Wehrmacht 47 Supplement
Wehrmacht 47 Supplement
Wehrmacht 47 Supplement
Written by JOhn Fernandes, Sven Lugar, Jim Moffet and Gregg Scott with Thanks to Paul Bernardino, John czarnecki, Leif Edmondson, Daryl Nichols, Gary Rhay, D. J. Wiese, & Scott Williams Design by Nicole Martinez and Jim Moffet photography by Jim Moffet Scenario maps by Sven Lugar
Produced by GHQ Micro Armour and Wehrmacht 47 are registered trademarks of GHQ Copyright GHQ 2009. All rights reserved
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 4 USING TECH LEVEL TWO ............................................................ 10 PAINTING GUIDE ........................................................................... 18 WEAPONS DATA Germany ....................................................................................... 21 United States ................................................................................ 24 United Kingdom .......................................................................... 26 Soviet Union ................................................................................. 28 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION & EQUIPMENT Germany ....................................................................................... 30 French Colonies ........................................................................... 36 United States ................................................................................ 37 United Kingdom .......................................................................... 41 Soviet Union .................................................................................. 42 Finland .......................................................................................... 45 Allied Third World ...................................................................... 47 READING LIST ................................................................................. 52 SCENARIOS ....................................................................................... 53 1 - Who Owns the Night?, May 47 .......................................... 54 2 - Defense of Aleksino, May 47 ............................................... 57 3 - The Empty Land, July 47 ..................................................... 59 4 - Grapple at Grachevka, September 47 ................................ 61 5 - Wadi El Ahmar, Fall 47 ........................................................ 63 6 - Welcome to Casablanca, Fall 47 .......................................... 65 7 - Return to Hell, January 48 ................................................... 67 8 - A Hell to Pay, June 48 ............................................................ 69 9 - Assault on Manduwan, Iran ................................................. 71 10 - Get a Piece of the Rock, September 48 ............................ 73 COMBAT TABLE CARDS ............................................................... 75
Many times in history, a slightly different result of a seemingly minor event would have changed all subsequent outcomes. GHQ will make it possible for you to fight different battles, sometimes on different fronts, with this exciting new line.
If the United States focuses on fighting Japan, Lend Lease assistance would arrive later. Without that assistance, Great Britain is hard pressed to maintain the initiative in North Africa Without involvement in the European Theatre of Operations, America does not participate in the strategic bomber offensive until much later, enabling the Luftwaffe to better protect German industrial output The ever turbulent politics in France lead to a ProFascist government and their industrial might is even more focused on supporting the Axis powers Deep misgivings among several of the physicists involved as to the dangers inherent in the military use of nuclear technology prevent the U.S. from deploying the atomic bomb for at least ten more years Set your imagination loose! GHQ is not officially endorsing any specific alternative history. Indeed, we would like nothing better than for you to come up with your own reality. Take advantage - how often do you get to define your world? You and your game group will judge which paths of history you find most plausible, and dismiss those you think are somehow over-the-top. You could model a given theatre, and then run games or even a campaign. You could write up your alternative history, and share it with other gamers. The key is to have fun with the possibilities. Here's one quick example: We have all seen the movie Patton. Who among us can forget the scene where the crusty general says that we ought to be arming the captured Germans and using them against the hated Bolsheviks? Had the Germans gotten their plans into production, the equipment that they would have been using is represented by the Wehrmacht '47 line GHQ is making available. Makes you want to play some games, doesn't it? As you will see in the scenario section of this book, a number of assumptions need to be inferred to get down to the scenario level. Most of the eastern front scenarios hinge on the well publicized Nazi plans to exploit the capital and raw materials - both natural and human - of Russia. They assume a vast depopulated no-man's land separating the warring parties, providing a whopping good battle zone for wargaming. Several of these scenarios were developed by John Fernandes, the author of GHQ's Micro Armour: The Game. For more information on German plans to harvest the resources of western Soviet Union, read John's November - December 2008 Tac News.
Another front this supplement will introduce was proposed by Sven Lugar. Proud of his Scandinavian heritage, Sven proposed a turn-key that puts Finland actively into the Allied camp and opens a new front against the Germans. Assuming the siege of Leningrad is never-ending, the ports of Scandinavia would have opened valuable supply lines across Finland that would have been the scene of military operations. Other fronts can quite logically be developed: D-Day was tough as it was. By 1947 the Atlantic Wall would have been a tough nut to crack. But with the Americans in the force and the Pacific War over, the U. S. Marine Corps could well have been available for the invasion. Africa would be a logical staging area for attacks against the not-so-soft underbelly of the Axis Empire. Had the Afrika Korps swept east and taken the Suez Canal, Commonwealth forces could have based operations further up the Nile, and headed north into Egypt. Just as occurred historically, a two-front approach to the re-conquest of North Africa would have been logical. American, Free French, and other Allies (possibly including sub-Saharan Africans) could have traveled up the West African coastal plain into Morocco, aiming at closing the Straits of Gibraltar. German thirst for oil combined with French forces in Syria and Iraq's political climate would make the oil fields of Saudi Arabia and Iraq very tempting targets. Great Britain's greatest colony, India, would have served as the staging area for a major front across the Tigris and Euphrates valleys. GHQ will be providing additional scenarios in the military models section of www.ghqmodels.com under the Free Rules tab. So make up your own world based on what you think might have happened. If you have a favorite front, exploit that interest.
Obviously, as the war progressed the armament got bigger and more lethal, and the armour got thicker and heavier. German industry tended to favor state-of-theart technology over simplicity. Examples of this included semi-automatic transmissions, torsion bar suspensions and complex steering mechanisms. Combat experience found problems with this approach. Operations in the extreme conditions of Russia (bottomless mud in one season, bitter cold in another), led to a general understanding that simpler designs were needed. Maintenance was quite difficult to perform in the field on many German weapon systems which necessitated returning combat vehicles to the factory for overhauls that other nations could accomplish in a rear area near the front. The situation led to the development of plans for a more logical series of fighting vehicles for the future. Documentary evidence and mock-ups on these projects fell into Allied hands following the end of the war. The exigencies forced upon German industry by shortages, strategic bombing and Allied victories forced these planned developments to be under funded at best or cancelled at worst. Had they had time, however, the "late war" German arsenal would have looked quite different from the Panthers, Tigers and half tracks that actually served.
An E-75 Tiger III pokes its high velocity 105mm gun past a corner to ambush Soviet tanks. Note the proposed 1945-andbeyond paint scheme developed for German fighting vehicles.
These represented an entirely new way of thinking among German weapons engineers. Whereas earlier the Wehrmacht was plagued with manufacturing and maintaining many different and often counterproductive weapons lines, the new "E" vehicles would be based on five distinct weight classes; 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 tons respectively. The E-10 was to be a standard replacement for the "Hetzer" and several other small PanzerJgers; The E-25 would replace the aging fleet of "Sturmgeschutz" assault guns; The E-50 would become the new "Standardpanzer" or main battle tank; and the E-75 would replace the PzVIB "Tiger II" as the new heavy tank. Rounding out the arsenal would be the truly massive E-100. This battlefield mastodon would cut an impressive figure, but would approach the upper limit imposed by both ground pressure and horsepower-to-weight considerations. Existing assembly lines would be converted to the new line as quickly as possible, while avoiding any major disruptions in production timetables. Therefore, there would perforce be some delay in the full conversion of existing TO&Es to reflect weapons availability and the time necessary to integrate these new weapons into the existing arsenal.
25 to 50 tons
This new fully tracked vehicle had a number of improvements. During 1944 two prototypes of SPW ("Schtzenpanzerwagen" = Armoured Personnel Carrier) were created: the Morsertrger 38(t) and the SPW 38(7). Both were based on the Ausf M SKODA chassis with the engines in the left front and the driver in the right front. Both were open topped with a SdKfz 251/D type bodies, the SPM 38(t) being slightly larger than the Morsertrger 38(t). They were essentially replacement prototypes for the SdKfz 251/1 troop carrier and 251/2 8cm mortar carrier. Unlike the halftracks, they did not have overlapping road wheels. Both front drive and rear drive chassis were developed expanding the scope of this vehicle.
In designing these vehicles for the wargamer, GHQ took these two vehicles and came to three additional but rather obvious conclusions: the slope-backed door of the D model 251 series would have been adopted with these vehicle as it was on the late-war halftracks (even though the prototype appears to have the 251/C style back end); the 38(d) improved SKODA chassis would have replaced the 38(t) chassis as it was phased in; and last but not least, versions of fully tracked chassis would have been done to duplicate the basic SdKfz 251 halftrack variants. Additionally, the latest version of plans for using the Skoda 38(d) chassis called for use of a wider track. This would improve the weight-tofootprint ratio which would greatly assist in muddy or snowy terrain. GHQ's models reflect this plan.
Close infantry support is provided by SdKfz 351/9 vehicles which mounted the short barreled 7.5cm L/28 low velocity gun. This gun was nicknamed the stummel or stump in English!
[ Role ] troop carrier cable-laying communications radio communications armoured observation post light recon vehicle munitions carrier 8cm mortar 7.5cm L/24 close support 2cm recon turret 3.7cm AT/platoon command 2.8cm sPzB41 AT/platoon command Artillery plotting & survey 7.5cm L/48 PaK Twin 3.7cm FLaK 12cm mortar Recovery w/ crane 5cm light tank
SdKfz 350 Series Fully Tracked Series SdKfz 350/1 SdKfz 350/2 SdKfz 350/3 SdKfz 350/4 SdKfz 350/5 SdKfz 350/6 SdKfz 350/7 SdKfz 350/8 SdKfz 350/9 SdKfz 350/10 SdKfz 350/11 SdKfz 350/12 SdKfz 350/13 SdKfz 350/14 SdKfz 350/15 SdKfz 350/16 SdKfz 350/17
SdKfz 251 Halftrack Series SdKfz 251/1 SdKfz 251/2 SdKfz 251/3 SdKfz 251/4 SdKfz 251/5 SdKfz 251/6 SdKfz 251/7 SdKfz 251/8 SdKfz 251/9 SdKfz 251/10 SdKfz 251/11 SdKfz 251/12 SdKfz 251/13 SdKfz 251/14 SdKfz 251/15 SdKfz 251/16 SdKfz 251/17 SdKfz 251/18 SdKfz 251/19 SdKfz 251/20 SdKfz 251/21 SdKfz 251/22 SdKfz 251/23
[ Role ] standard armoured personnel carrier 8cm mortar carrier radio communications munitions transport (vehicle discontinued 1943) (vehicle discontinued 1943) engineer carrier ambulance 7.5cm L/24 close support 3.7cm AT/platoon command telephone / cable laying (vehicle discontinued 1943) (vehicle discontinued 1943) (vehicle discontinued 1943) (vehicle discontinued 1943) flamethrower 2cm AA / platoon command armoured observation post mobile telephone exchange infra-red spotlight vehicle triple 3cm AAA ("drilling") 7.5cm L/48 AT 2cm recon turret 12cm mortar carrier
SdKfz 351 Series Fully Tracked Series SdKfz 351/1 SdKfz 351/2 SdKfz 351/3 SdKfz 351/4
SdKfz 351/7 SdKfz 351/8 SdKfz 351/9 SdKfz 351/10 SdKfz 351/11
SdKfz 351/16 SdKfz 351/17 SdKfz 351/18 SdKfz 351/19 SdKfz 351/20 SdKfz 351/21 SdKfz 351/22 SdKfz 351/23 SdKfz 351/24
Another new class of vehicle would be the "Waffentrgers" (Weapons Carriers). These were seen as a truly revolutionary 'modular' approach to weapons deployment. The Waffentrgers were designed as flexible platforms for a wide variety of weapons easily 'slipped' into a fully armoured weapons 'bay' at the rear. The weapon could then be clamped down, ready to fire, just like any other self-propelled mount. The genius of the scheme was that the weapon could be removed from the Waffentrger in a matter of minutes and swapped out for another. This would mean less down-time for weapons maintenance or upgrades, and full interchangeability of power plant and suspension among several different weapons types. As an added bonus, the anti-tank guns, artillery pieces, rocket launchers, etc. would be equipped with fully functional 'ground' mounts, meaning that once dismounted from the vehicle, they could be emplaced either in fortified casemates, or temporary field-works. The Wehrmacht could therefore produce more guns
than tractors and shuttle the weapons back and forth between hot spots and use them as self-propelled weapons at need. There were two sizes of Waffentrgers under development.
Vichy France
Integrating Vichy French military strength into that of Gross Deutschland isn't really a difficult matter. Throughout the war French factories continued to turn out trucks, tractors, aircraft, and other military equipment for the Wehrmacht on a scale
unmatched by any other occupied country. Many German self-propelled artillery weapons made use of French chassis. French tanks were often used for training purposes and even took the field in a pinch on more than one occasion. In the Wehrmacht '47 world, French tanks might include Somua S.35s upgunned to 75mm, German Pz.V Panthers built on license, captured Soviet T.34s, or perhaps the highly advanced AMX 13/75 which entered production right after World War II.
Allied Vehicles
Unlike their Axis foes, the majority of the vehicles that would have been used by the Allies actually ended up in service early in the Cold War era. Most of the Allies were not bombed into industrial oblivion, their boards of ordnance and armaments had plans that were being laid in 1944 and 1945, and many of those plans saw the light of day, particularly in the Korean War. A quick glance at the Weapons Data pages in this book will give you an idea of which vehicles GHQ believes were most likely to have been in production in time for combat in 1947. Beyond those vehicles that actually entered service in the late 1940s and early 1950s, GHQ expects to introduce models of some of the experimental Allied vehicles that were believed to be important for the later stages of the war, but which never actually entered production.
What Italian armor might have looked like in an alternative history of the war is a bit of an enigma. Their designs tended to be obsolete before ever entering service, and the 'premature' demise of Musollini's fascist regime stymied further development. Certainly the P-40 was in production, and though historically it was primarily used by German forces, production could have been ramped up. It is conceivable that German vehicles could have been issued to Italian forces, either the 'obsolete' Panthers and Tigers, or newer models. Italy did request permission to manufacture German designs, like the StuG III, under license during the war, so it is entirely plausible that Fiat and Ansaldo could have been turning German designs for use by their army. Again, it's up to you, in your informed estimate of what might have been happening in 1947, to determine the make up of your Ariete, Folgore or Centaur divisions!
A platoon of American M26 Pershing tanks advance toward a French hamlet in the slow grind to liberate Europe from the Nazis.
These panzer grenadiers ride in SdKfz 351/1 troop carriers, accompanied by twin 3cm FlaK guns mounted on the Kugelblitz.
Those of you who currently own and play Micro Armour: The Game - Modern already have integrated all the necessary changes to the basic WWII rules, so you shouldn't have any difficulty with adding TL-2 weapons to the mix. The rest of you can begin by reviewing the performance statistics for the Wehrmacht '47 weapons. Only those listed as TL-2 will be affected by these new rules.
Note: Artillery, rocket, or mortar stands may never fire and move in the same turn, regardless of Tech Level. This reflect the fact that artillery fire fall for the entire turn. 4. Standard Fire Phase - Based on initiative as above, players alternate attacks by qualified stands of all TLs. "S" and "D" markers are placed and stands removed according to the Combat Results Table. Note: Any TL-2 stand that fires during this phase forfeits 50% of its total movement allowance for the turn. Therefore every TL-2 stand that fires should be marked as such [say with a red bead] as a reminder that it forfeits 50% of its movement value this turn for doing so. 5. Joint Plot Phase - Players plot "Points of Impact" for indirect-artillery fire and "Flight Paths" for air-strikes to be executed in later turns. 6. Movement Phase - Based on initiative, players alternate attempts to move those of their stands which are qualified to do so, and "Opportunity Fire", "Overruns" and "Close Assaults" may be attempted, in that order during this phase. Note: Any TL-2 stand that fired during the fire phase forfeits 50% of its total movement allowance for the turn. 7. Marker Removal Phase - Players remove all "Impact" markers used to indicate air-strikes or completed artillery attacks and all red and green beads. They may then attempt to remove "Suppressed" and "Disorganized" markers (black and white beads) as per the rules governing this process.
