little doubt from the laparoscopist’s point of view
to it, the external iliac vein and artery pass behind the that a two-layer fascial structure exists. The anterior layer
iliopubic tract and inguinal ligament to become the of transversalis fascia can be seen easily when reducing a
femoral vessels. Both run on the medial aspect of the psoas direct hernia as an attenuated fascial structure that lines
muscle and can be seen easily during a totally extra- the defect. The deep layer is observed when entering the
peritoneal laparoscopic hernia repair. It goes without pre-peritoneal space subumbilically and immediately
saying for surgeons who continue to use staples or other posterior to the rectus muscle (Figure 6.3). Both struc-
fixation methods for laparoscopic hernia repairs that tures appear strong and difficult to break through in the
placement of these devices in this area should be avoided. young patient with an indirect hernia; in older patients,
As stated already, the vas deferens runs over the iliac both are flimsy, presumably because of a deficiency of col-
vessels on its course from the prostatic urethra to the lagen.3 Some regard the deep layer as a distinct structure
internal ring. The testicular artery and vein course just from the transversalis fascia. However, as it is followed
lateral to the iliac artery, while the genitofemoral nerve laterally it appears to interdigitate with the abdominal
runs a similar course, having split into its genital and muscles, making it likely that it is attenuated posterior
44 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
rectus sheath and will thus contain a fascial contribution INGUINAL CANAL
from the transversalis fascia.4 It is also likely that the so-
called anterior layer of transversalis fascia is merely an
attenuation of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique The inguinal canal is an oblique intermuscular slit about
and transversus abdominus muscles. Evidence for this 6 cm long, lying above the medial half of the inguinal
comes from children and young adults, in whom this ligament. It begins at the deep (internal) ring and ends at
layer is mainly muscular or musculotendinous.5 the superficial (external) ring. It transmits the spermatic
The transversus abdominus muscle is the deepest cord and the ilio-inguinal nerve in the male, and the round
of the three abdominal muscle layers and the one seen by ligament and the ilio-inguinal nerve in the female. The
the laparoscopic surgeon. It arises from the costal carti- anterior wall is formed by the external oblique aponeuro-
lages of the lower six ribs, the vertebral column and the sis medially and the internal oblique laterally. Its floor is
iliac crest. Its fibers run transversely, except in the lower made up of the rolled edge of the inguinal ligament. The
abdomen, where they arch over the inguinal canal as an lower edges of the internal oblique and the aponeurotic
aponeurotic arch, which is inserted into the pubic crest arch of the transversus muscle form the roof of the canal.
and iliopectineal line. The transverse fibers proceed hor- These muscles arch over from in front of the cord laterally
izontally to their insertion in the rectus sheath and linea to behind the cord medially. In adults, the posterior wall is
alba. Below the aponeurotic arch, the posterior wall of thus strong medially and weak laterally, where it is formed
the inguinal canal is closed by transversalis fascia only in by the transversalis fascia only. In children, however, the
adults and is the site through which direct hernias occur. inguinal canal is short (1–1.5 cm) and the internal and
When the aponeuroses of the transversus and the inter- external rings are almost superimposed on each other.
nal oblique muscle are fused lateral to the rectus sheath,
the term ‘conjoined tendon’ is used. This is a variable SPERMATIC CORD
structure, however, and does not exist in all patients.6
Ilio-hypogastric nerve
Ilio-inguinal nerve
Cremasteric vessels
Spermatic cord
Genital nerve
Inguinal ligament
Ileopsoas muscle
Figure 6.6 Position of the nerves in the right inguinal canal.
Inguinal ligament
region. It passes obliquely through the substance of the
Femoral vessels
psoas major muscle and emerges from this crossing deep
to the peritoneum and the ureter. It splits behind the
Spermatic cord
deep inguinal ring into the genital and femoral branches.
The genital branch lies on the floor of the inguinal canal
Myopectineal orifice behind the spermatic cord and supplies the cremasteric
Figure 6.5 The myopectineal orifice.
muscle via its motor branches and the scrotal skin via its
sensory branches. The femoral branch contributes to the
covering the iliopsoas muscle laterally. The myopectineal sensation of the anterior thigh. The lateral cutaneous
orifice is divided into two levels by the inguinal ligament. nerve of the thigh crosses the iliacus muscle after emerg-
The superior, inguinal level provides a passage for the ing from the lateral border of the psoas muscle. It passes
spermatic cord or round ligament; the inferior, femoral beneath the iliopubic tract just medial to the anterior
level provides a passage for the femoral vessels. superior iliac spine and innervates the skin on the ante-
rior and lateral surface of the thigh. The femoral nerve is
the largest of the three nerves and lies deep to the iliop-
FEMORAL CANAL AND SHEATH soas fascia. It can be seen emerging between the psoas
and iliacus muscle, passing beneath the iliopubic tract,
and innervating the muscles in the anterior compart-
The femoral canal contains fatty tissue, lymph nodes and ment of the thigh and the skin of the anteriomedial
lymphatics. The boundaries of the canal include the femoral aspect of the lower thigh and leg.
vein and connective tissue laterally, the aponeurotic inser- Also of importance to the hernia surgeon are the ilio-
tion of the transversus abdominus and lacunar ligament inguinal and ilio-hypogastric nerves (Figure 6.6). The
medially, the iliopubic tract and inguinal ligament anteri- former is usually smaller than the latter and is sometimes
orly, and the pectineal ligament posteriorly. The entrance to absent. These are both sensory nerves that arise from
the canal, the femoral ring, is a little over 1 cm in diameter, the first lumbar nerve. The ilio-inguinal nerve passes
while the canal itself is 1–2 cm long with its apex at the fossa through the inguinal canal and becomes superficial at the
ovalis. The femoral sheath is an extension of the transver- external ring to innervate the skin of the scrotum and the
salis fascia and envelops the femoral artery, vein and canal. medial upper thigh. Damage to the ilio-inguinal nerve in
The sheath is divided into three compartments by septa of the inguinal canal causes sensory loss as the motor fibers
connective tissue between each compartment. are already given off to the conjoint tendon. The ilio-
hypogastric nerve emerges through the external oblique
aponeurosis to innervate the suprapubic skin.
processus vaginalis is thought to be hormone-related.8 muscle to its aponeurosis on the rectus sheath. This sug-
This is supported by the fact that inguinal hernias are gests an inherited anatomical variation that predisposes
associated with an undescended testis and gonadotropin certain individuals to the development of an inguinal
administration results in a significantly higher rate of hernia and helps explain why one-third of patients will
closure of the processus vaginalis. Since androgen recep- have or develop a contralateral hernia while a similar
tors are not present in the processus vaginalis, it has been number will have a family history of a hernia.16
postulated that their effect is on the genitofemoral nerve. Although we have made significant progress in the
This releases calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the
which has been shown to fuse the inner mesothelial layer inguinal region, there is still a lot to learn. Advancements
of the processus vaginalis.9 Hepatocyte growth factor/ in these areas will undoubtedly lead to the prevention of
scatter factor (HGF/SF) has also been found to induce some groin hernias and better treatment of existing
fusion of the processus, suggesting that local administra- symptomatic hernias in the future.
tion of these agents may lead to a non-surgical treatment
of an inguinal hernia in neonates.9
While the presence of a patent processus vaginalis is a REFERENCES
key element in the development of pediatric hernias, its
role in adults is less certain. Autopsy studies reveal that
15–35 per cent of adults have a patent processus vaginalis 1 Bouchet Y, Voilin C, Yver R. The peritoneum and its anatomy. In:
Bengmark S, ed. The Peritoneum and Peritoneal Access. London:
without ever developing a hernia.10 A more likely cause, Wright, 1989: 1–13.
given the increasing incidence with age, is a relative 2 Cooper A. The Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Abdominal
reduction in connective tissue in the inguinal region.11 In Hernia. London: Longman, 1804.
addition, there is evidence that altered collagen synthesis 3 Wagh PV, Read RC. Collagen deficiency in rectus sheath of patients
may weaken the fascia transversalis in patients with an with inguinal herniation. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1971; 37: 382–4.
4 Arregui ME. Surgical anatomy of the preperitoneal fascia and
inguinal hernia. In a study by Klinge and colleagues, posterior transversalis fascia in the inguinal region. Hernia 1997;
immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis showed 1: 101–10.
that the ratio of type I to type III collagen was decreased 5 Bendavid R. The transversalis fascia: new observations in
significantly in the fascia transversalis of patients with an abdominal wall hernias. In: Bendavid R, Abrahamson J,
inguinal hernia.12 The tensile strength of tissues depends Arregui ME, et al., eds. Abdominal Wall Hernias: Principles and
Management. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001: 97–100.
on the proportion of type I and III collagen, and the 6 Sorg J, Skandalakis JE, Gray SW. The emperor’s new clothes or the
authors postulated that the relative increase in type III myth of the conjoined tendon. Ann Surg 1979; 45: 588–9.
collagen, thin, immature fibers might be responsible for a 7 Fruchaud H. Anatomie chirurgicale des hernies de l’aine. Paris:
reduction in mechanical strength of the collagen matrix G Doin, 1956.
of the abdominal wall. 8 Clarnette TD, Hutson JM. The development and closure of the
processus vaginalis. Hernia 1999; 3: 97–102.
The lack of strength in the supporting structures is 9 Sugita Y, Uemura S, Hasthorpe S, Hutson JM. Calcitonin gene-
probably only part of the puzzle that leads to failure of the related peptide (CGRP) – immunoreactive nerve fibre and receptors
inguinal region in adults. Anatomically, Hessert’s triangle in the human processus vaginalis. Hernia 1999; 3: 113–16.
is a weak area that has the internal ring as its apex, the rec- 10 Read RC. Historical survey of the treatment of hernia. In:
tus abdominus as its base, and the inguinal ligament and Nyhus LN, Condon RE, eds. Hernia, 3rd edn. Philadelphia:
JB Lippincott, 1989: 3–17.
aponeurotic arch of the transversus abdominus and inter- 11 Conner WT, Peacock EE. Some studies on the aetiology of inguinal
nal oblique as its sides.13 This area is normally closed by hernia. Am J Surg 1973; 126: 732–5.
the contraction of the transversus and internal oblique 12 Klinge U, Zheng H, Si Zy, et al. Altered collagen synthesis in fascia
muscular arch, which flattens out this arch and causes it to transversalis of patients with an inguinal hernia. Hernia 1999;
approach the inguinal ligament. This essentially occludes 4: 181–7.
13 Hessert W. Some observations on the anatomy of the inguinal
the triangle and is referred to as the inguinal shutter by region, with special reference to absence of the conjoined tendon.
Keith.14 Recent evidence indicates that in patients with an Surg Gynecol Obstet 1913; 16: 566–8.
inguinal hernia, this triangle is larger than usual and thus 14 Keith A. On the origin and nature of a hernia. Br J Surg 1973; 11:
closure of the shutter may be incomplete.15 The authors of 455–75.
the latter study concluded that the greater area was a cause 15 Abdalla RZ, Mittlestaedt WE. The importance of the size of Hessart’s
triangle in the aetiology of inguinal hernia. Hernia 2001; 5: 110–23.
and not a consequence of inguinal herniation because the 16 Hair A, Paterson C, Wright D, et al. What effect has the duration
reason for the increase in this area was a higher intersec- of an inguinal hernia on patient symptoms? J Am Coll Surg 2001;
tion of the internal oblique and transversus abdominus 193: 125–9.
Intraperitoneal onlay mesh approach
It has been over 100 years since Bassini ushered in a new The three most popular procedures to emerge were the
era of hernia surgery with the introduction of his triple- transabdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) patch, the totally
layer technique to repair the inguinal floor. Since then, extraperitoneal (TEP) patch, and the intraperitoneal
surgeons have developed a myriad of new methods of her- onlay mesh (IPOM) repairs. In the TAPP technique,
nia repair in an attempt to improve the results. However, the peritoneum is incised intra-abdominally and a pre-
despite a century of advances in hernia surgery, recur- peritoneal space is developed. A prosthetic mesh is then
rence continues to plague the general surgeon and is the introduced into this space, placed over the abdominal wall
primary reason why no single technique of herniorrhaphy defect, and stapled into place. The peritoneum is then
has become universally accepted. The repair of inguinal re-approximated over the mesh so that there is no exposure
hernias has probably produced more variety in technique of synthetic material to the intra-abdominal contents.
than any other operation performed by the general sur- In the TEP approach, the peritoneal space is never
geon today. Complexity of the anatomy, the variety in size entered. Dissection is carried out in the extraperitoneal
and location of the defect, and the multiplicity of the space just below the fascia of the abdominal wall. A
presentations of a hernia have contributed to this pre-peritoneal space is created using blunt dissection
uncertainty regarding the optimal repair.1 and carbon dioxide insufflation. Synthetic mesh is then
After minimally invasive surgery proved to be success- placed over the defect and fixed into place with staples or
ful in the treatment of biliary, gastric and colon diseases, tacks, as in the TAPP procedure.
surgeons attempted to find a method of successfully The potential drawback of both the TAPP and the TEP
repairing inguinal hernias laparoscopically. It was felt that procedures is that they require considerable dissection to
the attendant benefits of decreased postoperative pain and create the pre-peritoneal space, which can result in periop-
disability seen in other minimally invasive procedures erative discomfort and complications, such as hematoma
could be realized in hernia patients as well. The first report formation or injury to the vas deferens, vascular structures,
of a laparoscopic technique of inguinal herniorrhaphy was or nerves. The TEP technique in particular is technically
by Ger and colleagues in 1990,2 who advocated simple clo- more demanding, and the pre-peritoneal dissection can
sure of the neck of the hernia sac. This was soon followed be very difficult to perform, particularly in large inguino-
by reports of plugging of the inguinal canal or direct defect scrotal hernias. As a result, a third laparoscopic repair
with a prosthetic mesh, as described by Schultz and col- was developed, which involves placing the mesh on the
leagues3 in 1990 and by Corbitt4 in 1991. After unaccept- intra-abdominal side of the peritoneum, rather than pre-
able early recurrence rates, these methods were abandoned peritoneally, thus avoiding the radical dissection of the
in favor of newer techniques that combined the advan- pre-peritoneal space. This method of repair – the IPOM
tages of a tension-free repair utilizing a synthetic mesh technique – was concurrently investigated in the Laboratory
with the transabdominal approach of laparoscopy. for Experimental Laparoscopic Surgery at Creighton
48 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
Hot plate
Primary Secondary compression
Figure 7.1 Operating room set-up
video cart video cart devices
for left-sided hernia repair.
Intraperitoneal onlay mesh approach 49
After insufflating the peritoneal cavity to 14 mmHg using space. Division of the sac also gives access to the properi-
a Veress needle, a 5-mm trocar is introduced into the toneal area where a ‘lipoma’ of the cord, if present, can be
abdomen on the side opposite the hernia, just lateral to the excised. When operating for left-sided hernias, we often
rectus sheath at the level of the umbilicus. After a general- find it necessary to divide the embryonic adhesions that
ized inspection of the abdominal cavity and lysis of adhe- the sigmoid colon maintains with the parietal peritoneum
sions if necessary, a 10/12-mm trocar is placed at the adjacent to the hernia defect. We excise the sac using
umbilicus and a 5-mm trocar is placed on the ipsilateral laparoscopic scissors connected to an electrosurgical unit.
side of the hernia, exactly opposite the initial trocar. Trocar First, the sac is inverted progressively into the peri-
placement is outlined in Figure 7.2. For bilateral repairs, toneal cavity using gentle traction. Once the inversion is
the same configuration of trocar placement is utilized. completed, the sac is incised, starting 1 or 2 cm from its
base at the 12 o’clock position and proceeding clockwise to
about the 4 o’clock position. The incision is then restarted
at the ‘top’ and carried in an anticlockwise fashion until
OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE approximately the 8 o’clock position. The inversion of an
indirect inguinal hernia sac drags within it the fatty areo-
After inspection of the entire peritoneal cavity and lysis lar tissue in which the gonadal vessels and the vas may be
of any remaining adhesions, the hernia site and the con- embedded. This tissue must be bluntly and carefully swept
tralateral inguinal area are evaluated carefully. For proper away from the sac anteriorly. Once separated fully from
orientation, the surgeon should recognize the median, the elements of the cord, the sac can then be safely excised
medial and lateral umbilical ligaments. Just below the circumferentially and removed through a 10/12-mm port.
posterior parietal peritoneum, the external iliac vein Small or capillary vessel bleeding during this phase of
and artery, the gonadal vessels, and, in males, the vas the operation is controlled easily by pinpoint electro-
deferens should be identified. The hidden course of the coagulation. Large inguinoscrotal sacs and sacs in multi-
genitofemoral nerve and the approximate course of the ple recurrent hernias are ringed at the neck (incision of
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve should be recalled and the peritoneum circumferentially) and are left in place.
care taken to avoid rough dissection in this area. The exact Bleeding and extensive edema may ensue if these sacs are
location of the ureter bilaterally should also be noted. pursued aggressively.
We now routinely remove direct and indirect hernia Once the sac is removed, a piece of Polypropylene
sacs, since in our experience leaving the sac may perpetu- mesh is prepared. The size of the mesh should be such
ate a bulge in the groin – a bulge that patients and inexpe- that it covers the hernia defect and extends 3 cm beyond
rienced surgeons interpret as an operative failure despite its rim in all directions at a minimum. We have found that
repeated assurances that no bowel can enter the sac or a 12 ⫻ 15-cm portion of mesh covers most defects ade-
quately. The folded mesh is introduced into the abdomi-
nal cavity. We have found that if the mesh is folded rather
than rolled, it will not have a tendency to curl once opened
and it will be much easier to manipulate and hold in place.
Once the mesh is unfolded, it is placed over the defect and
held there with grasping forceps.
The superior border of the mesh at its mid-portion
is then held tightly against the anterior abdominal wall.
A Keith needle attached to a 2-0 strand of Prolene, Ethicon,
Somerville, NJ is pushed through the abdominal wall and
through the mesh (Figure 7.3). Pressing gently on the
abdominal wall with one’s finger and visualizing the inden-
tation laparoscopically can establish the spot where the
1 mm incision is to be made and where the needle is to
10/12mm port pierce the abdominal wall. Through the same incision, a
13-gauge needle is then placed through the abdominal wall
and the mesh, parallel to the Keith needle. Once the Keith
5 mm port 5 mm port
needle is passed through the abdomen and mesh, it is
grasped, turned through 180 degrees, and pushed back
Hernia through the lumen of the 13-gauge needle, exiting through
the small skin incision (Figure 7.4). A clamp is applied to
the Prolene suture at skin level, which holds the mesh
Figure 7.2 Trocar configuration for IPOM inguinal hernia repair. tightly against the abdominal wall. The same procedure is
50 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
of biosynthetic mesh materials such as Surgisis™ anesthesia, higher costs, the potential problems inherent
(Cook Surgical), which have demonstrated high resist- to laparoscopy, and the need for technical expertise in
ance to infection, even in contaminated fields.13 (See laparoscopic surgery. Potential complications due to the
Chapter 4.) mesh’s direct contact with abdominal viscera have yet to
As the trocars are sequentially removed, the trocar be realized in the laboratory or in clinical practice.
sites are examined to ensure that no bleeding is present. The laparoscopic IPOM technique of hernia repair
Finally, the umbilical insertion site is observed by slowly is a safe and relatively easy procedure to perform, with
withdrawing the camera and its cannula in unison. To good results and low morbidity. It can be a particularly
prevent potential herniation, all 10-mm trocar sites are effective technique for laparoscopic repair of recurrent
closed by repairing the underlying fascia or aponeuro- inguinal hernias or for hernia repair in the setting of an
sis with the aid of a Carter-Thomason®suture passer obliterated pre-peritoneal space.
(Louisville Laboratories) using 0 Vicryl®(Ethicon) or
Polysorb®(U.S. Surgical) sutures. The skin edges are then
re-approximated with 3-0 Monocryl®(Ethicon) subcuti-
cular sutures or Steri-strips®(3M Health Care).
The introduction of laparoscopic operating techniques sufficiently large, then laparoscopic pre-peritoneal hernio-
opened up the possibility of using this method to plasty can be seen as a completely tension-free method of
implant mesh into the pre-peritoneal space to repair an hernia repair, which dispenses with any and all kinds
inguinal hernia. By sparing the patient a large abdominal of fixation. In contrast to this, the success of an anterior
incision in the inguinal region1 or in the midline,2 one mesh implant (Lichtenstein) depends on a strong external
can expect a decrease in the number of wound complica- oblique aponeurosis and on a row of well-placed fixation
tions, less postoperative pain, and consequently a faster sutures.
recovery of normal physical activity and return to work. Laparoscopic hernioplasty can be used on any type of
In contrast to pre-peritoneal mesh insertion via a mini- hernia, with the exception of huge, non-reducible scrotal
mized anterior approach,3 the laparoscopic method hernia (more than double the size of a man’s fist). In our
provides clear visibility when dissecting the inguinal patient pool of more than 1100 hernia repairs yearly,
region with safe, wrinkle-free placement of a large mesh.4 TAPP is used in 99 per cent of repairs.5 Conventional her-
Laparoscopic hernioplasty with pre-peritoneal placement nia repair operations are carried out only in young
of a large mesh (transabdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) patients (⬍20 years of age), in patients at high cardiopul-
repair) represents a synthesis between proven conven- monary risk where a general anesthetic is refused, and in
tional operative techniques and the advantages of a mini- patients who decline to accept implantation of prosthetic
mally invasive approach. materials.
Preferred indications are hernias recurring after con-
ventional operations (with the advantage of avoiding
anterior scar areas),6 bilateral hernia (both sides can be
PRINCIPLES treated through the same three trocar incisions), and
hernias with extensive destruction of the rear wall of the
Indications hernial canal (Nyhus type 3 with a defect diameter of
more than 3 cm, pantaloon hernia).7,8 Other accepted
The mode of operation of TAPP follows the law of indications are inguinal pain in athletes,9 after eliminat-
physics according to Pascal.2 As a result of pre-peritoneal ing other possible causes, and hernias in patients who
placement of the prosthesis, i.e. between abdominal wish to return to normal physical activity as quickly as
pressure and the weak point in the abdominal wall, the possible.
pressure that initially caused the hernia now acts as a Pain in the inguinal area with no clinically or sono-
stabilizer for reconstruction. If the mesh chosen is graphically proven hernia sac or lipoma of the spermatic
54 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
cord is not seen as an indication for laparoscopic hernio- between anterior and posterior implant techniques.10 The
plasty. Painstaking neurological (inguinal nerve neural- same meta-analysis confirmed that in comparison with
gia?) and orthopedic investigation is necessary. Strong anterior mesh implants, laparoscopic/endoscopic tech-
selection for operation is the only way to reduce signifi- niques provide a clearly higher patient comfort and a
cantly the frequency of postoperative chronic pain for significantly faster resumption of normal physical activity.
these patients. However, a clinically proven hernia, even It was observed, however, that the risk of severe complica-
though a hernia sac may not have been identified laparo- tions is higher when using the laparoscopic technique
scopically, does necessitate complete dissection of the (4.7/1000 v. 1.1/1000). Furthermore, the laparoscopic
inguinal region. As a rule, very often one will find a cir- technique means longer operating times and significantly
cumscribed lipoma of the inguinal canal or a fatty mass higher costs. There is no doubt that the laparoscopic tech-
that has moved into the inguinal canal. The operation is nique is more difficult to learn. This is, to some extent,
then identical to a hernia repair. related to the fact that many clinics do not routinely
Advantages of the TAPP technique over the totally perform videoendoscopic operations, and therefore there
extraperitoneal (TEP) approach include the following: is no structured training curriculum available. In the
authors’ hospital, with the experience that comes from
• After insertion of the laparoscope, one can assess
more than 8000 hernia repairs, a median operating time of
immediately the hernial situation on both sides and
40 minutes is sufficient for experienced surgeons, while
recognize the landmarks that are important for
trainees need 55 minutes. These times are completely in
the range of those for open repair.5 A decisive factor con-
• Intestinal adhesions in the hernial sac (sliding hernia)
cerning the costs is whether disposable or non-disposable
can be recognized immediately.
instruments are used, and whether, or how, the mesh is
• Control of any bleeding is possible by appropriately
fixed in place. A high potential cost-saving is possible here.
aimed electrocoagulation, thereby avoiding injury to
The experience of our clinic is that the costs for the oper-
the adherent intestinal wall.
ating theatre alone (personnel and instruments) are only
• It is possible to diagnose accompanying pathological
about $75 higher than those of the Lichtenstein operation,
conditions as well as to carry out additional surgery
assuming that an anesthetist is required for the local
in the abdominal space (e.g. cholecystectomy)
anesthesia. Furthermore, the total costs for employees are
without conversion to an open procedure.
lower with the laparoscopic technique when the costs of
lost work days are factored into overall expense.11 All in all,
Contraindications the literature and our own results show that a well-trained
surgeon can perform a cost-effective laparoscopic hernio-
The only absolute contraindication is for patients at high plasty in a period of time that is well within the range of
cardiopulmonary risk who cannot be subjected to general that for conventional open surgery.
anesthesia or a pneumoperitoneum. A relative contraindi-
cation is seen in patients after extensive abdominal surgery,
especially after a lower abdominal laparotomy through a PREOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT
midline incision as well as after surgery in the space of
Retzius (transabdominal prostate resection, bladder resec-
tion), after previous laparoscopic or endoscopic hernio- Anatomy/pathology
plasty with mesh implant, and in patients with large, old,
irreducible scrotal hernia. Patients who have undergone the Clinical examination of the patient is indispensable. An
above operations tend to develop extensive adhesions in experienced examiner can diagnose correctly inguinal her-
the abdominal space as well as substantial scarring between nia with a total accuracy rate of 0.93. An additional sono-
the retroperitoneal structures. These patients present a risk graphic examination can increase this figure to 0.94.12
not only of increased bleeding but also of injury to the Classification of the hernia into medial or lateral, or in
intestinal organs and the bladder, as well as the large respect to the size of the defect, can be estimated only
abdominal vessels. approximately, both clinically and sonographically, achiev-
ing a total accuracy rate of correct diagnosis of only 0.62
and 0.53, respectively. Exact classification of the hernia is
Laparoscopic versus open repair therefore only possible intraoperatively.
Precise knowledge of anatomy is indispensable for
According to a meta-analysis of the EU Hernia Trialists a successful laparoscopic hernia operation, especially
Collaboration covering a total of 58 randomized studies, concerning the course of the epigastric vessels, the large
recurrence rates can be reduced by about 50 per cent by pelvic vessels, the corona mortis, and the inguinal nerves
implanting prosthetic materials, with no difference noted (Figure 8.1).
Transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach 55
Figure 8.1 Complete dissection of the pelvic floor. All OPERATIVE ROOM SET-UP
important anatomical structures are visible.
The patient is supine and flat on the operating table. After
Preoperative testing setting up the pneumoperitoneum, the patient is placed
into the Trendelenburg position and turned at an angle of
In patients who are old (⬎60 years) or who have an about 15 degrees towards the surgeon, so that the surgeon
increased cardiopulmonary risk, an electrocardiogram can approach the inguinal region without being hindered
(ECG) and thoracic X-ray are essential. Additionally, if by intestinal loops. The patient’s arms are at his or her side,
necessary, blood and clotting tests should be run. Patients so that the operator can change sides easily in cases of a
should be asked whether they have taken aspirin and, if bilateral hernia. The surgeon stands on the side opposite
necessary, platelet function assay (PFA) values should be the hernia; the camera operator is positioned on the ipsilat-
determined. eral side of the hernia. The monitor is placed at the foot of
Some authors recommend evaluation of the colon for the patient. The assisting nurse with the instruments is
pathology to eliminate a symptomatic hernia, especially always to the left of the patient, between the surgeon and
in older patients. If the patient’s history is uneventful, the camera operator. The anesthetist looks after the patient
however, this is not considered a routine examination. as usual, from the head of the operating table, so that each
A preoperative urethral catheter is not necessary. It member of the team can follow the progress of the opera-
is usually sufficient to request that the patient empties tion on the monitor at any time (Figures 8.2–8.4).
their bladder before being transported to the operating
theater. Should a full bladder be found during laparo-
scopy, however, a suprapubic urinary catheter can be laid MCL MCL
via percutaneous puncture.
MCL MCL abdominal surgery, then we prefer the Veress needle tech-
nique. Initially, a longitudinal skin incision about 1 cm
long is made along the upper border of the umbilicus.
The abdominal layers are held under maximum tension
(the umbilical area is lifted with two Backhaus clamps in
the corners of the incision), and the Veress needle is
inserted into the abdominal space under careful monitor-
ing, as described by Semm.13 At the beginning of insuffla-
Assistant tion, the intra-abdominal pressure and the rate of gas flow
(camera) must be monitored carefully. Pressure must initially be
10 mm 0 mmHg and the gas flow must be 2–3 liters CO2/min. If
12 mm
the pressure is initially too high or the gas flow too low,
5 mm
then the position of the needle must be checked and/or an
Scrub open approach into the abdominal space should be chosen.
nurse If the patient has an umbilical hernia, we make a
2–3-cm-long horizontal incision at the upper border of the
umbilicus, dissect the hernial sac, and then use the Veress
needle or the optical trocar to gain entry to the abdominal
space through the hernial gap (fascial closure in these
patients follows at the end of the operation in the same
Figure 8.3 Localization of ports for TAPP repair of right-sided way as for umbilical hernias). If intra-abdominal pressure
inguinal hernia. MCL, medioclavicular line. reaches 12 mmHg and the aspiration test is regular, then
the optical trocar is inserted. The abdominal wall should
again be held under maximum tension. The optical trocar
is then inserted into the abdominal cavity in the direction
of the center of the navel with slightly rotating move-
ments, the most effective way to avoid slipping on the
fascia. By using this technique, the danger of inadvertent
Assistant changes Surgeon changes
injury to the small or large intestines or large vessels is kept
position for repair position for repair at a negligible minimum.
of contralateral side of contralateral side
If intra-abdominal adhesions are expected, especially
after prior median laparotomy, then the open technique
Assistant Surgeon according to Hasson should be chosen to insert the opti-
(camera) cal trocar. After the somewhat larger skin incision has
10 mm been made, the linea alba is dissected and opened up far
12 mm
5 mm enough between two Kocher clamps to allow insertion of
a finger. After opening the peritoneum, the finger is
Scrub inserted into the abdominal space to check for and/or
eliminate possible adhesions. The optical trocar can then
be inserted and the pneumoperitoneum created.
Now the further steps of the operation are under direct
Monitor view. In cases of a bilateral hernia, both the working tro-
cars, 5 mm left, 12 mm right, are introduced into the mid-
Figure 8.4 Localization of ports for TAPP repair of bilateral clavicular line at the level of the umbilicus. If the hernia is
inguinal hernias. MCL, medioclavicular line. unilateral, then we recommend inserting the ipsilateral
working trocar about 1–2 cm above the navel area and/or
the contralateral working trocar about 1–3 cm below the
navel region (Figures 8.2–8.4). In this way, collisions with
the optical trocar can be avoided. In order to dissect the
inguinal region, the surgeon uses the right hand to oper-
The operation begins with the creation of the pneumo- ate the Metzenbaum Endo-scissors, which are connected
peritoneum and insertion of the camera trocar. The to monopolar electrocautery. The left hand operates the
pneumoperitoneum can be installed with the help of the Endo-Overholt.
Veress needle or after open insertion of the optical trocar The transabdominal technique allows immediate assess-
(Hasson technique). If a patient has had no previous ment of the hernia situation. The operative procedure is
Transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach 57
Figure 8.14 Partly blunt, partly sharp removal of the hernia sac Figure 8.15 End of dissection: the peritoneal sac is removed
towards the abdomen while performing meticulous hemostasis beyond the middle of the psoas muscle. All anatomic structures
of the spermatic structures (parietalization). are recognizable and freed of fatty tissue.
the hernial sac has been reached, the rest of the procedure
is simple (Figure 8.14). Partly blunt, partly sharp (electro-
coagulation) dissection is now carried out in the direction
of the abdominal cavity, and the hernial sac is detached
completely from the spermatic cords. This procedure is
known as parietalization. Parietalization (i.e. detachment
of the hernial/peritoneal sac from the retroperitoneum
and/or from the spermatic fascia covering the retroperi-
toneum and the spermatic cord) is performed in the direc-
tion of the head, as far as the mid-psoas muscle, so that
there is no longer any contact between the peritoneum
and the vas deferens medially and between the testicular
vessels and the peritoneum laterally. Manipulation of the
peritoneum should no longer lead to changes in the posi-
tion of the spermatic cords. Extensive parietalization is
especially important when an unslitted mesh is to be
inserted. This is the only way to ensure that when the peri-
toneum is closed, any adhesions that may be left behind Figure 8.16 A 10 ⫻15-cm polypropylene mesh is placed
do not displace the mesh into a position that could lead to without folds. All potential hernia openings are overlapped by
a recurrence. If extensive parietalization is not possible, at least 3 cm.
which does happen very rarely (sometimes in a patient
with a recurrence after TAPP), then a slitted mesh can be out wrinkles, overlapping all possible hernial orifices
introduced, causing the dorsal portion of the mesh to take by at least 3 cm (Figure 8.16). Using such a large mesh
up a position behind the spermatic cords. means that fixation is necessary only to facilitate posi-
After this dissection, the entire myopectineal orifice is tioning (e.g. in very shallow curved inguinal areas or to
free of peritoneum and fatty tissue, thereby allowing com- avoid mesh dislocation in the immediate perioperative
plete identification of the epigastric vessels, the internal phase). Fixation is carried out with a few clips or staples.
inguinal ring, Hesselbach’s triangle, Cooper’s ligament, We recommend using two clips in both the areas of the
the iliopubic tracts, the testicular vessel bundle, and the symphysis and/or Cooper’s ligament, two clips to fix the
vas deferens (Figure 8.15). A 10 ⫻ 15-cm polypropylene upper border of the mesh to the rectus muscle medial to
mesh can now be inserted. The mesh is folded like an the epigastric vessels, and two clips lateral to the epi-
umbrella over the Reddick–Olson Endo-forceps and gastric vessels into the fascia transversalis (Figure 8.17).
pushed through the 12-mm working trocar into the Before the clips are fixed at the ligament of Cooper, a
inguinal region, where, due to the memory effect, it can possible corona mortis and/or the iliac vessels should be
be spread out easily. The mesh should be positioned with- identified. After the iliopubic tract is identified, the lateral
Transabdominal pre-peritoneal approach 61
Clip position in
TAPP technique
Figure 8.17 Presentation of clip
⫽ Clip position positions and the endangered
regions: triangle of pain and triangle
⫽ Forbidden area of doom. (a) Medial defect;
(b) lateral defect; (c) femoral defect.
Bilateral hernia vessels, so that the former is displaced medially and the
latter are displaced in a very lateral direction. Very rarely,
The identical standard technique is used separately the testicular vessels may be looped around the sper-
for each side, with implantation of a 10 ⫻ 15-cm poly- matic cord in a medial and ventral direction. Whereas
propylene mesh on each side.15 these problems occur mostly in indirect recurrent her-
nias, operation of a direct recurrent hernia is much eas-
ier because, as a rule, there are no structures nearby that
Recurrent hernia after conventional may be injured. It must be taken into account, however,
operation that the tranversalis fascia should not be perforated dur-
ing dissection, as one would then enter into the inguinal
An essential advantage of the laparoscopic technique in canal and possibly damage the testicular vessels.
recurrent hernias after anterior conventional repair is that
dissection can be shifted into the pre-peritoneal space,
which is mostly free of scar tissue, allowing the use of an Recurrent hernia after pre-peritoneal
almost standard primary hernia technique. The results patch hernioplasty
(operating time, morbidity, return-to-work times, recur-
rence rate) are consequently not significantly different to Laparoscopic operation of a recurrent hernia after
those of a primary hernia operation (Table 8.1). The only pre-peritoneal hernioplasty is technically possible, but
exception is the situation after previous hernioplasty operation time will be significantly longer, and there will
according to Lotheisen. In this case, significant scarring be a risk of higher morbidity.16 However, the time needed
can be expected at Cooper’s ligament, and it is difficult to to regain physical activity is the same as for the standard
operate laparoscopically in this area. This situation can be technique in primary hernias.
overcome by choosing a peritoneal incision caudal to Operation of a recurrent hernia after pre-peritoneal
the Cooper ligament. After the usual dissection of the hernioplasty is extremely difficult and should be carried
peritoneum, which has been described above, in an area out only by very experienced laparoscopic hernia sur-
somewhat medial to the Cooper ligament a whetstone-like geons. As a rule, extensive scarring can be found between
incision is made around the ligament itself at the peritoneal the abdominal layer and mesh, and/or mesh and peri-
level. This method allows renewed access to the scar-free toneum, and can only be dissected sharply. Dissection
pre-peritoneal space caudally, where further dissection can begins in the scar-free areas, with early identification of
now take place undisturbed. Although this leaves a small, the landmarks (epigastric vessels, symphysis, Cooper’s
scarred peritoneal section on the Cooper’s ligament, the ligament). Medial dissection should adhere strictly to the
polypropylene mesh can nevertheless be anchored safely. rectus muscle and/or the fascia transversalis in order to
In the area of the internal inguinal ring, it is not avoid damage to the bladder. In 80 per cent of cases, we
uncommon to find scar formation 1–2 mm thick sur- found a dissection layer between abdominal wall and
rounding both the hernia sac and the spermatic cord. mesh, and in about 20 per cent of cases between peri-
Once this cuff-like scarred ring of tissue is cut with elec- toneum and mesh. As noted earlier, reoperation upon a
trocautery in the neighborhood of the epigastric vessels direct hernia is significantly easier than on an indirect her-
(which may involve the cremasteric muscle), standard nia. Operation of an indirect hernia is extremely compli-
dissection can continue. cated, but once the scar areas have been overcome and
It must be taken into consideration that the previous direct access gained to the hernial sac, the rest of the oper-
operation may have resulted in an atypical localization of ation is not too different to that of a primary hernia. The
the spermatic cord. The recurrent hernia can occasion- mesh is usually left in place; parietalization, however, is
ally develop between the vas deferens and the testicular possible in only the rarest of cases. As a rule, a slitted mesh
Median Median
operation Morbidity Reoperation Recurrence return to
time (min) rate (%) rate (%) rate (%) work (days)
Unilateral primary hernia (n ⫽ 4222) 47 3.0 0.4 0.8 14
Bilateral primary hernia repair (n ⫽ 1341)* 35 2.2 0.5 0.6 15
Recurrent hernia (n ⫽ 1146) 45 4.5 1.0 1.1 21
Scrotal hernia (n ⫽ 440) 65 4.8 1.1 2.7 19
will have to be inserted. In such cases, we do, however, simple. Sometimes external pressure may be required. The
secure the slit with a second, smaller mesh using the hernial content can now be reliably assessed for viability.
so-called double-buttress technique. In case of a direct The further procedure again correlates to the standard
hernia and stable conditions in the area of the lateral technique. If the intestine shows signs of gangrene, then
compartment, lateral dissection is not necessary. It suf- a primary mesh implant is not recommended due to the
fices to implant a piece of mesh that is appropriately sized risk of infection. Thorough rinsing of the inguinal region
so that it overlaps the hernial defect by at least 3 cm and and the insertion of a drain is recommended. Defect
can be anchored to the original mesh, which is located reconstruction, however, should not be performed; an
laterally. option here is open repair with sutures.
Scrotal hernia
In comparison to the TEP technique, the advantage of
the TAPP technique on scrotal hernia is the immediate
identification of adhesions of the intestinal loops within On the evening after the operation, the patient is allowed
the hernial sac, so that trauma to the wall of the bowel to get up and use the toilet. The patient may drink freely
(e.g. by electrocoagulation on the hernia sac) can be and may have a light meal if desired. A diclofenac 100 mg
avoided completely. The operation is performed strictly suppository is provided as needed. A one-night stay in
according to the standard technique, as mentioned above, the hospital is obligatory for insurance reasons in
almost exclusively using the two Endo-Overholt tech- Germany, where the authors of this chapter work. On the
nique and the rope-ladder principle. Especially important following morning, we recommend that the patient
in this kind of hernia is the fat-free dissection of the moves around freely and begins light stretching exercises
internal inguinal ring, the detachment of all lipomatous for the inguinal region. The patient should decide when
masses from the inguinal canal, the spermatic cord and to be discharged. As a rule, patients leave the hospital
the hernial sac, early preparation of testicular vessels, and between the second and fourth postoperative day. Before
carefully controlled hemostasis.14 In the case of a very discharge, sonography of both inguinal regions and
large internal inguinal ring, a 10 ⫻ 15-cm standard mesh scrotum is performed routinely. Sutures are removed (as
may be too small because it is not possible to overlap the an outpatient) on the sixth postoperative day. From the
upper border of the hernial ring by the required mini- eighth to the tenth postoperative day, we recommend
mum 3 cm. Therefore, in these patients we prefer to use a return to work and resumption of normal physical activ-
15 ⫻ 15-cm mesh. ity. All patients are included in a follow-up program and
requested to attend a specific hernia consultation four
weeks and one, three and five years postoperatively.
Irreducible/incarcerated inguinal hernia
2 Stoppa RE, Rives JL, Warlaumont CR, et al. The use of Dacron in 11 Heikkinen TJ, Haukipuro K, Hulkko A. A cost and outcome
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report. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1992; 2: 53–8. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002: 95–102.
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procedure for routine repair of groin hernia. Br J Surg 2002; 89: Operative Pelviscopy – Operative Laparoscopy. Chicago: Year Book
1062–6. Medical Publishers, 1985.
6 Felix EL, Michas C, McKnight RL. Laparoscopic repair of recurrent 14 Leibl BJ, Bittner R, Schmedt CG. Scrotal hernias: a contraindication
groin hernia. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1994; 4: 200–4. for an endoscopic procedure? Surg Endosc 2000; 14: 289–92.
7 Nyhus LM. Individualization of hernia repair: a new era. Surgery 15 Schmedt CG, Däubler P, Leibl BJ, et al. Simultaneous bilateral
1993; 114: 1–2. laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: an analysis of 1336
8 Schumpelick V, Treutner KH, Arlt G. Inguinal hernia repair in consecutive cases at a single center. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 240–4.
adults. Lancet 1994; 344: 375–9. 16 Leibl BJ, Schmedt CG, Kraft K, et al. Recurrence after endoscopic
9 Ingoldby CJH. Laparoscopic and conventional repair of groin transperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP): causes, reparative techniques
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10 EU Hernia Trialists Collaboration. Repair of groin hernia with 17 Leibl BJ, Schmedt CG, Kraft K, Bittner R. Laparoscopic
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Ann Surg 2002; 235: 322–32. Surg Endosc 2001; 15: 1179–83.
Totally extraperitoneal approach
The surgical approach to inguinal hernia repair has method, and the potential complications and their
undergone a slow evolution since Bassini introduced the management will be described.
first true anatomical repair over 100 years ago.1 Initially,
surgeons were fixated on tissue to tissue repairs. Then,
Lichtenstein and coworkers2 and Stoppa and colleagues3
demonstrated that tension-free reinforcement of the
abdominal wall with mesh eliminates one of the major
causes of recurrence, the intrinsic or acquired weakness A surgeon must be experienced in conventional anterior
of the groin; the emphasis of hernia repair then switched approaches as well as both laparoscopic approaches
dramatically. Ten years later, laparoscopic surgeons took (TAPP and TEP) in order to make a rational decision on
the tension-free repair one step further by introducing a which hernioplasty best fits an individual patient and her-
repair that reinforced the groin, avoided missed hernias, nia. The laparoscopic approach that is chosen depends
and reduced postoperative recovery. upon the surgeon’s level of experience, the type of hernia
Many early attempts at a laparoscopic approach, how- present, and the patient’s past history. For most patients, I
ever, fell quite short of this lofty target. There seemed to be favor the TEP approach because it avoids entering the
a wide variability in the results reported by surgeons. peritoneal cavity, it requires less operative time, and it has
Many complications as well as early failures were reported. less potential for complications than the TAPP approach.
It quickly became apparent, however, that success with this There are, however, a few exceptions. The TAPP approach
approach was dependent upon the level of laparoscopic is preferred if the patient has an incarcerated hernia,
expertise of the surgeon and the ability of the surgeon to because this approach allows for an accurate analysis of
apply proper techniques to appropriate patients.4 what is incarcerated and its viability, as well as safe and
At first, the majority of surgeons were limited to a single usually easy reduction of the contents of the hernia.
laparoscopic approach, the transabdominal pre-peritoneal When the hernia is incarcerated, balloon dissection of the
(TAPP) approach, but soon the totally extraperitoneal extraperitoneal space may lead to a large tear in the
(TEP) approach became a viable alternative. Arguments peritoneum or injury to incarcerated omentum, bowel or
between laparoscopic surgeons on which approach was bladder. The extraperitoneal approach and especially the
better were common, but now most surgeons realize that use of a balloon dissector should be avoided if the hernia
each approach works well when applied appropriately in cannot be reduced after the induction of anesthesia.
the hands of an experienced laparoscopic surgeon.5 In female patients with abdominal pain, the etiology
The purpose of this chapter is to describe an approach of the pain may be in question. When a surgeon needs to
to the laparoscopic TEP repair of inguinal hernias that has differentiate between pain secondary to a groin hernia
resulted in a recurrence rate of less than one per cent in and other possible causes, such as endometriosis, one
over 2000 repairs in our center. The indications and should perform a diagnostic laparoscopy followed by a
contraindications to the use of the approach, the operative TAPP repair when indicated. For female patients where
66 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
the diagnosis is certain, a TEP technique is preferred. The elected in children. At the other extreme are patients over
presence of a Pfannenstiel incision is common in many 70 years of age. Some have suggested that laparoscopic
female patients because of a previous cesarean section or repair should be limited to working younger adults. It is
pelvic surgery, but this should not interfere with the TEP our experience, however, that patients of all ages benefit
dissection because a Pfannenstiel incision is really a mid- from the laparoscopic approach, especially regarding the
line fascial incision. rapid recovery and return to normal activity.
Some previous operations, abdominal incisions, or We recommend that patients who are not candidates
treatments may preclude adequate or safe dissection of for general anesthesia should have an open hernioplasty
the extraperitoneal space. Previous pelvic irradiation or under a local anesthetic. Although several centers have
radical prostatectomy can prevent separation of the peri- reported success using local and regional anesthesia for
toneum from the abdominal wall. Balloon dissection of extraperitoneal repairs,7 it has been our experience that
the extraperitoneal space may result in injury to the blad- some patients will become anxious if carbon dioxide
der or a large rent in the peritoneum. A lower-abdominal enters the peritoneal cavity, necessitating conversion to a
incision crossing the rectus sheath can obstruct the safe general anesthetic. We would reserve laparoscopic repair
passage of the dissector. If the dissector is forced through for patients who are candidates for general anesthesia,
the obstruction, the peritoneum will tear and an intra- even if the case is to be performed using a local or regional
abdominal visceral injury may result. A transverse incision technique. An absolute contraindication to laparoscopic
is not a contraindication to the use of the extraperitoneal hernioplasty is the presence of infection. Neither the
approach, but if resistance is experienced when passing the TAPP nor the TEP approach should be used in the face of
dissector, then the procedure should be converted to a local or systemic infection because of the risk of infecting
TAPP approach. A midline incision is usually not a prob- the mesh.
lem when using the TEP approach. The dissector slides
toward the pubis parallel to the incision. The peritoneum
along the midline will separate from the abdominal wall
when the balloon is inflated, or it can be dissected manu-
ally after the trocars are placed. If bilateral repairs are
planned, however, then there is a small chance that a Anatomy and pathology
previous midline incision will prevent dissection of the
opposite side. In this case, the surgeon may initiate the Understanding the anatomy of the groin has never been
procedure as a TEP approach and convert to the TAPP easy, but it has always been important to the performance
approach when, or if, this becomes necessary. of a successful inguinal hernia repair. Because the post-
The laparoscopic approach is ideally suited for recur- erior anatomy of the groin is being viewed in an unfamil-
rent hernias. The surgeon’s view of the posterior wall is iar way, it can be even more difficult to understand it.
unobstructed and allows for complete identification of Consequently, without a complete knowledge of the
the site of recurrence and repair of the entire posterior normal and pathological anatomical structures of the
floor. The decision of whether a TAPP or TEP approach posterior groin, any laparoscopic posterior repair will
should be employed is dependent upon the expertise of be doomed to failure. (See Chapter 6 for an overview of the
the surgeon. The dissection of the recurrent indirect sac anatomy/physiology of the inguinal region.) The easiest
can be difficult using the extraperitoneal technique and way to learn the normal anatomy of the posterior wall is to
requires more skill than that of a primary repair. With first view it through a transabdominal route (Figure 9.1).
experience, however, this difference in degree of diffi- Once the surgeon understands the normal and pathologi-
culty disappears, and the surgeon should base the hernio- cal aspects of the posterior anatomy via a TAPP approach,
plasty choice on other factors. then dissection of the extraperitoneal space and exposing
The extraperitoneal dissection of large scrotal hernias the anatomy of the posterior space via a TEP approach can
is similar to that of recurrent hernias, in that the separa- be undertaken. Because the anatomical structures are not
tion of the indirect sac can be quite difficult.6 To avoid obvious until the dissection is completed, it is key that the
problems, the surgeon should use the TAPP approach surgeon understands what is being dissected in order to
until he or she has adequate mastery of some of the spe- prevent becoming lost or confused. Serious complications
cial maneuvers required to deal with a long scrotal sac. to major vessels and nerves can occur, especially when
The age of the patient may influence the type of there is a large indirect or femoral hernia.
hernioplasty chosen. In general, laparoscopic hernio- To proceed without injuring normal structures,
plasty should be reserved for adults. In a few cases, the the surgeon must identify certain landmarks. Once the
patient that is a minor by chronological age may be fully extraperitoneal space is developed, identification of the
mature and have an adult-type hernia or even a recurrent pubis will allow proper orientation of the other struc-
hernia. Only then should the laparoscopic approach be tures. The next landmark is the inferior epigastric vessels,
Totally extraperitoneal approach 67
Mayo stand so that either the surgeon or the nurse can the procedure should be converted to a TAPP approach.
reach them readily. If a preformed mesh is used, then both When the pubis is palpated with the dissector, the balloon
left- and right-sided meshes must be kept in the room. is inflated. The operator views the progress of the dissec-
tion directly via the laparoscope in the dissector. After com-
pleting the balloon dissection, the balloon is removed and
Operative technique replaced with a specialized Hasson trocar that seals the
extraperitoneal space. The dissected space is then insuf-
We begin the procedure with a small transverse skin inci- flated with carbon dioxide up to 12 mmHg. We use lower
sion 2.5 cm lateral to and just below the umbilicus on the pressures (8–10 mmHg) if the patient is thin or elderly.
side of the hernia (or the dominant hernia if bilateral The anterior and posterior rectus sheaths create a tunnel
hernias are present). By avoiding the midline of the that opens into the dissected extraperitoneal space. When
fascia, we avoid entering the peritoneal cavity where the the tunnel is short, it does not interfere with exposure or
anterior and posterior rectus sheaths merge. We choose placement of the other midline trocars; if it is very long,
the side of the dominant hernia because we use a balloon the available space will be limited and the exposure will be
dissector that will dissect more completely on the side poor. In this case, the sheath should be cut back with
that it is placed. This makes the rest of the dissection sim- laparoscopic scissors. This maneuver will open up the
pler. We identify the anterior rectus sheath by carefully exposure, greatly facilitating the rest of the repair.
spreading the subcutaneous fat with a Mayo clamp. The Three trocars are placed in the midline: a 10-mm
small vessels in the fat should not be torn at this point, Hasson just below the umbilicus for the camera, a 5-mm
because bleeding in the tiny hole will make identification trocar just above the pubis, and a second 5-mm trocar
of the anterior rectus sheath difficult. Two ‘S’ retractors between these two trocars in the midline. The second
are placed in the wound and used to expose the white trocar is positioned as close as possible to the subumbili-
fibers of the fascia. An 11 blade is used to incise the fascia cal camera trocar in order to leave space between the
exposing the rectus muscle. One of the ‘S’ retractors is lowest trocar and the pubis. The inferior trocar is posi-
placed under the muscle like a shoehorn; the muscle is tioned approximately three fingers below the middle
elevated, thereby allowing visualization of the posterior trocar to prevent ‘sword fighting’ of the instruments and
sheath. A finger is used to dilate the space in preparation still allowing the lowest trocar to be above the level of the
for the placement of a balloon dissector. mesh. The surgeon must watch the entry of each trocar
Because the posterior rectus sheath usually ends at the into the extraperitoneal space in order to prevent the lac-
line of Douglas, an instrument such as the balloon dissec- eration of a small branch of the inferior epigastric vessels
tor can be passed on top of the sheath, allowing it to auto- or penetration into the peritoneal cavity. We anchor each
matically fall into the extraperitoneal space. The dissector is trocar to the skin with a specialized adhesive strip to
placed behind the rectus muscle with its tip on the poste- prevent them from slipping in and out of the abdominal
rior rectus sheath. Aiming it slightly upward, we gently slide wall during instrument manipulation.
on top of the sheath toward the pubis until the pubic bone The exposure of Cooper’s ligament begins with the
is palpated. If resistance is encountered, then the dissector dissection of the posterior aspect of the abdominal wall
must not be forced into the space because it will tear the by the gentle sweeping off of any tissue remaining on the
peritoneum. A second attempt to pass the instrument can pubis. If a direct hernia is present (Figure 9.6), it is com-
be tried after dilating the space with a finger, but if that fails pletely reduced at this point. This can be accomplished
(a) (b)
Figure 9.6 Reducing the direct hernia. INF, inferior epigastric vessels.
70 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9.8 Reducing the indirect sac. IND SAC, indirect sac.
Spermatic cord
Femoral and pelvic hernias are much less common than In this chapter, we will focus on our technique of
inguinal hernias. If these hernias are diagnosed pre- repair of femoral and obturator hernias, since the obtu-
operatively, they are certainly amenable to laparoscopic rator hernia is by far the most common of the pelvic
repair. However, if they are not diagnosed preoperatively, hernias (Figure 10.1). Our technique and postoperative
these cases are the perfect situation for the application of care will be reviewed. In addition, we will comment on
diagnostic laparoscopy followed by laparoscopic repair. some other unusual hernias that may be encountered,
such as sciatic, supravesicular and perineal hernias, as
well as prevascular hernias, lipomas of the cord, and low
Inguinal ligament
Spigelian hernias.
Less common
Femoral hernia
Most common
Inguinal hernia Femoral hernias are much less common than inguinal
(Anatomically hernias, with an incidence of two to four per cent of all
groin hernias.1 They are more common in women, with
reported male/female ratios of 1 : 1.6 to 1 : 3.1,2 The inci-
dence and rate of repair increase with age.1 The femoral
hernia is located most frequently on the right.1 Obturator
hernias, although extremely rare, are the most common
of the pelvic hernias. Their incidence is reported to be
Pectineus muscle 0.05–0.07 per cent of all groin hernias. They typically
occur in an emaciated, dehydrated, multiparous female
Rare patient. The patients may have a positive Howship–
Obturator hernia Romberg sign or a palpable upper-thigh mass. The
(Anatomically least weak)
Howship–Romberg sign is positive when medial thigh and
Figure 10.1 Surgical anatomy of the obturator and inguinal hip pain is created or exacerbated by adduction and
region. Lateral view of the right side of the pelvis, showing the medial rotation of the thigh and relieved by thigh flexion.3
sites of inguinal, femoral and obturator hernias. From Carter JE. More often, however, symptoms are vague, and patients
Hernias. In: Howard FM, Perry CP, Carter JE, et al., eds. Pelvic frequently present with small-bowel obstruction with
Pain: Diagnosis and Management. Philadelphia: Lippincott either intermittently incarcerating or strangulated small
Williams & Wilkins, 2000: 385–413, with permission. bowel. One’s level of suspicion, therefore, needs to be high.
76 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
d b
Figure 10.3 Intraoperative view of obturator foramen. (a) Plug
If the hernia is discovered preoperatively, our approach of fat in obturator foramen, (b) Cooper’s ligament, (c) obturator
of choice is the extraperitoneal approach. If the hernia is nerve, and (d) obturator artery.
discovered during diagnostic laparoscopy, either it may
be repaired via the TAPP approach or the pre-peritoneal
space may be insufflated and an extraperitoneal approach with a 5-mm, 30-degree viewing laparoscope. Using the
may be used, as described below. transperitoneal view, an additional 5-mm trocar is
We perform extraperitoneal repair of indirect and placed on the ipsilateral side about one finger’s breadth
direct inguinal hernias. Femoral hernias and obturator below the level of the umbilicus over the lateral aspect of
hernias are repaired in a similar fashion. As we will point the rectus muscle just above the arcuate line of the poste-
out, the most important concept is wide coverage of all rior rectus sheath. The trocar is introduced carefully into
hernia orifices with mesh to prevent recurrence. the posterior rectus space to avoid perforation of the
General endotracheal anesthesia is used. After infil- peritoneum. Dissection of this space is then carried out
trating with 0.5 per cent bupivacaine with epinephrine with a long, blunt grasper inserted through the trocar.
(adrenaline), a 5-mm incision is made in a skin fold in For unilateral repair, a second 5-mm trocar is inserted in
the inferior portion of the umbilicus. A Veress needle the midline at the midpoint between the symphysis pubis
is introduced for insufflation of carbon dioxide to a and umbilicus. For bilateral repair, the second trocar is
pressure of 15 mmHg. A 5-mm trocar is then inserted, placed on the opposite side, in the lateral rectus space,
followed by a general inspection of the peritoneal cavity again just above the arcuate line.
