Help Foundation: Update
Help Foundation: Update
Help Foundation: Update
Website: | Postal Address: 50, Tulsibagh, Behind Amar Singh College, Srinagar | Pin Code: 190008 | Phone: 01942310256 | Issue: October, 2015
love, indeed we shall never be poor......”
In This Issue Stephan Richards
HELP Foundation offered 200
sacrifices throughout Jammu and
Renovation and
HELP Foundation launches Mine
Risk Education (MRE) in Jammu and
HELP Foundation Action-aid
join hands in ‘Securing Rights and
Sustainable Livelihoods’ in Budgam
Pratap Park
HELP Foundation and SEWA
expands women empowerment to
Ganderbal, Srinagar of
HELP, CHILDLINE teams up with
state administration for networking
and advocacy for children in the state
Cont. on P2
HELP undertakes renovation and
From the beautification of Pratap Park
Chairperson’s The long-delayed renovation work had left
Desk the much-loved public destination out of bounds
t is my great
to extend
greetings to the
readers of the first issue of the
HELP Foundation Newsletter.
A special word of appreciation,
gratitude and respect is due to my
colleagues on board, who have
worked so tirelessly for HELP
Foundation for the last 15 years
while contributing to the society.
ELP Foundation supported by Godfrey Philips
It gives me immense pleasure India Limited (GPI) has undertaken renovation and
to work in the process of beautification of Pratap Park in the city’s commercial
Development, which leads to hub, Lal Chowk.
The redesigning of the park would be part of the project for the
increase in the Happiness Index.
beautification of Lal Chowk. Since a large portion of the park was
It was our dream and goal to turned into a garbage dumping site and the place was left in shambles,
start this organisation 15 years HELP Foundation stepped in for its infrastructural improvement and
ago. With a humble start in beautification plan.
This is accomplished by working with high standard architectural
1997, we had a dream to build
designs and with close coordination with the state government and
an organisation that would department of floriculture.
mitigate the suffering and retain The planned renovation work entails adding Modules and Plazas,
the social fibre of the people pavements, a sub-surface drainage system, irrigation system, plantation
module and landscaping, turfing and pump-house and kiosk, in-
of our land who have been
addition minor structural reinforcements and improvements.
suffering for several decades. “The existing pump-house will be remodelled with a capacity
The experiences gained during of rain shelter flood proof mechanism which will combat the flood
this period have buttressed our vulnerability of the city,” said, Shadab Chisti.
What looked like a flood-ravaged landscape will be equipped with
resolve to turn our dream into
sub-surface drainage using perforated pipes and sub-merged pumps
reality. for enhanced drainage system.
We at HELP Foundation believe “The park will be planted with the marking of dense green belts
that even a thousand mile along with proper lighting system which would ensure to avoid
any dark spots. In-addition modern automated irrigation system
march is taken in steps. The
will be installed to ensure proper and adequate water supply to the
journey being undertaken by us groundcover landscape,” Shadab adds.
may be only a few steps but it The existing pond will be converted into a ‘Lily Pond’ with the
takes us that much closer to the help of advanced architectural schemes fitted with proper pavements
along the edges as well as across the park.
An Initiative to Revive Centuries
Old Kashmir Pashmina
Under the project SCRC (Sheh- “Although, Kashmir scenario in Srinagar Kashmir for latest and
jar Community Resource Centre), (conflict, patriarchy) can never be innovative designs. In-addition to
HELP Foundation, in partnership abandoned, still our trainees went the thousands of skilled women
with SEWA has expanded its oper- for an exposure visit to Ahmadabad project has generated a sale of Rs 8,
ations towards the central Kashmir’s couple of times to avail trainings, 50,000 from the products of train-
Ganderbal and Srinagar areas. says Program Manager,” SCRC, ees.