5.1.2 "Qualified" stands of any Tech Level may attempt to fire in the Standard Fire Phase. 5.1.3 TL1 Stands in the Movement Posture, and "Qualified TL-2 stands may attempt to move in the "Movement Phase". Note: The term "Qualified" is used since the rules concerning "Posture", "Tech Level", etc. may prevent movement or fire, which would otherwise be allowed. "Posture" is an integral part of Micro Armour: The Game - WWII. Just remember that all TL-1 stands must be in the Movement Posture to move, and any stand may benefit from membership in a movement group. There are two possible "postures", the Movement Posture and the Fire Posture. All Tech Level 1 stands, artillery stands of any Tech Level, and towed weapon stands of any Tech Level must be in the Movement Posture in order to move, load, or unload. Any of the above stands not in the Movement Posture are automatically in the Firing Posture and may attempt to fire. 5.1.4 Any TL-1 transport vehicle, "mounting" or "carrying" a TL-2 weapon or personnel stand, should be "temporarily" considered a TL-2 vehicle, and may move and fire as such. The vehicle returns to its TL-1 status once the carried TL-2 stand "dismounts". 7.1.4 No stand may fire more than once per turn. Note: Stands should be marked after they have fired. This is where those colored beads come in.
German archive photo of a prototype of the fully tracked vehicle series that evolved into the E-5 series.
The "Tech Level"(TL) of a stand dictates the conditions under which the Sequence of Play applies to its ability to attempt movement and fire. The effect of these Tech Levels is described below. 5.1.1 All artillery fire and air-strikes must be executed in the Joint Artillery Fire Phase regardless of Tech Level. "Range" does not alter the effectiveness of ATGM's as it does other weapons. (See Weapons Data Sheets and Range Effect Chart.) They will, however, have a minimum range below which they may not fire.
11 ATGMs are large and often cumbersome to handle. Man-packed ATGM teams can only carry a limited number of them. In addition, ATGM vehicles may possess a limited number of launchers and the crew may be required to exit the vehicle to reload them. Therefore; whenever an ATGM armed stand fires, you should take note of the natural (unmodified) 2D6 number rolled on the Combat Results Table. This number should be compared to the weapon's "Depletion Number" on the Weapons Data sheets. If the number rolled is equal to or less than the stand's "Depletion Number", the ATGM stand has depleted its missile supply and the player should make a written note of this condition. Depleted ATGM armed stands cannot execute ATGM fire at enemy stands. To accomplish "Resupply", you must make a special cohesion die-roll during the next Marker Removal Phase, unmodified except for a "+4" die-roll penalty. If successful, the stand returns to full effectiveness. If this roll fails, you may continue to attempt "Resupply" in each ensuing Marker Removal Phase until you are successful. 7.4.5 A TL-2 stand may either "Opportunity" fire or move in a Movement Phase, but not both. 7.4.6 Stands may either perform "Standard" fire or "Opportunity" fire, but not both. 7.8.7 The tendency for artillery fire to "Deviate" is reduced TL-2. When making your "Deviation" cohesion die-roll, modify it as follows: Tech Level 2: -1
tendency for them to collapse in chaos. As I said above, morale is a factor, but so is training, experience, determination, leadership, fatigue, terror, isolation, confusion, and, in the end, character and raw courage. In order to use this rule, "Force Cohesion Values" must be converted from "Base 20" to "Base 100". To do this, multiply your "Force Cohesion Value" by five (5). If you wish, you may express this value as a "percent". Examples: Cohesion 13 = 65%, Cohesion 15 = 75%, Cohesion 16 = 80%, etc. 12.9.1 All cohesion effects should be expressed as percentages for "Marker Removal" purposes as well. You should multiply the "S" and "D" die-roll modifiers by five (5) when using percentage dice for "Marker Removal". If the stand is "Suppressed", add 20 to the "Marker Removal" die-roll. If the stand is "Disorganized", add 15 to the "Marker Removal" die-roll. 12.9.2 In the Marker Removal Phase you must now roll "D100" for each of your stands with "S" and / or "D" markers. Note: "D100" produces numbers between 01 and 100. This is done by rolling two different colored tensided dice (2D10). One represents the "tens" digit, the other the "ones" digit. Roll the dice and read the two-digit number obtained. ("0-1" = 1, "1-0 = 10, "0-0" = 100, etc.) Cross reference the number obtained with your "Force Cohesion Level" on the Optional Marker Removal Chart. 12.9.3 Each "Force Cohesion Level" on the Optional Marker Removal Chart has three (3) numbers associated with it: A "Rally" number, a "Recovery" number, and a "Panic" number: 1. If the unmodified die-roll is equal to or less than the "Rally" number for your "Force Cohesion Level", remove all "S" and "D" markers from the stand. 2. If the modified die-roll is equal to or less than the "Recovery" number for your "Force Cohesion Level", remove any "S" marker that might be on the stand. 3. If the modified die-roll is equal to or greater than the "Panic" number for your "Force Cohesion Level", the stand receives an immediate "(S)" as per the "Combat Results Table". (See. "Combat Results").
8.4.8 Any TL-2 Transport stand that fires in the Standard Fire Phase, may move or unload in the Movement Phase, but not both.
4. If the modified die-roll is greater than the "Recovery" number and less than the "Panic" number, there is "No Effect". Any "S" or "D" markers on the stand remain there.
When the total value of the cards in a player's possession exceeds his "Breaking Point", he loses a large portion of the control he previously exercised over the troops in his command at the end of that turn. There has been a breakdown of command. The player's primary concern now becomes preserving the lives of his men (and his own reputation). Example: The player above loses 6 stands. He draws the following cards: 5, 3, queen (12), 9, 7, 2, king (13), for a total of 51 points. He has reached his "Breaking Point"! (51 > 50) 12.10.4 If, at any time in the game, a player receives additional forces or forces are removed from his control, his "Breaking Point" should be recalculated based on the original force plus or minus any transferred stands. Transfers between players in multiplayer games must always be recorded in writing at the beginning of the turn in which this takes place, before the Joint Artillery Fire Phase. Note: In multi-player games, the "Overall Commander" may shift command of various formations from one player to another, "parceling out supporting assets" as it were. Thereby, a subordinate player, close to his "breaking point", may be brought back from the brink of panic by the timely arrival of reinforcements. Example: Let's add 8 stands of tanks to our force above. 24 (Original # of Stands) + 8 (Reinforcements) = 32, 32 x .3 x 7 = 67.2 (67). This is their new "Breaking Point". If the reinforcements arrive before the last card above was drawn, the player's force would still be "Hanging on"! (51 < 67) 12.10.5 Starting with the turn following a "Breakdown" you suffer the following consequences: 1. Further transfers of forces to or from your command are prohibited. 2. The "Force Cohesion Value" of the force under your command, for all purposes except movement, is reduced by five (5) for the remainder of the game. 3. The "Force Cohesion Value" of the force under your command for movement purposes is increased by two (2) for the remainder of the game. 4. All movement of your forces must be toward a "friendly" map edge, as determined by mutual agreement. 5. Stands under your command, which are on the board, may fire only if they have been fired upon this phase.
6. Off-map artillery under your command may complete any "duration" missions. Further off-map artillery fire must be handled at the new reduced cohesion value. 7. Once all your forces leave the map, all off-map artillery stands under your command will cease-fire. 8. All further air-strikes under your control are cancelled. 12.10.6 More than one player may reach his "Break Point" in the same turn. 12.10.7 All players must reveal their cards at the end of the game regardless of whether anyone reached their "Break Point". Example: An "Elite" force of Soviets attacking a prepared German position in 1942 might very well take seventy-five percent casualties before breaking! An Iraqi force in defending against a NATO "Hasty" attack might run away after only losing five percent of their total force! We all know what a "Drive-by Shooting" the Gulf War was! "Determination Factors" add a lot of uncertainty to the game. It also makes a lot of games shorter. I use it all the time for historical flavor and for sheer drama. I wouldn't recommend using "Determination Factors" until you have played the game several times and are fully familiar with all the other rules.
This includes rolls for both fire availability and deviation. You must still plot a "sheaf" pattern for each stand, but the advantage of this practice is that the combined die-roll is modified by minus two (-2) for the presence of the "FDC" on the map. This rule simulates the advantages of centralized and efficient fire control and superior communication technique. The point cost for a Massed Battery FDC is the same as for an additional Infantry HQ stand.
1945 photo of a Waffentrager I with a PaK 88mm AT gun illustrates the development of mobile vehicles that could carry a number of different weapons.
3. "Final Protective Fire" (FPF) - Sometimes an artillery unit will find itself in a situation where selfdefense overrides its mission to provide supporting fire. Any artillery stand which has been plotted to perform "indirect-fire" may cancel this fire and perform "direct-fire" instead. This requires that the unit be conscious of the threat to itself and that it have the presence of mind to react quickly to this new situation. Therefore, in order to cancel the "plotted" fire and direct-fire on the new target the stand must execute a successful Cohesion die-roll with a +2 modification. If the roll fails, the unit failed to react quickly and decisively enough and cannot fire at all. Note: Once again, confusion and panic (the result of collapsed cohesion) is the most dangerous factor in any combat situation.
12.15 Disengagement
TL-2 stands can fire in the second Fire Phase and fall back during the Movement Phase. But TL-1 stands are prevented from doing this because they cannot fire and move in the same turn. This problem may be overcome by employing "Disengaging Fire". This action allows a stand to fire at the enemy and move one inch (1") in the direction of his choice, within certain restrictions.
Atmospheric conditions and darkness can have a significant effect on combat. The rules below illustrate this. 12.13.1 Unless they are contradictory, all effects of weather on visibility are cumulative: Haze or Light Fog - The maximum sighting distance for the scenario is reduced by 1D20%. Light Rain - Reduce the maximum sighting distance for the scenario by 2D6%. Heavy Rain or Light Snow - Maximum sighting distance for the scenario is 3D6 inches. Heavy Snow, Dust Storm, Sand Storm or Heavy Fog - Maximum sighting distance for the scenario is 1D8. Note: For rain or snow squalls roll 1D6 at the start of each turn and roll for visibility on a 1 or 2. 12.13.2 Unless they are contradictory, all effects of weather on movement are cumulative: Deep Snow - Treat "Clear Terrain" as "Rough Terrain 1". Double all movement point costs. Extreme Cold - Treat lakes, streams, rivers, or marshes as "Rough Terrain 1". Extreme Heat - Modify "Movement" cohesion die-rolls by +2 for dismounted "Personnel" and "Light Weapons". 12.14.3 The effects of darkness vary by Tech Level. Tech Level 1 - Maximum sighting distance is 1D6 inches. Movement values may not exceed two (2). Tech Level 2 - Maximum sighting distance is 3D6 inches. Movement values may not exceed five (5).
12.15.1 To perform "Disengaging Fire", a stand must have a movement value greater than zero (0) and be in the Firing Posture. 12.15.2 The Cohesion die-roll associated with "Disengaging Fire" is unaffected. However, the Combat die-roll (on the CRT) is modified by +3. 12.15.3 The stand may not move more than one inch regardless of its movement value, nor may it voluntarily end its move in base contact with an enemy stand. This rule simulates the common practice of troops engaged in "delaying" an enemy advance to execute a quick burst of fire to suppress or disorganize them and fall back through covering terrain to another blocking position to repeat the process. Use of this rule makes delaying actions by TL-1 "Rear Guard" forces simpler and easier to accomplish.
War II. Since then, in spite of the steady evolution and improvement in these weapons, no nation possessing them has found itself in a position where their use was unavoidable. If this were to occur, these weapons could be divided into three loose categories: strategic, operational, and tactical weapons. The deployment of "strategic" and "operational" nuclear weapons are beyond the scope of these rules. Even "tactical" nuclear weapons are so destructive that their direct battlefield effect would be best simulated by simply burning down the house where the game has been set up. Barring this, we will concern ourselves primarily with the "AfterEffects" of these weapons, or operations in a nuclear-contaminated (or "radioactive") environment.
It has been clearly documented that "Special Unit 731" was responsible for the deaths of over two-hundredfifty-thousand Chinese soldiers and civilians by the simple tactic of spreading huge numbers of plague infected fleas in the path of advancing Chinese forces. Since fleas cannot be expected to respect the difference between soldiers and innocent civilian men, women, and children, the disease spread throughout the region killing indiscriminately.
Lawsuits are still pending against the Japanese government for these acts as well as lawsuits from the relatives of Chinese, Russian, American, and other victims of the "Unit 731" research facility in Manchuria, the barbarity of which was in a class with the Nazi death camps of the same era. Captured Japanese documents show that the ultimate targets of this research 12.16.1 Armored vehicles, to include Protective gear for chemical warfare. effort were the large cities of the U.S. enclosed self-propelled artillery and personnel carriers, are the only weapons stands which west coast. Between two and three million American may be deployed in a radioactive environment. Due to military and civilian casualties would have resulted the disruptive effects of radiation on communications had these attacks taken place! Japan's timely surrender and computer equipment, all cohesion die-rolls after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks prevented (including recovery rolls) are modified based on "Tech this particular holocaust. Level". 12.16.3 The effects of a germ warfare environment are Tech Level 1: +7 similar to those of a radioactive one with the following Tech Level 2: +6 exceptions: The above penalty is applied to "Off-Map" cohesion die-rolls as well, i.e. those for "off-map" artillery and air strikes. 12.16.2 All combat die-rolls are modified by minus two (-2) since even minor damage may result in the contamination of the air inside the damaged vehicle resulting in the eventual death of the occupants. Biological Weapons: The use of biological weapons has been rare in modern times. The inherent unreliability of germ warfare and difficulty in controlling bioweapons seem to have been the primary limiting factor. There are documented accounts of the Germans in the First World War spreading the disease "Glanders", specifically in the Balkans, to kill enemy horses and cattle, and Saddam Hussein seems to have found both biological and chemical weapons useful in controlling the Kurdish and Sunni minorities in Iraq. But the most widespread and indiscriminate use of germ warfare against human beings in the Twentieth Century seems to have been that of the Imperial Japanese army in WWII. 1. Air-strikes and "Off Map" fire are unaffected. 2. The Cohesion effects are as follows: Tech Level 1: Tech Level 2: +5 +3
Chemical Weapons: Of the three types of NBC warfare, the use of chemical weapons has been the most common. These have ranged from non-persistent irritants like tear gas (CS), used in crowd control by both the military and law enforcement, to persistent lethal gases like chlorine and phosgene (or the industrial cleaner "Cyclon-B" used in Auschwitz by the Nazi's for "Pest Control"). The widespread use of poison gas was limited to specific areas and times. On the "Western Front" in World War I, poison gas was used regularly by both the Allies and the Germans. It was much less commonly used on the Eastern Front where its effectiveness was limited by the vast nature of the theater of operations and the relative difficulty of delivering gas over such wide areas.
The Nazi's used poison gas on a limited basis on their Eastern Front in WWII, but only when they thought they could get away with it. The Italian Army used gas in their Ethiopian Campaign and, of course, the Japanese used gas extensively in China. The guiding principle in the use of chemical weapons seems to have been the same as that for nuclear weapons. Namely, "If you think your opponent has the capacity to use it on you, you generally don't use it on him". Fear of massive reprisal has always been the strongest incentive toward ethical behavior. Or, if I may be permitted, Italian and Japanese leaders simply believed that the deaths of large numbers of Africans and Chinese would not generate massive Allied retaliation. This assumption turned out to be correct. 12.16.4 At the beginning of any scenario in which one side is attacking a defended position, the attacker may declare a preparatory chemical "Barrage" and must state whether the chemical agent used is "persistent" or "nonpersistent". The effects of this barrage are as follows: Each player should roll 1D20 for each of his stands which are on the map as part of his initial deployment. These die-rolls are modified as follows: If the die-roll equals the stand's "Cohesion Level" minus three (-3) or less, there is "No Effect". If the modified die-roll equals the stand's "Cohesion Level" -2 or greater, the stand is "Suppressed". If the modified die-roll equals the stand's "Cohesion Level" +2 or greater, the stand is "Disorganized". If the modified die-roll equals twenty (20), the stand is "Eliminated". Example: You deploy a force of TL-1 and TL-2 stands to defend an area. Your "Force Cohesion Level" is 15. Your opponent declares a "Chemical Barrage" before the game begins. Each time you roll a ten (12) or less on 1D20 there will be "No Effect". For each roll of thirteen through sixteen (13-16), a stand will be "Suppressed". For each roll of seventeen through nineteen (17- 19), a stand will be "Disorganized". A roll of twenty (20) will "Eliminate" a stand. On average, 50% of this defending force will be unaffected, 20% will be "Suppressed",
20% will be "Disorganized", and 5% will be "Eliminated" by the chemical attack. In this example the attacker did not roll, since none of his stands was on the map when the scenario began. He opted to move his forces onto the map during the movement phase of turn one. In this instance the attacker avoids possible casualties by deploying "off-map" but allows the defender time to recover from the effects of the barrage. By deploying "on-map", the attacker can rush the defender before he can recover, but risks casualties from his own attack! 12.16.5 If the chemical agent used was "non-persistent", there are no further chemical effects. If the attacker declared the agent to be a "persistent" type, the effects are as follows. Cohesion die-rolls for all TL-1 or TL-2 stands on the map during the game are modified by +3, due to restricted visibility and communication difficulties. This modification affects all stands on the map, attackers and defenders alike! There will be exceptions to the chemical warfare rules above. In 1917 and 1918 on the Western Front, gas became a familiar danger. Consider treating troops in this particular period as less vulnerable to gas attack. However, chemical attacks would have been a devastating surprise to the U.S. forces in W.W.II (at least the first few times they were used) Although gas masks were issued initially, troops rid themselves of this extra baggage at the first opportunity! This makes for some fascinating "What If's". What if the Germans decided to use poison gas as a desperate last resort, perhaps in the "Battle of the Bulge"? The fact that the German army was heavily dependent on horsedrawn transport would have made it a two-edged weapon. Could the Japanese have used gas effectively in the defense of Iwo Jima or Okinawa? The effect on the densely crowded Marine beachheads might have been appallingly destructive. It's something to consider.
