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DrayTek UG Vigor1000B V1.0

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Vigor1000B Series

Multi-WAN Security Router

User’s Guide

Version: 1.0
Firmware Version: V3.9.6.3
(For future update, please visit DrayTek web site)
Date: August 25, 2021

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
© All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be
reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language without
written permission from the copyright holders.
The following trademarks are used in this document:
 Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
 Windows, 8, 10 and Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
 Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
 Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Safety Instructions
 Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up the router.
 The router is a complicated electronic unit that may be repaired only be authorized and qualified personnel.
Do not try to open or repair the router yourself.
 Do not place the router in a damp or humid place, e.g. a bathroom.
 The router should be used in a sheltered area, within a temperature range of +5 to +40 Celsius.
 Do not expose the router to direct sunlight or other heat sources. The housing and electronic components
may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.
 Do not deploy the cable for LAN connection outdoor to prevent electronic shock hazards.
 Keep the package out of reach of children.
 When you want to dispose of the router, please follow local regulations on conservation of the environment.
 We warrant to the original end user (purchaser) that the router will be free from any defects in workmanship
or materials for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase from the dealer. Please keep your
purchase receipt in a safe place as it serves as proof of date of purchase. During the warranty period, and upon
proof of purchase, should the product have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials,
we will, at our discretion, repair or replace the defective products or components, without charge for either
parts or labor, to whatever extent we deem necessary tore-store the product to proper operating condition.
Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and
will be offered solely at our discretion. This warranty will not apply if the product is modified, misused,
tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions. The warranty does
not cover the bundled or licensed software of other vendors. Defects which do not significantly affect the
usability of the product will not be covered by the warranty. We reserve the right to revise the manual and
online documentation and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to
notify any person of such revision or changes.
Be a Registered Owner
 Web registration is preferred. You can register your Vigor router via https://myvigor.draytek.com.
Firmware & Tools Updates
 Due to the continuous evolution of DrayTek technology, all routers will be regularly upgraded. Please consult
the DrayTek web site for more information on newest firmware, tools and documents.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide iii

Table of Contents
Part I Installation ................................................................................................................1
I-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
I-1-1 Indicators and Connectors .................................................................................................. 3
I-2 Hardware Installation .................................................................................................................... 5
I-2-1 Installing Vigor Router ......................................................................................................... 5
I-2-2 Rack-Mounted Installation ................................................................................................... 6
I-2-3 Installing USB Printer to Vigor Router ................................................................................. 7
I-3 Accessing Web Page .................................................................................................................. 14
I-4 Changing Password.................................................................................................................... 16
I-5 Dashboard................................................................................................................................... 18
I-5-1 Virtual Panel ...................................................................................................................... 19
I-5-2 Quick Access for Common Used Menu ............................................................................ 20
I-5-3 GUI Map ............................................................................................................................ 21
I-5-4 Web Console ..................................................................................................................... 22
I-5-5 Config Backup ................................................................................................................... 22
I-5-6 Manual Download.............................................................................................................. 23
I-5-7 Logout................................................................................................................................ 23
I-5-8 Online Status ..................................................................................................................... 24
I-5-8-1 Physical Connection ......................................................................24
I-5-8-2 Virtual WAN ...............................................................................26
I-6 Quick Start Wizard ...................................................................................................................... 27
I-6-1 For WAN1 (Fiber) .............................................................................................................. 28
I-6-2 For WAN3 (Ethernet - 2.5G).............................................................................................. 35
I-6-3 For WAN5~WAN6 (Etherent) ............................................................................................ 42
I-7 Service Activation Wizard ........................................................................................................... 49
I-8 Registering Vigor Router............................................................................................................. 52
I-9 VPN Client Wizard ...................................................................................................................... 55
I-10 VPN Server Wizard ................................................................................................................... 61

Part II Connectivity ..........................................................................................................69

II-1 Port Setup .................................................................................................................................. 70
II-2 WAN ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................... 72
II-2-1 General Setup .................................................................................................................. 72
II-2-2 Internet Access................................................................................................................. 75
II-2-2-1 Details Page for PPPoE ..................................................................77
II-2-2-2 Details Page for Static or Dynamic IP.................................................80
II-2-2-3 Details Page for IPv6 – Offline in Ethernet WAN....................................84
II-2-2-4 Details Page for IPv6 – PPP .............................................................84
II-2-2-5 Details Page for IPv6 – TSPC............................................................85
II-2-2-6 Details Page for IPv6 – AICCU ..........................................................87
II-2-2-7 Details Page for IPv6 – DHCPv6 Client ................................................89

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
II-2-2-8 Details Page for IPv6 – Static IPv6.....................................................90
II-2-2-9 Details Page for IPv6 – 6in4 Static Tunnel ...........................................91
II-2-2-10 Details Page for IPv6 – 6rd ............................................................94
II-2-3 Multi-VLAN ....................................................................................................................... 96
II-2-4 WAN Budget................................................................................................................... 100
II-2-4-1 General Setup .......................................................................... 100
II-2-4-2 Status .................................................................................... 103
II-3 LAN .......................................................................................................................................... 104
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 106
II-3-1 General Setup ................................................................................................................ 106
II-3-1-1 Details Page for LAN1 – Ethernet TCP/IP and DHCP Setup ...................... 107
II-3-1-2 Details Page for IP Routed Subnet .................................................. 110
II-3-1-3 Details Page for LAN1 – IPv6 Setup.................................................. 112
II-3-1-4 DHCP Server Option ................................................................... 116
II-3-2 VLAN .............................................................................................................................. 117
II-3-3 Bind IP to MAC ............................................................................................................... 119
II-3-4 Port Mirror/Packet Capture............................................................................................. 122
II-3-5 PPPoE Server ................................................................................................................ 125
II-4 NAT .......................................................................................................................................... 126
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 127
II-4-1 Port Redirection.............................................................................................................. 127
II-4-2 DMZ Host ....................................................................................................................... 131
II-4-3 Open Ports ..................................................................................................................... 134
II-4-4 Port Triggering................................................................................................................ 136
II-4-5 ALG................................................................................................................................. 140
II-5 Applications .............................................................................................................................. 141
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 143
II-5-1 Dynamic DNS ................................................................................................................. 143
II-5-2 LAN DNS / DNS Forwarding .......................................................................................... 148
II-5-3 DNS Security .................................................................................................................. 152
II-5-3-1 General Setup .......................................................................... 152
II-5-3-2 Domain Diagnose ....................................................................... 153
II-5-4 Schedule......................................................................................................................... 154
II-5-5 RADIUS/TACACS+ ........................................................................................................ 157
II-5-5-1 External RADIUS ........................................................................ 157
II-5-5-2 Internal RADIUS ........................................................................ 159
II-5-5-3 External TACACS+...................................................................... 162
II-5-6 Active Directory/ LDAP ................................................................................................... 163
II-5-6-1 General Setup .......................................................................... 163
II-5-6-2 Active Directory / LDAP Profiles .................................................... 164
II-5-7 IGMP............................................................................................................................... 166
II-5-7-1 General Setting ........................................................................ 166
II-5-7-2 Working Status ......................................................................... 168
II-5-8 Wake on LAN ................................................................................................................. 169
II-5-9 SMS / Mail Alert Service................................................................................................. 170

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide v

II-5-9-1 SMS Alert ................................................................................ 170
II-5-9-2 Mail Alert ............................................................................... 171
II-5-10 Bonjour ......................................................................................................................... 172
II-5-11 High Availability ............................................................................................................ 175
II-5-11-1 General Setup ......................................................................... 175
II-5-11-2 Config Sync ............................................................................ 177
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 179
A-1 How to Implement the LDAP/AD Authentication for User Management? ......... 179
II-6 Routing..................................................................................................................................... 183
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 184
II-6-1 Static Route .................................................................................................................... 184
II-6-2 Load-Balance /Route Policy ........................................................................................... 190
II-6-2-1 General Setup .......................................................................... 190
II-6-2-2 Diagnose for Route Policy ............................................................ 196
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 200
A-1 How to Customize a Secure Route between VPN Router and Remote Router by Using
Route Policy ...................................................................................... 200

Part III VPN .....................................................................................................................203

III-1 VPN and Remote Access........................................................................................................ 204
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 204
III-1-1 Remote Access Control................................................................................................. 205
III-1-2 PPP General Setup ....................................................................................................... 206
III-1-3 IPsec General Setup ..................................................................................................... 208
III-1-4 IPsec Peer Identity ........................................................................................................ 210
III-1-5 VPN Matcher Setup....................................................................................................... 212
III-1-6 OpenVPN ...................................................................................................................... 214
III-1-6-1 OpenVPN Server Setup ............................................................... 214
III-1-6-2 Client Config ........................................................................... 216
III-1-7 Remote Dial-in User ...................................................................................................... 217
III-1-8 LAN to LAN.................................................................................................................... 221
III-1-9 Connection Management .............................................................................................. 232
III-2 SSL VPN ................................................................................................................................. 234
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 235
III-2-1 General Setup ............................................................................................................... 235
III-2-2 User Account ................................................................................................................. 236
III-3 Certificate Management.......................................................................................................... 240
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 241
III-3-1 Local Certificate............................................................................................................. 241
III-3-2 Trusted CA Certificate ................................................................................................... 246
III-3-3 Certificate Backup ......................................................................................................... 249
III-3-4 Self-Signed Certificate................................................................................................... 250

Part IV Security ..............................................................................................................251

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
IV-1 Firewall.................................................................................................................................... 252
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 254
IV-1-1 General Setup ............................................................................................................... 254
IV-1-2 Filter Setup.................................................................................................................... 259
IV-1-3 Defense Setup .............................................................................................................. 269
IV-1-3-1 DoS Defense ............................................................................ 269
IV-1-3-2 Spoofing Defense...................................................................... 272
IV-1-4 Diagnose ....................................................................................................................... 272
IV-2 CSM (Central Security Management)..................................................................................... 275
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 276
IV-2-1 APP Enforcement Profile .............................................................................................. 276
IV-2-2 URL Content Filter Profile ............................................................................................. 278
IV-2-3 Web Content Filter Profile ............................................................................................. 282
IV-2-4 DNS Filter Profile .......................................................................................................... 285
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 287
A-1 How to Create an Account for MyVigor ................................................. 287
A-2 How to Block Facebook Service Accessed by the Users via Web Content Filter / URL
Content Filter .................................................................................... 291
A-3 How to use APP Enforcement to block application like Facebook, YouTube or
TeamViewer? ..................................................................................... 296

Part V Management .......................................................................................................301

V-1 System Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 302
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 303
V-1-1 System Status ................................................................................................................ 303
V-1-2 TR-069 ........................................................................................................................... 305
V-1-2-1 ACS and CPE Settings.................................................................. 305
V-1-2-2 Reporting Configuration .............................................................. 307
V-1-2-3 Export Parameters..................................................................... 309
V-1-3 Administrator Password ................................................................................................. 310
V-1-4 User Password............................................................................................................... 313
V-1-5 Login Page Greeting ...................................................................................................... 316
V-1-6 Configuration Backup..................................................................................................... 318
V-1-7 Configuration Export ...................................................................................................... 320
V-1-8 Syslog/Mail Alert ............................................................................................................ 321
V-1-9 Time and Date................................................................................................................ 324
V-1-10 SNMP........................................................................................................................... 325
V-1-11 Management ................................................................................................................ 327
V-1-12 Self-Signed Certificate ................................................................................................. 332
V-1-13 Reboot System............................................................................................................. 334
V-1-14 Firmware Upgrade ....................................................................................................... 335
V-1-15 Internal Service User List............................................................................................. 336
V-1-16 Dashboard Control ....................................................................................................... 337
V-1-17 NAT Sessions .............................................................................................................. 337

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide vii

V-2 Bandwidth Management .......................................................................................................... 338
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 339
V-2-1 Sessions Limit ................................................................................................................ 339
V-2-2 Bandwidth Limit.............................................................................................................. 341
V-2-3 Quality of Service ........................................................................................................... 343
V-2-4 APP QoS........................................................................................................................ 349
V-3 User Management ................................................................................................................... 350
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 351
V-3-1 General Setup ................................................................................................................ 351
V-3-2 User Profile .................................................................................................................... 353
V-3-3 User Group..................................................................................................................... 357
V-3-4 User Online Status ......................................................................................................... 359
V-3-5 PPPoE User Online Status ............................................................................................ 360
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 361
A-1 How to authenticate clients via User Management ................................... 361
A-2 How to use Landing Page Feature ....................................................... 370
V-4 Hotspot Web Portal.................................................................................................................. 375
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 375
V-4-1 Profile Setup................................................................................................................... 375
V-4-1-1 Login Method ........................................................................... 376
V-4-1-2 Steps for Configuring a Web Portal Profile........................................ 377
V-4-2 Users Information........................................................................................................... 393
V-4-2-1 User Info................................................................................. 393
V-4-2-2 Database Setup......................................................................... 395
V-4-3 Quota Management ....................................................................................................... 397
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 400
A-1 How to allow users login to Vigor’s Hotspot with their social media accounts (e.g.,
Facebook & Google) ............................................................................. 400
V-5 Central Management (AP) ....................................................................................................... 408
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 409
V-5-1 Dashboard...................................................................................................................... 409
V-5-2 Status ............................................................................................................................. 410
V-5-3 WLAN Profile.................................................................................................................. 411
V-5-4 AP Maintenance............................................................................................................. 416
V-5-5 Traffic Graph .................................................................................................................. 417
V-5-6 Event Log ....................................................................................................................... 418
V-5-7 Total Traffic .................................................................................................................... 419
V-5-8 Station Number .............................................................................................................. 419
V-5-9 Load Balance ................................................................................................................. 420
V-6 Central Management (Switch) ................................................................................................. 422
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 423
V-6-1 Status ............................................................................................................................. 423
V-6-1-1 Switch Status ........................................................................... 423

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
V-6-1-2 Switch Hierarchy ....................................................................... 425
V-6-1-3 Detailed Info............................................................................ 425
V-6-2 Profile ............................................................................................................................. 428
V-6-3 Group ............................................................................................................................. 431
V-5-4 Maintenance................................................................................................................... 433
V-6-5 Alert and Log.................................................................................................................. 434
V-6-5-1 Alert Setup.............................................................................. 434
V-6-5-2 Switch and Port Setup ................................................................ 435
V-6-6 Database Setup ............................................................................................................. 437
V-6-7 Support List .................................................................................................................... 438
V-7 Central Management (External Devices)................................................................................. 439

Part VI Others.................................................................................................................441
VI-1 Objects Settings...................................................................................................................... 442
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 443
VI-1-1 IP Object ....................................................................................................................... 443
VI-1-2 IP Group........................................................................................................................ 446
VI-1-3 IPv6 Object.................................................................................................................... 447
VI-1-4 IPv6 Group .................................................................................................................... 449
VI-1-5 Service Type Object...................................................................................................... 450
VI-1-6 Service Type Group ...................................................................................................... 452
VI-1-7 Keyword Object............................................................................................................. 454
VI-1-8 Keyword Group ............................................................................................................. 456
VI-1-9 File Extension Object .................................................................................................... 457
VI-1-10 SMS/Mail Service Object ............................................................................................ 459
VI-1-11 Notification Object ....................................................................................................... 463
VI-1-12 String Object ............................................................................................................... 465
VI-1-13 Country Object ............................................................................................................ 466
Application Notes ..................................................................................................................... 468
A-1 How to Send a Notification to Specified Phone Number via SMS Service in WAN
Disconnection .................................................................................... 468
VI-2 USB Application ...................................................................................................................... 472
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 473
VI-2-1 USB General Settings ................................................................................................... 473
VI-2-2 USB User Management ................................................................................................ 473
VI-2-3 File Explorer .................................................................................................................. 476
VI-2-4 USB Disk Status............................................................................................................ 477

Part VII Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................479

VII-1 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................ 480
Web User Interface .................................................................................................................. 481
VII-1-1 Dial-out Triggering........................................................................................................ 481
VII-1-2 Routing Table............................................................................................................... 482

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide ix

VII-1-3 ARP Cache Table ........................................................................................................ 483
VII-1-4 IPv6 Neighbour Table .................................................................................................. 484
VII-1-5 DHCP Table ................................................................................................................. 485
VII-1-6 NAT Sessions Table .................................................................................................... 486
VII-1-7 DNS Cache Table ........................................................................................................ 487
VII-1-8 Ping Diagnosis ............................................................................................................. 488
VII-1-9 Data Flow Monitor ........................................................................................................ 490
VII-1-10 Port Mirror/Packet Capture ........................................................................................ 492
VII-1-11 Traffic Graph .............................................................................................................. 495
VII-1-12 VPN Graph................................................................................................................. 496
VII-1-13 Trace Route ............................................................................................................... 498
VII-1-14 Syslog Explorer .......................................................................................................... 499
VII-1-15 IPv6 TSPC Status ...................................................................................................... 500
VII-1-16 High Availability Status .............................................................................................. 501
VII-1-17 Authentication Information ......................................................................................... 503
VII-1-18 DoS Flood Table ........................................................................................................ 504
VII-1-19 Route Policy Diagnosis .............................................................................................. 505
VII-2 Checking If the Hardware Status Is OK or Not ...................................................................... 507
VII-3 Checking If the Network Connection Settings on Your Computer Is OK or Not.................... 508
VII-4 Pinging the Router from Your Computer ................................................................................511
VII-5 Checking If the ISP Settings are OK or Not........................................................................... 513
VII-6 Backing to Factory Default Setting If Necessary ................................................................... 514
VII-7 Contacting DrayTek ............................................................................................................... 515

Part VIII Telnet Commands............................................................................................517

Accessing Telnet of Vigor1000B..................................................................................................... 518

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
Part I Installation
This part will introduce Vigor router and guide to
install the device in hardware and software.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 1

I-1 Introduction

This is a generic International version of the user guide. Specification,

compatibility and features vary by region. For specific user guides
suitable for your region or product, please contact local distributor.

Vigor1000B Series, a broadband router, integrates IP layer QoS, NAT session/bandwidth

management to help users control works well with large bandwidth.
Vigor1000B offers two VPN tunnels for remote management. Its object-based design used in
SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall is flexible and allows your network to be safe. In
addition, the firewall allows users to set firewall policies easily.
The multi-WAN and LAN switch facilitate unified communication applications in business CO
/the remote site to handle large data from subscribed fatter pipes. The routing feature and
multi-WAN provide integrated benefits for professional users and small offices.

CSM (Content Security Management) provides users control and management in IM (Instant
Messenger) and P2P (Peer to Peer) more efficiently than before. By the way, DoS/DDoS
prevention and URL/Web content filter strengthen the security outside and control inside.

2 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-1-1 Indicators and Connectors
Before you use the Vigor router, please get acquainted with the LED indicators and
connectors first.

LED Status Explanation

PWR On The router is powered on.
Off The router is powered off.
ACT Blinking The system is active.
Off The system is hanged.
USB On The USB device is installed and ready.
Off No USB device is installed.
SFP+ On The fiber connection is established.
Blinking The data is transmitting.
Off No fiber connection is established or the system is
On (Left) The Ethernet link is established on corresponding port.
Off (Left) No Ethernet link is established.
Blinking (L) The data is transmitting.
P3~P10 On (Right) The Ethernet link is established on corresponding port
with 1G Mbps or above.
Off (Right) The Ethernet link is established on corresponding port
with less than 1G Mbps.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 3

Interface Description
USB1 / USB2 Connecter for the USB device.
Console Provided for technician use.
SFP+ Connecter for SFP module with the rate of 10G/1G bps.
P3~P6 Connectors for remote network devices or local network devices
(WAN/LAN) with the rate of 1G/100M/10M bps.
P7~P10 Connecter for local network devices (LAN) with the rate of
1G/100M/10M bps.
The Factory Reset button is used to restore the default settings. Turn
on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for more
than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blink rapidly than
usual, release the button. Then the router will restart with the factory
default configuration.

Connecter for a power cord.

ON/OFF - Power switch.

4 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-2 Hardware Installation

I-2-1 Installing Vigor Router

Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your devices correctly.
1. Connect a modem to any WAN port of Vigor1000B with Ethernet cable (RJ-45) to access
2. Connect the other end of the cable (RJ-45) to the Ethernet port on your computer (that
device also can connect to other computers to form a small area network). The LAN LED
for that port on the front panel will light up.
3. Connect a server/router (depends on your requirement) to any WAN port of Vigor1000B
with Ethernet cable (RJ-45). The WAN LED will light up.
4. Connect the power cord to Vigor1000B’s power port on the rear panel, and the other
side into a wall outlet.
5. Power on the device by pressing down the power switch on the rear panel. The PWR LED
should be ON.
6. The system starts to initiate. After completing the system test, the ACT LED will light up
and start blinking.
Below shows an outline of the hardware installation for your reference.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 5

I-2-2 Rack-Mounted Installation
The Vigor1000B Series can be mounted on the wall by using standard brackets shown below.

Attach the brackets to the chassis of a rack. The second bracket attaches the other side of the

After the bracket installation, the Vigor1000B Series chassis can be installed in a rack by
using four screws for each side of the rack.

Desktop Type Installation

Rubber pads are included with the Vigor1000B Series. These rubber pads improve the air
circulation and decrease unnecessary rubbing on the desktop.

6 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-2-3 Installing USB Printer to Vigor Router
You can install a printer onto the router for sharing printing. All the PCs connected this router
can print documents via the router. The example provided here is made based on Windows 7.
For other Windows system, please visit www.DrayTek.com.

Before using it, please follow the steps below to configure settings for connected computers
(or wireless clients).
1. Connect the printer with the router through USB/parallel port.
2. Open All Programs>>Getting Started>>Devices and Printers.

3. Click Add a printer.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 7

4. A dialog will appear. Click Add a local printer and click Next.

5. In this dialog, choose Create a new port. In the field of Type of port, use the drop down
list to select Standard TCP/IP Port. Then, click Next.

8 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

6. In the following dialog, type (router’s LAN IP) in the field of Hostname or
IP Address and type as the Port name. Then, click Next.

7. Click Standard and choose Generic Network Card.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 9

8. Now, your system will ask you to choose right name of the printer that you installed onto
the router. Such step can make correct driver loaded onto your PC. When you finish the
selection, click Next.

9. Type a name for the chosen printer. Click Next.

10 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

10. Choose Do not share this printer and click Next.

11. Then, in the following dialog, click Finish.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 11

12. The new printer has been added and displayed under Printers and Faxes. Click the new
printer icon and click Printer server properties.

13. Edit the property of the new printer you have added by clicking Configure Port.

12 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

14. Select "LPR" on Protocol, type p1 (number 1) as Queue Name. Then click OK. Next
please refer to the red rectangle for choosing the correct protocol and LPR name.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 13

I-3 Accessing Web Page

1. Make sure your PC connects to the router correctly.

You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamically from the router or set
up the IP address of the computer to be the same subnet as the default IP address of
Vigor router For the detailed information, please refer to the later
section - Trouble Shooting of the guide.
2. Open a web browser on your PC and type The following window
will be open to ask for username and password.

3. Please type “admin/admin” as the Username/Password and click Login.

Info If you fail to access to the web configuration, please go to “Trouble Shooting” for
detecting and solving your problem.

14 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. Now, the Main Screen will appear.

Info The home page will be different slightly in accordance with the type of the
router you have.

5. The web page can be logged out according to the chosen condition. The default setting
is Auto Logout, which means the web configuration system will logout after 5 minutes
without any operation. Change the setting for your necessity.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 15

I-4 Changing Password

Please change the password for the original security of the router.
1. Open a web browser on your PC and type A pop-up window will
open to ask for username and password.
2. Please type “admin/admin” as Username/Password for accessing into the web user
interface with admin mode.
3. Go to System Maintenance page and choose Administrator Password.

4. Enter the login password (the default is “admin”) on the field of Old Password. Type
New Password and Confirm Password. Then click OK to continue.

Info The maximum length of the password you can set is 23 characters.

5. Now, the password has been changed. Next time, use the new password to access the
Web user interface for this router.

16 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Info Even the password is changed, the Username for logging onto the web user interface
is still “admin”.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 17

I-5 Dashboard

Dashboard shows the connection status including System Information, IPv4 Internet Access,
IPv6 Internet Access, Interface (physical connection), Security and Quick Access.
Click Dashboard from the main menu on the left side of the main page.

A web page with default selections will be displayed on the screen. Refer to the following

18 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-5-1 Virtual Panel
On the top of the Dashboard, a virtual panel (simulating the physical panel of the router)
displays the physical interface connection. It will be refreshed every five seconds. When you
move and click the mouse cursor on LAN, or WAN, related web setting page will be open for
you to configure if required.

Port Color Description

LAN Black LAN port is disconnected.
Orange LAN port is connected at 10/100 Mbps.
Green LAN port is connected at 1 Gbps.
WAN Black WAN port is disconnected.
Orange WAN port is connected at 10/100 Mbps.
Green WAN port is connected at 1 Gbps.

For detailed information about the LED display, refer to I-1-1 LED Indicators and

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 19

I-5-2 Quick Access for Common Used Menu
All the menu items can be accessed and arranged orderly on the left side of the main page for
your request. However, some important and common used menu items which can be
accessed in a quick way just for convenience.
Look at the right side of the Dashboard. You will find a group of common used functions
grouped under Quick Access.
The function links of System Status, Dynamic DDNS, TR-069, User Management, IM/P2P Block,
Schedule, Syslog/Mail Alert, LDAP, RADIUS, Firewall Object Setting and Data Flow Monitor are
displayed here. Move your mouse cursor on any one of the items and click on it. The
corresponding setting page will be open immediately.

Besides, LAN, WAN interfaces, VPN security settings such as Remote Dial-in User and LAN to
LAN also can be accessed on this page easily. Scroll down the page to find them and move
your mouse cursor on the item to open the configuration web page.

20 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Note that there is a plus ( ) icon located on the left side of VPN/LAN. Click it to review the
LAN connection(s) used presently.

All of the hosts (including wireless clients) displayed with Host ID, IP Address and MAC address
indicates that the traffic would be transmitted through LAN port(s) and then the WAN port.
The purpose is to perform the traffic monitor of the host(s).

I-5-3 GUI Map

All the functions the router supports are listed with table clearly in this page. Users can click
the function link to access into the setting page of the function for detailed configuration.
Click the icon on the top of the main screen to display all the functions.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 21

I-5-4 Web Console

It is not necessary to use the telnet command via DOS prompt. The changes made by using
web console have the same effects as modified through web user interface. The
functions/settings modified under Web Console also can be reviewed on the web user
Click the Web Console icon on the top of the main screen to open the following screen.

I-5-5 Config Backup

There is one way to store current used settings quickly by clicking the Config Backup icon. It
allows you to backup current settings as a file. Such configuration file can be restored by
using System Maintenance>>Configuration Backup.
Simply click the icon on the top of the main screen.

22 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-5-6 Manual Download

Click this icon to open online user’s guide of Vigor router. This document offers detailed
information for the settings on web user interface.

I-5-7 Logout

Click this icon to exit the web user interface.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 23

I-5-8 Online Status

I-5-8-1 Physical Connection

Such page displays the physical connection status such as LAN connection status, WAN
connection status, ADSL information, and so on.
Physical Connection for IPv4 Protocol

24 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Physical Connection for IPv6 Protocol

Detailed explanation (for IPv4) is shown below:

Item Description
LAN Status Primary DNS-Displays the primary DNS server address for
WAN interface.
Secondary DNS -Displays the secondary DNS server address
for WAN interface.
IP Address-Displays the IP address of the LAN interface.
TX Packets-Displays the total transmitted packets at the
LAN interface.
RX Packets-Displays the total received packets at the LAN
WAN1 to WAN8 Status Enable – Yes in red means such interface is available but
not enabled. Yes in green means such interface is enabled.
Line – Displays the physical connection (VDSL, ADSL,
Ethernet, or USB) of this interface.
Name – Display the name of the router.
Mode - Displays the type of WAN connection (e.g., PPPoE).
Up Time - Displays the total uptime of the interface.
IP - Displays the IP address of the WAN interface.
GW IP - Displays the IP address of the default gateway.
TX Packets - Displays the total transmitted packets at the
WAN interface.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 25

Item Description
TX Rate - Displays the speed of transmitted octets at the
WAN interface.
RX Packets - Displays the total number of received packets
at the WAN interface.
RX Rate - Displays the speed of received octets at the WAN

Detailed explanation (for IPv6) is shown below:

Item Description
LAN Status IP Address- Displays the IPv6 address of the LAN interface.
TX Packets-Displays the total transmitted packets at the LAN
RX Packets-Displays the total received packets at the LAN
TX Bytes - Displays the speed of transmitted octets at the
LAN interface.
RX Bytes - Displays the speed of received octets at the LAN
WAN1 to WAN8 IPv6 Status Enable – No in red means such interface is available but not
enabled. Yes in green means such interface is enabled. No in
red means such interface is not available.
Mode - Displays the type of WAN connection (e.g., TSPC).
Up Time - Displays the total uptime of the interface.
IP - Displays the IP address of the WAN interface.
Gateway IP - Displays the IP address of the default gateway.

Info The words in green mean that the WAN connection of that interface is ready for
accessing Internet; the words in red mean that the WAN connection of that interface
is not ready for accessing Internet.

I-5-8-2 Virtual WAN

Such page displays the virtual WAN connection information.
Virtual WAN are used by TR-069 management, VoIP service and so on.
The field of Application will list i-9the purpose of such WAN connection.

26 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-6 Quick Start Wizard

Quick Start Wizard can help you to deploy and use the router easily and quickly. Go to
Wizards>>Quick Start Wizard. The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login
password. After typing the password, please click Next.

On the next page as shown below, please select the WAN interface that you use. If fiber is
used, please choose WAN1; if Ethernet is used, please choose other WAN. Then click Next for
next step.

WAN1 to WAN6 will bring up different configuration page. Refer to the following for detailed

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 27

I-6-1 For WAN1 (Fiber)
WAN1 can be configured for physical mode of SFP+ (Fiber connection).

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Display Name Enter a name for the router.
Physical Type This setting will vary based on the Physical Mode.
In general, Auto negotiation is suggested.

On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type
according to the information from your ISP. For example, you should select PPPoE mode if the
ISP provides you PPPoE interface. Then click Next for next step.

28 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Ethernet WAN1 - PPPoE
1. Choose WAN1 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Service Name Enter the description of the specific network service.
Username Assign a specific valid user name provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the user name you can set is
63 characters.
Password Assign a valid password provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the password you can set is 62

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 29

Item Description
Confirm Password Re-enter the password.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. Please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. Click Next for
viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

30 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Ethernet WAN1 - Static IP
1. Choose WAN1 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click Static IP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
WAN IP Enter the IP address.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask.
Gateway Enter the IP address of gateway.
Primary DNS Enter the primary IP address for the router.
Secondary DNS Enter the secondary IP address for necessity in the future.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 31

Next Click it to get into the next setting page.
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. Please Enter the IP address information originally provided by your ISP. Then click Next
for next step.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

32 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Ethernet WAN1 - DHCP
1. Choose WAN1 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click DHCP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Host Name Enter the name of the host.
Note: The maximum length of the host name you can set is
39 characters.
MAC Some Cable service providers specify a specific MAC address
for access authentication. In such cases you need to enter
the MAC address.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 33

Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. After finished the settings above, click Next for viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

34 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-6-2 For WAN3 (Ethernet - 2.5G)
WAN3 shall be used for connection with rate 2.5G.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Display Name Enter a name for the router.
Physical Type This setting will vary based on the Physical Mode.
In general, Auto negotiation is suggested.

On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type
according to the information from your ISP. For example, you should select PPPoE mode if the
ISP provides you PPPoE interface. Then click Next for next step.

Ethernet WAN3 - PPPoE

1. Choose WAN3 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 35

2. Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Service Name Enter the description of the specific network service.
Username Assign a specific valid user name provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the user name you can set is
63 characters.
Password Assign a valid password provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the password you can set is 62
Confirm Password Re-enter the password.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

36 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. Please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. Click Next for
viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 37

Ethernet WAN3 - Static IP
1. Choose WAN3 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click Static IP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
WAN IP Enter the IP address.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask.
Gateway Enter the IP address of gateway.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

38 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. Please enter the IP address information originally provided by your ISP. Then click Next
for next step.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 39

Wireless WAN3 - DHCP
1. Choose WAN3 as the WAN Interfac. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click DHCP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Host Name Enter the name of the host.
Note: The maximum length of the host name you can set is
39 characters.
MAC Some Cable service providers specify a specific MAC address
for access authentication. In such cases you need to enter
the MAC address.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.

40 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. After finished the settings above, click Next for viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 41

I-6-3 For WAN5~WAN6 (Etherent)
WAN5~WAN8 can be configured for physical mode of Ethernet.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Display Name Enter a name for the router.
Physical Type This setting will vary based on the Physical Mode.
In general, Auto negotiation is suggested.

On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type
according to the information from your ISP. For example, you should select PPPoE mode if the
ISP provides you PPPoE interface. Then click Next for next step.

Ethernet WAN5 - PPPoE

1. Choose WAN5 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

42 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

2. Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Service Name Enter the description of the specific network service.
Username Assign a specific valid user name provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the user name you can set is
63 characters.
Password Assign a valid password provided by the ISP.
Note: The maximum length of the password you can set is 62
Confirm Password Re-enter the password.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 43

Item Description
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. Please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. Click Next for
viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

44 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Ethernet WAN5 - Static IP
1. Choose WAN5 as the WAN Interface. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click Static IP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
WAN IP Enter the IP address.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask.
Gateway Enter the IP address of gateway.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.
Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 45

3. Please enter the IP address information originally provided by your ISP. Then click Next
for next step.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

46 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Wireless WAN5 - DHCP
1. Choose WAN5 as the WAN Interfac. Click the Next button. The following page will be
open for you to specify Internet Access Type.

2. Click DHCP as the Internet Access type to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Host Name Enter the name of the host.
Note: The maximum length of the host name you can set is
39 characters.
MAC Some Cable service providers specify a specific MAC address
for access authentication. In such cases you need to enter
the MAC address.
Back Click it to return to previous setting page.
Next Click it to get into the next setting page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 47

Cancel Click it to give up the quick start wizard.

3. After finished the settings above, click Next for viewing summary of such connection.

4. Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK!!! will appear. Then, the system
status of this protocol will be shown.

5. Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.

48 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-7 Service Activation Wizard

Service Activation Wizard can guide you to activate WCF service (Web Content Filter) with a
quick and easy way. For the Service Activation Wizard is only available for admin
operation, therefore, please type “admin/admin” on Username/Password while Logging
into the web user interface.
Service Activation Wizard is a tool which allows you to use trial version of WCF directly
without accessing into the server (MyVigor) located on http://myvigor.draytek.com. For
using Web Content Filter Profile, please refer to later section Web Content Filter Profile for
detailed information.
Now, follow the steps listed below to activate WCF feature for your router.

Info Such function is available only for Admin Mode.

1. Open Wizards>>Service Activation Wizard.

2. The screen of Service Activation Wizard will be shown as follows.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 49

3. You can activate the Web content filter services and/or DDNS service at the same time
or individually. When you finish the selection, please click Next.

Info  Cryan 30-day trial is WCF which offers 30-day trial period.
 DT-DDNS, developed by DrayTek, offers one year free charge service of
dynamic DNS service for internal use.

3. Setting confirmation page will be displayed as follows, please click Activate.

Info The service will be activated and applied as the default rule configured in
Firewall>>General Setup.

4. The web page (CSM>>Web Content Filter Profile) will display the service that you have
activated according to your selection(s).

50 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 51
I-8 Registering Vigor Router

You have finished the configuration of Quick Start Wizard and you can surf the Internet at any
time. Now it is the time to register your Vigor router to MyVigor website for getting more
service. Please follow the steps below to finish the router registration.
1 Please login the web configuration interface of Vigor router by typing “admin/admin” as
User Name / Password.

2 Click Support Area>>Production Registration from the home page.

3 A Login page will be shown on the screen. Please type the account and password that
you created previously. And click Login.

52 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Info If you haven’t an accessing account, please refer to section Creating an
Account for MyVigor to create your own one. Please read the articles on the
Agreement regarding user rights carefully while creating a user account.

4 The following page will be displayed after you logging in MyVigor. Type a nickname for
the router, then click Submit.

5 When the following page appears, your router information has been added to the
database. Your router has been registered to myvigor website successfully.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 53

6 Clicking My Product for viewing the general information of the registered router on
MyVigor website.

54 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-9 VPN Client Wizard

The VPN Client Wizard will configure the router as a client to connect to a remote VPN server
using a LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel. The wizard will guide you through the setup process.

1. On the menu bar, click on Wizards, and then VPN Client Wizard.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
LAN-to-LAN Client Route Mode – All traffic between the local network and the
Mode Selection remote network bear the originating IP addresses. Select
this if the VPN server can establish routes to handle
inter-LAN traffic routing.
NAT Mode – The VPN client (local router) uses a single IP
address assigned by the VPN server (remote router) and
uses NAT to keep track of the connections. Select this if the
VPN server expects only one IP address on the local
network to communicate with the remote network.
Please choose a The profile used to store this tunnel configuration.
LAN-to-LAN Profile Selecting an index that has already been setup previously
will result in the existing setup getting overwritten by the

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 55

2. When you finish the mode and profile selection, please click Next to open the following

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Select VPN Type Select a VPN protocol for the LAN-to-LAN tunnel. Different
VPN protocols offer different levels or security and

Info The following descriptions for VPN Type are based on the Route Mode
specified in LAN-to-LAN Client Mode Selection.

56 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

If you have selected PPTP (None Encryption) or PPTP (Encryption), the following
configuration screen appears.

If you have selected IPsec, the following configuration screen appears.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 57

If you have selected SSL/L2TP, the following configuration screen appears.

If you have selected L2TP over IPsec (Nice to Have) or L2TP over IPsec (Must), the
following configuration screen appears.

Available settings are explained as follows:

58 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. The maximum length of the
Profile Name is 10 characters.
VPN Dial-Out Through The WAN interface to be used for dialing out to establish the
VPN tunnel.
WANx First - The Router first attempts to establish the VPN
tunnel using this WAN interface. When that is unsuccessful,
it will attempt to use other WAN interfaces.
WANx Only - The Router will establish the VPN tunnel using
this WAN interface only.
Always On If selected, the router will maintain the VPN connection.
Server IP/Host Name Enter the IP address or hostname of the server of the remote
for VPN VPN server.
IKE Authentication IKE Authentication Method to be used. Choose between
Method Pre-shared Key and Digital Signature (X.509).
Pre-shared Key
 Pre-Shared Key- Specify a key for IKE authentication.
 Confirm Pre-Shared Key-Confirm the pre-shared key.
Digital Signature (X.509)
 Peer ID – Select Peer ID from the dropdown list. Peer
IDs are managed using VPN and Remote Access >> IPsec
Peer Identity.
 Local ID – Select Alternative Subject Name First or
Subject Name First.
 Local Certificate – Select a certificate from the
dropdown list. Local certificates are managed using
Certificate Management >> Local Certificate.
IPsec Security Method Medium - Authentication Header (AH) means data will be
authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default, this option
is active.
High - Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) means payload
(data) will be encrypted and authenticated. You may select
encryption algorithm from Data Encryption Standard (DES),
Triple DES (3DES), and AES.
Username This field is used to authenticate for connection when you
select PPTP or L2TP with or without IPsec policy above.
The length of the user name is limited to 11 characters.
Password This field is used to authenticate for connection when you
select PPTP or L2TP with or without IPsec policy above.
The length of the password is limited to 11 characters.
Remote Network IP Please enter one LAN IP address (according to the real
location of the remote host) for building VPN connection.
Remote Network Please enter the network mask (according to the real
Mask location of the remote host) for building VPN connection.
Local Network IP Enter the local network IP for TCP / IP configuration.
Local Network Mask Enter the local network mask for TCP / IP configuration.

3. After you have entered all the required information, click Next to proceed to the
confirmation page. The confirmation page shows a summary of all the settings. If you
need to make adjustments to the settings, click Back to return to the previous page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 59

Otherwise, select one of the following actions and click Finish to save the changes to
the LAN-to-LAN VPN profile.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Go to the VPN Proceed to VPN and Remote Access>>Connection
Connection Management to manage VPN sessions.
Do another VPN Rerun the VPN Client Wizard to configure another
Client Wizard Setup LAN-to-LAN VPN profile.
View more detailed Open this profile in VPN and Remote Access>>LAN to LAN
configuration to make additional configuration changes.

60 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

I-10 VPN Server Wizard

The VPN Server Wizard can be used to set the router up as a server that accepts inbound VPN
connections from a VPN server using a LAN-to-LAN VPN tunnel.

Site-to-Site (LAN-to-LAN)
 A connection between two router's LAN networks.
 Allows employees in branch offices and head office to share the same network resources.

Remote Access (Remote Dial-in)

 A connection between the remote host and router's LAN network. The host will use an IP
address in the local subnet.
 Allows employees to access the company's internal resources when they are traveling.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 61

The wizard will guide you step by step through the setup process.

1. On the menu bar, click on Wizards, and then VPN Server Wizard.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
VPN Server Mode Type of VPN Server to be configured.
Selection Site to Site VPN (LAN-to-LAN) - Configures the VPN server
for inbound connections from other routers.
Remote Dial-in User (Teleworker) - Configures VPN server
for inbound connections from remote users.
Please choose a If the VPN Server Mode selected was Site to Site VPN
LAN-to-LAN Profile (LAN-to-LAN), choose a LAN-to-LAN profile to store this
Please choose a If the VPN Server Mode selected was Remote Dial-in User
Dial-in User Accounts (Teleworker), choose a Dial-in user profile to store this
Allowed Dial-in Type Select all VPN protocols that are allowed for this LAN-to-LAN
Profile or Dial-in User Account.
Different Dial-in Type will lead to different configuration
page. In addition, adjustable items for each dial-in type will
be changed according to the VPN Server Mode (Site to Site
VPN and Remote Dial-in User) selected.

2. After making the choices for the server profile, please click Next.

3. The following dialog box appears, reminding you to not configure IPsec fields if the
remote location has a dynamic IP address.

62 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Click OK to dismiss the dialog box and proceed to the next page.
If you have chosen to configure a LAN-to-LAN VPN profile, proceed to step 4.
If you have chosen to configure a Remote Dial-in User VPN profile, proceed to step 5.

4. The Site to Site VPN (LAN-to-LAN) configuration page appears as follows if you have
selected PPTP/SSL.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 63

If you have selected PPTP & IPsec & L2TP (three types) or PPTP & IPsec (two types) or
L2TP with Policy (Nice to Have/Must), the following configuration screen appears.

If you have selected IPsec, the following configuration screen appears.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name to identify this VPN profile.

64 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

User Name Used by the remote LAN to establish a VPN connection.
The length of the user name is limited to 11 characters.
Password Used by the remote LAN to establish a VPN connection.
The length of the password is limited to 11 characters.
Pre-Shared Key For PPTP / IPsec / IPsec XAuth / L2TP with IPsec / SSL Tunnel
authentication, you have to configure a pre-shared key
and/or digital signature.
Note that, if the remote client has a dynamic IP address, do
not enable any of the settings (PSK / Digital Signature) in this
section. Instead, configure the global IPsec settings by using
VPN and Remote Access>>IPsec General Setup.
Pre-Shared Key - Select to enter an IPsec Pre-shared Key
specific to this profile. The length of the PSK is limited to 64
Confirm Pre-Shared Key - Re-enter the Pre-shared Key again
to confirm.
Digital Signature Digital Signature (X.509) - Select to enable X.509 digital
(X.509) signature.
Peer ID – Select a predefined X.509 digital signature as the
Peer ID. Peer IDs must be configured first using VPN and
Remote Access>>IPsec Peer Identity.
Local ID – Specifies whether the Subject Name or the
Alternative Subject Name of the X.509 Peer ID is to be
checked first. Select either Alternative Subject Name First
or Subject Name First.
Peer IP/VPN Client IP Enter the WAN IP address or VPN client IP address for the
remote client.
If values are specified, only connections coming from the
specified IP address and/or having the specified Peer ID will
be accepted.
Peer ID Enter the ID name for the remote client.
The maximum length of the peer ID is 47 characters.
If the values are specified, only connections coming from the
specified IP address and/or having the specified Peer ID will
be accepted.
Site to Sit Information
Remote Network IP Enter the IP address of the remote network.
Remote Network Enter the subnet mask of the remote network.
Local Network IP Enter the local network IP for TCP / IP configuration.
Local Network Mask Enter the local network mask for TCP / IP configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 65

5. The Remote Dial-in User (Teleworker) VPN configuration page appears as follows if you
have selected PPTP/SSL.

If you have selected IPsec /L2TP with IPsec Policy (None)/ (Nice to Have)/ (Must), the
following configuration screen appears.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
User Name Used by the remote LAN to establish a VPN connection.
The length of the user name is limited to 11 characters.
Password Used by the remote LAN to establish a VPN connection.
The length of the password is limited to 11 characters.
Peer IP/VPN Client IP Enter the WAN IP address or VPN client IP address for the

66 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

remote client.
If values are specified, only connections coming from the
specified IP address and/or having the specified Peer ID will
be accepted.
Local Network IP Enter the local network IP for TCP / IP configuration.
Local Network Mask Enter the local network mask for TCP / IP configuration.

6. After finishing the configuration, click Next to proceed to the confirmation page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Go to the VPN Proceed to VPN and Remote Access>>Connection
Connection Management to manage VPN sessions.
Do another VPN Rerun the VPN Server Wizard to configure another
Server Wizard Setup LAN-to-LAN VPN profile.
View more detailed Open this profile in VPN and Remote Access>>LAN to LAN
configuration to make additional configuration changes.

7. Click Finish to save the profile, or Back to make changes, or Cancel to exit the wizard
without saving.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 67

This page is left blank.

68 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part II Connectivity

It means wide area network. Public IP will be used in


It means local area network. Private IP will be used in

Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of subnets
regulated and ruled by router. The design of network
structure is related to what type of public IP addresses
coming from your ISP.

When the data flow passing through, the Network

Address Translation (NAT) function of the router will
dedicate to translate public/private addresses, and
the packets will be delivered to the correct host PC in
the local area network.


Static Route, Load-Balance/Route Policy

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 69

II-1 Port Setup

This page is used for configuring tranmission rate for LAN and WAN ports respectively.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Port Display the physical ports on Vigor router.
Function P1 ~ P3 - These ports are switchable between WAN and LAN
Speed P1 ~ P2 - Available options include Auto, 10G, 2.5G, 1G and
P3 ~ P10 - Available options include Auto, 1G, 100M, and 10

70 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide


It allows users to access Internet.

Basics of Internet Protocol (IP) Network

IP means Internet Protocol. Every device in an IP-based Network including routers, print
server, and host PCs, needs an IP address to identify its location on the network. To avoid
address conflicts, IP addresses are publicly registered with the Network Information Centre
(NIC). Having a unique IP address is mandatory for those devices participated in the public
network but not in the private TCP/IP local area networks (LANs), such as host PCs under the
management of a router since they do not need to be accessed by the public. Hence, the NIC
has reserved certain addresses that will never be registered publicly. These are known as
private IP addresses, and are listed in the following ranges:
From to
From to
From to

What are Public IP Address and Private IP Address

As the router plays a role to manage and further protect its LAN, it interconnects groups of
host PCs. Each of them has a private IP address assigned by the built-in DHCP server of the
Vigor router. The router itself will also use the default private IP address: to
communicate with the local hosts. Meanwhile, Vigor router will communicate with other
network devices through a public IP address. When the data flow passing through, the
Network Address Translation (NAT) function of the router will dedicate to translate
public/private addresses, and the packets will be delivered to the correct host PC in the local
area network. Thus, all the host PCs can share a common Internet connection.

Get Your Public IP Address from ISP

In ADSL deployment, the PPP (Point to Point)-style authentication and authorization is
required for bridging customer premises equipment (CPE). Point to Point Protocol over
Ethernet (PPPoE) connects a network of hosts via an access device to a remote access
concentrator or aggregation concentrator. This implementation provides users with
significant ease of use. Meanwhile it provides access control, billing, and type of service
according to user requirement.
When a router begins to connect to your ISP, a serial of discovery process will occur to ask for
a connection. Then a session will be created. Your user ID and password is authenticated via
PAP or CHAP with RADIUS authentication system. And your IP address, DNS server, and other
related information will usually be assigned by your ISP.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 71

Web User Interface

II-2-1 General Setup

This section will introduce some general settings of Internet and explain the connection
modes for WAN1~WAN6 in details.
This router supports multiple-WAN function. It allows users to access Internet and combine
the bandwidth of the multiple WANs to speed up the transmission through the network. Each
WAN port can connect to different ISPs, Even if the ISPs use different technology to provide
telecommunication service (such as DSL, Cable modem, etc.). If any connection problem
occurred on one of the ISP connections, all the traffic will be guided and switched to the
normal communication port for proper operation. Please configure WAN# settings.
This webpage allows you to set general setup for WAN# respectively.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Load Balance Mode This option is available for multiple-WAN for getting enough
bandwidth for each WAN port. If you know the practical
bandwidth for your WAN interface, please choose the setting
of According to Line Speed. Otherwise, please choose Auto
Weight to let the router reach the best load balance.
IP Based - The same source / destination IP pair will select
the same WAN interface as policy. It is the default setting.
Session Based- All of the WAN interfaces will be used (as
out-going WAN) for passing through new sessions to get
better transmission speed. Though good speed test result for
throughput might be reached; however, some web site may
not open smoothly, especially the site need authentication,
e.g., FTP.
If you have no strong demand about speed test result, keep
default settings as IP based.
Index (WAN1 ~WAN6) Click the WAN interface link under Index to access into the

72 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

WAN configuration page.
Enable Check the box to enable this WAN interface.
Physical Mode / Type / Display the physical mode, physical type, and LAN port of
Port this WAN interface.
Line Speed(Kbps) Display the downstream and upstream rate of this WAN
DownLink/UpLink interface.

Active Mode Display whether this WAN interface is Active device or

backup device.
Backup (WAN#)- Display the backup WAN interface for this
WAN when it is disabled.
Load Balance V means the function of load balance for such WAN interface
is enabled.

Info In default, each WAN port is enabled.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

To configure WAN interface settings, click the WAN# link to open the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Choose Yes to invoke the settings for this WAN interface.
Choose No to disable the settings for this WAN interface.
Display Name Type the description for such WAN interface.
Physical Mode Display the physical mode of such WAN interface.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 73

Physical Type You can change the physical type for WAN or choose Auto
negotiation for determined by the system.
Line Speed If your choose According to Line Speed as the Load
Balance Mode, please type the line speed for downloading
and uploading for such WAN interface. The unit is kbps.
VLAN Tag insertion Enable – Enable the function of VLAN with tag.
The router will add specific VLAN number to all packets on
the WAN while sending them out.
Please type the tag value and specify the priority for the
packets sending by WAN1.
Disable – Disable the function of VLAN with tag.
Tag value – Type the value as the VLAN ID number. The
range is form 0 to 4095.
Priority – Type the packet priority number for such VLAN.
The range is from 0 to 7.
Active Mode Always On - Choose Always On to make the WAN
connection being activated always.

Load Balance: Check this box to enable auto load balance

function for this WAN interface.
When the data traffic is large, the WAN interface with the
function enabled will balance the data transmission
automatically among all of the WAN interfaces in
connection status.
Failover – Choose it to make the WAN connection as a
backup connection.
 WAN Failure – When the active WAN failed, such WAN
will be activated as the main network connection.
 Traffic Threshold – When the data traffic of active
WAN reaches the traffic threshold (specified here),
the failover WAN will be enabled automatically to
share the overloaded data traffic.
Active When If you choose Failover as the Active Mode, the option of
Active When will appear.
 Any of the selected WAN disconnect – Such WAN
connection will be activated when any selected WAN
interface (checked below) disconnects.
 All of the selected WAN disconnect – Such WAN
connection will be activated only when all of selected
WAN interfaces (checked below) disconnect.
 Check boxes for WAN1 to WAN6 – Specify the WAN
interface by checking the WAN box.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

74 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-2-2 Internet Access
For the router supports multi-WAN function, the users can set different WAN settings for
Internet Access. Due to different Physical Mode for WAN interface, the Access Mode for these
connections also varies. Refer to the following figures.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Display the WAN interface.
Display Name It shows the name of the WAN1 ~ WAN6 that entered in
general setup.
Physical Mode / Port It shows the physical connection for WAN(Ethernet) /port
number according to the real network connection.
Access Mode Use the drop down list to choose a proper access mode. The
details page of that mode will be popped up. If not, click
Details Page for accessing the page to configure the settings.
Details Page This button will open different web page (based on IPv4)
according to the access mode that you choose in WAN
Note that Details Page will be changed slightly based on
physical mode.
IPv6 This button will open different web page (based on Physical
Mode) to setup IPv6 Internet Access Mode for WAN interface.
If IPv6 service is active on this WAN interface, the color of
“IPv6” will become green.
DHCP Client Option This button allows you to configure DHCP client options.
DHCP packets can be processed by adding option number and
data information when such function is enabled and

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 75

Enable – Check the box to enable the function of DHCP
Option. Each DHCP option is composed by an option number
with data. For example,
Option number:100
Data: abcd
When such function is enabled, the specified values for DHCP
option will be seen in DHCP reply packets.
Interface – Specify the WAN interface(s) that will be
overwritten by this function. WAN13 ~ WAN52 can be located
under WAN>>Multi-VLAN.
Option Number – Type a number for such function.
DataType – Choose the type (ASCII or Hex) for the data to be
Data – Type the content of the data to be processed by the
function of DHCP option.

Info If you choose to configure option 61 here, the detailed settings in WAN>>Interface
Access will be overwritten.

76 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-2-2-1 Details Page for PPPoE
To choose PPPoE as the accessing protocol of the Internet, please select PPPoE from the
WAN>>Internet Access >>WAN3 page. The following web page will be shown.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable/Disable Enable or disable PPPoE access mode.
ISP Access Setup Enter your allocated username, password and authentication
parameters according to the information provided by your
Username – Username provided by the ISP for PPPoE
Password – Password provided by the ISP for PPPoE
More Options -
 Service Name (Optional) - Sets the PPP service name
tag. Required by some ISPs. Leave blank unless
instructed otherwise by your ISP.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose PPP Detect or Ping Detect for the system to
execute for WAN detection.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 77

to enter required settings for the following items.
 Primary/Secondary Ping IP – Enter Primary or Secondary
IP address in this field for pinging.
 Ping Gateway IP – Enable this setting to use current WAN
gateway IP address for pinging.
With the IP address(es) pinging, Vigor router can check if
the WAN connection is on or off.
 TTL (Time to Live) – Time To Live, the maximum allowed
number of hops to the ping destination. Valid values
range from 1 to 255.
 Ping Interval – Enter the interval for the system to
execute the PING operation.
 Ping Retry – Enter the number of times that the system is
allowed to execute the PING operation before WAN
disconnection is judged.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit, the size of the largest packet,
in bytes, that can be transmitted to the WAN. The maximum
value is 1500. For PPPoE connections, there is always an
8-byte overhead, so the maximum valid MTU value for PPPoE
is 1492.
Path MTU Discovery – Use this feature to determine the
optimal MTU size for the WAN.
Click Path MTU Discovery to open the following dialog.

 Path MTU to – Select Host / IP, for an IPv4 address or

Host / IPv6, for an IPv6 address, and then enter the IP
address in the textbox.
 MTU size start from – Determine the starting point
value of the packet.
 MTU reduce size by – Number of octets by which to
decrease the 1500-byte MTU. Start with a 0 value for
the reduce size and click the Detect button. If the
message Fail is returned, increase the MTU reduce size
and try again. Repeat until you see the message
Success, indicating that the optimal MTU size has been
 Detect – Click it to detect a suitable MTU value.
 Accept – After clicking it, the detected value will be
displayed in the field of MTU.
PPP/MP Setup PPP Authentication – The protocol used for PPP
 PAP only - Only PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
is used.
(Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) can be
used for PPP authentication. Router negotiates with the
PPTP or L2TP server to determine which protocol to

78 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Idle Timeout – Set the timeout for breaking down the
Internet after passing through the time without any action.
Assignment (IPCP) - Configure the router according to how
your ISP allocates WAN IP address(es) to you.
 Static - ISP has assigned a fixed WAN IP address, which
is to be entered below in Fixed IP Address.
 Dynamic - WAN IP address is dynamically allocated.
Fixed IP Address – Enter a fixed IP address.
WAN IP Alias - Click to enter multiple WAN IP addresses
assigned by your ISP.

Dial-Out Schedule Specify up to 4 time schedule entries to enable or disable the

WAN. All the schedules can be set previously in Applications
>> Schedule web page and you can use the number that you
have set in that web page.
TTL Change the TTL value – Enable or disable the TTL (Time to
Live) for a packet transmitted through Vigor router.
 If enabled - TTL value will be reduced (-1) when it
passess through Vigor router. It will cause the client,
accessing Internet through Vigor router, be blocked by
certain ISP when TTL value becomes “0”.
 If disabled – TTL value will not be reduced. Then, when
a packet passes through Vigor router, it will not be
cancelled. That is, the client who sends out the packet
will not be blocked by ISP.
MAC Default MAC Address – Use the default MAC address for the
WAN Ethernet port.
Specify a MAC Address – Specify a MAC address for the WAN
Ethernet port. Select this option if your ISP authenticates by
MAC addresses.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 79

II-2-2-2 Details Page for Static or Dynamic IP
For static IP mode, you usually receive a fixed public IP address or a public subnet, namely
multiple public IP addresses from your DSL or Cable ISP service providers. In most cases, a
Cable service provider will offer a fixed public IP, while a DSL service provider will offer a
public subnet. If you have a public subnet, you could assign an IP address or many IP address
to the WAN interface.
To use Static or Dynamic IP as the accessing protocol of the internet, please click the Static
or Dynamic IP tab. The following web page will be shown.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable/Disable Enable or disable Static or Dynamic IP access mode.
IP Network Settings Obtain an IP address automatically – The router receives IP
configuration information from a DHCP server.
More Options - Click to set more options.
 Router Name – Used by some ISPs. Contact your ISP for
the appropriate values.
 Domain Name –Used by some ISPs. Contact your ISP for
the appropriate values.
 Enable DHCP Client Identifier* - Used by some ISPs
that authenticates using DHCP Client Identifier (Option
61). To enable, tick this box and fill out the Username
and Password fields below.
Specify an IP address –Use the IP address, Subnet Mask and
Gateway values specified below.
 IP Address –WAN IP address assigned by the ISP.
 Subnet Mask –WAN subnet mask.

80 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

 Gateway IP Address – IP address of the WAN Gateway.
WAN IP Alias - Click to enter multiple WAN IP addresses
assigned by your ISP.

DNS Server IP Address Primary IP Address - IP address of primary DNS server.

Secondary IP Address - IP address of secondary DNS server.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose ARP Detect, Ping Detect, Always On or Strict
ARP Detect for the system to execute for WAN detection.
 ARP Detect - The router broadcasts an ARP request
every 5 seconds. If no response is received within 30
seconds, the WAN connection is deemed to have failed.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On- The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Primary/Secondary Ping IP – Enter Primary or
Secondary IP address in this field for pinging.
 Ping Gateway IP – Enable this setting to use current
WAN gateway IP address for pinging.
With the IP address(es) pinging, Vigor router can check
if the WAN connection is on or off.
 TTL (Time to Live) – Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 81

 Ping Interval – Enter the interval for the system to
execute the PING operation.
 Ping Retry – Enter the number of times that the system
is allowed to execute the PING operation before WAN
disconnection is judged.

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit, the size of the largest packet,

in bytes, that can be transmitted to the WAN. The maximum
value is 1500. For PPPoE connections, there is always an
8-byte overhead, so the maximum valid MTU value for PPPoE
is 1492.
Path MTU Discovery – Use this feature to determine the
optimal MTU size for the WAN.
Click Path MTU Discovery to open the following dialog.

 Path MTU to – Select Host / IP, for an IPv4 address or

Host / IPv6, for an IPv6 address, and then enter the IP
address in the textbox.
 MTU size start from – Determine the starting point
value of the packet.
 MTU reduce size by – Number of octets by which to
decrease the 1500-byte MTU. Start with a 0 value for
the reduce size and click the Detect button. If the
message Fail is returned, increase the MTU reduce size
and try again. Repeat until you see the message
Success, indicating that the optimal MTU size has been
 Detect – Click it to detect a suitable MTU value.
 Accept – After clicking it, the detected value will be
displayed in the field of MTU.
Keep WAN Connection Enable PING to keep alive - If selected, ping a WAN host to
maintain the connection. If unselected, ping to keep WAN
alive is disabled.
PING to the IP - IP address of host to be pinged.
PING Interval - Number of minutes to wait before sending a
ping request to the WAN host.
TTL Change the TTL value – Check the box to enable the TTL
(Time to Live) for a packet transmitted through Vigor router.
 If enabled - TTL value will be reduced (-1) when it
passess through Vigor router. It will cause the client,
accessing Internet through Vigor router, be blocked by
certain ISP when TTL value becomes “0”.
 If disabled – TTL value will not be reduced. Then, when
a packet passes through Vigor router, it will not be
cancelled. That is, the client who sends out the packet
will not be blocked by ISP.

82 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

RIP Protocol Routing Information Protocol is abbreviated as RIP(RFC1058).
If selected, the router can exchange routing information
with other routers.
Bridge Mode Enable Bridge Mode - If selected, the router will bridge the
WAN connection to a LAN group.
Enable Full Bridge Mode - If the function is enabled, the
router will work as a bridge modem which is able to forward
incoming packets with VLAN tags.
Enable Firewall – It is available when Bridge Mode is
enabled. When both Bridge Mode and Firewall check boxes
are enabled, the settings configured (user profiles) under
User Management will be ignored. And all of the filter rules
defined and enabled in Firewall menu will be activated.
Bridge Subnet – LAN subnet to be bridged.
MAC Address Default MAC Address – Use the default MAC address for the
WAN Ethernet port.
Specify a MAC Address – Specify a MAC address for the WAN
Ethernet port. Select this option if your ISP authenticates by
MAC addresses.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 83

II-2-2-3 Details Page for IPv6 – Offline in Ethernet WAN
When Offline is selected, the IPv6 connection will be disabled.

II-2-2-4 Details Page for IPv6 – PPP

IPv6 WAN address is assigned along with the IPv4 WAN address during PPPoE negotiation. This
IPv6 access mode requires that the IPv4 uses PPPoE.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Ping Detect or Always On for the system to
execute for the WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter IP address in this field for

84 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

 TTL (Time to Live) – Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

RIPng Protocol RIPng (RIP next generation) offers the same functions and
benefits as IPv4 RIP v2.

Below shows an example for successful IPv6 connection based on PPP mode.

Info At present, the IPv6 prefix can be acquired via the PPPoE mode connection which is
available for the areas such as Taiwan (hinet), the Netherlands, Australia and UK.

II-2-2-5 Details Page for IPv6 – TSPC

Tunnel setup protocol client (TSPC) is an application which could help you to connect to IPv6
network easily.
Please make sure your IPv4 WAN connection is OK and apply one free account from hexago
(http://gogonet.gogo6.com/page/freenet6-account ) before you try to use TSPC for network
connection. TSPC would connect to tunnel broker and requests a tunnel according to the
specifications inside the configuration file. It gets a public IPv6 IP address and an IPv6 prefix
from the tunnel broker and then monitors the state of the tunnel in background.
After getting the IPv6 prefix and starting router advertisement daemon (RADVD), the PC
behind this router can directly connect to IPv6 the Internet.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 85

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Username Type the name obtained from the broker. It is suggested for
you to apply another username and password for
The maximum length of the name you can set is 63
Password Enter the password assigned with the user name.
Tunnel Broker Enter the address for the tunnel broker IP, FQDN or an
optional port number.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Ping Detect or Always On for the system to
execute for the WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) – Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

86 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-2-2-6 Details Page for IPv6 – AICCU

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Always On If selected, always attempt to reconnect if connection is
If unselected, reconnect up to 3 times if connection is lost.
Username Login Username.
Enter the name obtained from the broker. Please apply new
account at http://www.sixxs.net/. It is suggested for you to
apply another username and password.
Password Login Password.
Enter the password.
Tunnel Broker Address of the tunnel broker. The server can provide IPv6
tunnels to sites or end users over IPv4.
Enter the address for the tunnel broker IP, FQDN or an
optional port number.
Tunnel ID One user account may have several tunnels. And, each
tunnel shall have one specified tunnel ID (e.g., T115394).
Type the ID offered by Tunnel Broker.
Subnet Prefix Type the subnet prefix address obtained from service
The maximum length of the prefix you can set is 128

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 87

WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Ping Detect or Always On for the system to
execute for the WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter an IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) – Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

88 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-2-2-7 Details Page for IPv6 – DHCPv6 Client
DHCPv6 client mode would use DHCPv6 protocol to obtain IPv6 address from server.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
DHCPv6 Client IAID - Unique integer that identifies this WAN interface.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Always On, Ping Detect or NS Detect for the
system to execute for WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
 NS Detect - The router verifies connectivity by issuing
Neighbor Solicitation packets.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter an IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) –Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

RIPng Protocol RIPng (RIP next generation) offers the same functions and
benefits as IPv4 RIP v2.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 89

Bridge Mode Enable Bridge Mode - If selected, the router will bridge the
WAN connection to a LAN group.
Enable Firewall – It is available when Bridge Mode is
enabled. When both Bridge Mode and Firewall check boxes
are enabled, the settings configured (user profiles) under
User Management will be ignored. And all of the filter rules
defined and enabled in Firewall menu will be activated.
Bridge Subnet – LAN subnet to be bridged.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

II-2-2-8 Details Page for IPv6 – Static IPv6

This type allows you to setup static IPv6 address for WAN interface.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Static IPv6 Address IPv6 Address – WAN IPv6 address assigned by the ISP.
Configuration Prefix Length – Length of the IPv6 prefix.
Add – Click this button to add the values in the IPv6 Address
and Prefix Length fields to the IPv6 address table.
Update - Click it to modify an existed entry.
Delete – To remove an IPv6 address, select it by clicking on

90 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

the entry in the Current IPv6 Address Table, then click the
Delete button.
Current IPv6 Address Display current interface IPv6 address.
Static IPv6 Gateway IPv6 Gateway Address - IPv6 address of the ISP gateway.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Always On, Ping Detect or NS Detect for the
system to execute for WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
 NS Detect - The router verifies connectivity by issuing
Neighbor Solicitation packets.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter an IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) –Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

RIPng Protocol RIPng (RIP next generation) offers the same functions and
benefits as IPv4 RIP v2.
Bridge Mode Enable Bridge Mode - If selected, the router will bridge the
WAN connection to a LAN group.
Enable Firewall – It is available when Bridge Mode is
enabled. When both Bridge Mode and Firewall check boxes
are enabled, the settings configured (user profiles) under
User Management will be ignored. And all of the filter rules
defined and enabled in Firewall menu will be activated.
Bridge Subnet – LAN subnet to be bridged.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

II-2-2-9 Details Page for IPv6 – 6in4 Static Tunnel

This type allows you to setup 6in4 Static Tunnel for WAN interface.
Such mode allows the router to access IPv6 network through IPv4 network.
However, 6in4 offers a prefix outside of 2002::0/16. So, you can use a fixed endpoint rather
than anycast endpoint. The mode has more reliability.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 91

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
6in4 Static Tunnel Remote Endpoint IPv4 Address - WAN IPv6 address assigned
by the tunnel provider.
6in4 IPv6 Address - WAN IPv6 address and prefix length
assigned by the tunnel provider.
LAN Routed Prefix - LAN IPv6 address prefix and prefix
Tunnel TTL - Time to live value, which is the maximum
number of hops allowed to the endpoint.
WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Always On or Ping Detect for the system to
execute for WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter an IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) –Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

Below shows an example for successful IPv6 connection based on 6in4 Static Tunnel mode.

92 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 93
II-2-2-10 Details Page for IPv6 – 6rd
This type allows you to setup 6rd for WAN interface.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
6rd Settings Auto 6rd - Used in conjunction with DHCPv4, the router
automatically provisions IPv6 using option 212.
Static 6rd - IPv6 configuration information is manually
Static 6rd Settings IPv4 Border Relay - Enter the IPv4 addresses of the 6rd
Border Relay for a given 6rd domain.
IPv4 Mask Length - Number of high-order bits that are
identical in the IPv4 addresses within the 6rd domain. These
bits are excluded when constructing the 6rd delegated
It may be any value between 0 and 32.
6rd Prefix - Enter the 6rd IPv6 address.
6rd Prefix Length - Enter the IPv6 prefix length for the 6rd
IPv6 prefix in number of bits.

94 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

WAN Connection Configures how the WAN connection is monitored.
Detection Mode – Choose Always On or Ping Detect for the system to
execute for WAN detection.
 Ping Detect - The router sends an ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) echo request every second to
the host, whose address is specified in the Ping IP field,
to verify the WAN connection. If the remote host does
not respond within 30 seconds, the WAN connection is
deemed to have failed.
 Always On - The router assumes the WAN connection is
always active.
If you choose Ping Detect as the detection mode, you have
to enter required settings for the following items.
 Ping IP/Hostname – Enter an IP address in this field for
 TTL (Time to Live) –Time To Live, the maximum
allowed number of hops to the ping destination. Valid
values range from 1 to 255.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

Below shows an example for successful IPv6 connection based on 6rd mode.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 95

II-2-3 Multi-VLAN
Multi-VLAN lets you configure multiple VLAN groups.
Channel 1 to 8 have the following fixed assignments and cannot be altered.
Channels 13 through 52 can be configured as virtual WANs.

The system allows you to set up to eight channels used as multi-VLAN.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Channel Display the number of each channel.
Channels 1~6 are used by the Internet Access web user
interface and can not be configured here.
Channels 13 ~ 52 are configurable.
Enable Display whether the settings in this channel are enabled
(checked) or not (unchecked).
WAN Type Displays the physical medium that the channel will use.
VLAN Tag Displays the VLAN tag value that will be used for the packets
traveling on this channel.

96 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Click any index (13~52) to get the following web page:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Channel 13~52 Enable – Click it to enable the configuration of this channel.
Disable –Click it to disable the configuration of this channel.
WAN Type The connections and interfaces created in every channel may
select a specific WAN type to be built upon. In the
Multi-VLAN application, only the Ethernet WAN type is
available. The user will be able to select the physical WAN
interface the channel shall use here.
General Settings VLAN Tag – Type the value as the VLAN ID number. Valid
settings are in the range from 1 to 4095. The network traffic
flowing on each channel will be identified by the system via
their VLAN Tags. Channels using the same WAN type may not
configure the same VLAN tag value.
Priority – Choose the number to determine the packet
priority for such VLAN. The range is from 0 to 7.
Open Port-based Bridge If selected, bridge this channel to one or more LAN ports.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 97

Connection for this Physical Members – If selected, a channel is bridged to this
Channel LAN port.
Note: LAN port P10 is reserved for NAT use and cannot be
selected for bridging.
Open WAN Interface for If selected, NAT (Network Address Translation) will be
this Channel applied to this channel to create a virtual WAN. The virtual
WAN carries the same number as the channel itself.
WAN Application – The intended usage of this channel.
 Management – The router can be managed using the
web-based configuration, telnet and TR-069 via this
 IPTV - IGMP packets can be sent to IPTV servers on this
WAN Setup - The WAN access method of this channel.
Available options are PPPoE/PPPoA and Static or Dynamic IP.
 PPPoE/PPPoA - When PPPoE/PPPoA is selected, the ISP
Access Setup and IP Address From ISP settings are
available for configuration, and will be used to establish
the WAN connection.
 Static or Dynamic IP - When Static or Dynamic IP is
selected, the WAN IP Network Settings and DNS Server IP
Address settings are available for configuration, and will
be used to establish the WAN connection.
ISP Access Setup Enter your allocated username, password and authentication
parameters according to the information provided by your
Username – Name provided by the ISP for PPPoE/PPPoA
authentication. Maximum length is 62 characters.
Password – Password provided by the ISP for PPPoE/PPPoA
authentication. Maximum length is 62 characters.
PPP Authentication –The protocol used for PPP
 PAP only- Only PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
is used.
 PAP or CHAP- Both PAP and CHAP (Challenge-Handshake
Authentication Protocol) can be used for PPP
authentication. Router negotiates with the PPTP or L2TP
server to determine which protocol to use.
Always On – If selected, the router will maintain the
PPPoE/PPPoA connection.
Idle Timeout – Maximum length of time, in seconds, of idling
allowed (no traffic) before the connection is dropped.
IP Address from ISP - Specifies how the WAN IP address of
the channel configured.
 Fixed IP
Yes - IP address entered in the Fixed IP Address field
will be used as the IP address of the virtual WAN.
No - Virtual WAN IP address will be assigned by the
ISP’s PPPoE/PPPoA server.
 Fixed IP Adderss - Enter an IP address.

WAN IP Network Settings Obtain an IP address automatically – Select this option if the
router is to receive IP configuration information from a DHCP
 Router Name – Sets the value of DHCP Option 12, which

98 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

is used by some ISPs.
 Domain Name – Sets the value of DHCP Option 15,
which is used by some ISPs.
Specify an IP address – Select this option to manually enter
the IP address.
 IP Address – Enter the IP address.
 Subnet Mask – Enter the subnet mask.
 Gateway IP Address – Enter gateway IP address.
DNS Server IP Address - Enter the primary IP address for the
router if you want to use Static IP mode. If necessary, Enter
secondary IP address for necessity in the future.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings and return to previous page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 99

II-2-4 WAN Budget
This function is used to determine the data traffic volume for each WAN interface
respectively to prevent overcharges for data transmission by the ISP. Please note that the
Quota Limit and Billing cycle day of month settings will need to be configured correctly first
in order for some period calculations to be performed correctly.
The WAN Budget feature allows you to conveniently keep track of Internet traffic volume.
You can:
- set up calendar cycles to monitor;
- limit your Internet usage according to your ISP's quota;
- set up action(s) to take when the quota is exceeded.

II-2-4-1 General Setup

Item Description
Index The WAN port.
Click to configure WAN Budget for a particular WAN.
Enable Check the box to enable the WAN Budget.
Quota The current cycle’s Internet usage is expressed as x/y where
x is the cumulative usage and y is the upper limit. For
example, 100MB/200MB means the usage thus far in this
cycle is 100MB, and the upper limit is 200MB.
When quota exceeded Actions to be taken once the quota is reached.
Shutdown – WAN will be disabled.
Mail Alert – Email will be sent to the administrator.
Time cycle Reset frequency of the usage data.
Monthly – The Monthly option in the Criterion and Action
tab was used to set up the usage quota.
User Defined: The User Defined option in the Criterion and
Action tab was used to set up the usage qota.
Duration Start and end timestamps of the current cycle.

Click WAN1 (to WAN8) link to open the following web page.

100 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable When selected, WAN Budget is enabled for this WAN.
Quota Limit Enter the data traffic quota allowed for such WAN interface.
There are two unit (MB and GB) offered for you to specify.
When quota exceeded Check the box(es) as the condition(s) for the system to
perform when the traffic has exceeded the budget limit.
Shutdown WAN interface – All the outgoing traffic through
such WAN interface will be terminated.
 Using Notification Object – The system will send out a
notification based on the content of the notification
 Set Mail Alert – The system will send out a warning
message to the administrator when the quota is running
out. However, the connection charges will be
calculated continuously.
 Set SMS message - The system will send out SMS
message to the administrator when the quota is running
Monthly Some ISP might apply for the network limitation based on the
traffic limit per month. This setting is to offer a mechanism
of resetting the traffic record every month.

Data quota resets on day … – You can determine the starting

day in one month.
Custom This setting allows the user to define the billing cycle
according to his request. The WAN budget will be reset with
an interval of billing cycle.
Monthly is default setting. If long period or a short period is
required, use Custom. The period of cycle duration is
between 1 day and 60 days. You can determine the cycle

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 101

duration by specifying the days and the hours. In addition,
you can specify which day of today is in a cycle.
Use Cycle in hours –

 Cycle duration: Specify the days and hours to reset the

traffic record. For example, 7 means the whole cycle is 7
days; 20 means the whole cycle is 20 days. When the time
is up, the router will reset the traffic record
 Today is day – Specify the day in the cycle as the starting
point which Vigor router will reset the traffic record. For
example, “3” means the third day of the cycle duration.
Use Cycle in days -

 Cycle duration: Specify the days to reset the traffic

record. For example, 7 means the whole cycle is 7 days;
20 means the whole cycle is 20 days. When the time is up,
the router will reset the traffic record automatically.
 Today is day – Specify the day and time for data quota
rest in the cycle as the starting point which Vigor router
will reset the traffic record. For example, “3” means the
third day of the cycle duration.

After finished the above settings, click OK to save the settings.

102 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-2-4-2 Status
The status page displays the status WAN budget, including the duration and the usage.

If the WAN budget is exhausted, a lock will be displayed on the page if Shutdown WAN
interface is selected. Which means no data transmission will be carried out. Moreover, the
system will send out a warning message to the administrator if Mail Alert is selected. Or, the
system will send out SMS message to the administrator if SMS message is selected.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 103


A LAN(Local Area Network) comprises a collection of LAN clients, which are networked
devices on your premises. A LAN client can be a computer, a printer, a Voice-over-IP (VoIP)
phone, a mobile phone, a gaming console, an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), etc, and can
have either a wired (using Ethernet cabling) or wireless (using Wi-Fi) network connection.
LAN clients within the same LAN are normally able to communicate with one another directly,
as they are peers to one another, unless measures, such as firewalls or VLANs, have been put
in place to restrict such access. Nowadays the most common LAN firewalls are implemented
on the LAN client itself. For example, Microsoft Windows since Windows XP and Apple OS X
have built-in firewalls that can be configured to restrict traffic coming in and going out of the
computer. VLANs, on the other hand, are usually set up using network switches or routers.
To communicate with the hosts outside of the LAN, LAN clients have to go through a network
gateway, which in most cases is a router that sits between the LAN and the ISP network,
which is the WAN. The router acts as a director to ensure traffic between the LAN and the
WAN reach their intended destinations.

IP Address
On most broadband networks, the ISP assigns a single WAN IP address to the subscriber. All
LAN clients have to share this WAN IP address when accessing the Internet. To achieve this, a
technique called Network Address Translation (NAT) is used. Under NAT, a private block of IP
addresses is assigned to the LAN clients, which communicate with WAN hosts through the
router, also known as the gateway.
On outgoing traffic to the WAN, the router makes note that a LAN client has attempted to
reach a WAN host, and forwards the request to the intended WAN recipient.
On traffic incoming to the LAN from a WAN host, the router checks its records to see if a
matching outstanding request from a LAN client to this WAN host exists, and if so, forwards it
to the LAN client. Otherwise, the traffic is dropped.
There are 3 distinct blocks of IPv4 address that are reserved for use as private IP addresses on
a LAN.

Name IP Address Range Number of Available Largest Subnet Mask

24-bit Block to 16,777,216
20-bit Block to 1,048,576
16-bit Block to 65,536

The default beginning IP Address of LAN 1 is, and the Subnet Mask is, for a total of 254 assignable IP addresses, from to
The final IP address of the selected range is reserved for routing and cannot be assigned to a
LAN client.
In most cases, the default IP address block should work satisfactorily. However, there are
situations where you need to select a different address block, such as when you need to
communicate with other LANs that already use the same address block.
Private IP addresses can be assigned automatically to LAN clients using Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), or manually assigned. The DHCP server can either be the
router (the most common case), or a separate server, that hands out IP addresses to DHCP

104 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Alternatively, static IP addresses can be manually configured on LAN clients as part of their
network settings. No matter how IP addresses are configured, it is important that no two
devices get the same IP address. If both DHCP and static assignment are used on a network, it
is important to exclude the static IP addresses from the DHCP IP pool. For example, if your
LAN uses the 192.168.1.x subnet and you have 20 DHCP clients and 20 static IP clients, you
could configure as the Start IP Address, 50 as the IP Pool Counts (enough for the
current number of DHCP clients, plus room for future expansion), and use addresses greater
than for static assignment.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 105

Web User Interface

To begin configuring the LAN settings, select LAN>>General Settings from the menu bar of the
Web UI.

II-3-1 General Setup

This page provides you the general settings for LAN. Click LAN to open the LAN settings page
and choose General Setup.
There are several subnets provided by the router which allow users to divide groups into
different subnets (LAN2 – LAN100). In addition, different subnets can link for each other by
configuring Inter-LAN Routing. At present, LAN1 setting is fixed with NAT mode only. LAN2 –
LAN50 can be operated under NAT or Route mode. IP Routed Subnet can be operated under
Route mode.
LAN 1 is always enabled and is used as the default subnet. LANs 2 to 100 are subnets to be
used in conjunction with Virtual LANs (VLANs). Each VLAN can be configured to allow or
disallow communication with other VLANs using the Inter-LAN Routing matrix.
To configure a subnet, select its Details Page button to bring up the LAN Details Page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
General Setup Allow to configure settings for each subnet respectively.
Index - Display all of the LAN items.

106 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enable - Basically, LAN1 status is enabled in default. LAN2 –
LAN100 and IP Routed Subnet can be configured after
enabling via LAN>>VLAN.
DHCP- LAN1 is configured with DHCP in default. If required,
please check the DHCP box for each LAN.
IP Address - Display the IP address for each LAN item. Such
information is set in default and you can not modify it.
Details Page - Click it to access into the setting page. Each
LAN will have different LAN configuration page. Each LAN
must be configured in different subnet.
IPv6 – Click it to access into the settings page of IPv6.
DHCP Server Options DHCP packets can be processed by adding option number and
data information when such function is enabled.
For detailed information, refer to later section.
Force router to use “DNS Force Vigor router to use DNS servers configured in LAN port
Server IP address”… instead of DNS servers given by the Internet Access server
(PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP or DHCP server).
Inter-LAN Routing Check the box to link two or more different subnets (LAN and
Inter-LAN Routing allows different LAN subnets to be
interconnected or isolated.
It is only available when the VLAN functionality is enabled.
Refer to section II-3-2 VLAN on how to set up VLANs.
In the Inter-LAN Routing matrix, a selected checkbox means
that the 2 intersecting LANs can communicate with each

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

Info To configure a subnet, select its Detials Page button to bring up the LAN
Details Page.

II-3-1-1 Details Page for LAN1 – Ethernet TCP/IP and DHCP Setup
This page has two tabs, LAN Ethernet TCP/IP and DHCP Setup, which sets up the IPv4 LAN
environment, and LAN IPv6 Setup, which sets up the IPv6 environment.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 107

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Network Configuration For NAT Usage,
IP Address - This is the IP address of the router. (Default:
Subnet Mask - The subnet mask, together with the IP Address
field, indicates the maximum number of clients allowed on
the subnet. (Default: 24).
LAN IP Alias –Such feature allows specifying multiple
gateways (under a switch) with different WAN interfaces for
accessing the Internet via the Vigor router.

RIP Protocol Control,

Enable –When Enabled, the router will attempt to exchange

108 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

routing information with neighbouring routers using the
Routing Information Protocol.
DHCP Server DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The
Configuration router by factory default acts a DHCP server for your network
so it automatically dispatches related IP settings to any local
user configured as a DHCP client. It is highly recommended
that you leave the router enabled as a DHCP server if you do
not have a DHCP server for your network.
If you want to use another DHCP server in the network other
than the Vigor Router’s, you can let Relay Agent help you to
redirect the DHCP request to the specified location.
Disable – Disables the built-in DHCP server on the router.
Enable Server - Enables the built-in DHCP server on the
 Start IP Address - The beginning LAN IP address that is
given out to LAN DHCP clients.
 IP Pool Counts - The maximum number of IP addresses
to be handed out by DHCP. The default value is 200.
Valid range is between 1 and 1021. The actual number
of IP addresses available for assignment is the IP Pool
Counts, or 1021 minus the last octet of the Start IP
Address, whichever is smaller.
 Gateway IP Address - The IP address of the gateway,
which is the host on the LAN that relays all traffic
coming into and going out of the LAN. The gateway is
normally the router, and therefore the Gateway IP
Address should be identical to the IP Address in the
Network Configuration section above.
 Lease Time - The maximum duration DHCP-issued IP
addresses can be used before they have to be renewed.
 Clear DHCP lease for inactive clients periodically - If
selected, the router sends ARP requests recycles IP
addresses previously assigned to inactive DHCP clients
to prevent exhaustion of the IP address pool.
Note: When Clear DHCP lease for inactive clients
periodically is enabled, router will do the following:
 Check activities of DHCP clients by ARP requests
every minute when the available DHCP IP
addresses are less than 30
 Clear DHCP lease when the client is not
responding ARP replies.
Enable Relay Agent – When selected, all DHCP requests are
forwarded to a DHCP server outside of the LAN subnet, and
whose address is specified in the DHCP Server IP Address
 DHCP Server IP Address – IP Address of the DHCP server
to which DHCP requests from LAN clients are
DNS Server IP Address DNS stands for Domain Name System. Every Internet host
must have a unique IP address, also they may have a
human-friendly, easy to remember name such as
www.yahoo.com. The DNS server converts the user-friendly
name into its equivalent IP address.
When these fields are populated, they will be used as the IP
addresses of the DNS server information in DHCPv6
responses, overriding the ISP-supplied DNS server addresses.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 109

Primary IP Address -You must specify a DNS server IP address
here because your ISP should provide you with usually more
than one DNS Server.
Secondary IP Address - You can specify secondary DNS server
IP address here because your ISP often provides you more
than one DNS Server.
The default DNS Server IP address can be found via Online

If both the Primary IP and Secondary IP Address fields are left

empty, the router will assign its own IP address to local users
as a DNS proxy server and maintain a DNS cache.
If the IP address of a domain name is already in the DNS
cache, the router will resolve the domain name immediately.
Otherwise, the router forwards the DNS query packet to the
external DNS server by establishing a WAN (e.g. DSL/Cable)

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

II-3-1-2 Details Page for IP Routed Subnet

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Network Configuration Enable/Disable - Click Enable to enable such configuration;
click Disable to disable such configuration.
For Routing Usage,

110 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IP Address - This is the IP address of the router. (Default:
Subnet Mask - The subnet mask, together with the IP Address
field, indicates the maximum number of clients allowed on
the subnet. (Default: 24).
RIP Protocol Control,
Enable – When Enabled, the router will attempt to exchange
routing information with neighbouring routers using the
Routing Information Protocol.
DHCP Server DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The
Configuration router by factory default acts a DHCP server for your network
so it automatically dispatch related IP settings to any local
user configured as a DHCP client. It is highly recommended
that you leave the router enabled as a DHCP server if you do
not have a DHCP server for your network.
Start IP Address - Enter a value of the IP address pool for the
DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses. If the
1st IP address of your router is, the starting IP
address must be or greater, but smaller than
IP Pool Counts - Enter the maximum number of PCs that you
want the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to. The default is
50 and the maximum is 253.
Lease Time - Enter the time to determine how long the IP
address assigned by DHCP server can be used.
Use LAN Port – Specify an IP for IP Route Subnet. If it is
enabled, DHCP server will assign IP address automatically for
the clients coming from P11 and/or P12. Please check the
box of P11 and P12.
Use MAC Address - Check such box to specify MAC address.
MAC Address: Enter the MAC Address of the host one by one
and click Add to create a list of hosts which can be assigned,
deleted or edited from above pool. Set a list of MAC Address
for 2nd DHCP server will help router to assign the correct IP
address of the correct subnet to the correct host. So those
hosts in 2nd subnet won’t get an IP address belonging to 1st
Add – Enter the MAC address in the boxes and click this
button to add.
Delete – Click it to delete the selected MAC address.
Edit – Click it to edit the selected MAC address.
Cancel – Click it to cancel the job of adding, deleting and

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 111

II-3-1-3 Details Page for LAN1 – IPv6 Setup
There are two configuration pages for LAN1, Ethernet TCP/IP and DHCP Setup (based on IPv4)
and IPv6 Setup. Click the tab for each type and refer to the following explanations for
detailed information. Below shows the settings page for IPv6.

It provides 2 daemons for LAN side IPv6 address configuration. One is SLAAC(stateless) and
the other is DHCPv6 Server (Stateful).

