Highway Chapter 3
Highway Chapter 3
Highway Chapter 3
Chapter 3
B. Introduction
Standards have been developed as guide in the design of highways and to ensure that
motorist’s convenience, environmental safety and aesthetic considerations are implemented in the
most economical manner consistent with highway service considerations.
C. Input
Sources of Standards
Basic Considerations
In preparing the design of a new highway or re-design of an old one, the designer must give
attention to the following basic considerations:
The design must be suitable for the traffic volume, both daily and at the design peak hour;
for the design speed and for the character of the vehicles to use the facility.
The design must be consistent and must avoid surprise changes in alignment, grade and sight
The design must be pleasing to the user and to those who live along it.
The design must be complete.
The design shall be simple as possible from the standpoint of the builder.
The design should be such that the finished road can be maintained at the least cost.
The design must be safe for driving and should ensure confidence for the motorists.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Publications
include: (a) Transportation materials, specifications and tests; (b) Specifications for highway
bridges; (c) Geometric design standards; and (d) Numerous policy statements and guides.
Roads and highways – is defined as strips of land that have been cleared and further improved for the
movement of people and goods.
Road – road has somewhat broader application in usage while generally used to describe a public
thoroughfare. It can also refer to a railway.
Highway – the term highway was first used in England to describe a public road built by digging
ditches on both sides and heaping up the earth in the middle creating a way higher than the adjacent
land. Highway now connotes, a higher state of development than road, but the words are almost
(a) Expressway – an arterial highway with at least partial control of access, which may or may not
be divided or have grade separations at intersections. Designed for high volumes of traffic.
(b) Freeway – a divided arterial highway with full control of access and with grade separations at
intersections. Designed for high speeds.
Control of access – means a condition where the rights of owners or occupants of adjoining
land and other persons access to light, air or view in connection with a highway is fully
or partially controlled by public authority.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Full control of access – means that the authority to control access is exercised to give
preference to through traffic by providing access connections to selected public roads
only. Crossing at grade or direct private driveway connections is not permitted.
Partial control of access – means that the authority to control access is exercised to give
preference to through traffic. Although in addition to access connections with selected
public roads, there may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway
connections allowed.
Through street or through highway – every highway or portion thereof on which vehicular
traffic is given preferential right of way, and at the entrance to which vehicular traffic
from intersecting highways is required by law to yield right of way to vehicles on such
through highway in obedience to either a stop sign or a yield sign erected thereon.
(c) Parkway – an arterial highway for non-commercial traffic, with full or partial control of access,
and usually located within a park or a ribbon or park-like development.
(d) Arterial street – an arterial route that carry traffic to the nearest access points or through traffic.
It oftenly serve as the most advantageous routes for relatively long distance route. Most arterials
are existing highways or streets of considerable length along which cross traffic is regulated by
signals or stop signs. Designed for moderate or high volumes. Lower speeds than highways and
(e) Collector street – form a smaller grid pattern which picks up traffic from service streets and carries
it to the arterials. Large commercial enterprises or amusement facilities such as drive in theaters
almost always front on arterial roads. Designed for low or moderate capacity road.
(f) Local roads – is defined as a street or road primarily for access to residence, business or other
adjoining property. It is also defined as a road constructed and maintained by the local government.
Low capacity, low speed.
B. Traffic Volume
Traffic and vehicle data forms the major controls for highway design. The design of a
highway or any part thereof should consider jointly all data relating to traffic such as traffic volume,
character of traffic and axle loading. Traffic information serves to establish the “loads” for geometric
highway design.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
C. Character of Traffic
All roads should be designed to accommodate trucks, buses, and passenger vehicles with
safety and convenience. A thorough knowledge of the design vehicle’s weight, dimensioning,
mobility, and other characteristics, is essential for good design.
