1 s2.0 S2667378922000153 Main
1 s2.0 S2667378922000153 Main
1 s2.0 S2667378922000153 Main
Keywords: The significant biodiversity rich Jaldapara National Park is situated at Terai-Dooars region of Eastern Himalayan
Jaldapara nationalpPark foothill. This study attempts to identify the deforestation probable zones at Jaldapara national park and its
Deforestation probability surroundings applying five different machine learning algorithms (SVM, NB, RF, DT and ANN). Results show that
Machine learning algorithms
the northern and middle sections are being faced by high rate of deforestation due to large scale human
AUC value
Support vector machine (SVM)
encroachment, poaching and timber trafficking. Result also illustrates that support vector machine (SVM) brings
more accuracy compared with other models. These deforestation probable models are validated through receiver
operation characteristics, efficiency, sensitivity and specificity measurement. Area under curve (AUC) value of
these models is 0.907, 0.885, 0.825, 0.846 and 0.876 respectively. The novelty of this research is that previously,
such machine learning methods (with high precision) have not applied to examine the deforestation probability
in this region of Himalayan foothill.
* Corresponding author at: Biswajit Bera, Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Ranchi Road, P.O. Purulia Sainik School, Purulia, 723104,
E-mail addresses: soumiksaha577@gmail.com (S. Saha), sumana.aarohi@gmail.com (S. Bhattacharjee), shitpravat2013@gmail.com (P.K. Shit),
nairitasengupta2@gmail.com (N. Sengupta), biswajitbera007@gmail.com (B. Bera).
These authors contributed equally to this study.
mechanism of forest loss particularly in Latin America, Sub Saharan forest habitat in tropical and sub-tropical moist or dry deciduous forest
Africa, South-East Asia (Dell’Angelo et al., 2017; De Schutter, 2011; region of southern Asia (Bera et al., 2021a). The forest cover areas of
Chamling and Bera, 2020b). In case of south Asian countries and the Himalayan foothill zone are being gradually deteriorated with time due
islands, forest cover is being reduced tremendously due to large scale to huge expansion of agricultural activities, timber trafficking and
plantation farming. Indonesia and Malaysia also contributed around infrastructural development (Bera et al., 2021b). Tropical deforestation
53% and 34% global palm oil production respectively in 2013. is a significant factor for global climate change and makes a great
Indonesia elapsed Brazil in respect to forest clearance for logs of natural concern among the environmentalist. Tropical deforestation is also
forests from 2000 to 2012 (Margono et al., 2014). The contemporary associated with regional hydrological input modification, regional cli
scientific studies focused that the forests of tropical biome have been matic system, global bio-chemical cycle and biodiversity loss (Puig,
played an important role in carbon sink but in the recent years; large 2000; Fontan, 1994). The northern part of West Bengal was featured
scale deforestation diminishes the carbon store capacity (Hansen et al., with dense forest cover. Now, this region has been associated with
2013). Since the last few decades, large scale land acquisition has been several national parks and sanctuaries such as Buxa Tiger Reserve, Jal
occurred in the global south or the developing countries by the foreign dapara, Gorumara, Neora Vally, Chapramari, Jorepokhri, Mahananda
or domestic investors who have a goal to achieve more forest resources (West Bengal Forest Department, 2016), that are connected with
and agricultural commodities and the government of these countries biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest resource management.
always accepts the investors due to their potentiality to increase foreign However, forests of this region have faced an alarming condition due to
technology, capital and promote job creation facility and development human expansion, intensification of agricultural land, infiltration of
activities (Chung, 2019). Protection of the global forest region is crucial human activities within forest region as well as ecology (Dey, 1991).
for climate change mitigation, local livelihood protection, biodiversity Different machine learning algorithms regarding the prediction of
conservation etc. but the world forests are now embedded with a deforestation probability assists the researchers and policy makers to
complicated network system by the international actors and policy take proper plans over the high deforested probable areas. Currently,
makers for the commercial trade (Verburg et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2015; very high accuracy added remote sensing satellite data along with sta
Chamling and Bera, 2020a). tistical and high accuracy added machine learning models have been
Illegal human intervention within forest pockets, poaching, cultiva widely used all over the world to generate accurate deforestation
tion at the vicinity of forest and extension of tea plantation are highly probable zones. Over the years various kinds of techniques have been
responsible for deforestation, biodiversity loss and fragmentation of used for deforestation probability assessment (statistical approaches,
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 2. Different thematic layers for deforestation prediction zone analysis, a. settlement density b. distance from settlement c. agricultural density d. distance from
road e. LULC.