Femoral and pelvic herniorrhaphy 77
After dissection with the blunt grasper, an additional are given a prescription for propoxyphene for pain con-
5-mm incision is made below the umbilicus, through trol. The patient is restricted only from driving for two to
which a 5-mm trocar is placed. The 5-mm, zero- or 30- three days, or until they are pain-free and not requiring
degree viewing laparoscopes are then used. The dissection narcotic analgesics. Patients may bathe the same day and
of the pre-peritoneal space is carried beyond Cooper’s lig- may return to work or full activity without restrictions
ament into the space of Retzius below the obturator fora- when they feel ready.11
men. Once dissection is complete, the symphysis pubis,
the rectus muscle medially, the anatomic landmarks
surrounding Hesselbach’s triangle (including Cooper’s RARE AND UNUSUAL HERNIAS
ligament and the medial iliopubic tract), the transversus
abdominus musculo-aponeurotic arch, and the inferior
In this section, we will mention some unusual hernias
epigastric vessels will be identified. Laterally, the dissec-
that may be encountered and the principles and tech-
tion will have exposed the cord structures, the underlying
niques for their management and repair.
femoral vessels, and the lateral iliopubic tract. The direct,
indirect and femoral hernial orifices should be identified
easily. The obturator orifice should be seen inferior to Sciatic hernia
Cooper’s ligament.
Subsequent to the reduction of the herniated contents Sciatic hernias are very rare. A literature search on
and sac, the femoral hernia defect and the entire Medline from 1966 to 1996 generated only 57 reported
myopectineal orifice of Fruchaud will be covered with cases of sciatic hernias.12 A sciatic hernia is a protrusion
Mersilene mesh. A 15 ⫻ 15-cm mesh is trimmed to of a peritoneal sac and its contents through the greater or
13 ⫻ 15 cm. It is introduced by rolling it, grabbing one lesser sciatic foramen. They may be congenital or, more
end with grasping forceps, and pushing it through the commonly, acquired. The defect usually results from
5-mm trocar. The mesh is unrolled and positioned over weakness of the piriformis muscle from a chronic
the entire area, thereby covering the hernia defect and increase in the intra-abdominal pressure, such as in preg-
all other potential sites of herniation. The mesh is not nancy, severe constipation, surgery or trauma. It can also
sutured or tacked into place. In the case of an obturator occur because of atrophy of the muscle caused by neuro-
hernia, the mesh can be smaller and limited to a wide muscular or hip disease.13 The hernia sac can protrude
coverage of the obturator foramen with or without fixa- through one of three openings: the greater sciatic fora-
tion. We would choose to fashion the size of the mesh so men above the piriformis muscle, the greater sciatic fora-
that it overlaps the defect by 3–4 cm. Others have fixated men below the piriformis muscle, or the lesser sciatic
the mesh, which can be done with either sutures or tacks. foramen (Figure 10.4). Typical symptoms include inter-
Based on the above principles, however, we would not mittent pain radiating to the buttocks and/or posterior
fixate the mesh. After making sure that the prosthesis is thigh, with or without a palpable mass deep to the glu-
lying flat and in the correct space, the pre-peritoneal tro- teus maximus muscle. The most common contents of a
cars are removed and the pre-peritoneal space is desuf- sciatic hernia are small bowel, ovary (with or without the
flated. The laparoscope is then placed in the peritoneal adjacent fallopian tube), and ureter.13
cavity and the mesh is observed as the peritoneum lies on The sciatic hernia has traditionally been approached
top of it, making sure that there is no buckling of the transabdominally, with reduction of the hernia, excision
mesh. Then, while still under direct vision, the peritoneal of the sac, and either suture closure or mesh coverage of
cavity is desufflated and the final trocar is removed. The the defect. Alternatively, if it is diagnosed preoperatively
positive intra-abdominal pressure that took part in and it is easily reducible, the hernia could be repaired
creating the hernia itself is now used to secure the mesh from a transgluteal approach.
in place, obviating the need for fixation of the prosthetic The largest series of patients who underwent laparo-
biomaterial. The subcutaneous tissue at all trocar sites is scopic repair of a sciatic hernia consisted of 20 women
closed with 3-0 Vicryl (Ethicon). Collodian is applied to who underwent diagnostic laparoscopy for pelvic pain
the skin for dressing.11 and were found to have a sciatic hernia, which was then
repaired via laparoscopic approach.14 When a sciatic her-
nia was identified, the contents were reduced. The peri-
toneum was elevated and transected transversely with
POSTOPERATIVE CARE endoscopic scissors. The obturator internus and coc-
cygeus muscles were identified with the use of blunt dis-
The patient is observed in the recovery room for one to section. A 6.0 ⫻ 12.5-cm piece of Surgipro mesh (U.S.
two hours. The majority of electively repaired patients Surgical) was then folded and placed into the space that
are then discharged home on the same day. Most patients had been created by the atrophic piriformis muscle.
78 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
The authors do not describe it exactly as a ‘plug’; this is contained an ovary and/or the fallopian tube, which left
the only description that they gave. A second, smaller little room for the distention of the peritoneum con-
piece of mesh, trimmed to the size of the peritoneal defect, tained within the hernia sac by the intra-abdominal car-
was placed over the folded mesh. The second piece of mesh bon dioxide. However, the authors felt that in other cases
was secured to the obturator internus fascia laterally and the increased intra-abdominal pressure could be helpful
the coccygeus medially with a stapler. The peritoneum in the detection of sciatic hernias because of the actual
was then closed over the mesh.12 If the peritoneum is stretching of the peritoneum to its limit of support, such
not closed, then an inert mesh, such as DualMesh® as the bone or muscle.12
(W. L. Gore & Associates) could be used to prevent mor-
bidity due to adhesions.15 The repair was very successful,
with 14 patients reporting complete pain relief, and the Supravesical hernia
other six individuals noting continuing improvement
over a median follow-up of 13 months. Supravesical hernias are rare hernias that herniate
Laparoscopy is a great adjunct in the diagnosis of this through the supravesical fossa of the anterior abdominal
hernia because of the excellent view of the pelvis that wall. They are classified as either external (those that pass
it affords. In this series of patients, all of the hernias downward through the supravesical fossa to become
Piriformis muscle
Sacrospinous ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Posterior sacroiliac
Posterior inferior
iliac spine
direct inguinal or femoral hernias) or internal (those may be especially well suited for the laparoscopic approach
that pass downward to enter the space of Retzius) because of the better visualization of the entire pelvis.16
(Figure 10.5). While the external hernias may be much
easier to diagnose, an internal hernia may present with
Perineal hernia
non-specific clinical findings, such as pelvic pain or blad-
der symptoms, or, as in other hernias, it may present as
Perineal hernias are very rare true hernias, which are usu-
small-bowel obstruction with its attendant symptoms.
ally found in women. These defects are characterized by a
Open repair has been described for these hernias, either
peritoneal sac that has herniated between the muscles and
with or without mesh, particularly for the external her-
fascia of the perineal floor.16 They can be categorized as
nias. Laparoscopic repair, however, is again applicable
either anterior or posterior to the superficial transverse
to such hernias, using the same technique as described
perineus muscle. Anterior perineal hernias pass through
above for sciatic hernias. The internal supravesical hernia
the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms, lateral to the
urinary bladder and vagina and anterior to the urethra
(Figure 10.6). They have also been referred to as pudendal,
labial, lateral and vaginal-labial hernias. These hernias are
e unique to women and may contain intestine or bladder.
Posterior perineal hernias pass directly through the
d components of the pelvic diaphragm. Their content is
a usually omentum or small bowel, which lie between the
rectum and uterus. The hernia usually remains lateral to
c the uterosacral ligament and posterior to the broad liga-
b ment. There are two possible locations, an upper poste-
rior hernia between the pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
muscles, and a lower posterior hernia between the ilio-
coccygeus and coccygeus muscles, below the lower
margin of the gluteus maximus muscle. Posterior perineal
Figure 10.5 External supravesical hernia: (a) external hernias may occur in men or women, but they are more
supravesical hernia orifice, (b) Hesselbach’s triangle, common in men.13,17
(c) transversus abdominus aponeurotic arch, (d) rectus muscle, Laparoscopic repair of these hernias has been
and (e) inferior epigastric vessels. described as an approach for maximum visualization of
Ischiocavernous muscle
Bulbocavernosus muscle
Superficial transverse
perineal muscle
External anal sphincter
b Levator ani muscle
c Coccygeus muscle
Gluteus maximus muscle
Figure 10.6 The female perineum, showing possible sites of perineal hernias. A primary perineal hernia may occur anterior or
posterior to the superficial transversus perineal muscle. An anterior hernia protrudes through the urogenital diaphragm, lateral to the
urinary bladder and vagina (a, b). Anterior hernias occur only in women. A posterior perineal hernia may merge between bundles of
levator ani muscle (c), or between that muscle and the coccygeus muscle, midway between the rectum and the ischial tuberosity (d).
From Carter JE. Hernias. In: Howard FM, Perry CP, Carter JE, et al., eds. Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Management. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2000: 385–413, with permission.
80 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
the pelvic cavity. The hernia is identified, the hernia eight-year period, ten (9.5 per cent) of the hernias were of
contents are reduced, and a pre-peritoneal dissection is the prevascular type.20 Repair of these hernias can be dif-
performed to define the boundaries of the hernia ring. ficult because, if repaired anteriorly, the iliopubic tract
Permanent prosthetic mesh is used to cover and overlap must be sutured to the vascular adventitia, which obvi-
the defect. The mesh is tacked or stapled in place, and ously holds inherent danger. The pre-peritoneal approach
reperitonealization is performed.16 has therefore been recommended as the safest and pre-
ferred approach.20 In the previously mentioned study,
all ten of the prevascular hernias were repaired using
Prevascular hernia the TEP laparoscopic technique, with good results, no
complications, and no recurrences to date.
Prevascular hernias are a variation of the femoral hernia
in which the sac is situated in the femoral sheath, but
anterior to the femoral vessels rather than medial to Lipoma of the cord
them as in the ‘usual’ fashion.18 This hernia was origi-
nally described by Teale in 1846. Other related hernias A lipoma of the spermatic cord or the round ligament is an
have been described that protrude through the femoral isolated discrete collection of fatty tissue arising from the
sheath in strict continuity with the femoral vessels but in retroperitoneal tissue, which protrudes through the inter-
various locations and are separated from the vessels only nal ring and is easily separated from the cord structures
by adventitia (Figure 10.7). There is one report of a (Figure 10.8). These tissues can cause symptoms similar to
patient who simultaneously had two bilateral femoral a true hernia. Lipomas can occur with or without a coex-
hernias (total of four femoral hernias).18 isting peritoneal defect. In a retrospective review of 280
This group of hernias is rare, with a reported incidence hernia repairs, the incidence of lipoma of the cord was
of 1.7–2.5 per cent of all femoral hernias.19 However, found to be 22.5 per cent (63/280).21 Eighteen of these
recent reports suggest that these hernias may be more lipomas were found in groins without hernias. Fourteen
common than originally recognized. In a retrospective of the patients with lipomas presented with groin pain,
study in which 105 femoral hernias were identified in an and four were asymptomatic. The authors believe that
a lipoma can be the cause of a patient’s groin pain, and
also can be a predisposing factor to formation or recur-
rence of a hernia, possibly by insinuating itself into the
internal ring and dilating it over time. They recommend
removal of all lipomas, with or without a hernia, in symp-
tomatic patients and documenting in detail those found
incidentally in asymptomatic patients because of the pos-
sibility of future symptoms.21
(lateral femoral)
Callisen-- Cloquet
Contrary to the advantage that laparoscopy adds in all aponeurosis. This aponeurosis, or fascia, is defined as the
of the above-mentioned hernia surgeries, lipomas of the region between the semilunar or Spigelian line (the tran-
cord or round ligament are more difficult to visualize sition from muscle to aponeurosis in the transversus
with the laparoscope. A maneuver that is useful to help abdominus muscle) and the lateral border of the rectus
visualize the lipoma is external compression with the muscle. The usual Spigelian hernia refers to a hernia
hand at the inguinal canal, thus pushing back the lipoma located above the inferior epigastric vessels. Hernias that
through the internal ring. This should be done in any penetrate the Spigelian fascia inferior to the inferior epi-
patient who is undergoing laparoscopic evaluation for gastric vessels are called low Spigelian hernias (Figure
groin pain when a hernia is not found.21 Herniated pre- 10.9). These hernias are actually traversing through
peritoneal fat can also be found in the femoral canal, Hesselbach’s triangle, which includes part of the
Hasselbach’s triangle, or obturator foramen, or alongside Spigelian aponeurosis caudal and medial to the inferior
the pre-peritoneal nerves. We have seen small herniations epigastric vessels. One can easily appreciate that these
along the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which, when hernias are very easily confused with direct inguinal her-
reduced, relieved the patient of the preoperative pain over nias and most likely are underreported because of mis-
the distribution of that nerve. representation as direct inguinal hernias. Low Spigelian
When a lipoma is discovered and requires removal, it is hernias, if diagnosed properly, are usually diagnosed
not always easy to pull it through a 5-mm or 10-mm trocar. intraoperatively. The hernial orifice is usually small and
The available options are piecemeal removal of the lipoma has rigid, sharply defined edges. These hernias may also
(which can be tedious), allowing it to remain attached at be repaired laparoscopically, which can be done in a pre-
the base and placing it between the mesh and the peri- peritoneal fashion, as described for repair of a direct
toneum, or separation of the lipoma from the cord, leaving inguinal hernia.22,23
the lipoma in situ. The latter option is not recommended
as the lipoma may re-herniate into the inguinal canal.21
Low Spigelian hernia
We have described in detail our approach for laparoscopic
A Spigelian hernia is a rare hernia that protrudes repair of femoral and obturator hernias. The repair is no
through a congenital or acquired defect in the Spigelian different in principle to that of direct or indirect inguinal
hernias. The most important step to remember is that
(c) wide coverage of all of the possible hernia orifices is nec-
essary to prevent recurrence. In addition, we have stressed
the usefulness of the laparoscopic approach because it
gives a better total visualization of the entire inguinal and
(a) pelvic regions than the open technique. This is especially
helpful when one encounters some of the more unusual
(f) hernias that have been mentioned in this chapter. Finally,
we have described some of the unusual inguinal and
pelvic hernias that may be encountered and the basic
principles of management of them.
1 Rutkow I. Epidemiologic, economic, and sociologic aspects of
hernia surgery in the United States in the 1990s. Surg Clin N Am
1998; 78: 941–51.
2 Sandblom G, Haapaniemi S, Nilsson E. Femoral hernias: a register
analysis of 588 repairs. Hernia 1999; 3: 131–4.
Figure 10.9 Anatomy of the low Spigelian hernia. Shaded area: 3 Haith LR, Simeone MR, Reilly KJ, et al. Obturator hernia:
Spigelian aponeurosis. (a) Region of Spigelian hernia; (b) region laparoscopic diagnosis and repair. JSLS 1998; 2: 191–3.
of low Spigelian hernia; (c) Spigelian line; (d) lateral border of 4 Koontz AR. Femoral hernia. Arch Surg 1952; 64: 298–308.
rectus abdominus muscle; (e) inferior epigastric vessels; and 5 Glassow F. Femoral hernia: review of 2,105 repairs in a 17 year
(f) transversus abdominus muscle. Modified from Bennett D. period. Am J Surg 1985; 150: 353–6.
6 Bendavid R. A femoral ‘umbrella’ for femoral hernia repair. Surg
Spigelian hernias. In: Fitzgibbons RJ, Greenburg AG, eds. Nyhus Gynecol Obstet 1987; 165: 153–6.
& Condon’s Hernia, 5th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & 7 Lichtenstein IL, Shore JM. Simplified repair of femoral and inguinal
Wilkins, 2002: 405–13, with permission. hernia by a ‘plug’ technique. Am J Surg 1974; 128: 439–44.
82 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
8 Hernandez-Richter T, Schardey HM, Rau HG, et al. The femoral 16 Kavic MS. Chronic pelvic pain in women. In: Bendavid R,
hernia: an ideal approach for the transabdominal preperitoneal Abrahamson J, Arregui ME, et al., eds. Abdominal Wall Hernias
technique (TAPP). Surg Endosc 2000; 14: 736–40. Principle and Management. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001:
9 Marchal F, Parent S, Tortuyaux JM, et al. Obturator hernias – 636–8.
report of seven cases. Hernia 1997; 1: 23–6. 17 Skandalakis JE. Perineal hernia. In: Skandalakis JE, Gray SW,
10 Skandalakis LJ, Skandalakis PN, Colborn GL, Skandalakis JE. Mansberger AR, et al., eds. Hernia Surgical Anatomy and
Obturator hernia: embryology, anatomy, surgery. Hernia 2000; 4: Technique. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989: 185–206.
121–8. 18 Harkins HN. In: Nyhus LM, Condon RE, eds. Hernia, 3rd edn.
11 Arregui ME, Navarrete J, Davis CJ, et al. Laparoscopic inguinal Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1989: 302–3.
herniorrhaphy – techniques and controversies. Surg Clin N A 1993; 19 Bocci P. Paravascular hernias. In: Bendavid R, ed. Prostheses
73: 513–27. and Abdominal Wall Hernias. Austin, TX: RG Landes Co., 1994:
12 Miklos JR, O’Reilly MJ, Saye WB. Sciatic hernia as a cause of 415–16.
chronic pelvic pain in women. Obstet Gynecol 1998; 91: 998–1001. 20 Spurbeck WW, Voeller GR. Prevascular and retropsoas hernias:
13 Carter JE. Sciatic, obturator, and perineal hernias: a view from the incidence of rare abdominal wall hernias. Abstract presented at
gynecologist. In: Fitzgibbons RJ, Greenburg AG, eds. Nyhus and American Hernia Society Hernia Conference, Tucson, AZ, May
Condon’s Hernia, 5th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & 2002.
Wilkins, 2002: 539–49. 21 Lilly MC, Arregui ME. Lipomas of the cord and round ligament.
14 Kavic MS. Chronic pelvic pain in females and obscure hernias. Ann Surg 2002; 235: 586–90.
Hernia 2000; 4: 250–4. 22 Spangen L. Spigelian hernia. Surg Clin North Am 1984; 64: 351–66.
15 Chaudhuri A, Chye KK, March SK. Sciatic hernias: choice of 23 Bennett D. Spigelian hernia. In: Fitzgibbons RJ, Greenburg AG, eds.
optimal prosthetic repair material in preventing long-term Nyhus and Condon’s Hernia, 5th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott
morbidity. Hernia 1999; 4: 229–31. Williams & Wilkins, 2002: 405–13.
Results of laparoscopic inguinal/femoral
hernia repair
Over 750 000 inguinal hernia repairs are performed in the approaches for the repair of inguinal hernia include the
USA annually. Historically, many techniques for the tissue transabdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) and the totally
repair of groin hernias have been used, including the extraperitoneal (TEP) approaches. These two laparo-
Bassini, McVay, Cooper and Shouldice repairs. Currently, scopic procedures, based upon the open Stoppa repair,
the tension-free repair of Lichtenstein and the mesh-plug provide pre-peritoneal mesh reinforcement of the ilio-
procedure dominate the majority of surgical practices. pubic tract.
Since the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy
in the late 1980s, advancements in minimally invasive sur-
gery have led surgeons to investigate laparoscopic tech-
niques for treating inguinal hernia while still providing a
durable repair. Accepted indications for laparoscopic her-
nia repair are recurrent and bilateral inguinal hernias in a TAPP repair requires entry into the peritoneal cavity.
patient at low anesthetic risk. However, considerable debate Following placement of trocars, the peritoneum is divided
over laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, not seen with transversely anterior to the internal ring, wide peritoneal
other laparoscopic procedures, has diminished the enthu- flaps are raised, and the hernia sac is reduced. A large
siasm for adopting this technique for unilateral, primary prosthetic mesh is stapled into place, widely overlapping
inguinal hernias. the defect and buttressing the iliopubic tract. Similarly,
The emergence of laparoscopic groin hernia surgery is TEP repair requires advanced knowledge of the anatomy
multifactorial. Following open repair, high rates of post- of the inguinal floor. However, access to the pre-peritoneal
operative patient discomfort, pain, and increased time space is achieved without incision of the peritoneal mem-
away from work, coupled with recurrence rates that brane. Following balloon or blunt dissection of the pre-
ranged from one to ten per cent, influenced surgeons to peritoneal space, the cord structures are dissected, and
explore alternative repair methods. Early attempts at indirect or direct hernias are reduced. The inguinal floor
laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair included intraperi- is covered with a large prosthetic mesh and secured with
toneal onlay mesh (IPOM) techniques, simple inguinal staples or another fixation device. Potential early postop-
ring closure, and plug-and-patch repair. However, these erative complications include bowel injury from trocar
early laparoscopic approaches were abandoned secondary insertion (TAPP), bowel obstruction from adhesion for-
to an unacceptable rate of recurrence and the formation mation (TAPP), nerve entrapment from staple placement
of intra-abdominal adhesions, except at a few centers (see (TAPP and TEP), and mesh infection (TAPP and TEP).
Chapter 7). Today, the two predominant laparoscopic The extraperitoneal approach avoids a number of these
84 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
Follow-up Recurrence
Study Procedure Number (months) rate (%)
Aeberhard et al. (1999)3 TEP 1605 12 1.3
Katkhouda et al. (1999)4 TEP 99 24 0
Farinas and Griffen (2000)5 TEP 96 12 0
Knook et al. (1999)6 TEP 256 40 5
Ferzli et al. (1999)7 TEP 100 8 0
Frankum et al. (1999)8 TEP 779 30 0.2
Halkic et al. (1999)9 TEP 118 22 0
Lucas and Arregui (1999)10 TEP 199 36 0
O’Riordain et al. (1999)11 TEP 71 12 0
Juul et al. (1999)1 TAPP 138 12 2.9
Knook et al. (1999)12 TAPP 34 35 0
Smith et al. (1999)13 TAPP 536 17 0.6
Johansson et al. (1999)14 TAPP 204 12 2
pitfalls that are unique to entry into the peritoneal cavity. invasive repairs, due to conversions and recurrences
However, early problems with nerve entrapment and requiring the alternative procedure.
hernia recurrence secondary to inadequate mesh size
following either procedure have resulted in significant
Outcome measures following groin hernia repair
include postoperative pain, complications, return to work,
patient satisfaction, and cost, as well as long-term hernia
recurrence rates. Comparisons of laparoscopic approaches Although we currently use the Lichtenstein (tension-free)
have revealed lower rates of postoperative pain following repair for open inguinal herniorrhaphy, the Shouldice
TEP repair; however, operating times and return to nor- technique appears to have similar advantages in terms of
mal activity were generally similar. Recurrence rates fol- short recovery time and low recurrence rates. Laparo-
lowing either laparoscopic repair were variable (Table 11.1). scopic repair has been compared with a number of open
Non-randomized (usually sequential) trials comparing repair methods, with varying results. A number of early,
TEP versus TAPP approaches have reported lower recur- small trials failed to demonstrate a clear benefit following
rence rates following the TEP technique. However, in a laparoscopic repair. More recent randomized trials com-
number of these trials the differences were not statistically paring laparoscopic and open suture repair have reported
significant, with subsequent randomized studies report- superior outcomes following the laparoscopic approach
ing similar recurrence rates irrespective of laparoscopic in terms of less postoperative pain and a faster return to
procedure. normal activity. Although operative times of the laparo-
Evaluations of these two laparoscopic techniques have scopic approaches have been reported to be significantly
demonstrated a slightly lower complication rate following longer than with open suture methods in a number of
TEP repair. Reports of bowel injury and small-bowel studies, wound complications and overall recurrence
obstruction secondary to intra-abdominal adhesions were rates were similar (Table 11.2). In addition, general anes-
more common following the TAPP approach than the TEP thesia was used in the vast majority of laparoscopic cases
approach. The difference in complication rates between the as opposed to local, epidural or spinal anesthesia in the
two accepted laparoscopic approaches may result from open group. Despite this, several trials have shown earlier
remaining completely extraperitoneal during TEP dissec- hospital discharge and less postoperative pain (early
tion and repair. However, initial experience with TAPP may and late) in patients undergoing laparoscopic repair. A
have provided surgeons with the additional skills and randomized comparison of extraperitoneal laparoscopic
knowledge to perform a superior TEP repair. repair with various open approaches by Liem and col-
In general, due to the small number of comparative leagues revealed longer procedure times for the laparo-
studies, firm conclusions on the relative merits of the dif- scopic repair.13 However, the laparoscopy group had
ferent techniques are difficult to obtain. However, TEP lower analgesia requirements, less postoperative pain, and
repair may have some advantages regarding complica- an earlier return to work. The recurrence rate was slightly
tions and postoperative pain. Despite these potential dif- lower in the laparoscopy group, as were wound infections
ferences, surgeons should be skilled in both minimally and chronic postoperative pain.
Results of laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernia repair 85
doubling of operative time and postoperative pain when Table 11.4 Perceived disadvantages of laparoscopic
compared with laparoscopic repair. The laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
approach for repair of unilateral or bilateral hernias
Requirement for general anesthesia
utilizes the same ports, thereby limiting additional time Complications unique to laparoscopic approach
requirements for bilateral herniorrhaphy. In addition, Steep learning curve
pre-peritoneal repair (TEP/TAPP) avoids the scarring of Increased cost
the anterior groin that follows failed open repair, and it
should be expected to be less time-consuming and fraught
with fewer complications than open herniorrhaphy for
12 Knook MT, Weidema WF, Stassen LP, van Steensel CJ. Laparoscopic 25 Champault GG, Rizk N, Catheline J-M, et al. Inguinal hernia repair;
repair of recurrent inguinal hernias after endoscopic totally preperitoneal laparoscopic approach versus Stoppa
herniorrhaphy. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 1145–7. operation: randomized trial of 100 cases. Surg Laparosc Endosc
13 Smith AI, Royston CM, Sedman PC. Stapled and nonstapled 1997; 7: 445–50.
laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia 26 Khoury N. A randomized prospective controlled trial of laparoscopic
repair. A prospective randomized trial. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: extraperitoneal hernia repair and mesh-plug hernioplasty: a study
804–6. of 315 cases. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 1998; 8: 367–72.
14 Johansson B, Hallerbäck Glise H, Anesten B, et al. Laparoscopic
mesh versus open preperitoneal mesh versus conventional
technique for inguinal hernia repair: a randomized multicenter
trial (SCUR Hernia Repair Study). Ann Surg 1999; 230: 225–31. FURTHER READING
15 Liem MSL, van der Graaf Y, van Steensel CJ, et al. Comparison of
conventional anterior surgery and laparoscopic surgery for
inguinal-hernia repair. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 1541–7. Barkun JS, Wexler MJ, Hinchey EJ, et al. Laparoscopic versus open
16 Paganini AM, Lezoche E, Carle F, et al. A randomized, controlled, inguinal herniorrhaphy: preliminary results of a randomized
clinical study of laparoscopic vs open tension-free hernia repair. controlled trial. Surgery 1995; 118: 703–10.
Surg Endosc 1998; 12: 979–86. Champault G, Benoit J, Lauroy J, et al. Inguinal hernia in adults.
17 Zieren J, Zieren HU, Jacobi CA, et al. Prospective randomized study Laparoscopic surgery versus the Shouldice method. Controlled
comparing laparoscopic and open tension-free inguinal hernia randomized study in 181 patients. Preliminary results. Ann Chir
repair with Shouldice’s operation. Am J Surg 1998; 175: 330–3. 1994; 48: 1003–8.
18 Koninger JS, Oster M, Butters M. Management of inguinal hernia: Cheek CM, Black NA, Devlin HB, et al. Groin hernia surgery: a
a comparison of current methods. Chirurg 1998; 69: 1340–4. systematic review. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1998; 80 (suppl 1): S1–80.
19 Payne JH, Jr, Grininger LM, Izawa MT, et al. Laparoscopic or open Collaboration EH. Laparoscopic compared with open methods of groin
inguinal herniorrhaphy? A randomized prospective trial. Arch Surg hernia repair: systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
1994; 129: 973–9, 979–81. Br J Surg 2000; 87: 860–67.
20 Heikkinen T, Haukipuro K, Leppala J, Hulkko A. Total costs of EU Hernia Trialists Collaboration. Mesh compared with non-mesh
laparoscopic and Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repairs: a methods of open groin hernia repair: systematic review of
randomized prospective study. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1997; 7: 1–5. randomized controlled trials. Br J Surg 2000; 87: 854–9.
21 Beets GL, Dirksen CD, Go PM, et al. Open or laparoscopic Kozol R, Lange PM, Kosir M, et al. A prospective, randomized study of
preperitoneal mesh repair for recurrent inguinal hernia? A open vs laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. An assessment of
randomized controlled trial. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 323–7. postoperative pain. Arch Surg 1997; 132: 292–5.
22 Filipi CJ, Gaston-Johansson F, McBride PJ, et al. An assessment of Maddern GJ, Rudkin G, Bessell JR, et al. A comparison of laparoscopic
pain and return to normal activity. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy vs and open hernia repair as a day surgical procedure. Surg Endosc
open tension-free Lichtenstein repair. Surg Endosc 1996; 10: 983–6. 1994; 8:1404–8.
23 Aitola P, Airo I, Matikainen M. Laparoscopic versus open Stoker DL, Spiegelhalter DJ, Singh R, Wellwood JM. Laparoscopic versus
preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair: a prospective randomised open inguinal hernia repair: randomised prospective trial. Lancet
trial. Ann Chir Gynaecol 1998; 87: 22–5. 1994; 343: 1243–5.
24 Wellwood J, Sculpher MJ, Stoker D, et al. Randomised controlled Vogt DM, Curet MJ, Pitcher DE, et al. Preliminary results of a
trial of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair for inguinal hernia: prospective randomized trial of laparoscopic onlay versus
outcome and cost. Br Med J 1998; 317: 103–10. conventional inguinal herniorrhaphy. Am J Surg 1995; 169: 84–90.
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Complications and their management
Anesthesia 89 Neuropathy 91
Events related to laparoscopic access 89 Visceral complications 92
Organ involvement 90 Mesh-related problems 93
Hydrocele 90 Recurrence 93
Seroma 90 Conclusion 94
Vascular injury 91 References 94
The modern era of the treatment of inguinal/femoral than age, to general anesthesia exists, then hernias must be
hernias has evolved over the past 155 years. From truss repaired through an anterior approach under local anes-
support to elective outpatient procedures, the surgical thesia. No controlled trial has been published that has
techniques to treat these patients have progressed, such shown definitely that a local anesthetic is truly superior
that now surgeons are able to employ the use of laparoscopy to carefully administered general anesthesia. Consequently,
to approach these hernias. Laparoscopic approaches allow this does not represent a strong reason to avoid TAPP
the inspection of the inguinal and femoral areas bilaterally, or TEP.
thereby avoiding unexpected non-diagnosed contralateral
hernias. This method of hernioplasty has been shown to
reduce postoperative pain and disability and allows the EVENTS RELATED TO LAPAROSCOPIC
treatment of bilateral defects in one sitting. But, as in ACCESS
all operative procedures, complications exist. Nothing is
more effective in the prevention of the occurrence of
Inherent to laparoscopy are the insufflation of carbon
complications as one’s awareness and fear of them.
dioxide and the possibility of systemic alterations follow-
In this chapter, complications and their management
ing pneumoperitoneum, documented very well in the
will be focused on the two most commonly performed
literature. Additionally, trocar access may carry some
laparoscopic inguinal hernia repairs, the transabdominal
intra-abdominal complications, such as major vascular
pre-peritoneal (TAPP) approach and the totally extraperi-
or visceral injuries.3 Blind insertion of the Veress needle
toneal (TEP) technique.
or trocars may cause intra-abdominal and abdominal
wall complications. In a retrospective study of 103 852
laparoscopic operations (nine per cent inguinal hernias),
ANESTHESIA which involved the insertion of 390 000 trocars, the inci-
dence of serious complications was 3.2/1000 inter-
It has been suggested that the general anesthesia needed ventions (0.032 per cent).4 Bleeding from the trocar site
for laparoscopic herniorrhaphy is a major drawback, and was the most common complication, accounting for
open procedures are preferred because they can be two-thirds of the accidents; this resulted in conversion to
performed under local anesthesia. However, numerous an open procedure in 11.3 per cent. Visceral injuries
reports have revealed the relative absence of anesthesia- occurred in 0.6/1000 interventions, and the conversion
related complications, probably associated with proper rate was 65 per cent. The incidence of vascular injuries
patient selection.4,5 If a medical contraindication, other was 0.5/1000, and resulted in six deaths (17 per cent); the
90 Laparoscopic inguinal/femoral hernioplasty
conversion rate to laparotomy was 85 per cent. The two with the conventional techniques, ranging from 0.3 to
most important risk factors were inexperienced surgeons 5 per cent.12
and the introduction of the first trocar, which was respon-
sible for 83 per cent of vascular injuries, 75 per cent of
bowel injuries, and 50 per cent of local hemorrhage. Vas deferens complications
Complications are theoretically different depending
upon the laparoscopic technique (TAPP or TEP). In TEP, The incidence of vas deferens injuries is about the same
because there is no invasion of the abdominal cavity, major (about 0.04 per cent) regardless of whether the hernia
intracavity injuries are very rare. However, there have repair is performed open or laparoscopically. Trauma to
been reports of enterotomies resulting from the tearing of the vas deferens can be one of immediate transection or
adhesions during extraperitoneal balloon dissection.5 ultimate obstruction. Transection is a very rare mishap
Another complication related to the laparoscopic following TAPP or TEP repair. If this does occur, then
approach is trocar site incisional hernia. Although quite repair must be attempted unless fertility is not a con-
uncommon, this is associated particularly with TAPP sideration. Obstruction can result from the vigorous
repair. Because the incidence varies from five to 15 per handling of the vas deferens with instruments/graspers,
cent, it is recommended that all port sites over 5 mm yielding a fibrosis of variable intensity through the mus-
should be closed in order to avoid this postoperative cular wall of the vas deferens. Sometimes, the vas defer-
complication. ens may become adherent to the posterior inguinal floor
following the operation and form kinks that may repre-
sent an outflow obstruction and hence account for
ORGAN INVOLVEMENT dysejaculation.
of seromas is more common in the TEP or the TAPP The aggressiveness of the dissection and complete parietal-
approach. Studies by Felix and colleagues,11 Ramshaw and ization of the cord structures is the probable cause. Injuries
colleagues,16 D’Allemagne and colleagues,17 Kald and col- of the aorta were described during TAPP, either secondary
leagues,18 and Cohen and colleagues19 revealed different to the first blind trocar or during dissection in the inappro-
results regarding the higher incidence of seroma in the priate location and resultant injury to the terminal aorta.20
TEP approach. It seems plausible that the use of balloon The introduction of prosthetic materials originally
dissection in TEP repair can be more aggressive to the pre- raised some concerns with regard to their proximity to
peritoneal space than the TAPP technique. Consequently, arteries and veins. Flat sheets of prosthetic materials
it appears that seromas following TAPP are often smaller have not been associated with vascular erosions and
and easier to manage than those that follow TEP. thrombosis.21
Additionally, it is quite rare for a seroma to become encap-
sulated with such a strong fibrotic capsule that resection is
Intestinal complications
Bowel obstruction is almost unheard of with conventional
repair, but it can be associated with the laparoscopic
(c) approach, particularly TAPP. However, its incidence in
the literature is low, ranging from 0.06 to 0.2 per cent.27
Figure 12.1 (a) TAPP – anatomical view: (1) Cooper’s ligament; The complication was frequent in the developmental
(2) vas deferens; (3) spermatic cord; (4) nerve area below the stages secondary to inadequate peritoneal closure over
iliopubic tract; (5) iliopubic tract; (6) internal ring. (b) Black the prosthesis, allowing bowel to migrate into the pre-
area, triangle of doom; red area, trapezoid of disaster. peritoneal space, which could result in intestinal obstruc-
(c) Recurrence Mesh invagination in the defect. tion. The major advantage of the TEP procedure is the
theoretical avoidance of this problem, as the peritoneal
iliopubic tract, are the most effective tools to avoid sheath is kept untouched.
neuralgia paresthetica that may follow the laparoscopic Another situation, related almost solely to TAPP
approach to groin hernias. repair, is the lack of appreciation of the need to close
The ilio-inguinal nerve and the ilio-hypogastric nerve trocar sites. If one considers any hernia as a part of a
are more superficial structures, making them easier to systemic abdominal wall disease, then it is mandatory to
injure in open repair than in the laparoscopic method. close all fascial defects, avoiding potential port site her-
Diagnosis can be made after careful anatomical localization nias. The incidence of delayed bowel obstruction related
Complications and their management 93
to adhesions because of the intra-abdominal nature of required, due to their pore diameter, the inability of
TAPP has yet to be determined but would appear to be drainage through them, and impaired macrophage
extremely low. migration and activity.
Intraoperative laceration of incarcerated or sliding When systemic conditions are unstable and sepsis is
(large bowel) hernias must be avoided and currently are present, an aggressive surgical approach is the rule. One
reported rarely. Following general principles of gentle should never forget, however, that removal of an infected
surgical technique, this kind of problem should seldom mesh could be perilous, as firm adhesions to local struc-
be found. tures such as major vessels may be found. Fortunately,
the incidence of infections in the laparoscopic era varies
from 0 to 0.6 per cent.6,28
Bone complications Rarely, delayed infections may be seen months or years
later. The mechanism in this delay is not understood.
Bone-related complications were very rare before the
Conservative management is the choice, and mesh
laparoscopic era. Today, osteitis pubis after the learning
removal is required rarely, subject to the above discussion.
curve is an avoidable complication. The usual mecha-
nism of injury is tacking/stapling the mesh while anchor-
ing it over the periosteum. Oral analgesia and eventually Mesh and infertility
local infiltration may be a good way to initiate treatment
of this complication. If unsuccessful, re-exploration with Although infertility is not usually reported after hernia
tack/staple removal is the best alternative to treat such a repair, a few reports from fertility clinics have shown an
painful complication. It is a personal observation that association of infertility and previous hernia repair,
pubic pain is more frequent when employing tacks rather without accounting for vas deferens injuries or ‘over-
than the regular hernia staples, probably due to their manipulation’. The placement of large meshes in the pre-
penetration into the bone. peritoneal space in TAPP or TEP repair may lead to
fibrosis in the proximity of the vas deferens and may pre-
dispose to an unknown effect on its function, without any
Skin complications clear vas luminal obstruction. Further studies are needed.
It should be noted that it is important to avoid extensive
In major series, ecchymoses and subcutaneous emphy-
manipulation of the cord structures and vas deferens in
sema were reported, but these are self-limiting and with-
men of reproductive age to avoid affecting fertility.
out major consequences. Skin infections are very rare
following laparoscopic repair, and there are no situations
that impose a higher risk in either TAPP or TEP.
23 Eubanks S, Newman L, Goehring L, et al. Meralgia paresthetica: a 28 MacFadyen BV. Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy:
complication of laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Complications. In: Arregui M, Nagan RF, eds. Inguinal Hernia:
1993; 3: 381–5. Advances or Controversies? Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1994:
24 Seid AS, Amos E. Entrapment neuropathy in laparoscopic 284–96.
herniorrhaphy. Surg Endosc 1994; 8: 1050–53. 29 Rutkow I. The recurrence rate in hernia surgery. How important is
25 Rosen A, Halevy A. Anatomical basis for nerve injury during it? Arch Surg 1995; 130: 575–8.
laparoscopic hernia repair. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1997; 7: 469–71. 30 Schultz L, Graber J, Pietrafitta J. Laparoscopic laser herniorrhaphy:
26 Payne JH. Complications of laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Semin a clinical trial preliminary study. J Laparoendosc Surg 1990; 1:
Laparosc Surg 1997; 4: 166–81. 41–5.
27 Fitzgibbons RJ, Camps J, Cornet DA, Annibali R. Laparoscopic
inguinal herniorrhaphy: results of a multicenter trial. Ann Surg
1995; 221: 3–13.
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Laparoscopic incisional and
ventral hernioplasty
Ventral hernias present a challenging surgical problem. to the armamentarium of biomaterials in the 1970s and
Approximately 3–11 per cent of all laparotomy incisions has become a popular prosthetic for ventral/incisional
develop a fascial defect, resulting in 90 000 ventral hernias hernia repair.3
repairs each year.1 Due to the high rate of recurrence with The introduction of tension-free repair with bio-
simple suture closure, the techniques of hernia repair materials has drastically reduced the recurrence rate of
have evolved from primary repair to those employing abdominal wall hernias. In several studies, the addition
biomaterials. More recently, surgeons’ options have of prosthetic mesh has reduced hernia repair failure
expanded to include repairs using minimally invasive by more than 50 per cent.4 Nevertheless, the techniques
approaches. developed by Stoppa and others to employ meshes
Primary repairs involve suturing of the aponeurotic for repair involve large areas of tissue-flap dissection
layers of the abdominal wall to close defects, along with and create significant patient morbidity, including
unique variations such as the ‘vest-over-pants’ technique wound complications, infection, a need for drains, and
developed by William J. Mayo in 1895. To repair large pain.5
defects, in the 1920s Gibson introduced the concept of Advances in minimally invasive surgery prompted the
relaxing incisions, which allowed closure of the abdomi- first attempts at laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in the
nal wall in the midline with reduced tension.2 Despite the early 1990s.6 These techniques eliminated the need for
various and inventive techniques for primary repair, the wide soft-tissue dissection and large incisions, and it was
recurrence rate after primary repair remained unaccept- hoped that there would be a corresponding decrease
ably high, spurring the development of biomaterials in morbidity, such as was seen in the transition from
to repair abdominal wall defects in the first half of the conventional to laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
twentieth century.
The first biomaterials employed for hernia repair were
metallic. Silver wire mesh, tantalum mesh, and stainless-
steel mesh were all used in an attempt to create stronger
hernia repairs. The metallic prostheses, however, led to
problems such as erosion, fragmentation, fistulas, and
patient intolerability. Hence, a variety of synthetic poly- Initial laparoscopic ventral hernia repairs were usually
meric meshes were developed, leading to a revolution in performed by placing a large intraperitoneal prosthesis
hernia repair. Francis Usher introduced monofilament and securing it to the anterior abdominal wall with her-
polypropylene mesh in 1958, and today this is the most nia staples or spiral tacks.6–8 Recurrences secondary to
commonly used mesh. Polyester mesh, which is very the mesh pulling free from the abdominal wall or migra-
popular in Europe, was also introduced in the 1950s. tion with the peritoneum into the hernia prompted most
Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) was added surgeons to adopt a fixation technique that employs
100 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
transfascial non-absorbable sutures in addition to staples Table 13.1 Number of articles published
or tacks to secure the mesh.7,9 Surgeons also recognized concerning laparoscopic ventral hernia
that the lack of overlap of the defect by the prosthesis repair by year (Medline and Embase search)
contributed to recurrent hernia formation.10 This has
Publication Number of
led to the recommendation that at least a 3-cm overlap year articles published
be provided circumferentially. Many surgeons advocate a
4–6-cm circumferential overlap if the mesh can be placed 2001 18
without undue technical difficulty. We and others often 2000 19
1999 11
underlay the entire previous incision, even if it is not
1998 13
involved with the hernia, to prevent the development of
1997 9
another hernia above or below the repaired defect. 1996 12
The choice of prosthetic material for laparoscopic ven- 1995 8
tral hernia repair is varied and often debated. By far, how- 1994 13
ever, the most frequently used mesh has been expanded 1993 3
polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). While some authors 1992 3
have reported the use of polypropylene or polyester mate-
rials for laparoscopic ventral herniorrhaphy without
complication,8 these biomaterials lead to adhesion for-
mation and have been associated with intestinal erosion CONCLUSION
and fistula formation in up to five per cent of patients
when placed intraperitoneally.11 Accordingly, the trend The future of laparoscopic ventral and incisional hernia
has been toward the use of PTFE in most hospitals. repair is promising. Many studies now document a low
recurrence rate with this technique, as well as minimal
patient morbidity afforded by the laparoscopic approach.
ADOPTION OF PROCEDURE While advances in biomaterials and mesh-fixation devices
may lead to future modifications in this technique,
the ability to perform tension-free repair by a minimally
While laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy enjoyed a invasive approach is a positive milestone in the history of
rather quick acceptance after its introduction, the popu- hernia surgery.
larity of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair has arrived
somewhat more slowly. This can probably be attributed
to the inherent difficulty of the adhesiolysis in the previ-
ously operated abdomen and the need for surgeons with REFERENCES
limited laparoscopic experience to apply large pieces of
mesh. A search of Medline and Embase demonstrated 1 Mudge M, Hughes LE. Incisional hernias: a 10-year prospective
only three articles concerning the procedure published study of incidence and attitudes. Br J Surg 1985; 72: 70–71.
in 1992, the year that laparoscopic ventral herniorrha- 2 Flament JB, Palot J, Burde A, et al. Treatment of major incisional
hernias. In: Bendavid R, Abrahamson J, Arregui M, et al., eds.
phy was introduced. However, interest in the technique Abdominal Wall Hernias: Principles and Management. New York:
increased, and by 1994, 13 publications were posted. Springer-Verlag, 2001: 508–16.
There has been a steady or increasing number since that 3 DeBord JR. The historical development of prosthetics in hernia
time, and now more than 100 peer-reviewed articles surgery. Surg Clin North Am 1998; 78: 973–1006.
concerning laparoscopic ventral hernia have been pub- 4 Luijendijk RW, Hop WC, van den Tol MP, et al. A comparison of
suture repair with mesh repair for incisional hernia. N Engl J Med
lished (Table 13.1). Additionally, the number of patients 2000; 343: 392–8.
included in single and multi-institutional studies has 5 White TJ, Santos MC, Thompson JS. Factors affecting wound
continued to grow. Currently, well over 1000 patient out- complications associated with prosthetic repair of ventral hernias.
comes have been reported in peer-reviewed articles, and Am Surg 1998; 64: 276–80.
one manuscript details the outcomes of more than 400 6 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV. Laparoscopic repair of incisional abdominal
hernias using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene: preliminary
patients.9 findings. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993; 3: 39–41.
Use of the technique for laparoscopic ventral hernior- 7 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic
rhaphy has also been reported in cases of unusual defects, incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy: our initial 100 patients.
such as lumbar hernias, parastomal hernias, and diaphrag- Hernia 2001; 5: 41–5.
matic hernias.12–14 While the number of patients in these 8 Holzman MD, Purut CM, Reintgen K, et al. Laparoscopic ventral and
incisional hernioplasty. Surg Endosc 1997; 11: 32–5.
series is small, the outcomes have been positive, and the 9 Heniford BT, Park A, Ramshaw B, Voeller G. Laparoscopic ventral
laparoscopic approach seems uniquely suited for defects and incisional hernia repair in 407 patients. J Am Coll Surg 2000;
located in challenging anatomical locations. 190: 645–50.
History 101
10 LeBlanc KA. The critical technical aspects of laparoscopic 12 Arca MJ, Heniford BT, Pokorny R, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
repair of ventral and incisional hernias. Am Surg 2001; 67: lumbar hernias. J Am Coll Surg 1998; 187: 147–52.
809–12. 13 LeBlanc KA, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic repair of paraostomy
11 Leber GE, Garb JL, Alexander AI, Reed WP. Long-term hernias: early results. J Am Coll Surg 2002; 194: 232–9.
complications associated with prosthetic repair of incisional 14 Matthews BD, Bui H, Harold KL, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
hernias. Arch Surg 1998; 133: 378–82. traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Surg Endosc 2003; in press.
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Anatomy and physiology
The abdominal wall is a complex structure with a multi- This hernia, in turn, can result in complications such as
tude of components, including skin, muscles, aponeu- incarceration, strangulation, loss of domain, and signifi-
roses, fat and mesothelium. This musculo-aponeurotic cant cosmetic deformities. Therefore, the approximation
structure is attached to the vertebral column posteriorly, of the abdominal wall as the final act of laparotomy
the pelvic bones inferiorly, and the ribs superiorly. The should be considered to be as important as the intra-
integrity of the abdominal wall is essential for protecting abdominal procedure that necessitated the incision. This
the underlying organs, allowing for movement of the represents the optimum opportunity to avert the devel-
trunk of the body, providing assistance in respiration, opment of herniation in the future.
and preventing herniation of the intra-abdominal con- Once a hernia has developed and a surgeon is to repair
tents. Breaches in this integrity can occur with incisions, the fascial defect, many considerations influence the
drainage tubes, and postoperative complications. Further- herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty chosen, whether open or
more, the closure of the incisions is affected by the method laparoscopic. The aim of this chapter is to familiarize the
of closure, the type of suture used, and the development of laparoscopic hernia surgeon with a working knowledge of
wound sepsis. Recent studies have even identified that the anterior abdominal wall. This understanding is
the suture technique, the suture length to wound length important because the anatomical basis of the repair of
ratio, and the suture tension have an effect on the ultra- incisional and ventral hernias is necessary to assure an
structural composition of the regenerating tissue and optimal result, structurally, functionally and cosmetically.
collagen composition.1
Despite the importance of this portion of the body,
many surgeons have little knowledge of the anatomical
details as they relate to the function of the structure. All
physicians know of the need for the disruption of its
structural integrity during the course of an operation The functional anatomy of the abdominal wall centers
that requires access to the abdomen and sometimes the upon the flat muscles that provide protection and reten-
retroperitoneum. The factors that influence both the tion of the abdominal viscera. These muscles also pro-
prevention and development of hernias are frequently vide assistance in respiration and allow movement of the
overlooked during the closure of wounds. The result can mid-portion of the body. These components include the
be predisposition to a fascial defect that will allow extra- rectus abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique,
abdominal migration of the contents of the abdomen. and transversus abdominus muscles.
104 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
Rectus abdominus muscle anterior iliac spine and the iliac crest. This muscle, in
concert with the internal oblique and the transversus
This muscle extends from the xiphoid process and abdominus muscles, functions to contain the abdominal
the lower rib margins to the pubis. The entire length viscera. Bilateral contraction of the external oblique
of this muscle inserts into the linea alba in the midline of lowers the ribs, thereby bringing the thorax closer to the
the abdomen. Because the linea alba is the site of the pelvic brim. In this manner, it functions as an accessory
most frequent point of entry into the abdomen for open muscle of expiration. Unilateral contraction of this mus-
surgical procedures, this is the site that most commonly cle causes the opposite hemithorax to depress and rotate
becomes the site of herniation. We have found that toward the side of muscle contraction.
approximately 80 per cent of the incisional hernias that The function of this muscle can be compromised by
we repair laparoscopically are located in the midline of the development of the hernias that are located away from
the abdomen.2 The rectus muscle, when contracted, will the midline of the abdomen. Such hernias include sub-
bring the xiphoid and ribs closer to the pubis. It also acts costal incisional, post-appendectomy, post-colostomy and
to contain the viscera in concert with the other flat mus- Spigelian hernias. Because of the lack of re-approximation
cles of the abdominal wall. The function of the rectus will of the edges of the fascial defect during laparoscopic repair,
be compromised after the development of a hernia at the expiratory function will not resume the efficiency that
site of the linea alba. The laparoscopic repair of midline was present before the herniation. The extent of this effect
hernias does not re-approximate the linea alba. A few will be dependent upon the size of the fascial defect and
centers make an effort to close this defect when possible, the tone of the other muscles of the abdomen.
but the vast majority of surgeons make no effort to do so.
Therefore, in most cases the normal function of the rec- Internal oblique muscle
tus is not restored to its native state. The placement of the
prosthetic biomaterial will reconstruct the containment These fibers course beneath those of the external oblique
function of the muscle, but it will improve its motor muscle in an opposite direction. The muscle runs from
functions only minimally, if at all. However, the contrac- the pelvic brim upward and medially to the thoracic cage
tion of the scar of the hernia itself will result in a mild to and the linea alba. The function of the internal oblique
moderate reduction in the size of the gap of the linea alba muscle is similar to that of the external oblique muscle,
in many patients. but its unilateral contraction results in rotation and low-
Some laparoscopic surgeons use the posterior rectus ering of the thorax on the ipsilateral side of the contrac-
sheath of the rectus within which to perform the opera- tion. Consequently, laparoscopic hernioplasty has an
tive procedure and to place the prosthetic material. This effect on the internal oblique muscle that is similar to
posterior rectus sheath is entered, the hernia is reduced, that seen in the external oblique muscle.
and the repair is performed within that space. This
provides for an extraperitoneal operation similar to that
of the laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy and the Transversus abdominus muscle
Rives–Stoppa repair. The space limitations of this opera-
tive field make the approach impractical for very large This innermost muscle layer of the abdominal wall
and/or incarcerated hernias that do not reside within inserts posteriorly on to the lower six ribs, the lumbo-
the rectus sheath, such as Spigelian or lumbar hernias. It dorsal fascia, the iliac crest, and the iliopsoas fascia. It
has also not been proven that this method of repair also inserts on the medial surface of the costal portion of
improves the functionality of the muscles to a greater the lower seven or eight ribs and interdigitates with the
extent than that provided by intraperitoneal placement insertions of the diaphragm. It is a very important com-
of prosthetic biomaterial. The extraperitoneal repair that ponent of respiration as it is the main antagonist of the
is described in Chapter 17 does not afford any differences diaphragm. As such, it could be considered a key muscle
as to the function of the linea alba because it is not of expiratory function. It acts in this role by displacing
re-approximated in this repair. the visceral contents under the diaphragm at the end of
the initial stage of diaphragmatic inspiration.
Because of its position within the layers of the
External oblique muscle abdominal wall, the transversus abdominus muscle is
also the major component of the containment function
This outermost layer of the flat muscles of the wall of the of these muscles. Because of its structure, it has a power-
abdomen arises from the lowest seven or eight ribs and ful action that results in traction on the abdominal wall.
courses obliquely downward and towards the midline. It is this action that results in the tendency of the margins
There, it interdigitates with the fibers of the contralateral of the laparotomy incision to separate. This act, of rapid
external oblique. The fleshy muscle fibers insert on the retraction, explains the dehiscence that can occur acutely
Anatomy and physiology 105
with a vertical midline laparotomy incision. It also Most incisional and ventral hernias will be single
accounts for the difficulty encountered during attempts defects within the fascia. The layers of muscle and
to provide closure of the midline following dehiscence or fascia will be displaced from the normal position into
after development of midline incisional hernias. One of all directions from the hernia. This results from the
the advantages of laparoscopic hernioplasty and the use traction effects of the flat muscles of the abdomen.
of a prosthetic biomaterial is that the forces of traction Approximately 22 per cent will be of the multiple defect
by this muscle are diminished. Therefore, the function of (‘Swiss-cheese’) variety.1 In these cases, the muscle will
the transversus abdominus that would weaken or destroy be displaced laterally from the defect, but the fascia will
a tissue re-approximating type of repair is averted. Con- be intact between the hernias. This will create one or
versely, the use of prosthetic material to bridge the gap many ‘fascial bridges’ separating the various hernias. In
that is created by the hernia does little to correct the res- either of these hernia anatomic variations, the peritoneal
piratory function that is lost after such an occurrence. surface of the hernia will then be covered with pre-
Much is known about the function of the muscles of peritoneal fat (if any exists), subcutaneous fat, and the
the abdominal wall before the occurrence of a hernia, but skin of the abdominal wall. In some patients, there may
few studies have examined the effects of the muscle func- be a lack of any tissue between the hernia sac and the
tion after incisions through them or after the develop- skin. If this is encountered, good judgment will dictate
ment and subsequent repair of the hernias. These studies that no energy source, such as electrocautery or ultra-
are needed to assess the ability of these operations to sonic dissection, should be utilized in that area during
restore the function of these muscles other than that of the dissection of adhesions. This will avoid the applica-
the retention of the viscera within the abdomen (see tion of heat in the area, which might otherwise cause
below). necrosis of the compromised skin surface and exposure
of the underlying prosthetic biomaterial.
