MSDS Rhodiamine 865 SL
MSDS Rhodiamine 865 SL
MSDS Rhodiamine 865 SL
Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
Hazardous Chemical. Dark amber to black liquid with a mild phenolic odor. May cause
eye irritation with corneal injury. LD50 for skin absorption in rabbits is 2244 mg/Kg;
oral LD50 for rats is 1090 mg/kg (males) and 863 mg/kg (female).
Corrosive. Avoid excessive heat.
POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: This section includes possible adverse effects,
which could occur if this material is not handled in the recommended manner.
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Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
EYE: May cause severe irritation with corneal injury, which may result in permanent
impairment of vision, even blindness.
SKIN: Prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation. Repeated exposure may cause
skin burns. A single prolonged exposure is not likely to result in the material being absorbed
through skin in harmful amounts. Repeated skin exposure may result in absorption of
harmful amounts. The LD50 for skin absorption in rabbits is 2244 mg/kg.
INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is low. The oral LD50 for male rats is 1100 mg/kg
and for female rats is 860 mg/kg. Small amounts swallowed incidental to normal handling
operations are not likely to cause injury; however, swallowing larger amounts may couse
TERATOLOGY (BIRTH DEFECTS): For 2,4-D acid: Did not cause birth defects;
other fetal effects occurred only at doses toxic to the mother.
REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: Excessive dietary levels of 2,4-D acid caused toxic effects
(weight and viability reduction) in rats on a reproduction study.
EYES: Immediate and continuous irrigation with flowing water for at least 30 minutes is
imperative. Prompt medical consultation is essential.
INGESTION: If swallowed, seek medical attention. Do not induce vomiting unless directed
to do so by medical personnel.
Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
LFL: Not determined
UFL: Not determined
FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Noxious fumes produced under fire conditions.
Contain water from fire fighting to prevent entry to surface and ground water.
These precautions are suggested for conditions where a potential for exposure exists.
Emergency conditions may require additional precautions.
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Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
APPLICATORS AND ALL OTHER HANDLERS: Refer to the product label for
personal protective clothing and equipment.
STABILITY: (Conditions to Avoid)) Avoid excessive heat. Stable under normal srorage
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Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
MOVEMENT & PARTITIONING: Bioconcentration potential is low
(BCF <100 or Log Pow <3). Potential for mobility in soil is high (Koc between 50-150).
Bioconcentration factor (BCF) in fish is between 0.1-0.47.
Soil organic carbon/water partition coefficient (Koc) is 72 – 136.
5-Day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) is 0.72.
10-Day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD10) is 0.72.
20-Day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD20) is 0.72.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is 0.72.
Under aerobic soil conditions the half-life is 4-23 days.
Under aerobic aquatic conditions the half-life is 0.5-11 days.
Material is practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms on an acute basis
(LC50/EC50 >100 mg/L in most sensitive species).
Acute LC50 for fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is 344 mg/L.
Acute LC50 for bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) is 524 mg/L.
Acute LC50 for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is 250 mg/L.
Acute LC50 for water flea (Daphnia magna) is 184 mg/L.
Acute EC50 for shell deposition inhibition in eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
is 136 mg/L.
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Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012
DISPOSAL METHOD: Wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess waste, spray
mixture, or rinsate is a violation of Federal law and may contaminate groundwater.
Revised edition no : 1
Date : 4 /12/ 2012