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How Should Students Study1

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Teaching Ts Gi Ear Rayon Gren — amor greniiams commerce How Should Students Study? Tips, Advice, and Pitfalls By Regan A. R. Gurung and Lee |. McCann kha nppeeite allows in some form oa: A den comet oreo enacts) andes ‘chard fr your cam edly gta Tow ge eo, Whats Ta Vw wl yo mopond thst tine fo eel a tone sehen tty tein oe ee ‘far beacon of sch den go 0 we ee he tayo things be Bea eck wel nen extol pro ‘ere pncpsns mba end thee ro ‘ier dtd rg 04 Tn Wad 2306): wha ely wks be td port, what oes tet work wel (en hough ou thnk tel? We ly {Satter hse gueinased nr pein ieee ‘onus on syn eigen ecranenns Fo (Sopenento sede ‘linge by of reve sated oc stay technigue ands ey heen opting. find Kence 08 tw ane, 204 Giang £ Seat 2, Hate 2008 fv) Te god ee thesebwe ted al how tt stay eden ‘reed sadn pron hb ao ae ado plait ch pce gy te Bes. The hoc overs" depends Study Behaviors: An Overview and Brief Measurement History Measures sy behaviors alae sty sil state, x techniques, can serve lags tos eb isructrs aga Gir fer enl ie Rag Par Honan Disp and Pog eh ny Win, Cra He hare ct cng Ho Poe ‘ult ppc 200 a aye APA ema oma (icon ith a Sarton arn) ‘ue with nen re ms vary ofc ‘nga Rv and ecg Play, Het [ponds mar ont Di ar rea Sc re Tieng Poy (APA. De 2) Sd crepe mein Mba Gunny tenga ue secan eaPofor of cl Far Rady Endowed Pfs en Rov Pf ee Cera of Wea Oss ced Lemocs eto: rca Adve forth Teaching of cog Vol calor (Note Expert Menoee ls fm be atone {atte onthe Tncng of Palo Hah ets pnt maomaon prt aged ar eles Aso fon Prince SS ‘dente in nen of addtional helpandcan lo provide ete! arenes ofa students sengs and wees abd forrepondingy, way 0 optimize hier her lamin. Sty ‘baht can be bron dtd a Beavis faneionng to sete, npn ethos, elt remerber 04 lavomatin (Cred ned 208 Getinger Seibert, 22) Sch bchnvrsncage ime management al etn etng ‘wht how ad where lo tay ag god nts aig abd ‘eet Reterchers have did the many spe ta ‘eer our ain tegories petition based (e-fa Sed cope Dae eg dying with end procera (eg. tinemaragnen) and ence, ang gazes tote alekomlas for more deta se Getinger Sibert, 2002 Table Ward, 208. ‘Given he ovis ink Between dying and earning staal by igh ena sores aed course rae) lp il help mare xters sadn’ ong for tps. The ye end mpi bats ofthe rae eater aire Many of the gues inde dscusions of topics sch as mail gets easing nd nereanapenent we proving sp by sep soegleson host eet ake god oes and ‘ere end tent bot: Whe ome gids inde ome empl evidence o suport recommendaoas c Pak & (Overs, 2007; Famblia & Ward, 2000, modo nt Fer xp, ‘Newport (207) features pbs onntevews with tadents who echleved igh deri colge. May pude aeepted tk igh school ort yar calle en ry 208). Tconrattonen-enpirc hel sg stadt ides ‘to studying a wea of empl esearch suggests ht good stay vin precise ecse (Cede Kane 2008, Hal 208; Prev, Ptcher, rotor Har Ans, 3006). ‘But what nace ped way bend aly erp o ‘sie "ood ty behaving ack o Wea(195) Sad Habits venir he iden ls vestory (Locke 140 and the Survey of Study Habis ané Anes (Brown & Heltman, 1055). More recent researchers have commonly ed the Laming ad Stay Steg nvestry (Westen & Panes, 2002) te Apron an Sey Stl avery or Stents (ASSIST, beet ta aca queslonnsre ASIST. pal) or crated ther ove sales (Garang, Weider. & eke 010, Unortunaty, many ofthese cles we ng exemey {oer and fathered nt afi ee prectpons on owt as dents to stad. Sma aloogh age meta alysis (Crede& Kuncl 208 te, 208) deaely {sash the ik between study bebaors and perforce, "hey donatpriderpecc precept ohowensty ers gel 2001 WH 24, “ GENS «irs ‘ould stay That sd the breath of