Numerous types of incisions are used to enter the
abdomen, obviously influenced by the intra-abdominal
ANATOMY OF A HERNIA procedure to be performed. Because of this, some
patients may have separate and distinct hernias in more
Approximately 90 per cent of non-inguinal hernias of than one location. This is not infrequent in patients who
the abdominal wall result from an incision through the have temporary colostomies placed after diverticular
aponeurotic layer. The loss of integrity of the transver- perforation of the colon. These are particularly well
salis fascia predates its development. Additionally, poor suited for the laparoscopic approach as both hernias can
nutritional status, infection, pulmonary disease, steroid be repaired simultaneously without the requirement of
usage, and morbid obesity can potentiate the weakening two separate incisions. A similar situation is seen in
effects of such an incision. Initially, one may not recog- patients who present with both incisional and inguinal
nize that a hernia has developed as it could take several hernias.
months for this to become apparent. Sometimes, how- The tissue disruption that can be seen following the
ever, a postoperative incisional infection will be of such flank incisions for anterior lumbar interbody fusions and
severity so as to delineate the fascial defect before dis- nephrectomies are not usually hernias. This problem is
charge of the patient from hospital. There is a five-fold not a true defect in the fascia but is the result of denerva-
increase in the occurrence of incisional hernias following tion of the musculature caused by the incision itself. The
an infection in the wound. flat layer of muscles becomes paralytic. This loss of tissue
The edges of the fascial defect may be difficult to support results in a broad area of weakness that is
demarcate preoperatively by the surgeon because of unsightly and frequently symptomatic. While there is no
obesity and/or incarceration. The muscle layers will be true fascial defect in the usual case, occasionally one will
forced aside from the herniation of the pre-peritoneal note intestinal contents in a fascial defect within the area
tissues or intra-abdominal contents. The herniated struc- of muscle paralysis (see Chapter 20).
tures can be pre-peritoneal fat, omental fat, or small or Finally, hernias that occur without a premorbid event
large intestine. Rarely, other organs can herniate. Fre- are known as primary hernias. These include epigastric
quently, these organs will be fixed to one another due to and umbilical hernias. These can represent 10–20 per
adhesions that have developed after the initial operation. cent of abdominal-wall hernias in most series (excluding
Generally, as the number of the intra-abdominal opera- inguinal hernias). These patients, however, will incur a
tions increases, so does the probability of encountering weakness in the transversalis fascia that results in hernia-
more numerous and denser adhesions. Each additional tion of pre-peritoneal fat and/or the intra-abdominal
operative procedure increases these odds, especially if the contents (Figure 14.1). Predisposing factors include low
patient has had a previous hernia repair using a polypropy- birth weight, steroid usage, pulmonary disease, urologi-
lene mesh. cal disorders, trauma and obesity. Despite the origin, the
106 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
This can be done in many but certainly not all cases of motion of the hernia and its contents in relation to the
herniation within the abdominal wall (other than normal movements of the abdominal wall. This may be
inguinal and femoral defects). Hernia defects that are enhanced over time as the healing process results in
larger than 5 cm2 are unlikely to be repaired, primarily the contraction of the original fascial defect.
because re-approximation of the fascial edges is usually The method of fixation could potentially impact the
not possible. Should one accomplish this closure, then the function of the abdominal-wall musculature, although
repair of most of these hernias will result in a consider- this has never been studied. The use of tacks, coils or
able amount of tension. The success of both open and other fixation devices alone in the fixation of biomaterial
laparoscopic hernia repair depends on the elimination of may not allow the prosthesis to act in tandem with the
tension on the tissues. This can be accomplished, in the muscles, as would the use of transfascial sutures. These
majority of patients, only with the use of a prosthetic bio- devices will penetrate only 3–4 mm, thereby attaching
material. The question of the anatomical modification of the biomaterial to the posterior layers of the transversus
the laparoscopic approach becomes moot if acknowledg- abdominus and possibly the internal oblique muscles. It
ment of the concept of tension-free hernioplasty is applied could be postulated that only the movement of the trans-
to every hernia repair. versus abdominus muscle will affect the patch attached
in this manner. Similarly, one could postulate that the use
of transfascial sutures increases the likelihood that the
flat muscles that are attached to the prosthesis in that
manner will function more normally.
Fixation of the biomaterial with transfascial sutures
will more likely ensure that the movement of each of the
During the repair of incisional and ventral hernias, the three layers of muscle of the abdominal wall will impact
prosthesis will usually be placed in the intraperitoneal the prosthesis in some manner. The prosthesis becomes a
position. In some areas and in some patients this may not significant portion of the abdominal-wall function once
be the case, but in the majority of published series the it has been fixed in this manner. I believe that the patch
location is within the abdomen. While there is a theoreti- will respond to movement of these muscles and have a
cal risk of patch migration, such as has been seen in open greater impact in the function of the wall of the abdomen.
repair, to date none have been reported with laparoscopic However, the sutures will also transfix all of the layers
repair. In only one series has the defect within the fascia of the flat muscles together. This could diminish the
been closed.10 The usual operation will simply place the independence of each of their functions at those points
prosthesis under the defect with a minimum fascial over- of fixation. If the biomaterial is placed in the retro-
lap of 3 cm. The biomaterial is then fixed into position rectal position, then the effects of this will also be felt.
and the operation terminates without regard to the re- Usually, however, hernias are smaller and only in the mid-
approximation of the linea alba. Certainly, in hernias that line if this method is utilized. The same functional result
are located in sites not in the midline, the linea alba is not should be seen. More experimental data are needed to
involved in the repair of the hernia. These typically are evaluate the impact of these issues.
not large and are not considered to be significant in the During adhesiolysis and particularly at the time of
overall function of the wall of the abdomen. Laparoscopic fixation of the biomaterial, there is a risk of injury to the
repair does not provide for the resection of the peritoneal vessels of the abdominal wall. The significant vessels of
sac. Because this sac is not resected, seromas occur very the abdominal wall are the inferior epigastric arteries
frequently. Some authors have used electrocauterization and veins. These are usually out of harm’s way during
of the peritoneal surface of the sac to diminish the occur- more traditional repairs of hernias of the abdomen.
rence of seromas.11 Others have used argon-beam coagu- Generally, any injury to these vessels will be recognized
lation for the same purpose.12 When seromas do occur, and controlled on the operating table. The most com-
some may require additional procedures to treat them; mon method of control is the transfascial placement of
fortunately, this is infrequent. sutures, similar to the manner used to fix the patch. This
The prosthesis acts as a barrier to the protrusion of will easily and effectively control the hemorrhage. Late
the intra-abdominal contents. It does not assume any hematomas have been described in several series in the
functional role in the abdominal wall. The muscles of the literature. One could assume that these represented late
abdomen will not have any significant change in their development of hemorrhage from these vessels, due to
own function after the operation. Repair of the hernia, either partial tamponade or delayed necrosis of the vessel
especially larger ones, will probably improve the function wall secondary to electrocautery or other smaller vessels
of the flat muscles of the abdomen. There are no sup- that experience the same process.
portive data to prove this, but one would assume that The sutures may also impinge the small nerves of the
elimination of the hernia eliminates the paradoxical subcutaneous space. This is unavoidable, but it has
108 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
amount of PPM material that is used in the open repair of 2 LeBlanc KA, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE, Rhynes VK. Laparoscopic
incisional hernias when repaired with PPM. The effect of incisional and ventral hernioplasty: lessons learned from 200
patients. Hernia 2003; in press.
this can be shown in the laboratory, but the actual clinical 3 Trivellini G, Danelli P. Respiratory pathophysiology and giant
significance has not been shown conclusively. There are incisional hernias. In: Bendavid R, ed. Abdominal Wall Hernias.
even fewer data relating to ePTFE products, and no data New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001: 166–72.
are available regarding the laparoscopic approach to this 4 Hesselink VJ, Luijendijk RW, deWilt JHW, et al. An evaluation of
implantation. risk factors in incisional hernia recurrence. Surg Gynecol Obstet
1993; 176: 228–34.
It can certainly be said that there is no re-approximation 5 Luijendijk RW, Hop WCJ, Tol van den P, et al. A comparison of
of the fascia or the muscles of the abdominal wall with suture repair with mesh repair for incisional hernia. N Engl J Med
LIVH. The long-term effects of this remaining defect in 2000; 343: 392–8.
the fascia of these muscles have not been studied. The 6 Leber GE, Garb JL, Alexander AI, Reed WP. Long-term
follow-up of our patients over a period of time that exceeds complications associated with prosthetic repair of incisional
hernias. Arch Surg 1998; 133: 378–82.
ten years has not revealed a single problem related to this 7 Flament JB, Avisse C, Palot JP, Delattre JF. Biomaterials. Principles
remaining functional defect. I believe that these patients of implantation. In: Schumpelick V, Kingsnorth AN, eds. Incisional
have lost the benefit of a normal anatomical functioning Hernia. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999: 217–30.
abdominal wall because of lax musculature and/or the 8 Flament JP, Palot JP, et al. Treatment of major incisional hernias.
hernia itself. The repair of the single defect does not impact In: Bendavid R, ed. Abdominal Wall Hernias. Berlin: Springer-
Verlag, 2000: 508–16.
the innate laxity of the normal muscles. Additionally, the 9 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic
development of the hernia itself signifies that the patient incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy in 100 patients. Am J Surg
has weakened fascia. 2000; 180: 193–7.
10 Franklin ME, Dorman JP, Glass JL, et al. Laparoscopic ventral
and incisional hernia repair. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998;
CONCLUSION 8: 294–9.
11 Tsimoyiannis EC, Siakas P, Glantzounis K, et al. Seroma in
laparoscopic ventral hernioplasty. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan
Laparoscopic repair of incisional and ventral hernias Tech 2001; 11: 317–21.
requires the use of a prosthetic biomaterial. In all but the 12 Lehr SC, Schuricht AL. A minimally invasive approach for treating
smallest of hernias, no tension is placed on the repair. This postoperative seromas after incisional hernia repair. J Soc
Laparoendosc Surg 2001; 5: 267–71.
may explain the decrease in the length of hospitalization of 13 LeBlanc KA, Bellanger DE, Rhynes VK, et al. Tissue attachment
patients because of diminished levels of pain and ileus. strength of prosthetic meshes used in ventral and incisional hernia
This does not provide for the reconstitution of the normal repair. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 1542–6.
anatomy of the abdominal wall. In so doing, expiratory 14 Susmallian S, Gerwurtz G, Ezri T, Charuzi. Seroma after
function may be compromised. In no cases, however, has laparoscopic repair of hernia with ePTFE patch: is it really a
complication? Hernia 2001; 5: 139–41.
this been proven to be a clinical problem. More experi- 15 Junge K, Klinge U, Prescher A, et al. Elasticity of the anterior
mental and clinical studies are needed to assess accurately abdominal wall and impact for reparation of incisional hernias
the functionality of the wall of the abdomen following using mesh implants. Hernia 2001; 5: 113–18.
laparoscopic ventral and incisional hernioplasty.
References 113
Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty (LIVH) few different methods that are used to perform this pro-
was first described in 1993.1 The concepts of this tech- cedure; these are described in Chapters 17 and 18.
nique are equivalent to the tension-free repair of inguinal
hernias, which has become popular in the past two
decades. The open tissue repair of incisional hernias has a
recurrence rate of 25–52 per cent. The use of a prosthetic
biomaterial to repair these fascial defects lowers the recur- Any patient that could undergo an open prosthetic repair
rence rate to 11–23 per cent. The rate of recurrence with can be considered for the laparoscopic approach. The
the laparoscopic approach has been reported to be from size of the fascial defect will play a significant role in
1 to 9 per cent.2–6 It is important to note that in most of many circumstances. The size of the defect is not a limit-
these reports, the results included the early experiences of ing factor, although I frequently restrict my use of the
the authors as well as the repairs that occurred with the laparoscopic procedure to hernias that are larger than
knowledge gained from that experience (see Chapter 21). 2–3 cm in their greatest dimension. The size of the inci-
The repair of incisional and ventral hernias by this sion required for the open repair of a small defect is sim-
approach should be considered an advanced laparo- ilar to the combined size of the incisions required for
scopic technique. It is best to have the assistance of a insertion of the laparoscopic trocars. Because we use only
surgeon experienced in performing this particular pro- 5-mm trocars to perform this operation, these hernias
cedure for at least the first ten to 15 patients if possible. will approximate the size of the combined incisions.
Of course, to optimize outcome, conversion from the Additionally, such small defects can often be repaired
laparoscopic technique to the open method should be without the use of a prosthetic material. This recommen-
done at the earliest sign of difficulty. In our experience, dation would be universally applicable only to thin
this will be necessary in 3.5 per cent of patients. patients. Obese patients will have an unacceptably high
Approximately one-third of these will be due to an injury rate of recurrence without the use of a prosthesis because
to the bowel.5 Others have reported that conversion to of the increased intra-abdominal pressure.7 Therefore, I
the open procedure was necessary in seven per cent of routinely repair these hernias in obese and morbidly
patients, with a bowel injury rate of four per cent.6 Once obese patients with the laparoscopic technique (even pri-
past the learning curve, the participation of an assistant mary umbilical hernias). Patients with recurrent hernias
surgeon who is knowledgeable in advanced laparoscopic should be repaired with this technique even if the size is
techniques is generally considered optimum for the less than 3 cm, because they have demonstrated the need
repair of all but the smallest defects. Finally, there are a for prosthetic placement. LIVH is the easiest method by
116 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
which to repair such hernias and also allows the surgeon reconsideration of a laparoscopic approach. The operat-
to inspect the entire length of the abdominal wall to ing time required to repair a defect that approximates the
identify any unsuspected fascial defects that were not entire surface of the abdominal wall could negate the ben-
apparent clinically. This can be seen in 22 per cent of efits of the laparoscopic method. These patients are prone
patients who undergo LIVH.5 Some patients will have to having significant postoperative ileus, regardless of the
areas of fascial weakness that are apparent with the repair employed. The surgeon may think that the increase
laparoscopic approach (Figure 14.1). These areas of in operative time and risk will not justify use of a laparo-
potential herniation should be repaired when identified. scopic repair. However, there are currently no hard and
fast rules about this issue. In those patients with very large
defects, I generally prefer to begin the operation laparo-
CONTRAINDICATIONS scopically and convert to an open repair if that appears to
be the best alternative. More often than not, this proves to
As with any operative procedure, the surgeon must eval- be unnecessary. If there is a significant loss of domain, it
uate the overall status of the patient before proceeding may be impossible to actually enter the abdomen because
with a laparoscopic incisional hernia repair. In general, the entire musculature of the abdominal wall is absent. In
if the patient is a medically appropriate candidate for these cases, conversion to the open method is certainly an
the open hernioplasty, then they could be considered a option. If the patient requires preoperative pneumoperi-
candidate for the laparoscopic approach. Patients with toneum because of the size of the hernia, then it is not
severe cardiomyopathy or pulmonary disease may not recommended to attempt the repair laparoscopically.
tolerate the insufflation pressures that are necessary for Morbid obesity can occasionally become a limiting
any laparoscopic procedure. Therefore, these individuals factor. In such patients, the available trocars may be of
must be evaluated carefully preoperatively. Portal hyper- insufficient length to maintain adequate access to the
tension is nearly always a contraindication. abdominal cavity. It could become necessary to convert
If there is a suspicion of an intra-abdominal infection to the open repair because a working channel through
or an acute surgical abdomen, then the use of prosthetic the abdominal wall cannot be maintained. The open
biomaterial is generally prohibited. In this situation, the ends of the trocars will be withdrawn continually into
laparoscopic approach is contraindicated because of the the excessive fatty tissue, which eliminates the working
risk of infecting the prosthesis. One may elect to initiate channel and results in insufflation of the subcutaneous
this operation if incarcerated bowel is suspected. Release of tissues. One may actually sew the trocars to the skin to
the obstruction will allow the surgeon to inspect the viabil- ensure the position, but the newer, longer trocars that are
ity of the intestine. If there is no strangulation or perfora- now available will usually solve this dilemma.
tion, then the operation can proceed. A few centers will In our series of patients, 90 per cent of the hernias
perform a bowel resection and repair the hernia laparo- that are repaired with this method are incisional. Because
scopically and concomitantly (see Chapters 15 and 18). the most common incision of the abdomen is placed in
A relative contraindication may be the number of the midline, approximately 90 per cent of those hernias
intra-abdominal procedures that the patient may have are located in the midline of the abdomen.5 These her-
undergone prior to the anticipated LIVH. This decision nias are generally easier to approach with this method
should be made based upon the surgeon’s skill level and than hernias located outside of the midline. However,
the type of the procedures that were performed previ- as more experience is achieved, the presence of a non-
ously. Frequently, the patient may not have significant midline defect or multiple defects that are not adjacent to
adhesions despite many previous intestinal procedures. each other should not preclude the use of laparoscopy.
However, one should be very cautious if the patient has Appropriate positioning of the patient and accurate
had a previous repair of an incisional hernia that placement of the trocars will permit an approach to the
included the placement of a polypropylene biomaterial entire abdominal cavity in most cases. The use of angled
in direct contact with the contents of the abdomen. laparoscopes also facilitates these repairs.
There is nearly always a significant amount of very dense In addition to the site of the hernia, the number and
and extensive adhesions. The risk of intestinal injury is type of previous open abdominal operations will influ-
particularly high in these patients. ence the choice of patient position, the method of abdom-
inal entry, trocar placement, and the position of the
monitors. Decisions regarding these factors should be
PREOPERATIVE EVALUATION made preoperatively and then finalized when the patient is
on the operating table and under general anesthesia. There
Once the patient has been identified as an acceptable will be a greater likelihood of significant adhesions that
surgical risk, the surgeon should evaluate the condition of will require lysis during the initial phases of the operation
the patient’s abdomen and the hernia(s) that will be if the patient has had many separate intra-abdominal pro-
repaired. A very large fascial defect may sometimes cause cedures. Patients in whom a previous repair included the
Herniorrhaphy with the use of transfascial sutures 117
insertion of a polypropylene prosthesis can be expected to dissection required will dictate whether a patient remains
have dense scarring in all areas in which the material was in hospital overnight or for longer. Minimal preoperative
not covered by omentum; however, this should not deter preparation is required, but appropriate laboratory test-
experienced surgeons from attempting a laparoscopic ing should be obtained before the day of surgery. Patients
approach. It is important to note that the difficulty of the are routinely given an antibiotic (usually a first-genera-
procedure will be magnified greatly because of the dissec- tion cephalosporin) preoperatively. However, if the bio-
tion of the tenacious scarring that will have occurred to material that will be implanted contains antimicrobial
the bowel and/or omentum. Because the risk of entero- agents (e.g. DualMesh Plus® ), antibiotic prophylaxis is
tomy is increased significantly in such cases, occasionally it not felt to be mandatory.
will be necessary to leave remnants of the mesh attached to
the bowel to avoid injury to the intestine (Figure 16.1).
Laparoscopic incisional hernioplasty should be indi-
vidualized in patients with known ascites because it is
impossible to close the trocar sites in a consistently Many products are available for the repair of incisional
watertight manner that averts ascitic leaks. Moreover, hernias. The most commonly used product for this oper-
these patients usually have a metabolic problem (e.g. ation is the 1-mm thick expanded polytetrafluoroethyl-
cardiac, renal or hepatic disease), which can cause poor ene (ePTFE) prosthesis, DualMesh®or DualMesh Plus
healing and predispose to development of multiple (see Chapter 3). My choice of biomaterial for this opera-
hernias at the trocar sites. However, it is these metabolic tion is DualMesh Plus. This contains antimicrobial
problems that make the laparoscopic approach particu- agents that impart a brown color to the biomaterial
larly appealing in these types of patients. If a medical (Figures 16.2 and 16.3). This color inhibits the glare of
comorbidity does not preclude the laparoscopic method
from these patients, then one should use 5-mm non-
cutting or self-dilating trocars to diminish the risk of
prolonged leakage from one of the trocar sites. A Z-path
of entry will help in closure of these puncture sites. It is
preferable to close the trocar site defects even with the
use of these trocars to further decrease the risk of ascitic
fluid leakage. Several types of instruments that allow
the passage of sutures transfascially are used in this
procedure that will also close these defects.
LIVH patients are admitted to hospital day-surgery
units because they can usually be considered for dis-
charge on the day of surgery. Twenty-six per cent of
our patients are discharged on the day of surgery, and Figure 16.2 DualMesh Plus.
85 per cent of our patients remain in hospital for
23 hours or less.5 The type of hernia and the amount of
Figure 16.1 Laparoscopic view of small intestine with remnant Figure 16.3 Laparoscopic view of the ‘visceral’ surface color of
of polypropylene mesh. The white arrows outline the mesh. DualMesh Plus.
118 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
Operative technique
Figure 16.11 Folded and twisted DualMesh Plus patch as it is Figure 16.12 Laparoscopic view of the twisted patch as it is
pulled into the abdomen at the site of a 5-mm trocar. drawn into the abdomen.
will help to ensure the correct axial orientation and Placement of the prosthesis
the degree of overlap on all sides of the hernia defect.
Other surgeons place four or more sutures into the patch Once the insertion of the prosthetic is complete, the
before insertion. I find that this creates a tangle of suture patch must be unfolded. The surgeon and the assistant
material that is cumbersome to work with in the limited will assist each other in the manipulation of the bio-
space available. The placement of only these two initial material to unfold the patch completely until it is as flat
sutures assures that the center of the fascial defect as possible. The two initially placed sutures are now
is placed at the middle of the prosthetic biomaterial. This pulled through the entire abdominal wall with the use of
is particularly evident if the trocars are placed as in a sharp suture-passing instrument inserted through a
Figures 16.6 and 16.7. small skin incision (Figure 16.5). By pulling the initial
The DualMesh Plus patch, with its attached sutures two sutures through the abdominal wall and viewing the
placed on the inside of the folds, is folded into sequential hernia with the laparoscope, one can confirm that the
halves for introduction into the abdomen.10 These bioma- patch is centered over the defect and that there is a mini-
terials are 50 per cent air by volume, which allows them to mum of a 3-cm overlap in all directions. It may be neces-
be twisted into a tight roll that substantially reduces their sary to move the laparoscope to another port to do this
size (Figure 16.11). In those cases in which the larger effectively. If there is insufficient tautness of the prosthe-
patches are used, the skin incision at the site of patch intro- sis or if the patch is not properly centered over the hernia
duction should be made larger than that necessary for defect, then the suture(s) must be repositioned. Once the
placement of the trocar itself (typically 6–8 mm). A strong optimal position is achieved, the sutures are tied. It is
grasping instrument (Figure 16.4b) is passed through a important to make sure that these (and all of the sub-
trocar and advanced through another trocar. The trocar sequent sutures) are tied sufficiently tightly to pull the
through which the instrument is exited is then removed, knots to the fascial level without any laxity.
whereupon the instrument will grasp the biomaterial and The next step will be to confirm that the orientation
pull it into the abdominal cavity (Figure 16.12). The assis- along the short axis of the patch is correct (e.g. the lateral
tant surgeon can assist this maneuver by maintaining the aspects of the midline hernia). The biomaterial is
twist of the patch as it is introduced. This method of fold- grasped by both surgeons at the previously marked mid-
ing and introduction into the abdomen and the pliability points on either side of the biomaterial to position it over
of the abdominal wall musculature will allow even the the desired final location. Either the assistant or the sur-
largest DualMesh Plus patch (26 ⫻ 34 cm) to be inserted geon then uses a fixation device to deliver the metal con-
into the abdomen with the exclusive use of 5-mm trocars. struct to fix the midpoint of one side by placing only one
Just before the complete introduction of the patch, the or two devices at that location. The fixation instrument is
tight twist must be undone to make the patch as flat as then handed to the other surgeon and the unattached
possible, which facilitates its fixation to the abdominal opposite midpoint is secured similarly. The use of only a
wall. This is another important step because it is very few constructs at this time will permit the removal of
tedious to try to untwist and unfold the patch once it is these devices if it is determined that the prosthesis must
introduced into the abdomen. be repositioned. After four-point fixation is achieved, the
Herniorrhaphy with the use of transfascial sutures 123
position of the biomaterial is verified again with the laparoscopically to confirm that this action did not result
laparoscope. After this inspection, the devices are placed in a loosening of the suture. If this has occurred, the
in a staggered fashion along the periphery of the prosthe- suture must be cut to prevent migration of any intra-
sis 1–1.5 cm apart (Figure 16.13). abdominal contents into the loop and another suture
This initial fixation not only positions the patch at its must be placed.
correct location but also ensures that bowel cannot migrate The repair is now complete. At this point, a reasonable
between the prosthesis and the abdominal wall once the precaution may be to scan the intestine to identify any
repair is completed. The most important component of possible injury that may have gone undetected. The
fixation, however, is the use of transfascial non-absorbable trocar cannulas are removed, but before their removal
sutures (e.g. ePTFE size CV-0). These sutures will be placed the suture-passer should be used to pass an absorb-
through all layers of the abdominal wall and are tied above able suture to close any port sites larger than 5 mm. The
the fascia in a manner similar to that of the initial two skin incisions can then be closed with or without a
sutures. A small (2–3-mm) skin incision is made. Through subcutaneous suture and the use of Steri-Strips®(3M
this incision the suture-passer, with a suture in its jaws, Healthcare) or Dermabond®(Ethicon, Inc.) adhesive.
is passed through all layers of the abdominal wall. The Band-Aid-type dressings or small gauze sponges should
assistant surgeon then grasps the suture with a laparoscopic be placed over the wounds. The use of an abdominal
instrument (Figure 16.4c). The suture-passer is then binder that will be left in place for at least 72 hours will
removed and re-inserted through the same skin incision. aid in the prevention of a postoperative seroma at the site
The assistant hands back the suture to the passer, where- of the hernia and eases postoperative pain. The use of
upon the suture is retrieved. During the insertion of all this binder for as long as 7–14 days is preferred, especially
sutures, it is critical to avoid the application of any instru- for very large hernias.
ment or clamp on any portion of the suture material that
will remain within the patient because this will perma-
nently weaken the suture at that site. It may later fracture
at that site, leading to a possible failure of fixation and
recurrence of the hernia.5
These additional sutures are placed at intervals that are Patients are sent to the postanesthesia care unit, where
no more than 4–5 cm apart. Once fixation is completed, they are usually given a single dose of ketorolac intra-
the patch should now obliterate the fascial defect. A final venously. Once recovered from anesthesia, they are
examination of the prosthetic is performed to ensure transferred to the day-surgery unit. Most (85 per cent)
that all sutures are tight and that all edges of the patch patients are discharged within 24 hours. In our practice,
are secured (Figure 16.14). When any of these sutures are the average length of stay is slightly over one day. Patients
tied, a dimple of the skin may develop at the site of can consume their diet of choice on the day of surgery
the incision where the suture has been passed because the and can resume any regular medications immediately.
subcutaneous tissue may have been drawn down when Oral or parenteral sedatives are given as needed.
the suture was tied. This dimple can be removed by the Pain may be used as the guide to determine when
placement of a fine-pointed hemostat into the incision to patients can resume their normal activities. They are
lift the skin, which releases the tissue from the suture allowed to shower the next day. Patients may return to
knot. After this is done, one should view the sutures their daily activities, including work, as soon as they can
124 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
do so without marked pain. Most are able to drive within 2 Franklin ME, Dorman JP, Glass JL, et al. Laparoscopic ventral and
a week and resume job-related activities in 7–14 days. incisional hernia repair. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998; 8: 294–9.
3 Heniford BT, Park A, Ramshaw BJ, Voeller G. Laparoscopic ventral
We do not restrict their activities but allow their pain to and incisional hernia repair in 407 patients. J Am Coll Surg 2000;
be their own guide. 190: 645–50.
4 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic
incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy in 100 patients. Am J Surg
CONCLUSION 2000; 180: 193–7.
5 LeBlanc KA, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE, Rhynes KV. Laparoscopic
incisional ventral hernioplasty: lessons learned from 200 patients.
LIVH continues to gain popularity. There are several Hernia 2003; in press.
6 Ben-Haim M, Kuriansky J, Tal R, et al. Pitfalls and complications
modifications of this technique that can be adopted with laparoscopic intraperitoneal expanded
according to one’s preferences. Surgeons who perform polytetrafluoroethylene patch repair of postoperative ventral
this advanced operation must have a thorough under- hernia. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 785–8.
standing of the specific factors that ensure that the pro- 7 Arroyo A, Garcia P, Perez F, et al. Randomized clinical trail
cedure will be associated with an acceptable outcome. comparing suture and mesh repair of umbilical hernia in adults.
Br J Surg 2001; 88: 1321–3.
Continued research and experience will result in contin- 8 LeBlanc KA, Stout RW, Kearney MT, Paulsen DB. Comparison of
ued modifications to this operation. Technical refine- adhesion formation associated with Pro-Tack (US Surgical) versus
ments will undoubtedly occur that will enhance the a new mesh fixation device, Salute (ONUX Medical). Surg Endosc
fixation methods that are currently available. 2003; in press.
The laparoscopic repair of incisional and ventral her- 9 Koehler RH, Voeller G. Recurrences in laparoscopic incisional
hernia repairs: a personal series and review of the literature.
nias may become the standard of care in the future. As J Soc Laparoendosc Surg 1999; 3: 293–304.
the population of general surgeons adopts this method- 10 LeBlanc KA. A new method to insert the DualMesh prosthesis for
ology, the recurrence rates associated with this difficult laparoscopic ventral herniorrhaphy. JSLS 2002; 6: 349–52.
malady will, hopefully, decline.
Incisional hernias 125 Comparative studies of open versus laparoscopic repair 129
Principles of treatment 125 Advantages and disadvantages of different
Indications for laparoscopic repair 127 laparoscopic techniques 130
Laparoscopic transabdominal pre-peritoneal repair 127 Conclusion 130
Personal series results 129 References 131
hernia defect has reduced substantially the incidence of these materials should be balanced in some situations
recurrence. In a multicenter randomized trial that enrolled (e.g. the feasibility of closing the peritoneum over the
100 patients in each arm, Luijendijk and coworkers com- mesh, and the issues of cost) when selecting all prosthetic
pared the results of suture alone with those of open mesh biomaterials.
repair for incisional hernias.7 After a follow-up of 36
months, the three-year cumulative rates of recurrence
among patients who had suture only and those who had Repair strategies
mesh repair of a primary hernia were 43 and 24 per cent,
respectively. The recurrence rates were 58 and 20 per cent, Although the modern era of hernia repair began more
respectively, for repair of the first recurrence. The risk fac- than a century ago, controversies continue to exist regard-
tors for recurrence were suture repair, infection, prosta- ing the optimal surgical technique to repair incisional
tism, and previous surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm. hernias. Open techniques involve a large incision and
The size of the hernia did not affect the rate of recurrence. extensive subcutaneous and intra-abdominal dissection,
The majority of the recurrences were in the first two years and often necessitate the placement of drains. Complica-
following the repair of the hernia. The same factors involved tion rates range from 8 to 19 per cent after open ventral
in the genesis of these incisional hernias may contribute repair.14,15 Fistula rates after elective open hernia mesh
to these results. repair vary from 2 to 5 per cent.6 Moreover, the infected
prosthesis should be excised, demanding another, more
complicated repair. Transabdominal approaches carry
Prosthesis materials the risk of injury to the viscera adherent to the undersur-
face of the scar. The basic strategy of the open repair is
The use of prosthetic materials to assist in incisional based upon the Stoppa technique: the peritoneal cavity
hernioplasty usually demands a more extensive dissec- should not be entered and the mesh is secured to the fas-
tion and may increase the risk of wound complications cial edges in the pre-peritoneal space.16 However, the risk
slightly.5,8 The synthetic material should be physically of re-entering the site of a previous incision is an inad-
unmodified by tissue fluid, chemically inert, and non- vertent enterotomy. The open repair does allow the
carcinogenic. It should also induce no inflammatory or concomitant excision of a usually wide, irregular and
foreign-body reaction, allergy or hypersensitivity.9,10 unesthetic scar. If this is the case, it is not unusual to
Finally, it should resist mechanical stresses, be able to be enter the abdominal cavity.
tailored into the form required, and be easily and fully Surgical laparoscopy has become an increasingly pop-
sterilizable. The most popular prosthesis materials are ular method of treatment for many diseases because it
made of polypropylene, polyester, and expanded poly- potentially offers cost-savings as a result of shorter hos-
tetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE). These are all nonabsorbable, pital stays, less postoperative pain, and a more rapid
and there is no clear evidence from the literature that return to work.17 Laparoscopic hernioplasty has been
supports a preference for the clinical use of any one of reported to be a safe and feasible technique, with low
the three main materials.11 Polypropylene shows a rela- morbidity and low rates of early recurrence. LeBlanc and
tively small inflammatory response with a far lesser Booth first reported the laparoscopic approach to repair
degree of foreign-body reaction than does polyester incisional hernias in 1993,18 and several series have now
mesh. ePTFE elicits less chronic inflammatory cell reac- demonstrated the efficacy of minimally invasive surgery
tion but greater foreign-body reaction. Mesh infection in incisional hernia repair. Laparoscopic repair involves
rates in selected laparoscopic series for repair of ventral no long incision, no wide fascial dissection or flap
and incisional hernias vary from 0.5 to 12 per cent.12 creation, and usually no drains. It also minimizes the
Despite different characteristics regarding fibroblastic manipulation of a potentially contaminated site because
reaction and the time required for incorporation, the trocars are placed far from the original wound.19
polypropylene and polyester prosthetic materials are Additionally, the pneumoperitoneum facilitates the nec-
associated with a high incidence of dense adhesions. essary adhesiolysis in order to identify the edges of the
Their biological behavior increases the risk of adhesions defect and the hernia sac. Enterotomy rates in selected
and fistula formation when the mesh is placed in contact laparoscopic series of ventral hernia repair, including
with the peritoneum.13 There is strong evidence that incisional hernias and many with previous open mesh
adhesions are more common with polypropylene and repair, vary from 0 to 14 per cent (Table 17.1). Mesh
polyester than with ePTFE. It is acceptable to place the infection rates vary from 0.5 to 12 per cent.12 One of the
latter in contact with the bowel, as lower complication drawbacks of the laparoscopic approach is that it does
rates were reported when using ePTFE. Polypropylene not allow an esthetic reconstruction of the abdominal
and polyester require reperitonization to avoid mesh wall since the old scar that covers the hernia defect is
contact with intra-abdominal structures. The use of left untouched. The need for an overall esthetic result
Pre-peritoneal herniorrhaphy 127
Patients Intraoperative Postoperative Hospital Follow-up Recurrence
Reference (n) (n) (n) stay (days) (months) (n)
Constanza et al. (1998)14 31 0 2 2.0 18 1
Franklin et al. (1998)34 176 0 9 2.2 30 2
Toy et al. (1998)24 193 4 28 2.0 22 9
Sanders et al. (1999)35 12 0 3 3.5 12 1
Scott-Roth et al. (1999)20 73 2 14 2.9 17 7
Heniford et al. (2000)6 415 5 48 1.8 23 14
Roll et al. (2000)25 28 1 3 1.2 36 0
Table 17.2 Comparison studies of laparoscopic versus open repair of ventral/incisional hernia
Intra- Post- Reopera- Hospital
Cost Repair Patients Size Time operative operative tions stay Follow-up Recurrence
Reference (US$) type (n) (cm2) (min) (n) (n) (n) (days) (months) (n)
Holzman et al. 7299 Open 16 148 98 0 5 2 4.9 18 2
(1997)26 4395 Lap 21 105 128 1 4 0 1.6 20 2
Park et al. Open 49 105 78 1 17 0 6.5 53 17
(1998)27 Lap 56 99 95 0 10 2 3.4 24 6
Carbajo et al. Open 30 141 111 0 35 1 9 27 2
(1999)28* Lap 30 139 87 0 5 1 2 27 0
*Prospective study.
mean follow-ups were 24 months for the laparoscopic or a composite mesh prosthesis in the intraperitoneal
group and 53 months for the open procedure. The hernia location.30,31 Biomaterials have become an important
recurred in six (11 per cent) patients in the laparoscopic tool because they can permanently replace the defective
group and in 17 (34 per cent) patients in the open repair transversalis fascia and permit the creation of a truly
group, but the investigators could not make a meaningful tension-free hernioplasty. However, utilization of bioma-
comparison of the recurrence rates because of the large terials is associated with four major concerns: rejection,
difference in the follow-up periods. They found that the infection, early adhesion formation and host tissue incor-
laparoscopic procedure took longer to perform, but it poration. It is well known that a peritoneal defect or the
was associated with fewer complications and shorter presence of a foreign body in the abdominal cavity creates
postoperative hospital stays. adhesions.13 This in turn may result in major complica-
In the only prospective randomized study of laparo- tions, including intestinal obstruction, migration of the
scopic repair versus open repair, Carbajo and colleagues foreign body and erosion into the bowel, fistula, and infec-
randomized 60 patients over a three-year period into two tion. In general, complications resulting from intraperi-
homogeneous groups to be operated on for major ven- toneal adhesions account for a significant number of
tral hernias using mesh.28 With an average follow-up of emergency surgical admissions and abdominal opera-
27 months, they noted that two hernias in the open repair tions.7 These concerns have prompted the development of
group and none in the laparoscopic group recurred. They a further refinement in the transabdominal laparoscopic
concluded that laparoscopic repair offers several advan- approach: the pre-peritoneal laparoscopic mesh repair.
tages over the classic surgical repair of abdominal wall Dissecting within the pre-peritoneal plane in order to cre-
defects, including a reduction in the rate of complications ate an anatomical room for the mesh may sometimes be
and recurrence. extremely difficult. However, our own experience shows
that this approach is technically feasible in many circum-
stances and, indeed, this procedure is an extension of our
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF current laparoscopic techniques for repairing inguinal
DIFFERENT LAPAROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES hernias.32 However, we should also underscore the fact
that even pre-peritoneal repairs of inguinal hernias have
not been free of adhesions and associated bowel complica-
Critical assessment of the reported results is difficult and tions. Only a longer follow-up period of our patients will
potentially misleading due to the significant variations in allow us to determine whether the theoretical advantages
terminology, patient selection, and operative techniques.29 of positioning the mesh in the pre-peritoneal location will
No data are available to support unequivocally an overt overcome the possible disadvantages of a more tedious
advantage of any particular technique to repair incisional procedure that usually demands a longer operative time.33
hernias. Clinical judgment, previous experience, and team
surgical skills should guide the technical choice that is
applied to a particular patient. Despite the pitfalls of the
available data (mainly from retrospective studies of
selected patients), recurrence rates are slightly lower and
complications less frequent in the laparoscopic group, The laparoscopic route has made possible the introduc-
regardless of the technique employed. The most popular tion of new surgical techniques for the repair of major
laparoscopic technique of incisional hernia repair pro- abdominal wall defects. The laparoscopic surgeon is able
poses a transperitoneal approach using either an ePTFE to minimize the great degree of tissue trauma involved in
Pre-peritoneal herniorrhaphy 131
classic open surgery, typically associated with large fas- 10 Amid PK. Classification of biomaterials and their related
cial dissection, tense sutures, and postoperative drains. complications in abdominal wall hernia surgery. Hernia 1997; 1: 15.
11 Morris-Stiff H. The outcomes of nonabsorbable mesh. J Am Coll
Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernias is a promising Surg 1998; 186: 352.
but still new technique that may be seen as a further refine- 12 Koehler RH, Voeller G. Recurrences in laparoscopic incisional
ment of the current surgical armamentarium to treat this hernia repairs: A personal series and review of the literature.
common problem in general surgery. As with any new JSLS 1999; 3: 293–304.
operation, we should initially be more careful about 13 Marchal F, Brunaud L, Sebbag H, et al. Treatment of incisional
hernias by placement of an intraperitoneal prosthesis: a series of
patient selection before embarking on a broader applica- 128 patients. Hernia 2000; 3: 141.
tion of this technique. Adequate training and judicious 14 Costanza MJ, Heniford BT, Arca MJ, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
indication can certainly ensure good surgical outcomes. recurrent ventral hernias. Am Surg 1998; 64: 1126–7.
Until now, patients in several series have tolerated the 15 Luijendijk RW, Lemmen MHM, Hop WCJ, et al. Incisional hernia
procedure well and had shorter postoperative hospital- recurrence following ‘vest-over-pants’ or vertical Mayo repair of
primary hernias of the midline. World J Surg 1997; 21: 62–5.
izations in comparison to open procedures. Accordingly, 16 Stoppa R. The treatment of complicated groin and incisional
given the potentially lower morbidity due to the smaller hernias. World J Surg 1989; 13: 545–54.
abdominal wall incisions, the overall hospital cost may be 17 Park A, Gagner M, Pomp A. Laparoscopic repair of large incisional
reduced, making this a more attractive approach to inci- hernias. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1996; 6: 123–8.
sional hernias. Moreover, laparoscopy allows compre- 18 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV. Laparoscopic repair of incisional
abdominal hernias using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene:
hensive exploration of the abdominal cavity, adequate preliminary findings. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993; 3: 39–41.
assessment of the adhesions in the hernia process, and a 19 Hashizume M, Migo S, Tsugawa Y, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
clear delineation of the anatomy. It may be the procedure paraumbilical ventral hernia with increasing size in an obese
of choice in patients who develop a recurrence following patient. Surg Endosc 1996; 10: 933–5.
a previous open hernia repair. 20 Scott-Roth J, Park AE, Witzked, et al. Laparoscopic incisional/
ventral herniorrhaphy: a five-year experience. Hernia 1999; 4: 209.
Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair can be per- 21 Wants GE. Incisional hernioplasty with Mersilene. Surg Gynecol
formed safely with no increased morbidity or mortality, Obstet 1991; 172: 129.
but the ultimate outcome in assessing the success of any 22 Barie PS, Mack CA, Thompson WA. A technique for laparoscopic
hernia repair must be the rate of recurrence. The litera- repair of herniation of the anterior abdominal wall using a
ture suggests that the laparoscopic approach, regardless composite mesh prosthesis. Am J Surg 1995; 170: 62–3.
23 Larson GM: Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia. In: Scott-Conner
of where the mesh is placed, has a midterm recurrence CEH, ed. The SAGES Manual. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998: 379.
rate that is at least as good as that seen after the open 24 Toy FK, Bailey RW, Carey S, et al. Prospective multicenter study of
operation. However, long-term assessment from large, laparoscopic ventral hernioplasty. Surg Endosc 1998; 12: 955–9.
well-controlled, prospective studies is needed to confirm 25 Roll S, Benatti M, Roncada, P, et al. Laparoscopic incisional
the expected advantages of the laparoscopic approach. preperitoneal hernioplasty. Presented at the 7th World Congress of
Endoscopic Surgery, Singapore, 1–4 June 2000.
26 Holzman MD, Purut CM, Reintgen K, et al. Laparoscopic ventral
REFERENCES and incisional hernioplasty. Surg Endosc 1997; 11: 32–5.
27 Park AE, Birch DW, Lovrics P. Laparoscopic and open incisional
hernia repair: a comparison study. Surgery 1998; 124: 816.
1 Santora TA, Roslyn JJ. Incisional hernia. Surg Clin North Am 1993; 28 Carbajo MA, Martín del Olmo JC, Blanco JI, et al. Laparoscopic
73: 557–70. treatment vs open surgery in the solution of major incisional and
2 Makela JT, Kiviniemi H, Juvonen T, et al. Factors influencing wound abdominal wall hernias with mesh. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 250–2.
dehiscence after midline laparotomy. Am J Surg 1995; 170: 387–90. 29 Chevrel JP, Rath AM. Classification of incisional hernias of the
3 Niggebrugge AH, Hansen BE, Trimbos JB, et al. Mechanical factors abdominal wall. Hernia 2000; 4: 7.
influencing the incidence of burst abdomen. Eur J Surg 1995; 161: 30 Alexandre JH, Aouad K, Bethoux JP, et al. Recent advances in
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6 Heniford BT, Park A, Ramshaw BJ, et al. Laparoscopic ventral and inguinal hernia repair with a preperitoneal mesh. Surg Endosc
incisional repair in 407 patients. J Am Coll Surg 2000; 190: 645–50. 1994; 8: 484.
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9 Amid PK, Shulman AG, Lichtenstein I, et al. Preliminary evaluation
of composite materials for the repair of incisional hernias.
Ann Chir 1995; 49: 539.
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Hernioplasty with the double-crown technique
assess whether laparoscopy should be used. However, transfascial sutures.4,7,8 In fact, they demonstrated that
various factors place limits on the indications for laparo- one of the essential factors to avoid recurrence is the use
scopic repair, such as the size of the defect and the site of these sutures.9 Analysis of the data derived from these
where the defect has occurred. Subxiphoid, suprapubic, early series – data that were later the basis for recom-
lumbar and parastomal hernias require special consider- mendations on the use of sutures – shows that other fac-
ations for laparoscopic repair, and several technical tors could have been involved in the development of
details must still be considered. At the lower end of recurrence in these patients besides the use (or not) of
the size spectrum, hernias that can be repaired with transfascial sutures:
local anesthesia, encompassing those under 3–4 cm, are
usually excluded. However, in patients requiring laparo-
• Prostheses initially recommended were small,
overlapping the defect by only 2–2.5 cm10–12 in all
scopic surgery for other concomitant conditions and in directions, and not the minimum of 3 cm currently
obese patients, laparoscopic repair would be indicated recommended. Recently, we have demonstrated in an
despite the small size of the hernia. At the upper end of experimental study that expanded polytetrafluoro-
the hernia size spectrum, our group has performed many ethylene (ePTFE) prostheses decrease in size once
successful repairs of massive abdominal wall defects. We they have been implanted (by 1.63–4 cm after five
conclude, therefore, that until the limits are established weeks), probably because of the scar tissue reaction
clearly, the degree of difficulty in managing the instru- and the encapsulation process experienced by the
ments within the abdominal cavity is the only actual mesh,13 so recurrence in these initial experiences
limit to the technique as far as large hernias are con- could have happened mainly because of the smaller
cerned. On the other hand, the characteristics of the sac size of the mesh.
of the hernia are important to determine the contraindi-
cations of this technique, since the evolution and compli-
• The method of fixation was also inadequate, since
tacks were not yet available and mesh patches were
cation of the seroma and the cosmetic results would be anchored with the old endo-staplers that did not
different depending on the type of sac. Definitive guide- ensure secure attachment of the material. This problem
lines will have to be elaborated on the basis of results was particularly important with the ePTFE mesh
from prospective studies. because of its thickness. Thus, the use of transfascial
sutures was necessary in these cases, and the real
Sutures versus no sutures with purpose of the endo-staplers was to prevent the
double-crown technique bowel from slipping between the sutures rather than
to fix the mesh.10,11,14
Why are transfascial sutures recommended? • The learning curve of these initial series could be
related more directly to the appearance of
Laparoscopic surgery for ventral hernias offers enormous recurrences than to the placement (or not) of
advantages over open surgery during the immediate post- transfascial sutures.
operative period, with clearly lower morbidity2–4 and
lower general costs of surgery.5,6 Another important issue is
that patients who were operated on by laparoscopy appear Disadvantages of using transfascial sutures
to have lower recurrence rates.2–4
Based on the reasons noted above, we do not believe that
Despite the lower recurrence rate, various authors
these sutures are needed to reduce the recurrence rates,
have made efforts to analyze the causes for recurrence in
as reported by several authors. Nevertheless, they are
order to define adequately the laparoscopic technique
associated with a number of disadvantages (Table 18.1):
and thereby achieve an even lower recurrence rate. Initial
laparoscopic ventral hernia repair series established a • Longer surgery time: surgery times associated with
direct correlation between recurrence and the absence of transfascial suture placement are longer because
sutures are recommended every 5 cm,14 4–5 cm,12 or Recurrence rate: a reason to use the double-crown
even 3–4 cm,9 in addition to at the four corners. The technique
operating time in our series is around 79 minutes.
Irrespective of the disadvantages associated with sutures
The time in the other published series that use only
listed above, if the recurrence rate in our series were higher
tacks and no sutures is between 62 and 87 minutes.2,3
than in the series using transfascial sutures, then their use
The operating times for groups using sutures were
would be warranted. In series that advocate the use of
between 82 minutes4 and 210 minutes,15 with a mean
sutures, the recurrence rate ranges anywhere from zero11
of 120 minutes,4,12,15–17 showing a significant
to 8.3 per cent,15 with a mean of 3.98 per cent.4,5,9–11,14–18
increase in surgery time due to the maneuvers
The recurrence rate of our series is 2.86 per cent, with a
needed to place these sutures.
mean follow-up of 24 months. As we noted earlier, recur-
• More incisions in the skin: transfascial suture
rence after laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias tends to
placement involves incisions of 2–3 mm at a pre-
appear more frequently during the first few months of the
established distance of 3–5 cm, as mentioned earlier.
postoperative period. Analysis of our recurrences shows
• Poorer cosmetic results: small incisions are needed to
that they were not related directly to the use of sutures: one
place the sutures. The incisions require only a Steri-
case was due to use of a short mesh at the beginning of our
Strip and typically leave a small scar; however, they
series and the other two cases were two suprapubic hernias
do contribute to a higher number of scars.
with recurrence at the inferior margin. Recurrence in these
• Greater infection rate: in our series, the mesh
two cases resulted from inadequate exposure of the pubis
infection rate was zero, in keeping with results
and Cooper’s ligament in order to anchor the mesh more
reported by other authors who do not use these
securely at this level. This is a complicated area, which
sutures.6 The infection rate reported by groups using
presents particular difficulty when placing transfascial
transfascial sutures was as high as 11.1 per cent,5
sutures. Even authors who advocate the use of sutures do
with a mean infection rate of 4.87 per cent.4,5,18 In
not recommend them at this level.
addition to mesh infection, the subcutaneous sutures
can become infected, or a superficial infection can
develop in the small incisions in the skin. In the only
case in our series in which sutures were used, the
patient presented with a superficial skin infection at
the site of the incisions made to place two of the Preoperative management
• Pain during the early postoperative period: the use of A clinical preoperative evaluation is performed, and the
transfascial sutures involves taking 1–2 cm of tissue, indication for laparoscopic approach is set based on pre-
trapping it, and compressing it by tying at the vious considerations. Patients are informed fully about
subcutaneous tissue level. This is associated with the risk of the surgery, the possibilities of conversion into
greater pain during the early postoperative period an open procedure, and the high frequency of the devel-
and in the longer term. In the short term, some opment of postoperative seroma (so that they do not
authors defending the use of these sutures recognize confuse this seroma with an early recurrence).
that there is more pain during the immediate We administer antibiotic prophylaxis in all cases with a
postoperative period than after laparoscopic preoperative dose of a second-generation cephalosporin.
cholecystectomy and that this pain could extend If the patient has any risk factor, such as diabetes, the pro-
hospitalization.9 There may also be discomfort at the phylaxis is continued with two additional doses in the
suture level during the first two weeks of the postoperative period. Mechanical bowel preparation is
postoperative period.17 not usually necessary; only patients who have undergone
• Long-term postoperative pain: the more significant several previous surgeries and who are thought to have
problem is long-term pain, whether continuous or densely adherent or incarcerated viscera will undergo this
associated with movement, and the pulling sensation preparation.
at the site of the sutures. In some cases, oral
narcotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or
even injections of local anesthetics at the suture site
have been required, perhaps due to nerve
entrapment.17,18 Postoperative diagnostic
laparoscopy has been recommended to assess the A 30-degree-angled laparoscope is essential to perform
condition of the mesh and the sutures. This will the laparoscopic approach of ventral hernias, since this
allow the section of the offending sutures, if offers an excellent view of the entire anterior abdominal
necessary.19 wall and of the defect that will be repaired.
136 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
recent experimental study conducted in our laboratory hernias, midline hernias located in the lower of the
revealed that polypropylene does not attach to the abdomen, or if operation is likely to be prolonged. We use
peritoneum as well as it does to the other layers of the a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach in patients
abdominal wall previously dissected. ePTFE appeared to with subxiphoid hernias or hernias in the upper third of
attach more firmly to these layers. The new ePTFE mate- the midline of the abdomen.
rial is designed specifically to be placed intraperitoneally,
since one (visceral) surface has very small pores, which
inhibits tissue in-growth, while the opposite (parietal) Operative technique
surface that is placed on to the peritoneum has large
pores to permit significant tissue in-growth. Creation of pneumoperitoneum and placement
We usually use the DualMesh Plus with Holes of trocars
(W. L. Gore & Associates), which is impregnated with In all cases, we start by creating the pneumoperitoneum
chlorhexidine and silver. These antimicrobial agents using a Veress needle in the left hypochondrium. We do
decrease the possibility of contamination of the mesh. not use the Hasson trocar, regardless of the number of
Chlorhexidine and silver also change the color of the previous laparotomies that the patient has undergone.
ePTFE to brown; this minimizes the bright glare of the Our group has performed more than 4000 laparoscopic
ePTFE, which can otherwise hamper the management of procedures for a variety of pathologies, and there has
the mesh within the abdominal cavity because of the never been an injury to any structure because of the use
brightness of the light of the laparoscope. We also advo- of the Veress needle. Hence, we feel confident when
cate the use of the mesh with holes since it will facilitate creating the pneumoperitoneum with this technique,
the drainage of the fluid retained between the mesh and even in patients with a history of multiple operations.
the sac during the first hours of the postoperative period. Once the pneumoperitoneum is created, we generally
The use of an external compressive bandage is also rec- approach the hernia from the patient’s left side, placing
ommended, as this will aid in decreasing the size of the three trocars in line, introducing the 10–12-mm trocar
seroma that we have seen in some of our patients. first and then placing the other 5-mm trocars under direct
vision; the larger trocar is placed in the middle of the other
Fixation devices two trocars. An important thing to remember when plac-
We fix the mesh in all cases with helical tacks, which pro- ing these trocars is to stay as far away as possible from the
vide proper fixation of the mesh to the anterior abdomi- margin of the defect closest to the surgeon. This will pro-
nal wall, thereby avoiding the need of transfascial sutures. vide proper visualization of the margin, making it easier to
A new fixation device is now available, the SaluteTM achieve a wide overlap of the mesh and perform any
(Onux Medical, Inc.), which delivers a cylindrical con- maneuvers needed to secure the prosthesis (Figure 18.2).
struct of stainless steel. When it is not possible to maintain a suitable distance
We do use sutures in hernias that require a mesh
larger than 18 ⫻ 2 4 cm to facilitate orientation and
initial fixation of the mesh. These sutures may be of any
type of material since they will be removed. They are
placed at the four cardinal points of the patch and are
passed through the abdominal wall with the aid of a
suture-passer (W. L. Gore & Associates). These sutures
are not tied once the mesh is fixed with the tacks. Instead,
they are removed completely when the outer crown of
tacks is placed and the mesh is properly extended.
from this margin, we introduce another 5-mm trocar in entire defect on the skin of the patient. In obese patients,
the patient’s opposite flank in order to adequately fix the it is difficult or impossible to feel the grasper on the out-
mesh on the margin closest to the trocar through which side. In these cases, we insert an intramuscular needle
the laparoscope is placed. If necessary, a contralateral through the skin and abdominal wall. The tip of the
10-mm trocar can be inserted to help anchor the mesh. needle is visualized inside the abdominal cavity under
laparoscopic vision and, with multiple passes, is used to
Adhesiolysis detect and trace the hernia defect on the patient’s skin
(Figures 18.4 and 18.5).
Once the trocars are introduced, the adhesions are
An exact measurement of the defect is determined
evaluated. We consider adhesiolysis to be a key point of
when the abdomen is fully desufflated. The patch is then
this procedure, since incorrect performance of the adhesio-
chosen to provide an overlap of at least 3 cm. We system-
lytic process can have extremely serious consequences for
atically use a DualMesh Corduroy Plus with Holes.
the patient. Nevertheless, if there are any doubts regarding
Once the mesh is selected, several marks are traced on
the possibility of bowel perforation, the operation should
the patient’s abdomen and on the mesh surface that
be converted to the open technique or, alternatively, one of
the trocar holes may be enlarged to evaluate the bowel.
This is critical because a missed enterotomy is associated
with high morbidity and mortality.
will be placed in contact with the viscera, in order to to perform the maneuvers needed to expand the mesh
facilitate orientation of the prosthesis within the cavity once attachment has begun. We prefer to introduce the
(Figure 18.6). A circular mark is traced at the cranial end mesh through one of the trocars to prevent potential con-
of the mesh. An identical mark is placed on the patient’s tamination, which may occur if it is inserted through the
abdomen to denote the location where the mesh will be skin, a strategy that is preferred by some authors (Figure
anchored. A triangle is then drawn at the caudad end of 18.7b). If a large prosthesis is needed (⬎18 ⫻ 24 cm), we
the mesh and the abdominal wall, followed by a line that prefer to remove the trocar and insert the mesh wrapped
passes through the triangle, starting at the lower limit of in sterile plastic through the trocar hole, and then remove
the hernia defect. This is the line where the caudad tack the plastic from inside the cavity.
will be positioned, since the outside measurements are
different from the internal measurements. Once the cra- Placement and fixation of the mesh
nial tack is placed internally, the distance will not corre-
Once the mesh is inside the cavity and unrolled properly,
spond exactly to the triangle drawn on the patient’s
it must be oriented by using the circle drawn on the
abdomen when the mesh is tightened. The second (cau-
mesh. The corresponding area of the abdominal wall
dad) tack will be placed at the level of the line that passes
where the mesh is to be fixed is located by pushing on the
through the middle of the triangle. A cross is then drawn
abdominal wall at that site. If the patient is extremely
on the left side of the patient’s abdomen and on the
obese, we insert a needle at the level of the circle on the
mesh, and two crosses are drawn on the right in order to
abdomen in order to locate the area where the first tack
extend the mesh properly in both directions.
should be placed. When this tack is placed (Figure 18.8),
Afterwards, we roll the mesh along its long axis, leaving
the mesh side that will be in contact with the bowel rolled
towards the inside (Figure 18.7a). This will make it easier
Figure 18.7 (a) The mesh is rolled along its long axis, with the
area prepared to be placed in contact with the bowel in the
Figure 18.6 (a) Different signs are drawn on the mesh to orient inside. (b) Once it has been rolled, the mesh is grasped with a
it once it has been introduced in the cavity. (b) The same signs strong grasper to be introduced in the abdominal cavity through
are drawn on the patient’s skin on the cardinal points. the 10–12-mm trocar.
140 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
Figure 18.8 The first tack is placed where the circle is drawn
on the mesh, one of the cardinal points. The exact point to be
placed is localized by pressing from the outside on the circle
drawn on the skin.
a mean follow-up of 24 months. These recurrences 9 Costanza MJ, Heniford BT, Arca MJ, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
occurred in one patient in our initial series in whom a recurrent ventral hernias. Am Surg 1998; 64: 1121–7.