112 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable IPv6 Enables or disables IPv6 on the LAN.
WAN Primary Interface Select the WAN to be used for IPv6 traffic.
Static IPv6 Address Enter IPv6 Address and Prefix length to be added, or click an
existing IPv6 address to be deleted in the Current IPv6
Address Table below and the values will be automatically
copied over.
IPv6 Address –Type static IPv6 address for LAN.
Prefix Length – Enter the fixed value for prefix length.
Add – Click it to add a new entry.
Delete – Click it to remove an existed entry.
Unique Local Address Unique Local Addresses (ULAs) are private IPv6 addresses
(ULA) configuration assigned to LAN clients.
Off - ULA is disabled.
Manually ULA Prefix - LAN clients will be assigned ULAs
generated based on the prefix manually entered.
Auto ULA Prefix - LAN clients will be assigned ULAs using an
automatically-determined prefix.
Current IPv6 Address Display current used IPv6 addresses.
DNS Server IPv6 Address Deploy when WAN is up – The RA (router advertisement)
packets will be sent to LAN PC with DNS server information
only when network connection by any one of WAN interfaces
is up.
Enable – The RA (router advertisement) packets will be sent
to LAN PC with DNS server information no matter WAN
connection is up or not.
 Primary DNS Sever – Enter the IPv6 address for Primary
DNS server.
 Secondary DNS Server –Type another IPv6 address for
DNS server if required.
Disable – DNS server will not be used.
Management Configures the Managed Address Configuration flag (M-bit) in
Route Advertisements.
 Off - No configuration information is sent using Route
 SLAAC(stateless) - M-bit is unset.
 DHCPv6(stateful) - M-bit is set, which indicates to LAN
clients that they should acquire all IPv6 configuration
information from a DHCPv6 server. The DHCPv6 server
can either be the one built into the Vigor2860, or a
separate DHCPv6 server.
Other Option (O-bit) - When selected, the Other
Configuration flag is set, which indicates to LAN clients that
IPv6 configuration information besides LAN IPv6 addresses is
available from a DHCPv6 server.
Setting the M-bit (see Management above) has the same
effect as implicitly setting the O-bit, as DHCPv6 supplies all
IPv6 configuration information, including what is indicated as
available when the O-bit is set.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 113

Other Option(O-bit) When selected, the Other Configuration flag is set, which
indicates to LAN clients that IPv6 configuration information
besides LAN IPv6 addresses is available from a DHCPv6
Setting the M-bit (see Management above) has the same
effect as implicitly setting the O-bit, as DHCPv6 supplies all
IPv6 configuration information, including what is indicated as
available when the O-bit is set.
DHCPv6 Server Enable Server –Click it to enable DHCPv6 server. DHCPv6
Server could assign IPv6 address to PC according to the
Start/End IPv6 address configuration.
Disable Server –Click it to disable DHCPv6 server.
IPv6 Address Random Allocation - Check it to assign the
DHCPv6 IP address randomly to prevent the attacks from the
IPv6 reconnaissance techniques.
Auto IPv6 range – When selected, the router’s built-in
DHCPv6 server decides the LAN IPv6 address range to be
used. When deselected, LAN IPv6 addresses given out will be
within the range as specified in the Start IPv6 Address and
End IPv6 Address.
 Start IPv6 Address / End IPv6 Address –Enter the start
and end address for IPv6 server.
Advance setting – Click the Edit button to bring up the IPv6
Advanced Settings page.

Advance setting The Advanced Settings page has additional settings for
Router Advertisement and enabling multiple WANs for IPv6

114 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Router Advertisement Configuration – Click Enable to
enable router advertisement server. The router
advertisement daemon sends Router Advertisement
messages, specified by RFC 2461, to a local Ethernet LAN
periodically and when requested by a node sending a Router
Solicitation message. These messages are required for IPv6
stateless auto-configuration.
Disable – Click it to disable router advertisement server.
Hop Limt – The value is required for the device behind the
router when IPv6 is in use. Default value of hop limit field in
Route Advertisement messages.
Min/Max Interval Time (sec) – Minimum/ Maximum time, in
seconds, between unsolicited multicast route advertisement
messages sent by the RA server.
Default Lifetime (sec) – Time, in seconds, that the router is
to be used as the default router.
Default Preference – Default preference value (Low,
Medium, High) of the router sent in route advertisement
MTU – It means Max Transmit Unit for packet. If Auto is
selected, the router determines the MTU value to send in
route advertisement messages.
RIPng Protocol – RIPng (RIP next generation) offers the same
functions and benefits as IPv4 RIP v2.
Extension WAN – In addition to the default WAN used for
IPv6 traffic specified in the WAN Primary Interface in the LAN
IPv6 Setup page, additional WANs can be selected to carry
IPv6 traffic by enabling them in the Extension WAN section.
Available WAN – Additional WANs available but not currently
selected to carry IPv6 traffic.
Selected WAN – Additional WANs selected to carry IPv6

After making changes on the Advance setting page, click the OK button to retain the changes
and return to the LAN IPv6 Setup page. Be sure to click OK on the LAN IPv6 Setup page or else
changes made on the Advance setting page will not be saved.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 115

II-3-1-4 DHCP Server Option
DHCP Options can be configured by clicking the Advanced button on the LAN General Setup

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Customized List Shows all the DHCP options that have been configured in the
Enable If selected, DHCP option entry is enabled.
If unselected, DHCP option entry is disabled.
Interface LAN interface(s) to which this entry is applicable.
Next Server IP Overrides the DHCP Next Server IP address (DHCP Option 66)
Address/SIAddr supplied by the DHCP server.
Option Number DHCP option number (e.g., 100).
DataType Type of data in the Data field:
ASCII Character - A text string. Example: /path.
Hexadecimal Digit - A hexadecimal string. Valid characters
are from 0 to 9 and from a to f. Example: 2f70617468.
Address List - One or more IPv4 addresses, delimited by
Data Data of this DHCP option.
Add To add a DHCP option entry modeled after an existing entry,
click the model entry in Customized List. The data entry
fields will be populated with values from the model entry.
After making all necessary changes for the new entry, click
Add to create it.
Update To modify an existing DHCP option entry, click on it in
Customized List. The data entry fields will be populated
with the current values from the entry. After making all
necessary changes, click Update to save the changes.
Delete To delete a DHCP option entry, click on it in Customized
List, and then click Delete.
Reset Clear the current settings.

116 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) allow you to subdivide your LAN to facilitate
management or to improve network security.
Select LAN>>VLAN from the menu bar of the Web UI to bring up the VLAN Configuration page.

Tagged VLAN
The tagged VLANs (802.1q) can mark data with a VLAN identifier. This identifier can be
carried through an onward Ethernet switch to specific ports. The specific VLAN clients can
also pick up this identifier as it is just passed to the LAN. You can set the priorities for
LAN-side QoS. You can assign each of VLANs to each of the different IP subnets that the router
may also be operating, to provide even more isolation. The said functionality is tag-based

Info Settings in this page only applied to LAN port but not WAN port.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Enables or disables VLAN functionality.
VLAN# Virtual LANs.

LAN Port P2 – P10 – Physical Ethernet ports on the router. Select the
LAN port(s) to group them under the selected VLAN.

Subnet Select a LAN subnet from LAN 1 to LAN 100 to make the
selected VLAN mapping to the specified subnet only.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 117

VLAN Tag Enable – Select to enable 802.1Q tagging on this VLAN.
The router will add specific VLAN number to all packets on
the LAN while sending them out.
Please enter the tag value and specify the priority for the
packets sending by LAN.
VID – VLAN Identifier. Valid values are form 0 to 4095. VIDs
must be unique.
Priority – Valid values are from 0 to 7, where 1 has the
lowest priority, followed by 0, and finally from 2 to 7 in
increasing order of priority.
Permit untagged device in Select to allow untagged hosts connected to LAN port P10 to
P10 to access router access the router. In case you have incorrectly configured
VLAN functionality, you will still be able to access the router
via the Web UI, and telnet and SSH shells to adjust the

Inter-LAN Routing

The Vigor router supports up to 99 VLANs. Each VLAN can be set up to use one or more of the
Ethernet ports and wireless LAN Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs). Within the grid of VLANs
(horizontal rows) and LAN interfaces (vertical columns),
 all hosts within the same VLAN (horizontal row) are visible to one another
 all hosts connected to the same LAN or WLAN interface (vertical column) are visible to
one another if
- they belong to the same VLAN, or
- they belong to different VLANs, and inter-LAN routing (LAN>>General Setup) between
them is enabled (see below).

Inter-LAN Routing allows different LAN subnets to be interconnected or isolated. It is only

available when the VLAN functionality is enabled. In the Inter-LAN Routing matrix, a selected
checkbox means that the 2 intersecting LANs can communicate with each other.

118 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor router features a hugely flexible VLAN system. In its simplest form, each of the Gigabit
LAN ports can be isolated from each other, for example to feed different companies or
departments but keeping their local traffic completely separated.

II-3-3 Bind IP to MAC

This function is used to bind the IP and MAC address in LAN to have a strengthening control in
network. With the Bind IP to MAC feature you can reserve LAN IP addresses for LAN clients.
Each reserved IP address is associated with a Media Access Control (MAC) address.
Click LAN and click Bind IP to MAC to open the setup page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable MAC addresses that have an IP address assigned on this page
will receive that IP address through DHCP.
Disable MAC address-to-IP address bindings configured on this page
are ignored by the DHCP server when assigning IP addresses
through DHCP.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 119

Strict Bind Check the box to block the connection of the IP/MAC which is
not listed in IP Bind List.
LAN clients will be assigned IP addresses according to the
MAC-to-IP address associations on this page. LAN client
whose MAC address has not been bound to an IP address will
be denied network access.
Note: Before selecting Strict Bind, make sure at least one
valid MAC address has been bound to an IP address.
Otherwise no LAN clients will have network access, and it
will not be possible to connect to the router to make changes
to its configuration.
Apply Strict Bind to Subnet – Choose the subnet(s) for
applying the rules of Bind IP to MAC.

ARP Table This table is the LAN ARP table of this router. The
information for IP and MAC will be displayed in this field.
Each pair of IP and MAC address listed in ARP table can be
selected and added to IP Bind List by clicking Add below.
Select All Select all entries in the ARP Table for manipulation.
Sort Sort the entries in the ARP Table by IP address.
Refresh Refresh the screen to reflect the current state of the ARP
Add / Update to IP Bind IP Address – Enter the IP address to be associated with a
List MAC address.
Mac Address – Enter the MAC address of the LAN client’s
network interface.
Comment –Optional comment field to identify this IP
Address–MAC Address pair.
Add It allows you to add the one you choose from the ARP table or
the IP/MAC address typed in Add and Edit to the table of IP
Bind List.
Update It allows you to edit and modify the selected IP address and
MAC address that you create before.
Delete You can remove any item listed in IP Bind List. Simply click
and select the one, and click Delete. The selected item will
be removed from the IP Bind List.
IP Bind List It displays a list for the IP bind to MAC information.

120 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Backup IP Bind List Click Backup and enter a filename to back up IP Bind List to a
Upload From File Click Browse… to select an IP Bind List backup file. Click
Restore to restore the backup and overwrite the existing

Info Before you select Strict Bind, you have to bind one set of IP/MAC address for
one PC. If not, no one of the PCs can access into Internet. And the web user
interface of the router might not be accessed.

When you finish the configuration, click OK to save the settings.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 121

II-3-4 Port Mirror/Packet Capture
The LAN Port Mirror function allows network traffic of select LAN ports to be forwarded to
another LAN port for analysis. This is useful for enforcing policies, detecting unauthorized
access, monitoring network performance, etc.
Select LAN>>LAN Port Mirror from the menu bar of the Web UI to bring up the LAN Port
Mirror configuration page.
If selecing "Continuously Send All Packets to Mirror Port", the setting page will be shown as

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Continuously Send All Select to send all packets to mirror port.
Packets to Mirror Port
Enable/Disable Select Enable to activate the function.
Select Disable to cancel the function.
Mirror Port One and only one port is selected as the mirror port, to
which traffic is to be forwarded.
Mirrored Tx Port Port(s) whose outbound traffic will be forwarded to the
mirror port.
Mirrored Rx Port Port(s) whose inbound traffic will be forwarded to the mirror
OK Save the settings.

122 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

If selecing "Download .pcap", the setting page will be shown as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Download .pcap If it is selected, the packets from the specified mirror port
can be downloaded for analysis.
Mirror Port One and only one port is selected as the mirror port, to
which traffic is to be forwarded.
Mirrored Tx Port Port(s) whose outbound traffic will be forwarded to the
mirror port.
Mirrored Rx Port Port(s) whose inbound traffic will be forwarded to the mirror
Setting Capture All Packets - All packets will be captured for
Capture with Filter - Only the packets filtered by ICMP, TCP,
UDP, or TCP/UDP will be captured for analysis.
Duration Set a period of time for Vigor router to capture the packets.
Filter Settings It is available only when Capture with Filter is selected.
Protocol - Filter the packet by using Any, ICMP, TCP, UDP,
and TCP/UDP.
IP Address - Filter the packet by IP address. If Customized IP
is selected, please enter an IP address in the entry box.
Port - It is available when TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP is selected
as the Protocol. Select Any or Customize Port. If Customize
Port is selected, please enter a port number in the entry box.
Start Click to begin the packet capturing.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 123

Stop Click to terminate the scanning job.
Download Click to download the packet capture result as a file with the
file format,.pcap.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

124 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-3-5 PPPoE Server
LAN users can access into Internet through built-in PPPoE server on Vigor router. PPPoE server
is a mechanism which can authenticate LAN users (configured in User Management>>User
Profile) and prevent ARP attack completely.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
PPPoE Server Enable – Activate the built-in PPPoE Server.
Disable – Disable the built-in PPPoE Server.
Primary DNS / Secondary Type the IP address(es) of Primary /Secondary DNS server for
DNS PPPoE Client(s) in LAN.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 125


Most ISPs allocate one WAN IP address to each subscriber. In order to simultaneously connect
multiple devices to the Internet, a technique called Network Address Translation is
Usually, the router serves as an NAT (Network Address Translation) router. NAT is a
mechanism that one or more private IP addresses can be mapped into a single public one.
Public IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, for which you may get charged. Private IP
addresses are recognized only among internal hosts.
When the outgoing packets destined to some public server on the Internet reach the NAT
router, the router will change its source address into the public IP address of the router,
select the available public port, and then forward it. At the same time, the router shall list an
entry in a table to memorize this address/port-mapping relationship. When the public server
response, the incoming traffic, of course, is destined to the router’s public IP address and the
router will do the inversion based on its table. Therefore, the internal host can communicate
with external host smoothly.
The benefit of the NAT includes:
 Save cost on applying public IP address and apply efficient usage of IP address. NAT
allows the internal IP addresses of local hosts to be translated into one public IP address,
thus you can have only one IP address on behalf of the entire internal hosts.
 Enhance security of the internal network by obscuring the IP address. There are
many attacks aiming victims based on the IP address. Since the attacker cannot be
aware of any private IP addresses, the NAT function can protect the internal network.

Info On NAT page, you will see the private IP address defined in RFC-1918.
Usually we use the subnet for the router. As stated before,
the NAT facility can map one or more IP addresses and/or service ports into
different specified services. In other words, the NAT function can be
achieved by using port mapping methods.

126 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

II-4-1 Port Redirection

Port Redirection is usually set up for server related service inside the local network (LAN),
such as web servers, FTP servers, E-mail servers etc. Most of the case, you need a public IP
address for each server and this public IP address/domain name are recognized by all users.
Since the server is actually located inside the LAN, the network well protected by NAT of the
router, and identified by its private IP address/port, the goal of Port Redirection function is
to forward all access request with public IP address from external users to the mapping
private IP address/port of the server.
Most ISPs allocate one WAN IP address to each subscriber. In order to simultaneously connect
multiple devices to the Internet, a technique called Network Address Translation is

The port redirection can only apply to incoming traffic.

To use this function, please go to NAT page and choose Port Redirection web page. The Port
Redirection Table provides 520 port-mapping entries for the internal hosts.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 127

Each item is explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Click to view and edit details of the rule.
Enable Select to enable the port redirection rule.
Service Name User-entered name that identifies the rule.
WAN Interface WAN interface(s) to which this rule applies. A particular WAN
interface or ALL interfaces.
Protocol The protocol to which this rule applies, TCP or UDP.
Public Port The port or range of WAN ports that is redirected by this rule.
Source IP The IP object of the source IP.
Private IP The LAN IP address(es) to which the traffic is redirected.

Press any number under Index to access into next page for configuring port redirection.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable the port redirection setting.

128 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Mode Allows a single port or a range of ports to be redirected.
Single - redirects one single port.
Range - redirects a contiguous range of ports.
Service Name Enter the description of the specific network service.
Protocol The protocol to which this rule applies, TCP or UDP.
WAN Interface WAN interface(s) to which this rule applies.
WAN # - Traffic from the selected WAN interface will be
ALL - Traffic from all WAN interfaces will be redirected.
Public Port Specify which port can be redirected to the specified Private
IP and Port of the internal host. If you choose Range as the
port redirection mode, you will see two boxes on this field.
Enter the required number on the first box (as the starting
port) and the second box (as the ending port).
Source IP IP Object - Use the drop down list to specify an IP object
IP Group - Use the drop down list to specify an IP group
Private IP The LAN IP address or range of IP addresses to which the
traffic is redirected. In the case of a range, only the
beginning IP address needs to be entered. The ending IP
address will automatically be derived from the number of
public ports.
Private Port The port on each LAN client to which the traffic will be
directed to.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.
Note that the router has its own built-in services (servers) such as Telnet, HTTP and FTP etc.
Since the common port numbers of these services (servers) are all the same, you may need to
reset the router in order to avoid confliction.
For example, the built-in web user interface in the router is with default port 80, which may
conflict with the web server in the local network, Therefore, you
need to change the router’s http port to any one other than the default port 80 to avoid
conflict, such as 8080. This can be set in the System Maintenance >>Management Setup. You
then will access the admin screen of by suffixing the IP address with 8080, e.g., instead of port 80.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 129

130 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
II-4-2 DMZ Host
As mentioned above, Port Redirection can redirect incoming TCP/UDP or other traffic on
particular ports to the specific private IP address/port of host in the LAN. However, other IP
protocols, for example Protocols 50 (ESP) and 51 (AH), do not travel on a fixed port. Vigor
router provides a facility DMZ Host that maps ALL unsolicited data on any protocol to a single
host in the LAN. Regular web surfing and other such Internet activities from other clients will
continue to work without inappropriate interruption. DMZ Host allows a defined internal user
to be totally exposed to the Internet, which usually helps some special applications such as
Netmeeting or Internet Games etc.

The security properties of NAT are somewhat bypassed if you set up DMZ host. We suggest
you to add additional filter rules or a secondary firewall.
Click DMZ Host to open the following page. You can set different DMZ host for each WAN
interface. Click the WAN tab to switch into the configuration page for that WAN.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 131

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enables or disables DMZ host.
None - Disables DMZ host function.
Private IP - Allows WAN traffic to be sent to a specific LAN IP

Private IP If Private IP mode has been selected, click the Choose IP

button to select a LAN IP address.
Choose IP Click this button and then a window will automatically pop
up, as depicted below. The window consists of a list of private
IP addresses of all hosts in your LAN network. Select one
private IP address in the list to be the DMZ host.

When you have selected one private IP from the above dialog,
the IP address will be shown on the screen. Click OK to save
the setting.

DMZ Host for other WAN interface is slightly different with WAN1.
See the following figure.

If you previously have set up WAN Alias for PPPoE or Static or Dynamic IP mode in WAN2
interface, you will find them in Aux. WAN IP for your selection.

132 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check to enable the DMZ Host function.
Private IP Enter the private IP address of the DMZ host, or click Choose
PC to select one.
Choose IP Click this button and then a window will automatically pop
up, as depicted below. The window consists of a list of
private IP addresses of all hosts in your LAN network. Select
one private IP address in the list to be the DMZ host.

When you have selected one private IP from the above

dialog, the IP address will be shown on the screen. Click OK
to save the setting.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 133

II-4-3 Open Ports
The Open Ports function allows inbound traffic from specific ports on WAN interfaces to be
forwarded to LAN clients. Unlike Port Redirection, LAN client ports cannot be remapped and
must remain identical to the opened ports on the WAN interface.
It allows you to open a range of ports for the traffic of special applications.
The common application of Open Ports includes P2P application (e.g., BT, KaZaA, Gnutella,
WinMX, eMule, and others), Internet Camera, etc. Ensure that you keep the application
involved up-to-date to avoid falling victim to any security exploits.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Indicate the relative number for the particular entry (1 to
260) that you want to offer service in a local host. Click to
view and edit the rule.
Enable Select the box to enable the open port rule.
Comment User-entered label that identifies the rule.
WAN Interface The WAN port(s) whose incoming traffic will be forwarded to
a LAN client.
Aux. WAN IP Display the IP alias setting used by such index.
If no IP alias setting exists, this field will not appear.
Source IP The IP object of the source IP.
Local IP Address LAN client to receive the forwarded WAN traffic.

To add or edit port settings, click one index number on the page. The index entry setup page
will pop up. In each index entry, you can specify 10 port ranges for diverse services.

134 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Open Ports Select to enable this rule.
Comment User-entered label that identifies the rule.
WAN Interface The WAN port(s) whose incoming traffic will be forwarded to
a LAN client. Select from a specific WAN interface WAN1 to
WAN52, or choose ALL to apply the rule to all WAN
WAN IP Specify the WAN IP address that will be used for this entry.
This setting is available when WAN IP Alias is configured.
Source IP Any - Any IP can be used as the source IP.
IP Object - Use the drop down list to specify an IP object
IP Group - Use the drop down list to specify an IP group
Private IP IP address of LAN client to receive the forwarded WAN
traffic. Click Choose IP to select.
Choose IP - Click this button and, subsequently, a window
having a list of private IP addresses of local hosts will
automatically pop up. Select the appropriate IP address of
the local host in the list.
Protocol The protocol(s) to which this rule applies.
TCP - forward only TCP traffic.
UDP - forward only UDP traffic.
TCP/UDP - forward both TCP and UDP traffic.
Start Port The port number of the starting port to be forwarded.
End Port The port number of the ending port to be forwarded. If only
one port is to be forwarded, enter the same port number as
the Start Port.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 135

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

II-4-4 Port Triggering

If you run programs that function as server applications where they expect to receive
unsolicited traffic from the WAN, you can set up rules in Port Triggering to detect
LAN-to-WAN traffic initiated by those programs, and automatically open up WAN ports to
accept incoming traffic and forward it to the LAN client running the server applications.
Port Triggering is a variation of open ports function.
The key difference between "open port" and "port triggering" is:
 Once the OK button is clicked and the configuration has taken effect, "open port" keeps
the ports opened forever.
 Once the OK button is clicked and the configuration has taken effect, "port triggering"
will only attempt to open the ports once the triggering conditions are met.
 The duration that these ports are opened depends on the type of protocol used. The
"default" durations are shown below and these duration values can be modified via
telnet commands.
TCP: 86400 sec.
UDP: 180 sec.
IGMP: 10 sec.
TCP WWW: 60 sec.
TCP SYN: 60 sec.

136 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Rule number. Click to view or modify rule settings.
Enable Select to enable the Port Triggering rule.
Comment User-entered label that identifies the rule.
Triggering Protocol The protocol(s) of the outgoing traffic that this rule
TCP- monitor only TCP traffic.
UDP- monitor only UDP traffic.
TCP/UDP- monitor both TCP and UDP traffic.
Source IP The IP object of the source IP.
Triggering Port Display the port of the triggering packets.
Outgoing traffic destined for these port numbers will trigger
the opening WAN ports to incoming traffic.
Incoming Protocol Display the protocol for the incoming data of such triggering
The protocol(s) of the incoming traffic.
TCP-open port(s) to TCP traffic.
UDP- open port(s) to UDP traffic.
TCP/UDP- open port(s) to both TCP and UDP traffic.
Incoming Port Display the port for the incoming data.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 137

Incoming traffic from the WAN destined for these port
numbers be forwarded to the LAN client that triggered the

Click the index number link to open the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable rule.
Service Select from list of predefined service, or User Defined to
manually configure triggering and incoming protocols and
Comment Enter the text to memorize the application of this rule.
Source IP Any - Any IP can be used as the source IP.
IP Object - Use the drop down list to specify an IP object
IP Group - Use the drop down list to specify an IP group
Triggering Protocol The protocol(s) of the outgoing traffic that this rule
TCP - monitor only TCP traffic.
UDP - monitor only UDP traffic.
TCP/UDP - monitor both TCP and UDP traffic.
Triggering Port Outgoing traffic destined for these port numbers will trigger
the opening WAN ports to incoming traffic.
Enter the port or port range for such triggering profile.
Incoming Protocol The protocol(s) of the incoming traffic.
TCP-open port(s) to TCP traffic.
UDP- open port(s) to UDP traffic.
TCP/UDP- open port(s) to both TCP and UDP traffic.
Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or TCP/UDP) for the incoming
data of such triggering profile.
Incoming Port Incoming traffic from the WAN destined for these port
numbers be forwarded to the LAN client that triggered the

138 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enter the port or port range for the incoming packets.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Open Port and Port Triggering Compared

Port Triggering Open Port

Ports are opened when the Ports are always open on the WAN interface.
triggering condition is met.
Opened ports will be closed after predefined durations have
Default duration values vary depending on the protocol and
traffic content:
 TCP (all TCP ports, except those that pass HTTP and
HTTPS traffic): 86400 seconds
 UDP: 180 seconds
 TCP WWW (TCP ports that engage in HTTP and HTTPS
communication): 60 seconds
 TCP SYN: 60 seconds (SYN packets expire after 60
These values can be changed by using the command line
interface (telnet or SSH).

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 139

II-4-5 ALG
ALG means Application Layer Gateway. There are two methods provided by Vigor router,
RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) ALG and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) ALG, for
processing the packets of voice and video.
RTSP ALG makes RTSP message, RTCP message, and RTP packets of voice and video be
transmitted and received correctly via NAT by Vigor router.
However, SIP ALG makes SIP message and RTP packets of voice be transmitted and received
correctly via NAT by Vigor router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable ALG Check to enable such function.
Listen Port Type a port number for SIP or RTSP protocol.
TCP Check the box to make correspond protocol message packet
from TCP transmit and receive via NAT.
UDP Check the box to make correspond protocol message packet
from UDP transmit and receive via NAT.

140 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5 Applications

Dynamic DNS
Most ISPs assigns dynamic WAN IP addresses to their customers. Dynamic IP addresses
presents challenges to users who would like to accept remote connections to their LANs from
the Internet, as service could be disrupted due to the IP address changing without notice. By
setting up service with a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) provider, and configuring Dynamic DNS updates
on the Vigor router, you can have reliable access to your network by means of an
easy-to-remember domain address that resolves to the most current WAN IP address.
The Vigor router supports a wide range of DDNS providers, such as DynDNS, No-IP.com, DtDNS,
and ChangeIP. Please contact the DDNS provider of your choice to set up service before
configuring DDNS on the router.

LAN DNS / DNS Forwarding

LAN DNS allows the network administrator to override standard DNS resolutions for selecting
domain addresses. The router will respond to queries on matched domain addresses with
custom IP addresses.
DNS Forwarding allows the network administrator to forward DNS queries to different DNS
servers based on the domain name.
LAN DNS and DNS Forwarding only affect DNS queries that are sent to the WAN through the
router. DNS queries that are directed to a DNS server on the LAN will not be intercepted by
the router.

The Vigor router has a built-in clock which can update itself manually or automatically by
means of Network Time Protocols (NTP). As a result, you can not only schedule the router to
dialup to the Internet at a specified time, but also restrict Internet access to certain hours so
that users can connect to the Internet only during certain hours, say, business hours. The
schedule is also applicable to other functions.

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication
client/server protocol that supports authentication, authorization and accounting, which is
widely used by Internet service providers. It is the most common method of authenticating
and authorizing dial-up and tunneled network users.
The built-in RADIUS client feature enables the router to assist the remote dial-in user or a
wireless station and the RADIUS server in performing mutual authentication. It enables
centralized remote access authentication for network management.

LDAP /Active Directory Setup

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a communication protocol for using in TCP/IP
network. It defines the methods to access distributing directory server by clients, work on
directory and share the information in the directory by clients. The LDAP standard is
established by the work team of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
As the name described, LDAP is designed as an effect way to access directory service without
the complexity of other directory service protocols. For LDAP is defined to perform, inquire
and modify the information within the directory, and acquire the data in the directory
securely, therefore users can apply LDAP to search or list the directory object, inquire or
manage the active directory.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 141

The Vigor supports UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), which is a suite of network protocols that
simplifies network configuration. Applications and network devices on the LAN, that support
UPnP, may request the router to modify its settings to allow NAT Traversal, so that WAN hosts
can connect to them directly.
Examples of applications and devices that support UPnP include file-sharing applications such
as uTorrent, Vuze and eMule, gaming consoles such as the Sony PlayStations 3 and 4 Xbox 360
and Xbox One, media streaming applications such as Plex and XBMC, and messaging and
calling applications such as Skype. To find out if a certain application or network device
supports or requires UPnP, please consult its user manual or check with its vendor.

Wake on LAN
Using the Wake on LAN (WoL) feature, LAN clients that support WoL can be powered on or
resume from sleep over the network, without the need for physical access to the device.
In order for LAN clients to be able to woken from sleep or off states, the network interface
card must be configured to monitor Wake-on-LAN messages. Consult the documentation of
the LAN client for details on setting up its network interface for Wake on LAN.

142 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

II-5-1 Dynamic DNS

Enable the Function and Add a Dynamic DNS Account

To begin configuring Dynamic DNS, from the main menu, navigate to Applications, and select
Dynamic DNS. The Dynamic DNS main configuration screen appears:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Dynamic DNS Setup Select to enable DDNS function.
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all profiles to factory settings.
View Log Select to display the most recent DDNS update messages.
Force Update Click to connect immediately to DDNS servers to update IP
address information.
Auto-Update interval The frequency, in minutes, at which the router connects to
DDNS servers to update IP address information.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 143

Index Click to bring up the configuration page of the DDNS profile.
Enable Check the box to enable such account.
WAN Interface Shows the WAN interface associated with the DDNS profile.
Domain Name Shows the domain name with which the profile is associated.

After clicking on the index number, the detail configuration screen for the DDNS profile

If User-Defined is specified as the service provider, the web page will be changed slightly as

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

144 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enable Dynamic DNS Select to enable this DDNS profile.
WAN Interface Select the WAN interface to monitor for IP address changes.
WANx First – The specified WAN interface will be examined
first. If it is online, its IP address will be used in the DDNS
WANx Only – Only the specified WAN interface will be
examined. If the WAN interface is online, its IP address will
be used in the DDNS update. Otherwise no update will be
performed for this DDNS profile.
Service Provider Select the DDNS provider. If your DDNS provider is not listed,
select User-Defined and manually configure the profile.

 Provider Host - Enter the IP address or the domain

name of the host which provides related service.
Note that such option is available when Customized is
selected as Service Provider.
 Service API - Enter the API information obtained from
DDNS server.
Note that such option is available when Customized is
selected as Service Provider.
 Auth Type - Two types can be used for authentication.
Basic – Username and password defined later can be
shown from the packets captured.
URL - Username and password defined later can be
shown in URL.
(e.g., http://ns1.vigorddns.com/ddns.php?username=
Note that such option is available when Customized is
selected as Service Provider.
 Connection Type - There are two connection types
(HTTP and HTTPs) to be specified. Note that such
option is available when Customized is selected as
Service Provider.
 Server Response - Type any text that you want to
receive from the DDNS server.
Note that such option is available when Customized is
selected as Service Provider.
If other service provider is selected, you have to configure
Service Type, Domain Name, Login Name and Password.
 Service Type - Select the service type that matches
that of your DynDNS account. If you are unsure which
service type to select, try Dynamic first. This options is

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 145

applicable to DynDNS only.
 Domain Name - The domain and subdomain to be
Login Name The login name of the DDNS account.
Password The password of the DDNS account.
Wildcard and Backup MX The Wildcard and Backup MX (Mail Exchange) features are
not supported for all Dynamic DNS providers. You could get
more detailed information from their websites.
Mail Extender If the mail server is defined with another name, please enter
the name in this area. Such mail server will be used as
backup mail exchange.
Determine WAN IP If a Vigor router is installed behind any NAT router, you can
enable such function to locate the real WAN IP.
When the WAN IP used by Vigor router is private IP, this
function can detect the public IP used by the NAT router and
use the detected IP address for DDNS update.
There are two methods offered for you to choose:
 WAN IP - The IP address of the router’s WAN interface
will be used.
 Internet IP – The real public IP address will be used.
Select this option if the IP address assigned to the
router’s WAN interface is not the actual external IP

Click OK to save changes, Clear to clear all settings, or Cancel to discard changes and return
to the main DDNS screen.

DrayDDNS Settings
DrayDDNS, a new DDNS service developed by DrayTek, can record multiple WAN IP (IPv4) on
single domain name. It is convenient for users to use and easily to set up. Each Vigor Router is
available to register one domain name.
Choose DrayTek Global as the service provider, the web page will be displayed as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

146 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enable Dynamic DNS Check this box to enable the current account. If you did check the
Account box, you will see a check mark appeared on the Active column of
the previous web page in step 2).
Service Provider Choose DrayTek Global as the service provider.
Status Display if the license is actvtaed or not.
Domain Name The domain and subdomain to be updated.
Determine WAN IP If a Vigor router is installed behind any NAT router, you can enable
such function to locate the real WAN IP.
When the WAN IP used by Vigor router is private IP, this function
can detect the public IP used by the NAT router and use the
detected IP address for DDNS update.
There are two methods offered for you to choose:
 WAN IP - If it is selected and the WAN IP of Vigor router is
private, DDNS update will take place right away.
 Internet IP – If it is selected and the WAN IP of Vigor router is
private, it will be converted to public IP before DDNS update
takes place.
WAN Interfaces WANx - While connecting, the router will use WANx as the channel
for such account.
Let’s Encrypt Auto Renew – Check the box to make the system update the
certificate certificate automatically.

Disable the Function and Clear all Dynamic DNS Accounts

In the DDNS setup menu, uncheck Enable Dynamic DNS Setup, and push Clear All button to
disable the function and clear all accounts from the router.

Delete a Dynamic DNS Account

In the DDNS setup menu, click the Index number you want to delete and then push Clear All
button to delete the account.
DDNS updates take place when:
 The router is powered on or rebooted.
 The public IP address of any WAN interface changes.
 The online status of a WAN interface changes (going from online to offline or vice versa).
 The DDNS function is changed from disabled to enabled.
 A DDNS entry is modified and enabled.
 The Auto-Update Interval has elapsed.
Procedures for Setting up a Dynamic DNS Entry
1. Contact the dynamic DNS provider of your choice and have service set up. Most DDNS
providers accept signups on their websites. Service could be provided free of charge or
for a fee.
2. Create a DDNS entry on the router by selecting the appropriate DDNS provider and enter
the account information.
3. Make sure that both the DDNS entry and the DDNS feature are enabled on the router.
4. Click the View Log button on the DDNS main page to bring up the update log.
5. Examine the update log to make sure the update was successful.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 147

6. If the update was not successful, verify the DDNS entry to make sure the settings are
entered correctly.

II-5-2 LAN DNS / DNS Forwarding

The LAN DNS lets the network administrators host servers with privacy and security. When the
network administrators of your office set up FTP, Mail or Web server inside LAN, you can
specify specific private IP address (es) to correspondent servers. Thus, even the remote PC is
adopting public DNS as the DNS server, the LAN DNS resolution on Vigor1000B Series will
respond the specified private IP address.

To start configuring LAN DNS or DNS Forwarding, from the main menu, click Applications,
followed by LAN DNS / DNS Forwarding.

Each item is explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all profiles to factory settings.

148 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Index Click to bring up the configuration page for the profile.
Enable Select to enable this profile.
Profile Shows the name of the profile.
Domain Name Shows the domain name configured for the profile.
Forwarding V – DNS queries for the specified domain name will be
forwarded to the specified server.
- DNS queries for the specified domain name will not be
DNS Server DNS server to which DNS queries for the specified domain
name will be forwarded.

To configure a LAN DNS profile, click on its index to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable this profile.
Profile Enter a name to identify this profile.
Note: If you type a name here for LAN DNS and click OK to
save the configuration, the name also will be applied to
conditional DNS forwarding automatically.
Domain Name Enter the domain name for the router to look for in DNS
queries to intercept and reply to. Wildcards in the form of
asterisks (*) can be used to match a domain level. For
example, *.draytek.com will match domain names such as
www.draytek.com and ftp.draytek.com, whereas
www.draytek.* will match domain names such as
www.draytek.com and www.draytek.co.uk.
CNAME (Alias Domain Click Add to add an domain name alias for the domain name.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 149

Name) Click Delete next to an alias entry to delete it.
IP Address List The IP address listed here will be used for mapping with the
domain name specified above. In general, one domain name
maps with one IP address. If required, you can configure two
IP addresses mapping with the same domain name.
Add – Click Add to bring up the Add IP Address dialog box:

 Host’s IP Address – Enter the IP address to be returned

in response to a DNS query for the configured domain
names and aliases.
 Only responds to the DNS…. – Select to use this IP
address only if the IP address of the source of the DNS
query belongs to the same subnet as the host IP address
entered above.
After changes have been made, click OK to save and dismiss
the dialog box, or Close to discard the changes and dismiss
the dialog box.
Delete –To delete an IP address, click on it and then click

To save changes made to the LAN DNS profile, click OK. To clear the profile and restore the
factory default blank values, click Clear.
If you need to configure LAN DNS settings, click index 1 to edit the LAN DNS profile just
created. Or, you can click index 2 to use this profile as conditional DNS forwarding.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check this box to enable such profile.

150 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Profile Type a name for such profile.
Note: If you type a name here for conditional DNS forwarding
and click OK to save the configuration, the name also will be
applied to LAN DNS automatically.
Domain Name Enter the domain name for such profile.
DNS Server IP Address Enter the IP address of the DNS server you want to use for
DNS forwarding.

To save changes made to the LAN DNS profile, click OK. To clear the profile and restore the
factory default blank values, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 151

II-5-3 DNS Security
Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) protects against DNS-based attacks by
authenticating DNS responses from DNS resolvers.
The DNS servers must support DNS security validation for the feature to function properly.
To configure DNS security, from the main menu, click Applications, followed by DNS

II-5-3-1 General Setup

All of WAN interfaces of Vigor router can be configured with DNS Security enabled

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Interface The WAN interface name for which DNS security is to be
Enable Select to enable DNS security for this WAN Interface.
Primary DNS Shows the primary DNS server IP address in effect for this
Secondary DNS Shows the secondary DNS server IP address in effect for this
Bogus DNS Reply Show action to be taken for DNS responses that fail
authentication. Choose Pass or Drop.
Pass – Pass DNS result.
Drop – Do not pass DNS result.

Press OK to save changes.

152 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5-3-2 Domain Diagnose
While using the Domain Diagnose feature, you can check to see if the router’s DNS security
function is working properly, or whether a given domain is secured by DNS security. Note that
DNS Security has to be first enabled or the test results would not be meaningful.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Domain Enter domain address to be diagnosed.
Select the type of IP address to be looked up.
IPv4 – looks up A records.
IPv6 – looks up AAAA records.
Interface Select the WAN port to be used for the lookup.
DNS Server Enter the IPv4 address of the DNS server to be used for the
Diagnose Click to begin DNS lookup.
Result The history of domain diagnosis is shown in the Result panel.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 153

II-5-4 Schedule
Time schedules can be created and used with router features that support them, so that those
features can be turned on and off automatically at preconfigured times.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Current System Time Shows the current time of the router.
System time set Click to navigate to System Maintenance >> Time and Date
to set the system time and date.
Set to Factory Default Reset all schedules to factory default values.
Index Shows the index number of the schedule entry.
Enable Select to enable the schedule; clear to disable it.
Comment Shows the name given to the schedule.
Time Shows the start and end times of the schedule. The time
interval of the schedule is indicated in dark grey.

154 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Frequency Shows the days of the week configured for the schedule.
Selected days are shown in dark grey.
- If it lights in green, it means such schedule is active.

To configure a schedule, click on its index to bring up the settings page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Schedule Setup Select to enable the schedule; clear to disable it.
Comment Name to identify this schedule entry.
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The date when the entry comes into effect.
Start Time (hh:mm) The time when the schedule is triggered. See the How Often
setting below for details.
Duration Time (hh:mm) How long the action lasts when the scheduled is triggered.
End Time (hh:mm) It will be calculated automatically when Start Time and
Duration Time are configured well.
Action Action to take when the schedule is triggered.
Force On – The feature with which this schedule is
associated will be turned on.
Force Down – The feature with which this schedule is
associated will be turned off.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 155

How Often How frequently the schedule is triggered.
 Once - The schedule is triggered once, on the Start
Date at the Start Time, for the Duration Time.
 Weekdays - The schedule will be triggered repeatedly,
starting on the Start Date at the Start Time, on the
selected days of the week, at the Start Time, for the
Duration Time.
 Monthly, on date – The router will only execute the
action applied such schedule on the date (1 to 28) of a
 Cycle duration – Type a number as cycle duration.
Then, any action applied such schedule will be
executed per several days. For example, “3” is selected
as cycle duration. That means, the action applied such
schedule will be executed every three days since the
date defined on the Start Date.

To save changes made to the Schedule, click OK. To clear the schedule and restore the
factory default blank values, click Clear. To cancel the changes and return to the main
Schedule page, click Cancel.

Suppose you want to control the PPPoE Internet access connection to be always on (Force On)
from 9:00 to 18:00 for whole week. Other time the Internet access connection should be
disconnected (Force Down).

(Force On)

Mon - Sun 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

1. Make sure the PPPoE connection and Time Setup is working properly.
2. Configure the PPPoE always on from 9:00 to 18:00 for whole week.
3. Configure the Force Down from 18:00 to next day 9:00 for whole week.
4. Assign these two profiles to the PPPoE Internet access profile. Now, the PPPoE Internet
connection will follow the schedule order to perform Force On or Force Down action
according to the time plan that has been pre-defined in the schedule profiles.

156 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security authentication
client/server protocol that supports authentication, authorization, and accounting, which is
widely used in enterprise networks. It is the most common authentication method to manage
the clients' access to the wireless network, the Internet and the VPN.
The router supports external TACACS+ and internal and external RADIUS servers for user
authentication. To configure TACACS+ or RADIUS servers, from the Main Menu select
Applications >> RADIUS/TACACS+.

II-5-5-1 External RADIUS

The built-in RADIUS client feature enables the router to assist the remote dial-in user or a
wireless station and the RADIUS server in performing mutual authentication. It enables
centralized remote access authentication for network management.
Vigor router can be operated as a RADIUS client. This web page is used to configure settings
for external RADIUS server. Then LAN users of Vigor router will be authenticated and
accounted by such server for network application.
Select External RADIUS to configure the router to use an external RADIUS server for user

Item Description
RADIUS Server Status Log Display the record of current status of RADIUS server.
Enable Select to enable the profile.
Comment Displays the comment of the profile.
Primary Server Displays the IP address of the primary server.
Secondary Server Display the IP address of the secondary server.
Default Profile Select one of the profiles as the default profile for user

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 157

Click any index number to open the following page. It is used to configure settings for
external RADIUS server. Then users of the Vigor router will be authenticated by this server for
the network application.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable this profile Check to enable RADIUS client profile.
Comment - Enter a brief description for this profile.
Enable Accounting After checking it, Vigor router supports the accounting
feature (available seconds for using, quantity of RX/TX data)
for external RADIUS server. Any client tries to access the
Internet shall be authenticated and accounted by an external
RADIUS server.
Accounting Port –The UDP port number that the RADIUS
server is using. The default value is 1813, based on RFC 2138.
Disconnect Message Port – Set a port number for listenning
the RADIUS disconnection message.
Interim Update Interval – Set a time interval for sending the
accounting request to the RADIUS server.

158 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Primary Server Primary Server - Enter the IP address of RADIUS server.
Authentication Port - The UDP port number that the RADIUS
server is using. The default value is 1812, based on RFC 2138.
Secret - The RADIUS server and client share a secret that is
used to authenticate the messages sent between them. Both
sides must be configured to use the same shared secret. The
maximum length of the shared secret you can set is 36
Retry - Set the number of attempts to perform reconnection
with RADIUS server. If the connection (with the Primary
Server) still fails, stop the connection attempt and begin to
make connection with the secondary server.
Secondary Server Secondary Server - Enter the IP address of RADIUS server.
Authentication Port - The UDP port number that the RADIUS
server is using. The default value is 1812, based on RFC 2138.
Secret - The RADIUS server and client share a secret that is
used to authenticate the messages sent between them. Both
sides must be configured to use the same shared secret. The
maximum length of the shared secret you can set is 36
Retry - Set the number of attempts to perform reconnection.
If the connection (with the Secondary Server) still fails, stop
the connection attempt. The client authentication would be
determined as "failed".

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To reset all settings
to blank, click Clear.

II-5-5-2 Internal RADIUS

Except for being a built-in RADIUS client, Vigor router also can be operated as a RADIUS server
which performs security authentication by itself. This page is used to configure settings for
internal RADIUS server. Then users of Vigor router will be authenticated by Vigor router
Select Internal RADIUS to configure the router’s built-in RADIUS server.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 159

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable the router's internal RADIUS server.
Authentication Port The UDP port for authentication message.
RADIUS Client Access List Only clients that meet the criteria configured in the access
list are allowed to access the RADIUS server.
Index - The index number of the client entry.
Enable - Select to enable this client entry.
Shared Secret - A text string that is known to both the
router’s RADIUS server and the RADIUS client that is used to
authenticate messages sent between them. Maximum length
is 36 characters.
IP Address – Enter the base address of the IP block.

160 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IP Mask – Enter the IP mask to configure the size of the IP
IPv6 Address –Enter the base address of the IPv6 block.
IPv6 Length - Enter the prefix length of the IPv6 block.
Authentication Configures the authentication settings.
Specify the way to authenticate the client.
PAP – Only the Password Authentication Protocol will be used
to validate users.
(Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol), and
Microsoft versions of CHAP can be used to validate users.
Support 802.1X Method – The built in RADIUS server offered
by Vigor router can act as the AAA server. Select to enable
802.1X support.
User Profile During the process of security authentication, user account
and user password will be required for identity
authentication. Before configuring such page, create at least
one user profile in User Management>>User Profile first.
Select All – Click to move all user profiles under the
Available List to the Authentication List.
Clear All- Click to remove all user profiles from the
Authentication List.
Available List – User profiles (created in User Management
>> User Profile) that have not been added to the
authentication list.
Authentication List – User profiles (created in User
Management >> User Profile) that have been added to the
authentication list. Users can log in using these profiles.

To add a User Profile to the RADIUS server, select it under Available List, then click the >>
button. To remove a User Profile from the RADIUS server, select it under Selected
Authentication List, then click the << button.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To reset all settings
to blank, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 161

II-5-5-3 External TACACS+
It means Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus. It works like RADIUS does.
Click the External TACACS+ to open the following page:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable the use of an external TACACS+ server.
Server IP Address The IP address of the TACACS+ server.
Destination Port The port used by the TACACS+ server. Port 49 is most
Shared Secret A text string that is known to both the TACACS+ server and
client (the router) that is used to authenticate messages sent
between them. Maximum length is 36 characters.
Confirm Shared Secret Enter the shared secret again for verification.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To reset all settings
to blank, click Clear.

162 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5-6 Active Directory/ LDAP
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an industry-standard protocol for maintaining
and accessing directory information on a network. When used in conjunction with a Vigor
router, LDAP can be used to authenticate VPN connection attempts.
Active Directory (AD) is a directory service from Microsoft that supports LDAP queries.
To configure Active Directory or LDAP settings, from the Main Menu select Applications >>
Active Directory /LDAP.

II-5-6-1 General Setup

To configure the settings for the LDAP server, select General Setup.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable LDAP client.
Bind Type Select from one of 3 bind types:
 Simple Mode – Initiate bind operation (authentication)
without performing user search. This mode can be used
when all users belong to the same branch in the LDAP
 Anonymous – Bind anonymously, without supplying the
distinguished name (DN) and password, and perform user
search. This mode can be used when not all users belong
to the same branch and the server allows anonymous
 Regular Mode – Same as Anonymous mode, except that
the DN and password are sent to the server. This mode
can be used when not all users belong to the same branch
and the server does not allow anonymous searches.
For the regular mode, you’ll need to Enter the Regular DN and
Regular Password.
Server Address The network address of the LDAP server.
Destination Port The network port that the LDAP server listens on. The default
ports are 389 for unsecured connections and 636 for LDAPS
(LDAP over SSL) connections.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 163

Use SSL Select to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for LDAP traffic.
Regular DN Enter the LDAP Distinguished Name for authentication if Bind
Type is set to Regular Mode.
Regular Password Enter the LDAP Password for authentication if Bind Type is set
to Regular Mode.

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel.

II-5-6-2 Active Directory / LDAP Profiles

Up to 8 LDAP profiles can be created. These profiles would be used with User Management for
different purposes in management.
Click on the Active Directory / LDAP Profiles to bring up the index page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index The index of the LDAP profile. Click to show the profile
settings page.
Name Displays the user-defined name that identifies this entry.
Distinguished Name Displays the distinguished name (DN) configured in the profile.

To configure an LDAP profile, click on its index to show the following settings page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

164 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 19

Common Name Identifier The common name attribute, which is typically “cn” in most
LDAP configurations.

Base Distinguished Name The starting point of user search in the LDAP directory, for
example, dc=draytek,dc=com.

– click this icon to display a list of valid DNs in the LDAP


Additional Filter Additional filter to be applied to the search request to identify

eligible users.
For example,
– “OpenLDAP: (gidNumber=500)”
Here group ID 500 is the group of dial-in users.
– “ActiveDirectory: (msNPAllowDialin=TRUE)”
The msNPAllowDialin attribute indicates that the user has
permission to dial in remotely.

Group Distinguished The base DN of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains
Name groups, for example, ou=groups,dc=draytek,dc=com.

- click this icon to display a list of valid DNs in the LDAP


To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 165

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is an IPv4 communication protocol for
establishing multicast group memberships.
To configure IGMP settings, from the Main Menu select Applications >> IGMP.

II-5-7-1 General Setting

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
IGMP Proxy Check this box to enable this function. The application of
multicast will be executed through WAN /PVC/VLAN port.
In addition, such function is available in NAT mode.
Interface – Specify an interface for packets passing
IGMP version – At present, two versions (v2 and v3) are
supported by Vigor router. Choose the correct version
based on the IPTV service you subscribe.
General Query Interval – Vigor router will periodically
check which IP obtaining IPTV service by sending query. It
might cause inconvenience for client. Therefore, set a
suitable time (unit: second) as the query interval to limit
the frequency of query sent by Vigor router.
Add PPP header – Check this box if the interface type for
IGMP is PPPoE. It depends on the specifications regulated
by each ISP. If you have no idea to enable or disable, simply
contact your ISP providers.
Enable IGMP syslog - Check the box to store the IGMP
status ontot Syslog.

166 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IGMP Snooping Select to enable IGMP Snooping so that multicast traffic are
forwarded to IGMP clients that have joined a multicast
IGMP Fast Leave - Select to enable IGMP Fast Leave.
Normally when the router receives a “leave” message from
an IGMP host, it will send a last member query message to
see if there are still members within the multicast group.
When Fast Leave is enabled, multicast for a group is
immediately terminated when the last host in that group
sends a “leave” message.

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 167

II-5-7-2 Working Status

Displays a list of active multicast groups.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Click to reload the Multicast Group Table with the latest
Index Index number of the multicast group.
Group ID ID port of the multicast group, which is within the IP range
reserved for IGMP, through
P2 to P10 LAN ports that have IGMP hosts joined to this multicast

168 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5-8 Wake on LAN
Using the Wake on LAN (WoL) feature, LAN clients that support WoL can be powered on or
resume from sleep over the network, without the need for physical access to the device.
In order for LAN clients to be able to wake from sleep or off states, the network interface
card must be configured to monitor Wake-on-LAN messages. Consult the documentation of
the LAN client for details on setting up its network interface for Wake on LAN.
If you wish to be able to select the IP address of the Wake-on-LAN client, its MAC address
must first be bound to a static IP address using the Bind IP to MAC function.
To configure Wake on LAN settings, from the Main Menu select Applications >> Wake on LAN.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Wake by The type of address of the LAN client to be woken up.
 If you choose Wake by MAC Address, you have to
Enter the correct MAC address of the host in MAC
Address boxes.
 If you choose Wake by IP Address, you have to choose
the correct IP address.
IP Address The IP addresses that have been configured in
Firewall>>Bind IP to MAC will be shown in this drop down
Select the IP address of the LAN client.
MAC Address Enter the MAC address of the LAN client.
Wake Up Click to send Wake-on-LAN message to the specified LAN
Result Result of the transmission of the Wake-on-LAN message.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 169

II-5-9 SMS / Mail Alert Service
You can set up SMS or mail profiles for the router to send events or alerts to designated
recipients. Up to 10 SMS profiles and 10 mail profiles can be configured.

II-5-9-1 SMS Alert

To configure SMS alert profiles, select the SMS Alert tab.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all SMS alert profiles.
Enable Select the checkbox to enable the profile.
SMS Provider Select the profile of the SMS provider to be used. To set up
or modify SMS provider profiles, click the hyperlink SMS
Provider to go to Objects Setting >> SMS/Mail Service
Recipient Number Enter the recipient’s SMS number.
Notify Profile Select the notification profile to be used. To set up or
modify notification object profiles, click the hyperlink
Notify Profile to go to Objects Setting >> Notification
Schedule (1-15) Enter up to 2 schedule profile indexes. To set up or modify
schedule profiles, click the hyperlink Schedule(1-15) to go
to Applications >> Schedule.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

170 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5-9-2 Mail Alert
To configure mail alert profiles, select the SMS Alert tab.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all mail alert profiles.
Enable Select the checkbox to enable the profile.
Mail Service Select the profile of the mail provider to be used. To set up
or modify a mail provider profile, click the hyperlink Mail
Service to go to Objects Setting >> SMS/Mail Service
Mail Address Enter the recipient's email address.
Notify Profile Select the notification profile to be used. To set up or
modify a notification object profile, click the hyperlink
Notify Profile to go to Objects Setting >> Notification
Schedule (1-15) Enter up to 2 schedule profile indexes. To set up or modify
schedule profiles, click the hyperlink Schedule(1-15) to go
to Applications >> Schedule.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 171

II-5-10 Bonjour
Bonjour is Apple’s implementation of zero-configuration networking (Zeroconf), a technology
that allows automatic discovery and configuration of network devices and services. Bonjour is
built into OS X, and versions for Windows PCs can be downloaded without charge from Apple’s
Without Bonjour, routers, computers, and other network peripherals would require manual
configuration of network settings such as IP addresses and port numbers, which could be
complex and cumbersome. By enabling Bonjour on the Vigor router, users only need to know
the name of the router in order to set up connectivity between LAN devices, and the router
and the peripherals that are connected to it.
To enable the Bonjour service, click Application>>Bonjour to open the following page. Check
the box(es) of the server service(s) that you want to share to the LAN clients.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Bonjour Service Select to enable the Bonjour service on the router. The rest
of the checkboxes will be enabled for selection when this
checkbox has been selected.
HTTP Server Select to allow the router’s HTTP server to be discovered
via Bonjour.
Telnet Server Select to allow the router’s telnet server to be discovered
via Bonjour.
SSH Server Select to allow the router’s SSH server to be discovered via

Below shows an example for applying the bonjour feature that Vigor router can be used as the
FTP server.

1. Here, we use Firefox and DNSSD to discover the service in such case. Therefore, just
ensure the Bonjour client program and DNSSD for Firefox have been installed on the

172 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

2. Open the web browse, Firefox. If Bonjour and DNSSD have been installed, you can open
the web page (DNSSD) and see the following results.

3. Open System Maintenance>>Management. Type a name (e.g., DrayTek) as the Router

Name and click OK.

4. Next, open Applications>>Bonjour. Check the service that you want to use via Bonjour.

5. Open the DNSSD page again. The available items will be changed as the follows. It means
the Vigor router (based on Bonjour protocol) is ready to be used as a printer server, FTP
server, SSH Server, Telnet Server, and HTTP Server.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 173

6. Now, any page or document can be printed out through Vigor router (installed with a

174 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-5-11 High Availability
The High Availability (HA) feature of the router provides redundancy of network resources,
and reduces downtime in case of component failure. The level of sophistication of HA is
determined by availability requirements and tolerance of system interruptions. Systems that
provide near full-time availability typically have redundant hardware and software.
The HA of the Vigor1000B Series is designed to avoid single points-of-failure. When failures
occur, the failover process transfers the network load handled by the failed component (the
primary router) to the backup component (the secondary router), and the availability of
network resources are preserved and partially failed transactions are recovered. In a matter
of seconds the system returns to normal operation.
In order to set up High Availability, at least 2 DrayTek routers have to be configured in the
following manner:
 Enable High Availability on both the primary and secondary routers.
 Set a high priority ID on the primary router, and a lower priority ID on the secondary
 Configure identical redundancy methods, group IDs, and authentication keys on both
 Set the management interface of both routers to the same subnet.
 Enable virtual IP on both routers for each subnet in use. Make sure the virtual IPs are
identical on both routers.

II-5-11-1 General Setup

Open Applications>>High Availability to bring up the configuration page to configure High

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 175

Enable High Abailablity Select to enable HA function.
Redundancy Method Select the redundancy method for high availability.
Hot-Standby -
Such method is suitable when there is only one ISP account.
When this method is selected,
 During normal operation the secondary router will be
idling. When the primary router fails to operate
normally, the secondary router(s) will take over.
 WAN settings of the primary and secondary routers
are identical.
Note: When Hot-Standby is used, the wireless LAN
function on secondary router will be “disabled”
directlly. Clients can not connect to the secondary
router any more.
Active-Standby -
This method is suitable when there are multiple
simultaneously active ISP connections. When this method is
 All WANs on the secondary routers can be up at the
same time. LANs that are not configured under high
availability can be routed to secondary routers.
 WAN settings of primary and secondary routers are
independently configured.
 Config Sync may be enabled to synchronize most
configuration settings between the primary and
secondary routers.
 All routers must be set to the same redundancy
Group ID Enter a value (1~255).
All routers having the same group ID belong to the same
Priority ID Enter a value (1~30).
Different routers must be configured with different IDs.
All routers within a group must be assigned a priority ID.
Within a group, the router with the largest priority ID (i.e.,
the highest priority) will be the primary router. When
multiple routers in a group are assigned the same priority ID,
routers with lower LAN IP addresses (configured on the LAN
>> General Setup page) have higher priority.
Authentication Key Enter an authentication key up to 31 characters long. This is
used to encrypt the DARP (DrayTek Address Redundancy
Protocol) traffic to guard against malicious attacks.
Protocol Select the IP protocol to be used for DARP.
Management Interface Select the interface to be used for DARP negotiation
between routers. Only interfaces which are enabled in
LAN>>General Setup are available for selection.
However, LAN1 is always enabled.
Update DDNS Select Enable to update the DDNS server for secondary
devices when the primary router fails.
Syslog Select Enable to have syslog record HA activity.
LAN1 ~ LAN50 Enable – Check the box to enable the interface.

176 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Virtual IP - Display the default IP address for each LAN. If
rquired, modify the IP address for the LAN port device.

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

II-5-11-2 Config Sync

The synchronization of configuration between high availability routers is configured here.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Config Sync (Max. Select to enable configuration synchronization.
Sync to 10 routers) All routers to be synchronized must have this checkbox
Note that config sync can be enabled by Hot-Standby
redundancy method only.
Config Sync Interval Day / Hour / Minute - The primary router will synchronize its
configuration with secondary routers at every specified time
Exclude the following This setting is available when the Redundancy Method is set
settings from config sync to Hot Standby.
Select the configuration settings to be excluded from

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.
When the configuration method is set to “Hot Standby”, the following settings will not be
 WAN (user selectable)
 LAN IPv6

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 177

 router name
 admin and user passwords.

Take the following picture as an example. The upper Vigor1000B is regarded as primary
device, the lower Vigor1000B is regarded as secondary device. When primary Vigor1000B
Series is broken down, the secondary device could replace the primary role to take over all
jobs as soon as possible. However, once the primary device is working again, the secondary
device would be changed to original role to stand by.

178 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Application Notes

A-1 How to Implement the LDAP/AD Authentication for User Management?

For simplifying the configuration of LDAP authentication for User Access Management, we
implement “Group” feature.
There is no need to pre-configure user profile for each user on Vigor router anymore. We only
need to configure the Groups DN, then the Vigor router (e.g., Vigor 2860 series) can pass the
authentication to LDAP server with the pre-defined Group path.
Below shows the configuration steps:
1. Access into the web user interface of the Vigor router.
2. Open Applications>>Active Directory /LDAP to get the following page for configuring
LDAP related settings.

There are three types of bind type supported:

 Simple Mode – Just simply do the bind authentication without any search action.
 Anonymous – Perform a search action first with Anonymous account then do the
bind authentication.
 Regular Mode– Mostly it is the same with anonymous mode. The different is that,
the server will firstly check if you have the search authority.
For the regular mode, you’ll need to type in the Regular DN and Regular Password.
3. Create LDAP server profiles. Click the Active Directory /LDAP tab to open the profile
web page and click any one of the index number link.
If we have two groups “RD1” and “SHRD” on LDAP server, we can configure two LDAP
server profiles with different Group Distinguished Name.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 179


4. Click OK to save the settings above.

180 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

5. Open User Management>>General Setup. Select User-Based as the Mode option.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 181

6. Then open VPN and Remote Access>>PPP General Setup to check the profile(s) that
will be authenticated with LDAP server.

After above configurations, users belong to either “rd1” or “shrd” group can access Internet
after inputting their credentials on LDAP server.

182 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

II-6 Routing

Route Policy (also well known as PBR, policy-based routing) is a feature where you may need
to get a strategy for routing. The packets will be directed to the specified interface if they
match one of the policies. You can setup route policies in various reasons such as load balance,
security, routing decision, and etc.
Through protocol, IP address, port number and interface configuration, Route Policy can be
used to configure any routing rules to fit actual request. In general, Route Policy can easily
reach the following purposes:
Load Balance
You may manually create policies to balance the traffic across network interface.
Specify Interface
Through dedicated interface (WAN/LAN/VPN), the data can be sent from the source IP to the
destination IP.
Address Mapping
Allows you specify the outgoing WAN IP address (es) for an internal private IP address or a
range of internal private IP addresses.
The router will determine which policy will be adopted for transmitting the packet according
to the priority of Static Route and Route Policy.
Failover to/Failback
Packets will be sent through another Interface or follow another Policy when the original
interface goes down (Failover to). Once the original interface resumes service (Failback),
the packets will be returned to it immediately.
Other routing
Specify routing policy to determine the direction of the data transmission.

Info For more detailed information about using policy route, refer to SUPPORT
>> TECH SUPPORT >>FAQs on www.draytek.com.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-183

Web User Interface

II-6-1 Static Route

Go to Routing >> Static Route. You can create static routes so that traffic to specific IP
addresses go through a particular LAN or WAN.
The Static Route Setup screen has separate tabs for IPv4 and IPv6. Select the appropriate tab
to begin.

II-6-1-1 Static Route for IPv4

Available settings are explained as follows:

184 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all of the settings and return to factory default
Viewing Routing Table Displays the routing table for your reference.

Index The number (1 to 300) under Index allows you to open next
page to set up static route.
Enable Enables or disables the static route.
Destination Address Beginning destination address.

Add Static Routes to Private and Public Networks

Here is an example (based on IPv4) of setting Static Route in Main Router so that user A and B
locating in different subnet can talk to each other via the router. Assuming the Internet
access has been configured and the router works properly:
 use the Main Router to surf the Internet.
 create a private subnet using an internal Router A (
 create a public subnet via an internal Router B (
 have set Main Router as the default gateway for the Router A
Before setting Static Route, user A cannot talk to user B for Router A can only forward
recognized packets to its default gateway Main Router.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-185

1. Go to LAN page and click General Setup, select 1st Subnet as the RIP Protocol Control.
Then click the OK button.

Info There are two reasons that we have to apply RIP Protocol Control on
1st Subnet. The first is that the LAN interface can exchange RIP
packets with the neighboring routers via the 1st subnet
( The second is that those hosts on the internal
private subnets (ex. can access the Internet via the
router, and continuously exchange of IP routing information with
different subnets.

2. Click the LAN >> Static Route and click on the Index Number 1. Check the Enable box.
Please add a static route as shown below, which regulates all packets destined to will be forwarded to Click OK.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Enables or disables the static route.
Destination IP Beginning destination address. Enter an IP address as the
Address destination of the static route.
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the destination address. Enter the subnet
mask for the static route.
Gateway IP Address Enter the IP address of the gateway, which is the host that
the traffic needs to go through to reach the destination.
Network Interface Use the drop down list to specify an interface for such
static route. The LAN or WAN that should be used to
contact the gateway.

3. Return to Static Route Setup page. Click on another Index Number to add another
static route as show below, which regulates all packets destined to will be
forwarded to Click OK.

186 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. Go to Diagnostics and choose Routing Table to verify current routing table.

II-6-1-2 Static Route for IPv6

You can set up to 300 profiles for IPv6 static route. Click on a route index on the IPv6 tab to
configure an IPv6 static route.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-187

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all of the settings and return to factory default
Viewing IPv6 Routing Displays the routing table for your reference.
Index The number (1 to 300) under Index allows you to open next
page to set up static route.
Enable Enables or disables the static route.
Destination Address Beginning destination address.

Click any underline of index number to get the following page.

188 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Enables or disables the static route.
Destination IPv6 Address / Beginning destination address and the number of bits in the
Prefix Len subnet mask of the destination IPv6 address.
Enter the IP address with the prefix length for this entry.
Gateway IPv6 Address IP address of the gateway, which is the host that the traffic
needs to go through to reach the destination.
Network Interface The LAN or WAN that should be used to contact the

When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-189

II-6-2 Load-Balance /Route Policy
The Load-Balance/Route Policy feature gives you control over how different types of
outbound traffic are routed, through any of the LANs, WANs or VPNs. The policy set in
Load-Balance/Route Policy always has higher priority than Default Route and Auto Load
Balance set in WAN >> Internet Access, and always has lower priority than the Firewall Rules.
Administrator may also define a priority to this policy.

II-6-2-1 General Setup

To add, delete or modify load balance or route policies, select Routing >> Load-Balance /
Route Policy from the menu bar.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Rules per page The number of rules to display on a single page.
Set to Factory Default Clear the settings of all Load-Balance and Route Policy
Index Rule index. Click to bring up the configuration page of the
Enable Select to enable this rule.
Protocol Protocol(s) to which this rule applies.
Interface LAN, IP Routed Subnet, WAN or VPN interface that the
traffic described by this rule is to be directed.
Priority The priority of this rule.
Src IP Start The beginning source IP address.
Src IP End The ending source IP address.
Dest IP Start The beginning destination IP address.

190 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Dest IP End The ending destination IP address.
Dest Port Start The beginning destination port number.
Dest Port End The ending destination port number.
Move UP/Move Down Click to shift priority of rule up/down by one.
Wizard Mode The setup wizard will present the most-commonly used rule
settings in three steps.
Advance Mode All the rule settings will be shown on one configuration

If Wizard Mode is selected, you will be guided through the configuration process in three steps.
Only the most commonly used settings will be shown.
1. Click the Wizard Mode radio button.
2. Click Index 1. The setting page will appear as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Source IP Source IP addresses to which this rule is to be applied.
Any - This rule applies to all source IP addresses.
Src IP Start, Src IP End - This rule applies to the specified
range of source IP addresses. If there is only one source IP
address, enter the address in both the Start and End fields.
Destination IP Destination IP addresses to which this rule is to be applied.
Any - This rule applies to all destination IP addresses.
Dest IP Start, Dest IP End - This rule applies to the
specified range of destination IP addresses. If there is only
one destination IP address, enter the address in both the
Start and End fields.
Country Object – Specify a country object. All the IPs
coming from the country (countries) specified in the object
will be passed through the WAN interface.

3. Click Next to get the following page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-191

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Interface You can select an interface from one of the following: WAN,
LAN, VPN, and IP Routed Subnet. Packets match with the
above criteria will be transferred to the interface chosen
here. Select an interface from the list.

4. Specify an interface and click Next. The following page will appear only if you choose
WAN1 ~WAN7 as Interface.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Force NAT /Force It determines which mechanism that the router will use to
Routing forward the packet to WAN.

5. After choosing the mechanism, click Next to get the summary page for reference.

192 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

6. If there is no error, click Finish to complete wizard setting. To make changes, click Back
to return to the previous pages. To discard all changes, click Cancel.
If Advance Mode is selected, you will be presented with a single page with all the
configurable settings for the rule.
1. Click the Advance Mode radio button.
2. Click Index 2 to access into the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable rule and unlock all fields for configuration.
Comment Type a brief explanation for such profile.
Criteria Router examines outgoing LAN traffic to find the first rule
whose criteria are satisfied.
Protocol - Use the drop-down menu to choose a proper
protocol for the WAN interface.
Source - Source IP addresses to which this rule is to be
 Any – This rule applies to all source IP addresses.
 IP Range –This rule applies to the specified range of
source IP addresses.
- Start - Enter an address as the starting IP for such

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-193

- End - Enter an address as the ending IP for such
 IP Subnet - This rule applies to source IP addresses
defined by the specified network IP address and subnet
- Network – Enter an IP address here.
- Mask – Use the drop down list to choose a suitable
mask for the network.
 IP Object / IP Group – Use the drop down list to choose
a preconfigured IP object/group.
Destination - Destination IP addresses to which this rule is to
be applied.
 Any – This rule applies to all source IP addresses.
 IP Range –This rule applies to the specified range of
destination IP addresses.
- Start - Enter an address as the starting IP for such
- End - Enter an address as the ending IP for such
 IP Subnet - This rule applies to destination IP addresses
defined by the specified network IP address and subnet
- Network – Enter an IP address here.
- Mask – Use the drop down list to choose a suitable
mask for the network.
 Domain Name – Specify a domain name as the
- Select – Click it to choose an existing domain name
defined in Objects Setting>>String Object.
- Delete – Remove current used domain name.
- Add – Create a new domain name as the
 IP Object / IP Group – Use the drop down list to choose
a preconfigured IP object/group.
 Country Object – Use the drop dwon list to choose a
preconfigured object. Then all IPs within that country
will be treated as the destination IP.
Destination Port - Destination port numbers to which this
rule is to be applied. As only TCP and UDP protocols use port
numbers, this setting does not apply to the ICMP protocol.
 Any - This rule applies to all destination ports.
 Dest Port Range - This rule applies to the specified
range of destination ports.
- Start - Enter the destination port start for the
destination IP.
- End - Enter the destination port end for the
destination IP. If this field is blank, it means that all
the destination ports will be passed through the
WAN interface.
Send to if criteria If criteria are matched, the traffic will be sent to the
matched designated interface and gateway.
Interface – Packets match with the above criteria will be
transferred to the interface chosen here. Select an interface
from the list (WAN/LAN: A WAN or LAN interface; VPN: A

194 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Virtual Private Network).
Gateway IP – Select a gateway.
 Default Gateway - Traffic will be sent to the default
gateway address of the specified interface.
 Specific Gateway - Traffic will be sent to the specified
gateway address instead of the default gateway
Packet Forwarding to WAN/LAN via – When you choose
LAN/WAN (e.g., WAN1) as the Interface for packet
transmission, you have to specify the way the packet
forwarded to.
 Force NAT - The source IP address will not be used to
connect to the remote destination. Network Address
Translation (NAT) will be used, where a common IP
address will be used.
 Force Routing - The source IP address will be preserved
when connecting to the remote destination.
Failover to – If the interface specified above loses
connection, traffic can be forwarded to an alternate
interface or be scrutinized by an alternate route policy.
 WAN/LAN – Use the drop down list to choose an
interface as an auto failover interface.
 VPN – Use the drop down list to choose a VPN tunnel as
a failover tunnel.
 Route Policy – Use the drop down list to choose an
existed route policy profile.
 Gateway IP – The failed-over traffic can be sent to the
Default Gateway of the alternate interface/route
policy, or a Specific Gateway at the specified IP
Failback- When Failover to option is enabled, Administrator
could also enable Failback to clear the existing session on
Failover interface and return to the original interface
immediately once the original interface resume its service.
When Failback is not enabled, the router will only stop
sending packets via the Failover interface when the existing
sessions are cleared, and this might take a long time because
some application will keep sending packet once a while.
Therefore, Failback option is recommended if Administrator
wants the traffic to go via the primary interface as soon as

Priority Specifies the priority of the rule in relation to other rules.

Lowering the priority value increases the priority of the rule,
and vice versa. Routes in the routing table have a priority
value of 150, whereas the default routes have a priority
value of 250.
The default priority value of Load Balance/Route Policy rules
is 200. To change the priority, move the slider or enter a

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-195

3. When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

II-6-2-2 Diagnose for Route Policy

The Diagnose function allows you to determine how a specific type of traffic from a host to a
destination will be routed, and which routes, route policies and load balance rules match the
criteria of the traffic.

Click Diagnose.

Analyze a single packet

Select this mode to make Vigor router analyze how a single packet will be sent by a route

196 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Packet Information Specify the nature of the packets to be analyzed by Vigor
Protocol - Specify a protocol for diagnosis.
Src IP – IP address of host where the traffic originates.
 Specify an IP - One source IP address.
 Any IP- Source IP address is not specified.
 Subnet/IP Routed Subnet - Any source IP address on
the specified subnet.
Dst IP – IP address of the destination host.
 Specify an IP - One destination IP address.
 Any IP - Destination IP address is not specified.
Dst Port – Number of port to which the traffic is sent. This
setting is only applicable to UDP and TCP protocols. Use the
drop down list to specify the destination port.
Analyze – Click to analyze and display routes, route
policies and load balance rules with matching criteria. If
required, click export analysis to export the result as a

The following shows an analysis example. The packet matched the criteria of one route

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-197

Analyze multiple packets by uploading an input file

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Input File Browse – Click to browse folder structure and select an
input file.
Download and example input file - Click to download a
sample input file (blank “.csv” file). Then, click the Browse
button to select that blank “.csv” file for saving the result
of analysis.

Analyze – After selecting input file, click to start the

analysis process. Click the export button to export the
result as a file.
Note that the analysis was based on the current
"load-balance/route policy" settings, we do not guarantee
it will be 100% the same as the real case.

The following shows the analysis of the sample input file. The matched routes and policies are
highlighted in green. The Final Result column shows the outcome.

198 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-199
Application Notes

A-1 How to Customize a Secure Route between VPN Router and Remote Router
by Using Route Policy
Example 1:
In the following figure, a LAN to LAN VPN tunnel is built between DrayTek VPN router (e.g.,
Vigor1000B Series) and the remote router. Firewall Router can receive all of the traffic
coming from remote PC which wants to access into Internet; and send back the packets to
Remote Router through VPN Router.

1. Establish a VPN tunnel between VPN Router and the Remote Router.
2. Change to default route for the router located in Remote Router.
3. Access into the web user interface of the router in VPN Router. Then, open Routing >>
Load-Balance / Route Policy and click Advance Mode.

200 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. Click any Index number link (e.g., 1 in this case). Configure the settings as follows.

Now, if you want such route policy will be applied by Vigor router with higher priority,
please adjust the value of Priority for such route policy. In general, default route is
specified with the lowest priority for it value is fixed as “250”. And Routes in Routing
Table are fixed as “150”. You can adjust the value for such route policy with lower value,
e.g., 100 to ensure it will be applied to packets transmission with the highest priority.
5. After finished the above settings, click OK to save the configuration.

6. To route the packets coming from the Firewall Router back to the remote router, access
into the web user interface of the Firewall Router. Then, set “” as the
gateway IP address and set “” as the destination IP address.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide III-201

Example 2:
Below shows a scenario that local users behind Vigor router A want to access into a remote
service (e.g., YouTube) which is blocked or restricted by local Service Provider in area with
restrictions. A policy route can be created by the side of Router A to break through the
Internet censorship circumvention.

A VPN tunnel has been established between Router A and router B.

1. Access into the web user interface of Router A.
2. Open Routing >> Load-Balance/Route Policy and click Advance Mode.
3. Click any index number (e.g., #1 in this case).
4. In the following web page, check Enable; type “” as Src IP Range; type
“” as the Destination IP for the remote VPN server; and choose VPN as the
Interface setting.

5. Click OK to save the settings.

202 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a
private network that encompasses links across shared
or public networks like the Internet. In short, by VPN
technology, you can send data between two computers
across a shared or public network in a manner that
emulates the properties of a point-to-point private

It is a form of VPN that can be used with a standard

Web browser.

A digital certificate works as an electronic ID, which is

issued by a certification authority (CA). It contains
information such as your name, a serial number,
expiration dates etc., and the digital signature of the
certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can
verify that the certificate is real. Here Vigor router
support digital certificates conforming to standard

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 203

III-1 VPN and Remote Access

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the extension of a private network that encompasses links
across shared or public networks like the Internet. In short, by VPN technology, you can send
data between two computers across a shared or public network in a manner that emulates the
properties of a point-to-point private link.
The VPN built is suitable for:
 Communication between home office and customer
 Secure connection between Teleworker, staff on business trip and main office
 Exchange data between remote office and main office
 POS between chain store and headquarters

Web User Interface

204 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

III-1-1 Remote Access Control
Enable the necessary VPN service as you need. If you intend to run a VPN server inside your
LAN, you should disable the VPN service of Vigor Router to allow VPN tunnel pass through, as
well as the appropriate NAT settings, such as DMZ or open port.

Item Description
Enable PPTP VPN Service This is the one of the earliest VPN protocols and is natively
supported by all Microsoft Windows versions since Windows
95, all Android devices, iOS devices before version 10, and
Mac OS X before version 10.12. It is easy to set up, has low
overhead, and moderately secure.
Enable IPSec VPN Service This is a network protocol that encrypts traffic between two
network locations. Windows, by means of Windows Firewall,
natively supports IPsec tunnels between endpoints with
static IP addresses. For computers with dynamically-assigned
IP addresses, DrayTek provides the SmartVPN client .
Enable L2TP VPN Service This is a tunneling protocol used in VPNs. It does not encrypt
network traffic unless used in conjunction with IPsec.
Enable SSL VPN Service This type of VPN uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and
Transport Layer Security (TLS), which are also used to
encrypt traffic to and from websites. Since SSL and TLS work
on top of TCP and UDP, which are the most common internet
protocols, they are less likely to be have issues with firewalls
and gateways.
Enable OpenVPN Service This type of VPN offers a convenient way for users to build
VPN between local end and remote end.

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel; to clear settings
on this page and revert to default settings, select Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 205

III-1-2 PPP General Setup
This page allows configuration of Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) used by PPTP and L2TP VPN
connections. From the Main Menu select VPN and Remote Access >> PPP General Setup to
bring up the following configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Dial-In PPP Authentication PAP Only - Authenticate dial-in users using the PAP protocol
PAP/CHAP/MS-CHAP/MS-CHAPv2 - Attempt to authenticate
dial-in users using various CHAP protocols, and if the remote
VPN client fails to authenticate, fall back to PAP.
Dial-In PPP Encryption Specifies if PPP encryption (MPPE) is to be used for dial-in
(MPPE) VPN connections.
Optional MPPE - MPPE is optional. If the VPN client supports
MPPE, PPP data will be encrypted.
Require MPPE (40/128bits) - Require PPP encryption for
dial-in VPN connections. Both 40- and 128-bit encryption
schemes are allowed. The remote dial-in user will use 40-bit
to perform encryption prior to using 128-bit for encryption.
In other words, if 128-bit MPPE encryption method is not
available, then 40-bit encryption scheme will be applied to
encrypt the data.
Maximum MPPE - Require 128-bit PPP encryption for all
dial-in VPN connections.
Mutual Authentication Specifies if mutual authentication is to be used. Some VPN
(PAP) peers (e.g., certain Cisco routers) require bi-directional
authentication used for providing stronger security.
When mutual authentication is enabled, Username and
Password fields should also be populated using values from

206 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

the VPN peer. The maximum lengths of these fields are 23
and 19 characters, respectively.
Yes – Enable mutual authentication.
No – Disable mutual authentication.
IP Address Assignment for LAN1 - When the router’s DHCP server is disabled, the router
Dial-In Users will assign IP addresses to dial-in VPN users starting with the
IP address specified in Start IP Address. The total number of
dial-in VPN IP addresses to be given out is specified in IP Pool
LAN# will be available if it is enabled. Refer to LAN>>General
Setup for enabling the LAN interface.
PPP Authentication The credentials to be used for PPP authentication will be
Methods obtained from the selected sources, in the following order:
Remote Dial-in User – The usernames and passwords in VPN
and Remote Access >> Remote Dial-in User section will be
RADIUS – An external RADIUS server is to be used for
authentication. Please be sure to set up the RADIUS server in
Applications >> RADIUS/TACACS+ section.
AD/LDAP – An Active Directory/LDAP server is to be used for
authentication. Please be sure to configure AD and LDAP
settings in Applications >> Active Directory/LDAP.
TACACS+ – A TACACS+ server is to be used for
authentication. Please be sure to set up the RADIUS server in
Applications >> RADIUS/TACACS+ section.
PPTP LDAP Profile Configured LDAP profiles will be listed under such item.
Simply check the one you want to enable the PPP
authentication by LDAP server profiles.
However, if there is no profile listed, simply click the link of
PPTP LDAP Profile to create/add some new LDAP profiles
you want.
While using Radius or When the dial-in VPN user is authenticated using credentials
LDAP Authentication from the Remote Dial-in User section, an IP address from the
LAN specified in the user profile will be assigned. When the
user is authenticated using credentials from other sources
(RADIUS, AD, TACACS+), the assigned IP address will be
drawn from the address pool of the LAN specified here.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 207

III-1-3 IPsec General Setup
In IPsec General Setup, there are two major parts of configuration.
There are two phases of IPsec.
 Phase 1: negotiation of IKE parameters including encryption, hash, Diffie-Hellman
parameter values, and lifetime to protect the following IKE exchange, authentication of
both peers using either a Pre-Shared Key or Digital Signature (x.509). The peer that
starts the negotiation proposes all its policies to the remote peer and then remote peer
tries to find a highest-priority match with its policies. Eventually to set up a secure
tunnel for IKE Phase 2.
 Phase 2: negotiation IPsec security methods including Authentication Header (AH) or
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) for the following IKE exchange and mutual
examination of the secure tunnel establishment.
There are two encapsulation methods used in IPsec, Transport and Tunnel. The Transport
mode will add the AH/ESP payload and use original IP header to encapsulate the data payload
only. It can just apply to local packet, e.g., L2TP over IPsec. The Tunnel mode will not only
add the AH/ESP payload but also use a new IP header (Tunneled IP header) to encapsulate the
whole original IP packet.
Authentication Header (AH) provides data authentication and integrity for IP packets passed
between VPN peers. This is achieved by a keyed one-way hash function to the packet to
create a message digest. This digest will be put in the AH and transmitted along with packets.
On the receiving side, the peer will perform the same one-way hash on the packet and
compare the value with the one in the AH it receives.

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is a security protocol that provides data confidentiality
and protection with optional authentication and replay detection service.

208 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
IKE Authentication This usually applies to those are remote dial-in user or node
Method (LAN-to-LAN) which uses dynamic IP address and
IPsec-related VPN connections such as L2TP over IPsec and
IPsec tunnel. There are two methods offered by Vigor router
for you to authenticate the incoming data coming from
remote dial-in user, Certificate (X.509) and Pre-Shared
Certificate – X.509 certificates can be used for IKE
authentication. To set up certificates on the router, go to
the Certificate Management section.
Preferred Local ID - Specify the preferred local ID
information (Alternative Subject Name First or Subject
Name First) for IPsec authentication while the client is using
the general setting (without a specific Peer IP or ID in the
VPN profile).
General Pre-Shared Key- Define the PSK key for general
Confirm General Pre-Shared Key- Re-enter the characters
to confirm the pre-shared key.
XAuth User Pre-Shared Key - Define the PSK key for IPsec
XAuth authentication.
Confirm XAuth User Pre-Shared Key- Re-enter the
characters to confirm the pre-shared key for IPsec XAuth
Note: Any packets from the remote dial-in user which does
not match the rule defined in VPN and Remote
Access>>Remote Dial-In User will be applied with the
method specified here.
IPsec Security Method Available mthods include Basic, Medium and High. Each
method offers different encryption, HMAC and DH Group.
Basic - Authentication Header (AH) means data will be
authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default, this option
is active.
Medium - When this option is selected, the Authentication
Header (AH) protocol can be used to provide authentication
to IPsec traffic.
High - When this option is selected, the Encapsulating
Security Payload (ESP) protocol can be used to provide
authentication and encryption to IPsec traffic. Three
encryption standards are supported for ESP: DES, 3DES and
AES, in ascending order of security.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 209

III-1-4 IPsec Peer Identity
This screen allows creating profiles of subject alternative names (SANs) and distinguished
names/subject names that can be used for IPsec peer authentication in LAN-to-LAN or remote
user dial-in VPN connections.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click it to clear all indexes.
Index Click the index number of the profile the view or edit its
Enable Check to enable the profile.
Name User-entered name that identifies the profile.

210 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

The following setup screen is shown after a profile index has been clicked.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable this account Check to enable such account profile.
Profile Name A name that allows you to identify this profile. The maximum
length of the name you can set is 32 characters.
Accept Any Peer ID When this option is selected, the router accepts any subject
alternative name or subject name as valid, regardless of the
type and value.
Accept Subject When this option is selected, the router accepts the type and
Alternative Name value of the specified subject alternative name as valid
authentication. Supported subject alternative types are IP
Address, Domain Name and E-Mail.
Accept Subject Name When this option is selected, the router performs peer
authentication by matching the values of the different
subject name fields. These fields include Country (C), State
(ST), Location (L), Organization (O), Organization Unit
(OU), Common Name (CN), and Email (E).

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel; to clear settings
on this page and revert to default settings, select Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 211

III-1-5 VPN Matcher Setup
Normally, to establish VPN connection, at least one peer must have a public IP address. The
VPN Matcher server can help two Draytek routers behind NAT establish a secure VPN tunnel
for data transmission between each other. Refer to the following figure.

There is one limitation for the VPN connection. Both routers must be behind a cone NAT, but
not symmetric NAT.

Go to VPN and Remote Access>>VPN Matcher Setup to open the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable / Disable Click to enable / disable the function of VPN Matcher Setup.
VPN Matcher Server The IP address of the DrayTek VPN Matcher server is defined
as "vpn-matcher.draytek.com" with the port nubmer "31503".
Router List Key Enter the authentication key for finding a Vigor router with
the same group of this device from the VPN matcher server.
Then set a VPN link between Vigor routers on both ends via

212 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VPN wizard.
OK Click to save the settings.
STUN Server Detect - Click to check if the NAT used by Vigor router is core
NAT or not. If not, no VPN can be established.
Group Device List Get List - After entering the Authkey above, click to get
available Vigor router which is within the same group as this

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 213

III-1-6 OpenVPN
The OpenVPN protocol utilizes public keys, certificates, and usernames and passwords to
authenticate the client. Traffic is carried over secure channels built upon industry-standard
SSL/TLS encryption protocols.

With integrating of OpenVPN, Vigor router can help users to achieve more robust, reliable and
secure private connections for business needs.

OpenVPN offers a convenient way for users to build a VPN between the local end and the
remote end. There are two advantages of OpenVPN:
 It can be operated on different systems such as Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
 Based on the standard protocol of SSL encryption, OpenVPN can provide you with a
scalable client/server mode, permitting multi-client to connect to a single OpenVPN
Server process over a single TCP or UDP port.

In terms of credentials, the administrator can choose to let the router generate the
certificates, or import certificates issued by third-party certificate authorities (CAs). When
the router generates the certificates, it acts as the root CA to issue the trusted CA certificates
(stored under Certificate Management >> Trusted CA Certificate), which are used to generate
the server and client certificates used by OpenVPN (stored under Certificate Management >>
Local Certificate). If, however, a certificate issued by a third-party CA is used, both the CA's
certificate and the issued certificate need to be imported to the router in the Trusted CA
Certificate and Local Certificate sections, respectively.

III-1-6-1 OpenVPN Server Setup

OpenVPN requires the use of certificates. Before establishing OpenVPN connection, general
settings for OpenVPN service shall be configured first.