research prove same ey suggestions tat cd ca wet el sets improve try cages Teaching Tips 1 Find Out How the Stadent Has Bee Studying, Pose {uestons ince id you ea te signed chapters before the et? Did you red them bef you cameos eros before he ‘ar? How inch ine di you devote to tag forthe es? Did yos ead ten apes ence, Fore than ence This ‘eeton roids a chance a reso the ld Law oF Peqency. nd to drerbe how repelionIntuences memory frmatlon ‘ndrecal) Ghd tenance and Note Taking Practices. Asaning ithe student ten at reel you might ek he fe lela Doyoutake pod nes! Doyo evlew your note fr Gmstocorext cri ere Doyo compare Your nots with those fete let? Where do ya tints? You nny io wat fo look athe ay of he td noes and sung chage (cg ang ore spac ase of top hen, ‘wnting down of examples used bythe nto) 2 Sagget Healthy Behavior ak how much sleep the seadent gets how much thxy go the ght Before the ex, ou heya geting any enero and ening propery. Ths mit prove an opportu to review the eels of ep on memory fraton) “Recommend Tatoring tutors arava, encourage thar ae lint eke cent heel tying wh ote siden 5 Disats Recognition Verat Knowing. Describe the Aifrcoce bet ping over terial erogh that ore ca Cle that t skew ad derstood ad el known aad ondesandingst Yourght ren mension Esbighats andthe tenes of ovetering, or wrk on the “ere of knoe” Showing tt stadt fen nk they ken het he sina ight thee in ont than) “Urge Self Assman, One esate ope our students tecsso nnd and ie uy bebo mame (ea, ASSIST and hve then we 0 get 2 ene at hey TTEAGUNG TIPS provides the ie in pracclair om the techinge pyeaogy nd tsined scurveraod fart Sheciccthgndemnenan angi os Sendai eu oc dr bins decir yaced Gree, “aching Tip Eo Tea A Uist Cormac FO Bor {a S08 ory green commerce Raymond Green Jennifer Schroeder RoryO'Bces cfiwee Rowan Gniverey ‘Apel 011 —W. 24, No.4 arent doing (Entwile208), The ASSIST provides role cores on stg an ler ders opoubl protiers Inthe citing way ung radu p/w ‘siscuipuentons 9, Discus Wining Strategies, Hs (208) atest esath fen over 90 rete aales reiting tect fhicvemeat He then derived the elect sac for deret iceventons Irving to npove study behaviors war giant ace withan eet a of 59. This metals {othr woo tay terigus(arung, 208 208) se that the flowing spe tae ae empl prove 0 sro tnd hence el pau on ttt a Stele dy stdying and omewer ime 1 Mabel of tings to sceolsscrtg staying € ite pean even nll works completed “4 Rend he textbook (1) Review the cs tertboonignments blr going Grete mnemonics ad vv mental images 19 5 Memrie he mater ough repetition A. Geneatexampes 0 ppy the materi 1 Recor ifn reiting o study tks (eg ee Ingest) J. Saree the sept completes gen ack Use chapter review guests to tet 1 Uiea stay partner Review he deme mitedon the eva nding tens pooselat 1, Make sn ostine blocs wating paper {Check wank efor handing agent 6 Adie Stents om hat NOT to do, Previos ress get he none rake te angeroas Stour uly itligusthtenoy not bebenhalinaving more dine {etheerpense oles tchnguc(Gurng 2006p. 168) Sod. Sock detours oul epee bao wad by acidemialy Weaker sade, Whores the sade senger ets ‘nn tab con bears ah gong over caper ter alectr inte doings rghtbefrean xa, he eae ‘telat may go oe the hae at bots mes In supporto this pin Landrum, Tus nd Brandl (2006) ound at A En Baden ended to incense the equncy ef 46998 {Ste semester pret, bu ty detente the acl ine ‘pent studying per stay eve (p68) (Anodes testinoay {Othe bene of tated vs massed practice) Stadents thor ding poorly ay ty to prone by doing mae of he naar pero tying ave bee ig eer han ‘rine ehniqes, Key bers shold eld Spending tow mine on ey temo armas theextent of pyngleateton to ter pelaggial ti (ep, rei ones) be Highlighting too