Porsche began development of the super heavy tank Maus in 1942. Two prototypes fought at the end the war. Nine more were under construction in April 1945.
An alternative would be to use a scheme which, rather like the Wehrmacht '47 models themselves, had been planned for implementation, but was preempted by the Allied victory in April 1945. Orders were issued in November 1944 to paint armoured fighting vehicles and panzers with a base coat of Dunkelgruen. This was a pale olive green color (similar to GHQ's CLR30 Modern US Aircraft Green). Overspray or brush--painted camouflage patterns were to be created at the factory "in sharp contours." (Use Camouflage Brown or Desert Yellow.) This order was to be implemented by June 1945. The photo above shows the vehicle we will be painting in this article, an E-50 "Panther III" main battle tank. 1. Clean any part lines off the castings by scraping with the blade of a #11 hobby knife. Trim off any 'vents' - the tiny wires of metal left over from the casting process. 2. Glue the turret to the hull at the desired rotation.
6. Add the rotbraun patches, using GHQ's CLR3 Camouflage Brown paint.
7. You could quit camouflaging here. If you are feeling tricky, apply the 'ambush' scheme. Using a very small brush, carefully paint dots of Desert Yellow into the green areas of the vehicle. Avoid placing too many dots in a straight line.
10. Use a drybrush technique to gingerly apply metallic silver or Gun Metal (CLR13) to the raised details of the tracks, shovel heads, etc. where the paint or rust would have polished off.
8. Begin painting the detail - we started with the tracks. Apply a coat of either CLR7 Rust or CLR15 Dark Brown to both the interior and the exterior of the track links. (We used the Dark Brown to differentiate from the Camouflage Brown shade.) 11. Apply an overall black wash to the entire vehicle. GHQ almost exclusively uses a wash made of gumspirits turpentine and black enamel paint (GHQ's CLR11 Black water-based acrylic should NOT be mixed with either mineral spirits or turpentine.) The ratio is about 10 parts turpentine to 1 part black enamel paint. Apply a liberal, but not excessive, amount to all the surfaces of the model. Try to avoid puddles of wash. Initially, it will look very shiny and wet: it will take some time (from hours to a week) for the turpentine wash to dry, depending on your environmental conditions. 9. Paint some of the other details, like the towing cables and shovel heads Rust, the heads of the mallets and cable cutters CLR14 Panzer Gray, and the handles of the shovels and mallets a wood color - we used CLR8 UK Sand Yellow.
12. Once the wash has dried, the model should look like this:
14. Like the decals, aerials add a lot to Micro Armour models. Here we glued a short length of nylon quilting thread to the cylindrical 'boot' located next to the commander's cupola. Trim it to length with a finger nail clipper. Darken the clear nylon thread with black India ink. 15. When you are happy with the effect, spray a complete but thin coat of Testor's brand Dullcote over the model. This will both deaden any sheen left from the black wash, and provide a protective layer to your efforts. When you're done, the model is ready to enter service in one of your Wehrmacht '47 panzer units.
13. Decals help bring your models to life. Carefully trim 2 Balkenkreuz ("German Crosses") from a D11 Decal, and a pair of tactical numbers in the color of your choice (D5 is white, D6 is black, and D7 is red). Apply the decals as shown below. A decal setting solution can then be used to flatten the decal in place if you choose to use one. The Champ system is easiest to use, Micro Scale's system is a bit more complicated.
German Weapons
Armoured Fighting Vehicles SdKfz 350/17 SdKfz 351/16 "Flamm" E-50 / Panther 3 E-75 / Tiger 3 E-100 JagdPanzer Pz V Panther Pz VIA Tiger Pz VIB King Tiger E-100 JagdPanzer Panther IIF Maus (150mm Gun) Maus (128mm Gun) Armoured Personnel Carriers SdKfz 350/1 SdKfz 350/9 SdKfz 350/16 SdKfz 351/1 SdKfz 351/7 SdKfz 351/17 Anti-Tank Weapons 75mm PAK40 ATG 88mm PAK43 ATG SdKfz 350/13 E-10 E-25 JadgPanther 2 JagdTiger 2 Waffentrger I 88mm Waffentrger II 88mm Waffentrager II 12.8cm
48 26 154 235 156 112 111 129 156 116 151 163 30 30 32 28 28 28 59 105 72 75 104 174 175 95 95 159
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6/4 9F / 9F 11 / 6 17 / 8 12 / 7 11 / 5 10 / 6 11 / 8 12 / 7 11 / 6 8/9 12 / 7 0/4 2/4 0/6 0/4 0/4 2/4 9/5 11 / 6 9/5 9/5 11 / 6 17 / 8 22 / 9 11 / 5 11 / 5 12 / 8
[4] [4] [12] [18] [16] [10] [11] [13] [16] [10] [20] [20] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] 4 4 [4] [6] [5] [12] [18] [2] [2] [3]
16T 14T 19T 10T 10T 12T 9T 8T 10T 11T 8T 8T 16T 16T 16T 14T 14T 14T 0 0 16T 15T 20T 19T 10T 11T 11T 11T
6 6 8 8 NOTES
8 10 -
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Rotkppchen Rochen 600 Rochen 1000 Rochen 1500
12 7 23 32
2 2 2 2
10 / 10 5/5 20 / 20 30 / 30
5 4 4 4
Notes: 1. Rotkpchen = Red Riding Hood. 2. Rochen = Skate (The fish). 3. The Rotkpchen was a wire-guided system. 4. The Rochen series used infrared imaging that did not require a wire for its joystick controller. It made use of two focused guidance beams with the impact point being the spot where the two converge. 5. In testing, after initial failures, the Rochen achieved pinpoint accuracy at 2,000 meters after a six-second flight. Some two hundred were manufactured before hostilities ended in 1945.
German Weapons
Artillery 75mm Infantry Gun (1) 75mm Infantry Gun (3) 8cm Mortar (1) 8cm Mortar (3) 8cmK (Stummelwerfer) (1) 105mm Howitzer (2) 120mm Mortar (2)*** 150mm Field Gun (2) 170mm Field Gun (2) SdKfz 350/7 (1) SdKfz 351/2 (1) SdKfz 351/24 (1) SdKfz 351/24(2) Geschutzwagen VI 21cm (2) Geschutzwagen VI 17cm (2) Waffentrger I 105mm (2) 12cm Mortar (2) *** 210mm Mrser.18 (1) 210mm Mrser.18 (2)
21 59 16 41 8 170 108 253 589 22 21 57 105 398 431 176 87 177 352
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
27 / 27 27 / 27 21 / 21 21 / 21 9/9 84 / 84 48 / 48 105 / 105 196 / 196 21 / 21 21 / 21 48 / 48 48 / 48 134 / 134 196 / 196 84 / 84 48 / 48 134 / 134 134 / 134
5 5 6** 6** 6** 3 4 2 2 [4] [4] [4] [4] [3] [3] [2] 4 2 2
6 6 4 8 4 10 8 12 14 8 14 14
Infantry Close Support Artillery Vehicles SdKfz 350/8 (1) 23 1 SdKfz 351/9 (1) 22 1 SdKfz 351/22 70 1 Br (1) 194 1 Gchutzw. VI 30.5cm GrW (1) 52 1
27 / 27 27 / 27 20 / 20 84 / 84 20 / 20
[ ] = Armoured Defense Value = This stand may engage in in-direct fire *** = minimum range = 3"
= Weapons must obey Facing Restrictions (2) = # of artillery impact markers used for this stand
The Geschutzwagen VI 30.5cm GrenatenWerfer is a spigot mortar weapon which must be loaded from the outside. The weapon requires 5 turns to reload. If the stand receives any enemy fire while loading, that turn does not count toward the necessary number of turns to reload.
German Weapons
Rocket Artillery 150mm Nebelwerfer (2) 210mm Nebelwerfer (2) Panzerwerfer 150 (2) Anti-Aircraft Weapons SdKfz 350/14 SdKfz 351/21 FlakPanther 1 FlakPanther 2 Waffentrger I 37mm AA Personnel Headquarters Infantry '44 - '47 Infantry Engineer German Medium MG Infantry Support Motorcycle Infantry Motorcycle Support Transport SdKfz 350/15 Kubelwagon Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck Light Tractor (SdKfz10) Hvy Tractor (Sd7 or Maultier) Schwimmwagon Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO) SdKfz9 "Heavy" Tractor Artillery Limber Wagon
80 125 165
1 1 1
4 / 10 ^* 5 / 12 ^* 4 / 10 ^*:
55 / 55 72 / 72 55 / 55
3 3 [3]
0 0 15T
6 8 -
50 48 52 78 35
1 1 1 1 1
10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 20 / 20 10 / 10
40 19 17 15 22 16 23 28
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
4F 4F 4F 4F 2F 2F 20W 20W
8 8 8 8 8 4 -
30 4 7 8 10 8 14 5 6 12 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0/4 -
1/5 -
[4] 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 [1] 1 1 1
16T 20W 20W 18W 16W 15T 14T 20W(2S) 10T 14T 6F 5F
8 4 8 10 14 8 12 4 8 14 12+ 10
[ ] = Armoured Defense Value = This stand may engage in in-direct fire *** = Minimum Range = 3"
= Weapons must obey Facing Restrictions (2) = Number of artillery impact markers used for this stand
Armoured Fighting Vehicles M24 "Chaffee" M4A3E2 "Sherman Jumbo" M4A3E8 "Sherman Easy-8" M4 "Sherman Crocodile" M26 "Pershing" T26E4 Super Pershing T29 T30 T34 Armoured Personnel Carriers LVTA1 LVTA2 "Water Buffalo" M39 M44 M59 M75 Anti-Tank Weapons 3" ATG M3 GMC M18 "Hellcat" M36 "Jackson" (Slugger) Artillery 75mm Pack Howitzer (2) M8 HMC (2) M8 HMC (3) LVTA4 (2) M4-105mm (1) 81mm Mortar (2) 81mm Mortar (3) M21 MMC (1) M21 MMC (2) 4.2" Mortar (2) *** 105mm Howitzer (2) 105mm Howitzer (3) T19 HMC (3) M7 SPH "Priest" (1) M7 SPH "Priest" (3) 155mm Howitzer (2) 155mm Gun "Long Tom" (2)
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20 1/1 20 / 20 25 / 25 30 / 30 30 / 30 25 / 25
35 12 25 26 38 42
1 1 1 1 1 1
10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10
12 8 14 8 8
51 68 82 94
1 1 1 1
20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20
8 -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 / 5 1 / 5 1 / 5 1 / 5 3 / 8 0 / 6 0 / 6 0 / 6 0 / 6 1 / 9 3 / 8 3 / 8 3 / 8 3 / 8 3 / 8 4 / 9 5 / 9
5** [4] [4] [2] [7] 6** 6** [3] [3] 4 3 3 [3] [4] [4] 2 2
4 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
Artillery M12 HMC (3) M40 GMC "Long Tom" (3) 203mm Howitzer (2) 240mm Howitzer (2) 5" (Naval Gunfire) (3) 8" (Naval Gunfire) (3) M37 (3) T38 (3) *** M41 (3) T92 (3) T93 (3)
681 797 433 774 1166 2160 276 98 425 842 532
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
5 / 9 5 / 9 5 / 11 7 / 14 5 / 13 6 / 18 3/8 1/9 4/9 7 / 14 5 / 11 15 / 8 1/4 5/4 1/4 2/5 1/4 4/8 1/8 0/4 5/5 7/6 1/3 5/5 1/6 1/5 -
160 / 160 188 / 188 135 / 135 184 / 184 216 / 216 288 / 288 89 / 89 32 / 32 131 / 131 184 / 184 135 / 135 30 / 30 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 6/6 10 / 10 15 / 15 12 / 12 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/10 1 / 10 -
[4] [3] 2 2 [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [16] [2] [2] 3 3 [4] [4] [4] 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
9T 9T 0 0 17T 17T 17T 8T 8T 4T 16W 16W 18W 18W 15T 17T 17T 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 2F 3F 15W (4S) * 18W 18W 16W 18W 18W (2S) * 10T (2S) *
4 4 4 14 8 12 15 4 4 4
14 16 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 -
Infantry Close Support Artillery Vehicles T28 / T95 188 2 Recon Vehicles M20 M8 "Greyhound" Jeep (50cal. MG) Jeep (57mm RcR) T8 "Recon Stuart" Anti-Aircraft Weapons M19 T77 Personnel Headquarters Infantry '43-'45 Infantry "Airborne" Infantry "Recon" Infantry "Engineer" MMG Infantry Support Transport DUKW Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck Jeep Amphibious Jeep "Weasel" 24 34 19 17 20 61 47 40 13 17 9 15 22 16 17 7 8 10 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[ ] = Armoured Defense Value = This stand may engage in in-direct fire *** = minimum range = 3"
= Weapons must obey Facing Restrictions (2) = # of artillery impact markers used for this stand
Note: The 'actual' rate of march for infantry was somewhere between three and four inches per turn (3.5MPH about 75% of the time. i.e. every nine minutes or so, a well trained infantry platoon (Cohesion 15) would have to halt and rest for three minutes to prevent straggling. MATG-WWII gamers are used to infantry movement rates of 3; MATG-Modern to rates of 4. We have here used the latter, but if you prefer, you can change infantry movement rates to 3.