214 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
General Setup
UDP Enable - Select checkbox to enable UDP protocol for
OpenVPN connections.
UDP Port – Enter the UDP port number.
TCP Enable - Select checkbox to enable TCP protocol for
OpenVPN connections.
TCP Port – Enter the TCP port number.
Cipher Algorithm Select the desired cipher algorithm. Two encryption
algorithms are supported: AES128 and AES256. AES256 is
more secure than AES128 but may result in lower
performance because it incurs higher computational
HMAC Algorithm HMAC stands for Hash-based Message Authentication Code. It
is used to validate the data integrity and authenticity of the
VPN data.
Select the desired HMAC hash algorithm. Two hash
algorithms, SHA1 and SHA256, are supported. SHA256 is
preferred as it is more robust and reliable than SHA1.
Certificate Authentication Select this checkbox if you would like to validate that the
client certificate was issued by a trusted CA.
Certificate Setup
Certificate Source Select a source for the certificate to be used for OpenVPN.
Router generated certificates - Router-generated
certificates that will be used for OpenVPN.
 GENERATE - Click to generate a certificate.
 Delete all certificates - Click to remove all certificates
generated by the router.
Uploading certificates to Router - Third-party certificates
will be used for OpenVPN.
 Trust CA - Use the dropdown list to select a trusted CA
certificate that has already been uploaded to the
router. To upload Trusted CA certificates to the router,
click the Trust CA label and you will be taken to the
Certificate Management >> Trusted CA Certificate
page to perform the operation.
 Server Certificate - Use the dropdown list to select a
server certificate that has already been uploaded to
the router. To upload server certificates to the router,
click the Server Certificate label and you will be taken
to the Certificate Management >> Local Certificate
page to perform the operation.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 215

III-1-6-2 Client Config
On this page, you can create and export the configuration required for a remote OpenVPN
client to connect to the router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Remote Server The OpenVPN client will use the IP address or domain name
to connect to the router. Select either IP or Domain.
IP – The OpenVPN configuration file will use the numeric IP
address as the server address.
Domain – The OpenVPN configuration file will use the domain
as the server address. You need to ensure that the domain
resolves to the IP address of a router WAN port.
VPN Matcher – The OpenVPN configuration file will use the
IP address / URL of VPN matcher server as the remote server.
Transport Protocol Select UDP or TCP for the protocol to be used by the
OpenVPN client to connect to the router.
Auto Dial-Out Enable - If selected, the remote client can auto-dial to this
Vigor router to build an OpenVPN tunnel.
Disable - Select to disable the function.
Set VPN as Default Enable - If selected, the Vigor router will be treated as a
Gateway "default" gateway for OpenVPN clients. The OpenVPN client
will redirect all the traffic to the Vigor router via the
OpenVPN tunnel.
Disable - Select to disable the function.
File Name Enter the filename of the configuration file to be
downloaded from the router.
Export Click this button to download the settings on this page as a
file, which can be imported into a VPN client to establish
OpenVPN connections.

216 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

III-1-7 Remote Dial-in User
You can manage remote access by maintaining a table of remote user profiles, so that users
can be authenticated via VPN connection. Remote dial-in user profiles can be set up on this

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all remote-dial-in user profiles.
Index Click the index number of the profile the view or edit its
Enable Check to enable the user profile.
User Display the username for the specific dial-in user of the
LAN-to-LAN profile. The symbol ??? represents that the
profile is empty.
Status Shows the LAN subnet and IP address assignment method.
Example: LAN1-DHCP means that the IP address of the VPN

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 217

connection will be drawn from the DHCP pool of the LAN1
The color of the status indicates the current state of the
Green – Profile is being used by a dial-in VPN connection.
Red – Profile is not being used.
Black – Profile is disabled.
Backup Click Backup to save the configuration.
Restore Click Select to choose a configuration file. Then click
Restore to apply the file.

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel.
The following setup screen is shown after a profile index has been clicked.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
User account and Enable this account - Select to enable this profile to be used
Authentication by remote dial-in users.
Idle Timeout - Allowed idle time before the router
disconnects the VPN connection. Default timeout value is
300 seconds.

218 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Allowed Dial-In Type Select all VPN protocols allowed for this profile.
For L2TP, specify how IPsec should be applied. Options are:
 None – IPsec cannot be used with L2TP connections.
 Nice to Have – IPsec is preferred but not mandatory for
L2TP connections.
 Must – IPsec is required when establish L2TP
Specify Remote Node - The IP address of the remote VPN
client (Remote Client IP) or the Peer ID (used in IKE
aggressive mode) can be optionally specified. The router will
reject the connection if either of these values are entered in
the profile but the remote client does not pass the value, or
passes the wrong value.
Netbios Naming Packet - Specifies whether to allow NetBIOS
naming packets to traverse through the VPN tunnel.
 Pass – Click it to have an inquiry for data transmission
between the hosts located on both sides of VPN Tunnel
while connecting.
 Block – When there is conflict occurred between the
hosts on both sides of VPN Tunnel in connecting, such
function can block data transmission of Netbios Naming
Packet inside the tunnel.
Multicast via VPN - Specifies whether to allow multicast
packets to traverse through the VPN tunnel.
 Pass – Click this button to let multicast packets pass
through the router.
 Block – This is default setting. Click this button to let
multicast packets be blocked by the router.
Subnet The VPN client will receive an IP address from the DHCP pool
or IP address range specified in IP Address Assignment for
Dial-In Users for the selected LAN subnet.
Assign Static IP Address – Alternatively, a static IP address
can be set by selecting the Assign Static IP Address checkbox.
User Name - Used for PPTP, L2TP or SSL Tunnel dial-in type.
The length of the name is limited to 23 characters.
Password - Used for PPTP, L2TP or SSL Tunnel dial-in type.
The length of the password is limited to 19 characters.
Enable Mobile One-Time Passwords (mOTP) - Select to
enable one-time passwords (Mobile-OTP). Enter the PIN Code
and Secret. DrayTek’s SmartVPN client has built-in support
for mOTP. Third-party mOTP clients can be used to generate
passwords when using other VPN clients. For more
information on mOTP, visit Mobile-OTP's homepage.
 PIN Code – Enter the code for authentication (e.g,
 Secret – Use the 32 digit-secret number generated by
mOTP in the mobile phone (e.g.,
IKE Authentication Pre-Shared Key - This checkbox is available when Remote
Method Client IP or Peer ID is specified. Check the checkbox and
click IKE Pre-shared Key to enter an IKE PSK (1~63
characters) that will be used only for this profile.
Digital Signature (X.509) – To enable authentication using
X.509 Peer IDs, check the checkbox then select an X.509

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 219

profile. X.509 profiles can be configured in VPN and Remote
Access >> IPsec Peer Identity.
IPsec Security Method Select all the IPsec protocols that are allowed to be used for
this profile.
Medium-Authentication Header (AH) means data will be
authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default, this option
is invoked. You can uncheck it to disable it.
High (ESP) - High-Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
means payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated.
You may select encryption algorithm from Data Encryption
Standard (DES), Triple DES (3DES), and AES.
Local ID (Optional)- Specify a local ID to be used when
establishing a LAN-to-LAN VPN connection using IKE
aggressive mode.

To save changes on the page, select OK; to discard changes, select Cancel; to clear settings
on this page and revert to default settings, select Clear.

220 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

III-1-8 LAN to LAN
This section allows you to configure up to 32 LAN-to-LAN VPN connection profiles. LAN-to-LAN
connections can be configured to allow dial-in only, dial-out only, or both dial-in and dial-out.

The following figure shows the summary table according to the item (All/Trunk) selected for

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Click to clear all indexes.
View All – Shows all LAN-to-LAN VPN profiles.
Trunk – Shows all Trunk profiles (see VPN and Remote Access
>> VPN TRUNK Management).
Index Click the index number of the profile to view or edit its
Enable Check to enable the LAN-to-LAN VPN profile.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 221

Name Display the name of the LAN-to-LAN profile. The symbol ???
represents that the profile is empty.
Remote Network Display the name of the remote network.
Status Shows the status of the profile.
Online – LAN-to-LAN VPN is connected.
Offline – LAN-to-LAN VPN is disconnected.
--- – Profile is disabled.
Pass packets from LAN in Check the box to allow the packets from the Routing LAN to
Routing mode to VPN pass over the VPN tunnel.
Default setting is "Disable".
Pass Packets to WAN when If enabled, the Vigor router will send the packets to the
VPN disconnects default gateway once the VPN disconnects.
Default setting is "Enable".
Backup Click Backup to save the configuration.
Restore Click Select to choose a configuration file. Then click
Restore to apply the file.

The following figure shows profiles joined into VPN Load Balance and VPN Backup mechanism.

If there is no profile joined yet, this page will be shown as follows:

To edit each profile, click each index to edit each profile.

1. The setup screen is shown after a profile index has been clicked. There are 6 sections:
Common Settings, Dial-Out Settings, Dial-In Settings, Tunnel Settings, 6in4 Settings and
TCP/IP Network Settings.

222 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 223

Common Settings Profile Name – Specify a name for the profile of the
LAN-to-LAN connection.
Enable this profile - Check here to activate this profile.
VPN Dial-Out Through - Use the drop down menu to choose a
proper WAN interface for this profile. This setting is useful
for dial-out only.
 WANx First- While connecting, the router will use
WANx as the first channel for VPN connection. If WANx
fails, the router will use another WAN interface
 WANx Only - While connecting, the router will use
WANx as the only channel for VPN connection.
 WAN1 Only: Only establish VPN if WAN2 down - If
WAN2 failed, the router will use WAN1 for VPN
 WAN2 Only: Only establish VPN if WAN1 down - If
WAN1 failed, the router will use WAN2 for VPN
Netbios Naming Packet - Specifies whether to allow NetBIOS
naming packets to traverse through the VPN tunnel.
 Pass – click it to have an inquiry for data transmission
between the hosts located on both sides of VPN Tunnel
while connecting.
 Block – When there is conflict occurred between the
hosts on both sides of VPN Tunnel in connecting, such
function can block data transmission of Netbios Naming
Packet inside the tunnel.
Multicast via VPN - Specifies whether to allow multicast
packets to traverse through the VPN tunnel.
 Pass – Click this button to let multicast packets pass
through the router.
 Block – This is default setting. Click this button to let
multicast packets be blocked by the router.
Call Direction - Specify the allowed call direction of this
LAN-to-LAN profile. Several choices are available for
connection mode:
 Both:-initiator/responder
 Dial-Out- initiator only
 Dial-In- responder only.
Tunnel Mode - At present, a tunnel (GRE tunnel) without
encryption is offered to fit the requiarement of specific
Always On - Select this option to maintain an always on
dial-out connection.
Idle Timeout - The router will close connection if no activity
is observed in the VPN connection for this many seconds.
Default value is 300 seconds.
Enable PING to keep alive - This function is to help the
router to determine the status of IPsec VPN connection,
especially useful in the case of abnormal VPN IPsec tunnel
disruption. For details, please refer to the note below. Check
to enable the transmission of PING packets to a specified IP
Enable PING to keep alive is used to handle abnormal IPsec
VPN connection disruption. It will help to provide the state

224 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

of a VPN connection for router’s judgment of redial.
Normally, if any one of VPN peers wants to disconnect the
connection, it should follow a serial of packet exchange
procedure to inform each other. However, if the remote
peer disconnects without notice, Vigor router will by no
where to know this situation. To resolve this dilemma, by
continuously sending PING packets to the remote host, the
Vigor router can know the true existence of this VPN
connection and react accordingly. This is independent of DPD
(dead peer detection).
PING to the IP - Enter the IP address of the remote host that
located at the other-end of the VPN tunnel.
Dial-Out Settings Type of Server I am calling - Select the VPN protocol to be
Server IP/Host Name - IP address or DNS host name of
remote VPN host.
User Name - Enter a username for establishing VPN
Password - Enter the password for establishing VPN
PPP Authentication -
 PAP Only – Authenticate dial-in users using the PAP
protocol only.
 PAP/CHAP/MS-CHAP/MS-CHAPv2 – Attempt to
authenticate dial-in users using various CHAP protocols,
and if the remote VPN client fails to authenticate, fall
back to PAP.
VJ compression - Specifies whether to enable Van Jacobson
(VJ) header compression, which improves throughput on slow
IKE Authentication Method - This group of fields is
applicable for IPsec Tunnels and L2TP with IPsec Policy.
 Pre-Shared Key - Input 1-63 characters as pre-shared
 Digital Signature (X.509) - Select one predefined
Profiles set in the VPN and Remote Access >>IPsec
Peer Identity.
Peer ID - Select one of the predefined Profiles set in
VPN and Remote Access >>IPsec Peer Identity.
Local ID – Specify a local ID (Alternative Subject Name
First or Subject Name First) to be used for Dial-in
setting in the LAN-to-LAN Profile setup. This item is
optional and can be used only in IKE aggressive mode.
 Local Certificate – Select one of the profiles set in
Certificate Management>>Local Certificate.
IPsec Security Method - This group of fields is a must for
IPsec Tunnels and L2TP with IPsec Policy.
 Medium AH (Authentication Header) means data will
be authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default,
this option is active.
 High (ESP-Encapsulating Security Payload)- means
payload (data) will be encrypted and authenticated.
Select from below:
 DES without Authentication -Use DES encryption
algorithm and not apply any authentication scheme.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 225

 DES with Authentication-Use DES encryption algorithm
and apply MD5 or SHA-1 authentication algorithm.
 3DES without Authentication-Use triple DES
encryption algorithm and not apply any authentication
 3DES with Authentication-Use triple DES encryption
algorithm and apply MD5 or SHA-1 authentication
 AES without Authentication-Use AES encryption
algorithm and not apply any authentication scheme.
 AES with Authentication-Use AES encryption algorithm
and apply MD5 or SHA-1 authentication algorithm.
Advanced - Specify mode, proposal and key life of each IKE
phase, Gateway, etc.
The window of advance setup is shown as below:

IKE phase 1 mode -Select from Main mode and Aggressive

mode. The ultimate outcome is to exchange security
proposals to create a protected secure channel. Main mode
is more secure than Aggressive mode since more exchanges
are done in a secure channel to set up the IPsec session.
However, the Aggressive mode is faster. The default value in
Vigor router is Main mode.
 IKE phase 1 proposal-To propose the local available
authentication schemes and encryption algorithms to
the VPN peers, and get its feedback to find a match.
Two combinations are available for Aggressive mode
and nine for Main mode. We suggest you select the
combination that covers the most schemes.
 IKE phase 2 proposal-To propose the local available
algorithms to the VPN peers, and get its feedback to
find a match. Three combinations are available for both
modes. We suggest you select the combination that
covers the most algorithms.
 IKE phase 1 key lifetime-For security reason, the
lifetime of key should be defined. The default value is
28800 seconds. You may specify a value in between 900
and 86400 seconds.
 IKE phase 2 key lifetime-For security reason, the
lifetime of key should be defined. The default value is
3600 seconds. You may specify a value in between 600
and 86400 seconds.
 Perfect Forward Secret (PFS)-The IKE Phase 1 key will
be reused to avoid the computation complexity in
phase 2. The default value is inactive this function.
 Local ID-In Aggressive mode, Local ID is on behalf of
the IP address while identity authenticating with
remote VPN server. The length of the ID is limited to 47
Dial-Out Schedule Profile - Connect and disconnect

226 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

according to schedule profiles. The default setting of this
field is blank and the function will always work.
Dial-In Settings Allowed Dial-In Type - Select permissible VPN protocols for
dial-in connections.
 PPTP - Allow the remote dial-in user to make a PPTP
VPN connection through the Internet. You should set
the User Name and Password of remote dial-in user
 IPsec Tunnel- Allow the remote dial-in user to trigger
an IPsec VPN connection through Internet.
 L2TP with IPsec Policy - Allow the remote dial-in user
to make a L2TP VPN connection through the Internet.
You can select to use L2TP alone or with IPsec. Select
from below:
 None - Do not apply the IPsec policy. Accordingly,
the VPN connection employed the L2TP without
IPsec policy can be viewed as one pure L2TP
 Nice to Have - Apply the IPsec policy first, if it is
applicable during negotiation. Otherwise, the
dial-in VPN connection becomes one pure L2TP
 Must - Specify the IPsec policy to be definitely
applied on the L2TP connection.
 SSL Tunnel- Allow the remote dial-in user to trigger an
SSL VPN connection through Internet.
Specify Remote VPN Gateway - You can specify the IP
address of the remote dial-in user or peer ID (should be the
same with the ID setting in dial-in type) by checking the box.
Also, you should further specify the corresponding security
methods on the right side.
If you uncheck the checkbox, the connection type you select
above will apply the authentication methods and security
methods in the general settings.
User Name - This field is applicable when you select PPTP or
L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The length of the
name is limited to 11 characters.
Password - This field is applicable when you select PPTP or
L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The length of the
password is limited to 11 characters.
VJ Compression - Specifies whether to enable Van Jacobson
header compression, which improves throughput on slow
IKE Authentication Method - This section is available when
IPsec tunnel is selected as the dial-out protocol. Available
options are IKE Pre-shared key and X.509 digital signature.
 Pre-Shared Key - To use a pre-shared key, select this
radio-button and then click the IKE Pre-Shared Key
button to enter the PSK.
 X.509 Digital Signature - To use an X.509 digital
signature, select this radio button and then select an
X.509 IPsec Peer Identity profile. To enable
authentication using X.509 Peer IDs. X.509 profiles can
be configured in VPN and Remote Access >> IPsec
Peer Identity.
 Local ID – Select whether to first match Subject

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 227

Alternative Name or Subject Name during
 Alternative Subject Name – The alternative
subject name (configured in Certificate
Management>>Local Certificate) will be
inspected first.
 Subject Name – The subject name (configured in
Certificate Management>>Local Certificate) will
be inspected first.
IPsec Security Method - This setting is available when IPsec
Tunnel is selected as the dial-out protocol.
 AH- Authentication Header (AH) means data will be
authenticated, but not be encrypted. Select to use
Authentication Header protocol. By default, this option
is active.
 ESP-DES/ESP-3DES/ESP-AES - Encapsulating Security
Payload (ESP) means payload (data) will be encrypted
and authenticated. You may select encryption
algorithm from Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple
DES (3DES), and AES.

GRE over IPsec Enable IPsec Dial-Out function GRE over IPsec- Check this
Settings box to verify data and transmit data in encryption with GRE
over IPsec packet after configuring IPsec Dial-Out setting.
Both ends must match for each other by setting same virtual
IP address for communication.
Logical Traffic - Such technique comes from RFC2890.
Define logical traffic for data transmission between both
sides of VPN tunnel by using the characteristic of GRE. Even
hacker can decipher IPsec encryption, he/she still cannot ask
LAN site to do data transmission with any information. Such
function can ensure the data transmitted on VPN tunnel is
really sent out from both sides. This is an optional function.
However, if one side wants to use it, the peer must enable it,
My GRE IP - Type the virtual IP for router itself for verified by
Peer GRE IP - Type the virtual IP of peer host for verified by

TCP/IP Network This section configures the whether the local router applies
Settings NAT when linking the local network to the remote network,
and whether IP address translation occurs when.
The view changes depending on the setting of the field From
first subnet to remote network, you have to do. Select NAT if
the remote VPN server expects only one IP address on the
local network; otherwise, select Route. TCP/IP Network
Settings has different settings depending on whether NAT or
Route mode is selected.
My WAN IP –This field is only applicable when you select
PPTP or L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The default
value is, which means the Vigor router will get a PPP
IP address from the remote router during the IPCP
negotiation phase. If the PPP IP address is fixed by remote
side, specify the fixed IP address here. Do not change the
default value if you do not select PPTP or L2TP.
Remote Gateway IP - This field is only applicable when you

228 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

select PPTP or L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The
default value is, which means the Vigor router will
get a remote Gateway PPP IP address from the remote router
during the IPCP negotiation phase. If the PPP IP address is
fixed by remote side, specify the fixed IP address here. Do
not change the default value if you do not select PPTP or
Remote Network IP/ Remote Network Mask - Add a static
route to direct all traffic destined to this Remote Network IP
Address/Remote Network Mask through the VPN connection.
For IPsec, this is the destination clients IDs of phase 2 quick
Local Network IP / Local Network Mask - Display the local
network IP and mask for TCP / IP configuration. You can
modify the settings if required.
More - Click to bring up a dialog box to enter additional
static routes for subnets destined for the remote network.

From first subnet to remote network, you have to do - If

the remote network only allows one IP address for the local
network, select NAT; otherwise, select Route.
RIP Direction - Specifies the direction of Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) packets. Available options are:
 TX/RX Both – can transmit or receive RIP packets
 TX Only – can only transmit but not receive RIP packets
 RX Only – can only receive but not transmit RIP packets
Disable – RIP is disabled.
When Route is When Route is selected, the available fields in the TCP/IP
selected Network Settings section will be shown as:
IPSec VPN with the Same Subnet - For both ends (e.g.,
different sections in a company) are within the same subnet,
there is a function which allows you to build Virtual IP
mapping between two ends. Thus, when VPN connection
established, the router will change the IP address according
to the settings configured here and block sessions which are
not coming from the IP address defined in the Virtual IP
Mapping list.
After checking the box of IPSec VPN with the Same subnet,
the options under TCP/IP Network Settings will be changed
as shown below:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 229

Remote Network IP/ Remote Network Mask - Add a static
route to direct all traffic destined to this Remote Network IP
Address/Remote Network Mask through the VPN connection.
For IPSec, this is the destination clients IDs of phase 2 quick
Translated Local Network – This function is enabled in
default. Use the drop down list to specify a LAN port as the
transferred direction. Then specify an IP address. Click
Advanced to configure detailed settings if required.
Advanced – Add a static route to direct all traffic destined to
more Remote Network IP Addresses/ Remote Network Mask
through the VPN connection. This is usually used when you
find there are several subnets behind the remote VPN router.

Translated Type – There are two types for you to choose.

 Whole Subnet
 Specific IP Address
Enable LAN Access - Chect to enable the LAN access.
Virtual IP Mapping – A pop up dialog will appear for you to
specify the local IP address and the mapping virtual IP
When NAT is selected When NAT is selected, the available fields in the TCP/IP
Network Settings section will be shown as:
Change Default Route to this VPN tunnel - Select this option
to direct all traffic that is not LAN-bound to this VPN tunnel.

230 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

This option is functional when there is only one active WAN.

2. To save changes on the LAN to LAN profile page, select OK; to reset the entire page to
blank, select Clear; to discard changes, select Cancel.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 231

III-1-9 Connection Management
You can find the summary table of all VPN connections. You may disconnect any VPN
connection by clicking Drop button. You may also aggressively Dial-out by using Dial-out Tool
and clicking Dial button.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Click to manually reload the page to refresh VPN connection
Dial-out Tool The Dial-out Tool section can be used to initiate outgoing
LAN-to-LAN VPN sessions.
General Mode - It lists all LAN-to-LAN VPN profiles that do
not belong to enabled VPN Trunk profiles.
To manually dial a LAN-to-LAN VPN profile, select it from the
combo box, and click the Dial button to the right. The VPN
connection built by General Mode does not support VPN
backup function.

Backup Mode - It lists all Backup VPN Trunk profiles. To

manually dial a Backup VPN Trunk profile, select it from the
combo box, and click the Dial button to the right. The VPN
connection built by Backup Mode supports VPN backup

Load Balance Mode - It lists all Load Balance VPN Trunk

profiles. To manually dial a Load Balance VPN Trunk profile,
select it from the combo box, and click the Dial button to the

232 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Dial - Click this button to execute dial out function. If the
connect is successfully made, it will show up in the VPN
Connection Status section below.
VPN Connection Status VPN - Displays the VPN profile number and the profile name.
Type - Displays the VPN protocol used for the connection
Remote IP - Displays the remote IP address of the VPN
Virtual Network - Displays the IP subnet used by the VPN
Tx Pkts - Displays the number of packets that have been
transmitted through the VPN connection.
Tx Rate(Bps) - Displays the current upstream speed of the
VPN connection.
Rx Pkts - Displays the number of packets that have been
received through the VPN connection.
Rx Rate(Bps) - Displays the current downstream speed of the
VPN connection.
UpTime - Displays the elapsed time of the VPN connection.
Drop - Click this button to disconnect this VPN connection.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 233


SSL VPN (Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network) is a form of VPN that encrypts traffic
using SSL, which is the same technology used on secured websites. Because of SSL’s
prominence as an encryption protocol on the Internet, most networks have few restrictions on
SSL traffic, and as a result SSL VPN is more likely to work when other VPN technologies
experience difficulties due to obstacles such as firewalls and Network Address Translation
In short,
 It is not necessary for users to preinstall VPN client software for executing SSL VPN
 There are less restrictions for the data encrypted through SSL VPN in comparing with
traditional VPN.

234 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

III-2-1 General Setup

The general settings of the SSL VPN Server and SSL Tunnel are entered on this page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Bind to WAN Select the WAN interfaces to accept inbound SSL VPN
Port The port to be used for SSL VPN server. This is separate from
the management port which is configured in System
Maintenance>>Management. The default setting is 443.
Server Certificate When the client does not set any certificate, default
certificate will be used for HTTPS and SSL VPN server.
Specify the certificate to be used for SSL connections. Select a
certificate from imported or generated certificates on the
router, or choose Self-signed to use the router’s built-in
default certificate. The selected certificate can be used in SSL
VPN server and HTTPS Web Proxy.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 235

III-2-2 User Account
With SSL VPN, Vigor1000B Series let teleworkers have convenient and simple remote access
to central site VPN. The teleworkers do not need to install any VPN software manually. From
regular web browser, you can establish VPN connection back to your main office even in a
guest network or web cafe. The SSL technology is the same as the encryption that you use for
secure web sites such as your online bank. The SSL VPN can be operated in either full tunnel
mode or proxy mode. Now, Vigor1000B Series allows up to 16 simultaneous incoming users.
SSL VPN authentication and permissions management are implemented through user accounts.
SSL VPN user accounts are shared with the remote dial-in user accounts used by other VPN
protocols such as PPTP and L2TP, and hence SSL VPN’s User Account setup page SSL VPN >>
User Account is identical to VPN and Remote Access >> Remote Dial-in user.

Info SSL VPN can work only with Smart VPN Client developed by DrayTek. After
configuring SSL VPN profile, download the utility of Smart VPN Client to
build SSL VPN connection.

236 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Click each index to edit one remote user profile.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
User account and Enable this account - Check the box to enable this function.
Authentication Idle Timeout- If the dial-in user is idle over the limitation of
the timer, the router will drop this connection. By default, the
Idle Timeout is set to 300 seconds.
User Name - This field is applicable when you select PPTP or
L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The length of the
name/password is limited to 23 characters.
Password - This field is applicable when you select PPTP or
L2TP with or without IPsec policy above. The length of the
name/password is limited to 19 characters.
Enable Mobile One-Time Passwords (mOTP) - Check this box
to make the authentication with mOTP function.
 PIN Code – Type the code for authentication (e.g, 1234).
 Secret – Use the 32 digit-secret number generated by
mOTP in the mobile phone (e.g.,
Allowed Dial-In Type Select the VPN protocols that this user is allowed to use.
PPTP - Allow the remote dial-in user to establish VPN

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 237

Item Description
connections with the PPTP protocol. You should set the User
Name and Password of remote dial-in user below.
IPSec Tunnel - Allow the remote dial-in user to establish IPsec
L2TP with IPSec Policy - Allow the remote dial-in user to
establish L2TP VPN connections. You can select to use L2TP
alone or with IPSec. Select one of the following options:
 None - Do not apply the IPSec policy. L2TP connections
are not encrypted.
 Nice to Have - Attempt to establish an IPsec secure
channel first, before starting an L2TP session. If an IPsec
secure channel cannot be established with the remote
client, fall back to an L2TP connection without
 Must - Require that an IPsec secure channel be
established before starting an L2TP connection.
Disconnect if an IPsec secure channel cannot be
SSL Tunnel - Select to allow the remote dial-in user to initiate
SSL VPN tunnels.
OpenVPN Tunnel - Select to allow the remote dial-in user to
initiate OpenVPN tunnels.
Specify Remote Node - Select this option to specify the
remote IP address, ISDN number or peer ID (used in IKE
aggressive mode) used to authenticate the remote dial-in
user. If this option is not selected, the authentication and
security methods specified in the general settings will be used
Netbios Naming Packet
 Pass – Select this to allow Netbios name inquiries
between the hosts located on both sides of VPN Tunnel.
 Block – Select this to block Netbios name inquiries
between remote and local hosts.
Multicast via VPN - Some programs might send multicast
packets via VPN connection.
 Pass –Select this to allow multicast packets to pass
through VPN connections.
 Block –Select this to block multicast packets from passing
through the VPN connections. This is the default setting.
Subnet Select a subnet for this VPN profile.
Assign Static IP Address –If you would like to assign a static IP
address to this user, enter it here.
IKE Authentication All fields in this section, except for Digital Signature (X.509),
Method are applicable to IPsec Tunnels and L2TP connections with
IPsec Policy when you specify the IP address of the remote
node (Remote Client IP in Specify Remote Node above).
Digital Signature (X.509) can be used with IPSec tunnels
regardless of the IP address of the remote node is specified or
Pre-Shared Key - Select this checkbox to enable Pre-shared
Key function and enter a string of up to 63 characters as the
pre-shared key.
Digital Signature (X.509) – Select this checkbox to enable

238 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
X.509 Digital Signature and choose a predefined profile that
has been set in VPN and Remote Access >> IPSec Peer
IPSec Security Method When the remote node is specified, all fields in this section are
required for IPsec Tunnels and L2TP connections with IPsec
Policy. Select any combination of Medium, DES, 3DES and AES
security methods as desired.
Medium (AH, Authentication Header) - Data will be
authenticated, but not be encrypted. By default, this option is
enabled. You can uncheck it to disable it.
High (ESP, Encapsulating Security Payload) - Payload (data)
will be encrypted and authenticated. You may select
encryption algorithm from Data Encryption Standard (DES),
Triple DES (3DES), and AES.
Local ID - Specify a local ID to be used for Dial-in setting in the
LAN-to-LAN Profile setup. This item is optional and can be
used only in IKE aggressive mode.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 239

III-3 Certificate Management

A digital certificate is an electronic document issued by a certification authority (CA) to an

entity to prove ownership of a public key. It contains identifying information including the
issued-to party’s name, a serial number, expiration dates etc., and the digital signature of
the certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.
Vigor router supports digital certificates that conform to the X.509 standard.
In this section, you can generate and manage local digital certificates, and import trusted CA
certificates. Be sure that the system time is correct on the router so that certificates will not
be erroneously considered to be invalid because of an incorrect system time falling outside of
the certificate’s valid time period. The easiest way to accomplish this is by periodically
synchronizing the system time to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

240 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

III-3-1 Local Certificate

You can generate, import or view local certificates on this page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Displays the Name that identifies the certificate.
Subject Displays the Subject Name entries of the certificate.
Status Displays the status of the certificate. Status is one of
Modify View – Click to view details about the certificate. A screen
that looks like the following will be displayed, showing the
Subject Name, Subject Alternative Name, and the certificate

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 241

Delete – Click to remove the certificate.
Generate Click to fill out details about a certificate, and start the
generation process.
Import Click to update an existing certificate.
Refresh Click to refresh the page to display the latest certificate

Use this screen to submit a request to your root CA to generate a certificate.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Certificate Name Name that identifies the certificate.
Type Select the type of Subject Alternative Name and enter its

242 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Country (C) Country in which your organization is located.
State (ST) State or province where your organization is located.
Location (L) City where you're your organization is located.
Organization (O) Legal name of your organization.
Organization Unit (OU) Department within your organization that you wish to be
associated with this certificate.
Common Name (CN) Fully-qualified domain name / WAN IP that will be used to
reach your server.
Email (E) Email address of the entry.
Key Type Key type is hard set to RSA.
Key Size Choose between 1024 and 2048 bit.
Algorithm Choose between SHA-1 and SHA-256.
Generate Click to submit generate request to the CA server.

Info Please be noted that “Common Name” must be configured with rotuer’s
WAN IP or domain name.

After clicking the Generate button, you will be taken back to the main Local Certificate
screen, showing the certificate request in progress:

Vigor router allows you to generate a certificate request and submit it the CA server, then
import it as “Local Certificate”. If you have already gotten a certificate from a third party,
you may import it directly. The supported types are PKCS12 Certificate and Certificate with a
private key.
Click this button to import a saved file as the certification information. There are three types
of local certificate supported by Vigor router.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 243

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Upload Local Certificate Certificate file - Click Browse to select a local certificate file.
Import - Click to import selected certificate file to router.
Cancel - Click to return to the main Local Certificate screen.
If you have done well in certificate generation, the Status of
the certificate will be shown as “OK”.

Upload PKCS12 It allows users to import the certificate whose extensions are
Certificate usually .pfx or .p12. And these certificates usually
need passwords.
Note that PKCS12 is a standard for storing private keys and
certificates securely. It is used in (among other things)
Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer with their import
and export options.
PKCS12 file - Click Browse to select a PKCS12 certificate file.
Password - Enter the password associated with the certificate
and key files.
Import - Click to import selected certificate file to router.

244 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Cancel - Click to return to the main Local Certificate screen.
Upload Certificate and It is useful when users have separated certificates and private
Private Key keys. And the password is needed if the private key is
Certificate file - Click Browse to select a local certificate file.
Key file -
Password - Enter the password associated with the certificate
and key files.
Import - Click to import selected certificate file to router.
Cancel - Click to return to the main Local Certificate screen.

If the import was successful, you will see the following confirmation screen:

Click this button to refresh the information listed below.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 245

III-3-2 Trusted CA Certificate
Trusted CA certificate lists three sets of trusted CA certificate. In addition, you can build a
RootCA certificate if required.
When the local client and remote client are required to make certificate authentication (e.g.,
IPsec X.509) for data passing through SSL tunnel and avoiding the attack of MITM, a trusted
root certificate authority (Root CA) will be used to authenticate the digital certificates
offered by both ends.
However, the procedure of applying digital certificate from a trusted root certificate
authority is complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, Vigor router offers a mechanism
which allows you to generate root CA to save time and provide convenience for general user.
Later, such root CA generated by DrayTek server can perform the issuing of local certificate.

Info Root CA can be deleted but not edited. If you want to modify the settings
for a Root CA, please delete the one and create another one by clicking
Create Root CA.

You can create, import and view root and trusted certificate authority certificates on this

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Create Click to create a new root CA.
Name Name that identifies the certificate.
Subject Shows the Subject Name of the certificate.
Status Displays the status of the certificate.
Modify Create – Click to fill out details about a certificate, and start
the generation process.
View – Click to view details of the certificate.

246 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Delete – Click to delete the certificate.
Import Click to import an existing certificate.
Refresh Click to refresh the page to display the latest certificate

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 247

Creating a RootCA
Click Create to open the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Certificate Name Display the name of root CA.
Type Select the type of Subject Alternative Name and enter its
Country (C) Country in which your organization is located.
State (ST) State or province where your organization is located.
Location (L) City where you're your organization is located.
Organization (O) Legal name of your organization.
Organization Unit (OU) Department within your organization that you wish to be
associated with this certificate.
Common Name (CN) Fully-qualified domain name / WAN IP that will be used to
reach your server.
Email (E) Email address of the entry.
Key Type Key type is hard set to RSA.
Key Size Choose between 1024 and 2048 bit.
Algorithm Choose between SHA-1 and SHA-256.
Generate Click to submit generate request to the CA server.

248 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Importing a Trusted CA
To import a pre-saved trusted CA certificate, please click IMPORT to open the following

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Browse Click Browse to select a local certificate file.
Import Click to import selected certificate file to router. The one you
imported will be listed on the Trusted CA Certificate window.
Cancel Click to return to the main Trusted CA Certificate screen.

III-3-3 Certificate Backup

You can back up Local and Trusted CA certificates on the router to a file.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Encrypt password / Enter the password with which you wish to encrypt the
Confirm password certificate.
Backup Click to download the certificate.
Select a backup file to Click Browse to select the backup file you wish to restore.
Decrypt password Enter the password that was used to encrypt the certificates.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 249

Restore Click to retrieve the certificate.

III-3-4 Self-Signed Certificate

A self-signed certificate is a unique identification for the device (e.g., Vigor router) which
generates the certificate by itself to ensure the router security. Such self-signed certificate is
signed with its own private key.
The self-signed certificate will be applied in SSL VPN, HTTPS, and so on. In addition, it can be
created for free by using a wide variety of tools.

Click Regenerate to open the Regenerate Self-Signed Certificate window. Enter all requested
information including certificate name (used to differentiate different certificates), subject
alternative name type and relational settings for subject name. Then click GENERATE.

250 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part IV Security
While the broadband users demand more bandwidth
for multimedia, interactive applications, or distance
learning, security has been always the most
concerned. The firewall of the Vigor router helps to
protect your local network against attack from
unauthorized outsiders. It also restricts users in the
local network from accessing the Internet.

CSM is an abbreviation of Central Security Management

which is used to control IM/P2P usage, filter the web
content and URL content to reach a goal of security

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 251

IV-1 Firewall

A network firewall monitors traffic travelling between networks, with the ability to
selectively allow or block traffic using a predefined set of security rules. This helps to
maintain the integrity of networks by stopping unauthorized access and the exchange of
sensitive information.

Firewall Facilities
LAN users are provided with secured protection by the following firewall facilities:
 User-configurable IP filter (Call Filter/ Data Filter).
 Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI): tracks packets and denies unsolicited incoming data
 Selectable Denial of Service (DoS) /Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks protection

IP Filters
Depending on whether there is an existing Internet connection, or in other words “the WAN
link status is up or down”, the IP filter architecture categorizes traffic into two: Call Filter
and Data Filter.
 Call Filter - Whenever the router needs to initiate a PPP connection (such as PPPoE,
PPPoA, and VPN connections) to route traffic to the Internet, the traffic pattern that
triggers the connection is checked against the Call Filter rules. If the traffic is not
blocked by the filter, the router establishes the PPP connection to send the packet to
the Internet.
 Data Filter - All traffic, both incoming and outgoing, that does not trigger a PPP
connection attempt (either because a PPP connection is not necessary, or the required
PPP connection has already been established) is checked against the Data Filter, and
will be allowed or blocked according to the rules configured within.
The following flowcharts show how the router treats incoming traffic and outgoing traffic

252 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
Stateful inspection is a firewall architecture that works at the network layer. Unlike legacy
static packet filtering, which examines a packet based on the information in its header,
stateful inspection builds up a state machine to track each connection traversing all
interfaces of the firewall and makes sure they are valid. The stateful firewall of Vigor router
not only examines the header information also monitors the state of the connection.

Denial of Service (DoS) Defense

DoS attacks are categorized into two types: flooding-type attacks and vulnerability attacks.
Flooding-type attacks attempts to exhaust system resources while vulnerability attacks
attempts to paralyze the system by exploiting vulnerabilities of protocols or operation
Vigor’s DoS Defense functionality detects DoS attacks and mitigates their damage by
inspecting every incoming packet, and malicious packets will be blocked. If Syslog is enabled,
alert messages will also be sent. Abnormal traffic flow such as flood and port scan attacks
that exceed allowable thresholds are also blocked.
The below shows the attack types that DoS/DDoS defense function can detect:

1. SYN flood attack 9. SYN fragment

2. UDP flood attack 10. Fraggle attack
3. ICMP flood attack 11. TCP flag scan
4. Port Scan attack 12. Tear drop attack
5. IP options 13. Ping of Death attack
6. Land attack 14. ICMP fragment
7. Smurf attack 15. Unassigned Numbers
8. Trace route

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 253

Web User Interface

Below shows the menu items for Firewall.

IV-1-1 General Setup

General Setup allows you to adjust settings of IP Filter and common options. Here you can
enable or disable the Call Filter or Data Filter. Under some circumstance, your filter set can
be linked to work in a serial manner. So here you assign the Start Filter Set only. Also you can
configure the Log Flag settings, Apply IP filter to VPN incoming packets, and Accept
incoming fragmented UDP packets.
Click Firewall and click General Setup to open the general setup page.

General Setup Page

Such page allows you to enable / disable Call Filter and Data Filter, determine general rule
for filtering the incoming and outgoing data.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

254 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Call Filter Check Enable to activate the Call Filter function. Assign a
start filter set for the Call Filter.
Data Filter Select Enable to activate the Data Filter function, and then
choose a Start Filter Set.
Allow pass inbound Certain games and video streaming service use fragmented
gragmented large… UDP packets to transfer data. Enabling this option allows
these applications to function properly.
If this option is not enabled, the router will attempt to
reassemble fragmented packets up to a certain value (e.g.,
15xx~2102) kilobytes long. Packets larger than the certain
value will be discarded.
If this option is enabled, the router always passes
fragmented packets without reassembling them, regardless
of the size of the packet.
Enable Strict Security If this option and the Web Content Filter (WCF) are both
Firewall enabled, web traffic will be blocked if the WCF server fails
to respond to lookup requests.
Block routing packet from IPv6 - IPv6 does not make use of Network Address Translation
WAN (NAT), so all LAN hosts receive public IPv6 IP addresses that
are exposed to the WAN. Enable this option to block WAN
hosts from connecting to LAN hosts using IPv6.
IPv4 - For LAN hosts receiving WAN IPv4 addresses using the
IP routed subnet, enable this option to prevent WAN hosts
from connecting to LAN hosts. This option has no effect on
LAN hosts on private LAN subnets.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel.
Traffic is filtered by firewall functions in the following order:
1. Data Filter Sets and Rules
2. Block connections initiated from WAN
3. Default Rule

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 255

Default Rule Page
Such page allows you to choose filtering profiles including QoS, Load-Balance policy, WCF,
APP Enforcement, URL Content Filter, for data transmission via Vigor router.
The default rule applies to all traffic that is not constrained by other filters or rules.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Filter Select Pass or Block for the packets that do not match with
the filter rules. When the setting is Block, all other fields on
the page are disabled because they are not applicable.
Sessions Control The current number of sessions is shown before the slash,
followed by the maximum number of concurrent sessions
allowed, which is configurable. The default maximum is
60000, which is also the upper limit of the value.
Quality of Service Choose one of the QoS rules to be applied as firewall rule.
For detailed information of setting QoS, please refer to the
related section later.
User Management This setting is only available when Rule-Based is selected in
User Management>>General Setup. The default firewall
rule will be applied to the selected user or user group. Refer
to the chapter on User Management for more details on the
 None: User Management does not apply to the default
 User Object: The default rule only applies to the
selected user.
 [Create New User]: Select this to create a new user.
 User Group: The default rule only applies to the

256 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

selected User Group.
 [Create New Group]: Select this to create a new user
 ALL: The default rule applies to all defined users.
 Create New User or Create New Group item will
appear for you to click to create a new one if there is
no user profile or group profile existed.
Syslog - Select to allow User Management to log messages in
APP Enforcement Select an APP Enforcement profile for application blocking,
or None to disable APP Enforcement for the Default Rule.
Select [Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
profile. Refer to the chapter on APP Enforcement for more
details on the feature.
Syslog - Select to allow APP Enforcement to log messages in
URL Content Filter Select a URL Content Filter profile to be used, or None to
disable URL Content Filter for the Default Rule. Select
[Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
profile. Refer to the chapter on URL Content Filter for more
details on the feature.
Syslog - Select to allow URL Content Filter to log messages in
Syslog. Logging action is configured at the profile level in
CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile, Log.
Web Content Filter Select a Web Content Filter profile to be used, or None to
disable Web Content Filter for the Default Rule. Select
[Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
Syslog - Select to allow Web Content Filter to log messages in
Syslog. Logging action is configured at the profile level in the
Web Content Filter Profile Table section in CSM>>Web
Content Filter Profile, Log.
DNS Filter Select the DNS Filter profile to be used, or None to disable
DNS Filter for the Default Rule. Select [Create New] from
the dropdown list to create a new profile.
Syslog - Select to allow DNS Filter to log messages in Syslog.
Logging action is configured at the profile level in the DNS
Filter Profile Table section in CSM>>DNS Filter Profile,
Advance Setting Click Edit to open the configuration window for Advanced
Settings. However, it is recommended to use the default

Codepage - Sets the codepage used by the URL content filter

to match URLs against keywords in profiles. Choosing the
appropriate codepage can increase the accuracy of the URL
Content Filter. The default value is ANSI 1252 Latin I. If the

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 257

setting is None, no decoding of URL will be performed.
If you are unsure of which codepage to use, please start the
Syslog application, and the recommended codepage will be
shown in the Codepage Information tab in the Setup dialog

Window size – Sets the TCP window size as described in RFC

1323. Valid values are from 0 to 65535. The more the value
is, the better the performance will be. However, if the
network is not stable, small value will be proper.
Session timeout – Sets the timeout sessions are allowed to
idle before they are removed from the system.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

258 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IV-1-2 Filter Setup
Click Firewall and click Filter Setup to bring up the setup page.

To edit a filter set, click on its set number. The following Filter Set page will be shown. Each
filter set contains up to 30 rules.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 259

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Rule To edit the filter rule, click the filter rule number (1 ~ 30) to
bring up the Edit Filter Rule page. See the following section
for details on the Edit Filter Rule page.
Enable Select to enable the filter rule.
Comments Optional comment entered in the settings page to identify
the rule.
Direction Displays the direction of packet.
Src IP / Dst IP Displays the IP address of source /destination.
Service Type Displays the type and port number of the packet.
Action Displays the packets to be passed /blocked.
CSM Displays the content security managed
Move Up/Down Use Up or Down link to change the order of the filter rules.
Next Filter Set Select the filter set for the firewall to process after the
current filter set, or None if the current filter set is the last
one to be processed. Be careful not to create a loop when
setting next filter sets.
Wizard Mode Allow to configure frequently used settings for filter rule via
several setting pages.
Advance Mode Allow to configure detailed settings of filter rule.

To use Wizard Mode, simple do the following steps:

1. Click the Wizard Mode radio button.

2. Click Index 1. The setting page will appear as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

260 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Comments Enter filter set comments/description. Maximum length is
14- character long.
Direction Set the direction of packet flow. It is for Data Filter only.
For the Call Filter, this setting is not available since Call
Filter is only applied to outgoing traffic.

Note: RT means routing domain for 2nd subnet or other

Source/Destination IP To set the IP address manually, please choose Any
Address/Single Address/Range Address/Subnet Address as
the Address Type and type them in this dialog.
Protocol Specify the protocol(s) which this filter rule will apply to.
Source Port / (=) – when the first and last value are the same, it indicates
Destination Port one port; when the first and last values are different, it
indicates a range for the port and available for this service
(!=) – when the first and last value are the same, it
indicates all the ports except the port defined here; when
the first and last values are different, it indicates that all
the ports except the range defined here are available for
this service type.
(>) – the port number greater than this value is available.
(<) – the port number less than this value is available for
this profile.

3. Click Next to get the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Pass Immediately Packets matching the rule will be passed immediately.
APP Enforcement - Select an APP Enforcement profile for
application blocking, or None to disable APP Enforcement
for the Default Rule. Select [Create New] from the
dropdown list to create a new profile. Refer to the chapter
on APP Enforcement for more details on the feature.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 261

URL Content Filter - Select a URL Content Filter profile to
be used, or None to disable URL Content Filter for the
Default Rule. Select [Create New] from the dropdown list
to create a new profile. Refer to the chapter on URL
Content Filter for more details on the feature.
Web Content Filter - Select a Web Content Filter profile to
be used, or None to disable Web Content Filter for the
Default Rule. Select [Create New] from the dropdown list
to create a new profile.
DNS Filter - Select the DNS Filter profile to be used, or
None to disable DNS Filter for the Default Rule. Select
[Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
Block Immediately Packets matching the rule will be dropped immediately.

4. After choosing the mechanism, click Next to get the summary page for reference.

5. If there is no error, click Finish to complete wizard setting.

262 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

To use Advance Mode, do the following steps:

1. Click the Advance Mode radio button.

2. Click Index 1 to access into the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check this box to enable the filter rule.
Comments Enter filter set comments/description. Maximum length is
14- character long.
Schedule Profile Select Schedule indexes to allow the rule to be enabled at
specific times. You may choose up to 4 out of the 15
schedules in Applications >> Schedule. The rule is always
enabled when no indexes have been selected.
Clear sessions when Select this option to clear existing sessions when the rule is
schedule is ON changes is enabled by a schedule profile. All connections
will be reset.
Direction Specify the direction of traffic flow to which this filter rule
applies. Note that when the rule belongs to the Call Filter,
the WAN -> LAN/RT/VPN option has no effect as Call Filter
applies only to outgoing traffic.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 263

Note: RT stands for the routing domain for 2nd subnet or
other LAN.
Advanced - After choosing the direction, click the
Advanced button to specify interfaces for traffic flow.

Source IP/ Country Click Edit to bring up the following dialog box to configure
and the source and destination IP addresses or country objects.
Destination IP /

To set the IP address manually, please choose an Address

Type and enter required information.
Address Type – Select from one of the following:
 Any Address – All IP addresses
 Single Address – Enter one IP address in Start IP
 Range Address – Enter the Start and End IP Addresses
 Subnet Address – Enter the Start IP Address and the
Subnet Mask. Example: Start IP Address
and Subnet Mask means is the same
as having the Start IP Address as and the
End IP Address as
 Group and Objects – Allows selection of predefined IP
Groups and IP Objects. For details on IP Groups and
Objects, see the chapter on Objects Setting.
 Country Object - Allows selection of predefined
country objects.
Service Type Click Edit to bring up the following dialog box to configure
the Service Type.

264 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Service Type - To set the service type manually, please
choose User defined as the Service Type.
 User defined – Configure the protocol, source and
destination ports manually.
 Group and Objects – Select preconfigured Service
Groups or Objects.
Protocol - Specify the protocol(s) which this filter rule will
apply to.
Source/Destination Port –
 (=) – any port that falls within the specified range
 (!=) – any port that falls outside of the specified range
 (>) – a port whose number is greater than the
specified value
 (<) – a port whose number is smaller than the
specified value
Service Group/Object - Use the drop down list to select
the desired Service Groups or Objects.
Fragments Action to be taken for fragmented packets. This option is
valid for Data Filter rules only.
 Don’t care –No action will be taken towards
fragmented packets.
 Unfragmented –Apply the rule to unfragmented
 Fragmented – Apply the rule to fragmented packets.
 Too Short – Apply the rule only to packets that are too
short to contain a complete header.
Filter Action to be taken when packets match the rule.
Block Immediately – Packets matching the rule will be
dropped immediately.
Pass Immediately – Packets matching the rule will be
passed immediately.
Block If No Further Match – Block the packet if this the last
matching rule for this packet in the filter.
Pass If No Further Match – Pass the packet if this is the last
matching rule for this packet in the filter.
Branch to other Filter If the packet matches the filter rule, and the Filter action is
Set Block If No Further Match or Pass If No Further Match, you
can specify the next filter set to be applied, thus skipping
the rest of the rules in the current filter set.
Sessions Control The current number of sessions is shown before the slash,
followed by the maximum number of concurrent sessions
allowed, which is configurable. The default maximum is

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 265

60000, which is also the upper limit of the value.
MAC Bind IP Strict – Ensure that both the MAC address and the IP
address of the source and/or destination clients.
Non-Strict – Do not check the IP address when processing IP
Objects that specify MAC addresses.
Quality of Service Choose one of the QoS rules to be applied as firewall rule.
For detailed information of setting QoS, please refer to the
related section later.
User Management This setting is only available when Rule-Based is selected
in User Management>>General Setup. The default firewall
rule will be applied to the selected user or user group.
Refer to the chapter on User Management for more details
on the feature.
 None: User Management does not apply to the default
 User Object: The default rule only applies to the
selected user.
 [Create New User]: Select this to create a new user.
 User Group: The default rule only applies to the
selected User Group.
 [Create New Group]: Select this to create a new user
 ALL: The default rule applies to all defined users.
 Create New User or Create New Group item will
appear for you to click to create a new one if there is
no user profile or group profile existed.
Syslog - Select to allow User Management to log messages
in Syslog.
APP Enforcement Select an APP Enforcement profile for application blocking,
or None to disable APP Enforcement for the Default Rule.
Select [Create New] from the dropdown list to create a
new profile. Refer to the chapter on APP Enforcement for
more details on the feature.
Syslog - Select to allow APP Enforcement to log messages in
URL Content Filter Select a URL Content Filter profile to be used, or None to
disable URL Content Filter for the Default Rule. Select
[Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
profile. Refer to the chapter on URL Content Filter for more
details on the feature.
Syslog - Select to allow URL Content Filter to log messages
in Syslog. Logging action is configured at the profile level in
CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile, Log.
Web Content Filter Select a Web Content Filter profile to be used, or None to
disable Web Content Filter for the Default Rule. Select
[Create New] from the dropdown list to create a new
Syslog - Select to allow Web Content Filter to log messages
in Syslog. Logging action is configured at the profile level in
the Web Content Filter Profile Table section in CSM>>Web
Content Filter Profile, Log.
DNS Filter Select the DNS Filter profile to be used, or None to disable
DNS Filter for the Default Rule. Select [Create New] from

266 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

the dropdown list to create a new profile.
Syslog - Select to allow DNS Filter to log messages in Syslog.
Logging action is configured at the profile level in the DNS
Filter Profile Table section in CSM>>DNS Filter Profile,
Advance Setting Click Edit to open the configuration window for Advanced
Settings. However, it is recommended to use the default

Codepage – Sets the codepage used by the URL content

filter to match URLs against keywords in profiles. Choosing
the appropriate codepage can increase the accuracy of the
URL Content Filter. The default value is ANSI 1252 Latin I. If
the setting is None, no decoding of URL will be performed.
If you are unsure of which codepage to use, please start the
Syslog application, and the recommended codepage will be
shown in the Codepage Information tab in the Setup dialog

Window size – Sets the TCP window size as described in

RFC 1323. Valid values are from 0 to 65535. The more the
value is, the better the performance will be. However, if
the network is not stable, small value will be proper.
Session timeout – Sets the timeout sessions are allowed to
idle before they are removed from the system.
DrayTek Banner – Select to display the following screen for
web pages that are blocked by the Firewall. The default
setting is Enabled.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 267

Strict Security Checking
APP Enforcement – If this option is selected, when the
router cannot identify the application that generated the
outbound traffic due to limited system resources, the
session will be blocked; if this option is not selected, the
session will be allowed.

3. When you finish the configuration, please click OK to save and exit this page.

268 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IV-1-3 Defense Setup
As a sub-functionality of IP Filter/Firewall, there are 15 types of detect/ defense function in
the DoS Defense setup. The DoS Defense functionality is disabled for default.

IV-1-3-1 DoS Defense

To configure DoS Defense, select DoS Defense under the Firewall menu item on the Web UI
menu bar.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Dos Defense Select to enable DoS Defense.
Select All - Click to select all DoS Defense options.
White/Black List Option – Set white/black list of IPv4/IPv6
Enable SYN flood defense Select to enable SYN flood defense. When the arrival rate
of SYN packets exceeds the Threshold value, the router will
start to randomly discard TCP SYN packets for a period of
time as defined in Timeout. This is to prevent TCP SYN
packets from exhausting router resources.
The default values of threshold and timeout are 2000
packets per second and 10 seconds, respectively.
Enable UDP flood defense Select to enable UDP flood defense. When the arrival rate
of UDP packets exceeds the Threshold value, the router
will start to randomly discard TCP SYN packets for a period
of time as defined in Timeout.
The default values of threshold and timeout are 2000

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 269

packets per second and 10 seconds, respectively.
Enable ICMP flood defense Select to enable ICMP flood defense. When the arrival rate
of ICMP packets exceeds the Threshold value, the router
will start to randomly discard TCP SYN packets for a period
of time as defined in Timeout.
The default values of threshold and timeout are 250
packets per second and 10 seconds, respectively.
Enable PortScan detection Select to enable Port Scan detection. Port Scans attack
your network by sending packets to a range of ports in an
attempt to find services that would respond. When Port
Scan detection is enabled, the router sends warning
messages when it detects port scanning activities that
exceed the Threshold rate.
The default threshold is 2000 packets per second.
Block IP options Select to enable Block IP options. The Vigor router will
ignore IP packets with IP option field set in the datagram
header. IP options are rarely used and could be abused by
attackers as they carry information about the private
network otherwise not available to the external network,
such as security, TCC (closed user group) parameters, a
series of Internet addresses, routing messages, etc, which
external eavesdroppers can use to discover details about
the private network.
Block Land Select to Block LAND attacks. LAND attacks happen when
an attacker sends spoofed SYN packets with both source
and destination addresses set to that of the target system,
which causes the target to reply to itself continuously.
Block Smurf Select to Block Smurf attacks. The router will ignore any
broadcasting ICMP echo request.
Block trace route Select to Block traceroutes. The router will not forward
traceroute packets.
Block SYN fragment Select to Block SYN packet fragments. The router will drop
any packets having both the SYN and more-fragments bits
Block Fraggle Attack Select to Block Fraggle Attacks. Broadcast UDP packets
received from the Internet are blocked.
Activating this feature might block some legitimate
packets. Since all broadcast UDP packets coming from the
Internet are blocked, RIP packets from the Internet could
also be dropped.
Block TCP flag scan Select to Block TCP Flag Scans. TCP packets with abnormal
flag settings will be dropped. TCP flag scanning activities
that are blocked include no flag scan, FIN without ACK
scan, SYN FIN scan, Xmas scan and full Xmas scan.
Block Tear Drop Select to Block Tear Drop attacks. Some clients may crash
when they receive ICMP datagrams (packets) that exceed
the maximum length. The router discards any fragmented
ICMP packets having lengths greater than 1024 octets.
Block Ping of Death Select to Block Ping of Death, where fragmented ping
packets are sent to target hosts so that those hosts could
crash as they reassemble the malformed ping packets.
Block ICMP Fragment Select to Block ICMP Fragments. ICMP packets with the
more-fragments bit set are dropped.

270 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Block Unassigned Numbers Select to Block Unassigned Protocol Numbers, and the
router will block packets having unassigned protocol
numbers. Individual IP packet has a protocol field in the
datagram header to indicate the protocol type running over
the upper layer. However, the protocol types greater than
100 are reserved and undefined at this time. Therefore, the
router should have ability to detect and reject this kind of
Warning Messages We provide Syslog function for user to retrieve message
from Vigor router. The user, as a Syslog Server, shall receive
the report sending from Vigor router which is a Syslog
All the warning messages related to DoS Defense will be
sent to user and user can review it through Syslog daemon.
Look for the keyword DoS in the message, followed by a
name to indicate what kind of attacks is detected.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 271

IV-1-3-2 Spoofing Defense
Click the Spoofing Defense tab to open the setup page.

IV-1-4 Diagnose
The purpose of this function is to test when the router receiving incoming packet, which
firewall rule will be applied to that packet. The test result, including firewall rule profile, IP
address translation in packet transmission, state of the firewall fuctions and etc., also will be
shown on this page.

Info The result obtained by using Diagnose is offered for RD debug. It will be
different according to actual state such as netework connection, LAN/WAN
settings and so on.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Mode To have a firewall rule test, specify the service type (ICMP,

272 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

UDP, TCP) of the packet and type of the IP address
Direction Set the way (from WAN or from LAN) that Vigor router
receives the first packet for test. Different way means the
firewall will process the connection initiated from LAN or
from WAN.
Test View This is a dynamic display page.
According to the direction specified, test view will display
the figure to guide you typing IP address, port number, and
MAC address.
Later, after clicking the Analyze button, the information for
the firewall rule profile and address translation will be
shown on this page.
Src IP Enter the IPv4/IPv6 address of the packet’s source.
Src Port Enter the port number of the packet’s source.
Src MAC Enter the MAC address of the packet’s source.
Dst IP Enter the IPv4/IPv6 address of the packet’s destination.
Dst Port Enter the port number of the packet’s destination.
Packet & Payload In firewall diagnose, two packets belong to one connection.
In general, two packets are enough for Vigor router to
perform this test.
Enable – Check the box to send out the test packet.
Direction – The first packet of the firewall test will follow
the direction specified above. However, the direction for
the second packet might be different. Simply choose the
direction (from Computer A to B or from the B to A) for the
second packet.
Protocol – It displays the mode selected above and the
sate. If required, click the mode link to configure advanced
setting. The common service type (Customize, Ping, Trace
Route / Customize, DNS, Trace Route / Customize,
Http(GET) related to that mode (ICMP / UDP / TCP) will be
shown on the following dialog box.

 Type – Choose Customize, Ping, Trace Route /

Customize, DNS, Trace Route / Customize, Http
 Payload – It is available when Customzie is selected.
Simply type 16 HEX characters which represent
certain packet (e.g., DNS packet) if you want to set
the data transfered with protocol (ICMP/UDP/TCP)
which is different to Type setting.
Analyze Execute the test and analyze the result.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 273

The following figure shows the test result after clicking Analyze. Processing state for the
fuctions (MAC Filter, QoS, User management, etc.,) related to the firewall will be displayed
by green or red LED.

274 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

IV-2 CSM (Central Security Management)

Content Security Management (CSM) allows the network administrator to restrict Internet
traffic based on the content type, thus ensuring appropriate use of network resources and
also reducing the likelihood of threats from malicious network content.

APP Enforcement Filter

The APP Enforcement Filter can be used to prevent users from using undesirable or
inappropriate network applications such as online chat and peer-to-peer programs. The filter
works by detecting and blocking network traffic of applications by means of traffic patterns.

URL Content Filter

The URL Content Filter scans URL strings in HTTP requests for predefined keywords to restrict
browsing activities.

Web Content Filter

Users can also be prevented from browsing certain types of websites by using the Web
Content Filter. This filter classifies website domain names into different categories, which
can be selectively blocked.
Filter profiles must first be created before these CSM Filters can be enabled. Once profiles
have been configured, they can be applied to the Default Rule under Firewall>>General Setup,
or Filter Rules in Filter Sets under Firewall>>Filter Setup.

Info The priority of URL Content Filter is higher than Web Content Filter.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 275

Web User Interface

IV-2-1 APP Enforcement Profile

Up to 32 policy profiles for APP Enforcement can be configured.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Profile Index of the profile.
Click to bring up the configuration page of the profile.
Name Name of the profile.

276 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

To configure a profile, click on its profile number, and the following profile configuration
page will appear:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Category Apps are classified into several categories. Each category
contains several apps to be blocked.
Select All Click to select all of the items on this page.
Clear All Click to deselect all selected items.
Enable Select this checkbox to block the app.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 277

IV-2-2 URL Content Filter Profile
To set up URL Content Filter Profiles, click CSM on the Main Menu bar, and then click URL
Content Filter Profile to open the profile setting page.

Each item is explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Profile Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.
Administration Message The message to be displayed in the browser when access to a
URL has been blocked. A custom message can be entered with
HTML formatting in the text box.
Default Message - Click to reset the administration message to
the factory default.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

278 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies the URL Content Filter profile. The
maximum length of the Profile Name is 15 characters.
Priority The order of evaluation of URL Access Control and Web
Feature below:
Both: Pass – Router will allow access only to web resources
that match conditions specified in both URL Access Control
and Web Feature. The Action setting of both URL Access
Control and Web Feature will be disabled and the values set
to Pass.
Both:Block – Router will block access to web resources that
match conditions specified in both URL Access Control and
Web Feature. The Action setting of both URL Access Control
and Web Feature will be disabled and the values set to Block.
Either: URL Access Control First – Router will block or allow
access to web resources that match conditions specified in
either URL Access Control or Web Feature. URL Access
Control is applied first, followed by Web Feature.
Either: Web Feature First – Router will block or allow access
to web resources that match conditions specified in either
URL Access Control or Web Feature. Web Feature is applied
first, followed by URL Access Control.
Log Pass – Only passed access attempts will be recorded in
Block – Only blocked access attempts will be recorded in
All – Both passed and blocked access attempts will be
recorded in Syslog.
URL Access Control Enable URL Access Control - Select to activate URL Access
Prevent web access from IP address - URLs containing IP
addresses (e.g., will be blocked. Only URLs with
domain addresses (e.g., www.draytek.com) will be allowed.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 279

This is to prevent users from circumventing URL Access
Action – This setting is enabled only when Priority is set to
Either: URL Access Control First or Either: Web Feature First.
 Pass – Allows access to web pages with URLs containing
keywords that are in the selected keyword groups or
objects. Access to other URLs is blocked.
 Block – Blocks access to web pages with URLs
containing keywords that are in the selected keyword
groups or objects. Access to other URLs is allowed.
Exception List – Specify the object profile(s) as the
exception list which will be processed in an opposite manner
to the action selected above.
Group/Object Selections – Shows the Keyword Groups
and/or Objects selected for this URL Content Filter Profile.
To add or remove Keyword Groups and Objects to the
selection, click the Edit button to bring up the following

Up to 8 Keyword Objects and 8 Keyword Groups can be

selected. To add, remove or modify Groups or Objects, click
the Keyword Object or Keyword Group hyperlinks to bring up
the Objects Setting >> Keyword Object or Objects Setting
>> Keyword Group pages.
Web Feature Enable Restrict Web Feature - Check to enable the web
feature restriction.
Action - This setting is enabled only when Priority is set to
Either: URL Access Control First or Either: Web Feature
 Pass – Allows access to web pages with URLs containing
keywords that are in the selected keyword groups or
objects. Access to other URLs is blocked.
 Block – Blocks access to web pages with URLs
containing keywords that are in the selected keyword
groups or objects. Access to other URLs is allowed.
File Extension Profile – Choose one of the profiles that you
configured in Object Setting>> File Extension Objects
previously for passing or blocking the file downloading.

280 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Cookie - Select to block cookies from Internet websites.
Proxy - Select to block web proxy servers that relay HTTP
Upload – Select to block HTTP uploads from the LAN to the

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To clear all settings,
click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 281

IV-2-3 Web Content Filter Profile
Trial WCF service can be activated using the Service Activation Wizard.
If you wish to continue using WCF beyond the trial period, you can obtain a full WCF
subscription by contacting your local DrayTek channel partner or dealer. WCF subscriptions
can be activated using the Activate link on CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile (described in
this section) or System Maintenance.
From the main menu, click CSM, followed by Web Content Filter Profile to load the profile
configuration page.

Info 1 Web Content Filter (WCF) is not a built-in service of Vigor router but a
service powered by Commtouch. If you want to use such service (trial or
formal edition), you have to perform the procedure of activation first. For
the service of formal edition, please contact with your dealer/distributor
for detailed information.
Info 2 Commtouch is merged by Cyren, and GlobalView services will be continued
to deliver powerful cloud-based information security solutions! Refer to:

282 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Activate Click to visit the MyVigor webnsite to activate WCF service.
You will need to log in to your MyVigor account to proceed
with the activation process. If you do not already have a
MyVigor account, you can create one at this time.
Setup Query Server Specify a WCF query server by typing address of the server.
Click the Find more for a list of query servers. When the
default value auto-selected is used, the server is determined
automatically by looking up the geolocation of the WAN IP
It is recommended that the default setting auto-selected be
Setup Test Server Specify a WCF test server by typing address of the server.
Click the Find more for a list of test servers. When the
default value auto-selected is used, the server is determined
automatically by looking up the geolocation of the WAN IP
It is recommended that the default setting auto-selected be
Cache None – The router verifies every HTTP URL requested by
communicating with the WCF server on the Internet. This
mode provides the most precise URL matching but has the
lowest performance.
L1 – The router caches the HTTP URLs that have been
checked against the WCF server. URLs will be looked up in
the L1 cache before reaching out to the WCF server. When
the cache is full, the oldest entry will be deleted to
accommodate new URLs.
L2 – After a URL has been checked and found to pass WCF,
the source and destination IPs are cached for about 1 second
in the L2 cache. This is to allow a webpage to be loaded
without further verifying the same URLs against the L1 cache
or the WCF server.
L1+L2 Cache – The router will utilize both L1 and L2 caches.
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Profile Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.
Administration Message The message to be displayed in the browser when access to a
website has been blocked. A custom message can be entered
with HTML formatting in the text box.
You can embed the following variables in the message:
%SIP% – The source IP address that attempted the HTTP
%DIP% – The destination IP address to which access was
%URL% – The URL of the destination website.
%CL% – The category to which the URL belongs.
%RNAME% – The name of the router.
Default Message - Click to reset the administration message
to the factory default.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 283

Up to 8 WCF profiles can be set up. To configure a profile, click its profile number to bring up
its configuration page. Filter profile settings are specific to WCF providers. If you already
have an active WCF subscription, activating a WCF subscription to a provider that is different
from your current provider will clear all existing profile configuration.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies the WCF profile. The maximum length
of the Profile Name is 15 characters.
Log Pass – Only passed access attempts will be recorded in
Block – Only blocked access attempts will be recorded in
All – Both passed and blocked access attempts will be
recorded in Syslog.
Black/White List Keyword objects and groups can be applied to the URL to
override WCF category filtering.
Enable – Select to enable blacklisting or whitelisting.
Action - Action to take when a URL matches keyword group
and object selections.
 Pass – Allow access to the URL.
 Block – Disallow access to the URL.
URL Keywords – Displays selected keyword group and
objects. Click the Edit button to modify keyword selections.
Groups and Categories Select categories to be included in the filter.
Action - Action to take when a URL matches keyword group
and object selections.
 Pass – allow access to the URL.
 Block – disallow access to the URL.

284 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Select All - Click to select all categories within the group.
Clear All - Click to deselect all categories within the group.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel.

IV-2-4 DNS Filter Profile

DNS Filter blocks or allows traffic to the WAN by intercepting DNS queries, and applying UCF
and WCF rules to hostnames. DNS filtering is especially useful when you wish to restrict access
of protocols other than HTTP, such as HTTPS. Note that a WCF license must have already been
activated before WCF rules could be used.
To configure DNS Filter Profiles, select CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile from the main

Available settings are explained as follows:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 285

Item Description
DNS Filter Profile Table DNS Filter Profiles take effect when DNS servers on the WAN
are used for DNS queries. The router intercepts all outgoing
DNS queries on UDP port 53 and applies WCF and UCF rules
on the domain names before passing the queries to the DNS
servers. IP addresses of the domains are then blocked or
allowed as per applicable WCF and UCF rules.
DNS Filter Profiles can be applied by selecting from Firewall
filter rules.
Profile - Index number of the profile. Click to bring up the
configuration page for the profile entry.
Name - Name that identifies the profile.
Set to Factory Default Clear all DNS Filter profile settings.
DNS Filter Local Setting By setting the IP address of the DNS lookup server to the
router’s address, the router serves as a DNS lookup proxy
server. When DNS Filter Local Setting is enabled, all DNS
queries sent to the router will have WCF and UCF rules
applied to the hostnames, and access to the resolved IP
addresses will be allowed or blocked as configured in the
DNS Filter - Select to enable DNS Filter Local Setting.
Web Content Filter - Select a WCF profile.
URL Content Filter - Select a UCF profile.
Syslog - The filtering result can be recorded according to the
setting selected for Syslog.
 None – No log file will be created for this profile.
 Pass – Only passed access attempts will be recorded in
 Block – Only blocked access attempts will be recorded in
 Both – Both passed and blocked access attempts will be
recorded in Syslog.
Black/White List – Specify IP address, subnet mask, IP
object, or IP group as a black list or white list for DNS
packets passing through or blocked by Vigor router.
Administration Message The message to be displayed in the browser when access to a
website has been blocked. A custom message can be entered
with HTML formatting in the text box.
You can embed the following variables in the message:
 %SIP% – The source IP address that attempted the HTTP
 %DIP% – The destination IP address to which access was
 %URL% – The URL of the destination website.
 %CL% – The category to which the URL belongs.
 %RNAME% – The name of the router.
Default Message - Click to reset the administration message
to the factory default.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel.

286 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Application Notes

A-1 How to Create an Account for MyVigor

The website of MyVigor (a server located on http://myvigor.draytek.com) provides several
useful services (such as Anti-Spam, Web Content Filter, Anti-Intrusion, and etc.) to filtering
the web pages for the sake of protecting your system.
To access into MyVigor for getting more information, please create an account for MyVigor.

Create an Account via Vigor Router

1. Click CSM>> Web Content Filter Profile. The following page will appear.

2. Click the Activate link. A login page for MyVigor web site will pop up automatically.

3. Click the link of Create an account now.

4. The system will ask if you are 16 years old or over.
 If yes, click I am 16 or over.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 287

 If not, click I am under 16 years old to get the following page. Then, click I and my
legal guardian agree.

5. After reading the terms of service/privacy policy, click Agree.

288 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

6. In the following page, enter your personal information in this page and then click

7. Choose proper selection for your computer and click Continue.

8. Now you have created an account successfully.

9. Check to see the confirmation email with the title of New Account Confirmation Letter
from myvigor.draytek.com.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 289

10. Click the Activate my Account link to enable the account that you created. The following
screen will be shown to verify the register process is finished. Please click Login.

11. When you see the following page, please type in the account and password (that you just
created) in the fields of UserName and Password.

12. Now, click Login. Your account has been activated. You can access into MyVigor server to
activate the service (e.g., WCF) that you want.

290 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

A-2 How to Block Facebook Service Accessed by the Users via Web Content
Filter / URL Content Filter
There are two ways to block the facebook service, Web Content Filter and URL Content Filter.
Web Content Filter,
Benefits: Easily and quickly implement the category/website that you want to block.
Note: License is required.
URL Content Filter,
Benefits: Free, flexible for customize webpage.
Note: Manual setting (e.g., one keyword for one website.)

I. Via Web Content Filter

1. Make sure the Web Content Filter license is valid.
2. Open CSM >> Web Content Filter Profile to create a WCF profile. Check Social
Networking with Action, Block.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 291

3. Select this profile in Firewall>>General Setup>>Default Rule.

4. Next time when someone accesses facebook via this router, the web page would be
blocked and the following message would be displayed instead.

II. Via URL Content Filter

A. Block the web page containing the word of “Facebook”
1. Open Object Settings>>Keyword Object. Click an index number to open the setting
2. In the field of Contents, please type facebook. Configure the settings as the following

292 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. Open CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile. Click an index number to open the setting
4. Configure the settings as the following figure.

5. When you finished the above steps, click OK. Then, open Firewall>>General Setup.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 293

6. Click the Default Rule tab. Choose the profile just configured from the drop down list in
the field of URL Content Filter. Now, users cannot open any web page with the word
“facebook” inside.

B. Disallow users to play games on Facebook

1. Open Object Settings>>Keyword Object. Click an index number to open the setting
2. In the field of Contents, please type apps.facebook. Configure the settings as the
following figure.

294 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. Open CSM>>URL Content Filter Profile. Click an index number to open the setting
4. Configure the settings as the following figure.

5. When you finished the above steps, please open Firewall>>General Setup.
6. Click the Default Rule tab. Choose the profile just configured from the drop down list in
the field of URL Content Filter. Now, users cannot open any web page with the word
“facebook” inside.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 295

A-3 How to use APP Enforcement to block application like Facebook, YouTube
or TeamViewer?
APP Enforcement helps network administrator to block applications on LAN network. Draytek
routers provide a few categories to set up the profiles e.g., IM, P2P, Protocol, Stream,
Remote control.
This section is going to demonstrate how to use APP Enforcement to block Facebook, Skype,
YouTube and TeamViewer.

1. Create an APP Enforcement Profile: Click on an Index number to create a new profile at
CSM >> APP Enforcement Profile.

296 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

2. Set up the details in the profile.

(a) Enter Profile Name.

(b) Choose the Facebook in Instant Message.
(c) Choose Skype in VoIP.
(d) Choose YouTube in Stream.
(e) Choose TeamViewer in Remote control.
(f) Click OK to save.
3. Apply the APP Enforcement Profile to a Firewall Filter Rule. Go to Firewall >> Filter
Setup, and click an available set.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 297

4. Click on a Filter Rule index to set up a filter.

5. Set up the details in the profile.

(a) Enable the Filter Rule.

(b) Put the comments of this rule.
(c) Select the Direction as LAN/DMZ/RT/VPN -> WAN.
(d) Edit the Source IP which should be blocked from the APP.
(e) Select Filter as Pass Immediately.
(f) Select APP Enforcement as the profile we created in Step 2.
(g) You may also check the Syslog if needed.

298 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

(h) Click OK to save.
6. With the above configuration, LAN clients cannot be able to use the APP and website.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 299

This page is left blank.

300 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part V Management
There are several items offered for the Vigor router
system setup: System Status, TR-069, Administrator
Password, User Password, Login Page Greeting,
Configuration Backup, Configuration Export, Syslog
/Mail Alert, Time and Date, SNMP, Management,
Self-Signed Certificate, Reboot System, Firmware
Upgrade, Internal Service User List, Dashboard Control
and NAT Sessions.

It is used to control the bandwith of data transmission

through configuration of Sessions Limit, Bandwidth
Limit, and Quality of Servie (QoS).

It is a security feature which disallows any IP traffic

(except DHCP-related packets) from a particular host
until that host has correctly supplied a valid username
and password.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 301

V-1 System Maintenance

For the system setup, there are several items that you have to know the way of configuration:
System Status, TR-069, Administrator Password, User Password, Login Page Greeting,
Configuration Backup, Syslog /Mail Alert, Time and Date, Management, Panel Control, Reboot
System, Firmware Upgrade, Internal Service User List, Dashboard Control and NAT Sessions.
Below shows the menu items for System Maintenance.

302 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

V-1-1 System Status

The System Status displays basic network information of Vigor router including LAN and WAN
interface status. Also available is the current firmware version and firmware related

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Model Name Displays the model name of the router.
Firmware Version Displays the firmware version of the router.
Build Date/Time Displays the date and time of the current firmware build.
LAN MAC Address
- Displays the MAC address of the LAN Interface.
IP Address
- Displays the IP address of the LAN interface.
Subnet Mask
- Displays the subnet mask address of the LAN interface.
DHCP Server
- Displays the current status of DHCP server of the LAN
- Displays the assigned IP address of the primary DNS.
WAN Link Status
- Displays current connection status of the WAN interface.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 303

MAC Address
- Displays the MAC address of the WAN Interface.
- Displays the connection type of the WAN interface..
IP Address
- Displays the IP address of the WAN interface.
Default Gateway
- Displays the assigned IP address of the default gateway.
IPv6 Address - Displays the IPv6 address for LAN.
Scope - Displays the scope of IPv6 address. For example,
IPv6 Link Local is non-routable and can only be used for
local connections.
Internet Access Mode – Displays the connection mode of the
WAN interface.

304 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-2 TR-069
This device supports the TR-069 standard for remote management of customer-premises
equipment (CPE) through an Auto Configuration Server, such as VigorACS.

V-1-2-1 ACS and CPE Settings

Available settings are explained as follows:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 305

Item Description
TR-069 Enables or disables TR-069 functionality.
ACS Server On Choose the interface for connecting the router to the Auto
Configuration Server.
ACS Server This section specifies the settings of the ACS Server.
URL – Enter the URL for connecting to the ACS. Please refer
to the Auto Configuration Server user’s manual for detailed
 Wizard – Click it to enter the IP address of VigorACS
server, port number and the handler.
 Acquire URL form DHCP option 43 – Select to acquire
the ACS URL from DHCP option 43.
Username/Password – Enter the credentials required to
connect to the ACS server.
 Test With Inform – Click to send an inform message
using the selected Event Code to test if the CPE is able
to communicate with the VigorACS server.
 Event Code – Select an event for the inform test.
Last Inform Response Time – Displays the time of the most
recent Inform Response message received from the
CPE Client This section specifies the settings of the CPE Client.
Http / Https – Select Https if the connection is encrypted;
otherwise select Http.
Port – In the event of port conflicts, change the port number
of the CPE.
Username and Password – Enter the username and password
that the VigorACS will use to connect to the CPE.
Periodic Inform Settings Enable – The default setting is Enable, which means the CPE
Client will periodically connect to the ACS Server to update
its connection parameters at intervals specified in the
Interval Time field.
 Time Interval - Set interval time or schedule time for
the router to send notification to CPE.
Disable - Select Disable to turn off periodic notifications.
STUN Settings STUN allows the ACS Server to connect to the CPE Client
even when the client is behind a network address translator
Disable - The default setting is Disable.
Enable - Please Enter the relational settings listed below:
 Server Address – Enter the IP address of the STUN
 Server STUN Port – Enter the port number of the STUN
 Minimum Keep Alive Period – If STUN is enabled, the
CPE must periodically transmit binding requests to the
server for the purpose of maintaining the binding with
the Gateway. Enter the minimum interval between
keep-alive messages that the CPE client sends to the
ACS server. The default setting is 60 seconds.
 Maximum Keep Alive Period – If STUN is enabled, the
CPE must send binding request to the server for the

306 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

purpose of maintaining the binding with the Gateway.
Enter the maximum interval between keep-alive
messages that the CPE client sends to the ACS server. A
value of -1 indicates that no maximum period is
Apply Settings for APs This feature is able to apply TR-069 settings (including STUN
and ACS server settings) to all of APs managed by Vigor1000B
at the same time.
Disable – TR-069 and Related settings will not be applied to
Enable – TR-069 settings will be applied to VigorAPs after
clicking OK. The VigorAP password must be specified.
 AP Password – Enter the password of the VigorAP that
you want to apply Vigor router's TR-069 settings.
Specify STUN Settings for APs – After clicking the Enable
radio button for Apply Settings to APs, if you want to apply
specific STUN settings (i.e., different from the Vigor1000B
STUN settings) to VigorAPs to meet specific requirements,
check this box and enter the server IP address, server port,
and minimum and maxmum keep alive periods respectively.

Select OK to save changes on the page, or Clear to reset all settings to factory defaults.

V-1-2-2 Reporting Configuration

Information related to the router's health are divided into several categories and listed in this
field. After checking the item(s), Vigor router will arrange and send corresponding data to
VigorACS as a reference for the system administrator.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 307

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Health Parameters Check the one that Vigor router will send the status
information to VigorACS.
Threshold (for VoIP R-Factor) - Once the quality of VoIP is
lower than warning limit value or critical limit value, the
router will send the result to VigorACS.
CPE Notification Settings CPE Notification Settings - Check the Enable box to
configure the following settings.
Web Login / Web Changed / High Availability - After
checking the box, Vigor device will inform VigorACS server
when the action of web login, the web changed and high
availability performed.
Bandwidth Utilization - Check the box to enable this
function. To administrator, this feature is useful to monitor
the bandwidth utilization of CPE(s). When the bandwidth
used is over the threshold level (percentage defined in
medium and high fields), a notification will be sent to
VigorACS. After a long time observation, the administrator
can determine if it is necessary to increase the bandwidth
setting for that CPE or not. The default is disabled.
 Time Period – Choose the time interval (15 mins, 30
mins, 1hour, 3 hours, or 6 hours) for CPE to send a
notification of bandwidth utilization to VigorACS.

308 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

 WAN – Choose the WAN interface for applying the
bandwidth utilization notification mechanism.
 Threshold Level – Set the percentage of bandwidth in
transmission and receiving data as threshold values for
CPE to detect bandwidth utilization.
 Line Speed – Set the transmission rate and receiving
rate for specified WAN interface.

Click OK to save changes on the page.

V-1-2-3 Export Parameters

Click Export to save the TR-069 parameter settings as an ".xml".

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 309

V-1-3 Administrator Password
This page allows you to set or change the administrator password.

310 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Administrator Password The administrator can login web user interface of Vigor
router to modify all of the settings to fit the requirements.
Old Password - Enter the current password. The factory
default is “admin”.
New Password – Enter the new password. The maximum
length of the password is 23 characters.
Confirm Password – Enter the new password again for
Enable ‘admin’ account login to Web UI from the Internet –
Select to allow the administrator to log in from the Internet.
This option is enabled when Administrator Local User is
enabled (see below).
Use only advanced authentication method for Admin
“WAN” login – Advanced authentication method can offer a
more secure network connection. Select to require mOTP or
2-step authentication when logging in from the WAN.
 Mobile one-Time Password (mOTP) – Select to allow
the use of mOTP passwords. Enter the PIN Code and
Secret settings for getting one-time passwords.
 2-Step Auth code via SMS Profile and/or Mail Profile –
Select the SMS and/or Mail profiles and the destination
SMS number and/or email address for transmitting the
Administrator Local User Usually, the system administrator has the highest privilege to
modify the settings on the web user interface of the Vigor
router. However, in some cases, it might be necessary to
have other users in LAN to access into the web user interface
of Vigor router.
This feature allows you to add more administrators who can
then log in to the web interface, with the same privileges as
the administrator.
Enable Local User – Check the box to allow other users to
administer the router.
 Use only advanced authentication method for Admin
“WAN” login – Advanced authentication method can
offer a more secure network connection. In general,
the above basic password setting will be used for
authentication if such option is disabled. Simply check
the box to enable the following settings.
 Local User List – Shows all the users that are set up to
administer the router.
 Specific User – Create the new user account as the
local user. Then specify the authentication method
(dividing into Basic and Advanced) for the user account.
 User Name – Enter a user name.
 Authentication method – Select from Basic or
Advanced authentication methods.
Basic – Static passwords will be used to authenticate
 Local Password – Enter the password for the local
Advanced - Mobile One-time Passwords (mOTP) or

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 311

2-step authentication will be used to authenticate
 Mobile one-Time Password (mOTP) – Select to
allow the use of mOTP passwords. Enter the mOTP
PIN Code and Secret that will be used to generate
the one-time passwords.
 2-Step Authentication via SMS Profile and/or
Mail Profile – Select the SMS and/or Mail profiles
and the destination SMS number and/or email
address for transmitting the password.
 Add – After entering the user name and password
above, click this button to create a new local user. The
new user will be shown on the Local User List
 Edit – If you wish to change a user in the Local User List,
select it, perform the necessary modifications, and
click this button to update the user.
 Delete – If you wish to delete a user in the Local User
List, select it and click this button to remove it.
Administrator LDAP Enable LDAP/AD login for admin users – Select to allow
Setting authentication using an LDAP/Active Directory Server.
LDAP Server Profiles Setup – Click to set up the LDAP/Active
Directory server.

Click OK to save changes on the page, and you will be directed to the login screen. Please log
in with the new password.

312 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-4 User Password
This page allows you to set new password for user operation.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable User Mode for Check this box to enable User Mode for web user interface
simple web configuration with the password typed here for simple web configuration.
The simple web user interface settings differ from those on
the full web user interface seen when logged in using the
administrator password.
Password Enter the password. The maximum length of the password is
31 characters.
Confirm Password Enter the password again for verification.
Password Strength Shows the security strength of the password specified above.
Set to Factory Default Click to return to the factory default setting.

Click OK to save changes on the page, and you will be directed to the login screen. Please
window will appear. Please log in with the new password.

Here are the steps involved in setting up the router for User Mode Access:

1. Navigate to System Maintenance>>User Password in the web user interface.

2. Check the box of Enable User Mode for simple web configuration to enable user mode
operation. Enter a new password in the field of New Password and click OK.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 313

3. The following screen will appear. Simply click OK.

4. Log out the Vigor router web user interface by clicking the Logout button.

5. The following window will be shown. Enter the new user password in the Password field
and click Login.

314 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

6. The main screen with User Mode will be shown on the screen:

Only basic settings are available in User Mode. These are a subset of the Admin Mode

Info Setting in User Mode can be configured as same as in Admin Mode.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 315

V-1-5 Login Page Greeting
When you want to access into the web user interface of Vigor router, the system will ask you
to offer username and password first. At that moment, the background of the web page is
blank and no heading will be displayed on the Login window. This page allows you to specify
login URL and the heading on the Login window if you have such requirement.

This section allows you to customize the login page by adding a message and/or setting the
page title.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check this box to enable the login customization function.
Login Page Title Enter a brief description (e.g., Welcome to DrayTek) which
will be shown on the heading of the login dialog.
Welcome Message and Enter words or sentences here. It will be displayed for
Bulletin bulletin message. In addition, it can be displayed on the
login dialog at the bottom.
Note that do not enter URL redirect link here.
Preview Click to preview the customized login window based on the
settings entered on this page.
Set to Factory Default Click to return to the factory default setting.

Below shows an example of a customized login page with the values entered in the Login Page
Title and Welcome Message and Bulletin fields.

316 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 317
V-1-6 Configuration Backup
This function allows the backup and restoration of Vigor router settings.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Restore Restore settings from an cfg file – Click the Select File
button to specify a file to be restored or click USB Storage (if
a USB storage disk connected) to choose the configuration
This file is encrypted with password – Select to specify a
Restore - Click to initiate restoration of configuration. If the
backup file is encrypted, you will be asked to enter the
Backup Click it to perform the configuration backup of this router.
Normal backup - Select to backup without a password.
Protect full file with password- Select to encrypt the
backup with a password. You will be prompted to enter the
password as shown below:

 Password – Enter a new password for encrypting the

configuration file.
 Confirm Password – Enter the new password again for
Backup - Click to initiate the backup process.

318 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Backing up the Configuration
Follow the steps below to backup your configuration.
1. Go to System Maintenance >> Configuration Backup.
2. Click the Backup button, and the File Download dialog will be shown. Depending on your
browser, you may be prompted to select a location to save the file, or the file may be
saved in the default download location of your browser.

The configuration will download automatically to your computer as a file named config.cfg.
The above example is using Windows platform for demonstrating examples. The Mac or Linux
platform will appear different windows, but the backup function is still available.

Info Configuration Backup does not include certificates stored on the router.
Please back up certificates separately by going to Certificate Management
>> Certificate Backup.

Restoring the Configuration

1. Go to System Maintenance >> Configuration Backup. The following windows will be
2. Click the Choose File button under Restoration to bring up the open file dialog box to
select the configuration file to be uploaded and restored.
3. Click the Restore button and wait for few seconds.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 319

V-1-7 Configuration Export
Configuration for Vigor1000B can be exported as an user-readable text-based (.exp) file
which can be applied to other Vigor router.
In addition, it is possible to import an ".exp" file from other DrayTek routers onto the
Vigor1000B .

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

Import This file is encrypted with password – Check the box and
enter a password for dencrypting the configuration file (if
the.exp file is encrypted).
Click the Select File button to specify an exp file.
Import - Click to import a configuration file. If the file is
encrypted, you will need to enter the password set on the
above password field.