much tert (Le ot kaawing what {he import formation rele th nceang sy ad Association or yale ‘Tectia The Che Eto Raynond Green —ramend srean@tourcormers Unig chapter ea questions and ane) at more content tad verar xing em tte eit ‘en knowles <& Studying wah ten” whee this de nance vesting eich ther aig rele guetions eating samples oreienng notes 1. Lateringtomae watching eto text meging, or uring the trae wie sting 9. Assess Your Own Stent Stdy Behaviors. Coneae ‘hebedamors with eam seas and idea Sears att ssc cores Sharh wit bestadento lp them moa ther dy behav. or xa the fs athor reste 2 35 em Sy Behar Chiklis om reve ‘eeuch and stadt stevie (Grange lyn pre) The ‘tans seve stent? opin beavis eg. ting down whenexans,aignmens nd qubaeate ds cing up ‘0 shal) eppearion Bein (eg, resting guetions "ou the material abortion Behave fog, parsprsing ‘he materi expaing Ite another pron), meacgnne boars (eg sg the book non Wed efor uns), aod rears beavis eg, skng flow mato ea ‘he steal) om ale ging fom 1 (Not at al Bm) 5 Exact ie ma) ihe ex scons wee sce th "Avent clas 11) = 28;p.05 answering al questions on the dy ui 14) apes Unig practice ex to std 144) = 24 pA. Abaya poems wing the aerial 18) = pea 10. De notexpect ver bale. inp oben ‘mind thal here afeno sates that wollte in fr ll ‘tudes nalldnsex Dieters cl fr dient tees spose that inrodatorypeyehlogy mip deceeus reurcony based Sevres an pe le ea ‘am wil ee eet bebo, Tn gener. istroctors need tt cognizant of how mh of theadce they get students erp proven to vorkn sstactal aaron rahe than a contd apatine pal ogy boratoy study. Asking sade tocol wy sl Snes afer theft em may provide istration with x ‘ring point todacuxing tad behaves eden Taking Some es time to discos the variety of ay ecg and then dean he excl ead in ach method ay be rica hpngstuents do beter We ope thee ugstons [rove hei wher th next stant ake you owt st for Your exrs and that ter performance inproves a eof your adc. SCOUT a oa aT Litt cece om Pact Ser Gees ins Raterances ‘owe, W.£&Molsman, W. 10955 aad tudes "qetinaste for pricing semicon oun of ‘Bucaonl Poco, 45-84 ‘Cred Manel Ne (008). Stiyhabiy kl and oder The hire pla oporting cleat cade efrmance, Perec on Povhabl Sc Excite N00) Teaching for understanding iver "Dep approaches and since asf dg London, “England Pe Maca, atin, & McCune V0). Te conceal bas of toy ale vere. Eaton Pha Beem, ys R200) How ay (6). lito Fk NY, Thompion Delma leutniag (Geingt. My Seer | K. (202), Coteus fy techniques selec ompetece. Schoo Pyhaly (Garang RA. GOH Peo Lenmig enhances ‘or dargroas detaus Teaching of Pehl 31,1610 ‘Garang HAR. (2045) How dosnt realy aya est nate)? Teaching of chal 32 67-32 Garang A Sear (2019) Optimising ching dering Peal each nro Malden, MA: lw Gurung RA. R, Welder, eke, AS. (2010 A over ook ‘owe stadetstcy (af mat orl ofthe ‘Scholrsip of Teng and asm 10.283, Hate, (2009 al earings Ay for 800 saan relting aoe Landon, Eg: outage Lana, Tari, andl] M. (286 Colege todo ad ine cout line of weeny at (gadecaredPychalngialRpor 98,675 ode. (190. The Sten Silent Atay best Jornal of ped Paychalgs 24 499 304, Newport (2007) How tbicmea aight sadent The unconventional sates ilege stants tozoreigh wil studying ls, New Yer oney Pak Ws & Owens RIO (007 Hows ayn ale th 4) San Frances Waworth Prorat, F etches ¥, roto, 3B Hart Ay & Adams, (200) The revised Lerning snd Sty Serteie Inventory: An evlation of competing mols ‘thcaiona and iychloia Meare, 6, Tub & War, (208). Thamar stay ud Phil eigen a, Malden MA Welnin CE 8 Pase, D202), Learn and Stay ‘Sra loventary LASSI: User manual nd) Gear FL 8 Wren € 6 (953 Sudha iment. Oxford Egan ‘Sanford Unversity Pre, Wl 24,Not Arita.

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