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0573 Bgcse Human - Social Biology

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Section Page

Foreword i

Acknowledgements ii

1. Introduction 1

2. Aims 2

3. Assessmen t Objectives 3

4. Scheme of Assessment 5

5. Content 6

6. Grade Descriptions 33

7. Appendices Glossary of Terms 35

Presentation of Data 37

The Ministry of Education is pleased to Critical to the success of our secondary

authorise the publication of this senior education programme is the recognition of
secondary syllabus which marks a individual talents, needs and learning
watershed in the development of the public styles. Hence, the role of the teacher in the
education system in Botswana and signals classroom has changed. S h e must be a
another milestone of progress in fulfilment proficient manager and facilitator; a
of the goals set by the Revised National director of learning activities. Slhe should
Policy on Education, Government Paper be conscious of students' needs to take on
No. 2 of 1994. board a measure of accountability and
responsibility for their own learning. S h e
In this era of widespread and rapid must also take into account the widening
technological change and an increasingly range of ability of the student body and the
inter- dependent global economy, it is d~fferent levels of achievement, which
essential that all countries foster human they aspire to. This means active
resources by preparing children adequately participation for all and the creation af rich
for their future. Survival in the coming and diverse learning environments.
millennium will depend on the ability to
accomrpodate change and to adapt to It is important then that we value the
environmental needs and energing socio- students' own experiences, build upon
economic trends. It is the wish of what they know and reward them for
government to prepare Batswana for future positive achievement. At the same time,
growth and adaptation to ongoing change we must be prepared to offer them
in the socio-economic context; specifically guidance and counselling at all levels;
the transition from an agro-based economy assisting them to make the best decisions
to the more broadly based industrial in keeping with their own interests, career
economy, which we are aiming at. prospects and preferences. In that way we
shall prevail in nurturing at the roots of our
The senior secondary programme builds system, the national ideals of democracy,
on the Ten Year Basic Education development, self-reliance, unity and
programme and seeks to provide quality social harmony.
learning experiences. It aims to prepare
our students for the world of work, further This syllabus document is the outcome of
education and lifelong learning. However, a great deal of professional consultation
secondary education must also pay and collaboration. On behalf of the
attention to the all round development of Ministry, I wish to record my appreciation
the individual. It should provide not only and thank sincerely those who contributed
for the acquisition of those skills needed to and were involved in the production of
for economic, scientific and technological this syllabus.
advancement. It should also provide for
the development of cultural and national
identity and the inculcation of attitudes
and values which nurture respect for one's P. T. Ramatsui
self and for others. Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education
The Examinations, Research and Testing Division would like to acknowledge thc
following 'I ask Force members for their ontrjbution in the preparation of the Human and

Svcial Biology syllabus:

Mr Sheka Bangura Mp:.pu Private Secondary School

Mr Olaraonye Emenike Idekhubu Private Secorldary School
Mr Victor B. Oke Bos+tlePrivate Secondary School
Mr Arnold Kunkhoma Kafiye Private Secondary School
Mrs Chawangwa Mudongo Examinations, Research and 'resting Ijivision
Mr O D Gotsileng 'Ton;)taCollege of Education
Mr S T C Kgaodi Mocding College
Mr R Sengalo Cur!iculum Development Dtvision
Mrs N S Tau Cun.iculum Development Division
Mrs Oarabile Akoony atse Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Mr Lawrance Tshipana Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning
Mr Titoga Mnindwa Curriculum Development Division

Examinations, Research and Testing Division acknowledges contributions submitted by

the different Departments of the Ministry of Education. The Division would also like to
acknowledge the technical support by University of Cambridge Local Examinations
Syndicate (UCLES) towards the producticn of this syllabus.

As part of the Botswana Senior Secondary Education Programme, this Human and Social
Biology Assessment Syllabus is designed to assess candidates who have completed the
Senior Secondary School Human and Social Biology Teaching Syllabus.

This syllabus aims to assess positive achievement at all levels and candidates will be
assessed in ways that encourage them to show what they know, understand and can do.

The syllabus is examined by two written papers. The papers are described in the Scheme
of Assessment.

Candidates who have been entered for assessment on this syllabus may not be entered for
Senior Secondary School Science: Single Award, Double Award, Physics, Chemistry and

Candidates will be graded on a scale A - G. Candidates failing to achieve grade G will be

unclassified (U) and no grade will appear on the certificate.
This syllabus should be read in conjunction with:

(a) the Senior Secondary School Human and Social Biology Teaching Syllabus;

(b) the specimen question papers and marking schemes.

Syllabus-specific requirements and any further information are given in the Appendices.