Export Do not encrypt - The configuration file (.exp) will be output

as an fully user-readable text-based file.
Encrypt password fields - The configuration file (.exp) will
be output as a user-readable text-based file except for
password related fields (user passwords will be encrypted).
Protect full file with password - The configuration file is
protected by full encryption. The password will be needed
when importing the "exp" file on Vigor router.
Export - Click it to export the configuration of Vigor router
as a file with the extension of "exp".

320 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-8 Syslog/Mail Alert
SysLog function is provided for users to monitor router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

SysLog Access Setup Enable - Check Enable to activate function of syslog.

Syslog Save to – Check Syslog Server to save the log to Syslog
server. Check USB Disk to save the log to the attached USB
storage disk.
 Maximum Syslog folder space - Set the storage space
as 1 GB or 1000MB.
 When Syslog folder is full - When Syslog folder is full,
simply overwrite the oldest logs or stop logging.

Router Name Shows the name of the router set in System Maintenance >>
Management. This name will be used to identify the router
in the Syslog entries.
To set or modify the router name, click the hyperlink and you
will be taken to System Maintenance >> Management where
you can enter the value.
Server IP Address /Hostname - Enter the IP address /
hostname of the Syslog server.
Destination Port - Enter the port for the Syslog server.
Mail Syslog – Select to enable sending Syslog messages by
Enable syslog message - Select the events to be recorded by

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 321

Mail Alert Setup Enable - Select to enable the Mail Alert.
Send a test e-mail - Click to send a test email message using
the settings below.
Interface - Specify the WAN interface for a mail passing
SMTP Server - Enter the address of the SMTP server used to
send email.
SMTP Port - Enter the port of the SMTP server. Default
setting is 25.
Mail To - Enter the email address of the recipient.
Connection Security - Select a method (Plaintext, SSL or
StartTLS) to ensure the connection security. SSL means to
use port 465 for SMTP server for some e-mail server uses
https as the transmission method.
 Accept using plain text if StartTLS connection failed.
 Force StartTLS. Stop if StartTLS connection failed.
Authentication - Select this checkbox and enter the
username and password if the SMTP server requires
 User Name - Enter the user name for authentication.
 Password - Enter the password for authentication.
Enable E-mail Alert - Select the event types that will trigger
email alerts.

Select OK to save changes on the page, or Clear to reset all settings to factory defaults.
To view the Syslog message, please follow the steps below:
1. On the Syslog / Mail Alert Setup screen, enter the monitor PC’s IP address in the Server
IP Address field.
2. On the Syslog / Mail Alert Setup screen, enter the monitor PC’s IP address in the Server
IP Address field.

322 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. In the Syslog application, select the router you wish to monitor. Rember to select the
network adapter to be used to connect to the router under Network Information, or else
Syslog traffic cannot be received from the router.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 323

V-1-9 Time and Date
This section allows you to configure settings related to the system date and time.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Current System Time Click Inquire Time to retrieve the current time from the
time server.
Use Browser Time Select this option to let the router set its system time using
the time reported by the web browser.
Use Internet Time Select this option to let the router set its system time by
retrieving time information from the specified network time
server using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
Time Server Enter the IP address / Host name of the time server.
Priority Select Auto or IPv6 First as the priority.
Time Zone Select the time zone where the router is located.
Enable Daylight Saving Check the box to enable Daylight Saving Time (DST) if it is
applicable to your location.
Advanced – Click to enter a custom schedule to enable DST.

Use the default time setting or set user defined time for your

324 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Default – Uses the default DST schedule for the time zone.
By Date – Select this option if DST starts and ends on fixed
By Weekday – Select this option if DST starts and ends on
certain days of the week.
Automatically Update Select the time interval at which the router updates the
Interval system time.
Send NTP Request Specify a WAN interface to send NTP request for time
Through synchronization.

Select OK to save changes on the page, or Cancel to discard changes without saving.

V-1-10 SNMP
This section allows you to configure settings for SNMP and SNMPV3 services.
The SNMPv3 is more secure than SNMP through the use of encryption (supports AES and DES)
and authentication (supports MD5 and SHA) for the management needs.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable SNMP Agent Check to enable SNMP function. Then, enable SNMPV1
agent/SNMPV2C agent.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 325

Get Community Enter the Get Community string. The default setting is
public. Devices that send requests to retrieve information
using get commands must pass the correct Get Community
The maximum allowed length is 23 characters.

Set Community Enter the Set Community string. The default setting is
private. Devices that send requests to change settings using
set commands must pass the correct Set Community string.
The maximum length of the text is 23 characters.

Manager Host IP (IPv4) Enter the IPv4 address of hosts that are allowed to issue
SNMP commands. If this field is left blank, any IPv4 LAN host
is allowed to issue SNMP commands.
Manager Host IP (IPv6) Enter the IPv6 address of hosts that are allowed to issue
SNMP commands. If this field is left blank, any IPv6 LAN host
is allowed to issue SNMP commands.
Trap Community Enter the Trap Community string. The default setting is
public. Devices that send unsolicited messages to the SNMP
console must pass the correct Trap Community string.
The maximum length of the text is 23 characters.
Notification Host IP (IPv4) Enter the IPv4 address of hosts that are allowed to send
SNMP traps.
Notification Host IP (IPv6) Enter the IPv6 address of hosts that are allowed to send
SNMP traps.
Trap Timeout The default setting is 10 seconds.
Enable SNMPV3 Agent Check it to enable SNMPV3.
USM User USM means user-based security mode.
Enter the username to be used for authentication. The
maximum allowed length is 23 characters.
Auth Algorithm Choose one of the hashing methods to be used with the
authentication algorithm.
Auth Password Enter a password for authentication. The maximum allowed
length is 23 characters.
Privacy Algorithm Choose an encryption method as the privacy algorithm.
Privacy Password Enter a password for privacy. The maximum allowed length is
23 characters.

Select OK to save changes on the page, or Cancel to discard changes without saving.

326 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-11 Management
This page allows you to manage the settings for Internet/LAN Access Control, Access List from
Internet, Management Port Setup, TLS/SSL Encryption Setup, CVM Access Control and Device
The management pages for IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are different.

V-1-11-1 IPv4 Management Setup

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Router Name Enter the router name as provided by ISP.
Default: Disable If enabled, the auto-logout function for the web user
Auto-Logout interface will be disabled.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 327

The web user interface will not terminate until you manually
click the Logout icon.

Enable Validation Code in If enabled, Vigor router will require users to enter a
Internet/LAN Access validation code as shown in an image when they log in.
Internet Access Control Allow management from the Internet - Enable the checkbox
to allow system administrators to login from the Internet,
and then select the specific services that are allowed to be
remotely administered.
Domain name allowed – This setting is only available if DNS
filtering is enabled, applying DNS filter profile in firewall
rules, or enabling DNS Filter Local Setting. The router will
only allow connections to the WebUI using domain addresses
configured in either DDNS profiles or this section.
If DNS filtering is disabled, this setting will be disabled, and
any domain address that resolves to the router’s WAN IP
address can be used to connect to the WebUI.
Disable PING from the Internet - Select to reject all PING
packets from the Internet. For increased security, this
setting is enabled by default.
Access List from the The ability of system administrators to log into the router
Internet can be restricted to up to 10 specific hosts or networks.
Apply Access List to PING - When this option is checked and
Disable PING from the Internet is unchecked, pings
originating from the Internet will be accepted only if they
are from one of the IP addresses and/or subnet masks
specified below. This option has no effect if Disable PING
from the Internet is checked, which blocks all pings from
the Internet.
Type - Select IP Object.
Index - Select the index number of a configured IP object.
Description - Shows a brief comment for the selected IP
object (with subnet mask).
Management Port Setup User Define Ports - Check to specify user-defined port
numbers for the Telnet, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, TR-069 and SSH
Default Ports - Check to use standard port numbers for the
Telnet and HTTP servers.
Brute Force Protection Any client trying to access into Internet via Vigor router will
be asked for passing through user authentication. Such
feature can prevent Vigor router from attacks when a hacker
tries every possible combination of letters, numbers and
symbols until find out the correct combination of password.

328 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enable brute force login protection – Select to enable
detection of brute force login attempts.
Maximum login failure – Specify the maximum number of
failed login attempts before further login is blocked.
Penalty period – Set the lockout time after maximum
number of login attempts has been exceeded. The user will
be unable to attempt to log in until the specified time has
Blocked IP List – Display, in a new browser window, IP
addresses that are currently blocked from logging into the
TLS/SSL Encryption Setup Enable SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 – Check the box to
enable SSL 3.0/1.0/1.1/1.2 encryption protocols.
For improved security, the HTTPS and SSL VPN servers that
are built into the router have been upgraded to TLS 1.x
protocol. If you are using an old web browser (eg. IE 6.0) or
an old version of the SmartVPN Client, you may need to
enable SSL 3.0 to connect to the router. However, it is
recommended that you instead upgrade your web browser or
SmartVPN client to a version that supports TLS protocols that
are far more secure than SSL.
AP Management Enable AP Management – Check to enable the access point
management function. If not, menu items related to Central
Management>>AP will be hidden.
Device Management Check to enable the device management function.
Respond to external device – If selected, Vigor1000B will
function as a slave device. When an external device (master
device) sends packets to the Vigor1000B to attempt to
manage it, the Vigor1000B will respond to the request
coming from the external device which is able to manage

Select OK to save changes on the page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 329

V-1-11-2 IPv6 Management Setup

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Management Access Allow management from the Internet – Select to allow
Control system administrators to login from the Internet, and then
select the specific services that are allowed to be remotely
Disable PING from the Internet - Select to reject all PING
packets from the Internet. For increased security, this
setting is enabled by default.
Access List from the The ability of system administrators to log into the router
Internet can be restricted to up to 10 specific hosts or networks.
Apply Access List to PING - When this option is checked and
Disable PING from the Internet is unchecked, pings
originating from the Internet will be accepted only if they
are from one of the IP addresses and/or subnet masks
specified below. This option has no effect if Disable PING
from the Internet is checked, such that no pings from the
Internet are accepted.
Type - Select IPv6 Object.
Index - Select the index number of a configured IPv6 object.

Select OK to save changes on the page.

330 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-11-3 LAN Access Control

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Allow management from Enable the checkbox to allow system administrators to login
LAN from LAN interface. There are several servers provided by
the system which allow you to manage the router from LAN
interface. Check the box(es) to specify.
Apply To Subnet Check the LAN interface for the administrator to use for
accessing into web user interface of Vigor router.
Index in IP Object- Type the index number of the IP object
profile. Related IP address will appear automatically.

Select OK to save changes on the page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 331

V-1-12 Self-Signed Certificate
A self-signed certificate is a unique identification for the device (e.g., Vigor router) which
generates the certificate by itself to ensure the router security. Such self-signed certificate is
signed with its own private key.
The self-signed certificate can be used for services such as SSL VPN and HTTPS. In addition, it
can be created for free by using a wide variety of tools.

Click Regeneration to open Regenerate Self-Signed Certificate window.

332 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Enter all requested information including certificate name (used to differentiate different
certificates), subject alternative name type and relational settings for subject name. Then

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 333

V-1-13 Reboot System
The Web user interface may be used to restart your router. Click Reboot System from System
Maintenance to bring up the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Reboot System Select one of the following options, and press the Reboot
Now button to reboot the router.
Using current configuration – Select this option to reboot
the router using the current configuration.
Using factory default configuration – Select this option to
reset the router’s configuration to the factory defaults
before rebooting.
Auto Reboot Time Schedule Profile - Select up to 4 user-configured schedules
Schedule to reboot the router on a scheduled basis.

Select OK to save changes on the page, or Cancel to discard changes without saving.

Info When the system pops up Reboot System web page after you configure web
settings, please click Reboot Now to reboot your router for ensuring normal
operation and preventing unexpected errors of the router in the future.

334 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-14 Firmware Upgrade
Click System Maintenance>> Firmware Upgrade to upgrade firmware upgrade.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Firmware Versiono Status Check The Latest Firmware – Click to check for updated
Any available new firmware files will be displayed and you
can download any one of them by clicking Download. After
the file has been downloaded, click Select followed by
Upgrade to perform the firmware upgrade.

Web Firmware Upgrade Click Browse… to select the firmware file, followed by
Upgrade to start the upgrade process, or Preview to display
detailed information about the selected firmware file:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 335

V-1-15 Internal Service User List
User profiles (clients) defined and enabled in User Management>>User Profile will be
displayed in this page.
Such page allows you to turn on or turn off security authentication service (offered by inernal
RADIUS) for each user profile without accessing into the User Management configuration

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
User Name Display the name of the existed user profile. To modify the
detailed settings, simply click the user name link to access
into the web page for modification.
Radius Check the box to turn on the security authentication service
offered by internal RADIUS server for the user profile.
Uncheck the box to turn off ecurity authentication service
offered by internal RADIUS server for the user profile.
If you check the box next to such item, all of the user profiles
listed in this page will be enabled with RADIUS service
enabled vice versa.

Info For the detailed setting (such as IP address, port number) configuration of
internal RADIUS, refer to Applications>>RADIUS/TACACS+.

336 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-1-16 Dashboard Control
There are nine groups of setting information which can be displayed on Dashboard as a
reference for administrator/user. Except for Front Panel and System Information, the settings
information regarding to the groups listed on this page can be hidden if required.

V-1-17 NAT Sessions

Set the maximum NAT session number.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 337

V-2 Bandwidth Management

Sessions Limit
When LAN clients share a common public IP address by means of Network Address Translation
(NAT), the router must track NAT sessions so that traffic to and from the WAN can reach the
intended destinations. There is a finite number of sessions that can be tracked by the router,
and by setting session limits will ensure that the router does not run out of resources. This is
especially important when P2P applications are used. P2P applications, such as BitTorrent,
that attempt to simultaneously establish connections to as many WAN hosts as possible.

Bandwidth Limit
Bandwidth Limit ensures LAN clients get their fair share of network bandwidth by placing
restrictions on upstream and downstream network speeds.

Quality of Service (QoS)

QoS (Quality of Service) ensures that all LAN clients receive their fair share of bandwidth that
is required for applications to function properly and efficiently.
Without QoS, it is possible that certain applications may consume excessive network
resources that they degrade performance of more important applications, especially ones
that are less tolerant of jitter (delay variation) or lost or delayed packets. Additionally, at
times of network congestion, QoS is able to prioritize different types of traffic according to
their predefined priority, thus ensuring traffic of higher importance gets processed first.
A typical QoS deployment consists of two components:
 Classification: Identifying low-latency or crucial applications and marking them for
high-priority service level enforcement throughout the network.
 Scheduling: Prioritizing packets by assigning them to different queues and service types
according to service levels.

APP QoS allows QoS to be applied to select protocols and applications.
Protocols and applications fall into two categories: Traceable and Untraceable. Traceable
applications are those whose traffic can be 100% traced, and can be assigned a specific QoS
class. Untraceable applications, on the other hand, are detected when they attempt to
establish connections to remote hosts, and all traffic between the remote hosts and the local
network will be placed under QoS, within the same QoS class.

338 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

Bandwidth management ensures efficient allocation of network bandwidth for various

To set up Bandwidth Management, from the Main Menu, select Bandwidth Management.

V-2-1 Sessions Limit

To configure Sessions Limit, from the Bandwidth Management menu, select Sessions Limit to
open the setup page.

To activate the function of limit session, simply click Enable and set the default session limit.
Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable/Disable Enable - Select to activate session limit function.
Disable - Select to deactivate session limit function.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 339

Default Max Session - The default maximum number of
sessions allowed per LAN client, unless overridden by
specifying a different number in the Limitation List.
Limitation List Displays specific limitation entries.
Specific Limitation Start IP - The beginning IP address for this limit entry.
End IP - The ending IP address for limit entry.
Max Sessions - The maximum number of NAT sessions
allowed per LAN client. If no value is entered, the Default
Max Sessions value is used.
Add - Creates a new limit entry using the above Specific
Limitation values.
Edit - To edit an existing entry, select the entry from the
Limitation List, make the appropriate changes in Specific
Limitation, then click Edit.
Delete - To delete an entry, select it from the Limitation
List, then click the Delete button.
Administration Message Message to be displayed in a web browser on the LAN client
when the maximum number of NAT sessions has been
Default Message - Click to reset the administration message
to the factory default.
Time Schedule Schedule Profile - Specify up to 4 time schedule entries to
enable or disable the WAN.

To save changes on the page, click OK.

340 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-2-2 Bandwidth Limit
To configure the Bandwidth Limit feature, from the Bandwidth Management menu, select
Bandwidth Limit to bring up the configuration page.

To activate the function of limit bandwidth, simply click Enable and set the default upstream
and downstream limit.
Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable / Disable Enable - Select to activate bandwidth limit function.
Disable - Select to deactivate bandwidth limit function.
IP Routed Subnet – Check this box to apply the bandwidth
limit to the traffic via IP routed subnet.
Default Limit (Per User)
 TX LImit - Default upstream speed limit for each LAN
client. Unit can be either Kbps or Mbps. Value must be
between 0 (unlimited) and 30000.
 RX limit - Default downstream speed limit for each LAN

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 341

client. Unit can be either Kbps or Mbps. Value must be
between 0 (unlimited and 30000).
Limitation List Displays specific limitation entries.
Add Entry By IP Range - All the IPs within the range defined will be
restricted by bandwidth limit defined by TX Limit and RX
Limit below.
 Start IP - The beginning IP address for this limit entry.
 End IP - The ending IP address for limit entry.
IP Object - All the IPs specified by the selected IP object or
IP group will be restricted by bandwith limit defined by TX
Limit and RX Limit below.
 IP Group – Specify an IP group by using the drop down
 IP Object - Specify an IP object by using the drop down
Each - The specified bandwidth is the limit per LAN client.
Shared - The specified bandwidth limits are the total
allowed for all LAN clients within the range of IP addresses.
 TX limit - The upstream limit. Unit can be either Kbps
or Mbps. Value must be between 0 (unlimited) and
 RX limit - The downstream limit. Unit can be either
Kbps or Mbps. Value must be between 0 (unlimited) and
Add - Creates a new limit entry using the above Specific
Limitation values.
Edit - To edit an existing entry, select the entry from the
Limitation List, make the appropriate changes in Specific
Limitation, then click Edit.
Delete - To delete an entry, select it from the Limitation
List, then click the Delete button.
Auto-Adjustment Allow user to use more bandwidth …- Select to let the
router automatically adjust the upstream and downstream
limits based on available bandwidth.
Smart Bandwidth Limit This option restricts the bandwidth of LAN clients that are
not in the limitation list when the network sessions exceed a
predefined threshold.
Apply the below limit to ... - The number of sessions a LAN
client is allowed to have before Smart Bandwidth Limit
 TX limit - Upstream speed limit for each LAN client.
Unit can be either Kbps or Mbps. Value must be
between 0 (unlimited) and 30000.
 RX limit - Downstream speed limit for each LAN client.
Unit can be either Kbps or Mbps. Value must be
between 0 (unlimited and 30000).
Time Schedule Schedule Profile - Specify up to 4 time schedule entries to
enable or disable the WAN.

342 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-2-3 Quality of Service
To configure Quality of Service, from the main menu, select Bandwidth Management menu,
then click Quality of Service to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
General Setup Index – Link of WAN interface.
Enable – Check the box to enable the QoS function for WAN
interface. If it is enabled, you can configure general QoS
setting for each WAN interface.
 Direction –Direction of traffic to which QoS is to be
applied (Inbound, Outbound, or Both).
- IN - Apply QoS to incoming traffic only.
- OUT - Apply QoS to outgoing traffic only.
- BOTH - Apply to both incoming and outgoing traffic.
 Inbound/Outbound Bandwidth –
The inbound / outbound bandwidth of the WAN. This
option is not available on ADSL/VDSL WAN1 interface.
 Class 1 ~ 3 / Others – Percentage of bandwidth reserved
for each class.
Status – Click to bring up the Online Statistics page that shows
snapshots of statistics for the given WAN interface.
Class Rule Define and list the Class rules.
Index – Displays the class number that you can edit.
Enable - Displays the status of this class rule.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 343

Item Description
QoS Class - Displays the QoS class level.
Local Address - Displays the local IP address for the rule.
Remote Address - Displays the remote IP address for the rule.
DSCP - Displays the levels of the data for processing with QoS
Service Type – Displays detailed settings for the service type.
Add - Click it to create a class rule for QoS.
VoIP Prioritization Enable the First Priority for VoIP SIP/RTP - Select to allow
VoIP traffic to receive the highest priority.
SIP UDP Port – Port number to be monitored for SIP traffic.
Tag Outbound Traffic Tag the outgoing traffic with the DSCP or Precedence value.
Add DSCP or Precedence Value for Class 1 to Class 3 - Check
to apply the DSCP or precedence value for each class.

To save changes, click OK; to discard changes, click Cancel.

Online Statistics
Click the Status link in the General Setup section to show real-time online statistics of the
WAN interface.

344 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

General Setup for WAN Interface
Click WAN interface number link to configure the limited bandwidth ratio for QoS of the WAN

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable UDP Bandwidth Select to restrict the bandwidth available to UDP traffic. The
Control Limited_bandwidth Ratio value is the maximum percentage
of bandwidth that can be used by UDP traffic.
 Limited_bandwidth Ratio - Enter a percentage value.
Outbound TCP ACK Select to give outbound ACK packets priority over other
Prioritize packets to ensure traffic is not slowed down because the
remote host is waiting for ACK packets before further traffic
will be sent.

Info The rate of outbound/inbound must be smaller than the real bandwidth to
ensure correct calculation of QoS. It is suggested to set the bandwidth value
for inbound/outbound as 80% - 85% of physical network speed provided by
ISP to maximize the QoS performance.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 345

Add / edit the Class Rule for QoS
You can set up to 20 rules for one Class. If you want to edit an existed rule, please select the
radio button of that one and click Edit to open the rule edit page for modification.
1. To add a rule, click Add to bring up the configuration page. To edit an existing rule,
select the rule by clicking the radio button in front of the rule, and then click Edit to
bring up the configuration page.

2. For adding a new rule, click Add to open the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Select to enable this rule.
IP Version Protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) to which this rule applies.

346 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Local IP Address Click the Edit button to set the local (LAN) IP address or
address range for the rule.
DiffServ CodePoint DSCP or ToS precedence of packets to which this rule
Remote IP Address Click the Edit button to set the remote (WAN) IP address or
address range for the rule.

Address Type – Type of address: Any Address, Single

Address, Range Address, Subnet Address.
 Single Address - Specify IP address.
 Range Address - Specify Start IP Address and End IP
 Subnet Address - Specify Start IP Address and Subnet
Service Type Service Type to which this rule applies.
Service is a predefined or user-defined type of traffic that
uses certain protocols or ports. To set up a custom service,
select User Defined to set the service name, the protocol,
and port number.
QoS Class Specify the QoS class (1, 2 or 3) for this rule.
QoS Class Specify the QoS class (1, 2 or 3) for this rule.

3. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 347

Retag the Packets for Identification
Packets originating from the LAN that are destined for the WAN can have the DS flag changed
to a different value by enabling Tag Packet and specifying the DSCP or IP Precedence value.
In the following illustration, outbound VoIP packets from the LAN arrive at the Vigor router
with the QoS value unset. The router sets the DSCP value to AF before forwarding them to the
ISP server via the WAN interface.

348 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-2-4 APP QoS
To configure APP QoS, from the main menu, select Bandwidth Management menu, then click
APP QoS to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable/Disable Enables or disables the APP QoS feature.
Traceable Traceable applications are those whose traffic can be 100%
All protocols under this tab can have a specific QoS class
Enable - Select to enable OoS for the application.
Apply to all - Select a QoS class to be applied to all
protocols. You can override the QoS class for specific
protocols using the Action dropdown listbox.
Untraceable Untraceable applications are detected when they attempt to
establish connections to remote hosts, and all traffic
between the remote hosts and the local network will be
placed under QoS, within the same QoS class.
All protocols under this tab can have a specific QoS class
Enable - Select to enable OoS for the application.
Action - Select a QoS class to be applied to all applications.
Select All Click to select all Enabled checkboxes.
Clear All Click to deselect all Enabled checkboxes.

After changes have been made, click OK to save changes, or Cancel to discard.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 349

V-3 User Management

User Management is a security feature which disallows any IP traffic (except DHCP-related
packets) from a particular host until that host has correctly supplied a valid username and
password. Instead of managing with IP address/MAC address, User Management function
manages hosts with user account. Network administrator can give different firewall policies
or rules for different hosts with different User Management accounts. This is more flexible
and convenient for network management. Not only offering the basic checking for Internet
access, User Management also provides additional firewall rules, e.g. CSM checking for
protecting hosts.

Info Filter rules configured under Firewall usually are applied to the host (the
one that the router installed) only. With user management, the rules can be
applied to every user connected to the router with customized profiles.

350 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

V-3-1 General Setup

General Setup can determine the standard (rule-based or user-based) for the users controlled
by User Management. The mode (standard) selected here will influence the contents of the
filter rule(s) applied to every user.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Mode Selection There are two modes offered here for you to choose. Each
mode will bring different filtering effect to the users
User-Based - If you choose such mode, the router will apply
the filter rules configured in User Management>>User
Profile to the users.
Rule-Based –If you choose such mode, the router will apply
the filter rules configured in Firewall>>General Setup and

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 351

Filter Rule to the users.
Authentication page Web Authentication - Choose the protocol for web
Login Page Logo – A logo which can be used as an
identification of enterprise can be uploaded and displayed
on the login page. You can use the default one, blank page or
upload other image files (the size no mare than 524 × 352
pixel) to have an image of enterprise or have the effect of
Login Page Greeting - Such link allows you to access into the
setting page for login greeting. For detailed information,
refer to System Maintenance>>Login Page Greeting.
Display IP Address on tracking window – Check the box to
display the IP address of the client on the tracking window.
Landing Page Type the information to be displayed on the first web page
when the LAN user accessing into Internet via such router.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

352 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-3-2 User Profile
This page allows you to set customized profiles (up to 200) which will be applied for users
controlled under User Management. Simply open User Management>>User Profile.

To set the user profile, please click any index number link to open the following page. Notice
that profile 1 (admin) and profile 2 (Dial-In User) are factory default settings. Profile 2 is
reserved for future use.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 353

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Common Settings Enable this account - Check this box to enable such user
Username - Type a name for such user profile (e.g.,
LAN_User_Group_1, WLAN_User_Group_A,
WLAN_User_Group_B, etc). When a user tries to access
Internet through this router, an authentication step must be
performed first. The user has to type the User Name
specified here to pass the authentication. When the user
passes the authentication, he/she can access Internet via
this router. However the accessing operation will be
restricted with the conditions configured in this user profile.
The maximum length of the name you can set is 24
Password - Type a password for such profile (e.g., lug123,
wug123,wug456, etc). When a user tries to access Internet
through this router, an authentication step must be
performed first. The user has to type the password specified
here to pass the authentication. When the user passes the
authentication, he/she can access Internet via this router

354 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

with the limitation configured in this user profile.
The maximum length of the password you can set is 24
Confirm Password - Type the password again for
External Service Authentication - The router will
authenticate the dial-in user by itself or by external service
such as LDAP server or RADIUS server or TACACS+ server. If
LDAP, Radius or TACACS+ is selected here, it is not necessary
to configure the password setting above.
Login Settings Allow Authentication via- Any user (from LAN side or WLAN
side) tries to connect to Internet via Vigor router must be
authenticated by the router first. There are three ways
offered by the router for the user to choose for
 Web – If it is selected, the user can type the URL of the
router from any browser. Then, a login window will be
popped up and ask the user to type the user name and
password for authentication. If succeed, a Welcome
Message (configured in User Management >> General
Setup) will be displayed. After authentication, the
destination URL (if requested by the user) will be
guided automatically by the router.
 Alert Tool – If it is selected, the user can open Alert
Tool and type the user name and password for
authentication. A window with remaining time of
connection for such user will be displayed. Next, the
user can access Internet through any browser on
Windows. Note that Alert Tool can be downloaded from
DrayTek web site.
 Telnet – If it is selected, the user can use Telnet
command to perform the authentication job.
Show Landing Page After Login - When a user tries to access
into the web user interface of Vigor router series with the
user name and password specified in this profile, he/she will
be lead into the web page configured in Landing Page field in
User Management>>General Setup. Check this box to
enable such function.
Idle Timeout - If the user is idle over the limitation of the
timer, the network connection will be stopped for such
user. By default, the Idle Timeout is set to 10 minutes.
Auto Logout After – Such account will be forced to logout
after a certain time set here.
Pop up Time-Tracking Window - If such function is enabled,
a pop up window will be displayed on the screen with time
remaining for connection if Idle Timeout is set. However, the
system will update the time periodically to keep the
connection always on. Thus, Idle Timeout will not interrupt
the network connection.
Login Permission Schedule - You can type in four sets of
time schedule for your request. All the schedules can be set
previously in Application >> Schedule web page and you can
use the number that you have set in that web page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 355

Policy Max Login Devices - Such profile can be used by many users.
You can set the limitation for the number of users accessing
Internet with the conditions of such profile. The default
setting is 0 which means no limitation in the number of
Enable Time Quota - Time quota means the total connection
time allowed by the router for the user with such profile.
Check the box to enable the function of time quota. The first
box displays the remaining time of the network connection.
The second box allows to type the number of time (unit is
minute) which is available for the user (using such profile) to
access Internet.

– Click this box to set and increase the time quota for
such profile.

– Click this box to decrease the time quota for such

Note: A dialog will be popped up to notify how many time
remained when a user accesses into Internet through
Vigor router successfully.
When the time is up, all the connection jobs including
network, IM, social media, facebook, and etc. will be

Enable Data Quota - Data Quota means the total amount for
data transmission allowed for the user. The unit is MB/GB.

– Click this box to set and increase the data quota for
such profile.

– Click this box to decrease the data quota for such

Reset Quota Automaticlly To - Set default time quota and
data quota for such profile. When the scheduling time is up,
the router will use the default quota settings automatically.
Check it to use the default setting for time quota and data
 Time Limit – Type the value for the time manually.
 Data Limit – Type the value for the data manually.
Login Permission Schedule - When the scheduling time is
up, the router will reset the quota with user-defined
time/data values automatically.
Schedule – The router will reset the quota with user-defined
time/data values at the starting time configured in the
selected schedule profile.

356 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

PPPoE Login Setting Such user account will be used (1) by the client with the IP
address specified or (2) by the client with the MAC address
bound with the IP address, for accessing into Vigor1000B
web user interface.
PPPoE MAC Bind – Specify a MAC address which is limited and
used for such PPPoE account.
 Enable/Disable - Click it to enable/disable the function
of PPPoE MAC Bind.
MAC Address – Type the MAC address to be bound with the IP
address set below if PPPoE MAC Bind is enabled.
DHCP From – Use the drop down list to specify LAN/DMZ
interface. The IP address for binding with the MAC address
(above) set in the selected interface will be assigned from
the IP address set in the selected interface.
Static IP Address (optional)– Type an IP address.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

V-3-3 User Group

This page allows you to bind several user profiles into one group. These groups will be used in
Firewall>>General Setup as part of filter rules.

Please click any index number link to open the following page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 357

Default object –
1 and 2

User defined
object – others

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Type a name for this user group.
Available User Objects You can gather user profiles (objects) from User Profile page
within one user group. All the available user objects that you
have created will be shown in this box. Notice that user
object, Admin and Dial-In User are factory settings. User
defined profiles will be numbered with 3, 4, 5 and so on.
Selected Keyword Objects
Click button to add the selected user objects in this

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

358 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-3-4 User Online Status
This page displays the user(s) connected to the router and refreshes the connection status in
an interval of several seconds.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Seconds Use the drop down list to choose the time interval of
refreshing data flow that will be done by the system
Refresh Click this link to refresh this page manually.
Index Display the number of the data flow.
User Display the users which connect to Vigor router currently.
You can click the link under the username to open the user
profile setting page for that user.
IP Address Display the IP address of the device.
Profile Display the authority of the account.
Last Login Time Display the login time that such user connects to the router
last time.
Expired Time Display the expired time of the network connection for the
Data Quota Display the quota for data transmission.
Idle Time Display the idle timeout setting for such profile.
Action Block - can avoid specified user accessing into Internet.
Unblock – allow the user to access into Internet.
Logout – the user will be logged out forcefully.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 359

V-3-5 PPPoE User Online Status
PPPoE User Online Status displays connection information (including IP address, MAC
address,user name, transmitted bytes, received bytes, up time and so on) for the LAN client
who accesses Internet via the built-in PPPoE server of Vigor router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Seconds Use the drop down list to choose the time interval of
refreshing data flow that will be done by the system
Refresh Click this link to refresh this page manually.
IP Address Displays the IP address of the client in LAN.
MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the client in LAN.
User Name Displays the name of user connecting to Vigor router
currently. You can click the link under the username to open
the user profile setting page for that user.
Rx Bytes Displays the speed of octets received through such PPPoE
Tx Bytes Displays the speed of octets transmitted through such PPPoE
Up Time Displays the connection time of such PPPoE user.

360 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Application Notes

A-1 How to authenticate clients via User Management

Before using the function of User Management, please make sure User-Based has been
selected as the Mode in the User Management>>General Setup page.

With User Management authentication function, before a valid username and password have
been correctly supplied, a particular client will not be allowed to access Internet through the
router. There are three ways for authentication: Web, Alert Tool and Telnet.

Authentication via Web

 If a LAN client who hasn’t passed the authentication opens an external web site in his
browser, he will be redirected to the router’s Web authentication interface first. Then,
the client is trying to access http://www.draytek.com and but brought to the Vigor
router. Since this is an SSL connection, some web browsers will display warning
 With Microsoft Internet Explorer, you may get the following warning message.
Please press Continue to this website (not recommended).

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 361

 With Mozilla Firefox, you may get the following warning message. Select I
Understand the Risks.

362 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

 With Chrome browser, you may get the following warning. Click Proceed

After that, the web authentication window will appear. Input the user name and the
password for your account (defined in User Management) and click Login.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 363

If the authentication is successful, the client will be redirected to the original web site
that he tried to access. In this example, it is http://www.draytek.com . Furthermore, you
will get a popped up window as the following. Then you can access the Internet.

Note, if you block the web browser to pop up any window, you will not see such window.
If the authentication is failed, you will get the error message, The username or password
you entered is incorrect. Please login again.

 In above description, you access an external web site to trigger the authentication. You
may also directly access the router’s Web UI for authentication. Both HTTP and HTTPS
are supported, for example or . Replace with your router’s real IP address, and add the port number if the default
management port has been modified.
If the authentication is successful, you will get the Welcome Message that is set in the
User Management >> General Setup page.

364 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

With the default setup <body stats=1><script language='javascript'>
window.location='http://www.draytek.com'</script></body>, you will be redirected to
http://www.draytek.com . You may change it if you want. For example, you will get the
following welcome message if you enter Login Successful in the Welcome Message table.

Also you will get a Tracking Window if you don’t block the pop-up window.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 365

 Don’t setup a user profile in User Management and a VPN Remote Dial-in user profile
with the same Username. Otherwise, you may get unexpected result. It is because the
VPN Remote Dial-in User profiles can be extended to the User profiles in User
Management for authentication.
There are two different behaviors when a User Management account and a VPN profile
share the same Username:
 If SSL Tunnel or SSL Web Proxy is enabled in the VPN profile, the user profile in
User Management will always be invalid for Web authentication. For example, if
you create a user profile in User Management with chaochen/test as
username/password, while a VPN Remote Dial-in user profile with the same
username “chaochen” but a different password “1234”, you will always get error
message The username or password you entered is incorrect when you use
chaochen/test via Web to do authentication.

 If SSL Tunnel or SSL Web Proxy is disabled in the VPN profile, a User
Management account and a remote dial-in VPN profile can use the same
Username, even with different passwords. However, we recommend you to use
different usernames for different user profiles in User Management and VPN

366 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Authentication via Telnet
The LAN clients can also authenticate their accounts via telnet.
1. Telnet to the router’s LAN IP address and input the account name for the

2. Type the password for authentication and press Enter. The message User login
successful will be displayed with the expired time (if configured).

Info Here expired time is “Unlimited” means the Time Quota function is not
enabled for this account. After login, this account will not be expired
until it is logout.

3. In the Web interface of router, the configuration page of Time Quota is shown as below.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 367

4. If the Time Quota is set with “0” minute, you will get the following message which
means this account has no time quota.

If the Time Quota is enabled and time is not 0 minute,

You will get the following message. The expired time is shown after you login.

After you run out the available time, you can’t use this account any more until the
administrator manually adds additional time for you.

368 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Authentication via VigorPro Alert Notice Tool
Authentication via Web or Telnet is convenient for users; however, it has some limitations.
The most advantage with VigorPro Alert Notice Tool to operate the authentication is the
ability to do auto login. If the timeout value set on the router for the user account has been
reached, the router will stop the client computer from accessing the Internet until it does an
authentication again. Authentication via VigorPro Alert Notice Tool allows user to setup the
re-authentication interval so that the utility will send authentication requests periodically.
This will keep the client hosts from having to manually authenticate again and again.
The configuration of the VigorPro Alert Notice Tool is as follows:
1. Click Authenticate Now!! to start the authentication immediately.

2. You may get the VigorPro Alert Notice Tool from the following link:

Info 1 Any modification to the Firewall policy will break down the
connections of all current users. They all have to authenticate again
for Internet access.
Info 2 The administrator may check the current users from User Online
Status page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 369

A-2 How to use Landing Page Feature
Landing Page is a special feature configured under User Management. It can specify the
message, content to be seen or specify which website to be accessed into when users try to
access into the Internet by passing the authentication. Here, we take Vigor1000B router as an

Example 1:Users can see the message for landing page after logging into Internet
1. Open the web user interface of Vigor1000B.
2. Open User Management -> General Setup to get the following page. In the field of
Landing Page, please type the words of “Login Success”. Please note that the
maximum number of characters to be typed here is 255.

3. Now you can enable the Landing Page function. Open User Management -> User Profile
and click one of the index number (e.g., index number 3) links.

370 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. In the following page, check the box of Landing page and click OK to save the settings.

5. Open any browser (e.g., FireFox, Internet Explorer). The logging page will appear and
asks for username and password. Please enter the correct username and password.

6. Click Login. If the logging is successful, you will see the message of Login Success from
the browser you use.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 371

Example 2:The system will connect to http://www.draytek.com automatically after
logging into Internet successfully
1. In the field of Landing Page, please type the words as below:
“ <body stats=1><script language='javascript'>

2. Next, enable the Landing Page function. Open User Management -> User Profile and
click one of the index number (e.g., index number 3) links.

372 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. In the following page, check the box of Landing page and click OK to save the settings.

4. Open any browser (e.g., FireFox, Internet Explorer). The logging page will appear and
asks for username and password. Please enter the correct username and password.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 373

5. Click Login. If the logging is successful, you will be directed into the website of

374 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-4 Hotspot Web Portal

The Hotspot Web Portal feature allows you to set up profiles so that LAN users could either be
redirected to specific URLs, or be shown messages when they first attempt to connect to the
Internet through the router. Users could be required to read and agree to terms and
conditions, or authenticate themselves prior to gaining access to the Internet. Other
potential uses include the serving of advertisements and promotional materials, and
broadcast of public service announcements.

Web User Interface

V-4-1 Profile Setup

Select Profile Setup to create or modify Portal profiles. Up to 4 profiles can be created to
meet different requirements according to LAN subnets, WLAN SSIDs, origin and destination IP
addresses, etc.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Click the index number link to view or update the profile
Enable Check the box to enable the profile.
Comments Shows the description of the profile.
Login Mode Shows the login mode used by the profile. See the section
Login Mode for details.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 375

Applied Interface Shows the interfaces to which this profile applies.
Preview Click this button to preview the Hotspot Web Portal page that
will be displayed to users.

V-4-1-1 Login Method

There are five login methods to choose from for authenticating network clients: Skip Login,
Click Through, Social Login, PIN Login, and Social or PIN Login. Each login mode will present
a different web page to users when they connect to the network.

(A) Skip Login, landing page only

This mode does not perform any authentication. The user will be redirected to the landing
page. The user can then leave the landing page to visit other websites.

(B) Click-through
The following page will be shown to the users when they first attempt to access the Internet
through the router. After clicking Accept on the page, users will be directed to the landing
page (defined in Captive Portal URL) and be granted access to the Internet.

(C) Various Hotspot Login

An authentication page will appear when users attempt to access the Internet for the first
time via the router. After authenticating themselves using a Facebook account, Google
account, PIN code, password for RADIUS sever, they will be directed to the landing page and
be granted access to the Internet.

(D) External Portal Server

External RADIUS server will authenticate the users when they attempt to access the Internet
for the first time via the router.

376 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-4-1-2 Steps for Configuring a Web Portal Profile

Login Method

Click the index link (e.g., #1) of the selected profile to display the following page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable this profile Check to enable this profile.
Comments Enter a brief description to identify this profile.
Portal Server
Portal Method There are four methods to be selected as for portal server.

When Skip Loging, landing page only or Click through is selected as Portal Method
Captive Portal URL Enter the captive portal URL.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 377

When Various Hotspot Login is selected as Portal Method
Captive Portal URL Enter the captive portal URL.
Login Methods This setting is available when Various Hotspot Login is selected as
the portal method.
Choose Login Method - Select one or more desired login methods.
 Login with Facebook
 Login with Google
 Receive PIN via SMS
 Login with RADIUS
Facebook This setting is available when Login with Facebook is selected as
(Login with the login method.
Facebook) Facebook APP ID - Enter a valid Facebook developer app ID.
If you do not already have an app ID, refer to section A-1 How to
create a Facebook App ID for Web Portal Authentication for
instructions on obtaining an APP ID.
Facebook APP Secret - Enter the secret configured for the APP ID
entered above.
Refer to section A-1 How to create a Facebook App ID for Web
Portal Authentication for details.
Google This setting is available when Login with Google is selected as the
(Login with Google) login method.
Google App ID - Enter a valid Google app ID.
If you do not already have an app ID, refer to section A-2 How to
create a Google App ID for Web Portal Authentication for
instructions on obtaining an APP ID.
Google App Secret - Enter the secret configured for the APP ID
entered above.
Refer to section A-2 How to create a Google APP ID for Web Portal
Authentication for details.
SMS Provider This setting is available when Receive PIN via SMS is selected as
(Receive PIN via SMS) the login method.
Receiving PIN via SMS Provider - Select the SMS Provider used to
send PIN notifications SMS providers are configured in Objects
Setting >> SMS / Mail Service Object.
Radius Server This setting is available when Login with RADIUS is selected as the
(Login with RADIUS) login method.
Authentication Method – Click link to configure the external
RADIUS server for authenticating web portal clients.
RADIUS MAC Authentication – Check Enable to activate user
authentication by MAC address.
MAC Address Format – Select the MAC address format that is used
by the RADIUS server.
RADIUS NAS-Identifier - It is an attribute of the RADIUS server,
used by a client as an identification on a RADIUS server. Enter a
string with less than 32 characters.
When External Portal Server is selected as Portal Method
Captive Portal URL Enter the captive portal URL.
Redirection URL Enter the URL to which the client will be redirected.
RADIUS Server Authentication Method - To configure the RADIUS server, click the
External RADIUS Server link and you will be presented with the

378 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

configuration page.
RADIUS MAC Authentication - If the RADIUS server supports
authentication by MAC address, enable RADIUS MAC
Authentication and select the MAC address format that is used by
the RADIUS server.
RADIUS NAS-Identifier - It is an attribute of the RADIUS server,
used by a client as an identification on a RADIUS server. Enter a
string with less than 32 characters.
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.

If you have chosen Skip Login, landing page only or External Portal Server as the portal
method, skip to step 4 Whitelisting below.
Otherwise, proceed to configure the login page by following steps 2 and 3.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 379


If you have selected a Login Mode that requires authentication, select a background for the
login page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Choose Login Select either Color Background or Image Background as the login
Background page background scheme.
Browser Tab Title Enter the text to be shown as the webpage title in the browser.
Logo Image The DrayTek Logo will be displayed by default. However, you can
enter HTML text or upload an image to replace the default logo.

380 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Login Method Select the background color of the login panel from the predefined
Background Color color list, or select Customize Color and enter the RGB value.
Click Preview to preview the selected color.
Opacity (10 ~ 100) Available when Image Background is selected. Set the opacity of
the background image.
Background Image Available when Image Background is selected. Click Browse… to
select an image file (.JPG or .PNG format), then click Upload to
upload it to the router.
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

If you have selected Skip Login, landing page only or External Portal Server as the portal
method, proceed to Step 4 Whitelist Setting; otherwise, continue to Step 3 Login Page Setup.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 381

Login Page Setup

In this step you can configure settings for the login page.

Click Through
This section describes the Login Page setup if you have selected Click Through as the Login

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Welcome Message Enter the text to be displayed as the welcome message.
Terms and Enter the text to be displayed as the Terms and Conditions

382 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Conditions hyperlink text.
Terms and Enter the text to be displayed in the Terms and Conditions pop-up
Conditions Content window.
Accept Button Enter the text to be displayed on the accept button
Accept Button Color Select the color of the accept button from the predefined color
list, or select Customize Color and enter the RGB value. Click
Preview to preview the selected color.
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 383

Various Hotspot Login
This section describes the Login Page setup step if you have selected Various Hotspot Login
the login method. You will see only settings that are relevant to the selected login method(s).

Settings that are common to Facebook, Google, PIN, and RADIUS authentication are:

Item Description
Welcome Message Enter the text to be displayed as the welcome message.
Terms and Enter the text to be displayed as the Terms and Conditions
Conditions hyperlink text.
Terms and Enter the text to be displayed in the Terms and Conditions pop-up
Conditions Content window.

384 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

If you have selected Facebook login, the setting will appear:

Item Description
Facebook Login Enter the text to be displayed on the Facebook login button.

If you have selected Google login, the setting will appear:

Item Description
Google Login Enter the text to be displayed on the Google login button.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 385

If you have selected PIN login, these settings will appear:

Item Description
Hint Message for PIN Enter the text used to suggest users to choose SMS authentication.
Receiving PIN via Enter the text to be displayed on the button that the user clicks to
SMS Description receive an SMS PIN.
Receiving PIN via Enter the message to be sent by SMS to inform the user of the PIN.
SMS Content The PIN variable is specified by <PIN> within the message.
Enter PIN Enter message to be displayed in the PIN textbox to prompt the
Description user to enter the PIN.
Submit Button Enter the text to be displayed on the submit PIN button
Submit Button Color Select the color of the submit button from the predefined color
list, or select Customize Color and enter the RGB value. Click
Preview to preview the selected color.

386 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

If you have selected RADIUS account login, these settings will appear:

Item Description
Hint Message for Enter the text used to prompt the user to login.
RADIUS Account Enter the text to prompt the user to enter the username.
RADIUS Password Enter the text to prompt the user to enter the password.
Login Button Enter the text to be displayed on the login button.
Login Button Color Select the color of the login button from the predefined color list,
or select Customize Color and enter the RGB value. Click Preview
to preview the selected color.

And finally, the save and cancel buttons are always displayed.

Item Description
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 387

2nd-stage Page for PIN Login
If you have selected PIN Login as the login method, you will also need to configure the page
that is displayed to users when they request a PIN.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Back Button Enter text for the label of the hyperlink to return to the previous
Description page.
PIN Code Message Enter text to be displayed as the body text on the page.

388 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Default Country Select the default country code to be displayed using the dropdown
Code menu.
Enter Mobile Enter message to be displayed in the mobile number textbox to
Number Description prompt the user to enter the mobile number.
Send Button Enter the label text of the send button.
Send Button Color Select the color of the send button from the predefined color list,
or select Customize Color and enter the RGB value. Click Preview
to preview the selected color.
Send Succeeded Enter text to be displayed to notify the user after the PIN has been
Message sent.
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 389

Whitelist Setting

In this step you can configure the whitelist settings. Users are allowed to send and receive
traffic that satisfies whitelist settings.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
NAT Rules To prevent web portal settings from conflicting with NAT rules
resulting in unexpected behavior, select the NAT rules that are
allowed to bypass the web portal. Hosts listed in selected NAT
rules can always access the Internet without being intercepted by
the web portal.
Dest Domain Enter up to 30 destination domains that are allowed to be
Dest IP Enter up to 30 destination IP addresses that are allowed to be
Dest Port Enter up to 30 destination protocols and ports that are allowed
through the router.
Source IP Enter up to 30 source IP addresses that are allowed through the
Save and Next Click to save the configuration on this page and proceed to the
next page.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

390 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

More Options

In this step you can configure advanced options for the Hotspot Web Portal.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Quota Management
Quota Policy Profile Choose a policy profile to apply to web portal clients.
Web Portal Options
HTTPS Redirection If this option is selected, unauthenticated clients accessing HTTPS
websites will be redirected to the login page, but the browser may
alert the user of certificate errors. If this option is not selected,
attempts to access to HTTPS website will time out without
Captive Portal If this option is selected, the web portal page is triggered
Detection automatically when an unauthenticated client tries to access the
Internet. This function is not available when the Login Mode is
Social Login, as the web portal page may not be shown correctly
due to the limitations of the operating system’s built-in Captive
Portal Detection.
Landing Page After Authentication
Fixed URL Specifies the webpage that will be displayed after the user has

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 391

successfully authenticated.
The user will be redirected to the specified URL. This could be used
for displaying advertisements to users, such as guests requesting
wireless Internet access in a hotel.
User Requested URL The user will be redirected to the URL they initially requested.
Bulletin Message The message configured here will be briefly shown for a few
seconds to the user.
Default Message – This button is enabled when Bulletin Message is
selected. Click to load the default text into the bulletin message
Force Landing Page This option is useful for mobile phone user.
Stay The mobile phone users can access into Internet by means of Wi-Fi
connection. In general, when Captive Portal Detection is enabled
on Vigor router, the login page will appear once the mobile phone
detects the Wi-Fi signal. After entering the username and password
(for authentication), the landing page will appear first on the
screen of the mobile phone.
Yet, some mobile phone will skip the landing page and access the
Internet instead. This feature can force the landing page to stay on
the screen of the mobile phone for a while.
Enable - Select it to enter the period of time for keeping the
landing page.
Applied Interfaces
Subnet The current Hotspot Web Portal profile will be in effect for the
selected subnets.
Finish Click to complete the configuration.
Cancel Click to abort the configuration process and return to the profile
summary page.

392 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-4-2 Users Information
The log information for users accessing into Internat through web portal will be shown on this
page. Click a user link can open another web page displaying more detailed information.

V-4-2-1 User Info

The page can display user information based on the filtering conditions (profile or login

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Select Columns to Simply specify the profile and the login method for filtering users
Filter Users who want to access Internet through the login method. It is useful
for system administrator to manage the user’s access based on
different conditions when there are a lot of users requiring to
access into Internet.
User Table Information for the users accessing into Internet via Hotsport Web
Portal will be displayed and recorded in this page.

Click the MAC address link for certain user, information page related to the selected device
will be shown as the following page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 393

Basic information for the device will be shown on the field of Login Info; online/offline status
for the device can be send on the field of Devices; and historical information for device login
will be shown on the field of Login History. In addition, to forcefully log out a selected device,
simply check the one you want to logout and click the Log Out Device button.

394 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-4-2-2 Database Setup
This page allows the user to configure settings for database on USB disk.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable database Check the box to record user information on router’s database.
Before checking this box, insert a USB disk with adequate storage
space, first.
Enable sending user Check the box to send user information to syslog.
information to
File Path If a USB disk has been inserted into the USB port of Vigor router,
the file path will be shown in this area.
Database Usage Display the usage and remaining space on the database.
Clear User Info – The user information will be displayed on the
page of User Info. You can delete the information by clicking this
Notification and Action when Storage Exceeded
Notification Don’t send notification – Vigor router system will not send any
notification to any receipient.
Send notification - Vigor router system will send a notification
e-mail to specified receipient(s) that selected from Email
Notification Object and SMS Notification Object.
Action Stop recording user information – Vigor router system will stop to
record the user information onto USB disk.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 395

Backup and clean up all user info, and start a new record – Vigor
router system will backup all existed information on the USB disk
onto the host and clean up the information from USB disk. Later, it
will start a new record.
Advanced options
Database Encryption Select to have the router create a new encrypted database. Once
this is done, you will not be able to revert to an unencrypted

396 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-4-3 Quota Management
The system administrator can specify bandwidth and sessions quota which is only applicable
to the web portal clients.
Settings configured in Quota Management will override the policies set in Bandwidth
Management>>Bandwidth Limit and Bandwidth Management>>Limit.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Bandwidth Limit Check the box to override the policy configured in Bandwidth
Management>>Bandwidth Limit.
Session Limit Check the box to override the policy configured in Bandwidth
Management>>Session Limit.
Quota Policy Profile Add - Create up to 20 policy profiles in such page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 397

To create a new quotal policy profile, click Add to open the followining page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Enter a name for a new profile.
Account Validity Set the duration for which the login is valid.
Expired Time After the First Login – Sets the days, hours, and
minutes. After the login has expired, Vigor router will block the
client from accessing the network/Internet.
Idle Timeout – When this option is selected, Vigor router will
terminate the network connection if the is no activity from the
user after the specified idle time has passed.
Device Control Set the maximum number of devices that can be connected for
each account, and the time restriction for the client accessing
Internet via the web portal.
Devices Allowed per account – Use the drop-down list to select
the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the
network using the same account.
Reconnection Time Restriction – Blocks the account from being
used to connect devices to the network in one of two ways:
 At …. Everyday – After the login expires, the account cannot
be used to connect devices to the network until the set time
of day.
 Hours.. min – After the login expires, the account cannot be
used to connect devices to the network for a set period of
Bandwidth and Bandwidth Limit – Check the box to configure bandwidth limit for

398 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Session Limit web portal client.
 Download/Upload Limits – Set the maximum upload and
download speeds.
Session Limit- Check the box to configure a maximum session limit
for web portal clients.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 399

Application Notes

A-1 How to allow users login to Vigor’s Hotspot with their social media accounts
(e.g., Facebook & Google)
Vigor Router supports Hotspot Web Portal function. The network administrator can set Vigor
Router as a Hotspot provider with web authentication and allow users to log in with their
social media accounts, such as Facebook and Google. We demonstrate how to set up the
hotspot web portal with Facebook login in the following paragraphs.

Vigor Router Setup

1. Make sure the router is connected to the Internet.

2. Go to Hotspot Web Portal >> Profile Setup, click on an available index.

400 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3. Enter the values as the following figure.

(a) Click Enable this profile.

(b) Enter the comments.
(c) Select Various Hotspot Login for Portal Method.
(d) Choose Login with Facebook or Login with Google as Login Method.
If Login with Facebook is selected, the protocol of the Captive Portal URL need
to be changed to HTTPS instead of HTTP because Facebook force to use HTTPS
URL in their policy.
(e) Enter the APP ID and secret.
(f) Click Save and Next.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 401

4. Choose the Color Background, customize the information a logo color, and click Save
and Next.

You can click the Step Icon on the top of the page to go to the step you want. The router
will save your setting automatically.

402 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Or choose the Image Background, customize the information and background image,
and click Save and Next.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 403

5. Customize the descriptions on the login page, then click Save and Next.

6. You can set the Whitelist for the profile here to allow specific clients to access the
internet or certain websites can be visited without login.

404 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

7. Set up the Expired Time After Activation and Landing Page After Activation that
Hotspot clients will see after they login successfully. Finally, select the interfaces to
which you would like this hotspot profile apply to, then click Finish to save the setting.

8. Then the Hotspot setup is finished. You may click Preview to check the login page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 405

Hotspot Clients Login
9. Now, when clients connect to the selected router interface, and try to access internet,
they will be redirected to "portal.draytek.com".

 Due to security concerns, the browser might warns that it cannot verify server
identity, the clients would need to tap "Continue" before they can proceed to
 The client might not be able to access "portal.draytek.com" if this domain name
is resolved by a DNS server on LAN. If so, set up LAN DNS to make sure the domain
name will be resolved to the router's LAN IP.
10. Tap on a login method, and it will open the social media login page. Enter the social
media accounts and password to log in.

406 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

11. If the credentials are correct, the client will be redirected to the landing page and be
able to access the Internet afterward.

User Information
Network administrator can plug the USB disk to router, to record the basic information of the
users who connect to the Wi-Fi and login with their social media accounts. The users' basic
information will be listed on Hotspot Web Portal >> Users Information page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 407

V-5 Central Management (AP)

Vigor1000B can manage the access points supporting AP management via Central AP

AP Maintenance
Vigor router can execute configuration backup, configuration restoration, firmware upgrade
and remote reboot for the APs managed by the router. It is very convenient for the
administrator to process maintenance without accessing into the web user interface of the
access point.

Load Balance for AP

The parameters configured for Load Balance can help to distribute the traffic for all of the
access points registered to Vigor router. Thus, the bandwidth will not be occupied by certain
access points.

408 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

V-5-1 Dashboard
This page shows VigorAP’s information about Status, Event Log, Total Traffic or Station
Number by displaying VigorAP icon, text and histogram. Just move and click your mouse
cursor on Status, Event Log, Total Traffic or Station Number. Corresponding web pages will
be open immediately.

To access into the web user interface of VigorAP, simply move your mouse cursor on the
VigorAP icon and click it. The system will guide you to access into the web user interface of

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 409

V-5-2 Status
This page displays current status (online, offline or SSID hidden, IP address, encryption,
channel, version, password and etc.) of the access points managed by Vigor router. Please
open Central AP Management>>Function Support List to check what AP Models are

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Click the index number link for viewing the settings summary
of the access point.
Device Name The name of the AP managed by Vigor router will be displayed
IP Address Display the true IP address of the access point.
SSID Display the SSID configured for the access point(s) connected
to Vigor1000B.
Ch. Display the channel used by the access point.
STA List Display the number of wireless clients (stations) connecting to
the access point.
In which, 0/64 means that up to 64 clients are allowed to
connect to the access point. But, now no one connects to the
access point.
The number displayed on the left side means 2.4GHz; and the
number displayed on the right side means 5GHz.
Uptime Display the duration of the AP powered up.
Version Display the firmware version used by the access point.
Password Vigor1000B can get related information of the access point by
accessing into the web user interface of the access point.
This button is used to modify the logging password of the
connected access point.

410 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-5-3 WLAN Profile
WLAN profile is used to apply to a selected access point. It is very convenient for the
administrator to configure the setting for access point without opening the web user interface
of the access point.

Click the number link of the selected profile to modify the content of the profile. Available
settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile There are five WLAN profiles offered to be configured. Simply
click the index number link to open the modification page.
Name Display the name of the profile.
The default profile cannot be renamed.
Main SSID Display the SSID configured by such wireless profile.
Security Display the security mode selected by such wireless profile.
Multi-SSID Enable means multiple SSIDs (more than one) are active.
Disable means only SSID1 is active.
WLAN ACL Display the name of the access control list.
Rate Ctrl Display the upload and/or download transmission rate.
Clone It can copy settings from an existing WLAN profile to another
WLAN profile.
First, you have to check the box of the existing profile as the
original profile. Second, click Clone. The following dialog will

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 411

Third, choose the profile index to accept the settings from the
original profile. Forth, type a new name in the field of
Renamed as. Last, click Apply to save the settings on this
The new profile has been created with the settings coming
from the original profile.
To AP Click it to apply the selected wireless profile to the specified
Access Point.

Simply choose the device you want from Existing Device field.
Click >> to move the device to Selected Device field. Then,
click OK.
The selected WLAN profile will be applied to the selected
access point immediately. Later the access point will reboot.
To Local WLAN Profile configured in this page is specified for VigorAP
connected to Vigor router.
If required, these settings also can be applied to Vigor router.
Select and check one of wireless profiles and click this button
to apply the settings onto the WI-Fi wireless settings
configured for such Vigor router.

412 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

How to edit the wireless LAN profile?
1. Select the WLAN profile (index number 1 to 20) you want to edit.
2. Click the index number link to display the following page.

Info The function of Auto Provision is available for the default WLAN profile.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 413

3. After finished the general settings configuration, click Next to open the following page
for 2.4G wireless security settings.

414 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. After finished the above web page configuration, click Next to open the following page
for 5G wireless security settings.

5. When you finished the above web page configuration, click Finish to exit and return to
the first page. The modified WLAN profile will be shown on the web page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 415

V-5-4 AP Maintenance
Vigor router can execute configuration backup, configuration restoration, firmware upgrade
and remote reboot for the APs managed by the router. It is very convenient for the
administrator to process maintenance without accessing into the web user interface of the
access point.

Info Config Backup can be performed to one AP at one time. Others functions
(e.g., Config Restore, Firmware Upgrade, Remote Reboot can be performed
to more than one AP at one time by using Vigor1000B.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Action There are four actions provided by Vigor router to manage the
access points.

Vigor router can backup the configuration of the selected AP,

restore the configuration for the selected AP, perform the
firmware upgrade of the selected AP, reboot the selected AP
remotely and perform the factory reset for the selected AP.
File/Path Specify the file and the path which will be used to perform
Config Restore or Firmware Upgrade.
Select Device Display all the available access points managed by Vigor

416 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

router. Simply click << or >> to move the device(s) between
Select Device and Selected Device areas.
Selected Device Display the access points that will be applied by such function
after clicking OK.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to perform the action.

V-5-5 Traffic Graph

Click Traffic Graph to open the web page. Choose one of the managed Access Points, LAN-A
or LAN-B, daily or weekly for viewing data transmission chart. Click Refresh to renew the
graph at any time.

The horizontal axis represents time; the vertical axis represents the transmission rate (in

Info Enabling/Disabling such function will also enable/disable the External

Devices function.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 417

V-5-6 Event Log
Time and event log for all of the APs managed by Vigor router will be shown on this page. It is
userful for troubleshooting if required.

418 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-5-7 Total Traffic
Such page will display the total traffic of data receiving and data transmitting for VigorAPs
managed by Vigor router.

V-5-8 Station Number

The total number of the wireless clients will be shown on this page, no matter what mode of
wireless connection (2.4G WLAN or 5G WLAN) used by wireless clients to access into Internet
through VigorAP.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 419

V-5-9 Load Balance
The parameters configured for Load Balance can help to distribute the traffic for all of the
access points registered to Vigor router. Thus, the bandwidth will not be occupied by certain
access points.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
AP Load Balance It is used to determine the operation mode when the system
detects overload between access points.
Disable – Disable the function of AP load balance.
By Station Number –The operation of load balance will be
executed based on the station number configured in this page.
It is used to limit the allowed number for the station
connecting to the access point. The purpose is to prevent lots
of stations connecting to access point at the same time and
causing traffic unbalanced. Please define the required station
number for WLAN (2.4GHz) and WLAN (5GHz) separately.
By Traffic – The operation of load balance will executed
according to the traffic configuration in this page.
By Station Number or Traffic - The operation of load balance
will be executed based on the station number or the traffic
Station Number Set the number of stations as a threshold to activate AP load
Threshold balance.

420 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Traffic Threshold Upload Limit – Use the drop down list to specify the traffic
limit for uploading.
Download Limit – Use the drop down list to specify the traffic
limit for downloading.
Action When Threshold Stop accepting new connections – When the number of
Exceeded stations or the traffic reaches the threshold defined in this
web page, Vigor router will stop any new connection asked by
other access point.
Dissociate existing station by longest idel time - When the
access point is overload (e.g., reaching the limit of station
number or limit of network traffic), it will terminate the
network connection of the client’s station which is idle for a
longest time.
Dissociate existing station by worst signal strength if it is
less than - When the access point is overload (e.g., reaching
the limit of station number or limit of network traffic), it will
terminate the network connection of the client’s station with
the weakest signal.
Choose to Apply Determine which AP shall be applied with the load balance.
All APs – All APs shall be applied with the load balance.
Specific APs – The function of load balance will be applied to
the AP specified in this field.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 421

V-6 Central Management (Switch)

Vigor router can manage lots of VigorSwitch devices connected to it. Through profile and
group settings, the administrator can execute firmware/configuration backup, restore for
VigorSwitch device, reboot the device or return to factory default settings of VigorSwitch at
one time.

422 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

V-6-1 Status

V-6-1-1 Switch Status

Such page displays information, including Group, Switch name, IP address, model, System Up
Time, Port in Use, Clients, and Firmware Version of VigorSwitch connected to Vigor1000B
Before checking the switch status, go to Central Management>>External Device to enable
External Device Auto Discovery. Wait for the system to display available device(s).

Later, open Central Management>>Switch>>Status. Available VigorSwitch to be managed by

such router will be listed under the New Switch List.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 423

Info VigorSwitch listed below Status means the switch is managed by
Vigor1000B; VigorSwitch listed below New Switch List means it is not
managed by Vigor1000B yet.

Click Add to make the selected VigorSwitch to be managed by Vigor router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Group Display the name link of the group.
You can click the link to modify the group settings if
Switch Name Display the name link of VigorSwitch.
You can click the name link to access into the switch profile.
IP Address Display the IP address of VigorSwitch.
Model Display the model name of VigorSwitch.
System Up Time Display the time accumulated since this Vigorwitch is
powered up.
Port in Use Display how many devices connected to VigorSwitch.
Clients Display the number of LAN ports used in VigorSwitch.
Firmware Version Display the firmware version that VigorSwitch current used.
Add Such button will appear only when there is more than one
switch connected to Vigor1000B .
The one under New Switch List is allowed to be managed
under current used group. Simply click Add.

424 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

It will be better to group VigorSwitch devices with the same

V-6-1-2 Switch Hierarchy

This page displays the hierarchy of VigorSwitch(es) managed under Vigor1000B.

V-6-1-3 Detailed Info

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 425

This page displays the hierarchy of VigorSwitch(es) managed under Vigor1000B.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Switch List Displays the index number, switch name, IP address, model
name and MAC address of the VigorSwitch device.
Switch Name - The name link allows you to access into the
web user interface of the Vigor Switch.
IP - Displays the IP address of the switch.
Model - Displays the model name of the switch.
MAC - Displays the MAC address of the switch.
Search Search - After specifying IP address, MAC address or name of
the switch, click the Search button to find out the device and
display the searching result on this page.
Uplink Device - Displays the name of the server that Vigor
switch connects to.
Port - Indicates the port where the switch is connected to
the router. This number link allows you to click to view more
detailed information of the searched device.

Click the port number link (e.g., 3) to open the following page. Detailed information of the
name, port number, IP address, MAC address, description, type, VLAN number, PVID value
and PoE capability of the switch will be shown on this page.

426 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

In addition, this page will display the basic information (IP address, MAC address and Netbios
Name) of "other" devices connected to this switch.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 427

V-6-2 Profile
This page will show general information, such as name, group, IP address, MAC address,
model and password of VigorSwitch only when it connects to Vigor1000B series. By clicking
the index number link, a profile setting page for that switch will be shown. Note that each
profile represents one VigorSwitch.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Click the number link to access into the switch profile.
Note: Each connected VigorSwitch will have one setting
profile. If there are many switches connected to Vigor1000B,
different index number will be used to represent different
Name Display the user defined name of VigorSwitch.
Group Display the group name of VigorSwitch(es).
IP Address Display the IP address of VigorSwitch.
MAC Address Display the MAC address of VigorSwitch.
Model Display the model name of VigorSwitch.
Password Click it to display the account information including
username and password.
Delete Profile Click the mark of “X” to delete the switch profile.

To edit profile for the selected switch:

1. Click index number link (e.g. #1) to open the following page.

428 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Switch Name Type a name for the Switch. The purpose of name is used for
It is useful when there are many VigorSwitch (same modes)
devices connecting to Vigor1000B seres.
Comment Enter the text in such field if additional explanation for the
switch is required.
Trap Community Enter the text in such field as trap community.
Login Password Display the original login password for the VigorSwitch.
However, if Group Password (in Central Management
>>Switch>>Group) is configured with other string, then such
field is not allowed to type any other password. And only the
group password will be shown, instead.
IP Address Display the dynamic IP address (of the connected switch)
assigned by Vigor1000B.
Save Click it to save the settings.
Cancel Click it to return to previous web page without saving the
setting changes.
Send to Device Click it to transfer the configuration change (e.g, login
password, switch name, etc.) to the VigorSwitch

2. After finished the settings, click VLAN tab to open following page.
Blank page due to LAN>>VLAN not configured previously:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 429

Setting page with LAN>>VLAN configured previously:

3. Click Save to save VLAN configuration. Then, click Port tab to access the following page:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Description If required, type a brief description to explain the device
connected to VigorSwitch via the LAN port.
Port Control Disable Port – The port (e.g, Port 2 in this case) which is used
to connect VigorSwitch and Vigor1000B will not be shutdown
by Vigor1000B series.
Other LAN ports of VigorSwitch allow to connect to any LAN
device. When it is checked, after clicking Save, the network
connection between that device and VigorSwitch will be

430 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

By Schedule – Two sechule profiles can be specified here to
force Vigor1000B executing specific action to VigorSwitch.
Rate Limit Check the box for typing the ingress rate / egress rate for the
selected VigorSwitch. After clicking Save, the value modified
in this page will be written to VigorSwitch and enabled.

4. Click Save to save the changes and then click Send to Device. Settings will be sent to
VigorSwitch immediately.

V-6-3 Group
Different switches can be classified into different group(s). Specifc password for a group can
be defined and applied to every switch uder that group.
Through the common password setting, it is not necessary for the system administrator to
remember various login passwords to access into different VigorSwitch devices.

Click any index number link to create a new switch group.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 431

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Group Name Type a name as the group name. Different switches can be
classified within a group.
Group Password Type a password that administrator can use to access into
the managed VigorSwitch connecting to Vigor1000B . All of
the switches under the same group can be accessed into via
such group password.
Existing Switch Display all of the VigorSwitch devices connecting to
Member Switch Choose the switches you want to group and click the button
“>>” to move the selected devices onto the field of Member
Switch. Devices under Member Switch will be grouped under
such group profile.
OK Click it to save the configuration.
Cancel Click it to exit the setting page without saving any change.

432 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-5-4 Maintenance
Such feature can execute configuration backup, restore of selected VigorSwitch device(s) or
reboot the VigorSwitch devices remotely or reset the VigorSwitch devices with factory default
settings, without accessing into the web user interface of VigorSwitch respectively. It is
convenient for system administrator to manage VigorSwitch devices.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Select Action Action Type – Four actions including configuration backup,
configuration restore, remote reboot and factory reset are
offered by Vigor1000B to perform on VigorSwitch.
File/Path – Click the button to find out the required file.
Selected Device Use the drop down list to specify a VigorSwitch. Then the
MAC address and IP address related to the device will be
displayed on this area.
OK Click it to immediately perform the action (configuration
backup, configuration restore, remote reboot and factory
reset) on the device(s) listed in Selected Device.
Cancel Click it to cancel the setting changes.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 433

V-6-5 Alert and Log
Alert and Log is helpful for the user to understand the abnormal situation occurred in
VigorSwitch quickly. When the system detects an error, information of abnormal condition
will be recorded to the database; or the system will send an alert to the specified device (via
e-mail or SMS) to warn the user.

V-6-5-1 Alert Setup

This page is used to define the name of alert, level of alert (in color), and determine to
record the data in the database, or send a notification message to the user based on the

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Alert and Log Check it to enable this feature.
Alert Levels and Action Level Name – Define names for representing the severity of
alert event. The default names for index 1 to index 4 will be
shown on each setting box. Index 5 to index 8 are reserved
for user-defined.
Color – Define the color for each level of alert. However, the
color of index 1 is No color and unable to be changed.
Create Log – Check the box to create log of alert. Such log
will be seen on Alert Logs page. Note that No Log for index 1;
and log for index 2 is enabled in default.
Send Notification – If it is checked, Vigor router’s system will
send notification to specified phone number via SMS.
SMS/Email Service Object – Choose the SMS object which

434 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

will get the SMS from Vigor router. Up to 4 objects can be
selected at one time.

V-6-5-2 Switch and Port Setup

This page defines enabling switch alert and/or port alert for each switch.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Switch Alert Enable – Check it to enable alert mechanism for VigorSwitch.
Port Alert Enable - Check it to enable alert mechanism for each port of

Click the Switch Name link (e.g., G2280 in this case) to get detailed settings.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Switch Alert When VigorSwitch encounters the following alert events,
alert mechanism will perform corresponding actions based

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 435

on the servity level of the incident encountererd.
Incident – At present, Cold Start, Warm Start, Disconnect
and Reconnect will be treated as alert events.
Level – Specify the severity level for each incident. To
defined more severity level for choosing in this page, simply
open Central Management>>Switch>>Alert and Log and
click Alert Setup.
Port Alert Port – Available Ethernet ports for the selected VigorSwitch
(e.g., G2280 in this case) will be shown on this page. Each
port can be confgiured with different alert level for different
alert event.

436 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-6-6 Database Setup
The database of switch can be used to record alert logs and traffic history. This page is used
to determine if it is necessary for the user information to be recorded in the database of

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Database to Record Check the box to make the database (in USB disk) to record
alert logs and traffic the alert logs and traffic history.
Notification and Action when Storage Exceeded
Notification Don’t send notification – No notification will be sent out
when there is no capacity for storage in USB.
Send notification – A notification will be sent out when there
is no capacity for storage in USB.
Action Stop recording user information – When the capacity of log
is full, the system will stop recording.
Backup and clean up all user infor, and start a new record
- Only the newest events will be recorded by the system.

After finished the settings, click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 437

V-6-7 Support List
This page lists all models of VigorSwitch which can be managed by Vigor1000B via Central

438 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

V-7 Central Management (External Devices)

Vigor router can be used to connect with many types of external devices. In order to control
or manage the external devices conveniently, open External Devices to make detailed

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
External Device Syslog Check this box to display information of the detected device
on Syslog.
External Device Auto Check this box to detect the external device automatically
Discovery and display on this page.

From this web page, check the box of External Device Auto Discovery and click OK. Later,
all the available devices will be displayed in this page with icons and corresponding
information. You can change the device name if required or remove the information for
off-line device whenever you want.

When you finished the configuration, click OK to save it.

Info Only DrayTek products can be detected by this function.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 439

This page is left blank.

440 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part VI Others

Define objects such as IP address, service type,

keyword, file extension and others. These
pre-defined objects can be applied in CSM.

USB device connected on Vigor router can be

regarded as a server or WAN interface. By way of
Vigor router, clients on LAN can access, write and
read data stored in USB storage disk with
different applications.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 441

VI-1 Objects Settings

This section allows the creation of objects and object groups from IP addresses, service types,
keywords, file extensions, SMS and email recipients, and notification types. Once set up,
these objects can be applied to firewall and content management rules.

442 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

VI-1-1 IP Object
For IPs in a range and service ports in a limited range usually will be applied in configuring
router’s settings, therefore we can define them with objects and bind them with groups for
using conveniently. Later, we can select that object/group that can apply it. For example, all
the IPs in the same department can be defined with an IP object (a range of IP address).
You can set up to 192 sets of IP Objects with different conditions.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 443

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
View Use the drop down list to choose a type (Single Address,
Range Address, Subnet Address, Mac Address or all) that IP
object with the selected type will be shown on this page.
Set to Factory Default Clear all profiles.
Search Enter a string of the IP object that you wan to search.
Index Profile number of the IP object.
Name Name of the object.
Address Displays the IP address configured for the object profile.
Export IP Object Usually, the IP objects can be created one by one through
the web page of Objects>>IP Object. However, to a user
who wants to save more time in bulk creating IP objects, a
quick method is offered by Vigor router to modify the IP
objects with a single file, a CSV file.
All of the IP objects (or the template) can be exported as a
file by clicking Download. Then the user can open the CSV
file through Microsoft Excel and modify all the IP objects at
the same time.
Backup the current IP Objects with a CSV file – Click it to
backup current IP objecsts as a CSV file. Such file can be
restored for future use.
Download the default CSV template to edit – After clicking
it, press Download to store the default CSM template (a table
without any input data) to your hard disk.
Download – Download the CSV file from Vigor router and
store in your hard disk.
Restore IP Object Select – Click it to specify a predefined CSV file.
Restore – Import the selected CSV file onto Vigor router.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

444 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Interface The network interface on which the IP address or addresses
are to be found.
Any – All network interfaces.
LAN/RT/VPN – All network interfaces except WAN.
WAN – Only WAN interfaces.
Address Type Type of Addresses.
Any Address – Object covers all IP addresses.
Single Address – Object covers one IP address.
Range Address – Object covers a range of IP addresses.
Subnet Address – Object covers a range of IP addresses
specified in subnet notation.
Mac Address – Object contains a MAC address.
MAC Address Enter MAC address of the network device, if Address Type is
Mac Address.
Start IP Address Enter beginning IP address, if Address Type is one of Single
Address, Range Address and Subnet Address.
End IP Address Enter ending IP address, if Address type is one of Single
Address, Range Address and Subnet Address.
Subnet Mask Enter subnet mask, if Address type is Subnet Mask.
Invert Selection If selected, all addresses except the ones entered above will
be used.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current IP object, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 445

VI-1-2 IP Group
Multiple IP Objects can be placed into an IP Group.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click its index to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

446 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Interface Select WAN, LAN or Any to filter IP objects.
Available IP Objects All available IP objects that are associated with the selected
Selected IP Objects IP objects that have been added to this profile.

To add an IP object to the IP Group, select it under Available IP Objects, then click the >>
button. To remove an IP object from the IP Group, select it under Selected IP Objects, then
click the << button.
To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current IP group, click Clear.

VI-1-3 IPv6 Object

Up to 64 IPv6 Objects can be created.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 447

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Address Type Type of Addresses.
Any Address - Object covers all IPv6 addresses.
Single Address - Object covers one IPv6 address.
Range Address - Object covers a range of IPv6 addresses.
Subnet Address - Object covers a range of IPv6 addresses
specified in subnet notation.
Mac Address - Object contains a MAC address.
Specify the match type (128 Bits or Suffix 64 Bits) for the
IPv6 address.
Mac Address Enter MAC address of the network device, if Address Type is
Mac Address.
Start IP Address Enter beginning IP address, if Address Type is one of Single
Address, Range Address and Subnet Address.
End IP Address Enter ending IP address, if Address type is one of Single
Address, Range Address and Subnet Address.
Prefix Length Enter IPv6 prefix length, if Address type is Subnet Address.
Invert Selection If selected, all addresses except the ones entered above will
be used.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the IPv6 object, click Clear.

448 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VI-1-4 IPv6 Group
Multiple IPv6 Objects can be placed into an IPv6 Group.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

Available settings are explained as follows:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 449

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Available IPv6 Objects All available IP objects that are associated with the
selected interface.
Selected IPv6 Objects IPv6 objects that have been added to this profile.

To add an IPv6 object to the IPv6 Group, select it under Available IPv6 Objects, then click the
>> button. To remove an IPv6 object from the IPv6 Group, select it under Selected IPv6
Objects, then click the << button.
To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current IPv6 group, click Clear.

VI-1-5 Service Type Object

Up to 96 Service Type Objects can be created.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

450 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Protocol Protocol(s) to which this profile applies.
Any – All protocols.
ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol
IGMP – Internet Group Management Protocol
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
UDP – User Datagram Protocol
TCP/UDP – Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram
Other – Other protocols not listed above. Enter protocol
number in the textbox.
Source/Destination Port When protocol selected includes TCP or UDP, the source and
destination ports can be specified.
= – any port that falls within the specified range.
!= – any port that falls outside of the specified range.
– all port numbers that are greater than the specified value.
< – all port numbers that are smaller than the specified

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current service type object, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 451

VI-1-6 Service Type Group
Multiple Service Type Objects can be placed into a Service Type Group.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click the profile number under Index column to bring up the configuration

Available settings are explained as follows:

452 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Available Service Type All available service type objects.
Selected Service Type Service type objects that have been added to this profile.

To add a Service Type Object to the Service Type Group, select it under Available Service
Type Objects, then click the >> button. To remove a Service Type Object to the Service Type
Group, select it under Selected Service Type Objects, then click the << button.
To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current service type group, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 453

VI-1-7 Keyword Object
200 Keyword Object Profiles can be created for use as blacklists or white lists in CSM >>URL
Content Filter Profile and Web Content Filter Profile.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

454 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

To set up a profile, click its index to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Contents Keywords to be matched. Enter the content for this profile.
For example, type gambling as Contents. When you browse
the webpage, the page with gambling information will be
watched out and be passed/blocked based on the
configuration on Firewall settings.
In addition, up to 3 key phrases, separated by spaces, for a
total length of 63 characters can be entered. For key phrases
that contain spaces, replace spaces with the sequence %20.
For example, the phrase “keep out” is to be entered as

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current keyword object, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 455

VI-1-8 Keyword Group
Multiple Keyword Objects can be placed into a Keyword Group.
Keyword groups can be chosen as blacklists or white lists in CSM >>URL /Web Content Filter

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.
Objects Display the keyword objects under this group.

To set up a profile, click its index to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description

456 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 15
Available Keyword Objects All keyword objects that have not been added to this
Selected Keyword Objects Keyword objects that have been added to this profile.

To add a Service Type Object to the Service Type Group, select it under Available Service
Type Objects, then click the >> button. To remove a Service Type Object to the Service Type
Group, select it under Selected Service Type Objects, then click the << button.
To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the current keyword group, click Clear.

VI-1-9 File Extension Object

Up to 8 File Extension Objects can be set up for use with CSM>>URL Content Filter.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Name Name that identifies the profile.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 457

To set up a profile, click its index to bring up the configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 7
Select All Selects all file extensions for the category.
Clear All Deselects all file extensions for the category.

Select the file extensions you wish to be included in the profile. To save changes on the page,
click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all settings in the current file
extension object, click Clear.

458 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VI-1-10 SMS/Mail Service Object

SMS Service Object

Up to 10 SMS Service Objects can be set up for use with Application>>SMS Alert Service.

Each item is explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Profile Name that identifies the profile.
SMS Provider The SMS provider selected for the profile.

To set up a profile, click the SMS Provider tab, and then click its index to bring up the
configuration page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 459

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 31
Service Provider Select a Service Provider from the dropdown list.
Username Username used to log in to the service. Maximum length is 31
Password Password used to log in to the service. Maximum length is 31
Quota Remaining number of text messages allowed to be sent. The
quota value reduces by 1 every time the router sends an SMS
message. When the quota reaches 0, no SMS will be sent until it
is reset to greater than 0.
Sending Interval Minimum amount of time, in seconds, to wait between sending
SMS messages.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the SMS service object, click Clear.

Customized SMS Service

The router offers an extensive list of preset SMS service providers for your convenience.
However, if your service provider is not among the list of supported service providers, simply
use Indexes 9 and 10 to create a customized SMS service profile.

To set up a customized profile, click the SMS Provider tab, and then click one of the 2 indexes
(9 and 10) to bring up the configuration page.

460 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Display-only profile name, which is Custom 1 for Index 9 and
Custom 2 for Index 10.
Service Provider Enter an identifier for the service provider. Maximum length
is 23 characters.
Entry box Enter the URL for the SMS service. Maximum length is 255
characters. Contact the service provider for the appropriate
URL to use.
Username Username used to log in to the service. Maximum length is 31
Password Password used to log in to the service. Maximum length is 31
Quota Remaining number of text messages allowed to be sent. The
quota value reduces by 1 every time the router sends an SMS
message. When the quota reaches 0, no SMS will be sent until
it is reset to greater than 0.
Sending Interval Minimum amount of time, in seconds, to wait between
sending SMS messages.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the SMS service object, click Clear.

Mail Service Object

Up to 10 Mail Service Objects can be set up for use with Application>>SMS/Mail Alert

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 461

Each item is explained as follows:

Item Description
Set to Factory Default Clear all profile settings.
Index Index number of the profile.
Profile Name that identifies the profile.

To set up a profile, click the Mail Server tab, and then click its index to bring up the
configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 31
SMTP Server IP address of the SMTP server.
SMTP Port Port number of the SMTP server.

462 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Sender Address E-mail address of the sender.
Use SSL Check this box to use SMTPS (SMTP over SSL) to communicate
with the SMTP server. Note that the de facto port used for
SMTPS is 465.
Authentication Select to send username and password to SMTP server for
Username – Username for authentication. Maximum length is
31 characters.
Password – Password for authentication. Maximum length is
31 characters.
Sending Interval Minimum amount of time, in seconds, to wait between
sending e-mail messages.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the mail service object, click Clear.

VI-1-11 Notification Object

Up to 8 Notification Objects can be set up for use in Application>>SMS Alert Service and
Application>>Mail Alert Service.
You can set an object with different monitoring situation.

To set up a profile, click its index to bring up the configuration page.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 463

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Profile Name Name that identifies this profile. Maximum length is 31
Category Areas to be monitored.
Status Select the states to be monitored.

To save changes on the page, click OK. To discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all
settings in the notification object, click Clear.

464 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VI-1-12 String Object
This page allows you to set string profiles which will be applied in route policy (domain name
selection for destination) and etc.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Add Click it to open the following page for adding a new string

Set to Factory Default Click it to clear all of the settings in this page.
Index Display the number link of the string profile.
String Display the string defined.
Clear Choose the string that you want to remove. Then click this
check box to delete the selected string.

Below shows an example to apply string object (in Route Policy):

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 465

VI-1-13 Country Object
The country object profile can determine which country/countries shall be blocked by the
Vigor router’s Firewall.

The country object, by grouping IP addresses for multiple countries, can be applied by other
functions such as router policy destination (refer to the following figure for example).

To set a new profile, please do the steps listed below:

1. Open Object Setting>>Country Object, and click the number (e.g., #1) under Index
column for configuration in details.

466 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

2. The configuration page will be shown as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Name Type a name for such profile. The maximum length of the
name you can set is 15 characters.
Available Country / Select any country from Available Country. Click >> to move
Selected Country the selected country and place on Selected Country.
Note that one country profile can contain 1 up to 16

3. After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 467

Application Notes

A-1 How to Send a Notification to Specified Phone Number via SMS Service in
WAN Disconnection
Follow the steps listed below:
1. Log into the web user interface of Vigor router.
2. Configure relational objects first. Open Object Settings>>SMS/Mail Server Object to
get the following page.

Index 1 to Index 8 allows you to choose the built-in SMS service provider. If the SMS
service provider is not on the list, you can configure Index 9 and Index 10 to add the new
service provider to Vigor router.
3. Choose any index number (e.g., Index 1 in this case) to configure the SMS Provider
setting. In the following page, type the username and password and set the quota that
the router can send the message out.

468 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. Now you have finished
the configuration of the SMS Provider profile setting.

5. Open Object Settings>>Notification Object to configure the event conditions of the


6. Choose any index number (e.g., Index 1 in this case) to configure conditions for sending
the SMS. In the following page, type the name of the profile and check the Disconnected
and Reconnected boxes for WAN to work in concert with the topic of this paper.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 469

7. After finished the settings, click OK to return to previous page. You have finished the
configuration of the notification object profile setting.

8. Now, open Application >> SMS / Mail Alert Service. Use the drop down list to choose
SMS Provider and the Notify Profile (specify the time of sending SMS). Then, type the
phone number in the field of Recipient (the one who will receive the SMS).

9. Click OK to save the settings. Later, if one of the WAN connections fails in your router,
the system will send out SMS to the phone number specified. If the router has only one
WAN interface, the system will send out SMS to the phone number while reconnecting
the WAN interface successfully.

470 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Remark: How the customize the SMS Provider
Choose one of the Index numbers (9 or 10) allowing you to customize the SMS Provider. In the
web page, type the URL string of the SMS provider and type the username and password. After
clicking OK, the new added SMS provider will be added and will be available for you to specify
for sending SMS out.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 471

VI-2 USB Application

USB devices connected to the Vigor router can function as storage servers, WAN interfaces,
network printers or thermometers.
After setting the configuration in USB Application, a USB storage device can be accessed using
either the FTP or SMB protocol from LAN clients with the IP address of the Vigor router and
the username and password entered in USB Application>>USB User Management.

Info USB modems that are supported by the router are listed in USB
Application>>Modem Support List. For network connection via USB
modem, refer to WAN>>Internet Access and WAN>>General Setup for
detailed information.

472 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

VI-2-1 USB General Settings

This page allows you to configure the file sharing feature of the Vigor router, where USB mass
storage devices such as thumb drives and hard drives can be made accessible to LAN clients.
Currently, only FAT16 and FAT32 file systems are supported by the Vigor router, so verify that
the USB drive contains these file systems. FAT32 is recommended because of its long filename
support, which FAT16 lacks.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
General Settings Simultaneous FTP Connections - Enter the maximum
number of simultaneous FTP sessions allowed. The router
allows up to 6 simultaneous sessions.
Default Charset - Select the character set for file and
directory names. Currently, the Vigor router supports four
character sets. The default charset is English.

Select OK to save changes on the page.

