Ricky C. Alfon: - Individual Differences - (Prof Ed 6) Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Ricky C. Alfon: - Individual Differences - (Prof Ed 6) Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Ricky C. Alfon: - Individual Differences - (Prof Ed 6) Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
-Individual Differences
- (Prof Ed 6) Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
a) Identify the different factors that bring about diversity in the classroom
b) Demonstrate a positive attitude towards diversity as an enriching element
in the learning environment, and
c) Come up with teaching strategies that consider student diversity.
Before you proceed in this module, I challenge you to do the activity below.
Coordinate through short messaging service (text messaging) to at least five (5) of your
classmates. Let them answer the following survey.
Language/Dialects Spoken:
Favorite Subjects:
Subjects you are best in:
Subjects you find Difficult:
7. How can the teacher utilize these similarities and differences in teaching?
You’ve probably heard some say, “Everyone is unique”. Though it sounds really like a
cliché, one cannot ignore the truth in it. As a facilitator of learning, the teacher is tasked to
consider the individual differences among the students in planning for effective instruction.
Analyze the data presented in a Graphic Organizer below.
Benefits of
Diversity in the
Strategies for
In all learning environments, individuals interact with others who are in some way
different from them. Recall how these differences were shown in your gathered data –
gender, racial, ethnic or cultural backgrounds (nationality, province, language). This diversity
also comes from other factors like the following:
1. Socioeconomic status- Lifestyles of rich people differ from those of the poor
2. Thinking/Learning styles – Some of you learn better by seeing something,
others by just listening; and others by manipulating something. (You will learn
more of this in your later modules.)
time, be members of the same group – and share similar experiences, needs or
After students have completed self-assessment instruments (e.g. learning style
inventories or personality profiles), have them line up or move to a corner of the room
according to their individual scores or overall profile. This practice can visibly
demonstrate to students how members of different student populations can be quite
similar with respect to their learning styles or personality profiles, i.e. students can see
how individual similarities can often overshadow group differences.
4. Communicate high expectations to students from all sub-groups
Make conscious attempt call on, or draw in students from diverse groups by using
effective questioning techniques that reliably elicit student involvement. In addition to
consciously calling on them in class, other strategies for “drawing in” and involving
students include : a) assigning them the role of reporter in small-group discussions, i.e.,
the one who report backs the group’s ideas to the class, and b) having them engaged in
paired discussions with another classmate with the stipulation that each partner must
take turns assuming the role of both listener and speaker, and c) scheduling instructor-
student conference with them outside the classroom.
Learn the name of your students, especially the foreign names that you may have
difficulty pronouncing. This will enable you to establish early, personal rapport with them
which can later serve as a social/emotional foundation or springboard for encouraging
them to participate.
5. Use varied instructional methods to accommodate student diversity in learning
Diversify the sensory/perceptual modalities through which you deliver and present
information (e.g. in print, diagrammatic and pictorial representations, or “hands on”
Diversify the instructional formats or procedures you use in class:
Use formats that are student-centered and teacher-centered.
Use formats that are unstructured (i.e. trial and error discovery learning)
and structured (e.g., step-by-step instruction)
Use procedures that involve both independent learning (i.e.,
independently completed simple projects) ;and interdependent learning
(i.e collaborative learning in pairs or small groups)
6. Vary the examples you use to illustrate concepts in order to provide multiple
contexts that are relevant to students from diverse backgrounds.
Specific strategies for providing multiple examples and varied contexts that are
relevant to their varied backgrounds include the following:
Have students complete personal information cards during the first week of class and
use this information to select examples or illustrations that are relevant to their personal
interests and life experiences.
Use ideas, comments, and questions that students raise in class, or which they choose
to write about to help you think of examples and illustrations to use.
Ask students to provide their own examples of concepts, based on experiences drawn
from their personal lives.
Have students apply concepts by placing them in situation or context that is relevant to
their lives (e.g., How would you show respect to all persons in you r home?).
7. Adapt to the student’s diverse backgrounds and learning styles by allowing them
personal choice and decision-making opportunities concerning what they will
learn and how they will learn it.
Giving the learner more decision-making opportunity with respect to learning
tasks; a) promotes positive student attitudes toward the subject matter, b) foster more
positive interactions among students, and c) results in students working more
consistently with lesser teacher intervention. Also, when individuals are allowed to exert
some control over a task, they tend to experience less anxiety or stress while performing
the task.
8. Diversify your methods of assessing and evaluating student learning.
You can accommodate student diversity not only by varying what you do with your
teaching, by also by varying what you ask your students to do to demonstrate learning.
In addition to the traditional paper-and-pencil tests and written assignments, students
can demonstrate their learning in a variety of other performance formats, such as a)
individually-delivered reports, b) panel presentations, c) group projects, d) visual
presentations (e.g., concept maps, slide presentations, collage, exhibits), or e) dramatic
vignettes – presented live or video-taped. On potential benefits of allowing students to
choose how they demonstrate their learning is that the variety of options exercised may
be powerful way to promote student awareness of the diversity of human learning styles.
9. Purposely, form small discussion groups of students from diverse backgrounds.
You can form groups of students with different learning styles, different cultural
backgrounds, etc..
Small peer-learning groups may be effective for promoting student progress to a more
advanced stage of cognitive development. Peer-learning groups may promote this
cognitive advancement because: a) the instructor is removed from center stage, thereby
reducing the likelihood that the teacher is perceived as the ultimate or absolute authority;
and b) students are exposed to the perspectives of other students, thus increasing their
appreciation of multiple viewpoints and different approaches to learning.
a. Performance Task
Task 1:
Let us exercise you synapses. Think of a slogan that celebrates diversity in the classroom.
Make posters and have it posted in your class group chat.
Task 2:
Describe and present the concept on individual differences by means of the following:
(choose only one)
Slide Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation
Post it in our class group chat in messenger or in google classroom.
Task 3:
From the module on Individual Differences, I learned that
Facilitating Learning: A Metacognitive Process pages 41-50
Maria Rita D. Lucas, PhD
Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD