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ABB Instrumentation: Advanced Users Guide

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Advanced Users MassMeter Systems

1205 1210 and 1220 Transmitters

K2–K15000 Flow Sensors



ABB Instrumentation

The Company BS EN ISO 9001


ABB Instrumentation is an established world force in the design and manufacture of


instrumentation for industrial process control, flow measurement, gas and liquid analysis and
St Neots, U.K. – Cert. No. Q5907
environmental applications. Stonehouse, U.K. – Cert. No. FM 21106

As a part of ABB, a world leader in process automation technology, we offer customers

application expertise, service and support worldwide. EN 29001 (ISO 9001)

We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and

unrivalled service and support.
Lenno, Italy – Cert. No. 9/90A
The quality, accuracy and performance of the Company’s products result from over 100 years
experience, combined with a continuous program of innovative design and development to
incorporate the latest technology.

The NAMAS Calibration Laboratory No. 0255(B) is just one of the ten flow calibration plants
operated by the Company, and is indicative of ABB Instrumentation’s dedication to quality
and accuracy. Stonehouse, U.K. – Cert. No. 0255

Use of Instructions

Warning. ✶ Note.
An instruction that draws attention to the risk of injury or Clarification of an instruction or additional information.

Caution. Information.
An instruction that draws attention to the risk of damage to Further reference for more detailed information or
the product, process or surroundings. technical details.

Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are associated with equipment or property damage,
it must be understood that operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded
process system performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.

Information in this manual is intended only to assist our customers in the efficient operation of our equipment. Use of this manual
for any other purpose is specifically prohibited and its contents are not to be reproduced in full or part without prior approval of
Technical Communications Department, ABB Instrumentation.

Health and Safety

To ensure that our products are safe and without risk to health, the following points must be noted:
1. The relevant sections of these instructions must be read carefully before proceeding.
2. Warning labels on containers and packages must be observed.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and servicing must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel and in accordance with the
information given.
4. Normal safety precautions must be taken to avoid the possibility of an accident occurring when operating in conditions of high pressure
and/or temperature.
5. Chemicals must be stored away from heat, protected from temperature extremes and powders kept dry. Normal safe handling procedures
must be used.
6. When disposing of chemicals ensure that no two chemicals are mixed.
Safety advice concerning the use of the equipment described in this manual or any relevant hazard data sheets (where applicable) may be
obtained from the Company address on the back cover, together with servicing and spares information.
1 BATCHING ............................................................ 2 5 SERIAL PROTOCOL .................................................... 10
1.1 Basics of Batching .......................................... 2 5.1 Introduction ................................................... 10
1.1.1 Batch Control Parameters ................... 2 5.2 The Poll ........................................................ 10
1.1.2 Batching Outputs ................................ 2 5.3 The Response Message .............................. 10
1.1.3 Remote Inputs ..................................... 2 5.4 Codes .......................................................... 10
1.1.4 Batch Indicator .................................... 3 5.5 Examples ...................................................... 11
1.1.5 Keyboard Batch Control ...................... 3 5.6 Conversion of Floating Point to Decimal ...... 11
5.7 Decimal to Floating Point Conversion .......... 11
2 PID ....................................................................... 4 5.8 Hints for Successful Use of RS-422/485
2.1 PID Setup ....................................................... 4 Communications ........................................... 12
2.1.1 Getting Started .................................... 4 5.9 Appendix A ................................................... 12
5.10 Appendix B ................................................... 13
3 ALARMS ............................................................ 5 5.11 Appendix C ................................................... 14
3.1 Introduction ..................................................... 5
3.2 User Defined Alarms ...................................... 5 6 MENUS .................................................................... 16
3.3 General Information ........................................ 5 6.1 Password Menu ............................................ 16
3.3.1 User Alarm Menu ................................ 5 6.2 Measurement Menu .................................... 16
3.3.2 Alarm Parameters ............................... 6 6.3 Batch Menu .................................................. 17
3.3.3 Setting User Alarms ............................ 6 6.4 PID Menu ..................................................... 18
3.3.4 User Alarm Outputs ............................. 7 6.5 Calibrate Zero Menu ..................................... 18
6.6 Parameters Selection List ............................ 18
4 TOTAL/VOLUME ...................................................... 7 6.7 Application Menu .......................................... 19
4.1 Introduction ..................................................... 7 6.8 Set Up Menu ................................................ 19
4.2 Using the Totalizers ........................................ 7 6.9 Total/Volume Menu ....................................... 23
4.3 ”Wrap Limit” .................................................... 7 6.10 Current Outputs #1 (#2) ............................... 23
4.4 Reverse Flow Inhibit ....................................... 8 6.11 Frequency Out #1 (#2) & Pulse Out #1 (#2) . 24
4.5 Density/Volume Enabled ................................ 8
4.5.1 Density Modes (for versions 65 to 71) 8 7 CROSS REFERENCE LIST .................................... 25
4.5.2 Density Modes (Versions after S71H8) 9 7.1 Numeric Listing ............................................. 25
4.6 %Soluble Calculations .................................... 9


1.1 Basics of Batching Bβ Batch Quantity Pre-Trigger (Batch Menu, pw3) - In
certain applications, a fixed amount of liquid drains from
Introduction the delivery pipework after the control valve closes.
The term “batching” refers to the dispensing or transfer of a Batch pre-trigger allows the user to disable the batch
measured amount of process fluid from one point to another. driver early to compensate. This value is determined
The basic elements of a batching system include: a flow experimentally by running several test batches and
measuring device, a flow regulating device and a control unit. recording the extra amount delivered. Program this
The operator enters a batch size into the control unit and starts value into Bβ.
the “batch sequence”. The control unit then sends out a control
signal to the flow regulating device to begin dispensing fluid Bσ Batch Preset (Batch Menu, pw3) - Used for 2-stage
and measures the fluid flow from the flow sensing device. batching. The value of this parameter (also called the
When the correct amount has been dispensed, the control unit dribble feed amount) is subtracted from the Batch Limit
stops the flow. (BM) and when the batch limit reaches this adjusted
value, the primary batch driver is disabled. The
ABB MassMeters Series 1200 Transmitters with Version S7*H8 secondary batch driver remains enabled until the batch
software include complete batch control capability which can be limit (BM) is finally reached.
programmed by the user for a specific application. This section of
the manual covers each of the basic batch control parameters The batch function controls drivers 1 and 2. Typical connection
and how to use them. to these drivers is discussed in later sections.

1.1.1 Batch Control Parameters 1.1.2 Batching Outputs

B+ Batch/Menu select (Set-Up Menu, Password 3), controls Series 1200 Transmitters have two drivers for two-stage
the Batch Menu and the type of batching. control of “shutdown” to prevent overshoot of the setpoint.
These drivers can be user programmed to reduce the batch
B+ = 0 Batch Menu turned off (batching may still be feed rate as the setpoint is approached. The drivers can either
controlled via Serial Port or Remote Input) operate two separate valves (fast and slow delivery rates), or
B+ = 1 Start/Stop batching operate a two-stage control valve.
B+ = 2 Start/Suspend batching
B+ = 3 Batch until flow stops Driver #2 (slow feed) - Closes at the start of a batch and
remains closed until the final setpoint value (BM) is reached.
Bm Batch parameter select (Batch Menu, pw3), selects the For single-stage batching, only this driver is used. Bα and Bβ
flow parameter to be controlled. still acts on this output.

Bm = 0 Mass batching (Fx) Driver #1 (fast feed) - Also closes at the start of a batch, but it
Bm = 1 %A mass batching (%a) can be programmed to open at a user selected value (Bσ)
Bm = 2 %B mass batching (%b) before the final setpoint is reached. For example, to deliver a
Bm = 3 Volumetric batching (VF) 100 lb batch with the last 5 lbs to be delivered in the “dribble
mode" we would set (Bσ) at 5 lbs.
Be Batch/Stop on error (Batch Menu, pw3) - The batch logic
can be programmed to disable the batch from starting, Driver #1 and Driver #2 are open collector relay drivers rated
or from continuing, if the sensor is out of the preset at 600 mA maximum current and 39 volts maximum voltage.
frequency limits (fm & fM). Note: The error condition
must remain for more than 10 seconds before the batch Caution. DO NOT APPLY 110 or 230 VOLTS AC TO
is stopped. THESE OUTPUTS.

Be = 0 Disregard a frequency alarm

Be = 1 Stop batch if frequency alarm occurs Caution. Most applications require the use of
external relays to handle the higher current and voltage of
Bα Batch Timing Pre-Trigger - This is used to trigger the control valves, etc. Power to operate the coil of the external
relay drivers at a certain time before the batch would driver is available at the ‘User +15V’ terminal of the
otherwise stop. An example of how this parameter would transmitter (50 mA max.). If transmitter power is used, the
be used is in the case where a valve takes a long time to external relay coils should be rated at 12 volts DC, 50 mA
close, giving batch overrun. If this time is fixed, then a maximum current (e.g., Grayhill #70S2-04-B-06-S or
time can be entered into Bα, thereby stopping the batch equivalent). Wiring diagrams for Driver #1 and Driver #2 are
early. This time would usually be equal to the time included at the rear of this section.
required to pass 50% of the overrun mass, at the normal
flow rate. 1.1.3 Remote Inputs
ABB MassMeter Series 1200 Transmitters have two Remote
Using the formula Input lines which can control batching via momentary contact
Bα (in sec). = 0.5 x overshoot (in mass/mass per second) switches mounted in another location. Both Remote Inputs are
transistors and do require a voltage to be applied by the
If Bα is not being used it should be set to zero. remote contact switch to operate. The +15 volts DC available


at the ‘User +15V’ terminal can be used in conjunction with the d) To stop the batch before it is complete, press the ● key two
momentary contact switches to activate the input transistors. times. This display now shows the prompt, “▲▼● STOP
Wiring diagrams for the Remote Inputs are shown at the end of BATCH”. To stop the batch press all three keys ▲▼●.
this section.
Suitable protection diode.
The standard software package supplied with Series 1200 e.g. 1N4001
Transmitters uses both Remote Inputs for batching functions.
MassMeter Field User's
These inputs operate in tandem with the keyboard batching Transmitter Cabling Equipment
modes selected by B+ (Set-Up Menu). +15 VDC
B+ = 1 Start/Stop batching - Remote Input #1 starts the To valve or
batch. Remote Input #2 stops the batch in process. solenoid etc.
Pressing Remote Input #1 again resets the Batch
Totalizer (B) and starts another batch. Logic #1 External relay
(Logic #2)
50 mA maximum current.
B+ = 2 Start/Suspend batching - Remote Input #1 starts Output driver #1
(Output driver #2)
the batch. Remote Input #2 suspends the batch in
process. If the total batch amount (BM) has not See Installation and Operating Instructions
been reached, then Remote Input #1 resumes for Terminal Numbers
batching. If the total batch amount (BM) has been
reached, then Remote Input #1 resets the Batch Fig. 1.1 Batching Output Drivers Wiring Connections
Totalizer (B) and starts another batch.

B+ = 3 The Batch Totalizer (B) continues to increment Caution. Use ‘User +15V’ supply with ‘Logic #1’
until the flow rate actually stops. The batch can be and ‘Logic #2’ terminals for Drivers #1 and #2 respectively.
suspended but does not stop until the flow rate These drivers are solid state devices with maximum rating
becomes less than the low flow cutoff (FL) value. of 50mA. Wire external relay (Solid State, Grayhill 70S2
Series or equivalent.) as shown.
B+ = 0 “Blind” Start/Stop batching - This mode turns off
the Batching Menu and disables transmitter
keyboard batch control. However, the Remote When external
Inputs are still active and operate in the Start/Stop MassMeter Field User's DC volts is
Transmitter Cabling Equipment required
5 to 15 VDC
+15 VDC
✶ Note. The Remote Input functions described above
are those supplied with standard transmitter software.
Certain custom software options, specially ordered from
the factory, may use one or both Remote Inputs for other Batch
Logic Input #1
functions. Check the Calibration/Configuration Start/Stop
documents supplied with your flowmeter.