VI-2-2 USB User Management

This page allows you to set up profiles for FTP/SMB users. Any user who wants to access the
USB storage disk must authenticate using a username and password that have been configured
on this page. Please connect a USB storage device before adding or modifying settings on this
page, or else an error message will appear requesting you to do so before allowing you to

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 473

Click index number to access into configuration page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check to activate this profile (account) for FTP service and /
or SMB service. Later, the user can use the username
specified in this page to login into FTP server.
Username Enter the username for this user profile. Maximum allowed
length of the username is 11 characters.
Note: Anonymous user access is not supported.
Note: “Admin” cannot be used as a username, as it is
reserved for access to web pages on the Vigor router, and for
FTP firmware upgrade.
Note: Ensure that the FTP client does not use passive FTP
mode as it is not supported by the Vigor router.
Password Enter the password for this user profile. Maximum allowed
length of the username is 11 characters.
Confirm Password Enter the password again to confirm.
Home Folder Enter the folder which will be the root folder for FTP and
SMB sessions established using the credentials of this user
profile. Only folders and files inside this selected root folder
are accessible to the user. In addition, if the user types “/”
here, the user can access into all of the disk folders and files

474 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

in USB storage disk.
To browse the list of folders available for selection, or to
create a new folder, click the icon.

Note: If the USB storage device is write-protected, new

folders cannot be created. Only existing folders can be
Note: Only folders directly under the root can be selected as
the home folder.
Access Rule It determines the authority for such profile. Any user, who
uses such profile for accessing into USB storage disk, must
follow the rule specified here.
File – Check the items (Read, Write and Delete) for such
Directory –Check the items (List, Create and Remove) for
such profile.

To save changes on this page, ensure that a USB storage device is connected, and click OK. To
discard changes, click Cancel. To blank out all settings in the current IP object, click Clear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 475

VI-2-3 File Explorer
File Explorer offers an easy way for users to view and manage the content of USB storage disk
connected on Vigor router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Click this icon to refresh the list of files and folders.
Click this icon to return to the parent folder.
Click this icon to add a new folder.
Current Path Shows current folder.
Upload To upload a file to the USB storage device, click the
Browse... button to bring up the file selection dialog box.
Select the file you wish to upload, and click the Upload
button to initiate the upload process.

476 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VI-2-4 USB Disk Status
This page allows monitoring of the status of USB devices connected to the Vigor router.

To maintain the data integrity of a USB disk that is connected to the router, always click
Disconnect USB Disk before unplugging the disk from the router.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Connection Status Shows whether a USB disk is connected or not. If there is no
USB device connected to the Vigor router, “No Disk
Connected” will be displayed.
Disk Capacity Shows the total capacity of the USB storage disk.
Free Capacity Shows the free space on the USB storage disk. Click Refresh
at any time to get the most up-to-date free capacity.
USB Disk Users Connected Shows the clients that are connected to the SMB/FTP server.
Index – The profile index used by the LAN client to establish
the connection.
Service – Shows whether the connection is using FTP or SMB.
IP Address – Shows the client’s IP address.
Username – Shows the username used to establish the

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 477

Disconnect USB Disk Before unplugging the USB storage device from the router,
make sure you click this first to ensure that all data has been
written to the disk and all open files are closed.

After a USB storage device has been connected, the Connection Status will be updated within
a few seconds.

478 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part VII Troubleshooting

This part will guide you to solve abnormal

situations if you cannot access into the Internet
after installing the router and finishing the web

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 479

VII-1 Diagnostics

This section will guide you to solve abnormal situations if you cannot access into the Internet
after installing the router and finishing the web configuration. Please follow sections below to
check your basic installation status stage by stage.
 Checking if the hardware status is OK or not.
 Checking if the network connection settings on your computer are OK or not.
 Pinging the router from your computer.
 Checking if the ISP settings are OK or not.
 Backing to factory default setting if necessary.
If all above stages are done and the router still cannot run normally, it is the time for you to
contact your dealer or DrayTek technical support for advanced help.

480 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Web User Interface

This section contains utilities that can assist you in analyzing issues and failures during the
setup and operation of the router.

VII-1-1 Dial-out Triggering

This page shows the packet header that is transmitted when a WAN connection (such as a
PPPoE connection) is initiated.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Decoded Format Shows the dial-out triggered packet header in hexadecimal

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 481

Refresh Shows the dial-out triggered packet header in
human-readable format.

VII-1-2 Routing Table

Click Diagnostics and click Routing Table to open the web page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Click it to reload the page.

482 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-3 ARP Cache Table
Click Diagnostics and click ARP Cache Table to view the content of the ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) cache held in the router. The table shows a mapping between an
Ethernet hardware address (MAC Address) and an IP address.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Show Select the LAN(s) and VLAN(s) to display ARP table
By default, information on all LANs and VLANs is displayed.
Refresh Click it to reload the page with the most up-to-date

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 483

VII-1-4 IPv6 Neighbour Table
This page displays the mapping between Ethernet hardware addresses (MAC addresses) and
IPv6 addresses. This information is helpful in diagnosing network problems, such as IP address
Click Diagnostics and click IPv6 Neighbour Table to open the web page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Click it to reload the page with the most up-to-date

484 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-5 DHCP Table
This page provides information on IP address assignments. This information is helpful in
diagnosing network problems, such as IP address conflicts, etc.
Click Diagnostics and click DHCP Table to open the web page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Index Shows the index of the DHCP entry.
IP Address Shows the IP address assigned by the router to the MAC
MAC Address Shows the MAC address of this DHCP entry.
Leased Time Shows the remaining time of the DHCP lease of the device.
HOST ID Shows the host ID of this network device.
Refresh Click to reload this page with the most up-to-date

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 485

VII-1-6 NAT Sessions Table
Click Diagnostics and click NAT Sessions Table to open the list page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Private IP: Shows the IP address of the LAN host.
Port # Shows the port number used on the LAN host for this NAT
Pseudo Port Shows the external port number used on the WAN interface
for this NAT session.
Peer IP: Shows the remote host’s IP address.
Port Shows the port number used on the remote host for this NAT
Interface Shows the WAN interface used for this NAT session.
Refresh Click to reload this page with the most up-to-date

486 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-7 DNS Cache Table
The router can function as a DNS server which allows LAN clients to look up DNS information
by sending DNS requests to the router. Such DNS information is temporarily cached on the
router and can be viewed on this page.
Click Diagnostics and click DNS Cache Table to open the web page.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Clear Click to clear all cached DNS lookup entries.
Refresh Click it to reload the page.
When an entry’s TTL is When this box is checked, DNS entries whose TTL (time to
larger than…. live, in seconds) exceeds the valued specified here will be
deleted from the router’s cache automatically. Be sure to
click OK after making changes to have them saved.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 487

VII-1-8 Ping Diagnosis
Click Diagnostics and click Ping Diagnosis to open the web page.


Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
IPV4 / IPV6 Choose the interface for such function.
Select the protocol to perform the ping operation.
Ping through Select a WAN interface from drop down list to through which
you want to perform the ping operation, or choose Auto to
be let the router select the WAN interface.

488 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Ping to Select the type of target to which you wish to ping.
IP Address Enter the IP address of the Host/IP that you want to ping.
Ping IPv6 Address Enter the IPv6 address that you want to ping.
Run Click this button to initiate the ping process.The result will
be displayed on the screen.
Clear Click this link to clear the ping result.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 489

VII-1-9 Data Flow Monitor
This page displays the uplink and downlink rates, and number of sessions of each LAN client.
The information is refreshed at an interval specified by the user. Before using the Data Flow
Monitor, LAN clients that are to be monitored need to have their IP addresses configured in
Bandwidth Management, and Bandwidth and Session Limits must be specified. Otherwise, a
dialog box will appear reminding you to do so.

Click Diagnostics and click Data Flow Monitor to load the web page. You can click IP Address,
TX rate, RX rate or Session links in the header to sort the displayed data.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Data Flow Monitor Check this box to enable this function.
Refresh Seconds Select the desired refresh time interval from the drop-down

490 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

list. The page will then be refreshed with updated
information at the selected interval.

Refresh Click to refresh this page manually.

Index Shows the index of the data flow.
IP Address Shows the IP address of the monitored device.
TX rate (kbps) Shows the transmission speed of the monitored device.
RX rate (kbps) Shows the receiving speed of the monitored device.
Sessions Shows the number of session that you specified on the Limit
Session web page.
Action Block - can prevent specified PC accessing into Internet
within 5 minutes.

Unblock –The device with the IP address will be blocked for

five minutes. The remaining time will be shown on the
session column. Click it to cancel the IP address blocking.

APP QoS Use the drop down list to change the priority in data
transmission for the specified IP address (host).
Current /Peak/Speed Current means current transmission rate and receiving rate
for WAN interface.
Peak means the highest peak value detected by the router in
data transmission.
Speed means line speed specified in WAN>>General Setup.
If you do not specify any rate at that page, here will display
Auto for instead.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 491

VII-1-10 Port Mirror/Packet Capture
The Port Mirror function allows network traffic of select LAN ports to be forwarded to
another LAN port for analysis. This is useful for enforcing policies, detecting unauthorized
access, monitoring network performance, etc.
If selecing "Continuously Send All Packets to Mirror Port", the setting page will be shown as

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Continuously Send All Select to send all packets to mirror port.
Packets to Mirror Port
Enable/Disable Select Enable to activate the function.
Select Disable to cancel the function.
Mirror Port One and only one port is selected as the mirror port, to
which traffic is to be forwarded.
Mirrored Tx Port Port(s) whose outbound traffic will be forwarded to the
mirror port.
Mirrored Rx Port Port(s) whose inbound traffic will be forwarded to the mirror
OK Save the settings.

492 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

If selecting "Download .pcap", the setting page will be shown as follows:

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Download .pcap If it is selected, the packets from the specified mirror port
can be downloaded for analysis.
Mirror Port One and only one port is selected as the mirror port, to
which traffic is to be forwarded.
Mirrored Tx Port Port(s) whose outbound traffic will be forwarded to the
mirror port.
Mirrored Rx Port Port(s) whose inbound traffic will be forwarded to the mirror
Setting Capture All Packets - All packets will be captured for
Capture with Filter - Only the packets filtered by ICMP, TCP,
UDP, or TCP/UDP will be captured for analysis.
Duration Set a period of time for Vigor router to capture the packets.
Filter Settings It is available only when Capture with Filter is selected.
Protocol - Filter the packet by using Any, ICMP, TCP, UDP,
and TCP/UDP.
IP Address - Filter the packet by IP address. If Customized IP
is selected, please enter an IP address in the entry box.
Port - It is available when TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP is selected
as the Protocol. Select Any or Customize Port. If Customize
Port is selected, please enter a port number in the entry box.
Start Click to begin the packet capturing.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 493

Stop Click to terminate the scanning job.
Download Click to download the packet capture result as a file with the
file format,.pcap.

After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to save the configuration.

494 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-11 Traffic Graph
Click Diagnostics and click Traffic Graph to open the web page. Choose
WAN1/WAN3/WAN4/WAN5/WAN6 Bandwidth, Sessions, daily or weekly for viewing different
traffic graph. Click Reset to zero the accumulated RX/TX (received and transmitted) data of
WAN. Click Refresh to renew the graph at any time.

The horizontal axis represents time. Yet the vertical axis has different meanings. For
WAN1/WAN3/WAN4/WAN5/WAN6 Bandwidth chart, the numbers displayed on vertical axis
represent the numbers of the transmitted and received packets in the past.
For Sessions chart, the numbers displayed on vertical axis represent the numbers of the NAT
sessions during the past.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 495

VII-1-12 VPN Graph
Click Diagnostics and click VPN Graph to open the web page.

VPN Log Details

Select VPN Log Details to see log entries about VPN connections.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Host to LAN/LAN to LAN Select Host to LAN to view log entries on VPN connections
that were initiated by VPN teleworkers.
Select LAN to LAN to view log entries on LAN-to-LAN VPN
connections to or from this router.
Index Select a VPN connection to view its log entries.

496 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VPN Graph
Select this tab to see a graphical representation of VPN traffic over time.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Host to LAN/LAN to LAN Select Host to LAN to view log entries on VPN connections
that were initiated by VPN teleworkers.
Select LAN to LAN to view log entries on LAN-to-LAN VPN
connections to or from this router.
Index Select a VPN connection to view its log entries.
Date Select the date for which you wish to view traffic statistics.
The traffic information for this date will be shown in the
daily graph, and the traffic information for the week before
this date will be shown in the weekly graph.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 497

VII-1-13 Trace Route
Click Diagnostics and click Trace Route to open the web page. This page allows you to trace
the routes from router to the host. Simply Enter the IP address of the host in the box and click
Run. The result of route trace will be shown on the screen.


Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
IPv4 / IPv6 Select the IP version used to perform the trace route.
Trace through Select the WAN interface used to perform the trace route.
Protocol Select either UDP or ICMP used to perform the trace route.
Host/IP Address Enter the hostname or the IP address of trace route

498 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Trace Host/IP Address Enter the hostname or the IPv6 address of trace route
Run Click this button to start the trace.
Clear Click to clear the trace route result.

VII-1-14 Syslog Explorer

This page displays syslog information in real time. There are two options for displaying syslog
information: Web Syslog and USB Syslog.
This page displays User/Firewall/call/WAN/VPN Syslog events and their time of occurrence.
To enable Web Syslog, check the Enable Web Syslog checkbox, specify the type of Syslog
events to view, and select the display mode. The log messages will start appearing as events
matching the selected type occur.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Web Syslog Check this box to enable Web Syslog.
Syslog Type Select the type of Syslog info to monitor.
Export Click to save the data as a file.
Refresh Click to refresh this page manually.
Clear Click to purge Syslog entries from the Web Syslog buffer.
Display Mode Two display modes are available.

Stop record when fulls – When the Web Syslog buffer is full,
no further logging will be performed.
Always record the new event – Events are recorded in a

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 499

FIFO manner. As the buffer gets full, oldest events are
purged to make room for new events.
Time Displays the time when the event occurred.
Message Displays the event information.

VII-1-15 IPv6 TSPC Status

IPv6 TSPC (Tunnel Setup Protocol Client) status page could help you diagnose issues with IPv6
connections that utilize TSP.
If TSPC has configured properly, the router will display the following page when the user
connects to tunnel broker successfully.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Refresh Click this link to refresh this page manually.

500 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-16 High Availability Status
This page displays the High Availability status of all routers that belong to the same DARP
(DrayTek Address resolution Protocol) group.
Vigor routers that satisfy the following conditions are considered to be in the same DARP
 HA enabled
 the same Redundancy method
 the same Group ID
 the same Authentication Key
 the same Management Interface
Open Diagnostics>>High Availablity Status.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Details/Back Details – Click to display detailed status about HA
configuration for the selected router.
Back – Click to return to the previous page.
HA Setup Click to navigate to Applications>>High Availability to modify
the HA configuration.
Renew Click to get the latest status of routers other than the primary
Refresh Click to get the latest status of the primary router.
Status “!” means an error has occurred. Refer to Detailed
information and modify HA settings if required.
Router Name Display the name of the device.
IP Display the IPv4 address of such router.
Role "Down" means the function of HA is disabled.
"Primary" means the router is the primary HA router.
"Secondary" means the router is a secondary HA router.
Stable "No" means the primary router has not been identified yet.
DARP is still negotiating.
"YES" means the primary router is identified.
WAN "At Least One UP" means that at least one WAN interface is
connected to Internet.
"All WANs Down" means that no WAN interface is currently
connected to Internet.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 501

Sync Status "Not Ready" means configuration synchronization is unable to
execute, or configuration synchronization is disabled, or
synchronization initialization has executed but failed.
"Ready" means configuration synchronization is ready to
"Progressing" means configuration synchronization is in
"Fail" means configuration synchronization has executed and
failed; or the model name is incorrect.
"Equal" means the corresponding settings are equal to the
primary router.
Cached Time Displays the elapsed time since the last status update of the
other routers (i.e., other than the primary router).

To view detailed information of a router, click Status, Router Name IPv4 or Details, and the
following page will be shown:

502 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-17 Authentication Information

Authentication User List

This page shows authentication requests handled by the Internal RADIUS or Local 802.1X
When the mouse cursor is hovered over a link under User Name, information about the RADIUS
or 802.1X authentication attempt (including authentication failure information) will appear in
a pop-up dialog box.

Authentication Information Log

This page will display the complete authentication log information.

Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Enable Check to enable Authentication Information Log.
Refresh Click to refresh the Authentication Information Log.
Clear Click to clear the Authentication Information Log.
Syslog Type Select the type of authentication information to be displayed:
Radius, 802.1X, or ALL (both Radius and 802.1X).
Display Mode Choose the mode that the logging information will be shown.
Stop record when fulls – when the buffer is full, the system
will stop recording.
Always record the new event – when the buffer is full, the
oldest event will be purged to make room for the new event.
Time Display the time of the event.
Message Displays the details of the authentication event.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 503

VII-1-18 DoS Flood Table
This page shows IP addresses that are currently engaging in DoS flood as detected by the DoS
Flooding Defense mechanism. It provides useful information to network engineers (e.g., MIS
engineers) to diagnose the network environment to identify potentially malicious network
traffic and entities. Identified IP addresses and the destination ports used in SYN, UDP, and
ICMP Flood attacks will be shown on the respective tab pages.
IP addresses that are suspected to be attacking the network can be blocked by clicking the
Block button on the SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP Flood tab pages.

Info The icon - - means there is something wrong (e.g., attacking the
system) with that IP address.

504 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-1-19 Route Policy Diagnosis
With the analysis done by such page, possible path (static route, routing table or policy route)
of the packets sent out of the router can be traced.


Available settings are explained as follows:

Item Description
Mode Analyze a single packet – Choose such mode to make Vigor
router analyze how a single packet will be sent by a route
Analyze multiple packets… - Choose such mode to make Vigor
router analyze how multiple packets in a specified file will be
sent by a route policy.
Packet Information Specify the nature of the packets to be analyzed by Vigor
ICMP/UDP/TCP/ANY- Specify a protocol for diagnosis.
Src IP – Type an IP address as the source IP.
Dst IP – Type an IP address as the destination IP.
Dst Port – Use the drop down list to specify the destination

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 505

Analyze – Click it to perform the job of analyzing. The
analyzed result will be shown on the page..
Input File It is available when Analyze multiple packets.. is selected as
Select – Click the download link to get a blank example file.
Then, click such button to select that blank “.csv” file for
saving the result of analysis.
Analyze – Click it to perform the job of analyzing. The
analyzed result will be shown on the page. If required, click
export analysis to export the result as a file.

Note that the analysis was based on the current

"load-balance/route policy" settings, we do not guarantee it
will be 100% the same as the real case.

506 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-2 Checking If the Hardware Status Is OK or Not

Follow the steps below to verify the hardware status.

1. Check the power line and WLAN/LAN cable connections.
Refer to “I-2 Hardware Installation” for details.
2. Turn on the router. Make sure the ACT LED blink once per second and the correspondent
LAN LED is bright.

3. If not, it means that there is something wrong with the hardware status. Simply back to
“I-2 Hardware Installation” to execute the hardware installation again. And then, try

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 507

VII-3 Checking If the Network Connection Settings on Your
Computer Is OK or Not

Sometimes the link failure occurs due to the wrong network connection settings. After trying
the above section, if the link is stilled failed, please do the steps listed below to make sure
the network connection settings is OK.

For Windows

Info The example is based on Windows 7. As to the examples for other operation
systems, please refer to the similar steps or find support notes in

1. Open All Programs>>Getting Started>>Control Panel. Click Network and Sharing


2. In the following window, click Change adapter settings.

3. Icons of network connection will be shown on the window. Right-click on Local Area
Connection and click on Properties.

508 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) and then click Properties.

5. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address

automatically. Finally, click OK.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 509

For Mac OS
1. Double click on the current used Mac OS on the desktop.
2. Open the Application folder and get into Network.
3. On the Network screen, select Using DHCP from the drop down list of Configure IPv4.

510 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

VII-4 Pinging the Router from Your Computer

The default gateway IP address of the router is For some reason, you might need
to use “ping” command to check the link status of the router. The most important thing is
that the computer will receive a reply from If not, please check the IP
address of your computer. We suggest you setting the network connection as get IP
automatically. (Please refer to the section VIII-3)
Please follow the steps below to ping the router correctly.

For Windows
1. Open the Command Prompt window (from Start menu> Run).
2. Type command (for Windows 95/98/ME) or cmd (for Windows NT/ 2000/XP/Vista/7/8).
The DOS command dialog will appear.

3. Type ping and press [Enter]. If the link is OK, the line of “Reply from time<1ms TTL=255” will appear.
4. If the line does not appear, please check the IP address setting of your computer.

For Mac OS (Terminal)

1. Double click on the current used MacOs on the desktop.
2. Open the Application folder and get into Utilities.
3. Double click Terminal. The Terminal window will appear.
4. Type ping and press [Enter]. If the link is OK, the line of “64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=xxxx ms” will appear.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 511

512 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide
VII-5 Checking If the ISP Settings are OK or Not

If WAN connection cannot be up, check if the LEDs (according to the LED explanations listed
on section I-1-1) are correct or not. If the LEDs are off, please:
 Change the Physical Type from Auto negotiation to other values (e.g., 100M full duplex).
 Next, change the physical type of modem (e.g., DSL/FTTX(GPON)/Cable modem) offered
by ISP with the same value configured in Vigor router. Check if the LEDs on Vigor router
are on or not.
 If not, please install an additional switch for connecting both Vigor router and the modem
offered by ISP. Then, check if the LEDs on Vigor router are on or not.
 If the problem of LEDs cannot be solved by the above measures, please contact with the
nearest reseller, or send an e-mail to DrayTek FAE for technical support.
 Check if the settings offered by ISP are configured well or not.
When the LEDs are on and correct, yet the WAN connection still cannot be up, please:
 Open WAN >> Internet Access page and then check whether the ISP settings are set
correctly. Click Details Page of WAN1~WAN8 to review the settings that you configured

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 513

VII-6 Backing to Factory Default Setting If Necessary

Sometimes, a wrong connection can be improved by returning to the default settings. Try to
reset the router by software or hardware. Such function is available in Admin Mode only.

Info After pressing factory default setting, you will loose all settings you did
before. Make sure you have recorded all useful settings before you pressing.
The password of factory default is null.

Software Reset
You can reset the router to factory default via Web page. Such function is available in Admin
Mode only.
Go to System Maintenance and choose Reboot System on the web page. The following screen
will appear. Choose Using factory default configuration and click Reboot Now. After few
seconds, the router will return all the settings to the factory settings.

514 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Hardware Reset
While the router is running (ACT LED blinking), press the Factory Reset button and hold for
more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED blinks rapidly, please release the button.
Then, the router will restart with the default configuration.

After restore the factory default setting, you can configure the settings for the router again
to fit your personal request.

VII-7 Contacting DrayTek

If the router still cannot work correctly after trying many efforts, please contact your dealer
for further help right away. For any questions, please feel free to send e-mail to

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 515

This page is left blank.

516 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Part VIII Telnet Commands

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 517

Accessing Telnet of Vigor1000B

This chapter also gives you a general description for accessing telnet and describes the
firmware versions for the routers explained in this manual.

Info For Windows 7 user, please make sure the Windows Features of Telnet
Client has been turned on under Control Panel>>Programs.

Type cmd and press Enter. The Telnet terminal will be open later.

In the following window, type Telnet as below and press Enter. Note that the IP
address in the example is the default address of the router. If you have changed the default,
enter the current IP address of the router.

Next, type admin/admin for Account/Password. Then, type ?. You will see a list of
valid/common commands depending on the router that your use.

518 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 519
Telnet Command: csm appe prof
Commands under CSM allow you to set CSM profile to define policy profiles for different policy
of IM (Instant Messenger)/P2P (Peer to Peer) application.
“csm appe prof “ is used to configure the APP Enforcement Profile name. Such profile will be
applied in Default Rule of Firewall>>General Setup for filtering.

csm appe prof -i INDEX [-v | -n NAME|setdefault]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 32.
-v View the configuration of the CSM profile.
-n Set a name for the CSM profile.
NAME Specify a name for the CSM profile, less then 15 characters.
setdefault Reset to default settings.

> csm appe prof -i 1 -n games
The name of APPE Profile 1 was setted.

Telnet Command: csm appe set

It is used to configure group settings for IM/P2P/Protocol and Others in APP Enforcement

csm appe set -i INDEX [-v GROUP| -e AP_IDX | -d AP_IDX]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 32.
-v View the IM/P2P/Protocol and Others configuration of the CSM
-e Enable to block specific application.
-d Disable to block specific application.
GROUP Specify the category of the application. Available options are: IM,
P2P, Protocol and Others.
AP_IDX Each application has independent index number for identification in
CLI command.
Specify the index number of the application here. If you have no
idea of the inex number, do the following (Take IM as an example):
Type “csm appe set –I 1 –v IM”, the system will list all of the index
numbers of the applications categorized under IM.

> csm appe set -i 1 -v IM

Type Index Name Version Advance

520 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Advanced Option: (M)essage, (F)ile Transfer, (G)ame, (C)onference, and (O)ther
IM 0 AIM Login 8
IM 1 AliWW 2008
IM 2 Ares 2.0.9
IM 3 BaiduHi 37378
IM 4 Facebook/Instagram
IM 5 Fetion 2010
IM 6 GaduGadu Protocol
IM 7 ICQ 7
IM 8 iSpQ 8.0.60
IM 9 KC 2008
IM 11 LinkedIn
IM 12 Paltalk 9
IM 13 PocoCall 2007
IM 14 Qnext 3.0.1
IM 15 Signal 1.26.2
IM 16 Slack 4.0.0
IM 17 Snapchat
IM 18 Telegram 1.7.10

IM 19 Tencent QQ 2012/2009 beta3

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---
Total 28 APPs


Telnet Command: csm appe show

It is used to display group (IM/P2P/Protocol and Others) information APP Enforcement Profile.

csm appe show [-a|-i|-p|-t|-m]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-a View the configuration status for All groups.
-i View the configuration status of IM group.
-p View the configuration status of P2P group.
-t View the configuration status of protocol group.
-m View the configuration status of Others group.

>csm appe show -t

Type Index Name Version Advance

Advanced Option: (M)essage, (F)ile Transfer, (G)ame, (C)onference, and (O)ther

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 521

PROTOCOL 58 IRC 2.4.0 …………

Telnet Command: csm appe config

It is used to display the configuration status (enabled or disabled) for IM/P2P/Protocol/Other

csm appe config -v INDEX [-i|-p|-t|-m]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 32.
-i View the configuration status of IM group.
-p View the configuration status of P2P group.
-t View the configuration status of protocol group.
-m View the configuration status of Others group.

> csm appe config -v 1 -m

Advance abbreviation: Message, File Transfer, Game, Conference, and Other

Advance abbreviation: : M, F, G, C, and O
Group Type Index Name Enable
Advance Enable
OTHERS Tunneling 73 CloudFlare Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 74 DNSCrypt Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 75 DynaPass Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 76 FreeGate Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 77 Hotspot Shield Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 78 HTTP Tunnel Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 79 HTTP Proxy Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 80 LogMeIn Hamachi Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 81 MS Teredo Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 82 OpenDNS Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 83 OpenVPN Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 84 PGPNet Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 85 Ping Tunnel Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 86 RealTunnel Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 87 Skyfire Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 88 SOCKS4/SOCKS5 Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 89 SoftEther VPN Disable
OTHERS Tunneling 90 TinyVPN Disable

OTHERS Tunneling 91 Tor Disable

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---
Total 81 APPs

Telnet Command: csm ucf

It is used to configure settings for URL control filter profile.

csm ucf show

522 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

csm ucf setdefault
csm ucf msg MSG
csm ucf obj INDEX [-n PROFILE_NAME | -l [P|B|A] | uac | wf ]
csm ucf obj INDEX -n PROFILE_NAME
csm ucf obj INDEX -p VALUE
csm ucf obj INDEX -l P|B|A
csm ucf obj INDEX uac
csm ucf obj INDEX wf

Syntax Description

Parameter Description
show Display all of the profiles.
setdefault Return to default settings for all of the profile.
msg MSG Set the administration message.
MSG means the content (less than 255 characters) of the message
obj Specify the object for the profile.
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 8.
-n PROFILE_NAME Set the profile name.
PROFILE_NAME - Specify the name of the profile (less than 16
-l P/B/A It means the log type of the profile. They are:
P: Pass,
B: Block,
A: All,
-p VALUE Set the priority (defined by the number specified in VALUE) for the
VALUE - Number 0 to 3 represent different conditions.
0: It means Bundle: Pass.
1: It means Bundle: Block.
2: It means Either: URL Access Control First.
3: It means Either: Web Feature First.
uac Set URL Access Control part.
wf Set Web Feature part.

> csm ucf obj 1 -n game -l B
Profile Index: 1 Profile Name:[game]

> csm ucf show

URL Content Filter Profile Table:
Profile Name Profile Name
-------------------------- --------------------------
[1] [game ] [5] [ ]
[2] [ ] [6] [ ]
[3] [ ] [7] [ ]
[4] [ ] [8] [ ]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 523

-------------------------- --------------------------

Administration Message (Max 255 characters):

<body><center><br><p>The requested Web page has been blocked by URL
Content Filt
er.<p>Please contact your system administrator for further

Telnet Command: csm ucf obj INDEX uac

It means to configure the settings regarding to URL Access Control (uac).

csm ucf obj INDEX uac -v
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -e
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -d
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -a P|B
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -i E|D
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -o KEY_WORD_Object_Index
csm ucf obj INDEX uac -g KEY_WORD_Group_Index

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 8.
-v View the protocol configuration of the CSM profile.
-e Enable the function of URL Access Control.
-d Disable the function of URL Access Control.
-a Set the action of specific application, P or B.
B: Block. The web access meets the URL Access Control will be
P: Pass. The web access meets the URL Access Control will be passed.
-i Prevent the web access from any IP address.
E: Enable the function. The Internet access from any IP address will
be blocked.
D: Disable the function.
-o Set the keyword object.
KEY_WORD_Object_Index Specify the index number of the object profile.
-g Set the keyword group.
KEY_WORD_Group_Index Specify the index number of the group profile.

> csm ucf obj 1 uac -i E
Priority Select : [Either : Url Access Control First]

524 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

URL Access Control
[ ]Enable URL Access Control Action:[pass]
[v]Prevent web access from IP address.
No Obj NO. Object Name
--- -------- ---------------------------------

No Grp NO. Group Name

--- -------- ---------------------------------
> csm ucf obj 1 uac -a B
Priority Select : [Either : Url Access Control First]
URL Access Control
[ ]Enable URL Access Control Action:[block]
[v]Prevent web access from IP address.
No Obj NO. Object Name
--- -------- ---------------------------------

No Grp NO. Group Name

--- -------- ---------------------------------

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 525

Telnet Command: csm ucf obj INDEX wf
It means to configure the settings regarding to Web Feature (wf).

csm ucf obj INDEX wf -v
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -e
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -d
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -a P|B
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -s WEB_FEATURE
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -u WEB_FEATURE
csm ucf obj INDEX wf -f File_Extension_Object_index

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number of CSM profile, from 1 to 8.
-v View the protocol configuration of the CSM profile.
-e Enable the restriction of web feature.
-d Disable the restriction of web feature.
-a Set the action of web feature, P or B.
B: Block. The web access meets the web feature will be blocked.
P: Pass. The web access meets the web feature will be passed.
-s Enable the the Web Feature configuration.
Features available for configuration are:
c: Cookie
p: Proxy
u: Upload
-u Cancel the web feature configuration.
-f Set the file extension object index number.
File_Extension_Object_inde Type the index number (1 to 8) for the file extension object.

> csm ucf obj 1 wf -s c
Web Feature
[ ]Enable Restrict Web Feature Action:[pass]

File Extension Object Index : [0] Profile Name : []

[V] Cookie [ ] Proxy [ ] Upload

Telnet Command: csm wcf

It means to configure the settings regarding to web control filter (wcf).

csm wcf show
csm wcf look

526 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

csm wcf cache
csm wcf server WCF_SERVER
csm wcf msg MSG
csm wcf setdefault
csm wcf obj INDEX -v
csm wcf obj INDEX -a P|B
csm wcf obj INDEX -n PROFILE_NAME
csm wcf obj INDEX -l P|B|A
csm wcf obj INDEX -o KEY_WORD Object Index
csm wcf obj INDEX -g KEY_WORD Group Index
csm wcf obj INDEX -w E|D|P|B

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show Display the web content filter profiles.
look Display the license information of WCF.
cache Set the cache level for the profile.
server WCF_SERVER Set web content filter server.
msg MSG Set the administration message.
MSG means the content (less than 255 characters) of the message
setdefault Return to default settings for all of the profile.
obj Specify the object profile.
INDEX Specify the index number of web content filter profile, from 1 to 8.
-v View the web content filter profile.
-a P|B Set the action of web content filter profile, P or B.
B: Block. The web access meets the web feature will be blocked.
P: Pass. The web access meets the web feature will be passed.
-n PROFILE_NAME Set the profile name.
PROFILE_NAME: Specify the name of the profile (less than 16
-l P|B|A It means the log type of the profile. They are:
P: Pass,
B: Block,
A: All,
-o Set the keyword object.
KEY_WORD_Object_Index Specify the index number of the object profile.
-g Set the keyword group.
KEY_WORD_Group_Index Specify the index number of the group profile.
-w E|D|P|B Set the action for the black and white list.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 527

-s It means to choose the items under CATEGORY or WEB_GROUP.
-u It means to discard items under CATEGORY or WEB_GROUP.
WEB_GROUP Child_Protection, Leisure, Business, Chating, Computer Internet,
CATEGORY Includes:
"Advertisement & Pop-Ups", "Alcohol & Tobacco", "Anonymizers",
"Arts", "Business", "Transportation", "Chat", "Forums & Newsgroups",
"Compromised", "Computers & Technology", "Criminal & Activity",
"Dating & Personals", "Down sites", "Education", "Entertainment",
"Finance", "Gambling", "Games", "Government", "Hate &
Intolerance", "Health & Medicine","Illegal Drug", "Job Search",
"Streaming Media & Downloads","News", "Non-profits & NGOs",
"Nudity","Persional Sites","Phishing & Fraud", "Politics",
"Pornography & Sexually explicit","Real Estate", "Religion",
"Restaurants & Dining", "Search engines & Portals", "Shopping",
"Social Networking", "Spam sites", "Sports", "Malware", "Translators",
"Travel", "Violence", "Weapons", "Web-Based Email", "General",
"Leisure & Recreation", "Botnets", "Cults", "Fashion & Beauty",
"Greeting Cards", "Hacking", "Illegal Softwares", "Image Sharing",
"Information Security", "Instant Messaging", "Network Errors",
"Parked Domains", "Peer-to-Peer", "Private IP Address", "School
Cheating", "Sex Education", "Tasteless", "Child Abuse Images",
"Uncategorised Sites"

> csm wcf obj 1 -n test_wcf
Profile Index: 1

Profile Name:[test_wcf]

[]White/Black list


No Obj NO. Object Name

--- -------- ---------------------------------

No Grp NO. Group Name

--- -------- ---------------------------------



Child Protection Group

[v]Alcohol & Tobacco [v]Criminal & Activity [v]Gambling

[v]Hate & Intolerance [v]Illegal Drug [v]Nudity

[v]Pornography & Sexually explicit [v]Violence [v]Weapons

[v]School Cheating [v]Sex Education [v]Tasteless

528 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

[v]Child Abuse Images


Leisure Group

[ ]Entertainment [ ]Games [ ]Sports

[ ]Travel [ ]Leisure & Recreation [ ]Fashion & Beauty


Business Group

[ ]Business [ ]Job Search [ ]Web-Based Email


Chating Group

[ ]Chat [ ]Instant Messaging


Computer Internet Group

[ ]Anonymizers [ ]Forums & Newsgroups [ ]Computers & Technology

[ ]Down sites [ ]Streaming Media & Downloads [ ]Phishing & Fraud

[ ]Search engines & Portals [ ]Social Networking [ ]Spam sites

[ ]Malware [ ]Botnets [ ]Hacking

[ ]Illegal Softwares [ ]Information Security [ ]Peer-to-Peer

Other Group

[ ]Advertisement & Pop-Ups [ ]Arts [ ]Transportation

[ ]Compromised [ ]Dating & Personals [ ]Education

[ ]Finance [ ]Government [ ]Health & Medicine

[ ]News [ ]Non-profits & NGOs [ ]Persional Sites

[ ]Politics [ ]Real Estate [ ]Religion

[ ]Restaurants & Dining [ ]Shopping [ ]Translators

[ ]General [ ]Cults [ ]Greeting Cards

[ ]Image Sharing [ ]Network Errors [ ]Parked Domains

[ ]Private IP Address [ ]Uncategorised Sites


Telnet Command: csm dnsf

It means to configure the settings regarding to DNS filter.

csm dnsf enable ON|OFF
csm dnsf syslog N|P|B|A
csm dnsf wcf INDEX
csm dnsf ucf INDEX
csm dnsf cachetime CACHE_TIME
csm dnsf blockpage show/on/off
csm dnsf profile_show

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 529

csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX
csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX -n PROFILE_NAME
csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX -l P|B|A
csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX -w WCF_PROFILE
csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX -u UCF_PROFILE
csm dnsf profile_edit INDEX -c CACHE_TIME
csm dnsf profile_setdefault
csm dnsf local_bw e/d/p/b/a/g/o/s/c

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable Enable or disable DNS Filter.
ON: enable.
OFF: disable.
syslog Determine the content of records transmitting to Syslog.
P: Pass. Records for the packets passing through DNS filter will be
sent to Syslog.
B: Block. Records for the packets blocked by DNS filter will be
sent to Syslog.
A: All. Records for the packets passing through or blocked by DNS
filter will be sent to Syslog.
N: None. No record will be sent to Syslog.
WCF INDEX Specify a WCF profile (1 to 8) as the base of DNS filtering. Type a
number to indicate the index number of WCF profile (1 is first
profile, 2 is second profile, and so on ...).
UCF INDEX Specify a UCF profile (1 to 8) as the base of DNS filtering. Type a
number to indicate the index number of UCF profile (1 is first
profile, 2 is second profile, and so on ...).
cachetime CACHE_TIME CACHE_TIME: It means to set the time for cache to live (available
values are 1 to 24; 1 is one hour, 2 is two hours, and so on ...) for
DNS filter.
blockpage DNS sends block page for redirect port. When a web page is
blocked by DNS filter, the router system will send a message page
to describe that the page is not allowed to be visisted.
ON: Enable the function of displaying message page.
OFF: Disable the function of displaying message page.
SHOW: Display the function of displaying message page is ON or
profile_show Display the table of the DNS filter profile.
profile_edit Modify the content of the DNS filter profile.
-n PROFILE_NAME PROFILE_NAME: Type the name of the DNS filter profile that you
want to modify.
-l P|B|A Specify the log type of the profile.
P: Pass.
B: Block.
A: All.
-w WCF_PROFILE WCF_PROFILE: Type the index number of the WCF profile.
-u UCF_PROFILE UCF_PROFILE: Type the index number of the UCF profile.
-c CACHE_TIME -c means to set the cache time for DNS filter.
CACHE_TIME: It means to set the time for cache to live (available
values are 1 to 24; 1 is one hour, 2 is two hours, and so on ...) for

530 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

DNS filter.
profile_setdefault Reset to factory default setting.
local_bw e/d/p/b/a/g/o/s/c Set the Black/White List of DNS Filter Local Setting.
e: Enable the function of black/white list.
d: Disable the function of black/white list.
p: Set the action as "Pass".
b: Set the action as "Block".
a 0/1/2/3/4 [value]: Set the address type.
0=mask, 1=single, 2=any, 3=range, 4=group and objects
g item_number group_index: Select the group index (for the
address type set with 4, group and objects)
item_number=1 or 2 (group 1 or group 2)
group_index=1 to 192
o item_number object_index: Select the object index (for the
address type set with 4, group and objects)
item_number=1 or 2 (object 1 or object 2)
object_index=1 to 32
s: Show the config setting.
c: Clear the config setting and reset to factory default settings.

> csm dnsf profile_setdefault
>csm dnsf cachetime 20
dns cache time set up!!!
> csm dnsf local_bw e
Enable the Block and White List.
> csm dnsf local_bw a 1
Address Type: 0:mask, 1:single, 2:any, 3:range, 4:object and group
Set the [SINGLE] Address type
> csm dnsf local_bw s
Show Block/White List information for DNS Filter Local Setting
Block/White List:[ENABLE]
Address type:[SINGLE]
Start ip address:[]
End/Mask ip address:[]
Group 1:[0]
Group 2:[0]
Object 1:[0]
Object 2:[0]

Telnet Command: ddns enable

This command allows users to enable or disable the DDNS service.

ddns enable <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
0/1 0 – Disable the DDNS service.
1 – Enable the DDNS service.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 531

> ddns enable 1
Enable Dynamic DNS Setup

Telnet Command: ddns set

This command allows users to set Dynamica DNS account.

ddns set option <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-i <value> It means index number of Dynamic DNS Account.
-S <value> It means to specify Servive Provider.
If user want to set User-Defined page, value must select 1.
<value>= 1~19
1: User-Defined
2:3322 DDNS (www.3322.org)
3: ChangeIP.com (www.changeip.com)
4:ddns.com.cn (www.ddns.com.cn)
5: DtDNS (www.dtdns.com)
6: dyn.com (www.dyn.com)
7: DynAccess (www.dynaccess.com)
8: dynami.co.za (www.dynami.co.za)
9: freedns.afraid.org (freedns.afraid.org)
10: NO-IP.COM Free (www.no-ip.com)
11: opendns.com (www.opendns.com)
12: OVH (www.ovh.com)
13: Strato (www.strato.eu)
14: TwoDNS (www.twodns.de)
15: TZO (www.tzo.com)
16: ubddns.org (ubddns.org)
17: Viettel DDNS (vddns.vn)
18: vigorddns.com (www.vigorddns.com)
19: ZoneEdit DDNS (dynamic.zoneedit.com)
T <value> It means to type Servive Type.
<value>= 1~3
1: Dynamic
2: Custom
3: Static
-D <Host Name> <sub Domain It means to type Domain Name.
Name> e.g.: Account index 1 setting Domain Name for Dynamic Service
>> ddns set -i 1 -T 1 -D "host ddns.com.cn"
e.g.: Account index 2 setting Domain Name for Custom Service
>> ddns set -i 2 -T 2 -D "domain name"
e.g.: Account index 3 setting Domain Name for Static Service Type

532 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

>> ddns set -i 3 -T 3 -D "domain name"
-L <value> It means to type Login Name.
[value]: limit up to 64 characters
-P <value> It means to type Password.
[value]: limit up to 24 characters
-E <value> It means to enable /disable Dynamic DNS Account.
0: Disable
1: Enable
-W <value> It means to specify WAN Interface.
1: WAN1 First
2: WAN1 Only
3: WAN2 First
4: WAN2 Only
5: WAN3 First
6: WAN3 Only
7: WAN4 First
8: WAN4 Only
9: WAN5 First
10: WAN5 Only
11: WAN 6 First
12: WAN6 Only
example: To set WAN Interface: WAN1 First
-C <value> It means to enable /disable Wildcards.
0: Disable
1: Enable
-B <value> It means to enable / disable Backup MX.
0: Disable
1: Enable
-M <value> It means to type Mail Extender.
[value]: limit up to 60 characters
-R <value> It means to type Determine Real WAN IP.
0: WAN IP,
1: Internet IP
-H <value> It means to type User-Defined Provider Host.
<value>= limit up to 64 characters
-A <value> It means to type User-Defined Service API.
<value>= limit up to 256 characters
-a <value> It means to type User-Defined Auth Type.
0: basic
1: URL
-N <value> It means to type User-Defined Connection Type.
0: Http

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 533

1: Https
-O <value> It means to type User-Defined Server Response.
<value>: limit up to 32 characters

> ddns set -i 1 -S 6 -T 1 -D "hostname dnsalias.net" -L user1 -P pwd1
> Save OK

Telnet Command: ddns log

Displays the DDNS log.

>ddns log

Telnet Command: ddns time

Sets and displays the DDNS time.

ddns time <update in minutes>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Update in minutes Type the value as DDNS time. The range is from 1 to 14400.

> ddns time
ddns time <update in minutes>
Valid: 1 ~ 14400
%Now: 14400
> ddns time 1000
> ddns time ?
ddns time <update in minutes>
Valid: 1 ~ 14400
%Now: 1000

Telnet Command: ddns forceupdate

This command will update DDNS automatically.

> ddns forceupdate
Now updating DDNS ...
Please check result by using command "ddns log"

Telnet Command: ddns setdefault

This command will return DDS with factory default settings.

534 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

>ddns setdefault
>Set to Factory Default.

Telnet Command: ddns show

This command allows users to check the content of selected DDNS account.

ddns show -i <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-I <value> Display the content of selected DDNS account.
value: value must be between 1-6.

> ddns show -i 1
Index: 1
[ ] Enable Dynamic DNS Account
WAN Interface: WAN1 First
Service Provider: dyn.com (www.dyn.com)
Service Type: Dynamic
Domain Name: [].[]
Login Name:
[ ] Wildcards
[ ] Backup MX
Mail Extender:
Determine Real WAN IP: WAN IP


Telnet Command: dos

This command allows users to configure the settings for DoS defense system.

dos <-V | D | A>
dos <-a | e <ATTACK_F><ATTACK_0> | d <ATTACK_F><ATTACK_0>>
dos <-o >LOG_TYPE>|p <LOG_TYPE>|l <LOG_TYPE>>
dos -P <add4> <ipv4_addr> / <remove4><ipv4_addr/all> / <add6><ipv6_addr> /
<remove6><ipv6_addr/all> / <show>
dos -B <add4> <ipv4_addr> / <remove4><ipv4_addr/all> / <add6><ipv6_addr> /
<remove6><ipv6_addr/all> / <show>
dos -o <0/1>
dos -p <0/1>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 535

dos -l <0/1/2/3>
dos -f <0/1/show>
dos -i </1/2/3/4/show>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-V View the configuration of DoS defense system.
-D Deactivate the DoS defense system.
-A Activate the DoS defense system.
-s Enable the defense function for a specific attack and set its
ATTACK_F Specify the name of flooding attack(s) or portscan, e.g., synflood,
udpflood, icmpflood, or postscan.
THRESHOLD It means the packet rate (packet/second) that a flooding attack will
be detected. Set a value larger than 20.
TIMEOUT It means the time (seconds) that a flooding attack will be blocked.
Set a value larger than 5.
-a Enable the defense function for all attacks listed in ATTACK_0.
-e Enable defense function for a specific attack(s).
ATTACK_0 Specify a name of the following attacks: ip_option, tcp_flag, land,
teardrop, smurf, pingofdeath, traceroute, icmp_frag, syn_frag,
unknow_proto, fraggle.
-d Disable the defense function for a specific attack(s).
-P <add4> <ipv4_addr> / Add or remove the IPv4/IPv6 address in the white passing IP list.
<remove4><ipv4_addr/all> /
<add6><ipv6_addr> / add4/remove4: Add /remove an IPv4 address to/from the whitelist.
<remove6><ipv6_addr/all> / add6/remove6: Add/remove an IPv6 address to/from the whitelist.
<show> ipv4_addr: Enter the IPv4 address.
Ipv6_addr: Enter the IPv6 address.
all: It means all IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
Show: Display the whitelist.
-B <add4> <ipv4_addr> / Add or remove the IPv4/IPv6 address in the black blocking IP list.
<remove4><ipv4_addr/all> / add4/remove4: Add /remove an IPv4 address to/from the blacklist.
<add6><ipv6_addr> / add6/remove6: Add/remove an IPv6 address to/from the blacklist.
<remove6><ipv6_addr/all> / ipv4_addr: Enter the IPv4 address.
Ipv6_addr: Enter the IPv6 address.
all: It means all IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
Show: Display the blacklist.

-o <0/1> Enable/Disable dos defense log.

0: Disable
1: Enable
-p <0/1> Enable/Disable spoofing defense log.
0: Disable
1: Enable
-l <0/1/2/3> Enable/Disable dos defense black/white list log.
0: None
1: White list
2: Black List
3: All

536 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-f <0/1/show> Set the priority of white list / black list.
0: White list
1: Black List
show: Show the setting result
-i </1/2/3/4/show> Set the time interval for sending the log.
1: 30 seconds
2: 60 seconds
3: 180 seconds
4: 300 seconds

> dos -A
The DoS Denfense system is Activated

> dos -s synflood 50 10

synflood is enabled! Treshold=50 (pkt/sec) timeout=10 (pkt/sec)

> dos -P add4 -i

Add IP in Passing IP List success.
> dos -P show
DoS White Passing IP List:
Type IPv4 Type IPv6
1. IP IP ::
2. IP IP ::
3. IP IP ::
4. IP IP ::
5. IP IP ::
6. IP IP ::
7. IP IP ::
8. IP IP ::
9. IP IP ::
10. IP IP ::
11. IP IP ::
12. IP IP ::
13. IP IP ::
14. IP IP ::
15. IP IP ::
16. IP IP ::

Telnet Command: exit

Type this command will leave telnet window.

Telnet Command: Internet

This command allows you to configure detailed settings for WAN connection.

internet -W n -M n [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 537

Parameter Description
-W n W means to set WAN interface.
1=WAN1, 2=WAN2,…. Default is WAN1.
-M n M means to set Internet Access Mode (Mandatory) and n means
different modes (represented by 0 – 7)
n=0: Offline
n=1: PPPoE
n=2: Dynamic IP
n=3: Static IP
n=4: PPTP with Dynamic IP,
n=5: PPTP with Static IP,
n=6: L2TP with Dynamic IP
n=7: L2TP with Static IP
<command><parameter>|…] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-S <isp name> Set ISP Name (max. 23 characters).
-P <on/off> Enable PPPoE Service.
-u <username> Set username (max. 49 characters) for Internet accessing.
-p <password> Set password (max. 49 characters) for Internet accessing.
-a n It means to set PPP Authentication Type and n means different
types (represented by 0-1).
n=0: PAP/CHAP (this is default setting)
n=1: PAP Only
-t n Set connection duration and n means different conditions.
n=-1: Always-on
n=1 ~ 999: Idle time for offline (default 180 seconds)
-i <ip address> It means that PPPoE server will assign an IP address specified here
for CPE (PPPoE client).
If you type as the <ip address>, ISP will assign suitable IP
address for you. However, if you type an IP address here, the router
will use that one as a fixed IP.
-w <ip address> It means to assign WAN IP address for such connection. Please type
an IP address here for WAN port.
-n <netmask> It means to assign netmask for WAN connection. You have to type
255.255.255.xxx (x is changeable) as the netmask for WAN port.
-g <gateway> Assign gateway IP for such WAN connection.
-s <server ip> It means to set PPTP/L2TP Server IP.
<server ip>= ppp.qqq.rrr.sss: PPTP/L2TP server IP
-A <idx> It means to set Always On mode, and <idx> as backup WAN#.
-B <mode> It means to set Backup mode.
<mode> 0: When any WAN disconnect; 1: When all WAN disconnect.

-V View Internet Access profile.

>internet -M 1 -S tcom -u username -p password -a 0 -t -1 -i
WAN1 Internet Mode set to PPPoE/PPPoA
WAN1 ISP Name set to tcom
WAN1 Username set to username

538 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

WAN1 Password set successful
WAN1 PPP Authentication Type set to PAP/CHAP
WAN1 Idle timeout set to always-on
WAN1 Gateway IP set to
> internet -V
WAN1 Internet Mode:PPPoE
ISP Name: tcom
Username: username
Authentication: PAP/CHAP
Idle Timeout: -1
WAN IP: Dynamic IP
> internet -W 1 -M 1 -u link1 -p link1 -a 0
You are going to watching and setting in WAN 1
WAN1 Internet Mode set to PPPoE/PPPoA
WAN1 Username set to link1
WAN1 Password set successful
WAN1 PPP Authentication Type set to PAP/CHAP

Telnet Command: ip pubsubnet

This command allows users to enable or disable the IP routing subnet for your router.

ip pubsubnet <enable/disable>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable Enable the function.
disable Disable the function.

> ip pubsubnet enable
public subnet enabled!

Telnet Command: ip pubaddr

This command allows to set the IP routed subnet for the router.

ip pubaddr ?
ip pubaddr <public subnet IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
? Display an IP address which allows users set as the public subnet IP
public subnet IP address Specify an IP address. The system will set the one that you specified
as the public subnet IP address.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 539

> ip pubaddr ?
% ip addr <public subnet IP address>
% Now:

> ip pubaddr

% Set public subnet IP address done !!!

Telnet Command: ip pubmask

This command allows users to set the mask for IP routed subnet of your router.

ip pubmask ?
ip pubmask <public subnet mask>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
? Display an IP address which allows users set as the public subnet
public subnet IP address Specify a subnet mask. The system will set the one that you
specified as the public subnet mask.

> ip pubmask ?
% ip pubmask <public subnet mask>
% Now:

> ip pubmask

% Set public subnet mask done !!!

Telnet Command: ip lanalias

This command is used for configuring LAN IP Alias.

ip lanalias <idx><option>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<idx> It means the index number of the profile.
Idx: 1 to 5
<option> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
-e <0/1> It means to enable / disable the function of IP alias.
0: disable
1: enable
-a <IP address> It means to set auxiliary IP address.
-w n It means to add an address for the selected WAN interface (1 to 5).
N=0, none

540 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

N=1, means WAN1
N=2, means WAN2
-r Delete an existed LAN IP address.

> ip lanalias 1 -a
> ip lanalias ?
%% ip lanalias [idx] [Option]
idx :profile index from 1 to 5
-e 1 :1:enable, 0:disable
-a :IP Address as alias
-w 1 :WAN number or 0(None)
-r :remove this profile

LAN IP Alias Address table:

Index no. Status IP address Prefer Output
1 Disable n/a
2 Disable n/a
3 Disable n/a
4 Disable n/a
5 Disable n/a

Telnet Command: ip addr

This command allows users to set/add a specified LAN IP your router.

ip addr <IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
IP address The LAN IP address.

>ip addr
% Set IP address OK !!!

Info When the LAN IP address is changed, the start IP address of DHCP server are
still the same. To make the IP assignment of the DHCP server being
consistent with this new IP address (they should be in the same network
segment), the IP address of the PC must be fixed with the same LAN IP
address (network segment) set by this command for accessing into the web
user interface of the router. Later, modify the start addresses for the DHCP

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 541

Telnet Command: ip nmask
This command allows users to set/add a specified netmask for your router.

ip nmask <IP netmask>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
IP netmask The netmask of LAN IP.

> ip nmask
% Set IP netmask OK !!!

Telnet Command: ip arp

ARP displays the matching condition for IP and MAC address.

ip arp add <IP Address> <MAC Address> <LAN or WAN> <S>
ip arp del <IP Address> <LAN or WAN>
ip arp flush
ip arp status
ip arp accept <0/1/2/3/4/5/status>
ip arp setCacheLife <time>
In which, arp add allows users to add a new IP address into the ARP table; arp del allows users
to remove an IP address; arp flush allows users to clear arp cache; arp status allows users to
review current status for the arp table; arp accept allows to accept or reject the source
/destination MAC address; arp setCacheLife allows users to configure the duration in which
ARP caches can be stored on the system. If ip arp setCacheLife is set with “60”, it means you
have an ARP cache at 0 second. Sixty seconds later without any ARP messages received, the
system will think such ARP cache is expired. The system will issue a few ARP request to see if
this cache is still valid.

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
IP address It means the LAN IP address.
MAC address It means the MAC address of your router.
LAN or WAN It indicates the direction for the arp function.
0/1/2/3/4/5/status 0: disable to accept illegal source mac address
1: enable to accept illegal source mac address
2: disable to accept illegal dest mac address
3: enable to accept illegal dest mac address
4: Decline VRRP mac into arp table
5: Accept VRRP mac into arp table
status: display the setting status.
Time Available settings will be 10, 20, 30,....2550 seconds.

542 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> ip arp add AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF WAN S
> ip arp status
[ARP Table]
Index IP Address MAC Address HOST ID Interface VLAN Port
1 WAN1 --- --

2 00-1D-AA-73-4A-78 VIGOR LAN1 --- P10

3 60-A4-4C-E6-5A-4F A1000381 LAN1 --- P9

4 00-1D-AA-0C-CD-08 LAN1 --- P8

5 14-49-BC-0A-8A-B8 LAN1 --- P7


Telnet Command: ip dhcpc

This command is available for WAN DHCP.

ip dhcpc option
ip dhcpc option -h/l
ip dhcpc option -d <idx>
ip dhcpc option -e <1 or 0> -w <wan unmber> -c <option number> -v <option value>
ip dhcpc option -e <1 or 0> -w <wan unmber> -c <option number> -x <option value>
ip dhcpc option -e <1 or 0> -w <wan unmber> -c <option number> -a <option value>
ip dhcpc option -u <idx unmber>
ip dhcpc release <wan number>
ip dhcpc renew <wan number>
ip dhcpc status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
option It is an optional setting for DHCP server.
-h: display usage
-l: list all custom set DHCP options
-a: set option value by address list (e.g.,
-c: set option number: 0~255
-d: delete custom dhcp client option by index number
-e: enable/disable option feature, 1:enable, 0:disable
-u: update by index number
-v: set option value by string
-w: set WAN number (e.g., 1=WAN1)
-x: set option value by raw byte (hex)
release It means to release current WAN IP address.
renew It means to renew the WAN IP address and obtain another new one.
status It displays current status of DHCP client.

> ip dhcpc option -e 1 -w 1/2 -c 18 -v /path1
> ip dhcpc option -e 0 -w 2/6/7 -c 18 -x 2f70617468
% DHCP client option number and wan settings are duplicate!

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 543

> ip dhcpc option -e 0 -w 3/6/7 -c 18 -x 2f70617468
> ip dhcpc status

DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!

WAN8: <Virtual WAN>

DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!

WAN52: <Virtual WAN>

DHCP Client Status: None active DHCP client!


Telnet Command: ip ping

This command allows users to ping IP address of WAN1/WAN2 for verifying if the WAN
connection is OK or not.

ip ping <IP address> <AUTO/WAN1/WAN2> <Source IP address>

544 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
IP address It means the WAN IP address.
AUTO/WAN1/WAN2 It means the WAN port that the above IP address passes through.

>ip ping WAN1
Pinging with 64 bytes of Data:
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Receive reply from, time=0ms
Packets: Sent = 5, Received = 5, Lost = 0 <0% loss>

Telnet Command: ip tracert

This command allows users to trace the routes from the router to the host.

ip tracert <Host/IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Host/IP address The target IP address.
WAN1 ~ WAN12 It means the WAN port that the above IP address passes through.
Udp/Icmp The UDP or ICMP.

>ip tracert WAN1
Traceroute to, 30 hops max
1 10ms
2 10ms
3 Request Time out.
4 50ms
5 50ms
6 50ms
Trace complete

Telnet Command: ip telnet

This command allows users to access specified device by telnet.

ip telnet <IP address><Port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 545

IP address Type the WAN or LAN IP address of the remote device.
Port Type a port number (e.g., 23).
Available settings: 0 ~65535.

> ip telnet 23

Telnet Command: ip rip

This command allows users to set the RIP (routing information protocol) of IP.

ip rip <0/1/2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
0/1/2 0 means disable;
1 means LAN1 and 2 means IP Routed.

> ip rip 1
%% Set RIP LAN1.

Telnet Command: ip wanrip

This command allows users to set the RIP (routing information protocol) of WAN IP.

ip wanrip <ifno> -e <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
ifno It means the connection interface.
1: WAN1,2: WAN2, 3: PVC3,4: PVC4,5: PVC5
Note: PVC3 ~PVC5 are virtual WANs.
-e <0/1> It means to disable or enable RIP setting for specified WAN
1: Enable the function of setting RIP of WAN IP.
0: Disable the function.

> ip wanrip ?
Valid ex:ip wanrip <ifno> -e <0/1>
<ifno> 1: WAN1,2: WAN2
3: PVC3,4: PVC4,5: PVC5
-e <0/1> 0: disable, 1: enable

546 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Now status:
WAN[1] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[2] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[3] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[4] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[5] Rip Protocol disable
> ip wanrip 5 -e 1
> ip wanrip ?
Valid ex:ip wanrip <ifno> -e <0/1>
<ifno> 1: WAN1,2: WAN2
3: PVC3,4: PVC4,5: PVC5
-e <0/1> 0: disable, 1: enable
Now status:
WAN[1] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[2] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[3] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[4] Rip Protocol disable
WAN[5] Rip Protocol enable

Telnet Command: ip route

This command allows users to set static route.

ip route add <dst> <netmask> <gateway> <ifno> <rtype>
ip route del <dst> <netmask> <rtype>
ip route status
ip route cnc
ip route tel
ip route default <off/?>
ip route clean <1/0>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
add <dst> <netmask> It means to add an IP address as static route.
<gateway> <ifno> <dst> : It means the IP address of the destination.
<netmask>: It means the netmask of the specified IP address.
<gateway>: It means the gateway of the connected router.
<ifno>: It means the connection interface.
3=WAN1; 4=WAN2; 5=WAN3; 6=WAN4 ;7=WAN5; 8=WAN6;
9=WAN7;10=WAN8; 11=WAN9; 12=WAN10
<rtype>: It means the type of the route.
default : default route; static: static route.
del <dst> <netmask> It means to delete specified IP address.
<rtype> <dst> : It means the IP address of the destination.
<netmask>: It means the netmask of the specified IP address.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 547

<rtype>: It means the type of the route.
default : default route; static: static route.
status It means the current status of static route.
cnc It means the current IP range for CNC Network.
tel It means to display current IP range for China Telecom Network.

default Set WAN1/WAN2/off as current default route.

This command is obsolete for NAT subnet only.
clean Clean all of the route settings.
1: Enable the function.
0: Disable the function.

> ip route add 3 static
> ip route status
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, * - default, ~ - private,
C~ is directly connected, LAN1
S via, WAN1

548 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: ip igmp_proxy
This command allows users to enable/disable igmp proxy server.

ip igmp_proxy set
ip igmp_proxy reset
ip igmp_proxy wan
ip igmp_proxy query <value>
ip igmp_proxy ppp <0/1>
ip igmp_proxy status
ip igmp_proxy version <v2, v3, auto, show>
ip igmp_proxy syslog <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set It means to enable proxy server.
reset It means to disable proxy server.
wan It means to specify the WAN interface for IGMP service.
query <value> It means to set IGMP general query interval.
value: Enter a number. The default value is 125000 ms.
ppp <0/1> 0 : No need to set IGMP with PPP header.
1 : Set IGMP with PPP header.
status It means to display the current status of the proxy server.
version <v2, v3, auto, show> It means to specify the IGMP version.
v2, v3, auto, show
syslog <0/1> Make IGMP log be recorded on the Syslog.
0: disable
1: enable

> ip igmp_proxy set
% ip igmp_proxy [set|reset|wan|status], IGMP Proxy is ON
> ip igmp_proxy status
%% ip igmp_proxy [set|reset|wan|status], IGMP Proxy is ON
%%% igmp_proxy WAN: state=1 state=1 timer=0 timer=0
> ip igmp_proxy query 130000
This command is for setting IGMP General Query Interval
The default value is 125000 ms
Current Setting is:130000 ms

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 549

Telnet Command: ip igmp_snoop
This command is used to enable/disable igmp snoop server.

ip igmp_snoop enable
ip igmp_snoop disable
ip igmp_snoop status
ip igmp_snoop table
ip igmp_snoop txquery <on/off><v2/v3>
ip igmp_snoop mode <hw/sw>
ip igmp_snoop chkleave <on/off>
ip igmp_snoop separate <on/off>
ip igmp_snoop portchk <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable It means to enable proxy server.
disable It means to disable proxy server.
status It means to display the current status for the proxy server.
table Display the whole table of IGMP Snoop configuration.
txquery <on/off><v2/v3> It means to send out IGMP QUERY to LAN periodically.
On: enable
Off: disable
v2: version v2
v3: version v3
mode <hw/sw> Make IGMP snooping work on software or hardware.
chkleave <on/off> It means to check the leave status.
On: enable the IGMP snoop leave checking function.
Off: it will drop LEAVE if still clients on the same group.
separate <on/off> It means to set IGMP packets being separated by NAT/Bridge.
On: The packets will be separated.
Off: The packets will not be separated by NAT/Bridge.
portchk <on/off> On- The portchk is enabled.

> ip igmp_snoop mode sw
igmp snooping works on SW mode now.

> ip igmp_snoop enable

% ip igmp snooping [enable|disable|status], IGMP Snooping is Enabled.

Telnet Command: ip session

This command allows users to set maximum session limit number for the specified IP; set
message for exceeding session limit and set how many seconds the IP session block works.


550 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

ip session on
ip session off
ip session default <num>
ip session defaultp2p <num>
ip session status
ip session show
ip session timer <num>
ip session <block/unblock><IP>
ip session <add/del><IP1-IP2> <num> <p2pnum>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on Turn on session limit for each IP.
off Turn off session limit for each IP.
default<num> Set the default number of session num limit.
defautlp2p <num> Set the default number of session num limit for p2p.
status Display the current settings.
show Display all session limit settings in the IP range.
timer <num> Set when the IP session block works.
The unit is second.
<block/unblock><IP> Block/unblock the specified IP address.
Block: The IP cannot access Internet through the router.
Unblock: The specified IP can access Internet through the router.
<add/del><IP1-IP2> <num> add/del: Add or delete the session limits in an IP range.
<p2pnum> IP1-IP2 - It means the range of IP address specified for this
num - It means the number of the session limits, e.g., 100.
p2pnum - It means the number of the session limits, e.g., 50 for P2P.

> ip session default 100
> ip session add 100 50
> ip session on
> ip session status

IP range: - : 100

Current ip session limit is turn on

Current default session number is 100

Telnet Command: ip bandwidth

This command allows users to set maximum bandwidth limit number for the specified IP.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 551

ip bandwidth on
ip bandwidth off
ip bandwidth default <tx_rate><rx_rate>
ip bandwidth status
ip bandwidth show
ip bandwidth routing <on/off>
ip bandwidth schedule <s1> <s2> <s3> <s4>
ip bandwidth <add/del> <IP1-IP2> <tx> <rx> <shared>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to turn on the IP bandwidth limit.
off It means to turn off the IP bandwidth limit.
default <tx_rate><rx_rate> It means to set default tx and rx rate of bandwidth limit. The
range is from 0 – 65535 Kpbs.
status It means to display the current settings.
show It means to display all the bandwidth limits settings within the IP
routing <on/off> on/off: Apply (on) or not apply (off) to the IP Routed Subnet.
schedule <s1> <s2> <s3> <s4> Set the schedule profile.
<s1> <s2> <s3> <s4>: Specify the profile index number. Up to four
profiles can be set at one time. Available profiles numbers range
from 1 to 16.
<add/del> <IP1-IP2> <tx> <rx> Add/del: Add or delete the bandwidth within the IP range.
<shared> IP1-IP2: Set the range of IP address specified for this command.
tx: Set transmission rate for bandwidth limit.
rx: set receiving rate for bandwidth limit.
shared: the bandwidth will be shared for the IP range.

> ip bandwidth default 200 800
> ip bandwidth add 10 60
> ip bandwidth status

IP range: - : Tx:10K Rx:60K

Current ip Bandwidth limit is turn off

Auto adjustment is off

Telnet Command: ip bindmac

This command allows users to set IP-MAC binding for LAN host.

552 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

ip bindmac on
ip bindmac off
ip bindmac strict_on
ip bindmac strict_off
ip bindmac add <IP> <MAC> <Comment>
ip bindmac del <IP/all>
ip bindmac subnet <all/set LAN_Index/unset LAN_Index/clear/show>
ip bindmac show

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to turn on IP bandmac policy. Even the IP is not in the
policy table, it can still access into the network.
off It means to turn off all the bindmac policies.
strict_on It means that only those IP addresses in IP bindmac policy table can
access into the network.
strict_off It means to turn off IP bindmac policy.
add <IP> <MAC> <Comment> It means to add one ip bindmac.
<IP>: Enter the IP address for binding with specified MAC address.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address for binding with the IP address
<Comment>: Enter words as a brief description.
del <IP/all> It means to delete one IP bindmac.
<IP>: Enter the IP address for binding with the specified MAC
<all>: It means to delete all the IP bindmac settings.
subnet <all/set It means to set the LAN subnet(s) for applying the rules of Bind IP to
LAN_Index/unset MAC
LAN_Index/clear/show> all: Make all LAN subnets apply for the rules.
set <LAN_Index>: Specify certain LAN subnet, e.g., set LAN2.
unset <LAN_Index>: Remove certain LAN subnet by specifying the
index number of LAN port, e.g., unset LAN3.
clear: Remove all LAN subnets.
show: Display current LAN subnet settings.
show It means to display the IP address and MAC address of the pair of
bound ones.

> ip bindmac add 00:50:7f:22:33:55 just for test
> ip bindmac show
ip bind mac function is turned OFF
ip bind mac function is STRICT OFF
Show all IP Bind MAC entries.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 553

IP : bind MAC : 00-50-7f-22-33-55 HOST ID :
Comment : just

Telnet Command: ip bgp

This command allows users to configure settings for BGP.

ip bgp mode <0/1>
ip bgp as <0~4294967295>
ip bgp hold <10~65535>
ip bgp retry <3~255 >
ip bgp id <1~100>
ip bgp show
ip bgp neighbor <idx> mode <0/1>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> name <max len>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> ip <x.x.x.x>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> as <1~4294967295>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> weight <0~7>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> prepend <0~7>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> md5 <0/1>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> key <max len>
ip bgp neighbor <idx> show
ip bgp neighbor show all
ip bgp static <sidx> <ip> <netmask>
ip bgp static <sidx> delete
ip bgp static show

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
mode <0/1> Enable or disable the GMP.
0: disable
1: enable
as <0~4294967295> Set the AS number for local router.
hold <10~65535> Set the time interval (in seconds) to determine the peer is dead
when the router is unable to receive any keepalive message from
the peer within the time.
<10~65535>: Default is 180 sec.
retry <3~255> Set the BGP conntion retry time.
<3~255>: Default is 120 sec
id <1~100> Select a number representing an enabled local subnet IP as router

554 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

show Display all BGP settings.
neighbor <idx> mode <0/1> Enable or disable the neighbor profile.
<idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
0: disable
1: enable
neighbor <idx> name <max Set a name of the neighbor profile.
len> <idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
<max len>: Enter a name (no more than 20 characters).
neighbor <idx> ip <x.x.x.x> Set the IP address for the specified neighbor profile.
<idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
<x.x.x.x>: Enter an IP address (e.g.,
neighbor <idx> as Set an AS number for the specified neighbor profile.
<1~4294967295> <idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the profile.
<1~4294967295>: Enter a number.
neighbor <idx> weight <0~7> Set the weight value for the specified neighbor profile.
<idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
<0~7>: higher is better.
neighbor <idx> prepend <0~7 Set the prepend value for the specified neighbor profile.
> <idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
<0~7>: lower is better.
neighbor <idx> md5 <0/1> Enable or disable the MD5 authentication for the neighbor profile.
<idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the profile.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
neighbor <idx> key <max Set the key used for the MD5 authentication.
len> <idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the neighbor profile.
<max len>: Enter a name (no more than 20 characters).
neighbor <idx> show Display the BGP setting for the specified neighbor profile.
<idx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the profile.
neighbor show all Display the BGP setting of neighbor profiles.
static <sidx> <ip> <netmask> Set the IP address and subnet mask for specified static network
<sidx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the static network profile.
<ip>: Enter an IP address.
<netmask>: Enter a netmask.
static <sidx> delete Remove / clear the settings for the selected static network profile.
<sidx>: 1 to 8. Index number of the profile.
static show Display the BGP setting of static network profiles.

> ip bgp static 1
Set static network index: 1
IP addr:
Net mask:
> ip bgp static show

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 555

BGP static networks:
Index: 1, IP addr:, mask:
> ip bgp neighbor show all
BGP neighbor:
Idx Mode As Number Name IP Addr Status weight prepend
--- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ------ --------
1 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
2 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
3 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
4 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
5 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
6 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
63 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0
64 Dis 0 Empty None 0 0

BGP static networks:


Telnet Command: ip ospf

Users could use this command to configure OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) setting.

ip ospf en
ip ospf dis
ip ospf status
ip ospf cfg show
ip ospf cfg set <idx> state <dis/en>
ip ospf cfg set <idx> area <value>
ip ospf cfg set <idx> lan <value>
ip ospf cfg set <idx> wan <value>
ip ospf nbr

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
en Enable the function of Open Short Path First.
dis Disable the function of Open Short Path First.
status Display interface status.
cfg show Display configuiration setting for all interfaces.
cfg set <idx> state <dis/en> Enable or disable the interface (LAN/WAN) setting.
<idx>: 1 to 64.
<dis/en>: disable or enable.
cfg set <idx> area <value> Set interface for area id:
<idx>: 1 to 64.

556 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<value>: 1 to 2147483647.
cfg set <idx> lan <value> Set interface for LAN.
<idx>: 1 to 64.
<value>: 1 to 20.
cfg set <idx> wan <value> Set interface for WAN.
<idx>: 1 to 64.
<value>: 1 to 2.
nbr Display interface neighbors.

> ip ospf cfg set 1 state en
> ip ospf cfg set 1 area 100
> ip ospf cfg set 1 wan 1
> ip ospf cfg show

OSPF: Enable
Idx State Area_id Interface Auth Key ID
0 En 100 WAN_1 Dis 0
1 Dis 0 LAN_1 Dis 0
2 Dis 0 LAN_1 Dis 0

Telnet Command: ip maxnatuser

This command is used to set the maximum number of NAT users.

ip maxnatuser <user no>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<user no> A number specified here means the total NAT users that Vigor router
0 – It means no limitation.

> ip maxnatuser 100
% Max NAT user = 100

Telnet Command: ip policy_rt

This command is used to set the IP policy route profile.

ip policy_rt [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 557

Parameter Description
<command><parameter>| The available commands with parameters are listed below.
…] […] means that you can Enter several commands in one line.
General Setup for Policy Route
-i <value> Specify an index number for setting policy route profile.
Value: 1 to 60. “-1” means to get a free policy index
-e <0/1> 0: Disable the selected policy route profile.
1: Enable the selected policy route profile.
-o <value> Determine the operation of the policy route.
add – Create a new policy route profile.
del – Remove an existed policy route profile.
edit – Modify an existed policy route profile.
flush – Reset policy route to default setting.
-1 <any/range> Specify the source IP mode.
Range: Indicate a range of IP addresses.
Any: It means any IP address will be treated as the source IP
-2 Specify the destination IP mode.
<any/ip_range/ip_subnet Any: No need to specify an IP address for any IP address will be
/domain> treated as the destination IP address.
ip_range: Indicates a range of IP addresses.
ip_subnet: Indicates the IP subnet.
domain: Indicates the domain name.
-3 <any/range> Specify the destination port mode.
Range: Indicate a range of port numbers.
Any: It means any port number can be used as the destination
-G <default/specific> Specify the gateway mode.
-L <default/specific> Specify the failover gateway mode.
-s <value> Indicate the source IP start.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-S <value> Indicate the source IP end.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-d <value> Indicate the destination IP start.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-D <value> Indicate the destination IP end.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-p <value> Indicate the destination port start.
Value: Type a number (1 ~ 65535) as the port start (e.g.,

558 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-P <value> Indicate the destination port end.
Value: Type a number (1 ~ 65535) as the port end (e.g., 2000).
-y <value> Indicate the priority of the policy route profile.
Value: Type a number (0 ~ 250). The default value is “150”.
-I <value> Indicate the interface specified for the policy route profile.
Value: Available interfaces include,
-g <value> Indicate the gateway IP address.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-l <value> Indicate the failover IP address.
Value: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
-t <value> It means “protocol”.
Value: Available settings include “TCP”, “UDP”, “ICMP” and
-n <0/1> Indicates the function of “Force NAT”.
0: Disable the function.
1: Enable the function.
-a <0/1> Indicates to enable the function of failover.
0: Disable the function.
1: Enable the function.
-f <value> It means to specify the interface for failover.
Value: Avaialbe interfaces include,
-b <value> It means “failback”.
Value: Available settings include,
0: Disable the function of “failback”.
1: Enable the function of “failback”.
-v View current failback setting.
Diagnose for Policy Route
-s <value> It means “source IP”.
Value: Available settings include:
Any: It indicates any IP address can be used as source IP
“xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”: The type format (e.g,

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 559

-d <value> It means “destination IP”.
Value : Available settings include:
Any: It indicates any IP address can be used as destination IP
“xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”: Specify an IP address.
-p <value> It means “destination port”.
Value: Specify a number or type Any (indicating any number).
-t <value> It means “protocol”.
Value: Available settings include “ICMP”, “TCP”, “UDP” and

> ip policy_rt diagnose -s -d any -p any -t ICMP

Matched Route (Priority)
* No_Match

Matched Policy (Priority)
* Policy_1 (200)

* Conclusion:The packet was dropped because the send-to interface of the

> ip policy_rt -i -1 -o add -1 range -s -S -2
ip_range –d -D -g -I WAN2
> ip policy_rt -v
[ 1]
enable: no
comment: [0 ] (null)
priority: 200 (non-VPN routes: 150, smaller value
higher priority)
force NAT: yes
failover: No Failover
failback: no
proto: ANY
src_ip_mode: a range of IPs
src_ip_cnt: 167772161
dst_mode: IP_RANGE
dst_ip_cnt: 0
dst_port_mode: any port
dst_port: 0
dst_port_cnt: 0
ifno: WAN1
gw mode: default GW IP
flover gw mode default GW IP
flover gw:
domain name 1 [0 ] (null)
domain name 2 [0 ] (null)
domain name 3 [0 ] (null)
domain name 4 [0 ] (null)
domain name 5 [0 ] (null)

560 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: ip lanDNSRes
This command is used to set LAN DNS profiles. With such feature, the user can configure some
services (such as ftp, www or database) with domain name which is easy to be accessed.

ip lanDNSRes [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<command><parameter>|…] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a <IP Address> It is used to configure IP address mapping (IPv4/IPv6 Address or
multiple subnet addresses).
IP Address: type the IP address (e.g.,
-c <CNAME> It is used to set CNAME.
CNAME: Enter a string.
-d <address mapping index It means to delete index number with address mapping configured.
number> address mapping index number : type the index number which
represents the address mapping profile.
-e <0/1> It means to enable or disable the function of LAN DNS or DNS
Forwarding Profile.
0: disable
1: enable
-i <profile setting index It means creating a LAN DNS profile with the specified domain
number> name.
profile setting index number: type the index number which
represents the profile with the domain name configured.
-l List the content of LAN DNS profile (including domain name, IP
address and message).
-n <domain name> Set domain name.
-p <profile name> Set profile name for LAN DNS.
-r Reset the settings for selected profile.
-R Set to factory default settings.
-s <0/1> It means to determine all subnet packets or only the packets with
the same subnet will be replied to for the address mapping profile.
0: reply to all subnet packets.
1: reply only same subnet packet.
-z Update LAN DNS config to DNS Cache.

> ip lanDNSRes -i 1 -p test
% Configure Set1's Profile:test
> ip lanDNSRes -i 1 -l
% Idx: 1
% State: Disable
% Profile: test
% Domain Name:
% -------- Address Mapping Table --------
% Not Set Address Mapping.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 561


Telnet Command: ip dnsforward

This command is used to set the LAN DNS profile for conditional DNS forwarding.

ip dnsforward [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command><parameter>|… The available commands with parameters are listed below.
] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a <IP Address/Domain Set forwarded DNS server IP Address or domain name.
Nmae> <IP Address/Domain Name>: Enter an IP address or the domain
-d <DNS server mapping Delete the selected LAN DNS profile.
index number> <DNS server mapping index number>: Enter the index number.
-e <0/1> 0: disable such function.
1: enable such function.
-i <profile setting index Type the index number of the profile.
number> <profile setting index number>: Enter the index number.
-l List the content of the LAN DNS profile (including domain name, IP
address, and message).
-n <domain name> Set domain name.
-p <profile name> Set profile name for LAN DNS.
-r Reset the settings for the selected profile.
-R Set to factory default settings.

> ip dnsforward -i 1 -n ftp.drayTek.com
% Configure Set1's DomainName:ftp.drayTek.com
> ip dnsforward -i 1 -a
% Configure Set1's IP:
> ip dnsforward -i 1 -l
% Idx: 1
% State: Disable
% Profile: test
% Domain Name: ftp.drayTek.com
% DNS Server IP:

Telnet Command: ip spoofdef

This command is used to enable/disable the IP Spoofing Defense.

ip spoofdef <WAN/LAN><0/1>

562 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<WAN/LAN> It means to block IP packets from WAN/LAN with inconsistent
source IP addresses.
<0/1> 0: Disable the function.
1: Enable the funciton.

> ip spoofdef WAN 0
% Setting saved:
> ip spoofdef LAN 1
Setting saved:
> ip spoof def ?
Invalid Paremeter
IP Spoofing Defense Usage:
Set IP Spoofing Defense: spoofdef <WAN/LAN> <0/1>
Ex: "spoofdef WAN 1" to block IP packet from WAN with inconsistent source
IP add
Current setting:
Block IP packet from WAN with inconsistent source IP address : Disable
Block IP packet from LAN with inconsistent source IP address : Enable

Telnet Command: ip6 addr

This command allows users to set the IPv6 address for your router.

ip6 addr -s <prefix> <prefix-length> <LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/
ip6 addr -d <prefix> <prefix-length> <LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/
ip6 addr -a <LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2/VPN1/..VPN32> -u
ip6 addr -v <LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>
ip6 addr -t <old-prefix><old-prefix-length><new-prefix> <new-prefix-length>
<LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>
ip6 addr -o <1/2>
ip6 addr -o 3 <prefix> <prefix-length> <WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>
ip6 addr -l <prefix> <prefix-length> <LAN1/..LAN100>
ip6 addr <-p/-b> <prefix> <prefix-length> <WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>
ip6 addr -x <LAN1/..LAN100 >
ip6 addr -c <LAN1/..LAN100>
ip6 addr -e <type> < LAN1/..LAN100>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 563

-s <prefix> <prefix-length> It means to add a static ipv6 address.
<prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
USB1/USB2/VPN1/..VPN32> address.
<prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length
of the prefix.
<LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/ USB1/USB2/VPN1/..VPN32>: It
means to specify LAN/WAN/USB/VPN interface for such
-d <prefix> <prefix-length> It means to delete an ipv6 address.
<LAN1/..LAN100/ <prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length
of the prefix.
<LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/ USB1/USB2/VPN1/..VPN32>:
It means to specify LAN/WAN/USB/VPN interface for such
-a <LAN1/..LAN100/ It means to show current address(es) status.
<LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2/VPN1/..VPN32>: It
VPN1/..VPN32> -u
means to specify LAN/WAN/USB/VPN interface.
<-u>: It means to show unicast address only.
-v <LAN1/..LAN100/ It means to show prefix list status.
-t It means to update WAN static IPv6 address table.
<old-prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<new-prefix-length> address.
< LAN1/..LAN100/ <old prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the
WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2> length of the prefix.
<new-prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<new-prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the
length of the prefix.
<LAN1/..LAN100/ WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>: It means to
specify LAN/WAN/USB interface for such address.
-o <1/2> <1>: It means to show old prefix list.
<2>: It means to send old prefix option by RA.
-o <3> <prefix> <3>: It means to set old prefix.
<prefix-length> < <prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length
of the prefix.
<WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>: It means to specify a WAN/USB
interface for such address.
-l <prefix> <prefix-length> < It means to add a ULA.
LAN1/...LAN100> <prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length
of the prefix.
<LAN1/...LAN100>: It means to specify a LAN interface for
such address.
-p/-b <prefix> It means to add/delete an prefix to/from prefix list.
<prefix-length> <

564 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2> p: Add a prefix to a prefix list.
b: Delete a prefix from a prefix list.
<prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6
<prefix-length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length
of the prefix.
<WAN1/..WAN10/USB1/USB2>: It means to specify a WAN/USB
interface for such address.
-x <LAN1/..LAN100> It means to generate a ULA automatically.
<LAN1/..LAN100>: It means to specify a LAN interface.
-c <LAN1/...LAN100> It means to delete a ULA.
<LAN1/...LAN100>: It means to specify a LAN interface.
-e <type> <LAN1/...LAN100> It means to set ULA type.
<type>: 0, disable; 1, static; 2, auto
<LAN1/...LAN100>: It means to specify a LAN interface.

> ip6 addr -a
Unicast Address:
FE80::21D:AAFF:FE4B:3E80/64 (Link)
Multicast Address:
Unicast Address:
FE80::21D:AAFF:FE4B:3E80/64 (Link)
Multicast Address:
Unicast Address:
FE80::21D:AAFF:FE4B:3E80/64 (Link)
Multicast Address:
Unicast Address:

FE80::21D:AAFF:FE4B:3E80/64 (Link)
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---

Telnet Command: ip6 dhcp req_opt

This command is used to configure option-request settings for the DHCPv6 client.

ip6 dhcp req_opt <LAN1|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2> [-<command>
<parameter>| ... ]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 565

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
req_opt It means option-request.
<LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|W It means to specify LAN or WAN interface for such address.
<command><parameter>|…] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a It means to show current DHCPv6 status.
-s It means to ask the SIP.
-S It means to ask the SIP name.
-d It means to ask the DNS setting.
-D It means to ask the DNS name.
-n It means to ask NTP.
-i It means to ask NIS.
-I It means to ask NIS name.
-p It means to ask NISP.
-P It means to ask NISP name.
-b It means to ask BCMCS.
-B It means to ask BCMCS name.
-r It means to ask for refresh time.
Parameter 1: the parameter related to the request will be displayed.
0: the parameter related to the request will not be displayed.

> ip6 dhcp req_opt WAN2 -S 1
> ip6 dhcp req_opt WAN2 -r 1
> ip6 dhcp req_opt WAN2 -a
% Interface WAN2 is set to request following DHCPv6 options:
% sip name
% dns
% refresh time

566 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: ip6 dhcp client
This command allows you to use DHCPv6 protocol to obtain IPv6 address from the server.

ip6 dhcp client <WAN1/.../WAN10/USB1/USB2> [-<command> <parameter>| ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
client It means the dhcp client settings.
[<command><parameter>|…] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a It means to show current DHCPv6 status.
-r It means to send RELEASE MESSAGE.
-p <IAID> It means to request an identity association ID for Prefix
-n <IAID> It means to request an identity association ID for a Non-temporary
-t <time> It means to set solicit interval.
<time>: 0 ~ 7 seconds (default value is 0).
-c <parameter> It means to send rapid commit to server.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-i <parameter> It means to send information request to server.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-e <parameter> It means to enable or disable the DHCPv6 client.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-m <parameter> It means to enable/disable server DUID set by Link layer and time.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-d It means to display the client DUID.
-A <parameter> It means to set authentication protocol.
0: Undefine
2: delayed protocol
-R <parameter> It means to set realm value (max: 31 characters) in the delayed
<parameter>: Enter a string.
-S <parameter> It means to set shared secret (max: 31 characters) in the delayed
<parameter>: Enter a string.
-K <parameter> It means to set key ID (1~65535) in the delayed protocol.
<parameter>: Enter a number.

> ip6 dhcp client WAN2 -p 2008::1
This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 567

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

> ip6 dhcp client WAN2 -a

% Interface WAN2 has following DHCPv6 client settings:
% DHCPv6 client disabled
% request IA_PD whose IAID equals to 2008
% request IA_NA whose IAID equals to 2008
% Solicit interval: 0
% Authentication protocol: Undefined
% Realm:
% Shared secret key:
% Key ID: 0
> ip6 dhcp client WAN2 –n 1023456
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Vigor1000B-P> ip6 dhcp client WAN2 -a

% Interface WAN2 has following DHCPv6 client settings:
% DHCPv6 client disabled
% request IA_PD whose IAID equals to 1023456
% request IA_NA whose IAID equals to 1023456
% Solicit interval: 0
% Authentication protocol: Undefined
% Realm:
% Shared secret key:
% Key ID: 0
> sys reboot

Telnet Command: ip6 dhcp server

This command allows you to configure the DHCPv6 server.

ip6 dhcp server [-<command> <parameter>| ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
server It means the dhcp server settings.
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can Enter several commands in one line.
-a It means to show the current DHCPv6 status.
-b It means to show the current DHCPv6 IP assignment table.
-n <name> It means to set a pool name.
-c <parameter> It means to send rapid commit to server.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-e <parameter> It means to enable or disable the DHCPv6 server.
1: Enable
0: Disable
-t <time> It means to set prefer lifetime.

568 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-y <time> It means to set valid lifetime.
-u <time> It means to set T1 time.
-o <time> It means to set T2 time.
-i <pool_min_addr> It means to set the start IPv6 address of the address pool.
-x <pool_max_addr> It means to set the end IPv6 address of the address pool.
-R It means to send reconfigure packet to the client.
-r <0/1> It means to disable (0) or enable (1) the auto range.
-N <0/1> It means to disable (0) or enable (1) the random address allocation.
-d <addr> It means to set the first DNS IPv6 address.
<addr> : Enter an IPv6 address.
-D <addr> It means to set the second DNS IPv6 address.
<addr> : Enter an IPv6 address.
-m <1/0> It means to enable(1) or disable (0) the server DUID set by Link
Layter and Time.
-q <name> It means to set DNS domain search list.
<name>: Enter a name.
-z <0/1> It means to disable (0) or enable (1) the DHCP PD.
pdadd <suffix> <prefix_len> It means to add PD node.
<client linklocal><client
pddel <PD index> It means to delete PD node.
<PD index>: Enter a number.
-A <parameter> It means to set authentication protocol.
<parameter>: Enter 0, 2 or 3.
0: Undefine
2: delayed protocol
3: Reconfigure key
-M <parameter> It means to set realm value (max: 31 characters) in the delayed
<parameter>: Enter a string.
-S <parameter> It means to set shared secret (max: 31 characters) in the delayed
<parameter>: Enter a string.
-K <parameter> It means to set key ID (1~65535) in the delayed protocol.
<parameter>: Enter a number.

