Micro Squad WWII 2nd Edition
Micro Squad WWII 2nd Edition
Micro Squad WWII 2nd Edition
2nd Edition
George Chrestensen
Scenario Maps: Sven Lugar Design: Nicole Martinez
Map of Tripoli Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.
"Cohesion" is the single most important aspect of play! It
is the very core of Micro Squad. If a stand or group of
stands attempts any sort of task there is generally a
"cohesion roll" associated with that task.
• If Max rolls an unmodified 1, his T-34 rallies and 6.1.3 All vehicle stands, mounted cavalry, and moving
recovers and is no longer disorganized or suppressed. motorcycle-infantry stands block line of sight to and
from any stand.
• If Max rolls an unmodified 20, that T-34 is eliminated
because it is already disorganized and suppressed. 6.1.4 If the LOS is ambiguous, rule in favor of the
defender. If agreed to beforehand by both players, a die-
• If Max rolls between a 7 and a 19, nothing changes. roll can resolve ambiguous lines of sight.
2. Unarmoured equipment or weapons stands have 1. If fired upon through their forward defensive arc
defense values that are unmarked. You must use during standard fire, they defend using their "front"
an attacking stand’s “HE” firepower value when defense value.
attacking these stands.
2. If fired upon through their side defensive arc
This Red Army 152mm during standard fire, they defend using their "side"
howitzer is an example defense value.
of an unarmoured stand.
3. If fired upon through their rear defensive arc
Its defense value is 3.
during standard fire, they defend using their "rear"
defense value.
4. If fired upon from above during standard fire, they
3. Personnel and light weapons stands are marked defend using their "top" defense value.
with two asterisks (**). Their defense strengths are
halved (rounding down any fractions) if they are The defensive arc is determined by placing the “Target
attacked while in the movement or fire/move Side” template along the side of target stand the line
posture. You must use an attacking stand’s "HE" extending from the center of the firing stand to the center
firepower value when attacking these stands. of the target stand passes through. Ambiguous lines of
fire fall in favor of the defender. Incoming fire that could
This German infantry be from one or two different defensive arcs must be
squad is an example of a applied against the higher of the two defense values.
personnel stand. Its defense
value is 6, which would be
halved if fired upon while
in the movement posture.
7.4.3 Procedure:
1. The moving player is told to stop moving the stand.
2. The OF player resolves an attack as in the Standard
Fire Phase.
The German infantry squad #16 and the Soviet T-34/85 7.5.3 All unarmoured stands not already suppressed,
are engaged and must not fire upon any other enemy in a beaten zone and within the line of sight of the stand
stand. German infantry squad #12 is not engaged with that laid down the beaten zone are automatically
the tank, since less than half of its stand’s edges are in
contact with the Russian stand.
Note: Beaten zones supersede the rule that says that no stand
may be attacked more than once in a phase. Beaten zones are
considered to be continuous fire, impacting on the beaten zone
throughout the turn. Any stand that is in or passes through
any number of beaten zones is susceptible to attack by the
stands producing such zones.
If more than one impact marker strikes the same spot (as
in a closed sheaf or attacks by more than one artillery
stand), the defender may suffer more than one combat
result roll.
3"x 3" and 4"x 4" impact markers possess 1 square inch and 7.6.8 Artillery weapons may opt to deliver a smoke
2 square inch "full effect" zones respectively. Stands that are screen rather than fire. The same sheaf patterns"are
not covered by at least 50% of a "full effect" zone have a +3 used. Smoke markers are removed during the marker
die-roll modifier applied to the combat die-roll. 1"x 1" and 2"x removal phase. Only those stands which have an "S"
2" impact markers are full effect over the entire marker. next to the “Weapon Type” in the Weapons Data may
deliver smoke.
7.6.4 All stands meeting the requirements of section
7.6.2 are subject to attack regardless of nationality. Smoke has the following effects:
Artillery shells strike friend and foe alike!
• Smoke "suppresses" like normal artillery fire.
7.6.5 Stands that pass through an artillery impact
marker during the subsequent Movement Phase are • Close-assaults and overruns may take place in smoke.
subject to attack as well. At least 50% of the stand must
pass over the marker for the stand to be affected. A stand • Smoke is a type of terrain and blocks line of sight.
may be affected by any number of impact markers Like impact markers, you may fire into them, but
during the Movement Phase. Each impact marker it not through them.
encounters will affect it.
• Stands firing both into and out of smoke suffer
Note: An artillery attack is considered to be continuous fire, firing cohesion roll penalties. This is in addition to
impacting on the target zone throughout the turn. The the suppression effect on stands "in" smoke (see
presence or absence of stands in the target area at the moment Terrain Effects Chart).
7.8.1 Forward observers obey all LOS rules as if they 7.8.7 Below are some guidelines for plotting indirect
themselves were firing. artillery fire. Use the “Artillery Plotting” sheet provided
in the rules set. This will allow players to easily perform
7.8.2 Indirect fire arrives several turns after the turn it is the steps listed below.
plotted based upon the nationality of the artillery stand
per the “Artillery Efficiency” rules (section 7.10). 1. Record the I.D. of the firing unit.
2. Record the I.D. of the forward observer (FO) stand.
7.8.3 First, an artillery cohesion roll must be passed in
the turn the indirect fire is scheduled to arrive. For on- 3. Record the turn of impact.
board stands this roll is modified by any suppression
4. Record the location of impact: In order to obscure
and/or disorganization of the stand. For off-map fire
your intent from your opponent, you may want to use
there are no modifiers to an artillery die-roll. It is based
standard military notation for this purpose, often
only on the cohesion level of the side directing the fire. If
referred to as "Right-and-Up." You begin at the lower
this roll fails, the indirect fire does not arrive. If the roll
left hand corner of the map as you face it. You then
succeeds, you must determine whether that fire
count “X” inches to the right (of the left edge) and “Y”
"deviates" from the plotted target. To do this, another
inches up (from the bottom). This results in a standard
artillery cohesion roll is necessary. If this roll is success-
four-digit grid coordinate (i.e. 0426 - 4" Right/26" Up,
ful the fire lands on the intended target as planned.
2321 - 23" Right / 21" Up, or 4516 - 45" Right/16" Up).
If the deviation cohesion die-roll fails, roll 1D8 and
compare the result to the "Compass Rose" template
provided. This provides the direction of deviation,
(direction "1" being toward the "enemy" board edge.)
Rolling 2D6 gives the distance in inches the impact
marker deviates from the original target location. E
8.2.6 After all movement orders for a side are expended A section of two French 75mm guns has left the road and
you may attempt independent movement. Any headed cross country. The movement allowance for the
movement group that tries to move without a movement halftrack prime movers is 16T (for tracked). They moved
order is attempting to move on its own initiative or 5 inches on the “good” road, using 2.5 movement points.
"independently." Only one attempt is allowed per The woods abut the road. It costs 3 points per inch for a
movement group per turn and this attempt imposes a +3 tracked vehicle to drive through the woods. The lead
die-roll modifier. Players alternate attempts at independ- vehicle has travelled 4.5 inches into the woods, as far as
possible this turn.
ent movement just like they do for ordered movement
until they each player declines movement once or all
stands have attempted independent movement. 8.3.4 A stand allowed to execute movement may always
move a minimum of one inch regardless of terrain
8.2.7 You must complete all ordered movement before penalties as long as it avoids impassable terrain.
you are allowed to attempt any independent movement.
There is no limit on the number of independent moves 8.3.5 There are three movement classes: Wheeled (W),
that may be attempted in a turn, but only one attempt Tracked (T), and Foot (F)
may be made per movement group.
The Terrain Effects Chart covers how various terrain types
8.2.8 Movement orders may not be accumulated from affect the movement of stands belonging to each class.
turn to turn. Unused orders are lost at the end of the turn.
8.3.6 Friendly stands may pass freely through one
Reminder: You may attempt to move a group any another, but no two stands may end the Movement
number of times with orders but only once independent- Phase overlapping. If a stand is forced to halt where it
ly. The effects of HQ's and ordered and independent would violate this rule, move it back along its previous
movement are detailed in the Movement Orders Chart. path until there is room for it.
[8.3] Requirements and Limitations 8.3.7 Armoured vehicles may pass freely through
8.3.1 Each stand may execute movement once per enemy "transport" stands or other "unarmed" enemy
movement phase by expending up to its total vehicles and enemy "non-vehicle" stands only while con-
movement value. This value may not be exceeded and ducting overruns (section 8.5).
unused movement points may not be accumulated
from turn to turn. 8.3.8 An armoured vehicle may pass through an enemy
armoured vehicle stand only if it makes a successful
8.3.2 Stands in the Fire/Move (FM) posture may expend cohesion roll (to test its nerve) with a +3 die-roll modifier.
up to one-half of their movement allowance (rounded The stand must first move adjacent, then stop, and make
down). If a stand in the fire/move posture does not fire, the cohesion roll. If the roll fails, the moving stand must
it is still restricted to one-half (rounded down) of its remain adjacent.
movement allowance.
8.3.9 Any stand may change facing without cost while
8.3.3 Stands move across the playing surface, inch by moving. In addition, any stand in the movement posture
inch, expending movement points per inch as they do. may change facing as a movement action, even if it
executes no other movement.
[10.9] Horse Cavalry 10.9.7 Mounted cavalry may not perform standard or
Although the Second World War is regarded as the first opportunity fire. Hence, they may not be placed in the
truly mechanized war, most nations still employed a fire/move posture.
significant number of mounted troops.
