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Applicable Fees and Charges On Credit Card

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Card Service Charges to be displayed at Branches

1. Joining Fees, Annual Fees and Supplementary Card Fees:

Annual Fee Supplementary
Joining Fee Annual Fee (1st (2nd year Card Fee
ICICI Bank Card Variant (1st year) Rs. year) Rs. onwards) Rs. (Annually) Rs.
ICICI Bank Signature Credit Card 25000 Nil 2000 Nil
ICICI Bank Singapore Airlines VISA Platinum Credit Card Nil 6000 6000 Nil
ICICI Bank British Airways Premium Credit Card Account Nil 7000 7000 Nil
ICICI Bank British Airways Classic Credit Card Account Nil 3500 3500 Nil
ICICI Bank Ascent American Express (R) Credit Card 4000 Nil 1000 Nil
ICICI Bank Kingfisher Airlines MasterCard World Credit Card Nil 5000 2500 Nil
Card Nil 2000 1000 Nil
Card Nil 500 500 Nil
ICICI Bank Platinum Identity Credit Card 2000 Nil 750 Nil
ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card / ICICI Bank HPCL
Titanium Credit Card Nil 500 500* Nil
ICICI Bank American Express Gold Credit Card Nil 499 499 Nil
For all other cards, joining fees, annual fees and supplementary card fees are currently NIL for the Primary Card Member as
*well as total
If the for the Supplementary
spends on the cardCard Member.
is Rs. 50,000 or more during a year, the annual fee for the subsequent year shall be waived. If
the total spends is less than Rs. 50,000 during a year, the annual fee shall be levied for the subsequent year.
2. Finance Charges: Overdue interest on extended
ICICI Bank Card Variant credit Interest on cash advances
Monthly Rate Annual Rate Monthly Rate Annual Rate
All Cards except for the cards mentioned below 3.40% 40.80% 3.40% 40.80%
ICICI Bank Instant Platinum Credit Card / ICICI Bank Instant
Gold Credit Card / Fixed Deposit Instant Credit Card 2.49% 29.88% 2.49% 29.88%
1.49% / 17.88% / 17.88% /
ICICI Bank EMI Credit Card 1.99% 23.88% 1.49% / 1.99% 23.88%
On all Cards - 2.50% on advanced amount, subject to a minimum
3. Other Fees and Charges: of Rs. 300 except for the following cards:
On Easy Deposit Card –
Nil for cash withdrawals at ICICI Bank ATMs

On Cash Card - Rs. 151 per transactionOn EMI

Card - 2.99% on advanced amount, subject to a minimum of Rs.
Cash advance – transaction fee 299
On all Cards - 3% of the draft value amount subject to a minimum
of Rs. 300 except for the following card:
On EMI Card - 2.99% on the value of demand draft, subject
Dial-a-draft – transaction fee to a minimum of Rs. 299
30% of Minimum Amount Due (subject to a minimum of Rs. 400
Late payment charges and a maximum of Rs. 700)
Over-limit charges 2.50% on the over-limit amount (subject to a minimum of Rs. 500)
Return of cheque Rs. 250 per returned cheque
Auto-Debit return fee Rs. 250 per Auto-debit return
Fee on cash payment at branches Rs. 100 per payment transaction
Outstation cheque processing fee 1% of the cheque value, subject to a minimum of Rs. 100
Duplicate statement request (beyond 3 months) Rs. 100
Card replacement fee Rs. 100
Cheque / Cash pick-up fee Rs. 100 per pick-up
Chargeslip request 2.50%
Rs. 100ofper
chargeslipvalue or Rs. 10 whichever is higher.
Services charges – utility bill payment Surcharge
NIL waiver of 2.5% of transaction value on HPCL petrol
pumps on select cards (this offer is valid on a maximum
Foreign currency transactions Mark-up of 3.50%
transaction of Rs. 3000, when the payment is made by swiping
1.80% of transaction
the card on ICICI Bank value formachines).
swipe Internet transactions and 2.50% for
Railway booking – surcharge other bookings Surcharge waiver of 2.5% of transaction
Fuel surcharge value on all petrol pumps on select cards.
Transaction fee on EMI Card Rs. 149 per transaction on EMI Card
As may be applicable from time-to-time, presently @ 10.30%
Service Tax (applicable on all fees, interest and other charges)
Card Service Charges to be displayed at Branches
Cards Corporate / Purchase Cards

Insurance Gold & CCSL CCIL CCIL CCIL Purchase
Credit Card CCIL Silver Platinum Gold Silver Platinum Card
Joining Fee Rs.100 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL
30% of 30% of
Annual Fee (1st year) NIL NIL Rs. 999 Min
NIL 30% of Min NIL
Rs. 999
3% of the 3% of the amount amount amount 3% of the
3% of the overdue overdue outstandin outstandin outstanding overdue
overdue amount amount g (subject g (subject (subject to a amount
Interest Charges per amount (subject to (subject to to a min of to a min of min of (subject to
annum NIL
(subject to a aNIL aNIL 35.40%
Rs.400 37.80%
Rs.400 33.00%and aNIL
minimum of minimum minimum and a max and a max a max of minimum
Late Payment Charges Rs 400) of Rs 400) of Rs 400) of Rs.600) of Rs.600) Rs.600) of Rs 400)

2.5% on 2.5% on 2.5% on 2.5% on 2.5% on 2.5% on 2.5% on

advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced
amount amount amount amount amount amount amount
subject to a subject to subject to subject to subject to subject to a subject to
min of a min of a min of a min of a min of min of a min of
Cash withdrawal Rs.300. Rs.300. Rs.300. Rs.300. Rs.300. Rs.300. Rs.300.
Cash Payment at
Branches Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100
Replacement of credit
card Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100
Over limit charges NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL
Return of Cheque Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/-

1% on the 1% on the 1% on the 1% on the 1% on the .5% on the

1% on the cheque cheque cheque cheque cheque cheque
cheque value value value value value value value
(subject to a (subject to (subject to (subject to (subject to (subject to a (subject to
Outstation cheque min of Rs. a min of a min of a min of a min of min of Rs. a min of
processing fee 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) 100/-) Rs. 100/-)

1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the

draft value draft value draft value draft value draft value draft value
amount amount amount amount amount amount
(subject to a (subject to (subject to (subject to (subject to (subject to a
Transaction Fee - min of Rs. a min of a min of a min of a min of min of Rs.
Dial a Draft 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) Rs. 100/-) 100/-) NA
Duplicate statement
request (beyond 3
months) Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100
Charge Slip request Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100 Rs.100

1.8% for 1.8% for 1.8% for 1.8% for 1.8% for 1.8% for 1.8% for
Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet
transactions transaction transaction transaction transaction transactions transaction
and 2.5% for s and 2.5% s and 2.5% s and 2.5% s and 2.5% and 2.5% s and 2.5%
Railway Booking - other for other for other for other for other for other for other
Surcharge bookings bookings bookings bookings bookings bookings bookings
Foreign currency
transactions 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%

Auto Debit return fee Rs.250 Rs.250 Rs.250 Rs.250 Rs.250 Rs.250 Rs.250

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