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Fruit Juice Science - April Newsletter

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From Fruit Juice Matters and the
International Fruit and Vegetable
Juice Association

April 2020
As the original FJM programme came to an end There will also be several Scientific Expert Panel meetings
in December 2019 due to the complex funding throughout the year, where input will be gathered to
mechanism, 18 companies have agreed to create a inform the FJM partners through quarterly newsletters and
transition FJM programme (FJM 2) for 2020 by raising more in-depth updates. We will also continue to monitor
more than 1 million EUR. and advise the industry on regulatory developments
linking health & nutrition and new science, and create
These companies are: Cutrale, Eckes-Granini, Coca- rebuttals in case of media attacks on the industry.
Cola, PepsiCo, Döhler, Innocent, Tetra Pak, SIG
Combibloc, Prodalim, Riha-Wesergold, Sumol+Compal, In the meantime, we hope that you find our first quarterly
Rauch, Pfanner, LSDH, Refresco, Stute, Sucorico, and newsletter, written in partnership with IFU, beneficial and
Niederrhein-Gold. We would explicitly like to express our we encourage you to check the FJM website regularly for
gratitude to those companies for their continuous support the latest on what we are doing.
and fundamental belief in the progamme to deliver
scientific insights to restore the credibility of 100% juices
in the European markets.

The FJM 2 Programme is envisaged as a transitionary

programme for 2020, in hopes that a more robust funding
mechanism and structure will be ready to be put in place
for 2021 and beyond. FJM 2 will focus predominantly on
science, with research already commissioned on an orange
juice randomised controlled trial, targeting cardiometabolic
health outcomes, an acute diabetes study, as well as the
publication of the cardio meta-analysis funded by FJM and François Bauwens
conducted by Italian academics. FJM Programme Director
A study published in the American Journal of Two hundred participants completed the study. In terms of
Clinical Nutrition reported that daily consumption of visual learning/recall, while the placebo group showed a
pomegranate juice for 12 months may help stop declines significant decline in learning scores over 12 months, there
in visual learning in older people. The research further was no significant change in the pomegranate group. In other
supports the potential neurological benefits of fruit juice words, daily consumption of pomegranate juice polyphenols
consumption. We summarise the study here. prevented the decline in visual memory observed in the
placebo group after 12 months. Changes in other cognitive
POMEGRANATE JUICE CONSUMPTION scores were not significantly different between groups.
In conclusion, this study showed that daily consumption of
A recent study carried out by the University of California, pomegranate juice can stabilise the ability to learn visual
Los Angeles (UCLA) shows that daily consumption of information in healthy middle-aged and older adults for a
pomegranate juice for 12 months may help preserve visual period of 12 months.
learning1. Pomegranate polyphenols are likely to be the
compounds responsible for these effects. The authors THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF POLYPHENOLS IN
investigated the long-term effect of pomegranate juice on BRAIN HEALTH 1. Siddarth, P., et al., Randomized placebo-controlled study of the
cognition in healthy middle-aged and older adults, in relation Polyphenols can prevent brain cell damage and may reduce memory effects of pomegranate juice in middle-aged and older adults.
to visual and verbal memory. oxidative stress and inflammation2. Pomegranate juice is The American journal of clinical nutrition, 2020. 111(1): p. 170-177.
2. Del Rio, D., et al., Dietary (poly)phenolics in human health: Structures,