[10.10] Bicycle Infantry
Note: Horse cavalry may begin a scenario either mounted or Bicycle infantry were featured in many nations' forces
dismounted at the owning players discretion. This optional throughout the war. These troops could move faster than
rule will allow players to explore both the strengths and weak- “foot” infantry along roads and tracks. But they were
nesses of horse cavalry on the modern battlefield. slower and more limited than either cavalry or motorcy-
cle borne soldiers.
[11.2] Barbed-wire
"Barbed-wire" markers are deployed as part of a player's
initial forces.
11.6.1 Whenever one of these weapons fires, the Note: Changing the determination level will make a big differ-
defender must pass a successful cohesion roll. Failure ence in the way a game is played. For example, both the Soviets
requires the defender to retreat at the end of the phase. and Germans at Stalingrad fought with great courage and
This retreat must be at least one inch (1”) and place the savagery. The determination levels for both sides should reflect
defender a minimum of one inch (1”) farther away from this, rising to as much as sixty or even seventy percent.
12.1.5 On the very next turn after reaching its breaking 12.1.7 More than one formation may reach its breaking
point the following conditions are in effect: point in the same turn.
Stands in the fire/move posture may attempt to fire Air strikes are considered "artillery" attacks. (That is,
again that turn, but each of these attempts are made with results of "no effect" are treated as "suppression" and
an additional +6 modifier for each attempt. A stand suc- attacks at less than minus three (-3) are allowed. Air
cessful in firing more than once in the same turn must strikes take place at the same time as "Indirect artillery
restrict its additional fire to its original target until that fire" (see rule 5.0 “Sequence of Play.”)
target is eliminated. After that is accomplished, it may
attempt to acquire another target. 12.16.2 Before the game begins players must designate
the "turn of arrival" of any available aircraft. This is done
Note: This optional rule will slow play and should only be
secretly in writing. At the beginning of any aircraft's
used for smaller scenarios.
“turn of arrival,” you must notify your opponent and
designate the target area.
[12.15] HEAT it up!
After January 1941 Germany equipped units with the
12.16.3 The target area of each air strike must be plotted
75mm L24 cannon (Pz IVa-f1, Pz IIIn, StuG IIIa-e, SdKfz
before the start of the game before any forces are placed
233, 234/3, 251/9, 250/8 and the 75mm infantry gun) may
on the table. The actual attack plotted takes place during
be equipped with HEAT rounds. Units with these guns
the Artillery Fire Phase of the designated turn of arrival.
were intended for and used for HE support, but were
For planes that may make a second bombing attack, a
equipped with very limited amounts of HEAT ammuni-
second target area must also be plotted before the start of
tion to defend themselves against enemy tanks.
the game, and takes place during the Artillery Fire Phase
Using this optional rule, each stand is allowed to make of the aircraft's third and final turn over the battlefield.
one direct fire attack per game, in the standard fire phase
12.16.4 From mid-war on, the Western allies deployed
against armoured vehicles. This attack has an AP
FASC (Forward Air Support Coordinator) teams with
firepower of 7 and a maximum range of 60 inches.
frontline units. This enabled air strikes to be orchestrat-
Unlike normal artillery attacks, this attack does not
ed much more responsively. This option is available only
automatically suppress and does incur range penalties.
for U.S. Marines from mid-1943 and for all Western allies
The attacking stand may not have fired previously in the
from mid-1944. An FASC team is assigned to a friendly
turn. Recording the expenditure of this ammo by stand
stand just like an FO (Forward Observer.) These stands
number is required.
Deployment: Player-B deploys anywhere on his side of If the die roll is:
the center line. Player-A deploys anywhere on his side of 4+ higher than his FCL: No support units allowed
the center line and at least fifteen (15) inches from it.
1-3 higher than his FCL: up to 15% support units
Objective: A marker placed in the center of a significant Equal to his FCL: up to 30% support units
terrain feature located close to the center of the map 1-3 less than his FCL: up to 45% support units
(agreed upon in advance). 4 or more lower than his FCL: up to 60% support units
Game Length: 20 Turns. Note: Player-B should not reveal die roll to Player-A until after
he has purchased his forces.
Victory: Player-A: Enter or pass through the “objective”
with one or more of your stands by the end of turn Deployment: Player-B deploys to defend the objective,
twelve. Player-B: Prevent a Player-A victory. anywhere on his side of the center line. Player-A deploys
at least fifteen (15) inches in front of the Defender’s most
forward stand.
Deployment: The defender deploys to defend the < 11 Turns - Decisive Attacker (Player-A) Victory
objective. The attacker deploys at least fifteen (15) inches
< 16 Turns - Tactical Attacker (Player-A) Victory
in front of an imaginary line drawn along the Defender’s
most forward stands. < 20 Turns - Minor Attacker (Player-A) Victory
> 10 Turns - Minor Defender (Player-B) Victory
Objective: A terrain feature such as: a river crossing,
> 15 Turns - Tactical Defender (Player-B) Victory
village, or high ground two-thirds of battlefield length
from the attacker’s edge. > 19 Turns - Decisive Defender (Player-B) Victory
Engineers: Players may convert normal infantry to 1.15 x 900 (B’s Point Base) = 1035.
engineers by paying ten (10) additional points per stand. The Scenario is a “Hasty Attack.
(See “Engineer” rules for information on engineer
B’s Point Base is multiplied by .5. 1035 x .5 = 518
(rounded up).
Forward Observers: Forward Observers (FOs) are not Player-B gets to purchase a force of 518 points.
separate stands. A stand designated as an FO performs
this function in addition to its other capabilities. 7. DETERMINE INITIAL DEPLOYMENT.
In scenarios where one or both players begin on the
Each player receives one (1) FO for his GHQ. battlefield, the defender always places his forces first. In
meeting engagements roll for initiative and the winner
A player receives one (1) FO for every four (4) artillery decides which side moves first. The placement of stands,
stands capable of indirect fire. (On-Map or Off) which are not visible to the attacker due to blocking or
concealing terrain, may be secretly recorded if desired.
This will slow the game and is not recommended for
A player may buy the ability to designate additional FO’s
beginning players or large scenarios.
at the rate of sixty (60) points per FO.
That’s all there is to building your own scenarios. Once
Note: The total force fielded may never exceed the total
you’ve done it a few times, it becomes quite easy, and fun!
number of points allocated.
To illustrate the scenario design process we’re going to FCL of 15. The time frame is August 1944. Player-B now
build an example scenario, going through the process determines his force composition percentage by rolling a
step-by-step. fifteen (15) on a D20, enabling him to purchase up to 30%
of his total point strength in support units
The players have chosen a “Hasty Attack”(Type C). 3. LAY OUT THE BATTLEFIELD MAP.
Player-A will be the attacker. Player-B will be the The players agree that the battlefield will be twenty-four
defender. inches wide by forty-eight inches long.
Player-B (The German defender) has 1283 points to Player-B Battalion Points Total: 910
spend and “buys” the following:
Player-B may purchase up to 30 percent of his total point
Organization Point Cost Subtotal strength in support units. 910/1283 = .71. Therefore,
1x Battalion HQ - Player-B has purchased enough battalion unit points to
1x GHQ+0 @50 50 meet the scenario requirements. Player-B now has 1283-
910 = 373 points to purchase support units to spend and
1st Company (-) “buys” the following:
Company HQ
1x Infantry HQ @30 30 Panzerjaeger Platoon (-)
3x StugIIIF @61 183
1st Platoon
3x Infantry ’44 @13 39 Anti-Tank Platoon (-)
3x 75mm Pak40/Med Imp Position @38+6 132
2nd Platoon (-)
3x Infantry ’44 @13 39 Light Flak Platoon (-)
2x 20mm Quad/Med Imp Position @21+6 54
3rd Platoon (-)
2x Infantry ’44 @13 26 Player-B Support Points Total: 369
Support Platoon (-) Player-B Points Total: 1279
1x MMG @14 14 (4 points were not used.)
1x 81mm Stummel (2) @28 25
The example above would be a large scenario indeed! It
2nd Company (-) was put together as an example of how you can build an
Company HQ effective force by combining battalion level units with
1x Infantry HQ @30 30 support units. Note that some of the components are
If the stand can The small arms totals were calculated by assigning and
perform indirect fire: multiply by 1.10 totaling the following values to each weapon present in
If the stand has the squad/stand:
movement rate of 3 or less: multiply by .90
3-Man MG Team: 100
If the stand has 2-Man MG Team: 90 (squad automatic weapon)
movement rate of 0: multiply by .80
Submachine Gun: 60 (BAR included)
For mortar stands with multiple tubes, multiply the Assault Rifle: 40
firepower values by the number of tubes in the stand. Semi-automatic Rifle: 25
Rocket artillery and certain vehicles (for example, the
Bolt Action Rifle: 20
Churchill AVRE) firepower values are multiplied by .25
since they may fire only once per four turns. Pistol: 15
The point value of transport stands were calculated The following individuals were indispensable in getting
using the following formula: Micro Squad®: The 1:1 Scale Game - WWII off the
ground: John “Obi-Juan” Fernandes (The Rules Master),
Point Cost = without whom all of this would have never happened.
