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Iglidur® Z, Form F, MM

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iglidur® Z
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iglidur® Z –
The High Temperature Material mm

For high temperature applications

High thermal resistance Inch

For extreme loads

For high surface speeds

Resistant to edge loads

iglidur® Z

iglidur ® Z is a high temperature bearing material, which is suited for applications

with very high specific loads. iglidur® Z is suited for both average and high speeds
due to its high thermal resistance.

3 styles
iglidur® Z

> 50 dimensions
Ø 4 - 62 mm
Phone +49 - 22 03 - 96 49-145
+49 - 22 03 - 96 49-334

+ 250º

- 100º
51147 Cologne
igus® GmbH

Price index The High Temperature Material

When to use iglidur® Z plain bearings: When not to use iglidur® Z plain bearings:

• For continuous temperatures up to

250°C or 310°C short term
• For low loads and temperatures
iglidur® P (chapter 16)

• For high radial loads and high

• When a cost-effective general
purpose bearing is sought
iglidur® G (chapter 2)
• For high surface speeds

• For edge loading in connection with • When electrically conductive bearings

are needed
high surface pressures iglidur® F ( chapter 11),
H ( chapter 12),

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For high temperature applications

H370 ( chapter 14)

• Resistant to edge loads

21.2 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.de/en/z
Material Table

General Properties Unit iglidur® Z Testing Method

Density g/cm3 1,40

Colour Brown
Max. moisture absorption at 23°C / 50% r.F. % weight 0,3 DIN 53495
Max. moisture absorption % weight 1,1
Coefficient of sliding friction, dynamic against steel μ 0,06 - 0,14

iglidur® Z
p x v value, max. (dry) MPa x m/s 0,84

Mechanical Properties

Modulus of elasticity MPa 2.400 DIN 53457

Tensile strength at 20°C MPa 95 DIN 53452
Compressive strength MPa 65

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+49 - 22 03 - 96 49-334
Max. recommended surface pressure (20°C) MPa 150
Shore D hardness 81 DIN 53505

Physical and Thermal Properties

Max. long term application temperature °C 250

Max. short term application temperature °C 310
Minimum application temperature °C -100
Thermal conductivity W/m x K 0,62 ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion K-1 x 10 -5
4 DIN 53752

Electrical Properties


Specific volume resistance > 1011 DIN IEC 93
Surface resistance Ω > 10 11
DIN 53482
Table 21.1: Material Data




Pressure [MPa]


0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
Surface Speed [m/s]
Graph 21.1: Permissible p x v values for iglidur ® Z running dry against a steel shaft, at 20°C

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8 Surface Pressure
6 Iglidur ® Z is a high temperature bearing

material, which is suited for applications
Deformation in %

with very high specific loads. For radial pres-

sures between 50 and 100 MPa there is no
iglidur® Z

better dry running wear resistant iglidur ®

material. Graph 21.2 shows the elastic
1 deformation of iglidur® Z under exposure to
0 radial loads. At the recommended maximum
0 20 40 60 80 100 surface pressure of 150 MPa, the defor-
Pressure [MPa] 60°C 23°C mation is approximately 5.5% at room tem-
Graph 21.2: Deformation under pressure and temperature perature.
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Graph 21.2
m/s Rotating Oscillating Linear
Surface Pressure, page 1.18
Continuous 1,5 1,1 5
Short term 3,5 2,5 6
Permissible Surface Speeds
Table 21.2: Maximum surface speed
iglidur® Z is suited for both average and high
speeds due to its high thermal resistance.
iglidur® Z Application Temperature
The maximum values given in table 21.2
Minimum - 100 °C can only be achieved at the lowest pres-
Max. long term + 250 °C sure loads. At the given speeds, friction can
Max. short term + 310 °C

cause the temperature to increase to con-

Table 21.3: Temperature limits for iglidur Z ®
stant maximum permissible levels.

Surface Speed, page 1.20

51147 Cologne

p x v value, page 1.22
igus® GmbH


Pressure [MPa]


40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature in °C

Graph 21.3: Recommended maximum surface pressure of igli-

dur® Z as a function of temperature

Diameter Shaft h9 iglidur® Z

d1 [mm] [mm] F10 [mm]
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up to 3 0 - 0,025 +0,006 + 0,046

> 3 to 6 0 - 0,030 +0,010 + 0,058
> 6 to 10 0 - 0,036 +0,013 + 0,071
> 10 to 18 0 - 0,043 +0,016 + 0,086
> 18 to 30 0 - 0,052 +0,020 + 0,104
> 30 to 50 0 - 0,062 +0,025 + 0,125

Table 21.4: Essential tolerances for igli-

dur ® Z plain bearings according to ISO
3547-1 after pressfit
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Temperatures 2,5

The maximum permissible short term tem-
perature is 310°C.This represents the high-
est thermal resistance of any iglidur ® ma-