10 Park A, Gagner M, Pomp A. Laparoscopic repair of large incisional
small mesh was implanted and in two cases of suprapubic hernias. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1996; 6: 123–8.
hernias in which the pubis and Cooper’s ligament were 11 LeBlanc KA, Booth W, Whitaker JM. Laparoscopic repair of ventral
not exposed adequately for suitable fixation of the mesh. hernias using an intraperitoneal onlay patch: report of current
results. Contemp Surg 1994; 45.
12 Park A, Birch DW, Lovrics P. Laparoscopic and open incisional
hernia repair: a comparison study. Surgery 1998; 124: 816–22.
CONCLUSION 13 Morales-Conde S, Cadet I, Tutosaus JD, et al. Macroscopic
evaluation of mesh incorporation placed intraperitoneally for
laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Experimental model. In: Lomanto
Our results indicate that the use of transfascial sutures is D, Kum CK, So CK, Goh PMY, eds. Proceedings of the 7th World
not necessary and that the double-crown technique, Congress of Endoscopic Surgery (Singapore June 1–4, 2000).
which uses only tacks, offers a number of clear advan- Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore, 2000: 455–60.
tages over the combined suture-and-tack method. When 14 Toy FK, Bailey RW, Carey S, et al. Prospective, multicenter study of
using the technique described, we obtained a similar laparoscopic ventral hernioplasty. Preliminary results. Surg Endosc
1998; 12: 955–9.
recurrence rate as series that use sutures, while also reduc- 15 Sanders LM, Flint LM, Ferrara JJ. Initial experience with
ing the hospital stay and short-, medium- and long-term laparoscopic repair of incisional hernias. Am J Surg 1999; 177:
postoperative pain. Hence, we consider the double-crown 227–31.
technique to be a valid alternative to ventral hernia repair 16 Reitter DR, Paulsen JK, Debord JR, Estes NC. Five-year experience
with sutures. with the ‘four-before’ laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Am Surg
2000; 66: 465–9.
17 Heniford BT, Ramshaw BJ. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: a
report of 100 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc 2000; 14: 419–23.
18 Heniford BT, Park A, Ramshaw BJ, Voeller G. Laparoscopic ventral
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1 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV. Laparoscopic repair of incisional 19 LeBlanc KA. Current considerations in laparoscopic incisional and
abdominal hernias using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene: ventral herniorrhaphy. JSLS 2000; 4: 131–9.
preliminary findings. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993; 3: 39–41. 20 Condon RE, DeBord JR. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene
2 Carbajo MA, Martín del Olmo JC, Blanco JI, et al. Laparoscopic prosthetic patches in repair of large ventral hernia. In: Nyhus LM,
treatment vs open surgery in the solution of major incisional and Condon RE, eds. Hernia, 4th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
abdominal wall hernias with mesh. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: 250–2. and Wilkins, 1995: 328–36.
3 Carbajo MA, del Olmo JC, Blanco JI, et al. Laparoscopic treatment 21 Usher FC. Hernia repair with knitted polypropylene mesh. Surg
of ventral abdominal wall hernias: preliminary results in 100 Gynecol Obstet 1963; 117: 239.
patients. JSLS 2000; 4: 141–5. 22 Murphy JL, Freeman JB, Dionne PG. Comparison of Marlex and
4 Ramshaw BJ, Esartia P, Schwab J, et al. Comparison of Gore-Tex to repair abdominal wall defects in the rat. Can J Surg
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6 Morales-Conde S, López F, Tutosaus JD, et al. Cost-effectiveness prosthetic materials. Clin Mater 1988; 3: 95.
of ‘Double Crown’ technique for laparoscopic ventral hernia vs 25 Kaufman Z, Engelberg M, Zager M. Fecal fístula: a late
open repair. Presented at the 9th International Congress of he complication of Marlex mesh repair. Dis Colon Rectum 1981; 24:
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1999; 3: 293–304. 27 Ponce González JF, Barriga Beltrán R, Martín Zurita I, et al.
8 Chari R, Chari V, Eisenstat M. A case controlled study of laparoscopic Prosthetic materials in incisional hernia. Experimental study. Cir
ventral hernia repair. Surg Endosc 1998; 12 (suppl): S09. Esp 1998; 63: 189–94.
Parastomal hernia repair
Hernias that develop at the site of the various intestinal TYPES OF HERNIA
stomas are quite common and often lead to many prob-
lems. Parastomal hernias may present as problems of
stoma care, difficulty with the fit of the appliances or irri- The anatomy of the herniation is variable. Four principal
gation, leakage of the fluids produced, a significant cos- types can be identified:
metic deformity, or as complications of the hernia, such • Subcutaneous: there is herniation alongside the
as intestinal obstruction or strangulation. The presence stoma, with a subcutaneous hernia sac containing
of a large protrusion may make repair a necessity irre- omentum or small or large intestine. This is the
spective of its other side effects because of a significant most common form of paracolostomy hernia
cosmetic deformity. Herniation is less frequent with and, not infrequently, the colon is found in the
ileostomy than colostomy, but the overall incidence of sac situated just proximal to the stoma. This
parastomal herniation is difficult to quantify. positioning of the intestine alters the path of the
Burns, in 1970, found 16 paracolic hernias among colon such that the ostomy can be very difficult
307 colostomates, an incidence of five per cent.1 Other to irrigate.
authors have quoted figures that range from five to 48 per • Interstitial: there is a hernia sac lying within the
cent.2–6 It is apparent that few (approximately 20 per muscle/aponeurotic layers of the abdominal wall,
cent) of these hernias are repaired surgically. This may be which may contain omentum or small or large
due to the lack of significant symptoms in the majority of intestine. In these cases, the stoma is asymmetrical,
these patients and/or the age or infirmity of these indi- and is edematous and cyanotic if its vascular supply
viduals, which may prohibit surgical intervention.7,8 The is compromised. The interstitial and subcutaneous
incidence of para-ileostomy hernia is between five and hernias are considered to be variants of a sliding
ten per cent, while that of para-urostomy stomas in hernia. Because the ring of tissue that surrounds the
urological practice is between two and ten per cent.9,10 contents of the hernia can be quite narrow, these
However, one radiological study of 28 ileostomies using hernias are particularly at risk of incarceration and
clinical and computerized tomography (CT) evaluation strangulation.
found that the rate of herniation was 35 per cent; this was • Prolapse: all stomas can prolapse, but transverse
the same whether the ileum exited through or lateral to colostomies prolapse three times more frequently
the rectus muscle.11 than any other stoma. A prolapsed stoma contains a
144 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
hernial sac within itself; other viscera, especially the There are four surgical options for treating a para-
small intestine, can enter this sac and even become stomal hernia:
strangulated. Large hernial sacs that can be
1 Local repair of the stoma, in which case it is
associated with prolapse are often seen in neonates
mobilized locally, the peritoneal sac is identified and
with a transverse colostomy for anorectal agenesis.
the sac’s contents are reduced. The peritoneum and
• Intrastomal: this type of hernia is seen only with end
the musculo-aponeurotic defect are then closed. This
ileostomies. A loop of intestine may herniate
is associated with an unacceptable recurrence rate.
alongside the stoma and lie between the emergent
2 Prosthetic repair by either an extraperitoneal or
and the everted layer of the stoma. Intestinal
extraparietal route. There have been reports of erosion
obstruction has been described in such hernias.
and perforation of the colon by the mesh used in this
3 Stoma relocation either with formal laparotomy or
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT with limited transperitoneal transfer of the stoma.
This can be a very effective procedure.14 However,
many patients are quite comfortable with the
The exact classification of the hernia is not critical to the
location of the stoma and would rather maintain the
laparoscopic surgeon. The approach to these different
current site if feasible.
hernia types will not vary significantly, except in the situ-
4 Laparoscopy offers several advantages that
ation in which the intestine may be strangulated. In this
encompass many of the attributes noted above. The
case, the use of the laparoscopic technique may be
laparoscopic approach offers the surgeon the ability
contraindicated. In the elective operation, the condition
to visualize the entire abdominal wall so that any
of the patient and any predisposing factors, such as
incisional hernias may also be repaired at the same
cachexia, malignancy, obesity, and steroid usage, should
time. Additionally, the anatomical detail of the
influence the decision to proceed with surgical interven-
hernia is nearly always identified easily with the view
tion, as it would for any operation.
that is provided with this technique. This repair
However, an accurate diagnosis and assessment of the
requires that the prosthetic biomaterial be placed
anatomy of the hernia are essential. Therefore, the patient
in the intraperitoneal position. The use of
must be examined (1) supine and relaxed, (2) supine
polypropylene has been described, but I believe
with the muscles tensed, and (3) in the erect position.
that the preferred biomaterial is expanded
Investigation of the detailed anatomy with CT scanning
polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE).15–18 The experience
is useful to delineate large parastomal defects in the
with this technique, however, is not vast; nor is there
abdominal wall. CT scanning can also detect small
any significant long-term follow-up of the few
impalpable defects around ileostomies that present with
patients that have undergone this hernioplasty.
dysfunction.12 This information will assist the surgeon in
Currently, the initial reports are promising but the
the planning and execution of the operation. I have seen
optimal method of repair has not been finalized.
a herniation through the ileal conduit mesentery during
the repair of a para-urostomy hernia. This was suspected When attempted, it is very unusual that one cannot
by the findings on the preoperative CT scan and was repair these hernias laparoscopically. However, it may
confirmed at surgery. That procedure was modified sometimes be advisable to identify a potential site for
intraoperatively due to this fact (see below). relocation of the stoma if this proves necessary during the
Patients who have had cancer surgery must be screened operation due to an inability to complete the procedure
for recurrence before surgery is advised. Similarly, it is either laparoscopically or open.
prudent to exclude recrudescent inflammatory bowel
disease before undertaking operations in patients with
ileostomies, although it should be noted that the risk of
para-ileostomy herniation is similar in patients with
ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. An additional con-
sideration that has become more commonplace is the life
expectancy of the patient. An increasing number of Surgery is imperative in all cases of intestinal obstruction
patients of advanced age are seen with multiple medical or strangulation related to any parastomal hernia. Urgent
problems that add to the risk of general anesthesia. If emergency surgery is also absolutely indicated in all cases
these illnesses will significantly shorten the life of the of paracolostomy hernia where perforation has occurred
patient (i.e. by two to three years or more), or if they pro- during irrigation. Operative intervention is also the
hibit anesthesia, then one may not wish to proceed if treatment of choice when a parastomal hernia causes
there is no immediate need for surgical intervention. abdominal wall distortion and the resultant difficulties
Parastomal hernia repair 145
the incisional hernias, are placed selectively for this repair. postulate that the method of fixation may be inadequate
The decision to use these is based upon the patient’s because of the relatively few transfascial sutures that were
request, as they do aid in the management of postopera- used in this repair. I believe that it is critical that these
tive pain and in the prevention of seromas. The level of sutures are used at not more than 5 cm apart along the
activity of the patient is based upon the pain tolerance of entire periphery of the patch unless there is a structure,
the individual, and no restrictions are given. such as the iliac bone, that prohibits its placement.22 In
this case, the patch should be secured with many more
metal fixation devices than would be the usual recom-
RESULTS mendation. Some surgeons have trephined the bone to
place sutures to ensure fixation.
The laparoscopic repair of parastomal hernias has been My surgical group has now performed one of the
utilized as a method to repair these defects only recently. operations described above on a total of nine patients
At the time of writing, I am aware of only six reports in (Table 19.2). The average length of stay is somewhat
the literature of this methodology.6,14–17 Each of these longer than our experience for incisional hernias, which
articles detailed a slightly different technique, involving is 1.25 days. This is not surprising, however, given the fact
few patients (Table 19.1). that all of these patients had multiple operations pre-
Pocheron and coworkers closed the hernial orifice and viously and several had recurrent parastomal hernias.
used the patch only as a reinforcing layer with no slit used The enterotomy occurred in the patient with the para-
to allow egress of the colon.15 Bickel and colleagues cre- urostomy hernia. He had undergone two previous
ated two strips of mesh, securing one to the abdominal repairs, the latter of which included the repair of an inci-
wall and the other to the intraperitoneal colon.16 Voitk sional hernia with PPM intraperitoneally. I repaired this
used a technique that mimicked that of Sugarbaker’s injury laparoscopically but did not repair the hernia at
intraperitoneal repair.17 All of these authors used tacks that time. His length of stay was increased because he
alone to provide fixation to the abdominal wall. Although remained in hospital until the hernia repair was carried
Bickel used polypropylene mesh (PPM) for the repair of out four days later. Interestingly, a counter-incision for
that patient, he commented that the use of intraperi- open access was required during the second procedure
toneal PPM may lead to adhesion formation and that the because of the inability to accurately assess and reduce
use of a ‘dual mesh nonadherent surface on one side’ may the incarceration of the hernia. In addition to the incar-
be preferable. Kozlowski and coworkers used an onlay cerated small bowel in the hernia, the patient also had a
technique with four sutures; the exact technique is not herniation through the mesentery of the urostomy
described specifically in their paper, however.21 (Figure 19.8). This was reduced, and the repair was
Berger uses an onlay technique that involves fixation completed laparoscopically.
with transfascial sutures and tacks.6 Unless the patch is The recurrence that was seen in the para-ileostomy
greater than 20 cm, he does not use any more than four hernia occurred after nearly one year. Small bowel had
sutures. He also prefers an overlap of 5 cm for this proce- herniated through the slit of both of the patches used in
dure. As noted in Table 19.1, Berger has reported upon 15 the repair. This was reduced laparoscopically, and the
patients. In the immediate postoperative period, one small bowel was sutured to the abdominal sidewall to
patient developed a hematoma and one patient required prevent migration into the slit again. The latter was also
reoperation because of incarceration of the small bowel tightened. This failed after one year, and the patient has
between the patch and the abdominal wall. This latter now undergone an open repair, which relocated the
complication was due to a ‘dislocated tack’. Three of stoma to the left side of his abdomen.
the patients (20 per cent) developed a recurrent hernia The other patients have done very well over the
between two and four months. One could certainly follow-up period, with the exception of the one fatality.
Parastomal hernia repair 149
5 Ortiz H, Sara MJ, Armendariz M, et al. Does the frequency of 14 Rubin M, Schoetz DJ, Matthews JB. Para-stomal hernia: is the
para-colostomy hernias depend on the position of the colostomy stoma relocation superior to fascial repair. Arch Surg 1994;
in the abdominal wall? Int J Colorectal Dis 1994; 9: 65–7. 129: 413–19.
6 Berger D. Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair: indications, 15 Porcheron J, Payan B, Balique JG. Mesh repair of paracolostomal
technique, and results. In: Morales-Conde S, ed. Laparoscopic hernia by laparoscopy. Surg Endosc 1998; 12: 1281.
Ventral Hernia Repair. Paris, Springer-Verlag, 2002: 383–7. 16 Bickel A, Shinkarevsky E, Eitan A. Laparoscopic repair of
7 Burgess P, Matthew VV, Devlin HB. A review of terminal paracolostomy hernia. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 1999; 9:
colostomy complications following abdominoperineal resection for 353–5.
carcinoma. Br J Surg Engl 1984; 71: 1004. 17 Voitk A. Simple technique for laparoscopic paracolostomy hernia
8 Martin L, Foster G. Parastomal hernia. Ann R Coll Surg 1996; repair. Dis Colon Rectum 2000; 43: 1451–3.
78: 81–4. 18 LeBlanc KA, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic repair of para-ostomy
9 Marshall FF, Leadbetter WF, Dretler SP. Ileal conduit parastomal hernias: early results. J Am Coll Surg 2002; 194: 232–9.
hernias. J Urol 1975; 113: 4–42. 19 De Ruiter P, Bijnen AB. Successful local repair of paracolostomy
10 McDougal WS. Use of intestinal segments and urinary hernia with a newly developed prosthetic device. Int J Colorectal
diversion. In: Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED, Wein AJ, eds. Dis 1992; 7: 132–4.
Campbell’s Urology. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1998: 20 Sugarbaker PH. Peritoneal approach to prosthetic mesh repair of
3121–61. paraostomy hernias. Ann Surg 1985; 201: 344–6.
11 Williams JG, Etherington R, Hayward MWJ, Hughes LE. 21 Kozlowski PM, Wang PC, Winfield HN. Laparoscopic repair of
Para-ileostomy hernia: a clinical and radiological study. Br J Surg incisional and parastomal hernias after major genitourinary or
1990; 77: 1355–7. abdominal surgery. J Endourol 2001; 15: 175–9.
12 Toms AP, Dixon AK, Murphy MP, Jamieson NV. Illustrated review 22 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic
of new imaging techniques in the diagnosis of abdominal wall incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy in 100 patients. Am J Surg
hernias. Br J Surg 1999; 86: 1243–50. 2000; 180: 193–7.
13 Aldridge AJ, Simson JN. Erosion and perforation of colon by
synthetic mesh in a recurrent paracolostomy hernia. Hernia 2001;
5: 110–12.
Lumbar hernia and ‘denervation’ hernia repair
Primary and acquired lumbar hernias are quite uncom- inferiorly. The base of the inferior lumbar triangle is the
mon. There have been about 300 cases of primary her- iliac crest, its anterior border is the posterior margin of
nias reported in the literature.1 Acquired lumbar hernias the external oblique muscle, its posterior border is the
are the result of flank incisions for renal or other retro- anterior edge of the latissimus dorsi muscle, and its apex
peritoneal operations, notably anterior lumbar interbody is superior (Figure 20.1).
fusion. These acquired hernias can also be the result of Lumbar hernias may contain a variety of intra-
division of the anterior branches of nerves that originate abdominal organs. Hernias of the colon are the most fre-
from T6 to T12. In these latter circumstances, there is no quent, but small intestine, stomach and spleen are also
fascial defect with these denervation injuries, so they are likely candidates for herniation. A particular curiosity is
not true hernias. These ‘pseudo-hernias’ are difficult to the sliding hernia of the colon, which causes intermittent
treat surgically. Rarely, they can also be seen with diabetic obstructive symptoms.
radiculopathy. Differential diagnoses include tumors of the muscles,
Approximately 55 per cent of these hernias are pri- lipoma, hematoma associated with blunt trauma, abscess,
mary, 25 per cent are acquired, and the remainder are and renal tumors. Small fatty protrusions of retroperi-
congenital in origin.2 The latter can sometimes be bilat- toneal fat through the lumbodorsal fascia have been
eral. Primary lumbar hernias are found most frequently implicated as a cause of lower back pain. Computerized
on the left side; two-thirds of these are seen in men.3,4 tomography (CT) is the best test for delineating the
etiology and defining the anatomy of the hernia.
Patients that have the ‘denervation’ injury that leads to
ANATOMY the protrusion of the flank will frequently complain of
back pain related to the defect. It is difficult to explain the
The lumbar area is bounded above by the twelfth rib, source of this, as many of these patients will have had a
below by the iliac crest, behind by the erector spinae long, pre-existing complaint of back pain requiring disk
muscles (sacrospinalis), and in front by the posterior surgery. The most common presentation is the acknowl-
border of the external oblique (a line passing from the tip edgment of the significant cosmetic deformity that is
of the twelfth rib to the iliac crest). Within this area, two caused by the musculature paralysis. This will cause a
triangles are described: the superior lumbar triangle (of broad laxity of the affected abdominal wall (Figure 20.2).
Grynfelt) and the inferior lumbar triangle (of Petit). The This appearance will become most pronounced if the
superior lumbar triangle is an inverted triangle: its base process is long-standing, if the patient experiences signi-
is the twelfth rib, its posterior border is the erector spinae ficant weight gain, or if the patient is morbidly obese. CT
muscles, its anterior border is the posterior margin of scanning is not so helpful for delineating this problem,
the external oblique, and its apex is at the iliac crest but it can eliminate other pathological entities.
152 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
Serratus posterior
External oblique muscle
12th rib
Iliac crest
Trocar sites
Arm on
There have been only ten laparoscopic lumbar hernio-
plasties reported in the literature.6–8 All were case reports, The incidence of lumbar hernias is low. The problem of
except for one report that included seven patients.9 This denervation hernias may become more prevalent in the
latter report included five hernias that were acquired; two future due to the increasing use of the anterior approach
were congenital and two were recurrent. Two patients had for disk disease by spine surgeons. Repair of these defor-
two or three separate hernia defects. The hernias ranged mities can be difficult and fraught with failure if it is not
in size from 1.5 ⫻ 1.5 cm to 8 ⫻ 11 cm, averaging 77.8 cm2. approached in a reasoned manner. The use of prosthetic
As noted above, a large overlap of the expanded poly- reinforcement is thought to be best, and the laparoscopic
tetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) patches was used; the average approach may be of benefit, although more studies and
patch size was 336.4 cm2. One of these patients developed follow-up are needed.
an abscess over the repair, which required removal of
the prosthesis. The remaining six patients were free of
recurrence after 1–15 months of follow-up.
This author has repaired six denervation hernias. All
were performed using the technique described above. One 1 Gentileschi P, Kini S, Gagner M. Laparoscopic repair of unusual
of these patients had an implantation of DualMesh Plus hernias: lumbar, spigelian and other special hernias. In: Morales-
Conde S, ed. Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. Paris: Springer-
with Holes. This product is 1.5 mm thick, compared with Verlag, 2002: 363–74.
the 1-mm thickness of DualMesh without Holes. It was 2 Swartz WT. Lumbar hernias. J Ky Med Assoc 1954; 2: 673–8.
hoped that the thicker material would result in a better 3 Thorek M. Lumbar hernia. J Int Coll Surg 1950; 14: 367–93.
154 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
4 Watson LE. Hernia, 3rd edn. St Louis, MO: Mosby, 1948: 443–5. 7 Bickel A, Haj, Eitan A. Laparoscopic management of lumbar hernia.
5 Knol JA, Eckhauser FE. Inguinal anatomy and abdominal wall Surg Endosc 1997; 11: 1129–30.
hernias. In: Greenfield LJ, ed. Surgery: Scientific Principles and 8 Woodward AM, Flint LM, Ferrera JJ. Laparoscopic retroperitoneal
Practice. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1993: 1081–107. repair of recurrent postoperative lumbar hernia. J Laparoendosc Adv
6 Burick AJ, Parascandola SA. Laparoscopic repair of a traumatic Surg Tech A 1999; 2: 181–6.
lumbar hernia: a case report. J Laparoendosc Surg 1996; 6: 9 Arca MJ, Heniford BT, Pokorny R, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
259–62. lumbar hernias. J Am Coll Surg 1998; 2: 147–52.
Results of laparoscopic incisional and
ventral hernia repair
Although the principles of abdominal wall repair are fixation of a large mesh without subcutaneous tissue dis-
well established and the complication rate has decreased section in patients with large hernia defects.10–12
significantly over the past decade, the complication and Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is based on the
recurrence rates for open incisional hernia repair are far method described by Stoppa for open incisional hernia
from ideal. A prospective, randomized, multicenter study repair,4 reported to have the lowest recurrence rate.
recently reported a 46 per cent recurrence rate after pri- It involves posterior reinforcement of the abdominal
mary open repair of ventral hernias when a prosthetic wall with a large piece of prosthetic material based on
material was not employed.1 Others have reported recur- Laplace’s law. The large surface area of the mesh allows
rence rates of 25 per cent and 52 per cent for fascial defects substantial ingrowth of tissue for permanent mesh fixa-
smaller and larger than 4 cm, respectively.2–4 Recurrences tion, and the intra-abdominal pressure tends to hold the
are also associated with the number of repairs performed, mesh in apposition to the posterior abdominal wall over
with 18–43 per cent after initial repair and over 50 per cent a wide surface area.13,14
after recurrent repair.1,3
It is common to perform a primary repair for ventral
hernias smaller than 4 cm in diameter. For larger defects,
the use of a prosthetic material is recommended to allow
for a tension-free repair. The use of a variety of mesh
materials for open hernia repairs has resulted in a lower Patient demographics
recurrence rate compared with primary repairs,1,5 but
they have been associated with other types of complica- Since the first report of laparoscopic ventral hernia
tions, including wound infection, seromas, mesh extru- repair,15 numerous series have been published supporting
sion, fistula formation, and adhesions.5–7 Infections can the use of this technique. Table 21.1 summarizes the
occur in up to 15 to 45 per cent of open mesh repairs and results of 2002 laparoscopic ventral hernia repairs pub-
may also correlate with recurrence rates.1,8 This high lished in the literature. We have tabulated these data
infection rate is thought to be secondary to the large inci- and will discuss the averages from this information.
sion with which the mesh is in contact and the wide dis- Demographic data show a slightly higher predominance
section necessary for adequate mesh placement. The of females (56 per cent), with a mean age of 55 years.
laparoscopic technique involves access to the abdominal Fifty-six per cent of the patients were obese, with a mean
cavity away from the defect, avoiding placement of the body mass index (BMI) of 34 kg/m2. Consistent with pre-
mesh through a large incision, thereby reducing the prob- vious literature, the prevalence of incisional hernias (89
ability of contamination and infection.9 It also allows per cent) is higher than for primary hernias (11 per cent).
Table 21.1 Results of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
This includes 11 per cent umbilical and 0.6 per cent is estimated that about 80 per cent of hernias are repaired
Spigelian hernias. Sixteen per cent of the hernias were utilizing ePTFE mesh, 15 per cent with polypropylene
multiple and 32 per cent were recurrent. mesh, and five per cent with polyester mesh.
studies. Surprisingly, in many reports, the patients in the Finally, the favorable cosmetic results for primary ventral
laparoscopic group had a tendency to have larger hernia hernia repair with the laparoscopic technique may be an
defects10,13,44 and a higher incidence of previous hernia important consideration for some patients.
repairs10,41,42,44 than in the open group. This suggests that Wright and colleagues compared the laparoscopic
the results are even more favorable for the laparoscopic approach with two techniques of open repair, with and
repair, since recurrences occur more frequently in large without use of mesh.12 The group that underwent open
defects and after previous repairs.3,42 repair with mesh had a higher incidence of previous
Some series have reported increased operative times repairs. The laparoscopic group had larger hernia defects
with the laparoscopic technique.13,42 This is important and larger mesh sizes. The laparoscopic technique resulted
when considering anesthesia times and operating room in a longer mean operative time and lower wound compli-
expenses. However, once beyond the learning curve, the cation rates. The laparoscopic approach also resulted in
laparoscopic repair can frequently be completed in a lower recurrence rates, but the difference was significant
shorter time than a comparable open repair, even in the only when compared to open repair without mesh.
presence of large hernia defects.10,34 Laparoscopic repair In the only prospective randomized study so far,
is also associated with reduced estimated blood loss.10 Carbajo and coworkers reported a shorter operative time
Most comparative series have reported lower overall and hospital stay, as well as lower recurrence and compli-
postoperative complication rates with the laparoscopic cation rates (including infections and seromas) with the
technique than with the open technique (20 v. 31 per cent, laparoscopic approach.43 The patients in each group had
respectively) (Table 21.2). The laparoscopic approach a similar incidence of previous repairs and hernia size.
results in lower wound complication rates,10,11,13,42 includ- Two recurrences occurred in the open group with a 27-
ing fewer seromas,42,43 fewer infections,10,11,13,44 and fewer month follow-up. Two mesh explantations were required
dehiscences.13 Since wound complications that may be in the open group for postoperative infections. There
present after laparoscopic hernia repairs occur in small were no recurrences or late complications in the laparo-
trocar incisions, they tend to be less severe, to be treated scopic group.
more easily, and to require mesh removal less frequently A primary goal for ventral hernia repair is to mini-
than in open repairs.10,43 Seromas are frequently obser- mize recurrence rates. Factors associated with recurrences
ved following a ventral hernia repair whether performed include larger hernias,3,42 previous hernia repairs, lateral
through an open or laparoscopic approach. Ultrasound defects, and postoperative complications (mainly infec-
examinations revealed seroma formation in 100 per cent tions). The laparoscopic technique has resulted in lower
of patients, with a peak occurrence seven days after the recurrence rates, even in the presence of larger defects,10,13
operation, and almost complete resolution after 90 days.46 and higher rates of previous repairs.10,42 Indeed, as
Seromas may be a source of concern to patients not demonstrated in Table 21.2, the recurrence rate was 15
informed of the likelihood of their occurrence. Most sur- per cent for the open repair, with a 33-month follow-up,
geons agree that they should not be considered a com- and 4.5 per cent for the laparoscopic technique, with a
plication unless they persist, increase steadily in size, or 22-month follow-up.
cause symptoms. Aspiration of seroma contents should be
approached with caution, since even under sterile condi-
tions there is a potential for contamination. Infection
requiring mesh removal has been reported following aspi-
ration of a seroma.44 After repair of large hernias, the use
of binders can be considered in an attempt to reduce Laparoscopic repair of ventral and incisional hernias is an
seroma formation. attractive approach for a difficult problem. The achieve-
Another advantage consistently reported with the ment of a low recurrence rate while minimizing wound
laparoscopic technique is the shorter length of hospitaliza- complications is a combination of goals that has eluded
tion.10,42–44 This may be due partially to decreased pain,44 open approaches for ventral hernia repair. While the
fewer complications,10,11,13,42,43 earlier oral intake,45 infre- laparoscopic approach makes sense and is being adopted by
quent use of drains,10 and reduced postoperative ileus.10,42 many surgeons, it remains an advanced laparoscopic proce-
In general, these patients ambulate earlier than patients dure with inherent potential complications, especially dur-
undergoing open repair. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair ing the learning curve. Results of the studies presented in
can be performed on an outpatient basis in some cases.41,44 this chapter point out the importance of good patient selec-
The shorter operative time and length of stay after laparo- tion and recognition of the potential for intraoperative and
scopic repair may offset the increased operative costs for delayed visceral injury. Improvements in training and edu-
surgical equipment compared with open techniques.41 One cation of minimally invasive surgical procedures will help
study shows lower costs for the laparoscopic approach, even to maximize the safe adoption of advanced laparoscopic
when accounting for the costs of treating complications.44 techniques, such as laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.
160 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
A ventral hernia is any protrusion through the anterior Review of laparoscopic hernia repairs demonstrates an
abdominal wall with the exception of the inguinal area. overall complication rate ranging from five to thirty per
Ventral defects include those found in the umbilical, epi- cent,3–16,18,19 with a mean of 15.2 per cent. The major
gastric, Spigelian, incisional, and parastomal locations. advantage of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is a
Five to fifteen per cent of laparotomies will result in ventral decreased rate of major wound complications19 and
incisional hernias, with the incidence of incisional hernia lower recurrence rates.3–18,20
rising to nearly 40 per cent following wound infection.1,2
Approximately 100 000 ventral hernias are repaired in
the USA each year, comprising about 13 per cent of all
hernia repairs annually.
Over the past decade, techniques for the laparoscopic
approach to ventral hernia repair have been developed. The most feared complication associated with the laparo-
Potential advantages include avoidance of large incisions scopic approach to ventral hernia is enterotomy. Bowel
with associated flaps and drains, tension-free repairs injury has resulted in serious morbidity and mortality.
stabilized by intra-abdominal pressures (Laplace’s law), Several authors report bowel injuries,3,4,9,11–13,18 with an
reduced length of stay with reduced convalescence and overall average incidence of 1.1 per cent. Table 22.2 pres-
more rapid return to full activity, and lower complication ents the series reporting bowel injuries. Holzman and col-
and recurrence rates. leagues describe a single enterotomy during laparoscopy
A review of the literature on laparoscopic ventral and that required conversion to an open procedure to avoid
incisional hernia repair as well as our clinical experience placement of prosthetic material.3 Toy and coworkers
over ten years was undertaken. A Medline search demon- mention two enterotomies in their prospective multicen-
strated 18 articles suitable for analysis. These articles ter study but do not give any further details.4 Ramshaw
contained data on complications and recurrences. This and colleagues had two serious bowel injuries: one was
chapter will give an overview of the complications asso- recognized and repaired at the time of injury but subse-
ciated with laparoscopic ventral and incisional hernia quently it dehisced and required reoperation; the second
repairs, and will suggest strategies to address these com- went unrecognized and required reoperation with mesh
plications. Table 22.1 lists the articles chosen for review. removal.9 Ramshaw and colleagues also had one minor
In comparison to open hernia repairs, overall compli- serosal bowel injury with no sequelae.9
cation rates for laparoscopic hernia repairs are much Koehler and Voeller mention two unrecognized bowel
lower. Complication rates reported for recent series of injuries, with one patient ultimately dying of hepatic fail-
open repairs may be high as 27–34 per cent.16,19,21,22 ure on the twenty-ninth postoperative day.11 This death
162 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
Table 22.1 Reported series analyzed, with recurrence rates and total complication rates
occurred in a patient requiring lysis of densely adherent mesh due to infection. The second enterotomy resulted
small-intestinal loops to the polypropylene mesh. The in a prolonged postoperative course, with respiratory
other patient presented on the fifth postoperative day with failure and sepsis; the patient survived.
an enterocutaneous fistula, and required removal of the Finally, Heniford and colleagues, with the largest
patch and segmental resection of the small bowel. Kyzer retrospective study involving 407 patients, describe
and coworkers had two recognized small-bowel injuries, six patients with small bowel enterotomies.18 Minimal
which were both converted to open laparotomy: one spillage was noted in four cases. These four patients had
required a bowel resection and the other required simple their enterotomies repaired laparoscopically and the her-
suture closure.10 Roth and colleagues had two cases of nia repairs completed. The fifth patient was converted to
intraoperative enterotomies recognized at the time of an open repair. None of the five patients had infectious
operation: in one case, the operation was converted to complications or recurrence of the hernia. The sixth
an open procedure; the second enterotomy was closed patient had an unrecognized enterotomy and subse-
laparoscopically, but no prosthetic patch was placed.12 quently underwent a laparotomy with resection of a
Chari and coworkers, in a small case–control study, short segment of small bowel and removal of the mesh.
describe two patients with enterotomies in the laparo- Bowel injury can occur during initial entry into the
scopic group.13 One patient required removal of the peritoneal cavity, although no such injury has been
Complications and their management 163
reported in the literature describing laparoscopic ventral ‘beware of mesh’, although a previous mesh repair is not a
incisional hernia repairs. Most surgeons, including contraindication to the laparoscopic approach.
Voeller and Heniford,18,23 prefer the Hasson technique in Management of enterotomies requires sound clinical
a site well away from the hernia defect and in a quadrant judgment. In most cases, we recommend conversion to
free of previous surgery. We agree with this technique and open laparotomy to repair bowel injuries. Koehler and
use the Hasson technique for nearly all cases. LeBlanc, Voeller advise the same, especially for surgeons that are
however, favors the use of the Optiview trocar (Ethicon still early in their laparoscopic ventral hernia repair expe-
Endosurgery, Inc.).23 rience.11 The decision to place any prosthetic material in
Nearly all reported bowel injuries have occurred dur- the setting of bowel perforation depends on the degree of
ing lysis of adhesion. Ramshaw and coworkers9 and Park contamination and whether the injury involves the
and coworkers23 considered this to be the most dangerous colon. If a colonic injury is suspected, then prosthetic
part of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, and Koehler hernia repair must be aborted.11,26 The injury must be
and Voeller described it as the most challenging part of addressed, and the incisional hernia can be repaired at a
laparoscopic incisional ventral hernia repair.11 Robbins later time. In the setting of a small bowel injury, we rec-
and colleagues, however, believe that the most difficult ommend conversion to a laparotomy and repair of the
part of the procedure is adhesiolysis and reduction of the bowel injury in most cases. A decision to place prosthetic
hernia contents.19 The mechanisms of injury include material in a contaminated field must be taken with great
direct injury during sharp dissection and thermal injury caution. We would err on the side of conservatism and
from various energy sources.24,25 We recommend that all avoid the use of any prosthetic material because of the
adhesiolysis is done with cold scissors under direct vision, risk of infection. Many others agree with this.10,11,13 The
with absolute minimal use of energy. Ramshaw and col- only exception to this would be in a setting where there is
leagues,9 Park and colleagues,23 Robbins and colleagues,19 a skilled laparoscopic surgeon who can routinely repair
and others support this position. Cautery and harmonic bowel perforation in a proficient manner and there is
dissection can produce immediate perforations as well as minimal contamination. Heniford and colleagues
delayed perforation. Delayed perforations are more com- describe six bowel injuries.18 In four patients, the entero-
mon with harmonic dissection because the edges are tomy was repaired laparoscopically, one was converted to
sealed immediately and the mucosa is not seen readily. open repair, and the hernia repair was completed in each.
Kyzer and coworkers note several special situations in In spite of their good outcomes with no mesh infections,
which the risk of bowel injury is particularly high.10 they caution strongly against placement of mesh in the
These include patients with previous episodes of peri- setting of bowel perforation and contamination. If there
tonitis, patients in whom a previous repair utilized is any doubt about the situation, then we recommend
intraperitoneal Marlex mesh, and cases of giant hernias conversion to laparotomy. Once the enterotomy is
that contain multiple irreducible bowel loops. Koehler repaired and a decision is made not to proceed with the
and Voeller also warn of the dangers during adhesiolysis mesh repair, then the patient can be closed, placed on
in the setting of previous synthetic mesh repair.11 intravenous antibiotics, and returned to the operating
Adhesions to the prosthetic material can be fairly dense, room in three to seven days for completion of the laparo-
and lysis of adhesions may be almost impossible. An scopic hernia repair.23 Koehler and Voeller describe a
excellent strategy in this situation is conversion to open similar second-stage patch placement if an enterotomy is
enterolysis, closure of the abdominal wall, and comple- made and repaired.11
tion of the hernia repair laparoscopically. Many others Lastly, sage advice given by Koehler and Voeller is that
are advocates of this technique.9,10,13,23 Heniford and one should always consider the possibility of the conver-
coworkers describe conversion to open surgery in eight of sion of an occult partial-thickness injury into a full-
415 patients:18 two patients were opened because of an thickness bowel injury when a patient is clinically
inability to reduce incarcerated intestine, one was deteriorating after an uneventful laparoscopic ventral
opened for loss of abdominal domain, one for resection hernia repair.11 We second this opinion and do not hesi-
of strangulated bowel, and one for enterotomy. tate to relaparoscope a patient who is not doing well
As noted above, a special circumstance in which clinically and who is deteriorating.
enterotomy may occur is in the setting of previous hernia
repair with the use of synthetic mesh. Adhesions to
polypropylene and polyester mesh tend to be dense and
vascular, with clear planes of dissection that are difficult to
define. Our one enterotomy occurred in the face of a pre-
vious repair with Prolene mesh. This prompted us to be The techniques of laparoscopic assisted ventral hernia
especially wary of the risk of enterotomy when working repair should be part of the armamentarium of all sur-
adjacent to a previous mesh repair. A good rule to follow is geons who perform hernia repairs using the laparoscopic
164 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
approach. Indications for this approach include inability draped. Many surgeons recommend the use of an adhe-
to gain access to the peritoneal cavity, inability to com- sive barrier drape, as is commonly done in vascular
plete safe lysis of adhesions laparoscopically, any question surgery. The mesh itself should be treated in the same
of visceral injury, and incarcerated hernias for which fashion as any vascular graft, in that contact with the skin
reduction using laparoscopic techniques is impossible. should be avoided. Even the largest expanded polytetra-
When these indications are encountered, the abdomen is fluoroethylene (ePTFE) patches can easily be drawn into
opened through a limited incision. The bowel is inspected the abdomen through a standard Hasson trocar. Use of
if visceral injuries are suspected, and any injuries are antibiotic-impregnated prosthetics may offer some meas-
repaired in the appropriate fashion. The remainder of the ure of protection against infection. The lower infection
adhesiolysis is then completed with the abdomen open. rates in laparoscopic repairs may be due to the avoidance
The defect is then measured, and an appropriately sized of long incisions, wide dissection or flap creation, open-
patch is prepared, including placement of pre-tied ing of the hernia sac, and placement of drains.4,8,18,28
sutures. The patch is then introduced into the abdomen, With rare exception, all infected biomaterials placed
unrolled, and oriented. The abdomen is closed in an air- laparoscopically to repair incisional hernias must be
tight fashion. The pneumoperitoneum is re-established removed to control infection and sepsis. Toy and col-
and the procedure completed in the standard laparo- leagues describe five wound infections, four of which
scopic fashion. Other authors have employed this started at a trocar site.4 Three responded to intravenous
technique.9,10,13,23 antibiotic therapy without mesh removal, and two cases
The laparoscopic assisted technique provides the sur- required removal of the mesh. Franklin and coworkers
geon with an alternative to complete abandonment of the document only a single mesh infection with staphylococ-
laparoscopic approach should the problems described cus in series of 176 patients.5 The mesh infection occurred
above be encountered. It also provides the surgeon with a 14 months postoperatively and the mesh was removed.
safe alternative if visceral injury is suspected. Until a sur- Kyzer and coworkers had a single mesh infection that
geon gains experience with laparoscopic ventral hernia required removal and subsequently led to a recurrent her-
repair, this may initially be the procedure of choice. nia.10 Koehler and Voeller11 and Roth and colleagues12
mention two mesh infections in each of their respective
series, but they fail to give any further clinical details.
DeMaria and coworkers had a single mesh infection
MESH INFECTION requiring mesh removal because of an abscess.16 The
author felt that seroma aspiration led to contamination
Mesh infections (Table 22.3) are a very serious complica- and subsequent abscess formation. Heniford and col-
tion reported in multiple series, with an average reported leagues had four mesh infections in 407 patients, and all
incidence of 1.4 per cent.4–6,8,10–12,16,18,19 Infection rates required removal of the mesh.18 Two had prior mesh
for open incisional hernia repairs are 16 per cent.27 infections with open hernia repair. One developed skin
Avoidance of infection includes strict attention to sterile necrosis over the mesh, which eventually became exposed.
technique. The patient should be carefully prepped and The last patient developed a mesh infection several weeks
postoperatively. Robbins and coworkers reported 31 reported average incidence of 4.4 per cent, with a range
laparoscopic hernia repairs with a single abdominal wall of 0–16 per cent (Table 22.4). Toy and colleagues describe
abscess in the hernia site.19 Ultimately, the mesh had to be the largest number of seromas in their prospective, mul-
removed. In our series, we had one infection that required ticenter study.4 Seromas occurred in 23 (16%) patients.
patch removal; the hernia recurred and was later repaired Fifteen of these seromas resolved within 30 days, two
laparoscopically. resolved after 30 days, and six required aspiration. These
Once the infected mesh is removed, options for closure six patients required aspiration because of the size of the
of the abdominal defect include primary closure of the seroma, per patient request, or because there was suspi-
fascia or closure of the fascial defect with biological grafts. cion of infection. None of the seromas became infected
The wound is generally left open to close secondarily. After after aspiration. Tsimoyiannis and coworkers describe a
the open wound has closed completely, and at least three single seroma that was aspirated, but they give no details
to four months have passed since the infection developed of the indication for drainage.7 Park and colleagues
and the mesh was explanted, the patient can return to the aspirated two seromas because of symptoms or their
operating room for laparoscopic hernioplasty. presence for more than six weeks.8
Ramshaw and coworkers described two seromas, one
of which was drained under computerized tomography
(CT) guidance.9 The patient subsequently developed a
SEROMA subcutaneous abscess that required open drainage, but
the underlying mesh did not have to be removed.
The standard laparoscopic techniques for ventral hernia Koehler and Voeller had two obvious seromas, but nei-
repair involve reduction of the hernia contents followed ther required drainage and both resolved over a period of
by coverage of the defect with an appropriately sized three to six weeks.11 LeBlanc and colleagues had seven
piece of mesh. The hernia sac is left in situ. Fluid accu- seromas, none of which required aspiration.14 They have
mulation in the hernia sac is very common in our expe- instituted bulky dressings for 72 hours to help minimize
rience and confirmed by many others.3–5,7–9,11,12,14,15,18,23 seroma fluid accumulation. Heniford and coworkers des-
LeBlanc and colleagues considered postoperative sero- cribed eight seromas that were defined as fluid collec-
mas to be the most common ‘minor complication’.14 tions over the mesh that lasted for six to ten weeks.18
Heniford and coworkers state that many patients develop They stated that no long-term complications occurred,
‘small, self-limited collections’ of fluid over the mesh.18 regardless of whether the seromas were aspirated.
The definition of ‘significant’ collection varies among Most fluid collections can simply be observed, because
reported series. Some authors define a significant fluid they will resolve spontaneously over four to ten weeks.
collection as one that requires aspiration because of Therefore, we recommend observation for the vast major-
steady growth or clinical symptoms. Others define a ity of postoperative seromas.14,23 Not all authors agree,
significant fluid collection as one that lasts for more than however. Carbajo and colleagues described ten seromas, all
six weeks.8,18 Review of the literature demonstrates a of which were managed with aspiration.15 No comments
were made as to when and why these seromas required defined prolonged suture site pain as pain lasting for
aspiration. DeMaria and coworkers also aspirated all more than eight weeks.18 They describe eight cases in
seromas; they stated that most resolved with one or two their report, most of which resolved with time (in six
aspirations, with three attempts at most.16 DeMaria and patients) or injection (in two patients) of bupivacaine.
coworkers also described an abdominal wall abscess
developing in a patient who had a seroma aspirated in the
early postoperative period. The mesh ultimately had to be PROLONGED ILEUS/PERSISTENT NAUSEA
removed, and they concluded that the infection occurred AND VOMITING
because of inadequate sterile technique during seroma
aspiration. Park and colleagues feel that routine aspiration
Several authors report prolonged ileus or persistent nau-
of seromas has resulted in mesh infection, and they advise
sea and vomiting following these procedures. The cumu-
against this practice.23
lative reported incidence is two per cent.3,4,8,9,12,14,18,20
Although not well described in the literature, our
Other authors have also reported prolonged ileus and
experience shows that many postoperative seromas will
persistent nausea and vomiting, but they did not comment
display subtle signs of inflammation, such as localized
warmth, erythema, and minimal tenderness to palpation,
We generally do not use nasogastric tubes in the post-
but do not represent true infections. Subtle signs of
operative period. If patients develop nausea, this is treated
inflammation do not require any specific treatment other
with anti-emetics, such as ondansetron hydrochloride
than observation. There is also no associated leukocytosis
4 mg every four hours, as necessary. If patients develop
or fever. These findings generally resolve spontaneously as
protracted emesis along with their ileus, a nasogastric
the fluid is reabsorbed. The level of comfort in observing
tube will be placed, but this will be removed as soon as
these subtle signs will depend upon one’s clinical experi-
possible. Early ambulation and activity are encouraged to
ence. Close clinical follow-up is critical in this setting.
prevent ileus.
Development of worsening pain, fever, and increasing
erythema would all be indications to start oral antibiotics.
There are very few indications for the aspiration of
seromas. Toy and colleagues stated that they try to avoid
aspiration because it may contaminate the seroma and
cause an abscess.4 Aspiration may be required for sero- Overall recurrence rates for open ventral incisional her-
mas that are painful and enlarging. Park and coworkers nia repairs have been high and range from 30 to 60 per
and other experts feel that aspiration of seromas tends to cent.4,29–37 A review of the literature demonstrates that
increase the rate of mesh infections.23 Removing fluid laparoscopic hernia repair has lowered this dramatically
may be both therapeutic and diagnostic in this setting. to approximately four per cent (with a mean follow-up
Clear, straw-colored fluid is normal; however, turbid and period of 22.5 months) (Table 22.1).
purulent fluid is highly suggestive of infection, requiring Several factors are reported to increase the risk of
removal of the prosthetic material. recurrence after ventral hernia repairs. These include
infection at the original operation38 and size of the orig-
inal hernia.31 Other authors have noted wound infec-
tions, obesity, advanced age, pulmonary complications,
POSTOPERATIVE/SUTURE PAIN hepatic insufficiency, and male gender as risk factors for
recurrence.6 Park and colleagues report higher recur-
We have found that laparoscopic ventral and incisional rences with larger hernias, hernias in a central or midline
hernia repairs tend to be exceedingly painful compared location compared with lateral hernias, and wound com-
with other minimally invasive surgeries. Ramshaw and plications after hernia repair.8 Roth and coworkers, on
colleagues report similar findings.9 They believe that the the other hand, found no association between the size
pain is related to the number of full-thickness sutures and the number of previous repairs, age, postoperative
and posterior fascial tacks used. Length of hospital stay complications, or location of recurrence.12 Koehler and
will be proportional to the degree of pain. We generally Voeller warn us to consider occult liver disease in any
keep patients in the hospital for three to four days for hernia recurrence that cannot be explained by infection
postoperative pain management. This is several days or collagen-vascular disease, and they give supporting
longer than the average length of stay reported in the lit- references.11,39,40 LeBlanc and colleagues state that their
erature. Our preferred method of analgesia is patient- recurrences are generally associated with large and mul-
controlled analgesia (PCA) with morphine. tiple defects, the use of only one method of fixation for
The reported incidence of suture and/or protracted the prosthetic patch, and an inadequate patch size.14
pain is around 1.3 per cent. Heniford and colleagues Hesselink and coworkers noted a 41 per cent cumulative
Complications and their management 167
recurrence rate at five years, with second, third and We believe that sutures and spiral tacks are needed in all
fourth incisional hernia repairs having recurrence rates repairs.
of 56, 48 and 47 per cent, respectively.31 To place transabdominal nonabsorbable sutures, we
Several factors are crucial for the maintenance of low employ a suture-passer to place them 4–5 cm apart.
recurrence rates. The defect must be defined completely, Heniford and coworkers also place full-thickness abdom-
the adhesions must be separated, and the repair must not inal-wall sutures every 4–5 cm.18 The sutures should be
have any tension. The prosthetic patch should be below placed no more than 5 cm apart. Koehler and Voeller state
the plane of the fascial defect, and the size of the patch that tacks should be placed every 1.5 cm on the periphery,
must be larger than the hernia defect.41,42 with sutures every 6 cm.11 They also suggest using three to
The use of prosthetic materials is by far the most four tacks around the edges of the hernia defect to mini-
important step in the evolution of recurrent hernia mize the dead space. LeBlanc and colleagues believe that
repairs.37,39,43,44 In the early reports of laparoscopic ventral both sutures and tacks are important for securing the
and incisional hernia repairs, many authors reported that mesh.14
their early recurrences were due to the use of only one type Overlapping the hernia defect with the prosthetic patch
of fixation method, such as staples or tacks alone, without of an adequate size is also critically important. Several
properly fixing the mesh with sutures. Conversely, pure studies have demonstrated that side-to-side suturing of
suture repair of hernias without using mesh is also the patch to the edge of the hernia defect leads to recur-
not advisable. This advice is confirmed by Franklin and rence rates of 11–42 per cent.55–57 Tsimoyiannis and col-
colleagues, who report that one recurrence (out of two) leauges7 and Park and colleagues8 state that the overlap
was due to the lack of use of a prosthetic patch.5 must be at least 2.5 cm. Ramshaw and coworkers,9 LeBlanc
Tension-free placement of a prosthetic patch on the and coworkers,14 and Robbins and coworkers19 prefer a
posterior surface of the abdominal wall is important, and 3–4-cm overlap beyond the edge of the defect. Kyzer and
this alone has led to lower recurrence rates.26,29,31,35,41,45–47 colleagues10 and Koehler and Voeller11 suggest that the
The intra-abdominal pressure tends to hold the mesh in overlap should be 5 cm or greater. Koehler and Voeller
place by Laplace’s law. describe a recurrence due to patch disruption with a 9-cm
We believe, like others, that tissue in-growth into the overlap but with no suture fixation.11 Gillion and col-
mesh material is important for long-term fixation.4,48–50 leagues have shown clearly that overlapping the mesh with
However, in the immediate postoperative period, sutures the hernia defect lowers the recurrence rate significantly.58
and spiral tacks play a critical role in fixation. Franklin We feel that complete coverage of the entire incision is
and colleagues5 and Reitter and colleauges17 all place important whenever possible, even though the actual
strong emphasis on full-thickness transabdominal wall recurrent hernia defect may encompass only a small por-
sutures to prevent recurrent hernias. However, they felt tion of the entire incision. Koehler and Voeller also state
that tacks and staples were necessary only to hold the that coverage of the entire incision is crucial to minimize
mesh in place initially and to fill in the gaps between the recurrence risk.11 For example, if a patient has a midline
sutures. Ramshaw and coworkers describe one recurrence incision with a recurrence at one end, we would cover
in a laparoscopic repair where only a hernia stapler was the entire midline incision with the prosthetic material
used for fixation (i.e. without sutures or tacks).9 They to minimize recurrence. In our personal series, several of
subsequently modified their technique using sutures and the recurrent hernias were noted above or below the pre-
tacks in all but the smallest (⬍2 cm) hernia defects. viously placed prosthesis. We have not seen a recurrence
Heniford and colleagues state that 43 per cent (6/14) of in which the prosthetic material failed intrinsically.
their recurrences developed in patients in whom sutures Most laparoscopic recurrences tend to occur within
were not used at all or not placed in difficult areas, such as the first two years, and this has also been our experience.
the costal margins.18 We feel, as do Heniford and cowork- Toy and colleagues had six patients (other than those
ers,6 Ramshaw and coworkers,9 and LeBlanc and cowork- recurrences from removal of infected mesh) with recur-
ers,14 that suture fixation is extremely important to the rences of their ventral hernias.4 All six recurrences
success of the laparoscopic hernia repair. Without suture presented by nine months postoperatively, with none
fixation, the prosthetic patch can pull away from the thereafter. Franklin and coworkers report two recur-
abdominal wall, eventually leading to recurrence. This has rences, one at four months and the other at 13 months
been documented clearly.3,11,14,18,26,51–54 However, we and following the operation.5 The first recurrence occurred
Park and colleagues8 feel that spiral tacks are just as after a non-prosthetic umbilical hernia repair. The sec-
important. The mesh should be secured to the abdominal ond recurrence followed the removal of an infected pros-
wall with spiral tacks placed 1 cm apart. Not all authors thetic biomaterial. LeBlanc and colleagues report nine
agree: Carbajo and colleagues felt that sutures led to hernia recurrences at a mean of 24 months, with a range
more complications (hematomas, increased postopera- of four to 47 months.14 Recurrence in one patient was
tive pain) and abandoned them for helical tacks only.15 recorded at 47 months. If this patient is excluded, then
168 Laparoscopic incisional and ventral hernioplasty
the mean time of recurrence was 22 months. LeBlanc and 4 Toy FK, Bailey RW, Carey S, et al. Prospective, multicenter study of
coworkers also report four of nine recurrences occurring laparoscopic ventral hernioplasty. Preliminary results. Surg Endosc
1998; 12: 955–9.
after 30 months.14 5 Franklin ME, Dorman JP, Glass JL, et al. Laparoscopic ventral and
We have had five recurrences in 182 laparoscopic her- incisional hernia repair. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1998; 8: 294–9.
nia repairs. They all occurred within the first 24 months 6 Costanza MJ, Heniford BT, Arca MJ, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
after repair. Other series report nearly all of the recur- recurrent ventral hernia. Am Surg 1998; 12: 1121–7.
rences by two years.8,11,12,16 7 Tsimoyiannis EC, Tassis A, Glantzounis G, et al. Laparoscopic
intraperitoneal onlay mesh repair of incisional hernia. Surg
Laparosc Endosc 1998; 8: 360–2.
8 Park A, Birch DW, Lovrics P. Laparoscopic and open incisional
hernia repair: a comparison study. Surgery 1998; 124: 816–22.
CONCLUSION 9 Ramshaw BJ, Esartia P, Schwab J, et al. Comparison of laparoscopic
and open ventral herniorrhaphy. Am Surg 1999; 65; 827–32.
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With the adaptation of laparoscopic techniques to general
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surgical procedures over the past 15 years, several ques- Endosc 1999; 13: 928–31.
tions have arisen relative to ventral hernia disease. Could 11 Koehler RH, Voeller G. Recurrence in laparoscopic incisional hernia
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scopically? Would the laparoscopic approach result in a 3: 293–304.
12 Roth JS, Park AE, Witzke D, Mastrangelo MJ. Laparoscopic
reduction in surgical complications as well as a reduction
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in recurrence rates? Finally, would the techniques result in 1999; 4: 209–14.
increased patient satisfaction with reduced convalescence 13 Chari R, Chari V, Eisenstat M, Chung R. A case controlled study of
and early return to full activity and work? laparoscopic incisional hernia repair. Surg Endosc 2000; 14:
Over ten years’ experience with laparoscopic ventral 117–19.
14 LeBlanc KA, Booth WV, Whitaker JM, Bellanger DE. Laparoscopic
hernia repair has helped us to answer these questions.
incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy in 100 patients. Am J Surg
The laparoscopic techniques could easily be adapted to 2000; 180: 193–7.
ventral hernia repair. The procedure is technically feasi- 15 Carbajo MA, Martin del Olmo JC, Blanco JI, et al. Laparoscopic
ble and can be mastered by surgeons skilled in advanced treatment of ventral abdominal wall hernias: Preliminary results of
laparoscopic surgery. In addition, the procedure has 100 patients. JSLS 2000; 4: 141–5.
16 DeMaria EJ, Moss JM, Surgerman HJ. Laparoscopic intraperitoneal
resulted in reduced morbidity, with a reduction in oper-
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prosthetic patch repair of ventral
ative and postoperative complications. Recurrence data hernia. Surg Endosc 2000; 14: 326–9.
are very encouraging and appear to reveal a marked 17 Reitter DR, Paulsen JK, Debord JR, Estes NC. Five-year experience
reduction in recurrence rates versus open repair. Patient with the ‘Four-Before’ laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Am Surg
satisfaction is very high, with patients who have under- 2000; 5: 465–9.