rich in ellagitannins and anthocyanins3 and the gut-derived
bioavailability, and evidence of protective effects against chronic
STUDY DETAILS microbial metabolites of these polyphenols may exert anti- diseases. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2013. 18(14): p. 1818-1892.
Baseline cognitive assessments and neuro-psychological inflammatory properties that could maintain brain health 3. Mena, P., et al., Phytochemical characterisation for industrial use of
tests were performed on 261 participants aged between 50 during aging4, 5. Similarly, phenolic metabolites coming from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars grown in Spain. Journal of
and 75 years. Participants were randomly divided into two other food sources can also calm neuroinflammation and the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011. 91(10): p. 1893-1906.
4. Carregosa, D., et al., Low-Molecular Weight Metabolites from
groups with the assignments blinded to all participants and improve cognitive performance. This is the case with orange
Polyphenols as Effectors for Attenuating Neuroinflammation. Journal
study personnel (double-blind study). One group consumed juice flavonoids, which have been associated with cognitive of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019.
a large serving (237mL) of pomegranate juice per day for benefits in human studies6,7,8. With these flavonoids, other 5. Castelli, V., et al., Diet and brain health: Which role for polyphenols?
12 months, providing a range of polyphenols including complementary mechanisms such as improved blood flow Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2018. 24(2): p. 227-238.
29mg ellagic acid and 93mg anthocyanins. The other group may be involved in their cognitive benefits. 6. Alharbi, M.H., et al., Flavonoid-rich orange juice is associated with
acute improvements in cognitive function in healthy middle-aged
consumed a placebo drink containing the same constituents
males. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(6): p. 2021-2029.
of pomegranate juice, minus pomegranate polyphenols. For more information about cognitive benefits and juice, 7. Kean, R.J., et al., Chronic consumption of flavanone-rich orange juice
please check out the Fruit Juice Matters video from the is associated with cognitive benefits: An 8-wk, randomized, double-
Two memory tests were carried out at 6 and 12 months, 2019 FENS conference: https://www.youtube.com/ blind, placebo-controlled trial in healthy older adults. American Journal
providing the primary outcomes for visual and verbal watch?v=yUuLSmrX3zY of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 101(3): p. 506-514.
8. Lamport, D.J., et al., The effects of flavanone-rich citrus juice on
memory. These were the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-
cognitive function and cerebral blood flow: An acute, randomised,
Revised – a standardised measure of visual learning and placebo-controlled cross-over trial in healthy, young adults. British
recall – and the Buschke Selective Reminding Test, a Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 116(12): p. 2160-2168.
standardised measure of verbal learning.
Non-thermal stabilisation technologies have gained ζ-carotene (ca. 34mg/L), phytofluene (ca. 22mg/L), phytoene
widespread acceptance for the treatment of fruit (ca. 13mg/L) and the xanthophyll lutein (ca. 8mg/L).
and vegetable juices. Among these, high-pressure
processing (HPP) represents an attractive technology, Batches of juice in low density polyethylene (PE-LD) bottles
since it increases the shelf life of juice while minimising were subjected to one of four HPP treatments: 300MPa,
the impact on nutritional and organoleptic properties. 300MPa (3 cycles), 450MPa and 600MPa for 5 minutes at
Here, we summarise a new study on carrot juice room temperature (≈22°C). After processing, the samples