[(AP)(APR)/40 + (HE)(HER)/40] + .25(CC + MV + DV) Thanks to all of my playtesters who helped me break the
rules and fix them repeatedly: Don Coon, Kirk Reed,
Where: David Sagiraslvili, Ed McGinley, John Lloyd, Andy
AP = Armor Piercing Firepower Rogers, and Herb Flathers. I would also like to thank
APR = Armor Piercing Range Nicole Martinez and Channing Scott whose patience,
HE = High Explosive Firepower understanding, and perseverance were key to getting
these rules to print. Special thanks to the founder and
HER = High Explosive Range owner of GHQ, Gregory Dean Scott, whose contribution
MV = Movement Value (multiplied by .20 if to the wargaming hobby remains underappreciated in
tracked, by .15 if wheeled, and by .10 if foot) my humble opinion. Special thanks also goes to Jim
Moffet, who coordinated the efforts of the “Mad Dogs”
CC = Cargo Capacity
and has always been there whenever I needed help.
DV = Defense Value (average armor value for
armored vehicles, multiplied by half for soft And of course an enormous thank you to the love of my
and personnel targets.) life, Cameron, whose encouragement throughout the
writing and development of these rules has been
Average armor values were calculated using the invaluable.
following formula:
A special “thank you” for assistance in preparing this
Armor Value = [F +2S + R +T]/5
revised edition goes to Leif Edmondson (Red Leif), one
Where: of the original “Mad Dogs” whose assistance during the
F = Front Armor Value past year has been invaluable.
S = Side Armor Value
These rules are dedicated to the memory of John
R = Rear Armor Value Fernandes, a man who has made my life richer. John
T = Top Armor Value was a man of many talents: musician, historian, soldier,
philosopher, gourmet cook, writer, and game designer.
Non-armored target sides were assigned a soft target He was fiercely loyal to his friends, family, and country.
value and multiplied by .50 Although John did not live long enough to see the
publication of these rules, his memory will live on in his
The high explosive firepower of infantry, cavalry, and work and in the hearts of his family and friends. I will
infantry MMG stands were calculated using the miss him greatly.
following formula:
George Chrestensen
Firepower Value = SAFT/50
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Finnish Tanks
FT-17 MG 10 0 5 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 3T - - 39-40
FT-17 11 2 3 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 3T - - 39-40
Vickers Mark E (A) 32 4 4 40 40 - [3/2/1/1] 12T - - 39-40
T-37A 23 1 3 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 17T/3A - - 41-42
OT-130 15 9f 9f 2 2 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 41-44
T-26 Model 1933 21 3 3 32 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 41-42
T-26 Model 1937 24 4 3 40 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 41-44
T-34 B-F 68 8 5 64 64 - [8/6/5/2] 16T - - 42-44
KV-1C 67 8 5 64 64 - [10/6/6/3] 13T - - 42-44
PzIV FJ 77 9 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/1] 13T - - 1944
Finnish Anti-Tank Weapons
25mm ATG ^ 9 3 2 28 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 39-42
37mm PaK 35 ^ 9 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 39-42
45mm ATG Model 1932 ^ 12 4 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 40-44
50mm PaK 38 ^ 19 6 4 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 42-44
75mm PaK 97 ^ 20 6 5 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 43-44
75mm PaK 40 ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 1944
STuG IIIG ^ 61 9 5 80 80 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 43-44
Finnish Infantry Close Support Vehicles
BT-42 ^ 102 2 8 210 # 210 # - [1/1/1/1] 9T - - 42-44
T-28 61 1 5 136 136 - [5/4/4/2] 13T - - 41-44
Finnish Armoured Cars
BA-20 20 0 5 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 21W - - 41-42
BA-10 26 4 3 40 20 - [1/1/1/1] 21W - - 41-44
Finnish Anti-Aircraft Weapons
AAMG > 10 1 4 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 39-44
40mm AAG > 19 4 6 40 40 - 4 0 - 6 39-44
80m AAG 15 2 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 8 39-44
Landswerk 36 4 6 40 40 - [2/1/1]/1 14T - - 41-44
Finnish Artillery
50mm Mortar (2) ^ 12 0 4# 20 20 3 6 ** 4F - 6 39-44
81mm Mortar (1) ^, S 33 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 4 39-44
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 61 0 6 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 8 39-44
120mm Mortar (1) ^, S 93 2 9 230 230 24 5 0 - 8 39-44
76mm Gun 44 1 5 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 39-44
105mm Gun ^, S 152 3 8 384 384 4 2 0 - 10 39-44
105mm Howitzer ^, S 129 3 8 330 330 3 2 0 - 10 41-44
4.5” Howitzer (110mm) ^ 75 2 8 210 210 4 2 0 - 10 39-44
150mm Howitzer ^, S 179 3 9 420 420 3 2 0 - 10 41-44
122mm Howitzer ^, S 145 3 8 370 370 4 3 0 - 10 39-44
152mm Howitzer ^, S 185 4 9# 400 400 4 3 0 - 12 39-44
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
French Tanks
FT-17 MG 10 0 5 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 3T - - 31-40
FT-17 11 2 3 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 3T - - 31-40
AMC-35 36 5 3 48 20 - [3/2/1/1] 17T - - 35-40
AMR-33 25 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 17T - - 35-40
AMR-35 24 2 3 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 17T - - 36-40
Char B1 28 1 5^ 60 60 - [5/3/3/2] 7T - - 39-40
5 3 48 20 - - -
FCM-36 25 2 4 32 20 - [4/4/3/2] 11T - - 39-40
Char B1 32 5 4 48 20 - [4/3/2/1] 11T - - 39-40
Char D2 32 5 4 48 20 - [4/3/2/1] 11T - - 39-40
H-35 22 2 3 32 20 - [3/3/2/2] 11T - - 35-40
H-39 30 4 3 40 20 - [4/3/2/2] 13T - - 39-40
R-35 20 2 3 32 20 - [4/3/2/2] 8T - - 35-40
R-40 27 4 3 40 20 - [4/2/2/1] 12T - - 1940
S-35 38 5 4 48 20 - [4/3/2/2] 16T - - 35-40
French Anti-Tank Weapons
25mm ATG ^ 9 3 2 28 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 34-40
47mm ATG ^ 12 5 2 48 20 - 4 0 - 6 37-40
French Anti-Aircraft Weapons
20mm ATG > 14 2 5 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 30-40
25mm ATG > 15 2 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 6 30-40
75mm ATG > 40 7 5 80 80 - 2 0 - 12 30-40
French Artillery
60mm Mortar (1) ^ 16 0 4# 60 60 4 6 ** 4F - 2 37-40
Cavalry 60mm Mtr (2) ^ 26 0 4# 60 60 4 6 ** 11F - - 37-40
M/C 60mm Mortar (1) 30 0 4# 60 60 4 6 ** 27W - - 39-40
81mm Mortar (1) ^, S 33 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 4 31-40
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 61 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 8 31-40
75mm Gun Mod 1897 ^, S 48 1 5# 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 01-40
75mm Gun Mod 1936 ^, S 48 1 5# 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 36-40
105mm Howitzer ^, S 137 2 8# 385 385 4 2 0 - 8 36-40
155mm Howitzer ^, S 158 3 9# 370 370 4 2 0 - 8 17-40
French Armoured Cars
Panhard 178 23 3 4 28 20 - [2/1/1/1] 21W - - 39-40
French Armoured Personnel Carriers
Lorraine 37L 7 - - - - - [1/1/1]/2 11T 8 - 39-40
French Transport Vehicles
Cart 3 - - - - - 1 8F 6 - 39-40
Wagon 5 - - - - - 1 5F 10 - 39-40
Limber 6 - - - - - 1 8F 12+ - 39-40
Light Truck 7 - - - - - 1 27W 6 - 39-40
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
German Tanks
PzI 22 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 16T - - 34-41
PzI Befelswagen ^ 17 0 3 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 16T - - 39-43
PzII D-J 26 2 5 20 20 - [3/2/1/1] 15T - - 39-43
PzII L 32 2 5 20 20 - [3/2/1/1] 21T - - 43-45
Pz 35T 28 4 4 36 20 - [2/1/1/1] 14T - - 39-40
Pz 38T 30 5 4 40 20 - [2/1/1/1] 14T - - 38-43
PzIII D-E 31 4 4 36 20 - [4/3/3/1] 14T - - 38-42
PzIII F-G 41 5 4 48 48 - [4/3/3/1] 14T - - 41-42
PzIII H 44 5 4 48 48 - [6/3/6/2] 14T - - 41-43
PzIII J-L 51 6 4 60 60 - [6/3/4/2] 14T - - 41-45
PzIII Befelswagen ^ 20 0 3 1 20 - [6/3/6/2] 14T - - 42-45
PzIV F2-J 77 9 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/1] 13T - - 42-45
PzV A-G (Panther) 106 11 5 100 100 - [11/4/4/1] 16T - - 43-45
PzVI A (Tiger I) 102 10 6 100 100 - [9/5/5/2] 12T - - 43-45
PzVI B (Tiger II) 115 12 6 100 100 - [12/7/7/3] 11T - - 44-45
Tiger Maus 154 13 7 120 120 - [18/14/15/8} 6T - - 45-47?
E-100 154 13 7 120 120 - [18/9/13/8] 11T - - 45-47?
German Anti-Tank Weapons
28mm 41LE ^ 9 4 2 20 20 - 5 ** 2F - 2 41-44
37mm PaK 35 ^ 9 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 36-45
50mm PaK 38 ^ 19 6 4 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 41-45
75mm PaK 97 ^ 20 6 5 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 41-43
76mm PaK 36 ^ 36 8 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 41-45
75mm PaK 40 ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 42-45
88mm PaK 41/43 ^ 64 11 5 120 120 - 4 0 - 10 43-45
128mm PaK 44 ^ 124 12 7 160 160 - 3 0 - 14 44-45
PanzerJäger I ^ 21 5 2 40 40 - [1/1/]/1/1 13T - - 40-41
76mm Diana ^ 55 8 5 80 80 - [2/1/1]/1 14T - - 1942
Marder II-III (76mm) ^ 56 8 5 80 80 - [2/1/]/1/1 15T - - 42-45
Marder II-III (75mm) ^ 58 9 5 80 80 - [2/1/]/1/1 15T - - 42-45
STuG III F-G ^ 61 9 5 80 80 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 42-45
STuG IV ^ 61 9 5 80 80 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 42-45
Nashorn ^ 80 11 6 100 100 - [2/1/1]/1 13T - - 43-45
Elefant ^ 87 11 6 100 100 - [12/6/4/2] 12T - - 43-45
Hetzer ^ 58 8 5 80 80 - [8/3/3/1] 13T - - 44-45
Jagdpanzer IV L48 ^ 60 9 5 80 80 - [9/2/2/1] 13T - - 44-45
Jagdpanzer IV L70 ^ 78 11 5 100 100 - [9/2/2/1] 10T - - 44-45
Jagdpanther ^ 88 11 6 100 100 - [11/4/4/1] 15T - - 44-45
Jagdtiger ^ 111 12 7 120 120 - [13/6/6/2] 12T - - 1945
PaK 40 RSO ^ 57 9 5 80 80 - [1]/2/2/1 13T - - 43-45
Sdkfz 251/22 ^ 62 9 5 80 80 - [2/1/1]/1 19T - - 44-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Hungarian Tanks
L3/35 ^ 14 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 41-42
PzI Befelwagon ^ 17 0 3 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 16T - - 41-43
Pz 38T 30 5 4 40 20 - [2/1/1/1] 14T - - 42-43
Toldi 21 2 4 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 13T - - 41-43
Toldi IIA 26 4 4 32 20 - [3/1/1/1] 13T - - 42-43
Turan I 32 5 4 40 20 - [4/2/1/1] 14T - - 42-43
Pz IV F2 77 9 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/1] 13T - - 43-45
Pz VI A (Tiger I) 102 10 6 100 100 - [9/5/5/2] 12T - - 43-45
Hungarian Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm PaK 35 ^ 9 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 41-45
40mm ATG ^ 12 4 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 41-45
45mm ATG Model 1932 ^ 12 4 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 42-45
47mm ATG ^ 14 5 3 40 20 - 4 0 - 4 42-45
50mm PaK 38 ^ 19 6 4 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 42-45
75mm PaK 40 ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 42-45
Hetzer ^ 58 8 5 80 80 - [8/3/3/1] 13T - - 44-45
STuG III G ^ 61 9 5 80 80 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 44-45
Hungarian Infantry Close Support Artillery Vehicles
Turan II 42 1 5 80 80 - [4/2/1/1] 14T - - 42-43
Pz III N 55 1 5 108 108 - [7/4/5/2] 14T - - 42-45
Pz IV F1 53 1 5 108 108 - [7/4/4/1] 13T - - 42-45
Zrinyi ^ 56 4 8 80 80 - [8/5/2/1] 14T - - 43-45
Hungarian Armoured Cars
Csaba 20 2 4 20 20 - [1/1/1/1] 20W - - 42-45
Sdkfz 222 20 2 4 20 20 - [1/1/1/1] 20W - - 42-45
Hungarian Anti-Aircraft Weapons
AAMG > 10 1 4 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 41-45
40mm AAG > 19 4 6 40 40 - 4 0 - 6 41-45
80mm AAG 48 7 6 90 90 - 2 0 - 8 41-45
Nimrod 36 4 6 40 40 - [2/1/1/]/1 14T - - 42-45
Hungarian Artillery
50mm Mortar (2) 12 0 4# 20 20 3 6 ** 4F - 6 41-45
Cavalry 50mm Mortar (2) ^ 11 0 4# 20 20 3 5 ** 11F - - 41-45
Bicycle 50mm Mortar (2) ^ 14 0 4# 20 20 3 6 ** 4F/4W - - 41-45
M’cycle 50mm Mortar (2) ^ 27 0 4# 20 20 3 6 ** 27W - - 41-45
81mm Mortar (1) ^, S 33 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 4 41-45
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 61 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 8 41-45
120mm Mortar ^, S 93 2 9# 230 230 24 5 0 - 8 42-45
75mm Gun Mod 1897 ^, S 44 1 5 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 41-45
75mm Mtn Howitzer ^, S 22 0 5# 111 111 2 4 0 - 6 41-45
76.5mm Gun ^, S 48 1 5# 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 41-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Italian Tanks
L3/35 ^ 14 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 33-43
L3/35 20mm ^ 15 2 4 20 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 33-43
L3/35 Flame thrower ^ 13 9f 9f 3 3 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 41-43
L6/40 23 2 4 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 15T - - 41-43
M11/39 18 0 4 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 39-41
3 0^ 32 32 - - -
M13/40 31 4 4 40 40 - [3/2/2/1] 11T - - 40-43
M15/42 45 6 4 60 60 - [4/2/2/1] 11T - - 1943
P26/40 65 7 5 80 80 - [5/3/2/1] 11T - - 1943
Italian Anti-Tank Weapons
20mm ATR 10 2 2 20 20 - 6 ** 3F - 4 36-43
37mm ATG ^ 9 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 36-43
47mm ATG ^ 16 4 4 40 40 - 4 1F - 4 40-43
75mm ATG ^ 33 7 5 80 80 - 3 0 - 8 42-43
Semovente 47 ^ 24 4 4 40 40 - [3/1/1]/1 11T - - 41-43
Semovente 75/34 ^ 51 7 5 80 80 - [4/2/2/1] 11T - - 1943
Semovente 90 ^ 68 9 6 100 100 - [4]/2/1/1 8T - - 1943
90mm Portee 87 9 6 100 100 - 1 18W - - 41-42
102mm/35 Portee 97 9 8 100 100 - 1 18W - - 41-42
102mm/47 Portee 101 10 8 100 100 - 1 17W - - 41-42
Italian Anti-Aircraft Weapons
20mm AAG > 15 2 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 6 36-43
75mm AAG 41 7 5 80 80 - 3 0 - 8 37-43
90mm AAG 62 9 6 100 100 - 2 0 - 10 37-43
20mm Portee > 31 2 6 40 40 - 1 24W - - 36-43
Italian Artillery
45mm Mortar (3) 16 0 4# 21 21 14 6 ** 4F - 8 36-43
81mm Mortar (1) ^ 39 0 6# 128 128 3 6 ** 3F - 4 36-43
65mm Gun ^ 33 0 4# 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 13-43
75mm Gun Model 27 ^ 49 1 5 240 240 3 4 0 - 8 12-43
75mm Gun Model 35 ^ 73 1 5# 400 400 3 4 0 - 8 34-43
75mm Mountain How. ^ 66 1 5# 300 300 3 4 0 - 6 34-43
105mm Mountain How. ^ 92 1 8# 280 280 3 4 0 - 8 34-43
100mm Howitzer ^ 104 2 8# 290 290 4 3 0 - 10 15-43
105mm Howitzer ^ 150 3 8# 420 420 4 3 0 - 10 29-43
149mm How. Model 14 ^ 121 2 9# 310 310 6 2 0 - 12 16-43
149mm How. Model 35 ^ 322 4 9# 700 700 6 2 0 - 12 36-43
65mm Portee ^ 48 0 4# 216 216 2 1 18W - - 42-43
75mm Portee ^ 73 1 5# 240 240 3 1 16W - - 42-43
100mm Portee ^ 136 2 8# 290 290 4 1 14W - - 42-43
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Japanese Tanks
Type 92 Tankette 19 0 6 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 33-45
Type 94 Tankette 17 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 32-45
Type 97 Tankette (TeKe Type I) 21 0 4 1 40 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 37-45
Type 97 Tankette (TeKe Type II) 22 3 4 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 11T - - 38-45
Type 95 26 3 4 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 15T - - 36-45
Type 97 Chi-Ha 29 3 4 32 20 - [2/2/2/1] 16T - - 38-45
Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha 36 6 4 40 20 - [2/2/2/1] 15T - - 42-45
Type 89b 20 3 4 32 20 - [2/1/1/1] 9T - - 31-45
Type I Ka-Mi 26 3 4 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 15T/3A - - 43-45
Type I Chi-He 33 6 4 40 20 - [4/2/2/1] 13T - - 43-45
Type III Chi-Nu 42 7 4 60 20 - [4/2/2/1] 13T - - 1945
Japanese Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm ATG ^ 10 3 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 35-45