18 Heniford TB, Park A, Ramshaw BJ, Voeller G. Laparoscopic ventral
gone multiple repairs of recurrent hernias finally finding
and incisional hernia repair in 407 patients. JACS 2000; 190:
a solution to their problem. The data on length of stay, 645–50.
return to full activity, and return to work attest to the 19 Robbins SB, Pofahl W, Gonzales RP. Laparoscopic ventral
benefits of the laparoscopic approach. hernia repair reduces wound complications. Am Surg 2001; 9:
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20 Kozlowski PM, Wang PC, Winfield HN. Laparoscopic repair of
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incisional and parastomal hernias after major genitourinary or
lem in surgery, namely ventral and incisional hernia dis- abdominal surgery. J Endourol 2001; 15: 175–9.
ease. The future of the procedure rests upon the sound 21 Leber GE, Garb JL, Alexander AI, Reed WP. Long-term
judgment of the surgeons performing the procedure. complications associated with prosthetic repair of incisional
Surgeons must adhere to basic surgical principles and hernias. Arch Surg 1998; 133: 378–82.
22 White TJ, Santos MC, Thompson JS. Factors affecting wound
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24 Brill AI, Feste MD, Hamilton TL. Patient safety during laparoscopic
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Laparoscopic treatment of
diaphragmatic herniation
Even though Barrett did not introduce the term ‘reflux though diaphragmatic hernias were considered rare,
oesophagitis’ until 1950,1 this entity is now considered Hedblom reviewed almost 400 cases (19 at the Mayo
to be the most common chronic disease afflicting the Clinic) operated upon worldwide by 1925. The following
Western world. Forty per cent of the population complain year, Akerlund published his radiological studies;8 these
of occasional heartburn, and a third of these require long- were performed with barium, the patient being placed in
term medical treatment. A significant minority progress the Trendelenburg position, as recommended by Soresi.9
to Barrett’s metaplasia. Other complications include Most surgeons operated only on large protrusions
esophagitis, ulceration, stricture, herniation and neopla- (mainly para-esophageal) because of their known risk of
sia, many of which require surgery. The purpose of this incarceration, volvulus and strangulation. Based on experi-
chapter is to trace the evolution of such therapy. ence with external hernias, pain and dysphagia were
attributed to ‘pinching’ of the stomach by the hernial ring.
Harrington considered diaphragmatic herniation to be the
‘great masquerader’ because it was frequently confused
INITIAL EXPERIENCE (and associated) with the more commonly recognized
peptic ulcer disease or cholecystitis.10 Therefore, in con-
Herniation of abdominal contents through the diaphragm trast to most surgeons of his time, he preferred the
has been recognized for centuries. According to Reid, the abdominal approach. Thoracotomy allowed phrenic nerve
lesion was first documented by Sennertus in 1541 at post- crush, which was still being recommended in the 1950s
mortem examination.2 Boyle described the clinical find- to facilitate return of the stomach to the abdomen.11
ings in 1812.3 Successful repair was accomplished by Gastropexy was used to limit recurrence and prevent
Potemski in 1889.4 Congenital diaphragmatic herniation postoperative volvulus.12
was reported in 1701 by Holt.5 Operative correction was
effected in 1902 by Heidenhain.6 Ambroise Pare in 1610,
quoted by Hedblom,7 described cases of hiatus herniation SHORT ESOPHAGUS
and post-traumatic protrusion at autopsy, but it was
not until 1908 that the former, discovered fortuitously
Harrington10 and other surgeons in the period between
at laparotomy, was dealt with in a living person. Even
the two world wars encountered some patients, young
and old, whose stomachs could not be reduced below the
diaphragm because of shortening and narrowing of the
Part of this review was presented at the third Annual Scientific Meeting
of the American Hernia Society, Toronto, 15 June 2000, and has been
esophagus. Forceful taxis resulted in disruption. These
published previously as ‘Contribution of Allison and Nissen to laparo- individuals were therefore not operated upon, being
scopic hiatal herniorrhaphy’ in Hernia 2002; 5: 200–203. managed instead by bougienage. Harrington, as pointed
174 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
out by Hayward,13 also deserves credit for being the first Barrett in 1950 distinguished between peptic ulcera-
to distinguish between ‘really’ short esophagus and one tion of the esophagus lined with squamous epithelium
that is ‘apparently’ so.14 He also separated para-esophageal and gastric ulceration distally in what he called thoracic
hiatus herniation from the sliding type, the latter, the more stomach, even though it had no serosal covering to go
common, having a higher incidence of stricture. along with its adenomatous mucosa.1 (Barrett’s rejoinder
A seminal but ultimately malign contribution to our to such quibblers was ‘Neither does the cardia!’) Three
understanding of these cases was made by Findlay and years later, Allison and Johnstone, in a paper entitled ‘The
Kelly in 1931.15 Their paper was entitled ‘Congenital esophagus lined with gastric mucous membrane’, argued
shortening of the esophagus and the thoracic stomach that Barrett’s thoracic stomach was actually esophagus
resulting therefrom’. In this, they described nine infants with an abnormal mucosa.18 They conferred his name on
and children who presented with dysphagia from high both the epithelium and ulcers arising therein. They also
strictures of the esophagus. Distally, the remaining foregut noted the presence of sliding hiatus herniation with or
in the chest was shown by endoscopic biopsy to be lined by without a para-esophageal component in their patients,
‘gastric’ mucosa. This structure was therefore considered all of whom demonstrated ‘peptic esophagitis’ (Allison’s
to be the stomach. Since their youngest patient was only term) or Barrett’s ‘reflux esophagitis’. In over 100 patients
five days old, its intrathoracic position was presumed to with peptic stricture of the esophagus, less than ten per cent
have been present before birth; thus it was not a hernia were in the ‘gastric’ lining. Most occurred at the junction
but a congenital misplacement. To support this concept, of squamous and adenomatous epithelium. Their con-
Findlay and Kelly cited seven necropsies, mostly of elderly clusion was that the ‘gastric’ epithelium in the esophagus,
men whose intrathoracic stomach had been thought pre- rather than being congenital in origin, might develop by
viously to be herniation. Kelly later reported further healing of reflux esophagitis with metaplasia. Lortat-
examples of congenital intrathoracic stomach, but he Jacob19 and Hayward13 concluded that all such cases were
did accept that in some patients herniation could occur acquired. Interestingly, the former, a Frenchman, intro-
postnatally.16 The associated strictures were considered to duced the term ‘endo-brachy-oesophage’, analogous to the
arise from esophagitis, spasm, and ascending fibrosis. English ‘short esophagus’. Lortat-Jacob agreed with Allison
During barium studies on normal children, these authors that reflux esophagitis could shorten the squamous-lined
incidentally observed longitudinal muscular spasm pro- esophagus when its inferior portion became lined with
ducing hiatal herniation during deglutition. This was the gastric-type mucosa.
first evidence for the modern concept that hernia may fol- One of Allison and Johnstone’s patients developed a
low rather than cause gastroesophageal reflux disease cancer in the adenomatous lining of the esophagus.18 At
(GERD). 72 years of age, he had complained of hiccup, epigastric
pain, flatulence, and nocturnal regurgitation on and off
for his entire life. Increasing dysphagia had started eight
weeks before admission. Olsen and Harrington had pre-
PHILLIP ALLISON’S CONTRIBUTION viously reported on four such examples of malignancy
associated with short esophagus and hiatus herniation.20
This thoracic surgeon (1908–74) was born and educated In discussion, Sweet commented that 13 per cent of his
and, for most of his career, practiced in Yorkshire, resections for cancer of the cardia at the Massachusetts
England. In the late 1930s, while at the University of Leeds, General Hospital had been in patients with the short
he pioneered intrapericardial pneumonectomy. In 1954, esophagus–hiatus hernia syndrome. Cases of the latter
he was appointed Nuffield Professor of Surgery at Oxford presenting with perforation or massive hemorrhage had
University. Unfortunately, because of petty parochialism ulcers arising in the adenomatous epithelium of the
practiced by the Harley Street surgeons of London, his esophagus (Barrett’s), not in the squamous lining above.
achievements were appreciated more overseas than in To prevent reflux esophagitis, Allison focused on
his native land. In 1943, he and his colleagues described hiatus herniorrhaphy.21 Since there was, at the time, no
ten middle-aged or elderly men and women with short anatomical or physiological evidence for a sphincter at
esophagus and peptic ulceration. They had complained the esophagogastric junction, he set out to re-establish
for months or years of substernal pain, dysphagia and, both the angle of His and the diaphragmatic ‘pinchcock’
in half, occasional bleeding. Symptoms responded to dila- formed by the right crus of the diaphragm and the
tion and antacids, and endoscopy demonstrated fibrotic phreno-esophageal ligaments. The situation being consid-
narrowing. Some patients also had gastric or duodenal ered analogous to that of the puborectalis sling around the
ulceration. Allison and colleagues’ conclusion was that ‘the anorectal junction, Allison felt that a posterior rather than
deformity referred to as congenitally short esophagus may the popular anterior repair was indicated. His hernior-
be acquired and result from herniation of the stomach rhaphy was conducted through the chest, the diaphragm
with ulceration and scarring’.17 being incised to expose the abdomen.
History 175
Unfortunately, Allison’s repair, which was adopted and stitched the fundoplication to the esophageal wall
widely, proved unsatisfactory because a significant num- to obviate slippage. He mobilized the lesser curvature of
ber of patients suffered symptomatic relapse. Collis cited the stomach, being careful to preserve the vagi and their
these results in recommending a return to anterior clo- branches. The left gastric vasculature rather than the short
sure of the defect in the dome of the diaphragm.22 This gastric vessels was divided. A nasogastric tube was left
surgeon, who also worked in the UK (Birmingham), had postoperatively to prevent vomiting.
described in 1957 an operation for patients with hiatus Initially, Nissen performed a partial wrap since he did
hernia and short esophagus that has stood the test of not mobilize the fundus by dividing its blood supply.
time.23 This involved constructing a neo-esophagus from Later, he recommended 360-degree rotation, since he
the ‘Magenstrasse’ of the stomach. Hiebert and Belsey pro- ligated the short gastric vessels rather than branches of
vided an explanation for the failure of Allison’s procedure the left gastric on the lesser curvature. Today, both partial
when they documented incompetence of the gastric cardia and complete fundoplications are performed, depending
in the absence of hiatal herniation.24 The problem was on the emptying characteristics of the esophagus and
primary incompetence of the intrinsic gastroesophageal stomach. Whereas Nissen was not concerned about an
sphincter of Code and colleagues.25 intrathoracic location of the fundoplication, either intra-
operatively with short esophagus or, later, secondary to
herniation, surgeons have adopted Belsey’s recommenda-
RUDOLPH NISSEN’S CONTRIBUTION tion that the intra-abdominal portion of the esophagus
should be restored and maintained by repair of any hiatal
herniation.24 Any shortening of the esophagus from
This distinguished thoracic surgeon (1896–1981), the scarring, secondary to GERD, is eliminated by the use of
son of a surgeon, was an assistant between 1921 and 1933 Collis’ procedure.23 To avoid gas bloat and dysphagia, the
to Professor Sauerbruch of Munich and Berlin. Being length of the wrap, which is floppy, has been halved.
Jewish, Nissen was forced to emigrate to Turkey, from his Nissen retired from surgical practice in 1967 and died in
Fatherland despite being wounded in the lung during 1981. Despite modifications, his operation continues to
World War I. In 1931, he performed the world’s first suc- be the basis for the surgical relief of complications arising
cessful pneumonectomy on a 12-year-old girl with a torn from reflux esophagitis with or without hiatus herniation.
left mainstem bronchus. While in Istanbul, he undertook
a transthoracic gastroesophagectomy for benign ulcera-
tion of the cardia.26 He later learned that this was the sec-
ond such resection to be accomplished successfully, the
first being performed by the Japanese in 1933. It is inter-
esting that Sauerbruch pioneered the procedure experi- This mini-invasive surgical technique evolved from
mentally in the dog in 1906. Since almost all previous endoscopy,29 which began on the island of Kos with the
attempts had failed in humans because of anastomotic school of Hippocrates (460–375 BC), who described the
leakage, Nissen buried the anastomosis of the transected rectal speculum. A three-bladed vaginal speculum was
esophagus in the fundus of the stomach. He brought up recovered from the ruins of Pompeii. The earliest light
two folds in the manner of a Witzel gastrostomy. sources were mirrors, introduced by the Arabs before
Amazingly, while he was Chief of Surgery at Basel, 1000 AD. In 1587, Aranzi described the use of the camera
Switzerland, 17 years after this operation he obtained obscura, popularized by Leonardo da Vinci in 1519. A
follow-up information from a relative of the patient. spherical glass flask filled with water was used to focus a
The patient was well and had no symptoms of reflux beam of sunlight into the nasal cavity. In the seventeenth
esophagitis. Two years later, Nissen decided to perform century, Borell employed a lantern.
fundoplication alone for esophageal reflux disease. He Bozzini in 1806 initiated modern endoscopy by devel-
undertook this procedure in a man and a woman who oping a complex tubular system to convey light from
each had the signs and symptoms of reflux esophagitis a candle allowing observation of the bladder or cervix
without evidence of hiatal herniation. Nissen reported through a second channel. Segal in 1826 used a similar
success in 1956.27 In agreement with modern thought,28 arrangement to fabricate a cystoscope without lenses.
he believed that hiatus herniation was the result rather Desormeaux in 1865 and Nitze in 1879 developed tele-
than the cause of reflux esophagitis. Therefore, in cases of scopic instruments. Originally, their light source was
symptomatic hiatus herniation, he paid no attention to an overheated, water-cooled platinum wire (described
the hernial sac, considered closure of the defect unneces- by Bruck in 1867), but after the electric light bulb was
sary, and with short esophagus performed transthoracic invented in 1880 by Edison, this was incorporated into
fundoplication. He always conducted the procedure over a gastroscope by Mickulicz in 1881 and into a cystoscope
a large-bore bougie to prevent postoperative dysphagia, by Newman in 1883. Later, the bulb was mounted distally,
176 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
an operating channel was added, and the lens was sepa- Whereas a 360-degree fundoplication is the most com-
rated therefrom. mon procedure, partial wraps are favored by some sur-
Laparoscopy began in 1901 when Ott reported on geons, especially if emptying of the esophagus or stomach
culdoscopy and later (1909) on ‘ventroscopy’ using a is inadequate. The mini-invasive nature of laparoscopy
speculum. Kelling in 1902 suggested that a better view has made surgery more acceptable, and it has become
of the compressed viscera could be obtained by inducing competitive with long-term medical treatment. Improved
pneumoperitoneum, this having been performed earlier outpatient pH monitoring and other diagnostic measures
in the treatment of tuberculosis. His first observations, have expanded the population known to be suffering
Koelioskopie, were made on animals but in 1910 Jacobeus from GERD.
reported 17 ‘lapothorakoskopies’ on patients with ascites The success of laparoscopic fundoplication, complete
employing a Nitze cystoscope. Further developments or partial, in both children and adults has extended this
included the use of the Trendelenburg position and a technique to prosthetic repair of hiatal defects, the Collis
trocar endoscope by Nordentoeft in 1912. The automatic operation for short esophagus, and the management of
spring insufflating needle was invented by Goetz in 1918. incarcerated para-esophageal herniation. Other dia-
Carbon dioxide, which is absorbed more rapidly than phragmatic hernias protruding through the foramina of
air, was substituted for air by Zollikofer in 1924. Kalk in Bochdalek and Morgagni have been dealt with similarly,
1929 devised a new lens system that permitted oblique along with blunt or penetrating injuries seen early or
(135-degree) viewing, along with a dual-trocar technique. late. Heller cardiomyotomies have also been performed
In the 1930s, laparoscopy was performed largely by for achalasia. Smaller ports, narrower instruments, and
general surgeons and internists (e.g. Ruddock) for the joystick controls have facilitated these procedures.30
diagnosis and biopsy of visceral disease. The stomach, Robotics are now on emerging technology.
bladder and rectosigmoid were sometimes transillumi-
nated for better evaluation. The first operation using
laparoscopy, adhesiolysis, was carried out by Fervers in CONCLUSION
1933. Boesch in 1936 used the procedure for sterilization,
coagulating the fallopian tubes. Palmer expanded its use Our understanding of the common ailment, reflux
in gynecology. Advances in instrumentation enhanced its esophagitis, has been shown to be based largely on the pio-
popularity: cold light illumination (Foursestiere in 1943), neering efforts of European thoracic surgeons. By unrav-
fiber-optics (Hopkins in 1952), and new instruments eling congenital misplacement, hiatus herniation, short
(Frangenheim in 1954, Semm in 1963). Semm also intro- esophagus, stricture, ulceration, adenomatous hyper-
duced the automatic insufflator. Later, bipolar coagulation plasia, and its malignant transformation, they made
(Frangenheim in 1972) and laser technology (Bruhat in modern surgical therapy possible.
1979) were added. Nevertheless, the major breakthrough European surgeons again played a leading role in the
was the invention of the computer-chip video camera in evolution of laparoscopy from endoscopy. The success-
1986. This enabled assistants and students to view the ful application of this technique to appendectomy and
progress of the operation. cholecystectomy stimulated its use, a decade ago, in the
In 1981, Semm performed laparoscopic appendec- management of GERD. This approach has now sup-
tomy; cholecystectomy followed (Muhe in 1986, Mouret planted open fundoplication. It has been adopted for
in 1987). Despite initial censure, laparoscopic herniorrha- prosthetic repair of various diaphragmatic hernias,
phy, hysterectomy, bowel resection, gastrectomy, nephrec- Heller myotomy, Collis gastroplasty and, combined with
tomy, cystectomy, splenectomy, adrenalectomy, vagotomy thoracoscopy, esophagectomy. Technical advances and
and esophagectomy followed rapidly. Thoracoscopy was new instrumentation continue to improve patient out-
rejuvenated. come while reducing costs and hospitalization.
Laparoscopic fundoplication was introduced inde-
pendently by Geagea and Dallemagne in 1991. Since then,
it has been adopted worldwide and has supplanted the REFERENCES
open Nissen procedure. Hospital stay is reduced along
with postoperative morbidity. Treatment costs are thereby 1 Barrett NR. Chronic peptic ulcer of the oesophagus and ‘oesophagitis’.
reduced. An increase in operating time can be eliminated Br J Surg 1950; 38: 175–82.
by experience. Follow-up studies, many of which are pro- 2 Reid J. Case of diaphragmatic hernia produced by a penetrating
longed and randomized, show that results are as good as wound. Edinburgh Med J 1840; 53: 104–12.
3 Boyle A. Case of wounded diaphragm. Edinburgh Med J 1812;
those obtained by classical open procedures, except per-
8: 42–4.
haps with esophageal shortening or giant para-esophageal 4 Potemski M. Nouvo processo operativo per la reduzione cruenta
herniation. Here, restoration of the abdominal esophagus della cruie diaframmatiche da trauma e per la sutura della ferite
or recurrence pose problems. del diaframma. Bull Reale Acad Med Roma 1889; 15: 191.
History 177
5 Holt C. Child that lived two months with congenital diaphragmatic 18 Allison PR, Johnstone AS. The esophagus lined with gastric
hernia. Philos Trans 1701; 22: 922. mucous membrane. Thorax 1953; 8: 87–101.
6 Heidenhain L. Geschichte eines Fallas von chronischer 19 Lortat-Jacob JL. Les malpositions cardia-tuberositaires.
Incarceration des Magens in einer angeborenen Zwerch fellhernie Arch Mal App Dig 1953; 42: 750–74.
welcher durch Laparotomie geheilt wurde, mit anschliessen – 20 Olsen AM, Harrington SW. Esophageal hiatal hernias of the
den Bemerkungen ueber die Moglichkeit. Das Kardiocarcinom der short esophagus type: etiologic and therapeutic considerations.
Speiserohre zu reseciren. Deutsch Ztschr Chir 1905; 76: 394–403. J Thorac Surg 1948; 17: 189–209.
7 Hedblom CA. Diaphragmatic hernia: a study of three hundred and 21 Allison PR. Reflux esophagitis, sliding hiatal hernia and the
seventy eight cases in which operation was performed. anatomy of repair. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1951; 92: 419–31.
JAMA 1925; 85: 947–53. 22 Collis JL. Review of surgical results of hiatus hernia. Thorax 1961;
8 Akerlund A. Hernia diaphragmatic Hiatusoesophagei vom 16: 114–23.
anatomischen und rontgenologischen Gesicfhtspunkt. Acta Radiol 23 Collis JL. An operation for hiatus hernia with short esophagus.
1926; 6: 3–22. J Thoracic Surg 1957; 34: 768–78.
9 Soresi AL. Diaphragmatic hernia, its unsuspected frequency: its 24 Hiebert CA, Belsey RHR. Incompetency of the gastric cardia
diagnosis, technique for radical cure. Ann Surg 1919; 69: 254–70. without radiologic evidence of hiatal hernia, the diagnosis and
10 Harrington SW. Diagnosis and treatment of various types of management of 71 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1961; 42:
diaphragmatic hernia. Am J Surg 1940; 50: 377–446. 352–71.
11 Adams HD, Lobb AW. Esophagoaortal hiatus hernia. N Engl J Med 25 Fyke FE, Code CF, Schlegel JF. The gastroesophageal
1954; 250: 143–8. sphincter in healthy human beings. Gastroenterologia 1956;
12 Boeremia I, Germs R. Anterior geniculate gastropexy for hiatal 86: 135–47.
hernia of the diaphragm. Zentralbl Chir 1955; 80: 1585–93. 26 Nissen R. Die Transpleurale Resektion der Kardia. Deutsche Ztschr
13 Hayward J. The treatment of fibrous stricture of the esophagus Chir 1937; 249: 311–16.
associated with hiatal hernia. Thorax 1961; 16: 45–64. 27 Nissen R. Gastropexy as the lone procedure in the surgical repair
14 Harrington SW. The surgical treatment of the more common types of hiatus hernia. Am J Surg 1956; 92: 389–92.
of diaphragmatic hernia. Ann Surg 1945; 122: 546–68. 28 Dunne DP, Paterson WG. Acid-induced esophageal shortening
15 Findlay L, Kelly B. Congenital shortening of the esophagus and in humans: a cause of hiatus hernia? Can J Gastroenterol 2000;
the thoracic stomach resulting therefrom. J Laryngol Otol 1931; 10: 847–50.
46: 797–816. 29 Lau WY, Leow CK, Li AKC. History of endoscopic and laparoscopic
16 Kelly AB. Some oesophageal affections in young children. surgery. World J Surg 1997; 21: 444–53.
J Laryngol Otol 1936; 51: 78–99. 30 Awad ZT, Filipi CJ. Commentary: the short esophagus, pathogenesis,
17 Allison PR, Johnstone AS, Royce GB. Short esophagus with simple diagnosis and current surgical options. Arch Surg 2001; 136:
peptic ulceration. J Thorac Surg 1943; 12: 432–57. 113–14.
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Anatomy and physiology
In an attempt to elucidate the etiological factors that the first three lumbar vertebrae.1 These segments have
contribute to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it four components: the medial and lateral lumbosacral
is necessary to have a full understanding of normal dia- arches or internal and lateral arcuate ligaments, and the
phragmatic anatomy and physiology. Pathological reflux right and left crura.1,3 The medial lumbosacral arch (inter-
occurs when there are anatomical and physiological nal arcuate ligament) drapes over the psoas muscle; it is
abnormalities at the gastroesophageal junction and crura. fixed to the transverse processes of the first and second
These abnormalities are influenced by postural changes lumbar vertebra, and fuses into the lateral portion of the
and gradients between intra-abdominal and intrathoracic contiguous crus. The lateral lumbosacral arch (external
pressures. Corrective surgery must include a proper arcuate ligament) covers the quadratus lumborum and
diaphragmatic repair in order to minimize the potential becomes fixed to the first lumbar vertebrae and twelfth
for recurrence. Postoperative management must be rib.1,3 The crura originate as tendons that are a direct
tailored to the patient’s age, the size of the hiatal defect, extension of the longitudinal ligament of the vertebral col-
and the patient’s lifestyle. umn and as such are attached to the lumbar vertebrae. The
tendon of the left crus is shorter and thinner than the right
crus. It originates from the ventral surface of the bodies
and intervertebral disks of L1 and L2. The right crus, the
ANATOMY stronger and longer of the two, originates from the ventral
surfaces and intervertebral cartilages of L1, L2 and L3. The
The diaphragm separates the abdominal and thoracic cav- crura muscular fibers, originating from their respective
ities. It is composed of a non-contractile central tendon tendons, then merge and surround the esophageal hiatus
and three peripheral or skeletal muscular components, the at the level of T10.1,3,4 Before doing this, the medial mar-
sternal, costal, and lumbar or crural.1 The central tendon gins of the crura pass ventrally and then merge medially
connects all of the muscular components by acting as a near the midline to surround the anterior surface of the
central focal point from which these three muscle groups aorta. The muscular fibers coming off the crural tendons
radiate. The sternal portion of the muscular component then integrate and connect into the central tendon. The
originates from the undersurface of the sternum and may right crus muscular fibers split into two segments. The
be considered as an independent structure or as the medial medial segment completely surrounds the esophageal hia-
aspect of the costal segment.1,2 The costal portion origi- tus, while the lateral segment merges directly into the cen-
nates from the undersurface of the lower six costochon- tral tendon. The muscular fibers of the left crus enter
dral junctions, extending on to these ribs, and then ending directly into the central tendon. Occasionally, muscle bun-
by interdigitating with the transversus abdominis muscles dles will overlap and may be derived from both tendons
bilaterally. The lumbar or crural segment originates from (Figure 24.1).1,3,5,6
180 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
Lumbar crural
Aortic hiatus
Right crus
Left crus
Medial arcuate
Lateral arcuate
Central component
Right component
Left component
The muscular components of the diaphragm merge the inferior vena cava and along the right side of its hia-
centrally into the central tendon. This structure is a tus. The vessel divides into a medial and lateral branch.
strong aponeurosis broken down into three components. The medial branch angles further anteriorly and anasto-
The largest is the right component, followed by the cen- moses with the same branch of the opposite side, as well
tral and left components. The entire structure is slightly as the musculophrenic and pericardiophrenic vessels.
off-center, being biased slightly anteriorly and to the The lateral branch courses laterally to anastomose with
right.1 The tendon gets its considerable strength because the posterior intercostal arteries.1 The left vessel is signi-
the fibers merge at different angles (Figure 24.2). ficantly more medial and runs anterior to the esophagus
Anatomical rents in the diaphragm exist so that pas- and ventrally along the left side of the esophageal hia-
sage of structures can occur between the thoracic and tus.1,4 It must be noted carefully at this site to prevent
abdominal cavities. There are three main and five minor inadvertent injury during anti-reflux procedures, espe-
defects or apertures in the diaphragm. The minor defects cially when closing the diaphragmatic rent. Branches of
serve for passage of small vessels, such as the superior the inferior phrenic vessels and occasionally an arterial
epigastric artery and vein anteriorly, and the hemiazygos branch off the left gastric artery will pass just anterior
vein and splanchnic and sympathetic nerves posteriorly. to the ventral margin of the esophageal hiatus.5 These
The three major apertures are for the vena cava, the vessels can be injured when mobilizing the left lateral
aorta, and the esophagus. segment of the liver or when a probe is placed in the
The innervation of the diaphragm is from the phrenic hiatus for anterior displacement aiding visualization
nerves, which arise mainly from the fourth and to a lesser during an anti-reflux procedure. If this vessel is near the
degree the third and fifth cervical nerves. The blood apex, I prefer to use a more flat or fan retractor to help
supply is from the inferior phrenic arteries. The right prevent injury.
phrenic artery is more lateral, while the left phrenic The next integral anatomical component in prevent-
artery is more medial. The right vessel passes anterior to ing reflux disease is the phreno-esophageal ligament. This
Anotomy/physiology 181
Elliptical hiatus
is a misnomer, being not a true ligament but rather a con- of GERD. The etiology of this laxity remains obscure,
tinuation of the subperitoneal fascia. Its attachments are but it has been attributed to a variety of factors, including
the anterior portion of the cardia of the stomach, the atrophic changes as seen with age, chronic stretching
lower 4 cm of the esophagus, and the left and right sides secondary to each peristaltic contraction,10 obesity, preg-
of the crura around the esophageal hiatus. It terminates nancy, surgical destruction, and trauma. Since the physio-
on the left by merging into the gastrophrenic ligament logical benefits of the phreno-esophageal ligament are
and on the right into the pars condensa of the lesser diminished in the presence of a hiatus hernia, wide
omentum (Figure 24.3).4,7 The phreno-esophageal liga- dissection of the ligament in anti-reflux surgery has
ment is the only structure that establishes a direct con- no detrimental effect. Adequate dissection of the crura,
nection between the lower esophageal sphincter and the proximal stomach, and lower esophagus are mandatory
crural diaphragm. This structure has been considered an in order to perform an adequate repair. This condition
important factor in preventing reflux. It tends to be is not present in patients having upper-esophageal sur-
stretched and distracted in hiatal hernias.7–10 When this gery for conditions other then reflux disease, such as a
occurs, it minimizes or eliminates any positive effect Heller myotony for achalasia. Minimal dissection of the
that a normal ligament will have on reflux prevention. phreno-esophageal ligament in these cases may help
This stretching, when seen in conjunction with a hiatus minimize postoperative GERD.
hernia, allows a segment of gastric cardia to herniate The structural anatomy of the normal esophageal
through the hiatus into the mediastinum, shortening the hiatus has a significant impact in preventing reflux disease.
length of the abdominal esophagus. When this occurs in In its normal form, it is elliptical in shape and present
the presence of a hypotensive or atonic lower-esophageal in the muscular portion of the diaphragm (Figure 24.4).
sphincter (LES), the patient will experience the symptoms The hiatus is located at the level of the tenth thoracic
182 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
Central tendon
vertebra,1 and its lateral borders are formed by a split in lateral muscular fibers of the hiatal borders stretch, espe-
the muscular fibers of the right crus with only minor rein- cially as the phreno-esophageal ligaments elongate. This
forcement on the left side by the left crus. The anterior sur- causes a circular deformity of the esophageal hiatus with-
face of the hiatus is supported by a sling of muscle fibers out significantly enlarging its cross-sectional diameter.
and tendinous attachments merging into the junction The weakest portion of the hiatus is formed at the triangu-
between the medial and lateral leaflets of the central ten- lar shaped merging of the right crus fibers posteriorly
don. The posterior segment of the esophageal hiatus is (Figure 24.7).7,9 This is an inherent site of anatomical
supported only by a sling of muscular tissue that is com- weakness that cannot be overcome by the extra support
prised almost exclusively of fibers originating from the provided by the prevertebral fascia. Forces that influence
right crus. The presence of a hiatus hernia reflects a break- the development of a hiatal hernia cause the rounding or
down in the anatomical structures of the hiatus. As the separation of these V-shaped muscular fibers, with the
hernia enlarges, the defect becomes more oval in shape subsequent effect of increasing the size of the esophageal
(Figure 24.5).9 Stress on the hiatus causes an enlarging hiatus. Since the majority of the defect seen in hiatal her-
defect in the muscular boundaries. The anterior border is nias occurs dorsally, repair should be performed posterior
more resilient, being supported by interlocking muscle to the esophagus in order to re-establish normal anatomy.
fibers reinforced by tendinous fibers of the central and left I prefer to do the repair in the presence of a 56–60 French
leaflets of the central tendon (Figure 24.6). This area tends dilator so that I do not inadvertently make the new hiatal
to resist forces that would cause the hiatus to enlarge. The size too narrow. Care must be taken to avoid injury to the
Anotomy/physiology 183
Intrathoracic esophagus
Intra-abdominal stomach
Figure 24.8 Anatomy of the lower
esophageal sphincter.
aorta at this stage because of its proximity to the posterior play. The first two are the normal average pressure and
aspect of the defect. the length of the sphincter.11 The third component of
this anti-reflux triad is the lower esophageal position. The
adequate presence of all three components will prevent
GERD under the conditions of rest, changing body posi-
PHYSIOLOGY tions, ingestion of moderate amounts of food and drink,
and physical activity that results in significant increases in
The physiology of diaphragmatic function has a direct intra-abdominal pressures. A functional change in any
effect on the presence or absence of symptomatic reflux. one of these components, without a corresponding com-
A brief review of the etiological factors causing GERD pensatory adjustment in another of the other compo-
is warranted before we consider how to integrate the dia- nents, will result in GERD. An example of this adjustment
phragmatic repair into the surgical treatment of reflux can be demonstrated in a patient with a shortened LES
disease. Reflux occurs when gastric contents are regurgi- segment. Reflux would occur unless there was a compen-
tated into the esophagus. The normal stomach resides in satory rise in the LES pressure. There is, however, one
an area of higher pressure than the thoracic esophagus. In situation in which there is an alteration in the balance
order for reflux not to occur, a pressure barrier must exist between these three factors that is physiologically normal
between these areas of low and high pressure. A segment and the most common cause of non-pathological reflux:
of esophagus approximately 2 cm long, of which at least transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation (tLESR).
1 cm usually resides intra-abdominally, called the LES, is This occurs when there is gastric distention secondary to
the junction between the two different pressure zones ingestion of excess food, air, or gas, such as is seen with
(Figure 24.8). The presence of pathological reflux is carbonated beverages. This is unrelated to swallowing or
dependent on failure of the LES. Three factors come into esophageal peristalsis, and it may have a neuromuscular
184 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
component, a purely mechanical component, or combi- pressures are also affected by the contraction of the
nations of both.10–12 diaphragm. The presence of a large hiatal hernia, with the
The presence of the LES is not defined by any specific subsequent stretching of the phreno-esophageal ligament,
anatomical landmarks, but it is well demonstrated by will disrupt the angle of His and diminish the length of
placing an intragastric pressure monitor and withdraw- intra-abdominal esophagus. This, in conjunction with
ing it into the distal esophagus. A high-pressure zone will intrinsic LES factors, will affect the development of GERD.
exist in the lower esophagus as compared with the gastric The size of a hiatal hernia has been shown to affect the
baseline.11 In normal individuals, this will fall only severity of GERD.10,14,16 A larger defect will have a shorter
during swallowing or when the gastric fundus overfills sphincter length and lower LES pressures. Not surpris-
with gas or food. This segment of elevated pressure is ingly, the amount of reflux will be greater, with decreased
partially dependent on the length of the distal esophagus efficiency of acid clearance and a higher degree of
exposed to intra-abdominal pressure. This length can be esophagitis.
altered by gastric distention, resulting in tLESR, the
shortening of the intra-abdominal component in the
presence of a hiatal hernia, or a shortened esophagus as
seen in chronic reflux. Once the pressure of the high-
pressure zone falls below an average of 6 mmHg, an aver-
age intra-abdominal length of 2 cm or less and/or an
average length exposed to the positive intra-abdominal
pressure of 1 cm or less than the LES is permanently
destroyed.11 These patients require surgical intervention Patients with hiatal hernias and GERD have a large poste-
when they cannot be controlled adequately by medical rior diaphragmatic defect. In these patients, the phreno-
management. esophageal ligament has lost its anatomical importance
A number of explanations have been postulated in an due to stretching or laxity developed as a result of the
effort to explain the relationship between the diaphragm, increasing size of the hiatus. In this condition, the lower
the lower esophageal pressure, and the intra-abdominal or esophagus and stomach can herniate into the chest. This
distal few centimeters of esophagus. Allison believed that will then alter the angle of His and diminish or eliminate
when the right crus of the diaphragm contracts during the incursion of the lower esophagus into the abdomen.
inspiration, it compresses the esophagus together at the These anatomical changes reduce the LES pressure,
same time increasing its angulation.6 This action com- shorten the abdominal esophagus, and diminish the total
bined with a normal phreno-esophageal ligament pro- length of the LES. Reflux can occur and, if treated inade-
duces adequate intra-abdominal esophageal length, thus quately, can result in chronic esophagitis with extensive
allowing an acceptable LES pressure to be generated fibrosis and total irreversible atony of the LES. Surgical
to prevent reflux. Delattre and colleagues believe that repair is directed at increasing the efficacy of the malfunc-
diaphragmatic contraction causes the changes in LES tioning LES and re-establishing the presence of the
pressures and should not be attributed solely to changes in abdominal esophagus. The laparoscopic gold standard is
intra-abdominal pressure.5 Most authors, however, believe the Nissen fundoplication coupled with an adequate
that there is both an intrinsic and an extrinsic mechanism crural repair. In their reviews of fundoplication failures,
to prevent esophageal relux.4,11,13–15 The intrinsic com- Soper and Dunnegan17 and Hunter and coworkers18
ponent is made up of the smooth muscle of the distal showed that the most frequent anatomical cause for fail-
esophagus under a variety of neuro-hormonal controls. ure was transdiaphragmatic herniation. The correct sur-
This component is referred to as the LES. A variety of gical approach for diaphragmatic repair is mandatory in
pathophysiological conditions affect this non-anatomical order to minimize operative failures in the treatment of
sphincter. These effects can be mostly asymptomatic and reflux disease. The repair should be done posterior to the
normal, as found with physiological reflux associated with esophagus, using a mattress suture of adequate strength
tLESR. They can also be pathological, causing symptoms nonabsorbable suture material (Figure 24.9). Pledgets are
of GERD, as demonstrated by patients with a hypotensive not usually needed, but in elderly patients or in excep-
or atonic LES. The extrinsic component is comprised of tionally large defects their use may be warranted. The size
the diaphragm, with its reaction to respiration, position, of the defect should be just large enough to easily fit a
varying intra-abdominal pressures, and the phreno- 56–60 French dilator. To prevent crural disruption in the
esophageal ligament. GERD is most often expressed as a immediate postoperative period, extubation should be
result of a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic compo- smooth to prevent bucking against the endotracheal tube.
nents. The tLESRs are affected by diaphragmatic contrac- Anti-emetics should be used generously to prevent vio-
tions and relaxations mediated partially by their mutual lent postanesthesia retching. Delayed disruption can be
attachments to the phreno-esophageal ligament.15 LES avoided if the patient refrains from strenuous competitive
Anotomy/physiology 185
Crural closure
sports, where sudden abdominal impact could cause a 5 Delattre JF, Palot JP, Ducasse A. The crura of the diaphragmatic
significant and rapid rise in intra-abdominal pressure. passage. Anat Clin 1985; 7: 271.
6 Allison PR. Reflux esophagitis, sliding hiatal hernia, and the
Caution must also be given to weight-lifters, who possess anatomy of repair. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1951; 92: 419–31.
thicker and stronger muscular diaphragms, about lifting 7 Postlethwait RW. Surgery of the Esophagus, 2nd edn. Norwalk, CT:
practices that could disrupt the repair. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1986.
8 Eliska O. Phrenoesophageal membrane and its role in
the development of hiatal hernia. Acta Anat (Basel) 1973; 86:
CONCLUSION 9 Marchand P. A study of the forces productive of gastroesophageal
regurgitation and herniation through the diaphragmatic hiatus.
Thorax 1957; 12, 189–202.
The surgical treatment of GERD can be addressed suc-
10 Kahrilas PJ. Suoraesophageal complications of reflux disease and
cessfully and safely only after fully understanding the hiatal hernia. Am J Med 2001; 111: 51S–5S.
normal anatomy and physiology of the diaphragm, the 11 DeMeester TR, Peters JH, Bremner CG, Chandrasoma P. Biology
lower esophageal forces that prevent and cause reflux, and of gastroesophageal reflux disease: pathology relating to
the abnormal anatomical defects found in patients with medical and surgical management. Annu Rev Med 1999; 50:
hiatus hernias. Failures can be kept to a minimum by the
12 Richter J. Do we know the cause of reflux disease? Eur J
diligent performance of a meticulous posterior repair of Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999; suppl 1: 83–9.
the diaphragm before completing the fundoplication. 13 Cuomo R, Grasso R, Sarnelli G, et al. Role of diaphragmatic crura
and lower esophageal sphincter in gastroesophageal reflux
disease. Dig Dis Sci 2001; 45: 2687–94.
REFERENCES 14 Kahrilas P. The role of hiatus hernia in GERD. Yale J Biol Med 1999;
72: 101–11.
15 Orlando RC. Overview of the mechanisms of gastroesophageal
1Goss CM, ed. Gray’s Anatomy, 28th edn. Philadelphia: Lea & reflux. Am J Med 2001; suppl 8A: 174S–7S.
Febiger, 1966. 16 Patti MG, Goldberg HI, Arcerito M, et al. Hiatal hernia size
2 Poole DC, Sexton WL, Farkas GA, et al. Diaphragm structure and affects lower esophageal sphincter function, esophageal acid
function in health and disease. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1997; 29: exposure, and the degree of mucosal injury. Am J Surg 1995;
738–54. 171: 182–6.
3 Agur AMR, Lee MJ, eds. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 10th edn. 17 Soper NJ, Dunnegan D. Anatomic fundoplication failure
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999. after laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Ann Surg 1999; 229:
4 Delattre JF, Aviss C, Marcus C, Flament JB. Functional anatomy of 669–77.
the gastroesophageal junction. Surg Clin North Am 2000; 80: 18 Hunter JG, Smith CD, Branum GD, et al. Laparoscopic
241–60. fundoplication failures. Ann Surg 1999; 230: 595–606.
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Preoperative evaluation
Preoperative evaluation for anti-reflux surgery 187 Evaluation for failed anti-reflux surgery 190
Esophageal manometry 188 References 191
Ambulatory pH monitoring 189
Table 25.1 Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease 247 patients with negative pH studies, 60
(25 per cent) had been found to have grade I or II
Typical symptoms Atypical symptoms
• Major interobserver variation exists for esophageal
endoscopy, particularly for the low grades of
Dysphagia Chest pain esophagitis.14
Otitis media Therefore, we feel that the major value of endoscopy
Enamel problems is to exclude other pathology and to detect the presence
of Barrett’s esophagus, which occurs in about 12 per cent
of patients with GERD.15
not distinguish between those with and those without
genuine reflux. Other studies have shown that heartburn
and regurgitation have a low sensitivity and specificity,
with positive predictive values of 59 and 66 per cent, ESOPHAGEAL MANOMETRY
The response to proton-pump inhibitors is a better This test provides information about the length and rest-
predictor of the presence of abnormal reflux. For example, ing pressure of the LES and the quality of esophageal
in our study 75 per cent of GERD⫹ patients but only peristalsis (amplitude, duration and velocity of the peri-
26 per cent of GERD⫺ patients reported a good or excellent staltic waves). In most patients with GERD referred for
response to these medications.8 Similarly, in a multivariate surgery, the LES is hypotensive. However, in some
analysis of factors predicting outcome of laparoscopic patients, the resting pressure of the LES is normal, and it
fundoplication, Campos and colleagues found that a clin- is assumed that transient LES relaxations account for the
ical response to acid-suppression therapy was one of three majority of reflux episodes.16 Regardless of the mecha-
factors predictive of a successful outcome, along with an nism underlying the abnormal reflux, a fundoplication
abnormal 24-hour pH score and the presence of a typical restores the function of the LES by increasing the pres-
primary symptom, such as heartburn or regurgitation.11 sure and length of the sphincter1–3 or by decreasing the
frequency of episodes of transient LES relaxation.17 In
Barium swallow addition, esophageal manometry provides information
about esophageal peristalsis, which is the most impor-
This test provides information about the presence and tant factor in acid clearance.18 Among 1006 consecutive
size of a hiatal hernia, the presence and length of a stric- patients with GERD confirmed by pH monitoring, we
ture, and the length of the esophagus. The test is not diag- found that peristalsis was normal in 56 per cent of
nostic of GERD, as a hiatal hernia or reflux of barium can patients, severely abnormal in 21 per cent of patients
be present in patients who do not have GERD. However, it (ineffective esophageal motility, IEM), and mildly abnor-
has been shown that among patients with proven GERD, mal in 23 per cent of patients (non-specific esophageal
a large hiatal hernia impairs the function of the lower- motility disorder, NSEMD) (Figure 25.1). Patients with
esophageal sphincter (LES) and prolongs esophageal acid
clearance, producing more severe mucosal injury and
increasing the risk of pulmonary symptoms.12
Endoscopy is usually the first test performed to confirm
a symptom-based diagnosis of GERD. However, the
approach has the following pitfalls:
IEM had more severe reflux, slower acid clearance, worse • It establishes a correlation between symptoms and
mucosal injury, and more frequent respiratory symp- episodes of reflux. This is particularly important
toms.18 Thus, manometry (and pH monitoring) can help when atypical symptoms such as cough or wheezing
in staging the severity of the disease, identifying patients are present, as 50 per cent of these patients do not
who might benefit most from surgical treatment. experience heartburn and 50 per cent do not have
Finally, esophageal manometry allows proper place- esophagitis on endoscopy.13 In these patients, we use
ment of the pH probe for ambulatory pH monitoring a pH probe with two antimony sensors spaced 15 cm
(5 cm above the upper border of the LES), avoiding the apart (5 and 20 cm above the upper border of the
false positive and negative results that occur in about 75 manometrically determined LES) in order to
per cent of patients when the probe is placed with the determine the proximal extent of the reflux.21 The
‘step technique’.19 pH monitoring tracings need to be analyzed for a
temporal relationship between an episode of cough
and an episode of reflux (signified by a drop of the
AMBULATORY pH MONITORING pH to ⬍4.0). An episode of coughing is induced by
reflux if it occurs within three minutes of an episode
of reflux in the distal or the distal/proximal
Ambulatory pH monitoring is the most reliable test in the
esophagus (Figure 25.2). In a study of the effect of
diagnosis of GERD, with a sensitivity and specificity of
laparoscopic fundoplication on GERD-induced
about 92 per cent.20 The results of the test are reproducible,
respiratory symptoms, we found that pH monitoring
and false positive or negative results are rare. Acid-
helped to identify the patients most likely to benefit
suppressing medications are discontinued three days
from anti-reflux surgery. Following surgery,
(H2-blocking agents) or 14 days (proton-pump inhibitors)
respiratory symptoms resolved in 83 per cent of
before the study. Diet and activity are unrestricted during
patients when a temporal correlation between cough
the study in order to mimic a typical day in the patient’s
and reflux was found on pH monitoring, but in only
life. This test is of key importance for the following reasons:
57 per cent when this correlation was absent.6
• It determines whether abnormal reflux is present. Ambulatory pH monitoring with symptom
In our study, 30 per cent of patients with a clinical correlation is also the single best test for evaluating
diagnosis of GERD had a normal pH-monitoring non-cardiac chest pain.22 In our experience, the test
test.8 Therefore, in these patients, the test avoided the helps in predicting the outcome of a fundoplication.
continuation of inappropriate and expensive drugs, Following laparoscopic fundoplication, chest pain
such as proton-pump inhibitors, or the performance improved in 85 per cent of patients when a temporal
of a fundoplication. In addition, it prompted further correlation between chest pain and reflux was found
investigation that pointed to other diseases, such as on pH monitoring (Figure 25.3), and specifically in
cholelithiasis, irritable bowel syndrome, or primary 96 per cent of patients when a strong correlation
esophageal motility disorders. (⬎40 per cent) was present.7
a correlation exists between symptoms experienced by 11 Campos GM, Peters JH, DeMeester TR, et al. Multivariate analysis
the patient and episodes of reflux. If abnormal reflux is of factors predicting outcome after laparoscopic Nissen
fundoplication. J Gastrointest Surg 1999; 3: 292–300.
present, then the choice is between medical therapy and 12 Patti MG, Goldberg HI, Arcerito M, et al. Hiatal hernia size affects
a second operation. lower esophageal sphincter function, esophageal acid exposure,
and the degree of mucosal injury. Am J Surg 1996; 171: 182–6.
13 Richter JE. Typical and atypical presentations of gastroesophageal
REFERENCES reflux disease. The role of esophageal testing in diagnosis and
management. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1996; 25: 75–102.
14 Bytzer P, Havelund T, Hansen JM. Inter-observer variation in the
1 DeMeester TR, Bonavina L, Albertucci M. Nissen fundoplication for endoscopic diagnosis of reflux esophagitis. Scand J Gatroenterol
gastroesophageal reflux disease: evaluation of primary repair in 1993; 28: 119–25.
100 consecutive patients. Ann Surg 1986: 204; 9–29. 15 Patti MG, Arcerito M, Feo CV, et al. Barrett’s esophagus: a surgical
2 Patti MG, Arcerito M, Feo CV, et al. An analysis of operations for disease. J Gastrointest Surg 1999; 3: 397–403.
gastroesophageal reflux disease: identifying the important 16 Doods WJ, Dent J, Hogan WJ, et al. Mechanisms of
technical elements. Arch Surg 1998; 133: 600–6. gastroesophageal reflux in patients with reflux esophagitis.
3 Peters JH, DeMeester TR, Crookes P, et al. The treatment of N Engl J Med 1982; 307: 1547–1552.
gastroesophageal reflux disease with laparoscopic Nissen 17 Ireland AC, Holloway RH, Toouli J, Dent J. Mechanisms underlying
fundoplication: prospective evaluation for 100 patients with the antireflux action of fundoplication. Gut 1993; 34: 303–8.
‘typical’ symptoms. Ann Surg 1998; 228: 40–50. 18 Diener U, Patti MG, Molena D, et al. Esophageal dysmotility and
4 Hunter JG, Smith DC, Branum GD, et al. Laparoscopic gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Gastrointest Surg 2001; 5: 260–5.
fundoplication failures: patterns of failure and response to 19 Molena D, Patti MG, Diener U, Way LW. Esophageal manometry is
fundoplication revision. Ann Surg 1999; 230: 595–604. a prerequisite for pH monitoring. Gastroenterology 2000;
5 Eubanks TR, Omelanczuk P, Richards C, et al. Outcomes of 118: 715.
laparoscopic antireflux procedures. Am J Surg 2000; 179: 391–5. 20 Fuchs KH, DeMeester TR, Albertucci M. Specificity and sensitivity
6 Patti MG, Arcerito M, Tamburini A, et al. Effect of laparoscopic of objective diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Surgery
fundoplication on gastroesophageal reflux disease-induced 1987; 102: 575–80.
respiratory symptoms. J Gastrointest Surg 2000; 4: 143–9. 21 Patti MG, Debas HT, Pellegrini CA. Clinical and functional
7 Patti MG, Molena D, Fisichella PM, et al. GERD and chest pain. characterization of high gastroesophageal reflux. Am J Surg 1993;
Results of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc 2002; 165: 163–8.
16: 563–6. 22 Hewson GE, Sinclair JW, Dalton CB, et al. Twenty-four hour pH
8 Patti MG, Diener U, Tamburini A, et al. Role of esophageal function monitoring: the most useful test for evaluating non-cardiac chest
tests in diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dig Dis Sci pain. Am J Med 1991; 90: 576–83.
2001; 46: 597–602. 23 Horgan S, Pohl D, Bogetti D, et al. Failed antireflux surgery. What
9 Johnsson F, Joelsson B, Gudmundsson K, Greiff L. Symptoms and have we learned from reoperations? Arch Surg 1999;
endoscopic findings in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux 134; 809–15.
disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987; 22: 714–18. 24 Lord RVN, Kaminski A, Oberg S, et al. Absence of gastroesophageal
10 Costantini M, Crookes PF, Bremner RM, et al. Value of physiologic reflux disease in a majority of patients taking acid suppression
assessment of foregut symptoms in a surgical practice. Surgery medications after Nissen fundoplication. J Gastrointest Surg
1993; 114: 780–7. 2002; 6: 3–10.
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift in reflux and prevent the development of complications asso-
the role of surgery for the treatment of gastroesopha- ciated with GERD. The laparoscopic approach, as in chole-
geal reflux disease (GERD). Anti-reflux surgery, once reser- cystectomy, adrenalectomy and splenectomy, has replaced
ved for severe disease refractory to medical therapy, is the open technique as a method of choice. Patients consid-
now considered appropriate for many patients without ered candidates for laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery are
mucosal complications. Several factors have contributed those who have failed medical therapy, those who cannot
to the growing acceptance of surgery for reflux disease. afford medical therapy, those who have recurrence of
One such factor is the appreciation that abnormal reflux symptoms, those with extra-esophageal manifestations or
can result in serious esophageal complications, such as strictures, and those with para-esophageal hernias. Previous
ulcerations, strictures, and the development of Barrett’s open abdominal surgery, either for reflux disease or for
metaplasia. It is well recognized that many of the extra- other reasons, does not prevent the patient from having
esophageal symptoms observed in patients with GERD, a successful laparoscopic anti-reflux procedure.
including laryngitis, erosion of dental enamel, and pul-
monary disorders (asthma, chronic cough, bronchitis),
are due to refluxed gastric material entering the oropha-
ryngeal cavity and lungs. Although medical therapy with
proton-pump inhibitors is fairly effective in controlling
heartburn and esophagitis, it is less effective in control- Non-surgical therapy
ling these extra-esophageal symptoms.
Current evidence suggests that treatments directed at Although this chapter focuses primarily on the laparo-
restoring normal competence to the lower esophageal scopic treatment of GERD, several other non-surgical
sphincter (LES) will be more effective than those aimed treatment modalities for GERD and related disorders
at controlling acid secretion.1,2 The introduction of safe deserve mention. Patients are becoming more knowl-
and effective minimally invasive anti-reflux procedures edgeable and inquisitive about their disease, in particular
has contributed greatly to the shift in the role of sur- through the use of the Internet. Two recent procedures
gery for treating GERD. Medical therapy is directed at have caught the attention of patients with reflux disease
alleviating uncomfortable symptoms, whereas surgery is who are seeking non-surgical alternatives to the treat-
directed towards repairing the functional defect. Laparo- ment of GERD. The first is the Stretta Procedure™
scopic anti-reflux procedures are comparable to their (Curon Medical), which involves endoscopic delivery of
open counterparts in terms of high rates of symptom radiofrequency energy to the gastroesophageal junction.
relief coupled with low rates of complications, but they Indicated in patients with minimally active esophagitis
offer advantages in terms of shorter hospital stay, quicker and a hiatal hernia of less than 2 cm in size, one study
recovery, and cost-savings.3–5 revealed a significantly improved quality of life and
For many patients, operative therapy has become an esophageal acid exposure while eliminating the need for
alternative rather than a last resort to treat their abnormal antisecretory medication in the majority of patients
194 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
studied.6 Another recently studied modality for patients primary surgeon and the assisting surgeon utilize a two-
with minimal esophagitis and hiatal hernia less than handed technique. This enhances exposure and speeds up
2 cm in size is the use of an endoscopic suturing device the operation. The patient is placed in the Trendelenburg
to perform endoscopic gastroplasty. The authors noted position, with the back elevated to approximately 30
an improvement in heartburn severity score and an degrees. The 10-mm, zero-degree laparoscope is then
improvement in postoperative 24-hour pH monitoring.7 replaced with a 45-degree laparoscope. An angled laparo-
scope is used on every case as it provides optimum
Surgical therapy exposure to the areas of the gastroesophageal junction,
the splenic hilum, the posterior esophageal area, and the
We employ a selective approach to treating GERD, tailor- posterior mediastinum. Initially, peritoneal attachments
ing the anti-reflux procedure to each patient’s underlying between the fundus of the stomach and the diaphragm
anatomical and functional defect. The most commonly are divided with the surgeon’s energy system of choice.
performed procedures for GERD are Nissen fundoplica-
tion, modified Toupet fundoplication, and Collis gastro-
plasty combined with a fundoplication. Additionally, we
have chosen a team approach for the treatment of GERD,
Liver retraction
utilizing an ambulatory surgical center focused on endo-
scopic surgery as well as a team of nursing staff and anes-
thesiologists intimately familiar with the perioperative Surgeon left hand 15 cm Assistant right hand
care of patients undergoing laparoscopic foregut surgery.
Patients are admitted to the outpatient surgery center Surgeon right hand
Assistant left hand
one hour before the induction of anesthesia. Liberal use
of metoclopramide and ondansetron perioperatively has
greatly reduced the incidence of postoperative nausea
and vomiting (PONV). Patients are given a single dose of
prophylactic antibiotics and pneumatic sequential com-
pression hose to prevent deep venous thrombosis.8
Operative techniques
10 mm
Mobilization optical
Patients are placed on the operating table in the supine 5 mm trocar
position. Six trocars are utilized routinely, as shown in
Figure 26.1 Typical trocar placement for laparoscopic
Figure 26.1. Some surgeons prefer the semi-lithotomy
fundoplication, with patient in supine position.
position. A 10-mm incision is made just to the left of the
midline (paramedian), approximately 15 cm below the
xiphoid process. A zero-degree laparoscope with a 10-mm
optically dilating trocar is used to gain entrance into the
peritoneal cavity. The use of the optically dilating trocar
cannot be overstated, as it has allowed access to the peri-
toneal cavity in many patients who have had previous
open and closed abdominal procedures. The trocar is
used in the following manner: after the skin incision is
made, the trocar is advanced slowly through sequential
layers of the abdominal wall, allowing each layer to be
identified. Upon arriving visually at the posterior sheath/
peritoneal layer, the scope is manipulated, which reveals
any adherent bowel, thereby preventing inadvertent
injury (see Chapter 3).9 The abdomen is then insufflated
with carbon dioxide. The remaining 5-mm trocars are
placed under direct vision.
