2 - SSE - Pérez-Sánchez 2021
2 - SSE - Pérez-Sánchez 2021
2 - SSE - Pérez-Sánchez 2021
Keywords: Tropical dry forests (TDF) are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, especially in Colombia. One
Existence value way to promote TDF conservation is by upholding the valuation of the ecosystem services they provide.
Instrumental values Therefore, in order to deepen the understanding regarding the conservation of TDF from the perspective of local
Payment for ecosystem services
communities, we sampled two populations for our analysis: the first one consisted of people living inside a TDF
Protected area
protected area, while the second one was made up of urban inhabitants living near the TDF. Through a
Willingness to participate
contingent valuation study, we found that 71% of urban inhabitants were willing to pay 12,119 USD/year to the
protected area’s inhabitants to implement conservation strategies and also that 100% of the protected area’s
dwellers were willing to participate of the strategy. Hence, we proposed a payment for ecosystem services
scheme. Lastly, we observed that inhabitants’ high participation rates for the proposed strategy related to the
high importance given to TDF-provided ecosystem services.
1. Introduction 000 Ha of TDF in Colombia, just 46.4% corresponds to the natural forest
(García et al., 2014).
Tropical dry forest (TDF) conservation is a high priority due to their Anthropic activities such as livestock, agriculture, tourism, and even
many valuable species, and because of their rapid rate of degradation hydroelectrical and mining projects are the main drivers of TDF degra
(Fajardo et al., 2013). It is well known that the TDF is among the most dation and have led to aridization, desertification and loss of fauna and
threatened tropical ecosystems worldwide (MacFarlane et al., 2015), flora (Montes, 2014; Vargas, 2014;Ulloa-Delgado., 2016). Despite this
because of its high deforestation rates, and its limited distribution vulnerability of the Colombian TDF, only about 5% of more than 700,
(Espírito-Santo et al., 2009). The reason for this degradation is because 000 Ha are under a national protection scheme (García et al., 2014).
humans prefer TDFs for use in their activities given their suitable climate Therefore, anthropic dynamics pose several challenges related to TDF
for farming, the slow growth of vegetation, and the relatively small conservation in Colombia.
stature and open structure of the forest (Schmerbeck and Fiener, 2015). The representativeness of today’s TDF in the Colombian National
According to Miles et al. (2006), it is estimated that 1,048,700 km2 of Protected Areas System is only 5%, with the contribution of the pro
TDF remains and more than half of the forest area (54.2%) is mainly in tected areas of the National order being about, 2.2% and, 2.8% for local
South America. Tropical dry forest in South America is in Venezuela, and civil social reserves respectively (García et al., 2014). However,
Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, and Brazil, with the highest contin given the dimension of the Colombian National Parks System, the
uous length in the last two countries (Portillo-Quintero and contribution of the dry forest is only 0.12%, while the contribution for
Sánchez-Azofeifa, 2010). In the Colombian context, TDF degradation is regional-type protected areas is 0.88%; these data attest that the TDF is
remarkable. From the original 9 million hectares, currently about 8% neglected in the National System.
remain (García et al., 2014: pp. 243); it is noteworthy that about 717, Forests are ecosystems that provide society with multiple functions
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: dperez35@ex.cuc.edu.co (D. Pérez-Sánchez), marelismontes1@hotmail.com (M. Montes), ccardona5@cuc.edu.co (C. Cardona-Almeida),
lvargas@umanizales.edu.co (L.A. Vargas-Marín), tatianaenriquez@corpocaldas.gov.co (T. Enríquez-Acevedo), asuarez24@cuc.edu.co (A. Suarez).