Ask the expert

published in Food Chemistry. were immediately cooled in an ice-bath and analysed. The
impact of HPP treatment on total carotenoid content is
HIGH-PRESSURE PROCESSING illustrated in the following graph:
RETAINS CAROTENOIDS IN CLOUDY Orange juice is one of the best sources of the citrus

polyphenol, hesperidin, which has been linked with

cardiovascular health, cognitive function and gut

In the last few years, non-thermal stabilisation technologies  health. In this video clip, we interview Döhler scientist,
have gained widespread acceptance for the treatment of fruit Dr Julian Aschoff, about fruit juice polyphenols and

and vegetable juices. Among these, high-pressure processing their surprising health effects.
(HPP) represents one of the most attractive technologies,    ­    €  € 

since it increases the shelf life of juice while minimising the 

impact on the fresh characteristics of the products. 

    
   
This article summarises findings from a study by Stinco et al.1,   
which determined the effect of HPP on the overall carotenoid
profile in HPP-treated “not from concentrate” (NFC) carrot The treatment that caused the greatest degradation of
juice. As NFC juice is less processed than other types of carotenoids (49%) was HPP at 300MPa in three cycles. On

Reports and
juice, NFC carrot juice retains a large part of the nutritional the other hand, the treatment that gave the least degradation
value of the raw vegetable and, therefore, can be used as an (26%) was HPP at the highest pressure tested (600MPa).
alternative to ready-to-eat fresh vegetables.
Considering the above, HPP-treated carrot juice, in particular infographics
HPP treatment can be used as a non-thermal approach to when treated at the highest pressure, can provide a rich
NFC carrot juice preservation, in order to increase its stability source of provitamin A carotenoids and other carotenoids, Vitamin C is in the news as a substance that can help
and shelf-life through enzyme and microbial inactivation with providing additional beneficial health effects. Drinking 250mL support immune function and help fight respiratory
minimal changes to sensory and nutritional quality. (approximately one glass) of HPP-treated carrot juice would virus. In this new report, Fruit Juice Matters summarises
provide a mean value of 91.9mg of carotenoids, which is the science about the immune effects of vitamin C and
The total carotenoid content of fresh carrot juice is 572mg/L higher than the median total carotenoid intake per day seen why 100% fruit juice is an excellent natural source.
of juice. The predominant carotenoids detected in fresh in most European countries.
juice are by far the provitamin A carotenoids, ß-carotene In 2019, Fruit Juice Matters hosted a symposium to
(ca. 264mg/L) and α-carotene (ca. 231mg/L), followed by 1. Stinco CM et al. (2019) Food Chemistry 299: 125112. update the industry on the latest science on fruit juice.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030881461931218X. International speakers addressed cognitive function,
polyphenols, sugars, diabetes, inflammation and sports
science. A concise summary of the symposium and
interviews with some speakers can be found here.
Nutrient profiling is here to stay as several countries proportion of energy, fat, sugar and salt (kJ/g per 100g). In
bring in systems to rank the healthiness of foods – not some systems, positive aspects such as the fibre or fruit
always to the benefit of 100% fruit juices. One of these, content are also considered. However, due to the natural
Nutri-score, has been developed by France but is also sugar content of 100% fruit juices, smoothies and nectars,
under consideration by other European authorities. these products usually do not score well.
Here, we ask our regulatory experts, EAS, for a summary
of Nutri-score. AIJN is currently developing an industry- The food industry has, in general, been against Nutrient
wide position. Profiles for two reasons:
• Mainly because the composition of many foods simply
NUTRIENT PROFILES cannot be changed (e.g. bread, cheese, fruit juice) and thus
there is little opportunity for changing the Nutrient Profile
In 2006 the European Commission introduced the concept of score. In many cases, the systems are quite arbitrary and
Nutrient Profiles in the EU Claims Legislation. The aim was to result in stigmatising whole food categories.
prevent foods high in salt, sugar and fat (saturated and trans) • Although the use of Nutrient Profiles for the purpose
being promoted as healthy by the use of authorised health of preventing health claims could be justified, there is
claims. This concept was inspired by systems already in genuine fear that a European system might be used for
place at national level to enable traffic light labelling schemes other measures (e.g. signpost labelling, advertising and
or restriction of advertising to children. marketing restrictions, and ultimately fiscal measures such
as ‘sin’ taxes).
The Commission then set forth to develop this nutrient
profiling system at EU level, but the work was put on If fruit juice is covered by Nutrient Profiles, there is a real
hold in 2008 after highly political discussions. In 2013, the risk that the use of all health claims would be forbidden,
Commission decided to conduct an assessment of the and any nutrition claim would need to be accompanied by a
impact of not having established Nutrient Profiles under statement that the product is high in sugar. Whether or not
its REFIT programme. The outcome of this assessment is a Nutrient Profiling system at EU level will affect fruit juice
not yet public (publication was scheduled for April 2020). It will depend on what criteria are ultimately adopted for the
is expected that the Commission will continue its work on algorithm, and what exemptions will be allowed.
Nutrient Profiles now in the framework of the Farm-To-Fork
strategy and may combine it with its initiatives on front-of- Back in 2008, the Commission envisaged a system which
pack labelling. would exclude 100% fruit juice, and impose a limit of
15g/100g of sugar on other fruit-based products, including
Many nutrient profiling systems are now in use. They include nectars. It is not certain that this approach will now be
systems developed by companies/retailers and by national retained, more than 10 years later and in the light of the other
and international bodies. The most influential are the Nutrient Profiles systems in place, in particular the Nutri-
systems developed by WHO Europe and the French Nutri- score system that is already supported by many national For more information, see:
score system. All the systems have one thing in common: authorities, companies and retailers. https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/determinants-de-sante/
they identify good and bad foods, mostly based on their nutrition-et-activite-physique/articles/nutri-score

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