Data Dictionary Post Graduate Student Profile: January 24
Data Dictionary Post Graduate Student Profile: January 24
Data Dictionary Post Graduate Student Profile: January 24
Data Dictionary
Post Graduate
Student Profile 2012
Breakdown of the individual items used in the report and the detailed defintions
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Report Dashboard to inform progress towards Key Ambition 3 (Increasing the number of postgraduate taught and research students)
Time Series To run over the academic year, reported monthly to monitor progress towards agreed targets.
This report will look at the applications for PGR research studentships, the take up rate, supervisor:student ratio, dropout rate and reason and proportion of the group as a percentage of
Criteria the total student body.
Relationships This data dictionary sheet defines a number of items which will be required to make up the overall report and should be agreed by all parties prior to commencement.
Date This report will be reviewed regularly for the purpose of the MI pilot grouping.
Record Definition
Record Name Synonyms Description Target/Benchmark Summary Method Missing/Invalid Source/
item method and Source Quality
A PG student is defined by the level of course they Proportion of post • Count of each SPIDER
1 Post Graduate are undertaking. There are two types of graduate students to group
Student postgraduate students marked in Spider as follows: reach 20% of student • Percentage
body by 2013-14. as proportion
• PT (Post Graduate Taught) (PGT) Profile of target of whole
• PR (Post Graduate Research) (PGR provided by David student body
Blackmore please
see appendix 1 of this
In particular students counted on this report will have document.
a registration status of RE, PN , AW, CO, SE, EC but
exclude students with Rate Codes of ER, GP, HP,
SP, SU, X, ZP, ZM, N (unless for campus of Carmel,
Birkenhead, UCLAN and Lancaster) and (blank).
When using codes AW, CO, SE and EC specific rule
sets will apply see Appendix XX
NB when counting students a student on multiple courses can be counted multiple times. A student will be included in the count for each course that they are undertaking unless that course has been specifically
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characters GEN, CPD and CPS
• Student Program codes D/ED and DBA/DIST
(these will be excluded by the Laureate
• Student Level Code of CE
• Pre sessional English Language courses,
identified through Student Program Code
beginning ENGLANG. Best method of exclusion
through Degree Level Code of CEFR
• Main (M)
• Leahurst (V)
• Carmel
• Birkenhead
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• Lancaster
• Off campus (O)
• C – Completed Course
Type of exit award entered in to SWASTDT in SPIDER. Can include the following:
A – Awarded UG Cert.HE (unlikely for PT/PR students)
B – Awarded UG Dip.HE (as above)
C – Awarded PG Cert
D – Awarded PG Dip
E – Awarded UG Bachelor Degree
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• D – Deceased
• B – Deemed Withdrawn
• V – Studies Terminated
• W – Withdrawn
• E – Unsuitable program
• H – Health reasons
• J – Studies terminated for disciplinary
• L – Written off after time lapse
• M – To take up employment
• R – Withdrawn for academic reasons
• T – Transferred to another university
• U – Unsatisfactory
• Z – Financial reasons
Funder For Post Graduate Research students the sponsor Count of students AGRESSO(first
10 Sponsor which covers the project on which they are working. funded by Funder set of data
Currently held on an access database but to be pulled into
transferred into Agresso. AGRESSO)
This is the figure for expected number of students to Targets specified in 6 Comparison of SPIDER
11 Target be supervised by staff member above. actual to target
For the purpose of this report the department of the SPIDER (fed by
12 Faculty, school or student will always mirror the department of the post HR primary
department to which of the Supervisor. In this way a student may have appointment
student is attached more than one supervisor, and may have their FTE dept)
split over two or more departments.
1 and 3 = Home/EU
2 and 5 = Overseas/Islands
The nationality of the student. Breakdown of SPIDER
22 Nationality above counts by
NB a student may be one nationality and have a country of origin
residence code which differs from the expected one (grouped by
for that nationality e.g. ex Pats region?)
Details of whether the student is full or part time on To be determined SPIDER
23 Part-Time/Full Time the project. All Postgraduate Research students who
indicator are part time are deemed to be .5 FTE. Where a
student is on two course they will count once for
headcount and once for each FTE calculation by
Quality measures:
1. Reliable - verified as consistent, complete and unique or calculated from such a source data set.
2. Validated – has a valid coded value and is mandatory
3. Valid/missing - has a valid coded value, but can be missing (null).
4. Unreliable - cannot be verified, may contain missing, duplicate, inconsistent or invalid values
5. Unknown - reliability cannot be ascertained because it is externally sourced or calculated via undocumented rules.