A locking Allis clamp is attached to the diaphragm just
above the apex of the esophageal hiatus to allow for liver Figure 26.2 Locking Allis clamp through the epigastric port on
retraction (Figure 26.2). It is very important that both the the diaphragm for liver retraction.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 195
Attention is now turned to the lesser omentum, which at the level of the LES. Intraoperative esophagogastro-
is opened over the caudate lobe of the liver. There is one duodenoscopy (EGD) is performed in all ‘redo’ fundopli-
vascular anomaly that deserves mention. In approximately cations, in patients with para-esophageal hernias, and in
ten per cent of cases, a large branch of the left hepatic any cases in which there is uncertainty as to the location
artery traverses the lesser omentum in this area. This ves- of the LES at the time of surgery. EGD is also carried out
sel should be preserved if it is felt to be larger than 5 mm in after the performance of a Collis gastroplasty to verify
diameter. If there is any doubt about this vessel’s con- that there are no leaks at the site of the staple lines.
tribution to hepatic blood flow, then it may be occluded Furthermore, intraoperative EGD is performed follow-
temporarily with a grasper and any color change noted in ing all cases of esophageal myotomy.
the liver. Next, the right crus of the diaphragm is identi- Once the esophagus has been mobilized, the short
fied, along with its peritoneal attachment, or ‘the white line gastric vessels are divided. Various methods of division
of the right crus of the diaphragm’. This dissection of the and ligation have been utilized, including clips, the har-
right crus of the diaphragm is carried down to the point monic scalpel, vascular staplers, and bipolar cautery for-
at which the median arcuate ligament is identified. Now, ceps. The use of bipolar cautery forceps with monopolar
dissection proceeds along the left crus of the diaphragm division seems to be the most efficient method, with both
until a retro-esophageal window is created. A grasper is surgeons using the two-handed technique. Routine divi-
passed behind the esophagus, and a blue silastic vessel loop sion of the short gastric vessels ensures a loose, floppy
is grasped, encircling the esophagus and secured in place fundus. A recent prospective, double-blind, randomized
with a chromic endo-loop. Occasionally, a branch of the trial with five-year follow-up showed no improvement in
inferior phrenic artery is encountered, requiring cauteri- any measured clinical outcome by division of the short
zation. Also, a few cases of thoracic duct injury have been gastric vessels at the time of laparoscopic Nissen fundo-
reported, which presumably resulted from its location in plication.10 If the surgeon chooses not to divide the
proximity to this portion of the dissection. The assistant short gastric vessels, then adequate mobilization of the
gently grasps the vessel loop providing traction and excel- posterior surface of the fundus should include division
lent exposure for the surgeon. Dissection is begun along of congenital adhesions, adhesions encountered in
the right crus, dividing the phreno-esophageal ligament patients with prior pancreatitis, and the occasional vas-
circumferentially, until the esophagus is completely mobi- cular anomaly in which there is a direct branch from the
lized. Both anterior and posterior vagus nerves are identi- splenic artery to the posterior fundus of the stomach.
fied at this point of the dissection. It should also be noted
that in nearly all cases, the esophageal dissection is per-
Crural closure
formed bluntly without the use of cautery for fear of
esophageal, vagal or pleural injury (Figure 26.3). We routinely measure the size of the crural opening with an
Care must be taken to adequately mobilize the esoph- endoscopic ruler. This has significance with respect to
agus in such a way that the fundoplication will be placed recurrence rate, as those with openings greater than 5 cm
have a higher rate of recurrence. Simple crural closure is
accomplished with interrupted 0-Ethibond (Ethicon, Inc.)
sutures tied extracorporally. Several options are available
for the difficult hiatal closure. Materials such as expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) and bovine pericardium
have been used successfully. These are secured in place with
either a hernia stapler or sutures. Recently, we have utilized
Surgisis Gold™(Cook Surgical), a biodegradable mesh,
secured with sutures or the hernia stapler. Regardless of the
material used, it is important to remember that the area of
the gastroesophageal junction is mobile. Care should be
taken to avoid direct contact between the materials and the
esophagus itself, the obvious concern being erosion of the
prosthetic material into the esophagus.
In some cases, a relaxing incision is made in the
diaphragm, just medial to the right crus of the dia-
phragm (Figures 26.4 and 26.5). The angled laparoscope
provides visualization into the chest, just above and
Figure 26.3 Complete mobilization of the distal esophagus, to the right of the right crus of the diaphragm. The inci-
with blue silastic vessel loop for gentle anterior retraction. The sion is then made with the harmonic scalpel over the
right and left crus and the vagus nerve are visualized. liver. The crura of the diaphragm are then approximated
196 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
Figure 26.4 Location of relaxing incision in the diaphragm for Figure 26.6 Buttressed closure of the relaxing incision in the
a very large hiatal hernia. diaphragm. Sutures or staples (surgeon’s preference) for mesh
Right crus
Left crus
5 cm
involves esophagomyotomy and an anti-reflux procedure, keep the field clear for dissection. Once the circular fibers
typically a modified Toupet fundoplication or Dor ante- are divided down to the mucosa, the mucosa can be
rior fundoplication. pushed bluntly inferiorly, and the dissection can proceed
Spastic disorders of the esophagus include nutcracker in a cephalad direction. The total length of the myotomy
esophagus, diffuse esophageal spasm (DES), and hyper- will depend on the indication for the procedure. For a
tensive LES. DES and nutcracker esophagus primarily primary motility disorder such as achalasia, nutcracker
involve the lower third of the esophagus. Nutcracker esophagus, or diffuse esophageal spasm, a length of
esophagus is typified by significant chest pain and, to a 6–8 cm is usually sufficient. For a hypertensive LES, typi-
lesser extent, dysphagia. Esophageal manometry gener- cally only a 4-cm myotomy is needed (length of the LES)
ally shows slightly elevated resting LES pressures and to relieve the obstruction.
normal relaxation, combined with average esophageal Once the proximal portion of the myotomy is com-
pressures of greater than 180 mmHg. Nutcracker esoph- pleted, the more distal segment, which involves the gastro-
agus is usually identified easily on standard manometry, esophageal junction, is approached. Dissection is carried
as it is a fairly continuous disorder. Diffuse esophageal inferiorly until it impinges upon the decussating fibers of
spasm, on the other hand, may not be identified on stan- the stomach wall and the presumed location of the gastro-
dard or ambulatory esophageal manometry, due to its esophageal junction. It is our practice, in patients under-
episodic nature. DES is characterized by simultaneous, going esophageal myotomy, to perform an intraoperative
mostly high-amplitude esophageal contractions. Each EGD to determine accurately the location of the gastro-
case should be treated on an individual basis, and esophageal junction. The intraoperative EGD serves two
patients should be selected carefully for surgical therapy. purposes: it ensures that the myotomy extends beyond
We usually perform a laparoscopic esophagomyotomy the gastroesophageal junction to totally relieve any distal
combined with an anti-reflux procedure (either a Nissen obstruction, and it ensures that there is no iatrogenic per-
or a modified Toupet fundoplication). foration of the mucosa prior to closure. Once the myotomy
Hypertensive LES, less common than the other spastic is complete, the muscular layer is swept laterally to expose
disorders of the esophagus, is characterized by high rest- approximately 1.5 cm of mucosa. The site is inspected for
ing LES pressures (⬎40 mmHg or more than two stan- bleeding and the fundoplication is performed. When per-
dard deviations above normal) and normal relaxation of forming a myotomy with a modified Toupet fundoplica-
the LES, combined with relatively normal esophageal tion, the fundus is sutured to the divided muscular edges
body motility. Reflux does occur in this population, of the esophageal myotomy, taking care not to injure the
presumably as a result of transient relaxation of the LES bulging mucosa.
with subsequent delayed esophageal clearing of the
refluxed acid. Considerable controversy surrounds the
appropriate management of this condition. The various
treatment options include pharmacological agents to Approximately 10–50 per cent of patients with GERD
decrease LES pressure, esophageal dilation, and surgery. have delayed gastric emptying. This frequently manifests
Only a small number of these patients require surgery. itself in the form of recurrent reflux symptoms after a suc-
We most commonly perform an esophageal myotomy cessful anti-reflux procedure. The patient’s history, EGD,
and modified Toupet fundoplication when treating this upper gastrointestinal radiological studies, and a nuclear
group of patients surgically. medicine gastric-emptying scan are all helpful in making
the diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying. Once the diag-
Technique nosis is made, the patient is treated initially with endo-
scopic pneumatic dilation of the pylorus. If the patient
Once esophageal and fundic mobilization has been com- responds favorably to this treatment, then the definitive
pleted, and before closure of the esophageal hiatus, the treatment by laparoscopic pyloroplasty can be offered.
anterior esophagus is exposed between 11 and 12 o’clock. Trocars are placed similarly as for laparoscopic fundo-
This area avoids the anterior vagus nerve. Beginning plication, although usually in a more caudad position on
approximately 2 cm above the gastroesophageal junc- the abdominal wall. The duodenum is then mobilized
tion, the longitudinal fibers in the first muscular layer of (Kocher maneuver) utilizing the harmonic scalpel and
the esophagus are sharply dissected and separated with blunt dissection. The pylorus is identified, and a longi-
scissors. We use disposable endoscopic scissors with no tudinal incision is made on the anterior surface of the
cautery, since we find that cautery is needed only rarely duodenum, through the pylorus and then on to the stom-
on the small vessels in the esophagus. Once the longi- ach. This longitudinal incision is now closed transversely
tudinal fibers have been bluntly separated, the circular in one layer utilizing 0-Ethibond sutures. Following the
fibers become exposed. These are divided under direct completion of the pyloroplasty, intraoperative EGD is
visualization. The assistant uses a suction irrigator to performed to check for air leaks, and additional sutures
200 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
are placed as necessary. The EGD is also valuable in deter- roles. Additionally, good-quality and well-maintained
mining the adequacy and patency of the pyloroplasty. equipment makes for a better experience for the physi-
cian. The patient ultimately reaps the benefit from the
smaller, more patient- and physician-friendly setting.
Hiatal hernias are common disorders in the western pop- Indications for surgical repair
ulation.1 The overall incidence of hiatal hernias has been
reported to lie between ten and over 20 per cent.2 Hiatal PEH may occur with or without symptoms. PEH can
hernias are categorized into four groups, as determined remain asymptomatic for long periods, but these patients
by Hill and Tobias in 1968.3 Type I hiatal hernias, also require close observation.4 On closer examination, the
known as sliding hiatal hernias, account for the most patient may eventually report distinct symptoms, such as
common group (⬎80 per cent) and are characterized by coughing, chest pain or epigastric pain, which the patient
a sliding herniation of the gastroesophageal junction may relate to other causes.5 The more common com-
through the hiatus into the chest. Para-esophageal her- plaints associated with symptomatic PEH are dysphagia,
nias (PEHs) account for the remaining three groups: gastroesophageal reflux (GER), epigastric pain, chest pain,
type II represent a herniation of the fundus of the regurgitation and vomiting, shortness of breath, and
stomach through the hiatus with a fixed gastroeso- coughing; there is also chronic anemia in up to 38 per cent
phageal junction in the normal position; type III are the of patients with PEH.6,7 Symptomatic PEH is always an
most common PEHs, and represent a combination of indication for elective surgical repair in order to avoid the
type I and type II with a displaced gastroesophageal junc- potentially serious complications, such as acute strangula-
tion as well as herniation of parts of the stomach into the tion, volvulus, massive hemorrhage, and perforation.8,9
chest; type IV are composed of a large PEH combined
with a large hiatal defect containing not only the stomach
Contraindications to surgical repair
but also other intra-abdominal organs, such as colon or
spleen. PEHs are observed more commonly in the elderly
Patients with PEH are usually of an older age than
population. In our series of 117 patients undergoing
patients with type I hiatal hernias. A meticulous cardio-
laparoscopic PEH repair, the median age was 68 years
pulmonary investigation is necessary in most cases. One
(range 39–95); 12 patients were over the age of 80 years.
must bear in mind that symptoms consistent with PEH
Sixty per cent of patients were female.
in this population could also originate from cardiac or
pulmonary disease.10 If these latter etiologies are
excluded and the patient is fit for laparoscopy, then we do
TREATMENT OF PARA-ESOPHAGEAL not see any major contraindications for the procedure,
HERNIAS regardless of age. It has been shown that laparoscopic
anti-reflux procedures can be performed safely in elderly
The only curative treatment available for PEH is surgery. patients.11 We recently published a series of 30 octo- and
The principles are complete reduction of the hernia from nonagenarian patients undergoing laparoscopic fundo-
the chest, repair of the hiatal defect, and fundoplication. plication, with zero mortality.12 Although considered by
202 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
(a) (b)
Figure 27.1 (a) Thoracic radiograph showing gas bubble within the chest as a result of a giant PEH. (b) Barium esophagogram
showing large PEH (type III). The fundus of the stomach and the gastroesophageal junction are positioned above the diaphragm.
Para-esophageal hernias 203
Figure 27.5 The peritoneum along the edge of the right crus is Figure 27.8 This dissection is continued from the right side
divided. behind the esophagus but inferior to the left crus of the
laparoscopic procedures, insertion of ports can be diffi- Large defects at the hiatus
cult, and placement at non-standard sites might be neces-
In some patients, the defect at the hiatus is too large to be
sary. If a previous midline incision is present, then the
closed primarily. This occurs most frequently in type IV
Veress needle can usually be placed safely in the left sub-
hernias. In other cases, the fibrous tissue at the hiatus in
costal area. After division of adhesions between the pari-
this elderly patient population is not compliant and cannot
etal peritoneum and intra-abdominal organs, placement
be approximated adequately. This can result in large dis-
of the other trocars can be achieved. Occasionally, patients
secting tears in the crura, which must be managed by the
must undergo PEH repair following an unsuccessful anti-
use of mesh (Figures 27.14–27.16). These patches should
reflux operation. Dissection of the left liver lobe from the
be cut with a keyhole defect and positioned to lie circum-
stomach and diaphragm can be particularly difficult in
ferentially around the esophagus. The keyhole technique
these cases. Nevertheless, in ‘redo’ operations, conversion
allows for overlapping of the mesh posteriorly. There is
to laparotomy is required rarely.22,23
the risk of erosion of the mesh into the esophagus if non-
absorbable materials are used. They must be attached to
Left accessory or replaced hepatic artery the diaphragm using staples or interrupted sutures. Some
These arteries originate from the left gastric artery and authors suggest the universal use of such patches to allow
are found in up to 25 per cent of patients. Some accessory for tension-free repair.25 Diaphragmatic stitches placed
arteries are small and can be divided without conse- anterior to the esophagus have been suggested to close
quence; however, large vessels suggest that there is com- large defects; however, tension is usually even greater in
plete replacement of the arterial blood supply to the left this area. Others have used a relaxing incision made lateral
lateral liver segments. If this is suspected, the vessel
should be preserved intact in order to avoid ischemic
damage of the biliary tree.24
Type IV hernias Figure 27.14 Giant hiatal defect with a tear in the right crus
These hernias can contain colon or the spleen. Injuries to after failed primary closure.
the spleen may result in major hemorrhage. Closure of
the defect can be particularly difficult in these patients.
Postoperative use of incentive spirometry is of impor-
tance to avoid atelectasis and pneumonia.
This occurs more frequently on the left side and can
result in a symptomatic pneumothorax. When this
occurs, the intra-abdominal gas pressure should be
decreased to avoid a tension pneumothorax. Should
the latter occur, conversion to an open procedure may be
necessary. A chest tube can be used to alleviate the ten-
sion in the pneumothorax if necessary. Generally, how-
ever, most cases do not require a chest tube, as the gas in
the pleural space may be expelled by forceful lung infla-
tion at the time of release of the pneumoperitoneum. Figure 27.15 Closure of the large defect using a Gore-Tex patch.
Para-esophageal hernias 207
to the esophageal hiatus with primary closure of the hiatus mobilization.6 In most cases, dissection of the esophagus
and mesh repair of the relieving incision. far up into the mediastinum allows for adequate mobi-
lization. Dissection can be performed as high as the
Hernia sac bronchial bifurcation. If adequate intra-abdominal
length of the esophagus without tension cannot be
Some controversy exists as to whether to excise the sac or obtained, then an esophageal-lengthening procedure,
mobilize it fully with complete excision.26 We feel that a such as Collis gastroplasty, followed by a fundoplication
remnant of the sac in the mediastinum might cause an should be performed. This can be achieved laparoscop-
effusion or lead to recurrent herniation. We always mobi- ically, but in our opinion the best approach for this pro-
lize the sac completely from the mediastinum. On dissec- cedure is through the chest. Hashemi and colleagues have
tion, care must be taken not to injure the esophagus, reported the need for thoracotomy in over 33 per cent of
stomach, vagus nerve, or blood vessels. The sac is left cases.27 A novel approach for esophagus lengthening has
anterior and to the left of the cardia and can be used as a been suggested by Champion and coworkers (personal
plug to help avoid recurrent herniation of the stomach. communication, 2002): they laparoscopically flap the
fundus of the stomach to the right and then carry out a
Division of short gastric vessels stapled fundectomy to a point 3 cm inferior to the angle
It is our preference that the short gastric vessels are of His. This is then stapled off along the left side of the
divided along the upper 10 cm of the greater curvature of esophagus, achieving a Collis gastroplasty (see Chapter 26).
the stomach to allow for a tension-free wrap. In most
cases, these vessels have been stretched by the gastric Para-esophageal hernia repair in obese patients
herniation, allowing the fundus to be brought behind In obese patients there may be excessive fat in the opera-
the esophagus easily and without tension. tive field, and/or the left lateral liver segments may be
very large. This might hinder retraction of the liver. Such
Possible kinking of the esophagus fatty livers are rigid and the capsule can be injured easily,
resulting in hemorrhage. Local appliance of argon-beam
Following the posterior approximation of the crura, the
coagulation or electrocautery may be used, followed by
esophagus might be forced anteriorly, causing kinking
insertion of a collagen plug to control such hemorrhage.
and obstruction as it rides up and into the hiatus. This
has been observed occasionally as a kink on a barium
esophagogram, but there are seldom any observed symp-
toms related to such a kink in the follow-up of our
In general, we do not place a nasogastric tube. For the
Short esophagus majority of patients, this represents an unnecessary incon-
venience and is tolerated poorly. Patients are encouraged
In type III hernias, insufficient intra-abdominal length of to ambulate early and to use incentive spirometry. A gas-
the esophagus has been reported following attempted trografin esophagogram is performed only if the dissec-
tion was difficult and in the presence of symptoms such
as excessive pain, vomiting or fever. During the first
24 hours after surgery, pain control is achieved satisfacto-
rily using oral analgesics. We prefer to use paracetamol
(acetaminophen) elixir; however, any synthetic opioid,
tramadol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can
be used. Metoclopramide or ondansetron are our pre-
ferred antiemetic drugs. Retching and vomiting must be
suppressed in order to avoid stress on the repaired hiatus
and the fundoplication. Patients are started on a liquid diet
on the night following surgery and advanced to a pureed
diet, as tolerated. Fresh bread and meat should be avoided
for about three weeks. A normal diet is usually achieved
within six weeks following surgery. We have now com-
pleted 120 laparoscopic repairs of large PEH with zero
mortality and a 15 per cent recurrence rate. These recur-
Figure 27.16 Closure of a large defect using a polypropylene rences are usually asymptomatic type I hernias. Others
mesh. reported higher rates of mortality (three per cent28) and
208 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
morbidity (30 per cent29). Dahlberg and colleagues28 and 7 Moskovitz M, Fadden R, Min T, et al. Large hiatal hernias, anemia,
Trus and colleagues29 also report the need for conversion and linear gastric erosion: studies of etiology and medical therapy.
Am J Gastroenterol 1992; 87: 622–6.
to an open procedure in 1.3–5.4 per cent of cases. We feel, 8 Maruyama T, Fukue M, Imamura F, Nozue M. Incarcerated
however, that with adequate experience, these rates of paraesophageal hernia associated with perforation of the
morbidity and mortality should be reduced. fundus of the stomach: report of a case. Surg Today 2001; 31:
9 Nattakom T, Schuerer D, Batra S, et al. Emergency
laparoscopic repair of a paraesophageal hernia. Surg Endosc 1999;
CONCLUSION 13: 75–6.
10 Richter JE. Noncardiac (unexplained) chest pain. Curr Treat Options
Gastroenterol 2000; 3: 329–34.
Currently, the only effective treatment available for PEH 11 Kamolz T, Bammer T, Granderath FA, et al. Quality of life and
is surgery. This is successful in most cases if appropriate surgical outcome after laparoscopic antireflux surgery in the
principles of operative therapy are followed. Surgical elderly gastroesophageal reflux disease patient. Scand J
reduction of the hernia results in the relief of dysphagia Gastroenterol 2001; 36: 116–20.
in 91 per cent of patients. The principles of PEH repair 12 Bammer T, Hinder RA, Klaus A, et al. Safety and long term
outcome of laparoscopic antireflux surgery in patients in their
include reducing the stomach, mobilizing the hernia eighties and older. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 40–42.
sac from the mediastinum, effectively closing the hiatus, 13 Neuhauser B, Hinder RA. Laparoscopic reoperation after failed
and achieving a sufficient gastropexy. Open repair using antireflux surgery. Semin Laparosc Surg 2001; 8: 281–6.
laparotomy or thoracotomy was the standard procedure a 14 Freeman ME, Hinder RA. Laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia
decade ago. The development of laparoscopic anti-reflux repair. Semin Laparosc Surg 2001; 8: 240–5.
15 Oddsdottir M. Paraesophageal hernia. Surg Clin North Am 2000;
surgery has stimulated interest in laparoscopic para- 80: 1243–52.
esophageal hiatal hernia repair. Minimally invasive tech- 16 Buenaventura PO, Schauer PR, Keenan RJ, Luketich JD.
niques today offer a better treatment option with lower Laparoscopic repair of giant paraesophageal hernia. Semin Thorac
risk. Laparoscopic repair of PEH is safe, technically feasi- Cardiovasc Surg 2000; 12: 179–85.
ble, and well tolerated, with rapid relief of symptoms. The 17 Oelschlager BK, Pellegrini CA. Paraesophageal hernias: open,
laparoscopic, or thoracic repair? Chest Surg Clin North Am 2001;
laparoscopic approach allows for excellent visualization 11: 589–603.
of the hiatus and superior esophageal mobilization, with 18 Basso N, Rosato P, De Leo A, et al. ‘Tension-free’ hiatoplasty,
significantly less surgical insult to this often aged and gastrophrenic anchorage, and 360 degrees fundoplication in the
debilitated patient population. PEH repair remains a laparoscopic treatment of paraesophageal hernia. Surg Laparosc
challenging surgical procedure. We feel that an anti-reflux Endosc Percutan Tech 1999; 9: 257–62.
19 Hashemi M, Peters JH, DeMeester TR, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
procedure is necessary because the LES is mobilized large type III hiatal hernia: objective followup reveals high
extensively during the dissection and is likely to be recurrence rate. J Am Coll Surg 2000; 190: 553–60, 560–1.
incompetent as a result. This does not add significantly to 20 Edye MB, Canin-Endres J, Gattorno F, Salky BA. Durability of
the time required for this operation, and it provides an laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia. Ann Surg 1998;
excellent anchoring mechanism for the stomach on to the 228: 528–35.
21 Kercher KW, Matthews BD, Ponsky JL, et al. Minimally invasive
diaphragm. We consider laparoscopic PEH repair with management of paraesophageal herniation in the high-risk
Nissen fundoplication to be the procedure of choice in surgical patient. Am J Surg 2001; 182: 510–14.
appropriately selected patients with PEH. 22 Seelig MH, Hinder RA, Klingler PJ, et al. Paraesophageal herniation
as a complication following laparoscopic antireflux surgery.
J Gastrointest Surg 1999; 3: 95–9.
23 Floch NR, Hinder RA, Klingler PJ, et al. Is laparoscopic reoperation
REFERENCES for failed antireflux surgery feasible? Arch Surg 1999;
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with stable angina pectoris and syncope – a case report. Angiology large paraesophageal hiatal hernia. Ann Thorac Surg 2001; 72:
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6 Hashemi M, Sillin LF, Peters JH. Current concepts in the 29 Trus TL, Bax T, Richardson WS, et al. Complications of
management of paraesophageal hiatal hernia. J Clin Gastroenterol laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair. J Gastrointest Surg
1999; 29: 8–13. 1997; 1: 221–8.
Traumatic and unusual herniation
The diaphragm is a thin muscle with a full-time job. It colon through a small defect in the diaphragm. In 1853,
is innervated by the ipsilateral phrenic nerve and has Bowditch became the first physician to diagnose a post-
an abundant blood supply.1 The anatomical role of the traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in vivo.11 In 1886, Riolfi
diaphragm consists of dividing the two large cavities of performed the first repair of a diaphragmatic herniation
the human body and maintaining its different pressures.2 after a stab wound,12 while Walker in 1900 was the first sur-
Its presence separates and contains the viscera of the geon to repair a diaphragmatic hernia after blunt trauma.13
abdominal and thoracic cavities. The symptoms related The aim of this chapter is to provide a clear concept of
to diaphragmatic injuries are caused by the incapacity to the various diaphragmatic lesions and the approaches for
contain the abdominal viscera in the cavity favored by successful diagnosis and treatment.
the pressure gradient.1
During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts physio-
logically, acquiring a flat shape. During expiration, it
relaxes passively and acquires a dome shape. This con-
cept is important for understanding and diagnosing
diaphragmatic injury in the various chest and abdominal Injuries of the diaphragm can be classified into two
levels of penetrating trauma. groups: acute and chronic. Acute injuries (from blunt or
Diaphragmatic injury is not common, but its inci- penetrating trauma) detected in the first 24 hours are
dence has increased over the past few years, probably called ‘early diagnosed’; after the first 24 hours, they are
because of the increased frequency of high-speed motor- called ‘delayed diagnosed’. If the diaphragmatic lesion
vehicle accidents.3–5 Additionally, early recognition has was missed in the acute phase, then the second latent
become more feasible with the diagnostic procedures that phase occurs. In this variable time (months to years), the
are now available. It is also conceivable that early recogni- injury may be asymptomatic. The chronic phase begins
tion of signs and symptoms of a possible diaphragmatic with the appearance of symptoms related to the hernia-
injury can result in the correct treatment being given, so tion of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity.
avoiding chronic injuries. The diagnosis of diaphragmatic This, in turn, will affect respiratory patterns or cardio-
injury is influenced strongly by the severity of the associ- vascular performance or cause digestive symptoms,
ated lesions.6–8 such as gastric distention, gastric or colonic obstruction,
Sennertus in 1541 was the first to report a diaphrag- volvulus, and perforation.14–17 Each of the three phases
matic injury, in a postmortem examination.9 He described of diaphragmatic injury has a relevant importance in the
a strangulated stomach herniated through a left diaphrag- operative strategy decision.
matic defect seven months after a stab wound. In 1579, Paré The early-diagnosed acute phase accounts for about
described the consequences of diaphragmatic herniation in 90 per cent of diaphragmatic injuries. These patients will
blunt and penetrating injuries.10 He found a strangulated typically have associated injuries and are treated by the
210 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
open approach.18 Delayed-diagnosed acute injuries differ Abdominal contents were found to invade the thorax
from early-diagnosed injuries in that patients with the in 58 per cent of patients with a left-sided diaphragmatic
former are generally more stable and have fewer severely tear and in 19 per cent with a right-sided defect. These
associated injuries. In this subgroup of acute patients, findings can be explained by the presence of the liver in
laparoscopic approach and repair can be achieved.19–21 the upper right abdominal cavity, thereby protecting the
Laparoscopic treatment for chronic diaphragmatic herni- passage of the viscera. Because of this anatomical differ-
ation is quickly becoming widely accepted and performed. ence, patients with a right-sided tear are generally injured
more severely than those with a tear on the left side.18
Boulanger and colleagues showed that the mean Glasgow
Coma Scale was 8 for patients with right diaphragmatic
tear compared with 11 for those with left diaphragmatic
The etiology of diaphragmatic injuries can be classified tear.18 Patients with a right diaphragmatic injury had
as penetrating or blunt trauma. Diaphragmatic injury more significant amounts of blood loss than patients with
in trauma patients is not uncommon: its incidence injuries elsewhere in the diaphragm.
is 0.8 per cent of all trauma patients admitted, 5 per cent The injuries associated with blunt diaphragmatic
of all blunt abdominal traumatic admissions, and 9.5 trauma are shown in Table 28.1.29–31 The figures shown in
per cent of all thoracoabdominal penetrating trauma this table indicate that hemothorax occurs in 78.5 per cent
admissions.8,22,23 of patients with blunt trauma. Table 28.2 outlines the over-
Penetrating diaphragmatic hernia during thoraco- all rate of abdominal injuries associated with blunt trauma.
abdominal trauma, such as in shotgun wounds, has a The overall mortality rate in the blunt diaphragmatic
different incidence of severity. This massive destructive injuries group of patients is 16–20 per cent, depending on
effect requires laparotomy or thoracotomy and laparotomy the associated injuries. Bilateral rupture of the diaphragm
to repair visceral or vascular damage. Stab wounds and is associated with the highest rate of mortality, followed
iatrogenic diaphragmatic injuries are usually less severe, by traumatic rupture of the right hemidiaphragm.
and if vascular penetration is ruled out laparoscopic repair Intrapericardial diaphragmatic rupture is a rare condition
is feasible. Blunt trauma is more common in motor-vehicle that can mimic cardiac tamponade during the acute diag-
accidents, especially during high-speed impact.7,24 nosed phase of herniation; most commonly, it is the stom-
The physiological pressure of the abdominal cavity ach that protrudes into the pericardium.32–34
varies from 4 to 20 cm of water, and it can climb to Posterior rupture of the diaphragm is an infrequent
100 cm of water during a forced inspiration. Elevation of lesion that can compromise the crura and the hiatus.35
the abdominal pressure up to 400 cm of water occurring Recently, we had the opportunity to treat a patient with a
during motor-vehicle accidents can explain the rupture known hiatal hernia after a motor-vehicle accident. He
of the diaphragm and the herniation of the viscera into presented with a posterior transverse rupture of the
the thorax, which has a negative pressure (⫺2 to ⫺10 cm
of water). Blunt diaphragmatic injury is seen more fre-
Table 28.1 Injuries associated with blunt trauma
quently after motor-vehicle accidents than after pedes-
trian or motorcycle accidents or falls from great heights. Injury Percentage
During blunt trauma, the rupture of the diaphragm can
Hemothorax 78.5
occur in the right, left or both sides, the central tendinous Rib fracture 51
area (opening into the pericardium), or into the posterior Pelvic fracture 46
area, thereby compromising the hiatus. Diaphragmatic Extremity fracture 40
injury is an indicator of an impact with high-energy Pneumothorax 28
transmission. Spinal fracture 16.5
Each of the affected areas demonstrates differing charac- Thoracic aortic tear 7
teristic features. In 80 per cent of cases the trauma results in
herniation through the left side of the diaphragm, 15 per
cent affect the right side, and in five per cent both sides are Table 28.2 Overall rate of abdominal injuries in blunt trauma
affected.18 Rupture of the diaphragm is effected, generally,
Abdominal injury Percentage
by an impact that occurs on the ipsilateral side of the
injury.25 An associated injury has been reported in 90 per Liver 63.5
cent of patients with diaphragmatic tear. Mortality varies Spleen 51
between three and 30 per cent, and depends upon the sever- Hollow viscus 25.5
ity of the trauma and associated injuries. The differences Kidney 11
Bladder 9
between right and left side on admission were well defined
Pancreas 6.5
in the literature.26–28
Traumatic and unusual herniation 211
diaphragm, which included a total avulsion of the right diaphragm and discontinuity of the diaphragmatic edge.
crura. A primary repair by open approach was per- On the right side, ultrasonography can be sensitive to
formed, and the crura was sutured with non-absorbable detection of diaphragmatic rupture with liver herniation.
sutures. In these cases, esophageal perforation must be Spiral computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic res-
ruled out either before (with preoperative testing) or onance imaging (MRI) are the most accurate diagnostic
during operation by irrigation with saline solution or methods for finding diaphragmatic ruptures.38,39 Diag-
methylene blue solution through a nasogastric tube. nostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) is a controversial tool for
Manifestations of diaphragmatic injury during the diagnosing diaphragmatic injury.1 DPL in the presence of
acute phase depend upon the severity of pulmonary isolated diaphragmatic injury may be falsely negative, and
compromise and the associated clinical manifestations. the positive results depend upon the status of the abdom-
The symptoms of thoracic pain referred to the scapula, inal viscera.
dyspnea, and decreased breath sounds are present in Laparoscopy and thoracoscopy are the best invasive
more than 70 per cent of these patients. Specific symp- techniques for diagnosing diaphragmatic lesions and
toms of diaphragmatic rupture may be absent in 25–37 eventual treatment of the rupture.40–42 However, the diag-
per cent of the patients.36 Abdominal tenderness, disten- nosis and treatment of this problem can also be accom-
sion and rebound can also be present. Almost half of plished with the use of a thoracotomy and/or laparotomy
the victims are admitted to the emergency room with when necessary.
symptoms of shock.
Following historical and physical examination, the
initial assessment of a trauma patient with suspected SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ACUTE
diaphragmatic injury should be a chest radiograph. DIAPHRAGMATIC INJURIES
However, the ability of the chest X-ray to demonstrate
a diaphragmatic injury varies from 37 to 50 per cent.37
Direct signs of diaphragmatic rupture on chest X-ray are When diaphragmatic injuries are diagnosed, repair is
visceral herniation, indistinct diaphragmatic lines, eleva- mandatory. If, during the acute phase, early diagnosis is
tion of the diaphragm, and position of a nasogastric tube confirmed, then the approach to the repair must be dic-
within the thorax (Figure 28.1). Indirect signs of dia- tated by any associated injuries. Generally in this case,
phragmatic injury on chest X-ray are rib fractures, sternal laparotomy will be the preferred method to treat addi-
fracture, pneumothorax, hemothorax, lung contusion, tional visceral injuries. The repair of the diaphragm will
atelectasis, gastric dilation, and subcutaneous air. usually be accomplished with simple suturing of the
Ultrasonography can demonstrate diaphragmatic defect with nonabsorbable sutures in one or two layers.43
rupture by the presence of fluids above and below the If the diaphragmatic injury is isolated or the associated
damages allow a laparoscopic approach, then the repair
can be performed easily with the advantage of good visu-
alization, even in the posterior areas.
Operative technique
The patient is placed in lithotomy and Fowler’s position.
Some surgeons prefer to stand on the right side of the
patient, with the patient supine. In the former approach,
the surgeon stands between the legs of the patient. The
first assistant is positioned on the left side of the patient
and the second assistant is on the right of the patient.
A pneumoperitoneum using carbon dioxide is obtained
by introducing a Veress needle in the left subcostal mid-
clavicular line at low pressure, such as 12 mmHg. The
use of high-pressure insufflation (15 mmHg or higher)
must be avoided in trauma patients. High abdominal
pressure can reduce the venous return by 30 per cent, and
the patient could became hemodynamically unstable.
One 10-mm trocar is introduced supraumbilically
where a 30-degree laparoscope is placed. It is important to
Figure 28.1 Chest X-ray, showing nasogastric tube in the left remember that in obese patients, this first trocar must be
thorax after trauma. introduced in a slightly higher position between the
212 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC Figure 28.5 Diaphragmatic hernia repair with ePTFE mesh by
2 Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Mattox KL. Trauma, 3rd edn. Stamford: 29 Lee WC, Chen RJ, Fang JF, et al. Rupture of the diaphragm after
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3 Rubikas R. Diaphragmatic injuries. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2001; 30 Jackimczyk K. Blunt chest trauma. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1993;
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4 Simpson J, Lobo DN, Shah AB, Rowlands BJ. Traumatic 31 Meyers BC, McCabe CJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Occult
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5 Schneider C, Tamme C, Scheidbach H, et al. Laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia diagnosed by echocardiography. J Trauma
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62: 223–9. 34 Aldhoheyan A, Jain SK, Hamdy M, Alsebayel MJ. Traumatic
7 Athanassiadi K, Kalavrouziotis G, Athanassiou M, et al. Blunt intrapericardial diaphragmatic hernia. Injury 1992; 23: 331–2.
diaphragmatic rupture. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1999; 15: 469–74. 35 Naunheim FS. Adult presentation of unusual diaphragmatic
8 Mansour KA. Trauma to the diaphragm. Chest Surg Clin North Am hernias. Chest Surg Clin North Am 1998; 8: 359–69.
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9 Reed J. Diaphragmatic hernia produced by a penetrating wound. injury of the diaphragm. Injury 1991; 22: 303–6.
Edinburgh Med Surg J 1840; 53: 104. 37 Shackleton KL, Stewart ET, Taylor AJ. Traumatic diaphragmatic
10 Hamby WB. The Case Reports and Autopsy Records of Ambroise injuries: spectrum of radiographic findings. Radiographics 1998;
Pare. Springfield, IL: Charles Tomas, 1960: 50–51. 18: 49–59.
11 Bowditch HI. Diaphragmatic hernia. Buffalo Med J 1853; 9: 165. 38 Israel RS, McDaniel PA, Primack SL, et al. Diagnosis of
12 Hedblom CA. Diaphragmatic hernia. A study of three hundred and diaphragmatic trauma with helical CT in a swine model. Am J
seventy eight cases in which operation was performed. JAMA Roentgenol 1996; 167: 637–41.
1925; 85: 947. 39 Worthy SA, Kang EY, Hartman TE, et al. Diaphragmatic rupture:
13 Walker EW. Strangulated hernia through a traumatic rupture CT findings in 11 patients. Radiology 1995; 194: 885–8.
of the diaphragm. Laparotomy: recovery. Trans Am Surg Assoc 40 Kamelgard JI, Harris L, Reardon MJ, Reardon PR. Thoracoscopic
1900; 18: 246. repair of a recurrent diaphragmatic hernia four years after initial
14 Somers L, Szeki I, Hulbert D. Late presentation of diaphragmatic trauma, laparotomy and repair. J Laparoendoscop Adv Surg Tech
hernia and gastric volvulus. J Accid Emerg Med 2000; 17: 230. 1999; 9: 171–5.
15 Andrade Alegre R. Chronic diaphragmatic hernia. Chest 1999; 41 Domene CE, Volpe P, Santo MA, et al. Laparoscopic treatment of
116: 1838–9. diaphragmatic hernia. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 1998; 8:
16 Montresor E, Procacci C, Guarise A, et al. Strangulated traumatic 225–9.
hernia of the diaphragm. A report of two cases. Chir Ital 1999; 42 Yoshida J, Iwai T, Koike E, et al. Thoracoscopic repair of
51: 471–6. diaphragmatic eventration sustained at knife injury: a case report.
17 Mehanna D, Young CJ, Solomon MJ. Large bowel obstruction due Kyobu Geka 1998; 51: 197–200.
to diaphragmatic hernia. Aus N Z J Surg 1998; 68: 544–5. 43 Mouroux J, Padovani B, Poirier NC, et al. Technique for the repair
18 Boulanger BR, Milzman DP, Rosati C, Rodrigues A. A comparison of of diaphragmatic eventration. Ann Thorac Surg 1996; 62: 905–7.
right and left blunt traumatic diaphragmatic rupture. J Trauma 44 Wenzel DJ, Hamilton JD. Cross sectional CT of strangulating
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after penetrating trauma. Br J Surg 1996; 83: 88–91. 45 Zieren J, Enzweiler C, Muller JM. Tube thoracostomy complicates
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injury to the diaphragm: a case report. J Laparoendosc Surg 1994; 1999; 47: 199–202.
4: 153–6. 46 Faul JL. Diaphragmatic rupture presenting forty years after injury.
21 McNamee CJ, Meyns BP, Pagliero KM. Laparotomy vs thoracotomy Injury 1998; 29: 479–80.
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171: 386. 14: 1010–14.
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Etiology of recurrent gastroesophageal
reflux disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common reflect the fact that laparoscopic fundoplication is a rela-
disease that accounts for approximately 75 per cent of the tively new technique rather than it being intrinsically bet-
pathology of the esophagus. Forty per cent of the adults in ter. However, the early adopters of the laparoscopic
the USA have occasional heartburn, and ten per cent expe- approach were usually more skillful individuals who were
rience heartburn daily.1,2 It is estimated that 20 per cent of likely to be quite compulsive in the indications and tech-
patients with GERD develop serious complications, such niques of these operations. Therefore, it is hoped that with
as ulceration, stricture, and Barrett’s metaplasia. Although longer follow-up this procedure will reveal its superiority.
medical therapy may be effective, it is often required for a Reoperations for failed or recurrent GERD are techni-
protracted period of time. In addition, prolonged therapy cally more demanding due to adhesions from previous sur-
often requires escalated dosages, and discontinuation of gery and obscured anatomy. The relatively fragile walls of
medications may result in an early recurrence of symp- the esophagus, gastric cardia, and fundus are easily dam-
toms. Surgery has improved because of a better under- aged or breached, leading to postoperative leak with poten-
standing of the underlying pathophysiology of GERD and tially lethal complications. In addition, the recognized and
technical refinements of operative techniques.3,4 A con- repaired injury may impair the precise reconstruction
trolled, randomized trial showed superiority of surgical required to obtain a good functional result. Reoperative
therapy for the treatment of severe GERD, with less fre- anti-reflux surgery has a morbidity and mortality of 4–40
quent side effects than with non-surgical management.5 per cent and 0–4.9 per cent, respectively.17 The overall clin-
Other investigators have provided evidence to favor anti- ical results after reoperation – even those obtained by expe-
reflux surgery over medical treatment.6,7 rienced surgeons – are significantly less favorable than
The advent of minimally invasive surgery has revolu- outcomes for first-time repairs. The incidence of unsat-
tionized the surgical treatment of GERD, leading to a sig- isfactory results is at least doubled after reoperation.
nificant increase in the number of cases performed. Studies Furthermore, the greater the number of previous failed
have shown that the functional results of laparoscopic repairs, the greater the incidence of poor results.
anti-reflux procedures are equal to those of open surgery,
but with significantly less postoperative morbidity and
a shorter hospital stay.8–10 The surgical management of
GERD sometimes fails, whether performed open or
laparoscopically, and may require reoperation for optimal Dysphagia
results. Failure of open fundoplication occurs in 9–30 per
cent of patients,3,11,12 whereas published failure rates of Approximately 30–40 per cent of patients suffer from
laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication are 2–17 per cent.6,13–16 some form of dysphagia in the early postoperative
The lower published rates for laparoscopic surgery probably period. This, however, decreases to approximately five
218 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
per cent at long-term follow-up. It is believed that early after the anti-reflux surgery, resulting in the so-called
short-term dysphagia is due to distal esophageal edema ‘gas-bloat syndrome’. The symptoms can be treated with
and transient esophageal dysmotility. We generally rec- gas-binding agents or prokinetics. Very rarely, it is neces-
ommend that the patient stays on a liquid diet for two sary to take down the fundoplication or convert it to a
days after surgery and then maintains a soft diet for three partial fundoplication.
weeks following surgery. If the patient has difficulty
in swallowing liquids and/or there is significant weight
loss, then intervention may be necessary. This includes Pain
esophageal dilation and, in extreme cases, placement of a
gastrointestinal feeding tube. Postoperative gastrografin Some patients complain of pain, mainly in the lower tho-
or barium esophagogram helps to define acute postoper- racic region, the epigastrium or the left shoulder, follow-
ative events, such as para-esophageal herniation of the ing fundoplication. This is believed to be due to suture
stomach producing obstruction at the lower esophagus. placement in the diaphragmatic hiatus, producing referred
This finding warrants emergency surgical intervention. pain; it may also be the result of esophageal muscle
Patients with dysphagia that persists past three months spasm. These symptoms can be treated expectantly, and
represent a complex problem that warrants careful analysis occasionally they respond to a calcium-channel blocker
and interpretation. Common causes include slipped such as nifedipine or diltiazem.
fundoplication, para-esophageal hernia formation, tight or
fibrotic fundoplication, hiatal stenosis, twisted fundoplica- Diarrhea
tion, missed tumors at the gastroesophageal junction, low-
amplitude esophageal waves, incomplete propagation of After fundoplication, approximately eight per cent of
contractile waves, and undiagnosed achalasia. A barium patients have diarrhea. The reason for this may be
esophagram with a 12.5-mm barium pill will differentiate increased gastric emptying, excessive liquid intake, or a
anatomical abnormalities at the gastroesophageal junction post-vagotomy effect. In those cases in which the cause is
(slipped or para-esophageal hernia) from other causes not clear, gastric-emptying studies or, for completeness
of dysphagia, such as esophageal dysmotility. The latter of vagotomy, a sham feeding pancreatic polypeptide test
diagnosis is confirmed by an esophageal motility study. may help to resolve the question.19 A pyloroplasty is
Patients who are still confined to liquids at three months appropriate when the gastric-emptying study has a half-
postoperatively, and patients who are losing weight because time of more than 150 minutes. Most patients can be
of dysphagia, should be offered reoperation. If the solid treated effectively with anti-diarrhea medication; only
dysphagia is mild or moderate with few dietary restrictions, rarely is surgical intervention, such as the reversal of a
and there is little or no weight loss, then conservative 10-cm jejunal loop, necessary.
management is a viable option.
Twisted fundoplication
Hiatal stenosis
Missed neoplasm
Figure 29.2 A retroflexed view of the stomach with two Slipped Nissen
compartments separated by a fold/partition of tissue.
This well-known problem occurs after protrusion of the
gastric fundus through the fundoplication. It may be the
the endoscopy is diagnostic (Figure 29.2). Patients with result of esophageal foreshortening, failure to anchor the
this deformity often have dysphagia, and manometric fundoplication to the esophagus, or incorrect position-
evaluation shows a hypertensive fundoplication with ing of the fundoplication on to the stomach rather than
incomplete relaxation. The gastric body does not relax the lower esophagus. Esophageal mobilization to achieve
with swallowing, thus dysphagia results when the gastric a sufficient intra-abdominal length of esophagus allow-
body is used for the fundoplication. Reoperation is ing for a tension-free repair is essential to minimize the
required. occurrence of this complication.
Etiology of recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease 221
Injury to both vagus nerves can lead to a marked delay in This is the Achilles heal of Nissen fundoplication and
gastric emptying, which in turn may in turn require a may not be avoidable. Disruption may be the incorrect
pyloroplasty. Familiarity with the anatomy and careful term in many instances. Clearly, the fundoplication folds
dissection of the arch of the right crus will minimize the and tucks are lost with time in some patients and
risk of anterior nerve injury. Posterior nerve injury is recurrent reflux disease occurs, but this is based on the
probably more common when the nerve is displaced retroflexed endoscopic view. In fact, at reoperation many
from the posterior esophagus and is unrecognized as patients have a seemingly intact fundoplication with
such. Single-nerve injury or excessive nerve stretching to sutures still holding the right and the left wing serosal
make an ample window behind the gastroesophageal surfaces in continuity. Apparently, the suture has pulled
junction may create transient gastroparesis. A gastric- out of the full thickness of the stomach wall in one or
emptying study should be performed; our criteria for both of the wings, and an effective barrier has been lost.
pyloroplasty is a half-time of more than 150 minutes for Tissue attenuation may also be responsible for this pheno-
solids or liquids. Vagal-nerve injury is the reason for legal menon. Consequently, Tom DeMeester has recommended
consultation and action more frequently than any other a pledgeted repair, which the main author (CJF) of this
post-Nissen problem. chapter incorporates with every Nissen fundoplication
he performs.
Too loose, too tight, or too long
If the wrap is too floppy, then the pressure created in the
distal esophagus is low, favoring recurrent reflux symp- Selection of the optimal operation may be influenced by
toms. Conversely, if the fundoplication is too tight, dys- the presence of esophageal foreshortening, defective
phagia may occur. Calibration of the fundoplication has esophageal motility, or gastric-outlet or duodenal obstruc-
been standardized and shown to prevent long-term dys- tion. The acquired short esophagus is an indication for an
phagia.3 A 60F bougie should be introduced, and the esophageal-lengthening procedure to reduce undue ten-
right and left wing lead points should be chosen with the sion on the repair. Significant impairment of esophageal
dilator in place. We prefer to overlap the lead points by peristaltic amplitude of contraction, propagation, or
3 cm to create a floppy Nissen fundoplication (Figure 29.3). abnormal peristaltic waves necessitates a floppy Nissen
fundoplication to avoid the complication of dysphagia
from a functional obstruction. Gastric-outlet obstruction
warrants a gastric resection, while an obstructing duo-
denal stricture is best treated by gastrojejunostomy and
Anterior vagotomy.
3 cm
the endoscope is retroflexed within the hernia, then possible. More importantly, the esophagus can be mobi-
esophageal perforation can occur. Improved sedation or lized up to the aortic arch and a lengthening procedure,
repeat endoscopy at another session is warranted. We if needed, can be performed easily.
have discovered four patients with malignancy who had A disrupted fundoplication, a repair that is too tight,
been endoscoped recently by an experienced physician or a patient with crus closure failure and an intrathoracic
and referred for anti-reflux surgery. Endoscopy by the fundoplication more than 2 cm above the diaphragmatic
operating surgeon is a must in our opinion. crus and without additional risk factors for a short
esophagus are our primary indications for laparoscopic
reoperative surgery. The patient’s symptoms must be
uncontrollable despite aggressive medical therapy (includ-
DISCUSSION ing dilations) to warrant reoperative surgery. Satisfactory
results have been shown with laparoscopic reoperative
The reasons for poorer outcomes after repeat surgery are surgery (Table 29.2).
hypothetical and perhaps uncorrectable (Table 29.1). A Detractors of the laparoscopic approach for reopera-
specific classification of mechanisms of failure has not tive surgery are concerned primarily about incomplete
been agreed upon, and the best method of correction for dismantling of the fundoplication. This can be difficult, as
each mechanism has yet to be determined. Many failures the posterior wing is often densely adherent to the crural
are the result of technical errors, whereas others result closure and retroperitoneum. Safe dissection in this area
from deteriorating foregut motility or wear and tear on is not possible for inexperienced surgeons. However,
the fundoplication. after mobilization, an intraoperative endoscopy with full
The best approach for reoperative anti-reflux surgery insufflation and the J-maneuver can prove or disprove
is debatable. Currently, we prefer the transthoracic complete dismantling. If blood is seen within the lumen,
approach for patients with two or more failed anti-reflux one should check carefully for a perforation. Obviously, if
procedures, for any patient with an irreducible hiatal the stomach cannot be inflated fully then a larger perfora-
hernia more than 2 cm in size, and for patients with a tion may be present.
suspected short esophagus (short esophageal manomet- Vagal-nerve injury is also a concern, as the nerve
ric length, stricture formation, or Barrett’s esophagus). is not palpated so easily during laparoscopic surgery.
The left transthoracic approach provides maximum Attention to detail and sharp dissection immediately
exposure of the hiatus and makes dissection of the adjacent to identifiable structures will usually prevent
esophagus from the surrounding tissues safer; with a cir- this complication. If there is suspicion of a vagal nerve
cumlinear incision of the diaphragm near its rib attach- injury, then percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy place-
ment, excellent exposure of the abdominal contents is ment is appropriate at the end of the operation.
As more series of reoperative laparoscopic surgery sensory function of the proximal stomach. Br J Surg 2000; 87:
become available for review, a consensus concerning 338–43.
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treatment of complicated chronic reflux esophagitis. Arch Surg 667–72.
1987; 122: 548–52. 36 Pearson FG, Cooper JD, Patterson GA, et al. Gastroplasty and
13 Cuschieri A, Hunter J, Wolfe B, et al. Multicenter prospective fundoplication for complex reflux problems. Ann Surg 1987; 206:
evaluation of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Preliminary report. 473–81.
Surg Endosc 1993; 7: 505–10. 37 Low DE, Anderson RP, Ilves R, Hill LD. 15 to 20 year results after
14 Hunter JG, Trus TL, Branum GD, et al. A physiologic approach to the Hill operation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1989; 98: 444.
laparoscopic fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. 38 Siewert JR, Stein HJ, Feussner H. Reoperations after failed
Ann Surg 1996; 223: 673–85. antireflux procedures. Ann Chir Gynaecol 1995; 84: 122.
15 Jamieson GG, Watson DI, Britten-Jones R, et al. Laparoscopic 39 Stein HJ, Feussner H, Siewert JR. Failure of antireflux surgery:
Nissen fundoplication. Ann Surg 1994; 220: 137–45. causes and management strategies. Am J Surg 1996; 171: 36–40.
16 Peters JH, Heimbucher J, Kauer WK, et al. Clinical and physiologic 40 Ellis FH, Gibb SP, Heatley GJ. Reoperation after failed antireflux
comparison of laparoscopic and open Nissen fundoplication. surgery: review of 101 cases. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1996;
J Am Coll Surg 1995; 180: 385–93. 10: 225–33.
17 DePaula AL, Hashiba K, Bafutto M, Machado CA. Laparoscopic 41 Deschamps C, Trastek VF, Allen MS, et al. Long term results after
reoperations after failed and complicated antireflux operations. reoperation for railed antireflux procedures. J Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg Endosc 1995; 9: 681–6. Surg 1997; 113: 545–51.
18 Low DE, Mercer, CD, James EC, Hill LD. Post Nissen syndrome. 42 O’Reilly MJ, Mullins S, Reddick EJ. Laparoscopic management of
Surg Gynecol Obstet 1988; 167: 1–5. failed antireflux surgery. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1997; 7: 90–3.
19 Vu MK, Ringers J, Arndt JW, et al. Prospective study of the 43 Watson DI, Jamieson GG, Game PA, et al. Laparoscopic reoperation
effect of laparoscopic hemifundoplication on motor and following failed antireflux surgery. Br J Surg 1999; 86: 98–101.
Etiology of recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease 225
44 Alexander HC, Hendler RS. Laparoscopic reoperation on failed 49 Szwerc MF, Wiechmann RJ, Maley RH, et al. Reoperative
antireflux procedures: report of two patients. Surg Laparosc laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surgery 1999; 126: 723–8.
Endosc 1996; 6: 147–9. 50 Pointner R, Bammer T, Then P, Kamolz T. Laparoscopic
45 Croce E, Azzola M, Russo R, et al. Laparoscopic re-operation refundoplications after failed antireflux surgery. Am J Surg 1999;
from gastro-oesophageal reflux. Hepatogastroenterology 1997; 178: 541–4.
44: 912–17. 51 Hunter JG, Smith CD, Branum GD, et al. Laparoscopic
46 Schauer PR, Ikramuddin S, Piskun G, et al. Reoperative fundoplication failures: patterns of failure and response to
laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: S40. fundoplication revision. Ann Surg 1999; 230: 595–604.
47 Curet MJ, Josloff RK, Schoeb O, Zucker KA. Laparoscopic 52 Awad ZT, Anderson PI, Sato K, et al. The laparoscopic reoperative
reoperation for failed antireflux procedures. Arch Surg 1999; antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc 2001; 15: 1401–7.
134: 559–63. 53 Serafini FM, Bloomston M, Zervos E, et al. Laparoscopic
48 Floch NR, Hinder RA, Klingler PJ, et al. Is laparoscopic reoperation revision of failed antireflux operations. J Surg Res 2001;
for failed antireflux surgery feasible? Arch Surg 1999; 134: 733–7. 95: 13–18.
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Reoperation for recurrent gastroesophageal
reflux disease
Successful reoperative anti-reflux procedures are based Esophagitis confirms uncontrolled acid reflux. A tortu-
on three principles: precise characterization of the origi- ous path of the distal esophagus implies abnormalities
nal procedure’s failure, appropriate patient selection, and of fundoplication position. In some cases, a large para-
operative intervention capable of repairing the failure. esophageal hernia can be documented (Figure 30.1).
More than 30 000 anti-reflux procedures were per-
formed in the USA in 1998, with the number expected
to go well above 50 000 annually in the early 2000s.
Symptomatic failure rates of operative intervention range
between seven and 15 per cent. Reoperation is required in
1–3.5 per cent of patients,1–3 thus 500–1750 patients will
undergo reoperative anti-reflux surgery each year.
Symptoms of failed anti-reflux procedures can be
divided into three categories: those that are too tight,
those that are too loose, and those that are malposi-
tioned. The first are characterized by dysphagia and
regurgitation of undigested material, the second by
recurrent heartburn and regurgitation, and the third by
chest pain, abdominal pain and, occasionally, dysphagia.
Although symptoms provide a clue to the etiology of the
failed initial procedure, objective assessment is required
before planning any further operative intervention.