Candidates following this syllabus should acquire and develop:

(a) an appreciation and an enjoyment of Human and Social Biology and its related
work in improving the quality of life;

(b) abilities and skills that are relevant to the study, safe practice and application of
Human and Social Biology;

(c) an understanding of the applications of Human and Social Biology and of the
technological, economic, ethical and social implications of these;

(d) desirable habits and behavioural patterns in interacting with the environment in a
manner that is protecting, preserving, developmental and nurturing;

(e) knowledge, attitudes and practices that will promote the awareness of practices
that prepare them for a productive life;

(f) positive attitudes, such as open-mindedness, inventiveness, concern for

accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity and initiative towards Human and
Social Biology slulls;

(g) confidence , desirable attitudes and behavioural patterns necessary in interacting

with a technologically changing world that is protective to the environment;

(h) an understanding of the key concepts and principles of Human and Social
Biology as experienced in everyday life;

(i) an awareness that the applicatiorl of Human and Social Biology may be both
beneficial and detrimental to the individual, the community and the environment;

(j) the knowledge that science transcends national boundaries and that the language
of science, correctly and rigorously applied, is universal.

As far as possible, the aims will be reflected in the Assessment Objectives, however, some
aims can not readily be assessed.

The assessment objectives describe the knowledge, skills and abilities which candidates are
expected to demonstrate at the end of the course. They reflect those aspects of the aims,
which will be assessed.

There are two main Assessment Objectives:

1. Knowledge and Understanding.

2. Handling Information, Application and Problem Solving.
For assessment purposes, these are broken down into smaller units.

1 . Knowledge and Understanding

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Human and
Social Biology in relation to:
1.1 phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts, theories;
1.2 vocabulary, terminology, conventions (including symbols, quantities
and units);
1.3 relevant scientific techniques of operation and aspects of safety;
1.4 applications of HSB and its social, economic, technological and
environmental implications;
1.5 good family life and health practices including awareness and
management of epidenucs such as HIVIAIDS that prepare them for
productive life.

The syllabus content defines the factual material that candidates need to recall and explain.
Questions testing the objectives above will often begin with one of the following words:
define, state, name, describe, explain, or outline. (Glossary of Terms appears on page 35)

2. Handling information, Application and Problem Solving

Candidates should be able to:

locate, select, organise and present information from a variety of

translate information from one form to another;
manipulate numerical and other data;
use information to identify patterns, report trends, draw inferences,
make predictions and propose hypothesis;
present explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships;
solve problems as they relate to day to day life situations, some of a
quantitative nature.

Questions assessing the objectives may contain information which is unfamiliar to the
candidate. In answering such questions, candidates are required to use principles and
concepts that are within the syllabus and apply them in a logical, deductive manner.

Questions testing the objectives in 2, may begin with one of the following words: discuss,
predict, suggest, calculate or determine. (Glossary of Terms appears on page 35)
Weighting of the Assessment Objectives
For the overall assessment, the approximate weightings of the Assessment Objectives will
be as follows:
1. Knowledge and 45% . Recall should not
Understanding be more than half of this
2. Handling Information,
Application and Problem 55%
- - - -


The Papers
All candidates will sit two written papers. Candidates will be required to attempt all
questions on the papers.

Paper 1 1 hour 40 marks

Forty multiple choice questions, each with four possible responses.

The questions will test Assessment Objectives 1 and 2.

Paper 2 2 hours 100 marks

The paper contains two sections.

Section A: (70 marks ) consist of a variety of short, structured questions.
Section B: (30 marks ) consist of two free-response questions worth 15 marks each.
The questions will test Assessment Objectives 1 and 2.

Weightings of Papers

Paper Weight (%)

1 30

2 70

Assessment Grid

The following grid summarises the connection between the Assessment Obsjectivesand the

Assessment Paper 1 Paper 2


1 4 4'

2 4 4

The syllabus content is arranged in three columns:

(a) Topics
(b) General Learning Objectives
(c) Specific Learning Objectives

(a) Topics, in the first column, are those strands of the subject which candidates
should have studied.

(b) Each topic is then defined in the second column in terms of General Learning
Objectives - knowledge, understanding and skills on which candidates may be

(c) The Specific Learning Objectives in the third column shows in detail *hat
aspects of that topic are likely to be assessed.

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidate should be able to:
able to:
Activities of living Acquire knowledge and - list the characteristic activities of living
I organism I understanding of I organisms; feeding, respiring, excreting, 1
I I characteristics of living growing, responding to stimuli, moving, I
things. reproducing.
Organisms Acquire knowledge and - describe viruses as non-cellular, parasitic
affecting human understanding of and reproducing only in living host cells
health disease causing - describe bacteria as unicellular, with a
organisms. cellwall and DNA but no nucleus; some
pathogenic and others non pathogenic and
- describe fungi as having a mycelium of
thread like hyphae, some being pathogenic
and causing athlete's foot and ringworm.
- describe protozoa as unicellular animals
some causing diseases
- describe flatworms as multi-cellular
animals, reproducing both sexually and
asexually, with complex life histories
involving at least two host organisms e.g.
blood fluke, Schistosoma haematobium
- describe insects as multicellular animals
with exoskeleton, segmented bodies and
jointed limbs, life cycles , some insects are
vectors of disease (anopheline mosquito,
house fly).
Cells, the building Acquire knowledge on - describe the structure of the animal and
blocks in cells, their plant cell as composed of cytoplasm, cell
organisation specialisation and membrane, cell wall ( plant and bacteria
organisation. cell only), nuclear envelope and
- describe the functions of the cell
membrane in controlling the passage of
materials into and out of the cytoplasm
- describe the function of the mitochondria
as energy transfer in respiration.
Movement of Acquire knowledge and - define diffusion as the movement of
particles in cells understanding of the molecules from a region where they are at
I I processes of osmosis & a higher concentration to a region where I
1 diffusion and their role ~ tney are at a lower concentration i.e. down 1
a concentration gradient
- define osmosis ( a special form of
diffusion) as movement of water
molecules from a region of their higher
concentration to a region of their lower
concentration through a selective
permeable membrane
- explain the concept active transport as
involving the use of energy against a
concentration gradient.
Acquire knowledge and - describe the structure and function of the
understanding of cell following tissues:
organisation. 1. epithelium, (lining of trachea, covering
of villus)
2. blood
- define the term organ, with reference to
the eye (retina, lens, choroid, sclera, iris,