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 3. Different thematic layers for deforestation prediction zone analysis, a. elevation b. NDVI c. slope d. aspect e. Distance from river f. forest density
3. Material and Methods research as a controller of deforestation (distance from river, agricul
tural density, altitude, settlement density, forest density, distance from
3.1. Database settlement, distance from road, slope, aspect, Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Use Land Cover (LULC)). Remote
Eleven different parameters (Fig. 2 & 3) have been selected in this sensing based satellite data, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Forest density, LULC, agricultural density, Raster Landsat 8 (OLI) image Where R2 J illustrates coefficient of determination of the regression
settlement density, distance from grid from USGS equation of the vectors.
settlement, NDVI (https://eart
Deforestation area layer Raster Global forest watch
3.3. Application of different machine learning methods
grid website
(https://www.glo 3.3.1. Support vector machine (SVM)
balforestwatch.org/) Support vector machine (SVM) is a widely used machine learning
algorithm based on risk minimization principle which was proposed by
Vapnik (Vapnik, 1995). This algorithm separates the classes in a surface
Table 3 (optimal hyper-plain) and clearly illustrates the margin among the
Collinearity statistics of the selected explanatory factors dataset (Abe, 2010). The given training points are near to the
Variables Tolerance VIF hyper-plain which is called the support vectors and the aim of this
hyper-plain is to distinguish the different classes (Pradhan, 2013).
NDVI 0.555 1.802
Slope 0.911 1.097 The aim of SVM is to find the n dimensional hyper-plain and
Settlement density 0.229 4.366 differentiate the dataset which is expressed as,
Forest density 0.602 1.661
Distance from river 0.799 1.252 1
||w||2 (3)
Distance from settlement 0.492 2.031 2
Distance from road 0.683 1.465
Agricultural density 0.248 4.038 Subject to the following constrain is yi ((w.xi ) + b) ≥ 1.
Altitude 0.588 1.700 Where ||w|| indicates the norm of the hyper-plain and b is the scalar
LULC 0.65 2.4
Aspect 0.82 3.017
The cost function follows the following formula,
1 ∑n
digital elevation model, global forest watch data have been considered L = ||w||2 − λi (yi ((w.xi ) + b) − 1) (4)
here for preparation of different thematic layers related with defores i=1
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Table 4
Result of ROC & comparison in the different machine learning models
Models AUC Std. Error Asymptotic Sig Lower Bound Upper Bound TPR FPR TNR FNR Efficiency
SVM .907 .025 .000 .858 .956 0.892 .086 .914 0.108 0.814
NB .885 .032 .000 .821 .948 0.854 .241 .759 0.146 0.785
ANN .876 .034 .000 .800 .932 0.823 .103 .897 0.177 0.769
DT .846 .039 .000 .740 .892 0.816 .166 .834 0.184 0.764
RF .825 .041 .000 .705 .866 0.790 .187 .813 0.210 0.735
3.3.3. Artificial neural network (ANN) different subsets. A decision tree algorithm grows by selected attributes
Artificial neural network is a statistical or mathematical model based with the smallest entropy. Entropy is calculated by the following
on biological neuron process function that is fundamental for human equation,
brain process. This model was proposed by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943. ∑ ( ⃒ ) ( ⃒ )
Artificial neural network model can simulate nonlinear relationship Entropy(n) = − p cj ⃒N log2 P cj ⃒N (3)
among the variables. Most commonly used type of artificial neural
network is multi-layer perception (MLP). MLP is developed by the ⃒
Where, P(cj ⃒N) represents the frequency of N.