Armoured Fighting Vehicles A30 Avenger A34 Comet Sherman "Firefly" VC A41 Centurion 1
1 1 1 2
11 / 5 10 / 5 11 / 5 11 / 5
25 / 25 20 / 20 25 / 25 25 / 25
Armoured Personnel Carriers Bren Carrier 11 Ram "Kangeroo" 14 Anti-Tank Weapons 17lbr ATG Achilles Archer A31 Tortoise # Artillery 3" Mortar (1) 3" Mortar (3) 3" Mortar (1) (Bren Carrier) 25lbr Gun/Howitzer (2) **** 25lbr Gun/Howitzer (as ATG) Sexton (2) 4.2" Mortar (2)*** 4.5" Howitzer (2) 5.5" Gun/Howitzer (2) 7.2" Gun/Howitzer (2) Armoured Cars Humber Mk IV Daimler "Dingo" Daimler A.E.C II A.E.C III Staghound Anti-Aircraft Weapons 40mm "Bofors" AAG 3.7" AAG # Skink
1 1
1/4 0/4
5/5 1 / 10
[1] [5]
15T 10T
6 8
1 1 1 1
11 / 5 11 / 5 11 / 5 9/6
25 / 25 25 / 25 25/ 25 30 / 30
0 10T 8T 6T
8 -
1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1
0 / 6 0 / 6 0 / 6 2 / 7 2 / 7 1 / 9 2 / 8 4 / 9 4 / 10
2F 2F 15T 0 10T 0 0 0 0
6 8 8 8 10 12 14
28 17 27 37 63 64
1 1 1 1 1 1
10 / 5 1/5 10 / 5 15 / 5 20 / 20 20 / 20
21 91 46
1 1 1
10 / 10 30 / 30 10 / 10
2 2 [7]
0 0 10T
6 10 -
Personnel Headquarters Infantry Engineers MMG Infantry Support Motorcycle Infantry Transport Car Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck
40 17 15 22 17 22
1 2 2 2 1 1
4F 4F 4F 2F 3F 20W
8 8 8 4 4 -
4 7 8 10
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
4 8 10 14
[ ] = Armoured Defense Value = This stand may engage in in-direct fire *** = minimum range = 3"
= Weapons must obey Facing Restrictions (2) = # of artillery impact markers used for this stand # = use Range Attenuation Chart as German 88
Soviet weapons
Armoured Fighting Vehicles T-34/85 KV-85 JS-II JSIII "Pike" T-44 / 85 T-44 / 100 T-44 / 122 JS-4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 / 6 10 / 6 11 / 7 11 / 8 10 / 6 11 / 7 11 / 8 11 / 8
20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20 24 / 24 20 / 20 20 / 20
Armoured Personnel Carriers BTR-40 13 Anti-Tank Weapons 57mmm ATG 100mm ATG Su-85 Su-100 ISU-122 Artillery 76mm Inf Gun (Regt.) (3) 76mm Divisional Gun (3) 76mm Div. Gun (as ATG) 82mm Mortar (1) 82mm Mortar (2) 82mm Mortar (3) 82mm Mounted Mortar (2) 120mm Mortar (3)*** 122mm Howtizer (3) 122mm M.42(2) 152mm Field Howitzer (3) 203mm M35 How. (2)
35 93 93 104 109
1 1 1 1 1
6/4 11 / 7 10 / 6 11 / 7 11 / 8
15 / 15 24 / 24 20 / 20 20 / 20 20 / 20
0 0 11T 10T 9T
6 10 -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 2F 2F 2F 6F 0 0 0 0 0
6 8 6 6 8 8 8 10 12 14
Infantry Close Support Artillery Vehicles Su-122 98 1 Su-152 85 1 ISU-130 (1) 197 1
30 / 30 20 / 20 219 / 219
10T 9T 10T
Soviet weapons
Anti-Aircraft Weapons AAMG Truck AAMG 37mm AAG ZSU-37 85mm AAG M17 MGMC (US) ZSU-37 Rocket Artillery 82mm "Katyusha" M8 (2) 132mm "Katyusha" M13 (2) 300mm "Katyusha" M13 (2) 310mm "Katyusha" M31 (2) Armoured Cars White Scout Car BA-10 (BA-32) BA-64 Personnel Headquarters Infantry Infantry (SMG) Infantry (Recon) Infantry Support Medium MG Motorcycle Infantry Engineer Mounted Headquarters Cavalry Pioneer (Mounted Engineer) Cavalry Support Transport "Taczanka" Support GAZ (Jeep) Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck Light Tractor (Stalinetz) Heavy Tractor Artillery Limber Wagon
[ ] = Armoured Defense Value
29 16 37 36 55 40 40
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 / 10 5 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 20 / 20 10 / 10 10 / 10
6 6 8 -
93 41 106 173
1 1 1 1
1/9^ 4 / 12 ^ 7 / 14 ^ 7 / 15 ^
44 / 44 11 / 11 24 / 24 38 / 38
1 1 1 1
11 25 19
1 1 1
10 / 10 10 / 5 1/5
6 -
40 17 10 8 14 22 22 15 36 10 10 14
1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
1/4 6/6 1/6 0/3 0/4 1/6 0/4 5/5 0/4 0/4 1/4 0/4
6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 6** 5** 5** 5** 5**
4F 4F 4F 4F 2F 2F 20W 4F 8F 8F 8F 6F
8 8 8 4 4 4 8 -
13 4 8 9 10 6 10 4 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0/5 -
1 / 10 -
3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 8 10 12 6 12 12+ 10
= Weapons must obey Facing Restrictions (2) = # of artillery impact markers used for this stand
= This stand may engage in in-direct fire *** = minimum range = 3"
Motorized Company: 3x TL1 Infantry/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck, 1x 8cm GrW34 Mortar(1)/Truck Motorized Support Company:
Motorized Regiment: 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/Truck, 2x Motorized Battalion, 1x sIG33/Pz38t "Bison", 1x Kubelwagon[R] Panzer Brigade: 1x TL1 Infantry GHQ/SdKfz251, 1x Panzer Battalion, 1x Grenadier Battalion
Grenadier Company: 3x TL1 Infantry/SdKfz351/1, 1x SdKfz351/9, 1x SdKfz351/2(1), 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Sdkfz351 Armored Support Company:
Available Support Units: (One or more of these units, or parts thereof, may appear in a particular action at your discretion.) Engineer Company: 3x TL1 Engineer Inf./SdKfz351/7, 1x SdKfz351/2(2) 6x SdKfz 350/9 4x SdKfz 234/1, 1x SdKfz 234/4
Panzer Company:
Motorized Battalion: 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x Motorized Company, 1x Motorized Support Company Grenadier Battalion: 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/SdKfz351, 3x Grenadier Company, 1x Armored Support Company Panzer Battalion: 1x Tank(HQ), 4x Panzer Co., 1x Tank[R], 1x FlakPanzer 2x 105mm "Wespe"(3), 1x 150mm "Hummel"(3)
3 x Pz V "Panther II" or Pz VIB "Tiger II" or 1x "Maus" or 1x E-100 2x 88mm Flak 36/Sd 7, 2x Flakpanzer
Flak Company:
Artillery Battalion:
Notes: 1. Available "Tanks" include: StuG IIIG, Pz IVG, Pz V "Panther", Pz V "Panther II", JagdPanther V, and JPz 38t "Hetzer". 2. Available "FlakPanzers" include FlakPanther "Coelion", "Wirblewind", and "Kugelblitz". 3. The "planned" 1946/1947 Panzer Division consisted of 1x Panzer Brigade, 1x Grenadier Regiment, and 1x Artillery Battalion.
Infantry Company:
Medium Artillery Bn.: 1x Infantry(B) HQ/Horses, 3x 150mm sFH.36(3)/Limber Panzerjger/Flak Bn.: 3x Panzerjger Company, 1x Flak Company Schutzen Regiment: 1x Infantry GHQ, 2x Infantry Battalion, 1x Mortar Company 3x Field Artillery Battalion, 1x Medium Artillery Battalion
Infantry Support Co.: 1x 81mm Mortar(3)/Limber, 3x Medium Machinegun Mortar Company: 1x 120mm Mortar(3)/Limber Fusilier Company: 3x Infantry/Truck, 1x 81mm Mortar(1)/Truck, 1x Medium Machinegun/Truck
Artillery Regiment: Engineer Company: 3x Engineer/Truck, 1x 81mm Mortar(1)/Truck 2x 75mm PAK.40/Truck 3x 37mm Flak.37/Truck 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Infantry Company, 1x Infantry Support Company 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x Fusilier Company 1x Infantry(B) HQ/Horses, 3x 105mm FH.18M(3)/Limber
Volksgrenadier Div.: 3x Schutzen Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Panzerjger/Flak Battalion, 1x Fusilier Battalion, 1x Engineer Company
Fusilier Battalion:
Notes: 1. One Infantry stand per company may be equipped with a man-packed PAR 'Rtkappchen' or 'Rochen' ATGM team. 2. The Fusilier battalion was usually the most active unit in the division, regularly called upon for anti-partisan sweeps, keeping road, railroad, and communication lines safe and running, and generally maintaining an army 'presence' between garrisons. Support From Corps and Army To knit these primarily Infantry units together into an integrated defense system, it was necessary to provide heavyweight support elements. These would be located at strategic points where enemy penetrations could be expected to give the system the solid 'punch' necessary to contain and limit these penetrations as much as possible, and to provide the basis for local counterattacks designed to seal them off from vital centers of commerce and administration.
MG Battalion Anti-Tank Company: 3x 75mm PAK 40-41/Truck Assault Gun Brigade Motorized Company: 3x Infantry/Truck Motorized Company: 3x Infantry/Truck
Medium Artillery Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 2x 150mm sFH.18(3)/Tractor Heavy Artillery Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 1x 170mm K.18(1+), 2x 210mm M.18(1+)/Tractor 1x Infantry HQ/SdKfz.251/6, 3x 150mm Nebelwerfer(3)/Tractor or 3x 150mm Panzerwerfer.42(3)/ Tractor
Heavy Anti-Tank Co.: 3x StuG.IIIG, StuG.IV, JgdPz.IV/L70, "Nashorn", or "Hetzer" Light Flak Company: 2x 20mm Flak.38/Truck or Limber, 1x 20mm Flak.38 (Quad)/Truck or Limber Heavy Flak Co.: Pioneer Battalion: 3x 88mm Flak.36/SdKfz.7 1x Pioneer HQ, 3x Pioneer Company 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x Machinegun Company, 1x MG Battalion Anti-Tank Co. 2x StuG.IIIG, StuG.IV or JgdPz.IV/L70, 1x 105mm StuH.42 or gdPz.IV/L70
Medium Rocket Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x 210mm Nebelwerfer(3)/Truck Heavy Rocket Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x 300mm SdKfz.251C "Stuka zu Fuss"(3) or 3x 300mm MRL(3)/Truck
Light Flak Battalion: 3x Light Flak Company Heavy Flak Battalion: 3x Heavy Flak Company
MG Battalion:
Assault Gun Brigade: 1x Infantry GHQ/Truck, 2x Assault Gun Battalion, 1x Motorized Company, 1x Engineer/Truck
Heavy Anti-Tank Bn.: 1x StuG.IIIG HQ, 3x Heavy Anti-Tank Company Notes: 1. Wheeled, tracked, or rail transport would be provided as required. 2. Available Tractors included the "Raupenschlepper Ost", SdKfz.7, and SdKfz.11. 3. Transport would be held in transport 'pools' made up of independent Corps Truck and Tractor Battalions.
Engineer Company: Ski Company: 'Brandenburg' Shock Company: Panzerjger Co.: Heavy PanzerJger Company: Heavy Panzerjger Company: Artillery Battery: Artillery Battery:
Mortar Company:
Static Artillery Battery: 3x SMG Infantry[R] 3x 75mm PAK.40/41 Static Artillery Battery: Static Mortar: 3x 88mm PAK.43 Flak Platoon: 3x JagTiger 1x 170mm K.18(2) or 210mm M.18 1x 240mm K.3(1) (Railroad or Static) Flak Platoon:
1x 240mm vz.16(3)
1x 305mm/L12 vz.16(2) 1x 420mm "Gamma" Mortar 1x 105mm Flak.39 1x 37mm Flak.43 or 20mm Flak.38
Assault Gun Battery: 2x Brummbar or SturmTiger Heavy Panzer Co.: 3x Pz.VIA "Tiger I" or Pz.VIB "Tiger II"
Notes: 1. Wheeled, tracked, or rail transport would be provided as required. 2. Independent Army Truck and Tractor Battalions would be available to serve as transport 'pools'. 3. Pz.VIA "Tiger Is" and Pz.VIB "Tiger IIs" would never form "mixed" units. 4. Static artillery units would be those mounted in permanent concrete and steel 'forts' deployed around vital facilities. 5. Great emphasis was placed on provision for organic anti-aircraft assets at all levels. As the war progressed, ever increasing numbers of Allied fighter-bombers (P-47s, Hawker 'Typhoons', and Sturmoviks), manned by ever more competent pilots became a constant threat to German tactical operations. Though jet technology reduced the effectiveness of Allied strategic bombing, their ability to integrate close air support with ground forces forced the Germans to divert a good deal of firepower to air defense.
3x Tank 3x Infantry, 1x Close Support Art. Vehicle(1), 1x 120mm Mortar(1) 3x Medium MG/SdKFz.351/16, 1x 120mm Mortar(2), 1x PzJger Platoon, 1x Flak Platoon 3x Engineer, 1x 120mm Mortar(2), 1x PanzerJger Platoon 6x Armored Recon Vehicle[R] 4x Infantry[R], 1x Light PanzerJger[R] 1x Close Support Art. Vehicle(1), 1x 120mm Mortar(2), 1x Flak Platoon 3x Tank Destroyer/Assault Gun 3x Heavy Flak Platoon
1x Infantry HQ, 2x Field Artillery Battery(2), 1x Light Flak Platoon 1x Infantry HQ, 2x Medium Artillery Battery(2), 1x Schwerer Field Kanone Bttry(2), 1x Light Flak Platoon 3x PzJger Company 3x Heavy Flak Company 3x Engineer Company 1x Tank GHQ, 1x Tank[R], 3x Panzer Battalion, 2x Light Flak Platoon
PzGrenadier Engineer Company: Recon Company: Fusilier Company: Fusilier Support Company:
Grenadier Regiment: 1x Infantry GHQ, 3x PzGrenadier Battalion, 3x Infantry Gun(1), 1x PzGrenadier Engineer Co. Artillery Regiment: 1x Light Artillery Battalion, 1x Medium Artillery Battalion, 1x Self-Propelled Artillery Bn. 1x Panzer Regiment, 1x PzGrenadier Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Recon Battalion, 1x Flak Battalion, 1x PanzerJger Battalion, 1x Engineer Battalion 2x Grenadier Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Reconnaissance Battalion, 2x PanzerJger Battalion, 1x Flak Battalion, 1x Engineer Battalion
SS Panzer Division:
Light Flak Company: 3x Light Flak Platoon Engineer Company: Light Flak Platoon: Panzer Battalion: 3x Engineer, 1x 81mm Mortar(1) 1x Light Flak Stand 1x Tank HQ, 3x Tank Co, 1x Tank[R], 1x Light Flak Platoon, 1x Engineer SS Grenadier Division:
Grenadier Battalion: 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Grenadier Co., 1x Grenadier Support Company SS Reconnaissance Battalion: 1x Infantry HQ, 2x Recon Co., 1x Fusilier Company, 1x Fusilier Support Company
Notes: 1. In Panzer and Grenadier Divisions, armored carriers and tracked transport would be provided for all troops as needed. 2. In Grenadier Divisions, the Panzerjger Battalions would be distributed among the six Grenadier Battalions, at one company each. 3. A wide variety of weapons would be fielded in the SS Divisions as these came 'on line' (See 'New Technology' below).
Machinegun Co.: Assault Gun Co.: Panzerjger Co.: Heavy Panzerjger Company:
3xMMG, 1x 81mm Mortar 2x Assault Gun, 1x Assault Howitzer 3x Panzerjger 3x Heavy Panzerjger
Medium Artillery Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Medium Artillery Battery(2) Heavy Artillery Bn.: Light Rocket Bn.: Med. Rocket Bn.: Heavy Rocket Bn.: 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Heavy Artillery Battery(2) 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Light Multiple Rocket Bttry(3) 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Med. Multiple Rocket Bttry(3) 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Hvy Multiple Rocket Bttry(3)
Light Flak Company: 3x Light Flak Heavy Flak Co.: Heavy Tank Co.: MG Battalion: 3x Heavy Flak 3x Heavy tank 1x Infantry(B) HQ/Truck, 3x Machinegun Company, 1x PanzerJger Company 1x Assault Gun HQ, 3x Assault Gun Company 1x Tank HQ, 3x Heavy Tank Company, 1x Mobile Flak
Light Flak Battalion: 3x Light Flak Company Heavy Flak Battalion: 3x Heavy Flak Company Assault Gun Brigade: 1x Assault Gun GHQ, 2x Assault Gun Battalion, 1x MG Company, 1x Engineer
Panzerjger Battalion: 3x Panzerjger Company Heavy Panzerjger Battalion: 3x Heavy Panzerjger Company
Notes: 1. The Wehrmacht did not form "mixed" Battalions if this could be avoided (for maintenance and logistics reasons). 2. All Corps and Army Support assets would be provided with rail, wheeled, or tracked transport as necessary. 3. SS Divisions would have organic transport assets. SS Corps transport would come from dedicated Transport Battalions. 4. Great emphasis was placed on provision for organic anti-aircraft assets at all levels. As the war progressed, ever increasing numbers of Allied fighter-bombers (P-47s, Hawker 'Typhoons', and Sturmoviks), manned by ever more competent pilots became a constant threat to German tactical operations. Though jet technology reduced the effectiveness of Allied strategic bombing, their ability to integrate close air support with ground forces forced the Germans to divert a good deal of firepower to air defense.