47mm ATG ^ 15 5 4 60 20 - 4 0 - 6 42-45
Ho-Ni ^ 32 7 4 60 20 - [4/2]/1/1 11T - - 44-45
Japanese Anti-Aircraft Weapons
20mm AA/AT 21 2 6 40 40 - 5 ** 1F - 4 39-45
40mm AA/AT 22 5 7 40 40 - 4 0 - 8 32-45
25mm AAG 16 2 6 40 40 - 4 0 - 6 37-45
Dual 25mm AAG 18 2 7 40 40 - 4 Fixed - - 37-45
Triple 25mm AAG 19 2 8 40 40 - 4 Fixed - - 37-45
Japanese Artillery
50mm Mortar (1) 12 0 4# 26 26 5 6 ** 4F - 2 31-45
50mm Mortar (2) 18 0 4# 26 26 5 6 ** 4F - 4 31-45
50mm Mortar (3) 24 0 4# 26 26 5 6 ** 4F - 8 31-45
Cavalry 50mm Mortar (2) 17 0 4# 26 26 5 5 ** 11F - - 31-45
81mm Mortar (2) ^ 56 0 6# 96 96 4 6 ** 3F - 8 38-45
90mm Mortar (2) ^ 57 1 7# 150 150 24 5 0 - 8 34-45
105mm Mortar ^ 36 3 9# 78 78 12 5 0 - 6 38-45
70mm Howitzer ^ 25 0 5# 88 88 2 6 ** 1F - 4 33-45
75mm Howitzer ^, S 62 1 5# 280 280 2 4 0 - 8 09-45
105mm Howitzer ^, S 160 3 8# 410 410 4 2 0 - 10 32-45
150mm Howitzer ^, S 115 3 9# 270 270 4 2 0 - 12 16-45
150mm Ho-Ro ^, S 96 2 8# 188 188 4 [2/1/1]/1 13T - - 43-45
Japanese Armoured Cars
Sumida 26 0 5 1 40 - [1/1/1/1] 24W - - 34-45
Japanese Armoured Personnel Carriers
Ho-Ki 10 - - - - - [1/1/1]/1 16T 10 - 44-45
Japanese Transport Vehicles
Car 7 - - - - - 2 27W 4 - 35-45
Truck 9 - - - - - 1 20W 12 - 31-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Polish Tanks
TKS ^ 11 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 8T - - 33-39
TKSz ^ 12 2 3 20 20 - [1/1/1/1] 8T - - 36-39
7TPdw 18 0 5 1 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 34-39
7TPjw 20 2 4 32 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 36-39
Vickers Mark E (B) 26 0 5 40 40 - [3/2/1/1] 12T - - 36-39
Vickers Mark E (A) 32 4 4 40 40 - [3/2/1/1] 12T - - 36-39
Polish Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm ATG ^ 14 5 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 36-39
Polish Anti-Aircraft Weapons
20mm AAG > 15 2 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 4 36-39
40mm AAG 18 4 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 6 30-39
Polish Artillery
46mm Mortar (3) ^, S 26 0 4# 31 31 4 6 ** 4F - 8 37-39
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 69 0 6# 120 120 4 6 ** 3F - 4 31-39
75mm Infantry Gun ^, S 19 0 4 120 120 2 5 0 - 8 20-39
75mm Field Gun ^, S 54 1 5# 240 240 2 4 0 - 8 26-39
100mm Howitzer ^, S 104 2 8# 290 290 4 3 0 - 8 33-39
105mm Howitzer ^, S 158 3 8# 400 400 4 4 0 - 8 20-39
155mm Howitzer ^, S 159 3 9# 370 370 4 4 0 - 10 20-39
Bicycle 46mm Mortar (2) 18 0 4# 31 31 4 6 ** 4F/4W - - 37-39
Polish Armoured Cars
WZ29 20 0 4 1 20 - [1/1/1/1] 24W - - 29-39
WZ34 24 2 4 32 20 - [1/1/1/1] 24W - - 34-39
Polish Vehicles
Car 6 - - - - - 2 24W 4 - 20-39
Light Truck 8 - - - - - 1 24W 8 - 20-39
Heavy Truck 9 - - - - - 1 21W 12 - 20-39
Limber 6 - - - - - 1 8F 12+ - 20-39
Wagon 5 - - - - - 1 5F 10 - 20-39
Polish Personnel
Infantry 13 0 7 1 20 - 6 ** 4F - 8 20-39
Infantry MG (MMG) > 14 0 4 1 40 - 6 ** 3F - 8 20-39
Infantry HQ 9 0 3 1 20 - 6 ** 4F - 8 20-39
Bicycle Infantry 13 0 5 1 20 - 6 ** 4F/4W - - 20-39
Bicycle MMG 16 0 4 1 40 - 6 ** 4F/4W - - 20-39
Bicycle HQ 12 0 4 1 20 - 6 ** 4F/4W - - 20-39
Cavalry 9 0 4 1 20 - 5 ** 11F - - 20-39
Taczanka ^^, > 11 0 4 1 40 - 3 8F - - 20-39
Cavalry HQ 8 0 3 1 20 - 5 ** 11F - - 20-39
Motorcycle Infantry 26 0 4 1 20 - 6 ** 27W - - 20-39
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Romanian Tanks
R-1 20 1 4^ 40 40 - [1/1/1/1] 13T - - 41-45
0 3 1 20 - - -
R-2 28 4 4 36 20 - [2/1/1/1] 14T - - 41-45
R-35/45 28 4 3 40 20 - [4/3/2/2] 8T - - 43-45
R-35 20 2 3 32 20 - [4/3/2/2] 8T - - 41-45
Pz38T 30 5 4 40 20 - [2/1/1/1] 14T - - 42-43
Pz III N 55 1 5 108 108 - [7/4/5/2] 14T - - 42-45
Pz IV G 77 9 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/1] 13T - - 42-45
Romanian Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm ATG ^ 10 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 41-43
45mm ATG Model 1932 ^ 12 4 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 42-45
47mm ATG ^ 13 4 4 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 41-45
50mm PaK 38 ^ 21 6 4 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 42-45
75mm Resita ATG ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 43-45
75mm PaK 97 ^ 20 6 5 48 48 - 5 0 - 6 42-45
75mm PaK 40 ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 4 0 - 8 42-45
TACAM T-60 ^ 54 8 5 80 80 - [2/1/]1/1 13T - - 44-45
TACAM R-2 ^ 52 8 5 80 80 - [2/1/]1/1 11T - - 44-45
STuG III G ^ 61 9 5 80 80 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 44-45
Romanian Armoured Cars
Sdkfz 222 20 2 4 20 20 - [1/1/1/1] 20W - - 42-45
Romanian Anti-Aircraft Weapons
AAMG > 11 1 4 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 41-45
20mm AAG > 14 2 5 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 41-45
25mm AAG > 15 2 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 6 41-45
75mm AAG 24 2 5 80 80 - 2 0 - 10 41-45
Romanian Artillery
60mm Mortar (1) ^, S 16 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 2 41-45
60mm Mortar (2) ^, S 27 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 4 41-45
60mm Mortar (3) ^, S 39 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 6 41-45
81mm Mortar (1) ^, S 33 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 4 41-45
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 61 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 8 41-45
120mm Mortar ^, S 92 2 9 230 230 24 5 0 - 8 42-45
75mm Gun Model 1897 ^, S 44 1 5 216 216 2 4 0 - 6 41-45
75mm Mtn Howitzer ^, S 22 0 5# 111 111 2 4 0 - 6 41-45
100mm Mtn Howitzer ^, S 79 1 7# 274 274 3 3 0 - 6 41-45
100mm Howitzer ^ 104 2 8# 290 290 4 3 0 - 10 41-45
105mm Gun ^, S 150 3 8# 384 384 4 2 0 - 10 41-45
150mm Howitzer ^, S 158 3 9# 370 370 4 2 0 - 10 41-45
Romanian Armoured Personnel Carriers
Sdkfz 251/1 12 0 4 1 20 - [2/1/1]/1 20T 8 - 42-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Soviet Tanks
T-26 Model 1933 21 3 3 32 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 33-36
T-26 Model 1937 24 4 3 40 20 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 37-42
T-37A 23 1 3 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 17T/3A - - 35-41
T-40 27 2 3 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 20T - - 40-42
T-60 29 2 3 20 20 - [3/2/2/1] 20T - - 42-43
T-70 36 4 3 40 20 - [4/2/2/1] 21T - - 42-44
OT-130 15 9f 9f 2 2 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 39-41
BT-5/BT-7 38 5 3 40 40 - [1/1/1/1] 20T - - 33-41
T-35 39 1 5 136 136 - [3/2/2/1] 8T - - 35-41
5 3 40 20 - - -
M3 Stuart 44 5 4 40 40 - [4/3/3/2] 20T - - 42-44
M3 Grant 49 7 5^ 80 80 - [6/4/2/2] 13T - - 42-44
5 4 40 40 - - -
M4 Sherman 70 7 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/3] 13T - - 43-45
M4 Sherman (76mm) 76 9 5 80 80 - [8/4/4/3] 13T - - 44-45
T-34 A 54 7 5 48 48 - [6/6/4/2] 16T - - 41-42
T-34 B-F 68 8 5 64 64 - [8/6/5/2] 16T - - 41-45
T-34/85 91 10 6 80 80 - [8/6/5/2] 16T - - 44-45
KV-1A 54 7 5 48 48 - [10/6/6/3] 13T - - 41-43
KV-1C 67 8 5 64 64 - [10/6/6/3] 13T - - 42-43
KV-85 88 10 6 80 80 - [10/5/5/2] 13T - - 43-44
JSII 98 11 7 80 80 - [13/8/4/2] 12T - - 44-45
JSIII 100 11 7 80 80 - [13/8/7/3] 12T - - 1945?