1.1.4 Batch Indicator

Logic Input #2 Batch Suspend
Series 1200 Transmitters have a display indicator which
shows the operator that a batch is in progress. When a batch See Installation and Operating Instructions for
is started, the letter “b” appears at the extreme left of the top Terminal Numbers
line of the display. This indicator remains visible until the batch
stops. If the batch ("b") suspends, a "B" replaces this symbol. Fig. 1.2 Remote Input (Batch Start/Stop) Wiring Diagram

1.1.5 Keyboard Batch Control

Batching can be started and stopped using the keyboard ✶ Note. Batch Start/Stop/Suspend switches are
controls as follows: Normally Open (NO) Momentary Contact switches.

a) Enter the Batch Menu by pressing the ● key. The display The Batch Menu can be expanded by using passwords
shows the prompt, “▲▼● START BATCH”. 2 and 3. Password 2 allows the user to set the batch limit BM.
Password 3 enables the user to set up the batch mode and
b) To start the batch press all three keys ▲▼●. associated parameters.

c) The display now shows BM, (the batch limit) and the batch
indicator b appears at the left side of the display showing
that the batch has started. The batch now runs until the
batch limit is reached and then stops automatically.

Table 1.1 Batch Menu 2.1 PID Setup
Series 1200 transmitters are supplied with a built-in P.I.D.
Password Level 0 (No access to Batch Menu). controller which can be used for a large number of control
Password Level 1 (Fixed batch only.)
To find the response time of the system, measure the time it
Symbol Description Units takes to go from zero to 100% full scale stabilized flow and
stl Starts Batch also the time from 100% flow back to zero.
(User prompt)
BM Batch limit mass If a valve is used instead of a pump, record the time it takes to
B Batch totalizer mass go from fully closed to fully open and also from fully open back
S Total mass to fully closed.
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
T Temperature temperature This is the limiting factor of the response of the system.

Password Level 2 (Lets user change size of batches.) Multiply the lesser of the two measured times (in seconds).
This gives the required Ct in ms. Enter this value for Ct. 10 ms
Symbol Description Units is the minimum value.
stl Starts Batch e.g. if the minimum measured time was 3 seconds, Ct
BM Permits changes in Batch size mass would be 3 x 20 = 60 ms.
B Running Batch totalizer mass
S Total mass After arriving at the response time of the system to full scale
B1 Program flow the remaining variables Cg, Cd, Ci and Ct, need to be set.
B2 Program
B3 Program Ct
B4 Program Ct is the time taken between each update cycle.
B5 Program
B6 Program Cg
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time Cg is the controller gain value. It determines the rate of
T Temperature temperature acceleration that the “loop” reaches when trying to “correct”
itself from one setpoint to another. The “loop” is the entire
Password Level 3 system (pump, valves, controller, etc.). A high Cg tries to reach
the setpoint faster than a low Cg. Care should be taken not to
Symbol Description Units set Cg to a value which over shoots the setpoint and requires
a large value of Cd and Ci to correct for it. A change in Cg
▲▼● Starts Batch always has the largest effect on the systems response.
BM Batch limit mass
B Batch totalizer mass Cd
Σ Totalizer mass Cd is the derivative control term. Its effect is to slow the rate of
B1 Program change of the measured value towards the setpoint. It is
B2 Program normally used to reduce setpoint overshoot. The larger the
B3 Program value, the greater the damping effect.
B4 Program
B5 Program Ci
B6 Program Ci is the integral control term. Its effect is to remove any offset
Fx Dampened flow rate mass/time between the measured value and the setpoint value. Without
T Temperature temperature integral control, all control loops come to rest with an offset
Bα Valve timing comp. time between the measured value and the setpoint. This is because
Bβ Batch stop drain mass the gain and the derivative term are only active when either the
Bσ Batch preset mass measured value or the setpoint are changing. If Ci is set too
Bm Batch mode 0, 1, 2, 3 high, the system oscillates.
Be Batch stop on error 0 or 1
Re Batch relay control 2.1.1 Getting Started
2B Second line in Batch symbol The first thing that must be done is to span the outputs (ex. I1,
I2, fr). Whichever output is to be used must be configured for
the appropriate setpoints according to the process. The values
of Ct, Cg, Cd and Ci are set at the factory for average PID
control rates. Depending on the response of the system, the
initial values may need to be increased or decreased. This
determination is up to the individual who sets up the system
since each process has its own unique characteristics.


The best way to tune a PID loop is to log each change to the 3.1 Introduction
parameters and see what happens to the process. Since all ABB MassMeter Transmitters have two types of alarms:
processes are different there is not a standard set of numbers System Alarms and User Defined Alarms.
to use as set up values. The system must be tuned with a trial
and error type of approach. This is why it is important that each System Alarms indicate difficulty with the system and are not
change to the parameters is logged and the resulting change programmable by the user – see the Installation and Operating
is noted. Expect to spend quite some time to completely set up Instruction Manual.
a PID system for each application.

Set up Examples: 3.2 User Defined Alarms

Series 1200 Transmitters with Version S7*H8 software include
Below is an example of how to set up the MassMeter's outputs up to six User Defined Alarms. These alarms can be
for PID controls: programmed to trigger when process parameters exceed
preset limits set by the operator.
Current #1 Output Menu PID Menu
For example, if the typical flow rate for a particular process line
ID = C CS = 25 kg is normally 30 to 60 lb/min. Large flow deviations outside this
EN - 1 Fx = Current flow rate range usually mean there is a problem with the process. User
Om = 4 mA C = Current PID output Alarm A could be programmed to trip an alarm if the flow
Om = 20 mA C+ = 1 dropped below 10 lb/min or exceeded 70 lb/min; thus alerting
Vm = 0% CI = Setpoint value the operator to a potential process problem.
(ex: Fx = mass,
VM = 100% Cg = 2 3.3 General Information
Oa = 4 mA Cd = 0.5 User Alarms are labelled “A” through “F” and are initially set to
1r = 0 Ci = 0.25 the most commonly used parameters as shown in the User
Ct = 50 msec Alarm Menu. This menu also shows the message which
appears on the display when the alarm occurs. Note that Alarm
✶ F shows a “generic” message.
Note. All PID Setup should be done with C+=0 in PID
Menu. After setup is complete, set EN=1 in Current 1 It is important to note that each of the six alarms may be tied to
Menu, then set C+=1. When disabling PID function, one of the various parameters listed in Table 3.1. However,
always set C+=0, first. each alarm always displays the same message shown in the
menu, regardless to which parameter it is tied (e.g., if Alarm D
is tied to frequency (fr), the display message still reads
Table 2.1 PID Menu high batch if the programmed frequency limit is exceeded).

Symbol Description Units In addition to displaying an alarm message on the display, all
User Defined Alarms also output on Driver #3. This alarm
Password Levels 0,1 and 2 output can then be used to trigger a remote annunciator or
PID Parameters other peripheral device as shown in Figure 3.1.
Cs Setpoint mass/time
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time 3.3.1 User Alarm Menu
C PID output percent No passwords: Only allows the user to observe the alarm
parameter, such as flow. The table below
Password Level 3 shows the 6 alarms and their default
PID Parameters settings.
Cs Setpoint mass/time
Table 3.1 User Alarm Menu
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
C PID output percent
Symbol Alarm Message Default Setting
C+ PID enable 0 or 1
Alarm A low/high flow Flow alarm (ID symbol=Fx)
CI Programmable ID symbol
Alarm B low/high total Totalizer alarm (ID = ∑)
Cg PID gain number
Alarm C low/high density Density alarm (ID = D)
Cd PID deprivative time number
Alarm D low/high batch Batch alarm (ID = B)
Ci PID integration time number
Alarm E low/high temperature Temperature alarm (ID = T)
Ct PID sample time number
Alarm F low/high limit alarm Generic alarm (ID = si)
C0 PID constant percent
2C PID menu second line symbol
Password 1: Allows the user to preview the alarm variables.
Password 2: Allows the user to change alarm variables.


3.3.2 Alarm Parameters 3.3.3 Setting User Alarms

Table 3.2 lists the parameters which can be selected for the a) To enter the Alarm Menu, press the ● key. The first alarm is
User Alarms. Please note that parameters marked with a Alarm - “A”. To sequence to different alarms, press ▲ or ▼.
diamond (◆) are functional only when certain options have
b) No passwords enabled only allows the user to view the
been enabled (e.g., density, volumetric flow, %Mass, etc.)
alarm parameter. To view the alarm parameter, press
▲ ▼ ● with the selected “alarm” on the display. For
Table 3.2 Alarm Parameters
example, when Alarm A is displayed and the ▲ ▼ ● are
pressed the display shows:
Symbol Description Units
F XX.XXX lb/min.
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
c) Password 1 allows the user to view all alarm variables but
fr Tube frequency Hz
not change them. Again to view the variables for a certain
T Temperature temperature
alarm, press ▲ ▼ ● for the selected alarm. The display
D ◆ Density density
shows the alarm pointer ID symbol with the actual alarm
SG ◆ Specific gravity SGU
parameter pointed to. You can then scroll up or down to
∑ Resettable totalizer mass
view the following variables for each alarm.
∑∑ Non-resettable totalizer mass
R∑ Reverse total mass
Table 3.4 Password 1
N∑ Net mass total mass
B Batch totalizer mass
Symbol Description Units
VF ◆ Volumetric flow rate volumetric flow
V∑ ◆ Volumetric total volume
ID Alarm pointer item ID symbol
RV ◆ Reverse volumetric total volume
EN Enable or disable alarm 0 or 1
NV ◆ Net volumetric total volume
LV Low limit units of item pointed to
Fa ◆ Flow rate of phase A flow
HV High limit units of item pointed to
Fb ◆ Flow rate of phase B flow
F Pointed to parameter units of item pointed to
∑a ◆ Totalized flow for phase A mass
∑b ◆ Totalized flow for phase B mass
d) Password 2 enabled allows the user to change the
%a ◆ % phase A make up by weight percent
variables under an alarm. The variables are again
%b ◆ % phase B make up by weight percent
accessed by pressing ▲ ▼ ● for the selected alarm. To
a% ◆ Density for phase A density
change a variable follow the standard procedure for
b% ◆ Density for phase B density
changing an item. The variables are the same as described
C Controller output (PID) percent
in the previous section.
W1 Reserved work parameter percent
si Sensor signal voltage millivolts e) To change alarm settings under Password 2. Pressing the
Vw Net Oil function (special programming) three keys, ▲ ▼ ● allows the user to view the alarm
Vo " " parameter, in the case of Alarm - “A” the parameter is
Sw " " automatically mass flow F.
So " "
Note that now the user is able to see the exact ID symbol that
%w " "
the alarm is set to.
%o " "
Dw " " ID F mass flow
Do " "
Ts " " EN 0 or 1 to enable or disable the output
Aw " " Then by sequencing the "up" key, alarm low and high values
Ww " " can be viewed.
Wo " "
GF " " Symbol Number Units (programmable)
GS " " Lv 0.00 kg/hr Low Limit
An Analog input Hv 5000.00 kg/hr High Limit
W3 Reserved work parameter mass/time F (blank) kg/hr
W4 Reserved work parameter mass
W5 Reserved work parameter density f) Sequence the display by pressing the up ▲ key until the
W6 Reserved work parameter temperature required symbol displays.
Ωx Filtered phase time g) To change a value - pressing the three keys, ▲ ▼ ● allows
Ωf Normalization factor frequency data to be changed.
F Internal mass flow in kg/sec. mass/time
NF Net mass flow rate mass/time h) To enter the new number, press the ● key.
Nv ◆ Net volumetric flow rate volumetric flow i) Make sure that the proper units are selected, that is, lbs,
F% Percent full scale flow rate percent kgs or liters. This can be done by pressing the ▼ ● keys.