> ip6 dhcp server LAN1 pdadd 11:22:33 64 fe80::e202:1bff:fe65:4084
% Add to PD list success!
%% PD status : invalid, no prefix available.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 569

Telnet Command: ip6 internet
This command allows you to configure settings for accessing Internet.

ip6 internet -W n -M n [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-W n W means to set WAN interface and n means different selections.
Default is WAN1.
n=1: WAN1
n=2: WAN2
n=3: WAN3
n=X: WANx
-M n M means to set Internet Access Mode (Mandatory) and n means
different modes (represented by 0 – 5)
n= 0: Offline,
n=1: PPP,
n=2: TSPC,
n=3: AICCU,
n=4: DHCPv6,
n=5: Static
n=6: 6in4-Static
n=7: 6rd
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-m n It means to set IPv6 MTU.
N = any value (0 means “unspecified”).
-C <n> It means to set 6rd connection mode.
n=0: Auto
n=1: Static
-s <server> It means to set 6rd IPv4 Border Relay.
<server>: Enter a string.
-m <n> It means to set 6rd IPv4 address mask length.
<n>: Enter a number.
-p <prefix> It means to set IPv6 prefix for 6rd connection.
<prefix>: Enter a prefix number of IPv6 address.
-l <n> It means to set the prefix length for 6rd connection.
<n>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length of the prefix.
-s <server> It means to set 6in4 remote endpoint IPv4 address.
-I <IPv6 Addr> It means to set the IPv6 address for 6in4 connection.
-P <n> It means to set IPv6 WAN prefix length for 6in4 connection.
-p <prefix> It means to set 6in4 LAN Routed Prefix.
-l <n> It means to set 6in4 LAN Routed Prefix length.
-T <n> It means to set 6in4 Tunnel TTL.
-u <username> It means to set username (max. 63 characters).

570 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<username>: Enter a string.
-P <password> It means to set Password (max. 63 characters).
<password>: Enter a password.
-s <server> It means to set Tunnel Server IP.
<server>: Enter an IPv4 Address or URL (max. 63 characters)
-p <prefix> It means to set Subnet Prefix (AICCU).
<prefix>: Enter a prefix number of IPv6 address.
-l <n> It means to set Subnet Prefix length (AICCU).
<n>: Enter a number.
-o <1/0> It means to set AICCU always on.
1: on
0: off
-f It means to set AICCU tunnel ID.
-w <addr> It means to set Default Gateway.
<addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
-d <server> It means to set 1st DNS Server IP.
<server>: Enter an IPv6 address.
-D <server> It means to set 2nd DNS Server IP.
<server>: Enter an IPv6 address.
-t <dhcp/ra/none> It means to set ipv6 PPP WAN test mode for DHCP or RA.
<dhcp/ra/none> : Enter dhcp, ra or none.
-V It means to view IPv6 Internet Access Profile.
-k It means to dial the Tunnel on the WAN.
-j It means to drop the Tunnel on the WAN.
-r n It means to set Prefix State Machine RA timeout.
-c n It means to set Prefix State Machine DHCPv6 Client timeout.
-q <0/1/2> It means to set WAN detection mode.
0:NS Detect
1:Ping Detect
2:Always On
-z <value> It means to set Ping Detect TTL (0-255).
<value>: Enter 0~255.
-x <hostname/ IPv6 addr> It means to set Ping Detect Host (hostname or IPv6 address).
<hostname/ipv6 addr> : Enter a hostname or an IPv6 address.
-i <value> It means to set ipv6 connection interval.
<value>: Enter a number (1500-60000 (unit:10ms)).
-b <0/1> It means to enable DNSv6 based on DHCPv6.
1 = on
0 = off
-R <0/1> It means to Enable RIPng.
1 = on
0 = off

> ip6 internet -W 1 -M 2 -u userid -p passwd -s broker.freenet6.net
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router..
> system reboot

Telnet Command: ip6 neigh

This command allows you to display IPv6 neighbour table.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 571

ip6 neigh -s <inet6_addr> <eth_addr> <LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>
ip6 neigh -d <inet6_addr> <LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>
ip6 neigh -a <inet6_addr> <LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-s <inet6_addr> <eth_addr> It means to add a neighbour.
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...W <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
AN10/ USB1/USB2>
<eth_addr>: Enter a submask address.
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>: Specify an
interface for the neighbor.
-d <inet6_addr> It means to delete a neighbour.
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...W <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
AN10/ USB1/USB2>
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>: Specify an
interface for the neighbor.
-a <inet6_addr> It means to show neighbour status.
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...W <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
AN10/ USB1/USB2>
<LAN1/..LAN100/WAN1/...WAN10/ USB1/USB2>: Specify an
interface for the neighbor.

> ip6 neigh -s 2001:2222:3333::1111 00:50:7F:11:ac:22:WAN2
% Neighbour 2001:2222:3333::1111 successfully added!
> ip6 neigh -a
LAN1 2001:2222:3333::1111 FAILED
LAN1 FE80::25FB:7F12:1C77:FA51 14-49-bc-0a-8a-b8 STALE
LAN1 FE80::21D:AAFF:FE73:4A78 00-1d-aa-73-4a-78 STALE
LAN1 FF02::1 33-33-00-00-00-01 CONNECTED

Telnet Command: ip6 pneigh

This command allows you to add a proxy neighbour.

ip6 pneigh -s <inet6_addr> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>
ip6 pneigh -d <inet6_addr> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>
ip6 pneigh -a <inet6_addr><-N LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

572 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-s <inet6_addr> < It means to add a proxy neighbour.
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100| <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
USB2> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>: Specify an
interface for the proxy neighbor.
-d <inet6_addr> < It means to delete a proxy neighbour.
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100| <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
USB2> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>: Specify an
interface for the proxy neighbor.
-a <inet6_addr> < It means to show proxy neighbour status.
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100| <inet6_addr>: Enter an IPv6 address.
USB2> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>: Specify an
interface for the proxy neighbor.

> ip6 neigh -s FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:300 LAN1
% Neighbour FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:300 successfully added!

Telnet Command: ip6 route

This command allows you to set ip6 route.

ip6 route -s <prefix> <prefix-length> <gateway> <
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2|VPN1|...|VPN32> <-D>
ip6 route -d <prefix> <prefix-length>
ip6 route -a <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2|VPN1|...|VPN32>
ip6 route -D
ip6 route -l

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-s <prefix> <prefix-length> It means to add a route.
<gateway> < <prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6 address.
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1 <prefix length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length of
|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2|VPN1 the prefix.
|...|VPN32> <-D> <gateway>: It means to enter the gateway of the router.
2>: It means to specify LAN or WAN or VPN interface for such
<-D>: It means that such route will be treated as the default
-d <prefix> <prefix-length> It means to delete a route.
<prefix>: It means to enter the prefix number of IPv6 address.
<prefix length>: It means to enter a fixed value as the length of
the prefix.
-a < It means to show the route status.
LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1 <LAN1|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2|VPN1|...|VPN3
|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2|VPN1 2>: It means to specify LAN or WAN or VPN interface for such
|...|VPN32> address.
-l It means to clear the routing table.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 573

> ip6 route -s FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:500 16 FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:100 LAN1
% Route FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:500/16 successfully added!
> ip6 route -a LAN1
:: LAN1 0 U ::
FE80::/128 LAN1 0 U ::
FE80::1649:BCFF:FE14:C430/128 LAN1 0 U ::
FE80::/64 LAN1 256 U ::
FE80::/16 LAN1 1024 UGS FE80::250:7FFF:FE12:100
FF00::/8 LAN1 256 U ::

574 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: ip6 ping
This command allows you to pin an IPv6 address or a host.

ip6 ping <IPV6 address/Host> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2> <send
count> <data_size>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<IPV6 address/Host> It means to specify the IPv6 address or host for ping.
<LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|W It means to specify LAN or WAN interface for such address.
AN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2 <send count>: Set how many packets sent for pinging.
> <send count> <data_size>
<data_size>: 1 to 1452. Set the data size for each packet to be

> ip6 ping 2001:4860:4860::8888 WAN2

Pinging 2001:4860:4860::8888 with 64 bytes of Data:

Receive reply from 2001:4860:4860::8888, time=330ms

Receive reply from 2001:4860:4860::8888, time=330ms
Receive reply from 2001:4860:4860::8888, time=330ms
Receive reply from 2001:4860:4860::8888, time=330ms
Receive reply from 2001:4860:4860::8888, time=330ms

Packets: Sent = 5, Received = 5, Lost = 0 <% loss>


Telnet Command: ip6 tracert

This command allows you to trace the routes from the router to the host.

ip6 tracert <IPV6 address/Host> <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100|WAN1|...|WAN10|USB1|USB2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<IPV6 address/Host> It means to specify the IPv6 address or host for ping.

<LAN1|...|LAN100|WAN1|... It means to specify an interface for such address.


> ip6 tracert 2001:4860:4860::8888 LAN1
traceroute to 2001:4860:4860::8888, 30 hops max through protocol ICMP
1 2001:5C0:1400:B::10B8 340 ms

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 575

2 2001:4DE0:1000:A22::1 330 ms
3 2001:4DE0:A::1 330 ms
4 2001:4DE0:1000:34::1 340 ms
5 2001:7F8:1: :A501:5169:1 330 ms
6 2001:4860::1:0:4B3 350 ms
7 2001:4860::8:0:2DAF 330 ms
8 2001:4860::2:0:66E 340 ms
9 Request timed out. *
10 2001:4860:4860::8888 350 ms
Trace complete.

Telnet Command: ip6 tspc

This command allows you to display TSPC status.

ip6 tspc <ifno>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
ifno It means the connection interface.
Ifno=1 (means WAN1)
Info=2 (means WAN2)

> ip6 tspc 2
Local Endpoint v4 Address :
Local Endpoint v6 Address : 2001:05c0:1400:000b:0000:0000:0000:10b9
Router DNS name : 8886666.broker.freenet6.net
Remote Endpoint v4 Address :
Remote Endpoint v6 Address : 2001:05c0:1400:000b:0000:0000:0000:10b8
Tspc Prefixlen : 56
Tunnel Broker: Amsterdam.freenet.net

Status: Connected


Telnet Command: ip6 radvd

This command allows you to enable or disable RADVD server.

Ip6 radvd <LAN1|LAN2|...|LAN100> [-<command> <parameter>| ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>/…> <…> means that you can Enter several commands in one line.
-s <0/1> It means to enable or disable the default lifetime of the

576 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

RADVD server.
1: Enable the RADVD server.
0: Disable the RADVD server.
-D <0/1/2> It means to set RDNSS Disable/Enable/Deploy (0/1/2) when
WAN is up.
-d <lifetme> It means to set RA default lifetime.
-i <lifetme> It means to set RA min interval time(sec).
-I <lifetme> It means to set RA MAX interval time(sec).
-h <hoplimit> It means to set RA hop limit.
-m <mtu/auto> It means to set RA MTU, 1280-1500.
mtu: auto - auto select MTU from WAN,
-e <time> It means to set reachable time.
-a <time/infinity> It means to set retransmit timer /infinity.
-p <0/1/2> It means to set radvd default preference Low/Medium/High.
-v It means to view radvd configuration.
-V It means to view setting in RA.
-L <time/infinity> It means to set prefix valid lifetime.
-P <time/infinity> It means to set prefix preferred lifetime.
-r <num> It means to to set RA test for item.
<num>: 0, 121, 124
0: default,
121: logo 121,
124: logo 124..
-R It means to reload Config and send RA for subnets.
-u It means to view MTU on all interfaces.

> ip6 radvd LAN1 -s 1
% [LAN1] setting !
% Enable LAN1 radvd OK!
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.> ip6 radvd -V
> ip6 radvd LAN1 -d 1800
% [LAN1] setting !
% Set default lifetime ok: 1800 !
> ip6 radvd LAN1 -V
% [LAN1] setting !
% Default Lifetime : 0 seconds
% min interval time : 200 seconds
% MAX interval time : 600 seconds
% Hop limit : 64
% MTU : 0
% Reachable time : 0
% Retransmit time : 0
% Preference : Medium

Telnet Command: ip6 mngt

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 577

This command allows you to manage the settings for access list.

ip6 mngt list
ip6 mngt list [add <Index> <IPv6 Object Index> |remove <Index>|flush]
ip6 mngt status
ip6 mngt <internet|http|telnet|ping|https|ssh|enforce_https> <on|off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
list It means to show the setting information of the access list.
add <Index> <IPv6 Object It means to add an IPv6 address which can be used to execute
Index> |remove management through Internet.
<Index>|flush <Index >: 1 to 10. Ten profiles can be set for IPv6 access list.
<IPv6 Object Index>: It means the index number of IP object (1 to
64) .
remove <Index>: It means to remove (delete) the specified IP
flush It means to clear the IPv6 access table.
status It means to show the status of IPv6 remote management.
internet/ These protocols are used for accessing Internet.
on/off It means to enable (on) or disable (off) the Internet accessing
through http/telnet/ping.

> ip6 mngt list add 1 1
%% Set OK. Please do "sys re" to reboot the router!
> ip6 mngt status
% IPv6 Remote Management :
internet access : off, telnet : off, http : off, https : off, ssh :
off, ping : off, enforce_https : off

Telnet Command: ip6 online

This command allows you to check the online status of IPv6 LAN /WAN.

ip6 online <WAN1/.../WAN10/USB1/USB2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<WAN1/.../WAN10/USB1/US It means the connection interface.

> ip6 online WAN1
% WAN1 online status :

578 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

% Default Gateway : ::
% Interface : DOWN
% UpTime : 0:00:00
% IPv6 DNS Server: :: Static
% IPv6 DNS Server: :: Static
% IPv6 DNS Server: :: Static
% Tx packets = 0, Tx bytes = 0, Rx packets = 0, Rx bytes = 0
% MTU Onlink: 1280 , Config MTU : 0

Telnet Command: ip6 aiccu

This command allows you to set IPv6 settings for WAN interface with connection type of

ip6 aiccu -i <ifno> -r
ip6 aiccu -i <ifno> -s

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<Ifno> It means the connection interface.
-r It means to remove (delete) the specified index number with IPv6
-s It means to display the AICCU status.

> ip6 aiccu -i 1 -s
ip6 aiccu -i 1 -s

Telnet Command: ip6 ntp

This command allows you to set IPv6 settings for NTP (Network Time Protocols) server.

ip6 ntp –h
ip6 ntp –v
ip6 ntp –p <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
–h It is used to display the usage of such command.
-v It is used to show the NTP state.
-p <0/1> It is used to specify NTP server for IPv6.
0 – Auto
1 – First Query IPv6 NTP Server.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 579

> ip6 ntp -p 1
% Set NTP Priority: IPv6 First

Telnet Command: ip6 lan

This command allows you to set IPv6 settings for LAN interface.

ip6 lan -l n <-<l:w:d:D:m:o:s> <parameter> / ... >

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
–h It is used to display the usage of such command.
-l <n> It means to selete LAN interface to be set.
n= 1: LAN1
n= 2: LAN2, ... x: LANx. Default is LAN1
-w <n> It means to selete WAN interface to be primary interface.
n= 0: None,
n=1: WAN1 ,
n=2: WAN2, ... x: WANx.
-d <server> It means to set 1st DNS Server IP.
<server>: Enter the IPv6 Address.
-D <server> It means to set 2nd DNS Server IP.
<server>: Enter the IPv6 Address.
-m <n> It means to set ipv6 LAN management.
n=1:SLAAC. Default is SLAAC
-o <n> It means to enable Other option(O-bit) flag. (O-bit is redundant
when management is DHCPv6)
n=0: Disable
n=1: Enable.
-e <n> It means to add an extension WAN.
n: 1: WAN1, 2: WAN2, ... x: WANx.
-E <n> It means to delete an extension WAN.
n: 1: WAN1 ,2: WAN2, ... x: WANx.
-b <map> It means to set bit map(decimal) for extension WAN.
<map>: 0: WAN1; 1: WAN2, ... n: WAN(n+1).
-f <n> It means to disable IPv6.
n=1: Disable IPv6,
n=0: Enable IPv6.
-R <n> It means to enable /disable RIPng.
n=1: Enable RIPng,
n=0: Disable RIPng.
-s <n> It means to show IPv6 LAN setting.
n=0:show all. Default is show all.
n=1 to 8: LAN1 to LAN8.
n=17: DMZ.

> ip6 lan -l 2 -w 1 -d 2001:4860:4860::8888 -o 1 -f 0 -s 2
% Set LAN2!

% Set primary WAN1!

580 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

% Set 1st DNS server 2001:4860:4860::8888

% Set Other Option Enable!

% [LAN2] support ipv6!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

% [LAN2] setting:
% Primary WAN : WAN1
% Management : SLAAC
% Other Option : Enable
% WAN Exten : None
% Subnet ID : 2
% Static IP(0) : ::/0
% [ifno: 0, enable: 0]
% Static IP(1) : ::/0
% [ifno: 0, enable: 0]
% Static IP(2) : ::/0
% [ifno: 0, enable: 0]
% Static IP(3) : ::/0
% [ifno: 0, enable: 0]
% DNS1 : 2001:4860:4860::8888
% DNS2 : 2001:4860:4860::8844
% ULA Type : OFF
% RIPng : Enable


Telnet Command: ip6 session

This command allows you to set sessions limit for IPv6 address.

ip6 session on
ip6 session off
ip6 session default <num>
ip6 session status
ip6 session show
ip6 session add <IP1-IP2><num>
ip6 session del <IP1-IP2><num>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

on It means to turn on session limit for each IP.

off It means to turn off session limit for each IP.

default <num> It means to set the default number of session num limit.
<num>: Enter a number.
status It means to display the current settings.

show It means to display all IP range session limit settings.

add <IP1-IP2><num> <add/del>: It means to add the session limit for an IPv6 range.
<IP1-IP2> : Specify a range for IPv6 addresses.
<num>: Enter a number.
del <IP1-IP2><num> <add/del>: It means to add the session limit for an IPv6 range.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 581

<IP1-IP2> : Specify a range for IPv6 addresses.
<num>: Enter a number.

> ip6 session on
> ip6 session add 2100:ABCD::2-2100:ABCD::10 100
> ip6 session status

IPv6 range:
2100:ABCD::2 - 2100:ABCD::10 : 100

Current ip6 session limit is turn on

Current default session number is 100


Telnet Command: ip6 bandwidth

This command allows you to set IPv6 settings for bandwidth control.

ip6 bandwidth on
ip6 bandwidth off
ip6 bandwidth default <tx_rate> <rx_rate>
ip6 bandwidth status
ip6 bandwidth show
ip6 bandwidth add <IP1-IP2> <tx><rx><shared>
ip6 bandwidth del <IP1-IP2> <tx><rx><shared>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

on It means to turn on bandwidth limit for each IP.

off It means to turn off bandwidth limit for each IP.
default <tx_rate> <rx_rate> It means to set the default transmission (tx), receiving (rx) rate of
bandwidth limit (0-30000 Kbps/Mbps).
<tx_rate>: Enter a number.
<rx_rate>: Enter a number.
status It means to display the current settings.
show It means to display all IP range bandwidth limit settings.
add <IP1-IP2> <add>: It means to add the bandwidth limit for an IPv6 range.
<tx><rx><shared> <del>: It means to delete the bandwidth limit for an IPv6 range by
first IP (IP1) or 'del all'.
<IP1-IP2> - Specify a range for IPv6 addresses.
<tx><rx>: It means the bandwidth limit for transmission and
receivign rate.
<shared>: It means the bandwidth will be shared for the IPv6 range.
del <IP1-IP2> /all <del>: It means to delete the bandwidth limit for an IPv6 range by
first IP (IP1) .
<IP1-IP2> - Specify a range for IPv6 addresses.
<tx><rx>: It means the bandwidth limit for transmission and
receiving rate.
<shared>: It means the bandwidth will be shared for the IPv6 range.

582 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> ip6 bandwidth on
> ip6 bandwidth add 2001:ABCD::2-2001:ABCD::10 512 5M shared
> ip6 bandwidth status

IPv6 range:
2001:ABCD::2 - 2001:ABCD::10 : Tx:512K Rx:5M shared

Current ip6 Bandwidth limit is turn on

Current default ip6 Bandwidth rate is Tx:2000K Rx:8000K bps

Telnet Command: ipf view

IPF users to view the version of the IP filter, to view/set the log flag, to view the running IP
filter rules.

ipf view [-VcdhrtzZ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-V It means to show the version of this IP filter.
-c It means to show the running call filter rules.
-d It means to show the running data filter rules.
-h It means to show the hit-number of the filter rules.
-r It means to show the running call and data filter rules.
-t It means to display all the information at one time.
-z It means to clear a filter rule’s statistics.
-Z It means to clear IP filter’s gross statistics.

> ipf view -V -c -d
ipf: IP Filter: v3.3.1 (1824)
Kernel: IP Filter: v3.3.1
Running: yes
Log Flags: 0x80947278 = nonip
Default: pass all, Logging: available

Telnet Command: ipf set

This command is used to set general rule, filter set and filter rule for firewall.

ipf set <Options>
ipf set <SET_NO><Options>
ipf set <SET_NO> rule <RULE_NO><Options>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 583

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<Options> It means to set the firewall general setup and default rule.
<SET_NO><Options> It means to set the firewall fiter set including comments and
next fiter set.
<SET_NO> rule It means to set the firewall rule in filter set.
<RULE_NO><Options> For detailed information, refer to Telnet Command: ipf rule.
About ipf set <options>
-v It means to view the configuration of general set.
-c <p1> It means to setup Call Filter.
<p1>: Specify the index number (1 to 12) of the set profile.
To disable the setting, enter "0".
-d <p1> It means to setup Data Filter.
<p1>: Specify the index number (1 to 12) of the set profile.
To disable the setting, enter "0".
-p <p1><p2> It means to setup actions for packet not matching any rule
and whether record syslog.
<p1>: Type “0” to let packets not matching any rule pass;
Type “1” to block the packets not matching any rule.
<p2>: "0" means the log related to rule matching will not be
recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to rule
matching will be recorded on Syslog.
For example, to set pass for packet not matching any rule
and enable syslog, -p 0 1.
-R <v4/v6> It means to accept routing packet from WAN.
<Enable/Disable> <v4/v6>: IPv4 or IPv6.
<Enable/Disable>: Enter 0 (enable) or 1 (disable).
Set Accept routing packet from WAN by IPv4, please enter -R
v4 0.
-L <p1> It means to enable or disable the Strict Security Firewall
<p1>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-C <p1> It means to setup Code Page.
<p1>: Enter a code page number (0 to 20). For example, ipf
set -C 20.
0. None
1. ANSI(1250)-Central Europe
2. ANSI(1251)-Cyrillic
3. ANSI(1252)-Latin I
4. ANSI(1253)-Greek
5. ANSI(1254)-Turkish
6. ANSI(1255)-Hebrew
7. ANSI(1256)-Arabic
8. ANSI(1257)-Baltic
9. ANSI(1258)-Viet Nam
10. OEM(437)-United States
11. OEM(850)-Multilingual Latin I

584 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

12. OEM(860)-Portuguese
13. OEM(861)-Icelandic
14. OEM(863)-Canadian French
15. OEM(865)-Nordic
16. ANSI/OEM(874)-Thai
17. ANSI/OEM(932)-Japanese Shift-JIS
18. ANSI/OEM(936)-Simplified Chinese GBK
19. ANSI/OEM(949)-Korean
20. ANSI/OEM(950)-Traditional Chinese Big5
-M <p1><p2> It means to setup APP Enforcement and Syslog.
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 32). In which, 0 means none; 1 to
32 mens the index number of the profile.
<p2>: "0" means the log related to APP Enforcement will not
be recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to APP
Enforcement will be recorded on Syslog.
-U <p1><p2> It means to setup URL Content Filter for packets not
matching any rule.
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 8). In which, 0 means none; 1 to 8
mens the index number of the profile.
<p2>: "0" means the log related to URL Content Filter will not
be recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to URL
Content Filter will be recorded on Syslog.
-W <p1><p2> It means to setup Web Content Filter for packets not
matching any rule.
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 8). In which, 0 means none; 1 to 8
mens the index number of the profile.
<p2>: "0" means the log related to Web Content Filter will
not be recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to Web
Content Filter will be recorded on Syslog.
-D <p1><p2> It means to setup DNS Filter for packets not matching any
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 8). In which, 0 means none; 1 to 8
mens the index number of the profile.
<p2>: "0" means the log related to DNS Filter will not be
recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to DNS Filter
will be recorded on Syslog.
-a <p1> It means to configure the advanced settings.
-f <p1> It means to accept large incoming fragmented UDP or ICMP
<p1>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-t <p1> It means to enable or disable the Transparent Mode.
<p1>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-E <p1><p2> It means to set the maximum count for session limitation.
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 150000)
<p2>: "0" means the log related to session control will not be
recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to session
control will be recorded on Syslog.
-Q <p1><p2> It means to set the QoS Class.
<p1>: Enter a number (0 to 4).
0: None

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 585

1: Class 1
2: Class 2
3: Class 3
4: Default Class
<p2>: "0" means the log related to QoS Class will not be
recorded on Syslog; "1" means the log related to QoS Class
will be recorded on Syslog.
-Y <p1><p2> It means to set the User Management.
<p1>: Enter a number (-1 to 2).
-1: None
0: All
1: user object
2: user group
<p2>: 1 to 200(if p1 is set with 1, user object) or 1 to 32(if p1
is set with 2, user group)
-y <p1> It means the log related to User Management will be or be
not recorded on Syslog.
<p1>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-w <p1> It means to set the window size of TCP protocol.
<p1>: Enter a value (0 to 65535).
-A <p1> It means to enable or disable the function of packet capture.
<p1>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
About ipf set <SET_NO><Options>
-m <Comments> It means to set comment for a filter set.
<Comments>: Enter a description for the filter set.
-v It means to view the comment and the next filter set.
-n <NEXT_SET_NO> It means to specify the next filter set of current filter set.
<NEXT_SET_NO>: Enter a number (1 to 12).
For example, ipf set 1 -n 2.
About ipf set <SET_NO> rule <RULE_NO><Options>
<SET_NO> Range from 1 to 50.
<RULE_NO> Range from 1 to 30.
-e <1/0> Enable the filter set.
<1/0>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-v It means to view the configuration of the rule set.
-D <value> It means to set the direction of the rule.
<value>: 0, 1, 2
-I e|d <para1,para2,...> It means to set incoming interface.
e: enable; d:disable
<para1,para2,...>: Specify interfaces including all, LAN1 to
LAN100, DMZ, RT, VPN, WAN1 to WAN52.
RT means IP Routed Subnet.

586 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-O e|d <para1,para2,...> It means to set outgoing interface.
e: enable; d:disable
<para1,para2,...>: Specify interfaces including all, LAN1 to
LAN100, DMZ, RT, VPN, WAN1 to WAN52.
RT means IP Routed Subnet.
-s "o|o6|g|g6|c <field> It means to specify source IP object, IP group or country
<obj>" object.
o: IP object. Ranges from 0 to 192. 0 means none.
o6: IPv6 object. Ranges from 0 to 64. 0 means none.
g: IP group. Ranges from 0 to 32. 0 means none.
g6: IPv6 group. Ranges from 0 to 32. 0 means none.
c: country object. Ranges from 1 to 32.
<field> Indicates the quantity of objects/groups can be set
for this rule at one time.
-2 object profiles are allowed for IPv4
-2 group profiles are allowed for IPv4 group
-3 object profiles are allowed for IPv6
-1 group profiles is allowed for IPv6 group
<obj>: indicates index number of object or index number of
-Range for IPv4, from 1 to 192, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv4 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6, from 1 to 64, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Ranges for country object, from 1 to 32.
For example, -s "o 1 2" means IPv4 object profile 1 and 2 are
set as source IP.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -s "o 1 2"
-d "o|o6|g|g6|c <field> It means to set the destination object, group or country.
<obj>" o: IP object. Ranges from 0 to 192. 0 means none.
o6: IPv6 object. Ranges from 0 to 64. 0 means none.
g: IP group. Ranges from 0 to 32. 0 means none.
g6: IPv6 group. Ranges from 0 to 32. 0 means none.
c: country object. Ranges from 1 to 32.
<field> Indicates the quantity of objects/groups can be set
for this rule at one time.
-2 object profiles are allowed for IPv4
-2 group profiles are allowed for IPv4 group
-3 object profiles are allowed for IPv6
-1 group profiles is allowed for IPv6 group
<obj>: indicates index number of object or index number of
-Range for IPv4, from 1 to 192, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv4 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6, from 1 to 64, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Ranges for country object, from 1 to 32.
For example, -d "o 1 2" means IPv4 object profile 1 and 2 are
set as destination IP.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 587

Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -d "o 2 2"
-d "u <Address Type> It means to configure destination IP address including
<Start IP Address> <End IP address type, start IP address, end IP address and address
Address> / <Address mask.
Mask>" u : It means “user defined”.
Address Type : Type the number (representing different
address type).
0 : Subnet Address
1 : Single Address
2 : Any Address
3 : Range Address
Example: Set Subnet Address => -d "u 0"
Set Single Address => -d "u 1 "
Set Any Address => -d "u 2"
Set Range Address => -d "u 3 "
-S o|g <obj> It means to set service type object.
o : indicates “object” profile.
g: indicates “group” profile.
<obj>: indicates index number of object or index number of
group. Available settings range from 1-96. For example, -S "o
1" means the first service type object profile.
-S u <protocol> It means to set advanced setting of the protocol and the port
<source_port_value> range for the service type.
<destination_port_value> <protocol>: Protocol. Ranges from 0 to 255. In which,
TCP(6), UDP(17), TCP/UDP(255), Any(0), ICMP(1),
ICMPv6(58), Other(other)
<source_port_value>: Set port number, port range for the
service type.
e.g.: 1,3,5
1: Port OP, range is 0-3, 0:==, 1:!=, 2:>, 3:<
3: Port range of the Start Port Number, range is 1-65535.
5: Port range of the End Port Number, range is 1-65535.
e.g.: 2,4,6
2: Port OP, range is 0-3, 0:==, 1:!=, 2:>, 3:<
4: Port range of the Start Port Number, range is 1-65535.
6: Port range of the End Port Number, range is 1-65535.
-f <value> Set the fragment type.
<value>: 0 to 3. In which,
0: Don't care
1: ungragmented
2: Fragmented
3: Too short.
-F "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means the Filter action you can specify.
<Param 0>: Enter the number to set the filter action.
0 : Pass Immediately.
1 : Block Immediately.
2 : Pass if no further match.

588 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

3 : Block if no further match.
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable Log.
1 : Enable Log.
-m "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to set MAC Bind IP type and the Syslog.
<Param 0>: Enter the number to choose the type.
0 : Non-Strict.
1 : Strict.
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable Log.
1 : Enable Log.
-Y <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the User Management.
<Param 0>: Enter the number to choose the type.
-1 : None.
0 : All.
1 : User Object
2 : User group
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog if <Param 0> is
set with None/ALL.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
Enter the user object number (1 to 200) / group number (1 to
32) if <param 0> is set with User Object.
-y <value> It means the log related to User Management will be or be
not recorded on Syslog.
<value>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-L <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the maximum count for the session
<Param 0>: Enter the number (0 to 150000) to choose the
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-q <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the classification for QoS.
<Param 0>:
1– Class 1,
2 – Class 2,
3 – Class 3,
4 – Other
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-A "<Param 0>" It means to enable or disable the packet capture function.
<Param 0>: Enter 0 or 1.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-l <Param 0> <Param 1> It means load balance policy.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 589

Such function is used for “debug” only.
<Param 0>: Enter 0, 1, 2, or 3.
0: Auto-Select,
1: WAN 1.
2: WAN 2.
3: WAN 3.
<Param 1>: Enter 0 or 1.
0: Disable Log.
1: Enable Log.
-a "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which APP Enforcement profile will be
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 32. “0” means
no profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-u <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to specify which URL Content Filter profile will be
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means
no profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-w "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which Web Content Filter profile will be
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means
no profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-n "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which DNS Filter profile will be applied.
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means
no profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-N <value> It means to set the Next Filter Set.
<value> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 50. “0” means no
profile will be applied.
0 : None
1 : Set#1; 2: Set#2, and so on.
-c <0~20> It means to set code page. Different number represents
different code page.
0. None
1. ANSI(1250)-Central Europe
2. ANSI(1251)-Cyrillic
3. ANSI(1252)-Latin I
4. ANSI(1253)-Greek
5. ANSI(1254)-Turkish

590 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

6. ANSI(1255)-Hebrew
7. ANSI(1256)-Arabic
8. ANSI(1257)-Baltic
9. ANSI(1258)-Viet Nam
10. OEM(437)-United States
11. OEM(850)-Multilingual Latin I
12. OEM(860)-Portuguese
13. OEM(861)-Icelandic
14. OEM(863)-Canadian French
15. OEM(865)-Nordic
16. ANSI/OEM(874)-Thai
17. ANSI/OEM(932)-Japanese Shift-JIS
18. ANSI/OEM(936)-Simplified Chinese GBK
19. ANSI/OEM(949)-Korean
20. ANSI/OEM(950)-Traditional Chinese Big5
-C "<Windows Size> It means to set Window size and Session timeout (Minute).
<Session_Timeout>" <Windows Size> - Available settings range from 1 ~ 65535.
<Session_Timeout> - Make the best utilization of network
e.g.: ipf set 1 rule 1 -C "600 30"
-b <value> It means to enable or disable the DrayTek Banner.
<value>: 0 : Disable; 1 : Enable.
-t "i <Param 0> <Param It means to set schedule profile. Totally, there are four sets
1>" of schedule profiles can be specified.
<Param 0>: Enter the index number (1 to 4) for each set.
<Param 1>: Enter the index number (0 to 15) of the schedule
profile for each set. 0 means none.
For example, -t "i 1 3" means schedule profile #3 is
configured for set #1.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -t "i 1 3"
-t "c <value>" It means to enable or disable the function of clearing
sessions when the schedule is ON.
<value>: 0 : Disable; 1 : Enable.
e.g.: -t "c 1"
-M <Your Comments> It means to set comments for the filter rule.
<Your Comments>: Enter a brief description.
-U "<Up or Down>" It means to move up or move down the order of a filter rule
in the filter set.
up: It indicates move the filter rule up.
down: It indicates move the filter rule down.

> ipf set 1 -m sansansan
> ipf set -c 3 -p 0 1
Setting saved.
> ipf set -R "v4 1"
Setting saved.
> ipf set -R "v6 1"

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 591

Setting saved.
> ipf set -v

Call Filter: Enable (Start Filter Set = 3)

Data Filter: Enable (Start Filter Set = 2)
Log Flag : Disable

Actions for packet not matching any rule:

Pass or Block : Pass
CodePage : ANSI(1252)-Latin I
Max Sessions Limit: 150000
Current Sessions : 7
Mac Bind IP : Non-Strict
QOS Class : None
Packet Capture : Disable
APP Enforcement : None
URL Content Filter: None
WEB Content Filter: None
DNS Filter : None
Load-Balance policy : Auto-select

CodePage : ANSI(1252)-Latin I
Window size : 65535
Session timeout : 60
DrayTek Banner : Enable

Accept large incoming fragmented UDP or ICMP packets: Enable
Transparent Mode : Disable

Block routing packet from WAN:
[v] IPv4
[v] IPv6

[v] Enable Strict Security Firewall

Telnet Command: ipf rule

This command is used to set filter rule for firewall.

ipf rule s r [-<command> <parameter> | ...
ipf rule s r -v

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
s It means the Filter Set.

592 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

s: Enter a value (1 to 50).
r It means Filter Rule
r: Enter a value (1~30).
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-e <0/1> It means to enable or disable the rule setting.
0: disable
-v It is used to show current filter rule settings.
-D <value> It means to set the direction of packet flow. It is for Data Filter
-I "<e/d><para1, para2,...>" It means to set incoming interface.
e: Enable the function.
d: Disable the function.
Para1, para2,...: Available values include all, LAN1, LAN2, ...,
LAN100, DMZ, RT, VPN, WAN1, ..., WAN52.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -I "e LAN1"
-O "<e/d><para1, para2,...>" It means to set outgoing interface.
e: Enable the function.
d: Disable the function.
Para1, para2,...: Available values include all, LAN1, LAN2, ...,
LAN100, DMZ, RT, VPN, WAN1, ..., WAN52.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -O "e LAN2"
-s "o/o6/g/g6/c <field> It means to specify source IP object, IP group.
<obj>" o: Indicates “IPv4 object”.
o6: Indicates IPv6 object".
g: Indicates “IPv4 group”.
g6: Indicates “IPv6 group”.
c: Indicates country object.
field: Indicates the quantity of objects/groups that can be set for
this rule at one time.
-2 object profiles are allowed for IPv4
-2 group profiles are allowed for IPv4 group
-3 object profiles are allowed for IPv6
-1 group profiles is allowed for IPv6 group
obj : indicates index number of object or index number of group.
-Range for IPv4, from 1 to 192, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv4 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6, from 1 to 64, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Ranges for country object, from 1 to 32.
For example, -s "o 1 2" means IPv4 object profile 1 and 2 are set as
souce IP.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -s "o 1 2"
–s "u <Address Type> <Start It means to configure source IP address including address type,
IP Address> <End IP Address> start IP address, end IP address and address mask.
/ <Address Mask>" u : It means “user defined”.
Address Type : Type the number (representing different address

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 593

0 : Subnet Address
1 : Single Address
2 : Any Address
3 : Range Address
Set Subnet Address => -s "u 0"
Set Single Address => -s "u 1 "
Set Any Address => -s "u 2 "
Set Range Address => -s "u 3"
-d "o/o6/g/g6/c <field> It means to specify destination IP object, IP group.
<obj>" o: Indicates “IPv4 object”.
o6: Indicates IPv6 object".
g: Indicates “IPv4 group”.
g6: Indicates “IPv6 group”.
c: Indicates country object.
field: Indicates the quantity of objects/groups can be set for this
rule at one time.
-2 object profiles are allowed for IPv4
-2 group profiles are allowed for IPv4 group
-3 object profiles are allowed for IPv6
-1 group profiles is allowed for IPv6 group
obj : indicates index number of object or index number of group.
-Range for IPv4, from 1 to 192, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv4 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6, from 1 to 64, 0 means none.
-Range for IPv6 group, from 1 to 32, 0 means none.
-Ranges for country object, from 1 to 32.
For example, -d "o 1 2" means IPv4 object profile 1 and 2 are set as
destination IP.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -d "o 2 2"
–d "u <Address Type> <Start It means to configure destination IP address including address type,
IP Address> <End IP Address> start IP address, end IP address and address mask.
/<Address Mask>" u : It means “user defined”.
Address Type : Type the number (representing different address
0 : Subnet Address
1 : Single Address
2 : Any Address
3 : Range Address
Set Subnet Address => -d "u 0"
Set Single Address => -d "u 1 "
Set Any Address => -d "u 2 "
Set Range Address => -d "u 3"
-S o/g <obj> It means to specify Service Type object.
o : indicates “object” profile.
g: indicates “group” profile.
<obj> : indicates index number of object or index number of group.
Available settings range from 1-96. For example, -S "o 1" means the
first service type object profile.
-S "u <protocol> It means to configure advanced settings for Service Type, such as
<source_port_value> protocol and port range.
<destination_port_vale>" u : it means “user defined”.

594 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<protocol> : It means TCP(6),UDP(17), TCP/UDP(255), Any(0),
ICMP(1), ICMPv6(58), Other(other)
<source_port_value> :
1 : Port OP, range is 0-3. 0:= =, 1:!=, 2:>, 3:<
3 : Port range of the Start Port Number, range is
5 : Port range of the End Port Number, range is 1-65535.
2 : Port OP, range is 0-3, 0:==, 1:!=, 2:>, 3:<
4 : Port range of the Start Port Number, range is
6: Port range of the End Port Number, range is 1-65535.
-f <value> It means to set fragment type.
0 : Don't care.
1 : Unfragmented.
2 : Fragmented.
3 : Too Short
-F "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means the Filter action you can specify.
<param 0>: Enter the number to set the filter action.
0 : Pass Immediately.
1 : Block Immediately.
2 : Pass if no further match.
3 : Block if no further match.
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable Log.
1 : Enable Log.
-m "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to set MAC Bind IP type and the Syslog.
<param 0>: Enter the number to choose the type.
0 : Non-Strict.
1 : Strict.
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable Log.
1 : Enable Log.
-Y <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the User Management.
<Param 0>: Enter the number to choose the type.
-1 : None.
0 : All.
1 : User Object
2 : User group
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog if <param 0> is set
with None/ALL.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
Enter the the user object number (1 to 200) / group number (1 to
32) if <Param 0> is set with User Object.
-y <value> It means the log related to User Management will be or be not
recorded on Syslog.
<value>: Enter 1(enable) or 0 (disable).
-L <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the maximum count for the session limitation.
<Param 0>: Enter the number (0 to 150000) to choose the type.
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 595

1 : Enable.
-q <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to set the classification for QoS.
<Param 0>:
1– Class 1,
2 – Class 2,
3 – Class 3,
4 – Other
<Param 1>: Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-A "<Param 0>" It means to enable or disable the packet capture function.
<Param 0>: Enter 0 or 1.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-l <Param 0> <Param 1> It means load balance policy.
Such function is used for “debug” only.
<Param 0>: Enter 0, 1, 2, or 3.
0: Auto-Select,
1: WAN 1.
2: WAN 2.
3: WAN 3.
<Param 1>: Enter 0 or 1.
0: Disable Log.
1: Enable Log.
-a "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which APP Enforcement profile will be applied.
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 32. “0” means no
profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-u <Param 0> <Param 1> It means to specify which URL Content Filter profile will be applied.
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means no
profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-w "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which Web Content Filter profile will be applied.
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means no
profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-n "<Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to specify which DNS Filter profile will be applied.
<Param 0> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 8. “0” means no
profile will be applied.
<Param 1> : Let the log be recorded on Syslog.
0 : Disable.
1 : Enable.
-N <value> It means to set the Next Filter Set.
<value> : Available settings range from 0 ~ 50. “0” means no profile
will be applied.

596 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

0 : None
1 : Set#1; 2: Set#2, and so on.
-c <0~20> It means to set code page. Different number represents different
code page.
0. None
1. ANSI(1250)-Central Europe
2. ANSI(1251)-Cyrillic
3. ANSI(1252)-Latin I
4. ANSI(1253)-Greek
5. ANSI(1254)-Turkish
6. ANSI(1255)-Hebrew
7. ANSI(1256)-Arabic
8. ANSI(1257)-Baltic
9. ANSI(1258)-Viet Nam
10. OEM(437)-United States
11. OEM(850)-Multilingual Latin I
12. OEM(860)-Portuguese
13. OEM(861)-Icelandic
14. OEM(863)-Canadian French
15. OEM(865)-Nordic
16. ANSI/OEM(874)-Thai
17. ANSI/OEM(932)-Japanese Shift-JIS
18. ANSI/OEM(936)-Simplified Chinese GBK
19. ANSI/OEM(949)-Korean
20. ANSI/OEM(950)-Traditional Chinese Big5
-C "<Windows Size> It means to set Window size and Session timeout (Minute).
<Session_Timeout>" <Windows Size> - Available settings range from 1 ~ 65535.
<Session_Timeout> - Make the best utilization of network resources.
e.g.: ipf set 1 rule 1 -C "600 30"
-b <value> It means to enable or disable the DrayTek Banner.
<value>: 0 : Disable; 1 : Enable.
-t "i <Param 0> <Param 1>" It means to set schedule profile. Totally, there are four sets of
schedule profiles can be specified.
<Param 0>: Enter the index number (1 to 4) for each set.
<Param 1>: Enter the index number (0 to 15) of the schedule profile
for each set. 0 means none.
For example, -t "i 1 3" means schedule profile #3 is configured for
set #1.
Example: > ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -t "i 1 3"
-t "c <value>" It means to enable or disable the function of clearing sessions when
the schedule is ON.
<value>: 0 : Disable; 1 : Enable.
-M <Your Comments> It means to set comments for thefilter rule.
<Your Comments>: Enter a brief description.
-U "<up/down>" It means to move up or move down the order of a filter rule in the
filter set.
up: It indicates move the filter rule up.
down: It indicates move the filter rule down.

> ipf rule 3 1 -e 1 -M testtest -s "u 1" -F "0 1

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 597

Setting saved.
> ipf rule 3 1 -v
Filter Set 3 Rule 1:

Status : Enable
Comments: testtest
Index(1-15) in Schedule Setup: <null>, <null>, <null>, <null>

Clear sessions when schedule is ON: Disable

Direction : LAN/RT/VPN -> WAN

Src Interface : LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4, LAN5, LAN6, LAN7, LAN8, LAN9,
LAN10, LAN11, LAN12, LAN13, LAN14, LAN15, LAN16, LAN17, LAN18, LAN19,
LAN20, LAN21, LAN22, LAN23, LAN24, LAN25, LAN26, LAN27, LAN28, LAN29,
LAN30, LAN31, LAN32, LAN33, LAN34, LAN35, LAN36, LAN37, LAN38, LAN39,
LAN40, LAN41, LAN42, LAN43, LAN44, LAN45, LAN46, LAN47, LAN48, LAN49,
LAN50, LAN51, LAN52, LAN53, LAN54, LAN55, LAN56, LAN57, LAN58, LAN59,
LAN60, LAN61, LAN62, LAN63, LAN64, LAN65, LAN66, LAN67, LAN68, LAN69,
LAN70, LAN71, LAN72, LAN73, LAN74, LAN75, LAN76, LAN77, LAN78, LAN79,
LAN80, LAN81, LAN82, LAN83, LAN84, LAN85, LAN86, LAN87, LAN88, LAN89,
LAN90, LAN91, LAN92, LAN93, LAN94, LAN95, LAN96, LAN97, LAN98, LAN99,
LAN100, Routed, VPN,

Dst Interface : WAN1, WAN2, WAN3, WAN4, WAN5, WAN6, WAN7, WAN8, WAN9,
WAN10, WAN11, WAN12, WAN13, WAN14, WAN15, WAN16, WAN17, WAN18, WAN19,
WAN20, WAN21, WAN22, WAN23, WAN24, WAN25, WAN26, WAN27, WAN28, WAN29,
WAN30, WAN31, WAN32, WAN33, WAN34, WAN35, WAN36, WAN37, WAN38, WAN39,
WAN40, WAN41, WAN42, WAN43, WAN44, WAN45, WAN46, WAN47, WAN48, WAN49,
WAN50, WAN51, WAN52
Source IP :
Destination IP : Any
Service Type : Any
Fragments : Don't Care

Pass or Block : Pass Immediately

Branch to Other Filter Set : None
Max Sessions Limit : 150000
Current Sessions : 0
Mac Bind IP : Non-Strict
Qos Class : None
Packet Capture : Disable
APP Enforcement : None
URL Content Filter : None
WEB Content Filter : None
DNS Filter : None
Load-Balance policy : Auto-select
Log : Enable
CodePage : ANSI(1252)-Latin I
Window size : 65535
Session timeout : 60
DrayTek Banner : Enable


598 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Strict Security Checking
[ ]APP Enforcement
> object ip obj 1 -n carrie_1
> object ip obj 2 -n carrie_2
> ipf rule 2 1 -e 1 -M "Your Comments" -s "o 1 2" -d "o 2 1" -S "o 1"
-F "1 1"
Setting saved.

Telnet Command: ipf flowtrack

This command is used to set and view flowtrack sessions.

ipf flowtrack set <-r/-e>
ipf flowtrack view <-f/-b>
ipf flowtrack set -i<IP address> -p<value>-t<value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-r It means to refresh the flowtrack.
-e It means to enable or disable the flowtrack.
-f It means to show the sessions state of flowtrack. If you do not
specify any IP address, then all the session state of flowtrack will be
-b It means to show all of IP sessions state.
- i <IP address> It means to specify IP address (e.g,, -i

-p <value> It means to type a port number (e.g., -p 1024).

Available settings are 0 ~ 65535.
-t <value> It means to specify a protocol (e.g., -t tcp).
Available settings include:

> ipf flowtrack set -e
Current flowtrack ON
> ipf flowtrack set -i -p 1024 -t tcp
> ipf flowtrack view -f
Start to show the flowtrack sessions state:

ORIGIN>> -> 443 ,ifno=0 nat=-1

REPLY >> 443 -> ,ifno=0 nat=-1
proto=6, age=666084170(4700), flag=20009, timeout=1, num=0, size=0

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 599

origin TCP>> end=0x0, max_end=0x0, max_win=0x0
reply TCP>> end=0x0, max_end=0x0, max_win=0x0
End to show the flowtrack sessions state

Telnet Command: ipf flowtest

This command is used to for RD debug in firewall diagnose.

Telnet Command: Log

This command allows users to view log for WAN interface such as call log, IP filter log, flush
log buffer, etc.

log [-cfhiptwx?] [-F a| c | f | w]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-c It means to show the latest call log.
-f It means to show the IP filter log.
-F It means to show the flush log buffer.
a: flush all logs
c: flush the call log
f: flush the IP filter log
w: flush the WAN log
-h It means to show this usage help.
-p It means to show PPP/MP log.
-t It means to show all logs saved in the log buffer.
-w It means to show WAN log.
-x It means to show packet body hex dump.

> log -w
25:36:25.580 ---->DHCP (WAN-5) Len = 548XID = 0x7880fdd4
Client IP =
Your IP =
Next server IP =
Relay agent IP =
25:36:33.580 ---->DHCP (WAN-5) Len = 548XID = 0x7880fdd4
Client IP =
Your IP =
Next server IP =
Relay agent IP =
25:36:41.580 ---->DHCP (WAN-5) Len = 548XID = 0x7880fdd4
Client IP =
Your IP =
Next server IP =
Relay agent IP =

600 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

25:36:49.580 ---->DHCP (WAN-5) Len = 548XID = 0x7880fdd4
Client IP =
Your IP =
Next server IP =
Relay agent IP =
25:36:57.580 ---->DHCP (WAN-5) Len = 548XID = 0x7880fdd4
Client IP =
Your IP =
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

Telnet Command: ldap user

This command is used to configure the LDAP profile.

ldap user <INDEX><OPTION>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX Specify the index number (1 to 8) of the LDAP profile.
-n VALUE Setup Profile Name.
-b VALUE Setup Base Distinguished Name.
-a VALUE If you have added containers to be published, you may need to
specify additional LDAP filters for each class of objects included in
these containers.
Creating LDAP filters is a fairly complex task that should be
performed by advanced users only. LDAP filters must be
For example, to exclude from publication all users who either
belong to the HR department of your company or are members of
the HR Group. For example:
>ldap user 1 -a
Additional Filter has been updated.
-g VALUE Setup Group Distinguished Name.
-c VALUE Setup Common Name Identifier.
-v View detail information of the LDAP profile.

>ldap user 1 -n LD_user_test1
Profile Name has been updated!
> ldap user 1 -v
Profile Index:1
Profile Name:LD_user_test1
Common Name Identifier:
Base Distinguished Name:
Additional Filter:
Group distinguished Name:
>ldap user 1 -b ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 601

Base Distinguished Name has been updated!

Telnet Command: ldap set

This command is used to set general settings (e.g., IP address, port number) for LDAP server.
ldap set <Options><Value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable <0/1> Enable or disable LDAP function.
0 – Disable the function.
1 – Enable the function.
type <0/1/2> Set the bind type as Simple(0),Anonymous(1), and Regular(2).
ssl <0/1> Enable or disable LDAP function via SSL tunnel.
0 – Disable the function.
1 – Enable the function.
IP <VALUE> Set IP address for LDAP server.
port <VALUE> Set port number for LDAP server.
dn <VALUE> Set Regular DN value
PWD <VALUE> Set Regular password value.

> ldap set enable 1
ldap enabled!
> ldap set ssl 1
LDAP with SSL has been enabled!
> ldap set IP
LDAP Server IP has been setting.
> ldap set port 389
LDAP Server Port has been setting.
> ldap set dn dc=example,dc=com
LDAP Regular DN has been setting.
> ldap set PWD 123456
LDAP Regular Password has been setting.

Telnet Command: ldap view

This command is used to check current status of LDAP settings configuration.

ldap view

> ldap view
LDAP Enable:Enable.
LDAP Bind Type:Simple
LDAP with SSL:Enable
LDAP Regular DN:dc=example,dc=com
LDAP Regular Password:123456

602 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

LDAP Server IP:
LDAP Server Port:389

Telnet Command: tacacsplus set

This command allows users to configure general settings for TACACS+ server.

tacacspluse set <Options><Value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

enable <0/1> Disable (0)/enable(1) the TACACS+ server.

IP <VALUE> Set the IP address of TACACS+ server.

port <VALUE> Set the port number of TACACS+ server.

shared_secret <VALUE> Set the Shared Secret value of TACACS+ Server.

> tacacsplus set enable 1
TACACS+ enabled!
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

> tacacsplus set IP

TACACS+ Server IP has been setting.
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> tacacsplus view
TACACS+ Enable:Enable.
TACACS+ Server IP:
TACACS+ Server Port:49
TACACS+ Shared Secret:

Telnet Command: tacacsplus view

This command allows users to check the general settings for TACACS+ server

tacacspluse view

> tacacsplus view
TACACS+ Enable:Enable.
TACACS+ Server IP:
TACACS+ Server Port:49
TACACS+ Shared Secret:

Telnet Command: mngt ftpport

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 603

This command allows users to set FTP port for management.

mngt ftpport <FTP port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
FTP port It means to type the number for FTP port. The default setting is

> mngt ftpport 21
% Set FTP server port to 21 done.

Telnet Command: mngt httpport

This command allows users to set HTTP port for management.

mngt httpport <Http port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Http port It means to enter the number for HTTP port. The default setting is

> mngt httpport 80
% Set web server port to 80 done.

Telnet Command: mngt httpsport

This command allows users to set HTTPS port for management.

mngt httpsport <Https port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Https port It means to type the number for HTTPS port. The default setting is

> mngt httpsport 443
% Set web server port to 443 done.

Telnet Command: mngt sslvpnport

This command allows users to set SSL VPN port for management.

mngt sslvpnport <SSL VPN port>

604 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
SSL VPN port It means to type the number for SSL VPN port. The default setting
is 443.

> mngt sslvpnport 443
% Set SSL VPN port to 443 done.

Telnet Command: mngt telnetport

This command allows users to set telnet port for management.

mngt telnetport <Telnet port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Telnet port It means to type the number for telnet port. The default setting is

> mngt telnetport 23
% Set Telnet server port to 23 done.

Telnet Command: mngt sshport

This command allows users to set SSH port for management.

mngt sshport <ssh port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
ssh port It means to type the number for SSH port. The default setting is

> mngt sshport 23
% Set ssh port to 23 done.

Telnet Command: mngt noping

This command is used to pass or block Ping from LAN PC to the internet.

mngt noping on
mngt noping off
mngt noping viewlog

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 605

mngt noping clearlog

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on All PING packets will be forwarded from LAN PC to Internet.
off All PING packets will be blocked from LAN PC to Internet.
viewlog It means to display a log of ping action, including source MAC and
source IP.
clearlog It means to clear the log of ping action.

> mngt noping off
No Ping Packet Out is OFF!!

Telnet Command: mngt defenseworm

This command can block specified port for passing through the router.

mngt defenseworm on
mngt defenseworm off
mngt defenseworm add port
mngt defenseworm del port
mngt defenseworm viewlog
mngt defenseworm clearlog

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to activate the function of defense worm packet out.
off It means to inactivate the function of defense worm packet out.
add port It means to add a new TCP port for block.
del port It means to delete a TCP port for block.
viewlog It means to display a log of defense worm packet, including source
MAC and source IP.
clearlog It means to remove the log of defense worm packet.

> mngt defenseworm add 21
Add TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445, 21
> mngt defenseworm del 21
Delete TCP port 21
Block TCP port list: 135, 137, 138, 139, 445

Telnet Command: mngt rmtcfg

606 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

This command can allow the system administrators to login from the Internet. By default, it is
not allowed.

mngt rmtcfg status
mngt rmtcfg enable
mngt rmtcfg disable
mngt rmtcfg <http/https/ftp/telnet/ssh/tr069/snmp/enforce_https><on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
status It means to display current setting for your reference.
enable It means to allow the system administrators to login from the
disable It means to deny the system administrators to login from the
http/https/ftp/telnet/ssh/t It means to specify one of the servers/protocols for enabling or
r069/snmp/enforce_https disabling.
on/off on – enable the function.
off – disable the function.

> mngt rmtcfg ftp on
Enable server fail
Remote configure function has been disabled
please enable by enter mngt rmtcfg enable

> mngt rmtcfg enable

%% Remote configure function has been enabled.
> mngt rmtcfg ftp on
%% FTP server has been enabled.

Telnet Command: mngt lanaccess

This command allows users to manage accessing into Vigor router through LAN port.

mngt lanaccess -e <0/1> –s <value> –i <value> -I <value>
mngt lanaccess –E
mngt lanaccess –f
mngt lanaccess –d
mngt lanaccess –v
mngt lanaccess –h

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-e <0/1> It means to enable/disable the function.
0-disable the function.
1-enable the function.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 607

-s <value> It means to specify service offered.
Available values include:
-i <value> It means the interface which is allowed to access.
Available values include:
LAN1~LAN100, IP Routed Subnet, None, All
Note: LAN1 is always allowed for accessing into the router.
-I <value> It means the IP object index allowed to access.
Available values include: 1 to 192
-E <0/1> It means to enable the function of specific IP allowed to be access.
0-disable the function.
1-enable the function.
-f It means to flush all of the settings.
-d It means to restore the factory default settings.
-v It means to view current settings.
-h It means to get the usage of such command.

> mngt lanaccess -e 1 -s FTP -i LAN1 -I 1
> mngt lanaccess -v
Current LAN Access Control Setting:
* Enable:Yes
* Service:
- FTP:Yes
- SSH:No
- TR069:No
- Enforce HTTPS:No
* Subnet:
- LAN 1: enabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:1) is disabled
- LAN 2: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 3: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 4: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 5: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 6: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 7: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- LAN 8: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled

608 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

- LAN 100: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled
- IP Routed Subnet: disabled
- Specific IP(type:IP Object)(index:0) is disabled

Telnet Command: mngt echoicmp

This command allows users to reject or accept PING packets from the Internet.

mngt echoicmp enable
mngt echoicmp disable

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Enable It means to accept the echo ICMP packet.
Disable It means to drop the echo ICMP packet.

> mngt echoicmp enable
%% Echo ICMP packet enabled.

Telnet Command: mngt accesslist

This command allows you to specify that the system administrator can login from a specific
host or network. A maximum of ten IPs/subnet masks is allowed.

mngt accesslist list
mngt accesslist add <Index><IP Object Index>
mngt accesslist remove <index>
mngt accesslist flush

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
list It can display current setting for your reference.
add It means adding a new entry.
<Index><IP Object Index> It means to specify the IP object. Available settings:
<index> - Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the accesslist profile.
<IP Object Index> - Enter the index number (1 to 192) of the IP
remove <index> It means to delete the selected item.
<index> - Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the accesslist profile.
flush It means to remove all the settings in the access list.

> mngt accesslist add 1 1

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 609

%% Set OK. Please do "sys re" to reboot the router!
> mngt accesslist list
%% Access list :
[Index] [IP Object Index] [IP/CIDR or StartIP ~ EndIP]
1 1 ~

Telnet Command: mngt wanlogin

This command allows you to enable or disable WAN login function.

mngt wanlogin enable
mngt wanlogin disable

> mngt wanlogin enable

%% wan login enabled.


610 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: mngt snmp
This command allows you to configure SNMP for management.

mngt snmp [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-e <1/2> 1: Enable the SNMP function.
2: Disable the SNMP function.
-a <1/2> 1: Enable the SNMPV1 function.
2: Disable the SNMPV1 function.
-b <1/2> 1: Enable the SNMPV2C function.
2: Disable the SNMPV2C function.
-c <1/2> 1: Enable the SNMPV3 function.
2: Disable the SNMPV3 function.
-g <Community name> It means to set the name for getting community by typing a proper
character. (max. 23 characters)
-s <Community name> It means to set community by typing a proper name. (max. 23
-m <IP address> It means to set one host as the manager to execute SNMP function.
-m <IP address>/<Subnet> Please type in IPv4 address to specify certain host.
It allows to set 3 IPs, separated by ",".
-t <Community name> It means to set trap community by typing a proper name. (max. 23
-n <IP address> It means to set the notification host.
It allows to set 2 IPs, separated by ",".
-T <seconds> It means to set the trap timeout <0~999>.
-o <username> It means to set a user account (maximum 23 characters) for user
-p <0/1/2> It means to set the authentication algorithm.
0: No auth
-q <password> It means to set the password (maximum 23 characters) for
-r <0,3/4/6> It means to set privacy algorithm
0, 3: No_PRIV
-u <password> It means to set the password (maximum 23 characters) for privacy.
-V It means to list SNMP setting.

> mngt snmp -e 1 -g draytek -s DK -m -t trapcom -n

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 611

-T 88
SNMP Agent Turn on!!!
Get Community set to draytek
Set Community set to DK
Manager Host IP set to
Trap Community set to trapcom
Notification Host IP set to
Trap Timeout set to 88 seconds

Telnet Command: mngt bfp

This command allows you to configure brute force protect (BFP) for system management.

mngt bfp [<command><parameter>|…]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-e 0/1 Enable / disable the BFP function.
0 – Disable
1 – Enable
-s <service> It means to enable different service.
service - Available types are FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, TR069, SSH,
None and All.
-l <failure> It means to set login failure retry times.
failure - Available number is from 1 to 255.
-p <penalty> It means to set penalty time for BFP. The unit is sec.
-v It means to view current settings.

> mngt bfp -e 1
> mngt bfp -s FTP
> mngt bfp -l 10
> mngt bfp -v
Current Brute Force Protection Setting:
* Enable: yes
* Service:
- FTP: yes
- HTTP: no
- HTTPS: no
- TELNET: no
- TR069: no
- SSH: no
* Maximum login failures: 10
* Penalty period: 0

Telnet Command: mngt cert_import

This command allows you to import a certificate to Vigor router.

612 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

mngt cert_import local_cert <URL> <password>
mngt cert_import trusted_ca <URL>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
local_cert url <URL> URL - Enter a URL(http://....) for downloading the
<password> certificate.
The file is encrypted with the file format of "xxxx.p12".
Password - Enter the password for decrypting the .p12
trusted_ca <URL> URL - Enter a URL(http://....) for downloading the
The file is encrypted with the file format of "xxxx.p12".

Telnet Command: mngt telnettimeout

This command allows you to configure the timeout for telnet connection.

mngt telnettimeout <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<value> Range from 60 to 300. The default value is 300 (seconds).

> mngt telnettimeout 100
% Telnet timeout : 100s


Telnet Command: mngt sshtimeout

This command allows you to configure the timeout for SSH connection.

mngt sshtimeout <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<value> Range from 60 to 300. The default value is 300 (seconds).

> mngt sshtimeout 200
% SSH timeout : 200s

Telnet Command: msubnet switch

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 613

This command is used to configure multi-subnet.

msubnet switch <2/3/.../100> <On/Off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<On/Off> On means turning on the subnet for the specified LAN interface.
Off means turning off the subnet.

> msubnet switch 99 On
% LAN2 Subnet On!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: msubnet addr

This command is used to configure IP address for the specified LAN interface.

msubnet addr <2/3/.../100> <IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.

<IP address> Type the private IP address for the specified LAN interface.

> msubnet addr 2
% Set LAN2 subnet IP address done !!!

614 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: msubnet nmask

This command is used to configure net mask address for the specified LAN interface.

msubnet nmask <2/3/.../100> <IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.

<IP address> Type the subnet mask address for the specified LAN interface.

> msubnet nmask 2
% Set LAN2 subnet mask done !!!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: msubnet status

This command is used to display current status of subnet.

msubnet status <2/3/.../100>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 615

> msubnet status 2
% LAN2 Off:, PPP Start IP:
% DHCP server: Off
% Dhcp Gateway:, Start IP:, Pool Count: 50

Telnet Command: msubnet dhcps

This command allows you to enable or disable DHCP server for the subnet.

msubnet dhcps <2/3/.../100> <On/Off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<On/Off> On means enabling the DHCP server for the specified LAN interface.
Off means disabling the DHCP server.

> msubnet dhcps 3 off
% LAN3 Subnet DHCP Server disabled!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: msubnet nat

This command is used to configure the subnet for NAT or Routing usage.

msubnet nat <2/3/.../100> <On/Off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<On/Off> On – It means the subnet will be configured for NAT usage.
Off - It means the subnet will be configured for Routing usage.

616 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> msubnet nat 2 off
% LAN2 Subnet is for Routing usage!
%Note: If you have multiple WAN connections, please be reminded to setup
a Load-Balance policy so that packets from this subnet will be forwarded
to the right WAN interface!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> msubnet nat ?
% msubnet nat <2/3/.../100> <On/Off>
% Now: LAN2 Routing
LAN3 Nat
LAN4 Nat
LAN5 Nat
LAN100 Nat

Telnet Command: msubnet gateway

This command is used to configure an IP address as the gateway used for subnet.

msubnet gateway <2/3/.../100> <Gateway IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<Gateway IP> Specify an IP address as the gateway IP.

> msubnet gateway 2
% Set LAN2 Dhcp Gateway IP done !!!

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> msubnet gateway ?
% msubnet gateway <2/3/.../100> <Gateway IP>
% Now: LAN2

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 617


Telnet Command: msubnet ipcnt

This command is used to defined the total number allowed for each LAN interface.

msubnet ipcnt <2/3/.../100> <IP counts>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<IP counts> Specify a total number of IP address allowed for each LAN interface.
The available range is from 0 to 220.

> msubnet ipcnt 2 15
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> msubnet ipcnt ?
% msubnet ipcnt <2/3/.../100> <IP counts>
% Now: LAN2 15
LAN3 100
LAN4 100
LAN5 100
LAN6 100
LAN7 100
LAN8 100
LAN9 100

Telnet Command: msubnet talk

This command is used to establish a route between two LAN interfaces.

msubnet talk <1/2/3/.../100> <1/2/3/.../100> <On/Off>

Syntax Description

618 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Parameter Description
<1/2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<1/2/3/.../100> 1=LAN1

On/Off On – It means to enable the function.

Off - It means to disable the function.

> msubnet talk 1 2 on
% Enable routing between LAN1 and LAN2 !

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> msubnet talk ?
% msubnet talk <1/2/3/.../100> <1/2/3/.../100> <On/Off>
% where 1:LAN1, 2:LAN2, 3:LAN3, 4:LAN4, 5:LAN5, 6:LAN6, 7:LAN7, 8:LAN8, 9:LAN9,
10:LAN10, 11:LAN11, 12:LAN12, 13:LAN13, 14:LAN14, 15:LAN15, 16:LAN16, 17:LAN17,
18:LAN18, 19:LAN19, 20:LAN20, 21:LAN21, 22:LAN22, 23:LAN23, 24:LAN24, 25:LAN25,
26:LAN26, 27:LAN27, 28:LAN28, 29:LAN29, 30:LAN30, 31:LAN31, 32:LAN32, 33:LAN33,
34:LAN34, 35:LAN35, 36:LAN36, 37:LAN37, 38:LAN38, 39:LAN39, 40:LAN40, 41:LAN41,
42:LAN42, 43:LAN43, 44:LAN44, 45:LAN45, 46:LAN46, 47:LAN47, 48:LAN48, 49:LAN49,
50:LAN50, 51:LAN51, 52:LAN52, 53:LAN53, 54:LAN54, 55:LAN55, 56:LAN56, 57:LAN57,
58:LAN58, 59:LAN59, 60:LAN60, 61:LAN61, 62:LAN62, 63:LAN63, 64:LAN64, 65:LAN65,
66:LAN66, 67:LAN67, 68:LAN68, 69:LAN69, 70:LAN70, 71:LAN71, 72:LAN72, 73:LAN73,
74:LAN74, 75:LAN75, 76:LAN76, 77:LAN77, 78:LAN78, 79:LAN79, 80:LAN80, 81:LAN81,
82:LAN82, 83:LAN83, 84:LAN84, 85:LAN85, 86:LAN86, 87:LAN87, 88:LAN88, 89:LAN89,
90:LAN90, 91:LAN91, 92:LAN92, 93:LAN93, 94:LAN94, 95:LAN95, 96:LAN96, 97:LAN97,
98:LAN98, 99:LAN99, 100:LAN100,
% Now:
LAN99 LAN100
% LAN1 V
% LAN2 V V
% LAN3 V
% LAN4 V
% LAN5 V
% LAN6 V

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 619

Telnet Command: msubnet startip
This command is used to configure a starting IP address for DCHP.

msubnet startip <2/3/.../100> <Gateway IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<Gateway IP> Type an IP address as the starting IP address for a subnet.

> msubnet startip 2
% Set LAN2 Dhcp Start IP done !!!
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

> msubnet startip ?

% % msubnet startip <2/3/.../100> <Gateway IP>
% Now: LAN2

Telnet Command: msubnet pppip

This command is used to configure a starting IP address for PPP connection.


620 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

msubnet pppip <2/3/.../100> <Start IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
6=LAN6 ......
<Start IP> Type an IP address as the starting IP address for PPP connection.

> msubnet pppip 2
% Set LAN2 PPP(IPCP) Start IP done !!!
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> msubnet pppip
% msubnet pppip <2/3/.../100> <Start IP>
% Now: LAN2

Telnet Command: msubnet nodetype

This command is used to specify the type for node which is required by DHCP option.

msubnet nodetype <2/3/.../100> <count>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 621

<count> Choose the following number for specifying different node type.
1= B-node
2= P-node
4= M-node
8= H-node
0= Not specify any type for node.

> msubnet nodetype 2 1
% Set LAN2 Dhcp Node Type done !!!
> msubnet nodetype
% msubnet nodetype <2/3/.../100> <count>
% Now: LAN2 1
LAN3 0
LAN4 0
LAN5 0
LAN6 0
LAN7 0
LAN8 0
LAN9 0
LAN10 0
LAN11 0

Telnet Command: msubnet primWINS

This command is used to configure primary WINS server.

msubnet primWINS <2/3/.../100> <WINS IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<WINS IP> Type the IP address as the WINS IP.

> msubnet primWINS 2
% Set LAN2 Dhcp Primary WINS IP done !!!
> msubnet primWINS
% msubnet primWINS <2/3/.../100> <WINS IP>

622 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

% Now: LAN2

Telnet Command: msubnet secWINS

This command is used to configure secondary WINS server.

msubnet secWINS <2/3/.../100> <WINS IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<WINS IP> Type the IP address as the WINS IP.

> msubnet secWINS 2
% Set LAN2 Dhcp Secondary WINS IP done !!!
> msubnet secWINS
% msubnet secWINS <2/3/.../100> <WINS IP>
% Now: LAN2

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 623


Telnet Command: msubnet tftp

This command is used to set TFTP server for multi-subnet.

msubnet tftp <2/3/.../100><TFTP servername>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.
<TFTP servername> Type a name to indicate the TFTP server.

> msubnet tftp 2 publish
% Set LAN2 TFTP Server Name done !!!
> msubnet tftp
msubnet tftp <2/3/.../100> <TFTP server name>
Now: LAN2 publish

624 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: msubnet mtu
This command allows you to configure MTU value for LAN/DMZ/IP Routed Subnet.

msubnet mtu <interface> <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
interface Available settings include LAN1~LAN100, IP_Routed_Subnet.
value 1000 ~ 1500 (Bytes), default: 1500 (Bytes)

> msubnet mtu LAN1 1492
Set LAN1 subnet mtu as 1492
> msubnet mtu ?
>msubnet mtu <interface> <value>
<interface>: LAN1~LAN100,IP_Routed_Subnet, <value>: 1000 ~
1500 (Bytes),
default: 1500 (Bytes)
e.x: >msubnet mtu LAN1 1492
Current Settings:
LAN1 MTU: 1492 (Bytes)
LAN2 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
LAN3 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
LAN4 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
LAN5 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
LAN6 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
LAN100 MTU: 1500 (Bytes)
IP Routed Subnet MTU: 1500 (Bytes)

Telnet Command: msubnet leasetime

This command is used to set leasetime for multi-subnet.

msubnet leasetime <1/2/3/.../100><Lease Time (sec.)>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 625

<1/2/3/.../100> It means LAN interface.



<Lease Time (sec.)> Range from 10 to 259200.

If no value specified here, Vigor router system will use the

maximum value, 259200, as the leasetime.

> msubnet leasetime 2 250000
% Set LAN2 lease time: 250000
> msubnet leasetime ?
% msubnet leasetime <1/2/3/.../100> <Lease Time (sec.)>
% Now: LAN1 86400
LAN2 250000
LAN3 259200
LAN4 259200
LAN5 259200
LAN6 259200
LAN7 259200
LAN8 259200
LAN9 259200

Telnet Command: object ip obj

This command is used to create an IP object profile.

object ip obj setdefault
object ip obj INDEX -v
object ip obj INDEX -n NAME
object ip obj INDEX -i INTERFACE
object ip obj INDEX -s INVERT
object ip obj INDEX -a TYPE <START_IP><END/MASK_IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.

626 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

INDEX It means the index number of the specified object profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified object profile.
Example: object ip obj 1 -v
-n NAME It means to define a name for the IP object.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
Example: object ip obj 9 -n bruce
-i INTERFACE It means to define an interface for the IP object.
INTERFACE=0, means any
Example: object ip obj 8 -i 0
-s INVERT It means to set invert seletion for the object profile.
INVERT=0, means disableing the function.
INVERT=1, means enabling the function.
Example: object ip obj 3 -s 1
-a TYPE It means to set the address type and IP for the IP object profile.
TYPE=0, means Mask
TYPE=1, means Single
TYPE=2, means Any
TYPE=3, means Range
TYPE=4, means MAC
Example: object ip obj 3 -a 2
<START_IP> When the TYPE is set with 2, you have to type an IP address as a
starting point and another IP address as end point.
Type an IP address.
<END/MASK_IP> Type an IP address (different with START_IP) as the end IP address.
EX:object ip obj 3 -a 0
EX:object ip obj 3 -a 1
EX:object ip obj 3 -a 2
EX:object ip obj 2 -a 3
EX:object ip obj 2 -a 4 00:11:22:33:44:55

> object ip obj 1 -n marketing
> object ip obj 1 -a 1
> object ip obj 1 -v
IP Object Profile 1
Name :[marketing]
Address type:[single]
Start ip address:[]
End/Mask ip address:[]
MAC Address:[00:00:00:00:00:00]
Invert Selection:[0]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 627

Telnet Command: object ip grp
This command is used to integrate several IP objects under an IP group profile.

object ip grp setdefault
object ip grp INDEX -v
object ip grp INDEX -n NAME
object ip grp INDEX -i INTERFACE
object ip grp INDEX -a IP_OBJ_INDEX

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number of the specified group profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified group profile.
Example: object ip grp 1 -v
-n NAME It means to define a name for the IP group.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
Example: object ip grp 8 -n bruce
-i INTERFACE It means to define an interface for the IP group.
INTERFACE=0, means any
Example: object ip grp 3 -i 0
-a IP_OBJ_INDEX It means to specify IP object profiles for the group profile.
Example: :object ip grp 3 -a 1 2 3 4 5
The IP object profiles with index number 1,2,3,4 and 5 will be group
under such profile.

> object ip grp 2 -n First
IP Group Profile 2
Name :[First]
Included ip object index:

628 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Set ok!
> object ip grp 2 -i 1
> object ip grp 2 -a "1 2"
> object ip grp 2 -a "1 2"
IP Group Profile 2
Name :[First]
Included ip object index:

Set ok!

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 629

Telnet Command: object ipv6 obj
This comman is used to create an IP object profile.

object ipv6 obj setdefault
object ipv6 obj INDEX -v
object ipv6 obj INDEX -n NAME
object ipv6 obj INDEX -s INVERT
object ipv6 obj INDEX -e MATCH_TYPE
object ipv6 obj INDEX -a TYPE <START_IP><END_IP><Prefix Length>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.

INDEX It means the index number of the specified object profile.

-v It means to view the information of the specified object profile.

Example: object ipv6 obj 1 -v

-n NAME It means to define a name for the IP object.

NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.

Example: object ipv6 obj 9 -n bruce

-s INVERT It means to set invert seletion for the object profile.

INVERT=0, means disableing the function.
INVERT=1, means enabling the function.
Example: object ipv6 obj 3 -e 1
-e MATCH_TYPE It means to set the match type of ipv6 object profile.
MATCH_TYPE=0, means 128 bits
MATCH_TYPE=1, means suffix 64 bits interface ID
Example: object ipv6 obj 8 -i 0
-a TYPE It means to set the address type and IP for the IP object profile.
TYPE=0, means Mask
TYPE=1, means Single
TYPE=2, means Any
TYPE=3, means Range
TYPE=4, means MAC
Example: object ipv6 obj 3 -a 2
<START_IP><END_IP><Prefix When the TYPE is set with 2, you have to type an IP address as a
Length> starting point and another IP address as end point.
<START_IP><END_IP>: Type an IPv6 address as the start IPv6 address
and another IPv6 address (different with START_IP) as the end IPv6
<Prefix Length>: Specify the prefix length for the IPv6 address.

> obj ipv6 obj 3 -a 3 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4

630 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Setting saved.

> obj ipv6 obj 3 -v

IPv6 Object Profile 3
Name :[]
Address Type:[range]
Start IPv6 Address:[2607:F0D0:1002:51::4]
End IPv6 Address:[2607:F0D0:1002:51::4]
Prefix Length:[0]
MAC Address:[00:00:00:00:00:00]
Invert Selection:[0]
Match Type:[0]

Telnet Command: object ipv6 grp

This command is used to integrate several IPv6 objects under an IPv6 group profile.

object ipv6 grp setdefault
object ipv6 grp INDEX -v
object ipv6 grp INDEX -n NAME
object ipv6 grp INDEX -a IP_OBJ_INDEX

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number of the specified group profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified group profile.
Example: object ipv6 grp 1 -v
-n NAME It means to define a name for the IP group.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
Example: object ipv6 grp 8 -n bruce
-a IP_OBJ_INDEX It means to specify IP object profiles for the group profile.
Example: :object ipv6 grp 3 -a 1 2 3 4 5
The IP object profiles with index number 1,2,3,4 and 5 will be group
under such profile.

> object ipv6 grp 1 -n marketingtest
IPv6 Group Profile 1
Name :[marketingtest]
Included ip object index:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 631


> object ipv6 grp 1 -a 1 2 3 4 5

IPv6 Group Profile 1
Name :[marketingtest]
Included ip object index:

Telnet Command: object country

This command is used to create country object profile.

object country set INDEX -v
object country set INDEX -n NAME
object country set INDEX -a COUNTRY_INDEX
object country activate
object country setdefault
object country list

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
INDEX It means the index number of the specified country object
profile (1 to 32).
COUNTRY_INDEX It means the code number of a country. To get the detailed
information of the code number, use "object country list" to
get the one you need.
activate It means to activate the country object profile.
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
list Displays a list of country with code number.
For example, "222" means "Taiwan"; "241" means "United

> object country set 1 -n Best
Country object Profile 1
Name :[Best]
Included country index:
Set ok!
> object country set 1 -a 222

632 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Country object Profile 1
Name :[Best]
Included country index:
[0:][222] Taiwan

Set ok!

Telnet Command: object service obj

This command is used to create service object profile.

object service obj setdefault
object service obj INDEX -v
object service obj INDEX -n NAME
object service obj INDEX -p PROTOCOL
object service obj INDEX -s CHK <START_P><END_P>
object service obj INDEX -d CHK <START_P><END_P>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number of the specified service object profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified service object
Example: object service obj 1 -v
-n NAME It means to define a name for the IP object.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
Example: object service obj 9 -n bruce
-p PROTOCOL It means to define a PROTOCOL for the service object profile.
PROTOCOL =0, means any
PROTOCOL =6, means TCP
PROTOCOL =17, means UDP
PROTOCOL =58, means ICMPv6
PROTOCOL =255, means TCP/UDP
Other values mean other protocols.
Example: object service obj 8 -i 0
CHK It means the check action for the port setting.
0=equal(=), when the starting port and ending port values are the
same, it indicates one port; when the starting port and ending port
values are different, it indicates a range for the port and available
for this service type.
1=not equal(!=), when the starting port and ending port values are
the same, it indicates all the ports except the port defined here;
when the starting port and ending port values are different, it
indicates that all the ports except the range defined here are
available for this service type.
2=larger(>), the port number greater than this value is available..

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 633

3=less(<), the port number less than this value is available for this
-s CHK <START_P><END_P> It means to set source port check and configure port range
(1~65565) for TCP/UDP.
START_P: Enter a port number to indicate the starting source port.
END_P: Enter a port number to indicate the ending source port.
Example: object service obj 3 -s 0 100 200
-d CHK <START_P><END_P> It means to set destination port check and configure port range
(1~65565) for TCP/UDP.
START_P: Enter a port number to indicate the starting destination
END_P: Enter a port number to indicate the ending destination port.
Example: object service obj 3 -d 1 100 200

> object service obj 1 -n limit
> object service obj 1 -p 255
> object service obj 1 -s 1 120 240
> object service obj 1 -d 1 200 220
> object service obj 1 -v
Service Object Profile 1
Name :[limit]
Source port check action:[!=]
Source port range:[120~240]
Destination port check action:[!=]
Destination port range:[200~220]

Telnet Command: object service grp

This command is used to integrate several service objects under a service group profile.

object service grp setdefault
object service grp INDEX -v
object service grp INDEX -n NAME
object service grp INDEX -a SER_OBJ_INDEX

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number of the specified group profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified group profile.
Example: object service grp 1 -v
-n NAME It means to define a name for the service group.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
Example: object service grp 8 -n bruce
-a SER_OBJ_INDEX It means to specify service object profiles for the group profile.

634 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Example: :object service grp 3 -a 1 2 3 4 5
The service object profiles with index number 1,2,3,4 and 5 will be
group under such profile.

>object service grp 1 -n Grope_1
Service Group Profile 1
Name :[Grope_1]
Included service object index:

> object service grp 1 -a 1 2

Service Group Profile 1
Name :[Grope_1]
Included service object index:

Telnet Command: object kw

This command is used to create keyword profile.

object kw obj setdefault
object kw obj show PAGE
object kw obj INDEX -v
object kw obj INDEX -n NAME
object kw obj INDEX -a CONTENTS
object kw obj INDEX -c

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
show PAGE It means to show the contents of the specified profile.
PAGE: type the page number.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 635

show It means to show the contents for all of the profiles.
INDEX It means the index number of the specified keyword profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified keyword profile.
-n NAME It means to define a name for the keyword profile.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
-a CONTENTS It means to set the contents for the keyword profile.
Example: object kw obj 40 -a test
-c It means to clear the content of keyword object profile.
Example: object kw obj 40 -c

> object kw obj 1 -n children
Profile 1
Name :[children]
> object kw obj 1 -a gambling
Profile 1
Name :[children]

> object kw obj 1 -v

Profile 1
Name :[children]

Telnet Command: object fe

This command is used to create File Extension Object profile.

object fe show
object fe setdefault
object fe obj INDEX -v
object fe obj INDEX -n NAME

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to show the contents for all of the profiles.
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number (from 1 to 8) of the specified file
extension object profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified file extension
object profile.
-n NAME It means to define a name for the file extension object profile.

636 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
-e It means to enable the specific CATEGORY or FILE_EXTENSION.
-d It means to disable the specific CATEGORY or FILE_EXTENSION
Image, Video, Audio, Java, ActiveX, Compression, Executation, P2P
Example: object fe obj 1 -e Image
".bmp", ".dib", ".gif", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".jpg2", ".jp2", ".pct",
".pcx", ".pic", ".pict", ".png", ".tif", ".tiff", ".asf", ".avi",
".mov", ".mpe", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".mp4", ".qt", ".rm", ".wmv",
".3gp", ".3gpp", ".3gpp2", ".3g2", ".aac", ".aiff", ".au", ".mp3",
".m4a", ".m4p", ".ogg", ".ra", ".ram", ".vox", ".wav", ".wma",
".class", ".jad", ".jar", ".jav", ".java", ".jcm", ".js", ".jse",
".jsp", ".jtk", ".alx", ".apb", ".axs", ".ocx", ".olb", ".ole",
".tlb", ".viv", ".vrm", ".ace", ".arj", ".bzip2", ".bz2", ".cab",
".gz", ".gzip", ".rar", ".sit", ".zip", ".bas", ".bat", ".com",
".exe", ".inf", ".pif", ".reg", ".scr", ".torrent"
Example: object fe obj 1 -e .bmp

> object fe obj 1 -n music
> object fe obj 1 -e Audio
> object fe obj 1 -v
Profile Index: 1
Profile Name:[music]

Image category:
[ ].bmp [ ].dib [ ].gif [ ].jpeg [ ].jpg [ ].jpg2 [ ].jp2 [ ].pct
[ ].pcx [ ].pic [ ].pict [ ].png [ ].tif [ ].tiff
Video category:
[ ].asf [ ].avi [ ].mov [ ].mpe [ ].mpeg [ ].mpg [v].mp4 [ ].qt
[ ].rm [v].wmv [ ].3gp [ ].3gpp [ ].3gpp2 [ ].3g2
Audio category:
[v].aac [v].aiff [v].au [v].mp3 [v].m4a [v].m4p [v].ogg [v].ra
[v].ram [v].vox [v].wav [v].wma
Java category:
[ ].class [ ].jad [ ].jar [ ].jav [ ].java [ ].jcm [ ].js [ ].jse
[ ].jsp [ ].jtk
ActiveX category:
[ ].alx [ ].apb [ ].axs [ ].ocx [ ].olb [ ].ole [ ].tlb [ ].viv
[ ].vrm
Compression category:
[ ].ace [ ].arj [ ].bzip2 [ ].bz2 [ ].cab [ ].gz [ ].gzip [ ].rar
[ ].sit [ ].zip
Executation category:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 637

[ ].bas [ ].bat [ ].com [ ].exe [ ].inf [ ].pif [ ].reg [ ].scr

Telnet Command: object sms

This command is used to create short message object profile.
object sms show
object sms setdefault
object sms obj INDEX -v
object sms obj INDEX -n NAME
object sms obj INDEX -s Service Provider
object sms obj INDEX -u Username
object sms obj INDEX -p Password
object sms obj INDEX -q Quota
object sms obj INDEX -i Interval
object sms obj INDEX -l URL
Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to show the contents for all of the profiles.
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number (from 1 to 10) of the specified SMS
object profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified SMS object
-n NAME It means to define a name for the SMS object profile.
NAME: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
-s Service Provider It means to specify the number of the service provider which offers
the service of SMS. Different numbers represent different service
0 : kotsms.com.tw (TW)
2 : textmarketer.co.uk (UK)
4 : messagemedia.co.uk (UK)
5 : bulksms.com (INT)
6 : bulksms.co.uk (UK)
7 : bulksms.2way.co.za (ZA)
8 : bulksms.com.es (ES)
9 : usa.bulksms.com (US)
10 : bulksms.de (DE)
11 : www.pswin.com (EU)
12 : www.messagebird.com (EU)
13 : www.lusosms.com (EU)
14 : www.vibeactivemedia.com (UK)
-u Username It means to define a user name for the SMS object profile.
Type a user name that the sender can use to register to selected
SMS provider.
-p Password It means to define a password for the SMS object profile.
Type a password that the sender can use to register to selected SMS
-q Quota Enter the number of the credit that you purchase from the service
Note that one credit equals to one SMS text message on the
standard route.

638 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-I Interval It means to set the sending interval for the SMS to be delivered.
Enter the shortest time interval for the system to send SMS.
-l URL It means to set the URL for Custom 1 and Custom 2 profiles.
The profile name for Custom 1 and Custom 2 are defined in default
and can not be changed.

