Thermal values
Melting temperature ISO 3146 +218 -- °C
Thermal conductivity DIN EN 12939 0,23 -- W/(K*m)
Specific thermal capacity - 1,7 -- J/(g*K)
Coefficient of thermal expansion - 8-9 -- 10-5*K-1
Operating temperature range - -30 bis +100 -- °C
Operating temperature range - +140 -- °C
Fire behaviour UL 94, IEC 60695 HB -- -
Electrical values
Dielectric constant6) IEC 60250 7,0 -- -
Dielectric loss factor6) IEC 60250 0,3 -
Specific volume resistance IEC 60093 1015 1012 Ω *cm
Surface resistance IEC 60093 1013 1010 Ω
Dieletric strength IEC 60243 50 20 kV/mm
Creep current resistance IEC 60112 CTI 600 -- -
Miscellaneous data
Moisture absorption in normal climate DIN EN ISO 62 3,0 -- %
until saturated
Water absorption until saturated DIN EN ISO 62 10,0 -- %
measured with a pendulum impact testing machine 0,1 DIN 51 222
tension resulting in 1% total elongation after 1.000h
Licharz GmbH
against steel, hardened and ground
P = 0,05 Mpa; V = 0,6m/s; t = 60 °C near running surface
Industriepark Nord 13
For a temperature range of + 23 °C up to + 60 °C DE-53567 Buchholz
Experience values established with finished parts that are not under any stress
in heated air, depending on the type and form of heat exposure, short-term = max.
1h, long-term=months
at 106 Hz
phone: 0049-(0)2683-977-0
The content of this datasheet are meant to give an overview of the product`s properties. It reflects our current knowledge and may not be complete. The values should be taken as
guide values because they are very depent on surrounding conditions and machining methods. The values are in no way a legally binding assurance of the product`s properties or its
suitability for use in a specific application. All stated values are average values established from many individual tests. They are based on a temperature of 23°C and 50% RH. For
specific applications, we recommend determining suitability by means of a trial.
Licharz GmbH Industriepark Nord 13, D-53567 Buchholz Court of registration Montabaur, HRB. 23871 Managing Director: Alfred Licharz, Marc Walter Licharz
Volksbank Bonn, BLZ: 380 601 86, Konto: 800 054 010 IBAN: DE 09 3806 0186 0800 0540 10, Swift-BIC: GENODED1BRS Telefon: +49 2683 977-0
Rheinland-Pfalz Bank BLZ: 600 501 01, Konto: 430 294 8 IBAN: DE 77 6005 0101 0004 3029 48, Swift-BIC: SOLADEST Telefax: +49 2683 977-111
Commerzbank, BLZ 370 800 40, Konto: 506 605 000 IBAN: DE 35 3708 0040 0506 6050 00, Swift-BIC: DRESDEFF370 Mail:
Postbank BLZ 370 100 50, Konto: 213 909 506 IBAN: DE 84 3701 0050 0213 9095 06, Swift-BIC: PBNKDEFF VAT-No.DE 260268077