The vehicle that should be used in design for normal operation is the largest one which
represents a significant percentage of the traffic for the design year. For design of most highways
accommodating truck traffic, one of the design semi-trailer combinations should be used. A design
check should be made for the largest vehicle expected to insure that such vehicle can negotiate the
designated turns, particularly if pavements are curbed.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Knowing the predominant character of traffic to use the highway, the required width of lane
could be determined. The total width of a highway is the sum of the widths of traffic lanes required,
dividing islands, curb and gutter, shoulders and/or walkways, ditches or gutters, drains and other
special features.
The speed determined for design and correlation of the physical feature of a highway that
influence vehicles operations. It is the maximum speed that can be maintained over a
specified section of the highway when weather and traffic conditions are so favourable that
the design feature of the highway govern. (AASHTO)
A speed selected to establish specific minimum geometric design elements for a particular
section of highway. These design elements include vertical and horizontal alignment, and
sight distance.
The choice of design speed is influenced by: (a) topography or the character of terrain, (b)
economic considerations, (c) environmental factors, (d) type and anticipated volume of traffic, (e)
functional classification of the highway, and (f) whether the area is rural or urban.
For highway design, topography is generally classified into three groups: level, rolling, and
mountainous terrain. Level terrain is relatively flat. Horizontal and vertical sight distances are
generally long or can be achieved without much construction difficulty or major expense. Rolling
terrain has natural slopes that often rise above and fall below the highway grade with occasional steep
slopes that restrict the normal vertical and horizontal alignments. Mountainous terrain has sudden
changes in ground elevation in both the longitudinal and transverse directions, thereby requiring
frequent hillside excavations to achieve acceptable horizontal and vertical alignments.
The design speed is basically higher than the anticipated average speed. AASHTO
recommend that: “The design speed be set to the greatest degree possible, to satisfy the needs of nearly
all drivers both today and throughout the road anticipated life.”
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Controls used for design of speed are as follows: (a) reduced super elevation; (b) easement
curves; (c) delineators; (d) stripping signs; and (e) rumble strip.
Selection of the proper road design speed is one of the most important decision because it
sets the limits to curvature, sight distance and other geometric features. But because of limited funds,
there is a strong temptation to reduce the design speed in order to save money. Such decision is unwise
because the alignment grade and sight distance after the roadway has been constructed and paved along
the landscape and rights of way become more difficult and expensive to adjust or to correct.
The AASHTO practice is to classify first the highway as Rural or Urban, then as Freeways,
Arterials, Collectors and Local. Rural collectors and local facilities are classified as either flat, rolling
or mountainous.
Level 60 75 75 75 90
Rolling 45 60 60 75 75
Mountainous 30 45 45 60 60
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Level 45 45 60 75
Rolling 30 45 45 60
Mountainous 30 30 30 45
Although the design speed presently used is 80 km. per hour, higher designers project
design speed up to 120 km. per hour to guarantee against future obsolescence as well as increased
margin of operating safety. The high speed road design must anticipate future generation high speed
vehicles and advanced transportation systems that may operate on many of these road alignments.
E. Design Vehicle
A design vehicle is selected to represent all vehicles on the highway. Its weight, dimensions,
and operating characteristics are used to establish the design standards of the highway.
The vehicle type selected as the design vehicle is the largest that is likely to use the highway
with considerable frequency. The selected design vehicle is used to determine critical design features
such as radii at intersections and turning roadways as well as highway grades.
When a parking lot or a series of parking lots are the main traffic generators, the passenger
car may be used.
For the design of intersections at local streets and park roads, a single-unit truck may be used.
At intersections of state highways and city streets that serve buses with relatively few large
trucks, a city transit bus may be used.