3x Infantry/Carrier, 1x MMG/Carrier
Armored Car Company: Reconnaissance Company: Antitank Company: Tank Company: Engineer Company: Anti-Aircraft Company:
1x Infantry HQ/Carrier, 4x Mechanized Infantry Company, 1x Tank Company, 1x 81mm Mortar/Carrier 1x Tank HQ, 4x Tank Company, 1x Mechanized Infantry Company
4x Armored Car Armored Regiment: 4x Infantry[R]/Carrier 3x Anti-Tank Gun 4x Tank 3x Engineer/Truck Artillery Regiment: 1x Light Anti-Aircraft Gun/Port Engineer Battalion:
2x Armored Car Company, 2x Reconnaissance Company 1x Infantry HQ/Truck or APC, 3x Artillery(2)/Truck or Tractor 3x Engineer Company
Mechanized Brigade: 1x Armored Regiment, 1x Dragons Ports Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment Mechanized Division: 3x Mechanized Brigade, 1x Reconnaissance Groupe, 1x Anti-Tank Battalion, 1x Engineer Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Company Notes: 1. The above Table of Organization and Equipment is based on that of French colonial forces in the Indo-China War and the French army associated with NATO during its early years. 2. French carriers during this period might include trucks, various German vehicles built on license, or perhaps early versions of the Hotchkiss TT6 (used by the Bundeswehr during the 1950s and 60s as the Spz.10). 3. French Armored Cars might include the excellent AMD.178 (especially the 'G' variant armed with the 47mm mle.37). This vehicle served well into the 1960s. 4. French Tanks might include Somua S.35s upgunned to 75mm, German Pz.V Panthers built on license, captured Soviet T.34s, or perhaps the highly advanced AMX.13/75 which entered production right after WWII and actually entered service as early as 1953. 5. French Anti-Tank guns might include various German or Soviet types in addition to other 'home-grown' varieties. 6. Anti-Aircraft weapons could include various German types, as well as the ubiquitous Bofors 40mm (used by virtually everybody). 7. Artillery might include Schneider Mle.13s or other 105mm types (with various improvements).
3x TL1 Infantry/M39, 1x TL1 Support(A), 1x 75mm M20 RcR/Jeep 1x 81mm M21(1+), 1x TL1 Support(A), 1x 105mm M7 "Priest"(1+), 1x Jeep/HMG[R] 3x TL1 Engineer(A)/M39
Cavalry Squadron:
1x M24 (HQ), 3x Cavalry Troop, 1x Light Tank Company, 4x 75mm M8 HMC(1) 3x Tank Destroyer Company, 1x Cavalry Troop 3x 105mm M7 "Priest"(3) or 105mm T28/T95 6x 40mm M15 SPAA, 6x M16 MGMC or 6x 40mm M19, 6x T77 SPAA 3x TL1 Infantry GHQ/Halftrack, 2x Med. Tank Battalion, 1x Hvy. Tank Battalion, 3x Arm. Infantry Battalion, 3x Artillery Battalion, 1x Cavalry Squadron, 1x Engineer Battalion, 1x Tank Destroyer Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Battalion
Support Company:
Engineer Company:
Light Tank Company: 4x M24 Chaffee Medium Tank Co.: Heavy Tank Co.: Cavalry Troop[R]: Tank Destroyer Co.: 4x M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy-Eight" 4x M26E4 Pershing 3x M8 Greyhound Armored Car, 4x Jeep/HMG 3x M36 Slugger/Jackson, 2x TL1 Infantry(R)/M39 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/M39, 3x Armored Infantry Company, 1x Support Company 3x Engineer Company 1x M4A3E8 (HQ), 3x Medium Tank Company, 1x Light. Tank Company, 1x 105mm M4A3(1+), 1x 81mm M21(1+), 1x Jeep/HMG[R] 1x M26E4 (HQ), 3x Heavy Tank Company, 1x Light Tank Company, 1x 105mm M45(1+), 1x 81mm M21(1+), 1x Jeep/HMG[R] Division:
Available Support Units: (One or more of these units or parts there of, may appear in a particular action at your discretion.) SP Heavy Artillery Battalion: Heavy Artillery Bn.: Heavy Artillery Bn.: "Super Heavy" Tank Destroyer Co.: Air Support: 3x 155mm M41 or 3x 240mm T92 or 3x 8" T93 3x 155mm M40 "Long Tom"(2) 3x 203mm M43(2) 3x T28/T95 GMC Any combination of WWII fighter bombers. See MicroArmour: The Game - WWII .
Notes: 1. One stand in each Medium Tank Battalion may be a "Dozer" tank. 2. The proportion of Medium to Heavy Battalions may be reversed (1x Medium Battalion, 2x Heavy Battalion) if desired.
Rifle Company:
3x Assault Infantry, 1x SMG Infantry, 1x Heavy Machinegun, 1x 75mm M20 RcR 3x M4A3E8 Sherman, 1x Sherman 'Crocodile' 3x 105mm Pack Howitzer(1), 1x 75mm M20 RcR 1x Infantry HQ, 3x Rifle Company, 1x 81mm Mortar(3), 1x Infantry/Flamethrower 1x M4A3 Sherman HQ, 3x Tank Company 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x 105mm M2A1(3)/Truck 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x 155mm M1(2)/Tractor 1x Infantry GHQ/Jeep, 3x Rifle Battalion, 1x Gun Company 3x Marine Regiment, 1x Armored Battalion, 3x Light Artillery Battalion, 1x Medium Artillery Battalion
Common Division Assets 1x Rocket Battery: @3x 4.5" M8 MRL(8)/Truck 15x Transport Platoon: 3x Pioneer Company: @2x Truck @4x Pioneer
Tank Company:
3x "Seabee" Engineer Co: @4x Engineer Gun Company: 1x AmTank Battalion: @1x LVT-2 (HQ), 20x LVT-A1 or 16x LVT-A4(2) @1x LVT-2 (HQ), 25x LVT-2 @2x Infantry[R], 2x Jeep/MMG[R], 2x Jeep/HMG[R]
Rifle Battalion:
Armored Battalion:
Marine Regiment:
Marine Division:
Notes: 1. Marine "Assault" Infantry execute Close Assaults using the same rules as Combat Engineers. 2. One tank per company may be equipped with a "Dozer Blade".
Para-Infantry Co:
3x Para-Infantry[R], 1x MMG[R] 1x 81mm M.1 Mortar(3)[R], 1x HMG, 1x 75mm M20 RcR[R] 3x Infantry[R], 1x MMG[R] 1x 81mm M.1 Mortar(3)[R], 2x MMG[R], 1x HMG[R], 1x 75mm M20 RcR[R]/Jeep 1x Para-Infantry HQ, 3x Para-Infantry Company, 1x Para-Support Company 1x Infantry HQ/0-1x Jeep, 3x Glider Infantry Company, 1x Glider Support Company 1x Para-Infantry GHQ/Jeep, 3x Paratroop Battalion 1x Glider Infantry GHQ/Jeep, 3x Glider Infantry Battalion 2x Paratroop Regiment, 1x Glider Infantry Regiment
Common Division Assets Anti-Tank Company: 3x 75mm M20 RcR/Jeep Anti-Aircraft Company: 3x Quad 50cal. M55/Trailer Recon Platoon: 1x Motorcycle Infantry[R], 2x Jeep/HMG[R] 1x Infantry HQ/Jeep, 4x 75mm M1A1 Pack Howitzer(2)/Jeep 1x Infantry HQ/Jeep, 3x 105mm M3A1(2)/ Weapons Carrier 4x Para-Engineer
Para-Support Co:
Paratroop Battalion:
2x Para-Artillery Bn:
1x Para-Engineer Co:
Paratroop Regiment:
Airborne Division:
Notes: 1. If deployed in a purely "Ground" role, all the division's components may be motorized. 2. The 'Weapons Carrier' mentioned above would be a .75 Ton Dodge 4x4 or similar prime mover. 3. All personnel stands are equipped to TL2 Standards. 4. Paratroops may be deployed using the parachute landing rules presented in the Scenario "A Costly Setback" included in the Micro Armour: The Game - WWII rulebook.
3x TL1 Infantry/Truck 1x 3" Mk1 Mortar Carrier(3), 1x 6lbr ATG/Truck, 1x TL1 Engineer/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry(R)/Bren Carrier or Ram Kangaroo, 1x "Wasp" Flamethrower 3x TL1 Infantry/M3 Halftrack or Ram Kangaroo, 1x TL1 Infantry(R)/Bren Carrier
1x TL1 Inf. HQ/Truck, 4x Inf. Co., 1x Support Co., 3x Jeep/LMG [R] 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/M3 Halftrack or Ram Kangaroo, 4x Inf. Co., 1x Support Co., 1x "Wasp" Flamethrower, 1x Jeep/LMG [R] 1x Comet or "Firefly" or A41 Chieftain Mk.1 (HQ), 3x Tank Squadron, 1x Armored Rgt Recon Squadron 1x Cromwell (HQ), 3x Recon Sqd, 3x Daimler "Dingo" [R], 1x Cromwell/Dozer 3x Artillery Battery 3x Artillery Battery (SP) 1x TL1 Inf. GHQ/Truck, 3x Inf. Bn., 1x MG Co., 1x Artillery Regt., 1x Anti-Tank Co., 1x Engineer Co., 2x 40mm L/60 "Bofors"/Truck 1x TL1 Inf. GHQ/Sherman ACV, 3x Armored Regt, 1x Infantry Bn, 1x Artillery Regt.(SP), 1x Anti-Tank Co., 1x Engineer Co., 1x Centaur/Dozer, 1x Comet or "Firefly", 2x 40mm L/60 "Bofors"/Truck or 2x "Skink" 1x Armored Brigade, 1x Motor Infantry Brigade, 1x Recon Regiment
Armored Regiment:
Recon Regiment: 2x TL1 Inf Support/Bren Carrier, 3x 6lbr/Windsor Carrier 4x TL1 Inf Support/Bren Carrier, 1x 4.2" Mk1 Mortar(2)/ Windsor Carrier 4x TL1 Engineer(A)/Truck 4x Comet or 4x Sherman "Firefly" or 4x A41 Chieftain Mk.1 3x M24 Chaffee, 3x Staghound 1x M24 Chaffee, 1x Daimler "Dingo", 4x Cromwell or Challenger or Comet 2x 25lbr Mk2(2)/Quad Tractor Artillery Regiment: Artillery Rgt(SP): Motor Inf Brigade:
Armored Brigade:
Artillery Battery:
Armored Division:
Artillery Battery(SP): 2-3x 25lbr Sex ton(2) Anti-Tank Company: 2x 17lbr ATG/Crusader Tractor, 1x 32lbr ATG/M3 Halftrack Heavy Infantry Support Squadron 3x A39 Tortoise
Notes: 1. 6lbr ATGs may use "Discarding Sabot" (APDS) ammunition if you like. Use the stats provided for the US 57mm M1 (APDS). 2. 6lbrs may be replaced by 3.7" "Burney" RcRs. 3. The "Windsor" carrier was an extended version of the Universal or "Bren" Carrier, designed for greater crew comfort. 4. M24s and Staghounds in Armored Recon Squadrons may be replaced by M5 Stuarts, "Recon" Stuarts, and/or M8 ACs. 5. Recon Squadrons may contain M5 "Stuart" Light Tanks and "Recon" Stuarts instead of M24s and Daimler "Dingos".
Air Support: Any combination of WWII fighter bombers or Gloucester Meteors. See Micro-Armour: The Game - WWII
6. The Sherman ACV was a turretless "Armored Command Vehicle". Use the stats provided for the RAM "Kangaroo". 7. The Centaur/Dozer was a turretless tank with a bulldozer blade attached. Its performance was similar to the "Cromwell". 8. The 32lbr ATG was an experimental weapon that proved too heavy, too unwieldy, and insufficiently powerful to be mass produced. Two prototypes were built. One was scrapped and one sent to a museum. You may use 17lbrs instead.
Motor Infantry Co: Engineer Co: Recon Infantry Co: Machine Company: Tank Company:
3x TL1 Infantry/Truck 3x TL1 Engineer 3x TL1 Motorcycle Infantry [R] 2x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck 3x Medium Tank
3x 37mm M39/Truck 1x Medium Tank (GHQ), 3x Medium Tank Battalion, 1x Motor Rifle Battalion, 2x Ba-64 [R], 1x Assault Gun Bn, 1x 120mm M43 Mortar(3)/Truck, 1x Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co 1x Heavy Tank (GHQ), 2x Heavy Tank Battalion, 1x Assault Gun Battalion, 1x 120mm M43 Mortar(3)/Truck, 1x Ba-64 [R] 1x TL1 Infantry GHQ/BTR-40, 3x Motorized Infantry Battalion, 1x MediumTank Battalion, 1x Ba-64 [R], 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(4)/Truck, 1x Light Artillery Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co 3x Artillery Battalion 3x Mortar Battalion 3x Tank Regiment, 1x Heavy Tank Regiment, 1x Motorized Rifle Regiment, 1x Mortar Regiment, 1x Artillery Regiment, 1x Engineer Battalion, 1x Recon Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Battalion, 1x Rocket Battaliona
Multiple Rocket Launcher Company: 1x BM-14(8) Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co: Motorized Infantry Battalion: 3x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck
1x Infantry (HQ)/Truck, 3x Motor Infantry Company, 1x Machinegun Company, 1x 57mm M43/Truck, 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(3)/Truck 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x Recon Infantry Company, 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(3)/Truck, 1x 57mm M43/Truck, 3x Engineer Company
Recon Battalion:
Engineer Battalion:
Med. Tank Battalion: 1x Medium Tank (HQ), 3x Tank Company, 1x Medium Tank [R] Heavy Tank Bn: Light Artillery Bn: Artillery Battalion: Mortar Battalion: Assault Gun Bn: Rocket Battalion: 4x IS-III 3x 76mm M42(2)/Truck 3x 122m M38(2)/Truck 4x 120mm M43 Mortar(3)/Truck 4x Assault Gun, 1x GAZ (Jeep) [R] 3x BM-13(8), 1x 37mm M39/Truck
Notes: 1. Available Medium Tanks include T-34/76s, T-34/85s, and T-44s. 2. Assault Guns include SU-100s, SU-122s, ISU-130s and ISU-152s. 3. Any quantity or combination of available combat aircraft is permissible.
3x TL1 Infantry/Truck
4x 120mm M43 Mortar(3)/Truck 3x BM-13(8), 1x 37mm M39/Truck 3x 37mm M39/Truck or 3x 37mm ZSU-37 1x TL1 Infantry GHQ/BTR-40, 3x Motor Rifle Battalion, 1x Tank Battalion, 1x Light Artillery Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co, 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(4)/Truck, 1x Ba-64 [R] 1x Medium Tank (GHQ), 3x Tank Battalion, 1x Submachine Gun Battalion, 1x 120mm Mortar(3)/Truck, 2x Ba64 [R], 1x Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co
Submachine Gun Co: 3x Submachine Gun Infantry(A)/BTR-40 Machinegun Co: Recon Company: Engineer Company: Tank Company: Heavy Tank Co: 2x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck 3x TL1 Motorcycle Infantry [R] 3x TL1 Engineer(A) 3x Medium Tank 3x Heavy Tank
AA Machinegun Co: 3x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck Motor Rifle/SMG Bn: 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/BTR-40, 3x Motor Rifle or SMG Company, 1x Machinegun Company, 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(3), 1x 57mm M43/Truck Recon Battalion: 1x TL1 Infantry HQ/Truck, 2x Recon Company, 2x Ba-64 [R], 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(3)/Truck 3x Engineer Company 1x Medium Tank (HQ), 3x Tank Company, 1x Medium Tank [R] Tank Regiment:
Hvy Tank Regiment: 1x Medium Tank (GHQ), 1x Heavy Tank Battalion, 2x Assault Gun Battalion, 1x Submachine Gun Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Machinegun Co Mortar Regiment: Artillery Regiment: Mechanized Div: 3x Mortar Battalion 3x Artillery Battalion 3x Motor Rifle Regiment, 1x Tank Rgt, 1x Heavy Tank Rgt, 1x Heavy Assault Gun Battalion, 1x Mortar Rgt, 1x Recon Bn, 1x Artillery Rgt, 1x Engineer Bn, 1x Anti-Aircraft Bn, 1x Rocket Bn
Hvy. Tank Battalion: 4x T10M or 4x JS-III or JS-IV Assault Gun Bn: 4x SU-100, 1x GAZ (Jeep) [R]
Hvy Assault Gun Bn: 4x Heavy Assault Gun, 1x GAZ (Jeep )[R] Light Artillery Bn: Artillery Battalion: 3x 76mm M42(2)/Truck 3x 122mm M38 or M42(2)/Truck
Notes: 1. Available Medium Tanks include T-34/76s, T-34/85s, and T-44s. 2. Heavy Assault Guns include SU-122s, ISU-152s, and ISU-130s. 3. Any quantity or combination of available combat aircraft is permissible.