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Food production Acquire knowledge and - state the role of green plants as primary
understanding of the producers of carbohydrate and protein
process of food - define photosynthesis as the production of
production in plants. carbohydrates from water and carbon
dioxide, using light energy, in the presence
of chlorophyll, and with the release of
Acquire knowledge and - state the dependence of all living
understanding of man's organisms, including man directly or
dependence on plants indirectly on photosynthesis.
for food.
The re-cycle of Acquire knowledge and - describe the carbon cycle in terms of the
carbon understanding of the re- fixation of carbon from carbon dioxide in
cycling of carbon. photosynthesis, its transfer as carbohydrate
to animals and release back into the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide as a result of

General Objective Specific Objective ,

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Classification of Acquire knowledge and -list the major nutrients and state their
nutrients understanding of food sources and uses in the human body
nutrients. 1. carbohydrates : sugars and starch,
digestible, and used as an energy
source,and for storage (glycogen)
2. cellulose from plant cell, indigestible
(fibre /roughage)
3. proteins: used for growth and repair of
tissues and as a component of
haemoglobin, insulin, and enzymes
4. fats (lipids) : used in the formation of
cell membranes, as an energy source as
a storage material, and as a solvent for
vitamin D
- describe or cany out the Benedict's test for
reducing sugars, the iodine test for starch,
the Biuret test for proteins, and the grease
spot test for fats
- list the principal sources of vitamins C and

D, and of the inorganic elements calcium

and iron
- relate vitamin C to the formation of
epithelial tissues and thus to the healing of
- relate vitamin D to the absorption of
calcium ions from the ileum and to the
prevention of rickets in children
- list the uses of calcium ions in the
formation of bones and teeth, in blood
clotting and in muscular contraction
- state the use of iron in the formation of
haemoglobin and relate iron deficieilcy to
Water and Acquire knowledge and - outline the uses of water in the body : as a
dietary fibre understanding of the reagent in the digestion (hydrolysis) of
(roughage) importance of water and food, as a solvent and as a transport
fibre in diet. medium and component of body fluids and
of cytoplasm
- describe the role of fibre in the evacuation
of the large intestine.
Sources of Acquire knowledge of 1 discuss the relative values, as sources of
nutrients relative value of food nutrients, of foods obtained from animals
nutrients. (meat; fish, milk and milk products) and
foods obtained from plant roots, tubers,
stems, seeds and fruits.
Balanced diet Acquire knowledge of a - define a balanced diet as a diet sufficient
balanced diet. in all food nutrients (proteins,
carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals,
fibre and water) in the right quantities,
quality and energy to sustain a healthy life
- define malnutrition as a lack of balanced
diet, either as a shortage of particular
nutrients ( vit D and rickets) or as an
excess (excess carbohydrate leading to
obesity and coronary heart disease)
- list the food and drink consumed in one
week, including the nutrients contained
- discuss the value of breast milk in feeding

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Teeth and the Acquire knowledge on - state the increase in surface area : volume
break down of physical process of ratio after chewing food
food digestion. - describe need for chewing and peristalsis
- state the cause of dental decay and
describe the care for teeth.
Nature and Acquire knowledge on define enzymes as proteins that act as
properties of chemical process of biological catalysts involved in all
enzymes digestion. biochemical processes, including
digestion, respiration and protein synthesis
state the effects of change in temperature
and pH on the rate of enzyme activity.
I The alimentary I Acquire knowledge on
- --- -

identify from a drawing the main

I canal I the structure and structures of the alimentary canal : mouth,
oesophagus, stomach, small intestines,
including duodenum and ileum, colon,
rectum, anus.
describe peristalsis as a muscular
movement, mixing and propelling food
along the intestine and oesophagus
outline the functions of i) the pancreas ii)
the liver
- state the functions of amylase,
protease and lipase in the production of
reducing sugars, amino acids , fatty acids
and glycerol
state the main sites of the digestion of
state the main sites of the digestion of
starch to glucose
describe the need for the emulsification of
state, describe and explain the process of
absorption of the products of digestion
(structure of villus not required)
state the function of the colon as the site of
absorption of water
describe the assimilation of the products of
digestion by cells
- define defecation, constipation and

