RRRRR: Try This!!!
RRRRR: Try This!!!
RRRRR: Try This!!!
negotiate – (v.) to agree on something by formally discussing it; to get over, through, or around
(something) successfully
vivid – (adj.) seeming like real life because it is very clear, bright, or detailed
expository – (adj.) used to describe writing that is done to explain something
aphorism – (n.) a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea
Let’s see what you’ve got! SHARE
DIRECTIONS: Let‟s find out how much you already know about this lesson. Write the letter of your answer on
the space given. Answer the items honestly. Look for the right answer as you go through the learning guide.
___1. This pins down the meaning of a specific word, or defines an abstract concept.
A. analogy B. classification C. extended D. illustration
___2. This type of definition shows how the term fits into a larger category
A. analogy B. classification C. comparison D. contrast
___3. This type of extended definition gives examples or narrating incidents.
A. comparison B. contrast C. expanded D. illustration
analogy __________________________________________________________________
increased dramatically
Read and know more about “Formulating Definition Expanded by Analogy” on p. 271 of your
Read and know more about “Formulating Definition Expanded by Comparison and Contrast”
on p. 303 of your textbook.
Read and know more about “Formulating Definition Expanded by Classification” on p. 344
of your textbook.
Read and know more about “Formulating Definition Expanded by Example/ Illustration” on
p. 378 of your textbook.
4 Novella (short novel or long short story): Hemingway‟s The Old Man and the Sea (127 pages); Kafka‟s The
Metamorphosis (102 pages)
5 Cuisine (a style or method of cooking): French, Japanese
DIRECTIONS: The following are the learning objectives set from the very beginning of this week. Just put a check
(√) in a column of the description that corresponds to your personal response.
LEARNING TARGETS I understand all
and will be able to
I fully understand
more than 50% of
I still need more
activities to learn
apply. the concepts. all concepts.
1. I can recognize ways of expanding definition.
2. I can formulate expanded definition using
3. I can formulate definition expanded by use of
comparison and contrast.
4. I can formulate definition expanded using
5. I can formulate definition expanded using
illustration or example.
When you write, you think about your audience as to how they would understand
each word or term you would include, how they can relate unto you and to those words,
how they can be brought to the same level or place where you are in. That’s how you
think of the time to use expanded definition – another way to connect well with the
audience or readers, a way to make yourself be understood, a way to fill the void from
the bewildered audience, a way to intervene and heal their wounded minds stricken by
your sharpest words.