Rifle Company:
2x TL1 Infantry(B), 1x82mm B-10 RcR, 1x TL1 Infantry Support 3x TL1 Infantry Support 2x Motorcycle Infantry [R], 1x TL1 Infantry(R)/BTR-40 3x TL1 Engineer(A) 3x Medium Tank 1x TL1 Infantry(B) HQ, 3x Rifle Company, 1x Machinegun Company, 1x 82mm M37 Mortar(4), 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck, 1x 57mm M43/Truck 1x TL1 Inf(B) HQ/M3 Halftrack, 1x Tank Company, 3x Recon Co 3x Engineer Company 1x Medium Tank (HQ), 4x Tank Company
Anti-Tank Battalion: 4x SU-100, 2x 100mm M44/Truck Light Artillery Bn: Artillery Battalion: Mortar Battalion: Anti-Aircraft Bn: 3x 76mm M42(2)/Truck 3x 122mm M42(2)/Truck 2x 160mm M160 Mortar(3)/Truck 3x 37mm M39/Truck or 3x 37mm ZSU-37 1x TL1 Infantry GHQ/Truck, 1x Ba-64 [R], 3x Rifle Battalion, 1x 57mm M43/BTR-40, 1x SU-76, 1x Light Artillery Battalion, 1x 120mm M43 Mortar(3)/Truck 3x Artillery Battalion 3x Motor Rifle Rgt, 1x Tank Bn, 1x Artillery Rgt, 1x Recon Bn, 1x Anti-Tank Bn, 1x Mortar Bn, 1x Engineer Bn, 1x Anti-Aircraft Bn
Machinegun Co: Recon Company: Engineer Company: Tank Company: Rifle Battalion:
Rifle Regiment:
Notes: 1. One stand in each Infantry Company may contain an attached 82mm B-10 RcR team (MP). 2. The 57mm M43/BTR-40 ATG stand at regimental level may be replaced with an 85mm D-48/Truck. 3. Any quantity or combination of available combat aircraft is permissible.
3-4x Tank
4x Infantry/Truck
Machinegun Company: 3x MMG/Truck Support Company: 1x SMG Engineer/Truck, 1x 81mm M.38 Mortar(2) or 82mm M.37 Mortar(2)/Truck, 1x 50mm PAK.38 ATG/Truck or 75mm PAK.40 ATG/Truck Motor Infantry Brigade: 1x Infantry (GHQ)/Truck, 3x Motor Infantry Battalion, 1x 120mm M.40 Mortar(3)/Truck 1x Armored Brigade, 1x Motor Infantry Brigade, 1x Assault Gun Battalion, 1x Anti-Aircraft Battery, 1-2x Medium Artillery Battalion, 1x Heavy Artillery Battalion
Armored Division:
Note: The division included a wide variety of tanks. One company per battalion would have been equipped with T.26s. The rest tended to be available in the following rough proportions: Panzer IV - 20%, Soviet T.34s - 40%, Soviet Heavy Armor - 20%, Pz.1/Pz.II/T.26/T.70 - 20% The potential for Lend Lease Allied equipment would grow with time.
4x Infantry 4x Infantry or SMG Infantry/Bicycles or Skis 3x MMG 1x SMG Infantry/ATR, 1x 81mm M.38 Mortar(1+) or 1x82mm M.37 Mortar(1+), 1x 37mm Bofors ATG/limber or 1x37mm PAK.35 ATG/Limber 1x Infantry (HQ), 3x Infantry Company, 1x Machinegun Company, 1x Support Company
@4x Engineer
2xArtillery Battalion: @1x Infantry (HQ)/Horses, 3x 75mm M.22(2) or 3x 76mm Putilov M.02(2) or 3x 75mm M.36(2)/Limber 1xArtillery Battalion: @1x Infantry (HQ)/Horses, 3x 122mm M.38(2) or 3x 105mm M.37(2) or 3x 155mm M.17(2) or 3x 150mm M31(2) or 3x 152mm M.09(2) or 3x 152mm M.34(2)/Limber
Infantry Battalion:
1x Infantry (HQ)/Bicycles or Skis, 3x Light Company, 1x Machinegun Company 1x Infantry (GHQ), 2x Infantry Battalion, 1x 76mm M.27 IG(2)/Limber 3x Infantry Regiment, 1x Light Infantry Battalion
Additional Corps Assets (Optional) 1x Recon Company: @3x Ba.10[R] or 3xBa.20[R] 3x Anti-Aircraft Battery:
Infantry Regiment:
Infantry Division:
@1x 40mm Bofors AA/Limber 9x Anti-Aircraft Battery: @1x 20mm Madsen AA/Limber or 1x 20mm Flak.30 AA/Limber
1x Artillery Battalion:@1x Infantry (HQ)/Horses, 3x 8" M.1(2)/Truck 2x Artillery Battalion:@1x Infantry (HQ)/Horses, 2x 4.5" QF Mk.2(2)/Limber or 2x 152mm M.34(2)/Limber 3x Artillery Battalion:@1x Infantry (HQ)/Truck, 3x 75mm M.97(2)/Truck 2x Anti-Aircraft Battery:
was not universally satisfactory, however. National rivalries were always cropping up, requiring diplomacy and tact on the part of the Alliance staff. Many American officers believed the whole affair would blow up in our faces eventually, but cooler heads generally prevailed. On an individual and tactical level, on the other hand, the Hispanic soldiers showed a remarkable ability to overcome physical hardship, displayed a stolid (sometimes reckless) courage, and good morale throughout. They were proud of their heritage, proud of their accomplishments, and rightfully proud of their combat record, especially in the savage battles for the Kanto plain on the Japanese main island of Honshu. There,
the term "los Hroes Hispnicos" (Hispanic Heroes) was coined by none other than George Marshal, a man not known for for his sentimentality. Traditional Spanish military nomenclature was used on a regular basis in the OEH. Terms like Lanceros (Lancers), Grenaderos (Grenadiers), Carabinieros (Rifles), and various "Guards" were common as well as units named for individuals and important dates in national history (i.e. Vigsimo-Quinto de Mayo "May 25th" Argentine Independence Day). U.S. weapons and uniforms were standard.
Infantry Company:
3x TL2 Infantry, 1xTL2 MMG, 1x 75mm M20 RcR/Jeep 1x 81mm M1(1+), 1xTL2 MMG, 1x Jeep/HMG[R] 3x TL2 Engineer/Truck 3x M8 Greyhound Armored Car, 4x Jeep/HMG 3x M36 Slugger/Jackson, 2x TL2 Infantry(R)/M39
Infantry Division:
Support Company:
3xTL2 Infantry GHQ/Truck, 9xInfantry Battalion, 3xField Artillery Battalion, 1xHeavy Artillery Battalion, 1xCavalry Squadron, 1xEngineer Battalion, 1xTank Destroyer Battalion, 1xAnti-Aircraft Battalion
Available Support Units: (One or more of these units or parts thereof, may appear in a particular action at your discretion.) Heavy Artillery Battalion:
Infantry Battalion:
1x TL2 Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x Infantry Company, 1x Support Company 3x Engineer Company 1x M24 (HQ),3xCavalry Troop, 1xLight Tank Company, 4x75mm M8 HMC(1)
(See U.S. Armored Division TO&E) Any combination of WWII fighter-bombers. See Micro-Armour "The Game - WWII."
6x40mm Bofors AA
Notes: 1. The three Infantry GHQs represent independent field Headquarters units around which missionoriented Regimental Combat Teams would be organized on a semi-permanent basis. 2. Though originally attached only on an as needed basis, divisional tank battalions soon became a permanent fixture. 3. Sufficient motor transport would be available to lift the entire division by use of attached independent Truck Battalions.
3x Anti-Tank Company 3x Artillery Battery 1x TL2 Infantry GHQ/Truck, 3x Infantry Battalion, 1x4.2" Mk-1 Mortar(3)/Truck, 1xEngineer Company
Infantry Brigade:
Anti-Tank Company: 3x 17lbr ATG/Tractor Tank Squadron: Artillery Battery: 5x Tank 2x 25lbr "Mark/2" Gun/Howitzer(2)/Truck 1x TL2 Infantry HQ, 4x Infantry Company, 1x Support Company 1x Centurion Mk3 HQ, 1x Daimler AC, 3x Tank Squadron, 1x Centurion "Dozer" 3x Engineer Company
Infantry Division:
Infantry Battalion:
3xInfantry Brigade, 3xArtillery Regiment, 1xRoyal Art. Anti-Tank Regiment, 0-1xArmored Regiment
Armored Regiment:
Notes: 1. Sufficient motor transport would be available to lift the entire division by use of attached independent Truck Battalions or organic transport in designated Motorized Infantry Divisions. 2. Any available British tanks may be deployed in the divisional Armored Regiment with "Comets" and "Challengers" predominating.
Engineer Battalion:
Reading List
The following is a short list of books recommended for those who wish to gain further insights into the whole 'What-if' World War II experience. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but should give you a grounding in the more scholarly approaches to this subject. Please note that many of these books are not what-if books at all, but simply surveys of the actual events designed to give a clear idea of the real-world bases for many of the assumptions we have made. Adams, Capt. USNR Henry H. 1942: The Year That Doomed the Axis. New York: David McKay Co., 1967 Burch, Betty Brand, ed. Dictatorship and Totalitarianism. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand & Co., 1964 Ellis, John. World War II - The Encyclopedia of Facts and Figures. London: Military Book Club, 1995 Ference, Gregory C., ed. Chronology of the Twentieth Century Eastern European History. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994 Ferguson, Niall, ed. Virtual History. New York: Basic Books-Perseus Book Group, 1997 Ferguson, Niall. The War of the World - Twentieth Century Conflict and the Descent of the West. New York: Penguin Press, 2006 Goda, Norman J.W. Tomorrow the World. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1998 Goralski, Robert. World War II Almanac (1931-1945). New York: Bonanza Books, 1981 Macksey, Kenneth. Military Errors of WWII. Edison: Castle Books, 2003 ---. Why the Germans Lose at War. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1976 Overy, Richard. Why the Allies Won. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1995 Parrish, Michael, ed. Battle for Moscow - The 1942 Soviet General Staff Study. Oxford: Brasseys Inc., 1989 United States Army. Office of the Chief of Military History. Command Decisions. Washington D.C.: United States Army, 1971 Watt, Donald. Too Serious a Business - European Armed Forces and the Approach to the Second World War. New York: W.W. Nortin, 1975 Weber, Eugen. Varieties of Fascism. Princeton, NJ: Van Norstrand & Co., 1964 Wieder, Joachim and Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel. Stalingrad - Memories and Reassessments. London: Cassel Military Books, 1995
1 - Who Owns the Night? 2 - Defense of Aleksino 3 - tHE eMPTY lAND 4 - gRAPPLE AT gRACHEVKA 5 - wADI EL aHMAR
Feldschirmjager Remnants Base Cohesion Level: 15 HQ: Fallschirmjager Bn: Break Point: 21
U.S. Army off table support Divisional Artillery (3rd Div. U.S. Army): 3x 155 M40 Howitzers Long-Toms[2] Defenses 2x Heavy Improved Positions, 5x Medium Improved Positions, 7x Light Improved Positions, 12x Tank trap ditch (marked on map), 10x Concentrated Mines, 25x Standard Mines, 18x Dispersed Mines, 22x Barbed Wire, 25x Dummy Mines.
1st NachtJager Kampfgruppe Base Cohesion Level: 15 KampfGruppe HQ: NachtJager Battalion: Break Point: 59 1x Infantry HQ/SdKfz.251/1 with Infra-red sighting 8x Panther-G, 7x Infantry-type A/SdKfz.251/1 with Infra-red sighting, 4x SdKfz/7 with Infra-red spotlights.
Allied Deployment a. The Long-Toms are off the board and can be called in as indirect-fire. b. The Defenses are set up before the game and may be placed anywhere North or West of the stream bed hexes in the Southeast corner of the battlefield. c. The KevOS.4 may be set up anywhere in the Allied Deployment zone. Allied Victory Conditions: The Allies want to score a propaganda victory & prevent the paratroopers from making it back to safety. Capturing or destroying any of the Nachtjager equipment is added candy for the Allies. Minor Victory - By the end of the game the Allies have destroyed or captured at least 6 Feldschirmjager stands, and destroyed at least 5 stands of the NachtJager Kampfgruppe. Major Victory - If, at any time, the number of Eliminated German stands exceeds twenty seven (27), award the Allies a Major Victory. OR By the end of the game if the Allies have destroyed or captured at least 8 Feldschirmjager stands, and destroyed at least 10 stands of the NachtJager Kampfgruppe.
German Deployment a. The Feldschirmjager enter from the Northern edge but more than 4" away from either the east or west edges. Because of Hidden movement they are not required to enter all at once or even on turn 1. b. Starting on turn 4 the 1st Nachtjager may exit the Night Fighter Deployment zone if the Germans achieve a successful Cohesion roll with a modifier of +4 to the die-roll. They are waiting for some sign that the Feldschirmjagers are nearby. However if they are fired upon they may react normally within the guidelines set below. German Victory Conditions: Return of the Feldschirmjager and preservation of the expensive & unusual night fighting equipment is essential to the Germans Minor Victory - At the end of the game if there are at least 6 Feldschirmjager stands that have safely made it across the battlefield to the Night Fighter deployment zone and less than 5 stands of the Nachtjager force have been destroyed, award the Germans a Minor Victory. Major Victory - If, at any time, the number of Eliminated Allied stands exceeds eighteen (12), Award the Germans a Major Victory. OR At the end of the game if there are at least 8 Feldschirmjager stands that have safely made it across the battlefield to the Night Fighter deployment zone and less than 10 stands of the Nachtjager force has been destroyed, award the Germans a Major Victory.
-2 -1 +1
-1 0 +2
Automatic detection
If detection is made by one or both parties then all groups in the hex(es) are placed on the board. If one side remains undetected, his opponents are automatically suppressed(S) as in surprise rules. Upon firing any base is revealed. A unit once revealed, stays on the board but may move, etc subject to all appropriate effects. The KevOS.4 were incredible troops known to the Russians as "Belaya Smjert", the "White Death". In two weeks during the Winter War they were the major part of capturing or destroying 104 Russian tanks in two weeks in their sector. They were masters of the "Motti" tactics and turned tanks into what were known to both Russians and Finns as "Death boxes". Additionally they slowed down 600,000 Russian troops long enough for the 4th division to successfully withdraw. They are unusual troops, but these numbers reflect their capabilities using their limited weaponry, of Molotov cocktails, Moison-Nagant rifles with open sights, and the Suomi K31 SMG. Now with the advanced weapons "liberated" from Germany, and the Lend-Lease equipment, they are a force to be feared on this ground. Their numbers are based on Tech Level 2 infantry, but recognizing their especial affinity for destroying armor and their speed.
Points 19
TL 2
Firepower AP / HE 7/6
Range AP / HE 1/5
Defense 7**
Movement T/W/F 6F
Cargo Capacity -
Transport Requirement 4
As per the Commando type 'S' rules they get a -3 to their die roll in close assault. They are always consider [R] type troops and they get a bonus of +2 to their Cohesion level. For this scenario consider their cohesion at 19.