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Composition Acquire knowledge and - identify red blood cells, phagocytes and
and function of understanding of the lymphocytes from drawings and
blood functions of blood. photographs
- state the origin of Red Blood Cells, White
Blood Cells and platelets
- state the function of red blood cells in
terms of transport of oxygen by
- state the functions of white blood cells in
the defence of the body against infections:
phagocytosis; formation of antibodies to
counteract antigens
- state the functions of plasma in the
transportation of the products of digestion
and carbon dioxide, urea, hormones and
- outline the function of platelets during the
clotting of blood, soluble fibrinogen being
converted to insoluble threads of tibrin
- state the function of clotting as to protect
the body from loss of blood and entry of
Circulation of Acquire knowledge and - identify from a drawing the structure of
Blood understanding of the role the heart as seen in section from the front
of the mammalian - describe the action of the heart in terms of
circulatory system. the pumping action produced by the
contraction of muscles in a pair of two
stage pumps, side by side
- the direction of flow controlled by the
tricuspid and pulmonary valves, and the
bicuspid and aortic valves
- list the likely causes and effects of heart
- describe the structure in relation to the
function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries
and veins
- name the blood vessels to and from the
heart, lungs, head, liver and kidneys
- state the origin and function of the tissue
1 - state the origin and function of lymph.

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:

Breathing and Acquire knowledge and - define breathing as the movement of air in
gaseous understanding of the and out of the lungs
- describe and recognise from a drawing the
arrangement of the trachea, bronchi,
outline of the lungs and diaphragm as seen
in a frontal section through the thorax
- describe the roles of the ribs, intercostal
muscles and the diaphragm in the process
of breathing
- describe the relationship between changes
in pressure and volume in the lungs during
- define gaseous exchange as uptake of
oxygen and release of carbon dioxide in
the alveoli
- state the differences between inspired and
expired air
- describe vital capacity
- describe the effects of change in physical
activity on the rate and depth of breathing
- describe the technique of mouth to mouth
Respiration and I Acquire knowledge and - define respiration as the release of energy
energy transfer I understanding of from food substances in the cells of living
- state the equation of aerobic respiration,
using words or chemical formulae 1
- list activities where energy is required: e.g.
cell division, active transport, maintenance
of a constant body temperature, muscular
Diseases I - list the toxic material in cigarette smoke;
associated with nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide
tobacco smoke - state the effects of tar as a carcinogen
(causes cancer)
- discuss the effects of nicotine and carbon
monoxide on the body and on a
developing foetus
- describe effects of cigarette smoke on the
cilia which form the cleaning mechanism
of the lungs.

Topic 1 General Objective 1 Specific Objective

I I Candidates should be
able to:
I Candidates should be able to: I
Functions of the Acquire knowledge of - list the functions of the skeleton : support,
skeleton the functions of bones protection of soft tissue, to increase
and how they are related effectiveness of movement by providing
to muscles. levers, as site for production of red blood
- distinguish between tendons: (attach
muscles to bones, inelastic) and ligaments:
(join bone to bone , elastic)
- identify from a drawing and describe the
action o f : a hinge joint (e.g. elbow), and a

Muscles and Acquire knowledge of describe muscle as tissue which produces

movement how movement results. movement by contraction and relaxation
using energy derived from respiration
- identify the bones of the arm and shoulder,
and show the origins and insertions of the
biceps and triceps muscles
- define antagonistic muscle action

I /- (contraction and relaxation)

describe the role of circular muscles in
peristalsis and in the movements in the iris
and ciliary body of the eye.

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Homeostasis Acquire knowledge and - define homeostasis as the maintenance of a
understanding of the constant internal environment
importance of - locate and name the main organs which

maintaining a constant maintain a constant internal environment

internal environment. namely : pancreas and liver ( blood
glucose), kidneys (water and salt content )
and skin (temperature)
- identify and label on a diagram of the skin:
hairs, sweat glands, receptors and blood
- describe the maintenance of constant
temperature in human beings
- discuss the co-ordinating role of the brain
in maintaining a constant body

Excretion and Acquire knowledge and - define excretion as the removal of waste
regulation of understanding of the products of metabolism and/or toxic
body fluids importance of removing materials from blood -urea and carbon
metabolic waste from the dloxide
body and how the - identify parts of the urinary system :
concentration of blood is ureter, bladder, urethra
regulated. - state the functions of the parts of the
urinary system
- identify structures of the kidney: cortex,
medulla, pelvis
- dzscribe the function of the kidney as a
process of filtration followed by selective
reabsorption of : glucose, salt, water,
resulting in the adjustment of the
concentration of blood plasma
- relate the process of filtration to blood
pressure in the glomerulus, collection of
filtrate in the Bowman's capsule and
reabsorption of materials at appropriate
scctions in the kidney tubule
- describe the role of the antidiuretic
Regulation of Acquire knowledge of - explain the concept of negative feed back
body how the body regulates - define regulation of body temperature as
temperature its body temperature. maintaining a steady internal temperature
by balancing heat production and heat loss
- identify from a drawing the main
structures involved in heat loss by the
skin: sweat glands and ducts, capillaries
and associated arterioles
- relate the evaporation of sweat to the
concept of heat loss
- describe the effects of vasodilation and
vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the
- describe the loss of heat through the lungs
- - -
during breathing.
Regulation of Acquire knowledge and - state that the pancreas secretes insulin
blood sugar understanding of how the when blood sugar level rises
body's blood sugar level - describe the part played by the liver in the

is maintained by I
formation of insoluble glycogen in

hormonal action. I response to insulin release

- describe diabetes as a disease caused by
lack of the hormone insulin
- describe the effect of insulin and glucagon,
released by the pancreas, on the liver and
explain the part it plays in homeostatic
control of blood sugar. ---