Received 31 August 2020; Received in revised form 30 November 2020; Accepted 15 January 2021
Available online 3 February 2021
0140-1963/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
and benefits such as grazing, timber, and non-timber products, land 2. Methods
stabilization, carbon sequestration, shed and shelter, pollination and
outdoor recreation (Ricketts et al., 2004; Metzger et al., 2006; Al-Assaf, 2.1. Study area
2015). However, large-scale commercial agriculture, local subsistence
agriculture, infrastructure development, and mining cause deforestation The Caribbean region has the best remanence of TDF, since in this
in the tropics and subtropics. Besides, context-dependent land man region 55% of the total current TDF corresponds to natural forest. The
agement practices and pressures have led to forest loss (Zimbres et al., highest TDF values are in the departments of Atlántico (5.7%), César
2018). (4.9%) and Bolívar (4.1%). The study area is in the municipality of
The economic dimension in the valuation of ecosystem services is a Usiacurí in the department of Atlántico, located in the Caribbean region.
means to achieve conservation objectives but not as an end in itself The territory of the municipality1 is slightly broken with elevations that
(Spangenberg and Setelle, 2010), because limiting the valuation of do not exceed, 250 m above sea level, and its lands are included within
ecosystem services to monetary terms could generate insufficient ap the warm thermal flat. The municipality has a total extension of 103
proaches to the complexity of ecosystem services analysis since the km2, of which the extension of the urban area is 0.3 km2, and the
economic benefits are not the ultimate purpose of the valuation (Liu extension of the rural area is 102.7 km2. The altitude of the urban area
et al., 2010). (meters above sea level) is 95 m, and the average yearly temperature of
Assigning monetary values to ecosystem services can be useful pro the municipality is, 27.5 ◦ C.
vided that they are not used as the sole decision-making criterion According to the historical and economic development of the mu
(Gómez-Baggethun and Ruiz-Pérez, 2011). Therefore the most impor nicipality, its main tradition are the handicrafts made from the palm of
tant use of economic valuation is to support decision making, provide Iraca (Carludovica palmata), which have been a tradition for generations.
technical support, and information (Laurans et al., 2013) that allows the The artisan production has given the artisans opportunities to sell their
construction of economic instruments that complement management products. Other economic activities at Usiacurí correspond to agricul
processes and ecosystem services management. Thus, in order to obtain ture (i.e., corn, yucca, millet, sesame, melon, fruit trees, among others)
the economic valuation of ES, TEEB (2010) establishes a staggered and cattle raising.
approach to carry out the valuation process: (1) recognizing the value (i. At Usiacurí, there is a so-called Integrated Management District of
e., identifying why an ecosystem and its services are valuable); (2) Natural Resources2 area from Luriza (IMD-L). Fig. 1 shows the study
demonstrating the value (i.e. determining by valuation methods the area. IMD-L was created in, 2011 as a protected area, and several ac
value of ecosystems and their services) and (3) capture the value (i.e. tivities have been carried out to preserve the TDF (CRA, 2015). IMD-L is
introducing mechanisms to incorporate the values). The aforementioned an 837.17 Ha TDF reserve, divided into four management areas:
approach supports the generation of ecosystem services economic Restoration Area (183.51 Ha), Preservation Area (475.94 Ha), Sustain
valuation processes while involving additional dimensions to the able Use Area (176.11 Ha) and Public Use Area (1.61 Ha) (CRA, 2011).
monetization thereof. Recognizing value integrates the social dynamics The primary uses at IMD-L are conservation, protection, and recu
of the ecosystem’s conception, which involves existence values and peration of ecosystems and water resources, whereas the allowed
intrinsic interdependence with cultural processes; demonstrating the conditioned uses are environmental education, research, ecotourism,
value supports these processes and harnessing it allows to generate and recovery of degraded areas. On the other hand, forbidden uses are
sustainable management processes for ecosystem services. mining, building, and other activities against the reserve’s conservation
In this sense, the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme has objectives. However, it is noteworthy that people were living within the
been widely used, and particularly several authors have applied the IMD-L before it was declared a protected area (just on the Restoration
willingness to pay approach to match the social interests in the context Area and in Sustainable Use Area there are reports of about, 20 owners),
of the payments for forest ecosystems conservation and economic and the several restrictions imposed to land uses by the IMD-L has led to
valuation (Obeng and Aguilar, 2018; Sgroi et al., 2016; Górriz-Mifsud social problems such as loss of productive capacity and underuse of the
et al., 2016; Bernués et al., 2014). On the other hand, some other authors land.
have identified the landowner’s willingness to participate in the context In order to identify the interaction between the populations living in
of forests PES (Mäntymaa et al., 2018; Ross, 2016; Bartczak et al., 2015), the area, we analyzed the socio-ecological characteristics of the IMD-L.