Wear [μm/km]
terial. 1

iglidur® Z
With increasing temperatures, the com-
pressive strength of iglidur® Z plain bearings 0,5
decreases. Graph 21.3 shows this rela-
tionship. 0
23°C 150 °C
The ambient temperatures in the bearing
system also have an effect on the bearing Graph 21.4: Wear of iglidur® Z, as a function of temperature,
wear. With increasing temperatures, the rotation with p = 0.75 MPa, v = 0.5 m/s (CF53 hardened and

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+49 - 22 03 - 96 49-334
wear rate increases. ground steel)
Graph 21.4 shows that when the tempera-
iglidur®Z Dry Grease Oil Water
ture increases from room temperature to
150°C, the wear rate of iglidur® Z only doubles. C.o.f. [μ] 0,06 - 0,14 0,09 0,04 0,04
At high temperatures iglidur Z is also the
Table 21.5: Coefficients of friction for igli-
most wear resistant material when running dur® Z against steel (Ra = 1 μm, 50 HRC)
Graphs 21.3 and 21.4
Application Temperatures, page 1.23
Coefficient of friction μ


Friction and Wear

Similar to wear resistance, the coefficient 0,20

of friction only changes slightly with increas-
ing load. Friction and wear are also depen-
dent, to a large degree, on the shaft mate- 0,10
rial. Shafts that are too smooth increase 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35
both the coefficient of friction and the wear Surface Speed [m/s]
of the bearing. iglidur® Z proves to be rela- Graph 21.5: Coefficients of friction of iglidur ® Z as a function
tively resistant in regard to the shaft sur- of the running speed; p = 0.75 MPa
face. A ground surface with an average
roughness 0.4 to 0.8 μm is best suited, 0,25
when minimal friction is required.
Coefficient of friction μ

Graphs 21.5 and 21.7

Coefficients of Friction and Surfaces, 0,15

page 1.25
Wear Resistance, page 1.26

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Pressure [MPa]
Graph 21.6: Coefficients of friction of iglidur® Z as a function
of the pressure, v = 0.01 m/s

Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.de/en/z 21.5

0,30 Shaft Materials

Coefficient of friction μ The graphs show wear rates in the lower

0,20 load range, which are very similar to those
of other iglidur ® materials. However, the
upper range iglidur® Z outperforms all other
iglidur® Z

materials in wear resistance. Provided a Cf53

0,10 0,40 0,70 1,00 1,30 1,60
hardened and ground steel shaft is used, the
Shaft Roughness Ra [μm]
wear is at 45 MPa still only 15 μm/km.
Graph 21.7: Coefficients of friction of iglidur Z as a function ®
For low loads iglidur® Z plain bearings wear
of the shaft surface (Cf53 hardened and ground steel) less in oscillating operation than in rotation.
303 Stainless Steel and hard chromed shaft
are of interest here. The value 0.5 μm/km
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+49 - 22 03 - 96 49-334

shows 303 Stainless provides the lowest
6,0 wear in oscillating movements at 2 MPa.
5,0 For higher loads, hard chromed shafts out-
4,0 perform 303 Stainless. However even at
100 MPa iglidur ® Z gives excellent wear
Wear [μm/km]

values. If the shaft material you plan to use
is not contained in this list, please contact
1,0 us.
Shaft Materials Graphs 21.8 to 21.11
Cf53 303 Silver steel Hard chromed Shaft Materials, page 1.28

HSS H. A. Aluminium Free-cutting HRCS

Graph 21.8: Wear of iglidur® Z, rotating applications with dif- Installation Tolerances
ferent shaft materials p = 0.75 MPa, v = 0.5m/s
iglidur ® Z plain bearings are meant to be
51147 Cologne

oversized before being pressfit. After proper
igus® GmbH

15,0 installation into a recommended housing

bore (H7), the inner diameter adjusts to meet
Wear [μm/km]

10,0 our specified tolerances. Please adhere to

the catalogue specifications for housing
bore and recommended shaft sizes. This
0,0 will help to ensure optimal performance of
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 iglidur® Z plain bearings.
Pressure [MPa]
Cf53 Hard chromed 303 HRCS Testing Methods, page 1.33
Graph 21.9: Wear of iglidur® Z with different shaft materials in
rotating applications

Medium Resistance

Alcohol 0
Hydrocarbons +
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Greases, oils
without additives +
Fuels +
Diluted acids +
Strong acids –
Diluted alkalines +
Strong alkalines –
Table 21.6: Chemical resistance of igli-
dur® Z – detailed list, page 70.1
+ resistant 0 conditionally resistant – not resistant
21.6 Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.de/en/z

Chemical Resistance 140

iglidur Z plain bearings have a very good
resistance to chemicals. They have an excel-
lent resistance against organic solvents,
fuels, oils and greases. The material is only