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Perception Acquire knowledge and - list the stimuli to w E h the sense organs
understanding of the respond: light energy, sound energy,
different sense organs temperature change, touch, chemical
and how they are affected stimuli.
by environmental stimuli.
Structure and Acquire knowledge of - describe and identify from a drawing a
functions of the the hnction of the eye horizontal section through the eye : optic
eye and its parts. nerve, lens, sclera, cornea, iris, retina
choroid, ciliary muscles aqueous humour ,
vitreous humour, blind spot, fovea and
suspensory ligaments
- describe the action of the components of
the eye in forming inverted images on the
- describe the mechanism of focusing
- discuss short sightedness and long
- state the function of the retina in
transforming units of light into nerve
- describe the reflex action of the circular
and radial muscles of the iris in regulating
the amount of light to reach the r ~ t i n a .

Nervous system Acquire Knowledge and - state the main divisions of the nervous
Understanding of the system :
nervous system. 1. central nervous system (CNS)
1 1 1 comprising the brain and spinal cord 1
2. peripheral nervous system (spinal
- distinguish between a neurone and a nerve
- define reflex action
- describe and recognise from a drawing a
simple spinal reflex arc
- state the role of the sensory, intermediate
I I and motor neurones and spinal synapses 1
1 - relate the control of movement at the
ppp -
elbow in withdrawing the hand from a
stimulus to reflex action
carryout simple experiment to
demonstrate reflex action and measure
reaction time.
Hormones Acquire knowledge and define a hormone as a chemical substance,
understanding of the produced by a ductless/endocrine gland,
functions of hormones in carried by the blood, which alters the
body co-ordination. activity of one or more specific target
state the role of adrenaline in co-ordination
state the role of testosterone
state 1 name the roles of oestrogen and
progesterone in the menstrual cycle and in
distinguish between the hormonal and
nervous control systems (chemical
substance or impulse: in terms of speed of
response, widespread or localised
response, long-term or short-lived
Alcohol and Be aware of the dangers discuss drug dependence and drug abuse
other drugs of alcohol as a drug. describe the short-term effects of alcohol
on reaction time (rate of transmission of
impulses), co-ordination and the ability to
make rational decisions
state the short term and long term effects
of excessive intake of alcohol on the brain
and liver
state the physical and social effects of
marijuana, glue sniffing and other

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
1 I able to: 1 1
I I 1
The reproductive Acquire knowledge of the - define a gamete as either a sperm or an (
1 system I
human reproductive I ovum, having half the number of I
system. chromosomes found in the body cells
- describe sexual reproduction as the process
involving the fusion of nuclei fiom two
different gametes to form a zygote
- identify fiom a drawing the structure of the
male and female reproductive system, as
seen in side view
- state the function of: testis, epididymis,
sperm duct, prostate gland, urethra, ovary,
oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina.
Fertilisation Acquire knowledge of the - describe the menstrual cycle and the
menstrual cycle, production of ova (eggs)
fertilisation, fetal - describe the roles of oestrogen and
development and birth. progesterone in the menstrual cycle and in
- describe fertilisation and early
development of the zygote in terms of the
formation of the ball of cells which
becomes implanted in the lining of the
uterus wall
A describe implantation
- describe the development of the foetus in
terms of dependence on the placenta for
exchange of food materials, oxygen,, urea
and carbon dioxide between the maternal
and foetal blood
- distinguish between identical and fraternal
- describe the placenta as a barrier,
separating maternal and fetal red blood
- describe the passage of nicotine, alcohol
and some viruses from the mother to fetus
through the placenta
- state the protective function of the
amniotic fluid, in terms of even
distribution of pressure around the fetus
- describe the three stages of birth: labour,
opening (dilation), delivery and after birth
Family planning Acquire knowledge of the - describe family planning as a means of
use of a variety of birth limiting the number of children in the
control methods. family and of spacing births, thus giving
both mother and children a better chance of
receiving adequate nutrition and other
resources and of developing good health
- discuss the dangers of teenage pregnancy
- list methods of birth control, stating
practical advantages and disadvantages :
rhythm (safe period), condom, cap, intra-
uterine device (IUD, coil, loop), oral
contraceptive pill, sterilisation (vasectomy
for males, tying of oviduct for females)
and abstinence.
Heredity : Units Acquire knowledge and I- define inheritance as the transmission of
and processes understanding of genes, I genetic information (genes) from one
chromosomes , mutation generation to the next
and appreciate variation - define a gene as a length of DNA coding
for a particular characteristic, and
distinguish clearly between the terms gene
and allele
- state that genes are carried on thread-like
structures, made of protein and DNA,
called chromosomes
I - define mitosis as a nuclear division
resulting in the formation of two nuclei
with the same number of chromosomes
and same genetic content, as the original
nucleus (stages not required)
- define meiosis as a nuclear division
resulting in a halving of the chromosome
number, and the production of variation,
during the formation of gamete cells

