Fire and Arson Assignment
Fire and Arson Assignment
Fire and Arson Assignment
Batch: 2018-2021
Public safety personnel responding to a fire should observe conditions and activities at or near
the scene so they can give investigators arriving later an accurate and complete description. First
responders can gain information valuable to the fire investigation during their approach to and
arrival at the scene.
While approaching a fire scene, first responders should observe and mentally note the following
conditions and activities and, as soon as conditions permit, initiate permanent documentation of
the information (e.g., written notes, voice recordings, videotapes):
First responders’ initial observations provide investigators with information pertinent to the
investigation. As the investigation unfolds, these observations may provide the starting point for
evidence collection and preservation efforts.
A. Evaluate the scene for safety hazards (e.g., structural collapse of the building; smoke;
electrical, chemical, or biological hazards; other health risks).
B. Establish safety/hazard zones.
C. Communicate hazards to other personnel arriving at the scene.
D. Use tools and personal protective equipment appropriate to the task during all operations.
The first responders should be beware of incendiary or explosive devices. The scene may contain
devices specifically designed to kill or maim public safety responders. Do not touch any
suspected incendiary or explosive device. Evacuate the area, and request the services of
personnel trained in the removal of such items.
Safety is the overriding concern during emergency operations and the subsequent investigation.
To ensure the safety of civilians and public safety personnel, first responders should take steps to
identify, evaluate, and mitigate scene hazards, and they should communicate those hazards to
other public safety personnel arriving at the scene. Necessary safety zones should be established
to receive victims as they are evacuated. Personal protective equipment and other measures
should be used to ensure the safety of all persons at the scene. The scene should continually be
reassessed to evaluate safety hazards that may change due to fire conditions or suppression
Evidence at a fire scene takes many different forms, some of which are transient (i.e., they are
not permanent and may disappear quickly, such as impressions in snow or evaporating liquids).
First responders must understand how rescue, medical, fire suppression, overhaul and salvage
efforts can adversely affect different forms of evidence and take steps to preserve evidence
accordingly. First responders should assess the fire scene to identify potential evidence, take
preliminary steps to preserve it, and notify appropriate authorities about its existence.
A. Observe and mentally note evidence that may be present at the scene, such as:
First responders should recognize items that may have evidentiary value in a subsequent
investigation and take steps to protect them from damage that could result from the fire, fire
suppression, or rescue efforts.
Fire suppression and rescue efforts can be performed more efficiently and effectively if only
essential authorized personnel are permitted access to the area. Restricting access also ensures
the safety of civilians and helps to preserve the scene for subsequent investigation. First
responders should immediately establish control of the scene. Then, as soon as conditions permit,
first responders should initiate documentation of the scene to aid in the investigation.
The actions of first responders at a fire scene are not only critical to saving lives and suppressing
fires; they also set the stage for the investigators arriving to process the scene by establishing a
controlled security perimeter and initiating documentation of the scene.
F. Coordinate Activities:
Emergency operations at the fire scene may involve many different agencies and organizations,
each having a different focus and performing different activities. These activities must be well
coordinated to accomplish emergency operations efficiently and to preserve the integrity of the
scene. Upon arrival at the scene, first20 responders must establish an incident command system,
which allows for a systematic flow and transfer of critical scene information.
Establish a command post and implement an incident command system (i.e., a point of
contact and line of communication and authority for public safety personnel).
Establish staging areas to ensure that emergency and support vehicles have access into
the area. Request additional personnel resources, such as firefighters, EMS personnel,
law enforcement officers, investigators, and representatives of utility companies.
Inform authorities about the status of the incident, hazards, injuries, witnesses, the
location of evidence, and other pertinent facts.
First responders must establish an incident command system to coordinate activities at the scene
and communicate information to responsible authorities.