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Total Horas 96.0 22.0 13.0 17.0 12.0 11.0 21.0

Semana Contenido por unidad de estudio Adquisición Tiempo Adq Colaboración Tiempo Col Práctica Discusión Investigación Tiempo Inv Producción Resultados de aprendizaje

Students are able to ask questions to get to know

their classmate using the simple present, talk about
Speaking practice of the unit 1.
their favorite things, use responses with too and Class about the use of simple Write a email paragraph using the Read the pages of the unit 1 and
Review simple present and present of be in questions Proyectos pequeños en Practicar Students answer open questions
1 1 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 1.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 either, start a conversation with new people, use present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
and statements. grupos ejercicios to practice the vocabulary and
actually to give new or surprising information, read questions and statements. in unit 1. to improve vocabulary.
expressions learned in unit 1.
an article about small talk, and write a how-to article
using correct punctuation.
Students are able to ask questions to get to know
Publicar y
their classmate using the simple present, talk about Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
responder a foros Develop the exercises of the unit
1 1 Responses with too and either. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Reportes 2.0 their favorite things, use responses with too and present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
de discusión 1 in Cambridge platform.
either, start a conversation with new people, use questions and statements. ghost chapters 1 and 2.
actually to give new or surprising information, read
Students are able to ask questions to get to know
their classmate using the simple present, talk about
their favorite things, use responses with too and Class about the use of simple
Practicar Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
1 1 Use of actually. 4.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 either, start a conversation with new people, use present and present of be in
ejercicios student's book unit 1. topics from unit 1.
actually to give new or surprising information, read questions and statements.
an article about small talk, and write a how-to article
using correct punctuation.
Students are able to talk about interests with can,
like, hate, prefer, be good at, discuss their taste in
music using object pronouns and everybody- Class about the use of simple Write a short email using the Read the pages of the unit 2 and
1 2 Verb forms after can / can´t, love, hate, and prepositions. 3.0 Clases magistrales 1 1.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 nobody, say no in a friendly way, use really- not present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
really to make statements stronger-softer, read an questions and statements. in unit 2. to improve vocabulary.
online forum about hobbies, and write online forum
posts using linking expressions.
Students are able to talk about interests with can,
like, hate, prefer, be good at, discuss their taste in
Publicar y Speaking practice of the unit 2
music using object pronouns and everybody- Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
Proyectos pequeños en responder a foros Students answer open questions Develop the exercises of the unit
2 2 Everybody, everyone, nobody and no one. 7.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 2.0 Reportes 2.0 nobody, say no in a friendly way, use really- not present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
grupos de discusión to practice the vocabulary and 2 in Cambridge platform.
really to make statements stronger-softer, read an questions and statements. ghost chapters 3 and 4.
asincrónicos. expressions learned in unit 2.
online forum about hobbies, and write online forum
posts using linking expressions.
Students are able to talk about interests with can,
Class about the use of simple
Practicar like, hate, prefer, be good at, discuss their taste in Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
2 2 Use of really and not really. 4.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 present and present of be in
ejercicios music using object pronouns and everybody- student's book unit 2. topics from unit 2.
questions and statements.
nobody, say no in a friendly way, use really- not
Students are able to talk about exercise and how to
stay healthy using the simple present and present
Speaking practice of the unit 3
continuous, discuss common health problems Class about the use of simple Write a short email using the Read the pages of the unit 3 and
Proyectos pequeños en Practicar Students answer open questions
2 3 Simple present and present continuous. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 1.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 using if and when, encourage people to say more, present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
grupos ejercicios to practice the vocabulary and
use expressions like really and oh to show surprise, questions and statements. in unit 3. to improve vocabulary.
expressions learned in unit 3.
read an article about staying healthy and write
questions and answers about health concerns.

Students are able to talk about exercise and how to

stay healthy using the simple present and present
Publicar y
continuous, discuss common health problems Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
responder a foros Develop the exercises of the unit
3 3 Joining clauses with if and when. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Reportes 2.0 using if and when, encourage people to say more, present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
de discusión 3 in Cambridge platform.
use expressions like really and oh to show surprise, questions and statements. ghost chapters 5 and 6.
read an article about staying healthy and write
questions and answers about health concerns.

