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Ais 001

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AIS – 001/2001
Automotive Vehicles - Rear - View Mirrors – Specification

1.0 Title of the standard:

Substitute following title for existing title:
“Automotive Vehicles including Agricultural Tractors – Rear – View Mirrors
– Specification”.

2.0 Page No. 1, cl. No. 1.1, Scope:

Substitute following text for existing text:
“This standard specifies requirements of interior and exterior rear - view mirrors
used in automotive vehicles including agricultural tractors. ”

P. B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004




December 2008

Automotive Vehicles – Rear – View Mirrors - Specification

1. Clause No. 11.7 : Substitute Clause No. 11.7 as follows:

Weather Resistance Test:

This test is applicable for exterior rear - view mirrors only. The test procedure shall be
as per Annex : 5.

2. Substitute Annex : 5 with the following :

( Ref. Cl. 11.7)

“ Test method for Weather Resistance Test using Xenon arc lamp :-

Two specimens of the specific size suitable for mounting in the weatherometer - one from
reflecting surface and other from the non-metallic portion of the holder shall be subjected to
the test in a weatherometer as described in ISO : 105-B. After the test, there shall be no
cloudiness, deterioration, discoloration, cracks, deformation, etc. of the mirror surface and
other parts. ”

Recommended Test Condition

Radiation source Xenon arc lamp

Relative spectral energy distribution Appropriate filters shall be placed between the light
source and the sample unit in order to have
radiation between 295 nm and 2500 nm.
Sample surface irradiance W / m2 550 ± 55 W / m2
(Wave length range 300 nm to 800 nm)
Temperature in side the chamber 63 °± 3° C (Black panel thermometer)

Humidity in side the chamber 50 ± 2 % RH

Radiant exposure Test duration: 300 hrs. at the recommended

irradiant level of 550 ± 55 W / m2 over a wave
length range 300 to 800 nm.
Number of rotations (rpm) 1 rpm ± 0.1 rpm
Spraying conditions Pressure kgf / cm2 0.8 to 1.3
of water
Quantity of water 2100 ± 100
ml / min.
Spraying time The exposure cycle shall be 102 min of light only
at black panel temperature specified above
followed by 18 min of light with specimen spray.
Quality of water Water may contain upto 1 ppm dissolved solids and
0.1 ppm maximum silica. Water of the required
purity can be achieved by distilled or a combination
of deionzation and reverse osmosis.

Operating condition Continuous radiation

Sample size 2 samples of 70 mm X 145 mm size - one cut from

reflecting surface and another from non - metallic



P. B. NO. 832. PUNE 411 004




September 2002


Automotive Vehicles -
Rear - View Mirrors - Specification



P. B. NO. 832. PUNE 411 004




June 2001
AIS 001 / 2001

Status chart of the Standard to be used by the purchaser

for updating the record

Sr. Corr- Amend- Revision Date Remark Misc.

No. igenda. ment

General remarks :
AIS 001 / 2001

The Government of India felt the need for a permanent agency to expedite the
publication of standards and development of test facilities in parallel when the
work on the preparation of the standards is going on, as the development of
improved safety critical parts can be undertaken only after the publication of the
standard and commissioning of test facilities. To this end, the Ministry of Surface
Transport (MOST) has constituted a permanent Automotive Industry Standard
Committee (AISC) vide order No.RT-11028/11/97-MVL dated September 15,
1997. The standards prepared by AISC will be approved by the permanent CMVR
Technical Standing Committee (CTSC). After approval, the Automotive Research
Association of India, (ARAI), Pune, being the Secretariat of the AIS Committee,
has published this standard. For better dissemination of this information ARAI
may publish this document on their Web site.

Rear-view mirrors and the field of vision provided by them is a safety

requirement. This standard prescribes the requirements of the rear-view mirrors.

Considerable assistance has been taken from the following EEC directives and
ECE Regulations in preparing this standard.

1. ECE 46 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of rear-view mirrors of

motor vehicles with regard to the installation of rear-view mirrors.

2. ECE R 81 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of rear-view mirrors of

two wheeled power driven vehicles, with or without side car, with regard to
the mounting of rear-view mirrors on handle bars.

3. EEC directive 71/127/EEC as amended by Directive 79/795/EEC,

85/205/EEC, 86/562/EEC, 87/354/EEC and 88/321/EEC.

4. EEC directive 97/24/EC, Chapter 4.

5. IS 14210:1994 Automotive Vehicles- Rear-View Mirrors- Specifications

The Committee responsible for preparation of this standard is given in Annex. 6.

AIS 001 / 2001

Automotive Vehicles - Rear - View Mirrors - Specification


1.1 This standard specifies requirements of interior and exterior rear-view

mirrors used in Automotive vehicles.

Installation requirements of these mirrors are covered separately in AIS



2.1.1 Following Indian standards are necessary adjuncts to this standard.

(1) IS 11825-1986 : Method of weighment of automotive vehicles.
(2) IS 9727 -1981 : Terms and definitions of dimensions for Mopeds.
(3) IS 9211 -1979 : Denominations and definitions of weights of road
(4) IS 11422-1985 : Terms and definitions of weights of Scooters and
(5) IS 14413-1996 : Automotive vehicles – Telltales symbols and controls on
Two wheeled and Three wheeled vehicles.
(6) IS 14272 Automotive vehicles – Types – Terminology - part 1 -
(Part 1) –1995 : three and four wheelers.


3.1 The manufacturer shall submit following for type approval of a rear-
view mirror.
(a) Application for type approval of Rear-View Mirrors.
(b) Technical specification of the mirrors which shall include at least the
details given in Annex 1.
(c) Five samples of rear-view mirrors.
3.2 Modifications/changes in technical specification:

3.2.1 Every functional modification in technical specifications pertaining to

rear-view mirror declared in accordance with 3.1(b), shall be intimated
to the testing agency. Testing agency may then consider, whether, mirror with modifications complies with specified performance
requirements, or, any testing is required.
3.2.2 For considering whether testing is required or not, guidelines given in
Annex 2 shall be followed.

AIS 001 / 2001

3.2.3 In case of, tests for those parameters which are affected by the
modifications only need to be carried out.
3.2.4 In the event of or in the case of after successful compliance
to performance requirements, the certificate of compliance shall be
validated for the modified version.