However, a twisted fundoplication or two-compartment relationships between the esophagus, hiatus, stomach
stomach can also be identified as causes for failure and fundoplication. Figure 30.2 shows early images of
during endoscopy.3 contrast flowing past the cardia of the stomach and
Contrast esophagography is undoubtedly the most into the body. An air-filled fundus can be seen in the pos-
valuable anatomical study for evaluating symptoms terior mediastinum, well above the hiatus. Figure 30.3
after anti-reflux surgery. This study shows the positional demonstrates later images of the same study with
contrast in the fundus, confirming its position in the
mediastinum. The most common reasons for failure
of anti-reflux procedures can be identified on contrast
esophagography: transdiaphragmatic herniation, slipped The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure also
fundoplication, twisted fundoplication, and tight fun- provides helpful information. A defective sphincter sup-
doplication. The addition of a marshmallow swallowed ports the diagnosis of a loose fundoplication in patients
during the study also gives a good impression of lower with symptoms of recurrent reflux. A non-relaxing
esophageal relaxation. sphincter or a sphincter with extremely high pressures
Esophageal manometry is essential in all patients confirms a fundoplication that is too tight. Figure 30.5
being evaluated for postoperative symptoms. In patients demonstrates normal LES pressure and relaxation in a
with dysphagia and chest pain, manometry identifies patient with symptoms of chest pain after a fundoplica-
motility (physiological) abnormalities. Manometry will tion, but no symptoms of reflux.
also help in planning the operative strategy to correct Twenty-four-hour pH monitoring is important in all
the failed procedure. A patient with poor motility may patients (Figure 30.6). Although the symptom of heart-
not be a candidate for a ‘redo’ 360-degree fundoplication. burn would seem to be an accurate predictor of post-
Figure 30.4 shows a typical esophageal body tracing, operative acid exposure, 50 per cent of patients who
with occasional decreased amplitudes of peristalsis in complain of heartburn after a fundoplication will have
the distal esophagus, but confirms the presence of peri- normal acid exposure on pH testing.4 Half of the patients
stalsis, a feature required to proceed with an anti-reflux who complain of heartburn but have normal acid expo-
procedure. sure will have other etiologies identified as a cause of
their symptoms (esophageal motility abnormalities, Regardless of the reason for reoperation, the compli-
cardiac dysrhythmia, irritable bowel syndrome). In those cation rates are significantly higher for ‘redo’ procedures.
patients who do not complain of heartburn, the study is Major operative complications, such as visceral injury,
useful in documenting subclinical, abnormal acid expo- and postoperative problems, such as dysphagia requiring
sure, which can be present in 20 per cent of cases.4 dilation, occur twice as often during or following reoper-
Solid-phase gastric-emptying studies are helpful in ations compared with primary procedures.8
patients who complain of bloating. These studies do not
document vagal injury at the previous operation but they
do raise the suspicion of this. Many surgeons will add a OPERATIVE STRATEGY
pyloroplasty to the reoperation if the study is abnormal;
however, dumping syndrome may occur in up 30 per cent
The patient is placed in the low lithotomy position. The
of patients.5 If the stomach is atonic, then the patient
surgeon stands between the patient’s legs. The assistant
may not be amenable to reoperative anti-reflux surgery
stands on the patient’s left. A static liver retractor (endo-
but instead may require gastrectomy.
scope holder) is attached to the right side of the operat-
Objective testing helps to confirm the clinical suspicion
ing table. A single monitor may be placed at the right
of failure of the previous operation and can influence the
shoulder of the patient. Electrocautery (thin avascular
strategy of the planned corrective procedure. The objec-
tissues) and ultrasonic (thick vascular tissues) dissection
tive findings should support the clinical suspicion. A
capabilities are required.
patient with symptoms of reflux (heart burn and regur-
Five laparoscopic ports are used. The equipment
gitation) will have different objective findings compared
available dictates the size of the ports. If a high-quality,
with a patient with dysphagia and postprandial chest pain.
5-mm laparoscope, a flexible 5-mm liver retractor, and a
5-mm ultrasonic dissector are available, then all five
PATIENT SELECTION ports may be 5 mm in size; otherwise, several of the ports
may need to be larger.
Although each case is unique, the operative strategy is
Laparoscopic revision of anti-reflux procedures is becom-
based on complete restoration of the anatomy prior to the
ing more common, regardless of whether the original pro-
repair of the hernia. The procedure can be divided into
cedure was performed via laparotomy or laparoscopy.1–3,6,7
three steps: initial dissection, unwrapping, and rewrapping.
The surgeon should be comfortable with the laparoscopic
approach in its use for the initial anti-reflux procedures
before proceeding with ‘redo’ operations. Initial dissection
The selection process in a case with an obvious
anatomical defect is straightforward. With such distorted The first objective is to free the viscera from the hiatus.
anatomy, the patient and surgeon can be confident that Often, this requires mobilization of the inferior aspect of
the repair of the defect will improve symptoms. Less the left lobe of the liver from the fundoplication. The two
subtle defects, such as a small posterior herniation, are most common planes encountered during this dissection
unlikely to be the cause of significant symptoms, and are the subcapsular plane of the liver and the subserosal
reoperation is indicated rarely in these cases. plane of the stomach. Neither is desired, and both are
In patients with recurrent symptoms of reflux and a characterized by the presence of unexpected bleeding.
fundoplication that is too loose, the decision to reoperate Anterior traction of the liver edge and counter traction
is difficult. Symptom control after reoperative therapy is on the stomach facilitate the dissection. Infusing saline
significantly less than after the initial operation.7 Further- irrigant under modest pressure (hydrodissection) can
more, reoperative anti-reflux surgery normalizes acid help to develop the proper plane.
exposure in 74 per cent of patients compared with 83 per After the liver is freed, the next move is to separate the
cent in primary operations.4 The medical management crura from the fundus/esophagus complex. The dissection
of such a patient is often successful and obviates the need can be initiated at any point in which the anatomy is dis-
for operative intervention. cernable. In Figure 30.7, the intraoperative view demon-
Patients with obstructive symptoms caused by a tight strates a large para-esophageal hernia with relatively few
fundoplication (not malposition) may benefit from adhesions to the liver. The left crus and omental attach-
endoscopic dilation. Early dilation (two to six weeks ments to the greater curve could be discerned easily. The
postoperatively) can reduce the need for operative inter- adhesions between the omentum and proximal greater
vention when symptoms are severe. Up to four per cent curve are divided with electrocautery. Since the short
of all patients undergoing anti-reflux procedures will gastric vessels were divided at the original operation, this
require endoscopic dilation, but only one per cent will plane was avascular (Figure 30.8). The para-esophageal
need operative revision for dysphagia alone.7 hernia allowed a clear view of the anterior aspect of the
Reoperation for recurrent gastroesophageal reflux disease 231
Figure 30.7 Initial intraoperative view of the esophageal Figure 30.9 Dissection of right crus. The lesser omentum has
hiatus, demonstrating the large para-esophageal hernia. The already been divided (caudate lobe is visible) and adhesions of
liver is out of view to the left, the spleen to the right. Note the subhiatal fat and greater omentum are being freed.
adhesions to the pericardium at the top of the photograph,
which correspond with the endoscopy images in Figure 30.1.
mobilization of the esophagus allows identification of
the anterior and posterior vagii. If the esophagus is
difficult to identify due to adhesions, then a lighted bougie
may be passed into the lumen via the mouth. With the
anterior esophageal wall exposed in the mediastinum
and the anterior surface of the stomach identified, the
surgeon can visualize the relative depth of the dissection
required to undo the fundoplication.
Figure 30.13 The esophagus has been mobilized from the Figure 30.14 Closure of the hiatal defect. The first suture has
mediastinum until 3 cm of intra-abdominal esophagus rests in been placed and is about to be cut.
the abdomen without tension.
Four types of hiatal hernias exist. With type I or sliding were returned. There were no results that dealt specifically
hiatal hernias, the most common type, the gastroesopha- with type I hiatal hernias. There were multiple articles on
geal junction is displaced cranially into the chest. Type II type II, type III, and giant hiatal hernias.
and type III hiatal hernias are para-esophageal hernias. In
type II hiatal hernias, the gastroesophageal junction is in its
native position, inferior to the diaphragm. The fundus, and
sometimes the body and antrum of the stomach, have rolled
cranially into the mediastinum. Type III hiatal hernias are Intraoperative complications reported during laparoscopic
mixed para-esophageal hernias. In these hiatal hernias, 360-degree fundoplication include esophageal perfora-
both the gastroesophageal junction and a large portion of tion,1–3 gastric perforation,1,2 pneumothorax,2 bleeding,2
the stomach have rolled into the mediastinum. Type IV and conversion to open procedure.2–4 These complications
hiatal hernias include the spleen, the colon, or some other should not be affected by small hiatal hernias. The intra-
intra-abdominal organ within the hernia. operative complications of type I hiatal hernia repair are
When discussing outcomes for laparoscopic repair of outlined in Table 31.1. Postoperative complications include
hiatal hernias, the results should focus on two groups of atelectasis, gastric perforations,4 dysphagia,3,4 substernal
patients. The first group comprises patients with type I chest pain,3,4 heartburn,3,4 regurgitation,3,4 early satiety,3
hiatal hernias, which account for 90–95 per cent of all death,2 and recurrent hiatal hernia.4 The likelihood of a
hiatal hernias. These hernias are generally asymptomatic recurrent hiatal hernia following a laparoscopic 360-degree
and do not require repair. They are repaired primarily as fundoplication with a small hiatal hernia or no hiatal
part of a fundoplication to treat gastroesophageal reflux hernia is affected by whether the crura are closed. Crural
disease. Most surgeons mobilize the distal esophagus in closure has been documented to reduce the occurrence of
order to achieve intra-abdominal esophageal length. This recurrent hiatal hernias.4–7 Larger hiatal hernias are also
process destroys the phreno-esophageal ligament. At this
point, the anatomy resembles the anatomy in the repair of Table 31.1 Type I laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair
a small type I hiatal hernia. Therefore, the outcomes for
Intraoperative complications Percentage
the repair of these hernias are essentially the same as out-
comes for laparoscopic 360-degree fundoplication. The Esophageal perforation 0.2–3.03,1
second group comprises patients with types II, III or IV Gastric perforations 1.61
hiatal hernias. These tend to be larger hernias occurring Pneumothorax ?2
in an older patient population and have different out- Bleeding ?,2 1.030
comes. In an online PubMed literature search using the Superscript figures indicate references.
keywords ‘hiatal hernia’ and ‘laparoscopic’, 220 citations ? ⫽ reported without a percentage.
236 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
Table 31.2 Type I laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair Table 31.3 Types II, III and IV laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair
Table 31.4 Types II, III and IV laparoscopic hiatal achieve a tension-free repair. Recently, there have been
hernia repair increasing reports in the literature of the use of mesh in an
attempt to decrease the recurrence rate following repairs of
Postoperative complication Percentage
hiatal hernias.16,20–28 The mesh may be placed centrally as a
Esophageal perforation 1.333 bolster to an already closed hiatus.16,23,26,28 The mesh may
Gastric perforations 0.8,32 1.98 be used to span the hiatal defect to create a truly tension-
Esophageal stricture 2.633 free repair.16,20,29 The mesh may also be used to close a
Gastric obstruction 1.210 relaxing incision placed laterally in the tendinous
Acute gastric dilation 1.3,33 8.337 diaphragm.
Delayed gastric emptying 1.813 Overall, the surgical literature supports the belief that
Prolonged gastric atony 2.6,33 16.737
the laparoscopic repair of para-esophageal and hiatal
Mesh erosion into stomach 2.321
hernias is technically feasible, safe and effective. Given
Prolonged ileus 1.0,9 2.715
the age and condition of the patients, the morbidity and
Small-bowel obstruction 1.536
Dysphagia 3.6,13 20.0,14 6.0,8 21.0,10
mortality rates are acceptably low. However, the recur-
8.3,11 1.612 rence rates in some series have been unacceptably high.18
GERD symptoms 1.8,13 20.0,14 10.0,8 41.7,11 Recent reports utilizing mesh to reduce the recurrence
3.712 rate are promising and may help reduce the relatively
Early satiety 19.08 high recurrence rate that has been the Achilles heel of
Gas bloat 1.112 laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair.
Hyperflatulence 29.08
Mediastinal seroma 10.014
Transient cervical emphysema 37.5,39 48.834 REFERENCES
Breast mastalgia 8.337
Pneumothorax 3.210 1 Schauer PR, Meyers WC, Eubanks S, et al. Mechanisms of gastric
Atelectasis 10.0,24 8.3,37 10.0,38 and esophageal perforations during laparoscopic Nissen
3.718 fundoplication. Ann Surg 1996; 223: 43–52.
Pneumonia 3.5,10 8.311 2 Bowrey DJ, Peters JH. Laparoscopic esophageal surgery. Surg Clin
ARDS 1.09 North Am 2000; 80: 1213–42, vii.
3 Granderath FA, Kamolz T, Schweiger UM, et al. Long-term results
Pleural effusion 0.8,32 4.09
of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 753–7.
Respiratory failure 1.813 4 Soper NJ, Dunnegan D. Anatomic fundoplication failure after
Deep vein thrombosis 2.0,9 1.210 laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Ann Surg 1999; 229: 669–76, 676–7.
Pulmonary embolus 1.8,13 1.9,8 3.0,9 1.210 5 Oddsdottir M. Paraesophageal hernia. Surg Clin North Am 2000;
Myocardial infarction 1.6,32 1.9,8 1.09 80: 1243–52.
Atrial fibrillation 6.0,9 16.711 6 Watson DI, Jamieson GG, Devitt PG, et al. A prospective randomized
Cardiac arrhythmia 1.813 trial of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with anterior vs
posterior hiatal repair. Arch Surg 2001; 136: 745–51.
Congestive heart failure 1.3,33 1.836
7 Seelig MH, Hinder RA, Klingler PJ, et al. Paraesophageal herniation
Cardiac tamponade 3.718 as a complication following laparoscopic antireflux surgery.
Stroke 1.09 J Gastrointest Surg 1999; 3: 95–9.
Hematoma 1.09 8 Swanstrom LL, Jobe BA, Kinzie LR, Horvath KD. Esophageal motility
Hemothorax 3.718 and outcomes following laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair
Bleeding 8.311 and fundoplication. Am J Surg 1999; 177: 359–63.
Retroperitoneal bleeding 3.718 9 Luketich JD, Raja S, Fernando HC, et al. Laparoscopic repair of giant
paraesophageal hernia: 100 consecutive cases. Ann Surg 2000;
Need for transfusion 0.512
232: 608–18.
Urinary retention 1.8,36 2.923 10 Watson DI, Davies N, Devitt PG, Jamieson GG. Importance of
Transient renal failure 1.09 dissection of the hernial sac in laparoscopic surgery for large
Urinary-tract infection 7.4,18 2.321 hiatal hernias. Arch Surg 1999; 134: 1069–73.
Mediastinal abscess 0.8,32 0.512 11 Behrns KE, Schlinkert RT. Laparoscopic management of
Intra-abdominal abscess 2.0,9 0.512 paraesophageal hernia: early results. J Laparoendosc Surg 1996;
Wound infection 4.621 6: 311–17.
12 Livingston CD, Jones HL, Jr, Askew RE, Jr, et al. Laparoscopic hiatal
Clostridium difficile colitis 1.09
hernia repair in patients with poor esophageal motility or
Fever of unknown origin 1.333 paraesophageal herniation. Am Surg 2001; 67: 987–91.
Incisional hernia 2.715 13 Gantert WA, Patti MG, Arcerito M, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
Postoperative herniation 3.6,13 10.0,14 8.0,8 1.0,9 paraesophageal hiatal hernias. J Am Coll Surg 1998; 186: 428–32,
3.5,10 1.112 432–3.
Death 2.4,32 0.512 14 Oddsdottir M, Franco AL, Laycock WS, et al. Laparoscopic repair of
paraesophageal hernia. New access, old technique. Surg Endosc
Superscript figures indicate references. 1995; 9: 164–8.
238 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
15 Wu JS, Dunnegan DL, Soper NJ. Clinical and radiologic assessment 24 Athanasakis H, Tzortzinis A, Tsiaoussis J, et al. Laparoscopic repair
of laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair. Surg Endosc 1999; of paraesophageal hernia. Endoscopy 2001; 33: 590–4.
13: 497–502. 25 Casaccia M, Torelli P, Panaro F, et al. Laparoscopic physiological
16 Hui TT, Thoman DS, Spyrou M, et al. Mesh crural repair of large hiatoplasty for hiatal hernia: new composite ‘A’-shaped mesh. Surg
paraesophageal hiatal hernias. Am Surg 2001; 67: 1170–74. Endosc 2002; 27: 27.
17 Velanovich V, Karmy-Jones R. Surgical management of 26 Frantzides CT, Carlson MA. Prosthetic reinforcement of posterior
paraesophageal hernias: outcome and quality of life analysis. Dig cruroplasty during laparoscopic hiatal herniorrhaphy. Surg Endosc
Surg 2001; 18: 432–7. 1997; 11: 769–71.
18 Hashemi M, Peters JH, DeMeester TR, et al. Laparoscopic repair of 27 Frantzides CT, Madan AK, Carlson MA, Stavropoulos GP.
large type III hiatal hernia: objective followup reveals high A prospective, randomized trial of laparoscopic
recurrence rate. J Am Coll Surg 2000; 190: 553–60, 560–61. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) patch repair vs simple cruroplasty
19 Edye M, Salky B, Posner A, Fierer A. Sac excision is essential to for large hiatal hernia. Arch Surg 2002; 137: 649–52.
adequate laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia. Surg Endosc 28 Granderath FA, Schweiger UM, Kamolz T, et al. Laparoscopic
1998; 12: 1259–63. antireflux surgery with routine mesh-hiatoplasty in the treatment of
20 Basso N, Rosato P, De Leo A, et al. ‘Tension-free’ hiatoplasty, gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Gastrointest Surg 2002; 6: 347–53.
gastrophrenic anchorage, and 360 degrees fundoplication in the 29 Paul MG, DeRosa RP, Petrucci PE, et al. Laparoscopic tension-free
laparoscopic treatment of paraesophageal hernia. Surg Laparosc repair of large paraesophageal hernias. Surg Endosc 1997; 11: 303–7.
Endosc Percutan Tech 1999; 9: 257–62. 30 Zornig C, Strate U, Fibbe C, et al. Nissen vs Toupet laparoscopic
21 Carlson MA, Richards CG, Frantzides CT. Laparoscopic prosthetic fundoplication. Surg Endosc 2002; 16: 758–66.
reinforcement of hiatal herniorrhaphy. Dig Surg 1999; 16: 407–10. 31 Hunter JG, Smith CD, Branum GD, et al. Laparoscopic fundoplication
22 Huntington TR. Laparoscopic mesh repair of the esophageal hiatus. failures: patterns of failure and response to fundoplication revision.
J Am Coll Surg 1997; 184: 399–400. Ann Surg 1999; 230: 595–604, 595–604.
23 Frantzides CT, Richards CG, Carlson MA. Laparoscopic repair of large 32 Mattar SG, Bowers SP, Galloway KD, et al. Long-term outcome of
hiatal hernia with polytetrafluoroethylene. Surg Endosc 1999; 13: laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia. Surg Endosc 2002;
906–8. 16: 745–9.
Complications and their management
Numerous reports detail the benefits of laparoscopic fun- and Pellegrini.8 The left crus is initially identified, and the
doplication, including decreased pain, quicker return to short gastric vessels are divided using an ultrasonic shears.
normal daily activities, and shorter hospital stay. However, A no-touch technique for esophageal dissection is used to
there are also complications related to the treatment of minimize traumatic manipulation of the esophagus. This
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Mortality reports requires the crura to be separated from the esophagus, and
range from zero to two per cent for initial repairs, increas- not vice versa. After visualizing the right crura, circumfer-
ing to five per cent for second operations.1,2 The morbid- ential dissection of the esophagus proceeds cephalad while
ity, and likewise failure, of laparoscopic fundoplication is using a Penrose drain to manipulate the esophagus.
dependent on its definition and length of follow-up. Most The posterior crura should be re-approximated with inter-
large, single-institution studies report morbidities of two rupted, nonabsorbable sutures to create a snug fit over a
to 26 per cent, with specific identification of failed surgery 56 French Maloney bougie placed within the esophagus.
occurring in four to eight per cent.2–4 Table 32.1 displays A short, floppy, 2-cm fundoplication with three sutures is
the reported causes and frequencies of these failures (see created and secured to the esophagus but not to the crura
also Chapter 29). This chapter discusses the more com- or diaphragm.
mon intraoperative and postoperative complications asso-
ciated with laparoscopic fundoplication, their prevention, Table 32.1 Commonly reported complications and various case
the appropriate work-up for their diagnosis, and the reports following laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
appropriate course of action. In addition, any reoperation,
whether laparoscopic or open, is known to have a higher Incidence
incidence of complications as well as a higher risk of Complication (%) Case report
recurrence.5–7 It should be stressed that conversion from a Failed Nissen 4–8 Pneumomediastinum
laparoscopic to open surgery for patient safety should not Para-esophageal 0–7 Pulmonary embolism
be considered a complication if performed at the appro- hernia
priate time. Reoperation 2–6 Mesenteric thrombosis
Dysphagia 1–7 Hiatal stenosis
Heartburn/reflux 1–5 Bowel perforation
INTRAOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS Pneumothorax ⬍2 Delayed gastric
Gastric perforation 1.5 Cardiac
The ability to adequately visualize and identify the anatomy laceration/tamponade
required for performance of a Nissen fundoplication Delayed gastric 1 Injury to major vessels
cannot be overemphasized. These concepts are discussed emptying
elsewhere and will not be re-addressed here. It is prudent, Splenectomy ⬍1 Late diaphragmatic
however, to state that our typical fundoplication is per-
Hemorrhage 0.5 Necrotizing fasciitis
formed using a left crus approach, as described by Horgan
240 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
Possible intraoperative complications are discussed filled with saline. The esophagus should then be insuf-
below. This is followed by a discussion on ways to avoid flated with air while observing for bubbles as evidence of
encountering these problems initially and what to do if a perforation.
they are encountered.
Bougie perforation
Posterior esophageal dissection
Perforation with a bougie or dilator is a feared complica-
Factors causing increasingly difficult dissection of the
tion. The best safeguard is to ensure active communication
esophagus include prior foregut surgery, extensive history
between the person passing the bougie and the surgeon
of Barrett’s esophagus causing peri-esophagitis, and prior
observing the process. This alone will not guarantee elim-
dilation treatments (in which microperforations may
ination of the risk of perforation, but it will diminish the
have occurred). Meticulous dissection and use of the
risk when both parties involved actively assist each other.
Penrose drain will help to minimize this complication. In
If any resistance is encountered with the passage of the
addition, the use of an angled scope (30 or 45 degrees)
bougie, then force should not be applied. Either a more
will assist in visualizing the posterior aspect of the esoph-
experienced person should attempt to pass the bougie
agus. The ultrasonic shears are well suited for the lysis
and/or re-examination within the abdominal cavity via
of adhesions, whereas monopolar cautery devices can
the laparoscope should occur. First, verify that the appro-
allow for lateral thermal injury and potential delayed
priate bougie size is being used (48–60 French are most
esophageal perforation. In addition, obese patients often
common, depending on the patient’s body habitus and
have significant adipose tissue along the greater curve of
any history of prior dilations or strictures), and ensure
the stomach. In these instances, it is best to place the
adequate lubrication of the bougie with a water-soluble
patient in a steep reverse Trendelenburg position and
jelly. The Penrose drain, typically used to manipulate the
place a 4 ⫻ 4 gauze within the abdomen, just medial to
gastroesophageal junction, should not be manipulated in
the superior tip of the spleen (Figure 32.1). This will assist
any way while advancing the bougie. It is critical that no
in lateral retraction of the adipose for improved exposure
tension is placed on the gastroesophageal junction to
of the left lateral and posterior aspects of the esophagus.
ensure a straight and unobstructed path from the esopha-
Should perforation of the esophagus be suspected, then
gus into the stomach. Using a blunt grasper, palpation
the anesthesiologist should be asked to place an orogastric
along the greater curve of the stomach and anterior gastric
or nasogastric tube and instill 60 cc of methylene blue to
wall will inform the surgeon when the bougie has entered
help localize any injury. If the surgeon cannot visualize
the stomach. The surgeon also needs to be attentive to an
the posterior esophagus adequately, a clean 4 ⫻ 4 gauze
overly aggressive and easy passage of the bougie to ensure
may be placed behind the esophagus before the instilla-
it does not pass too far distally, creating a perforation
tion of the methylene blue. The gauze is then withdrawn
along the greater curve or near the pylorus. Infrequently,
and inspected for any evidence suggestive of a leak. If
the use of the bougie is impossible because it cannot be
methylene blue is not available, then the patient could be
passed easily. It is safer to avoid the use of force for
placed in a level position while the upper abdomen is
advancement than to do so and produce a perforation.
With experience, the looseness of the wrap and the crural
closure will rarely result in postoperative dysphagia.
If perforation of either the intrathoracic or intra-
abdominal esophageal occurs, it is critical to recognize
and treat the injury early. If recognized immediately, the
injury may usually be treated with primary closure using
interrupted sutures with placement of the fundoplica-
tion over the injury to reinforce the repair. It is also con-
sidered safe to place a closed suction drain at the level of
the injury for postoperative monitoring. A drain is not
mandatory but is dependent on the level of comfort of
the surgeon with repairing this type of injury. The drain
is removed easily once the patient has shown no signifi-
cant morbidity after adequate time to heal and there is
no evidence of leakage. We recommend removing the
drain at least five days after surgery after a normal esoph-
Figure 32.1 Placing a gauze sponge at the superior splenic agogram is performed. The patient can be fed after this
pole assists in exposure. point.
Complications and their management 241
Pneumothorax Hemorrhage
The incidence of pneumothorax occurring during The development of bleeding is always an unnerving
esophageal dissection is almost 2 per cent.4 Contributing experience, especially as it is visually magnified when
factors are peri-esophagitis from severe Barrett’s disease, performing laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic proce-
prior endoscopic therapy, large hiatal hernias, and prior dures have the additional complexity of requiring the
operations upon this area (i.e. prior fundoplication). judgment necessary to know when to convert to an open
There is little to prevent this complication other than operation to obtain control. This question has as many
careful, meticulous dissection. Pneumothorax may pres- answers as there are operative cases. In general, there are
ent in two ways: the first, and most common, is visualiza- three specific situations in which excessive hemorrhage
tion of an opening in the pleura by the operating team. occurs during the performance of laparoscopic fundo-
Usually, the patient has no immediate respiratory com- plications: retraction of the left liver lobe, division of
promise, such as increasing end tidal carbon dioxide or the short gastric vessels, and dissection of the superior
increased peak airway pressures. Should a rent in the gastrosplenic ligament.
pleura occur, then it might be closed using a stitch or The position and type of the liver retractor vary with
clip, in order to avert ventilatory compromise. The anes- the surgeon performing the operation. Preventing injury
thesiologist may also ventilate the patient manually with is preferable to treating injury, so adequacy and clarity of
several large tidal volume breaths to expel carbon dioxide optics are mandatory. This allows identification of any
trapped in the pleural space. The operation may then adhesions from prior surgeries or inflammation, and
continue while using a lower insufflation pressure then allows the selective division of them with cautery or
(8–10 mmHg). Postoperatively, a chest X-ray can be an ultrasonic scalpel. If a laceration or puncture occurs,
obtained. The majority of patients will not require a tho- several options are available. First, place a 4 ⫻ 4 gauze
racostomy tube, as the carbon dioxide is readily absorbed into the abdomen and apply direct pressure to the injury.
and a repeat chest X-ray will document resolution of If the bleeding is controlled, the gauze may be held in
any pneumothorax. Should the chest radiograph in the place under the liver retractor while the surgery pro-
postanesthesia unit reveal a large pneumothorax (⭓50 ceeds. At the end of surgery, careful removal of the gauze
per cent), then a small chest tube may be necessary, and visualization of the injury will confirm whether
especially if the patient appears symptomatic. the bleeding has stopped. This will be sufficient for the
The second presentation of pneumothorax may be majority of liver injuries. It is also recommended that
more dramatic. In this scenario, the anesthesiologist the intra-abdominal pressure is decreased at the time of
will suddenly comment on increasing end-tidal carbon this inspection to ensure that the pneumoperitoneum is
dioxide, increased peak airway pressures, or decreasing not creating a tamponade effect. If bleeding continues,
hemodynamics. If the presentation is limited to end- then one should try the placement of one of the many
tidal carbon dioxide, then the surgeon should decrease available hemostatic agents, either liquid or solid, at the
the intra-abdominal pneumoperitoneum pressure after site. Other therapies include electrocautery and the
safely removing the instruments from the abdomen. The argon-beam coagulator. Only rarely have we found cases
anesthesiologist should then ventilate the patient manu- of hepatic bleeding that could not be controlled with one
ally to clear any intrapleural collection of trapped carbon or more of these modalities.
dioxide. If the patient is experiencing elevated peak air- Division of the short gastric vessels is another step
way pressures or decreased hemodynamics, then the same that potentially can result in a hemorrhagic complica-
initial approach of lowering the intra-abdominal pressure tion. The majority of surgeons performing fundoplica-
and manual ventilation of the patient should occur. If tions today use ultrasonic scalpels. Other possible
peak airway pressures do not decrease or if the hemo- techniques include the use of clips followed by their divi-
dynamics continue to deteriorate, then tension pneumo- sion or bipolar coagulation. Regardless of the instrument
thorax is likely. The decision to place a thoracostomy employed, the standard warning of careful visualization
tube should not be delayed. If a chest tube is not available and maintaining patience is applicable. The surgeon
immediately, then a 14-gauge angiocatheter needle should elevate the greater curve of the stomach while the
should be placed in the second intercostal space at assistant elevates the omentum. The initial opening of the
the midclavicular line. To determine the appropriate side, greater sac is usually uncomplicated. The greatest occur-
one should auscultate the chest or attempt to visualize the rence of bleeding is seen when approaching the superior
pleural tear. However, the placement of an angiocatheter aspect of the greater curve. In this area are the most super-
needle is only a temporary measure. This should be fol- ior and posterior short gastric vessels. At this level, the
lowed by the introduction of a 28–32 French chest tube assistant should use a blunt grasper to push the greater
connected to a closed suction drain. A postoperative chest curve of the stomach medially and inferiorly. This will
X-ray should confirm the proper location. allow the surgeon to gently retract the redundant portion
242 Laparoscopic treatment of diaphragmatic herniation
can be repaired primarily with standard crural closure, and verbal reassurance, as these complaints drop to five
using interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. If the hernia is per cent after three months.12 The surgeon must ques-
large or if the diaphragm is thinned, then closure of the tion patients about their diet and activity in the immedi-
hernia primarily without undue tension may not be pos- ate postoperative period to differentiate between patients
sible. Reinforcement of the repair using pledgets made of who require radiographic studies and patients who
expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE; W. L. Gore & require only reassurance. Instructing patients preopera-
Associates) can be attempted. These should be cut into tively about necessary diet restrictions and activity limi-
small rectangular shapes and placed perpendicular to the tations will avert many from overzealous eating or
fibers of the crura to buttress the repair. If the closure exercising. During questioning, often the surgeon can
remains under tension or if the surgeon is still unable identify whether the patient has eaten certain foods
to close the hiatus completely, then a prosthetic patch (breads, meats, raw vegetables) at too early a time and
should be placed. Previously, polypropylene mesh was may be experiencing obstruction, or whether they have
used, but this led to migration and erosion into the overexerted themselves (weight-lifting, heavy manual
stomach and/or esophagus. Currently, most surgeons labor, etc.) too early (before two months). For patients
prefer the use of ePTFE mesh because of the markedly who complain of these symptoms, the easiest and most
decreased risk of erosion. We use the technique described prudent study to obtain is a barium swallow. This reveals
by Huntington.11 A relaxing incision is made to the right the anatomy responsible for the majority of early com-
of the right crus to allow a tension-free primary closure plications. If the barium swallow study is equivocal, then
of the hiatus. This allows the crura to be in direct contact it is reasonable to undertake an EGD examination if the
with the esophagus rather than the mesh. The ePTFE symptoms persist after six to eight weeks. Repeat studies
patch is then placed over the relaxing incision in order to of 24-hour pH monitoring and esophageal manometry
cover the defect, and is secured with either sutures may be pursued if the symptoms of reflux, asthma,
or tacks. It is critical that the placement of these tacks or cough or hoarseness persist after a trial of antisecretory
sutures is not into the esophagus, pericardium, inferior medication. Finally, persistent gastric bloating may
vena cava, or aorta. necessitate gastric emptying studies.
upon them. If the barium study shows no anatomical careful re-approximation of the posterior crura. Careful
defect and the patient feels better with medical therapy, attention to ensure the closure is tension-free is also para-
then one can continue to follow the patient and treat on mount. We generally close the crura, beginning at the
an as-needed basis. most inferior portion, using interrupted 0-Silk sutures
placed 0.5 cm apart. After two or three sutures are placed,
a 56 French Maloney dilator is passed, and the tightness of
Para-esophageal herniation the crura closure is assessed. Closure is then tailored to
ensure that it is snug, with no obvious gaps, but not overly
An occurrence of para-esophageal hernias of up to seven restrictive. If a para-esophageal hernia develops postoper-
per cent was noted when laparoscopic fundoplication was atively, then the wrap should be taken down completely to
initially performed.9,14 Patients present with persistent assist in visualizing any technical complications that may
nausea, vomiting, and intolerance of solids. This may occur have contributed to the early failure of the wrap. In addi-
at any time following surgery, but usually it is early (within tion, this allows better visualization in the repair and re-
one to two weeks) and generally it follows a report of sus- approximation of the crura while assessing the possibility
tained coughing and/or straining associated with heavy that an overlooked shortened esophagus was present at
lifting or Valsalva-type maneuvers. The best initial work- the initial surgery.
up is to obtain a barium swallow. Abnormal anatomy is
revealed in 90 per cent of patients (Figure 32.4). This radio-
graphic finding alone, with a symptomatic patient, is Slipped Nissen
justification enough to return to the operating room for
urgent repair before strangulation of the herniated viscera The term ‘slipped Nissen’ refers to one of several anatom-
occurs. The incidence of para-esophageal hernia has ical complications following laparoscopic fundoplication.
decreased as more surgeons are routinely performing It is most often discovered by a barium swallow study
after complaints of dysphagia, early satiety, or sympto-
matic complaints of recurrent reflux type symptoms.
The barium swallow may display one of the following
anatomic failures (see Figures 32.5–32.8.):
baseline measurement. Some authors advocate perfor- Diagnosis of achalasia is best confirmed with
mance of a pyloroplasty at the time of fundoplication if esophageal manometric studies. The lower esophageal
the patient has evidence of delayed gastric emptying. sphincter should be identifiable and demonstrate a non-
However, most authors do not advocate this, as studies relaxing and hypertensive pressure value. Development
have shown that gastric emptying times generally improve of achalasia after a fundoplication has been reported, but
following fundoplication. In addition, a symptomatic most cases are probably the result of inadequate pre-
patient may be tried on several prokinetic medications operative evaluation. Treatment for achalasia is dilation,
(e.g. metoclopramide, erythromycin) before undertaking botulism toxin injection, or cardiomyotomy. If a surgical
surgery. cure is undertaken, then the fundoplication will need to
Patients who return with complaints of postprandial be taken down completely, cardiomyotomy performed,
weakness, palpitations, diaphoresis, and feelings of anxiety and a partial fundoplication carried out.
may be experiencing postprandial hypoglycemia. This was Radiographic evidence of a wrap that is too tight is
reported in several cases and confirmed with the perfor- best appreciated with a barium marshmallow-swallow
mance of an oral glucose tolerance test.16 Postprandial study. Liquids may pass easily through the wrap, but
hypoglycemia may be associated with a vagal nerve injury, foods with thicker consistency may become lodged above
thus causing early dumping and a hyperinsulin response the wrap. The best therapy is an initial attempt at dila-
to the glucose load. This probably represents a neuro- tion using either pneumatic dilatation or bougies of an
praxic injury because it resolves with time and does not increasing diameter. Most frequently, this will be success-
require treatment. ful if the complaint of dysphagia presents within the first
three months. If the complaint of dysphagia arises more
than three months after surgery, then dilation may be
Ileus attempted but it is less likely to be successful.
Finally, the hiatal opening may be the source of dyspha-
Ileus following laparoscopic fundoplication is usually
gia following fundoplication. If the crura are approximated
mild due to the short time of the operation and minimal
too tightly, then complaints will be almost immediate fol-
manipulation of the bowel. Most surgeons will not place
lowing surgery. Several authors have reported scarring at
a nasogastric tube postoperatively as it is rarely required
the hiatal opening, causing a stricture seen on postopera-
and most patients start a liquid diet the same night as
tive barium swallow.17 It is suspected that the use of
surgery. If a patient does experience intolerance of
diathermy near the diaphragm is the source of injury.
liquids, then placement of a nasogastric tube and decom-
Treatment involves surgical incision of the scarred
pression of the stomach is required. In addition, a low
diaphragm to release the tension at this site.
threshold for obtaining a barium swallow with small
Complications arising more than 30 days after suc-
bowel follow-through can rule out any anatomical
cessful fundoplication may originate from anatomical
reason for ileus. Any treatment will be dictated by the
failure or from functional problems. Anatomical failures
clinical condition and results of testing of the patient.
include essentially the same difficulties listed above, in
the ‘early’ categories. Regardless of the timing of presen-
Dysphagia tation, a barium swallow should be the first test obtained,
followed by esophageal manometry, 24-hour pH studies,
Immediate postoperative dysphagia is attributed to post- or EGD, depending upon the symptoms of the patient.
operative edema from the surgical dissection. Late dys- The management of these problems is similar to those
phagia may be from scarring at the hiatus, missed or new presented above.
onset of achalasia, increasing dysmotility, worsening
Barrett’s esophagus, esophagitis, or new development of
esophageal carcinoma. At the time of diagnostic work- Recurrent reflux
up, barium swallow should be the first test performed.
Anatomical deviations from standard surgical results will Patients who return with complaints of persistent or
usually be identified. Occasionally, retained food is noted unrelenting reflux warrant a thorough work-up to
on the study. Whether the dysphagia occurs early or late ensure adequate anatomical integrity and functional
will play a role in the determination of how quickly a success of the fundoplication. Again, start with a barium
patient should be taken back to the operating room for swallow study to assess anatomical changes and any evi-
reconstruction. If it occurs early on, then it is most likely dence of herniation of the stomach or the wrap itself. If
that a technical error has occurred. If it occurs late, then this appears normal, then a 24-hour pH study may show
a trial with antisecretory medications may be warranted, objective data relative to a functional failure of the fun-
as the success of repeat fundoplications decreases with doplication. Finally, EGD may show persistent irritation
each attempt at surgical repair.12,13 of the esophagus from refluxate as well as confirm proper
Complications and their management 247
placement of the wrap. If these studies all appear normal 2 Evans S, Jackson P, Czerniach D, et al. A stepwise approach to
and show no definitive pathology, then it is reasonable to laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. Arch Surg 2000; 135: 723–8.
3 Soper N, Dunnegan D. Anatomic fundoplication failure after
give the patient a trial of antisecretory medications. If laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Ann Surg 1999; 229: 669–77.
symptomatic relief is obtained from these, then it is best 4 Watson D, de Beaux A. Complications of laparoscopic antireflux
to medicate the patient. Little is to be gained by attempt- surgery. Surg Endosc 2001; 15: 344–52.
ing further surgery if the initial fundoplication is seen 5 Pohl D, Eubanks T, Omelanczuk P, Pellegrini C. Management and
to be anatomically correct and providing a mechanical outcome of complications after laparoscopic antireflux operations.
Arch Surg 2001; 136: 399–404.
barrier towards reflux. 6 Hunter J, Smith D, Branum G, et al. Laparoscopic fundoplication
failures. Patterns of failure and response to fundoplication
revision. Ann Surg 1999; 230: 595–606.
CONCLUSION 7 Horgan S, Pohl D, Bogetti D, et al. Failed antireflux surgery.
What have we learned from reoperations? Arch Surg 1999;
134: 809–17.
Laparoscopic fundoplication affords a good to excellent 8 Horgan S, Pellegrini, C. Surgical treatment of gastroesophageal
result in more than 90 per cent of patients with refractory reflux disease. Surg Clin North Am 1997; 77: 1063–82.
9 Carlson M, Frantzides C. Complications and results of primary
and chronic GERD. There is a 1.3 per cent chance of com- minimally invasive antireflux procedures: a review of 10735
plications.1,9 However, the majority of complications are reported cases. J Am Coll Surg 2001; 193: 428–39.
minor and can be limited in occurrence if careful attention 10 Collet D, Cadiere G. Conversions and complications of laparoscopic
to preoperative symptoms, diagnostic work-up, and app- treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Am J Surg 1995;
ropriate intraoperative techniques are followed. The use 169: 622–6.
11 Huntington T. Laparoscopic mesh repair of the esophageal hiatus.
of careful laparoscopic technique will help minimize J Am Coll Surg 1997; 184: 399–400.
intraoperative complications. Postoperative complications 12 Perdikis G, Hinder R, Wetscher G. Nissen fundoplication
should always be studied with X-ray, endoscopy, 24-hour for gastroesophageal reflux disease: laparoscopic Nissen
pH study, and manometry if an early solution and explana- fundoplication – technique and results. Dis Esophagus 1996; 9:
tion cannot be found. As more surgeons acquire advanced 272–7.
13 Hinder R, Klinger P, Perdikis G, Smith, S. Management of the failed
laparoscopic techniques, the general surgeon’s scope of antireflux operation. Surg Clin North Am 1997; 77: 1083–98.
advanced laparoscopic procedures will also continue to 14 Watson D, Jamieson G, Devitt P, et al. Paraoesophageal hiatus
broaden. Fundamentals, however, will not change; there- hernia: an important complication of laparoscopic Nissen
fore, solid, practical judgment should always be used with fundoplication. Br J Surg 1995; 82: 521–3.
the patient’s safety and outcome at the forefront of the 15 Hunter R, Metz D, Morris J, Rothstein R. Gastroparesis: a potential
pitfall of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. Am J Gastroenterol
surgeon’s considerations. 1996; 91: 2617–18.
16 Zaloga G, Chernow B. Postprandial hypoglycemia after Nissen
fundoplication for reflux esophagitis. Gastroenterology 1983;
REFERENCES 84: 840–2.
17 Watson D, Jamieson G, Mitchell P, et al. Stenosis of the esophageal
hiatus following laparoscopic fundoplication. Arch Surg 1995; 130:
1 Rantanen T, Salo J, Sipponen J. Fatal and life-threatening 1014–16.
complications in antireflux surgery: analysis of 5,502 operations.
Br J Surg 1999; 86: 1573–7.
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Laparoscopy in the pediatric
hernia patient
Laparoscopy in pediatric hernia patients has undergone relatively recent advance. While initially used solely for
a rapid, albeit delayed, evolution. While laparoscopic diagnosis, its use has expanded. It is now used routinely
herniorrhaphy was being popularized in adults, the for cholecystectomy, appendectomy and pyloromy-
approach was considered to be cumbersome, unneces- otomy, as well as more complex procedures, including
sary, and even contraindicated in children. The percep- fundoplication, colectomy, and pull-through procedures
tion that a child would outgrow the repair, particularly for Hirschsprung’s disease and high imperforate anus.
one involving mesh, dominated early thoughts about the Initially, herniorrhaphy was not considered an appro-
laparoscopic approach. Other considerations, such as the priate laparoscopic procedure in infants and children.
physiological stress of laparoscopy in infants and children Pediatric surgeons believed that a child would outgrow
and the size and availability of appropriate instruments, herniorrhaphy as it was applied in adults because the
initially precluded pediatric laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. child had not reached its full development and size. Also,
However, once these barriers were overcome in other the physiological impact of the procedure in infants and
pediatric surgical maladies, it was inevitable that hernior- children was unknown and initially overestimated.
rhaphy would be revisited. With steady progress, pediatric
surgeons have applied their endoscopic skills to pediatric
hernia patients, and today many surgeons prefer this LAPAROSCOPIC EXPLORATION OF THE
approach for the repair of inguinal, ventral and diaphrag- CONTRALATERAL GROIN
matic hernias in infants and children.
Routine open exploration of an asymptomatic con-
tralateral groin during surgery for a clinically apparent
PEDIATRIC LAPAROSCOPY unilateral hernia is common practice among pediatric sur-
geons. Supporters of this approach base their view on the
Gans and Berci were among the first to describe reported 29 per cent incidence of the future development
laparoscopy in pediatric patients when they published of a symptomatic hernia on the unexplored side.2 Others
their experience with ‘visualization of the contents of the cite a lower incidence of bilateral hernia and feel that the
peritoneal cavity by means of a small telescope introduced increased cost and risk of damage to cord structures in
through the anterior abdominal wall after establishment males precludes the safe exploration of a clinically asymp-
of pneumoperitoneum’.1 Since then, this approach has tomatic groin.3
been rediscovered. New instruments and techniques have Many alternative methods of detecting a contralateral
been developed, and there is a greater understanding of hernia have been described, including simple pneumo-
the physiological impact of pneumoperitoneum in infants peritoneum and external inspection of the inguinal canal,
and children. herniography, ultrasonography, and the passage of dilators
Laparoscopy in general has experienced a huge across the lower abdomen through the open hernia sac.4–7
growth in its application in pediatric surgery. This is a Lobe and Schropp first introduced laparoscopy to aid in
252 Laparoscopy in the pediatric hernia patient
the recognition of a patent processus vaginalis in the con- that this operation should not be carried out in boys as it
tralateral asymptomatic groin during open unilateral was not possible to exclude the cord structures from the
inguinal herniorrhaphy in 1992.8 In this initial series of 22 endoscopic loop ligature. In 1998, Schier described his
patients, an infra-umbilical 3-mm port was placed and a technique of placing two to three Z-sutures laparoscop-
2-mm, zero-degree telescope was used to visually inspect ically using intracorporeal suturing and knot-tying tech-
the contralateral groin. Fifty per cent of the patients with a niques to close the neck of the hernia sac.15 Again, the
clinically negative groin had an occult hernia, and the procedure was limited to girls to avoid the risk of possi-
technique was 96 per cent accurate in detecting such her- ble damage to the spermatic cord in boys.
nias. Wolf and Hopkins used the same method in 38 boys Montupet and Esposito were the first to report
and noted a 52.6 per cent incidence of bilateral hernia.9 successful laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in boys.16 They
Chu and colleagues were the first to perform both insuf- specifically applied the laparoscopic approach to boys to
flation and laparoscopy through the open hernia sac to avoid the risks of inadvertent removal of a segment of the
visualize the contralateral groin, thus introducing non- vas deferens, as well as the possible risk of testicular dam-
puncture laparoscopy;10 in their series of 74 children, 29 age (atrophy or high position in the scrotum), which can
per cent had a second hernia, and there were no false pos- occur with the traditional open repair. In their series, 45
itives or false negatives. Fuenfer and coworkers described boys underwent laparoscopic repair in which an intra-
an improved technique in 1996 in which a 14-gauge corporeal purse-string suture was placed around the
angiocath was introduced through the open hernia sac for neck of the hernia sac. There were no intraoperative or
intraperitoneal insufflation. A second 14-gauge catheter post-surgical complications, but two patients developed
was inserted through the abdominal wall on the contralat- a recurrent hernia that required a second laparoscopic
eral side of the abdomen, and a 1.2-mm laparoscope was repair. Schier reported his further experience of laparo-
passed through this port for direct, in-line visualization of scopic hernia repair in 2000, concluding that the tech-
the contralateral groin.11 They noted a 21 per cent inci- nique was simple for the experienced laparoscopist, that
dence of bilaterality in 110 children. Another technique cosmesis was superb, and that the procedure was safe in
described in 1996 employed a 5-mm, 30-degree or 70- both sexes.17
degree telescope through the open hernia sac.12 This Other reports have described the utility of laparoscopy
report, which stratified patients by age, noted that patients for direct inguinal hernias and suspected recurrent her-
older than 24 months had only a five per cent incidence of nias.18,19 Schier reported that the laparoscopic approach
bilaterality, whereas patients younger than 24 months had allowed for easier detection of direct hernias as compared
a 42.9 per cent incidence of a contralateral hernia. Thus, with the traditional open approach. Out of 109 patients,
they were able to identify patients who might benefit from five (4.5 per cent) had a direct inguinal hernia. Most of
contralateral surgery as well as those in whom surgery and these hernias were in boys and were on the right side. The
its possible complications could be avoided. Other tech- prevalence of direct hernias was higher in this series as
niques have since been described, including the use of a compared with the traditionally accepted rate (0.2–0.9
30-degree rigid bronchoscope with a working channel per cent) based on two large series of open hernia
through which a catheter can be introduced and used to repairs,20,21 suggesting that direct hernias may go unrec-
probe a suspected patent processus vaginalis, providing ognized during open repair, and that these cases may
even better diagnostic accuracy.13 represent some of the recurrences after prior repair for
indirect inguinal hernia. The conclusion was that laparo-
scopic repair for direct inguinal hernias is more reliable
than open surgery as it is unlikely that an incorrect diag-
LAPAROSCOPIC INGUINAL HERNIORRHAPHY nosis will be made using laparoscopy. Regarding recur-
rent hernias, Perlstein and Du Bois noted that 44 per
As laparoscopy evolved in children, pediatric surgeons cent of children undergoing laparoscopy for recurrent
began to investigate the feasibility of laparoscopic repair inguinal hernias were found to have unsuspected find-
of inguinal hernias. Theoretical advantages included ings, including indirect (missed sacs and true recur-
excellent visual exposure, minimal dissection (and thus rences), direct (unilateral and bilateral), and femoral (all
less trauma to the inguinal canal and spermatic cord), bilateral) defects.19
and an improved cosmetic result as compared with the Innovative techniques have recently been described for
traditional open approach. In 1997, El-Gohary reported use in pediatric laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery. Endo
a series of 28 girls in whom herniorrhaphy was accom- and Ukiyama introduced the endo-needle, a 19-gauge
plished laparoscopically using one or more endoscopic hollow needle with a notched tip and pre-attached suture
loops placed at the base of the inverted hernia sac.14 He designed specifically for laparoscopic extraperitoneal
reported that this was an expeditious, effective, and cos- closure of the patent processus vaginalis.22 They used this
metically superior operation. However, he recommended instrument in 61 girls and reported no complications or
History 253
through the stab incision and the muscle layers to the level
of the peritoneum, or hernia sac. Once the lateral half of
the hernia sac is encircled, the suture-passer pierces the
peritoneum. The ligature is drawn intraperitoneally with
the grasper as the passer is withdrawn (Figure 33.3). The
empty suture-passer is then passed medially around the
hernia sac (again just superficial to the peritoneum), and
the peritoneal cavity is entered at the same point as before.
The ligature is then passed through the eyelet of the
Figure 33.2 Close-up view of the ligature-passer used in instrument using the grasper so that it can be withdrawn
laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. externally. The ligature is tied extracorporeally, completing
an extraperitoneal high ligation of the sac (Figure 33.4).
recurrences. Lee and Liang performed micro-laparoscopic The vas deferens and spermatic vessels are seen easily dur-
high ligation in 450 patients, with good results.23 They ing the ligature placement in males, and it is a relatively
reported no complications of the surgery and a remark- straightforward task to find the tissue plane between
ably low recurrence rate (0.88 per cent). these structures and the hernia sac, ensuring that they
In 2001, we began to use a unique technique using are not included in the ligature. After cutting the excess
miniature laparoscopic equipment in which a curved suture, the knot retracts subcutaneously. Steri-Strips
stainless steel awl is used to pass a ligature circumferen- (3M Healthcare) are all that are required for skin closure.
tially around the neck of the hernia sac. A 1.7-mm needle The technique adheres to the essential principles of
scope is introduced through a 2-mm port in or near the hernia surgery. We reliably identify and ligate the her-
umbilicus, and the abdomen is insufflated with carbon nia sac at the level of the internal ring. Additionally, there
dioxide gas to 12 mmHg (Figure 33.1). We place a second is no disruption of the tissues of the inguinal canal.
2-mm port in the right lateral abdomen. We find this posi- In males, the spermatic vessels and vas deferens are well
tion to be the most useful for traction for both right- and visualized during the circumferential passage of the
left-sided hernias. A 1.7-mm laparoscopic grasper, placed suture, ensuring that they are excluded from the repair.
through this second port, is used to manipulate the peri- The contralateral inguinal canal is also easily inspected
toneum near the hernia defect (right and/or left sides). for the presence of a hernia, which is repaired if present.
The suture-passer (Figure 33.2), introduced through a Our patients have had minimal postoperative discom-
stab incision anterolateral to the internal ring, is used to fort, and all resume normal activities immediately after
place a 2-0 nonabsorbable ligature circumferentially at the surgery. There is no longitudinal skin incision in the
neck of the hernia sac. To accomplish this, the suture- abdominal wall (only three to four stab incisions), so the
passer, with the tie in place through its eyelet, is passed cosmetic result is superior and the risk of infection is less
254 Laparoscopy in the pediatric hernia patient
ANATOMY tissue and has not caused any wound complications in our
A comprehensive review of the anatomy of the inguinal
canal is beyond the scope of this chapter. Chapter 6
describes this anatomy, which does not differ significantly
from the adult patient. However, certain aspects of the
anatomy of the abdominal wall should be considered in Physiological factors to consider during pediatric laparo-
the context of laparoscopy. The layers of the abdominal scopic hernia surgery are essentially identical to those for
wall must be traversed during port placement. The initial any other intra-abdominal laparoscopic procedures per-
port that we place is the infra-umbilical port through formed in children. The cardiovascular and respiratory
which the 1.7-mm telescope is placed. We choose to place effects of pneumoperitoneum are the issues that most
this in an infra-umbilical position to reduce the risk of often raise interest for the surgeon and anesthesiologist
infection. Ideally, the port traverses the midline. The fascia alike. The extremes of patient positioning, postoperative
of the external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal pain management, and postoperative nausea and vomit-
oblique, and transversus abdominus muscles, which join ing also deserve consideration.
anterior to the rectus muscles inferior to the arcuate line, Insufflation of carbon dioxide gas is essential for
are penetrated. The urachus, or median umbilical liga- proper visualization during pediatric laparoscopic her-
ment, is in this area and should be avoided. The lateral nia surgery. In general, lower volumes and pressures
port, through which a grasper is placed for traction, (6–12 mmHg) are required than in adult patients. We use
traverses the same muscles. Structures near the internal a Veress needle inferior to the umbilicus for insufflation
inguinal ring, where the hernia sac is ligated, must be con- and placement of the telescope. In our hands, the risks of
sidered. In our technique, the suture is passed through all visceral injury and pre-peritoneal insufflation are low
layers of the abdominal wall that are superficial to the peri- with this technique. Carbon dioxide approaches the ideal
toneum or hernia sac. In males, the spermatic vessels, the insufflating gas, and is the gas used most often.1 It does
genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, and the vas def- not support combustion, and residual intraperitoneal gas
erens pass superficial to the sac, and great care is taken not is absorbed rapidly and subsequently excreted. The major
to include these structures in the ligature. The external drawback of carbon dioxide is its rapid intravascular
iliac vessels are near but deep to the ligature. They should absorption across the peritoneal lining, which can lead to
be visualized and, obviously, avoided. Similarly, the infe- hypercapnea during long procedures. This is generally
rior epigastric vessels, which are branches of the external not of concern in pediatric laparoscopic inguinal hernia
iliac vessels, are easily identified and avoided. Once tied surgery, as the procedures are relatively short.
and cut, the permanent suture that we use to perform the The pneumoperitoneum itself creates cardiovascular,
high ligation of the sac retracts into the subcutaneous respiratory and neurological effects in infants and
256 Laparascopy in the pediatric hernia patient
children. In an investigation involving 12 healthy infants, anesthesia is our choice. Conversely, Tobias and colleagues
a pressure of 10 mmHg resulted in a decrease in aortic have suggested that general face-mask anesthesia plus
blood flow and cardiac stroke volume and an increase in spontaneous ventilation with concurrent caudal block
systemic vascular resistance, when compared with con- may be useful for short diagnostic procedures.7 However,
trols.2 These changes, however, were reversed after peri- this would likely be cumbersome for actual herniorrha-
toneal exsufflation and caused no clinically deleterious phy, which occasionally can be a difficult and long
effects in healthy infants. In a study of the effects of procedure.
pneumoperitoneum in pediatric hernia patients, a pres- Postoperative pain management is less of a concern
sure between 6 and 12 mmHg did not cause clinically sig- for laparoscopic herniorrhaphy compared with open
nificant changes in cardiac index or systemic vascular inguinal hernia repair. In our experience, patients seem
resistance.3 These cardiac effects may be exaggerated by to have less discomfort and very rarely require a narcotic
patient positioning during laparoscopy, particularly with analgesic. Stretching of the peritoneum and phrenic
the reverse Trendelenburg position when venous return nerves secondary to peritoneal insufflation, which can
and cardiac output are further decreased.4 However, in result in shoulder pain, has not occurred in our experi-
the Trendelenburg position, as may be used for laparo- ence. Complete exsufflation is important in avoiding this
scopic hernia surgery, venous return is augmented and postoperative complaint. Local anesthetic infiltration at
blood pressure returns to normal or supranormal levels. the puncture sites as well as perioperative caudal block
Other potential sources of cardiovascular compromise may be useful adjuncts to ameliorate postoperative pain.
during laparoscopic hernia surgery include vasovagal In the vast majority of cases, our patients have required
reflex, myocardial sensitization by halothane, hypo- only paracetamol (acetaminophen) for pain control. They
volemia, and venous gas embolism.1 are all able to return to immediate unrestricted activ-
Deleterious respiratory effects during laparoscopy are ity. Postoperative nausea and vomiting, which can be
the result of upward displacement of the diaphragm. This problematic after laparoscopy, has not occurred in our
may result in early closure of small airways, an increase experience with pediatric laparoscopic herniorrhaphy.
in peak airway pressure, and a reduction in functional
residual capacity.1 These effects may be accentuated with
positive-pressure ventilation and Trendelenburg posi- REFERENCES
tioning in herniorrhaphy. Tobias and colleagues demon-
strated that an intra-abdominal pressure of 15 mmHg in
1 Pennant JH. Anesthesia for laparoscopy in the pediatric patient.
children during inguinal laparoscopy increased the air- Anesthesiol Clin North Am 2001; 19: 69–88.
way pressure by a mean of 3 cm water, and end-tidal car- 2 Gueugniaud PY, Abisseror M, Moussa M, et al. The hemodynamic
bon dioxide increased by a mean of 3 cm water.5 These effects of pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic surgery in
values returned to normal within ten minutes of the healthy infants: assessment by continuous esophageal aortic blood
flow echo-Doppler. Anesth Analg 1998; 88: 468–9.
completion of surgery.