At intersections of highways and low-volume county highways or township/local roads with
less than 400 ADT, either an 84-passenger large school bus 40 ft long or a 65-passenger
conventional bus 36 ft long may be used. The selection of either of these will depend on the
expected usage of the facility.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Figure 3.2 Typical Cross Section for Multilane Highways (half section)
The cross section of a typical highway has a latitude of variables to consider such as:
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Highway design usually adopt a cross section that is uniform in thickness from end to end
of the improvement. This is acceptable on high volume traffic road facilities. For a low volume or
reconstruction of old roads, modification of the features such as the shoulder width in rough areas
are usually employed to reduce the costs.
For a Two Lane Rural Highways – A 7.20 meters wide surface is required for a safe clearance between
commercial vehicles and is recommended for main highways.
For a Collector Roadway – 6.00 meters wide surface is acceptable only for a low volume traffic
including few trucks travelling thereon.
For Local Rural Roadway – The minimum surface width is 4.80 meters for a 30 km/hr design speed.
For Urban Roadway – The minimum design width is 3.60 meters although 3.00 meters is allowed
where space is limited.
Road Shoulders
Road shoulder or verge is defined as that portion of the roadway between the edge of the
traffic lane and the edge of the ditch, gutter, curb or side slope. AASHTO requires that its usable
pavement width shall be strong enough to support a vehicle.
1. Serves as a place for vehicles to stop when disabled, or for some other purposes.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Most road shoulders are unpaved having a width from 60-120 cm wide. Disadvantage? Drivers
hesitate to occupy it during rainy days.
A continuous narrow white strip at the edge of roadway separates the shoulder and serves as guide
to drivers especially during bad weather and poor visibility condition.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Width is defined as “extending from the edge of the surfacing to the point where shoulder
slope intersect the side slope”. The urban collector road usually has no shoulder, instead parking lanes
of 2.40 meters or preferably 3.00 meters wide with gutters are specified.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
For a high type pavement, the crown or slope is often 1% to 2%. High-type pavements have
wearing surfaces that can adequately support the expected traffic load without visible distress due to
fatigue and are not susceptible to weather conditions. However, steeper slopes are strongly
recommended because rainwater flow away more rapidly and thereby reducing the water thickness on
the road pavement. A cross slope in one direction of a multi-lane highways makes driving comfortable,
but with heavy rainfall, the water depth increases on the roadway.
The paved shoulder cross slope ranges from 3% to 6% although 4% is the most common.
For a gravel shoulder, 4% to 6% slope is satisfactory and 8% slope is effective drainage for turf (grass)
Side Slopes
Side slopes are provided on embankments and fills to provide stability for earthworks. They
also serve as a safety feature by providing a recovery area for out-of-control vehicles. When being
considered as a safety feature, the important sections of the cross slope are the hinge point, the
foreslope, and the toe of the slope, as shown in Figure 3.4. The hinge point should be rounded since it
is potentially hazardous and may cause vehicles to become airborne while crossing it, resulting in loss
of control of the vehicle. The foreslope serves principally as a recovery area, where vehicle speeds can
be reduced and other recovery maneuvers taken to regain control of the vehicle. The gradient of the
foreslope should therefore not be high. Slopes of 3:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter are generally used
for high embankments. This can be increased based on conditions at the site. Recommended values
for foreslopes and backslopes are provided in Table 3.1. As illustrated in Figure 3.4, the toe of slope
is rounded up in order to facilitate the safe movement of vehicles from the foreslope to the backslope.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
The AASHTO policy stipulated that where cut or fill slopes intersect the original ground
surface, the cross section has to be rounded to blend the slope in the natural ground surfaces. When
the side slope requires embankment with suitable retaining wall, any of the following materials could
be used depending upon the natural conditions:
1. Hand placed stones
2. Cement rubble masonry
3. Concrete blocks
4. Conventional reinforced concrete
5. T or counterforted designs
6. Cribs assembled from timber
7. Precast concrete
8. Metal elements
9. Tied back piling
10. Earth reinforced with metal or plastic bands
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
A median is the section of a divided highway that separates the lanes in opposing directions.