blending of three different layers i) input layer ii) hidden layer, it may be The entropy of the selecting attribute A is given by
one or more than one, and iii) output layer. In artificial neural network,
a hyperbolic tangent or sigmoid function is widely used for mathemat ∑
|N|j ( )
Entropy∧ (N) = ∗ Entropy Nj (14)
ical convenience. j=1
ex − e− x
Itfollows, f (x) = tanh(x) = (7)
ex − e− x
3.4. Validation
The Artificial neural network algorithm follows the below mention
Validation of the implemented models is an important step in any
∑ ( ) type of research. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is a
netjl (t) = yi−t 1 (t)wji (t) (8) useful tool which can assess the goodness of fit of the implemented
models (Fig. 6). Receiver operating characteristic curve is generated by
Here, i refers the iteration, layer represented by l and j represents the sensitivity in y axis against 1-specificity in x axis (Fig. 6). The Receiver
neuron. Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is a well-accepted validation
Here, the δ factor is in the case of j neuron and output layer is follows, method of various predictive models such as landslide, deforestation,
[ ]∑ l ground water potentiality, forest file susceptibility etc. (Chen et al.,
δlj (t) = ylj (t) 1 − yj (t) δj (t)w(l+1)
kj (t) (9) 2017; Rahmati et al., 2017; Gigović et al., 2019; Saha et al., 2020). The
area under ROC curve (AUC) represents the capability of the model. The
Here, the δ factor is in the case of j neuron and hidden layer is following, value near 1 represents the high validity and high predictive power of
[ ] the model whereas the value near 0 represents low validity or the low
(l− 1)
wlji (t + 1) = wlji (t) + α wlji (t) − wlji (t − 1) + nδ(l)
j (t)yj (t) predictive power of the model (Table 4). The value of AUC is categorized
into different classes with different accuracy level such as (0.9-1)
Where, α and n refer momentum and learning rate respectively. excellent, (0.8-0.9) very good, (0.7-0.8) good, (0.6-0.7) average and
(0.5-0.6) poor. The ROC curve follows the below mentioned equation,
3.3.4. Naïve Bayes (NB) ( )
Naïve bayes classifier is a collection of algorithm based on Bayes SAUC = (XK+1 − XK ) SK + 1 − SK+1 −
theorem. It is a group of algorithms where all share common principles. k=1
Naïve bayes method is widely used algorithm in machine learning fields
due to its simplicity and linear run time and naïve bayes is a simple In this equation SAUC signifies the AUC and SK and XK represents the
probabilistic based method that can accurately predict the class mem sensitivity and 1-specificity respectively. Other implemented statistical
bership probabilities (Farid et al., 2014). In this algorithm a covariance indicators are TPR, FPR, TNR, FNR, Efficiency etc.
matrix is constructed by the mean of each class and then Bayes theorem The TPR and FPR are as follows,
has been applied for discrimination (Bhargavi and Jyothi, 2009). Naïve TP
Bayes classifier follows, TPR = (16)
∏17 ( )
argmaxP(yi ) xi
yNB = P (11) FPR =
yi = [event, non − event] i=1 yi FP + TN
( )
xi 1 − (xi − n)2 Where, TP represents true positive, FN stands false negative, FP in
P = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ e (12) dicates false positive and TN shows true negative.
yi 2πa 2a2
Efficiency (E) is another assessment method that has been used to
( )
measure the accuracy of the model (Fukuda et al., 2013). These two
Where, P(yi ) indicates the prior probability, P yi follows the condi methods have been calculated using the following equations,
tional probability, a and n represent SD and mean respectively. TP + TN
E= (18)
TP + TN + FP + FN
3.3.5. Decision tree (DT)
Decision tree algorithm is another type of widely used algorithm The performance of the machine learning models is based on training
with tree growth and tree pruning steps (Yeon et al., 2010). A decision and testing data which has been evaluated using different error mea
tree is a machine learning algorithm which divides the data into surement methods, i.e. root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of
determination (R2) and mean absolute error (MAE). These statistical
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 4. Different deforestation probable zones by different machine learning models a. SVM model b. NB model c. RF model d. DT model and e. ANN model
indicators compare the outcomes of the applied models. In the case of 4. Result
statistical modelling, difference between observed value and associated
computed value is termed as error (Chai & Draxler, 2014). Both statis 4.1. Multi-collinearity analysis
tical indicators have been done using R programming software.