Students are able to talk about exercise and how to

stay healthy using the simple present and present
continuous, discuss common health problems Class about the use of simple
Practicar Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
3 3 Showing surprise. 4.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 using if and when, encourage people to say more, present and present of be in
ejercicios student's book unit 3. topics from unit 3.
use expressions like really and oh to show surprise, questions and statements.
read an article about staying healthy and write
questions and answers about health concerns.
Students are able to talk about gift giving and
birthdays using be going to and indirect objects,
talk about how they celebrate special days, talk Speaking practice of the unit 4.
Class about the use of simple Write a short email using the Read the pages of the unit 4 and
Proyectos pequeños en Practicar about plans using present continuous and be going Students answer open questions
3 4 Future with be going to. 6.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 2.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
grupos ejercicios to, use vague expressions like and everything, give to practice the vocabulary and
questions and statements. in unit 4. to improve vocabulary.
vague responses if they are not sure, read an article expressions learned in unit 4.
about traditions around the world and write an
invitation to a special event.
Publicar y Students are able to talk about gift giving and Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
Develop the exercises of the unit
3 4 Present continuous for the future. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 responder a foros 2.0 Reportes 2.0 birthdays using be going to and indirect objects, present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
4 in Cambridge platform.
de discusión talk aboutare
Students how they
able to celebrate
talk aboutspecial days,and
gift giving talk questions and statements. ghost chapters 7 and 8.
birthdays using be going to and indirect objects, Class about the use of simple
Practicar Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
4 4 Vague expressions. 4.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 talk about how they celebrate special days, talk present and present of be in
ejercicios student's book unit 4. topics from unit 4.
about plans using present continuous and be going questions and statements.
to, use vague expressions like and everything, give
Students are able to talk about growing up and their Speaking practice of the unit 5
Class about the use of simple Write a short email using the Read the pages of the unit 5 and
Proyectos pequeños en Practicar family background using the simple past, talk about Students answer open questions
4 5 Review of simple past in questions and statements. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 1.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
grupos ejercicios school subjects, correct things they say with to practice the vocabulary and
questions and statements. in unit 5. to improve vocabulary.
expressions like well, actually and no wait, use I expressions learned in unit 5.
Students are able to talk about growing up and their
family background using the simple past, talk about
Publicar y
school subjects, correct things they say with Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
responder a foros Develop the exercises of the unit
4 5 Review of simple past in questions and statements. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Reportes 2.0 expressions like well, actually and no wait, use I present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
de discusión 5 in Cambridge platform.
mean to correct a word or name, read an interview questions and statements. ghost chapters 9 and 10.
about teenage years and write answers to interview
Students are able to talk about growing up and their
family background using the simple past, talk about
school subjects, correct things they say with Class about the use of simple
Practicar Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
4 5 Use of I mean and expressions to correct things. 3.0 Clases magistrales 1 1.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 expressions like well, actually and no wait, use I present and present of be in
ejercicios student's book unit 5. topics from unit 5.
mean to correct a word or name, read an interview questions and statements.
about teenage years and write answers to interview
Students are able to ask about places with is there?
and are there? say where places are with; next to, Speaking practice of the unit 6.
Class about the use of simple Write a short email using the Read the pages of the unit 6 and
Proyectos pequeños en Practicar behind, in front of, ask for and give directions, Students answer open questions
5 6 Is there? and Are there? 4.0 Clases magistrales 1 1.0 1.0 Tome notas digitales. 1.0 present and present of be in grammar and vocabulary learned find new words and expressions
grupos ejercicios offers, and ask for help with can or could, checking to practice the vocabulary and
questions and statements. in unit 6. to improve vocabulary.
information with excuse me? read an online guide to expressions learned in unit 6.
Istanbul and write a walking tour guide.

Students are able to ask about places with is there?

Publicar y and are there? say where places are with; next to,
Class about the use of simple Develop the activities of the
responder a foros behind, in front of, ask for and give directions, Develop the exercises of the unit
5 6 Offers and requests with can and could. 5.0 Clases magistrales 1 2.0 Reportes 2.0 present and present of be in reading book the Canterville
de discusión offers, and ask for help with can or could, checking 6 in Cambridge platform.
questions and statements. ghost chapters 11 and 12.
asincrónicos. information with excuse me? read an online guide to
Istanbul and write a walking tour guide.

Students are able to ask about places with is there?

and are there? say where places are with; next to,
Class about the use of simple
Practicar behind, in front of, ask for and give directions, Develop exercises from the Develop the online quiz about
5 6 Checking expressions – Echo questions. 3.0 Clases magistrales 1 1.0 Evaluación parcial 1.0 present and present of be in
ejercicios offers, and ask for help with can or could, checking student's book unit 6. topics from unit 6.
questions and statements.
information with excuse me? read an online guide to
Istanbul and write a walking tour guide.

To take the final Evaluation from

5 6 Final evaluation. 2.0 Evaluación final 2
Unit 1 to 6.
Contribuir al
Research about the aspects
Proyectos pequeños en proyecto de To present the final presentation
5 6 Final presentation. 10.0 2.0 5.0 Proyectos 3.0 related to the development of Final project written report.
grupos investigación en of the reading book.
the final project.
presentaciones del
To tell students the final average
6 6 Final grades and attendance. 2.0 profesor en forma 2
got during the course.

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