The width of a median is the distance between the edges of the inside lanes, including the median
shoulders. The functions of a median include:
Providing a recovery area for out-of-control vehicles
Separating opposing traffic
Providing stopping areas during emergencies
Providing storage areas for left-turning and U-turning vehicles
Providing refuge for pedestrians
Reducing the effect of headlight glare
Providing temporary lanes and cross-overs during maintenance operations
Medians can either be raised, flush, or depressed. Raised medians are frequently used in
urban arterial streets because they facilitate the control of left-turn traffic at intersections by using part
of the median width for left-turn-only lanes. Some disadvantages associated with raised medians
include possible loss of control of the vehicle by the driver if the median is accidentally struck, and
they cast a shadow from oncoming headlights, which results in drivers finding it difficult to see the
Flush medians are commonly used on urban arterials. They can also be used on freeways,
but with a median barrier. To facilitate drainage of surface water, the flush median should be crowned.
The practice in urban areas of converting flush medians into two-way left-turn lanes is common, since
the capacity of the urban highway is increased while maintaining some features of a median.
Depressed medians are generally used on freeways and are more effective in draining
surface water. A side slope of 6:1 is suggested for depressed medians, although a slope of 4:1 may be
Median widths vary from a minimum of 4 to 80 ft or more. Median widths should be as
wide as possible but should be balanced with other elements of the cross section and the cost involved.
In general, the wider the median, the more effective it is in providing safe operating conditions and a
recovery area for out-of-control vehicles. A minimum width of 10 ft is recommended for use on four-
lane urban freeways, which is adequate for two 4-ft shoulders and a 2-ft median barrier. A minimum
of 22 ft, preferably 26 ft, is recommended for six or more lanes of freeway.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
Median widths for urban collector streets vary from 2 to 40 ft, depending on the median
treatment. For example, when the median is a paint-striped separation, 2 to 4 ft medians are required.
For narrow raised or curbed areas, 2 to 6 ft medians are required, and for curbed sections, 16 to 40 ft.
The larger width is necessary for curbed sections because it provides space for protecting vehicles
crossing an intersection and also can be used for landscape treatment.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
pedestrian walkways. Curbs are also used to control drainage, improve aesthetics, and reduce right of
way. Curbs can be generally classified as either vertical or sloping.
Gutters or drainage ditches are usually located on the pavement side of a curb to provide
the principal drainage facility for the highway. They are sloped to prevent any hazard to traffic, and
they usually have cross slopes of 5 to 8 percent and are 1 to 6 ft wide. Gutters can be designed as V-
type sections or as broad, flat, rounded sections.
Guard Rails
Guard rails are longitudinal barriers placed on the outside of sharp curves and at sections
with high fills. Their main function is to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway. They are installed
at embankments higher than 8 ft and when shoulder slopes are greater than 4:1. Shapes commonly
used include the W beam and the box beam. The weak post system provides for the post to collapse
on impact, with the rail deflecting and absorbing the energy due to impact.
Sidewalks are usually provided on roads in urban areas, but are uncommon in rural areas.
Nevertheless, the provision of sidewalks in rural areas should be evaluated during the planning process
to determine sections of the road where they are required.
Generally, sidewalks should be provided when pedestrian traffic is high along main or high-
speed roads in either rural or urban areas. When shoulders are not provided on arterials, sidewalks are
necessary even when pedestrian traffic is low. In urban areas, sidewalks should also be provided along
both sides of collector streets that serve as pedestrian access to schools, parks, shopping centers, and
transit stops, and along collector streets in commercial areas. Sidewalks should have a minimum clear
width of 4 ft in residential areas and a range of 4 to 8 ft in commercial areas.
CE 313 Highway and Railroad Engineering
D. Reference(s)
Garber, Nicholas; Hoel, Lester. Traffic and Highway Engineering 4th Edition. 2012.
Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
Fajardo, Max. Elements of Roads and Highways 2nd Edition. 1998. 5138 Merchandising
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