The collinearity test indicates that there is no multi-collinearity
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Table 5
Measurement of accuracy of the used machine learning models through various error measurement techniques
Error measures SVM NB RF DT ANN
Training Testing Training Testing Training Testing Training Testing Training Testing
RMSE 0.178 0.159 0.214 0.196 0.278 0.326 0.297 0.341 0.287 0.257
MAE 0.092 0.079 0.124 0.105 0.184 0.214 0.194 0.216 0.176 0.187
R2 0.894 0.905 0.846 0.867 0.716 0.674 0.697 0.629 0.706 0.742
problem among the explanatory factors. All parameters have the VIF 4.5. Deforestation probability analysis by DT model
value less than 10 and the tolerance value is greater than 0.1 which
means all variables are independent and ready to use in the imple Decision Tree model has been successfully applied here to demarcate
mented predictive models (SVM, NB, RF, DT and ANN) (Table 3). the deforestation probability areas. The outcome of decision tree model
has been classified into five different categories (Fig. 4(d)) such as very
4.2. Deforestation probability analysis by SVM model low (26.30%), low (16.62%), moderate (16.16%), high (15.91%) and
very high (25%) using natural breaks classifier. High and very high
Support vector machine (SVM) model has been applied here to deforestation probability areas are particularly found in the middle
demarcate the proper deforestation probability zone in the Jaldapara section and northern part of the Jaldapara forest region and the low and
forest region. The result of this prediction model has been categorized very low class are particularly confined in whole eastern part and
into five different classes (Fig. 4(a)) such as very low (17%), low western part of the study area.
(16.90%), moderate (14.62%), high (20.64%) and very high (30.84%)
(Fig. 7). This classification is very much useful for both prediction and 4.6. Deforestation probability analysis by ANN model
possibilities of deforestation cases. The raster output of the probability
maps has been classified using natural breaks method in ArcGIS envi The prediction result of artificial neural network model has been
ronment. The method of natural breaks is a highly used and reliable classified into five different classes (Fig. 4(e)) such as very low
raster classification method. This method divides the raster data into (15.47%), low (17.83%), moderate (21.13%), high (20.99%) and very
natural categories that can significantly minimize the variances within high (24.58%) using natural breaks classifier. High and very high
the classes and maximizes between the classes (Jenks, 1967). The nat deforestation probability areas have been observed in the northern,
ural breaks method classified the deforestation probability zones into middle and some eastern part of the Jaldapara forest and the sur
five deforestation classes based on different threshold values such as rounding regions particularly in the place of Jaldapara, Nutanpara,
very high (0.78-1), high (0.58-.78), moderate (0.40-0.58), low Uttar khairbari, Madhya satali, Uttar simlabari etc. whereas the low and
(0.22-0.40) and very low (0-0.22) and this classification method con very low classes are noticed in the eastern, western and some south-
tinues to all of the models. High and very high deforestation probability western part of the study area, particularly in Kalaberia, Madhya
pockets have been identified in the northern part, and the middle part of madarihat, Uttar mandabari, Kumarpara etc.
the study area mainly in the region of Uttar khairabari, Uttar madarihat,
Nutanpara, Sidhabari, Suripara, Salkumarhat etc. whereas low and very 4.7. Validation Assessment
low deforestation probability areas have been observed in the eastern
and south-western part of the study area particularly the localities of A single validation method is not sufficient to validate the model
Uttar mandabari, Dakshinmandabari, Kumarpara, Lachhmandabri etc. properly (Saha et al., 2020). In this research different validation
methods have been systematically applied. SVM, NB, RF, DT and ANN
4.3. Deforestation probability analysis by NB model have been evaluated by the characteristics of receiver operating char
acteristics, value of AUC of ROC curve, efficiency (E), TPR and FPR.
Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier has been accurately applied here for These methods signify the prediction capability of the applied machine
demarcation of deforestation probable zones and the output has been learning algorithms. The value of AUC of the SVM, NB, RF, DT and ANN
classified into five different classes (Fig. 4(b)) such as very low (18.6%), is 0.907, 0.885, 0.825, 0.846 and 0.876 respectively. It indicates that the
low (15.84%), moderate (19.47%), high (19.53%) and very high SVM has the high prediction capability in the case of this research
(26.53%) using natural breaks classifier (Fig. 7). Naïve Bayes model has (Table 4). The sensitivity (TPR) of SVM, NB, RF, DT and ANN is 0.892,
been predicted that northern part and middle sections of the Jaldapara 0.854, 0.790, 0.816 and 0.823 respectively and the specificity (FPR)
forest region have faced high and very high deforestation probability values of the models are 0.108, 0.146, 0.210, 0.184 and 0.177 respec
particularly in Uttar khairabari, Uttar madarihat, Nutanpara, Sidhabari tively. It clearly illustrates the good predictive power of the models
etc. whereas the eastern, western and north-western part have faced low (Table 4). The efficiency value also shows the robustness of the model
and very low deforestation possibility particularly in Uttar mandabari, and the values of efficiency are 0.814, 0.785, 0.735, 0.764 and 0.769
Dakshinmandabari, Kumarpara, Lachhmandabri etc. respectively. All the validation result portrays that the support vector
machine (SVM) provides us better predictive result which is followed by
4.4. Deforestation probability analysis by RF model naïve bayes (Table 4). For the assessment of performance analysis of
various deforestation models, different error measurement techniques
The deforestation probability using random forest model has been have been applied such as coefficient of determination (R2), mean ab
accomplished using the relative weight of mean decrees accuracy and solute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE). The important
mean decrees accuracy of Gini index of deforestation variables. The findings of these various error measurement techniques illustrate that in
result of RF model has been classified into five different classes (Fig. 4 this research support vector machine gives us more satisfied result than
(c)) such as very low (25.70%), low (16.63%), moderate (19.27%), high the others. The value of R2, MAE and RMSE of the training set in the SVM
(17.42%) and very high (20.98%) (Fig. 7) using natural breaks classifier. model is 0.894, 0.092 and 0.178 respectively whereas the testing phase
RF model predicts that northern part and some middle section of Jal gives the result 0.905, 0.079 and 0.159 respectively (Table 5). Wilcoxon
dapara forest and its adjacent region are facing in high deforestation Signed Rank Test has been applied here for analysis the significant
probability and eastern, western and south-eastern part have been comparison of the applied deforestation susceptibility models. The
experienced low deforestation probability. result of this non-parametric test (Wilcoxon Signed Rank) identifies the
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 5. Analysis the importance of various explanatory factors or predictors in the used machine learning models
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 6. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for the validation of different machine learning models
variables and the predictors. Various machine learning prediction based region indicates that there is no buffer zone around the core forest region
models (such as generalised linear model (GLM), artificial neural which can increase the unwanted anthropogenic interaction between
network (ANN), Bayesian network (BN) models) are common and people and forest region and it leads the way of forest degradation (Deb
generally used for prediction of deforestation probable zones coupled et al., 2018). The LULC changing pattern of this region has been
with remote sensing data (Fenton and Neil, 2013; Mayfield et al., 2017). extracted by different temporal satellite images and classification
All five implemented machine learning models indicate that the north methods from 1978 to 2016 and it has been observed that dense forest
ern and middle part of Jaldapara forest adjacent areas have been faced region is tremendously changed due to illegal encroachments and
by high deforestation probability (Fig. 4). The northern section of the infiltration by the tribal and forest fringe dwellers. In 1978 total dense
Jaldapara forest and its surrounding regions are situated in the foothills forest region of this area was 7.93% and this forest area was decreased to
of eastern Himalaya. This is basically piedmont area and altitude has an 5.42% and 5.03% in 2001 and 2016 respectively (Deb et al., 2018).
increasing trend towards the Shivalik Himalayas. The eastern and Anthropogenic intervention is the most important driver of forest con
western sites of the study area have been faced by low deforestation servation in this region. The conversion of forest land into industrial
probability due to high forest density, restricted human movements and plantation land over last few decades is another important driver for
strict forest rules and regulations. River Torsha divides the whole study forest degradation. During the British colonial era many tribal people
area into two parts. Here, most of the models explicitly highlighted that came from Bihar and permanently settled in this region and year after
the forests of the study area such as Torsha forest range, Chilpata forest, year they are penetrating in this dense forest region. Recently, local and
and Jaldapara national park area have low deforestation probability national media have exposed the illegal poaching and timber trafficking
whereas Salkumar forest area, Dakshinbarajhor forest have high defor activities over this region and such activities lead the rate of forest
estation probability due to significant settlement growth within last fragmentation. Most of the areas of Jaldapara forest region is under
decade at the vicinity of the forests. The middle section of the study area Alipurduar district according to district census handbook 2011 and this
has faced various anthropogenic activities along with tribal settlement region is featured by large number of tribes (18.89%) and marginal
and these localities are Kalaberia, Suripara, Nutanpara, Salkumarhat workers (9.27%). Whereas a significant number of people is also
etc. Previously, the entire Himalayan foothill belt was covered by dense engaged in agricultural activities (37.32%) (District census handbook,
tropical forest but since the colonial period the land use pattern is being 2011). In the recent years, many central and state governmental projects
immensely transformed. As per the wildlife conservation strategy 2002, have been executed at the closeness and somewhere within the forest
there should be no eco-fragile zone around the national park for the regions. Timber trafficker’s racket has penetrated in the dense and patch
protection of core and buffer regions from the different anthropogenic forest areas and they cut carelessly the series of expensive old trees.