Monohybrid Acquire knowledge and define the terms dominant , recessive,

inheritance understanding of genotype, phenotype, heterozygous and
inheritance. homozy gous
- using symbols, draw and interpret
diagrams to show the genetic
characteristics of the offspring from a
I monohybrid cross
- using symbols, draw and interpret
Topic General Objective Specific Objective
Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Health and Understand the concept of - define good health as a state of physical
disease health. and mental wellbeing, dependent on
receiving a balanced diet and on
appropriate physical and mental activity
- define disease as a loss of health resulting
from a disturbance of the normal processes
of the body, or due to various causes such
as malnutrition, infectious organisms,
degeneration of organs / tissue or
environmental pollutants.
Non- Acquire knowledge and - describe nutritional deficiency disease
transmissible understanding of diseases. illustrated by rickets
diseases and - describe degenerative diseases, as
disorders illustrated by coronary heart di'sease
- describe cancer, as illustrated by lung
- describe inherited disorder, as illustrated
by albinism, Down's syndrome.
Transmissible Acquire knowledge and - describe transmissible diseases
. diseases understanding of - distinguish between signs of a disease (e.g.
transmissible diseases. rash, high temperature), which can be seen
or measured, and symptoms (e.g. pain)
which can only be described by the patient.
Influenza Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs
understanding of the - name the causative organism (virus) and
disease influenza. the method of spread (droplet airborne)
and methods of limiting spread.
Gonorrhoea and Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs and symptoms
syphilis understanding of the two - state the method of control and prevention
sexually transmitted
AIDS (acquired Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs
immune understanding of the - state the causative organism ( human
deficiency disease AIDS. immuno-defiency virus, HIV) and the
syndrome) methods of spread: sexual intercourse, use
of contaminated needles for injecting
drugs, from mother to child, blood
transfusion; methods of limiting spread.
Typhoid Acquire knowledge and . name the causative organism (bacterium)
understanding of the and methods of spread: contamination of
disease typhoid. human food by food handlers and by
- control of spread by sanitary disposal of
faeces, preventing access for house flies to
faeces, careful washing of hands after
using the toilet 1 water closet and tracing of
carriers, followed by medical treatment.
Tuberculosis Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs and symptoms
understanding of the - name the causative organism as a
disease TB, and methods bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis),
of control. capable of forming spores and therefore of
surviving drying ; state method of spread
- control by good ventilation, avoiding
ot ercrowding, avoiding spitting, BCG
vaccination, early diagnosis by mass X-
ray, drug treatment.
Cholera Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs and symptoms,
understanding of the including dehydration
disease cholera and its - name the causative organism as a
control. bacterium (vibro), spread by water
contaminated with bacteria from human
- describe control by sanitary disposal of
f a x e s and through chlorination of drinking
water; occurrence and significance of
Malaria Acquire knowledge and - state the chief signs and symptoms of
understanding of the malaria
disease malaria and its - name the causative organism as a.
control. protozoan (plasmodium) transmitted only
by the bite of an infected, female
anopheline mosquito
- describe control of malaria by destruction
of mosquito breeding sites, destruction of
mosquito larvae, pupae and adults by
appropriate means and by preventing
mosquitoes from biting both patients
suffering from malaria and healthy people.

General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:

Personal Appreciate the need for - discuss the importance of cleaning the
Hygiene personal hygiene. body, particularly the pubic, anal regions
and the hands, after contact with faeces
and urine
- discuss the meaning and importance of
sanitary disposal of faeces, urine and
Control of the Acquire knowledge and - define sterilisation
organisms that I understanding about - describe the use of high temperature as a
cause disease control of organisms means of destroying pathogens in cooking,
causing diseases. steam sterilisation
- describe the use of chemical sterilisation
agents, with particular reference to the use
of chlorine
- distinguish between antiseptics which
inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and
disinfectants which kill bacteria but also
damage human tissue.
Antibiotics Acquire knowledge and - define antibiotics
understanding of the - discuss the use of antibiotics, illustrated by
action of antibiotics in the use of penicillin in the treatment of

Control of
disease control.
Acquire knowledge and
understanding of disease
- state the principles of controlling a disease
by controlling the vector that transmits the
pathogen, illustrated by methods of
controlling houseflies (typhoid) and
mosquito (malaria)
- explain the need for knowing the life cycle
and habits of the vectors.

1 Topic I General Objective Specific Objective

I Candidates should be

1 able to: 1
Candidates should be able to: II
Immunity Acquire knowledge and - define immunity to diseases
understanding of the - define active immunity, illustrated by
concept of immunity. I immunity to tuberculosis gained naturally I
during recovery from the disease, and
artificially through BCG vaccination
- define passive immunity, illustrated by
I immunity to tetanus gained by injection I
with the immune serum
- discuss the differences between active,
natural, passive and artificial immunity
- discuss the WHO campaign to eliminate
I small pox and the immunisation I
programme to control tuberculosis.

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Sewage disposal Acquire knowledge and - define sewage as the waste liquid expelled
understanding to fiom a house, factory or town.
appreciate the need for - state the risks from leaving sewage
proper sewage disposal. untreated and exposed to rain and flies
- describe, and identify from a drawing a
section through a pit latrine
- state the reasons for the careful siting of
the pit latrines in relation to water sources
- state the part played by micro-organisms
in making sewage harmless and the
effluent safe for discharge into a river.
Safe drinking Acquire knowledge and - compare the relative purity of water
water understanding of the e.g.from rivers, shallow wells, boreholes
need for water that is safe and rain water collected from a roof, as
to drink: appropriate locally
Small scale, - discuss the effects of boiling water for
Large scale. drinking
- describe the large scale treatment of water
(sedimentation, filtration, chlorination ).
Refuse disposal Acquire knowledge and - state the dangers from'allowing domestic
understanding of the waste to accumulate around living
ways in which waste is quarters; attracting house flies and
disposed. providing suitable conditions for breeding;
attraction of rats and mice (vectors of
- state the reasons for, and methods of
controlling the breeding of houseflies
- relate the life cycle of the house fly to the
need for the regular emptying of bins for
domestic waste
- state the methods of disposal of domestic
refuse: burying, burning and incineration
(total destruction by burning at very high
temperature), compacting refuse at
communal sites to make it more difficult
for rats to penetrate.

General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Air pollution Acquire knowledge and
understanding of air
I- define pollution as destruction, damage or
contamination of the environment
pollution. - state the toxic components of motor
exhaust fumes, carbon monoxide, lead,
nitrogen oxides
- describe the effects of lead on the body
- describe the causes and effects of global
- describe the effect of Chlorofluoro
Carbons (CFC's) and other pollutants on
the ozone layer.
Acquire knowledge and - describe the undesirable effects of water
understanding of water pollution by: discharge of untreated
pollution. 1 sewage (cholera); discharge of chemical
waste from industrial plants; surface run-
off of chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides and
I herbicides); discharge of oils at sea, from
garages; solid matter / litter.
Deforestation - state the effects of deforestation on the
understanding of the I environment; climate change and soil
1 extent and problems of I erosion
deforestation. 1- state the effects of veld fires on the

Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be Candidates should be able to:
able to:
Biotechnology Acquire knowledge and - define biotechnology as the application of
understanding of the use biological organisms, systems or processes
of biotechnology in to manufacturing and service industries
solving day to day - explain why micro-organisms are used in
problems and its role in biotechnology
the provision of food, - discuss the role of micro-organisms in food
fuels and in medicine. production e.g. bread, madila, chibuku
- explain the role of micro-organisms in fuels
and chemicals e.g. biogas, alcohol,
biological enzyme washing powders
- discuss the role of micro-organisms in
medicine e.g. the production of antibiotics
1 (penicillin) and vaccines (BCG).
---- - - - -
---- -

Candidate should be able to:

9 use scientific vocabulary, recall a wide range of scientific concepts,
pr-inciples and theories;
relate a wide range of scientific concepts to scientific principles and theorici;
and recognise scientific relationships;
apply scientific knowledge and understanding. identify pattenls, report trends
from given information and draw appropriate conclusions and give
recommendation to new situations;
translate information horn one for111 to another: process information from
graphs, tables and charts; represent information in the form of graphs, tables
and charts with ease;
rnake c o ~ ~ c iand
s e complete esl-rerimental procedure (plan). erjticallv discuss
the plan; generate hypotheses to sol\'e a scientific problem whish Inn? i n v o l ~ e
a wide 1-mgeof variables.

Candidate should be able to:

use scientific vocabulary, recall a wide range of scientific concepts, princ;jplt.s
and the,ories with some assistance;
relate scientific concepts to scientific principles and theories and recognise
scientific relationships with some assistance;
apply scientific knowledge and understanding, identify patterns, report treilds
from given i~ifonnation, draw coi;i!usions and give recommendation to
simple situations;
translate informatioii from one fomm to another: process information from
graphs, tables and charts; represent information in the form of graphs. tahles
and charts with some assistance;
make and complete experimental procedure (plan); generate hypotheses to
solve a scientific problem involving few variables with some assistance.

Candidate should be able to:

use scientific vocabulary, recall basic scientific concepts, principles and theories
with assistance all the way;
relate basic scientific concepts to scientific principles and theories and recognise
scientific relationships with assistance all the way;
apply basic scientific knowledge and understanding, identify patterns, report
trends fiom given information and draw conclusions and give recommendation to
familiar situations with assistance all the way;
translate information from one form to another: process information from graphs,
tables and charts; represent information in the form of graphs, tables and charts
with assistance all the way;
make simple and complete experimental procedure (p1an);device fair test which
involves only a few scientific problems which only involves a few familiar factors
with assistance all the way.

Glossary of terms

It is hoped that the glossary (which is relevant only to Science subjects) will prove
helpful to candidates as guide i.e. it is neither exhaustive nor definitive. The glossary
has been deliberately kept brief not only with respect to the number of terms included
but also to the descriptions of their meanings. Candidates should appreciate that the
meaning of a term must depend in part on its context.