Wear [μm/km]
partially resistant against weak acids. 60

iglidur® Z
The moisture absorption of iglidur® Z plain 40
bearings is approximately 0.3% in standard
atmosphere. The saturation limit in water is
1.1%. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Pressure [MPa]
Graph 21.10
Cf53 (Rotating) Cf53 (Oscillating)
Chemical Table, page 70.1

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Radiation Resistance Graph 21.10: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications
with Cf53 hardened and ground steel

Plain bearings made from iglidur® Z are re- 12,0

sistant to radiation up to an intensity of 1 x
105 Gy.
UV Resistance
Wear [μm/km]

UV radiation causes approximately 50% 4,0

decline of the tribological properties (wear)

of plain bearings made from iglidur® Z.
Cf53 Steel
303 Stainless HR Hard
Vacuum Steel Carbon Steel Chromed
Shaft Materials
For use in a vacuum environment, moisture Rotating Oscillating
content is released as vapour. Therefore, Graph 21.11: Wear for oscillating and rotating applications
only dehumidified bearings made of iglidur® Z with different shaft materials, p = 2 MPa
are suitable for a vacuum environment.

Electrical Properties 0,10

Reduction of the inner

iglidur® Z plain bearings are electrically insu- 0,08

diameter [%]



0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 Inch
Moisture absorption [weight %]
Graph 21.12: Effect of moisture absorption on iglidur®Z plain

iglidur® Z
Volume resistant > 1011 Ωcm
Surface resistant > 1011 Ω

Table 21.7: Electrical properties of iglidur® Z

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iglidur® Z – Flange Bearing, mm
Data in mm
Structure – part no.
Z F M-0405-04

iglidur® Z – Type F
r = max. Type
0,5 mm Material

Chamfer in relation to the d1
d1 [mm]: Ø 1–6 Ø 6–12 Ø 12–30 Ø > 30
f [mm]: 0,3 0,5 0,8 1,2
Dimensions according to ISO 3547-1

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+49 - 22 03 - 96 49-334
and special dimensions * Standard tolerances for iglidur® Z: F10

Part Number d1* d1 Tolerance d2 d3 b1 b2

after pressfit in Ø H7 d13 h13 -0,14

ZFM-0405-04 4,0 +0,010 +0,058 5,5 9,5 4,0 0,75

ZFM-0507-05 5,0 +0,010 +0,058 7,0 11,0 5,0 1,0
ZFM-0608-08 6,0 +0,010 +0,058 8,0 12,0 8,0 1,0
ZFM-0810-09 8,0 +0,013 +0,071 10,0 15,0 9,0 1,0
ZFM-1012-09 10,0 +0,013 +0,071 12,0 18,0 9,0 1,0
ZFM-1214-09 12,0 +0,016 +0,086 14,0 20,0 9,0 1,0
ZFM-1214-12 12,0 +0,016 +0,086 14,0 20,0 12,0 1,0

ZFM-1214-20 12,0 +0,016 +0,086 14,0 20,0 20,0 1,0
ZFM-1416-17 14,0 +0,016 +0,086 17,0 23,0 15,0 1,0
ZFM-1517-11 15,0 +0,016 +0,086 17,0 23,0 11,0 1,0
ZFM-1517-15 15,0 +0,016 +0,086 17,0 23,0 15,0 1,0
ZFM-1820-04 18,0 +0,013 +0,071 20,0 26,0 4,0 1,0
ZFM-1820-17 18,0 +0,013 +0,071 20,0 26,0 17,0 1,0
ZFM-2022-21 20,0 +0,013 +0,071 22,0 30,0 21,0 1,0
ZFM-2023-11 20,0 +0,020 +0,104 23,0 30,0 11,5 1,5
ZFM-2023-21 20,0 +0,020 +0,104 23,0 30,0 21,5 1,5
ZFM-2023-31 20,0 +0,020 +0,104 23,0 30,0 31,5 1,5
ZFM-2528-16 25,0 +0,020 +0,104 28,0 35,0 16,5 1,5
ZFM-2528-21 25,0 +0,020 +0,104 28,0 35,0 21,5 1,5
ZFM-2528-31 25,0 +0,020 +0,104 28,0 35,0 31,5 1,5
ZFM-3034-20 30,0 +0,020 +0,104 34,0 42,0 20,0 2,0
ZFM-3034-26 30,0 +0,020 +0,104 34,0 42,0 26,0 2,0
ZFM-3034-37 30,0 +0,020 +0,104 34,0 42,0 37,0 2,0 mm
ZFM-3539-26 35,0 +0,025 +0,125 39,0 47,0 26,0 2,0
ZFM-4044-20 40,0 +0,025 +0,125 44,0 52,0 20,0 2,0
ZFM-4044-40 40,0 +0,025 +0,125 44,0 52,0 40,0 2,0
ZFM-7580-50 75,0 +0,025 +0,125 80,0 88,0 50,0 2,5

Lifetime calculation, CAD files and much more support www.igus.de/en/z 21.9

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