where they analyze the attitudes and factors influencing participation. This approach led us to understand the complex relations between social
However, little attention has been paid to matching both the willingness and ecological systems in the study area (Fig. 2). The socio-ecological
to pay and the willingness to participate tools in a PES scheme for forest system in the IMD-L was analyzed by considering four aspects: (1)
conservation. So, as presented above, these researches did not make identifying the ecological characteristics of the TDF in the protected
available an integrated analysis for TDF conservation from the area. Through secondary information, we reviewed some climatological
perspective of community involvement considering the TDF protected variables and some biodiversity data to highlight the characteristic of
area’s in-situ and their ex-situ inhabitants. the ecosystem in the IMD-L. Thereafter, (2) we identified the social ac
Therefore, we provide insights into the willingness to pay for and tors in the district, and (3) characterized the actors’ positive or negative
participate in TDF conservation in order to propose a closed cycle in the role (actions and interventions) in IMD-L (local inhabitants - both in the
context of PES in a protected area. We also analyze the forest’s non-use district and the municipality- and local institutional and regional ac
‘existence values’ in order to promote the TDF conservation (by urban tors). Finally, (4) we identified the ecosystem services provided by the
inhabitants). We have involved the concrete participation of the in IMD-L.
habitants who live inside the forest (rural inhabitants) in the TDF con
servation strategy as well, both to improve their socioeconomic
characteristics and to conserve the TDF’s ecological structure to pro
mote several ecosystem services for the future. Therefore, we aim to
highlight the importance of community participation in the manage 1
Information provided by Usiacurí’s web page: http://www.usiacuri-atlanti
ment of forests from a protected area in Colombia. To that end, the
following specific objectives are proposed: (1) to identify inhabitants’ 2
The IMD is a category of conservation that, due to environmental or so
socioeconomic characteristics; (2) to identify the willingness to pay cioeconomic factors, is delimited within the criteria of sustainable develop
(people outside the forest) for maintaining TDFs and (3) to design a ment; it is ordered, planned and regulated in the use and management of the
payment-for-ecosystem-services scheme to integrate the local popula renewable natural resources and the economic activities that are developed
tion (living within the forest) into TDF conservation. there.
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
Table 1
Variables used in Usiacurí’s survey.
Variable Description Statistics
(iii) Attend training workshops on environmental issues, would you be the Guájaro’s reservoir, as well as the massive amount of diversity of
willing to participate in performing these activities for a pay? We species of flora and fauna that inhabit this territory. As for the social
highlighted working conditions and involvement as follows: The component, we could establish that the stakeholders who influence this
participation would be for workdays - considering the respondent’s system are IMD-L inhabitants, Usiacurí’s population, regional and local
actual time availability - and the payment of the day would correspond authorities, the ecotourism association, the tourists, communal boards,
to around 8.72 US$/day (value of one working day according to the police inspection.
minimum legal wage in Colombia). The payment would be in a monthly Social stakeholders such as IMD-L inhabitants, institutions, and
basis and the respondents would have to report how they developed external visitors play an essential role in maintaining or depleting
each of the activities. Finally, with these two scenarios in mind, we ecosystem services. According to the questionnaire, the most common
projected a payment for ecosystem services scheme. environmental problem at the district is related to inadequate solid
waste management (60%), messy tourism (30%), logging (26%), and
2.3. Definition of payment for ecosystem services forest burning (13%). These problems are the results of harmful social
interventions (Table 3) when people benefit from the TDF in the pro
We projected the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme tected area.
considering both willingness to pay by urban residents and the will It is noteworthy that some IMD-L inhabitants have property rights
ingness to participate by IMD-L inhabitants. We based the PES scheme over different pieces of land: some owners have small plots, whereas
on Wunder (2015) definition, where Payment for Ecosystem Services is a others have an interest in using these plots for conservation activities,
voluntary transaction between users of ecosystem services and pro while there also are owners interested in selling their plots. The above is
viders, which are conditioned under rules on ecosystem management to very important to understand the IMD-L dwellers’ willingness and
generate positive environmental externalities. In this case, we proposed availability to manage the ecosystem. On the other hand, a local insti
the interaction between WTP and willingness to participate by making a tution such as Usiacurí’s and regional environmental authorities –CRA-
direct link between these two analyses and outcomes. We based our oversee IMD-L in order to promote environmental management in the
proposed PES scheme through a five-year projected payment in order to
ensure the financial flux to maintain the strategy and to comply with the
Table 2
Colombian legal framework. Socioeconomic characteristics of the two sampled population.