Defense of Aleksino
Cohesion Level = 17 Base Determination Factor = .30 Break Point = 86
252 InfantrieDivision 3/461 Grenadier Regiment HQ: 1x Infantry GHQ (FO)/Truck, 1x Kubelwagen Motorized Co: 3x TL1 Infantry(A)/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck, 1x 8cm GrW.34 Mortar(1)/Truck 3x TL1 Infantry(A)/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck, 1x 8cm GrW.34 Mortar(1)/Truck 3x TL1 Infantry(A)/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck, 1x 8cm GrW.34 Mortar(1)/Truck 1x 88mm PAK.43/SdKfz.7, 1x 120mm GrW.42 Mortar(2)/Truck, 1x Waffentrager/37mm Flak
35th Guard Tank Corps Command HQ: 1x Infantry GHQ/Truck Medium Tank Bn 1: Medium Tank Bn 1: Heavy Tank Battalion: Reconnaissance Bn: 1x T.34/85 HQ, 9x T.34/85, 3x T.70[R] 1x T.34/85 HQ, 9x T.34/85, 3x T.70 [R] 4x T.44/100 1x TL1Infantry (A) HQ/Truck, 9x TL1 Motorcycle Infantry [R], 1x 82mm M.37 Mortar(3)/Truck
Motorized Co:
Motorized Co:
Motorized Infantry Bn: 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 9x TL1 Infantry/Truck, 3x TL1 Infantry Support/Truck
All troops enter the North edge of the board on turn one (1) in any formation you wish.
PzJger Battalion 252 (mot): 1x Infantry HQ (FO)/Truck, 3x TL1 Infantry(A)/Truck, 1x TL1 Infantry Support, 1x 8cm GrW.34 Mortar(1)/Truck, 1x 75mm PAK.40/Light Tractor PzJger Battalion 193 (ind): 4x PzJger E.25 sPz Abteilung 507(-): Artillerie Regiment 252(-): Field Works: 1x sPz E.100 HQ, 4x sPz E.100 4x 105mm leFH.18(2) OFF MAP 16x Medium Improved Positions, 22x Dispersed Minefield, 11x Dummy Minefield
Victory Condition:
Occupy all three hexes of Aleksino by the end of Turn 15.
Special Rules:
The Hot Shot! (Rule 12.1 - p. 16 MA:TG - WWII) Unit Determination (Rule 12.10 - p. 10 Wehrmacht 47 Supplement) Tank Marines! (Rule 12.4 - p. 17 MA:TG - WWII) Artillery Efficiency (Rule 12.7 - p.17 MA:TG- WWII)
Establish a defensive perimeter around Aleksino: Stands may be placed anywhere fifteen inches (15") or less from the South edge of the board. Minefields (real or Dummy) may be placed anywhere on the southern half of the board.
1. To allow for the difference between the German and Soviet Cohesion Levels you must multiply the German point total by 1.1333, yielding a modified German total of 3,269 ( a single point separates the two forces' point values.) 2. The map board below represents the area covered by one (1) GHQ 'Terrain Maker' skirmish board.
Victory Condition:
Prevent the occupation of Aleksino by Soviet forces by the end of Turn 15.
1x T.44/100 GHQ, 2x Ba.64[R] 1x T.44/100 HQ, 9x T.44/100, 1x T.34/85[R] 1x T.44/100 HQ, 9x T.44/100, 1x T.34/85[R] 1x T.44/100 HQ, 9x T.44/100, 1x T.34/85[R] 1x Infantry HQ/BTR.40, 9x Infantry/BTR.40, 2x Medium MG/BTR.40, 1x 82mm M43(3)/Halftrack, 1x ISU.130(1) 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 3x 122mm M.42(2)/Truck, 2x ZSU.37 AA 3x Infantry[R]/M3 Halftrack, 3x Ba.32[R]
Panzer Battalion:
Grenadier Battalion:
Recon Company(+):
Deployment: All Soviet forces must enter the East edge of the map on turn one (1).
Notes: One Infantry stand per Grenadier Compnay may contain an attached, Man-Packed Rochen or Rtkapchen ATGM team. Deployment: All German forces must enter the West edge of the map on turn one (1).
Scenario Length: This scenario is "Open Ended", meaning it has no specific number of turns.
Special Rules
This scenario may be played in 'Rounds', each round representing a short firefight consisting of ten turns. Between rounds, each player does the following (representing rallying, recovery, and replacement of losses): 1. Remove any 'Suppression' Markers from his stands. 2. On a roll one or two (1 - 2) on 1D6, remove 'Disruption' markers from those stands which have them. 3. On a roll of one (1) on 1D6, return stands 'Eliminated' during the round to play.
Note: The timing of this battle, coinciding with the opening of the Casablanca Conference, was not accidental. The Soviets were anxious to improve their bargaining position vis--vis future Allied aid in driving the Germans from European Russia. To do this they had to prove they could defeat the Germans on their 'home' ground in a standup fight. A victory in this rather small engagement would therefore boost their prestige considerably in the eyes of their allies. A German victory, on the other hand, coming as it would in the full glare of world attention, would cast a considerable pall over the proceedings in Casablanca, with who knows what consequences. Thus do great movements in history sometimes turn on seemingly trivial matters.
Grapple at Grachevka
Cohesion Level: 16 Base Determination: 30% Break Point: 101
Aufklarungs Abt. 11(-)/11th SS Panzer Division: 3x SdKfz.350/9 [R] 1x SdKfz.350/13 4x Infantry/SdKfz.350/1 [R] 4x Motorcycle Infantry [R] 2 abt./110 Panzer Grenadier Regiment/ 11th SS Panzer Division: 1x Infantry GHQ/SdKfz.351/17 9x Infantry/SdKfz.351/1 3x Inf. Support/Schwere Wehrmacht Schlepper 2x SdKfz.351/2(1) 2x SdKfz.351/9 PanzerJger Company/110 Panzer Grenadier Regiment/ 11th SS Panzer Division : 4x E10 German Deployment Your forces have entered the southern edge of the board. On Turn 1, German forces are arrayed at the German player's discretion 12" or less from the Southern edge of the board. Victory Conditions Exit the field on the north edge with at least 80% of their force before the end of turn 15.
Elements: 3rd Guard Tank Army: 1 x Infantry GHQ/Truck 10 x JS3 3 x BA-10 Armoured Car 12 x Infantry/Truck 2 x Infantry Support B/Truck Russian Deployment On Turn 1 you may begin entering the table on the Northern or the Eastern edge 12" or less from the farNortheast corner of the board. Victory Conditions Eliminate 20% of the German Force, and prevent any of the remainder from exiting the northern edge of the gaming area.
Scenario Length
15 turns
Special Rules
The Hot Shot (Rule 12.1 - p. 16 MA:TG - WWII) Unit Determination (Rule 12.10 - p. 10 Wehrmacht '47 Supplement) Tank Marines! (Rule 12.4 - p. 17 MA:TG - WWII) Artillery Efficiency (Rule 12.7 - p.17 MA:TG- WWII)
Scenario Length
This scenario ends after the completion of turn 12.
Wadi el Ahmar
KampfeGruppe 'Balzer' /2nd SS Pz Div: 1st Battalion/ Panzer Regiment 3:
Headquarters/ 2nd Brigade Cuirase: 1st Battalion/ 2nd Brigade Cuirase:
1x Infantry GHQ/SdKfz.351/1 1x E.50 'Panther-III HQ, 6x E.50, 1x SdKfz.234/1[R], 1x FlakPanther 'Coelion'. 1x Infantry HQ/SdKzf.350/1, 8x SdKfz.234/2 'Puma'[R], 3x Infantry[R]/SdKfz.350/1, 1x SdKfz.350/13[R], 1x SdKfz.350/7(1) [R] 1x Infantry HQ(FR), 9x Infantry(FR), 1x 81mm Mle.27/31 Mortar(2) 2x 105mm Waffentrager.I(2) 8x Light Improved Positions, 3x Med. Improved Positions, 12 'Standard' Minefields 12 'Dummy' Minefields
1x Inf GHQ/M9A1 Halftrack, 4x M.5 'Recon Stuart'[R] 1x M.26 'Pershing' HQ, 8x M26, 4x M26E4 'Super Pershing', 4x M.24 'Chaffee'[R], 1x 105mm M.45(1+) 1x M.26 'Pershing' HQ, 8x M26, 4x M26E4 'Super Pershing', 4x M.24 'Chaffee'[R], 1x 105mm M.45(1+) 1x Inf HQ/M.9A1 Halftrack, 9x Infantry/M.9A1, 1x M.16 MGMC, 1x M.9A1/75mm RcR 3x 155mm M.41(3) OFF MAP
1. 2nd Bn/45th Inf Regt(FR): Deploy anywhere on the map in Improved Positions. 2. 5th Recon Battalion: Enter anywhere along East edge of the map on turn two (2). 3. 1st Bn/Panzer Regiment 3: Enter anywhere along the North edge of the map on turn three (3). 4. 1st Bn/109th Field Artillery Regt: Enter anywhere along North edge of map on turn two (2).* 5. Mines (both real and "dummy") may be deployed anywhere on the map. *Alternately, 1st Battalion/109th Field Artillery may be kept OFF MAP, in which case it cannot plot fire until the Joint Plot Phase of turn four (4).
All Senegalese forces may enter anywhere along the South edge of the map beginning on turn one (1).
Special Rules
1. The areas indicated on the map as A, B, C, and D are possible locations for a hidden Axis fuel and supply depot. The German player must designate one of these as the actual dump and record this in writing before the Senegalese player enters the map. Once designated, the location of the dump cannot be changed. 2. French stands may never be carried by German transport vehicles for any reason. 3. French stands may not act as spotters for German Artillery.
Victory Conditions
1. The Senegalese player must pass through the actual hidden depot and occupy it for one full turn before the end of turn twelve (12) to achieve victory. Anything else results in an Axis victory. 2. The Senegalese Break Point is 30%. If, at any time the total number of eliminated Senegalese stands exceeds nineteen (19), the scenario ends immediately in an Axis victory. 3. The German Break Point is 40%. If, at any time the total number of eliminated German stands exceeds twelve (12), the scenario ends immediately in a Senegalese victory. French losses are not counted.
4. French losses do not count when calculating German losses. German losses are taken separately. 5. A misty rain is falling throughout the scenario, limiting sighting distance to a maximum of fifteen (15) inches. 6. All roads should be considered 'Poor" roads. All wadi areas, including places where roads cross wadis, should be considered 'Rough Terrain 2'. 7. All buildings are 'Light' buildings. 8. The oil pipeline may not be crossed by any vehicle except at two points; where it crosses 'under' a road or where it crosses 'over' a wadi.
Western Approach
Special Terrain Effects
All terrain effects are cumulative
If personnel +3** If personnel - yes otherwise +2** If personnel - no If personnel +3 otherwise +2 None No Through Fire No Through Fire yes no yes yes
** Applies only to fire coming through the ridge crest or from below the hilltop. The Barracks, Warehouses and all urban areas are Heavy Buildings The Artillery Park is considered Clear Terrain All roads on the map are Good Roads
welcome to casablanca
2nd Brigade of Spahis (-):
Base Cohesion: 17
1x Infantry(A) HQ/SdKfz.251.10, 13x AMX-13/75, 5x Infantry(A)/SdKfz.251/1, 1x SdKfz.251/2(1)
Combat Command "B"/ 1st Armored Division: 1st Battalion/ 1st Armored Regiment:
Base Cohesion: 15
1x Infantry(A) GHQ/M.39 1x M.4A3E8 HQ, 12x M4A3E8, 4x M.24 'Chaffee', 1x 105mm M4A3(1+), 1x 81mm M.21(1+), 1x Jeep/50cal.[R] 1x M.26 HQ, 12x M.26, 4x M.24 'Chaffee', 1x 105mm M4A3(1+), 1x 81mm M.21(1+), 1x Jeep/50cal.[R] 1x Infantry(A) HQ/M.39, 9x Infantry(A)/M.39, 4x Infantry Support/M.39, 1x 105mm M.7 'Priest'(1+), 1x 81mm M.21(1+), 1x Jeep/75mm RcR, 1x Jeep/50cal.[R] 3x 105mm M.7 'Priest'(3) 2x 8" Naval Gunfire(3), 2x 5" Naval Gunfire(3) OFF MAP
1st Battalion/ 23rd Regiment (LE): 1x Infantry HQ, 9x SMG Infantry(A), 1x 81mm Mle.27/31 Mortar(2) 12th AA Regt(-): 5x 88mm Flak.36/PaK.43/SdKfz.7 85th Field Artillery Regiment: 2x 105mm Schneider Mle.36(2) OFF MAP Field Works: 11x Light Improved Positions, 5x Medium Improved Positions, 18x Standard Minefields, 18x "Dummy" Minefields, 12x Roadblocks 2nd Battalion/ 1st Armored Regt:
Deployment: 1. 1st Bn/23rd Regt (LE): Deploy anywhere North of the "Legion Start Line" in 'Light' Improved Positions. 2. 12th Anti-Aircraft Regt(-): Deploy anywhere North of the "Legion Start Line" in 'Medium' Improved Positions. 3. 2nd Brigade of Spahis: Enter anywhere along West edge of the map on turn three (3). 4. All mines (both real and "dummy") may be deployed anywhere North of the "Legion Start Line". 5. Roadblocks may be placed across any road North of the "Legion Start Line".
Special Rules
1. French anti-tank guns were dug in "deep". This combined with the distortion effects on visibility caused by desert conditions means that their positions were very hard to find and attack. The normal rules concerning Medium Improved Positions should be altered as follows for this scenario: Both the Cohesion Effect and Defense Bonus for Medium Improved Positions are now +5 for all troop types. All other effects are unchanged. 2. The terrain is remarkably flat. However, a fairly thick pall of smoke and dust covered everything for miles around once battle was joined. Therefore, he maximum sighting distance for this scenario is twenty-four inches (24"). 3. The oil storage tanks south of the El Hank cemetary burned throughout the battle. Therefore a permanent smoke screen exists here and no stand of either side may enter the area. 4. Allied warships off Pte. d'El Hank provided naval gunfire support for the American advance. However, a major air-naval battle raged throughout the action with Axis submarines and bombers hurling themselves at these ships day and night. Axis radio-guided cruise missiles were expecially effective. Therefore, the effective Cohesion level used by the Naval Gunfire Support units in this scenario is ten (10), as the ships are forced to maneuver to avoid swarms of lethal long-range projectiles. 5. A total of five (5) French infantry stands are equipped with state-of-the-art light anti-tank weapons (the German "Rochen1000"). These should be designated before play begins.
Deployment: All American forces may enter anywhere along the South edge of the map beginning on turn one (1).
Scenario Length
This scenario ends after the completion of turn 20.
Victory Conditions
1. The American Player must establish a cordon of troops extending from the South edge of the map to the Mediterranean coast by the end of turn twenty (20). There may be no gaps in this cordon greater than three (3) inches wide at any point. Failure to do this results in a French victory. 2. The American Break Point is 40%. If, at any time the total number of eliminated American stands exceeds twenty-five (25), the scenario ends immediately in a French victory. 3. The French Break Point is 50%. If, at any time the total number of eliminated French stands exceeds twenty (20), the scenario ends immediately in an American victory. Note: Unarmed SdKfz.7 artillery tractors do not count as losses toward this total.
Scenario Length:
The game starts at Sunrise. The Germans have 20 turns to establish their breakthrough before cold and exhaustion bring an end to their efforts. Besides, when night comes, Simo Hyh and his friends come out to play. Nobody in his right mind is abroad when that happens! (FINNS DEPLOY FIRST)
Return to Hell
Infantry Battalion(-):
Mixed Tank Company: 1x PzKfw.IVH, 2x T.34/85 Infantry Gun Co(-): 2x 75mm IG.42(2)/Truck Medium Artillery Btty: 1x U.S. 105mm M.2A1 Howitzer(2) OFF MAP
PzGrenadier Battalion: 1x Infantry GHQ/Truck, 9x Infantry, 3x Infantry Support, 3x 8cm GW.42k(1), 12x SdKfz.251/1, 1x SdKfz.251/9, 1x 37mm Flak.36/SdKfz.10 Tank Company(-): Panzer Recon Co: 2x Pz.VIA 'Tiger', 4x PzKfw.IVH, 2x PzKfw.VG, 1x E.50 'Panther.III' 3x Infantry[R]/SdKfz.250/1, 1x SdKfz.250/7(1)[R], 1x SdKfz.250/8[R] 3x Engineer/Raupenschlepper Ost 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 9x Infantry, 3x 8cm GW.42k(1), 3x Infantry Support, 1x 37mm Flak.36/SdKfz.10, 12x Raupenschlepper Ost
1. The 'Mannerheim Line' at this point is some two inches deep consisting of 'Combined' Barbed-Wire and Standard minefields. One inch behind this is another line, an inch deep consisting of 'Combined' Barbed-Wire and Concentrated minefields. These defenses are deployed in the space between river's North edge and end at the base of the first ridge above it on the North. In addition, the Finnish player has at his disposal 8x Heavy Improved Positions, 20x Medium Improved Positions, 36x Light Improved Positions, 1D6+8 Standard Minefields, 2D6+8 Dummy Minefields, and 15x Barbed-Wire markers, which he may deploy anywhere he wishes on his side of the river. 2. The remaining Finnish Forces may deploy anywhere on the North side of the river.
