A Beginners Guide To Data and Analytics
A Beginners Guide To Data and Analytics
A Beginners Guide To Data and Analytics
7 Data Literacy 101: “In this world of big data, basic data literacy—the ability to analyze, interpret, and even
question data—is an increasingly valuable skill,” says Harvard Business School Professor
Familiarizing Yourself with Janice Hammond in the online course Business Analytics.
the Data Landscape
With the right skills, data can allow you to gain and act on customer insights, predict future
financial and market trends, and enact systemic change for social good.
11 Building Your Data &
Through this e-book, you’ll gain an introduction to data literacy that can put you on
Analytical Skill Set track to be a data-driven professional. Entering into the data space as a beginner
may seem daunting, but with foundational knowledge, you can build your data
19 Which Data & Analytics literacy and leverage the power of data for organizational success.
Course Is Right for You?
Data Science
vs. Data Analytics:
What’s the
If you’re new to the world of data, two terms you’re likely to encounter
are “data science” and “data analytics.” While these terms are
related, they refer to different things. Here’s an overview of
what each term means and how it applies to business.
Data Science vs. Data Analytics
Data science is the process of building, cleaning, and
structuring datasets to analyze and extract meaning. Putting Data Analysis to Work
Data analytics, on the other hand, refers to the process HBS Professor Janice Hammond, who teaches
and practice of analyzing data to answer questions, extract the online course Business Analytics, implores
insights, and identify trends. professionals to harness the power of data
You can think of data science as a precursor to data analysis. analytics in a previous interview.
If your dataset isn’t structured, cleaned, and wrangled, how “Every time you do an analysis, you don’t just
will you be able to draw accurate, insightful conclusions? say, ‘Oh, the answer is 17. I’m done,’” she says.
Below is a deeper dive into each field’s role in business. “You need to ask, ‘What can I learn from the
results of this analysis about the underlying
context, about competition, about customers,
about suppliers?’ Managers should ask things
like, ‘How do the results of this analysis validate
or reinforce hypotheses I had before I did the
analysis?’ It is equally important to ask, ‘What
did I learn that negates or calls into question
the assumptions that I made going into the
analysis?’ Every analysis should be a feedback
loop that deepens your learning.”
The ethics of data privacy can be boiled down to the fact that
an individual’s consent is necessary to collect, store, and use
their personal information.
As a data handler, you have a responsibility to be transparent
with your subjects about your intentions, what their data will
be used for, and who will have access to it. In addition, you
need to ensure your use of data doesn’t cause harm to an
individual or group of people. This is referred to as disparate
impact and is unlawful.
To maintain your datasets’ integrity, diligently check for errors in the collection,
formatting, and analysis phases, monitor for potential breaches, and educate your
team about the importance of data integrity.
7. Machine Learning
As artificial intelligence grows in popularity,
machine learning is a highly valuable skill for
professionals working with big data.
Machine learning refers to the use of computer
algorithms that automatically learn from and adapt
in response to data. Some business applications
of machine learning include risk management,
performance analysis, trading, and automation.
Even if you’re not responsible for writing code,
knowing the basics of machine learning can
help you gain a deeper understanding of your
organization and boost efficiency through
2. Consider Opposing Viewpoints To practice this skill, question your assumptions and ask
While engaging with opposing viewpoints can help you others for their opinions. The more you actively engage with
expand your perspective, combat bias, and show your fellow different viewpoints, the less likely you are to get stuck in a
employees their opinions are valued, it can also be a useful one-track mindset when analyzing data.
way to practice analytical skills.
When analyzing data, it’s crucial to consider all possible
interpretations and avoid getting stuck in one way of thinking.
Make the data work for you by determining what you need to
know and the best way to answer questions using available
data. Improving your data and analytical skills is an ongoing
process, and each experience offers a chance to learn more.
The Data-Driven Decision-Making Framework
There are various tools and frameworks that can be beneficial when using data. One is the data-driven decision-making
framework, which is explained in Data Science for Business. This framework presents six steps for using data to drive
business decisions:
1. Understand the business problem: What are you
looking to understand or accomplish?
Data-Driven Decision-Making Framework
2. Wrangle data: Clean, validate, and organize the data.
Understanding data frameworks like this one gives you the capability to take a raw dataset, interpret its story, and use it
to answer relevant business questions.
Like all skills, those pertaining to data and analytics require practice to master. If you’re ready to take your learning to
the next level, consider enrolling in a data science or data analytics course. The next section outlines some options.
HBS Online Data & Analytics Courses
Basic Info What You’ll Learn Who Will Benefit
Basic Info What You’ll Learn Who Will Benefit
A Foundation in Data
After reading this e-book, you have a basic level of data literacy. You now understand the multifaceted data landscape, along with
the skills necessary for data analytics and how to hone them. Finally, you took stock of your goals and determined which HBS
Online course could be the next step in your data and analytics education.
Data is a powerful tool. As you move forward, you can level up your skills and use it to drive critical business decisions.
To learn more about what HBS Online
can do for you, visit online.hbs.edu.