3.3.4 User Alarm Outputs 4.1 Introduction
All User Defined Alarms output on Driver #3, which can be The Total/Volume Menu, as its name implies, serves a dual
used to trigger a remote annunciator or other peripheral function. This menu contains all the various system Totalizers
device, when alarm conditions occur. Driver #3 has an open available (except for Batch). It also displays all the volumetric
collector output, which requires a “pull-up” voltage to operate, flow parameters when Density and/or Volumetric Flow options
and is capable of switching up to 600 mA maximum have been enabled.
current/39V maximum.
The basic Total/Volume Menu displays only the mass flow
If the peripheral device connected to Driver #3 is TTL/CMOS
totalizers, but it can be expanded using higher password
compatible, transmitter power can be used to actuate the
levels and/or enabling density-related parameters. For
device. Figure 3.1 illustrates a typical wiring diagram for this
simplicity, four separate types of Total/Volume Menus are
listed according to the type of Density options enabled:
MassMeter Field
Transmitter Cabling • Mass only (no Density enabled)
• Volumetric (Density or Volumetric options enabled)
+15VDC • %Mass - Insoluble (Density with curve-fit option)
10K pull-up

Logic #3
• %Mass - Soluble (Density with curve-fit option)

(Logic #4)
Logic Level
Sensing Each type of menu shows the various parameters available
(i.e., PLC, pulse counter
& otherTTL/CMOS according to password level. A detailed listing of the entire
compatible inputs Total/Volume Menu with all options and passwords enabled is
shown in Section 6 of this manual.
Output driver #3
(Output driver #4)
Logic high = no alarm
Logic low = alarm condition exists 4.2 Using the Totalizers
See Installation and Operating Instructions for All of the totalizers displayed in the Total/Volume Menu contain
Terminal Numbers the symbol (Σ) and automatically totalize their respective
Fig. 3.1 Alarm Wiring Connections parameters whenever there is flow going through the sensor.
These totalizers may all be simultaneously reset to zero at any
time (except for ΣΣ) using a single key stroke. The Non-
Resettable Totalizer (ΣΣ) cannot be reset, except with a factory
Caution. Some peripheral devices may require level password.
more than 50 mA @ 15 VDC to operate. In this case, an
external power relay must be used as shown in Fig. 3.2. To reset the Totalizers, enter the Total/Volume Menu (if you are
Relay coil (e.g. Grayhill #70S2-04-B-06-S or equivalent) already in this menu, press the ● key two times). You should
rated at 12VDC, 50 mA maximum current. see the display prompt “▲▼● RESET TOTAL”. Press all three
keys (▲▼●) to reset. All totalizers (except for ΣΣ) reset to zero
Fit diode - e.g. 1N1004
and then begin counting.
MassMeter Field
Transmitter Cabling if driving relays
+15 VDC
4.3 ”Wrap Limit”
Logic #3 Load
(Logic #4) (relay, light The term “Totalizer Wrap Limit” originated with mechanical
piezo alarm) counters which would reset to zero after all the dials reached
“9” (e.g., the odometer on a car reaching 99999.9 miles and
50 mA maximum current. then turning over to 00000.0). The “Wrap Limit” is simply the
number at which the counter resets (in our odometer example,
Output driver #3 the “Wrap Limit” would be 100,000 miles).
(Output driver #4)
Under alarm condition, load will be turned on. The electronic totalizers in the ABB MassMeter Transmitter
No alarm = load turned off. are much more versatile. The user can select the “Wrap Limit”
See Installation and Operating Instructions for of the mass flow totalizer (Σ) by setting Σo in the Total/Volume
Terminal Numbers Menu.

Fig. 3.2 Alarm Wiring Connections

✶ Note. When mass totalizer (Σ) wraps, volumetric,
% and %b totalizers wrap at the same time. Wrap limits
can be set up to 10,000,000 for maximum 8-digit
✶ Note. User Defined Alarms (process alarms) are limit resolution on the totalizer. Higher limits can be selected,
alarms which can be programmed by the user and output but the display reverts to scientific notation format with 4-
on Driver #3 (‘Logic #3’ terminal). Error Alarms (system digit resolution up to a maximum of 9.999 x 1099.
alarms), are factory preset and output on Driver #4 (‘Logic
#4’ terminal).


4.5 Density/Volume Enabled

✶ Note. The wrap limit Σo can only be set in kg units. If D+ (Density enable) is set to 1, then the following display lists
For example, if a wrap limit of 10,000,000 lbs is desired, are enabled in the Total/Volume Menu. (Note the levels of
Σo should be set to a value of 4535924 kg. passwords required for specific display lists.)

4.5.1 Density Modes (for versions 65 to 71)

In the latest release of the software for the K-Flow Transmitter,
4.4 Reverse Flow Inhibit there are now 5 density modes (plus “density off”) which are
ABB MassMeter transmitters have a Reverse flow selector accessible under parameter D+. These are described as
(R+ in the Setup Menu), which allows the user to select follows:
whether the unit displays a negative flow rate if there is D+ = 0 Density off
backward flow through the sensor. Transmitters are initially set D+ = 1 Standard Density ON
to display negative flow (R+ = 1) to assist in start-up. D+ = 2 API Gravity
D+ = 3 Degree Baume
The Reverse flow setting is an important consideration for D+ = 4 Gas Volumes at reduced conditions
totalizer applications. With R+ set to 1, any backward flow D+ = 5 Normalized Liquid Density
through the sensor displays as a negative flow rate and the D+ = 6 Net Oil
totalizers decrement. For the majority of totalizer
applications, R+ should be set to 0. This prevents any D+ = 0 (Density OFF)
backward flow from showing as a negative flow rate and The density displays are OFF. Values of density, SG, volume
affecting the totalizer readings. rate/total, etc. are not shown but are still computed and
available using a PC and the program MFC (DOS) or
Table 4.1 Total/Volume Menu Screwdriver (Windows™).
(Mass Totalization Only)
D+ = 1 (Standard Density ON)
Password Level 0, 1, 2 The density displays are ON. The SG value is calculated as
Symbol Description Units
▲▼● Resets totalizer prompt SG = Density = Measured Density
Σ Master resettable totalizer mass GF Density of water at 60°F
ΣΣ Master non-resettable totalizer mass
Σ+ Mass forward total mass For reference, densities other than “water at 60°F”, enter the
Σ- Mass reverse total mass reference density in g/cc into GF.
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
D+ = 2 (API Gravity)
Password Level 3 The density displays are ON. The SG value displays the API
Gravity, which is calculated from the liquid SG as follows:
Symbol Description Units
▲▼● Resets totalizer prompt API = 141.5 _ 131.5
Σ Master resettable totalizer mass SG
ΣΣ Master non-resettable totalizer mass
Σo Totalizer wrap limit number For example, if the SG is 1, the API Gravity is 10. If the SG is
Σ+ Mass forward total mass 0.6112, the API Gravity is 100. The API Gravity only operates
Σ- Mass reverse total mass for SG values from 0.6112 up to 10.
Fx Mass flow rate flow
VΣ Master Volumetric total volume D+ = 3 (Degrees Baume)
VF Master Volumetric flow rate vol./time The density displays are ON. The SG value displays the
RV Reverse volume total Degrees Baume density. This has two different formulas
NV Net Volumetric total volume depending upon whether the fluid has an SG above or below
RΣ Return (slave) mass total mass that of water.
NΣ Net Mass total mass
RF Return (slave) mass flow rate mass/time For SG < 1; Baume = (140/SG) - 130
NF Net Mass flow rate mass/time For SG > 1: Baume = 145 - (145/SG)
Nv Net Volumetric flow rate vol./time
2Σ Second line in Total symbol D+ = 4 (Gas Volumes at reduced conditions)
Density displays are ON. The SG display is normalized to the
density at a certain reference temperature. For this function,
the following must be entered:

a) Set the value of a% to the density of the gas at the chosen

reference conditions (e.g., if the gas is air and the
reference is NTP, set a% to 1.2928 kg/m3. This is a floating


point number, but full resolution is not available on the 4.5.2 Density Modes (Versions after S71H8)
meter display. To obtain full resolution, the value should be (D+=0 to D+=5, as for previous versions)
entered using a PC and the K-Flow “MFC” or “Screwdriver” D+ = 6 Normalized Density
software utility. This Density mode ‘normalizes the density to a value defined
by the density calculation temperature base (TD) using
b) Set the value of DW (TD in S70H8 software) to the polynomial coefficient a1.
reference temperature [for NTP, this is 0°C (32°F); for STP
it is 15.5°C (60°F)]. The formula is:
Density = Measured density(1+a1(T–TD))
The volume rate/total then displays in the appropriate reduced
volume (i.e., volumes at NTP, STP, etc.) The measured density is copied to W5. This provides the
actual density in W5 for use as required, and the normalized
D+ = 5 (Normalized Liquid Density) density in D, which is effectively in the volumetric totalizer.
Density displays are ON but the Density D displays the value
of Density at a reference temperature, calculated using linear D+ = 7 (Net Oil functions)
normalization as follow: As for D+ = 6 in previous versions.

D = Actual Density [1 + GF (T - DW**)] Table 4.2 Total/Volume Menu

** DW in software versions prior to S70H8, use TD in S70H8. Password Level 0, 1 or 2

For this function to operate, the following must be entered: Symbol Description Units

a) Set GF = Value of the coefficient of expansion of the ▲▼● Resets the resettable totalizer prompt
fluid (this is a negative number) Σ Resettable totalizer mass
ΣΣ Non-resettable totalizer mass
b) Set DW = Temperature base (prior to S70H8) (i.e., Σ+ Positive flow totalizer mass
temperature at which no correction for temperature is to be Σ- Negative flow totalizer mass
made) Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
VΣ Volumetric total volume
c) Set TD = Temperature base for density calculations in VF Volumetric flow rate vol./time
S70H8 (i.e., temperature at which no correction for
temperature is to be made) Password Level 3

D+ = 6 (Net Oil functions) Symbol Description Units

Net Oil functions are described in the Net Oil Manual
supplement . ▲▼● Resets the resettable totalizer prompt
Σ Resettable totalizer mass
Since an ABB MassMeter measures directly the mass flow ΣΣ Non-resettable totalizer mass
rate and the absolute density of a fluid, it is a simple matter to Σo Totalizer “reset-to-zero” value mass
calculate directly from these two parameters the volumetric Σ+ Positive flow totalizer mass
flow rate. The base equation used is: Σ- Negative flow totalizer mass
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
Volumetric Rate = Mass Rate ÷ Density VS Volumetric total volume
VF Volumetric flow rate vol./time
For example, if the mass rate of a fluid with an absolute density 2Σ Total menu second line symbol
of 0.8 grams per cubic centimeter were to be 400.0 gr per
minute, then the volumetric rate would be calculated to be
500.0 cubic centimeters per minute - at process pressure and 4.6 %Soluble Calculations (with D+ = 1)
temperature. The Total/Volume Menu contains the calculated %Mass of the
soluble target fluid, as well as its flow rate. These are
Various constants are also applied to transform the internal displayed under the headings % a, % b, Fa and Fb - the
units of measure to other, perhaps more useful, display units - percent-by-mass and flow rate of the target fluid and the
e.g., gallons per minute, barrels per hour, etc. carrier fluid(s), respectively.
✶ Note. All internal calculations are completed in a To configure the software as a soluble %Mass, use the brix/
matter of milliseconds; the entire string of calculations is fraction switch, bm, found in the Set-Up Menu. If it is set to 1,
continuously repeated. the %Mass calculations assume a soluble mixture. (If it is set
to 0, the %Mass calculations assume an insoluble mixture.)