Variable Usiacurí IMD-Luriza
2.4. Data analysis
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Luriza, which crosses the entire area of the reserve and then flows into a
Minimum Legal Colombian Wage.
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
marginal effects yield that the most years living in the zone, the prob strategy with the promotion of an alternative activity that ensures the
ability for a WTP (+) decreased in 7%, while importance increase the long-term sustainability of the beneficiaries as well as the conservation
probability in, 23%, and finally the most interest in maintaining ES for of the ecosystems.
the future, the probability increase 14% for WTP (+).
Regarding the willingness to participate survey we applied to the 4. Discussion
population (n = 23) living in the IMD-L, all of them (100%) answered
positively to the proposed scenario. After researchers provided further 4.1. Tropical dry forest and the context of socio-ecological systems
and detailed information related to payment conditions, type of activ
ities needed, payment amount, and evidence of activities done, we stress TDF conservation is a priority because of their vulnerability and high
that 100% of people would be willing to participate. According to the importance in providing ecosystem services. However, to succeed in the
participation, we proposed scenarios with different days a month to conservation of TDF, it is necessary to understand the changing re
work in the strategy as depicted in Table 6: lationships between society and the ecosystems (Whaley et al., 2010).
The results show that most respondents would participate between 6 Thus, the understanding of the socio-ecological complexity in the IMD-L
and 15 days/month (60%), whereas the percentage of people interested transcends the approaches that disintegrate social processes with the
in participating 1–10 days/month is lower (34%). Moreover, the po dynamics of natural systems, because societies and nature interact
tential financial contributions for the strategy represent about 37,572 reciprocally and form complex feedback loops (Enríquez-Acevedo et al.,
US$ for five years. 2020; Liu et al., 2010). This conception allows us to understand that
social and natural systems are strongly related due to the historical
3.3. Proposed payment scheme for ecosystem services co-evolution between them (Boakye-Danquah et al., 2018). In this sense,
ecological conditions in the IMD-L are the source to provide wellbeing to
Taking as a reference the mean WTP value (2.02 US$/month), the the populations IMD-L and Usiacuri through ecosystem services,
projection for the whole urban population (8450 urban inhabitants) particularly water, timber and food supply (Table 4); therefore, there
would rise to 17,069 US$/year. However, we proportionally disregarded exists a strong relationship between social stakeholders and IMD-L.
the negative responses in the WTP (29%), which resulted in 12,119 Moreover, the different stakeholders in the socio-ecological system
USD/year and 60,595 USD in five years. In this vein, the yearly sum interact in different ways and produce different interventions (Table 3),
required of IMD-L’s inhabitants would be 7514.4 USD/year, only 12% of which are critical to understand and manage.
the WTP’s potential economic influx, where 88% of the funds could be The inclusion of the community in forest management has widely
diverted to different social and ecological improvements, and PES been considered to sustain protected areas (Dolisca et al., 2006; Wali
management and operation. et al., 2017). Several studies have discussed the need to involve local
We proposed the payment for ecosystem services scheme to boost communities in forest protection areas and have concluded that com
sustainability in IMD-L through social participation. At the beginning of munity access to resources has acted as safety nets and shock mitigators
the strategy, PES aims to address the processes of ecosystem services in times of upheavals (Mutekwa and Gambiza, 2017), and to gain ben
degradation in IMD-L, for ecosystem services will tend to decline if the efits (Ward et al., 2018). Therefore, it is essential to promote TDF con
strategy is not implemented. This first stage involves the views, per servation strategies (c.f. Alexiades et al., 2012; Burivalova et al., 2017),
ceptions, and capacities of the different stakeholders from Usiacurí and in such way that local stakeholders’ participation in the forest man
the department of Atlántico to ensure active participation. At this stage, agement could be facilitated (Tekalign et al., 2018), and ecosystem
it is necessary to identify the current state of the ecosystem through an services provision and social conditions could be enhanced. Hence,
initial monitoring process. As is to be expected, once the economic effective, sustainable forest use depends on local resource users having
incentive is ongoing, the beneficiary has high levels of dependence on the appropriate skills and tools to manage the forests themselves
the PES incentives due to the change in productive activities related to (Alexiades et al., 2012). The above shows the potential for a figure such
the use of the ecosystems (e.g., wood for charcoal production to sale). as the IMD-L since the area facilitates the inclusion of people and sus
Initially, the incentive should act as ‘risk capital’ to support decision tainable activities (see Study area description) in its management.
