Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc
Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc
Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc
AGNES TORRIJOS-CRUZ, M.D. 1. The Philippine Society of Nephrology (PSN) recommends that the 2020 PSN-
Board Member
PSMID-PHIC interim guidelines on the placement of Covid-19 probable or
Board Member confirmed HD patients (vaccinate or in hemodialysis facilities as follows:
Board Member
iii. COVID-19 suspect or confirmed patients who are
The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc.
promotes and disseminates current knowledge and
asymptomatic or with mild symptoms should undergo home or
information in Nephrology. It provides guidelines in facility quarantine and undergo hemodialysis treatment on an
the delivery of nephrologic care, and ensures the
strict implementation of these guidelines. Through outpatient basis in dedicated COVID-19 area or shift of the
accreditation, it enforces global training and research
hemodialysis facility.
The society provides information on members’
needs and problems, as well as expertise and iv. Patient with different etiology of respiratory symptoms (non-
recommendations for policy formulation regarding
renal disease. It shall initiate, recommend, promote,
COVID) should not be cohorted together with COVID-19
and coordinate public health programs geared suspect or confirmed patients.
towards awareness, prevention, and treatment of
renal disease.
Room 2406 One San Miguel Avenue v. COVID-19 suspect or confirmed patients being transferred to
Condominium, San Miguel Avenue Corner
Shaw Boulevard, Ortigas Center
the hemodialysis facility for dialysis treatment should be
Pasig City, Philippines transported via designated vehicle provided by the local RESU,
Tel. No. (63-2) 82816364)
Telefax. (63-2) 86871187) an ambulance or in a private vehicle and monitored for
E-mail address:
Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc.
a component society of the Philippine College of Physicians
a sub-specialty society of the Philippine Medical Association
an affiliate society of the International Society of Nephrology
ii. COVID-19 Confirmed Asymptomatic Patients who fulfilled all
of the following:
The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. is a
cohesive body that ensures adherence to the highest a. 14 days have passed since the date of their first positive
standards of excellence in training and research in the
field of Nephrology. It commits itself to train,
COVID19 rt-PCR test, assuming that they have not
regulate, and support its members to enable them to subsequently developed symptoms since their positive
be globally competitive, ethical, excellent, and
compassionate. test.
It is a dynamic partner of Medical and
b. One (1) negative result of an FDA Emergency Use
Professional Societies, and a foremost source of Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of
knowledge and information. The PSN, Inc. serves as
liaison between its members and various support and SARS-CoV-2 RNA taken on day 10 from the first positive
regulatory institutions.
RT PCR result.
The society is committed to the highest quality
care for patients as it leads renal related public health
programs especially those that are relevant to the iii. COVID-19 Probable, clinically recovered who fulfilled the
Filipino people.
a. At least 14 days have passed since symptoms first
The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. appeared;
promotes and disseminates current knowledge and
information in Nephrology. It provides guidelines in b. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery
the delivery of nephrologic care, and ensures the
strict implementation of these guidelines. Through
defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-
accreditation, it enforces global training and research reducing medications and improvement in respiratory
symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath);
The society provides information on members’
needs and problems, as well as expertise and c. One (1) negative result of an FDA Emergency Use
recommendations for policy formulation regarding
renal disease. It shall initiate, recommend, promote,
Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of
and coordinate public health programs geared SARS-CoV-2 RNA taken on day 10 from onset of
towards awareness, prevention, and treatment of
renal disease. symptoms
Room 2406 One San Miguel Avenue
d. COVID-19 suspects (placed on an empiric transmission-
Condominium, San Miguel Avenue Corner based precautions), clinically recovered who, after
Shaw Boulevard, Ortigas Center
Pasig City, Philippines work-up and evaluation, has been assessed to be a
Tel. No. (63-2) 82816364)
Telefax. (63-2) 86871187)
NON-COVID case and with one (1) NEGATIVE RT PCR
E-mail address: results.
Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc.
a component society of the Philippine College of Physicians
a sub-specialty society of the Philippine Medical Association
an affiliate society of the International Society of Nephrology
1. Probable COVID-19 Infection (7 days isolation)
The Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc. 1. At least 4 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
promotes and disseminates current knowledge and
information in Nephrology. It provides guidelines in 2. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as
the delivery of nephrologic care, and ensures the
strict implementation of these guidelines. Through
resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications
accreditation, it enforces global training and research and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness
of breath);
The society provides information on members’
needs and problems, as well as expertise and
recommendations for policy formulation regarding
renal disease. It shall initiate, recommend, promote,
2. Confirmed asymptomatic (7 day isolation)
and coordinate public health programs geared 1. 7 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID19 rt-
towards awareness, prevention, and treatment of
renal disease. PCR test, assuming that they have not subsequently developed
Room 2406 One San Miguel Avenue
symptoms since their positive test.
Condominium, San Miguel Avenue Corner 2. One (1) negative result of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized
Shaw Boulevard, Ortigas Center
Pasig City, Philippines COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA of FDA
Tel. No. (63-2) 82816364)
Telefax. (63-2) 86871187)
approved Rapid Antigen Test taken on day 5-6 from the first
E-mail address: positive RT PCR result.
Philippine Society of Nephrology, Inc.
a component society of the Philippine College of Physicians
a sub-specialty society of the Philippine Medical Association
an affiliate society of the International Society of Nephrology
It is a dynamic partner of Medical and 3. PSN highly recommends the following work restriction or isolation period for
Professional Societies, and a foremost source of
knowledge and information. The PSN, Inc. serves as
partially vaccinated or unvaccinated HD facilities health care workers (HCWs)
liaison between its members and various support and with probable or confirmed COVID-19 infection who are
regulatory institutions.