Table 4.3 Total/Volume Menu 5.1 Introduction
The ABB MassMeter’s standard serial protocol is an ASCII
Password Level 0, 1 or 2 coded poll/response procedure. The standard setup is 1200
baud full duplex mode, 7 bits of data with even parity and one
Symbol Descriptions Units stop bit.

▲▼● Resets totalizer prompt The following paragraphs define the message structure.
Σ Resettable totalizer mass
ΣΣ Non-resettable totalizer mass
Σ+ Positive flow totalizer mass 5.2 The Poll
Σ- Negative flow totalizer mass
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time The poll from the host can have one of four formats as follows:
VF Volumetric flow rate vol./time Read Data - Reads any RAM data
VΣ Volumetric total volume SOH, ADR, ‘R’, ID, DIM, CR.
D Density units
%a Percent mass of component a percent Write Data - Write data to the RAM only
%b Percent mass of component b percent SOH, ADR, ‘C’, ID, DIM, DATA, CR.
Fα Flow rate of component a mass/time Write EE Data - Writes data into the EE as well as RAM
Fβ Flow rate of component b mass/time SOH, ADR, ‘E’, ID, DIM, DATA, CR.
Σa Flow totalizer for component a mass
Σb Flow totalizer for component b mass Write control flag - Sets or clears control flags
Password Level 3 These messages initialize actions in the mass flow meter as
indicated above and a response back to the host. The
Symbol Description Units responses are outlined below.

▲▼● Resets totalizer prompt

Σ Resettable totalizer mass 5.3 The Response Message
ΣΣ Non-resettable totalizer mass The response to each command/poll is given below:
Σo Totalizer overflow reset value mass
Σ+ Positive flow totalizer mass Response to Read Data - Response to ‘R’ message
Σ- Negative flow totalizer mass SOH, ADR, ERR, ID, DIM, DATA, CR.
Fx Mass flow rate mass/time
Response to Write to RAM - Response to ‘C’ message
VF Volumetric flow rate vol./time
VS Volumetric total volume
D Density units Response to Write to EE - Response to ‘E’ message
%a Percent mass of component a percent SOH, ADR, ERR, ID, DIM, DATA, CR.
%b Percent mass of component b percent
Response to Write to flag - Response to ‘I’ message
Fα Flow rate of component a mass/time
Fβ Flow rate of component b mass/time
Σa Flow totalizer for component a mass
Σb Flow totalizer for component b mass
2Σ Total menu second line symbol
5.4 Codes
The codes referenced in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 are defined here:

SOH - Start of header, ASCII (1) or Chr$(1)

ADR - Mass flow meter address, this is one ASCII
character. In a normal configuration each
transmitter has a unique ADR. This character
allows the programs to select any one of several
meters. The default address which is ‘0’ causes
all meters to ignore their ADR and respond
regardless of their address setting.

✶ Note. If multiple meters are on line, sending

commands to ADR ‘0’ will cause all meters to obey the
command immediately. This can be used to synchronise
different meters in batching applications, for example.
However, DO NOT send commands to ADR ‘0’ which
would cause the meters to output data, otherwise all
meters attempt to talk simultaneously, causing
communication errors.


ID - Parameter identification number. This is a one 5.6 Conversion of Floating Point to Decimal
byte number ASCII encoded hex number from 0 Floating point data from the mass flow meter can be converted
to 255 sent high nibble first. to a decimal number in the PC as shown in the following
example written in BASIC. The number, labelled NB$ is
DIM - This variable defines the Units attribute within the treated as a string. The converted number in decimal is
defined type. The defined type for each item labelled R. The line numbers represent those used in the User
number should be retained in a table. Appendix B MFC program.
is a listing of the current table of types by item
number. Appendix A is a list of all possible data 1100 ‘****CONVERT MFC FLOATING POINT NUMBER TO A
types, and their corresponding list of units by DECIMAL NUMBER****
DIM. 1101 IF nb$ = “00000000” THEN R = 0: GOTO 1119
1102 BN$ = MID$(nb$, 1, 2): GOSUB 1120: B0 = BN
ERR - Error status byte. This is a single byte sent as two 1103 BN$ = MID$(nb$, 3, 2): GOSUB 1120: B1 = BN
ASCII characters with the high nibble sent first. 1104 BN$ = MID$(nb$, 5, 2): GOSUB 1120: B2 = BN
This byte represents the General Error level 1106 BN$ = MID$(nb$, 7, 2): GOSUB 1120: B3 = BN
status of the transmitter. Below is a list of all 1110 SIGN = 1: IF B3 >= 128 THEN SIGN = -1: B3 = B3 - 128
possible general error readings and their 1112 EX = (2 * B3): IF B2 >= 128 THEN EX = EX + 1: B2 = B2 - 128
meanings. 1114 B2 = B2 + 128
1116 R = SIGN * (B2 * (2 ^ -7) + B1 * (2 ^ -15) + B0 * (2 ^ -23))
General error level’s are defined as follows: * 2 ^ (EX - 127)
Level Condition 1119 RETURN
00 No error condition present 1120 BB$ = LEFT$(BN$, 1): GOSUB 1130: BN = BB * 16
01 User programmable field Low limit exceeded 1122 BB$ = MID$(BN$, 2, 1): GOSUB 1130: BN = BN + BB
02 User programmable field High limit exceeded 1129 RETURN
04 Serial communication error Type A 1130 BB = ASC(BB$)
08 Serial communication error Type B 1132 IF BB >= 48 AND BB <= 58 THEN BB = BB - 48: RETURN
10 Output High or Low limits exceeded 1134 IF BB >= 65 AND BB <= 70 THEN BB = BB - 55: RETURN
20 Hardware limits exceeded 1136 BB = 0
40 Serious fault detected 1139 RETURN
80 Fatal hardware fault

For information on errors please reference Appendix C which 5.7 Decimal to Floating Point Conversion
defines the 56 possible error conditions that a transmitter can Conversions from PC decimal number to the MassMeter
report and how to properly interpret them. floating point follow the next example. The number starts with
R, a PC decimal number and completes the conversion to a
DATA - The data has a length depending on type. Text string labelled NB$. The line numbers represent those used in
characters are sent in an ASCII string of the User MFC program.
(Example: software version). Other types can be
floating point or two byte numbers sent high byte 1200 ‘****CONVERT A DECIMAL NUMBER TO MFC
high nibble first, continuing in that order, as well FLOATING POINT FORMAT****
as single bytes or bits. 1201 SIGN = 0: EX = 127
1202 IF R = 0 THEN nb$ = “00000000”: GOTO 1239
FLAG - This is sent as one byte, either an ASCII ‘1’ (clear) 1203 IF R < 0 THEN SIGN = 1: R = -R
or ‘0’ (set). 1204 IF R < 1 THEN R = R * 2: EX = EX - 1: GOTO 1204
1206 IF R >= 2 THEN R = R / 2: EX = EX + 1: GOTO 1206
CR - Carriage Return, ASCII (13) or Chr$(13) 1208 R = R / 2
1210 B2 = INT(R * 256): R = (R - (B2 / 256)) * 256
1212 B1 = INT(R * 256): R = (R - (B1 / 256)) * 256
5.5 Examples 1213 B3 = (SIGN * 128) + (EX / 2)
The IBM PC program MFC implements this procedure for 1214 B0 = INT(R * 256)
calibration, control and monitoring functions. The program 1216 B3 = (SIGN * 128) + INT(EX / 2)
User MFC is a platform on which you can easily develop your 1218 B2 = (B2 AND 127) + ((EX AND 1) * 128)
own custom applications using basic or a Quick Basic 1220 BN = B0: GOSUB 1230: nb$ = BN$
compiler. The manual, source disk, and cable are available 1222 BN = B1: GOSUB 1230: nb$ = nb$ + BN$
from the ABB MassMeter Sales Department. The disk has the 1224 BN = B2: GOSUB 1230: nb$ = nb$ + BN$
program file MFC.EXE that is an executable file. This program 1226 BN = B3: GOSUB 1230: nb$ = nb$ + BN$
was written and compiled using the version 4.5 of the 1229 RETURN
Microsoft™ Quick Basic Compiler. Also provided is the source 1230 BN$ = HEX$(BN)
file for the User MFC program. This source code can be used 1232 IF LEN(BN$) < 2 THEN BN$ = “0” + BN$: GOTO 1232
as a starting platform on which you can build custom 1239 RETURN
applications in basic or quick basic, or as a reference for
programming other types of computer systems.


These two conversions are by far the most complex required. Table No. Description Table Data [Format]
The other numbers in the flow meter are either single byte or
two byte hex numbers; or single bit numbers. Their 4 Flow 0 = “kg/s”
conversions can be found in the basic source code at the 1 = “k/m”
following line numbers. 2 = “kg/h”
3 = “g/m”
a) Line 500 converts HEX to decimal 4 = “lb/s”
b) Line 600 converts decimal to HEX format. 5 = “lb/m”
6 = “lb/h”
7 = “oz/m”
5.8 Hints for Successful Use of RS-422/485
Communications 5 Current 0 = “mA”
a) There have been questions as to which terminal is high
and which is low. The specifications on the transceiver we 6 Frequency 0 = “Hz” [***.**]
are using (DS75176B) does not show a high or low, it 1 = “Hz” [***]
shows "output" and "output not". We have marked "output"
as high and "output not" as low. If one configuration is not
7 Temperature 0 = “deg C”
working with the current polarity, try the other. You can not
1 = “deg F”
damage the device by hooking it up with improper polarity.
2 = “deg R”
3 = “deg K”
b) Do not rule out a software problem. You would be tempted
to think that if communication works from the front jack, any
8 Mass 0 = “kg” [*.**]
software flaws would be eliminated. Actually that is not
1 = “lbs” [*.**]
necessarily so. When talking through the RS-232 the
2 = “kg” [*.***]
transmit and receive lines are separate. RS-232 is
3 = “kg” [*.*]
generally “Full Duplex” this simply means that the interface
4 = “lbs” [*.***]
can talk and listen at the same time. RS-422 on the other
5 = “mT”
hand is a 2 wire system, it is “Half Duplex”. By design it can
6 = “oz”
talk or listen but not both simultaneously. The potential
problem occurs when you convert from RS-232 to RS-422.
9 Floating Point 0 = data
The converter often combines the transmit and receive
1 = data/1000
lines. This causes any message sent into the converter
2 = data*1000
through the transmit line to feed back as received data
3 = data/1000000
through the receive line. Since the RS-232 side is still
4 = data*1000000
operating in Full Duplex, this data is now in the receive
buffer. The program needs to be smart enough to know that
10 Volume 0 = “liters”
any data it sends, is echoed back, and must be ignored.
1 = “gal”
2 = “bbl”
5.9 Appendix A
11 Volumetric Flow 0 = “L/min”
DIM - This variable defines the Units attribute within the
1 = “L/hr”
defined type. The defined type for each item
2 = “cc/m”
number should be retained in a table. This is a
3 = “gps”
listing of the current table of types by item number.
4 = “gpm”
5 = “gph”
Table No. Description Table Data [Format]
6 = “bb/h”
7 = “bb/m”
1 Percent 0 = “Data”
1 = “%”
12 Voltage 0 = “V”
1 = “mV”
2 Time1 (3 Choices) 0 = “Sec”
1 = “ms”
13 D to A 0=“”
2 = “us”
1 = “%”
3 Density 0 = “gr/cc”
14 Volt Time (Phase) 0 = “VSec”
1 = “kg/m3”
1 = “mVs”
2 = “lb/ft3”
2 = “uVs”
3 = “lb/gal”
15 Time 2 (2 Choices) 0 = “Sec”
1 = “ms”