making regarding the shift and transformation of productive activities
towards more sustainable ones, for which dependence on the PES will 4.2. Ecosystem services provided by the IMD-L
decrease as these new activities support the income of IMD-L
inhabitants. As we found, IMD-L inhabitants identified and rated a series of
The importance of monitoring is high because it guarantees that the ecosystem services provided by the IMD-L. The rating process (Table 4)
program is generating benefits in both the conservation of ecosystems, is a proxy to understand the social values of the ecosystem services
as well as the social welfare of the beneficiaries. Thus, PES must achieve (Mastrangelo, 2018) because, as stated by Scholte et al. (2015), these
improvements in socioeconomic and TDF conditions. Later on, comes kinds of valuation are the importance people attribute to the ecosystem
the end of the strategy, which represents the end of receiving the services as individuals or as a group. Therefore, in line with previous
incentive for conservation and a third monitoring stage appears. At this studies, regulating services has a high valuation over the provisioning or
moment occurs the verification of the additionality (social and ecolog cultural ecosystem services (c.f. Zoderer et al., 2016). In connection to
ical) without payment. Finally, it is essential to accompany the PES the valuation, we point out that IMD-L inhabitants gave high importance
to the services provided by the TDF as a result of their assumption of the
Table 6 ecosystem as a provider of instrumental values for them (e.g., water,
Participation in a WTP scenario. food, timber, tourism). However, high importance was related to the
generation of intrinsic values too (e.g., biodiversity) or bequest reasons
Days working at Frequency (%) US US US$/5
strategy/month $/montha $/year year (95.65% interested in preserve the ecosystem services for future gen
erations). Therefore, we identified that regarding the inhabitants’
1–5 3 14% 30,3 363.6 1818
6–10 7 30% 141.4 1696.8 8484
valuation of the ecosystem services provided by the TDF, there is conflict
11–15 7 30% 212.1 2545.2 1,2,726 in valuation languages (Arias-Arévalo et al., 2018), the reason why the
16–20 6 26% 242.4 2908.8 14,544 challenge is to integrate the pluralism in the ecosystem services
23 100% 626.2 7514.4 37,572 assessment.
Estimation with the higher values in the participation (i.e., five days, ten
days, 15 days 20 days).
D. Pérez-Sánchez et al. Journal of Arid Environments 188 (2021) 104446
4.3. Payment for ecosystem services and community participation a monthly fee of, 2.02 US$ for the maintenance of ecosystem services at
IMD-L. On the other hand, we recognized the existence of different de
The payment scheme and participation have a strong basis in peo terminants for positive WTP (i.e., years living in the zone, the level of
ple’s willingness to participate in the strategy. We analyzed the partic importance given to IMD-L and interest in maintaining ecosystem ser
ipation from the form of payment amounts by municipality and from vices for the future). Furthermore, we observed that the high rates
availability of IMD-L inhabitants to dedicate time to work in conserva participation of IMD-L inhabitants in the proposed PES strategy related
tion and environmental improvement strategies inside IMD-L (trans to the high importance given to the ecosystem services. The above shows
action). In this sense, the PES scheme proposed is not mandatory or the high potential of the local community living in the IMD-L to promote
regulated by local or national authorities; instead, it is a process that and develop TDF conservation strategies.