> object sms obj 1 –n CTC
> object sms obj 1 -s 0
> object sms obj 1 -u carrie
> object sms obj 1 -p 19971125cm
> object sms obj 1 -q 2
> object sms obj 1 -i 50
> object sms obj 1 -v
Profile Index: 1
Profile Name:[CTC]
SMS Provider:[kotsms.com.tw (TW)]
Sending Interval:[50(seconds)]

Telnet Command: object mail

This command is used to create mail object profile.
object mail show
object mail setdefault
object mail obj INDEX -v
object mail obj INDEX -n Profile Name
object mail obj INDEX -s SMTP Server
object mail obj INDEX -l Use SSL
object mail obj INDEX -m SMTP Port
object mail obj INDEX -a Sender Address
object mail obj INDEX -t Authentication
object mail obj INDEX -u Username
object mail obj INDEX -p Password
object mail obj INDEX -i Sending Interval
Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to show the contents for all of the profiles.
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
INDEX It means the index number (from 1 to 10) of the specified mail
object profile.
-v It means to view the information of the specified mail object
-n Profile Name It means to define a name for the mail object profile.
Profile Name: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
-s SMTP Server It means to set the IP address of the mail server.
-l Use SSL It means to use port 465 for SMTP server for some e-mail server uses
https as the transmission method.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 639

0 – disable
1 – enable to use the port number.
-m SMTP Port It means to set the port number for SMTP server.
-a Sender Address It means to set the e-mail address (e.g., johnwash@abc.com.tw) of
the sender.
-t Authentication The mail server must be authenticated with the correct username
and password to have the right of sending message out.
0 – disable
1 – enable to use the port number.
-u Username Type a name for authentication. The maximum length of the name
you can set is 31 characters.
-p Password Type a password for authentication. The maximum length of the
password you can set is 31 characters.
-i Sending Interval Define the interval for the system to send the SMS out. The unit is

> object mail obj 1 –n buyer
> object mail obj 1 -s
> object mail obj 1 -m 25
> object mail obj 1 -t 1
> object mail obj 1 -u john
> object mail obj 1 -p happy123456
> object mail obj 1 -i 25
> object mail obj 1 -v
Profile Index: 1
Profile Name:[buyer]
SMTP Server:[]
SMTP Port:[25]
Sender Address:[]
Use SSL:[disable]
Sending Interval:[25(seconds)]

Telnet Command: object noti

This command is used to create notification object profile.
object noti show
object noti setdefault
object noti obj INDEX -v
object noti obj INDEX -n Profile Name
object mail obj INDEX –e Category Status
object mail obj INDEX –d Category Status
Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to show the contents for all of the profiles.
setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.
[INDEX] It means the index number (from 1 to 8) of the specified
notification object profile.

640 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-v It means to view the information of the specified notification
object profile.
-n <Profile Name> It means to define a name for the notification object profile.
Profile Name: Type a name with less than 15 characters.
–e It means to enable the status of specified category.
-d It means to disable the status of specified category.
<Category> Available categories are:
1: WAN; 2: VPN Tunnel; 3: Temperature Alert;
4: WAN Budget; 5: CVM; 6: High Availability
<status> For WAN –
1: Disconnected; 2: Reconnected.
For VPN Tunnel -
1: Disconnected; 2: Reconnected.
For Temperature Alert –
1: Out of Range.
For WAN Budget –
1: Limit Reached.
For CVM –
1: CPE Offline; 2: Backup Fail; 3: Restore Fail; 4: FW Update Fail; 5:
VPN Profile Setup Fail.
For High Availability –
1: Failover Occurred, Config Sync Fail, and Router Unstable

> object noti obj 1 –n markbei
> object noti obj 1 –e 1 1
> object noti obj 1 –e 2 1
> object noti obj 1 –e 5 3
> object noti obj 1 -v
Profile Index: 1
Profile Name:[]
Category Status
WAN [v]Disconnected [ ]Reconnected
VPN Tunnel [v]Disconnected [ ]Reconnected
Temperature Alert [ ]Out of Range
WAN Budget Alert [ ]Limit Reached
CVM Alert [ ]CPE Offline
[ ]CPE Config Backup Fail
[v]CPE Config Restore Fail
[ ]CPE Firmware Fpgrade Fail
[ ]CPE VPN Profile Setup Fail
High Availability [ ]Failover Occurred
Config Sync Fail
Router Unstable

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 641

Telnet Command: object schedule
This command is used to create schedule object profile.
object schedule set <INDEX> <option>
object schedule view
object schedule setdefault
Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set It means to set the schedule profile.
<INDEX> It means the index number (from 1 to 15) of the specified object
<option> Available options for schedule.
-e <value> It means to enable the schedule setup.
0 – disable
1 – enable
-c <comment> It means to set brief description for the specified profile.
The length range of the comment: 0 ~ 32 characters.
-D <year><month><day> It means to set the starting date of the profile.
[year] – Must be between 2000-2049.
[month] - Must be between 1-12.
[day] - Must be between 1-31.
For example: To set Start Date 2015/10/6, type
> object schedule set 1 -D "2015 10 6"
-T <hour><minute> It means to set the starting time of the profile.
[hour] - Must be between 0-23.
[minute] - Must be between 0-59.
For example: To set Start Time 10:20, type
> object schedule set 1 -T "10 20"
-d <hour><minute> It means to set the duration time of the profile.
[hour] - Must be between 0-23.
[minute] - Must be between 0-59.
For example: To set Duration Time 3:30, type
> object schedule set 1 -d "3 30"
-a <value> It means to set the action used for the profile.
[value] –
0:Force On, 1:Force Down, 2:Enable Dial-On-Demand, 3:Disable
-I <value> It means to set idle time.
[value] – Must be between 0-255(minute). The default is 0.
-h Set how often the schedule will be applied.
<option><day/date/cycle_d option : 0: Once, 1: Weekdays, 2:Monthly, 3:Cycle days
day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
date: 1 to 28
If the [option] set Weekdays, then must select which days of Week.
example: To select Sunday, Monday, Thursday, type
> object schedule set 1 -h “1 Sun Mon Thu”
view <INDEX> It means to show the content of the profile.

642 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

setdefault It means to return to default settings for all profiles.

> object schedule set 1 –e 1
> object schedule set 1 –c Working
> object schedule set 1 –D “2020 11 8”
> object schedule set 1 –T “8 1”
> object schedule set 1 –d “2 30”
> object schedule set 1 –a 0
> object schedule set 1 –h “1 Mon Wed”
> object schedule view 1
Index No.1

[v] Enable Schedule Setup
Comment [ Working ]
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) [ 2020 ]-[ 11 ]-[ 8 ]
Start Time (hh:mm) [ 8 ]:[ 1 ]
Duration Time (hh:mm) [ 2 ]:[ 30 ]
Action [ Force On ]
Idle Timeout [ 0 ] minute(s).(max. 255, 0 for
How Often
[v] Weekdays
[ ]Sun [v]Mon [ ]Tue [v]Wed [ ]Thu [ ]Fri [ ]Sat

Telnet Command: port

This command allows users to set the speed for specific port of the router.

port setting -p <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 >
port setting -s <AN, 10G, 2.5G, 1G, 100M, 10M>
port setting -d

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-p <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, It means the to set the physical type for a LAN port.
10 > <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 > - It means the number of LAN port.
-s <AN, 10G, 2.5G, 1G, <AN, 10G, 2.5G, 1G, 100M, 10M > - It means the physical type for
100M, 10M> the specific port.
-d It means to display current settings.

> port setting -p 1 -s 10G
Port 1 , Speed Settings: 10G
Port 2 , Speed Settings: AN

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 643

Port 3 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 4 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 5 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 6 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 7 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 8 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 9 , Speed Settings: AN
Port 10 , Speed Settings: AN
> port status
% port 1 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 2 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 3 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 4 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 5 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 6 : link DOWN, speed= ---- bps, duplex= ----
% port 7 : link UP, speed= 1G bps, duplex= FULL
% port 8 : link UP, speed= 1G bps, duplex= FULL
% port 9 : link UP, speed= 1G bps, duplex= FULL
% port 10 : link UP, speed= 1G bps, duplex= FULL

Telnet Command: portmaptime

This command allows you to set a time of keeping the session connection for specified

portmaptime [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-t <sec> It means “TCP” protocol.
<sec>: Type a number to set the TCP session timeout.
-u <sec> It means “UDP” protocol.
<sec>: Type a number to set the UDP session timeout.
-i <sec> It means “IGMP” protocol.
<sec>: Type a number to set the IGMP session timeout.
-w <sec> It means “TCP WWW” protocol.
<sec>: Type a number to set the TCP WWW session timeout.
-s <sec> It means “TCP SYN” protocol.
<sec>: Type a number to set the TCP SYN session timeout.
-f It means to flush all portmaps (useful for diagnostics).
-l <List> List all settings.

> portmaptime -t 86400 -u 300 -i 10
> portmaptime -l

644 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

------ Current setting ------
TCP Timeout : 86400 sec.
UDP Timeout : 300 sec.
IGMP Timeout : 10 sec.
TCP WWW Timeout: 60 sec.
TCP SYN Timeout: 60 sec.

Telnet Command: prn

This command allows you to view current status (interface and driver) of USB printer.

prn status
prn enable <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable <0/1> It means to enable / disable the function of USB pritner.
0: disable

1: enable

> prn status
Interface: USB bus 2.0
Printer: READY
Connect speed: 0K bps
Status: (null)
Info: (null)


Telnet Command: qos setup

This command allows user to set general settings for QoS.

qos setup [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-h Type it to display the usage of this command.
-W <1~12> It means to specify WAN interface. The default is WAN1.
1: WAN1; 2:WAN2;....
-m <mode> It means to define which traffic the QoS control settings will apply
to and eable QoS control.
0: disable.
1: in, apply to incoming traffic only.
2: out, apply to outgoing traffic only.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 645

3: both, apply to both incoming and outgoing traffic.
Default is enable (for outgoing traffic).
-i <bandwidth> It means to set inbound bandwidth in kbps (Ethernet WAN only)
The available setting is from 1 to 100000.
-o <bandwidth> It means to set outbound bandwidth in kbps (Ethernet WAN only).
The available setting is from 1 to 100000.
-r <index:ratio> It means to set ratio for class index, in %.
-u <mode> It means to enable bandwidth control for UDP.
0: disable
1: enable
Default is disable.
-p <ratio> It means to enable bandwidth limit ratio for UDP.
-t <mode> It means to enable/disable Outbound TCP ACK Prioritize.
0: disable
1: enable
-V Show all the settings.
-I <bandwidth> It means the minimum available non-VoIP Inbound Bandwidth
when VoIP is detected (Kbps).
<bandwidth>: Enter a value. Default value: half of WAN inbound
-O <bandwidth> It means the minimum available non-VoIP Outbound Bandwidth
when VoIP is detected (Kbps).
<bandwidth>: Enter a value. Default value: half of WAN outbound
-v <0/1> It means to adjust to minimum In/Out bandwidth setting (or half
QoS bandwidth).
0: Auto bandwidth adjustment.
1: When VoIP detected, QoS In/Out bandwidth will be adjusted to
minimum values.
-D Set all to factory default (for all WANs).

> qos setup -m 3 -i 9500 -o 8500 -r 3:20 -u 1 -p 50 -t 1

WAN1 QOS mode is both

inbound bandwidth set to 9500
outbound bandwidth set to 8500
WAN1 class 3 ratio set to 20
WAN1 udp bandwidth control set to enable
WAN1 udp bandwidth limit ratio set to 50
WAN1 Outbound TCP ACK Prioritizel set to enable
QoS WAN1 set complete; restart QoS

Telnet Command: qos class

This command allows user to set QoS class.

qos class -c <no> -<a|e|d <no>>[-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description

646 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-h Type it to display the usage of this command.
-c <no> Specify the inde number for the class.
Available value for <no> contains 1, 2 and 3. The default setting is
class 1.
-n <name> It means to type a name for the class.
-a It means to add rule for specified class.
-e <no> It means to edit specified rule.
<no>: type the index number for the rule.
-d <no> It means to delete specified rule.
<no>: type the index number for the rule.
-m <mode> It means to enable or disable the specified rule.
0: disable,
1: enable
-v <1/0> It means to set IP address version as IPv6 or IPv4.
-l <addr> Set the local address.
Addr1 – It means Single address. Please specify the IP address
directly, for example, “-l”.
addr1:addr2 – It means Range address. Please specify the IP
addresses, for example, “-l”
addr1:subnet – It means the subnet address with start IP address.
Please type the subnet and the IP address, for example, “-l”.0
any – It means Any address. Simple type “-l” to specify any address
for this command.
-r <addr> Set the remote address.
addr1 – It means Single address. Please specify the IP address
directly, for example, “-l”.
addr1:addr2 – It means Range address. Please specify the IP
addresses, for example, “-l”
addr1:subnet – It means the subnet address with start IP address.
Please type the subnet and the IP address, for example, “-l”.0
any – It means Any address. Simple type “-l” to specify any address
for this command.
-p <DSCP id> Specify the ID (0 to 20).
The bits correspond to DSCP:
0: default, 1: IP precedence 1, 2: IP precedence 2, 3: IP precedence
3, 4: IP precedence 4, 5: IP precedence 5, 6: IP precedence 6, 7: IP
precedence 7, 8: AF Class1 (Low Drop), 9: AF Class1 (Medium Drop),
10: AF Class1 (High Drop), 11: AF Class2 (Low Drop), 12: AF Class2
(Medium Drop), 13: AF Class2 (High Drop), 14: AF Class3 (Low Drop),
15: AF Class3 (Medium Drop), 16: AF Class3 (High Drop), 17: AF
Class4 (Low Drop), 18: AF Class4 (Medium Drop), 19: AF Class4 (High
Drop), 20: EF Class
-s <Service type> Specify the predefined service type by typing the number. The
available types (1 to 30) are listed as below:
1:ANY 2:DNS 3:FTP 4:GRE 5:H.323
11:IRC 12:L2TP 13:NEWS 14:NFS 15:NNTP

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 647

-u <Service type> Specify the user defined service type by typing the number (1 to
-o <Service type> -o <Service type>,choice the service type object (0~96, 0:not set),
up to 2 sets
Example: -o "1 22" means to choose service type object id 1 22
-g <Service type> -g <Service type>,choice the service type group (0~32, 0:not set),
up to 2 sets
Example: -g "1 22" means to choose service type group id 1 22
-S <d/s> Show the content for specified DSCP ID/Service type.
-V <1/2/3> Show the rule in the specified class.

> qos class -c 2 -n draytek -a -m 1 -l

Following setting will set in the class2

class 2 name set to draytek
Add a rule in class2
Class2 the 1 rule enabled
Set local address type to Range,

Telnet Command: qos type

This command allows user to configure protocol type and port number for QoS.

qos type [-a <service name> | -e <no> | -d <no>]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-a <name> It means to add rule.
-e <no> It means to edit user defined service type. “no” means the index
number. Available numbers are 1~40.
-d <no> It means to delete user defined service type. “no” means the index
number. Available numbers are 1~40.
-n <name> It means the name of the service.
-t <type> It means protocol type.
6: tcp(default)
17: udp
0: tcp/udp
<1~254>: other
-p <port> It means service port. The typing format must be [start:end] (ex.,
-l List user defined types. “no” means the index number. Available
numbers are 1~40.

> qos type -a draytek -t 6 -p 510:1330

648 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

service name set to draytek
service type set to 6:TCP
Port type set to Range
Service Port set to 510 ~ 1330

Telnet Command: qos voip

This command allows user to enable or disable the QoS for VoIP and RTP.

qos voip <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on/off On – Enable the QoS for VoIP.
Off – Disable th QoS for VoIP.

> qos voip off
QoS for VoIP: Disable; SIP Port: 5060

Telnet Command: quit

This command can exit the telnet command screen.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 649

Telnet Command: show lan
This command displays current status of LAN IP address settings.

> show lan
The LAN settings:
Status IP Mask DHCP Start IP Pool Gateway
-------- ----------- -------------- ---- ----------- ---- ---------
[V]LAN1 V 200

[V]LAN2 V 100

[X]LAN3 X 100

[X]LAN4 V 100

[X]LAN100 V 100

[X]Route V 0>

650 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: show dmz
This command displays current status of DMZ host.

> show dmz
% WAN1 DMZ mapping status:
Index Status WAN1 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN2 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN2 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN3 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN3 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN4 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN4 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN5 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN5 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable
% WAN12 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN12 aux IP Private IP


1 Disable

Telnet Command: show dns

This command displays current status of DNS setting.

> show dns
%% Domain name server settings:
% LAN1 Primary DNS: [Not set]
% LAN1 Secondary DNS: [Not set]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 651

% LAN100 Primary DNS: [Not set]
% LAN100 Secondary DNS: [Not set]

Telnet Command: show openport

This command displays current status of open port setting.

> show openport ?
%% Openport settings:
Index Status Comment Local IP Address
1. Enable CARR_1
Total 1 items listed.

Telnet Command: show nat

This command displays current status of NAT.

> show nat
Port Redirection Running Table:
Index Protocol Public Port Private IP Private Port
1 6 20011 8080
2 6 20022 8443
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

Telnet Command: show portmap

This command displays the table of NAT Active Sessions.

> show portmap

P Private_IP: Port Pseudo_IP: Port Peer_IP:Port ST LastTime DPDK

652 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide


6 443 6 1165 1

6 3000 6 3823 1

17 5355 0 293 0

17 443 0 294 1

17 1900 0


Telnet Command: show pmtime

This command displays the reuse time of NAT session.
Level0: It is the default setting.
Level1: It will be applied when the NAT sessions are smaller than 25% of the default setting.
Level2: It will be applied when the NAT sessions are smaller than the eighth of the default

> show pmtime
Level0 TCP=86400001 UDP=300001 ICMP=10001
Level1 TCP=600000 UDP=90000 ICMP=7000
Level2 TCP=60000 UDP=30000 ICMP=5000

Telnet Command: show session

This command displays current status of current session.

> show session
% Maximum Session Number: 150000
% Maximum Session Usage: 2
% Current Session Usage: 2
% Current Session Used(include waiting for free): 15
% WAN1 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN2 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN3 Current Session Usage: 1
% WAN4 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN5 Current Session Usage: 1
% WAN6 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN7 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN8 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN9 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN10 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN11 Current Session Usage: 0
% WAN12 Current Session Usage: 0
## Session Create this Sec: 0
## Session Create Peak Sec: 17

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 653

Telnet Command: show status
This command displays current status of LAN and WAN connections.

> show status
System Uptime:2:8:29
LAN Status
Primary DNS: Secondary DNS:
IP Address: Tx Rate:103850 Rx Rate:68112

WAN 1 Status: Disconnected

Enable:Yes Line:Fiber Name:
Mode:DHCP Client Up Time:0:00:00 IP:--- GW IP:---
TX Packets:0 TX Rate(bps):0 RX Packets:0 RX

WAN 2 Status: Disconnected

Enable:No Line:Ethernet Name:
Mode:--- Up Time:0:00:00 IP:--- GW IP:---
TX Packets:0 TX Rate(bps):0 RX Packets:0 RX

WAN 3 Status: Connected

Enable:Yes Line:Ethernet Name:
Mode:PPPoE Up Time:2:08:09 IP:
TX Packets:47380 TX Rate(bps):2600 RX Packets:59135 RX

WAN 4 Status: Disconnected

Enable:No Line:Ethernet Name:

Mode:--- Up Time:0:00:00 IP:--- GW IP:---

TX Packets:0 TX Rate(bps):0 RX Packets:0 RX


Telnet Command: show traffic

This comman can display traffic graph for WAN#, transmitted bytes, receivied bytes and

show traffic <wan1/wan2~wan12><tx/rx> <weekly>
show traffic <ipaddr> <tx/rx>
show traffic session <weekly>

> show traffic session weekly0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,

654 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,2 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,2 ,15 ,5 ,4 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 0 ,0 ,0 ,0y]

Telnet Command: show clienttraffic

This command displays packet information for specified external device.

show clienttraffic <device index><wan# or lan#><tx/rx> <weekly>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<device index> Enter the device index (01 – 30) in double-digit (ex: 01, 02)
for external device.
Use “switch list” to check which VigorSwitch connects to this
router. Then, Enter the index number of this VigorSwitch in
this field.
<wan# or lan#> wan# - Specify WAN interface (WAN1 to WAN2) for Vigor
lan#- Specify LAN interface (LANA / LANB) for Vigor router.
<tx/rx> Tx – Inidcate transmitted data.
Rx – Indicate receivied data.
<weekly> Display the transmitted data or receivied data collected

Telnet Command: show statistic

This command displays statistics for WAN interface.

show statistic
show statistic reset <interface>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
reset <interface> It means to reset the transmitted/received bytes to Zero.
<interface> - It means to specify WAN1 ~WAN5 (including multi-PVC)
interface for displaying related statistics.

> show statistic

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 655

WAN1 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN2 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN3 total TX: 2 MB ,RX: 25 MB
WAN4 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN5 total TX: 11 MB ,RX: 65 MB
WAN6 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN7 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN8 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN9 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN10 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN11 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN12 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN13 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN14 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN15 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN16 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN17 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN18 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN19 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN20 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN21 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN22 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes
WAN23 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes

WAN24 total TX: 0 Bytes ,RX: 0 Bytes

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---

Telnet Command: srv dhcp dhcp2

This command is used for configuring which method (LAN interface or MAC address) that the
DHCP server on IP routed LAN shall use for assigning an IP address to the IP routed LAN clients.

srv dhcp dhcp2 [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one
-l <enable> The DHCP server assigns the IP addresses to the clients via
LAN port.
<enable> : Enter 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
-m <enable> The DHCP server assigns the IP addresses to the clients via
MAC address configuration.
<enable> : Enter 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
-e <id> Turn on the flag of LAN 1 or LAN 2 if LAN port is enabled.
<id>: Enter 3 or 4.
-d <id> Turn off the flag of LAN port 1 or LAN port 2.
<id>: Enter 3 or 4.
-v View current status.


656 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> srv dhcp dhcp2 -l 1 -e 1,2
> srv dhcp dhcp2 -v
2nd DHCP server flag status --
Server works on specified MAC address: ON
Server works on specified LAN port: ON
Port 3 flag: ON
Port 4 flag: ON

Telnet Command: srv dhcp public

This command allows users to configure DHCP server for second subnet.

srv dhcp public start <IP address>
srv dhcp public cnt <IP counts>
srv dhcp public status
srv dhcp public add <MAC Addr XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX>
srv dhcp public del <MAC Addr XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX/all/ALL>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
start <IP address> It means the starting point of the IP address pool for the DHCP

<IP address>: Specify an IP address as the starting point in the IP

address pool.
cnt <IP counts> It means the IP count number.

<IP counts>: Specify the number of IP addresses in the pool. The

maximum is 10.
status It means the execution result of this command.
add <MAC Addr It means creating a list of hosts to be assigned.
<MAC Addr XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX>: Specify MAC Address of the host.
del <MAC Addr It means removing the selected MAC address.
<MAC Addr XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX>: Specify MAC Address of the host.

all/ALL: It means all of the MAC addresses.

> srv dhcp public cnt 3
> srv dhcp public add 14-49-BC-0D-1F-48
> srv dhcp public status
Index MAC Address
0. 14-49-BC-0D-1F-48 !!!

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 657

Telnet Command: srv dhcp dns1
This command allows users to set Primary IP Address for DNS Server in LAN.

srv dhcp dns1 <DNS IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<DNS IP address> It means the IP address that you want to use as DNS1.
Note: The IP Routed Subnet DNS must be the same as NAT Subnet

> srv dhcp dns1
% srv dhcp dns1 <DNS IP address>
% Now:
(IP Routed Subnet dns same as NAT Subnet dns)

Telnet Command: srv dhcp dns2

This command allows users to set Secondary IP Address for DNS Server in LAN.

srv dhcp dns2 <DNS IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<DNS IP address> It means the IP address that you want to use as DNS2.
Note: The IP Routed Subnet DNS must be the same as NAT Subnet

> srv dhcp dns2
% srv dhcp dns2 <DNS IP address>
% Now:
(IP Routed Subnet dns same as NAT Subnet dns)

658 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: srv dhcp frcdnsmanl
This command can force the router to invoke DNS Server IP address.

srv dhcp frcdnsmanl on
srv dhcp frcdnsmanl off

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to use manual setting for DNS setting.
Off It means to use auto settings acquired from ISP.

> srv dhcp frcdnsmanl on
% Domain name server now is using manual settings!
> srv dhcp frcdnsmanl off
% Domain name server now is using auto settings!

Telnet Command: srv dhcp gateway

This command allows users to specify gateway address for DHCP server.

srv dhcp gateway <Gateway IP>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<Gateway IP> It means to specify a gateway address used for DHCP server.

> srv dhcp gateway
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 659

Telnet Command: srv dhcp ipcnt
This command allows users to specify IP counts for DHCP server.

srv dhcp ipcnt <IP counts>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<IP counts> It means the number (0 to 256) that you have to specify for the
DHCP server.

> srv dhcp ipcnt ?
% srv dhcp ipcnt <IP counts>
% Now: 150

Telnet Command: srv dhcp off

This function allows users to turn off DHCP server. It needs rebooting router, please type "sys
reboot" command to reboot router.

Telnet Command: srv dhcp on

This function allows users to turn on DHCP server. It needs rebooting router, please type "sys
reboot" command to reboot router.

Telnet Command: srv dhcp relay

This command allows users to set DHCP relay setting.

srv dhcp relay servip <server ip>
srv dhcp relay subnet <index>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<server ip> It means the IP address that you want to used as DHCP server.
<index> It means subnet 1 or 2. Please type 1 or 2. The router will invoke
this function according to the subnet 1 or 2 specified here.

> srv dhcp relay servip
> srv dhcp relay subnet 2
> srv dhcp relay servip ?
% srv dhcp relay servip <server ip>
% Now:

660 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: srv dhcp startip

srv dhcp startip <IP address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<IP address> It means the IP address that you can specify for the DHCP server as
the starting point.

> srv dhcp startip
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: srv dhcp status

This command can display general information for the DHCP server, such as IP address, MAC
address, leased time, host ID and so on.

srv dhcp status <LAN1/2/3/.../100/ip_routed_subnet>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<LAN1/2/3/.../100/ip_rout It means to display current status for the selected interface.

> srv dhcp status lan1

LAN1 : DHCP Server On IP Pool: ~

Default Gateway:
Index IP Address MAC Address Leased Time HOST ID
1 00-1D-AA-0C-CD-08 12:13:32

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 661

Telnet Command: srv dhcp leasetime
This command can set the lease time for the DHCP server.

srv dhcp leasetime <Lease Time (sec)>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<Lease Time (sec)> It means the lease time (500 to 1661992960) that DHCP server can
use. The unit is second.

> srv dhcp leasetime ?
% srv dhcp leasetime <Lease Time (sec.)>
% Now: 86400

Telnet Command: srv dhcp nodetype

This command can set the node type for the DHCP server.

srv dhcp nodetype <count>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<count> It means to specify a type for node.
1. B-node
2. P-node
4. M-node
8. H-node

> srv dhcp nodetype 1
> srv dhcp nodetype ?
%% srv dhcp nodetype <count>
%% 1. B-node 2. P-node 4. M-node 8. H-node
% Now: 1

662 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: srv dhcp primWINS
This command can set the primary IP address for the DHCP server.

srv dhcp primWINS <WINS IP address>
srv dhcp primWINS clear

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<WINS IP address> It means the IP address of primary WINS server.
clear It means to remove the IP address settings of primary WINS server.

> srv dhcp primWINS
> srv dhcp primWINS ?
%% srv dhcp primWINS <WINS IP address>
%% srv dhcp primWINS clear
% Now:

Telnet Command: srv dhcp secWINS

This command can set the secondary IP address for the DHCP server.

srv dhcp secWINS <WINS IP address>
srv dhcp secWINS clear

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<WINS IP address> It means the IP address of secondary WINS server.
clear It means to remove the IP address settings of second WINS server.

> srv dhcp secWINS
> srv dhcp secWINS ?
%% srv dhcp secWINS <WINS IP address>
%% srv dhcp secWINS clear
% Now:

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 663

Telnet Command: srv dhcp expired_RecycleIP
This command can set the time to check if the IP address can be assigned again by DHCP
server or not.

srv dhcp expRecycleIP <sec time>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<sec time> It means to set the time (5~300 seconds) for checking if the IP can be
assigned again or not.

Vigor> srv dhcp expRecycleIP 250
% DHCP expired_RecycleIP = 250

Telnet Command: srv dhcp tftp

This command can set the TFTP server as the DHCP server.

srv dhcp tftp <TFTP server name>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<TFTP server name> It means to type the name of TFTP server.

> srv dhcp tftp TF123
> srv dhcp tftp ?
%% srv dhcp tftp <TFTP server name>
% Now: TF123

Telnet Command: srv dhcp tftpdel

This command can remove the name defined for the TFTP server.

srv dhcp tftpdel

> srv dhcp tftp TF123
> srv dhcp tftp ?
%% srv dhcp tftp <TFTP server name>
% Now: TF123
> srv dhcp tftpdel
% The TFTP Server Name had been deleted !!!

Telnet Command: srv dhcp option

664 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

This command can set the custom option for the DHCP server.

srv dhcp option -h
srv dhcp option -l
srv dhcp option -d <idx>
srv dhcp option -e <1 or 0> -i <lan number> -s <Next Server IP Address>
srv dhcp option -e <1 or 0> -i <lan number> -c <option number> -v <option value>
srv dhcp option -e <1 or 0> -i <lan number> -c <option number> -x <option value>
srv dhcp option -e <1 or 0> -i <lan number> -c <option number> -a <option value>
srv dhcp option -u <idx unmber>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-h It means to display usage of this command.
-l It means to display all the user defined DHCP options.
-d <idx> It means to delete the option number by specifying its index number.
-e <1 or 0> It means to enable/disable custom option feature.
-i <lan number> <lan number> : It means to specify the LAN interface.
1: lan1
a: all LAN
r: routed subnet
-s <Next Server IP It means to set the next server IP address.
Address> Next Server IP Address: Enter an IP address.
-c <option It means to set option number. Available number ranges from 0 to 255.
number> option number: Enter a number.
-v <option value> It means to set option number by typing string.
option value: Enter a string.
-x <option value> It means to set option number with the format of Hexadecimal characters.
option value: Enter a number (hex).
-a <option value> It means to set the option value by specifying the IP address.
option value: Enter an IP address.
-u <idx number> It means to update the option value of the sepecified index.
idx number: Enter the index number of the option value.

> srv dhcp option -e 1 -i 1/2 -c 18 -v /path
> srv dhcp option -l
% state idx interface opt type data
% enable 1 LAN1/2 18 ASCII

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 665

Telnet Command: srv nat dmz
This command allows users to set DMZ host. Before using this command, please set WAN IP
Alias first.

Srv nat dmz n m [-<command> <parameter> | … ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
n It means to map selected WAN IP to certain host.
1: wan1
2: wan2
m It means the index number (1 to 300) of the DMZ host.
Default setting is “1” (WAN 1). It is only available for Static IP
mode. If you use other mode, you can set 1 ~ 8 in this field. If WAN
IP alias has been configured, then the number of DMZ host can be
added more.
-e It means to enable/disable such feature.
-i <IP address> It means to specify the private IP address (xxx.xxx.x.x) of the DMZ
-r It means to remove DMZ host setting.
-v It means to display current status.

> srv nat dmz 1 1 -i
> srv nat dmz -v
% WAN1 DMZ mapping status:
Index Status WAN1 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN2 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN2 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

% WAN3 DMZ mapping status:

Index Status WAN3 aux IP Private IP
1 Disable

Telnet Command: srv nat ipsecpass

This command allows users to enable or disable IPSec ESP tunnel passthrough and IKE source
port (500) preservation.

666 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

srv nat ipsecpass [options]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[options] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
on It means to enable IPSec ESP tunnel passthrough and IKE source port
(500) preservation.
off It means to disable IPSec ESP tunnel passthrough and IKE source
port (500) preservation.
status It means to display current status for checking.

> srv nat ipsecpass on
> srv nat ipsecpass status
%% Status: IPsec ESP pass-thru and IKE src_port:500 preservation is

Telnet Command: srv nat openport

This command allows users to set open port settings for NAT server.

srv nat openport n m [-<command> <parameter> | … ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
n It means the index number for the profiles. The range is from 1 to
m It means to specify the sub-item number for this profile. The range
is from 1 to 10.
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a <enable> It means to enable or disable the open port rule profile.
0: disable
-c <comment> It means to type the description (less than 23 characters) for the
defined network service.
-l <source ip idx> It means to set source IP object.
1 to 192: for IP object
1 to 32: for IP group
0: Any
For example: srv nat openport 1 1 -l 1 -g 0
-g <source ip type> It means to set IP type.
0: IP object
1: IP group
For example: srv nat openport 1 1 -l 1 -g 0
-i <local ip> It means to set the IP address for local computer.
Local ip: Type an IP address in this field.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 667

-w <widx><ipidx> widx: Specify the public IP.
1: WAN1 Default,
2: WAN2,
…and so on.
ipidx: Specify the index number of an alias IP (1 to 32).
-p <protocol> Specify the transport layer protocol.
Available values are TCP, UDP and ALL.
-s <start port> It means to specify the starting port number of the service offered
by the local host. The range is from 0 to 65535.
-e <end port> It means to specify the ending port number of the service offered by
the local host. The range is from 0 to 65535.
-v It means to display current settings.
-r <idx> It means to delete the specified open port setting.
idx: Enter the index number of the profile.
-f <idx> It means to return to factory settings for all the open ports profiles.

> srv nat openport 1 1 -a 1 -c games -i -w 1 1 -p TCP -s
Set WAN Port ok!!
> srv nat openport 1 1 -v
%% Status: Enable
%% Comment: games
%% WAN Interface: WAN1
%% Private IP address:
Index Protocal Start Port End Port
1. TCP 56 0

Telnet Command: srv nat portmap

This command allows users to set port redirection table for NAT server.

srv nat portmap add <idx> <serv name> <proto> <pub port> <src ip type> <src ip idx> <pri ip>
<pri port> <wan idx> <alias IP>
srv nat portmap del <idx>
srv nat portmap disable <idx>
srv nat portmap enable <idx> <proto>
srv nat portmap flush
srv nat portmap table
srv nat portmap view

668 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
add <idx> It means to add a new port redirection table with an index number.
Available index number is from 1 to 260.
<serv name> It means to type one name as service name.
<proto> It means to specify TCP or UDP as the protocol.
<pub port> It means to specify which port (0-65535) can be redirected to the
specified Private IP and Port of the internal host.
<src ip type> It means to specify the IP type (object or group).
ip type: 0 means IP object; 1 means IP group.
<src ip idx> It means to specify the index number of the object profile.
ip idx: 1 to 192 for IP object profile; 1 to 32 for IP group profile. 0
means any object or group.
<pri ip> It means to specify the private IP address of the internal host
providing the service.
<pri port> It means to specify the private port number (0-65535) of the service
offered by the internal host.
<wan idx> It means to specify WAN interface for the port redirection.
Idx: wan1 to wan12, all
<alias ip> It means to specify an alias IP by entering the index number (1 to
ip: 1 to 32.
del <idx> It means to remove the selected port redirection setting.
disable <idx> It means to inactivate the selected port redirection setting.
enable <idx> It means to activate the selected port redirection setting.
flush It means to clear all the port mapping settings.
table It means to display Port Redirection Configuration Table.

> srv nat portmap add 1 name tcp 100 0 0 200 wan1 1
> srv nat portmap table

NAT Port Redirection Configuration Table:

Index Service Name Protocol Public Port Private IP Private

Port ifno
1 name TCP 100 20
0 -1
2 ACS https TCP 20022 844
3 -2

Protocol: 0 = Disable, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 669

Telnet Command: srv nat status
This command allows users to view NAT Port Redirection Running Table.

> srv nat status
NAT Port Redirection Running Table:

Index Protocol Public Port Private IP Private Port

1 6 80 100
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
14 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
16 0 0 0
17 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
19 0 0 0

20 0 0 0

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

Telnet Command: srv nat showall

This command allows users to view a summary of NAT port redirection setting, open port and
DMZ settings.

> srv nat showall ?
Index Proto WAN IP:Port Private IP:Port Act




D01 All Y

R:Port Redirection, O:Open Ports, D:DMZ

670 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide


Telnet Command: srv nat pseudoctl

This command allows users to check the pseudo port number to prevent from port conflict.

srv nat pseudoctl session <value>
srv nat pseudoctl function <0-3>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
session <value> Set the threshold of the session.
<value>: o to 2147483647.
function <0-3> 0: It means "Auto". Check the created pseudo port number
automatically when the session number is over the
1: It means "Not". Create a pseudo port number based on
subnet setting. No verification.
2: It means "Must". Check the created pseudo port number
if it is used by other client.
3: Create a pseudo port number. No verification.

> srv nat pseudoctl function 2
pesudo port: get hash pseudo port + subnet.
pseudo port search: check pseudo port(Must).

Telnet Command: srv nat RSTTimeout

This command is used for forwarding RST out via TCP after a period of time.

srv nat RSTTimeout <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<value> Set the timeout value.
<value>: 0 to 10 (one unit is 10msec).

> srv nat RSTTimeout 2
Set timeout 2 unit
> srv nat RSTTimeout ?
%% srv RSTtimeout <value> (unit is 10msec). (0<=value<=10)
now timeout set 2 unit

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 671

Telnet Command: srv nat trigger
This command allows users to configure port triggering settings for NAT.

srv nat trigger setdefault
srv nat trigger view
srv nat trigger n [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
setdefault Set to factory default settings.
view Dispaly all of the port triggering settings.
n “n” means the rule number.
<command><parameter>|…] The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-c[XXX] Type a comment for such rule if required.
-e [0/1] Enable (1) or disable (0) a rule (specified with rule number).
-p [1/2/3] Specify the protocol for such trigger rule.
1 – TCP
2 – UDP
3 - All
-t Specify the port number (0~65535) for trigger.
-P Specify the incoming protocol for such trigger rule.
-i Specify the port number (0~65535) for incoming protocol.
-d Delete the selected trigger rule.
-v Display the port trigger settings for specified rule.

> srv nat trigger 1 -c after_dinner
> srv nat trigger 1 -e 1
> srv nat trigger 1 -p 1
> srv nat trigger 1 -t 2000
> srv nat trigger 1 -P 2
> srv nat trigger 1 -i 3000
> srv nat trigger 1 -v

Port Trigger Rule Index:1

Triggering Protocol:TCP
Triggering Port:2000
Incoming Protocol:UDP
Incoming Port:3000

672 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: switch -i
This command is used to obtain the TX (transmitted) or RX (received) data for each connected

switch -i <switch idx_no><option>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<switch idx_no> It means the index number of the switch profile.
option The available commands with parameters are listed below.
traffic [on/off/status/tx/rx]
cmd It means to send command to the client.
acc It means to set the client authentication account and password.
traffic It means to turn on/off or display the data transmission from the
<on/off/status/tx/rx> client.

> switch -i 1 traffic on
External Device NO. 1 traffic statistic function is enable

Telnet Command: switch status

This command is used to display current switch status.

> switch status ?
External Device auto discovery status : Enable
No Respond to External Device : Enable
Display External Device syslog : Enable

Telnet Command: switch not_respond

This command is used to detect the external device automatically and display on this page.

switch not_respond 0
switch not_respond 1

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
0 Disable the option of "No Respond to External Device
1 Enable the option of "No Respond to External Device

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 673

> switch not_respond 1
slave not respond!

Telnet Command: switch on

This command is used to turn on the auto discovery for external devices.

> switch on
Enable Extrnal Device auto discovery!

Telnet Command: switch off

This command is used to turn off the auto discovery for external devices.

> switch off
Disable External Device auto discovery!

Telnet Command: switch list

This command is used to display the connection status of the switch.

> switch list?
No. Mac IP status Dur Time CWMP ACS_CTL Mod

el_Name firmware_version



[1] 00-1d-aa-0c-cd-08 On-Line 00:02:41 -1 -1


Telnet Command: switch clear

This command is used to reset the switch table and reboot the router.

switch clear <idx>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<idx> It means the index number of each item shown on the table.
The range is from 1 to 8.
-f It means to clear all of the data.

> switch clear 1
Switch Data clear successful

674 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> switch clear -f
Switch Data clear successful

Telnet Command: switch query

This command is used to enable or disable the switch query.

> switch query on
Extern Device status query is Enable
> switch query off
Extern Device status query is Disable

Telnet Command: switch syslog

This command is used to save the switch log onto Syslog.

> switch syslog on
External Device syslog is Enable

Telnet Command: sys admin

This command is used for RD engineer to access into test mode of Vigor router.

Telnet Command: sys adminuser

This command is used to create user account and specify LDAP server. The server will
authenticate the local user who wants to access into the web user interface of Vigor router.

sys adminuser <option>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
option Available options includes:
Local <0-1>
LDAP <0-1>
edit <INDEX>
delete <INDEX>
view <INDEX>
Local<0-1> 0 – Disable the local user.
1 – Enable the local user.
LDAP <0-1> 0 – Disable the LDAP.
1 – Enable the LDAP.
edit <INDEX> username Edit an existed user account or create a new local user account.
password <INDEX>: 1 ~8. There are eight profiles to be added / edited.
Username: Enter a new name for local user.
Password: Enter a password for local user.
delete <INDEX> Delete a local user account.
view <INDEX> Show the user account/password detail information.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 675

> sys adminuser Local 1
Local User has enabled!
> sys adminuser LDAP 1
LDAP has enabled!
> sys adminuser edit 1 carrie test123
> sys adminuser view 1

User Name:carrie
User Password:test123

Telnet Command: sys board

This command is used to turn on or turn off the function of physical factory reset button,
WLAN button, LEDs, and / or the USB ports on Vigor router.

sys board button def <on/off>
sys board led control <on/off>
sys board led sleepMode <on/off>
sys board led sleepMode time <minute>
sys board usb p1/p2 <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
button def <on/off> on – It is the default value (Enabled).
off – Disable the reset function of the factory reset button.
led control <on/off> on – It is the default value (Enabled). The LEDs on the front panel is
always on.
off – The LEDs on the front panel is always off.
led sleepMode <on/off> The function of SleepMode will be available only when LED control
is set to “On”.
on – Enable the function of sleep mode.
off – Disable the function of sleep mode.
led sleepMode time Set the countdown time for the LEDs to sleep.
<minute> [minute] – Enter a value (e.g., 1, 2, 3 and etc.)
usb p1/p2 <on/off> on – It is the default value (Enabled).
off – Disable the USB port 1 or 2.

> sys board button def off
default button is off now.
> sys board button def on
default button is on now.
> sys board usb p2 off
USB port2 power is off now.

676 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> sys board led sleepMode ?
sys board led sleepMode [on/off]
[time] [minute]
Current Setting:
LEDs Sleep Mode is off now.
Sleep Countdown Time : 1 minute(s)
> sys board led sleepMode on
LEDs Sleep Mode is on now.
> sys board led sleepMode time 3
Sleep Countdown Time set as 3 minute(s).
Reset the led sleep timer success..

Telnet Command: sys bonjour

This command is used to disable/enable and configure the Bonjour service.

sys bonjour [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-e <enable> It is used to disable/enable bonjour service (0: disable, 1: enable).
-h <enable> It is used to disable/enable http (web) service (0: disable, 1:
-t <enable> It is used to disable/enable telnet service (0: disable, 1: enable).
-f <enable> It is used to disable/enable FTP service (0: disable, 1: enable).
-s <enable> It is used to disable/enable SSH service (0: disable, 1: enable).
-p <enable> It is used to disable/enable printer service (0: disable, 1: enable).
-6 <enable> It is used to disable/enable IPv6 (0: disable, 1: enable).

> sys bonjour -s 1

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 677

Telnet Command: sys cfg
This command reset the router with factory default settings. When a user types this command,
all the configuration will be reset to default setting.

sys cfg default
sys cfg status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
default It means to reset current settings with default values.
status It means to display current profile version and status.

> sys cfg status
Profile version: 3.0.0 Status: 1 (0x491e5e6c)
> sys cfg default

Telnet Command: sys cmdlog

This command displays the history of the commands that you have typed.

> sys cmdlog
% Commands Log: (The lowest index is the newest !!!)
[1] sys cmdlog
[2] sys cmdlog ?
[3] sys ?
[4] sys cfg status
[5] sys cfg ?

Telnet Command: sys ftpd

This command displays current status of FTP server.

sys ftpd on
sys ftpd off

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to turn on the FTP server of the system.
off It means to turn off the FTP server of the system.

> sys ftpd on
% sys ftpd turn on !!!

678 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: sys domainname
This command can set and remove the domain name of the system when DHCP mode is
selected for WAN.

sys domainname <wan1/wan2> <Domain Name Suffix>
sys domainname <wan1/wan2> clear

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan1/wan2 It means to specify WAN interface for assigning a name for it.
Domain Name Suffix It means the name for the domain of the system. The maximum
number of characters that you can set is 39.
clear It means to remove the domain name of the system.

> sys domainname wan1 clever
> sys domainname wan2 intellegent
> sys domainname ?
% sys domainname <wan1/wan2> <Domain Name Suffix (max. 39 characters)>
% sys domainname <wan1/wan2> clear
% Now: wan1 == clever, wan2 ==intelligent

Telnet Command: sys iface

This command displays the current interface connection status (UP or Down) with IP address,
MAC address and Netmask for the router.

> sys iface
Interface 0 Ethernet:
Status: UP
IP Address: Netmask: 0xFFFFFF00 (Private)
IP Address: Netmask: 0xFFFFFFFF
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-00
Interface 4 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-02
Interface 5 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-03
Interface 6 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-04

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 679

Interface 7 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-05
Interface 8 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-06

Interface 9 Ethernet:
Status: DOWN
IP Address: Netmask: 0x00000000
MAC: 00-50-7F-00-00-07
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

Telnet Command: sys name

This command can set and remove the name for the router when DHCP mode is selected for

sys name <wan1/wan2> <ASCII string>
sys name <wan1/wan2> clear

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan1/wan2 It means to specify WAN interface for assigning a name for it.

ASCII string It means the name for router. The maximum character that you can
set is 39.

> sys name wan1 drayrouter
> sys name ?
% sys name <wan1/wan2> <ASCII string (max. 20 characters)>
% sys name <wan1/wan2> clear
% Now: wan1 == drayrouter, wan2 ==

Note: The name can be used to recognize router’s identification in SysLog dialog.

Telnet Command: sys passwd

This command allows users to set password for the administrator.

sys passwd <old password> <new password>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<old password> <new It means the password for administrator. The maximum character

680 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

password> that you can set is 83.

> sys passwd admin admin123
Password change successful !!!
> sys passwd admin123 admin
Password change successful !!!

Telnet Command: sys reboot

This command allows users to restart the router immediately.

> sys reboot

Telnet Command: sys autoreboot

This command allows users to restart the router automatically within a certain time.

sys autoreboot <on/off/hour(s)>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on/off On – It means to enable the function of auto-reboot.
Off – It means to disable the function of auto-reboot.
hours It means to set the time schedule for router reboot.
For example, if you type “2” in this field, the router will reboot
with an interval of two hours.

> sys autoreboot on
autoreboot is ON
> sys autoreboot 2
autoreboot is ON
autoreboot time is 2 hour(s)

Telnet Command: sys commit

This command allows users to save current settings to FLASH. Usually, current settings will be
saved in SRAM. Yet, this command will save the file to FLASH.

> sys commit

Telnet Command: sys tftpd

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 681

This command can turn on TFTP server for upgrading the firmware.

> sys tftpd
% TFTP server enabled !!!

Telnet Command: sys cc

This command can display current country code and wireless region of this device.

> sys cc
Country Code : 0x 0 [International]
Wireless Region Code: 0x30

Telnet Command: sys version

This command can display current version for the system.

> sys version
Router Model: Vigor1000B Version: English
Profile version: 4.0.3 Status: 1 (0x45567207)
Router IP: Netmask:
Firmware Build Date/Time: May 26 2021 22:37:34
Router Name: DrayTek
Revision: 1681_445_d90e70c V385_396

Telnet Command: sys qrybuf

This command can display the system memory status and leakage list.

> sys qrybuf
System Memory Status and Leakage List

Buf KMC4088 (4088B), used#: 1, cached#: 7

Buf KMC2552 (2552B), used#: 7, cached#: 248
Buf KMC1016 (1016B), used#: 3, cached#: 5
Buf KMC504 ( 504B), used#: 12, cached#: 4
Buf KMC248 ( 248B), used#: 436, cached#: 220
Buf KMC120 ( 120B), used#: 983, cached#: 137
Buf KMC56 ( 56B), used#: 122, cached#: 134
Buf KMC24 ( 24B), used#: 525, cached#: 115
Dynamic memory(SLAB): 134217728B; 293280B used; 759392B/0B in level
1/2 cache.
Total memory usage: 76% (215442332/282419432 Bytes)

682 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Number of un-free ARP entry : 0

FLOWTRACK Memory Status

# of free = 150000
# of maximum = 0
# of flowstate = 150000
# of lost by siganture = 0
# of lost by list = 0

Telnet Command: sys pollbuf

This command can turn on or turn off polling buffer for the router.

sys pollbuf on
sys pollbuf off

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to turn on pulling buffer.
off It means to turn off pulling buffer.

> sys pollbuf on
% Buffer polling is on!

> sys pollbuf off

% Buffer polling is off!

Telnet Command: sys tr069

This command can set CPE settings for applying in VigorACS.

sys tr069 get <parm> <option>
sys tr069 set <parm> <value>
sys tr069 getnoti <parm>
sys tr069 setnoti <parm> <value>
sys tr069 log
sys tr069 debug <on/off>
sys tr069 save
sys tr069 clear
sys tr069 inform <event code>
sys tr069 port <port num>
sys tr069 cert_auth <on/off>
sys tr069 only_standard_parm <on/off>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 683

sys tr069 notify -S
sys tr069 notify -n <on/off>
sys tr069 notify -l <on/off>
sys tr069 notify -c <on/off>
sys tr069 notify -b <on/off>
sys tr069 notify -B "<WAN number> <Medium threthold> <High threthold> <TX Speed>Mb <RX

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
get <parm> <option> It means to get parameters for tr-069.
option=<nextlevel>: only gets nextlevel for GetParameterNames.
set <parm> <value> It means to set parameters for tr-069.
getnoti <parm> It means to get parameter notification value.
setnoti <parm> <value> It means to set parameter notification value.
Log It means to display the TR-069 log.
debug <on/off> on: turn on the function of sending debug message to syslog.
off: turn off the function of sending debug message to syslog.
save It means to save the parameters to the flash memory of the router.
clear It means to clear all tr069 parameters in the flash memory of the
Inform <event code> It means to inform parameters for tr069 with different event codes.
[event code] includes:
1-"1 BOOT",
5-"5 KICKED",
9-"M Reboot"
port <port num> It means to change tr069 listen port number.
cert_auth <on/off> on: turn on certificate-based authentication.
off: turn off certificate-based authentication.
only_standard_parm It means to turn on or off to exclude all the Vendor-Specific ("X_")
<on/off> parameters, and only send out standard parameters.
notify -n <on/off> It means to set CPE notification settings.
It means to / not to record the CPE notify log on the Syslog.
on: Record on the Syslog.
off: Not record on the Syslog.
notify -l <on/off> It means to / not to record the web login log on the Syslog.
on: Record on the Syslog.
off: Not record on the Syslog.
notify -c <on/off> It means to / not to record the web changed log on the Syslog.
on: Record on the Syslog.

684 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

off: Not record on the Syslog.
notify -h <on/off> It means to / not to record the high availability log on the Syslog.
on: Record on the Syslog.
off: Not record on the Syslog.
notify -b [on/off] It means to / not to record the bandwidth utilization log on the
on: Record on the Syslog.
off: Not record on the Syslog.
notify -B "<WAN number> It means to set bandwidth utilization setting.
<Medium threthold> <High <WAN number>: Enter the index number of WAN interface(s).
threthold> <TX Speed>Mb
<Medium threthold>: Enter a value.
<RX Speed>Mb"
<High threthold>: Enter a value.
<TX Speed>Mb: Enter a value.
<RX Speed>Mb: Enter a value.
-S Show the CPE notification settings.

> sys tr069 get InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.
Total number of parameter is 98
Total content length of parameter is 6473

InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.Username= fae
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformInterval= 900
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformTime= 1970-01-01T00:00:00
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL= http://192.168.100.
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestUsername= vigor
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.UpgradesManaged= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.UDPConnectionRequestAddress= 111.251.214.
imit= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.STUNEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.STUNServerPort= 3478
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.STUNMaximumKeepAlivePeriod= -1
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.STUNMinimumKeepAlivePeriod= 60
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.NATDetected= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ManageableDeviceNumberOfEntries= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.CPEEnable= 1
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApplyApEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNEnable= 1
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNPeriodic= 3
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWANNumberOfEntries= 12
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.1.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.1.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.1.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.1.TX= 0

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 685

InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.1.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.2.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.2.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.2.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.2.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.2.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.3.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.3.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.3.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.3.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.3.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.4.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.4.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.4.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.4.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.4.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.5.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.5.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.5.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.5.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.5.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.6.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.6.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.6.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.6.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.6.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.7.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.7.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.7.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.7.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.7.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.8.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.8.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.8.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.8.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.8.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.9.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.9.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.9.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.9.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.9.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.10.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.10.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.10.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.10.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.10.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.11.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.11.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.11.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.11.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.11.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.12.Enable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.12.Medium= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.12.High= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.12.TX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.BWUNWAN.12.RX= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.HttpsTriggerEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApplyApSTUNEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApSTUNEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApSTUNServerPort= 3478
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApSTUNMaximumKeepAlivePeriod= -1

686 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ApSTUNMinimumKeepAlivePeriod= 60
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.AcquireURLEnable= 0
InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.CPEPort= 8069

Telnet Command: sys health

This command can turn on/off SIP ALG (Application Layer Gateway) for traversal.

sys health cpu_usage
sys health mem_usage
sys health arp_status
sys health dos_status
sys health sess_usage
sys health view
sys health vpn_status
sys health voip_status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<command><parameter> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
cpu_usage -E <1/0> : Enable/disable this health parameter settings-CPU
<command><parameter> usage.
-w <threshold> : Sets the warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Sets the emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval> : Sets the warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval> : Sets the emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.
mem_usage - E <1/0> : Enable/disable this health parameter settings-memory
<command><parameter> usage.
-w <threshold> : Sets the warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Sets the emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval> : Sets the warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval> : Sets the emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.
arp_status -E <1/0> : Enable/disable this health parameter settings-ARP
<command><parameter> status.
-w <threshold> : Warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval>: Warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval>: Emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.
dos_status -E <1/0>: Enable / disable this health parameter settings-DoS
<command><parameter> status.
-r <interval>: Warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval>: Emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.
sess_usage -E <1/0>: Enable/disable this health parameter setting-session
<command><parameter> usage.
-w <threshold> : Warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval>: Warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval>: Emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.
View Displays current settings for health parameters.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 687

vpn_status -E <1/0>: Enable/disable this health parameter setting-VPN status.
<command><parameter> -w <threshold> : Warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval>: Warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval>: Emergency report interval, 1-1440 min
voip_status -E <1/0> : Enable/disable this health parameter setting-VoIP status.
<command><parameter> -w <threshold> : Warning threshold, 0-100 percent.
-e <threshold> : Emergency threshold, 0-100 percent.
-r <interval> : Warning report interval, 1-1440 min.
-m <interval> : Emergency report interval, 1-1440 min.

> sys health vpn_status -m 30
% Set emergency interval to 30 min.
> sys health view
% Warning Emergency
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] CPU Status Threshold: 90 95
% Report Interval: 5 2
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] Memory Status Threshold: 88 95
% Report Interval: 5 2
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] ARP Status Threshold: 60 80
% Report Interval: 15 5
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] Session Usage Threshold: 60 80
% Report Interval: 15 5
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] DDoS Status Report Interval: 5 1
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] VPN Status Report Interval: 0 30
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% [ ] VoIP R-Factor Threshold: 60 40
% Report Interval: 1 1

Telnet Command: sys alg

This command can enable /disable the ALG (Application Layer Gateway) function.

sys alg -e <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
1 It means to enable ALG master switch.
0 It means to disable ALG master switch.


688 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> sys alg -e 1
Enable ALG
> sys alg
Usage: sys alg <command> <parameter>
-e: enable ALG (0:disable, 1:enable)

Current ALG status

-ALG Master Switch: Enabled

Telnet Command: sys sip_alg

This command can turn on/off SIP ALG (Application Layer Gateway) for traversal.

sys sip_alg <command> <parameter>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one
-e <0/1> 0: Disable the function of SIP ALG.
1: Enable the function of SIP ALG.
-p <parameter> It means to set the listening port for SIP ALG.
<parameter> : Ranges from 1 to 65535.
-u It means to enable or disable the listen along UDP path
0: Disable
1: Enable
-t It means to enable or disable the listen along TCP path
0: Disable
1: Enable

> sys sip_alg -e 1
Enable SIP ALG
> sys sip_alg -p 65535
Current listening port: 65535

> sys sip_alg ?

Usage: sys sip_alg <command> <parameter>
-e: enable SIP ALG (0:disable, 1:enable)
-p: set your listening port for SIP ALG
-u: enable listen along UDP path (0:disable, 1:enable)
-t: enable listen along TCP path (0:disable, 1:enable)

Current SIP ALG status

-ALG Master Switch: Enabled
-SIP ALG: Enabled
-Listen along UDP path: Yes
-Listen along TCP path: Yes

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 689

-Listening Port: 65535
-Max sipalg session num: 512
-Remain sipalg session num: 512

Telnet Command: sys rtsp_alg

This command can turn on/off RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) ALG (Application Layer
Gateway) for traversal.

sys rtsp_alg <command> <parameter>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several commands in one
-e <0/1> 0: Disable the function of RTSP ALG.
1: Enable the function of RTSP ALG.
-p <parameter> It means to set the listening port for SIP ALG.
<parameter> : Ranges from 1 to 65535.
-u It means to enable or disable the listen along UDP path
0: Disable
1: Enable
-t It means to enable or disable the listen along TCP path
0: Disable
1: Enable
-v It means to show RTP and RTCP portmap information of RTSP

> sys rtsp_alg -p 333
Current listening RTSP Port: 333
> sys rtsp_alg -v
Current Open PortMap Number of RTSP ALG: 0

Telnet Command: sys license

This command can process the system license.

sys license reset_regser
sys license licera
sys license licifno <AUTO/WAN#>
sys license licalias <index>
sys license lic_trigger
sys license liclog

Syntax Description

690 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Parameter Description
reset_regser It means the license register server setting.
licera It means to erase license setting.
Licifno <AUTO/WAN#> It means to license and signature download (authenticatet with
MyVigor) interface setting.
licalias <index> It means to license and signature download WAN Alias IP setting(also
affect WCF).
lic_trigger It means to automatically trigger the license to update on boot
liclog Displays authentication log.

> sys license licifno wan3
Download interface is set as "WAN3" now.
> sys license licifno
License and Signature download interface setting:
licifno [AUTO/WAN#]
Ex: licifno wan1
Download interface is "WAN3" now.

Telnet Command: sys fr_log

This command is used for displaying log information related to web syslog.

sys fr_log

> sys fr_log ?


Note: This command shows the same log information with

Diagnostics>>Syslog Explo
rer. If you don't see any log information, go to the Web Interface and
make sure Diagnostics>>Syslog Explorer is enabled.

Telnet Command: sys arp_AutoReq

This command is used to enable / disable the function that Vigor router sends ARP request to
the connected device(s) periodically.

sys arp_AutoReq –d <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-d <value> Disable the function of ARP auto request.
0 – Enable
1 – Disable

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 691

> sys arp_AutoReq -d 0
Arp auto-request enable.

Telnet Command: sys daylightsave

This command is used to configure daylight save setting.

sys daylightsave [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command><parameter>|… The available commands with parameters are listed below.
] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-v Display the daylight saving settings.
-r Set to factory default setting.
-e <1/0> Enable (1) / disable (0) daylight saving.
-t <0/1/2> Specify the saving type for daylight setting.
0 – Default
1 – Time range
2 - Yearly
-s <year> <month> <day> Set the detailed settings of the starting day for time range type.
<hour> year – must be the year after 2013.
month - 1 ~ 12
day – 1 ~ 31
hour – 0 ~ 23
e.g., sys daylightsave -s 2014 3 10 12
-d <year> <month> <day> Set the detailed settings of the ending day for time range type.
<hour> year – After 2013.
month - 1 ~ 12
day – 1 ~ 31
hour – 0 ~ 23
e.g., sys daylightsave -d 2014 9 10 12
-y <month> <th weekday> Set the detailed settings of the starting day for yearly type.
<day in week> <hour> month - 1 ~ 12
th weekday – 1 ~ 5, 9: last week
day in week - 0:Sun, 1:Mon, 2:Tue, 3:Wed, 4:Thu, 5: Fri, 6:Sat
hour – 0 ~ 23
e.g, sys daylightsave -y 9 1 0 14
-z <month> <th weekday> Set the detailed settings of the ending day for yearly type.
<day in week> <hour> month - 1 ~ 12
th weekday – 1 ~ 5, 9: last week
day in week - 0:Sun, 1:Mon, 2:Tue, 3:Wed, 4:Thu, 5: Fri, 6:Sat
hour – 0 ~ 23
e.g, sys daylightsave -z 3 1 6 14


692 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> sys daylightsave -y 9 1 0 14
% Start: Yearly on Sep 1th Sun 14:00

Telnet Command: sys dnsCacheTbl

This command is used to configure TTL settings which will be displayed in DNS Cache table.

sys dnsCacheTbl [<command><parameter>|…]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command><parameter>|… The available commands with parameters are listed below.
] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-l Display DNS IPv4 entry in the DNS cache table.
-s Display DNS IPv6 entry in the DNS cache table.
-v Display the TTL limit value in the DNS cache table.
-t < ttl > Set the TTL limit value (0 /n) in the DNS cache table.
0 - No limit
n – Greater than or equal to 5.
-c Clear the DNS cache table.

> sys dnsCacheTbl -l
%DNS Cache Table List
swm.draytek.com 601454 Black List
relay-20c8ac21.net.anydesk.com 11530 Black List
auth.draytek.com 602322 Black List
www.draytek.com 601712 Black List
ms.draytek.com 601448 Black List
> sys dnsCacheTbl -l
%DNS Cache Table List
DrayTek> sys dnsCacheTbl -t 50
% Set TTL limit: 50 seconds.
% When TTL larger than 50s , delete the DNS entry in the router's DNS cache
DrayTek> sys dnsCacheTbl -v
% TTL limit: 50 seconds
% When TTL larger than 50s , delete the DNS entry in the router's DNS cache

Telnet Command: sys syslog

This command is used to configure

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 693

sys syslog -a <enable> [-<command> <parameter> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

[<command><parameter>|… The available commands with parameters are listed below.

] […] means that you can type in several commands in one line.
-a <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Syslog Access Setup.
-s <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Syslog Save to Syslog Server.
-i <IP address> Define the IP address of the Syslog server.
-d <port number> Define the port number (1 ~ 65535) as the destination port.
-u <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Syslog Save to USB Disk.
-m <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Mail Syslog.
-f <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Filewall Log.
-v <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) VPN Log.
-e <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) User Access Log.
-c <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Call Log.
-w <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) WAN Log.
-r <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) Router/DSL Information.
-P Update the server IP address.
-W <1/0> Set the write syslog mode.
1 - Stop logging.
0 - Overwrite the oldest logs.
-U <1/0> Set the unit for saving the Syslog to the USB disk.
1 - MB.
0 - GB.
-S <capacity> Set the folder capacity for the Syslog in the USB disk.
1-16GB or 1-1024MB
> sys syslog -a 1 -s 1 -i -d 514

Telnet Command: sys mailalert

This command is used to configure settings for syslog mail alert.

sys mailalert [-<command> <parameter>]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

[<command><parameter>] The available commands with parameters are listed below.

-e <0/1> Enable/disable Mail Alert.

0 – Disable. 1 – Enable.

694 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-w <0/1/2/...> Set an interface (physically).
<0/1/2/...> - 0 means Any; 1 means WAN1; 2 means WAN2; and so
-x <WAN IP Alias index> Set the WAN IP Alias. In which, index #1 is reserved and must be set
with an interface first.
-i <SMTP Server IP> Set IP Address for SMTP server.
-o <SMTP Server Port> Set port number for SMTP server..
-a <Mail Address> Set E-maiil address for alert mail reciver.
-r <Mail Address> Set E-mail Address for mail return.
-s <0/1/2/3> Set the connection security for SSL.
0 : Plaintext.
1: SSL.
2: StartTLS.
3: Force StartTLS.
-h <0/1> Enable/disable SMTP Authentication.
0 – Disable. 1 – Enable.
-u <Username> Set username for SMTP Authentication.
-p <Password> Set password for SMTP Authentication.
-l <type><0/1> Enable / disable mail alert for different types. Number 0 ~ 6
represent different types.
"0 <0/1>" : Enable/Disable Mail Alert of the DoS Attack.
"1 <0/1>" : Enable/Disable Mail Alert of the APPE.
"2 <0/1>" : nable/Disable Mail Alert of the VPN Log.
"6 <0/1>" : Enable/Disable Mail Alert of the Reboot Debug Log.
In which,
0 – Disable. 1 – Enable.
-f Reset Mail Alert setting to factory default.
-v Show current Mail Alert setting.
-R <0/1> Set Mail Alert Reboot debug log mode.
0: Limited Mode
1: Unlimited Mode.
> sys mailalert -e 1
Set Enable Mail Alert.
> sys mailalert -v
------ Current setting for Mail Alert ------
Mail Alert: Enable
SMTP Server IP Address:
SMTP Server Port: 25
Alert Mail Reciver E-maiil Address:
Mail Return E-mail Address:
Use SSL: Disable
SMTP Authentication: Disable
Username for SMTP Authentication:
Password for SMTP Authentication:
Mail Alert for DoS Attack: Enable.
Mail Alert for APPE: Enable.
Mail Alert for VPN Log: Enable.
Mail Alert for Reboot Debug Log: Disable, Mode: Limited.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 695

Telnet Command: sys time
This command is used to configure system time and date.

sys time server <domain>
sys time inquire
sys time show
sys time wan <option>
sys time zone <index>
sys time pseudo

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
domain Enter the domain name of the time server. The maximum length is
39 characters.
inquire Get the time based on the timer server settting.

show Displays current server setting.

sys time wan <option> 0 - Auto

1 - WAN1
2 - WAN2
3 - WAN3
4 - WAN4
5 - WAN5
6 - WAN6
12 - WAN12
If you want to select WAN Alias IP, the value of Send NTP Request
Through shouldn't be Auto or USB WAN.
index Different number means different time zone.
1 - GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein
2 - GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa
3 - GMT-10:00 Hawaii
4 - GMT-09:00 Alaska
5 - GMT-08:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada)
6 - GMT-08:00 Tijuana
7 - GMT-07:00 Mountain Time (US & Canada)
8 - GMT-07:00 Arizona
9 - GMT-06:00 Central Time (US & Canada)
10 - GMT-06:00 Saskatchewan
11 - GMT-06:00 Mexico City, Tegucigalpa
12 - GMT-05:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada)
13 - GMT-05:00 Indiana (East)
14 - GMT-05:00 Bogota, Lima, Quito
15 - GMT-04:00 Atlantic Time (Canada)
16 - GMT-04:00 Caracas, La Paz
17 - GMT-04:00 Santiago
18 - GMT-03:30 Newfoundland
19 - GMT-03:00 Brasilia
20 - GMT-03:00 Buenos Aires, Georgetown
21 - GMT-02:00 Mid-Atlantic
22 - GMT-01:00 Azores, Cape Verde Is.
23 - GMT Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin
24 - GMT Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
25 - GMT Casablanca, Monrovia
26 - GMT+01:00 Belgrade, Bratislava

696 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

27 - GMT+01:00 Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
28 - GMT+01:00 Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija
29 - GMT+01:00 Warsaw, Zagreb
30 - GMT+01:00 Brussels, Copenhagen
31 - GMT+01:00 Madrid, Paris, Vilnius
32 - GMT+01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern
33 - GMT+01:00 Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
34 - GMT+02:00 Bucharest
35 - GMT+02:00 Cairo
36 - GMT+02:00 Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn
37 - GMT+02:00 Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
38 - GMT+02:00 Jerusalem
39 - GMT+02:00 Harare, Pretoria
40 - GMT+03:00 Volgograd
41 - GMT+03:00 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh
42 - GMT+03:00 Nairobi
43 - GMT+03:00 Moscow, St. Petersburg
44 - GMT+03:30 Tehran
45 - GMT+04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat
46 - GMT+04:00 Baku, Tbilisi
47 - GMT+04:30 Kabul
48 - GMT+05:00 Ekaterinburg
49 - GMT+05:00 Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
50 - GMT+05:30 Bombay, Calcutta
51 - GMT+05:30 Madras, New Delhi
52 - GMT+06:00 Astana, Almaty, Dhaka
53 - GMT+06:00 Colombo
54 - GMT+07:00 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
55 - GMT+08:00 Beijing, Chongqing
56 - GMT+08:00 Hong Kong, Urumqi
57 - GMT+08:00 Singapore
58 - GMT+08:00 Taipei
59 - GMT+08:00 Perth
60 - GMT+09:00 Seoul
61 - GMT+09:00 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
62 - GMT+09:00 Yakutsk
63 - GMT+09:30 Darwin
64 - GMT+09:30 Adelaide
65 - GMT+10:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
66 - GMT+10:00 Brisbane
67 - GMT+10:00 Hobart
68 - GMT+10:00 Vladivostok
69 - GMT+10:00 Guam, Port Moresby
70 - GMT+11:00 Magadan, Solomon Is.
71 - GMT+11:00 New Caledonia
72 - GMT+12:00 Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
73 - GMT+12:00 Auckland, Wellington
pseudo -E <1/0> Enable (1) or disable (0) the pseudo system time.
pseudo -T <year> <month> Set the pseudo time value.
<day> <hour> <minute> <year> - Enter four digits.
<month> - Enter 1 t0 12.
<day> - Enter the day in a month.
<hour> - Enter the number of the hour (1 to 23).
<minute> - Enter the number of the minute (1 to 59).
pseudo -S Displays pseudo system time.

> sys time pseudo -E 1
> sys time zone 8
Set Time Zone OK

> sys time show

*************** System Time ***************

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 697

Current System Time: [2000 Jan 01 Sat 00:19:08]
Time Server: [pool.ntp.org]
Time Zone Index: [8]. GMT-07:00
Send NTP Request Through: Auto
> sys time pseudo -S
peudo system time status : Enable
peudo system time : 2019 Jan 01 Tue 00:00:00

Telnet Command: sys eap_tls

This command is used to disable or enable EAP-TLS.
You might have to enable EAP-TLS compatibility to avoid compatibility issues with some
operating systems. But, please note that enabling EAP-TLS compatibility will lower down the
connection security level.

sys eap_tls set <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
0 Disable EAP-TLS compatibility!
1 Enable EAP-TLS compatibility!

> sys eap_tls set 1
Enable EAP_TLS compatibility!

Telnet Command: sys dashboard

This command is used to display / hide items (such as System Information, Interface…) on

sys dashboard [-<command> <value> | ... ]
sys dashboard show

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.
<value>|…] […] means that you can type in several parameters in one line.
<command> “0 ~ 9” and “a” represent different sections to be
displayed on the dashboard.
0 : Front Panel
1 : System Information
2 : IPv4 LAN Information
3 : IPv4 Internet Access
4 : IPv6 Internet Access
5 : Interface
6 : Security

698 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

7 : System Resource
8 : LTE Status
9 : Quick Access
a : VoIP
<value> 1 : Enable
0 : Disable
show Display current status (enabled /disabled) for each item.

> sys dashboard -0 1
Front Panel enabled
> sys dashboard show
Front Panel enabled
System Information enabled
IPv4 LAN Information enabled
IPv4 Internet Access enabled
IPv6 Internet Access enabled
Interface enabled
Security enabled
System Resource enabled
LTE Status enabled
Quick Access enabled
VoIP enabled

Telnet Command: sys max_session

This command is used to set the maximum sessions.

sys max_session <150K/300K/500K/1000K>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<150K/300K/500K/1000K> At present, there are four values avaiable for selection.

> sys max_session 150K
Please reboot to apply settings of MAX sessions : 150K

Telnet Command: testmail

This command is used to display current settings for sending test mail.

> testmail
Send out test mail
Mail Alert:[Enable]
Interface :Any
WAN_Alias index:[0]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 699

Mail to:[]
Connection Security:[Plaintext]

Telnet Command: upnp off

This command can close UPnP function.

>upnp off
UPNP say bye-bye

Telnet Command: upnp on

This command can enable UPnP function.

>upnp on
UPNP start.

Telnet Command: upnp nat

This command can display IGD NAT status.

> upnp nat ?
****************** IGD NAT Status ****************

InternalClient >><<, RemoteHost >><<
InternalPort >>21<<, ExternalPort >>21<<
PortMapProtocol >>TCP<<
The tmpvirtual server index >>0<<
PortMapLeaseDuration >>0<<, PortMapEnabled >>0<<
Ftp Example [MICROSOFT]
InternalClient >><<, RemoteHost >><<
InternalPort >>0<<, ExternalPort >>0<<
PortMapProtocol >><NULL><<
The tmpvirtual server index >>0<<
PortMapLeaseDuration >>0<<, PortMapEnabled >>0<<
PortMapProtocol >><NULL><<
The tmpvirtual server index >>0<<
PortMapLeaseDuration >>0<<, PortMapEnabled >>0<<

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---

700 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: upnp service
This command can display the information of the UPnP service. UPnP service must be enabled

> upnp on
UPNP start.

> upnp service

>>>>> SERVICE TABLE1 <<<<<
serviceType urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:OSInfo:1
serviceId urn:microsoft-com:serviceId:OSInfo1
SCPDURL /upnp/OSInfo.xml
controlURL /OSInfo1
eventURL /OSInfoEvent1
UDN uuid:774e9bbe-7386-4128-b627-001daa843464

>>>>> SERVICE TABLE2 <<<<<

serviceId urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANCommonIFC1
SCPDURL /upnp/WComIFCX.xml
controlURL /upnp?control=WANCommonIFC1
eventURL /upnp?event=WANCommonIFC1
UDN uuid:2608d902-03e2-46a5-9968-4a54ca499148

Telnet Command: upnp subscribe

This command can show all UPnP services subscribed.

> upnp on
UPNP start.
> upnp subscribe
> upnp subscribe
>>>> (1) serviceType urn:schemas-microsoft-com:service:OSInfo:1

----- Subscribtion1 -------

sid = 7a2bbdd0-0047-4fc8-b870-4597b34da7fb

eventKey =1, ToSendEventKey = 1

expireTime =6926

active =1


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 701

>>>> (2) serviceType

----- Subscribtion1 -------

sid = d9cd47a5-d9c9-4d3d-8043-d03a82f27983

eventKey =1, ToSendEventKey = 1


Telnet Command: upnp tmpvs

This command can display current status of temp Virtual Server of your router.

> upnp tmpvs
****************** Temp virtual server status ****************

real_addr >><<, pseudo_addr >><<
real_port >>0<<, pseudo_port >>0<<
hit_portmap_index >>0<<
The protocol >>TCP<<
time >>0<<

real_addr >><<, pseudo_addr >><<
real_port >>0<<, pseudo_port >>0<<
hit_portmap_index >>0<<
The protocol >>0<<
time >>0<<
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

Telnet Command: upnp wan

This command is used to specify WAN interface to apply UPnP.

upnp wan <n>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
n It means to specify WAN interface (0 to 12) to apply UPnP.
n=0, it means to auto-select WAN interface.
n=1, WAN1
n=2, WAN2 ……….


702 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> upnp wan 1
use wan1 now.

Telnet Command: usb user

This command is used to set profiles for FTP/SMB users.

Syntax Description
usb user add <Index> <Username> <Password> <Permission> <Home path>
usb user rm <Index>
usb user enable <Index>
usb user disable <Index>
usb user list

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
add <Index> <Username> Add a new user profile.
<Password> <Permission> <Index> - It means the index number of the user profile. There are
<Home path> 16 profiles allowed to be configured. So the range of such option is
1 ~ 16.
<Username> - Type a text (maximum 131 characters) as the
username for the user profile.
<Password> - Type a text (maximum 131 characters) as the
password for the user profile.
<Permission> - Specify the action (RWDLCR) permitted. If one of the
actions is not allowed, simple type “-” instead.
R – Read File.
W – Write File.
D – Delete File.
L – List directory.
C – Create directory.
R – Remove selected directory.
<Home path> - Set the path (maximum 159 characters) for the USB
user profile.
rm <Index> Delete an existed user profile.
<Index> - It means the index number of the user profile. There are
16 profiles allowed to be configured. So the range of such option is
1 ~ 16.
enable <Index> Enable a user profile.
<Index> - It means the index number of the user profile. There are
16 profiles allowed to be configured. So the range of such option is
1 ~ 16.
disable <Index> Disable a user profile.
<Index> - It means the index number of the user profile. There are
16 profiles allowed to be configured. So the range of such option is
1 ~ 16.
list Display all of the user profile.

> usb user add 1 root 1234 R-DLCR /usr

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 703

Telnet Command: usb temp
This command is to configure USB temperature.

Syntax Description
usb temp set <c|-f|-a|-b|-m|-u|-l|-r>
usb temp show
usb temp all_data

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set -c Set the temperature unit (Celsius).
set -f Set the temperature unit (Fahrenheit).
set -a Set the temperature sensor by using a probe or the built-in sensor
The probe will be detected and used first, and fall back to the
built-in sensor if the probe is not detected.
set -b Set to use the built-in sensor.
set -m <0/1> Enable or disable the Alarm Setting.
1: Enable
0: Disable
set -u <value> Set the upper temperature limit.
<value>: Enter a value, e.g., 30.35.
set -l <value> Set the lower temperature limit.
<value>: Enter a value, e.g., 10.35.
set -r Shows the setting of temperature unit and sensor type.
show Displays current temperature.
all_data Displays all temperature data.

> usb temp set -r
Show setting:temp set -r

Alarm Settings: 1 (0:Disable, 1: Enable.)

upper temperature limit: 30.0 C
lower temperature limit: 18.0 C
unit: 0 (0:Celsius, 1: Fahrenheit.)
sensor: 1 (0:Auto select, 1: built-in.)

704 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: usb hum
This command is to configure USB humidity.

Syntax Description
usb hum set <-m|-u|-l|-r>
usb hum show
usb hum all_data

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set -m Enable or disable the Alarm Setting.
1: Enable
0: Disable
set -u <value> Set the upper humidity limit.
<value>: Enter a value, e.g., 70.85.
set -l <value> Set the lower humidity limit.
<value>: Enter a value, e.g., 30.12.
set -r Shows the setting of the humidity.
show Displays current humidity.
all_data Displays all humidity data.

> usb hum set -m 1
Enable Alarm Settings.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 705

Telnet Command: vigbrg set
This command is to configure specified WAN as bridge mode.

Syntax Description
vigbrg set -v <IP version> -w <WAN_idx> -l <LAN_idx> -e <0/1> -f <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-v <IP version> Indicate the IP version for the IP address.
4 – IPv4.
6 – IPv6.
-w <WAN_idx> WAN_idx – Indicate the WAN interface.
1 – WAN1
2 – WAN2
3 – WAN3
4 – WAN4
5 - WAN5
12 - WAN12
-l <LAN_idx> LAN_idx – Indicate the LAN interface.
1 – LAN1
2 – LAN2
3 – LAN3
4 – LAN4
5 - LAN5
6 - LAN6
100 - LAN100
e <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the Vigor Bridge for WAN or/and LAN.
f <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the firewall functions.

> vigbrg set -v 4 -w 10 -l 100 -e 1
[WAN10] IPv4 bridge is enable. Set subnet[LAN100]

Telnet Command: vigbrg closeall

This command can disable vigor bridge function.

> vigbrg closeall
Close all bridge and bridge firewall

706 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: vigbrg status
This command can show whether the Vigor Bridge Function is enabled or disabled.

> vigbrg status
Show gConfig setting of bridge mode
[WAN10] IPv4 bridge is enable [LAN100].

Telnet Command: vigbrg cfgip

This command allows users to transfer a bridge modem into ADSL router by accessing into and
adjusting specified IP address. Users can access into Web UI of the router to manage the
router through the IP address configured here.

vigbrg cfgip <IP Address>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<IP Address> It means to type an IP address for users to manage the router.

> vigbrg cfgip
> vigbrg cfgip ?
% Vigor Bridge Config IP,
% Now:

Telnet Command: vigbrg wanstatus

This command can display the existed WAN connection status for the modem (change from
ADSL router into bridge modem), including index number, MAC address, Stamp Time, PVC,
VLAN port for Vigor Bridge Function.

> vigbrg wanstatus
Vigor Bridge: Stop
WAN mac table:
Index MAC Address Stamp Time PVC VLan Port


Telnet Command: vigbrg wlanstatus

This command can display the existed WLAN connection status for the modem (change from
router into bridge modem), including index number, MAC address, Stamp Time, PVC, VLAN
port for Vigor Bridge Function.

> vigbrg wlanstatus
Vigor Bridge: Running

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 707

WAN mac table:
Index MAC Address Stamp Time PVC VLan Port

Telnet Command: vlan group

This command allows you to set VLAN group. You can set four VLAN groups. Please run vlan
restart command after you change any settings.

vlan group id <set/set_ex> <p2/p7/p8/p9/p10>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
id It means the group 0 to 99 for VLAN.
set It indicates each port can join more than one VLAN group.
set_ex It indicates each port can join one VLAN group at one time.
p2/p7/p8/p9/p10 It indicates LAN port 2 to LAN port 10. To group LAN2, LAN4,
LAN9, LAN10, LAN11 and/or LAN12 under one VLAN group,
please type the port number(s) you want.

> vlan group 3 set p2 p7
Use cmd 'vlan status' if you want to check result.
> vlan status
VLAN is Disable :
VLAN Enable VID Pri p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 subnet
0 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
1 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
2 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
3 OFF 0 0 V V 1:LAN1
4 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
5 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
6 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
7 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
8 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
9 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
10 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
11 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
12 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
13 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
14 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
15 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
16 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
17 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
18 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
19 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]

708 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: vlan off
This command allows you to disable VLAN function.

vlan off

> vlan off
VLAN is Disable!

Telnet Command: vlan on

This command allows you to enable VLAN function.

vlan on

> vlan on
VLAN is Enable!

Telnet Command: vlan pri

This command is used to define the priority for each VLAN profile setting.

vlan pri n pri_no

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
n It means VLAN ID number.
n=VLAN ID number (from 0 to 7).
pri_no It means the priority of VLAN profile.
pri_no=0 ~7 (from none to highest priority).

> vlan pri 1 2
VLAN1: Priority=2

Telnet Command: vlan restart

This command can make VLAN settings restarted with newest configuration.

vlan restart

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 709

> vlan restart ?
VLAN restarts!!!

Telnet Command: vlan status

This command display current status for VLAN.

vlan status

> vlan status
VLAN is Disable :
VLAN Enable VID Pri p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 subnet
0 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
1 OFF 0 2 1:LAN1
2 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
3 OFF 0 0 V V 1:LAN1
4 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
5 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
6 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
7 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
8 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
9 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
10 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
11 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
12 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
13 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
14 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
15 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
16 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
17 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
18 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1

19 OFF 0 0 1:LAN1
--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page] ---

Telnet Command: vlan subnet

This command is used to configure the LAN interface used by the VLAN group.

vlan subnet group_id

Syntax Description

710 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Parameter Description
<1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/ It means interfaces, LAN1 ~ LAN100.

> vlan subnet group_id 2
% Vlan Group-0 using LAN2 !

This setting will take effect after rebooting.

Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.

Telnet Command: vlan submode

This command changes the VLAN encapsulation mechanisms in the LAN driver.

vlan submode <on/off/status>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on It means to enable the promiscuous mode.
off It means to enable the normal mode.
status It means to display if submode is normal mode or
promiscuous mode.

> vlan submode on
% vlan subnet mode modified to promiscuous mode.
> vlan submode status
% vlan subnet mode : promiscuous mode

Telnet Command: vlan tagged

This command is used to enable or disable the incoming of untagged packets.

vlan tagged <n> <on/off>
vlan tagged <unlimited> <on/off>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 711

vlan tagged <p1_untag> <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
n It means VLAN channel.
The ranage is from 0 to 99.
on/off It means to enable/disable the tagged VLAN.
<unlimited> <on/off> unlimited on: It allows the incoming of untagged packets
even all VLAN are tagged.
unlimited off: It does not allows the incoming of untagged
<p1_untag> <on/off> P1_untag on: It allows the incoming of untagged packets
form LAN port 1.
P1_untag off: It does not allow the incoming of untagged
packets from LAN port 1.

> vlan tagged unlimited on
Unlimited mode is ON

Telnet Command: vlan vid

This command is used to configure VID number for each VLAN channel.

vlan vid n vid_no

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
n It means VLAN channel.
The range is from 0 to 7.
vid_no It means the value of VLAN ID. Enter the value as the VLAN ID
number. The range is form 0 to 4095.

> vlan vid 1 4095
VLAN1, vid=4095

Telnet Command: vlan sysvid

This command is used to modify and show the scope (reserved 268) of the VLAN IDs used
internally by the system.

vlan sysvid <show / n>

712 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to show the scope of VLAN ID used internally.
n It means VLAN channel.
The ranage is from 0 to 3828.

> vlan sysvid 100
You have set system VLAN ID to range: 100 ~ 367,
We recommend that you reboot the system now.
> vlan sysvid 200
You have set system VLAN ID to range: 200 ~ 467,
We recommend that you reboot the system now.
> vlan sysvid show
The system VLAN ID is in range: 200 ~ 467

Telnet Command: vpn l2lset

This command allows users to set advanced parameters for LAN to LAN function.

vpn l2lset <list index> peerid <peerid>
vpn l2lset <list index> localid <localid>
vpn l2lset <list index> main <auto/proposal index>
vpn l2lset <list index> aggressive <desg1/desg2/aesg1/aesg2/aesg5/aesg14>
vpn l2lset <list index> pfs <on/off>
vpn l2lset <list index> phase1<lifetime>
vpn l2lset <list index> phase2<lifetime>
vpn l2lset <list index> x509localid <0/1>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<list index> peerid <peerid> It means to set the L2L (LAN to LAN) profile with peer identity for
aggressive mode.
<list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.
<peerid> - Enter the peer identity string for aggressive mode.
<list index> localid <localid> It means to set L2L (LAN to LAN) profile with local identity for
aggressive mode.
<list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.
<localid> - Enter the ocal identity for aggressive mode.
<list index> main It means to choose proposal for main mode.
<auto/proposal index> <list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.
<auto/proposal index> - Select auto (choose default proposal),
proposal (choose specified proposal.), or index number.
<list index> aggressive It means the chosen DH group for aggressive mode.
<desg1/desg2/aesg1/aesg2/ <list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 713

aesg5/aesg14> <desg1/desg2/aesg1/aesg2/aesg5/aesg14> - Select one of them.
<list index> pfs <on/off> It means “perfect forward secrete”.
<list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.
<on/off>: Turn on or off the PFS function.
<list index> phase1 It means phase 1 or 2 of IKE.
<lifetime> / <list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.
phase2 <lifetime> <lifetime>: Set the lifetime value (in second) for phase 1 and phase
<list index> x509localid It means to enable (1) or disable (0) the X509 local ID.
<0/1> <list index> - Enter the index number of L2L (LAN to LAN) profile.

> vpn l2lset 1 peerid 102
> vpn l2lset setdefault

Telnet Command: vpn l2lDrop

This command allows users to terminate current LAN to LAN VPN connection.

vpn l2lDrop l2lname <name>
vpn l2lDrop l2lidx <idx>
vpn l2lDrop h2lname <name>
vpn l2lDrop h2lidx <idx>
vpn l2lDrop <ifno>
vpn l2lDrop

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
l2lname <name> Terminate LAN to LAN VPN profile by specifying the profile
l2lidx <idx> Terminate LAN to LAN profile name by specifying the index
number (1 to 192) of the profile.
h2lname <name> Terminate remote dial-in user profile (1 to 200) by specifying
the profile name.
h2lidx <idx> Terminate remote dial-in user profile by specifying the index
number (1 to 200) of the profile.
<ifno> Drop VPN with interface number. This is for debug only.
l2lDrop It means to drop all VPN connections.

> vpn l2lDrop
% Drop all VPN

714 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: vpn l2lDialout
This command allows users to terminate current LAN to LAN VPN connection (dial-out).

vpn l2lDialout <idx>
vpn l2lDialout list

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
l2lDialout <idx> It means to build VPN connection by specifying the index number of
dial-out LAN to LAN profile.
<idx>: Enter an index number (1 to 32).
List It means to display LAN to LAN profiles (enabled).