Table No. Description Table Data [Format] Level 1 Errors ... User programmable field. Low limit exceeded

16 Byte 0=“ ” Bit Condition

17 Text 0=“ ” 00 No Error Condition Within This Level

01 User Alarm A Exceeds Low Limit
18 Bit 0=“ ” 02 User Alarm B Exceeds Low Limit
04 User Alarm C Exceeds Low Limit
19 Wait (Delay) 0 = “*10 ms” 08 User Alarm D Exceeds Low Limit
10 User Alarm E Exceeds Low Limit
20 2 Byte Integer 0=“ ” 20 User Alarm F Exceeds Low Limit
40 User Alarm G Exceeds Low Limit
21 Record 0=“ ” 80 User Alarm H Exceeds Low Limit

22 ID 0=“ ” Level 2 Errors ... User programmable field High limit

23 Temporary 0=“ ”
Bit Condition
24 1 Byte Integer 0=“ ”
00 No Error Condition Within This Level
01 User Alarm A Exceeds High Limit
5.10 Appendix B 02 User Alarm B Exceeds High Limit
The ABB MassMeter Transmitter has 56 reportable error 04 User Alarm C Exceeds High Limit
conditions. The Error information can be interpreted in 2 ways, 08 User Alarm D Exceeds High Limit
general or detail. The general error information is offered each 10 User Alarm E Exceeds High Limit
time the transmitter communicates. This is called the Error 20 User Alarm F Exceeds High Limit
Status Byte. It is shown as ERR in the communication string 40 User Alarm G Exceeds High Limit
definition. This error byte contains a hex number that indicates 80 User Alarm H Exceeds High Limit
which error levels have errors present. Errors are broken into
groups, referred to as levels. Level 3 Errors ... Serial communication error type A

Each of the 8 Levels contain up to 8 individual errors. General Bit Condition

error level’s are defined as follows:
01 Full Duplex Error
Level Condition 02 Command Error
00 No error condition present 04 ID Error
01 User programmable field. Low limit exceeded 08 Unit Error
02 User programmable field. High limit exceeded 10 Long Message Error
04 Serial communication error Type A 20 Conversion Error
08 Serial communication error Type B 40 SOH Sequence Error
10 Output High or Low limits exceeded 80 Short Message Error
20 Hardware limits exceeded
40 Serious fault detected Level 4 Errors ... Serial communication error type B
80 Fatal hardware fault
Bit Condition
To obtain the detail error information the user must send a read
data request for Error Bytes (Item 13) using the standard MFC 01 Receive Time-out
read data poll. The transmitter responds as follows: 02 Overrun Error
04 Answer Error
|————DATA————| 08 Master Timeout
10 Master Duplex Error
Trans. Response: 20 Not Defined
SOH, ADR, 40 Not Defined
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Error Byte L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8

Each of the values of L1 through L8 is a hex number

representing the status of the 8 detailed errors within that
level. The Detailed errors, with respect to the bit settings for
each level, are as follows:


Level 5 Errors ... Output Low or High Limits Exceeded 5.11 Appendix C
UnTbl(0) = 17 UnTbl(61) = 2
Bit Condition UnTbl(1) = 24 UnTbl(62) = 6
UnTbl(2) = 9 UnTbl(63) = 6
01 Current #1 Low Limit UnTbl(3) = 17 UnTbl(64) = 9
02 Current #2 Low Limit UnTbl(4) = 17 UnTbl(65) = 7
04 Frequency Low Limit UnTbl(5) = 17 UnTbl(66) = 7
08 PID Low Limit UnTbl(6) = 17 UnTbl(67) = 7
10 Current #1 High Limit UnTbl(7) = 18 UnTbl(68) = 7
20 Current #2 High Limit UnTbl(8) = 18 UnTbl(69) = 24
40 Frequency High Limit UnTbl(9) = 18 UnTbl(70) = 3
80 PID High Limit UnTbl(10) = 16 UnTbl(71) = 9
UnTbl(11) = 16 UnTbl(72) = 9
Level 6 Errors ... Hardware Limits Exceeded UnTbl(12) = 16 UnTbl(73) = 9
UnTbl(13) = 16 UnTbl(74) = 9
Bit Condition UnTbl(14) = 16 UnTbl(75) = 9
UnTbl(15) = 16 UnTbl(76) = 7
01 Current #1 Limit UnTbl(16) = 18 UnTbl(77) = 24
02 Current #2 Limit UnTbl(17) = 24 UnTbl(78) = 24
04 Frequency Limit UnTbl(18) = 17 UnTbl(79) = 23
08 Total Error UnTbl(19) = 17 UnTbl(80) = 8
10 Total Cleared UnTbl(20) = 14 UnTbl(81) = 18
20 Backup Warning UnTbl(21) = 18 UnTbl(82) = 8
40 X-RAM Warning UnTbl(22) = 18 UnTbl(83) = 9
80 Flow Condition UnTbl(23) = 14 UnTbl(84) = 8
UnTbl(24) = 1 UnTbl(85) = 8
Level 7 Errors ... Serious Fault Detected UnTbl(25) = 14 UnTbl(86) = 24
UnTbl(26) = 9 UnTbl(87) = 24
Bit Condition UnTbl(27) = 24 UnTbl(88) = 24
UnTbl(28) = 24 UnTbl(89) = 24
01 Measurement Error UnTbl(29) = 1 UnTbl(90) = 8
02 Resonance Error UnTbl(30) = 14 UnTbl(91) = 18
04 RTD Error UnTbl(31) = 18 UnTbl(92) = 18
08 No Sensor Signal UnTbl(32) = 18 UnTbl(93) = 8
10 Driver Error UnTbl(33) = 14 UnTbl(94) = 24
20 Not Defined UnTbl(34) = 14 UnTbl(95) = 15
40 Not Defined UnTbl(35) = 1 UnTbl(96) = 8
80 Not Defined UnTbl(36) = 18 UnTbl(97) = 8
UnTbl(37) = 1 UnTbl(98) = 18
Level 8 Errors ... Fatal Hardware Fault UnTbl(38) = 18 UnTbl(99) = 24
UnTbl(39) = 14 UnTbl(100) = 11
Bit Condition UnTbl(40) = 24 UnTbl(101) = 10
UnTbl(41) = 14 UnTbl(102) = 10
01 Code Error UnTbl(42) = 24 UnTbl(103) = 10
02 X-RAM Error UnTbl(43) = 24 UnTbl(104) = 4
04 EEProm Error UnTbl(44) = 9 UnTbl(105) = 4
08 Backup Error UnTbl(45) = 4 UnTbl(106) = 8
10 Not Defined UnTbl(46) = 9 UnTbl(107) = 8
20 Not Defined UnTbl(47) = 4 UnTbl(108) = 1
40 Not Defined UnTbl(48) = 1 UnTbl(109) = 1
80 Not Defined UnTbl(49) = 9 UnTbl(110) = 3
UnTbl(50) = 9 UnTbl(111) = 3
UnTbl(51) = 23 UnTbl(112) = 18
UnTbl(52) = 9 UnTbl(113) = 9
UnTbl(53) = 9 UnTbl(114) = 9
UnTbl(54) = 24 UnTbl(115) = 9
UnTbl(55) = 4 UnTbl(116) = 9
UnTbl(56) = 4 UnTbl(117) = 9
UnTbl(57) = 11 UnTbl(118) = 9
UnTbl(58) = 1 UnTbl(119) = 6
UnTbl(59) = 4 UnTbl(120) = 5
UnTbl(60) = 6 UnTbl(121) = 5


UnTbl(122) = 6 UnTbl(184) = 13
UnTbl(123) = 21 UnTbl(185) = 13
UnTbl(124) = 21 UnTbl(186) = 9
UnTbl(125) = 21 UnTbl(187) = 9
UnTbl(126) = 18 UnTbl(188) = 13
UnTbl(127) = 18 UnTbl(189) = 13
UnTbl(128) = 18 UnTbl(190) = 12
UnTbl(129) = 18 UnTbl(191) = 13
UnTbl(130) = 18 UnTbl(192) = 12
UnTbl(131) = 22 UnTbl(193) = 22
UnTbl(132) = 8 UnTbl(194) = 22
UnTbl(133) = 20 UnTbl(195) = 22
UnTbl(134) = 9 UnTbl(196) = 22
UnTbl(135) = 19 UnTbl(197) = 22
UnTbl(136) = 21 UnTbl(198) = 22
UnTbl(137) = 21 UnTbl(199) = 22
UnTbl(138) = 19
UnTbl(139) = 24
UnTbl(140) = 16
UnTbl(141) = 21
UnTbl(142) = 20
UnTbl(143) = 20
UnTbl(144) = 20
UnTbl(145) = 20
UnTbl(146) = 20
UnTbl(147) = 20
UnTbl(148) = 20
UnTbl(149) = 20
UnTbl(150) = 18
UnTbl(151) = 4
UnTbl(152) = 1
UnTbl(153) = 9
UnTbl(154) = 9
UnTbl(155) = 9
UnTbl(156) = 19
UnTbl(157) = 1
UnTbl(158) = 24
UnTbl(159) = 24
UnTbl(160) = 24
UnTbl(161) = 22
UnTbl(162) = 22
UnTbl(163) = 22
UnTbl(164) = 22
UnTbl(165) = 22
UnTbl(166) = 22
UnTbl(167) = 22
UnTbl(168) = 22
UnTbl(169) = 22
UnTbl(170) = 20
UnTbl(171) = 18
UnTbl(172) = 18
UnTbl(173) = 16
UnTbl(174) = 18
UnTbl(175) = 9
UnTbl(176) = 24
UnTbl(177) = 24
UnTbl(178) = 24
UnTbl(179) = 24
UnTbl(180) = 24
UnTbl(181) = 9
UnTbl(182) = 9
UnTbl(183) = 12

6.1 Password Menu 6.2 Measurement Menu

Keys Display Description Password

Symbol Level Description Units
● = Password Password menu
Fx 1,2,3,4 Mass flow through the meter. mass/time
● pw Display activated passwords.
F% 1,2,3,4 Percent full scale flow rate. It percent
Here, none are activated. is the percent of FM, the mass
flow maximum rate.
▲ p1 0 Password p1
Σ 1,2,3,4 Reset mass flow totalizer mass
▲ p2 0 Password p2
Σ+ 1,2,3,4 Forward Totalizer mass
▲▼● p2 00000 Activate changing the p2
password. Σ- 1,2,3,4 Reverse Totalizer mass
▲ ●(2x) p2 00000 Increments cursor to right twice. SG 1,2,3,4 Specific Gravity
▲ (6x) p2 00600 Increments value up 6. T 1,2,3,4 Temperature of flow tubes temp.
▲● p2 00600 Increments cursor to right. D 1,2,3,4 Density density
▲● p2 00600 Increments cursor to right. B 1,2,3,4 Batch
▲ (4x) p2 00604 Increments value up to 4. BM 1,2,3,4 Batch setpoint
● pw2 Accepts value and shows fr 1,2,3,4 Tube resonant frequency freq.
password p2 is enabled.
Ωx 4 Filtered phase time
Ωf 3,4 Average value for phase with time
no zero phase deducted.
FF 3,4 Flow factor for mass flow mass
based on mass flow - phase
Fα 3,4 Flow “alpha” scaler to adjust number
mass flow rate.
FT 4 Flow temperature factor. flow
TB 4 Flow temperature base temp.
Ωc 3,4 Normalization coefficient mv
(factory adjustment)
a% 3,4 Phase A density density
b% 3,4 Phase B density density
Dα 4 Density coeff. A number
Dβ 4 Density coeff. B number
GF 4 Specific gravity factor SGU
(SGU=density/ [SGU factor])
DT 4 Temp. coeff. for density number
DW 4 Temp. base used for density temp.
TD 4 Temp. base used for SG temp.