could integrate free and voluntary participation of different stakeholders Finally, we proposed the PES scheme to fill gaps through the incor
in the municipality to conserve dry forest ecosystem services. We poration of several aspects. Based on the foregoing, we identified that
selected the study area because of the importance of the dry forest the PES must be complemented with effective economic and ecological
ecosystem in the region. IMD-L provides multiple ecosystem services to assessment processes of the ecosystem services, in order to generate
the local population, for which we identified people who live in Usia coherent approaches to the socio-ecological context. Hence, the partic
curí’s urban zone as ecosystem services users (more than 8000 in ipation of the beneficiaries and stakeholders involved in general must be
habitants). Here, the providers of ecosystem services are IMD-L ensured around the implementation of the economic instrument. As a
inhabitants because some of them have property rights and influence final point, a fundamental element is the generation of monitoring
over the ecosystem in the area. Some owners have plots between 0.01 Ha processes for the impact generated by the strategy to transcend the
and 52.71 Ha, and those with a larger extension of land are willing to sell initial impulse of the projects. It means that the PES scheme herein
their plots because they cannot develop productive activities. Moreover, proposed not only focuses on the strategy while it is implemented but
IMD-L dwellers have several socio-economic characteristics that make seeks to find a way to guarantee the strategy’s success once it is over.
them vulnerable (see Table 2). Finally, the Payment to IMD-L in
habitants who participate in the scheme must meet several requisites
Declaration of competing interest
(see the method section), which are the guarantee for payers. In this
sense, as we pointed out in the participation scenario, IMD-L inhabitants
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
will receive payments if they meet numerous conditions regarding
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
conservation, monitoring and reporting activities.
the work reported in this paper.
Paying for ecosystem services is a complex concept (Martin-Ortega
et al., 2018) and a contested tool for ecosystem conservation (Muradian
et al., 2013). Many PES-schemes found in the literature discuss the value
of the instrument: some discuss their ineffectiveness (Calvo-Alvarado
We thank the Universidad de la Costa, and the program in Envi
et al., 2009), while others highlight their positive impacts (Alix-Garcia
ronmental Management. Moreover, we thank professors R. Manzolli and
et al., 2018; Andersson et al., 2018). Several studies focus on the ways of
L. Portz for their support.
ensuring the payment, building financial support or analyzing social or
ecological benefits while the scheme lasts (Newton et al., 2012; Mutoko
et al., 2015; Hayes and Murtinho, 2018; Rodríguez-Ortega et al., 2018; Appendix A. Supplementary data
Chu et al., 2019); however, this study proposes a general ex-ante strat
egy to promote a PES scheme, considering the time of the payment and a Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
way to maintain conservation practices without payment after the end of org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104446.
the strategy.
One problem related to the economic valuation of ecosystem services Ethical statement
is the existence of a gap between theory and practice (Marre et al.,
2016). In this sense, we provided a practical application of the outputs In the research, the authors fully informed the participants in the
related to the economic valuation of the TDF ecosystem services in a research about the aim and scope of the research. Also, the authors asked
specific context, so that the people who live in the IMD-L were willing to for respondents’ consent and the authors assured the privacy rights of
participate in the strategy under the terms we provided, not only the respondents.
because the inhabitants need to generate income (i.e., fewer days
worked means less monthly payment), but also because they have Authors contributions
bestowed high importance to the ecosystem services in the area. In this
sense, our results are valuable since the proposed payment seeks to All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material
contribute to the quality of life of the IMD-L inhabitants, and the preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by D. Perez
improvement of TDF in the area as a collateral impact. Thus, the final and M. Montes. The first draft of the manuscript was written by A.
purpose of the willingness to participate is a way to improve Suarez and all authors commented on previous versions of the manu
socio-ecological conditions (Suarez et al., 2018), beyond highlighting script. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Journal of Arid Environments
Volume 191, Issue , August 2021, Page
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104535
Journal of Arid Environments 191 (2021) 104535
The authors regret for the miscalculation in the aggregated WTP years. In this vein, the yearly sum required of IMD-L’s inhabitants would
value. First paragraph in section 3.3 must be as follows: be 7514.4 USD/year, only 5% of the WTP’s potential economic influx,
Taking as a reference the mean WTP value (2.02 US$/month), the where 95% of the funds could be diverted to different social and
projection for the whole urban population (8450 urban inhabitants) ecological improvements, and PES management and operation.
would rise to 17,069 US$/month. However, we proportionally dis Also, the aggregated value reported in the abstract is: 145,428 US
regarded the negative responses in the WTP (29%), which resulted in $/year.
12,119 USD/month (145,428 US$/year) and 727,114 US$ USD in five The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.