stresses (Deb et al., 2014). The LULC classification of Jaldapara forest Finally, timber traffickers sell these products in different national and
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 7. Bar graph shows the area of different classes of different models
international markets with high price. As a result, patch forest areas tourism, plantation and practice of agriculture (Chamling et al.,
have been enlarged drastically years after years (Bera et al., 2020a and 2021).
2020b; Chamling et al., 2021). • Forest protection regulations and acts should be strictly executed for
timber and wild animal traffickers and poachers (Bera et al., 2020a;
5.1. Management approach of forest resources Bera et al., 2021b).
• Award and centre of excellence should be set up for the brilliant
Today, prediction and classification based machine learning and research on forest and protection and management of biodiversity
deep learning algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) are being applied in (Bera et al., 2021b).
different fields for the instant solution and management of various • All festivals and cultural programmes should be celebrated through
problems. Here, different machine learning algorithms have been used the new tree plantation system (Masiero et al., 2015; Bera et al.,
to identify the deforestation probability zones particularly in the Eastern 2021b).
Himalayan biodiversity hotspot zone. The Eastern Himalayan foothills • Environmental education and awareness should be spread among the
biodiversity zones provide huge provisional, regulatory, supporting, students and local people.
cultural and spiritual services directly to regional people as well as large • Significance of biodiversity and different causes of elimination of
number of global people. Recent studies focused that large scale defor biodiversity should be incorporated in the school and college sylla
estation, wild animal and timber trafficking and forest habitat conver bus (Bera et al., 2021b).
sion are significantly increasing within the last three or four decades in
different pockets of Eastern Himalayan foothills (Bera et al., 2020a). In 6. Conclusion
this respect, conservation of forest resources along with forest habitat is
highly required for the health of the total environment. Thus, relevant We live in the era of deforestation and land degradation and it is the
holistic forest management techniques should be considered (Fig. 8). global concerned among the policy makers, administrators and envi
ronmentalists. In this research, it has been observed that the support
• Different schemes of Joint Forest Management (JFM) should be vector machine (SVM) algorithm model provides more accurate and
implemented in different forest pockets of India through proper co precession result than the other machine learning models due to its high
ordination between forest dwellers, forest fringe people and forest sensitivity value along with high AUC value (0.90). Due to high popu
officers (Murali et al., 2002; Bera et al., 2021b). lation growth along with human-forest conflict is a serious worry in our
• Large scale use of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) should be country and being third world country forest regions are very much
extended particularly for the forest dwellers and forest fringe people witnessed by the anthropogenic stress due to their daily needs of com
(Suleiman et al., 2017). modities. In the present context, deforestation probability zone analysis
• Capacity building, alternate income generation and enhancement of along with daily monitoring and proper management strategies can lead
tribal livelihood are highly essential for the people who reside at the the forest sustainability. This study mainly identified the very high
proximity of forest and also within the forest pockets (Bera et al., deforestation probable zones along with proper reasons, so that gov
2021b). ernment can take different strategies for the management. In this regard,
• Financial support should be provided to tribal and non-tribal people creation of artificial forest buffer zone around the national park can
who are residing at the forest zones for the initiation of home stay improve health of the Jaldapara national park along with alternate
livelihood of forest dwellers and forest fringe people. The Joint Forest
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
Fig. 8. Flow diagram represents the different direct and indirect methods of forest management and biodiversity conservation
Management (JFM) scheme should be implementing to improve the for wild animal and timber traffickers. Further research is required to
forest health particularly in different pockets of this study area. The use enhance the alternate livelihood of the forest dwellers and forest fringe
of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) should be restricted for forest people. More financial supports should be supplied for further research
dwellers and forest fringe people in this area. Subsequently, government and development particularly to conserve the pristine natural resources.
with forest department should strictly impose the rules and regulations Community based forest management is an important tool in the present
S. Saha et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 14 (2022) 200077
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