6.3 Batch Menu

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units

∆f 3,4 Slug flow trigger used to detect freq. ▲▼● 1,2,3 Starts Batch prompt
slug flow. A slug of air causes
BM 1,2,3 Batch limit mass
a moderate change in frequency
that could cause an erroneous B 1,2,3 Batch totalizer mass
flow reading. When frequency
Σ 1,2,3 Total mass
instability exceeds this value it
causes the flow reading and B1 2,3,4 Program
outputs to lock on last reading
B2 2,3,4 Program
until frequency comes back into limits.
B3 2,3,4 Program
FM 3,4 Full Scale Flow
B4 2,3,4 Program
FL 3,4 Low flow cut off, expressed as a
percentage of FM. When measured B5 2,3,4 Program
flow rate is below this limit, it is
considered to be zero. Display and B6 2,3,4 Program
outputs will indicate zero flow rate Fx 1,2,3,4 Mass flow rate mass/time
and totalizers will remain static.
T 1,2,3,4 Temperature temp.
Fd 3,4 Flow rate dampening number
coefficient used to stabilize Bα 3,4 Valve timing comp. time
the digital display. Does not Bβ 3,4 Batch stop drain mass
dampen outputs. 0 - no damp-
ening. 250 max dampening. Bσ 3,4 Batch preset mass

Td 3,4 Temperature dampening - number Bm 3,4 Batch mode 0, 1, 2, 3

same as Fd but for Be 3,4 Batch stop on error 0 or 1
temperature indication.
FF 4 K-factor number
Dd 3,4 Density dampening number
fr 4 Frequency frequency
An 1,2,3,4 Analog input %
Re 3,4 Batch relay control
Ad 4 Analog input dampening
2B 3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol
si 1,2,3,4 Sensor coil voltage reading mv Batch Menu. Points to
do 1,2,3,4 Drive level reading percent the ID for the item to be
displayed on second line.
2M 3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol
Measurement Menu. Points to
the ID for the item to be ✶ Note. Batch Menu is not accessible without a
displayed on second line. password.


6.4 PID Menu 6.6 Parameters Selection List (for Alarm & Output Menus)

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units
Symbol Level Description Units
Fx 2,3,4 Mass flow rate mass/time
Cs 1,2,3 Setpoint. This is the PID user mass/time fr 2,3,4 Tube frequency Hz
controllable set point value. T 2,3,4 Temperature temp.
Fx 1,2,3 Mass flow rate mass/time D 2,3,4 Density density
SG 2,3,4 Specific gravity SGU
C 1,2,3 PID output. This is the value percent Σ 2,3,4 Resettable totalizer mass
on the output channel. ΣΣ 2,3,4 Non-resettable totalizer mass
C+ 3 PID control function when set RΣ 2,3,4 Reverse total mass
to 1. If set in 0, the function is NΣ 2,3,4 Net mass total mass
disabled. B 2,3,4 Batch totalizer mass
VF 2,3,4 Volumetric flow rate vol. flow
CI 3 Programmable ID symbol VΣ 2,3,4 Volumetric total volume
(i.e., Fx=Mass, VF=Volumetric) RV 2,3,4 Reverse volumetric total volume
Cg 3 PID gain. This is the “p” term. number NV 2,3,4 Net volumetric total volume
Fa 2,3,4 Flow rate of phase A flow
Cd 3 PID derivative time. number Fb 2,3,4 Flow rate of phase B flow
This is the “d” term. Σa 2,3,4 Totalized flow for phase A mass
Ci 3 PID integration time. number Σb 2,3,4 Totalized flow for phase B mass
This is the “I” term. %a 2,3,4 Percent phase A make up percent
by weight
Ct 3 PID sample time. This is the number %b 2,3,4 Percent phase B make up percent
refresh time used to pace the by weight
recalculation of the output. a% 2,3,4 Density for phase A density
C0 3 PID constant. This is a percent b% 2,3,4 Density for phase B density
constant value to be output C 2,3,4 Controller output (PID) percent
on the channel W1 2,3,4 Reserved work parameter prgrmble
si 2,3,4 Sensor signal voltage millivolts
2C 3 Pointer for second line in PID symbol Vw 2,3,4 Volumetric flow - water
Menu. Points to the ID for the phase NOC
item to be displayed on second line. Vo 2,3,4 Volumetric flow - oil
phase NOC
6.5 Calibrate Zero Menu Σw 2,3,4 Volumetric total - water
phase NOC
Password Σo 2,3,4 Volumetric total - oil
Symbol Level Description Units phase NOC
%w 2,3,4 NOC water content
▲▼● 1,2,3,4 Starts zero prompt %o 2,3,4 NOC oil content
∆c 1,2,3,4 Zero cycle counter number Dw 2,3,4 NOC corrected water density
Zo 1,2,3,4 Zero reference (engr. units) mass/time Do 2,3,4 NOC corrected oil density
∆ 3,4 Zero reference in mVs (phase time (var.) Ts 2,3,4 NOC water cut test time
units) Aw 2,3,4 NOC average water cut
∆∆ 4 Zero phase in calibration time (var.) Ww 2,3,4 NOC current water density
Ωx 3,4 Processed phase time (var.) Wo 2,3,4 NOC current oil density
T 1,2,3,4 Temperature temp. GF 2,3,4 NOC gross vol. flow rate
fr 1,2,3,4 Tube frequency frequency GΣ 2,3,4 NOC gross volumetric total
s% 4 Sensor warning setpoint percent An 2,3,4 Analog input %
∆e 3,4 Phase range in zero time (var.) W3 2,3,4 FP Register #3
∆Z 3,4 Zero flow cutoff error % of FM percent W4 2,3,4 FP Register #4
∆T 4 Zero temp. coeff. flt. W5 2,3,4 FP Register #5
2Z 3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol W6 2,3,4 FP Register #6
Calibrate Zero Menu. Points to Ωx 2,3,4 Filtered phase
the ID for the item to be displayed Ωf 2,3,4
on second line. F 2,3,4 Internal mass flow in kg/sec. mass/time
NF 2,3,4 Net mass flow rate mass/time
Nv 2,3,4 Net volumetric flow rate vol. flow
F% 2,3,4 Percent full scale flow rate percent


6.7 Application Menu 6.8 Set Up Menu

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units

Fx 1,2,3,4 Mass flow rate mass/time

▲▼● 1,2,3,4 Display test prompt
Σ 1,2,3,4 Resettable totalizer mass
D 1,2,3,4 Density density SE 1,2,3,4 Serial number for the text
B 1,2,3,4 Batch totalizer mass electronics. This can be
Cs 1,2,3,4 PID Setpoint flow viewed at any password
An 1,2,3,4 Analog input % level but only set at p4.
W1 2,3,4 FP Register #1
SN 1,2,3,4 Serial number for the text
W3 2,3,4 FP Register #3
sensor. This can be viewed
W4 2,3,4 FP Register #4
at any password level but
W5 2,3,4 FP Register #5
only set at p4.
W6 2,3,4 FP Register #6
Wb 2,3,4 Work bit # 1,2,3,4 Tag number text
AΣ 2,3,4 Checksum of APP program
i 1,2,3,4 Not used text
A# 1,2,3,4 Customer's process fluid. text
(User enter letters & numbers)
(Date) 1,2,3,4 Release date for this soft- text
ware version.
t 1,2,3,4 Time of day time
d 1,2,3,4 Date text
K-XXX 4 Sensor type. The data in this text
item is 2, 20, 100, 250, etc.
Entering the exact format
enables a “cold start”. This
initializes all parameters in
EEPROM. Once this takes
place it cannot happen again
until the model number is re-
entered. This is independent
of the fact that the correct
data may be in the parameter.
CΣ 4 This in the program space number
Ev 2,3,4 Event counter (Last time a text
critical output is changed for
weight & meas. use.)
Ed 2,3,4 Last error date text
Et 2,3,4 Last error time time
E 2,3,4 Last error
Zd 2,3,4 Zero calibration date date
Zt 2,3,4 Zero calibration time time
Qd 2,3,4 Flow factor calibrations date date
Qt 2,3,4 Flow factor calibrations time time
Σr 4 Totalizer reset. If set to one, 0 or 1
causes the totalizer to reset.
The 0 or 1 is then cleared


6.8 Setup Menu (continued)

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units
EB 3,4 Backup. This parameter is 0 or 1 Ωa 3,4 Phase filter ring buffer number
normally 0. Setting length.
it to a 1 initiates memory
Ωc 3,4 Normalization factor (flow) number
backup and verification. Once
complete, the display auto- Ωf 3,4 Normalization factor (frequency) number
matically returns to zero. Note
Ωk 4 Low end linearization factor in number
that this backup process is
phase units.
different than that for V5.04.
Ωs 4 Slope in phase units of the low number
ER 4 Restore. Setting this to a 1 0 or 1
end correction factor.
causes the memory to be
restored from EE. After FF 4 Flow factor, factory set number
completion this parameter is
reset to zero. FM 4 Maximum flow rate flow

Wb 3,4 Work bit FL 4 Low flow limit in percent of percent

the maximum flow rate.
W1 3,4 Floating point register #1 number
Fα 4 This is factory set to 1.000 and number
W3 3,4 Floating point register #3 number can be accessed by a user to
"fine tune" the calibration, like a
W4 3,4 Floating point register #4 number
rate multiplier as a function of
W5 3,4 Floating point register #5 number 1.000.
W6 3,4 Floating point register #6 number FT 4 Flow rate temp. coefficient number
si 4 Sensor coil voltage millivolt Kd 4 Density coef. to the flow rate number
do 4 Driver level percent Fd 4 Dampening on flow rate number
da 4 Driver control midpoint TB 4 Temp. base flow, flow rate temp.
dm 4 Driver gain
∆f 4 Slug flow trigger level -[Hz/sec] freq./time
dl 4 Driver set limit
A rate-of-change frequency
ds 4 Driver step correction parameter that causes the
outputs to hold and totalizations
de 4 Driver start level
to continue at the hold level.
dt 4 Driver update time Used for Transient slugs, causes
an “s” alarm preset at .05 Hz/sec.
sh 4 Driver hammer threshold
Σo 4 Totalizer overflow wrap value number
Wt 4 Driver start-up wait time
set in kilograms.
ss 4 Sensor coil setpoint millivolt
Tm 4 Minimum temperature. temp.
sc 4 Millivolt scaler number
TM 4 Maximum temperature. temp.
∆ 4 Zero phase time
Tc 4 Zero temp. scaler number
∆∆ 4 Original zero phase, recorder time
TC 4 Temp. slope scaler number
at end of last zero.
s% 4 Sensor warning limit % of 60mV Td 4 Dampening for temperature. number
∆e 4 Zero range filter in microsec. time Dα 4 Density coefficient A. number
∆T 4 Zero temperature factor. number Dβ 4 Density coefficient B. number
∆Z 4 Zero flow enable. The current time GF 4 Specific gravity factor (SGU= SGU
phase measurement must be density/[SGU factor]).
less than this value or the zero
DT 4 Temp. coefficient for density. number
process does not start in terms
of FM, max. flow rate.


Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units
DW 4 Temp. base used for density. temp.
b3 3,4 Polynomial coef. [numbers]: number
TD 4 Base temp. for SG temp.
these numbers are used to
Dd 4 Dampening for density. number curve-fit %Mass applications,
i.e., solutions. (Consult
fm 3,4 Min. freq. (“f” alarm) - [Hz]: freq.
The low freq. alarm trigger
level. This alarm suspends b2 3,4 Same as b3, above. number
all totalization and sets the (Consult factory.)
outputs to their alternate
b1 3,4 Density b1 polynomial. number
a3 3,4 Density a3 polynomial. number
fM 3,4 Max. freq. (“f” alarm) - [Hz]: freq.
The high freq. alarm trigger a2 3,4 Density a2 polynomial. number
lever. This alarm suspends
a1 3,4 Density a1 polynomial. number
all totalization and sets all
outputs to their alternate values. We 1,2,3,4 NOC well data printer
C+ 4 PID function enable. 0 or 1 Ww 1,2,3,4 NOC current water density
Cs 4 PID set point. Setpoint for flow Wo 1,2,3,4 NOC current oil density
control mode - [kg/sec or as
An 1,2,3,4 Analog input %
selected]: this is set to any desired
flow rate. In the controller mode, As 4 Analog slope
the second (density) channel is
Ao 4 Analog offset
used to drive a pump or valve.
The output is automatically Ad 4 Analog dampening
modulated to maintain the
desired flow. bm 3,4 Density/brix control switch. 0, 1 or 2
2Z 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
Ct 4 PID sample time. wait
line in Zero Menu.
Cg 4 PID gain on “position” error. number
2M 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
Cd 4 PID gain on “derivative” error. number line in Measurement Menu.
Ci 4 PID gain on “integration” error. number 2B 4 Parameter displayed in secµond symbol
line in Batch Menu.
a% 3,4 Phase a density (at temp. TW) density
Density for Fluid A - [g/cc or as 2Σ 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
selected] This is the density of line in Total Menu.
the target fluid. It is used to
calculate the % Solids of a 2C 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
two-component fluid (at temp. TW). line in PID Menu.

b% 3,4 Density for Fluid B - [g/cc or as density 21 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
selected]: This density of the line in Current 1 Menu.
carrier fluid is used to calculate 22 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
(at temperature TW). line in Current 2 Menu.
c3 3,4 Density c3 number 2f 4 Parameter displayed in second symbol
c2 3,4 Density c2 number line in Frequency Menu.

c1 3,4 Density c1 number 2F 4 Frequency #2 second line

2A 4 Parameter displayed in symbol
second line in Limit Menu.


6.8 Setup Menu (continued)

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units
2m 3,4 Enables dual display mode in 0, 1 or 2 K+ 3,4 If set to 0, the keyboard reset 0 or 1
is disabled, if set to 1, automatic
second display line. If set to reset is enabled. Returns unit to
zero it disables the second Measurement Menu.
line. If set to 1, only the
At 3,4 Time out from keyboard time
graphic alarm character
inactivity to Measurement
shows during alarm conditions.
If set to a 2, alarm messages
in English override the Ai 3,4 Index into Measurement Menu number
second line of the display. at time out.
D+ 3,4 Density Menu enable. 0 or 1 Re 3,4 Batch relay control
%+ 3,4 Percent Solids Menu enable. 0 or 1 ct 4 Communications timeout number
N+ 3,4 Net Flow Menu enable. 0 or 1 BR 3,4 Communication baud rate. number
B+ 3,4 Batch Menu enable. When set 0 or 1 CA 3,4 Communication address. number
to a 1 enables the Batch
Menu and the start/stop batch PA 3,4 Polling address number
mode. When set to a 2 PR 3,4 Communications protocol
enables the Batch menu and
the start/suspend mode via
optical input 2.
P+ 3,4 PID Menu enable. 0 or 1
R+ 3,4 Enables bi-direction flow 0 or 1
(reverse flow) including
negative totalization.
Σ+ 3,4 Enables the Total/Volume 0 or 1
A+ 3,4 Enables the Alarm Menu. 0 or 1
f+ 3,4 Enables the Frequency Output 0 or 1
a+ 3,4 Application menu control
F+ 3,4 Frequency #2 out menu
1+ 3,4 Enables the Current #1 Menu. 0 or 1
2+ 3,4 Enables the Current #2 Menu. 0 or 1
Z+ 3,4 Enables the Zero Menu to 0 or 1
NOTE: even though the menu is
disabled the instrument may be
zeroed via optical input 1.
Ii 3,4 If set to 1 the isolated card is 0 or 1
enabled, if 0 the normal card is


6.9 Total/Volume Menu 6.10 Current Outputs #1 (#2)

Net Flow Enabled (D+ = 1) (N+ = 1)

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units
▲▼● 1,2,3,4 Resets totalizer prompt I1 (I2) 1,2,3,4 The value of the output current current
in mA.
Σ 1,2,3,4 Master Resettable totalizer mass
ID 2,3,4 This is the selected item (e.g., symbol
ΣΣ 1,2,3,4 Master Non-resettable totalizer mass
Fx) represented on the output
Σo 1,2,3,4 Totalizer wrap limit number channel and allows the selection
of the parameter to be used.
Σ+ 1,2,3,4 Mass forward total mass
EN 2,3,4 This enables the Current 1 Out, 0 or 1
Σ- 1,2,3,4 Mass reverse total mass
if set to 1. If set to 0, it disables
Fx 1,2,3,4 Master Mass flow rate mass/time the output.
VΣ 1,2,3,4 Master Volumetric total volume Om 2,3,4 The min. value selected as the current
output min. level. Usually 4 mA.
VF 1,2,3,4 Master Volumetric flow rate vol./time
OM 2,3,4 The max. value selected as the current
RV 1,2,3,4 Reverse volume total
output full scale level. Usually
NV 1,2,3,4 Net Volumetric total volume 20 mA.
RΣ 1,2,3,4 Return (slave) mass total mass Vm 2,3,4 The minimum ID value that engr. units
corresponds to the output
NΣ 1,2,3,4 Net Mass total mass
minimum. See note #1.
RF 1,2,3,4 Return (slave) mass flow rate mass/time
VM 2,3,4 This is the max. ID value on engr. units
NF 1,2,3,4 Net Mass flow rate mass/time the channel. (e.g., 100 kg/hr)
Nv 1,2,3,4 Net Volumetric flow rate vol./time Oa 2,3,4 This is the alternate value for current
the channel to be output during
2Σ 1,2,3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol
alarm conditions or when 1r is
Total/Volume Menu. Points to set to a 1.
the ID for the item to be displayed
on second line. 1r (2r) 2,3,4 Normally 0, but when set to 1, 0 or 1
the transmitter forces the alter-
nate output Oa to its set value.
Good for simulating outputs.
21 (22) 3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol
Current Outputs #1 (#2) Menu.
Points to the ID for the item to be
displayed on second line.
Note #1: For example - if ID is tied to Fx (flow), then VM
and Vm have units of mass per time (e.g., kg/hr)

6.11 Frequency Out #1 (#2) & Pulse Out #1 (#2)

Password Password
Symbol Level Description Units Symbol Level Description Units

f1 (f2) 1,2,3,4 This is the present frequency Hz Ps 2,3,4 Units per pulse. For example, engr.units
on the channel when operating if the total S is selected for this
in the Frequency mode. output then 1.0 pounds may be
selected by this parameter to
ID 2,3,4 This is the selected item (e.g., symbol trigger each pulse.
Fx (mass flow) represented
on the output channel. Pm 2,3,4 Pulse mode. If set to 0 the 0, 1 or 2
channel operates in the
EN 2,3,4 This enables Frequency Out, if 0 or 1 frequency mode, i.e.,Hz/kg/min.
set to 1. If set to 0, it disables If set to 1, the output operates
the output. in the pulse mode, with a pulse
Om 2,3,4 The minimum value selected Hz width range of 0 - 30,000 micro-
as the output minimum level. seconds. If set to 2, the output
again operates in pulse mode,
OM 2,3,4 The maximum value selected Hz but the effective pulse width range
as the output full scale level. is now 0 - 30,000 milliseconds.
Vm 2,3,4 The minimum ID value that engr. units 2f (2F) 2,3,4 Pointer for second line in symbol
corresponds to the output Frequency Out #1 (#2) and
minimum. See note #1. Pulse Out #1 (#2) Menu.
VM 2,3,4 This is the maximum ID value engr. units Points to the ID for the item to be
tied to the channel. displayed on second line.

Oa 2,3,4 This is the alternate value for engr. units

the channel to be output during ✶ Note. Frequency 2 Menu is programmed the same
alarm or test conditions; user as Frequency 1 Menu.
fr 2,3,4 Normally 0. When set to 1, Hz
forces the alternate output Oa
to its set value. Good for
simulating outputs.

Pulse Mode Parameters

Pi 2,3,4 Pulse ID symbol. This selects symbol
the parameter to be
represented by each pulse.
Usually tied to total (Σ) or
volumetric (VΣ) total.
To select different output
Pw 2,3,4 Pulse width in microseconds time
or milliseconds (10000
microseconds =10 milliseconds).
This only applies in the pulse
mode of operation.

Note #1: For example - if ID is tied to Fx (flow), then VM

and Vm have units of mass per time (e.g., kg/hr).