> vpn l2lDialout list
List LAN to LAN profiles of the status as Enable
Index Profile Status

Telnet Command: vpn dinset

This command allows users to configure setting for remote dial-in VPN profile.

vpn dinset <list index>
vpn dinset <list index> <on/off>
vpn dinset <list index> username <USERNAME>
vpn dinset <list index> password <PASSWORD>
vpn dinset <list index> motp <on/off>
vpn dinset <list index> pin_secret <pin> <secret>
vpn dinset <list index> timeout <value>
vpn dinset <list index> dintype <Type> <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<list index> It means the index number of the profile.
<on/off> It means to enable or disable the profile.
on – Enable.
off – Disable.
username <USERNAME> It means to set the username for the remote dial-in VPN profile.
password <PASSWORD> It means to set the passowrd for the remote dial-in VPN profile.
motp <on/off> It means to enable or disable the authentication with mOTP
on – Enable.
off – Disable.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 715

pin_secret<pin> <secret> It means to set PIN code with secret.
<pin> : Enter the code for authentication (e.g, 1234).
<secret> : Use the 32 digit-secret number generated by mOTP in the
mobile phone (e.g., e759bb6f0e94c7ab4fe6)
timeout <value> It means to set idle timeout (0 to 9999). Default is 300 seconds.
<list index> dintype <Type> <list index>: Specify the index number of the VPN profile.
<on/off> <Type>: Allowed Dial-In Type includes 0, 1, 2 and 3.
<on/off>: on, allowed using the dial-in type to create VPN
connection; off, not allowed using the dail-in type to create VPN
0: PPTP,
1: IPsec Tunnel,
2: L2TP with IPsec Policy,
3: SSL Tunnel

> vpn dinset 1

Dial-in profile index 1

Profile Name: ???

Status: Deactive

Mobile OTP: Disabled


Idle Timeout: 300 sec

> vpn dinset 1 on

% set profile active

> vpn dinset 1 motp on

% Enable Mobile OTP mode!>
> vpn dinset 1 pin_secret 1234 e759bb6f0e94c7ab4fe6
> vpn dinset 1

Dial-in profile index 1

Profile Name: ???

Status: Active

Mobile OTP: Enabled

PIN: 1234

Secret: e759bb6f0e94c7ab4fe6

Idle Timeout: 300 sec

716 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: vpn subnet
This command allows users to specify a subnet selection for the specified remote dial-in VPN

vpn subnet <index> <1/2/3/.../100>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<index> It means the index number of the VPN profile.
<1/2/3/.../100> 1 – it means LAN1
2 – it means LAN2.
3 – it means LAN3
4 – it means LAN4.
100 – it means LAN100

> vpn subnet 1 2

Telnet Command: vpn setup

This command allows users to setup VPN for different types.

Command of PPTP Dial-Out
vpn setup <index> <name> pptp_out <ip> <usr> <pwd> <nip> <nmask>
Command of IPSec Dial-Out
vpn setup <index> <name> ipsec_out <ip> <key> <nip> <nmask>
Command of L2Tp Dial-Out
vpn setup <index> <name> l2tp_out <ip> <usr> <pwd> <nip> <nmask>
Command of Dial-In
vpn setup <index> <name> dialin <ip> <usr> <pwd> <key> <nip> <nmask>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
For PPTP Dial-Out
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
<name> It means the name of the profile.
<ip> It means the IP address to dial to.
<usr> <pwd> It means the user and the password required for the PPTP
<nip> <nmask> It means the remote network IP and the mask.
vpn setup 1 name1 pptp_out vigor 1234

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 717

For IPsec Dial-Out
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
<name> It means the name of the profile.
<ip> It means the IP address to dial to.
<key> It means the value of IPsec Pre-Shared Key.
<nip> <nmask> It means the remote network IP and the mask.
vpn setup 1 name1 ipsec_out 1234
For L2TP Dial-Out
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
<name> It means the name of the profile.
<ip> It means the IP address to dial to.
<usr> <pwd> It means the user and the password required for the L2TP
<nip> <nmask> It means the remote network IP and the mask.
vpn setup 1 name1 l2tp_out vigor 1234
For Dial-In
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
<name> It means the name of the profile.
<ip> It means the IP address allowed to dial in.
<usr> <pwd> It means the user and the password required for the PPTP/L2TP
<key> It means the value of IPsec Pre-Shared Key.
<nip> <nmask> It means the remote network IP and the mask.
vpn setup 1 name1 dialin vigor 1234 abc

> vpn setup 1 name1 dialin vigor 1234 abc
% Profile Change Log ...

% Profile Index : 1
% Profile Name : name1
% Username : vigor
% Password : 1234
% Pre-share Key : abc
% Call Direction : Dial-In
% Type of Server : ISDN PPTP IPSec L2TP
% Dial from :
% Remote NEtwork IP :
% Remote NEtwork Mask :

718 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: vpn option
This command allows users to configure settings for LAN to LAN profile.

vpn option <index> <cmd1>=<param1> [<cmd2>=<para2> | ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
Available index numbers:
1 ~ 500
For Common Settings
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
pname It means the name of the profile.
ena It means to enable or disable the profile.
on – Enable
off - Disable
thr It means the way that VPN connection passes through. Available
settings are wlf, wlo, w2f, w2o, w1oB and w2oB.
w1f – WAN1 First.
w1o – WAN1 Only.
w2f – WAN2 First.
w2o – WAN2 Only.
w1oB - WAN1 Only (Only establish VPN if WAN2 down)
w2oB - WAN2 Only (Only establish VPN if WAN1 down)
thr_ai It means the connection through WAN IP Alias index.
Range from 0 to 299.
nnpkt It means the NetBios Naming Packet.
on – Enable the function to pass the packet.
off – Disable the function to block the packet.
dir It means the call direction. Available settings are b, o and i.
b – Both
o – Dial-Out
i – Dial-In.
idle=[value] It means Always on and Idle Time out.
Available values include:
-1 – it means always on for dial-out.
0 – it means always on for dial-in.
Other numbers (e.g., idle=200, idle=300, idle=500) mean the router
will be idle after the interval (seconds) configured here.
palive It means to enable PING to keep alive.
-1 – disable the function.
1,2,3,4 – Enable the function and PING IP to keep alive.
For Dial-Out Settings
ctype It means “Type of Server I am calling”.
“ctype=t” means PPTP.
“ctype=s” means IPSec.
“ctype= l” means L2TP(IPSec Policy None).

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 719

“ctype= l1” means L2TP(IPSec Policy Nice to Have).
“ctype= l2” means L2TP(IPSec Policy Must).
“ctype= c” means SSL Tunnel.
dialto It means Server IP/Host Name for VPN. (such as draytek.com or
ltype It means Link Type.
“ltype=0” means “Disable”.
“ltype=1” means “64kbps”.
“ltype=2” means “128kbps”.
“ltype=3” means “BOD”.
oname It means Dial-Out Username.
“oname=admin” means to set Username = admin.
opwd It means Dial-Out Password
“opwd=1234” means to set Password = 1234.
pauth It means PPP Authentication.
“pauth=pc” means to set PPP Authentication = PAP&CHAP.
“pauth=p” means to set PPP Authentication = PAP Only
ovj It means VJ Compression.
“ovj=on/off” means to enable/disable VJ Compression.
okey It means IKE Pre-Shared Key.
“okey=abcd” means to set IKE Pre-Shared Key = abcd.
ometh It means IPSec Security Method.
“ometh=ah/” means AH.
“ometh=espd/espda [a/m/s/S]” means ESP DES without/with
Authentication (Auto, MD5, SHA1 or SHA2).
“ometh=esp3/esp3a [a/m/s/S]” means ESP 3DES without/with
Authentication (Auto, MD5, SHA1 or SHA2).
“ometh=espa [1/9/2']/espaa [a/m/s/S] [1/9/2']” means ESP AES
(128, 192, or 256) without/with Authentication (Auto, MD5, SHA1 or
SHA2) (128, 192, or 256).
sch It means Index(1-15) in Schedule Setup.
sch=1,3,5,7 Set schedule 1->3->5->7
ikemode It means to set IKE phase 1 mode.
"ikemode=m/a" means the IKE phase 1 mode whill be set as Main
Mode / Aggressive Mode.
ikeid It means IKE Local ID.
“ikeid=vigor” means Set Local ID = vigor.
For Dial-In Settings
itype It means Allowed Dial-In Type. Available settings include:
“itype=t” means PPTP.
“itype=s” means IPSec.
“itype=L1”means L2TP (None).
“itype=L1” means L2TP(Nice to Have).
“itype=l2” means L2TP(Must).
“ctype= c” means SSL Tunnel.
peer It means specify Peer VPN Server IP for Remote VPN Gateway.
Type “” means to allow VPN dial-in with IP address of
Type “off” means any remote IP is allowed to dial in.
peerid It means the peer ID for Remote VPN Gateway.

720 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Type “draytek” means the word is used as local ID.
iname It means Dial-in Username.
“iname=admin” means to set username as “admin”.
ipwd It means Dial-in Password.
“ipwd=1234” means to set password as “1234”.
ivj It means VJ Compression.
“ivj=on/off” means to enable /disable VJ Compression.
ikey It means IKE Pre-Shared Key.
“ikey=abcd” means to set IKE Pre-Shared Key = abcd.
imeth It means IPSec Security Method
“imeth=h” means “Allow AH”.
“imeth=d” means “Allow DES”.
“imeth=3” means “Allow 3DES”.
“imeth=a” means “Allow AES.
For TCP/IP Settings

mywip It means My WAN IP.

“mywip=” means to set My WAN IP as “”.
rgip It means Remote Gateway IP.
“rgip=” means to set Remote Gateway IP as “”.
rnip It means Remote Network IP.
“rnip=” means to set Remote Network IP as “”.
rnmask It means Remote Network Mask.
“rnmask=” means to set Remote Network Mask as
lnip It means the local network IP.
"lnip=" means to set the local network IP as "".
lnmask It means the local Network Mask.
“rnmask=” means to set the local Network Mask as
rip It means RIP Direction.
“rip=d” means to set RIP Direction as “Disable”.
“rip=t” means to set RIP Direction as “TX”.
“rip=r” means to set RIP Direction as “RX”.
“rip=b” means to set RIP Direction as “Both”.
mode It means the option of “From first subnet to remote network, you
have to do”.
“mode=r” means to set Route mode.
“mode=n” means to set NAT mode.
droute It means to Change default route to this VPN tunnel ( Only single
WAN supports this).
droute=on/off means to enable/disable the function.

> vpn option 1 idle=250
% Change Log..

% Idle Timeout = 250

> vpn option 33 pname=carrietest

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 721

% Change Log..

% Prifile Name = carrietest

Telnet Command: vpn mroute

This command allows users to list, add or delete static routes for a certain LAN to LAN VPN

vpn mroute <index> list
vpn mroute <index> add <network ip>/<mask>
vpn mroute <index> del <network ip>/<mask>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
list It means to display all of the route settings.
add It means to add a new route.
del It means to delete specified route.
<index> It means the index number of the profile.
Available index numbers:
1 ~ 500
<network ip>/<mask> Enter the IP address with the network mask address.

> vpn mroute 1 add
% Add new route to profile 1

Telnet Command: vpn list

This command allows users to view LAN to LAN VPN profiles.

vpn list <index> all
vpn list <index> com
vpn list<index> out
vpn list <index> in
vpn list<index> net

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
all It means to list configuration of the specified profile.
com It means to list common settings of the specified profile.
out It means to list dial-out settings of the specified profile.
in It means to list dial-in settings of the specified profile.
net It means to list Network Settings of the specified profile.

722 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<index> It means the index number of the profile.
Available index numbers:
1 ~ 32

> vpn list 32 all
% Common Settings

% Profile Name :???

% Profile Status :Disable
% Dialout WAN IP Alias Index : None
% Netbios Naming Packet :Pass
% Call Direction :Both
% Idle Timeout :300
% PING to keep alive :off

% Dial-out Settings

% Type of Server :PPTP

% Link Type: :64k bps
% Username :?
% Password
% PPP Authentication : PAP/CHAP
% VJ Compression : on
% Pre-Shared Key :
% IPsec Security Method : AES with Authentication
% Schedule : 0,0,0,0
% Remote Callback : off
% Provide ISDN Number : off
% IKE phase 1 mode : Main mode
% IKE Local ID :

% Dial-In Settings
% Allow Dial-in Type : ISDN IPsec L2TP (IPsec Policy None)
% Specify CLID/Number/IP : off
% Username : ???
% Password :
% VJ Compression : on
% Pre-Shared Key :
% IPsec Security Method : AH DES 3DES AES
% Callback Function : off
% Callback Number : off
% Callback Budget : 0

% Network Settings

% My Wan IP :
% Remote Gateway IP :
% Remote Network IP :
% Remote Network Mask :
% Local Network IP :
% Local Network Mask :
% RIP Direction : Disable
% Mode : Route Mode
% Change default route : Off


Telnet Command: vpn remote

This command allows users to enable or disable PPTP/IPSec/L2TP VPN service.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 723

vpn remote <PPTP/IPsec/L2TP/SSLVPN> <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<PPTP/IPsec/L2TP/SSLVPN> There are several types to be selected.
<on/off> on – enable VPN remote setting.
off – disable VPN remote setting.

> vpn remote PPTP on
Set PPTP VPN Service : On

Please restart the router!!

Telnet Command: vpn trunk

This command allows users to configure VPN Backup, VPN load balance, GRE over IPsec, and
Binding tunnel policy.
vpn trunk show_usable
vpn trunk backup <add/del> <name> <Member#1> <Member#2>
vpn trunk backup more_syslog <ON/OFF>
vpn trunk backup ERD <name> <Normal/Recover/Resume><second>
vpn trunk lb <add/del> <name> <Member#1> <Member#2>
vpn trunk lb more_syslog <ON/OFF>
vpn trunk lb algorithm <name><RR/W-RR/ Fastest>
vpn trunk bind usage <BindIndex>
vpn trunk bind show <LoadBalanceName>
vpn trunk bind reset_default
vpn trunk bind more_syslog <ON/OFF>
vpn trunk bind set <BindIndex> <ACT> <TrunkName> <Member> <SrcIp:A~B> <DstI p:A~B>
<DstPort:A~B> <Proto> <Frag>
vpn trunk bind insert <After_BindIndex> <ACT> <TrunkName> <Member> <SrcIp:A~B>
<DstIp:A~B> <DstPort:A~B> <Proto> <Frag>
vpn trunk SetGre show <Dialout_Index>
vpn trunk SetGre
vpn trunk An_Gre GreIPsecAnalyze <ON/OFF>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show_usable Display a list of LAN to LAN dial out profiles.
backup <add/del> <name> Set multiple VPN tunnels (LAN to LAN profiles) as backup tunnel.
<Member#1> <Member#2> add/del - Add or delete a profile for used in VPN Trunk.
name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
Member#1 – Indicate the first LAN to LAN profile.
Member#2 – Indicate the second LAN to LAN profile.
backup more_syslog These commands are used for RD debug.

724 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

lb more_syslog <ON/OFF>
bind more_syslog <ON/OFF>
backup ERD <name> ERD means Environment Recovers Detection.
<Normal/Recover/Resume>< name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
Normal – Indicate the Normal mode. All dial-out VPN TRUNK backup
profiles will be activated alternatively.
Recover – Indicate the duration of VPN backup operation.
Resume – When VPN connection breaks down or disconnects,
Member 1 will be the top priority for the system to do VPN
Second – “0” means to dial each six seconds automatically. “60 ~
2147483647” means to early handle for less than 30 seconds within
designated time.
lb <add/del> <name> It means to create VPN trunk with load balance.
<Member#1> <Member#2> add/del - Add or delete a profile for used in VPN Trunk.
name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
Member#1 – Indicate the first LAN to LAN profile.
Member#2 – Indicate the second LAN to LAN profile.
lb more_syslog <ON/OFF> It means to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the syslog records.
lb algorithm <name> Set multiple VPN tunnels for using as traffic load balance tunnel.
<RR/W-RR/Fastest> Such command is to configure the algorithm (with round robin
mode) of Load Balance.
name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
RR – It means round robin mode. All of the dial-out profiles will be
taken turns equally.
Fastest - Configure the algorithm (with fastest mode) of Load
lb algorithm Such command is to configure the algorithm (with round robin
<name><W-RR><Auto> mode) of Load Balance.
<AccordingRatio> name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
W-RR – It means weighted round robin mod based on speed ratio.
 Auto - the speed must be based on Lay2.
 AccordingRatio – the speed must be based on given ratio.
Member#1 – Inidcate the first LAN to LAN profile.
Member#2 – Indicate the second LAN to LAN proifle.
lb algorithm Such command is to configure the algorithm (with fastest mode) of
<name><Fastest> Load Balance. Most of traffics will be led to the channel with the
fastest connection.
name – Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
bind usage <BindIndex> Display detailed information for VPN Load Balance Tunnel Bind.
BindIndex – Indicate the index number of the tunnle bind.
bind show Display the bind information for VPN Load Balance profile.
<LoadBalanceName> LoadBalanceName – type the name of VPN Load Balance profile
bind reset_default Reset the bind tunnel for VPN load balance to factory reset settings.
bind more_syslog <ON/OFF> It means to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the syslog records.
bind set <BindIndex> <ACT> Set the binding tunnel policy.
<TrunkName> <Member> BindIndex – Indicate the index number (1 ~ 64) for the tunnel to be
<SrcIp:A~B> <DstI p:A~B> bound.
<DstPort:A~B> <Proto>
vpn trunk bind set 1 y vpnlb 1
<Frag> 1~65535 0 OFF
ACT – Specify the action. “y” means active; “n” means inactive or

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 725

TrunkName - TrunkName - Specify the name of the VPN trunk
created by using “vpn trunk lb” command.
Member – Specify the index number of the LAN to LAN (dial-out)
profile to be bound.
SrcIp:A~B – Specify the source IP range (e.g.,
DstI p:A~B - Specify the destination IP range (e.g.,
DstPort:A~B – Specify the destination port range (1~65535).
Proto – Specify the protocol.
0 – any
1 – ICMP
2 – IGMP
6 – TCP
17 – UDP
255 – TCP/UDP
Frag – “ON” means to bind the fragmented packet; “OFF” means
not to care. It is the default setting.
bind insert It is used to insert additional load balance policy into an existing
<After_BindIndex> <ACT> policy.
<TrunkName> <Member> After_BindIndex – Specify an index number that new additional
<SrcIp:A~B> <DstIp:A~B> policy should be inserted before. See the following example:
<DstPort:A~B> <Proto>
vpn trunk bind insert 1 y vpnlb 2
<Frag> 80~80 TCP OFF
ACT – Specify the action. “y” means active; “n” means inactive or
TrunkName - Specify the name of the VPN trunk.
Member – Specify the index number of the LAN to LAN (dial-out)
profile to be bound.
SrcIp:A~B – Specify the source IP range (e.g.,
DstI p:A~B - Specify the destination IP range (e.g.,
DstPort:A~B – Specify the destination port range (1~65535).
Proto – Specify the protocol.
0 – any
1 – ICMP
2 – IGMP
6 – TCP
17 – UDP
255 – TCP/UDP
Frag – “ON” means to bind the fragmented packet; “OFF” means
not to care. It is the default setting.
SetGre show Display the GRE over IPSec settings in specified LAN to LAN profile.
<Dialout_Index> Dialout_Index – Index number of the LAN to LAN (dial-out) profile.
SetGre Active/In-active - Specify the action. “y” means active; “n” means
<Active/In-active><Dialout_I inactive.
ndex><GRE_MyIP><GRE_Pee Dialout_Index – Index number of the LAN to LAN (dial-out) profile.
GRE_MyIP –Enter the virtual IP for router itself for verified by peer.
GRE_PeerIP –Enter the virtual IP of peer host for verified by router.
Logical_Traffic - Specify the action for RFC2890. “y” means active;
“n” means inactive.
An_Gre GreIPsecAnalyze These commands are used for RD debug.

726 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> vpn setup 1 name1 pptp_out vigor 1234
% Profile Change Log ...

% Profile Index : 1
% Profile Name : name1j
% Username : vigor
% Password : 1234
% Call Direction : Dial-Out
% Type of Server : PPTP
% Dial to :
% Remote NEtwork IP :
% Remote NEtwork Mask :
> vpn setup 2 market pptp_out vigor 5678
% Profile Change Log ...

% Profile Index : 2
% Profile Name : market
% Username : vigor
% Password : 5678
% Call Direction : Dial-Out
% Type of Server : PPTP
% Dial to :
% Remote NEtwork IP :
% Remote NEtwork Mask :
> vpn trunk lb add comp 1 2
%% Combination VPN Load Balance profile list :
<Index> < Name > < Member1(Active)Type > <
ive)Type >
1 comp 1(YES)PPTP 2(YES)P

%% Note: <Active: NO> The LAN-to-LAN Profile is disable or under Dial-In(Call

rection) at present.

% Setting OK.
> vpn trunk bind set 1 y comp 2 1~65535 0 OFF
% VPN Load Balance Tunnel Bind Table Index[1] detail:
Action = ACTIVE
Trunk Profile(000) Name= comp
Binding Dial Out Index = 2
Binding Src IP = ~
Binding Dest IP = ~
Binding Dest Port = 1 ~ 65535
Binding Fragmented = NO
Binding Protocol = ANY Protocol

Telnet Command: vpn NetBios

This command allows users to enable or disable NetBios for Remote Access User Accounts or
LAN-to-LAN Profile.

vpn NetBios set <H2l/L2l> <index> <Block/Pass>

Syntax Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 727

Parameter Description
<H2l/L2l> H2l means Remote Access User Accounts.
L2l means LAN-to-LAN Profile.
Specify which one will be applied by NetBios.
<index> The index number (1 to maxuser) of the profile.
<Block/Pass> Pass – Have an inquiry for data transmission between the hosts
located on both sides of VPN Tunnel while connecting.
Block – When there is conflict occurred between the hosts on both
sides of VPN Tunnel in connecting, set it block data transmission of
Netbios Naming Packet inside the tunnel.

> vpn NetBios set H2l 1 Pass
% Remote Dial In Profile Index [1] :
% NetBios Block/Pass: [PASS]

Telnet Command: vpn mss

This command allows users to configure the maximum segment size (MSS) for different TCP

vpn mss show
vpn mss default
vpn mss set <connection type> <TCP maximum segment size range>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to display current setting status.
default TCP maximum segment size for all the VPN connection will be set as
1360 bytes.
set Use it to specify the connection type and value of MSS.
<connection type> 1~4 represent various type.
1 – PPTP
2 – L2TP
3 – IPSec
4 – L2TP over IPSec
5 - GRE over IPsec
6 - SSL Tunnel
<TCP maximum segment size Each type has different segment size range.
range> PPTP – 1 ~ 1412
L2TP – 1 ~ 1408
IPSec – 1 ~ 1381
L2TP over IPsec – 1 ~ 1361
GRE over IPsec - 1 ~ 1365
SSL Tunnel - 1 ~ 1360


728 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> vpn mss set 1 1400
% VPN TCP maximum segment size (MSS) :
PPTP = 1400
L2TP = 1360
IPsec = 1360
L2TP over IPsec = 1360
GRE over IPsec = 1360
SSL Tunnel = 1260
> vpn mss show
% VPN TCP maximum segment size (MSS) :
PPTP = 1400
L2TP = 1360
IPsec = 1360
L2TP over IPsec = 1360
GRE over IPsec = 1360
SSL Tunnel = 1260

Telnet Command: vpn ike

This command is used to display IKE memory status and leakage list.

vpn ike -q
vpn ike -s

> vpn ike -q
IKE Memory Status and Leakage List

# of free L-Buffer=95, minimum=94, leak=1

# of free M-Buffer=529, minimum=529 leak=3
# of free S-Buffer=1199, minimum=1198, leak=1
# of free Msgid-Buffer=1024, minimum=1024

Telnet Command: vpn Multicast

This command allows users to pass or block the multi-cast packet via VPN.

vpn Multicast set <H2l/L2l> <index> <Block/Pass>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<H2l/L2l> H2l means Host to LAN (Remote Access User Accounts).
L2l means LAN-to-LAN Profile.
<index> The index number (1 to 500) of the profile.
<Block/Pass> Set Block/Pass the Multicast Packets.
The default is Block.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 729

> vpn Multicast set L2l 1 Pass
% Lan to Lan Profile Index [1] :
% Status Block/Pass: [PASS]

Telnet Command: vpn pass2nd

This command allows users to determine if the packets coming from the second subnet
passing through current used VPN tunnel.

vpn pass2nd on
vpn pass2nd off

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on/off on – the packets can pass through NAT.
off – the packets cannot pass through NAT.

> vpn pass2nd on
% 2nd subnet is allowed to pass VPN tunnel!

Telnet Command: vpn pass2nat

This command allows users to determine if the packets passing through by NAT or not when
the VPN tunnel disconnects.

vpn pass2nat <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<on/off> on – the packets can pass through NAT.
off – the packets cannot pass through NAT.

> vpn pass2nat on
% Packets would go through by NAT when VPN disconnect!!

Telnet Command: vpn sameSubnet

This command allows users to build VPN between clients via virtual subnet.

vpn sameSubnet -i <index> -e <subnet> -I <Virtual Subnet> -o <add/del>
vpn sameSubnet -i <value>

730 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

vpn sameSubnet -i <value> –E <0/1>
vpn sameSubnet -i <value> –e <value>
vpn sameSubnet -I <Virtual Subnet>
vpn sameSubnet -o <add/del>
vpn sameSubnet -v
vpn sameSubnet -m <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-i <value> Specify the index number of VPN profile.
-i <value> –E <0/1> Enable or disable the IPsec with the same subnet.
1 – enable.
0 – disable.
-i <value> –e <value> Translate specified LAN to virtual subnet.
1 – LAN1
2 – LAN2
3 – LAN3 …
-i <value> -I <Virtual Set the virtual subnet (e.g.,
-i <value> -o <add/del> Set the operation (add or delete) for the VPN profile.
-v Display current status of virtual subnet.
-m <value> Set the translated type.
<value> - 1 means Whole Subnet; 2 means Specific IP.

> vpn sameSubnet -i 1 -e 1 -I -o add
Add entry Succcess!!
> vpn sameSubnet -v
IPsec with the same subnet:
VPN profile 1 enable,
Whole Subnet:
translated LAN1 to Virtual subnet:
IPsec with the same subnet:
VPN profile 201 enable,
Whole Subnet:
IPsec with the same subnet:
VPN profile 203 enable,
Whole Subnet:

Telnet Command: vpn ovpn

This command allows users to configure general settings for OpenVPN.

vpn ovpn mode <0/1>
vpn ovpn show
vpn ovpn udp_mode <0/1>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 731

vpn ovpn tcp_mode <0/1>
vpn ovpn udp_port <1-65535>
vpn ovpn tcp_port <1-65535>
vpn ovpn cert <0/1>
vpn ovpn replay <0/1>
vpn ovpn certmode <0/1/2>
vpn openvpn hmacmode <0/1/2>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
mode <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the OpenVPN function.
show Display the OpenVPN setting status.
udp_mode <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the UDP mode.
tcp_mode <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the TCP mode.
udp_port <1-65535> Set the UDP port number.
tcp_port <1-65535> Set the TCP port number.
cert <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the certificate authentication.
replay <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the replay option.
certmode <0/1/2> Set the Cipher Algorithm Mode.
0 - AES128
1 - AES256
2 - None
hmacmode <0/1/2> Set the Cipher HMAC mode.
0 - SHA1
1 - SHA256
2 - None

> vpn ovpn show

Openvpn: Enable
support UDP: Enable
UDP port: 1194
support TCP: Enable
TCP port: 1194
Use certificate authentication: Enable
replay option: Enable
Cipher Algorithm: AES128
HMAC Algorithm: SHA1

Telnet Command: wan ppp_mru

This command allows users to adjust the size of PPP LCP MRU. It is used for specific network.


732 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

wan ppp_mru <WAN interface number> <MRU size>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<WAN interface number> Type a number to represent the physical interface.
<MRU size> It means the number of PPP LCP MRU. The available range is from
1400 to 1600.

> wan ppp_mru 1 ?
% Now: 1492

> wan ppp_mru 1 1490

> wan ppp_mru 1 ?
% Now: 1490

> wan ppp_mru 1 1492

> wan ppp_mru 1 ?
% Now: 1492

Telnet Command: wan mtu / mtu2

This command allows users to adjust the size of MTU for WAN.

wan mtu <value>
wan mtu2 <value>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
value It means the number of MTU for PPP. The available range is from
1000 to 1500.
For Static IP/DHCP, the maximum number will be 1500.
For PPPoE, the maximum number will be 1492.
For PPTP/L2TP, the maximum number will be 1460.

> wan mtu 1100
> wan mtu ?
Static IP/DHCP (Max MSS: 1500)
PPPoE(Max MSS: 1492)
PPTP/L2TP(Max MSS: 1460)
% wan ppp_mss <MSS size: 1000 ~ 1500>
% Now: 1100

Telnet Command: wan dns

This command allows users to configure primary and / or secondary DNS server.

wan dns <wan_no><dns_select><ipv4_addr>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 733

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan_no Select WAN interface (1 to 10).
dns_select Specify primary and / or secondary DNS server.
pri – It means primary DNS server.
sec – It means secondary DNS server.
ipv4_addr Enter the IP address of DNS server.

> wan dns 1 pri
% Set WAN1 primary DNS done.
% Now:

Telnet Command: wan DF_check

This command allows you to enable or disable the function of DF (Don’t fragment)

wan DF_check <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
on/off It means to enable or disable DF.

> wan DF_check on
%DF bit check enable!

Telnet Command: wan disable

This command allows you to disable WAN connection.

> wan disable
%WAN disabled.

Telnet Command: wan enable

This command allows you to disable wan connection.

734 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> wan enable
%WAN1 enabled.

Telnet Command: wan forward

This command allows you to enable or disable the function of WAN forwarding. The packets
are allowed to be transmitted between different WANs.

wan forward <on/off>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<on/off> It means to enable or disable WAN forward.

> wan forward ?
%WAN forwarding is Disable!

> wan forward on

%WAN forwarding is enable!

Telnet Command: wan status

This command allows you to display the status of WAN connection, including connection mode,
TX/RX packets, DNS settings and IP address.

> wan status
BWAN1: Offline, stall=N
Mode: DHCP Client, Up Time=00:00:00
IP=---, GW IP=---
TX Packets=0, TX Rate(bps)=0, RX Packets=0, RX Rate(bps)=0
Primary DNS=, Secondary DNS=

BWAN2: Offline, stall=N

Mode: ---, Up Time=00:00:00
IP=---, GW IP=---
TX Packets=0, TX Rate(bps)=0, RX Packets=0, RX Rate(bps)=0
Primary DNS=, Secondary DNS=

BWAN3: Offline, stall=Y

Mode: PPPoE, Up Time=00:00:00
IP=---, GW IP=---
TX Packets=72581, TX Rate(bps)=0, RX Packets=112651, RX Rate(bps)=0
Primary DNS=, Secondary DNS=

BWAN4: Offline, stall=N

Mode: ---, Up Time=00:00:00
IP=---, GW IP=---

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 735

TX Packets=0, TX Rate(bps)=0, RX Packets=0, RX Rate(bps)=0
Primary DNS=, Secondary DNS=

BWAN5: Online, stall=N


Telnet Command: wan detect

This command allows you to Ping a specified IP to detect the WAN connection (static IP or
PPPoE mode).

wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> <on/off/strict/always_on>
wan detect <wan1> <off> -t <time>
wan detect <wan1> <off> -i <Interval>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> target <ip addr>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> target2 <ip addr>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> target_gw <1/0>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> ttl <value>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> interval <interval>
wan detect <wan1/wan2/...> retry <retry>
wan detect status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<wan1/wan2/...> On - It means to enable ping detection. The IP address of the target
<on/off/strict/always_on> shall be set.
Off - It means to enable ARP detection (default).
strict - Enable Strict ARP detection.
always_on - disable link detect, always connected(only support
static IP)
<wan1> <off> -t <time> Set the time (0 to 256).
<wan1> <off> -i <Interval> Set the time interval (0 to time value).

<wan1/wan2/...> target Set the ping target.

<ip addr> <ip addr> : It means the IP address used for detection. Type an IP
address in this field.
<wan1/wan2/...> target2 Set the secondary ping target.
<ip addr> <ip addr>: It means the IP address used for detection. Type an IP
address in this field.
<wan1/wan2/...> target_gw Set whether to use gateway as ping target. (1: yes 0: no)
<1/0> Note that USB WAN (PPP mode) cannot support PING gateway
<wan1/wan2/...> ttl It means to set the ping TTL value (work as trace route)
<value> If you do not set any value for ttl here or just type 0 here, the
system will use default setting (255) as the ttl value.
<wan1/wan2/...> interval Set the interval between each ping operation. Available setting is
<interval> between 1 and 3600. The unit is second.
<interval>: Type a value.
<wan1/wan2/...>retry Set how many ping operations are retried before the Router judges
<retry> that the WAN connection is disconnected. Available setting is

736 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

between 1 and 255. The unit is times.
<retry> : Type a number.
status It means to show the current status.

> wan detect status
WAN1: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN2: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN3: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN4: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN5: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN6: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN7: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN8: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN9: always on
WAN10: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN11: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN12: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN13: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN14: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN15: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN16: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN17: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN18: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN19: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN20: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN21: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN22: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5
WAN23: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5

WAN24: arp detect, send time=30, Interval = 5

--- MORE --- ['q': Quit, 'Enter': New Lines, 'Space Bar': Next Page]
> wan detect wan1 target
Set OK

> wan detect wan1 on

Set OK

> wan detect status

WAN1: on, Target=, TTL=255
WAN2: off
WAN3: off
WAN4: off
WAN5: off

Telnet Command: wan lb

This command allows you to Enable/Disable for each WAN to join auto load balance member.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 737

wan lb <wan1/wan2/…> on
wan lb <wan1/wan2/…> off
wan lb <ip/session>
wan lb status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan1/wan2/.... Specify which WAN will be applied with load balance.
on Make WAN interface as the member of load balance.
off Cancel WAN interface as the member of load balance.
<ip/session> Set the load balance mode to IP(default) or session based.
status Show the current status.

> wan lb ip
Set OK
> wan lb status
WAN1: on
WAN2: on
WAN3: on
WAN4: on
WAN5: on
WAN6: on
WAN7: on
WAN52: on

Load balance mode is IP based


Telnet Command: wan lbel

This command allows you to define protocol, port and name for the traffic not to be applied
with load balance.

wan lbel <enable> <idx> <protocol> <port> <portend> <comment>
wan lbel status <idx>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Idx Enter the index number (1 to 32) for the exception list.
enable Enter 1 (enable) or 0 (disable) the selected profile.
protocol <protocol>: Enter TCP, UDP, all. "All" means "TCP+UDP".
port Enter a number (0 to 65535) as starting port.
It it is set with "0", then the port range (1 to 65535) will not be

738 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

applied with load balance.
portend Enter a number (0 to 65535) as ending port (must be greater than
starting port).
comment Enter a string (less than 11 characters) as a comment.
status <idx> Show the current setting of the specified profile.

> wan lbel 1 1 tcp 1 65533 testing
> wan lbel status 1
whitelist[1] status:enable, protocol:tcp, port:1~65533,

Telnet Command: wan mvlan

This command allows you to configure multi-VLAN for WAN and LAN. It supports pure bridge
mode (modem mode) between Ethernet WAN and LAN port 2~4.

wan mvlan <pvc_no/status/save/enable/disable> <on/off/clear/tag tag_no> <service
type/vlan priority> <px ... >

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
pvc_no It means index number of PVC. There are 10 PVC, 0(Channel-1) to
7(Channel-8) allowed to be configured.
However, only 2 to 9 are available for configuration.
status It means to display the whole Bridge status.
save It means to save the configuration into flash of Vigor router.
enable/disable It means to enable/disable the Multi-VLAN function.
on/off It means to turn on/off bridge mode for the specific channel.
clear It means to turn off/clear the port.
tag tag_no It means to tag a number for the VLAN.
-1: No need to add tag number.
1-4095: Available setting numbers used as tagged number.
service type It means to specify the service type for VLAN.
0: Normal.
1: IGMP.
vlan priority It means to specify the priority for the VALN setting.
Range is from 0 to 7.
px It means LAN port. Available setting number is from 2 to 4. Port
number 1 is locked for NAT usage.

PVC 7 will map to LAN port 2/3/4 in bridge mode; service type is Normal. No tag added.

> wan mvlan 7 on p2 p3 p4

PVC Bridge p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 Se

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 739

rvice Type Tag Priority
7 ON 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N
ormal 0(OFF) 0


Telnet Command: wan multifno

This command allows you to specify a channel (in Multi-PVC/VLAN) to make bridge connection
to a specified WAN interface.

wan multifno <channel #><WAN interface #>
wan multifno status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<channel #><WAN interface <channel #> - There are several channels including VLAN and PVC.
#> Available settings are:
13=Channel 13
14=Channel 14
52=Channel 52
WAN interface # - Enter a number to indicate the WAN interface.
status It means to display current bridge status.

> wan multifno 13 1
% Configured channel 13 uplink to WAN1
> wan multifno status
% Channel 13 uplink ifno: 3
% Channel 14 uplink ifno: 3
% Channel 15 uplink ifno: 3
% Channel 16 uplink ifno: 3
% Channel 17 uplink ifno: 3

Telnet Command: wan vlan

This command allows you to tag packets on WAN VLAN with specified number.

wan vlan wan <#> tag <value>
wan vlan wan <#> <enable/disable>
wan vlan wan <#> pri <value>
wan vlan stat

740 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan <#> Specify which WAN interface will be tagged.
tag <value> Type a number for tagging on WAN interface.
enable/disable Enable: Specified WAN interface will be tagged.
Disable: Disable the function of tagging on WAN interface.
pri <value> Set the priority of the WAN interface.
<value>: 0 to 7
stat Display current VLAN status.

> wan vlan wan 1 pri 6
> Set priority to 6 for WAN1
> wan vlan stat
% Interface Pri Tag Enabled
% ======================================
% WAN1 6 0
% WAN2 0 0
% WAN3 0 0
% WAN4 0 0
% WAN5 0 0

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 741

Telnet Command: wan budget
This command allows you determine the data traffic volume for each WAN interface
respectively to prevent from overcharges for data transmission by the ISP.

wan budget wan <#> rdate <day><hour>
wan budget wan <#> <enable|disable>
wan budget wan <#> thres <budget limit (MB)>
wan budget wan <#> gthres <budget limit (GB)>
wan budget wan <#> mode <monthly|periodic|none>
wan budget wan <#> psday <th day in periodic>
wan budget wan <#> custom_mode <0/1>
wan budget wan <#> custom_mode_reset_hour <hour>
wan budget wan <#> action <action bitmap>
wan budget status

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
wan <#> rdate <day><hour> wan <#>: Specify the WAN interface (1 to 12).
rdate <day><hour>: Specify the WAN budget refresh time.
day – Available settings are from 1 to 30.
hour – Available settings are from 1 to 23.
E.g., wan budget wan 1 rdate 5 10
If monthy mode is selected: WAN budget will be refreshed on 5th
day at 10:00 in each month.
If periodic mode is selected: WAN budget will be refreshed every 5
days and 10 hours.
<enable|disable> enable - Enable the function of wan budget.
disable - Disable the function of wan budget.
thres <budget limit (MB)> Specify the maximum value for WAN budget limit. (Unit: MB)
budget limit – Type a number.
gthres <budget limit (GB)> Specify the maximum value of wan budget limit. (Unit: GB)
budget limit – Type a number.
mode Specify the calculation mode (monthly, periodically, or none) for
<monthly|periodic|none> WAN budget.
psday <th day in periodic> It is used only when mode is set with “periodic”. Specify the order
of “today” in the cycle.
E.g., wan budget wan 5 psday  It means “today” is the 5th day
in the billing cycle.
custom_mode <0/1> Set the custom mode ( cycle in hours or in days).
0: cycle_in_hours
1: cycle_in_days
custom_mode_reset_hour Set the reset hour value.
<hour> hour: Enter 1 to 23.
action <action bitmap> Determine the action to be performed when it reaches the WAN
budget limit.
action bitmap – Type a total number of actions to be executed.
Different numbers represent different actions.
1: shotdown wan
2: send mail alert
4: send sms alert
For example, if you type “5” (5=1+4), the system will send SMS alert

742 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

when WAN shotdown is detected.
status Display current configuration status of WAN budget.

> wan budget wan 1 action 5
% WAN 1 budget action set to 5
> wan budget wan 1 gthres 10
% WAN 1 budget limit set to 10 GB

Telnet Command: wan detect_mtu

This command allows you to run a WAN MTU Discovery. The user can specify an IPv4 target to
ping and find the suitable MTU size of the WAN interface.

wan detect_mtu -i <Host/IP address> -s <mtu_size> -d <decrease size> -w <1: WAN1 ,2:
WAN2, ...> -c <count>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-i <Host/IP address> Specify the IPv4 target to detect. If can be an IPv4 address or
domain name.
Host/IP address: Enter the IP address/domain name of the target.
-s <mtu_size> Set the MTU size base for Discovery.
mtu_size: Available setting is 1000 ~ 1500.
-d <decrease size> Set the MTU size to decrease between detections.
decrease size: Available setting is 1 ~ 100.
-w <number> Specify the WAN interface.
number: Enter the number of WAN interface.
1: WAN1
2: WAN2….and etc.
-c <count> Set the maximum times of ping failure during a Discovery.
count: Available settings are 1 ~ 10. Default value is 3.

> wan detect_mtu -w 1 -i -s 1500 -d 30 -c 10
detecting mtu size:1500!!!

mtu size:1470!!!

Telnet Command: wan detect_mtu6

This command allows you to run a WAN MTU Discovery. The user can specify an IPv6 target to
ping and find the suitable MTU size of the WAN interface.

wan detect_mtu6 -i <Host/IP address> -s <mtu_size> -w <number>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-i <Host/IP address> Specify the IPv6 target to detect. If can be an IPv6 address or
domain name.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 743

Host/IP address: Enter the IP address/domain name of the target.
-s <mtu_size> Specify the size of MTU.
mtu_size: Available setting is 1280 ~ 1500.
-w <number> Specify the WAN interface
number: Enter the number of WAN interface.
1: WAN1
2: WAN2….and etc.

> wan detect_mtu6 -w 2 -i 2404:6800:4008:c06::5e -s 1500

Telnet Command: wan failover

This command is used to configure failover WAN.

wan failover off <index>
wan failover on <1><2><3><4><5><6>
wan failover show <index>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
failover off <index> Set specified WAN interface to always on.
index – Ranges from 1 to 12.
failover on There are six fields which represent different options.
Field 1 – Specify WAN interface as failover WAN by typing 1 to 7.
Field 2 – Enable / disable the action for the failover WAN. Such
action is “Active When selected WAN [disconnect/reached traffic
0 – Disable
1 - Enable
Field 3 - Enable / disable the action for the failover WAN. Such
action is “Active When [any/all] of selected WAN disconnect or
reached traffic threshold”.
0 – Disable
1 - Enable
Field 4 – Specify main WAN by typing 1 to 7. The main WAN will be
set to always on.
Field 5 – Specify traffic threshold [Download threshold(Kbps)].
Field 6 - Specify traffic threshold [Upload threshold (Kbps)].
For example, WAN 2 will be set as failover, and will be active when
any of selected WANs has reached traffic threshold. WAN 4 is the
selected WAN. Download threshold : 50 Kbpsl; Upload threshold : 20
Kbps. You can type as follows:
wan failover on 2 1 0 4 50 20
show <index> Display parameters settings for WAN interface.
index – Ranges from 1 to 12.

> wan failover on 2 1 0 4 50 20

744 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> wan failover show 2
wan2 Active Mode : Failover
Active when : Any of the selected WANs reached the Traffic
Traffic Download Threshold : 50 Kbps
Traffic Upload Threshold : 20 Kbps

Telnet Command: hsportal setup

This command is used to configure a profile (Hotspot Web Portal) with specified URL for
accessing into or display a message when a wireless/LAN user connects to Internet through
this router.

hsportal setup -p <profile> <-l <lan>> <-s <ssid>> ...
hsportal setup -p <profile> -c

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-p Indicate available profile to be configured.
Number of profile: 1 /2 /3 / 4.
-l Apply to LAN interfaces. E.g., apply LAN1 and LAN2:
-l 1, 2.
-m Select login mode.
4:social or pin
-f Configure facebook login.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-g Configure google login.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-h Enable HTTPS redirection.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-v Enable portal detection.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-i Configure APP ID.
For example, to configure facebook APP id, you can type:
>hsportal -p 1 -f -i this_is_app_id
Profile 1 set facebook login disabled ... [OK]
-k Configure app key.
For example, to configure google APP key, you can type:
> hsportal -p 1 -g -i this_is_app_key
Profile 1 set google login disabled ... [OK]

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 745

-r Configure landing page mode.
0: fixed URL.
1: user request.
2: bulletin.
> hsportal -p 1 -r 0
Profile 1 set landing page mode 0 ... [OK]
-e Enable the specified profile.
-d Disable the specified profile.
-c Reset the specified profile.
Number of profile: 1 /2 /3 / 4.
-o Clear profiles for all clients.

> hsportal setup -p 1 -c
Reset profile 1 ... [OK]
> hsportal setup -p 1 -r 0
Profile 1 set landing page mode 0 ... [OK]
> hsportal setup -p 2 -g 1 -k app_key_google
Profile 2 set google login enabled ... [OK]
Profile 2 set API KEY ... [OK]

Telnet Command: hsportal info

This command is used to enable /disable database, notification, specify object profile for
information related to hotspot web portal users.

hsportal info -e <0/1>
hsportal info –c
hsportal info –n <0/1>
hsportal info –a <0/1>
hsportal info –m <1~10>
hsportal info –s <1~10>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-e <0/1> Enable database to record information.
0 - disable
1 – enable
-c Clear user information database.
-n <0/1> Enable notification for user information.
0 - disable
1 – enable
-a <0/1> Enable auto backup and start a new record for user information.
0 - disable
1 – enable

746 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-m <1~10> Set email notigication object.
1~10- Index number of object profile.
-s <1~10> Set SMS notigication object.
1~10- Index number of object profile.

> hsportal info -e 1
Enabled database to record information ... [OK]
> hsportal info -a 1
Enabled auto backup and start a new record for user information ...

Telnet Command: hsportal level

This command allows the user to configure bandwidth and sessions quota which is only
applicable to the web portal clients.

hsportal level -p <index> [-e <enable>] [-t <mins>] ...

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-p <index> It means to specify (add) a quota policy profile.
<index>: Enter the index number (1 to 20) of the quota policy
-e <0/1> It means to enable or disable the quota policy profile.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-t <value> It means to set expired time for quota policy.
<value>: Enter a number (unit:minutes).
-i <0/1> -o <value> It means to enable or disable the function of idle timeout
0: disable.
1: enable.
If enabled,
-o <value>: Set the idle timeout (unit:minutes) if idle timeout is
For example: hsportal level -p 1 -e 1 -i 1 -o 300
-d <value> It means to set the maximum number of devices that can be
connected to the network using the same account.
<value>: Enter a number (0 to 100). "0" means unlimited.
For example: hsportal level -p 1 -e 1 -d 0
-b <0/1> It means to enable or disable the function of bandwidth limit.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-ru <0/1> It means to specify the bandwidth limit download unit.
0: kbps
1: mbps
-tu <0/1> It means to specify the bandwidth limit upload unit.
0: kbps.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 747

1: mbps.
-s <0/1> It means to enable or disable the session limit.
-n <value> It means to set a maximum session limit.
<value>: Enter a value (0 to 6000).
For example: hsportal level -p 1 -s 1 -n
-U <kbps/mbps> It means to specify the bandwidth upload limit.
-D <kbps/mbps> It means to specify the bandwidth download limit.
-c <index> It means to delete a quota policy profile.
<index>: Enter the index number (1 to 20) of the quota policy
-r <0/1> It means to enable or disable the function of reconnection time
-f <value> It means to set a period of time to block the same user reconnecting
to the network.
<value>: Enter a number (1 to 1439 minutes).
For example: hsportal level -p 1 -e 1 -r 1 -f 300
-g <value> It means to set a reconnection time to block the same user from
reconnecting before the set time.
<value>: Enter the hour (01 to 23) and the minutes (0~59) (unit:
For example: hsportal level -p 1 -e 1 -r 1 -f 23:15 (The same user
can reconnect after 23:15 every day)

> hsportal level -p 1 -e 1 -r 1 -f 30000

Telnet Command: hsportal pin_gen

This command is for future use.

Telnet Command: radius internal

This command allows you to configure detailed settings for internal RADIUS server and client.

radius enable <0/1>
radius authport <port number>
radius set_auth_method <method idx>
radius client add <idx> -i <address> -m <mask> -p <prefix> -l <length> -s <secret>
radius client del <idx>
radius show

748 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

radius enable_dot1x <0/1>
radius set_dot1x_method -e <method_idx>
radius set_dot1x_method -d <method_idx>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the RADIUS server.
authport <port number> Configure the port number for authentication.
Port number: Available range is from 0 to 65535.
Default value is “1812”.
set_auth_method <method Specify which method will be used for authentication.
idx> Method idx: 0 and 1
0: Only PAP
client add <idx> -i <address> Specify a client to be authenticated by RADIUS server by typing
-m <mask> -p <prefix> -l required information as follows:
<length> -s <secret> -i <address>: client IPv4 address(domain)
-m <mask>: client IPv4 mask
-p <prefix>: client IPv6 prefix
-l <length>: client IPv6 prefix length
-s <secret>: shared secret
ex: radius client add 1 -i -m -s 123
client del <idx> del - Delete related settings for selected client.
Idx - Specify the index number of client profiles.
show Display the status of RADIUS server.
enable_dot1x <0/1> Enable (1) or disable (0) the 802.1X Authentication function of
RADIUS Server. Default is disabled.
set_dot1x_method -e Set a method for 802.1X authentication of RADIUS server.
<method_idx> Method idx: 1 to 4.
set_dot1x_method -d Delete the method for 802.1X authentication of RADIUS server.
<method_idx> Method idx: 1 to 4.

> radius client add 1 -i -m -s 123
Set radius server client OK

Telnet Command: radius external

This command allows you to configure detailed settings for external RADIUS server.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 749

radius external <options>...

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<options>... The available commands with parameters are listed below.
[…] means that you can type in several parameters in one line.
-V Show current setting.
-v <index> Show current setting for certain RADIUS profile.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
-l <index> Show the server status log.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
-c "<index> <comment>" Set the comment for certain RADIUS profile.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<comment>: Enter a string.
-f <index> Set the selected profile as the default external RADIUS profile.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
-e "<index> <param>" Enable or disable the external RADIUS profile.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<param>: 0 or 1. 0 is disable; 1 is enable.
ex: -e "2 1" to enable the profile 2
-i "<index> <index2> Set the hostname or IP address for the selected RADIUS server
<hostname/IP>" profile.
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
ex: -i "1 0" or -i "2 1 www.google.com"
-p "<index> <index2> Set the destination port for the selected RADIUS server.
<port_number>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
<port_number>: 1 ~ 65535.
ex : -p "1 1 1812"
-s "<index> <index2> Set the shared secret for the selected RADIUS server.
<secret>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
<secret>: 1 ~ 65535.
ex : -s "3 0 123"
-r "<index> <index2> Set the retry number for the selected RADIUS server.
<retry>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
<retry>: 1 to 3.
ex : -s "3 0 2"
-a "<index> <param>" Enable or disable the accounting port for the selected RADIUS
<index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<param>: 0 or 1. 0 is disable; 1 is enable.
-b "<index> <index2> Set the accounting port for the selected RADIUS server.
<port_number>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the

750 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

secondary server.
<port_number>: 1 ~ 65535.
ex : -b "1 0 1813"
-d "<index> <index2> Disconnect the message port for the selected RADIUS server.
<port_number>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
<port_number>: 1 ~ 65535.
ex : -d "1 1 3799"
-u "<index> <index2> Set the accounting interim interval for the selected RADIUS server.
<update interval>" <index>: Enter the index number of the profile.
<index2>: 0 or 1. 0 means the primary server; 1 means the
secondary server.
<port_number>: 10 ~ 1440 (minutes)
ex : -u "1 0 10"

> radius external -i "1 0"
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> radius external -V
Profile default enable comment
% 1 v
% 2
% 3
% 4
RADIUS timeout: 2 seconds

Telnet Command: local_8021x

The command is used to configure general settings for Local 802.1X server built in Vigor

local_8021x enable <0/1>
local_8021x set_localdot1x_method -e <method_idx>
local_8021x set_localdot1x_method -d <method_idx>
local_8021x show

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable Enable or disable the configuration.
0: disable.
1: enable.
-e <method_idx> Set the authentication method.
<method_idx>: 1 to 4,

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 751

-d <method_idx> Delete the authentication method.
<method_idx>: 1 to 4,
show Display current settings of local 802.1x server.

> local_8021x set_localdot1x_method -e 1
This setting will take effect after rebooting.
Please use "sys reboot" command to reboot the router.
> local_8021x show
% Local 802.1X enable: disable

Telnet Command: wol

This command allows Administrator to set the white list of WAN IP addresses/Subnets, that
the magic packet from these IP addresses/Subnets will be eligible to pass through NAT and
wake up the LAN client. You also need to set NAT rule for LAN client.

wol up <MAC Address>
wol fromWan <on/off/any>
wol fromWan_Setting <idx> <ip address> <mask>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
<MAC Address> It means the MAC address of the host.
<on/off/any> It means to enable or disable the function of WOL from WAN.
on: enable
off: disable
any: It means any source IP address can pass through NAT and wake
up the LAN client.
This command will allow the user to choose whether WoL packets
can be passed from the Internet to the LAN network from a specific
WAN interface.
<idx> <ip address> <mask> It means the index number (from 1 to 4).
These commands will allow the user to configure the LAN clients
that the user may wake up from the Internet through the use of the
WoL packet.
ip address - It means the WAN IP address.
mask - It means the mask of the IP address.

> wol fromWan on
% wol fromWan on

752 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

> wol fromWan_Setting 1
% wol fromWan_Setting 1

Telnet Command: user

The command is used to create new user account profiles.

user set <-a|-b|-c|-d|-e|-l|-o|-q|-r|-s|-u>
user edit <PROFILE_IDX>
user account <USER_NAME><-t|-d|-q|-r|-w>
user setdefault

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set It means to configure general setup for the user management.
edit It means to modify the selected user profile.
account It means to set time and data quota for specified user account.
setdefault It means to reset to factory default settings.
User Set
-a <Profile idx> <User It means to pass an IP Address.
name><IP_Address> Profile idx- type the index number of the selected profile.
User name- type the user name that you want it to pass.
IP_Address- type the IP address that you want it to pass.
-b <user name> Block specifies user or IP address.
-b ip <ip address> user name – type the user name that you want to block.
ip address –– type the IP address that you want to block.
-c <user name> Clear the user record.
-c all user name – type the user name that you want to get clear
corresponding record.
all – all of the records will be removed.
-d Enable the User management in Rule-Based mode.
-e Enable the User management in User-Based mode.
-l all Show online user.
-l user all – all of the users will be displayed on the screen.
-l ip user name – type the user name that you want to view on the
ip – type the IP address that you want to view on the screen.
-o It means to show user account information.
-q It means to trigger the alert tool to do authentication.
-r <user name | all> Remove the user record.
user name – type the name of the user profile.
all – all of the user profile settings will be removed.
-s <0/1> It means to set login service.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 753

e.g.,-s 1
-u user <user name> Unblock specifies user or IP address.
-u ip <ip address> user name – type the user name that you want to unblock.
ip address –– type the IP address that you want to unblock.
User edit
PROFILE_IDX Type the index number of the profile that you want to edit.
-a <0/1> Enable(1) or disable(0) the internal RADIUS.
-d Disable User profile function.
-e Enable User profile function.
-f <0/1> Enable(1) or disable(0) the local 802.1x user.
-i <0-255> It means to set idle time (from 0 to 255, 0 means unlimited).
e.g., -i 60
-o <0-65535> It means to set auto-logout (from 0 to 65535, 0 means unlimited).
-m <0-2000> It means to set the maximum (from 0 to 2000) login user number.
e.g., -m 200
-n <param> It means to set a user name for a profile.
Param: Enter a string, e.g.,-n fortest.
-p <param> It means to configure user password.
Param: Enter a string, e.g., -p 60fortest.
-q <param> It means to set time quota (0-65535) of the user profile.
Param: Enter a value, e.g., -q 200.
-r <param> It means to set data quota.
Param: Enter a value, e.g., -r 1000.
-s It means to set schedule index. Available settings are”
<sch_idx1,sch_idx2,sch_idx3 sch_idx1,sch_idx2,sch_idx3, and sch_idx4.
, and sch_idx4>
-t <0/1> It means to enable /disable time quota limitation for user profile.
-u <0/1> It means to enable /disable data quota limitation for user profile.
-v It means to view user profile(s).
-w <MB/GB> It means to specify the data quota unit (MB/GB).
e.g., -w MB
-x <0-3> It means to set external server authentication
0: None
2: Radius
e.g., -x 2
-l <0-3> It means to set log type.
-P <0/1> It means to enable /disable pop browser tracking window for user

754 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

-T <0/1> It means to enable /disable authentication by telnet.
-H <0/1> It means to enable /disable authentication by web page.
-A <0/1> It means to enable /disable authentication by alert tool.
-L <index> It means to set active directory / LDAP profiles.
Index: Specify the index number (profile_idx1 to profile_idx8) of
the profile.
-D It means to list all active directory / LDAP profiles.
-O <0/1> It means to reset the quota automatically.
-Q <param> It means to set the default time quota.
param: Enter a number (1 to 65535).
-R <param> It means to set the default data quota.
param: Enter a number (1 to 65535).
-M <param> It means to set the default quota type.
0: when login permission schedule expired.
1: at the start time of schedule.
I <param> It means to specify the default quota schedule index to perform the
job at the start time.
-S It means to display the reset default quota type and the schedule
User account
USER_NAME It means to type a name of the user account.
-d <0/1> It means to enable /disable data quota limitation for user account.
-q It means to set account time quota.
e.g., -q 200
-r It means to set account data quota.
e.g., -r 1000
-t <0/1> It means to enable /disable time quota limitation for user account.
-w <MB/GB> It means to set data quota unit (MB/GB).
user setdefault It means to setup all user profiles to the factory default settings.

> user account admin -d 1

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 755

Enable the [admin] data quota limited

Telnet Command: appqos

The command is used to configure QoS for APP.

appqos view
appqos enable <0/1>
appqos traceable <-v | -e AP_INDEX CLASS | -d AP_INDEX>
appqos untraceable <-v | -e AP_INDEX CLASS | -d AP_INDEX>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
view It means to display current status of APP QoS.
enable <0/1> It means to enable or disable the function of APP QoS.
traceable/ untraceable The APPs are divided into traceable and untraceable based on their
-v It means to view the content of all traceable APs.
Use “appqos traceable –v” to display all of the traceable APS with
speficed index number.
Use “appqos untraceable –v” to display all of the untraceable APS
with speficed index number.
-e It menas to enable QoS for application(s) and assign QoS class.
AP_INDEX Each index number represents one application.
Index number: 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68 are
used for 13 traceabel APPs.
Index number: 0~49, 55~59, 61, 67, 69, and 70~123 are used for 125
untraceable AP.
CLASS Specifies the QoS class of the application, from 1 to 4
1:Class 1, 2:Class 2, 3:Class 3, 4:Other Class
-d It means to disable QoS for application(s).

> appqos enable 1

APP QoS set to Enable.

> appqos traceable -e 68 2

SSH: ENABLED, QoS Class 2.

756 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Telnet Command: nand bad /nand usage
“NAND usage” is used to display NAND Flash usage; “nand bad” is used to display NAND Flash
bad blocks.

nand bad
nand usage

>nand usage
Show NAND Flash Usage:
Partition Total Used Available Use%
cfg 4194304 7920 4186384 0%
bin_web 33554432 11869493 21684939 35%
cfg-bak 4194304 7920 4186384 0%
bin_web-bak 33554432 11869493 21684939 35%
> nand bad
Show NAND Flash Bad Blocks:
Block Address Partition
1020 0x07f80000 unused
1021 0x07fa0000 unused
1022 0x07fc0000 unused
1023 0x07fe0000 unused

Telnet Command: apm enable/disable/show/clear/discover/query

The apm command(s) is use to display, remove, discover or query the information of VigorAP
registered to Vigor1000B .

apm enable
apm disable
apm show
apm clear
apm discover
apm query

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable It means to enable APM function.
disable It means to disable APM function.
show It displays current information of APM profile.
clear It is used to remove all of the APM profile.
discover It is used to search VigorAP on LAN.
query It is used to query any VigorAP which has been registered to APM
(Central AP Management) in Vigor router. Information related to
the registered AP will be send back to Vigor router for updating the

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 757

web page of Central AP Management.

> apm clear
Clear all clients ... done

Telnet Command: apm profile

This command allows to configure wireless profiles to be used in Central AP Management.

apm profile clone <from index><to index><new name>
apm profile del <index>
apm profile reset
apm profile summary
apm profile show <profile index>
apm profile apply <profile index> <client index1 index2 .. index5>>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
clone It is used to copy the same parameters settings from one profile to
another APM profile.
del It is used to delete a specified APM profile. The default (index #1)
should not be deleted.
reset It is used to reset to factory settings for WLAN profile.
summary It is used to list all of the APM profiles with required information.
show It is used to display specified APM profile.
apply It is used to apply the selected APM profile onto specified VigorAP.
from index Type an index number in this field. It is the original APM profile to
be cloned to other APM profile.
to index Type an index number in this file. It is the target profile which will
clone the parameters settings from an existed APM profile.
new name Type a name for a new APM profile.
profile index Enter the index number of existed profile.
client index1/2/3/4/5 It is useful for applying the selected APM profile to the specified

> apm profile clone 1 2 forcarrie

> apm profile summary

# Name SSID Security ACL RateCtrl(U/D)
- ----------- ---------------- ------------ ---- -------------
0 Default DrayTek-LAN-A WPA+WPA2/PSK x - / -
DrayTek-LAN-B WPA+WPA2/PSK x - / -

1 - - - - -

758 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

2 forcarrie DrayTek Disable x - / -

3 - - - - -
4 - - - - -
5 - - - - -
6 - - - - -
7 - - - - -
8 - - - - -
9 - - - - -
10 - - - - -

Telnet Command: apm cache

This command is used to display or remove the information of registered VigorAP, including
MAC address, name, and authentication. Up to 30 entries of registered information can be
stored and displayed.

apm cache show
apm cache clear

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show It means to display the information related to VigorAP registered
Vigor1000B .
clear It means to remove the information related to VigorAP registered
Vigor1000B .

> apm cache show
MAC Name Auth
------------ -------------------- --------------------
00507FF17EE5 VigorAP903 admin:admin
001DAA04F060 VigorAP1000C admin:admin
00507FF17EE8 VigorAP903 admin:admin

Telnet Command: apm lbcfg

This command allows to set parameters related to AP management control.

apm lbcfg set <value>
apm lbcfg show

Syntax Description

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 759

Parameter Description
set It means to set the load balance configuration file for APM.
Show It shows the configuration value.
<value> You need to type 10 numbers in this field. Each number represents
different setting value.
[1] – The first number means the load balance function. Type
1 – enable load balance,
0 – disable load balance.
[2] – The second number means the station limit function. Type
1 –enable station limit,
0 – disable station limit.
[3] – The third number means the traffic limit function. Type
1 – enable traffic limit,
0 – disable traffic limit.
[4] – The forth number means the limit num of station.
Available range is 3~64.
[5] – The fifth number means the upload limit function. Type
1 – enable upload limit,
0 – disable upload limit.
[6] – The sixth number means the download limit function.
1 – enable download limit,
0 – disable download limit.
[7] – The seventh number means disassociation by idle time.
1 – enable disassociation,
0 – disable disassociation.
[8] – The eighth number means to enable or disable disassociation
by signal strength. Type
1 – enable disassociation,
0 – disable disassociation.
[9] – The ninth number means to determine the unit of traffic limit
(for upload)
1 – Mbps
0 – kbps
[10] – The tenth number means to determine the unit of traffic limit
(for download)
1 – Mbps
0 – kbps
[11] - This number means to set RSSI threshold (-200 to -50 dbm).

> apm lbcfg show
apm LoadBalance Config :
1. Enable LoadBalance : 0
2. Enable station limit : 0
3. Enable traffic limit : 0
4. limit Number : 64
5. Upload limit : 0
6. Download limit : 0
7. Enable disassociation by idle time : 0
8. Enable disassociation by Signal strength : 0

760 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

9. Traffic limit unit (upload) : 0
10.Traffic limit unit (download) : 0
11.RSSI threshold : 0
flag : 0
> apm lbcfg set 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 -100
> apm lbcfg show
apm LoadBalance Config :
1. Enable LoadBalance : 1
2. Enable station limit : 1
3. Enable traffic limit : 1
4. Limit Number : 3
5. Upload limit : 1
6. Download limit : 1
7. Enable disassociation by idle time : 1
8. Enable disassociation by Signal strength : 1
9. Traffic limit unit (upload) : 1
10.Traffic limit unit (download) : 1
11.RSSI threshold : -100
flag : 63

Telnet Command: apm apsyslog

This command is used to display the AP syslog data coming form VigorAP.

apm apsyslog <AP_Index>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
AP_Index Specify the index number which represents VigorAP.

> apm apsyslog 1
8d 02:46:09 syslog: [APM] Send Rogue AP Detection data.
8d 02:53:04 syslog: [APM] Run AP Detection / Discovery.
8d 02:56:09 syslog: [APM] Send Rogue AP Detection data.
8d 03:00:42 kernel: 60:fa:cd:55:f5:ea had disassociated.
8d 03:03:12 syslog: [APM] Run AP Detection / Discovery.
8d 03:06:09 syslog: [APM] Send Rogue AP Detection data.
8d 03:13:21 syslog: [APM] Run AP Detection / Discovery.
8d 03:16:10 syslog: [APM] Send Rogue AP Detection data.
8d 03:16:41 kernel: 60:fa:cd:55:f5:ea had associated successfully
8d 03:16:55 kernel: 60:fa:cd:55:f5:ea had disassociated.

Telnet Command: apm syslog

This command is used to display related syslog data from central AP management.

apm syslog

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 761

> apm syslog
"2021-01-04 04:12:59", "[APM] [VigorAP903_F17EE5] GET temper/traffic
data failed "
"2021-01-04 04:13:21", "[APM] [VigorAP903_F17EE5] has no response "
"2021-01-04 04:13:21", "[APM] [VigorAP903_F17EE5] GET temper/traffic
data failed "
"2021-01-04 04:13:43", "[APM] [VigorAP903_F17EE5] has no response "
"2021-01-04 04:13:43", "[APM] [VigorAP903_F17EE5] GET temper/traffic
data failed "

Telnet Command: apm stanum

This command is used to display the total number of the wireless clients, no matter what
mode of wireless connection (2.4G WLAN or 5G WLAN) used by wireless clients to access into
Internet through VigorAP.

apm stanum <AP_Index>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
AP_Index Specify the index number which represents VigorAP.

> apm stanum 1

% Show the APM AP Station Number data.

% apm stanum AP_Index.
% ex : apm stanum 1
% Idx Nearby(2.4/5G) Conn(2.4/5G)
% 1 2 5 0 0
% 2 2 5 1 0
% 3 2 5 1 0

Telnet Command: ha set

This command can be used to configure HA settings for Vigor routers.

ha set [-<command> <parameter>| ... ]

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

[<command> The available commands with parameters are listed below.

<parameter>|…] […] means that you can type in several parameters in one line.
-e <1/0> 1: Enable the function of High Availability (HA).
0: Disable the function of High Availability (HA).
-l <1/0> 1: Enable the function of recording the operation record of HA in

762 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

0: Disable the function of recording the operation record of HA in
-M <1/0> Specify the Redundancy Method for HA.
1: Active-Standby
0: Hot-Standby
-v <1-255> Specify the group ID (VHID)
1- 255: Setting range.
-R Set HA settings to Factory Default.
-p <1-30> Specify the Priority ID.
1-30: Setting range.
-k <key> Specify the Authentication Key.
Key: Max. 31 Characters.
-u <1/0> Enable or disable the function of Update DDNS.
1: Enable. When a router changes HA status to primary, it will
update DDNS automatically.
0: Disable.
-m <interface> Specify the management interface.
Interface: LAN1 ~ LAN100
-s It means to get the newest status of other router (except the local
-y It means sync local config to other router. Primary can executes this
command. Secondary can not execute this commad.
-c <1/0> Enable or disable the function of Config Sync.
1: Enable.
0: Disable.
-C <config type> <1/0> Exclude the following settings from config sync.
Config type: 1 (WAN setttings)
-I -[M|H|D] <interval> Set the Config Sync Interval for HA. Minimum interval is 15 minutes.
-M: Minute. Setting range is 0/15/30/45. (e.g., ha set -I -M 30)
-H: Hour. Setting range is from 0 to 23. (e.g., ha set -I -H 12)
-D: Day. Setting range is from 0 to 30. (e.g., ha set -I -D 15)
-h -<4/6><Subnet> [<Virtual Enable and set virtual IP to the subnet.
IP>] 4: IPv4; 6: IPv6.
Subnet: LAN1 to LAN100.
Virtual IP: The type format shall be “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”. (e.g,
For example, to enable a virtual IP to the sunet, simply type:
ha set –h LAN1
-d -<4/6><Subnet> Disable a virtual IP to the subnet.
4: IPv4; 6: IPv6.
Subnet: LAN1 to LAN100.
For example, to disable a virtual IP to the subnet, just type:
ha set –h LAN1
-o <1/0> Run DARP protocol on IPv4 or IPv6.
0: IPv4
1: IPv6

> ha set -h -4 LAN1
% Enable IPv4 Virtual IP on LAN1

% Virtual IP can not be same as router IP (!!!

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 763


Telnet Command: ha show

This command can be used to show the settings information about config sync and general

ha show –c
ha show –g

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

-c Show the settings of config sync.

-g Show the settings of general setup.

> ha show -g
% High Availability : Disable
% Redundancy Method : Active-Standby
% Group ID : 1
% Priority ID : 10
% Update DDNS : Disable
% Protocol : IPv4
% Management Interface : LAN1
% Authentication Key : draytek
% Syslog : OFF
% [ Index | Enable | Virtual IP ]
% LAN1 -
% LAN2 -
% LAN3 -
% LAN4 -
% LAN5 -
% LAN6 -
% LAN7 -
% LAN8 -
% LAN9 -
% LAN10 -
% LAN11 -
% LAN27 On FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% LAN28 On FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% LAN29 On FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% LAN30 On FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% LAN31 On FE80::

Telnet Command: ha status

This command is used to display HA status information.

ha status –a <Detail Level>
ha status –m <Detail Level>

764 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Syntax Description
Parameter Description

-a Show the status for all of the routers in HA group.

-m Show the status of local router only.
Detail Level 0: Basic information.
1: Basic information with more data (e.g., firmware version, model,
HTTPs port. MAC address and etc).
2: Basic information with some HA settings.

> ha status -m 2
% [Local Router] Marketing
% IP : (FE80::21D:AAFF:FE4B:3E80)
% Status : !
% High Availability : ! Disable
% Redundancy Method : Active-Standby
% Group ID : 1
% Priority ID : 10
% Update DDNS : Disable
% Protocol : IPv4
% Management Interface : LAN1
% Authentication Key : draytek
% Virtual IP: (Max. 51 Virtual IPs)
% ! OFF
% Virtual IPv6: (Max. 51 Virtual IPv6s)
% ON LAN1 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN2 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN3 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN4 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN5 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN6 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN7 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN8 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN9 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN10 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN11 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN12 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN13 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN14 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN15 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN16 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN17 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN18 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN19 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN20 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101
% ON LAN21 FE80::200:5EFF:FE00:101

Telnet Command: swm show

This command is used to display general setting of of VigorSwitch which connecting to Vigor
router in LAN.


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 765

swm show <LAN_port>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
LAN_port Specify the LAN port number (1 to 12).

>swm show 3

** If you want to display SWM debug log : "swm show debug log"
** Enable/Disable SWM console debug log : "swm show console log en/dis"
** Enable/Disable SWM syslog debug log : "swm show syslog log en/dis"

** If you connected a VigorSwitch but does not display here.

** Please check the LLDP is enabled and VLAN ID is matched on VigorSwitch.

LAN Port Level UP - Link Model UP - MAC UP - Port Model Name MA
C IP Address Down - Port
--------- --------- ---------------- ------------ --------- ---------------- --
3 1 Router 8 G2280 0


Internal VLAN is [Disable]

G2280 Level 1 MAC 00:1D:AA:0C:CD:08


VLAN Port Table:

PVID Port Num Egress Frame Type Port Type Ingress Flt
----- -------------------- -------- ----------- ------------- -----------
1 1-28 hybric all unaware enabled

VLAN Table:
VID VLAN Name Port Num Forbidden Port Num
----- ------------ -------------------- --------------------
1 vlan1 1-28 none

(Total 1 Switch)

Telnet Command: swm get

This command is used to get configuration information of VigorSwitch which connecting to
Vigor router in LAN. Before using such command, make sure VigorSwitch has been managed
under Vigor router (refer to Telnet Command: swm profile for adding a VigorSwitch device
onto Vigor router).

766 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

swm get <MAC>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
MAC Enter the MAC address (e.g., 001DAA0CCD08) of the VigorSwitch.

> swm get 001DAA0CCD08
Start get cfg from 001daa0ccd08 external switch

Please wait a few seconds...

Result: [OK].

Telnet Command: swm post

This command is used to transfer switch configuration to VigorSwitch which connecting to
Vigor router in LAN.

swm post <MAC>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
MAC Enter the MAC address (e.g., 001DAA0CCD08) of the VigorSwitch.

> swm post 001DAA0CCD08
Start post cfg to 001daa0ccd08 external switch with currect settings.
Please wait a few seconds...
Result: [OK].

Telnet Command: swm auth

This command is used to display or remove the authentication record for external switch.

swm auth show
swm auth clear <index>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show Display recorded external switch MAC address list.
clear <index> Clear specific index of authentication record table.
Index range: (1 - 30)

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 767

> swm auth show
===== SWM Auth Records List=====
Index Model Mac
----- ------- ------------
> swm auth clear 1

Clear index (1) swm auth record OK

Telnet Command: swm extvlan

This command is used to configure port VLAN of VigorSwitch. Before using such command,
make sure you have configured VLAN settings well.

swm extvlan <LAN_Port><VLAN_idx><Port_Description>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
LAN_Port Setting range is from 1 to 12. Specify the LAN port connecting to
VLAN_idx Type the enabled internal VLAN number.
Index number range for VLAN is from 0 to 99.
Port_Description Setting range is from 1 to 24.

> swm extvlan 2 1 10
Set OK

System will cover the original VLAN settings on your VigorSwitch. Please backup the
configuration file before you run this function.
System also will select the physical connect port as trunk port and let it join each VLAN group.
Before using such command, please use [swm show] to check valid VLAN index firstly.

Telnet Command: swm enable / disable

This command is used to enable / disable the external device.

> swm enable ?
Enable Switch Mangement: swm enable

> swm enable

External Device Discovery is not enable.
We will enable both.

Telnet Command: swm group

This command is used to add, edit or display the switch management group.

768 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

swm group set <IDX> <NAME> <1> <PASSWD>
swm group set <IDX> <NAME> <0>
swm group show
swm group add <IDX> <MAC>
swm group delete <IDX> <MAC>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
set <IDX> <NAME> <1> It means to set group name and group password.
<PASSWD> <IDX>: Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the group.
<NAME>: Enter the name of the group.
<1>: It means the password flag.
<PASSWD>: Enter a string as the password.
show It means to display switch group status.
add <IDX> <MAC> It means to add a switch into the group as a member switch.
<IDX>: Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the group.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of VigorSwitch.
delete <IDX> <MAC> It means to delete a switch from the group.
<IDX>: Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the group.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of VigorSwitch.

> swm group set 10 pease 1 jpsword
> swm group show
Index Group Name Passwd Flag Member Switch
------ --------------- ----------- --------------------------------
1 peace 1 G2280(,
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 pease 1

Name IP Address MAC

---------------- ---------------- ------------
G2280 001daa0ccd08

Telnet Command: swm profile

This command is used to add, edit or display the switch management profile.

swm profile add/delete <MAC>
swm profile show

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 769

swm profile enable_all/disable_all <MAC>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
add/delete <MAC> It means to add or delete a member switch from the profile.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the switch.
show It means to display switch profile.
enable_all/disable_all It means to enable or disable all LAN ports of the specified switch
<MAC> managed by Vigor router.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the member switch.

> swm profile show
Name IP Address MAC Model Group
------------- -------------- ----------- ------ -------------------------
G2280 001daa0ccd08 G2280 peace,pease,

IP Address MAC Model

---------------- ------------ ------


Telnet Command: swm detail

This command is used to configure general settings (e.g., switch name, password) and port
settings for VigorSwitch.

swm detail comment <MAC> <COMMENT>
swm detail name <MAC> <NAME>
swm detail passwd <MAC> <PASSWD>
swm detail config <MAC> <config>
swm detail show
swm detail port show <MAC>
swm detail port <MAC> <PORT> <FLAG> <SCHED1> <SCHED2> <DESCRIPTION>
swm detail rate <MAC> <PORT> <i/e> <e/d>
swm detail rate <MAC> <PORT> <i/e> <ratelimit>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
comment <MAC> It means to set a comment for VigorSwitch.
<COMMENT> <MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<COMMENT>: Add an additional explanation for the switch.
name <MAC> <NAME> It means to set a name for VigorSwitch.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<NAME>: Enter the name of VigorSwitch.
passwd <MAC> <PASSWD> It means to set a login password for VigorSwitch.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<NAME>: Enter the login password of VigorSwitch.

770 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

config <MAC> <config> It means to apply the configuration of VigorSwitch B to other
Vigorswitch A.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch A to be modified.
<config>: Enter the index number of the profile set in VigorSwitch
show It means to display comment, MAC and connection status of the
port show <MAC> It means to display a list of LAN ports of the VigorSwitch.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
port <MAC> <PORT> <FLAG> It means to set a description and schedule profile for each port of
<SCHED1> <SCHED2> VigorSwitch.
<DESCRIPTION> <MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<PORT>: Enter the index number (e.g., 1 to 28) of the VigorSwitch
LAN port. The number of LAN ports will vary according to the Switch
to be modified.
<SCHED1> <SCHED2>: Determine and type two index numbers of the
schedule profiles you want.
<DESCRIPTION>: Enter a desription for each port of VigorSwitch.
rate <MAC> <PORT> <i/e> It means to enable / disable the rate limit for each port of
<e/d> VigorSwitch.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<PORT>: Enter the index number (e.g., 1 to 28) of the VigorSwitch
LAN port. The number of LAN ports will vary according to the Switch
to be modified.
<i/e>: "i" means Ingress Rate; "e" means Egress Rate.
<e/d>" "e" means enable; "d" means disable the setting.
rate <MAC> <PORT> <i/e> It means to modify the rate limit for each port of VigorSwitch.
<ratelimit> <MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
<PORT>: Enter the index number (e.g., 1 to 28) of the VigorSwitch
LAN port. The number of LAN ports will vary according to the Switch
to be modified.
<i/e>: "i" means Ingress Rate; "e" means Egress Rate.
<ratelimit>: Enter a value.

> swm detail rate 001DAA0CCD08 1 i 5000
> swm detail comment 001DAA0CCD08 availablefor2floor
> swm detail rate 001DAA0CCD08 1 i 5000
> swm detail show
Idx Name MAC Comment Config Status
---- ------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------
1 G2280 001daa0ccd08 1 None Connect

> swm detail comment 001DAA0CCD08 availablefor2floor

> swm detail show
Idx Name MAC Comment Config Status
---- ------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------
1 G2280 001daa0ccd08 availablefor2floor 1 None Connect


Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 771

Telnet Command: swm maintain
This command is used to reboot or reset the switch to factory default setting.

swm maintain reboot <MAC>
swm maintain reset <MAC>
swm maintain show

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
reboot <MAC> It means to reboot VigorSwitch with current settings.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
reset <MAC> It means to reset VigorSwitch with factory default settings.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be modified.
show It means to display comment, MAC and connection status of the

> swm maintain show
Name IP Address MAC Model
---------------- ---------------- ------------- ------
G2280 001daa0ccd08 G2280
> swm maintain reset 001daa0ccd08
Preparing to reset.
Please wait for few minutes and do not turn off power.

Telnet Command: swm search

This command is used to search Vigor Switch by MAC / IP address / specific description and
display information.

swm search mac <MAC>
swm search ip <IP>
swm search description <Input>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
Mac <MAC> <MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch to be searched.
ip <IP> <IP>: Enter the IP address of the VigorSwitch to be searched.
description <input> <input>: Enter the model name of the VigorSwitch to be searched.

> swm search mac 001daa0ccd08
Type IP Address MAC Description / Name Lan Port
UpLink Port Level Port
------- ----------- ----------------- ---------------------------- --------
--------------- ----- -------
Switch 00:1D:AA:0C:CD:08 G2280 P3

772 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

Vigor Router 0 3

Telnet Command: swm db

This command is used to enable/disable database to record switch management information.

swm db ctl en/dis
swm db ctl show
swm db alert notify <N/S>
swm db alert action <S/B>
swm db alert sms <IDX>
swm db alert mail <IDX>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
ctl en/dis It means to enable or disable the function of displaying database
control status.
en: Enable the function.
dis: Disable the function.
ctl show It means to show the the database control status.
alert notify <N/S> It means to set alert notification (N or S) condition when storage
N:Don't send notification.
S: Send notification.
alert action <S/B> It means to set the alert action (S or B) condition when storage
S: Stop recording urser information.
B: Backup and clean up all user info, and start a new record.
alert sms <IDX> It means to set SMS object which will get the information from Vigor
router if something wrong with VigorSwitch.
<IDX>: Enter the index number of the mail object.
alert mail <IDX> It means to set mail object which will get the information from
Vigor router if something wrong with VigorSwitch.
<IDX>: Enter the index number of the mail object.

> swm db ctl en
Enable database to recoard SWM information.

Telnet Command: swm alert

This command is used to define the name of alert, level of alert (in color), and determine to
record the data in the database, or send a notification message to the user based on the

swm alert enable/disable
swm alert show
swm alert en/dis <Idx>

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 773

swm alert set <Idx> log <e/d>
swm alert set <Idx> name <name>
swm alert set <Idx> color <O/R/N>
swm alert set <Idx> notif <e/d>
swm alert set <Idx> obj <object idx> <object value>
swm alert display
swm alert en/dis <sw/port> <mac>
swm alert sw show <mac>
swm alert set sw <mac> <incident idx> <level idx>
swm alert port show <mac>
swm alert set port <mac> <port num><incident idx> <level idx>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
enable/disable It means to enable/disable Alert mechanism.
enable: Enable the mechanism.
disable: Disable the mechanism.
show It means to display a list of all alert setup.
en/dis <Idx> It means to enable / disable the Alert Action settings.
en: Enable the settings.
dis: Disabel the settings.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (1 to 8) of the alert action item.
set <Idx> log <e/d> It means to enable / disable the function of creating log of alert.
e: Enable the settings.
d: Disabel the settings.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (1 to 8) of the alert action item.
Note that No Log for index 1; and log for index 2 is enabled in
set <Idx> name <name> It means to set level name of each alert.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (1 to 8) of the alert action item.
<name>: Enter a short description of the alert.
set <Idx> color <O/R/N> It means to define the color for each level of alert. The color of
index 1 is No color and unable to be changed.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (2 to 8) of the alert action item.
<O/R/N>: "O" means orange; "R" means red; "N" means no color.
set <Idx> notif <e/d> It means to enable or disable the function of sending notifiction to
specified phone number via SMS.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (3 to 8) of the alert action item.
e: Enable the settings.
d: Disabel the settings.
set <idx> obj <object idx> It means to specify SMS/Email service object(s) for the alert item.
<object value> Each alert can be set with up to four objects.
<Idx>: Enter the index number (3 to 8) of the alert action item.
<object idx>: Enter the queue number (1 to 4) for specifying an
object profile.
<object value>: Enter the index number (1 to 10) of the SMS/Email
service object profile.
display It means to display all switches with port alert state.
en/dis <sw/port> <mac> It means to enable or disable the Switch Alert /Port Alert action.
en: Enable the function.
dis: Disable the function.
<sw/port>: "sw" means Switch Alert; "port" means Port Alert.

774 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
sw show <mac> It means to display incident and alert type of the VigorSwitch.
<mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
set sw <mac> <incident idx> It means to set incident and alert type of the VigorSwitch.
<level idx> <mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
<incident idx>: Range 1 - 4
<level idx>: 1 - 8
port show <mac> Display Port Incident Alert
<mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
set port <mac> <port num> Set Port Incident Alert
<incident idx> <level idx> <mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
<port num>: Range 1 - 28
<incident idx>: Range 1 - 4
<level idx>: 1 - 8

> swm alert set 2 color N
> swm alert show
Idx En/Dis Level Color Create Log Send Notification(1-4)
--- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- ------------------------------
1 En No Alert No Color Disable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
2 En Minor Alert No Color Enable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
3 En Moderate Alert Orange Enable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0

4 En Major Alert Red Enable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0

5 Dis No Color Disable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
6 Dis No Color Disable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
7 Dis No Color Disable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
8 Dis No Color Disable Disable 0 , 0 , 0 , 0

Telnet Command: swm log

This command is used to display switch managent log.

swm log show filter
swm log show day
swm log show week
swm log set level <idx> on/off
swm log set type <idx> on/off
swm log set switch <mac> on/off

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
show filter It means to display the log filter setup.
show day It means to display the quantity of day log.
show week It means to display the quantity of week log.
set level <idx> on/off It means to turn on or turn off the alert level.
<idx>: 1 to 8.

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 775

on/off: Set the status (on or off) of the alert.
set type <idx> on/off It means to turn on or turn off the port alert/switch alert.
<idx>: 1 to 2. "1" means Port Alert; "2" means Switch Alert.
on/off: Set the status (on or off) of the alert.
set switch <mac> on/off It means to set Switch Filter:
<mac>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
on/off: Set the status (on or off) of the alert.

> swm log show filter
Index Status Level En/Dis
----- ------ --------------- --------
1 off No Alert En
2 off Minor Alert En
3 off Moderate Alert En
4 off Major Alert En
5 off Dis
6 off Dis
7 off Dis
8 off Dis

Index Status Type

----- ------ -------------
1 on Port Alert
2 off Switch Alert

Index Status Switch Name Model Mac Address

----- ------ --------------- ------ --------------
1 on G2280 G2280 001daa0ccd08
> swm log set level 8 on

Telnet Command: swm snmp

This command is used to display switch information via SNMP query.

swm snmp sys <MAC>
swm snmp iftbl <MAC> <port_num>
swm snmp poe <MAC>
swm snmp trpcom show <MAC>
swm snmp trpcom set <MAC> <name>

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
sys <MAC> It means to show the system information.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
iftbl <MAC> <port_num> It means to show port interface information.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.

776 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

<port_num>: Enter the index number (e.g., 1 to 28) of the
VigorSwitch LAN port. The number of LAN ports will vary according
to the Switch to be modified.
poe <MAC> It means to show snmp POE interface information.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
trpcom show <MAC> It means to show Trap Community.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
trpcom set <MAC> <name> It means to set Trap Community.
<MAC>: Enter the MAC address of the VigorSwitch.
<name>: Enter a string as tramp community.

> swm snmp sys 001daa0ccd08
sysDescr:DrayTek Corp. 24-Port 10/100/1000BaseT + 4-Port 100M/1000M
Combo SFP L2
sysUpTime:310 hr 56 m 38 s
> swm snmp trpcom show 001daa0ccd08
Trap Community:public

Telnet Command: service

This command is used to display information about Myvigor service. In addition, it allows to
transfer MyVigor service from the original account to other account.

service -s
service -r
service -l <account> <password>
service -i <new_owner> <new_owner_email>
service -t <yes>/<no>
service -c

Syntax Description
Parameter Description
-s Display the service status.
-r Refresh the service status
-l <account><password> Login to MyVigor server. Enter the account and password registered
to MyVigor server
account - Enter the name of the account.
Password - Enter the password of the account.
-i Enter the name and the e-mail address of the new owner for service

Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide 777

<new_owner><new_owner_e transfer.
mail> New_owner - Enter the account name of the new owner.
New_owner_email - Enter the e-mail address of the new owner.
-t <yes>/<no> Transfer this Vigor device to a new owner.
-c Clear current owner's account information.

> service -l carrieni ttt0016ttt5
Login Account:carrieni, Pw:ttt0016ttt5
Login Success! Please check Service Status again!
> service -s
Show service status.
Service Status:
Model Name : Vigor1000B Series
Serial Number: 2019053108580701
MAC Address : 00:1D:AA:73:4A:78
Owner Account: carrieni
E-mail : ca******i@draytek.com

Device service support status:

Service WCF, ID = [1]
Service Provider [Cyren]
Licese Start_date [2019-09-26]
Licese Exp_date [2019-10-26]

Service APPE, ID=[4]

Service Provider [Not Activated]
Licese Start_date []
Licese Exp_date []

Service DDNS, ID=[6]

Service Provider [Not Activated]
Licese Start_date []
Licese Exp_date []

778 Vigor1000B Series User’s Guide

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