Soviet Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm ATG ^ 9 3 2 32 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 32-41
45mm ATG Model 1932 ^ 12 4 2 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 32-45
45mm ATG Model 1942 ^ 16 6 3 40 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 42-45
57mm ATG ^ 26 8 4 60 60 - 5 0 - 6 43-45
100mm ATG ^ 58 11 7 96 96 - 4 0 - 10 44-45
SU-57 ^ 43 6 4 60 60 - [2/1/1]/1 21T - - 1942
SU-76 ^ 52 7 5 80 80 - [3/2/2]/1 13T - - 43-45
SU-76i ^ 49 8 5 64 64 - [7/3/3/2] 13T - - 43-44
SU-85 ^ 72 10 6 80 80 - [9/6/5/2] 15T - - 44-45
SU-100 ^ 79 11 7 80 80 - [11/6/5/2] 15T - - 44-45
JSU-122 ^ 82 11 8 80 80 - [12/8/6/2] 12T - - 44-45
Soviet Anti-Aircraft Weapons
AAMG > 19 1 6 40 40 - 5 ** 1F - 8 39-45
37mm AAG 18 4 6 40 40 - 3 0 - 6 39-45
76mm AAG 41 7 5 80 80 - 3 0 - 6 39-45
85mm AAG 44 7 6 80 80 - 3 0 - 8 39-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Soviet Personnel
Infantry ‘39 11 0 5 1 20 - 6 ** 4F - 8 39-41
Infantry ‘42 11 1 5 1 20 - 6 ** 4F - 8 Early ‘42
Infantry ‘43 10 3 4 1 20 - 6 ** 4F - 8 Late 42-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
UK Tanks
Vickers Mk VI 28 1 4 20 20 - [2/1/1/1] 21T - - 36-42
A-9 26 5 3 40 40 - [2/1/1/1] 11T - - 37-41
A-10 27 5 3 40 40 - [3/1/1/1] 11T - - 38-41
A-13 30 5 3 40 40 - [2/1/1/1] 15T - - 38-41
A-11 (Matilda I) 15 0 3 1 20 - [6/5/4/1] 4T - - 37-40
A-12 (Matilda II) 31 5 3 40 20 - [8/5/5/2] 8T - - 40-43
M3 Honey 44 5 4 40 40 - [4/3/3/2] 20T - - 41-45
M3 Grant 49 7 5^ 80 80 - [6/4/2/2] 13T - - 42-45
5 4 40 40
M4 Sherman 70 7 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/3] 13T - - 42-45
Tetrach 35 5 3 40 20 - [1/1/1/1] 20T - - 41-45
Crusader I 33 5 3 40 20 - [4/2/2/1] 16T - - 40-43
Crusader III 41 6 3 60 20 - [4/2/2/1] 16T - - 42-43
Valentine II 33 5 3 40 20 - [6/5/4/2] 11T - - 41-42
Valentine IX 41 6 3 60 20 - [6/5/4/2] 11T - - 42-43
Valentine XI 68 7 5 80 80 - [6/5/4/2] 11T - - 43-45
Churchill I 40 1 5^ 120 120 - [8/6/5/2] 8T - - 41-42
5 3 40 20 - - -
Churchill IV 40 6 3 60 20 - [8/6/5/2] 8T - - 42-45
Churchill VI 70 7 5 80 80 - [12/7/6/2] 8T - - 44-45
Churchill Crocodile 70 7 5 80 80 - [12/7/6/2] 8T - - 44-45
9f 9f ^ 3 3
Cromwell I 49 6 3 60 20 - [6/4/4/1] 20T - - 1943
Cromwell IV 74 7 5 80 80 - [7/3/2/1] 20T - - 44-45
Challenger 100 11 5 100 100 - [6/4/3/1] 13T - - 44-45
Sherman Firefly 102 11 5 100 100 - [7/3/4/2] 13T - - 44-45
Comet 87 10 5 80 80 - [7/3/4/1] 20T - - 1945
UK Anti-Tank Weapons
25mm ATG ^ 9 3 2 28 20 - 5 ** 1F - 4 39-41
2-lbr ATG 14 5 2 40 20 - 5 0 - 4 39-45
6-lbr ATG ^ 22 6 4 60 60 - 4 0 - 6 42-45
17-lbr ATG ^ 54 11 5 100 100 - 4 0 - 8 43-45
2-lbr Portee ^^ 20 5 2 40 20 - 1 21W - - 41-42
6-lbr Portee ^^ 28 6 3 60 20 - 1 21W - - 1943
T-48 GMC ^ 35 6 3 60 20 - [2/1/1]/1 21T - - 43-45
Archer ^^ 78 11 5 100 100 - [5/5/1]/1 11T - - 44-45
Achilles 99 11 5 100 100 - [6/3/3]/2 13T - - 44-45
UK Anti-Aircraft Weapons
SP 20mm Polston 31 2 6 40 40 - 1 24W - - 44-45
SP 40mm Bofors 35 4 6 40 40 - 1 24W - - 43-45
40mm Bofors 18 4 6 40 40 - 1 24W - 6 43-45
3.7” AAG 74 9 6 120 120 - 2 0 - 8 39-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
US Tanks
M3 Stuart 44 5 4 40 40 - [4/3/3/2] 20T - - 42-44
M3 Satan 28 9f 9f 2 2 - [4/3/3/2] 20T - - 43-45
M5 Stuart 45 5 4 40 40 - [5/3/3/2] 20T - - 43-45
M24 Chaffee 75 7 5 80 80 - [6/4/2/2] 20T - - 44-45
M3 Grant 49 7 5^ 80 80 - [6/4/2/2] 13T - - 42-43
5 4 40 40 - - -
M4 Sherman 70 7 5 80 80 - [7/4/4/3] 13T - - 42-45
M4 Ronson 25 9f 9f 3 3 - [7/4/4/3] 13T - - 44-45
M4 Sherman (76mm) 78 9 5 80 80 - [8/4/4/3] 13T - - 44-45
M4 Sherman (Jumbo) 80 9 5 80 80 - [10/7/4/3] 12T - - 44-45
M4A3E8 Sherman (Easy 8) 80 9 5 80 80 - [8/6/5/3] 13T - - 44-45
M26 Pershing 97 11 7 80 80 - [11/7/5/3] 12T - - 1945
US Anti-Tank Weapons
37mm ATG ^ 16 5 4 32 32 - 5 ** 1F - 4 42-45
57mm ATG ^ 22 6 4 60 60 - 4 0 - 6 42-45
76mm ATG ^ 38 9 5 80 80 - 3 0 - 8 44-45
M6 GMC ^^ 23 5 4 32 32 - 2 21W - - 1942
M3 GMC ^ 55 7 5 80 80 - [2/1/1]/1 19T - - 42-44
M10 (Wolverine) 75 9 5 80 80 - [6/3/3]/2 13T - - 43-45
M18 (Hellcat) 81 9 5 80 80 - [6/3/3]/2 19T - - 44-45
M36 (Jackson) 87 11 6 80 80 - [6/3/3]/2 13T - - 44-45
US Anti-Aircraft Weapons
.50 cal AAMG > 11 1 4 40 40 - 4 0 - 4 42-45
40mm Bofors 18 4 6 40 40 - 2 0 - 6 42-45
90mm AAG 62 9 6 100 100 - 2 0 - 10 42-45
M13 MGMC > 36 1 5 40 40 - [2/2/1]/1 21T - - 42-45
M15 MGMC > 43 3 7 40 40 - [2/2/1]/1 20T - - 42-45
M15 Special 43 4 6 40 40 - [2/2/1]/1 20T - - 42-45
M16 MGMC > 42 1 8 40 40 - [2/2/1]/1 21T - - 42-45
US Artillery
60mm Mortar (1) ^, S 20 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 2 42-45
60mm Mortar (2) ^, S 34 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 4 42-45
60mm Mortar (3) ^, S 48 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 6 42-45
60mm Mortar (4) ^, S 62 0 4# 63 63 4 6 ** 4F - 8 42-45
81mm Mortar (1) ^, S 41 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 4 42-45
81mm Mortar (2) ^, S 76 0 6# 105 105 4 6 ** 3F - 8 42-45
4.2” Mortar (107mm) ^, S 42 1 7# 140 140 24 4 0 - 8 42-45
75mm Pack Howitzer ^, S 91 1 5# 260 260 2 5 ** 1F - 4 42-45
105mm Howitzer ^, S 140 3 8# 355 355 4 3 0 - 10 42-45
155mm Howitzer ^, S 221 4 9# 480 480 4 2 0 - 12 42-45
203mm Howitzer ^ 305 5 11 # 540 540 6 2 0 - 14 43-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
US Personnel, continued
Para Infantry ‘42 13 0 7 1 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 42-43
Para Infantry ‘43 15 5 7 6 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 43-45
Para HQ 10 0 4 1 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 42-45
Ranger ‘42 13 0 7 1 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 42-43
Ranger ‘43 15 5 7 6 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 43-45
Ranger HQ 10 0 4 1 20 - 6 ** 5F 8 - 42-45
Marine ‘42 13 0 7 6 20 - 6 ** 4F 8 - 42-43
Marine ‘44 14 2 7 6 20 - 6 ** 4F 8 - 44-45
Marine HQ 10 0 4 1 20 - 6 ** 4F 8 - 42-45
Infantry MG (MMG) > 14 0 4 1 40 - 6 ** 3F 8 - 42-45
Infantry HMG (HMG) > 20 1 6 40 40 - 6 ** 2F 8 - 42-45
Recon Infantry 9 0 3 1 20 - 6 ** 5F 4 - 42-45
Symbols ^ = Limited frontal firing arc ! = Rocket weapon. May only fire once every 4 turns.
^^ = Limited rear firing firing arc # = May employ indirect fire
S = May fire smoke missions ** = Defense value halved if fired on while in
> = May lay down a Beaten Zone movement or fire/move posture.
Firing Target
Arc side
You may photocopy these templates and the Combat Table Card for personal use only. GHQ, 2004. We suggest using white card stock. Laminate them for more durability.