4.1 “Rear-View Mirror” means a device other than a complex optical

system, such as a periscope, the aim of which is to give a clear view
towards the rear of the vehicle.
4.2 “Interior Rear-View Mirror” means a device as defined in 4.1 which is
intended, where appropriate, to be fitted inside the passenger
compartment of the vehicle.
4.3 “Exterior Rear-View Mirror” means a device as defined in 4.1 which is
intended to be mounted on an outside surface of the vehicle.
4.4 “Type of Rear-View Mirror” means devices, which do not differ
significantly from one another in respect of the specifications given in
Annex I.
4.5 “Class of Rear - View Mirrors” means all devices having one or more
common characteristics of functions. The classification given below is of
general nature and does not restrict their use at other locations.
Class I: Interior rear-view mirrors, (Clause 4.2)
Class II, III & VI : “Main” exterior rear-view mirrors, (Clause
Class IV: “Wide-angle” exterior rear-view mirrors,
Class V: “Close proximity” exterior rear-view mirrors.
4.6 “r” means the average of the radii of curvature measured in mm, on a
reflecting surface in accordance with one of the methods described in
Annex 3.
4.7 “Main radius of curvature at a point on the reflecting surface” means
the values obtained using the apparatus defined in Annex 3 measured
on the major arc of the reflecting surface passing through the center of
that surface and lying within a vertical plane (ri) passing through the
center of that surface, and lying within a horizontal plane, (r’i) and on
the major arc which is perpendicular to that segment.
4.8 “Radius of curvature at a point on the reflecting surface (rp)” means the
arithmetical mean of the main radii of curvature ri and r’i or in other
rp = ri+ r’i
4.9 “Center of reflecting surface” means the centroid of the visible zone of
the reflecting surface.
4.10 “Radius of curvature of the constituent part of the rear-view mirror”
means the radius `c’ of the arc of the circle which most closely
approximates the rounded form of the part under consideration.
AIS 001 / 2001

4.11 “Driver’s ocular points” means two points 65 mm apart located 635
mm vertically above the R point relating to the driving position defined
in IS:13749 1993. The straight line joining these is at right angles to
the vertical longitudinal median plane of the vehicle.

The center of the segment having its extremities, the two ocular
points, is located within a vertical longitudinal median plane which
shall pass through the center of the driver’s seating position as
specified by the manufacturer.
In the absence of similar procedure for 3 wheeled vehicles, R point
shall be as specified by vehicle manufacturer.
4.12 “Ambinocular vision” means the entire field of vision obtained by
superimposing the monocular fields for the right and left eyes. (see
figure a).

Figure a

E = interior rear-view mirror.

OD } driver’s eye

OE }

ID } monocular virtual image

IE }

I = Ambinocular virtual image.

A = angle of view from the right eye.

B = angle of view from the left eye.

C = angle of binocular view.

D = angle of Ambinocular view.

AIS 001 / 2001

5.1 Assembly of reflective surfaces with housing or mirror plate holder of

all rear-view mirrors or the mirrors shall be adjustable

5.2 The edge of the reflecting surface shall be enclosed in a protective

housing (holder, etc.) which, on its perimeter, shall have a radius ‘c’
greater or equal to 2.5 mm at all points in all directions. If the
reflecting surface projects beyond the protective housing, the radius of
curvature ‘c’ on the edge of the projecting part shall be not less than
2.5 mm and the reflecting surface shall return into the protective
housing under a force of 50 N applied to the point of greatest
projection, relative to the protective housing, in a horizontal direction
approximately parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle.
5.3 When the rear-view mirror is mounted on a plain surface, all parts,
irrespective of the adjustment position of the device, including those
parts remaining attached to the support after the test provided for in
8.2, which are in potential, static contact with a sphere either 165 mm
in diameter in the case of an interior rear-view mirror or 100 mm in
diameter in the case of an exterior rear-view mirror, shall have a radius
of curvature ‘c’ of not less than 2.5 mm.
5.3.1 Edges of fixing holes or recesses of which the diameter or longer
diagonal is less than 12 mm are exempt from the radius requirements
of item 5.3 provided that they are blunted.
5.4 The device for the attachment of rear-view mirrors to the vehicle shall
be so designed that a cylinder with a 50 mm radius, having as its axis
the axis, or one of the axes, of pivot or rotation which ensure deflection
of the rear-view mirror in the direction of impact concerned, passes
through at least part of the surface to which the device is attached.
5.5 In the case of those parts of interior rear-view mirrors which are made
of a material with a Shore A hardness of less than 50 and which are
mounted on a rigid support and also the part of exterior rear-view
mirrors which are made of a material with a Shore A hardness not
exceeding 60, the requirements of 5.2 and 5.3 shall only apply to the
5.6 All rear-view mirrors shall be examined visually for harmful defects.

6.1 Interior rear-view mirrors (Class I).

The dimensions of the reflecting surface shall be such that it is possible
to inscribe thereon a rectangle, one side of which is 4 cm and the other
side ‘a’ cm in length, where
a = 15 cm x 1
1 + 1000
(r as defined in clause 4.6)

6.2 Main exterior rear-view mirrors (Classes II and III).

AIS 001 / 2001

6.2.1 The dimensions of the reflecting surface shall be such that it is possible
to inscribe therein:
- a rectangle 4 cm high, the base length of which, measured in
centimeters, has the value ‘a’,
- a segment which is parallel to the height of the rectangle, and the
length of which, expressed in centimeters, has the value ‘b’.

6.2.2 The minimum values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ are given in the table below:

Class of
Rear-view mirrors a b

II 17 / [ 1+ 1000/r ] 20

III 13 / [ 1+ 1000/r ] 7

6.3 Wide-angle exterior rear-view mirrors (Class IV)

The contours of the reflecting surface shall be of simple geometric
form and its dimensions such that it provides, if necessary in
conjunction with a Class II exterior rear-view mirror, the required field
of vision.

6.4 Close-proximity exterior rear-view mirrors (Class V)

The contours of the reflecting surface shall be of simple geometric
form and its dimensions such that the mirror provides the required
field of vision.

6.5 ‘Main’ exterior mirrors (Class VI).

6.5.1 The minimum dimensions of the reflecting surface shall be such that: Its area shall not be less than 6900 mm² ; The diameter of circular mirrors shall not be less than 94 mm; Where rear-view mirrors are not circular, their dimensions shall enable
a circle of diameter 78 mm to be inscribed on their reflecting surface.

6.5.2 The maximum dimensions of the reflecting surfaces shall be such that: The diameter of any circular rear-view mirror shall not be greater than
150 mm, The reflecting surface of any non-circular rear-view mirror shall lie
within a rectangle measuring 120 mm x 200 mm.
AIS 001 / 2001



7.1 The reflecting surface of a rear-view mirror shall be either flat or

spherically convex.
7.1.1 There shall be no cracks, cloudiness, spots, etc, on the mirror surface.
7.1.2 Differences between the radii of curvature for spherically convex
mirrors. The difference between r or r’i and rp at each reference point shall not
exceed 0,15 r. The difference between any of the radii of curvature (rp1 , rp2 and rp3)
and r shall not exceed 0,15 r. When ‘r’ is not less than 3000 mm, the value of 0.15 r quoted in items and is replaced by 0.25 r.
7.1.3 The value of ‘r’ for spherically convex mirrors shall not be less than; 1200 mm for interior rear-view mirrors (Class I) and Class III main
exterior rear-view mirrors; 1800 mm for Class II main exterior rear-view mirrors; 400 mm for wide-angle exterior rear-view mirrors (Class IV) and
close-proximity exterior rear-view mirrors (Class V). 1000 mm in the case of Class VI rear-view mirrors.
7.1.4 The value of the normal coefficient of reflection, as determined
according to the method described in 10, shall not be less than 40%.
If the reflecting surface has two positions (`day’ and `night’) the day
position shall allow the colours of the signals used for road traffic to be
recognized. The value of the normal coefficient of reflection in the
night position shall not be less than 4%.


8.1 Rear-view mirror shall be subjected to the tests described in items 8.2,
8.3, 10 and 11 for Type Approval.
8.1.1 The test provided for in item 8.2 shall not be required in the case of
any exterior rear-view mirror of which no part is less than 2 m from the
ground, regardless of the adjustment position, when the vehicle is
under a load corresponding to its maximum permissible weight
This provision also applies to the attachments of rear-view mirrors
(attachment plates, arms, swivel joints etc.) which are situated less than
2 m from the ground and which do not project beyond the overall
width of the vehicle, measured in the transverse plane passing through
the lowest rear-view mirror attachments or any other point forward of
this plane if this configuration produces a greater overall width.
AIS 001 / 2001

In such cases, a description specifying that the rear-view mirror shall

be mounted so as to conform with the above mentioned conditions for
the positioning of its attachments on the vehicle shall be provided.

Where advantage is taken of this provision, the arm shall be indelibly

marked with the symbol


and the type-approval certificate shall be endorsed to this effect.


8.2.1 Description of the test rig. The test rig consists of a pendulum capable of swinging about two
horizontal axes at right angles to each other, one of which is
perpendicular to the plane containing the “release” trajectory of the
The end of the pendulum comprises a hammer formed by a rigid
sphere with a diameter of 165 ± 1 mm and having a 5 mm thick
rubber covering of hardness shore A 50.
A device is provided which permits determination of the maximum
angle assumed by the arm in the plane of release.
A support firmly fixed to the structure of the pendulum serves to hold
the specimens in compliance with the impact requirements specified in

Figure 1 below gives the dimensions of the test rig and the special
design specifications

AIS 001 / 2001 The center of percussion of the pendulum coincides with the center of
the sphere which forms the hammer. It is at a distance L, (1000+ 5
mm) from the axis of oscillation in the release plane.

The reduced mass of the pendulum to its center of percussion is m0 =

6.8 ± 0.05 kg . (The relation of reduced mass of pendulum ‘m0’ to the
total mass ‘m’ of the pendulum and to the distance ‘d’ between the
center of gravity of the pendulum and its axis of rotation is expressed
in the equation :
m0 = m . d )
8.2.2 Description of the test. The procedure used to clamp the rear-view mirror to the support shall
be that recommended by the manufacturer of the device or, where
appropriate, by the vehicle manufacturer. Positioning of the rear-view mirror for the test. Rear-view mirrors shall be so positioned on the pendulum impact rig

such that the axes which are horizontal and vertical, when the rear-
view mirror is installed on a vehicle in accordance with the applicant’s
mounting instruction, are in similar position. When a rear-view mirror is adjustable with respect to the base, the test
position shall be that in which any pivoting device is least likely to
operate, within the limits of adjustment provided by the applicants. When the rear-view mirror has a device for adjusting its distance from
the base, the device shall be set in the position in which the distance
between the housing and the base is shortest. When the reflecting surface is mobile in the housing, it shall be so
adjusted that the upper corner which is farthest from the vehicle, is in
the position of greatest projection relative to the housing. Except in the case of test 2 for interior rear-view mirrors (see item, when the pendulum is in a vertical position the horizontal
and longitudinal vertical planes passing through the center of the
hammer shall pass through the center of the reflecting surface as
defined in 4.9. The longitudinal direction of oscillation of the
pendulum shall be parallel to the longitudinal plane of the vehicle. When, under the conditions governing adjustment laid down in items and, parts of the rear-view mirror limit the return of the
hammer, the point of impact shall be displaced in a direction
perpendicular to the axis of rotation or pivoting in question.

This displacement shall be as minimum as possible for the conduct of

the test; it shall be limited in such a way that:

AIS 001 / 2001

- either the sphere delimiting the hammer remains at least tangential to

the cylinder as defined in 5.4
- or the point of contact with the hammer is located at least 10 mm
from the periphery of the reflecting surface. The test consists in allowing the hammer to fall from a height
corresponding to a pendulum angle of 60° from the vertical so that the
hammer strikes the rear-view mirror at the moment when the pendulum
reaches the vertical position. The rear-view mirrors are subjected to impact under the following
different conditions: Interior rear-view mirrors (Class I)

Test 1: The point of impact shall as defined in item The impact
shall be such that hammer strikes the rear-view mirror on the
reflecting surface side.

Test 2: Point of impact on the edge of the housing, so that the impact
produced makes an angle of 45° with the plane of the
reflecting surface and is situated in the horizontal plane
passing through the center of the surface. The impact shall
occur on the reflecting surface side. Exterior rear-view mirrors of all types.

Test 1: The point of impact shall as defined in item or

The impact shall be such that hammer strikes the rear-view
mirror on the reflecting surface side.

Test 2: The point of impact shall be as defined in item or The impact is such that the hammer strikes the rear-
view mirror on the side opposite to the reflecting surface.

Where Class II or III rear-view mirrors are fixed to the same mounting
as Class IV rear-view mirrors, the above mentioned tests shall be on
the lower mirror. Nevertheless, the Testing Agency may repeat one or
both of these tests on the upper mirror if this is less than 2 m from the

8.3 Bending test on the protective housing fixed to the stem

8.3.1 This test shall be performed on all rear-view mirrors with stem.

AIS 001 / 2001
8.3.2 Description of the test.

The protective housing is placed horizontally in a device in such a way

that the adjustment parts of the mounting can be clamped securely. In
the direction of the greatest dimension of the housing, the end nearest
to the point of fixing on the adjustment part is immobilized by means
of a fixed stop 15 mm wide covering the entire width of the housing.

At the other end, a stop identical to the one described above is placed
on the housing so that the specified test load can be applied to it.

The end of the housing opposite that at which the force is applied may
be clamped instead of simply blocked, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Example of bending-test apparatus for rear-view mirror


8.3.3 The test load is 25 kgs. applied for one minute.


9.1 In the tests described in 8.2, the pendulum shall continue to swing after
impact in such a way the projection of the position assumed by the arm
on the plane of release makes an angle of at least 20° with the vertical.

The accuracy of measurement of the angle shall be within ± 1°.

9.1.1 This requirement is not applicable to rear-view mirror stuck to the
windscreen, in respect of which the requirement stipulated in item 9.2
shall apply after the test.

9.1.2 The required pendulum angle of return to the vertical is reduced from
20° to 10° for all Class II, Class III & Class VI rear-view mirrors
which are fitted on the mounting normally used with Class IV rear-
view mirrors.

AIS 001 / 2001

9.2 Should the mounting of the rear-view mirror break during the tests
described in item 8.2 for rear-view mirrors stuck to the windscreen, the
part remaining shall not project beyond the base by more than 1 cm
and the configuration after the test shall satisfy the conditions laid
down in 5.3.

9.3 The reflecting surface shall not break during the tests described in 8.2
and 8.3. However, breakage of the reflecting surface will be allowed if
one of the following conditions is fulfilled.

9.3.1 The fragments of glass still adhere to the back housing or to a surface
firmly attached to the housing; partial separation of the glass from its
backing is permitted provided this does not exceed 2.5 mm on either
side of the cracks. It is permissible for small splinters to become
detached from the surface of the glass at the point of impact.

9.3.2 The reflecting surface, if made of glass, shall be made of float glass.


10.1.1 CIE standard illuminate A(1) - Colorimetric illuminant, representing the

full radiator at T68 = 2855.8 K.

10.1.2 CIE standard source A(1) - Gas-filled tungsten filament lamp operating
at a correlated colour temperature of T68 = 2855.8 K.

10.1.3 CIE 1931 standard calorimetric observer(1) - Receptor of radiation

whose calorimetric characteristics correspond to the spectral
tristimulus values.

x(λ), y(λ), z(λ) (see table 1).

10.1.4 CIE spectral tristimulus values (1) - Tristimulus values of the spectral
components of an equi-energy spectrum in the CIE (XYZ) system.

10.1.5 Photopic vision(1) - Vision by the normal eye when it is adapted to

levels of luminance of at least several candela per square meter.


10.2.1 General

The apparatus shall consist of a light source, a holder for the test
sample, a receiver unit with a photo-detector and an indicating meter
(see Figure 3), and means of eliminating the effects of extraneous

AIS 001 / 2001

The receiver may incorporate a light-integrating sphere to facilitate

measuring the reflectance of non-flat (convex) mirrors (see Figure 4).
10.2.2 Spectral characteristics of light source and receiver
The light source shall consist of a CIE standard source A(1) and
associated optics to provide a near-collimated light beam. A voltage
stabilizer is recommended in order to maintain a fixed lamp voltage
during instrument operation.
The receiver shall have a photo detector with a spectral response
proportional to the photopic luminosity function of the CIE (1931)
standard calorimetric observer(1) (see table 1). Any other combination
of illuminant-filter-receptor giving the overall equivalent of CIE
standard illuminant A(1) and photopic vision may be used. When an
integrating sphere is used in the receiver, the interior surface of the
sphere shall be coated with a mart (diffusive) spectrally non-selective
white coating.
10.2.3 Geometrical conditions
The angle of the incident beam (θ) should preferably be 0.44 ± 0
.09 rad (25 ± 5°) from the perpendicular to the test surface and shall
not exceed the upper limit of the tolerance (i.e. 0,53 rad or 30°). The
axis of the receptor shall make an angle (θ) with this perpendicular
equal to that of the incident beam (see Figure 3). The incident beam
upon the arrival at the test surface shall have a diameter of not less than
19 mm (0.75 in.). The reflected beam shall not be wider than the
sensitive area of the photo-detector, shall not cover less than 50% of
such area, and as nearly as possible shall cover the same area segment
as used during instrument calibration.
When an integrating sphere is used in the receiver section, the sphere
shall have a minimum diameter of 127 mm (5 in.). The sample and
incident beam apertures in the sphere wall shall be of such a size as to
admit the entire incident and reflected light beams. The photo detector
shall be so located as not to receive direct light from either the incident
or the reflected beam.
10.2.4 Electrical characteristics of the photo detector-indicator unit
The photo detector output as read on the indicating meter shall be a
linear function of the light intensity on the photosensitive area. Means
(electrical and/or optical) shall be provided to facilitate zeroing and
calibration adjustments. Such means shall not affect the linearing or
the spectral characteristics of the instrument. The accuracy of the
receptor-indicator unit shall be within ± 2% of full scale, or ± 10% of
the magnitude of the reading, whichever is the smaller.
10.2.5 Sample holder
The mechanism shall be capable of locating the test sample so that the
axes of the source arm and receptor intersect at the reflecting surface.
The reflecting surface may lie within or at either face of the mirror
sample, depending on whether it is a first-surface, second-surface or
prismatic `flip’-type mirror.
(1) Definitions taken from CIE publication 50(45), International Electronical
Vocabulary,Group 45: Lighting.
AIS 001 / 2001

10.3 Procedure

10.3.1 Direct Calibration method

In the direct calibration method, air is used as the reference standard.

This method is applicable for those instruments which are so
constructed as to permit calibration at the 100% point by swinging the
receiver to a position directly on the axis of the light source (see Figure

It may be desired in some cases (such as when measuring low-

reflectivity surface) to use an intermediate calibration point (between 0
and 100 % on the scale) with this method. In these cases, a neutral
density filter of known transmittance shall be inserted in the optical
path, and the calibration control shall then be adjusted until the meter
reads the percentage transmission of the neutral density filter. This
filter shall be removed before reflectivity measurements are performed.

10.3.2 Indirect calibration method

The indirect calibration method is applicable in the case of instruments

with fixed source and receiver and receiver geometry. A properly
calibrated and maintained reflectance standard is required. This
reference standard should preferably be a flat mirror with a reflectance
value as near as possible to that of the test samples.

10.3.3 Flat Mirror measurement

The reflectance of flat mirror samples can be measured on instruments

employing either the direct or the indirect calibration method. The
reflectance value is read directly from the indicating meter.

10.3.4 Convex Mirror measurement

Measurement of the reflectance of convex mirrors requires the use of

instruments which incorporate an integrating sphere in the receiver unit
(see Figure 4). If the instrument indicating meter indicates ne divisions
with a standard mirror of E % reflectance, then, with a mirror of
unknown reflectance, nx divisions will correspond to a reflectance of
X %, in accordance with the formula:

X = E nx

AIS 001 / 2001

Figure 3: General layout drawing of the reflectivity measuring apparatus

using two calibration methods

Figure 4: General layout drawing of the reflectivity equipment using an

Ulbricht sphere in the receiver

AIS 001 / 2001
Table 1
Spectral tristimulus values for the CIE 1931 standard calorimetric observer (1)
(This table is taken from CIE 50(45) 1970 publication)
_ _ _
λ nm x(λ) y(λ) z(λ)
380 0,001 4 0,000 0 0,006 5
390 0,004 2 0,000 1 0,020 1
400 0,014 3 0,000 4 0,067 9
410 0,043 5 0,001 2 0,207 4
420 0,134 4 0,004 0 0,645 6
430 0,283 9 0,011 6 1,385 6
440 0,348 3 0,023 0 1,747 1
450 0,336 2 0,038 0 1,772 1
460 0,290 8 0,060 0 1,669 2
470 0,195 4 0,091 0 1,287 6
480 0,095 6 0,139 0 0,813 0
490 0,032 0 0,208 0 0,465 2
500 0,004 9 0,323 0 0,272 0
510 0,009 3 0,503 0 0,158 2
520 0,063 3 0,710 0 0,078 2
530 0,165 5 0,862 0 0,042 2
540 0,290 4 0,954 0 0,020 3
550 0,433 4 0,995 0 0,008 7
560 0,594 5 0,995 0 0,003 9
570 0,762 1 0,952 0 0,002 1
580 0,916 3 0,870 0 0,001 7
590 1,026 3 0,757 0 0,001 1
600 1,062 2 0,631 0 0,000 8
610 1,002 6 0,503 0 0,000 3
620 0,854 4 0,381 0 0,000 2
630 0,642 4 0,265 0 0,000 0
640 0,447 9 0,175 0 0,000 0
650 0,283 5 0,107 0 0,000 0
660 0,164 9 0,061 0 0,000 0
670 0,087 4 0,032 0 0,000 0
680 0,046 8 0,017 0 0,000 0
690 0,022 7 0,008 2 0,000 0
700 0,011 4 0,004 1 0,000 0
710 0,005 8 0,002 1 0,000 0
720 0,002 9 0,001 0 0,000 0
730 0,001 4 0,000 5 0,000 0
740 0,000 7 0,000 2 * 0,000 0
750 0,000 3 0,000 1 0,000 0
760 0,000 2 0,000 1 0,000 0
770 0,000 1 0,000 0 0,000 0
780 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0
Abridged table . The values of x(λ), y(λ), z(λ) are rounded off to four
decimal places.
• Amended in 1966 (from 3 to 2).
AIS 001 / 2001

10.4 Alternatively, the test apparatus VRMS-1230S (Visible Reflectance

Measurement System) for reflectance measurement as described below
may be used, if agreed between the mirror manufacturer and test
Top view of VRMS

10.4.1 Total Reflectance

The energy reflected by the sample at the reflectance port strikes the
sphere wall. All of the reflected energy is integrated by the sphere
before it reaches the detector for a measurement of total reflectance.

1. Place the light trap in the reflectance port.

2. Place the port plug in the comparison Port.
3. Select the Scan Dark button on the computer.
4. Select the Dark On button on the computer.
5. Select the Calibrate - Scan Reference from the pull down menu.
6. Place the USRS-99-020 Spectralon Reflectance standard in the
reflectance port. Select the appropriate reflectance file. For example,
select the 99% reflectance standard file for use with the USRS-99-
020. Other standards can be purchased from Labsphere with the
appropriate standard file.
7. Select the Scan Reference button on the computer.
8. Replace the SRS-99-010 Spectralon Reflectance standard with the
9. Select the Scan Sample button on the computer.

To eliminate the substitution error of this procedure, place the USRS-

99-020 Spectralon Reflectance Standard in the comparison port and the
sample in the reflectance port in step 8.
AIS 001 / 2001


Following tests shall be carried out on mirrors and they should satisfy
the requirements specified therein.

11.1 Distortion factor test as per IS 14210 : 1994 (Clause 6.6)

11.2 Moisture resistance test as per IS 14210 : 1994 (Clause 6.9) - For
exterior mirrors only.
11.3 Temperature resistance test as per IS 14210 : 1994 (Clause 6.10)

The high temperature for an outside mirrors for cooling and heating
repetition test shall be 70 0C instead of 79 0C as specified in clause 6.10
of IS 14210 : 1994.

11.4 Vibration test as per IS 14210 : 1994 (Clause 6.8).

11.5 During testing mirrors for the above tests i.e. tests specified in clauses
from 11.1 to 11.4, the state of a test room shall be at temperature of 20
±15 0C and humidity of 65 ± 20 percent.

11.6 Salt spray test

This test shall be conducted as per procedure given in Annex 4. After
the test there shall be no visible discolouration, poor adhesion or
cracking of the reflective surface. There shall be no loss of reflectivity
less than 85%, as obtained when tested as per clause 10.

11.7 Weather resistance test

The test procedure shall be as per Annex 5. Xenon lamp or UV lamp
may be used instead of Carbon filament lamp due to cost consideration.

12.1 All rear-view mirrors shall have following markings:
12.1.1 Rear-View Manufacturer’s name or trade mark and identification code
for complete mirror assembly.
12.2 Marking provided on rear-view mirror shall be indelible and visible
when the mirror is fitted on vehicle.
12.3 For convex mirrors, following marking shall be provided:
The height of these letters shall not be less than 5 mm and not more
than 6.5 mm.


13.1 The following tests shall be carried out on Rear-View mirrors for
verification of Conformity of Production
13.1.1 Dimensions of mirror.
13.1.2. Dimensions of mounting.
13.1.3 Marking on mirror
13.1.4 General requirements
13.1.4 Co-efficient of Reflection (as per clause 6.3 of IS 14210: 1994)
13.1.5 Distortion factor test (as per clause 6.6 of IS 14210: 1994)
13.1.6 Test of Radius of curvature of convex surface of mirrors.
AIS 001 / 2001


Technical specifications to be submitted by Rear-View Mirror Manufacturer.

1. Name of the Manufacturer :

2. Address of the Manufacturer :

3. Address of plant(s) where

Mirrors are manufactured :

4. Class of Mirror :

4.1 Manufacturer’s identification :

No. for Mirror

5. Trade name or mark & location:

6. Sketch showing dimensions :

of mirror and Radius of
curvature of reflecting surface

7. Sketch showing mounting :

details and dimensions
of mirror.

AIS 001 / 2001


This Annex gives factors to be considered while selecting a mirror to represent a
range of variants for establishing compliance for Type Approval. This is also
applicable to :
• Extension of Type Approval for changes in Technical Specifications of an
already Type Approved Mirror.
• Establishing compliance of new mirrors /variants based on an already Type
Approved mirror.
In general, when changes in Technical Specifications of a mirror do not affect the
performance adversely, and are still within the stipulated limits, the Type
Approval can be extended without further checking/testing. If the changes affect
some of the performance parameters, tests shall be carried out only for those
Where some parts comments / assemblies, used on an already Type Approved
mirror are used in another mode / variant, no additional tests will be needed to
establish compliance of these parts, components / assemblies to the respective
performance requirements.
In the case of following changes, tests shown against each, are necessary to be
carried out for establishing compliance.

1. Dimensions of reflecting If maximum and minimum dimensions

surfaces. are type approved and changed
dimensions are within these values, no
test is required, other wise dimensional
check to be conducted.
2. Reduction in cross-section of Bending and impact tests are to be
material and hardness of stem. conducted.
3. Change in Radius of curvature Radius of curvature, reflectivity test and
of reflecting surface. distortion factor test to be conducted.
4. Change in reflective coating. Reflectivity test, Reflective surface
adhesion test, Salt spray test,
Temperature resistance test, to be
5. Changes in mounting Bending test and Impact test to be
dimensions adversely affecting, conducted.
the performance against impact
/ bending test.
6. Changes adversely affecting the Moisture resistance test, Temperature
performance against Moisture, resistance test and Weather resistance
Temperature and Weather test to be conducted
Changes other than those listed above are considered to be having no adverse
effect on Rear-View Mirror.
AIS 001 / 2001




1.1 Apparatus

The piece of apparatus known as ‘Spherometer’ described in Figure 5

shall be used.

1.2 Measuring Point

1.2.1 The principal radii of curvature shall be measured at three points as

close as possible to one-third, one-half and two-thirds of the length of
the major arc of the reflecting surface passing through the center of
that surface, in a vertical plane, or of the major arc passing through the
center of that surface, in a horizontal plane, if the latter part is the

1.2.2 However, if the dimensions of the reflecting surface make it

impossible to obtain the measurements defined in Item 7, the
inspecting bodies responsible for the tests may proceed with
measurement at this point in two perpendicular directions which shall
be as close to as possible to those required above.

1.3 Calculation of Radius of Curvature `r’

`r’, expressed in millimeters, is calculated via the formula:

rp1 + rp2 + rp3


rp1 = radius of curvature of the first measuring point,

rp2 = radius of curvature of the second measuring point,
rp3 = radius of curvature of the third measuring point.

AIS 001 / 2001
Figure 5

AIS 001 / 2001

2. Alternately, following procedure shall be followed for determination of

radius of curvature for rear-view mirror.

2.1 Apparatus

2.1.1 The apparatus shall consist of linear spherometer (see Figure 6) with
two fixed posts of equal height and ends so constructed that only point
contact is made with the mirror. These posts shall be placed 38.1 mm
± 0.02) apart. The center probe shall be placed midway between the
fixed posts on the line returning through the contract points of these
posts and shall also make only point contact with the mirror. The
center probe shall be capable of vertical movement and shall be
attached to a gauge which can display the linear displacement of the
probe in units not greater than 0.002 mm.

Optionally, a third fixed post may be placed 19.05 mm rearward of the

center movable post (see Figure 6, side view) to provide stability and
facilitate easier measurement.

2.2 Procedure

2.2.1 Radius of curvature at one location

The apparatus shall be placed on a flat surface such as an optical flat

accurate to at least 76 x 10-5 mm over a 51 mm diameter and the gauge
shall be set to zero. The spherometer shall then be placed on the mirror
in such that the device is normal to the surface (all three fixed posts
shall be in contact with the mirror) and the displacement of the center
probe read. Radius is defined by the equation:

R = C2 + H
8H 2

R = Radius of curvature
H = Linear displacement of the center probe
C = cord length - distance between fixed posts of the spherometer.

2.2.2 Radius of curvature of Mirror

Radius of curvature of mirror shall be defined as the average of at least
ten readings taken over the surface of the mirror. The readings shall
consist of two readings at the center of mirror, one parallel and one
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the mirror: four readings
along the perimeter of the mirror with the spherometer placed parallel
to and 3.04 mm from the edge: and either four readings, one at each of
the corners with the spherometer placed along a line that
approximately bisects the corner angle with the outer post 1.5 mm
from the edge (see Figure 7a) or four readings at 450 to the
longitudinal axis of the mirror with the outer post 1.5 mm from the
edge (see Figure 7b).
AIS 001 / 2001

For mirrors with an area greater then 200 cm2, sufficient readings shall
be taken in addition to those prescribed such that there is at least one
reading for each 20 cm2 of the surface area. These additional readings
shall be taken at enough locations to obtain an accurate average of the
radius of curvature over the entire surface.

Figure 6 : Measuring Apparatus

Figure 7 : Measurement of locations

AIS 001 / 2001
1 Principle

For the purposes of this standard, spray tests are tests in which the
corrosive agent is an aqueous sodium chloride solution with
concentration by mass of 5 g/100ml (main constituent) that is sprayed
continuously by means of compressed air.

2 Conditions for Spray Testing

Concentration by mass of 50 ± 5
Test solution Sodium Chloride, in g/l
Other additives None
PH value 6.5 to 7.2
Temperature in spray cabinet, in 0C 35 ± 2

3 Apparatus

The test apparatus, illustrated in Figure 8, shall essentially comprises

the components described in sub-clauses 3.1 to 3.5. All parts of the
test apparatus which come in contact with the spray or the test solution
shall be made of material that is resistant to the test solution and does
not influence the corrosive action of the test solution or of the spray.

Figure 8: Illustration of test apparatus with two examples of nozzle


AIS 001 / 2001
3.1 Spray Cabinet

A cabinet can be heated and in which the pressure can be equalized is

required, equipped with the measuring and control devises needed for
setting and maintaining a test temperature of 35 ± 2 0C. The test
chamber shall have minimum capacity of 400 liters or the type and
dimensions of the spray cabinets shall be chosen so as to ensure that,
assuming the optimum configuration of the useful space, the
conditions specified in clauses 6 and 7 are met, and be designed to
ensure that the drops of spray does not fall from top cover, side walls
and baffles on the specimens. After being sprayed, the test shall not
return to the reservoir. The useful space for test purposes is limited to
that part of the cabinet which lies outside the spray jet and in which a
uniform dispersion of the spray can be verified as described in 6.2,
third paragraph.

3.2 Spray Nozzle(s)

To produce the spray, nozzles of polyacrylate glass or stainless

austnitic chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel shall be used; the use of
other materials is permitted if they unable the conditions specified in
subclause 6.2 and 7.6 to be met. Spray nozzles with an aperture
diameter of 1 mm and an angle of dispersion of about 300, operating at
a gauge pressure at about 0.7 to 1.4 bar and a suction head of 200 to
500 mm, have prove effective. It is expedient to fit a metering and
control device for monitoring the flow rate (see Figure 8). Such
devices allow the amount of test solution to be sprayed to be set and
monitor, so as to ensure that the amount of spray collected in the
cabinet each hour lies within the limits specified in sub-clause 6.2.

The operation of the spray nozzles can be monitored by means of the

flow metering device. If more than one nozzle is used, each nozzle
shall be assigned its own flow metering and control device. The spray
jet shall not be aimed directly at the specimen. That may require the
spray jet to be directed against a baffle or a wall of the apparatus (see
figure 8, Example 1). Of the nozzle is located at the bottom of the
chamber, a riser may be used (see figure 8, Example 2). The spraying
arrangement shown in example 1 shall only be used in apparatus of
large capacity, to ensure that none of the specimens are mounted
above the nozzles.

The number and arrangement of the spray nozzles shall be chosen so

as to ensure that the specifications of the sub-clauses 6.2 and 7.6 for
the useful space are met.

3.3 Reservoir with supply pipe

The reservoir for the test solution to be sprayed shall be designed to

ensure that the suction head remains virtually constant throughout the
AIS 001 / 2001
3.4 Compressed air supply pipe and air humidifier
The air humidifier shall be designed to ensure that the compressed air
is saturated with water at the required temperature (see table below)
throughout the test. The compressed air pipe between the humidifier
and the nozzle shall be fitted with a pressure gauge for monitoring the
air pressure and the nozzle.
Compressed air pressure in Air humidifier temperature, in 0C to
bar ≈ give a temperature after
decompression of 350C.
0.7 45
0.84 46
0.98 47
1.12 48
1.26 49
1.4 50
3.5 Devices for supporting the specimen
Racks shall be used that allow the specimens (specimen panels and
product parts) to be arranged in a useful space of the spray cabinet so
as not to touch one another, this precluding contact corrosion. The
specimens shall be arranged in such a way that drops accumulated on
one specimen can not fall on another.
Specimen panels shall be inclined by about 600 to 750 from the
horizontal. The side of the tested shall be mounted or suspended in the
apparatus as a function of their size. Shape and/or the corrosion to
which they are exposed in service. This position may be agreed. Care
shall be taken to ensure that as little salt solution as possible can
collect in any cavities.
4 Test solution
4.1 The water to be used for preparing the solution as specified in
subclause 4.2 shall be distilled or deionised, the electrical conductivity
of the water not exceeding 2 mS/m at a temperature of 23 ± 2 0C. The
sodium chloride used for making up the test solution shall contain no
more than 0.3% of additives, the content of sodium iodide shall not
exceed 0.001%.
4.2 The pH value of sodium chloride solution shall be adjusted so that the
solution collected has a pH value of 6.5 to 7.2, measured at 23 ± 2 0C.
Dilute, chemically pure hydrochloric acid or chemically pure sodium
hydroxide solution shall be used for pH adjustment. The pH value shall
be determined electrometrically at 23 ± 2 0C using a glass electrode.
Where water containing CO2 is used for preparation of sodium chloride
solutions, it should be borne in mind when adjusting the pH that CO2
escapes if the solution is sprayed at the temperature of 350C, so that
the collected solution has a higher pH than the solution before
spraying. For this reason, sodium chloride solution prepared with
water containing CO2 shall be adjusted to a pH of less than 6.5 at a
temperature of 23 ± 2 0C to ensure that the collected solution has a pH
value of 6.5 to 7.5. To verify correct adjustment of the pH
value of the solution before spraying, take 50 ml, boil
gently for about 30 seconds, and cool to a temperature of 23 ±
2 0C. Then measure the pH value immediately. If it is between 6.5
to 7.2, experience shows that the pH value of the collected
AIS 001 / 2001

solution will also will be in this range value immediately. If it is

between 6.5 to 7.2, experience shows that the pH value of the collected
solution will also will be in this range.

The solution collected shall have a concentration by mass of 50 ± 5 g

of sodium chloride per liter.
5. Compressed air
The compressed are used for producing a spray at a gauge pressure
about 0.7 to 1.4 bar shall be free from dirt, oil and other contaminants,
these being removed by means of oil and liquid separators and a
ceramic pressure filter. The residual contamination of compressed air
after cleaning shall not be more than 0.2 mg/m3, in the form of oil and
dust (of less than 5 µm practical size).
The clean compressed air shall then saturated in an humidifier filled
with deionised water at a temperature selected to give a temperature
after expansion of 35 ± 2 0C.
When it emerges from the spray nozzle, the compressed air is
decompressed to the ambient atmospheric pressure and cools in the
process. In order to ensure a temperature of spray jet 30 0 to 50 0, the
compressed air saturated with water shall be at a higher temperature.
Note: Saturation of compressed air with water is necessary to prevent
an increase in the concentration by mass of sodium chloride in
the spray solution during expansion.
6. Procedure

6.1 Test temperature

The temperature in the useful space of the closed spray cabinet shall be
35 ± 2 0C. The spray test shall be interrupted and the spray cabinet
opened only briefly to enable specimens to be removed and introduced
and to carry out interim assessments. The variation in the temperature
over time should be registered by a temperature recorder.
6.2 Quantity and distribution of spray
The quantity of test solution, as specified in sub-clauses 4.1, to be
sprayed per unit of time in the spray cabinet shall be adjusted so that
the average rate of sprayed rate collected in each of the collector
vessels provided in the cabinet, assuming for each device a horizontal
collecting are of about 80 cm2 and a minimum collection period of 16
hours, is 1.5 ± 0.5 ml per hour. For tests taking less than 16 hours, the
minimum period for determining the average shall be 8 hours.

When the nozzle described in sub-clause 3.2 is used, it has been

proved expedient to set the test solution spraying rate, given a
predetermined, constant pressure and a constant head, solely by means
of a means of the metering and control device.

AIS 001 / 2001
To check that the spray is uniformly dispersed, at least two collector
vessels shall be provided at representative points in the useful space.
Suitable as collector vessels are, for example, glass or plastic funnels
10cm in diameter (equivalent to a collecting area 78.5 cm2), which are
passed through a stopper into a glass or plastic measuring cylinder.
On no account shall drops that have formed on the top cover and walls
of spray cabinet, on any baffles provided, on the racks or on the
specimens fall into a collector vessel.
7. Functional check on test apparatus
To check the repeatability of the test results obtained with a test
apparatus, the reproducibility of test results from different test
apparatuses, functional checks are to be made. The type of specimens,
duration of tests and the permissible losses in mass per unit are shall
be agreed accordingly.
7.1 Specimens

Specimens shall be complete mirror assembly with its mounting

support. Five specimens are required.
7.2 Preparation of Specimens

Prior to functional check, the specimens as specified in sub-clause 7.1

shall be degreased with white spirit or another suitable solvent using
soft, non-fibrous cloth or a brush and subsequently weighed to the
nearest ± 0.1 mg. If they cannot be weighted immediately after
degreasing, The specimen shall be kept in a disiccator until weighing.
After weighing the specimens shall be coated on one side with a
strippable protection (e.g. self adhesive films or strippable varnishes).
7.3 Exposure

The specimens shall be set up on edge, inclined at an angle of 600 to

750 to the horizontal, in the test apparatus with the test surface
upwards and exposed for 240 hours under the specified test
7.4 Removal of corrosion products

Before the corrosion products are removed, the coatings applied

before exposure shall be stripped off. The corrosion products shall be
removed from the specimens by pickling at a temperature of 18 0C to
28 0C. A hydrochloric acid inhibited with 3.5 g of hexomethylene-
tetramine per liter, with ρ = 1.10 g/ml, may be used for this purpose,
e.g. 500 ml of HCL with ρ = 1.19 g/ml, chemically pure, made up to
1 liter with de ionised water.

AIS 001 / 2001

After the removal of corrosion products, the specimens shall be

thoroughly rinsed in water, dried and subsequently kept until weighing
in a disicccator at temperature of 18 0 to 28 0C.
7.5 Weighing of Specimen

The specimen to be weighed to the nearest ± 1 mg.

7.6 Evaluation of functional check results

The loss in mass shall be related to the surface area exposed to

corrosion and expressed in g/m2. The average loss shall be 140 ± 20

AIS 001 / 2001



1 The test site shall be generally be placed under temperature condition

of 20 +150C.
2 Test Method
2.1 The test shall be conducted in accordance with the following
2.1.1 Mount the test parts on the test apparatus and carry out the test in
accordance with the conditions given in the Table of clause 2.1.3. for
300 hours.
2.1.2 Carbons, glass filters and safety devices for electric discharge shall fit
the test apparatus and be capable of correctly maintaining the
performances of the test apparatus.
Type of test Test conditions
Type of test apparatus Sunshine carbon arc system Weather-
ability tester / UV lamp / Xenon lamp
Item of test condition
Construction of test apparatus See reference Figure 3 of JIS B 7753
Shape of the lamps Open system
Number of lamps 1
Upper electrode mm Copper coated sunshine carbon
Carbon Approx. ∅36 x 350 Approx. ∅13 x 305
Electrodes Lower electrode Copper coated sunshine carbon
mm Approx. ∅23 x 350 Approx. ∅13 x 305
Continuous light table hours h 60 or over 22 or over
Discharge Range 48 to 52
voltage V Central value 50 (+ 2%)
Discharge Range 58 to 62
Current A Central value 60 (+ 2%)
Shape Panel type
Glass Spectral 250 nm : 1 or under
Filter transmission factor 302 nm : 68 or over
% (before use) 375 to 700 nm : 90 or over
Limit hours for 2000
service h
Relative spectral energy In accordance with Fig. 7 of JIS D 0205
Sample surface irradiance W/m2 255 ( + 10%)
[wavelength range 300 to 700 nm].
Test radiant energy (kJ/m2) As agreed between the parties concerned.
[wavelength range 300 to 700 nm].

AIS 001 / 2001

Type of test Test conditions

Type of test apparatus Sunshine carbon arc system
Weatherability tester / UV lamp /
Xenon lamp
Item of test condition
Black panel Controlled 63 + 3 or 83 + 3
Thermometer Dimensions See fig. 2 of JIS B 7753.
Specification The sensor of bimetal dial type thermometer
(1 0C scale, 3.5 nm in sensor diameter)
closely attached to a stainless sheet (SUS
304) of 1 mm x 150 mm x 70 mm and
processed with lightproof black enamel.
Prepare a pair of black panel thermometers,
one is for measurement to be used in the
test, and the other is to be preserved for
calibration. In the calibration make two of
them face towards a light source in parallel.
When respective indicated temperatures
have been read out, the indication for the
measurement thermometer shall be within
+ 20C of that of correction one.
Humidity % 50 + 5
Distance between 477 to 483
the center of arc
Rotating and sample surface
frame of Diameter mm 960 + 6
sample Number of Approx. 1
rotations (rpm)
Relations between arc lamp, See Reference Fig. 1 of JIS B 7753
sample frame and sample frame
Dimensions of nozzle See Reference Fig. 2 of JIS B 7753
Pressure (Mpa) 0.08 to 0.13 {0.8 to 1.3}
Spraying Quantity of water 2100 + 100
conditions Spraying time 12 min during radiation for 60 min.
of water Quality of water PH 5.8 to 8.6, 200 to 250 S/cm or under
Temperature of 16 + 5

AIS 001 / 2001

Type of test Test conditions

Type of test apparatus Sunshine carbon arc system Weather
ability tester / UV lamp / Xenon lamp
Operating condition Continuous radiation
Conditions in test tank 1) In adjusting the temperature in the
tank, care shall be taken so that the test
parts in the tank are not directly
exposed to the open air of 150C or
2) An apparatus shall be appended for
warding off the influences of
excessive heat generated in electric
discharge and the harmful gases like
Item of test condition
Mounting method of test parts 1) The test parts shall be mounted so that
they will not come in touch with each
Furthermore, any test part having
staining property shall not be tested
together with other test parts.
2) The test parts shall generally be made
to change place top and bottom at every
replacement of carbons.

After the test, cloudiness and any deterioration of the mirror surface
such as discolouration, cracks, deformation of the other parts shall not
be present.

AIS 001 / 2001

Annex 6
(See Introduction)

Automotive Industry Standards Committee


Shri. B. Bhanot Director

The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune
Members Representing

Shri. Alok Rawat Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi.

Shri. V.C. Mathur Department of Heavy Industry,

Ministry of Industries & Public Enterprises, New Delhi
Shri. G. S. Kashyab Office of the Development Commissioner
Shri. M.K. Bhat (Alternate ) Small Scale Industries,
Ministry of Industry, New Delhi.

Shri. A. R. Gulati Bureau of Indian Standards, N. Delhi..

Shri. R. C. Sethi Vehicle Research & Development Establishment,

Shri. N. Karuppaiah ( Alternate ) Ahmednagar.

Shri. D. G. Shirke Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune

Shri. P. C. Barjatia ( Alternate )

Shri. R. M. Srivastava Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. T. M. Balaraman Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. I. V. Rao Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. Z. A. Mujawar ( Alternate ) Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. Vivek Adyanthaya (Alternate ) Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. U. K. Kini ( Alternate ) Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

Shri. T. C. Gopalan Tractor Manufacturers Association, New Delhi.

Shri. Vishnu Mathur Automotive Components Manufacturers Association.

Shri. K. N. D. Nambudiripad Automotive Components Manufacturers Association

Member Secretary
Mrs. Rashmi Urdhwareshe
Sr. Assistant Director,
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune


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