1. All German forces, except the Infantry Battalion, may be deployed anywhere South of the German 'Start Line', after the Finns, on turn one. 2. The 'Reinforcing' German Infantry Battalion may attempt to enter the game anywhere behind the German 'Start Line' beginning with the Movement Phase of Turn 6. A succesful Cohesion die-roll is required to do this.
Special Rules
Surprise!: After all forces and fieldworks are deployed, each player must make a Cohesion die-roll. Failure on this roll means that all units of that side Immedietly suffer an 'S' combat result. Both players are vulnerable, i.e. both sides might conceivably begin the game with every stand in a Suppressed state. Icy areas: The Suvanto River and the ponds around it are frozen solid and count as rough terrain ? for movement purposes only. Icy areas are treated as clear terrain for combat purposes. Additionally every turn in which a vehicle moves onto ice, the owning player must roll 2D6 for that stand with the cumulative modifiers below. On a modified result of eleven (11) or more, the ice breaks, the vehicle sinks. (See 'Sinking Results' below.)
Type of Base Add The Base has Infantry or light +0 fired this turn vehicle or trucks Heavy vehicle: + 1 fired upon by artillery Pz IV or T34 Super Hvy Vehicle passed thru artillery fire +2 Pz V, E50, Pz VI while on ice Add +1 +2 +2
Victory Conditions
Control of the farmhouse and the road along the North side of the river is critical to both sides. a. If there are no German stands two or more inches North of the river's edge by the end of turn 20, award the Finns a Major Victory. b. If there are no German stands beyond the crest of the second ridge North of the river by the end of turn 20, award the Finns a Minor Victory. c. If 12 or more German stands occupy ground North of the second ridge and occupy ground North of the Suvanto with 20 or more stands by the end of turn 20, award them a Minor Victory. d. If 20 or more German stands occupy ground within one inch of the East-West road, award them a Major Victory. e. If, at any time, the number of Eliminated German stands exceeds 35, Award the Finns a Major Victory. f. If, at any time, the number of Eliminated Finnish stands exceeds 13, Award the Germans a Major Victory.
Sinking Results: Vehicles that sink in ponds are only trapped for the rest of the game and have a Disorganized status that can't be removed. They may fire if desired. Vehicles that sink in the river are lost. Also, any stand adjacent to the lost vehicle (and also on the ice) must make an additional 'ice' die-roll to reflect greater weakening of the surface.
A Hell to Pay
Lagus Division 1st Tank Battalion (Mixed): Tank Company 1 (2x PzKfw.IVH, 2x T.34/85), Tank Company 2 (2x PzKfw.IVH, 2x T.34/85) Base Cohesion Level - 18, Breakpoint - 59
KampfGruppe Sabine/2nd SS Panzer Division KampfGruppe HQ:
1st Company/1st Assault Gun Battalion: 4x StuG-III.G Deployment: The Finns may deploy on either the hill in the Finnish deployment (B) zone or in the Northern Allies deployment zone (A). (ALLIES DEPLOY FIRST)
1x Inf GHQ/SdKfz.351/17, 1x Panther-3 E.50[R], 2x 88mm Flakpanzer Waffentrger I 1x Panther-3 E.50 HQ, 9x Panther-3 E.50, 1x Panther-3 E.50[R], 1x FlakPanther-2, 1x Engineer/SdKfz.351/7 1x Infantry HQ/SdKfz.351/17, 3x Infantry/SdKfz.351/1, 1x SdKfz.351/9(1), 1x SdKfz.351/24(1) 1x Engineer/SdKfz.351/7 5x Light Improved Positions, 2x Medium Improved Positions.
Panzer Battalion:
Reinforcements and Depot Company 2nd Battalion/32nd Armored Regiment: Company 'A' (4x T26E4 Super Pershing), Company 'B' (4x T34C) Depot Infantry & Support: Company 'K'/3rd Bn/105th Infantry Regt (6x Infantry/1xT28)
Deployment: The U.S. troops will deploy in the Northern Allies Deployment zone (A). (ALLIES DEPLOY FIRST)
Deployment: All German forces may be deployed anywhere in the German Deployment zone. (GERMANS DEPLOY SECOND)
Special Rules
Surprise!: After all forces and fieldworks are deployed, each player must make a Cohesion die-roll. Failure on this roll means that all units of that force Immediately suffer an 'S' combat result. All players are vulnerable. i.e. all three forces might conceivably begin the game with every stand in a Suppressed state since all three are surprised. Forest, Scrub Terrain, & Muddy areas: The Germans have taken advantage of the overcast & drizzle to advance this far undetected but the rain may make ground conditions worse. All the scrub terrain counts as Rough Terrain 2. the Forested areas count as Forest. The muddy area starts as standard Mud/Soft-Sand terrain. At the beginning of each turn the German player rolls 1D20, if the result is 17,18, or 19 all woods, rough terrain, and mud cost an extra one (1) pt of movement per 100 meters and all targets in these zones get an extra -1 to CRT die rolls for the remainder of the game. If a 20 is rolled, heavy rain hits the area: Visibility is reduced from 40 inches to 8 inches for 1D6 turns, all movement costs are increased by one (1) point per 100 meters and all targets in mud, forest, or scrub areas receive a minus one (-1) effect on all CRT die-rolls for the rest of the game. Movement and Combat Effects are not cumulative. Depots and rail tracks: The two (2) depots cover 10 square inches and should be considered Heavy Buildings. They can be destroyed by Engineers in the same way as minefields or by fire by treating them as Heavy Improved Position (requiring 2 E results. (Infantry are considered to be occupying the buildings if placed on them). Railroad tracks can only be destroyed by Engineers, using the same methods you would use to destroy minefields. Allies Breakpoints: The Finns and the U.S. each have their own separate breakpoint, based entirely on their own losses. (These are listed above.)
Victory Conditions
Control of the depots and the railroad critical to the allies while their destruction is critical to the Germans. 1. If no railroad tracks have been destroyed and three (3) or less square inches of depot have been destroyed, award the Allies a Major Victory. 2. If less than half the depot areas (in square inches) have been destroyed and two (2) inches or less of track have been destroyed, award the Allies a Minor Victory. 3. If the Germans manage to destroy more than half the depot areas and more than three (3) inches of track have been destroyed, award them a Minor Victory. 4. If sixteen (16) or more square inches of depot and more than ten (10) inches of track are destroyed, award the Germans a Major Victory. 5. If, at any time, the number of Eliminated German stands exceeds twenty (20), Award the Allies a Major Victory. 6. If, at any time, the number of Eliminated Finnish stands exceeds eighteen (18), Award the Germans a Major Victory.
5th Fallschirmjger Regiment:
41st Indian Armoured Division: Brigade HQ: 1x Infantry GHQ/Dorchester command vehicle AAA Company: 2x 40mm L/60 "Bofors"/Truck 2nd Royal Deccan Horse: 1x Comet HQ 3 squadrons each 4x Comet Arm. Recce Sqd.[R]: 3x M24 Chaffee; 3x Staghound AC 4th Regiment (Hobson's Horse): 3 squadrons Arm. Recce Sqd.[R]: 14th Regiment (Scinde Horse): 3 squadrons Arm. Recce Sqd.[R]: 3rd Battlion/ 4th Gurka Rifles: 1x Comet HQ each 4x Comet 3x M24 Chaffee; 3x Staghound AC 1x Comet HQ each 4x Comet 3x M24 Chaffee; 3x Staghound AC 1x TL1 Inf. HQ/M3 Halftrack, 1x "Wasp" Flamethrower, 1x Jeep/LMG[R]
1/5th Fallschirmjger Regiment 1x Infantry HQ (FO)/truck, 1x Kubelwagen 3x Companies: @ 3x Parachute Infantry, 1x Infantry Support, 1x 81mm Gr-34 Mortar(1) 1x 81mm Gr-34 Mortar(3), 2x Infantry Support
Support Company:
2/5th Fallschirmjger Regiment 1x Infantry HQ (FO)/truck, 1x Kubelwagen 3 x Companies: @ 3x Parachute Infantry, 1x Infantry Support, 1x 81mm Gr-34 Mortar(1) 1x 81mm Gr-34 Mortar(3), 2x Infantry Support
Support Company:
4x Infantry Company: each 3x TL1 Inf./M3 Halftrack, 1x TL1 Inf.(R)/ Bren Carrier 1x Support Company: 2x TL1 Inf. Support/Bren Carrier, 3x 6lbr/Windsor Carrier 4th Regt. Bombay Artillery (SP) 3x Artillery Battery: each 3x 25lbr Sexton(2) A Company/ 41st Anti-Tank Battalion: 2x17lbr ATG/Crusader Tractor, 1x 32lbr ATG/M3 Halftrack A Co / 41st Engineer Bn: 4x TL1 Engineer(A)/Truck
Anti-Tank Company: 1x 88mm PAK43/SdKfz7 Mortar Company: Flak Company: Off Table Artillery:
1x 120mm GrW42 Mortar(2)/Truck
2x 20mm Flak 38/Truck, 1x 20mm Flak (quad)/Sd. 7 4x 15cm sFH.18 Howitzer (2)
German Deployment:
Forces deployed in a defensive perimeter anywhere on the western half of the board.
Indian Deployment:
Forces enter the east edge of the board on Turn One.
Victory Conditions:
Prevent Indian forces from occupying the town of Manduwan for at least one full turn.
Victory Conditions:
Occupy the town of Manduwan with at least six stands for at least one full turn.
Special Rules
The Hot Shot! (Rule 12.1 - p. 16 MA:TG - WWII) Unit Determination (Rule 12.10 - p. 10 Wehrmacht 47 Supplement) Tank Marines! (Rule 12.4 - p. 17 MA:TG - WWII) Artillery Efficiency (Rule 12.7 - p.17 MA:TG- WWII) This scenario is designed to be played on 2 adjoining GHQ Terrain Maker Skirmish Boards.
3rd Battalion/ 1st Fallschirmjger Regt: 1x Infantry GHQ/SdKfz.351/1, 7x Infantry[R]/SdKfz.351/1, 2x SdKfz.351/2(1), 1x 120mm SdKfz.351/24(2)
1x Infantry GHQ, 8x Assault Infantry, 2x SMG Infantry, 2x 75mm M20 RcR/Jeep, 1x 81mm Mortar(3)/Jeep, 3x LVT-A1, 1x LVT-A4(2), 3 xM4A3E8, 1x Sherman Crocodile, 3x Truck 3x 5" Naval Gunfire(3) 1st Bn/Regt Andalucia: 2nd Bn/Regt Andalucia: 9th Artillery Battalion:
Base Cohesion Level: 15 Breakpoint: 55 1x Infantry GHQ/Truck, 9x Infantry, 3x MMG 1x Infantry HQ/Truck, 9x Infantry, 3x MMG 3x 105mm lFH.18(2) OFF MAP
Note: All Spanish forces are equipped at TL1 standards. AXIS Deployment 1. 3rd Bn/1st FlJger: Enter anywhere along the North edge of the map beginning on turn one (1). 2. 1st Bn/ Andalucia: Deploy anywhere North of the 'Boundary Wire', ten inches (10") or less from the Western shore. 3. 2nd Bn/ Andalucia: Deploy anywhere North of the 'Boundary Wire', ten inches (10") or less from the Eastern shore.
Note: All Americans are equipped at TL2 Standards. American Deployment 1. 2nd Bn/327th: Deploy anywhere between 'Customs House' and the 'Boundary Wire'. All troops may be deployed in Light Improved Positions. 2. 1st Bn/1st Marines: Enter the map by road on its South edge on turn three (3).
Scenario Length
This scenario ends after the completion of turn 12
Special Rules
1. American 'Trucks' may be of any type (Axis or Allied). 2. Due to heavy clouds of smoke limiting visibility, all OFF MAP fire support (both Axis and American) is at a base Cohesion level of thirteen (13). 3. The "Berm" on the map is a 'Customs Barrier' intended to prevent smuggling. Treat it as a 'Ridge Crest'. 4. Only the Customs House and Air Terminal should be considered Heavy Buildings. 5. Maximum sighting distance for this scenario is twelve (12") inches. 6. American Infantry may ride tanks. See 'Tank Marines' (Rule 12.4).
Note: The reference maps used in this scenario we provided by the Gibraltar government at the following web site, for which we are truly grateful: <www.gibraltar.gov.gi/about_gib/geography/gibmap.html>
Victory Conditions
A. If Axis forces 'Break' the Airborne Battalion, award them a Tactical Victory. B. If Axis forces occupy any part of the Air Field, award them a Decisive Victory. C. If the Americans keep sole control of the Airfield, award them a Tactical Victory. D. If the Airborne Battalion finishes the Game unbroken, award the Americans a Tactical Victory. E. If the Americans achieve both, award them a Decisive Victory.
Wehrmacht 47
Sequence of Play
1D6 + Cohesion. Highest total has initiative this turn.
<4 0
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 2
8 2
9 3
10 3
11 4
12 >12 4 5
- = NO EFFECT If attacker is artillery or support stand, result is S S = SUPPRESSED +4 added to all cohesion rolls, this stand. Effect is not increased by further S results. (S) = SUPPRESSED if already S, treat as D result. Otherwise, treat as S D = DISORGANIZED +3 to this stand unless it rallys. If already D treat as E E = ELIMINATED Remove stand from play. Combined cohesion die roll modifiers due to combat results may never exceed +7. Artillery only may attack at less than -3. (Result is S)
Overrun Procedure
1. Perform all movement connected with this "Overrun". 2. Defender makes one cohesion roll for each attacker.
A +3 modifier is applied to each roll if attacker is a "Tracked" vehicle.
Each HQ or GHQ attached to unit or group Unit or group under order R unit or group without order Other unit or group without order Unit Suppressed Unit Disorganized
3. Defender suffers one attack at +6 for each failed roll. 4. Each attacker makes one cohesion roll. 5. Each attacker that fails this roll suffers an attack at +2.
IS LINE OF SIGHT BLOCKED? no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no if Personnel - yes otherwise -no if Personnel - yes otherwise -no yes yes yes no no no no no no
Firing into or out of smoke +3 +4 if Personnel otherwise +2 +6 if personnel otherwise +4 +4 if Personnel otherwise +2 +2 if Personnel otherwise +1
Light Buildings Heavy Buildings Woods Grove Good Road Poor Road Track Marsh, Ford, Soft Sand, Mud Rough Terrain One Rough Terrain Two Rough Terrain Three Slope Hilltop or Ridge Crest Light Improved Position Medium Improved Position Heavy Improved Position Barbed Wire Wreck Minefield
3 2 .5 1 1 4 1 2 3 +1 +1 2 2 3 +3 +0 +1*
4 3 .5 1 1.5 8 3 5 7 +2 +3 3 4 Not Allowed Not Allowed +1 +1
1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1.5 3 +1 +1 1 1 2 +2 +0 +1*
+2 if Personnel otherwise +1 +4 if personnel otherwise +2 +6 if Personnel otherwise +4
none +2**
+4 if Personnel otherwise +1 +5 if Personnel otherwise +2 +7 if Personnel otherwise +3
-1 +1 -2
** Applies only to fire coming through the ridge crest or from below the hilltop. Concealing Terrain: If a stand in this terrain has fired this turn, ignore cohesion penalty. Stands moving at the road or track rate do not gain any defensive benefits from the terrain through which that road or track passes. Stands on a road or track which are stationary or paying the terrain penalty while moving do.
Terrain type never effects stands firing out, only those firing into terrain. (See Smoke for the only exception) Regardless of Terrain or other effects, a natural Cohesion roll of 1 always succeeds and a 20 always fails.