After the positive outcomes from Uzma Qureshi. Similarly, our trainers in Craft
SCRC Kupwara and Sogam, HELP Soon after the inception of SCRC trade have been skilled with exper-
Foundation and SEWA setup skill Salkote Kupwara, the project ex- tise in home furnishing, apparels,
development centres at Ganderbal panded towards Sogam Lolab. In ad- and other items like clutch pouches,
and Inderhama providing trainings dition to cutting and tailoring, hand- purses etc.
in stitching, craft and wicker work icraft, solar, SCRC came up with a “Recently our craft trade received
and food processing. new activity of Handloom produc- an order of Apparel Work from MS.
Three years ago, HELP Founda- tion for the women trainees there. RITU KUMAR-Delhi’s renowned
tion joined hands with SEWA (Self Frequently, experts from SEWA designer-, which costs around Rs. 2
Employed Women’s Association) visit the centres for monitoring and lakh,” adds Uzma Qureshi.
in the, frontier, backward district of if needed, for advanced training’s as Under solar trade trainees are
Kupwara with the objective to em- well. skilled in solar marketing in remote
power women and their skill de- Many experts from different fields areas of the district for which the
velopment under the project She- of SEWA visited SCRC Centers and trade has generated a sale of Rs 5,
hjar Community Resource Center deliver trainings in-addition to field 15, 115. Furthermore, the sale from
(SCRC). HELP along with Guja- visits for the various awareness pro- Agriculture and other activities like
rat based SEWA began its training grammes in the remote villages. Food items has been Rs 19, 455 and
programmes in different trades like Until now, we have trained around 1745 respectively.
stitching, handicraft, handloom, so- 3000 ladies from both the centres During these years, the centre
lar and agriculture. with 650 Master Trainers. The train- targeted 3 exhibitions outside Kash-
SCRC (Shehjar Community Re- ers are expert in making designer mir in different locations like Chen-
source Centre) was setup for skill wears, Kaftans, gents wear etc. nai Exhibition, Delhi Haat, Oz Haat
development trainings for the ladies The centres already collaborat- Mela by Australian Embassy and Ex-
from remote areas of the district. ed with School of Design based hibition at Hansiba, Delhi.
HELP Foundation launches Mine
Risk Education (MRE) in J&K
HELP Foundation and Handi- The purpose of this project is to order to ensure their support and
cap International supported by Hu- generate awareness among the peo- corporation throughout the entire
manitarian Aid and Civil Protection ple living in these border areas close process. In MRE Phase V meetings
(ECHO) launched the first of its to LoC (Line of control) and be- were conducted with Sarpanchs
kind Mine Risk Education (MRE) tween fence and Actual Line of Con- (local village head), Numberdar,
in the conflict region of Jammu and trol. These areas are mostly contam- and other village officials in order
Kashmir. The inception of MRE inated by landmines, laid by Indian to streamline the process.
component took place in Febru- army in order to prevent infiltration The Information Education and
ary 2015 with the base line survey from the neighboring country. On Communication Material (IEC)
called as KAP (Knowledge, Attitude April, 04, 2015, an incident took material in the form of posters and
and Practices) Survey. The findings place in Nowshera block of district leaflets contain safety and security
of KAP acted as a backbone for the Rajouri, where three people died fid- messages which are kept in Urdu as
Conventional Weapons Risk Reduc- dling with a landmine. Another inci- well as in English keeping in view
tion (CWRR) initiative been taken dent took place in Pattan, Baramulla the languages spoken in these ar-
in Jammu and Kashmir. The four when 14 year old boy died while fid- eas. The messages are backed by
major districts under this project dling with hand grenade. In June this relevant pictures to make it com-
are Baramulla and Kupwara from year, Border Security Force (BSF) prehensive.
