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Exo of Many Trades, and Masters All.: International Conference On Robotics and Automation, 2011, Pp. 2178-2183

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Exo of Many Trades, and Masters All.

Peter D Neuhaus1, Jerryll H. Noorden1, Roger Rovekamp2, Nick R Payton1, Travis J Craig1
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, 2NASA Johnson Space Center

Preferred Format: Poster.

1. Introduction thigh, just below the gluteal fold. An adjustable strap

NASA Johnson Space Center and IHMC are jointly will secure the user’s limb to the cuff structure. The
developing a powered lower extremity exoskeleton. type of cuff suitable for exercise applications has not
The focus of this collaboration is to develop a robotic yet been determined, and will be explored once the
device for a range of applications, including mobility device is functional.
assistance for abled and disabled users, rehabilitation,
and exercise. The robot features torque controllable The hip ab/adduction joint will feature free rotating
actuators at the hip flexion/extension and knee bearings with a gravity counter balancing elastic
flexion/extension and passive joints to allow for hip element. This elastic element will be preloaded to
ab/adduction and hip internal/external rotation. The produce an abduction torque to assist the user during
powered joints will be capable of variable stance and swing. The hip internal/external rotation
impedance, ranging from zero impedance for joint will initially be only a free bearing and no
transparent mode to high impedance for stiff position passive components.
control. The links of the exoskeleton can be adjusted
to the user’s body size such that the powered joints For mobility assistance (for users with paraplegia and
are co-located with the user’s joint, creating an paresis), the passive nature of these joints will have
anthropomorphic structure. to be significantly altered. IHMC’s previous
exoskeleton, Mina v0 [2], has the hip ab/adduction
2. Description of Hardware degrees of freedom rigidly constrained. The free
The targeted uses for the NASA-IHMC Exoskeleton bearings of the NASA-IHMC Exoskeleton at these
include mobility assistance for abled and disabled joints allow us to explore the effect of adding various
users, rehabilitation, and exercise. The common levels of passive compliance with the intent of
feature in all of these activities is a robotic device increasing mobility.
that is worn over the lower extremities and exerts
forces and torques in a controlled manner. In The NASA-IHMC Exoskeleton weighs
operation, the device must assist (or resist in the case approximately 53 pounds, and is tethered for power.
of exercise) when able and not impede when unable. Adding batteries will be considered at a later stage of
The key component of the device is the series elastic research. The Mina v0 prototype consumed 100W
actuator at each powered joint. Building on each while walking over level ground, which translates to
organization’s years of experience, we have designed approximately 1 kg of battery per hour of walking
a high-fidelity force controllable actuator capable of operation.
torques on par with what a healthy adult can produce
and enough speed for a moderate walking pace. As 3. Anticipated Uses
with the NASA Robonaut 2 [1] design, the NASA- The NASA-IHMC Exoskeleton will be used as a
IHMC Exoskeleton features distributed control research platform for exploring a range of
modules, where all of the motor control and power applications requiring a lower extremity robotic
amplification will occur adjacent to the respective orthosis. The torque and speed capabilities of the
actuator. actuators allow the device to provide assistance for
walking, carrying significant loads, ascending stairs,
The frame is designed to accommodate males and and high-output resistive exercise. The ability to
females, from the 5% to the 95% size range. These control the output torque makes the device well
accommodations will occur at the hip width, thigh suited for applications requiring compliance with the
length, shank length, and toeing angle. The back plate environment as well as will the user.
features a lumbar support and shoulder straps to
firmly connect the user to the device. The leg 4. References
connection cuffs are application dependent. For [1] M. A. Diftler et al., “Robonaut 2 - The first
applications in which countering gravity is a majority humanoid robot in space,” in 2011 IEEE
of the loading, the leg cuffs have a rigid structure at International Conference on Robotics and
the tibia, just below the knee and on the back of the Automation, 2011, pp. 2178-2183.
[2] P. D. Neuhaus, J. H. Noorden, T. J. Craig, T.
Torres, J. Kirschbaum, and J. E. Pratt, “Design and
evaluation of Mina: A robotic orthosis for
paraplegics,” in 2011 IEEE International Conference
on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2011, pp. 1-8.

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