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How much money do students spend on a daily


Name of Students: Enrique Hawthorne

Kenute Clarke
Tevorn Robinson
Courtney Simons
Teacher: Mr. Jarrett
Subject: Mathematics

Tables of Contacts
Name Page


PROJECT TITLE……………………………………………………………………….2


Method of Data Collection……………………………………………………….4

Presentation of Data…………………………………………………………….5-7

Analysis of Data…………………………………………………………………….8-9

Discussion of findings…………………………………………………………….10

I would like to express my special tank to all the persons
who helped me with this project.
Thanks you all for your continuous help and support
To investigate and to find out the causes of student engaging in real life problem
and see how much money students spend on a daily basis

In this society you have persons whom are rich, poor and those who fall between.
Although there is a difference in status and financial needs most people out of
those three category seem to get by well and efficiently, however this is just my
opinion and due my opinion being only an opinion I, Tevorn Robinson decided
come up with a way in which to know for sure if the three categories indeed get
by. Thus a survey to see how much money students spend on a daily basis has
been implemented.
Objectives of survey:
• Find a suitable amount of students (10 in total) to survey
• Collect answers from sample population using name and money spent
• Place information in different categories
• Discuss the information found
• Come to a conclusion by analyzing the information
Method of Data Collection
The goal of this survey as stated before is to find out how much money students
spend on a daily basis, to do this I have decided to get a sample population of 10
persons to ask a few questions. Obviously these questions will be done in the
form of a survey at the Knockalva Technical High School and categorized in
different Categories. The First Category will have money spent ranging from $0-
$300, the Second Category $350-$650, the Third Category will have $700-$1,000
and the Fourth and final Category will have $1,000 and higher. The questions that
will be asked are as followed:
• What’s your name?
• How old are you?
• Which grade are you in?
• How much money are you giving to go school?
• Do spend everything or do save out of the proportion you are given Yes or
No? If Yes how much is left when subtract savings?
• Do you get any extra money to spend by other means Yes or No? If Yes
Now the answer will be categorized after the 10 sample population is surveyed.
Also after categorized in a pie chart and a table to ensure people can understand
how many person are in each Category.


Figure1: Table showing number of respondents and their
Sex Number of Respondents
Male 6
Female 4

The table above shows the gender of respondents who were chosen for
the investigation
Presentation of Data
Name 1st Cat. 2nd Cat. 3rd Cat. 4th Cat.
Elvis Garden $2,500
Billy Golden $1,950
Serena White $300
Archer Hobbs $0
Jude Sharp $850
Mark Evens $1,700
Ashanti Forbes $570
Felecia Hawthorne $3,500
Chris Doberman $1,300
Teresa Robinson $700

Now I have shown the information in one forms:

• Bar chart form
Reason being, to ensure that the surveyed can be presented for others to

Presentation of Data

Elvis Garden Billy Golden Serena White Archer Hobbs Jude Sharp Mark Evens

1st Cat. 2nd Cat. 3rd Cat. 4th Cat.



Analysis of Data
The analysis of the given data shall now be provided:

A sample population of 10 was used to do the survey. After the information was
gathered and placed in a pie chart and also a table. The information of each
Sample population is as followed:
• Elvis Garden/Age-17/ Grade-10
• Billy Golden /Age-13/ Grade-9
• Serena White/Age-14/ Grade-9
• Archer Hobbs/Age-12/ Grade-7
• Jude Sharp/Age-16/ Grade-11
• Mark Evens/Age-16/ Grade-11
• Ashanti Forbes/Age-17/ Grade- Upper Six
• Felicia Hawthorne/ Age-15/ Grade- 10
• Chris Doberman/Age-12/ Grade-8
• Teresa Robinson/Age-13/ Grade-8

Now Elvis fell into the 4th Category due him saying and I quote
“I spend about $2,500 every day cuz a man gotta eat and by
credit” now he said he only gets money via parents, he doesn’t
save nor does he attain money from an outer party. Billy was
also in Category 4 but only because of the selling of sweets on
the school premises he spent roughly $1,950. Serena fell in the
first category, she said “I walk to and from school and I save
most of my money which only leaves me with $300 to spend”.
Archer was different from the rest, His mother work at a cook
shop near the school which means he spent $0 because he also
Lived near to the school, putting him in the first category.
Jude was in the 3rd Category, he spent $850 daily. Mark send
he spent $700 the least and he said he usually helps out at a
grocery store so he gets $1,000 extra which he uses to buy food
to eat and other things he didn’t state so he placed in the 4th
Category. Ashanti fell in the 2nd Category because her daily
spending was only $570. Felecia was another case; she spent
$3,500 a day and on perfume jewelry and fashion related items
placing her in the 4th Category. Chris said and I quote “I spend
round 9 huned a day cuz I man gotta eat plus I sell stuff too so
I’d say $1300” so He was also in the 4th Category. Tereca
said and I quote “I don’t really know because I get $700 to go to
school and I don’t check how much and I bring home change
and I don’t count that either” due to this data we placed her in
the 2nd Category due her getting $700 and she said she spends
and brings home so this was as low we could have placed her.
Discussion of findings

From the information given to us from the 10 persons in the

sample population it can be discuss that the category which is
the highest is the 4th, with50% of students spending a
thousand dollars ($1,000) and higher and the lowest being the
3rd with the 1st and 2nd tied. Now with this it is clear that
students are spending a lot of money on a daily basis due to the
income of both parents and outside means of money acquiring.
The purpose of the this survey was to gain information on
based on how much money students spend on a daily basis
though the sample was a small one but it gave reliable info
towards the topic and if the sample could enlarge it might have
been more successful.

As seen one could say money spent on a daily basis differs depending on outside
income, money given to said student and if he/she decides to save. Although the
Category with more persons was the 4th Category one could say this was due to
only 10 being the total sample population. If we double or even tripled the
amount used the data collected would surely be different, however since only a
sample population of 10 was used one can concluded on a daily basis students
spend more than a $1,000 to satisfy their wants and their needs.
Thus we in the group think that this survey was a success and gave information
needed for our cause.

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