Kashmir province and Rajouri and Sub- Inspector was injured in yet an- In phase V eight large scale
Poonch from Jammu province. KAP other landmine blast near L-o-C in awareness camps were conduct-
Survey was followed by Mine Risk Tangdhar sector of north Kashmir’s ed in four districts i.e. Rajouri,
Education programs in these dis- Kupwara district. Poonch, Baramulla and Kupwara.
tricts which share the border with The project started after the These camps were attended by lo-
the neighboring country and most- meetings with higher authorities cal village heads, religious heads,
ly witness landmine explosions and in government department and villagers, children, teachers, por-
cross border shelling and affecting army and police officials keeping ters, shepherds and even by army
the day to day life of people living in in view the sensitivity of the area officials. In each camp more than
these areas. of intervention. It was necessary in 70 people participated.
2100 rural women covered
under Women Self Help
Rs. 30 Lakhs distributed
Group Scheme
352 WSHGs formed, 300 WSHGs
under Economic Revival
savings linked, 32 WSHGs credits
linked, 10 Joint Liability Groups
Initiative (ERI) Project
An Idea of Economic Revival Initiative came
handy as floods hit the valley
ELP Foundation and Ac- pendent on informal economy to
tion-Aid supported by access education.
European Commission In order to commence the activ-
for Humanitarian Aid and ities and extract the data from the
Civil Protection (ECHO) launched a target area HELP Foundation and Seven districts with 14879 households
were covered under Qurbani package im-
programme,” Securing Rights and Sus- Action-Aid has identified ten villag- plemented by HELP Foundation on Eid-ul-
tainable Livelihoods,” in Budgam district es of Beerwah block where general Adha with meat distributions in the areas
with the objective to cater the people baseline has been carried out by the of Srinagar, Baramulla, Pulwama, Kupwara,
dependent on the Informal Economy end of September 2015 followed by Budgam, Ganderbal and Bandipore.
(PIE) in Kashmir. The main objective of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in After special prayers to mark the day,
the programme stands to. the area. Muslims offer Udhiyah (sacrifice), a ritual
that reminds us of the great act of sacrifice
Moreover In continuation of the
Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismaeel were
To secure sustainable livelihood project One Day training programme willing to make for the sake of God.
of marginalized and vulnerable was organized in response to the With distributions under various HELP
people dependent on informal project PIE in collaboration with EDI Foundation units, 1978 households were
economy. (Entrepreneur developmental insti- covered in Srinagar, 1958 in Baramulla, 900
To protect social and economic tute) by Help foundation and Action- in Pulwama, 800 in Bandipore, 623 in Gan-
derbal, 2673 in Budgam and around 5947
rights of marginalized and vulner- aid at block Beerwah in two villages
households were covered in the frontier dis-
able people dependent on infor- of the target area Chewdara and trict Kupwara.
mal economy. Ohangam.The main objective of the “Many of these families don’t get to eat
To build capacities of marginalized programme was to sensitize the tar- meat all the year other than this occasion
and vulnerable people dependent get population about various govern- due to extreme poverty. May Allah (SWT) re-
on informal economy to advocate ment-sponsored schemes particu- ward all who shared in this effort to make it
for and secure social security and larly schemes offered by (JKEDI) and possible, and accept it from all of us,” says
Nighat Shafi, Chairperson HELP foundation.
better working conditions. link them with various credit facilita- “We distribute the meat mostly among
To enable marginalized and vul- tors. Most of the participants in the the poor and this is the nice way for the fam-
nerable people dependent on in- programme were women folk, Self ilies who cannot afford the whole animal,”
formal economy to start their own Help Groups (SHG’s), locals, Village she adds.
workshops/manufacturing units heads, Panchs and field mobilisers. People usually spend huge amount on
and sell their products directly in Mr. Dheeraj from EDI, Miss Shafia clothes and other things but forget their
poor fellow muslims. So, the priority was giv-
the market. from Action-Aid and Mr. Tahmeed en towards the under privileged and back-
To enable the children of margin- from HELP Foundation coordinated ward areas of the state, where poor people
alized and vulnerable people de- the programme. hardly enjoy the luxurious lifestyle.
SAM starts boarding
with state administration for
networking and advocacy for
children in the state facility for Secondary
class students
Boarding facility is desired to give children a better
and early edge in life — the environment, both in
academics and extra-curricular activities