I . DeJine (the term(s)) is intended literally, only a formal statement or equivalent

paraphrase being required.

What do you understand bylWhat is meant by (the term(s)) normally implies

that a definition should be given, together with some relevant comment on the
significance or context of the term(s) concerned, especially where two or more
terms are included in the question. The amount of supplementary comment
intended should be interpreted in the light of the indicated mark value.

2. State implies a concise answer with little or no supporting argument, e.g. a

numerical answer that can readily be obtained 'by inspection'.

3. List requires a number of points, generally each of one word, with no elaboration.
Where a given number of points is specified this should not be exceeded.

4. Explain may imply reasoning or some reference to theory, depending on the


5. Describe requires the candidate to state in words (using diagrams where

appropriate) the main points of the topic. It is often used with reference either
to particular phenomena or to particular experiments. In the former instance,
the term usually implies that the answer should include reference to (visual)
observations associated with the phenomena.

In other contexts, describe should be interpreted more generally, i.e. the

candidate has greater discretion about the nature and the organisation of the
material to be included in the answer. Describe and explain may be coupled,
as may state and explain.

6. Discuss requires the candidate to give a critical account of the points involved
in the topic.

7. Outline implies brevity, i.e. restricting the answer to giving essentials.

8. Predict implies that the candidate is not expected to produce the required
answer by recall but by making a logical connection between other pieces of
information. Such information may be wholly given in the question or may
depend on answers extracted in an early part of the question.
l ' l - c ~ c l l c ~ 1also impllcs a concise answer uith no supporting statement rcqiured

LPed:~i'i~is used in similar way to p r c d ~ c except~ that scuiit: suppoi-ling

stat.crnent is required, e.g, rc.ftlrc:ic:,c to a law or principle; nr t.he necessary
reasc~ningis to be inclucted in the ailswer.

Suggest is used in two main contexts:-

1. to irnply that there is no unique answer (e g. in I,l~emistry,t u o

or more sllbstances may satisfy the given conditions describing
nfi 'llnknown'),

L~ tc\ innply that candidates arc expected to apply their general
kiiowledge to a 'nc:\ el' situation, one that nlay be forrllally 'nut
in the syllabus'.

F ~ n dis a gelleral term that rnay variously be Interpreted a calculated, measure


is ilsed whell a nurneiical answer is required. In generdl, niir~king

should be shown, espec.ially where two or more steps are in\!olved.

Afc.a,vurc!implies thdt lie quantity concen~edcan bc dlrectly obtalned froru a

suitable nieasuring instrument, e.g. length, using a niler, or mass, using a

Drierminu ofien implies that the quantlty concerned cannot be n~easureci

illectly but is obtaincd by calculation, substituting measured or known values
)t other q ~ l n r l i l t i ~11it0
s a ~tandardforn~ula,e.g. relative ~r~olecular

Estirnrtie irilplies a reasoned order of magnitude statement or calculation of thc

quant~ty concerned, making such sinq>lifying assumptions as may be
necessary about points of principle and about the values of qllanl~ties11ut
nthenvise lncludcd 111thc qucst~on

Sketch, ~ v l ~ capplied
n to graph work. implies that the shape andlor position of
the curve need only be qualitatively correct, but candidates should he aware
that, depending on the context, some quantitative aspects may be looked for,
e.g. passing tlii-ough the origin, having an intercept, asvnlptote or discontinuity
at a pal-ticular value.

I n Jidgranis, sketch implies that a simple. frechand drawing is acceptable,

nevertheless, care should be taken over proportions and the clesr exposition of
important details.
Presentation of data

(a) Tables
(i) Each column of a table will be headed with the physical
quantity and the appropriate S1 units, e.g. timels, rather than
There are three acceptable methods of stating units, e.g. metre
per sec or m' per s or m s-'.
(ii) The column headings of the table can then be directly
transferred to the axes of a constructed graph.

(b) Graphs

(i) The independent variable will be plotted on the x (horizontal

axis) and the dependent variable plotted on the y (vertical axis).

(ii) The graph is the whole diagrammatic presentation. It may have

one or several curves plotted on it.

(iii) Curves and lines joining points on the graph should be referred
to as 'curves'.

(iv) Points on the curve should be clearly marked as crosses ( X )

or encircled dots ( O ). If a further curve is included, vertical
crosses ( ) may be used to mark the points.

(c) Pie Charts

These should be drawn with the sectors in rank order, largest first,
beginning at 'noon' and proceeding clockwise. Pie Charts should
preferably contain no more than six sectors.

(d) Bar Charts

These are drawn when one of the variables is not numerical, e.g.
percentage of vitamin C in different h i t s . They should be made up of
narrow blocks of equal width which do not touch.

(e) Column Graphs

These are drawn when plotting frequency graphs from discrete data,
e.g. frequency of occurrence of leaves with different numbers of
prickles or pods with different numbers of seeds. They should be
made up of narrow blocks of equal width whi-chdo not touch.
(f) Histograms

These are drawn when plotting frequency graphs with continuous data,
e.g. frequency of occurrence of leaves of different lengths. These
blocks should be in order of increasing or decreasing magnitude and
should be touching.

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