7.1 Numeric Listing

Item Symbol Description Units Item Symbol Description Units

0 Sd Software date (mm-dd-yy) text 40 Ωa Phase dampening number

1 CA Comm Address number 41 Ωf CPU clock normalization
2 BR Comm Baud rate flt. 42 Eh Error History
-300 43 R+ Reverse flow control
-600 44 Ωc Normalization factor
-1200 45 F Raw Flow (undampened mass flow) flt.
-2400 46 FF Flow Factor flt.
-4800 47 FM Full scale flow flow
3 V? Software Version text 48 FL Low Flow Cutoff percent
4 K- Sensor type (K-xxxx) text 49 FT Flow temp factor flt.
-2 50 Fα Flow scaler
-5 51 Tc Temperature min corr
-20 52 TC Temperature max corr
-40 53 Kd Flow density corr flt
-100 54 Fd Flow Damping number
-250 55 RF Reverse mass flow rate flow
-500 56 NF Net flow rate flow
-2500 57 Nv Net volumetric flow vol. flow
-4000 58 F% % of full scale flow percent
-15000 59 Fx Mass flow flow
-XXXX 60 fr Tube frequency freq.
5 SE Txm Serial Number text 61 ft Resonant period
6 SN Sensor Serial Number text 62 fm Frequency low limit freq.
7 .S System reset bit 63 fM Frequency high limit freq.
8 LX Factory init bit 64 Zo Zero in flow units
9 EL Cold start bit 65 T Temperature temp.
10 ^ Start bits byte 66 TB Temperature base temp.
11 _ Status bit byte 67 Tm Temp low limit temp.
12 . Stop bits byte 68 TM Temp high limit temp.
13 er TXM Error record 69 Td Temp. Damping temp.
14 o Opto inputs byte 70 D Density density
15 c Relay/opto out byte 71 SG Specific gravity flt.
16 i- Keyboard control bit 72 Dα Dens. coef. a flt.
17 ic Keyboard code number 73 Dβ Dens. coef. b flt.
18 L1 Display line#1 text 74 GF SG base flt.
19 L2 Display line#2 text 75 DT Dens temp coef flt.
20 ∆ Meter Zero time 76 DW Dens temp base temp.
21 ^∆ Start zero cal bit 77 Dd Density dampening number
22 .∆ End zero cal bit 78 D+ Dens. menu control number
23 ∆∆ Zero during cal time 0 = Off - No Density Display
24 s% Sensor Warning Limit 1 = On - Standard
25 ∆ε DT zero range 2 = On - API Gravity
26 ∆T Zero temp coef. flt. 3 = On - Degrees Baume
27 Ev Event counter 4 = On - Gas Volumes at Reduced
28 ∆c Zero cycle counter number Conditions
29 ∆Z Zero Flow Limit percent 5 = On - Normalized Liquid Density
30 Ωt Measured Phase time 6 = On - Net Oil Computer
31 ^M Start measurement bit 79 Z+ Zero menu control bit
32 .M End measurement bit 0 = Off
33 Ωx Filtered phase time 1 = On - V1.0 Zero Calibration
34 Mi Modem init string text 2 = On - V2.0 Zero Calibration
35 Qk Critical phase percent 80 Σ Mass total {resettable} mass
36 Qs Phase slope bit 81 Σr Totalizer reset bit
37 a+ Application Menu Control 82 ΣΣ Non-resettable totalizer mass
38 AΣ Checksum of APP program 83 Σo Totalizer wrap limit flt.
39 TD Base temperature for SG 84 RΣ Reverse mass total mass


7.1 Numeric Listing (continued)

Item Symbol Description Units Item Symbol Description Units

85 NΣ Net mass total mass 129 f+ EN Freq output bit

86 %+ Brix/% sol. enable number 130 Pm Pulse mode enable bit
0 = Brix 131 Pi Pulse ID symbol
1 = Percent Mass 132 Ps Pulse scaler mass
87 N+ Net flow enable number 133 Pw Pulse width number
88 Σ+ Totalizer menu control number 134 c3 Brix coef. C3 flt.
89 A+ Alarm menu control number 135 ct Comm Timeout wait
90 B Batch totalizer mass 136 AP Application program record
91 ^B Start batch bit 137 AL Alarm table record
92 .B Stop batch bit 138 At Activity timeout wait
93 BM Batch setpoint mass 139 Ai Timeout menu index number
94 Bm Batch mode select number 140 pw Active passwords byte
0 = Mass Batching 141 pE Reference passwords record
1 = %A Batching 142 p1 Control password (#1) number
2 = %B Batching 143 p2 Scaling password (#2) number
3 = Volumetric Batching 144 p3 Calibration password (#3) number
95 Bα Batch adder (time) mass 145 p4 Factory password (#4) number
96 Bβ Batch adder (amount) mass 146 p5 Password #5 number
97 Bσ Batch preset (dribble) mass 147 p6 Password #6 number
98 Be Batch stop on error bit 148 p7 Password #7 number
99 B+ Batch menu control number 149 p8 Password #8 number
0 = Off 150 C+ PID enable bit
1 = On - Start/Stop Batching 151 Cs PID Set Point flow
2 = On - Start/Suspend Batching 152 C PID output percent
3 = On - Start/Stop Until Flow Batching 153 Ct PID sample time wait
100 VF Volumetric flow rate vol. flow 154 Cg PID gain flt.
101 VΣ Volumetric total volume 155 Cd PID derivative time flt.
102 RV Reverse vol. total volume 156 Ci PID integration time flt.
103 NV Net vol. total volume 157 C0 PID constant percent
104 Fa Flow of phase A flow 158 P+ PID menu control bit
105 Fb Flow of phase B flow 159 CI PID input item ID symbol
106 Σa Phase A total mass 160 2m Display 2nd line mode number
107 Σb Phase B total mass 0 = Disable 2nd line
108 %a % Part A percent 1 = Show Alarm Character
109 %b % Part B percent 2 = Show Error Messages
110 a% Density Part A density 3 = Show Date/Time
111 b% Density Part B density 161 2Z Zero 2nd line display. symbol
112 bm Frac/brix switch bit 162 2M Meas. menu 2nd line symbol
0 = Insoluble Mixture 163 2B Batch menu 2nd line symbol
1 = Soluble Mixture 164 2S Total 2nd line symbol
113 a1 Brix coef. A1 flt. 165 2C PID 2nd line symbol
114 a2 Brix coef. A2 flt. 166 21 Cur. #1 2nd line symbol
115 a3 Brix coef. A3 flt. 167 22 Cur. #2 2nd line symbol
116 b1 Brix coef. B1 flt. 168 2f Frequency 2nd line symbol
117 b2 Brix coef. B2 flt. 169 2A Alarms 2nd line symbol
118 b3 Brix coef. B3 flt. 170 CS Program checksum number
119 ∆f Slug flow trigger freq. 171 EB Backup memory bit
120 I1 Current #1 output current 172 ER Memory restore bit
121 I2 Current #2 output current 173 E Enable bits
122 f1 Frequency #1 output freq. 174 Wb Work bit bit
123 C1 Current #1 record 175 W1 FP Register #1
124 C2 Current #2 record 176 f+ Freq#1 menu control number
125 F1 Frequency #1 record 177 1+ Current #1 menu number
126 1r EN Alt Cur#1 bit 178 2+ Current #2 menu number
127 2r EN Alt Cur#2 bit 179 K+ Display timeout enable number
128 fr EN Alt Freq #1 bit


Item Symbol Description Units Item Symbol Description Units

180 Ii Current out select {isol} number 231 fr EN Alt Freq#2

0 = Non Isolated 232 fe EN Freq#2 output
1 = Isolated 233 Pm Pulse#2 mode
181 c1 Brix coef. C1 flt. 234 Pi Pulse#2 ID symbol
182 c2 Brix coef. C2 flt. 235 Ps Pulse#2 size mass
183 si Sensor voltage 236 Pw Pulse#2 width number
184 do Driver Output 237 2F Frequency#2 2nd line symbol
185 dl Driver Step limit 238 F+ FREQ#2 OUT menu,
186 Wt Startup wait time 239 Σ+ Mass Forward Total
187 dt Driver update time 240 Σ- Mass Reverse Total
188 ds Driver Step correction189 dm 241 Re Batch Relay Control
Driver gain 0 = None of Relays
190 ss Sensor drive setpoint 1 = Relay#1
191 da Driver control midpoint 2 = Relay#2
192 sh Driver hammer threshold 3 = Relay#1 and Relay#2
193 de Driver start level 242 W3 FP Register #3
194 sc Sensor voltage scaler 243 W4 FP Register #4
195 B1 Batch preset #1 244 W5 FP Register #5
196 B2 Batch preset #2 245 W6 FP Register #6
197 B3 Batch preset #3 246 Ad Analogue damping
198 B4 Batch preset #4 247 Ed Last error date
199 B5 Batch preset #5 248 Et Last error time
200 B6 Batch preset #6 249 E Last error text
201 PR Comm Protocol 250 Zd Zero Cal date
0 = K-Flow Protocol 251 Zt Zero Cal time
1 = HART™ Protocol 252 Qd FF Cal date
2 = Modem initialization 253 Qt FF Cal time
202 PA Polling Address 254 — Sampling time
203 Vw Volumetric flow-water phase NOC 255 Calculated Error
204 Vo Volumetric flow-oil phase NOC
205 Σw Volumetric total-water phase NOC
206 Σo Volumetric total-Oil phase -NOC
207 %w NOC water content
208 %o NOC oil content
209 Dw NOC corrected water density
210 Do NOC corrected oil density
211 Ts NOC Water cut test time
212 Aw NOC average water cut
213 We NOC well data pointer
214 Ww NOC current water density
215 Wo NOC current oil density
216 t Time of day
217 d Date
218 W+ NOC start/stop control
219 Wt NOC start time
220 Wd NOC start date
221 GF NOC gross volumetric flow rate
222 GΣ NOC gross volumetric total
223 # Tag number
224 i Descriptor
225 A# Account Number
226 An Analogue Input %
227 As Analogue Slope
228 Ao Analogue Offset
229 f2 Frequency#2 out
230 F2 Frequency#2 (Record)



A Comprehensive Instrumentation Range Customer Support

Analytical Instrumentation ABB Instrumentation provides a comprehensive after sales
• Transmitters service via a Worldwide Service Organization. Contact one of
On-line pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen the following offices for details on your nearest Service and
transmitters and associated sensing systems. Repair Centre.

• Sensors United Kingdom

pH, redox, selective ion, conductivity and dissolved
ABB Kent-Taylor Limited
Tel: +44 (0)1453 826661
• Laboratory Instrumentation Fax: +44 (0)1453 821382
pH and dissolved oxygen meters and associated
sensors. United States of America
• Water Analyzers ABB Instrumentation Inc.
For water quality monitoring in environmental, power Tel: +1 716 292 6050
generation and general industrial applications including: Fax: +1 716 273 6207
pH, conductivity, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica,
sodium, chloride, fluoride, dissolved oxygen and Italy
hydrazine. ABB Kent-Taylor SpA
• Gas Analyzers Tel: +39 (0) 344 58111
Zirconia, katharometers, hydrogen purity and purge-gas Fax: +39 (0) 344 58278
monitors, thermal conductivity.

Controllers & Recorders Client Warranty

• Controllers Prior to installation, the equipment referred to in this manual
Digital display, electronic, pneumatic. Discrete single- must be stored in a clean, dry environment, in accordance with
the Company's published specification. Periodic checks must be
loop and multi-loop controllers which can be linked to a
made on the equipment's condition.
common display station, process computer or personal
computer. In the event of a failure under warranty, the following
documentation must be provided as substantiation:
• Recorders
1. A listing evidencing process operation and alarm logs at time
Circular and strip-chart types (single and multi-point) for of failure.
temperature, pressure, flow and many other process
2. Copies of operating and maintenance records relating to the
alleged faulty unit.

Electronic Transmitters
• Smart & Analog Transmitters
For draft, differential, gauge and absolute pressure
measurement. Also, liquid level and temperature.
• I to P Converters and Field Indicators

Flow Metering
• Magnetic Flowmeters
Electromagnetic, insertion type probes and watermeters.
• Turbine Flowmeters
• Wedge Flow Elements
• Mass Flow Meters
Transmitters, sensors, controllers and batch/display

Level Control
• Submersible, Capacitance & Conductivity.

Pneumatic Instrumentation
• Transmitters
• Indicating Controllers
• Recording Controllers
Issue 2

The Company’s policy is one of continuous product

improvement and the right is reserved to modify the
information contained herein without notice.
© ABB 1998 Printed in UK (2.98)

ABB Kent-Taylor Ltd. ABB Kent-Taylor Ltd. ABB Instrumentation Inc. ABB Kent-Taylor SpA
St. Neots Analytical & Flow Group PO Box 20550, Rochester 22016 Lenno
Cambs. Stonehouse, Glos. New York 14602-0550 Como
England, PE19 3EU England, GL10 3TA USA Italy
Tel: +44 (0) 1480 475321 Tel: +44 (0) 1453 826661 Tel: +1 716 292 6050 Tel: +39 (0) 344 58111
Fax: +44 (0) 1480 217948 Fax: +44 (0) 1453 827856 Fax: +1 716 273 6207 Fax: +39 (0) 344 58278

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