7 w e 3
wreck wreck wreck wreck
se sw
6 s 4
wreck wreck wreck wreck 5
You may photocopy these templates and the Combat Table Card for personal use only. GHQ, 2004.
We suggest using white card stock. Laminate them for more durability.
smoke smoke
smoke smoke
You may photocopy these templates and the Combat Table Card for personal use only. GHQ, 2004.
We suggest using white card stock. Laminate them for more durability.
You may photocopy these templates and the Combat Table Card for personal use only. GHQ, 2004.
We suggest using white card stock. Laminate them for more durability.
You may photocopy these templates and the Combat Table Card for personal use only. GHQ, 2004
We suggest using white card stock. Laminate them for more durability.
HE Facing HE Facing
VALUE/RANGE Restricted? VALUE/RANGE Restricted?
Transport Transport
DEFENSE Front Side Required DEFENSE Front Side Required
HE Facing HE Facing
VALUE/RANGE Restricted? VALUE/RANGE Restricted?
Transport Transport
DEFENSE Front Side Required DEFENSE Front Side Required
HE Facing HE Facing
VALUE/RANGE Restricted? VALUE/RANGE Restricted?
Transport Transport
DEFENSE Front Side Required DEFENSE Front Side Required
12 - - - - - S S (S) D D D D E 12
11 - - - - S S (S) (S) D D D E E 11
10 - - - - S (S) (S) D D D E E E 10
9 - - - S (S) (S) D D E E E E E 9
8 - - S S (S) D D D E E E E E 8
7 - S S (S) D D D E E E E E E 7
6 S S (S) (S) D D D E E E E E E 6
5 S (S) (S) D D D E E E E E E E 5
4 (S) (S) D D D E E E E E E E E 4
3 (S) D D D E E E E E E E E E 3
2 D D D D E E E E E E E E E 2
1 D D D E E E E E E E E E E 1
0 D D E E E E E E E E E E E 0
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
• Attacks at less than -3 are not normally allowed EFFECTS:
(see artillery below) - = No effect
• Artillery only may attack at less than -3 (result S = “Suppressed” +4 added to all cohesion rolls for this stand.
is “S”) Effect is not increased by further “S” results.
• Treat all attacks greater than +9 as +9 attacks. (S) = “Suppressed” If the stand has already suffered a “suppres-
sion” result this turn, convert the “(S)” result to a “D.” Otherwise,
• Modified die rolls less than 0 are treated as 0. treat it as an “S” result.
• Modified die rolls may not exceed 19 D = Disorganized +3 added to all cohesion rolls for the remainder
of the game unless it rallys. If the stand is already disorganized,
remove it from play.
E = Eliminated Remove stand from play.
Each additional 20 inches Add 1 15 - 20 Add 2 Applies when stand leaves the minefield
Special Rules: Soviet units enter the map from the north edge.
The Hot Shot! (Rule 12.2 - p. 24)
Intuitive Action (Rule 12.3 - p.24)
victory conditions:
Destroy 50% or more of the opposing stands while
Tank Marines! (Rule 12.8 - p. 24) losing less than 50% of your own stands.
terrain suggestions:
The map should be approximately 26"
(east to west) x 48" (north to south).
Terrain is mixed. Maximum sighting
distance is 40 inches.
10-30 percent of the playing surface
should be features.
On February 14th, 1941, Erwin Rommel arrived in Tripoli to take command of the newly formed
Deutsches Afrika Korps. Exhausted by the frantic pace of the 1940 campaign and stripped of many of
their best troops by the demands of the Greek campaign, the British army in North Africa was ripe for
the arrival of the Afrika Korps and its ruthlessly ambitious commander. Rommel correctly surmised
that the British should not be allowed to recover their strength and make good their serious equipment
losses incurred by their long and arduous race across the desert to trap and destroy the Italians. He
took the small but confident force he assembled at El Agheila and hurled it at the strung out and
exhausted British force.
The thinly stretched British positions in Libya quickly crumbled under Rommel's onslaught. In less
than a month, the Germans had driven British forces back to the Egyptian frontier and surrounded
Tobruk, laying siege to the port fortress occupied by the Australian 7th Infantry Division and
supporting elements of the Western Desert Force. Now Rommel would make his first attempt at
storming Tobruk on Easter morning, April 14, 1941.
C. All British stands belonging to the 3rd Royal Horse victory conditions:
Artillery may enter the map on game turn 1 or after The German player must exit any 12 stands off the
(see sketch map). North edge of the map before he reaches his break
point. Any other result is a British victory.
D. All British stands belonging to the Squadron C, 1at
Royal Tank Regiment may enter the map on game
turn 5 or after (see sketch map).
The map should be approximately 46" (east to west) x 52"
Scenario Length - 20 turns (north to south)
Terrain is open. Maximum sighting distance is 90 inches.
1st Squadron DIVISION
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Company
2nd Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Platoon: 3 x Bersaglieri Infantry
3rd Troop: 2 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 3 x Bersaglieri Infantry
4th Troop: 2 x Crusader I 3rd Platoon: 3 x Bersaglieri Infantry
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ), 1 x MMG
2 x Crusader I C/S Company HQ: 1 x Infantry HQ
10 x Light Improved Positions
2nd Squadron
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 2nd Company
2nd Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Platoon: 3 x Bersaglieri Infantry
3rd Troop: 3 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 2 x Bersaglieri Infantry
4th Troop: 2 x Crusader I 3rd Platoon: 2 x Bersaglieri Infantry
1 x MMG
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ),
1 x Crusader I C/S Company HQ: 1 x Infantry HQ
9 x Light Improved Positions
Regimental Headquarters
1 x Crusader I (+0 GHQ) Anti-Tank Company
1st Platoon: 4 x 47mm ATG
1st Squadron
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I Anti-Aircraft Platoon
2 x 20mm AAG
2nd Troop: 3 x Crusader I
3rd Troop: 2 x Crusader I
Battalion Headquarters
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ), 1 x Bersaglieri Infantry
1 x Crusader I C/S
Battalion HQ: 1 x Infantry HQ (+1 GHQ)
2 x Light Improved Positions
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Company
2nd Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Platoon: 5 x M13/40
3rd Troop: 2 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 4 x M13/40
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ), Company HQ: 1 x M13/40 (HQ)
1 x Crusader I C/S
2nd Company
2nd Squadron 1st Platoon: 4 x M13/40
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 4 x M13/40
2nd Troop: 2 x Crusader I Company HQ: 1 x M13/40 (HQ)
3rd Troop: 2 x Crusader I
4th Troop: 2 x Crusader I Battalion Headquarters
1 x M13/40 (+1 GHQ)
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ),
2 x Crusader I C/S
1st Company
1st Squadron
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 1st Platoon: 5 x M13/40
2nd Troop: 2 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 5 x M13/40
3rd Troop: 2 x Crusader I Company HQ: 1 x M13/40 (HQ)
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ)
2nd Company
2nd Squadron 1st Platoon: 4 x M13/40
1st Troop: 3 x Crusader I 2nd Platoon: 4 x M13/40
2nd Troop: 3 x Crusader I Company HQ: 1 x M13/40 (HQ)
3rd Troop: 3 x Crusader I
1st Battery, Gruppo Milmart
4th Troop: 2 x Crusader I 4 x 102/35 Portee
Squadron HQ: 1 x Crusader I (HQ),
1 x Crusader I C/S
In the afternoon of the June 11th General Messervy, Unknown to British command, however, the German
commander of the 7th Armored Division, received wireless intercept service had reported the planned
intelligence that that the German 21st Panzer Division attack to Rommel almost as soon as Messervy had
was engaged around the Knightsbridge box and the radioed his orders to his brigades. Thus forewarned,
15th Panzer Division was over 20km to the southeast Rommel ordered the 21st to disengage from
advancing on the El Adem positions. With two Knightsbridge and move east during the night while
freshly rearmed and supplied armored brigades at the 15th prepared to meet the coming attack. The
his disposal, the 2nd and 4th, he planned to exploit morning found both of the British brigades sitting
this gap between the German Divisions. Accordingly, motionless awaiting final orders from Messervy that
he ordered the tank brigades to assemble south of the would never come. The general was hiding in a small
small village of Bir Lefa and prepare to assault the wadi surrounded by elements of 90th light moving on
15th Panzers in the morning. If all went well the 15th El Adem. Rommel ordered both panzer divisions to
would be routed. Then, the armored brigades could attack, the 15th from the south and the 21st from the
swing northwest and attack the rear of the 21st in west. The outcome of this battle would decide the fate
conjunction with the 1st Armored Division advancing of the Gazala Line and Tobruk.
from the north.
Initial deployment:
A. German units belonging to the 15th Panzer
Division enter map anywhere along the south edge of
the board on game turn 1.
victory conditions:
Destroy 50% or more of the opposing stands while
losing less than 50% of your own stands.
Initial deployment:
A. The U.S. Player deploys first. All U.S. units, C. The U.S. player must plot all indirect artillery
except for the off board artillery units, are placed fire for game turns 1 through 3. (This must be done
on the table on or north of their set-up areas (see before any Japanese units are placed on the map.)
sketch map). The U.S. GHQ may be placed
anywhere north of the U.S. set-up areas. D. The Japanese player must plot his off-board
indirect artillery fire for game turns 1 through 15.
B. The Japanese player deploys next. All Japanese (This must be done before any U.S. units are placed
units, except for the off board artillery units, are on the map.)
placed on the table on or south of their set-up areas
(see sketch map). The Japanese GHQ may be placed
anywhere south of the Japanese set-up areas.