3 Sakka SG, Huettemann E, Petrat G, et al. Transoesophageal
Increased intra-abdominal pressure can also result in echocardiographic assessment of haemodynamic changes during
increased intracranial pressure and, thus, a decrease in cere- laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in small children. Br J Anaesth 2000;
bral perfusion pressure.6 Consequently, it may be inadvis- 84: 330–4.
able to perform laparoscopic hernia surgery in patients 4 Joris JN, Noirot DP, Legrand MJ, et al. Hemodynamic changes
during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Anesth Analg 1993; 76: 1067.
with the potential for neurological complications.
5 Tobias JD, Holcomb GW, Brock JW, et al. Cardiorespiratory changes
Control of pain and anxiety in the perioperative period in children during laparoscopy. J Pediat Surg 1995; 30: 33.
is no different for laparoscopic hernia surgery than for 6 Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, et al. Effects of increased
other laparoscopic operations, except for certain adjuncts intra-abdominal pressure upon intracranial and cerebral
that may be useful specifically for the pediatric hernia perfusion pressure before and after volume expansion.
J Trauma 1996; 40: 936.
patient. Premedication is a matter of routine surgical care.
7 Tobias JD, Holcomb GW, Brock JW, et al. General anesthesia by
Atropine is useful to prevent some of the possible deleteri- mask with spontaneous ventilation during brief laparoscopic
ous cardiorespiratory events that may occur, such as the inspection of the peritoneum in children. J Laparoendosc Surg
vasovagal reflex. Intraoperatively, general endotracheal 1994; 3: 379.
Diaphragmatic herniation
Morgagni hernias, as well as Bochdalek hernias that are patients who are asymptomatic before the discovery of the
large, may require the insertion of a prosthetic patch, as defect. Often, feeding can be initiated in the immediate
stated above, for adequate closure. Expanded polytetraflu- postoperative period, and the patient can be discharged
oroethylene (ePTFE) (Gore-Tex™, W. L. Gore & Associates, 24–48 hours following operation.
Inc.) or porcine small-intestinal submucosal (Surgisis™,
Cook Surgical) patches are both suitable. A potential
advantage of the latter is that the tissue collagen replaces REFERENCES
the collagen of the Surgisis, which may enhance the
strength and longevity of the closure.
1 Van der Zee DC, Bax NM. Laparoscopic repair of congenital
diaphragmatic hernia in a 6-month old child. Surg Endosc 1995;
60: 448–50.
RESULTS 2 Ferro MM. Video-assisted repair of diaphragmatic defects. In: Lobe
TE, ed. Pediatric Laparoscopy. Georgetown, TX: Landes Bioscience,
2002, in press.
The results of Bochdalek and Morgagni herniorrhaphy are 3 Farmer DL, Sydorak R, Harrison MR, et al. Thoracoscopic repair of
similar. The postoperative course of the patient is highly neonatal congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr Endosurg Innov
dependent on the preoperative condition of the patient.2 Tech 2000; 4: 98.
4 Berchi FJ, Allal H, Cano I, et al. Diaphragmatic conditions in infants
In patients who do not require mechanical ventilation or
and children: endosurgery repair perspectives. Pediatr Endosurg
are weaned from it preoperatively, the postoperative Innov Tech 2001; 4: 65.
course is usually straightforward. Postoperative pain is 5 Smith J, Ghani AJ. Morgagni hernia: incidental repair during
minimal, and the recovery is often rapid, particularly in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Laparoendosc Surg 1995; 5: 123–5.
This page intentionally left blank
Complications and their management
other than minor bleeding from peritoneal vessels in ipsilateral hernia, to be a relative contraindication for
three patients.5 We have had one conversion to open laparoscopic hernia repair in infants and children. Others,
herniorrhaphy following pre-peritoneal insufflation. however, repair these defects laparoscopically. Postopera-
This resulted in distortion of the pre-peritoneal plane tive hydrocele as a complication of laparoscopic hernior-
through which the ligature and passer must be directed. rhaphy is a different entity. We have not yet seen any
The subsequent open procedure was completed unevent- postoperative hydroceles in our series of patients. In their
fully. There have been no cases of hemorrhage or visceral large series, Schier and colleagues reported a 0.4 per cent
injury in our series of patients. incidence of postoperative hydroceles.5 Testicular atro-
phy, presumably from damage to the spermatic vessels or
a high-riding testis (iatrogenic cryptorchidism), are also
RECURRENCE concerns, but these seem to occur only rarely. We have not
encountered either of these complications, and Schier
and colleagues have had only one patient with a high-
The reported recurrence rate after traditional open
riding testis postoperatively.5 It is difficult to predict
inguinal herniorrhaphy is 0.9 per cent. In their multicen-
which patients will develop either of these complications
ter experience, Schier and colleagues had a recurrence rate
postoperatively. Again, meticulous technique is likely to
of 3.4 per cent, higher than that for open repair.5 Their
be the best measure for preventing these rare but real
technique of closure with either a purse-string suture or a
Z-suture potentially left a gap in the herniorrhaphy medi-
ally, because they noted that all recurrences occurred at
the medial margin between the suture and the epigastric
vessels. Other reported series with smaller numbers of
patients have had recurrence rates between zero and 4.4
per cent.6–9 Lee and Liang used a circumferential closure 1 Pennant JH. Anesthesia for laparoscopy in the pediatric patient.
Anesthesiol Clin North Am 2001; 19: 69–88.
as their herniorrhaphy technique, and their recurrence
2 Tobias JD. Anesthetic considerations for laparoscopy in children.
rate in 450 cases was only 0.88 per cent.4 In our experi- Semin Laparosc Surg 1998; 5: 60.
ence in approximately 50 patients with a follow-up of ten 3 Chen MK, Schropp KP, Lobe TE. Complications of minimal access
to 15 months, there have been no recurrences. We also use surgery in children. J Pediatr Surg 1996; 31: 1161–5.
a circumferential ligature placed at the neck of the hernia 4 Lee Y, Liang J. Experience with 450 cases of micro-laparoscopic
herniotomy in infants and children. Pediatr Endosurg Innov Tech
sac, which leaves no gap. This may be a more effective
2002; 6: 25–8.
means of closure of the hernia defect. 5 Schier F, Montupet P, Esposito C. Laparoscopic inguinal
Perlstein and Du Bois used diagnostic laparoscopy in herniorrhaphy in children: a three center experience with 933
19 patients with recurrent inguinal hernias.10 Seventeen repairs. J Pediatr Surg 2002; 37: 395–7.
indirect hernias and one femoral hernia were repaired at 6 El-Gohary MA. Laparoscopic ligation of inguinal hernia in girls.
Pediatr Endosurg Innov Tech 1997; 1: 185–8.
the original procedure. One child had no hernia identi-
7 Schier F. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in girls. J Pediatr Surg 1998;
fied during the primary procedure. Overall, 11 recur- 33: 1495–7.
rences were indirect hernias, four were direct hernias, 8 Montupet P, Esposito C. Laparoscopic treatment of congenital
and four were found to be femoral hernias. Forty-four inguinal hernia in children. J Pediatr Surg 1999; 34: 420–23.
per cent of these patients had unsuspected findings at 9 Schier F. Laparoscopic surgery of inguinal hernias in
children – initial experience. J Pediatr Surg 2000; 35: 1331–5.
diagnostic laparoscopy (contralateral indirect, direct or
10 Perlstein J, Du Bois JJ. The role of laparoscopy in the management
femoral hernias). Recurrent hernias themselves can be of suspected recurrent pediatric hernias. J Pediatr Surg 2000; 35:
managed effectively with laparoscopy and laparoscopic 1205–8.
repair.11 Direct hernias can be detected at the time of 11 Schier F. Direct inguinal hernias in children: laparoscopic aspects.
repair of recurrences, suggesting that they might have Pediatr Surg Int 2000; 16: 562–4.
been missed at the initial operation.
Over the past several years, there has been an ever-increas- refine the skills needed to perform more challenging cases
ing presence of robotics in the operating room. These with the use of robotics.
devices have been designed to help the surgeon overcome
the limitations of conventional open surgery and laparo-
scopic surgery. These limitations range from the decreas-
ing availability of qualified surgical assistants, through the
limited dexterity offered by conventional laparoscopic The AESOP robotic arm uses proprietary speech-
instruments, to the lack of a three-dimensional operating recognition technology as the interface between the sur-
field.1 The potential advantages of such systems set the geon and the robotic arm. Simple voice commands are
stage for the next major change in the field of surgery. As used to direct the field of view of the laparoscope. The
availability increases and costs decline, proficiency with advantages of this technology include 24-hour availabil-
such devices will be required by all future generations of ity, thereby eliminating the need for an assistant to hold
surgeons. Additionally, the demands of patients for a the camera for a wide variety of laparoscopic operations,
robotic operation are expected to increase as more media including inguinal hernia procedures. Additionally, the
attention is placed on this technology. field of view is controlled by the surgeon and is com-
Currently there are three Food and Drug Administra- pletely free of tremor and straying.
tion (FDA)-approved devices on the market that facilitate
surgery: the AESOP robotic arm (Computer Motion, AESOP solo-surgeon laparoscopic
Inc.), the da Vinci tele-robotic system (Intuitive Surgical), hernia repair
and the Zeus tele-robotic system (Computer Motion
Inc.). The use of these devices has a definite learning Since 1995, over 500 laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal
curve that often deters busy surgeons from investing the (TEP) and transabdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) patch
time required to become proficient in this technology.2 hernia repairs have been performed at our institution
This chapter aims to serve as an introduction to the use using the AESOP robotic arm. The majority of these have
of robotic devices in laparoscopic hernia surgery by out- been TEP repairs performed by a single practitioner as a
lining the potential advantages of the technology. The solo surgeon operation.3
aforementioned devices have been used in inguinal, ven- Because AESOP uses voice recognition as the inter-
tral and diaphragmatic hernias. The frequency with which face between surgeon and the robotic arm, before using
these cases are encountered by the general surgeon makes AESOP for the first time each surgeon must create a voice
hernia surgery an ideal platform on which to develop and card that recognizes his or her individual voice. Frequent
266 Future considerations
use at our institution allows AESOP to be set up in less by the use of an ‘S’-retractor. This maneuver exposes the
than ten minutes. posterior rectus sheath. Using blunt finger dissection, the
space between the rectus muscle anteriorly and the poste-
Technique rior rectus sheath is developed. A stay suture is placed,
which encompasses the anterior rectus sheath laterally
After bilateral pneumatic compression boots are placed on and the midline fascia.
the patient, general anesthesia is induced and a Foley The patient is dropped into a Trendelenburg position
catheter is placed to decompress the bladder. A single dose (Figure 37.2). An Origin Medsystems balloon dissector is
of preoperative antibiotics is given approximately one hour then inserted into the space between the rectus muscle and
before incision. The surgeon puts on the voice-control the posterior rectus sheath. It is passed down gently paral-
headset before scrubbing and performs the operation from lel to the midline until the tip reaches the pubic bone. Care
the side opposite to the hernia. Laparoscopic monitors are is taken during this step to keep a slightly upward slant to
placed at the foot of the bed (Figure 37.1). The AESOP the balloon dissector tip, so as to avoid inadvertent entry
robotic arm is mounted on the table before prepping the into the peritoneal space and possible bowel injury. A
patient. The central articulated arm of AESOP is posi- 10-mm, zero-degree telescope is inserted through the
tioned over the patient’s umbilicus. Once the patient is trocar, and the balloon is inflated according to the man-
draped, a sterile plastic sleeve is placed over the robotic arm ufacturer’s specifications under direct visualization. The
and the arm is positioned manually over the operative field. balloon is kept inflated for approximately five minutes to
A 1-cm vertical para-umbilical incision is made on the allow for hemostasis. Next, the balloon is withdrawn and
ipsilateral side of the hernia. The incision is made approx- the pre-peritoneal space is insufflated to a pressure of
imately 0.75 cm lateral to the umbilicus. The incision is 12 mmHg. Once the pre-peritoneal space is insufflated, a
carried down through the fat until the anterior rectus 5-mm trocar is placed in the suprapubic position and
sheath is identified clearly. A 0.75-cm vertical incision is another 5-mm trocar is placed in the midline between
then made through the anterior rectus sheath, exposing the umbilical port and the suprapubic port.
the underlying rectus fibers. The medial edge of the rectus At this point, the laparoscope is changed to a 45-degree,
muscle is identified and the fibers are then pushed laterally 10-mm telescope. Trial and error have established that this
angled telescope offers the best field of view and the least
interference with the working ports. The telescope is pre-
mounted with a coupler that enables the telescope to be
attached to the AESOP robotic arm via a strong magnet.
The telescope is positioned such that the angle is looking
upwards and the operative horizon is horizontal. Once
positioned, the AESOP robotic arm will maintain these
preset angles as it is directed to move the camera anywhere Moreover, the need to connect and disconnect sophis-
in the operative field. It has been our consistent experience ticated equipment for each operation leads to equipment
that the camera does not have to be removed or manipu- malfunction. Electronic integration of operating rooms
lated until the placement of the mesh. The constant need facilitates advanced laparoscopic operations, improves
to remove the camera for cleaning is reduced considerably turnover times, and provides a more pleasant working
with AESOP compared with the use of surgical assistants. environment. Computer Motion first introduced voice
Additionally, the surgeon’s anatomical orientation is control for AESOP and then extended it to other laparo-
maintained much better when using an angled camera in scopic electronic equipment with HERMES. Storz
a confined space with the use of AESOP. Lastly, the opera- Endoscopy has recently introduced a similar system –
tive surgeon retains control over the now tremor-free field SESEM – that uses both touch-control panels and voice
of view.4 The simple voice commands available to the sur- control (Figure 37.1). These integrated control systems
geon with AESOP include ‘move in’, ‘move out’, ‘move left’, facilitate advanced laparoscopic operations by permitting
‘move right’, ‘move up’, and ‘move down’. the surgeon to control most aspects of the operating room.
In the TEP method, the hernia sac is bluntly dissected AESOP decreases the ‘footprint’ of the camera holder.
free from the surrounding fat and cord structures. Once In many laparoscopic operations, the camera holder inter-
this is done, the camera is disconnected from the robotic feres with the excursion arcs of the surgeon’s arms. The
arm and removed. A large piece of Prolene mesh is passed surgeon and the camera holder often stand in uncom-
through the umbilical port and into the pre-peritoneal fortable positions. In contrast, AESOP permits the sur-
space. The camera is reinserted, and the mesh is positioned geon to stand erect in an ergonomically comfortable
to cover the direct, indirect and femoral spaces. A minimal position (Figure 37.3). There is no crossing of arms with
number of spiral tacks is used to secure the mesh in place.5 the camera holder. AESOP decreases the fatigue of the
The pre-peritoneal space is deflated and the ports are surgeon in these solo operations.
withdrawn. The fascia is closed at the umbilical port and
a subcutaneous suture of the ports is preformed after
0.25 per cent bupivacaine infiltration.
The advantages of using the AESOP robotic arm in this
setting are clear. The use of the arm facilitates a solo-sur-
geon operation, provides a stable camera platform, further
integrates the surgeon’s control of the operating room,
and promotes an ergonomically advantageous posture.
Solo-surgeon operations have been also reported for
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic Nissen fundo-
plication, and laparoscopic colectomy.4,6 In our hospital,
the number of surgical residents available to assist in oper-
ations is dropping. As a result, we frequently perform these
operations with the assistance of only a scrub nurse or
technician. The use of AESOP keeps both of the assistant’s
hands free to pass instruments, prepare the mesh, and
maintain surgical counts.
AESOP provides a stable camera platform. The video
image remains properly oriented to the horizon. This
avoids motion sickness in the operating-room staff and
helps to maintain the surgeon’s orientation within the
operative field. Telephone calls, conversations with the
nurses, and boredom do not distract from AESOP.
The video image does not wander off the operative field, Figure 37.3 The surgeon wears a microphone through which
and the number of times the telescope requires cleaning he or she controls the robotic camera-holder and laparoscopic
is decreased.6 equipment. The voice-controlled robotic camera holder works
Advanced laparoscopic operations increase the com- unobtrusively, without interfering with the stance or arm
plexity of the operating-room environment. The need to movements of the surgeon. The overhead surgical light supports
roll various electronic towers and auxiliary equipment a video camera in its center for telecasting outside views of the
into the operating room slows turnover of operations. operation.
268 Future considerations
from the trocars whenever the surgical table is reposi- The three modified AESOP arms attach directly to the
tioned. The FDA has recently approved use of a fourth surgical table (Figure 37.7). The surgical instruments are
arm with the da Vinci system, which became available inserted into the abdomen through standard laparo-
commercially in 2003. scopic trocars. Movements of the surgical table do not
require repositioning of the AESOP arms. This is advan-
Zeus tageous in advanced laparoscopic procedures, such as
colectomy, in which the patient is repositioned several
Zeus evolved from AESOP. Zeus consists of a surgeon’s times during the course of the operation.
console and three modified AESOPs that attach directly We believe that these tele-robotic surgical systems
to the surgical table. The surgeon sits at a computer con- offer specific technologic solutions to specific limitations
sole with an open architecture (Figure 37.6). The sur- of traditional laparoscopic surgery. Both Zeus and da
geon maintains direct visual contact with the patient and Vinci project three-dimensional operative fields. This
the operative field. The surgeon controls movements of helps the surgeon to maintain their orientation and
the camera with voice commands and controls the also helps to avoid complications generated by past
robotic instruments with the two hand interfaces (Figure pointing. The hand-like motions of the robotic instru-
37.6 insert). This permits simultaneous control of all ments replace the extreme limitations of straight laparo-
three robotic arms. The voice-control system, Hermes, scopic instruments. Motion-scaling and tremor-filtration
can also control other electronics equipment in the oper- increase significantly the precision of laparoscopic tasks
ating room. such as suturing. The surgeon sits in an ergonomically
Zeus offers a three-dimensional image but with a comfortable position at the computer console.
technology that is different to that of da Vinci. In the Surgeons face a learning curve before mastering
Zeus system, alternating images from the left and right tele-robotic surgery. Before the use of these devices,
video cameras are projected on to the main monitor. surgeons and operating-room staff must attend an
Polarizing filters permit the surgeon’s right eye to see FDA-approved training course. After completion of this
only the right image and the left eye the left image. This
causes a three-dimensional image to project out from the
two-dimensional monitor.
Zeus provides hand-like motions for the robotic
instruments. The Zeus instruments move with six
degrees of freedom, compared with the seven of da Vinci.
This means that the surgeon must compensate for one
less degree of freedom by moving the robotic arm in
various directions.
course, individual hospitals may have specific require- placed on the anterior axillary line above and below the
ments for granting privileges towards the use of this camera port (Figure 37.8).
emerging technology.8 In our hospital, we require that This operation begins by using a solo-surgeon tech-
surgeons practice tele-robotic operations in live animal nique. The scrub technician changes the instruments as
models, act as a first assistant in five to ten operations, needed. The first assistant, although scrubbed, is used only
and are then observed by a proctor for an additional when a fourth port is placed or for emergency laparotomy.
five to ten operations. This process for granting clinical At the end of the procedure, the assistant surgeon is
privileges has successfully introduced tele-robotic surgery required to help pass the fixation sutures through the
safely into clinical practice at our hospital. abdominal wall. The surgeon is seated comfortably at
the operative console and views the operation through
the three-dimensional imaging system within the console.
At this point, the surgeon has full control over the opera-
tive field. Foot pedals are used to control the camera
movements, and ergonomically positioned fingertip con-
trols are used to manipulate the surgical instruments in
We obtained two da Vinci systems in November 2000. We real time within the patient.
initiated our clinical experience with da Vinci by perform-
ing a series of tele-robotic laparoscopic cholecystectomies.9
After demonstrating that we could perform cholecystec-
tomies with outcomes similar to our standard laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, we used the da Vinci system for Nissen
fundoplication, colectomy, and incisional ventral hernia
repair. The use of tele-robotic systems for a wide range of
general, urology and cardiac surgery procedures has been
described elsewhere.10–14 We have found that the da Vinci
tele-robotic surgery system facilitates the performance of a
laparoscopic Stoppa ventral hernia repair.
The first part of the operation involves reducing the A Storz suture-passer is inserted through the abdominal
hernia and lysis of any adhesions to the anterior abdom- wall at each of the stab incisions and used to retrieve the
inal wall. A 30-degree telescope is used. Angulation of the ends of the Gore-Tex sutures (Figure 37.10). Once all of
telescope upwards improves visualization of the anterior the suture ends are retrieved, they are tied. The edge of the
abdominal wall. The hernia can usually be reduced with mesh is inspected. The mesh needs to sit firmly against
the use of two graspers and a hand-over-hand technique the anterior abdominal wall. Pleats between the sutures are
with gentle downward pressure to avoid tearing or injur- flattened out with 5-mm surgical tacks (Autosuture).
ing the hernia contents. Once this is done, any adhesions The abdomen is deflated and the trocars are removed.
to the anterior abdominal wall can be lysed easily, using The fascial defect of the 12-mm trocar is closed with an
the electrocautery hook, harmonic scalpel scissors, or absorbable suture. The skin edges of the three trocar sites
surgical scissors (Figure 37.9). Working on the underside are closed with absorbable subcutaneous sutures. All
of the abdominal wall is facilitated greatly by the wounds are covered with impermeable dressings.
dexterous instruments.
After adequate lysis of adhesions, the fascial defect is Advantages
usually evident. The limits of the defect are marked on the
abdominal wall and measured. We like to overlap the mesh We have found that the da Vinci facilitates laparoscopic
at least 2.2 cm beyond the perimeter of the hernia defect. repair of ventral and incisional hernias. The da Vinci pro-
DualMesh Plus (W. L. Gore & Associates) is fashioned so vides a stable camera platform, permits a solo-surgeon
that a degree of overlap is achieved. We place Gore-Tex approach to the lysis of adhesions, helps to maintain the
sutures every two inches around the perimeter of the surgeon’s orientation within the operative field, promotes
mesh. The sutures are tied with two throws to the mesh dissection on the anterior abdominal wall, and simplifies
and the ends are left long. The head, foot, and left and right
sides of the mesh are marked on the light side of the mesh
with a marking pen. The pneumoperitoneum is deflated.
The perimeter of the mesh is traced on to the plastic drape
that covers the hernia defect. The position of the sutures is
also marked.
The mesh is rolled tightly into a cylinder, with the tails
of the sutures rolled within. The mesh is inserted into the
abdominal cavity through the 12-mm trocar and unfurled
maintaining the proper orientation. The pneumoperi-
toneum is maintained at this point at a pressure of
10 mmHg. The labels on the light side of the mesh are
visualized easily with the video camera. Small stab inci-
sions are made in the skin at the positions of the sutures.
the passage of the fixation sutures through the abdominal Tele-robotic surgery remains in a period of rapid evo-
wall. The da Vinci holds the video camera. The robot does lution. Newer generations of both da Vinci and Zeus con-
not tire and does not wander from the operative field. tinue to be developed rapidly. Whether tele-robotics will
This stable camera platform avoids the eye fatigue gener- become the standard of care in the near future remains
ated by a constantly moving, human-held video camera. uncertain. Nonetheless, even at this early juncture, tele-
Although all laparoscopic surgeons have been trained robotic surgical systems address some of the specific limi-
to operate from a two-dimensional monitor, the true tations of standard laparoscopic surgery. Tele-robotic
three-dimensional virtual operative field provides imme- surgical systems maintain a stable camera platform,
diate advantages and rapidly became our preferred field immerse the surgeon in a three-dimensional virtual oper-
of view. The surgeon comprehends more easily the three- ative field, move the surgical instruments with six or seven
dimensional virtual operative field. Our impression is degrees of freedom, and further improve the ergonomics
that this makes it easier for us to maintain our orientation for the surgeon. Tele-robotics also have the potential usage
and helps to avoid past pointing injuries. in very remote settings, such as the battlefield and outer
Straight laparoscopic instruments often fail to reach space.
the anterior abdominal wall. The wrist-like motion
generated by seven degrees of freedom overcomes this
shortcoming and simplifies lysis of the adhesions to the REFERENCES
anterior abdominal wall. This maneuver is awkward at
best with conventional straight laparoscopic instruments 1 Ballantyne GH. The pitfalls of laparoscopic surgery: challenges for
because of their anterior position. Straight laparoscopic robotics and telerobotic surgery. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan
instruments are often limited from reaching the anterior Tech 2002; 12: 1–5.
abdominal wall by the point of fixation of the trocar at 2 Talamini MA. Surgery in the 21 century [editorial]. Ann Surg 2001;
234: 8–9.
the abdominal wall. The angulated movements of the 3 Fan P. Surgical grand rounds presentation: laparoscopic hernia
robotic instrument tips permit the attack of the adhe- repair. Hackensack University Medical Center, April 3, 2001.
sions from a wide variety of angles. 4 Merola S, Weber P, Wasielewski A, Ballantyne GH. Comparison of
Three-dimensional imaging also assists in the passage laparoscopic colectomy with and without the aid of a robotic
of the fixation stitches through the abdominal wall. camera holder. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2002; 12:
Although this process can be accomplished with two- 5 Felix EL. Laparoscopic extraperitoneal hernia repair. In: Eubanks
dimensional video cameras, novice laparoscopic surgeons SW, ed. Mastery of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery.
accomplish this task more quickly in a three-dimensional Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000: 443–55.
operative field. 6 Geis WP, Kim HC, Brennan EJ, Jr, et al. Robotic arm enhancement
to accommodate improved efficiency and decreased resource
utilization in complex minimally invasive surgery procedures.
Stud Health Technol Inform 1996; 29: 471–81.
7 Marescaux J, Leroy J, Gagner M, et al. Transatlantic robot-assisted
CONCLUSION telesurgery. Nature 2001; 413: 379–80.
8 Ballantyne GH, Kelley WE, Jr. Granting clinical privileges for
telerobotic surgery. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2002;
Many surgeons perform advanced laparoscopic opera-
12: 17–25.
tions with standard twentieth-century technologies. 9 Hourmont K, Pereira S, Wasielewski A, et al. Robotic versus
Nonetheless, standard laparoscopy presents certain telerobotic laparoscopic cholecystectomy: duration of surgery and
limitations that impede the learning of advanced skills outcomes. Surg Clin North Am 2003; in press.
and prevent many surgeons from performing advanced 10 Cadiere GB, Himpens J, Vertruyen M, Favretti F. The world’s first
obesity surgery performed by a surgeon at a distance. Obes Surg
laparoscopic operations. Robotics offers technological
1999; 9: 206–9.
solutions to some of these shortcomings. We have found 11 Cadiere GB, Himpens J, Vertruyen M, et al. Evaluation of
that AESOP provides a stable camera platform, maintains telesurgical (robotic) Nissen fundoplication. Surg Endosc 2001;
a stable relationship with the horizon, adequately replaces 15: 918–23.
a human camera-holder, and lets the surgeon stand in an 12 Gould JC, Melvin WS. Computer-assisted robotic antireflux
surgery. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2002; 12: 26–9.
ergonomically comfortable position. Voice-control sys-
13 Shah J, Rockall T, Darzi A. Robot-assisted laparoscopic Heller’s
tems help to integrate the operating room and to keep the cardiomyotomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2002; 12:
surgeon in control of an ever more complicated operating 30–32.
environment. In our hospital, robot-assisted laparoscopic 14 Horgan S, Vanuno D, Benedetti E. Early experience with robotically
pre-peritoneal inguinal hernia repair in an integrated assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc
Percutan Tech 2002; 12: 64–70.
operating room is our standard of care. We believe that
15 Ballantyne GH, Hourmont K, Wasielewski A. Telerobotic
this technique permits the surgeon the best opportunity laparoscopic repair of incisional ventral hernias using intra-
to replicate the operation in a high-volume mode with peritoneal prosthetic mesh (Stoppa technique): report of two
excellent clinical outcomes. cases. J Soc Laparoendosc Surg 2003; in press.
Socioeconomic issues
Economic evaluations of new and existing healthcare Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) coun-
interventions are an essential input into decision-making. tries, and the USA.3
Healthcare systems around the world face steady increases It is no longer sufficient to consider the clinical or
in expenditure as a result of demographic change and therapeutic effects of healthcare interventions: purchasing
improvements in medical technology. Increasingly, payers choices will be predicated on studies that identify, measure
must choose which interventions will be provided and and value what is given up when an intervention is used
which will not be reimbursed from limited public or pri- (the cost) and what is gained (improved patient health
vate funds. This creates difficult choices, as systems are no outcomes). This requires explicit economic evaluation of
longer limited by what is technically possible to improve healthcare interventions. Purchasers have a fixed budget
the health of patients but by what is practically possible and are aware of the opportunity costs of interventions.
given resource constraints. In a situation where resources Increasingly, they are likely to require evidence of effec-
are scarce, all choices about who will be treated have an tiveness and cost-effectiveness, and they may develop
opportunity cost – the value of the benefit foregone. Health contracts and enforce protocols to ensure this.
economics and the techniques of economic evaluation aim Economic evaluation values both inputs (costs) and
to maximize the amount of health that is produced within outcomes (consequences) of an intervention, comparing
the scarce resources available. In the UK, the National more than one alternative. This builds upon clinical eval-
Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) synthesizes evi- uations that assess efficacy (can an intervention work in
dence and reaches a judgment as to whether on balance the experimental circumstances?) and effectiveness (does it
intervention can be recommended as a cost-effective use of work in normal clinical practice?) to assess efficiency
National Health Service (NHS) resources.1 In 2000, NICE (does it provide the greatest benefit at least cost?). The
published recommendations for the use of laparoscopic type of economic evaluation depends upon the outcome
hernia surgery. It recommended its use outside centers of measure chosen:
expertise only in cases of bilateral inguinal hernia or recur-
rent inguinal hernia. In the UK in 1996, approximately ten • Cost-minimization analysis is appropriate only when
per cent of hernia repairs were carried out laparoscopi- the outcomes of two or more interventions have
cally.2 Since the publication of the NICE guidelines, this fig- been demonstrated to be equivalent, in which case
ure has decreased dramatically and supports the concept the least costly alternative is the most efficient, and
that the application of clinical pathways can reduce costs. only cost analysis is required.
Such measures are important in the UK, where the num- • Cost-effectiveness analysis includes both costs and
bers of medical staff and the annual NHS budget are well outcomes using a single outcome measure, usually a
below those in other European countries, Organization for natural unit. This allows comparisons between
274 Future considerations
treatments in a particular therapeutic area where should technological innovations such as laparoscopic
effectiveness is unequal, but not between therapeutic surgery be introduced? All such pioneering innovations
areas where natural outcome measures differ. should be evaluated in well-designed trials. There are
• Cost-utility analysis combines multiple outcomes difficulties in implementing randomized controlled trials
into a single measure of utility (e.g. a quality- of surgical techniques due to the difficulties of blinding,
adjusted life year, QALY). This allows comparisons but a carefully designed trial can mitigate these prob-
between alternatives in different therapeutic lems. Clinical trials protect the safety of patients and
categories with different natural outcomes. ensure that new technologies produce effective healthcare.
• Cost-benefit analysis links costs and outcomes by Economic evaluations ensure that such health gains are
expressing both in monetary units, forcing an purchased at least cost. The guidelines applied to phar-
explicit decision about whether an intervention is maceutical products, intended to protect society’s health
worth its cost. Various techniques have been used to and scarce resources, should also be applied to surgical
attach monetary values to health outcomes, but the innovations, but this is a difficult task to institute.
technique remains rare in health economics. The principle of evaluating innovative surgical inter-
ventions was accepted by the Department of Health in the
Considerations in cost-effectiveness are particularly UK in a press release in 1995, which announced that major
relevant at a time when healthcare costs are escalating innovations were to be ‘scrutinised, evaluated and then, if
disproportionately in relation to gross national product approved, fast tracked throughout the health service’.6 A
in many westernized countries.4 The value of any indi- major advance should, under a new system, be subjected to
cated treatment is directly proportional to treatment clinical trials, and a central register would give information
outcome and inversely proportional to treatment cost. on approved operations. Purchasers could then consult the
Evaluation of both the numerator (outcome quality) and register as a measure of the effectiveness of various opera-
the denominator (cost) of the equation are subject to tions and procedures. This register, the Safety and Efficacy
many methodological limitations. The value depends on Register of New Interventional Procedures (SERNIP), is
whether it is viewed from the perspective of the patient, managed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and
surgeon, hospital, employer, payer or industry. Moreover, funded by the Department of Health. Doctors are asked
cost does not equate with charge. In hernia surgery, the to register new techniques that they intend to pilot, and
total cost includes pretreatment (diagnostics), treatment, to check the register to discover the current status of new
post-treatment medical care including complications invasive procedures.7 An advisory committee convened by
and recurrence, and societal and employer costs, which SERNIP will then assess all known data and assign the
include insurance, worker’s disability compensation, procedure to one of four categories:
worker replacement costs, and loss of productivity. Each
1 Safety and efficacy unsatisfactory – procedure must
sector of the treatment process has variable fixed and
not be used.
semi-fixed costs. The trends to eliminate general anes-
2 Safety and efficacy established – procedure can be used.
thesia and to perform conventional herniorrhaphy in an
3 The procedure is sufficiently similar to one of
ambulatory setting have been cost-beneficial. Ideally, cost
established safety and efficacy to raise no reasonable
containment could be achieved by performing all elective
doubts and can be used.
inguinal hernia repairs at ambulatory surgical centers for
4 Safety and efficacy are not established – controlled
a standardized charge.
evaluation is needed.
Technological innovation in surgery and in other areas
(e.g. diagnostic innovation) is not regulated in the same The proposed system is voluntary and controlled clin-
way as innovative pharmaceutical therapies. A new phar- ically. In time, economic evaluation of innovative invasive
maceutical product is subjected to rigorous clinical trials procedures will be required, as is the case for pharmaceu-
to identify evidence of safety and efficacy, before licensing tical products. In the majority of other countries, includ-
for public use. Increasingly, new and existing pharmaceu- ing the USA, such a system does not exist at any level.
tical products are also subjected to well-defined economic
evaluation to show evidence of effectiveness and efficiency.
Guidelines issued by the UK Department of Health state
that ‘the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals should
become part of taking decisions about treatment’, and
set out clear guidelines regarding how a high-quality Hernia repair is an established and effective procedure.
economic evaluation should be carried out.5 Its relatively fixed cost and high volume among surgical
The careful procedures that control the introduction procedures mean that economic evaluation of the proce-
of innovative pharmaceutical products are essential for dure itself has become a priority. Hernias create pain and
innovative surgical and diagnostic therapies. How, then, discomfort for patients and limit their ability to work or
Socioeconomic issues 275
carry out other productive activities. While the increased on as outpatients. Additionally, because of the increasing
risk of surgical procedures in elderly people means that trend of incisional herniorrhaphy by the laparoscopic
repair of some small direct hernias may not be manda- method, many incisional and ventral hernias are per-
tory, there would seem to be clear clinical and economic formed with a length of stay of 23 hours or less.15,16
arguments in favor of carrying out hernia repairs among Economic appraisal is unlike surgical decision-
the majority of the working population.8 making. Economists analyze the results of their inter-
J.W. Hurst, a health economist, has compared the ben- ventions by comparing them within different scenarios:
efits and costs of hernia repair with the benefits and costs as the scenarios change – employment prospects, labor
of home dialysis for renal failure, and with the benefits relations, etc. – the economics change too. Surgeons are
and costs of a successful renal transplant.9 Drawing on a used to evaluating their outcomes over time with the sce-
measure of health status that measures two dimensions of nario held constant. For instance, with day-case surgery
health (disability and distress), and using Department of and a constant surgeon-related scenario, one impact of
Health and Social Security (DHSS) cost data, Hurst calcu- shortening the patients’ stay will be empty beds, which
lated the health status yield per pound sterling for the the surgeon will perceive as the currency of an ‘efficiency
three selected treatments. Using this cost-benefit equa- saving’. The economist would not call this a saving; the
tion, uncomplicated hernia repair comes out better than concept of opportunity cost means that no benefit has
a successful renal transplant, and a renal transplant is bet- accrued until the empty beds (resources) are put to some
ter value than continuous home hemodialysis. Memories alternative use. Benefit is thus not necessarily the same to
of Cecil Wakeley’s aphorism crowd in to confirm that the surgeon as to the economist.
refined clinical judgment may well be as valuable in Any economic appraisal of day-case surgery must,
evaluating the benefits of clinical care as the statistical therefore, first address the crucial issue of the term
gymnastics of contemporary health economists.10 ‘benefit’. Are the benefits to be:
Innovations in the procedure of hernia repair and the
management of patients should, however, be subject to
• more surgery, using the freed resources to undertake
a greater volume of surgery or more complex
economic evaluation, ideally based upon a randomized innovative surgery?
controlled trial. The recent developments in hernia repair,
such as the expansion of day-case surgery in Europe,
• a redeployment of the freed resources towards a
different client group, e.g. elderly or mentally ill
require a clinical and economic base. However, the expe- people?
rience from the Shouldice clinic in Canada and the results
from the USA support the use of limited hospitalization
• a reduction in overall health service expenditure by
the amount saved?
for the repair of hernias. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia
surgery has not been proven to represent an economic A day-case surgery policy will need to be appraised in
benefit for the unilateral primary hernia. There may be the short run and in the long run. Short-run benefits may
some benefit for the patient with bilateral and/or recur- be very difficult to gain; for instance, a reduction in surgi-
rent herniation. Other laparoscopic hernia surgeries, such cal bed requirements by 15 may confer no benefit since
as hiatal and incisional hernia repair, have reduced the one cannot eliminate half a 30-bed ward and reduce staff
length of hospitalization significantly. costs by 50 per cent overnight. While there may be no
short-term gains, the long-term gains could be substan-
tial and allow explicit alterations to existing surgical and
nursing practice. Consequently, new hospital provision
ECONOMICS OF DAY-CASE SURGERY could include fewer traditional inpatient surgical wards
and instead have dedicated day-case units. In the USA,
Reductions in length of stay for many surgical and other there are, in fact, many centers that are free-standing and
inpatient procedures result from improvements in surgical dedicated to day-case surgery or short-stay procedures.
procedures reducing recovery time, changing preferences Stepping through the looking-glass, more day-case
of patients, and financial and political pressures on hospi- surgery will need less capital expenditure on surgical
tals to reduce costs. Day-case surgery is often preferred inpatient facilities, and fewer nursing staff will need to be
by patients, and it may encourage early mobilization and employed for the same volume of work in the long term.
reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infection.11 Day-case The quantification of savings accruing from a day-case
treatment for hernia repair may result in good outcomes policy is difficult; four approaches have been advanced:
for lower costs than other organizational forms of care.12,13 • Comparing the bills paid by patients in private
The Royal College of Surgeons recommends that at least practice.17
30 per cent of elective hernioplasties should be performed • The analytical device of holding the level of service
on a day-case basis.14 In the USA, however, all but the most constant and estimating the benefits that could be
ill or infirm individuals with inguinal hernias are operated bought with the now unused resources.18
276 Future considerations
• The technique of comparing average per diem greater demand will initially be met and the queue
inpatient and outpatient costs.19 Farquharson reduced. If there is no queue and no excess demand, then
produced the seminal paper advocating this type of reducing costs should allow premises to be closed and
economic evaluation.20 staff made redundant, with considerable reduction in
• Comparing and computing the one-year costs of a fixed and variable costs. The cost of doing an extra case
day-care facility with the one-year costs of a after hours in a day-case unit, when staff must be paid
traditional in-patient unit.21 overtime, is a very high marginal price – a fact to be
remembered when case-scheduling is considered.
Bailey, an economist from the Audit Commission in
If day-case surgery is used to cut unit costs and increase
the UK, has proposed an alternative strategy to deter-
the overall volume of surgery, then this extra burden of ris-
mine the resources that might be released as a result of
ing productivity will fall on the surgeons and nurses. There
a change from inpatient to day-case while treating an
are reports of the proportion of day cases rising to close
equivalent patient.22 He states that the costs of day sur-
to 40 per cent in some units, with consequent increases
gery are substantially less than inpatient care, but it is
in surgical throughputs. Ultimately, the increased output
misleading to interpret such measures as savings. The
may demand an alteration on the supply side of the equa-
resource implications of more day surgery should be
tion, and more doctors and nurses may then need to be
estimated directly by looking at precisely what changes
employed to cope with increased demand.24 While the
are planned to take place.
relationship between demand and output of a surgical
In conclusion, there is evidence that the unit costs of
service is elastic in the short term, in the longer term supply
day-case surgery are much lower than inpatient care:
inevitably must be increased to allow greater output. This is
of the order of 40–75 per cent per treatment episode,
particularly evident in many areas in the USA, where there
however calculated. These lower unit costs will free up
are nursing and anesthesia staff shortages.
resources to carry out more surgery or for alternative uses.
It must be apparent that there is no economic incen-
Day-case surgery has been found to be superior to in-
tive for surgeons and other hospital employees to expand
patient surgery in terms of wound infection and return to
day-case surgery. Substantial savings can be achieved
work, although this finding is not statistically significant.23
only by maintaining constant the quantity of surgery
Day-case surgery is also becoming increasingly acceptable
carried out, by not allowing day cases to increase the out-
to patients. A dedicated five-day care unit allows more
put, and by closing premises and dismissing redundant
resources to be saved compared with day cases in a tradi-
staff. The development of free-standing centers, however,
tional theater suite and ward, where all the resources can-
will transfer these cases to these centers and allow more
not be redeployed easily, particularly in the short run. This
efficient use of the hospital staff and/or relocate these
is consistent with the conclusions of a US review of cost-
effectiveness of management of hernia by Millikan and
Deziel.4 These authors concluded that the most cost-
effective approach to hernia repair would use an ambula-
tory surgical center with open-mesh repair for primary RETURN TO NORMAL ACTIVITY AND WORK
inguinal hernia and failed primary suture repair.
There is enormous variation in reported times for return
to normal activity and work. For instance, in a socialized
system of healthcare where patients’ expectations and
the insurance system still favor hospitalization, length
To date, resource savings from day-case surgery in the of hospital stay after hernia surgery may be in excess of
NHS have been used largely to expand surgical services eight days.25 Even in the USA, where ambulatory surgery
either quantitatively or qualitatively. Every hospital units are quite commonplace, the length of stay may be
experienced this phenomenon in the 1970s. It has been several days in institutions where reimbursement is not
quantified and shown that as resources are liberated by controlled as strictly as the private sector, although this is
day-case work, they are used up in other surgical endeav- rapidly becoming uncommon. Customers of the Metro-
ors. This extra work sucks in further resources, and the politan Life Insurance Company surveyed by a nationwide
overall surgical budget becomes larger. claims questionnaire revealed a length of stay that aver-
Increasing the proportion of day cases in the surgical aged 2.9 days.26 In the US army, average hospital stay for
unit mix will lead to a fall in the average cost of each hernia surgery is 4.6 days.27 In reality, housing conditions,
patient treated. This may enable more cases to be oper- the distance from home to hospital, and the availability
ated upon; even though the marginal costs of doing each of home nursing care (spouse, relative, friend) are the
extra case within normal working hours are low, the major factors affecting early discharge after hernia repair.28
aggregated cost to the hospital will be higher, although These societal issues are more frequently problematic with
Socioeconomic issues 277
other larger procedures. Payers, however, seldom provide appears to be the most important factor affecting clinical
consideration for these important matters that involve outcome and return to activities. Callesen and coworkers
patient care. have demonstrated that well-defined recommendations
The technique adopted has little predictive value for and improved pain management can shorten convales-
early postoperative pain and analgesic consumption. cence.32 One hundred patients having elective hernior-
Kawji and colleagues, in a study of 240 patients who had rhaphy under local anesthesia and managed analgesia
been treated with Lichtenstein under general anesthesia, were recommended to have one day of convalescence for
Lichtenstein under local anesthesia, laparoscopic trans- light/moderate work and three weeks of abstinence from
abdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP), Shouldice operation, strenuous physical activity. The overall median absence
or pre-peritoneal Wantz procedure, found that the only from work was six days; unemployed patients returned
technical factor significantly reducing analgesic require- to activities in just one day, those in light/moderate work
ment during the first three perioperative days was the use returned in six days, and those in heavy jobs returned by
of intraoperative local anesthesia.29 Lau and Lee studied 25 days. A more detailed prospective study of return to
postoperative pain by linear analogue scores in 239 patients work after inguinal hernia repair has been undertaken by
having inguinal herniorrhaphy with a variety of tech- Jones and colleagues.33 Data were collected by personal
niques.30 With multiple regression analysis, older patient interviews, written surveys, and medical record reviews
age was the only independent factor of pain, a finding in in 235 patients, the main outcome measures being actual
keeping with anecdotal experience of surgeons used to and expected return to work. Age, educational level,
operating on patients under local anesthesia. income level, occupation, symptoms of depression, and
The French Association for Surgical Research investi- the expected day of return to work (ten days) accounted
gated the feasibility of discharge within 48 hours of for 61 per cent of the variation in actual (12 days) return
inguinal hernia repair in 500 consecutive men with uni- to work.
lateral, uncomplicated non-recurrent inguinal hernias. Advice given in the UK on driving after groin-hernia
Of 411 patients suitable for early discharge, 107 (26 per surgery varies widely because there is no evidence-based
cent) eventually stayed for more than 48 hours, early information.34 In a postal questionnaire sent to 200 sur-
discharge was declined by 84, and early discharge was geons, the advice ranged from it being acceptable to drive
contraindicated in 42 (these patients had local or general on the same day of surgery (three per cent of respon-
complications), which finally resulted in one-day surgery dents) to suggesting that patients wait six to eight weeks
being performed in only 51 (ten per cent) of the patients. before driving (nine per cent of respondents); the most
These results emphasize the need for careful preoperative common response was that patients should wait two
evaluation, which includes not only the hernia and the weeks (37 per cent of respondents). Amid has stated that
patient’s general medical condition, but also any social the recovery period is dependent solely on the amount of
conditions, such as isolation, flights of stairs, or lack of a postoperative discomfort, which should be minimal and
telephone, that may limit the ability to discharge a patient should not usually require narcotic analgesia.35 Amid
soon after surgery. recommends that patients can resume driving as early
Advice concerning return to normal activity has been as one week or less after surgery, depending on their
managed poorly by surgeons. Recent studies indicate comfort and whether they are using narcotic analgesics.
that factors limiting a patient’s return to activity and Those who drive different types of vehicles need different
work are governed principally by the perceived amount advice. An additional consideration should be the com-
of postoperative pain. Socioeconomic factors strongly plexity of the operative procedure. Intra-abdominal pro-
influence this perception over and above the actual pro- cedures will require longer periods of convalescence than
cedure performed or the anatomy involved.31 In a case- inguinal hernia repair.
controlled comparison of patients receiving workers’ It must be apparent that there is no economic incen-
compensation compared with patients having commer- tive for surgeons and other hospital employees to expand
cial insurance, seven surgeons from a single clinic com- day-case surgery. Substantial savings can be achieved
pared 22 consecutive workers’ compensation patients only by maintaining constant the quantity of surgery
with 22 commercial insurance patients. All patients had carried out, by not allowing day cases to increase the out-
received open hernioplasty, and the duration of post- put, and by closing premises and dismissing redundant
operative pain and the days off work were compared. The staff. Such a policy is unlikely to make surgeons who take
differences between the two groups were striking: the up day-case surgery popular. However, the experience in
median duration of postoperative pain in the workers’ the USA, where day surgery is quite commonplace, has
compensation group was 27 days, with 36.5 days off proven that the patients and their surgeons are quite sat-
work. In the commercial insurance patients, the duration isfied with these economics. In fact, many patients are
of postoperative pain was 7.5 days and they went back to dismayed when they are told that their medical condition
work after only 8.5 days. Personal motivation, therefore, dictates a hospital stay of even one night.
278 Future considerations
of individual and center specialization should be deter- be more expensive than the laparoscopic approach (open,
mined by evidence of economies of scale. If a center spe- US$1150; laparoscopic, US$1179).46 In many centers,
cializes in laparoscopic surgery, then this may influence however, this has been a stimulus for surgeons to abandon
costs per patient, as theater time may be reduced as famili- the procedure altogether (willingly or unwillingly). The
arity with the procedure increases. In addition, outcomes insurance industry has refused to reimburse hospitals and
may be improved, particularly by reduced complication surgeons for the procedure, leading to the rapid demise of
rates. However, the appropriate level of individual and the procedure. Medicare in the USA actually pays sur-
center specialization requires careful evaluation: could the geons less to perform these operations laparoscopically
alleged benefits of centralization be matched by careful than through the open technique (see below).
training and treatment protocols at local levels? Identifi- These realities have resulted in the trend of many cen-
cation of the conditions necessary for the production of ters to utilize this operation only in the bilateral situation
efficient laparoscopic procedures is absent but inhibits and for recurrent hernias. The success for this diagnosis is
neither unsubstantiated assertions by policymakers nor proven.47,48 The ongoing studies of the Medical Research
significant investments in new facilities. Council (MRC) Laparoscopic Groin Hernia Trial Group
The repair of inguinal hernias with the laparoscopic support the move to specialist surgeons to perform this
method continues to raise many questions, particularly operation.49 Based upon the experience in the USA, this
regarding economics. Whereas it is generally accepted appears to be the trend.
that this technique is effective for these hernias, the costs Data comparing open versus laparoscopic repair of
associated with this method causes many surgeons to inguinal hernias are now voluminous, and a detailed
question the usefulness of this technique. In 1996, the analysis of all the factors is beyond the scope of this chap-
benefits were unclear.41 In 2003, the clinical efficacy is not ter. Suffice to say that the vast majority of reports have
generally questioned. The cost issues have been resolved identified the same findings that are commonly known.
for the most part. It is more expensive to perform the That is, in general the laparoscopic operation is more
minimally invasive method except in a very few areas that expensive but postoperative pain is diminished and the
have managed to eliminate the use of disposable instru- return to work is notably shorter. The learning curve and
ments and tissue-expansion balloons. the payors of these operations will force this procedure
Evidenced-based studies have definitely revealed that into the hands of a few skilled surgeons with excellent
the levels of pain and subsequent convalescence after outcomes. Even in this case, this will be for bilateral and
laparoscopic repair are decreased when compared with recurrent hernias. Studies such as that by Lawrence and
open repair.42 This is particularly true with the compari- coworkers used a UK randomized controlled trial as the
son of pure tissue repairs, but it has also been found with basis of an economic evaluation of laparoscopic versus
open prosthetic repairs. However, some studies have open inguinal hernia repair, on data collected from 104
reported that while these patients experience less pain day-case patients.41 The mean total health service cost of
postoperatively, the return to work interval was not dif- laparoscopic repair was £1074, compared with £489 for
ferent after TAPP repair. The opinion of these authors open repair. Linking this additional cost with the addi-
was that the increase in costs did not justify the operation tional pain-free days in the laparoscopic group showed
unless the operative costs could be reduced.43 Another an additional cost per pain-free day of £109 (95 per cent
study found that laparoscopically repaired patients returned confidence interval, £41–393). The authors concluded
to their usual activities seven days earlier than those of that there were strong arguments against the intro-
the open group. The incremental cost for this time frame duction of laparoscopic hernia repair until evidence on
was £55 548 per QALY over the open method. This report long-term outcomes becomes available. Such studies,
showed that there might be specific situations in which although important, are few. Hekkinnen and colleagues
this laparoscopic repair may be a viable alternative, conversely proved that the overall societal costs are less
particularly when reusable rather than disposable instru- with the laparoscopic method.50 Regardless, the cost–
ments were used because these costs were decreased benefit structure of the insurance industry does not
significantly.44 appreciate the societal costs as do the individual patient
The operative costs that are increased with the laparo- and surgeon. Therefore, this limited use of the laparo-
scopic approach are the use of disposable instruments, scope to repair inguinal hernias will probably be perma-
balloon dissection devices, balloon trocars, additional nent in the USA. In other countries, such as those in
personnel, and the length of the operation. These costs Europe, a more critical look at these issues may be possi-
can be reduced to the extent that the cost of the operation ble because of the public nature of the healthcare system.
can approach that of the open procedure. Lorenz has This is needed.
shown that by the deliberate attempt to decrease costs, the Unlike those of laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy,
laparoscopic approach can be less expensive to the hospi- the clinical and economic benefits are clearer with the
tal.45 Beets and Dirksen found that the open approach can laparoscopic repair of incisional and ventral hernias.
280 Future considerations
Many papers in the literature have demonstrated the evaluated the cost of the repair.16,54 In both papers, the
short period of hospitalization seen with this approach laparoscopic method was associated with less cost than
to this problem.15,16,51,52 It is generally believed by surgeons the open repair. This is based primarily upon the
proficient in this technique that this method lessens the decreased length of stay of laparoscopically repaired
length of hospitalization for the patients. Five publica- patients. This occurred even when the additional costs of
tions have compared open and laparoscopic repair of any re-admissions were included in the overall determi-
incisional and ventral hernias (Table 38.1).16,53–56 In all nation. Interestingly, the work by DeMarie and col-
of these series, laparoscopic repair was associated with leagues evaluated the costs based upon open repair using
fewer complications and fewer days of hospitalization a polypropylene product versus the laparoscopic repair
than those of open method. Only two of these papers using an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)
patch.16 Therefore, based upon the limited study that has
been done on this operation, it appears that laparoscopic
Table 38.1 Results of comparative analysis of open and herniorrhaphy for incisional and ventral hernia is the
laparoscopic incisional and ventral herniorrhaphy economically preferred choice.
These issues are discussed more frequently with the
Open repair repair Ref. repair of inguinal and incisional hernias. The use of the
laparoscope to repair the other hernias discussed in this
Operative time, 45–259* 70–211* 54 textbook appears to compare favorably with open repair.
range (min) 27–148 45–170 55 Decreased length of stay, decreased morbidity, and a more
60–180 30–180 53
rapid return to normal activity have been shown.
25–220 18–225 56
N/A N/A 16
Operative time, 97.6* 128.5* 54
average (min) 78.5 95.4 55
111.5 87 53
82 58 56 Despite the points discussed above, the financial realities
N/A N/A 16 of governmental reimbursement in the USA have declined
Length of hospital N/A N/A 54
continuously. We selected the comparison of the payments
stay, range (days) 2–26* 1–17* 55
3–21* 1–15* 53
from Medicare in the USA since 1993 for four hernia oper-
N/A N/A 56 ations (Figure 38.1). Unless noted otherwise, all of these
0.5–14* 0.5–3* 16 are inguinal hernia repairs. It is readily apparent that these
Length of hospital 4.9 1.6 54 levels of payment have not changed significantly in nine
stay, average (days) 6.5* 3.4* 55 years. These payments do not reflect the inflationary
9.06* 2.23* 53 increases in office overheads and the enormous elevations
2.8 1.7 56 in the cost of medical liability insurance. Additionally, the
4.4* 0.8* 16 payment for the repair of bilateral inguinal hernias is 1.5
Complication rate 31 15 54 times the payment for the repair of a single hernia. Because
(%) 36.7* 17.9* 55 of this, some surgeons simply cannot afford to repair bilat-
? 53
eral hernias at the same time. Instead, these are repaired
36 10 56
N/A N/A 16
sequentially in two separate procedures. It is particularly
Recurrence rate 12.5 1 54 disturbing that payment for the repair of an incisional
(%) 34.7 11 55 hernia (US$636.69) is less than the repair of a recurrent
2 0 53 incarcerated inguinal hernia (US$644.07). The differences
20.7 2.5 56
0 4.8 16 800
Cost, range (US$) 1987–12 611* 3555–5235* 54 700
N/A N/A 55 600
US dollars
N/A N/A 56
12 461 8273 16
Figure 38.1 Medicare reimbursement in real dollar values
*Statistically significant difference. from 1993 to 2002.
Socioeconomic issues 281
in the complexity of the operations, potential morbidity, gaps about its clinical and economic attributes. The poten-
and length of postoperative care are obvious to every tial clinical and economic benefits of laparoscopic inguinal
surgeon. The financial realities of the practice of surgery hernia repair are particularly unclear given the need for
in the USA are subtly affecting the ethics of surgery. general anesthesia and the possibility of rare but serious
Laparoscopic repair of primary inguinal hernias is injuries to intra-abdominal organs. This procedure bene-
reimbursed less than that of the open repair. There is no fitted from large-scale clinical trials and economic evalua-
consideration given to the extra level of expertise and tions for inguinal hernia repair. The use of laparoscopy in
training that is required to perform that operation. One the repair of many of the other hernias of the abdominal
could postulate that the financial disincentive is placed to wall seems to have a strong economic benefit, however.
discourage the use of the procedure in these patients The future development of advanced techniques and
because of the extra cost associated with the operation. even the availability of even the simplest of hernia repairs
This is especially troubling, as this will inhibit its use in may become more difficult due to the negative financial
patients who might benefit from that method of repair. consequences of governmental payment schedules.
At the time of writing, there is no code in which to bill for
the laparoscopic incisional hernia repair, although one
should be available soon.
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Note: References to figures are indicated by ‘f ’ and references to tables are indicated by ‘t’ when they fall on a page not covered by the text reference.