1st Platoon: 2 x Marine '42 REGIMENT
2nd Platoon: 3 x Marine '42 1st Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
2nd Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
3rd Platoon: 2 x Marine '42
3rd Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
Weapons Platoon: 1 x MMG, 1 x 60mm Mortar (2)
Weapons Platoon: 1 x MMG, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
1 x Marine HQ/FO
1 x Infantry HQ/FO
1 additional "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any 1 additional "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any stand
stand of the player's choice. of the player's choice.
1st Platoon: 2 x Marine '42 1st Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
2nd Platoon: 3 x Marine '42 2nd Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
3rd Platoon: 2 x Marine '42 3rd Platoon: 3 x Infantry, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
Weapons Platoon: 1 x MMG, 1 x 50mm Mortar (3)
1 x 60mm Mortar (2),
1 x Infantry HQ/FO
1 x Marine HQ/FO
1 additional "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any stand
1 additional "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any of the player's choice.
stand of the player's choice.
ST 4 x MMG
1st Platoon: 2 x Marine '42
2nd Platoon: 2 x Marine '42
9 x Infantry
3rd Platoon: 1 x Marine '42 3 x 50mm Mortar (3)
1 x 60mm Mortar (2)
5 x MMG
1 "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any stand of the 1 x Infantry HQ/FO
player's choice. 1 additional "Forward Observer" may be assigned to any stand
of the player's choice.
1 x Infantry HQ (+1 GHQ)/FO
8 x 105mm Howitzer - 5 fire missions each 2 x 70mm Howitzer
By the sixth day of the Kursk offensive, German mechanized forces had still not obtained operational freedom
of movement into the Soviet rear areas. There were several reasons for the lack of a German breakthrough.
First was the incredibly dense and deep field fortifications built by the Soviets in anticipation of the Kursk
offensive. Second, Soviet counterattacks along the flanks of German penetrations drew off much of the mobile
striking power of the panzer divisions since the attacking German forces lacked regular infantry formations
to guard the flanks of the advance.
On 10 July, 1943 the German 47th Panzer Corps was still steadily advancing north towards the town of
Oboyan. In the lead was the Grossdeutschland Panzer Division. Once again, a Soviet counterattack hit the left
flank of the 47th Panzer Corps, forcing the Grossdeutschland's commander to divert a powerful armored force
to deal with it: Kampfgruppe Stachwitz.
optional Rules:
The Hot Shot! (Rule 12.2 - p.24) victory conditions:
The Soviet player wins if he exits at least 50% of his
Intuitive Action (Rule 12.3 - p.24) stands off the eastern edge of the map. Any other result
I Got'em In My Sights! (Rule 12.13 - p.26) is a German victory.
Initial deployment:
A. German units are placed in their respective setup areas (see map).
B. Soviet units enter the map enter the map on game turn 1 in the Soviet Entry Area (see map).
COMPANY C, 2nd Chemical Battalion (Off Board) Elements, 2nd Panzer Regiment, 16th Panzer Division
12 x 4.2" Mortar- 12 fire missions each - 144 shots total - 4 x Mk IVF2
a maximum of 12 shots per turn
D. The U.S player must plot all indirect artillery fire for game turns 1 - 4.
This must be done before any German units are placed on the map.
victory conditions:
Initial deployment: Commonwealth Victory: Eliminate all Japanese stands
A. The Japanese player deploys first. All Japanese units before the end of game turn 20.
are placed on the table on or north of their setup areas
(see map). Japanese Victory: Avoid a Commonwealth victory.
Front Cover (upper left): Morton. Veteran Artillery men of the `C' Battery, 90th Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 24, 2012. This artistic work created by the United
Field Artillery, lay down a murderous barrage on troublesome Jap artillery positions Kingdom Government is in the public domain.
in Balete Pass, Luzon, P.I. April 19, 1945. U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration. Washington D.C. National Archives. Web. April 20, 2012 p.36: Scrippens, Pvt. Joseph. Soldiers of the 55th Armored Infantry Battalion and
tank of the 22nd Tank Battalion, move through smoke filled street. Wernberg,
Front Cover (lower left): U.S. Army Signal Corps. Anti-aircraft Bofors gun dug Germany. April 22, 1945. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
in at a position on a mound overlooking the beach in Algeria with a U.S. anti-aircraft College Park. Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 22, 2012.
artillery crew in position. 1943. Library of Congress. Web. June 1, 2010
p.41: Roberts, U.S. Army. With German shells screaming overhead, American
Front Cover (lower middle): Rothenberger, W.J. Two anti-tank infantrymen of Infantrymen seek shelter behind a tank. In the background can be seen the ruins of
the 101st Infantry Regiment, dash past a blazing German gasoline trailer in square the town of Geich, Germany, which is still under heavy shelling. December 11, 1944.
of Kronach, Germany. April 14, 1945. U.S. National Archives and Records Source: U.S. Defenseimagery.mil photo VIRIN: HD-SN-99-02749 [1], U.S.
Administration. Washington D.C. National Archives. Web. April 20, 2012 National Archives photo 111-SC-197261 [2] Wikimedia Commons. Web. May
21, 2012.
Front Cover (lower right): Boyle. Front view of 240mm howitzer of Battery `B',
697th Field Artillery Battalion, just before firing into German held territory. p.45: Finnish artillery on Puutsaari in Ladoga in the Continuation War.
Mignano area, Italy. January 30, 1944. U.S. National Archives and Records November 1941. Source MaveTeam (http://mave.foorumi.eu). Wikimedia
Administration. Washington D.C. National Archives. Web. April 20, 2012 Commons. Web. May 21, 2012. This photograph is in the public domain, because
either 50 years has elapsed from the year of creation or the photograph was first pub-
Title Page: Franklin. American howitzers shell German forces retreating near lished before 1966 (Finnish copyright law of 2005)
Carentan, France. July 11, 1944. U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration. College Park. Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 22, 2012. p.47: Capra, Frank. AMR 35 light tanks. 1943. Source: Divide and Conquer
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rocket projectiles in preparation for the offensive in the Reichswald, Germany. Web. May 21, 2012.
February 8, 1945. Imperial War Museum. London. Wikimedia Commons. Web.
May 21, 2012. This artistic work created by the United Kingdom Government is in p.51: Zwilling, Ernst. A. Nordafrika, Rommel in Befehlsfahrzeug. June 1942. Das
the public domain. Bundersarchiv. Koblenz. Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 24, 2012. Attribution:
Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-443-1589-07 / Zwilling, Ernst A. / CC-BY-SA.
p.7: Dawson (Sgt.). No 2 Army Film & Photographic Unit. A 4.2-inch mortar http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.en
of 'S' Troop, 307th Battery, 99th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, in action with the
mortar for the first time, at Cassino, Italy. May 12, 1944. Imperial War Museum. p.57: Type 3 Chi-Nu tanks of the 4th Tank Division, with a few of the Type 3 Ho-Ni
London. Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 21, 2012. This artistic work created by self-propelled guns among them. 1945. Source: Andrzej M. Tomczyk Japonska
the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain. bron pancerna Vol. 4. - AJ Press, 2005 (TankPower ? 12). - ISBN 8-37237-167-
9. Wikimedia Commons. Web. May 21, 2012. This photographic image was pub-
p.12: U. S. Army. Battle of the Bulge - Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division lished before December 31st 1956, or photographed before 1946 and not published for
advance in a snowstorm behind the tank in a move to attack Herresbach, Belgium. 10 years thereafter, under jurisdiction of the Government of Japan. Thus this photo-
340th Tank Battalion, Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute graphic image is considered to be public domain according to article 23 of old copy-
Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. January 28, 1945. U.S. Army Center of right law of Japan and article 2 of supplemental provision of copyright law of Japan.
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p.60: T-60. Wikimedia Commons. Web. July 2, 2012. Permission: PD-RUSSIA-
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Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-012-0037-23A / Wagner / CC-BY-SA. http://cre- Book IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
p.63: T-26 light tank during the Battle of Moscow. Winter 1941/1942. Wikimedia
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tographers published without a clear copyright notice before the law was changed on Code of the Russian Federation.
May 23, 1994 are assumed public domain.
p.69: Boyle. Front view of 240mm howitzer of Battery `B', 697th Field Artillery
p.19: U.S. Army. German WWII S-Mine or Boucing Betty. Wikimedia Commons. Battalion, just before firing into German held territory. Mignano area, Italy.
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p.25: Members of the 2d Infantry Division advance under machine gun fire into the ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA 1941. Crusader tanks moving to forward positions in
outskirts of Brest, France. September 9, 1944. U.S. Army Center of Military the Western Desert.November 26, 1941. Imperial War Museum. London.
History. Web. May 24, 2012 Wikimedia Commons. Web. June 12, 2012. This artistic work created by the United
Kingdom Government is in the public domain.
p.28: Knorring. Red Army soldiers firing at the enemy near Moscow. October 1,
1941. Source: RIA Novosti archive, image #67349, http://visualrian.ru/ru/- p.96: Moosmüller. Nordafrika, Panzer III. March 1941. Das Bundersarchiv.
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p.30: U.S. Soldiers at Bougainville (Solomon Islands). March 1944. U.S. National p.100: Koch. Russland, bei Pokrowka, Kradschützen. June 1943. Das
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p.32: Christie (Sgt.) No 5 Army Film & Photographic Unit. THE BRITISH
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inland from Gold Beach. June 7, 1944. Imperial War Museum. London.